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TNA- An alternative universe

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Hi there, this is my first post and attempt at writing a TEW Dynasty.


I am using the TEW 2005 freeware version of the game with the 2010 mod credited to cpt.charisma and TheWho87.


Mine was a simple concept, I just decided to take over TNA at a time when the writing was shambolic and all over the place (just as Hogan, Bishoff and Ric Flair were all about to join the company) and try to lead it down a different path.


I will be writing this from the perspective of an outsider reviewing the shows but at the same time trying to add some perspective to what is going on in the game world through narration, when and if appropriate.

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Stuck In A Lift


At the turn of 2010, TNA president Dixie Carter was looking forward to Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishoff joining her company and hoping that the decision to bring in one of the biggest names in the business was going to pay off. It was a gamble, she knew, but Hulk Hogan had a proven track record and Eric Bishoff had taken WCW to heights nobody previously believe possible. Maybe, just maybe, they could do the same.


However, just before the new year, not a week after Christmas, Dixie Carter was shopping, trying to pick up a few bargains when she got trapped in a lift with an unassuming look guy.


"You're...oh my goodness.. I don't believe it...you're...you're Dixie Carter aren't you!?" Holloway stammered as he was confronted with the owner of one of the biggest wrestling promotions in America.


"That's right, what's you're name" Dixie was unflappably polite to strangers even now that she had gained such notoriety amongst wrestling fans, who often weren't that polite to her.


"Uh..Tink Holloway...it's really a pleasure to meet you" Holloway offered his hand and Dixie shook it with a pleasant smile on her face.


"So looks like we're going to be stuck in here for a while" she said as she pressed the alarm button for the 5th time.


Tink Holloway raised his eyebrows not knowing what to say next, an opportunity like this comes along once every lifetime and he was lost for words. Then it hit him.


"I see you've managed to get Hogan and Bishoff to sign for TNA, that's big! So I assume they're going to be taking the book, what's gonna happen to Russo?" he knew it was direct and that she probably heard these kinds of things all the time but he had to say something.


"Why do you assume that? Vince will continue to write the show. Over the last year TNA has started turning a profit for the first time in its history, why would I get rid of him now?"


This was perfect, Dixie had chosen to engage him in conversation rather than shy away from the premise of his question.


"I think Miss Carter than you at TNA habe started turning a profit in spite of Vince Russo."


"Why do you say that?" she seemed genuinely interested.


"You have some of the most exciting wrestling talents in the world- Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, The Motor City Machine Guns, Awesome Kong, Beer Money Inc, the list is endless, and yet all anybody ever says about your company is that it's great to watch if you catch one of your house shows, but your television show and pay-per-views are terrible- infected by Russo's poisened pen". He was happy, he hoped his words had made Dixie pause for thought. She seemed to have listened and taken it in, and he'd know that he'd at least done his best to make her see sense and make some changes when she got out of the lift.


After a few moments of silence Dixie turned slightly towards him again, "So you think I should put Bishoff in control of the book?" she said quickly.


Tink Holloway had lost his train of thought, and not heard what she had said. "I'm sorry?".


"Do you think I should let Eric Bishoff run TNA?" she repeated.


"Oh! Oh no...not at all, Bishoff did well at WCW but he's never been able to create stars, he'll sign dozens of guys who have been stars elsewhere, and they might boost your ratings for a couple of shows, but the position TNA is in, the only way it will continue to grow is if those stars created by TNA are put on top. They are the future, and Eric Bishoff will do even less for them than Russo" This was brilliant, he'd got Dixie really thinking now. When she got out of this lift she would have to make some really significant decisions about the future of TNA.


"Then who?" Dixie seemed slightly frustrated.


"I dunno, Paul Heyman? Jim Cornette? There are not many people out there who have a proven track record and booking is an art form, you've either got it or you haven't and trust me Miss Carter, neither Russo or Bishoff have got it." Imagine, TNA with Heyman or Cornette in charge, it really would be something.


"Well you seem to know the problems Mr Holloway, but you don't bring me any solutions, I can't hire Jim Cornette after all the things he has said about me and my company over the past few years. I've spoken to Heyman before and we couldn't come to an agreement. I mean, what should TNA be doing creatively, that its not at the moment?"


