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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Jungle Lord still won't be enough to stop the All-Americans.


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]



Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]


Gilmore somehow pulls out the win.


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Eisen manages to cheat his way to victory.


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]




“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]


It's the right time. Frehley still looks strong, since he is injured. Money gets a super heel reign until Supreme Challenge. Bruce vs Money is always a winner. Frehley gets a chance at freshening up his character (I had him lose the title in my SWF game and since then he has had an awesome feud with Marat Khoklov and Eric Eisen, now it's Remo vs Frehley). It has to happen, otherwise Rich Money looks utterly pathetic.




I just want to say thank you, EV...because of this, I've been inspired to ACTUALLY continue my SWF games, not give up after 2 months. I'm in the lead up to the Supreme Challenge, with Times of Trouble being the PPV that draws the storylines further. None will end, and only one will start. I've used some of your ideas (Awesome Impact Battle Royal, a worker chasing Khoklov to Russia, Bruce and Chase having unresolved sexual tension), but most are my own. But seriously...because I've enjoyed this so much, I'm loving my own game so much more. TCW/USPW just don't do it for me...SWF has always felt right. This is now my second longest played Cult+ company, the longest being PGHW in '05.


I'm looking forward to this PPV...and I cannot wait to see what you've got planned for The Supreme Challenge.

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I just want to say thank you, EV...because of this, I've been inspired to ACTUALLY continue my SWF games, not give up after 2 months. I'm in the lead up to the Supreme Challenge, with Times of Trouble being the PPV that draws the storylines further. None will end, and only one will start. I've used some of your ideas (Awesome Impact Battle Royal, a worker chasing Khoklov to Russia, Bruce and Chase having unresolved sexual tension), but most are my own. But seriously...because I've enjoyed this so much, I'm loving my own game so much more. TCW/USPW just don't do it for me...SWF has always felt right. This is now my second longest played Cult+ company, the longest being PGHW in '05.


I'm looking forward to this PPV...and I cannot wait to see what you've got planned for The Supreme Challenge.


That's awesome, shawn_waters!


It can be really hard to keep a long-term game going. For me, I have all these initial ideas of what I want to do/say/book/etc. The trouble is, as the first round of storylines come to a close, I find myself almost overwhelmed about where I want to go next. This has often plagued me in the past (as it pertains to keeping a game going). That said, I've really come to live by the notion --
"For one to succeed; one must fail"
. This helps me to feel okay with having people lose (where that used to drive me to quit at some point after I feel I wasn't booking well enough). With that booking mantra in mind, it's become easier to plan long-term & know that, while they may be down and out right now, that you'll have something for them down the line.


The SWF, specifically, can become very overwhelming due to the larger roster, higher popularity levels and the fact that you have SO many talented characters that it's hard to know WHO you'll push. Again, this is something that plagued me in the past. Now though, as you've come to find, I've never had SO much fun booking a company & can't foresee a time where I'm not writing this project. There's so much there to write; so many feuds to tackle. Especially once you add in some 'outsiders' over time, there's so many more avenues you can take.


Touching upon the storylines you're using, the "Wrestler X goes to Russia to battle Marat" is a creation that's A LOT of fun to work with. I plan on extending this storyline (not necessarily WHO he's wrestling but THAT he's wrestling in Russia) for quite some time. I like the idea of, if you WANT to take the immense challenge of fighting Khoklov, you've got to go to HIM. It makes for a more ominous scenario while also defining Khoklov's character, inadvertently, as this man of high arrogance (having people come to him) & aloof lifestyle. I hope you enjoy booking the storyline as well!


Bruce/Chase just writes itself. You've got one guy that's the epitome of crude cool. An anti-hero that every guy wants to be & every girl wants to... well... you know. In this case, it's every girl BUT Ms. Chase (at least how she's trying to lead on). Ultimately, Bruce thinks he can get any girl and treats Ms. Chase the same (at least in my head that's how it goes). Will they... won't they... That's a great angle to create in an underlying scenario!


Maybe, someday, we'll see a shawn_waters SWF project on the boards?
I'd love to see what you do with the company.

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TThe trouble is, as the first round of storylines come to a close, I find myself almost overwhelmed about where I want to go next. This has often plagued me in the past (as it pertains to keeping a game going). That said, I've really come to live by the notion --
"For one to succeed; one must fail"
. This helps me to feel okay with having people lose (where that used to drive me to quit at some point after I feel I wasn't booking well enough). With that booking mantra in mind, it's become easier to plan long-term & know that, while they may be down and out right now, that you'll have something for them down the line.


The SWF, specifically, can become very overwhelming due to the larger roster, higher popularity levels and the fact that you have SO many talented characters that it's hard to know WHO you'll push. Again, this is something that plagued me in the past. Now though, as you've come to find, I've never had SO much fun booking a company & can't foresee a time where I'm not writing this project. There's so much there to write; so many feuds to tackle. Especially once you add in some 'outsiders' over time, there's so many more avenues you can take.

This is especially true with 2013, which has the Recent Fortunes addition. That being said, there are ways to build popularity without losing-Angles. Even "losing" in Angles isn't so bad.

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Maybe, someday, we'll see a shawn_waters SWF project on the boards?
I'd love to see what you do with the company.


I might start smaller first, since while I can book, my writing skills aren't quite up to par. I'm probably going to tackle a company like MAW (or a made up company) during my study break in July, just as a test. I'm too much of a perfectionist for a project as large as SWF, without any prior experience. :p



EDIT: However, if you would be interested in seeing how my game is going/what storylines I'm running, I posted in the 'What's Going On In You Game' thread. :)

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As a heads up, I've got around 5 segments left to write. This could be done over the weekend but I'm not sure given my Classroom assessment plan (15+ page paper) is due soon. Outside of that, most of the visuals are done; so, we could be close to the results within the next few days. I'll let you know!