Holloway thought for a while, and then, "You need to slow things down slightly, Russo's style is that he rushes everything and doesn't give anyone the chance to get over. He puts on a PPV, in the 1st match there is a heel turn, in the second a title change, the third is a gimmick match. By the end of the night, you've completely forgotten about all the things that happened in the show because too much has taken place and therefore nothing matters. With the wrestlers you've got in the company you could put the best matches on in the world, and yet your television matches never last longer than 5 minutes so your hiding one of the companies biggest strengths!" Okay, so it was a bit messy he thought, but in terms of what he said, it couldn't be faulted for its logic.


"You're right" Dixie said decisively. "I will release Vince Russo tomorrow morning".


Victory! Singlehandedly he had managed to convince Dixie Carter of the truth that was staring her in the face for the last 2 years and now Russo would be gone.


"I'm glad you agree, I look forward to seeing next week's Impact".


"You better had, you'll be the one writing it".



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First Day


Tink Holloway's head was spinning. It had been less than a week since his short time stuck in the lift with Dixie Carter and since then things had only gotten stranger. They had been rescued from the lift about half an hour after Dixie had offered (though it had felt like a demand) the position as head booker at TNA. He'd not been able to speak for the first 30 seconds, frozen in time by what he was sure was a joke. Then we had realised that it wasn't a joke, he decided there was no way he could accept (though Dixie didn't seem likely to take no for an answer). Then he realised that he had to accept, he had to put his money where his mouth was. They had exchanged numbers and he was told to be at the TNA headquarters in Nashville Tennessee on Monday 4th January.


Now here he was, stood outside the main door. A sudden panic took hold of him- he couldn't do this could he? The wrestlers would never accept him, just a guy, picked off the street to fill the role of head booker. Also, the fans, they would never accept him, they'd all say Dixie had gone mad. And she had hadn't she? What was she doing appointing a stranger off of the street to do possibly the most important job in the entire company!? He took a deep breath and made forward for the door...


He felt like he had floated to Dixie's office, to the reception, past the security guards, up the lift, take a left, to the Secretary's office and then knocked on the door. A voice called him in and he was in office sat opposite from Dixie and waiting for her to start to laugh as she revealed that this was all a big practical joke. But the laughing didn't come.


"The morning after our chance meeting I told Vince Russo he was no longer head booker of TNA. I have kept him on the payroll but you may chose to release him if you wish. You are now in charge of all creative matters relating to TNA and have power for hiring and firing staff. You have a bank balance of $10,000,000 with which to undertake your job, you may use this money how you see fit but I expect you to still be in credit after 18 months. My family has invested heavily in this business and this will be the last of it we invest, from now on this company will either make a profit or will die".


So no pressure then he thought to himself as she went on.


"There is no script for this weeks Impact taping and I has instructed Vince Russo to throw away his plans for the upcoming pay-per-view as I wanted you to work with a clean slate ready for your first show. Impact will be being taped on Wednesday night so you have 2 days to put your first show together. Your office is the 1st one as you come out of this office and turn right. Is there anything you need?"


"Ummmm...yes, well I guess I could do with a tape of the last Impact if possible". There was probably a whole host of things he needed more...like a clue how to do the job, but he decided that this was the best place to start.


"Just speak to Janice outside, she will provide you with all those kinds of things, good luck Mr Holloway, you're going to need it!".


Tink Holloway left Dixie's office and requested Janice the secretary fetch her a copy of the previous week's Impact. He then located his office and sat in the tatty leather chair that was situated behind a depressed looking desk. The intercom then buzzed. It was Janine.


"I'm sorry Mr Holloway but we seem to have misplaced the copy we had of last week's Impact. Don't worry, I am reliably informed it was crap anyway Sir."


Tink Holloway shook his head in disbelief and then settled himself. He opened the drawer that was nearest him and pulled out a rough pad of paper and a blunt pencil and began to scribble...

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TNA Impact Taping Wednesday Week 1 2010


American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida Att: 13,564


TNA Impact kicks off with an extravagant firework display before the camera shows the announcers.


Mike Tenay: “Welcome to TNA Impact this Thursday night, I am Mike Tenay and with me tonight I am delighted to welcome Don West back to the announcers position. It’s great to have you back Don.”


Don West: “It’s great to be back Mike, it’s such an honor to return to the Impact Zone after over 2 years of being off the air. I can’t wait to get down to business!”


MT: “And Don, tonight we have to major title matches as Knockouts Champion defends her title against Alissa Flash and our main event tonight will see the World Champion AJ Styles defend against Christopher Daniels!”