I might start smaller first, since while I can book, my writing skills aren't quite up to par. I'm probably going to tackle a company like MAW (or a made up company) during my study break in July, just as a test. I'm too much of a perfectionist for a project as large as SWF, without any prior experience. :p


MAW would be a great starter. Only having one show a month gives you a lot of leeway and can add some change to the landscape pretty quick. I'm sure you'll do well with it. As you're a perfectionist, the best tools for any dynasty writer is a planning mentality and a healthy dose of humility.


Looking forward to the project (once school is out).

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In just 48 hours
, the Supreme Wrestling Federation will bring to you a pay-per-view extravaganza like NO other;
"The World is Watching"
. Make sure to tune in
Sunday (In reality, Thursday in the Cornellverse world) to witness Steve Frehley© and Rich Money II for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. This time around, the victor will have to 'rise above' and forge the daunting climb that is an SWF Ladder Match.


Bones will be broken, blood is to be shed, and the wrestling world will NEVER... be the same... AGAIN!


Sunday... Sunday...

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Stop hyping me up E-V! I'm hyped enough already. :p


Seriously, every bout on the card has been developed consistantly throughout this dynasty. Nothing feels thrown-together or last minute filler.


On a sidenote, are you using your pre-show time for anything? I wasn't sure whether you might go the WWE route and throw in a dark match/freeview match before the big show kicks off proper. Something more Underground-orientated perhaps.

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Stop hyping me up E-V! I'm hyped enough already. :p


Seriously, every bout on the card has been developed consistantly throughout this dynasty. Nothing feels thrown-together or last minute filler.


On a sidenote, are you using your pre-show time for anything? I wasn't sure whether you might go the WWE route and throw in a dark match/freeview match before the big show kicks off proper. Something more Underground-orientated perhaps.


Thank you, Sebs!


I tend to develop PPV cards a month before they take place & then focus that month on telling those stories. With this in mind, the dreaded 'thrown together at the last second' approach (done by most real companies) isn't something I need to rely on (at least thus far).


As a 'Dark Match'/Freeview before "The World is Watching", this is actually the 1st PPV where I didn't do any prior show booking. Normally, whether SupremeTV, Underground or a PPV, I do throw some stuff together to work on up-and-coming talent & ultimately hype the crowd leading into the 1st segment. I like the idea you've got there & may end up using that before the next PPV event & make more of an 'event' out of the PPV.

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Thursday, 2nd Week of April 2013

Auditorio Juan Escobar || Puerto Rico








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
It’s the night we’ve ALL been waiting for, the moment-in-time where anyone, and everyone, can make… an “Awesome Impact”! Hello folks, as always, I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen. Boy, Oh, Boy… Do WE have a show for ‘yall.

Duane Fry:
That’s right, Peter. For 9-months now, Steve Frehley has carried the SWF World Heavyweight Championship firmly in his grasp. Challenges have come and gone. Rivals have sworn to end his reign; however, up until now, NO ONE has TRULY been able to back up their words. Tonight, the “Dark Destroyer” MAY face his BIGGEST challenge since becoming the champ. While going up against Rich Money is nothing new for Frehley, the circumstances brings forth a potential problem. To win, the victor will have to CLIMB up a towering ladder & retrieve the championship belt. Right now, Frehley is struggling to walk; let alone climb. How will his knee injury factor into tonight’s main event? WILL we see a NEW Champion? And if we do, will Rich Money EVER see a day where he DOESN’T have the belt in his possession?

Jerry Eisen:
It’s a REAL problem, that’s for sure. I saw Frehley backstage earlier and, while he’s doing his best to hide the effects of his injury, it’s OBVIOUS that he’s not at 100%.

Peter Michaels:
Can you imagine a Money championship run? He’s already got the company in his pocket. He can book himself HOWEVER he wants. If he wins tonight, we could see the belt around his waist for a lifetime!

Duane Fry:
We’ve ALSO got the extremely intense triple threat match as Remo, Jack Bruce and Big Cat Brandon clash in what’s to be a TRULY violent match.

Jerry Eisen:
With the standing ‘hit’ on Bruce, put forth by Money, there’s a possibility that Remo comes into tonight with a vile plan in mind. He may not even be LOOKING for a win. He MAY just want to hurt Bruce and HURT him badly. What’s better, at this point, for him? A win tonight or an injured Bruce & receiving his title shot at “Supreme Challenge 33”? A win is a win, they’re hard to come by here in the SWF, but “Supreme Challenge” is the epitome of professional wrestling events! If you’ve got a chance to get into the main event, you’ve got a chance at sheer Supremacy!

Peter Michaels:
I’m hearin’ we’ve got Money on his way out…

Duane Fry:
Great… Another show kicked off with a self-centered speech from the SWF Owner. ‘Woopee’…

Jerry Eisen:
Makes you wish we still had Pops, huh?

Duane Fry:
More than ever…





Rich Money

“I'm above you; in every way..."


[“The World is Watching” opens in typical pay-per-view fanfare as an awe-inspiring pyro display overtakes the arena. The near sold-out Puerto Rican crowd stands collectively in excitement as it’s rather obvious that tonight’s event is nothing short of grandiose. With that in mind, the inspired environment quickly turns on a dime as the sight of Rich Money appearing in an observation balcony on high is shown]


[With the crowd booing like crazy, looking up upon the controversial SWF Owner, Money stands with a defiant state of confidence.]


[Rich Money]:
It should be noted that I would NEVER bring MY company to Puerto Rico.
[Crowd boos]
Alas, the date was already booked under the previous administration and, backing out, would have cost me millions.
If there’s anything you should know about me, I don’t take kindly to losing millions.
So, instead, I was FORCED to bring the SWF down to this dark… dingy… disease-infested… seaspool.
[Crowd boos; Money pauses]
Believe me, I have my private jet waiting on the tarmac as we speak. The SECOND I win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, I’m heading BACK to a CIVILIZED country. You know, the one you’ve latched onto like a parasite…


[The crowd boos like CRAZY. That said, Rich Money doesn’t flinch. He stands defiantly confident; calm even.]


[Rich Money]:
What? You know it’s true.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
But enough with that. I’m sure most of you don’t really understand anyways.
[smirks; crowd boos]
Tonight, in this disgusting HELL, I will stand as the ultimate SAVIOR of MY… Supreme Wrestling Federation. For 9-months now, Stephen Frehley has dragged this great company down into the very gutter for which he came. In doing so, the championship belt over his shoulder, the one he STOLE from me last July, was left to rot in his grasp.
During his tenure, he has unraveled ALL that I instilled into that championship; stripping it of the class, dignity, and prestige that I bestowed upon it.
This may have been acceptable for my predecessor (Richard Eisen) but no such ugliness will exist in MY company.
It’s time that the Supreme Wrestling Federation return to it’s path of greatness and I will be the one to force it BACK on track.


[The crowd boos; however, once again, Money doesn’t flinch.]


[Rich Money]:
Stephen is much like all of you; he’s a failure.
[Crowd boos]
He’s failed the SWF just as you ALL have failed this seaspool of a territory.
For that, I have no doubt that you’ll be firmly in HIS corner tonight. In all honesty, I don’t really give a damn WHO you cheer for. Idiots on YOUR side of the guardrail have NO control over what happens on OUR end. The faster you realize this the faster you’ll come to know reality. Once again though, I don’t expect ANY OF YOU to understand this.
So, go ahead, cheer for your beloved ‘Dark Destroyer’; scream his name from wall-to-wall. It won’t make any difference.
Tonight, Stephen Frehley will fall… and when he does so… the SWF will be FAR better for it.
I promise you this, I WILL deliver MY company from the darkness that is it’s current champion…
and, in doing so, will become THE most powerful man in ALL of professional wrestling!
I WILL succeed, as I always do, because… Money makes the WORLD… go round…


[The crowd boos like crazy as Rich Money continues to stand in a defiant state of confidence. Slowly, he exits into a doorway at the back of the observation deck on high. That said, even despite his departure, the crowd continues to boo like crazy; showing their true disdain for the controversial SWF Owner.]



Duane Fry:
What an a$$hole…

Jerry Eisen:
Yep. I’m not going challenge you on that one.

Duane Fry:
It’s ALL a tale of the greedy getting greedier. Rich Money isn’t happy with simply OWNING the SWF. He wants EVERYTHING underneath it’s umbrella. I wouldn’t be surprised if his name starts showing up on the ring apron.

Jerry Eisen:
Money may want to watch out for these fans though. They look like they’re ready to pull his head off after THAT promo!

Duane Fry:
Boy, wouldn’t THAT be a GREAT way to open the show!






The All-Americans© vs. The Truth

“Truth is…”


Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Darren Smith

Jungle Lord w/ The Truth

B.J. O’Neil w/ American Machine


  • The presence of Jungle Lord is impossible ignore early on. That said, it doesn’t seem to faze the World Tag Team Champions.

  • Early on, after being steamrolled by American Machine, John Greed is shown sliding out of the ring. AM follows; however, Greed almost immediately dives behind Jungle Lord. A heated staredown follows. Seconds later, Greed takes the opportunity to leap from behind his fellow Truth-member; poking AM in the eye.

  • Greed distracts the referee as he re-enters the ring. From there, Jungle Lord floors AM with a POWER closeline. The crowd reacts accordingly; booing like crazy.





  • Davids jumps off the apron and, catching Jungle Lord off-guard, is able to knock the Amazonian brawler onto his heels. In doing so, AM is able to re-enter the ring. In doing so though, Greed takes advantage of his blinded state.

  • Greed & McClean use AM’s blinded state to keep the champions in a weakened position. Tagging themselves in and out repeatedly, the challengers utilize a number of low-impact double-team maneuvers to gain momentum.

  • Eventually, in typical fashion, Des Davids is tagged in, a fact that drives the crowd to pop rather loudly, as the powerhouse steamrolls both Greed & McClean with an array of ring-rattling impacts (ie: shoulder block, tilt-a-whirl-backbreaker, running Powerslam).

  • Davids looks really strong while in the ring. Flooring McClean continually in a way that makes the heavyweight appear unstoppable.

  • Begging for the tag, wanting revenge, American Machine is brought back in as the legal man. The crowd pops as AM continues the one-sided assault.

  • As it looks like AM may be a few power-moves away from another victory, everything gets turned upside down as Des Davids returns to the ring; not the legal man.

  • Darren tries to stop him, not wanting a 2-on-1 scenario; however, it’s not McClean he’s gunning for. Before you know it, Davids, out of nowhere, boots his tag partner in the stomach. Seconds later, a release powerbomb is administered in the middle of the ring.


    What the...



  • The crowd is in a state of shock as Davids slowly saunters out of the ring; smirking about what he’s just done. Meanwhile, AM is motionless on his back.

  • Greed & McClean seem just as shocked. That said, Greed barks to McClean to ‘finish the job’.