Rating D


Match 1: Frankie Kazarian Vs Homicide


Frankie Kazarian wins the match by pinfall with a ‘Dead on Arrival’. Time of the match 10:06.


Rating B


MT: "A major win for Frankie Kazarian here tonight Don, he will be pleased with that"


DW: "No doubt about it Mike, and what a way to kick off Impact!


Backstage Kevin Nash is seen approaching Christy Hemme.


Kevin Nash: Hi Christy.


Christy Hemme: Oh high Kevin, how are you?


Kevin Nash: Christy I am rolling. Listen, this might sound a bit forward, but I was wondering, how would you feel about getting a drink or something during the week?


Christy Hemme: Oh...well sure why not? Say Friday night?


Kevin Nash: That would be great. Why don't I just give you my number and we can arrange something


The camera fades as Kevin Nash begins to write his number on a piece of paer for Hemme.


Rating: B-


Match 2: The British Invasion Vs The Motor City Machine Guns


The British Invasion are the Tag Team Champions but this match was not for the titles.


Alex Shelley picks up the win for the Motor City Machine Guns after pinning Brutus Magnus following a 'Sliced Bread' after 7:31.


Rating: B-


MT: "That surely now puts the Guns in a much stronger position as far as those TNA World Tag Team Titles go, that should put them in pole position for a title shot."


DW: "The Guns have always been a fantastically exciting team Mike, but in the past they have had a tendency to lost their focus, right now however, they are looking more focussed than I think I have seen them before."


Desmond Wolfe saunters out to the ring and grabs a microphone.


Desmond Wolfe: 'Ello boys and girls. (Jeers from the crowd) I just wanted to come out to this ring to tell everyone how much I admire, your Olympic Champion Kurt Angle. You see, only a wrestler with the upmost ability and talent could defeat an artist like myself in the squared circle. (Boos) Sure, Kurt Angle used every trick in the book, some would even say desperation tactics to get the job done, but nonetheless I have to give him credit. Since Final Resolution I have been thinking about why I lost that match and I realised that I underestimated Angle. You see, I thought that as Angle was all broken down, with the injuries accumulated over 20 years of both amateur and professional competition that I'd be able to physically disect 'im and tear 'im apart. But I realised that 'e is so up to his eyes on painkillers that Angle basically doesn't feel pain! (Boos) There's no wonder people round 'ere call him a The Wrestling Machine! So you see that is the only way Angle was able to get the job done against such a fine grappler as myself. (Boos) When I realised all this I stopped thinking about the match at Final Resolution and decided to come straight here to talk in front of all you wa**ers and let you know the truth. Thankyou.


Rating: C+


MT "Can you believe the accusation that Desmond Wolfe has just made against Kurt Angle!? He has essentially claimed that Kurt Angle is addicted to painkillers!"


DW: "That's gotta be one of the most serious accusations I think I have ever heard in the world of professional wrestling. Who does he think he is!?"


Match 3: Knockouts Title Match Tara © Vs Alissa Flash


Tara wins the match by submission at 5:34.


Rating: C


Backstage Eric Young is shown trying to impress Kiyoshi that he is the TNA Global Champion.


Eric Young: You see Kiyoshi, this is the most prestigous title in TNA, nobody likes to talk about it, but I'm telling you, EVERYBODY wants to get their hands on this title.


From behind him, The Amazing Red appears carrying his X-Division title.


Amazing Red: EY, you are crazy, everybody knows that it is the X-Division title that most embodies the spirit of TNA. It is the X-Division title that all the big names in this business want to win and prove that they have what it takes.


Eric Young: Yeah well I've held that title before Red, I know that the level of competition for the Global Championship is well hire than that of the X-Division Championship. So you go ahead and enjoy your title, because I know I've got the real prize here in TNA.


Amazing Red: You keep dreaming Eric.


The two men walk away.


Rating: C


Match 4: D’Angel Dinero Vs Cody Deaner


Dinero hit the Dinero Express to pick up the win via pinfall after 6:41.


Rating: C+


A music video is shown hyping up Samoa Joe.


Rating: C+


Match 5: Team 3-D, Rhino & Jesse Neal Vs Beer Money Inc & Lethal Consequences


Brother Devon gets the win for his team after illegally using the ropes for leverage on Jay Lethal. Match Length: 15:12.


Rating B


To the cheers of the crowd, Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring. Hogan poses and basks in the adulation of the fans before he takes the microphone.