  • McClean lifts AM’s lifeless body off the canvas. In doing so though, Machine still has a level of fight in him; however, it’s ALL auto-pilot. He’s not even aware where he is most likely.

  • Seconds later, McClean is shown locking his opponent into his signature “Stain Removal”. In doing so, AM is simply unable to kick-out!


<hr color="black">
The Truth via pinfall

Squeeky McClean pins American Machine

“Stain Removal” (Stroke) following a Des Davids turn on American Machine


The Truth are the NEW SWF World Tag Team Champions!



Duane Fry:
What the HELL was THAT all about?

Jerry Eisen:
Des Davids JUST powerbomb’ed American Machine, his OWN partner, in the center of the ring! THIS is how their reign finally comes to an end?!?!

Duane Fry:
After carrying the straps for OVER a year, The All-Americans have just LOST the SWF World Tag Team Champions; however, not without controversy. Des Davids has JUST turned his BACK on his OWN tag team partner, American Machine!

Peter Michaels:
A lot of people were callin’ these guys the BEST tag team we’ve ever SEEN here in the SWF. Now, they’re nothing but history it seems…

Duane Fry:
Through ALL of that… We’ve got NEW Tag Team Champions. The Truth, with a little help from Jungle Lord and, well, Des Davids, are walking out of Puerto Rico with the belts in tow!

Jerry Eisen:
Wow… This REALLY changes the landscape of the tag division if the All-Americans really ARE on the way out.

Duane Fry:
Plus, with new champs at the top, there’s no telling what could happen from here…

Jerry Eisen:
Well, that was an eventful way to kick off the night!






Joseph Sexy, Des Davids, the Truth

“Unexpected Outcome"


[As the final bell tolls, Des Davids is already midway up the steel rampway. Behind him, his partner, American Machine, is lying motionless in the center of the ring; put in that scenario by Davids himself.]


[As the new SWF World Tag Team Champions celebrate with the belts within the squared circle, doing so in a holier-than-thou fashion, we all witness the sight of Davids walking past a clapping Joseph Sexy atop the rampway. A smirk is exchanged between the two and, as Davids strolls past him, Sexy follows closely behind; making sure to smirk into the camera before doing so.]



Jerry Eisen:
What was THAT all about? Is Des Davids working with Joseph Sexy now? Was this ALL a plan coming into tonight?

Duane Fry:
It looks like Sexy got to Davids before coming into tonight’s match. What pushed him to turn on his partner though?

Jerry Eisen:
With his position as the head scout, and the relationship he already has with Money, there’s no telling what Sexy CAN do for Des. That said, it’s pretty low what he did here tonight…

Peter Michaels:
It happens to the best of ‘em. One member of the team feels he can do more and turns his back on the other. It’s an age-old issue in tag team wrestling. Tonight, we saw another example of it…





Lobster Warrior & Rogue

“A battle for Identity..."


[An extended hype video is presented capturing the emotional rivalry between Rogue and Lobster Warrior. Utilizing prior footage, still shots, and promos delivered by a dejected Lobbie, the video ultimately sets the stage for a truly meter-moving moment here tonight. Can Lobster Warrior regain his mask? If not, will the man we’ve come to love completely spiral out of control; no longer having the only identity he’s known in the SWF? These questions linger as the final image is that of Lobster Warrior walking away from the camera, up the steel ramp, in an obviously dejected manner; black towel over his head in which to cover his identity.]



Jerry Eisen:
What’s going to happen to Lobbie if he doesn’t win his mask back tonight?

Duane Fry:
Honestly, I have no idea… The ONLY identity he’s known is under that mask. Without it, he’s got nothing… It’s pretty obvious in how he’s been acting SINCE he lost the mask originally to Rogue.

Jerry Eisen:
I’d hate to see an SWF without the Lobster Warrior…

Peter Michaels:
It’d be a sad sight, that’s for sure…

Duane Fry:
Let’s just hope we don’t have to…




Lobster Warrior vs.

“The battle for an Identity…”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

Winner gets Lobster Warrior’s mask


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Rogue


  • The crowd is firmly behind Lobster Warrior as the match opens; even without his mask. He’s wearing an extremely generic, if not overtly low-budget, red mask that looks less ‘Lobster Warrior’ and more ‘home-town jobber’.

  • After meeting in the center of the ring, the two exchange in a collar-elbow-tie-up. With that said, Rogue takes an early advantage with a stiff hip shot to Lobbie’s stomach. That said, Lobbie turns the tides rather quickly, once again, with a string of low-impact maneuvers (ie: twisting arm-arm drag/submission combo) that keeps the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” grounded.

  • Throughout the match, Lobbie is often met with excitement from the crowd. As always, this drives Lobbie to, almost always, engage the crowd with a celebration as they pop; rather ADD-like.

  • The ADD-nature of Lobbie’s celebrations, post crowd-pops, is what comes back to bite him consistently. Then again, what’s new? This has always been his process.

  • Eventually, Rogue bullies his way into a strong swing of momentum by taking advantage of Lobbie’s celebration moments. At one point, Rogue springs back to his feet and literally shoves Lobbie through the two middle-ropes in a crude fashion. In doing so, Lobbie crashes outside of the ring.

  • Rogue seems to take enjoyment in doing the ‘wrong thing’. That said, the crowd often doesn’t pick up on his cues very well. They boo him; however it’s not at the strength you would think given his villainous mannerisms.

  • Meanwhile, Ms. Chase stands at ringside in an emotionless fashion; as it typical. He arms are crossed and, while her gaze is upon the action, there’s very little response to said action. Even when Rogue is ahead.

  • At one point, it looks all but over for Lobbie after Rogue is able to execute his signature “Crashing On”. That said, upon impact, Lobbie’s body bounces with so much force that his bottom legs stretch outside of the ring. Darren Smith doesn’t realize at first; however, stops the count at 2 when he looks up and notices the fact.

  • Rogue, angered, argues with Darren Smith. This gives Lobbie some time to regain his consciousness.

  • When Rogue returns to lift Lobie off the matt, the beloved hero springs into action; rolling his opponent up with a school-boy-roll-up. This pinfall attempt gains Lobbie a 2 1/2 count. Seconds after the pinfall is broken though, Rogue floors Lobbie with a stiff closeline that flips the hero inside out.

  • Later, as Lobbie still looks to be in trouble, Rogue measures him for his signature “Crashing On”; watching as he slowly gets back to his feet following a Russian leg-sweep.

  • Lobbie stands upright, staggers around to look at Rogue, and the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” locks “Crashing On” in.

  • As he goes down to the canvas though, Lobbie is able to grab the nearby middle-ring-rope; holding onto dear life. In doing so, Rogue hits the canvas alone.

  • Upon getting back to his feet, holding the back of his head, Lobbie now springs into action. After a strike or two, Lobbie loses control of their exchange as Rogue rebounds. That said, a few seconds later, Lobbie is able to land a stiff kick toward Rogue’s stomach as he returns from an Irish whip off the ropes. Before you know it, Lobbie drops Rogue with his signature “Lobster Trap”!

  • The crowd pops as a depleted Lobbie rolls atop Rogue for a standard three count; a fact that seems to push Ms. Chase to show an ounce of emotion as she slowly shakes her head in, what appears to be, anger.


<hr color="black">
Lobster Warrior via pinfall

“Lobster Trap” (Double-Arm DDT)


Lobster Warrior regains his mask



Duane Fry:

Jerry Eisen:
Lobster Warrior REMAINS!!

Duane Fry:
He KEEPS the mask with a win here tonight! The “Oceanic One” returns to us’; all in-tact!

Peter Michaels:
Ole’ Lobbie has had his handful of rivals in the past. They’ve all said they’d take his mask from him. Tonight, Rogue is added to that list. The list of men who couldn’t get the job done!

Duane Fry:
Wait a minute… Rogue’s getting back up to his feet… He’s got that look in his eyes…

Jerry Eisen:





Lobster Warrior, Rogue and ?????

“Shared dislike of Rogue"


[Lobster Warrior has regained possession of his shiny red mask. He’s obviously giddy about this fact; barely able to stand still as he looks the empty mask square in the eyes. That said, as he does so, still wearing the old, generic, red mask that he wore to compete tonight, his opponent is shown sneaking up with a level of intensity to his stare.]


[Rogue attacks Lobbie from behind with a hard closeline to the back of his head. In doing so, the crowd begins to boo.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
Rogue’s not happy with the loss. He’s taking it out on Lobbie…


Peter Michaels:
What’d ya’ expect? Win-loss-or-draw, this was Rogue’s plan ALL along…


[slowly, with a vile snarl upon his face, Rogue reaches down and grabs the back of Lobbie’s makeshift mask (the one he’s wearing) and starts to tug upward. It looks like, even after losing, he’s going to reveal Lobbie’s identity anyways.]


Duane Fry:
He’s got his hand on Lobbie’s mask!! He’s going to expose him!!


Jerry Eisen:
Not THIS again!!!


[That said, this never comes to pass.]


[speeding out of the back like a speeding bullet, Captain Atomic overtakes the ringside area in a flash. Beaming with intensity, he enters the ring and is instantly engaged by Rogue.]



Atomic saves the day!


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
There’s NO love lost between Rogue & Captain Atomic; that’s for sure…


[The two brawl back-and-forth; however, ultimately it’s Captain Atomic that KO’s Rogue off the ropes with his signature “Mushroom Cloud” (Running, Diving, Closeline).]


Duane Fry:


[Due to his interference, Lobbie’s mask still remains.]


[The crowd pops as Atomic helps Lobbie to his feet. Once there, Lobbie offers his right hand in a comical good-guy fashion. Atomic accepts & the two shake in a classic babyface fashion.]



Power surge or a sign of EVIL?


[That said, as the segment seems to come to a close, the lights in the Puerto Rican arena begin to fade in-and-out. It only happens for a matter of a few seconds; however, the sound of surging electricity can be heard along with the visual aspect of the lights dimming. Regardless of that, it looks like neither Lobbie or Atomic really make note. Instead, Atomic exits the ring and walks toward the back as Lobbie celebrates his victory with the crowd.]



Jerry Eisen:
Captain Atomic saves the day, Rogue is on dream-street, and Lobbie still has his mask… all is right in the world!

Duane Fry:
What was that power surge issue at the end there though?

Jerry Eisen:
It’s probably that the arena couldn’t hold up the power we’re pumping through it. SWF events REALLY call for A LOT of electricity. That’s got to be it.

Duane Fry:
I don’t know about that… What we’ve seen lately, could it be…

Jerry Eisen:
Don’t say his name…

Peter Michaels:
There’s no way. The demon was fried last time we saw him…

Duane Fry:
We’ve seen crazier things happen…

Jerry Eisen:
Crazier than coming BACK from the dead? I don’t know about that…

Duane Fry:
Just seems… I don’t know… I know it’s impossible. It just seems like “The Demon” is still lingering around.





Angry Gilmore and Marat Khoklov

“A tall mountain to climb..."