Hulk Hogan: It sure is great to finally be here in TNA BROTHER! (Cheers) I've been talking to all the guys in the back and there is so much great talent here and I can't wait to get started! (Cheers). I have been asked over the past few months "What has made you sign for TNA?", "Why not go back to WWE instead?" (Boos). The reason I signed for TNA is that this is where all the best young wrestlers in the world are playing their trade brother. (Cheers) All these guys have got hunger in their eyes and they set a furious pace in this ring when they go at it. And Hulkamania is all about going to the place with the most prestigous titles and toughest competition, and I gotta tell you all that is here brother. Right here in TNA! (Cheers). I'm gonna go after that TNA World Title that is about to be fought over in a few minutes time, and add it to all my accolades all through the years. So I got just one thing to ask Impact. What you gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!? (More cheers)


Hulk Hogan exits the ring to more cheers.


Rating: A*


MT: "Don, what a night this has been her on Impact. First of all we have had some incredible matches, and really important victories especially for Frankie Kazarian and The Motor City Machine Guns. We have also had Desmond Wolfe accuse Kurt Angle of having a serious issue with painkillers and we have had the debut in TNA of the Immortal Hulk Hogan!"


DW: "And Mike, we haven't even had the main event yet!!That is still to come and it's NEXT!"


Main Event: TNA World Title Match: AJ Styles © Vs Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles successfully defends his title after pinning Daniels following a Styles Clash at 20:31.


Rating: A*


After the match, Scott Steiner jumps into the ring and attacks AJ Styles leaving him lying.


Rating: A


MT: "Why has Steiner chosen to attack AJ Styles?!"


DW: "There was no way for AJ to defend himself, he'd just been through an epic encounter with Christopher Daniels and Steiner has taken full advantage!"


MT: "We're just about out of time ladies and gentlemen, but please join us next week for another episode of TNA Impact. Goodnight everyone!"


Rating: A


Overall Show Rating: B+

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The Personal Diary of Tink Holloway


Friday Week 1 January 2010


I have decided to keep this journal of my thoughts and feelings during my time here at TNA. It's been a crazy week and I'm not sure this isn't all some dream but on Wednesday night we put on our first show and despite having very little time to think about it I think we put on an okay show. The match between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels was very well received and I also managed to set us on our way to the match that will headline my first pay-per-view Genesis in a little over 2 weeks time.


Most of the talent received me surprisingly well, I think Hulk Hogan may have viewed me a little suspiciously but I managed to catch a word with him shortly before we started the TV Taping on Wednesday night. I assured him that he would have an important part to play in TNA's future and he would not be disappointed with the things I would ask of him. Hogan smiled and chuckled, then informed me that it didn't matter what I asked of him, if he didn't like it he wasn't going to do it- he had it written into his contract that he would have the power of veto over anything he didn't want to do.


Still, Hogan may be on the roster, but he only need to be used as and when I want him to be used, I've no doubt Hogan will kick up a stink should I ask him to put any of the younger guys over but that doesn't mean I can't have him beat those guys on the roster I have no intention of pushing hard.


I made my first hiring's over the past 2 days. There have been 4 of them in total and I'm very happy with them. Booker T, Angelina Love, Lance Storm and Jack Evans. On the flip side, I released Cody Deaner. I thought he had a decent match against D'Angelo Dinero on Wednesday but I just can't see a future for him in TNA and it was only fair that I was up front with him about it.


The rating we pulled in for the show on Spike TV this week was 623,074. I am told that this is a fairly typical figure for the show which I am happy with for the time being. Couple that with the International figures we have received and that's a global audience of about 750,000.


I am now turning my attention to our next Impact taping. It is my intention to announce some matches for the pay-per-view on the show and really start to set the company on the path I want it to take. I want to invest some time and energy into revitalising the Knockouts division and I feel that there is no need for both an X-Division title and a Global Title so I will be looking to do away with one of those as soon as possible.


Next week I have already got meetings set up with Teddy Hart, Ric Flair and Carlos Colon Jr as I want to bring them in to boost our roster, and I am also casting an eye over the rest of the current roster to see who I have no plans for.


Dixie paid me a visit late yesterday as she was heading home. She said I had done a good job with the first show and to keep it up.


I don't intend to maintain the status quo around here, I want TNA to grow and close the gap on WWE. To do this, I really need to identify a guy that can become a major star in professional wrestling. AJ is a fantastic wrestler and so reliable in terms of his performances, but I worry that he doesn't have that X-factor to become a major superstar. I will give him a good look but I fear he may not be up to it.

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