[We are now presented with a produced hype video centered around the unique rivalry that is Marat Khoklov and Angry Gilmore. In this video, snapshots, video footage and audio exerts from prior Gilmore promos are all heard in which to set the stage for tonight’s match-up. That said, it feels far more ‘move-like’ than a typical wrestling video. The reasoning? Gilmore’s travel to Russia, attacking Khoklov’s handlers in the conference room of a hotel, breaking one of their arm’s in which to get Khoklov to agree to the match, and the subsequent, if not ominous, capture & imprisonment of Gilmore are all projected in which to show a gradual timeline of what we’ve seen recently. All in all, the overarching message centers around whether or not Angry Gilmore can, or will be in good enough condition, to actually compete with a MONSTER like Marat Khoklov?]



Duane Fry:
Marat Khoklov has been a constant in Gilmore’s life since January. You KNOW that he’s looking for some revenge here tonight!

Jerry Eisen:
He may be looking for revenge BUT is he in physically capable of wrestling tonight? We haven’t seen Angry Gilmore since the video feed was cut while he was in Russia. Reports claim that he was imprisoned during that time in an undisclosed location; forcing him away from his friends and family in the process. With a history of neurological problems, is Gilmore ANYWHERE NEAR healthy enough to compete tonight?

Duane Fry:
Probably not BUT that’s not going to slow Gilmore down…

Peter Michaels:
Never has… never will…

Duane Fry:
We’re heading out to Moscow now. Let’s hope that the feed is strong enough to carry the entire match…

Jerry Eisen:
This is going to be interesting…




Angry Gilmore vs.

“Marat… SMASH!”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

Match is taking place in Russia; broadcasted via satellite


Darren Smith



We transition, via satellite, to a sold-out arena in the outskirts of downtown Moscow, Russia. The building itself looks rather run-down. In connection, the crowd attending appears equally rough and weathered. More or less, it’s a very menacing, ruckus, environment forming.


  • Angry Gilmore looks to be in a weakened condition. His eyes are glazed over, his body rather stiff, but, through it all, he looks focused and ready for the fight at hand.

  • In contrast, Marat garners a collective ‘gawk’ from his hometown crowd. He towers over everyone as he heavily stomps toward the ringside area. His handlers, all dressed in traditional black-and-white suits, appear to be in an angered mood; one of them wearing a sling due to Gilmore’s pervious arm-submission to force this match.

  • As the bell rings, Khoklov doesn’t move from his corner. He stands in a statuesque kind of fashion; crossing his arms as he smirks in a vile fashion.

  • Gilmore, drumming up all the energy he has, speeds across the ring and lands a corner splash upon Khoklov. That said, the impact does very little to put Marat on his heels. In reality, the immense Russian doesn’t budge. Instead, Gilmore bounces off of his wide, chiseled chest; crashing to the canvas.

  • Gilmore slowly pulls himself back to his feet; obviously showing he’s not 100%. Hell, he may not even be %50 at this point. That said, as he pulls himself to his feet, Khoklov continues to stand still; arms crossed & smirking.

  • This is how the match continues to progress from here on out. Gilmore gives his everything; however, seems unable to topple the giant. Meanwhile, Marat puts forth limited effort and YET is able to throw his opponent around like a rag-doll.

  • The ruckus crowd loves what they’re watching; cheering in a low baritone throughout. It’s obvious that they’re for Khoklov though; a role reversal seeing how it would be the opposite in the states.

  • Gilmore is able to put Khoklov on his heels with a number of high impact strikes (ie: spinning heel kick, diving back elbow, diving forearm, etc.) but, despite the onslaught, the big-man never drops to the canvas.

  • With Khoklov reeling for the first time, Gilmore attempts to pull his immense opponent to the ground with an arm-bar-like submission. That said, he’s simply unable to muscle the much larger Khoklov to the ground. The “Russian of Mass Destruction” breaks this attempt with a simple throw of his arm; tossing Gilmore across the ring.

  • Through it all… Gilmore defiantly, stubbornly, never gives up. He continues to go RIGHT AT Khoklov.

  • At one point, Gilmore dives on Khoklov’s back (using the top rope to get there; as it was too high for him to simply jump) and locks in a traditional sleeper hold. That said, since he can’t touch the ground, Gilmore instead wraps his legs, as best as he can, around Khoklov’s thick trunk.

  • The submission proves to be beneficial for Gilmore. Khoklov swings his body around; however, Angry never lets go. It’s much like a cowboy on the back of a bucking bull. Shockingly enough, Gilmore never lets go; holding on tight.

  • Khoklov looks like he may be losing consciousness… His legs grow weaker…

  • That said, as his legs grow weaker, Khoklov simply drops backward; landing atop Gilmore in the process. In doing so, Angry appears CRUSHED by the giant himself.

  • Slowly, Khoklov would step to his feet; however, Gilmore doesn’t do the same. He looks to be struggling to remain conscious.

  • That said, Gilmore never has a chance to truly regain his consciousness as, seconds later, Khoklov is shown leaning into the nearby ring ropes, returning to the fallen Gilmore, and dropping a HUGE “Russian Leg Drop”.

  • Gilmore’s body flops upward and falls motionless upon the canvas.

  • In the end, a standard three count is given in favor of Khoklov as he never moves from his post-leg-drop position. Meanwhile, Gilmore lays motionless under the crushing weight of his tree-trunk –sized leg.


<hr color="black">
Marat Khoklov via pinfall

“Russian Leg Drop” (Big Leg Drop)




Duane Fry:
Why do the Russian fans look SO pissed off if Khoklov won?

Jerry Eisen:
They’re Russians; they ALWAYS looked pissed!

Peter Michaels:
Gilmore fought his way into Russia, roughed up Khoklov’s handlers, and ultimately forced the “Russian of Mass Destruction” to take this match. In the end, you’ve got to be careful what you wish for…

Duane Fry:
Khoklov is TRULY a force to be reckoned with. He’s UNSTOPPABLE! Gilmore put on one HELL of a match but, even he, with all of his technical talent, couldn’t slow down the giant.

Jerry Eisen:
He could barely take him to the canvas! No technition is going to come away with a win if they can’t take their opponent to the matt. I know he wants revenge; I mean Khoklov has been knockin’ him around since January! But.. sometimes it’s best to just let some things go…

Duane Fry:
Gilmore? Let things go? That just ‘aint happening…

Peter Michaels:
He’ll die before he gives up… that’s what makes him Angry Gilmore…

Jerry Eisen:
Believe me, I’m a HUGE Gilmore fan but, with Khoklov, this MAY be a tree he doesn’t want to bark up anymore…

Duane Fry:
You can tell him that…

Jerry Eisen:
I’m no idiot…
He can hear it on the playback… that way I can start running…





Marat Khoklov

“Standing tall; very tall..."


[Marat Khoklov towers over everyone as he stands victorious in the center of the ring. With Gilmore unconscious at his feet, the menacing giant roars with intensity; putting forth a husky battle cry while flexing in a warrior-like fashion. In this moment, Khoklov looks as menacing as ever.]


[Meanwhile, the ruckus Russian crowd is showering their unstoppable national with an overwhelming response.]


[As the chant of “Khoklov” overtakes the unnamed Moscow auditorium, the “Russian of Mass Destruction” continues to roar in a primal fashion; flexing in a manner that makes him look larger-than-life.]



Duane Fry:
My GOD… Look at how BIG he is…

Jerry Eisen:
We’ve NEVER seen someone HIS size before. He’s a TRUE Giant amongst men; an unstoppable force if we’ve EVER seen one in this sport!

Peter Michaels:
Gilmore gave one hell of a fight but, let’s be honest here folks, look at Khoklov. This is no man. This is a genetic FREAK of nature…

Duane Fry:
He really DID put up one hell of a fight but, in reality, Khoklov was just too strong for him. All the technical prowess in the world can’t stop PURE power!





Eric Eisen© and Christian Faith

“ Delusional Battle; Who is "Mr. SWF"?"


[An extended hype video is now shown depicting the tense rivalry between SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen and “The Iron Man” Christian Faith. Utilizing previous footage, still shots, and promos from BOTH Eisen & Faith, the story is presented of an aging LEGEND who’s found nothing but disrespect recently from the dubious Eisen. With this in mind, their rivalry seems to be centered around Eric Eisen wanting to extend his brand internationally. In doing so, he now perceives himself to be the REAL “Mr. SWF”; a nickname given to Faith LONG ago. In the end, the video shows Faith struggling to combat the self-absorbed champion; not out of Eisen’s own merit but with the help of the powerful Hammer. Can Faith overcome the odds, as he’s done countless times again, to put Eric Eisen in his place? Will we have a NEW North American Champion? These are all thoughts that are addressed.]



Jerry Eisen:
The time has come… It’s TIME for Faith to get his revenge on Eric!

Duane Fry:
I’m sure you’re JUST as excited about this one as the rest of us…

Jerry Eisen:
MORE; I would say. I’ve HAD to LIVE with Eric. He’s my brother; there’s no breaking free from that. While I love him, I can’t stand him… the man he’s become… and the man he’s most likely going to CONTINUE to be…

Duane Fry:
That’s true. While he’s an annoying little nat to the rest of us, I guess I never really thought of it that way. You’re tethered to him for the rest of your life. He’s your brother; he’s your flesh-and-blood. As you said, you love him but… That doesn’t mean you have to love the man he’s becoming.

Peter Michaels:
What is this… Feelings time?

Jerry Eisen:
Let’s just get to the match… That’s what we’re ALL looking for!






Eric Eisen© vs.

“Making the case; kind of…”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF North American Championship


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Eric Eisen

Hammer w/ Eric Eisen


  • Eric Eisen looks confident as ever; his chin protruding out as he snarls arrogantly.

  • Faith looks weathered, his best days are past him; however, there’s still an air to “The Iron Man”. This is evident as, once Faith locks eyes with Eisen in the ring, there’s a small moment where the North American Champion looks lost-in-thought; potentially overwhelmed, even in that brief moment, by Christian Faith.

  • The bell rings as the two men engage in a collar-and-elbow-tie-up; an exchange that Faith wins right away. Before you know it, Eisen is on his heels as Faith punishes the North American Champion with a brutish, very stiff, onslaught.

  • Eisen is reeling. Knowing this, he personally exits the ring on his own accord. He’s frustrated; kicking things, ripping at the PPV-specific apron, and throwing a temper tantrum if there ever was one. Gone is the pseudo-tough-guy persona. Instead, we’re seeing Eisen for what he really is… a spoiled brat.

  • Ms. Chase speaks with Eisen as Eric looks past him; focusing in a frustrated manner upon Faith. That said, with time, Eric returns to the ring.

  • Once again, Faith is able to steamroll Eisen in a brutish fashion.

  • Frustrated once again, Eisen exits the ring and looks as though he’s about to walk off the scene. He’s yelling, off-camera, about Faith ‘cheating’ as he back-peddles up the steel ramp. Eventually, Eisen would return to the ring; however, not before making a big deal of it.

  • As they engage one another yet again, Eisen is able to catch Faith off-guard with a knee to the gut of the “Iron Man”. This doesn’t derail him; however, gives Eisen enough room to brawl his way into some momentum.

  • Moments later, a sidewalk slam/backbreaker by Eisen slows his opponent down for the moment; hurting his notoriously weakened back in the process.

  • Eisen does all he can to keep Faith down, even grabbing the fallen Faith by the hair and pummeling him with heavy-handed rights; however, eventually, the “Iron Man” does what he does best… bounce back.

  • Eisen looks frustrated, once again, as the “Iron Man” bounces back. At one point, Eric looks as though he’s going to exit the ring once again but is then pulled back in by Faith. The crowd pops as Faith beats his opponent down to the canvas with an array of traditional wrestling maneuvers (ie: DDT, back-body-drop, suplex, etc.).

  • At one point, Darren Smith is KO’ed accidentally as Christian Faith executes a standard standing suplex on his opponent. Eisen’s heel connects with the side of Smith’s head; driving him to the canvas in a great deal of pain.


    Laying down the Hammer!



  • Hammer enters the ring; however, is instantly met with fists of fury from Faith. In doing so, the brawl is seen as a fight between two equals (even with Hammer’s immense power).

  • The brawl continues with Faith actually gaining the upper hand; however, before you know it, Eisen is shown cold-clocking Faith with his OWN North American Championship. It’s unexpected, Faith didn’t see it coming; so the impact drives the “Iron Man” to crash to the canvas in a thunderous heap.

  • Eisen takes it easy, lying on the canvas to catch his breath, as Hammer quickly steps in & stomps the living hell out of the fallen Faith.

  • As the crowd boos, Hammer lifts Faith off the canvas and eventually plants him square onto the canvas with a ring-rattling Samoan-Drop off the ropes. Upon impact, Faith is in a world of hurt; dazed and out of it.

  • Eisen quickly takes advantage of the fallen Faith, rested by now, as Hammer exits the ring.

  • Pummeling Christian as he lies on the canvas, Eisen looks as though he’s confident in where things are going.

  • Faith eventually gains a 3rd wind, despite all that’s happened, but, as he hits the ropes, Hammer is able to stop his momentum by grabbing his foot. His sheer strength forces the “Iron Man” to crash to the canvas; face-first.

  • Smith, who is now back upright, warns Hammer of pulling at Faith’s feet. In doing so, Hammer denies anything ever happened with a smirk upon his face.

  • While he has the upperhand, Eisen extends himself too far and ultimately is floored by a running back elbow, one that reeks of desperation from the depleted Faith, square to the jaw.

  • Eventually, Faith would return his attention toward Hammer. However, as he spins back around, expecting Eisen to be still reeling, the North American Champion is shown leaping in out-of-nowhere; executing his signature “Supremacy”.

  • As Faith lies on his back, blinking in a strong fashion, attempting to regain his composure, Eisen is able to quickly score a standard 3-count over the dazed “Iron Man”.


<hr color="black">
Eric Eisen via pinfall

“The Supremacy” (Falling Forced Double-Knee To the Face)


This marks Eric Eisen’s 2nd successful defense of the SWF North American Championship



Peter Michaels:
What a DAMN cheat! I hope you’re happy with your tainted win, Eric…
It’s ALL bull-sh*t if you ask me!

Duane Fry:
Now you’ve gone and pissed off Peter…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s got a point, Duane. Eric didn’t win this thing out of merit. It took a run-in & further distraction from Hammer AND a championship belt shot to the head. Even THAT didn’t put him out for good…

Peter Michaels:
You’ve got a win tonight, a damn tainted win, but there ‘aint NO WAY it’s going to stay that way for long. The “Iron Man’s” comin’ for you… Eric… You too Hammer…
You’re ALL marked men…

Duane Fry:
I have NO doubt that Eisen will get his; some point… some time… You can’t keep the “Iron Man” down for long… An angry Christian Faith is NOT someone you want to have hot on your trail…

Peter Michaels:
Take your tainted win… your tainted championship… You’re nothin’ more than a punk, Eric. A DAMN PUNK!





Eric Eisen© and Christian Faith

“The Eisen Soap Box"


[Christian Faith is conscious but not necessarily ‘all there’. Despite this, the “Iron Man”, as always, won’t allow himself to stay down. Whether it’s on autopilot or not, Faith is shown pulling himself to his feet; disregarding a nearby ring rope as he gets up the old-fashion way. That said, as he does so, it’s quite obvious that his back is as weak as ever. He’s wincing but attempting to mask his pain with a stiff facial expression.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
The “Iron Man” is no more…


[A nearby camera man captures Eisen as he’s shown back-peddling slowly up the steel rampway; gazing upon Faith with an arrogant smirk upon his face. With Hammer on one side, Ms. Chase on the other, the North American Champion proudly displays his championship over his right shoulder.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
… And it’s ALL because of ME!
[Crowd boos; Eisen smirks]
This goes BEYOND the “Mr. SWF” name. That’s so far behind us now…
It’s obvious who the REAL “Mr. SWF” is now.
[Pauses; smirks]
Tonight, I EXPOSED you Christian [Faith] to be nothing more than a has-been; a LEGEND… ONLY… in name.
You may have battled for decades, carrying this company on your back, but now… You’ve become joke.
An absolute SHELL of your former self.
You had your chance… To show these people that you could still ‘go’ but, the truth of the matter is, those days are LONG gone by now.
I hope you savored EVERY second of our match tonight because this is the LAST championship match you’ll EVER see here in the SWF.
Maybe you should just pack it up, give a heart-warming speech, and head on down to see [sam] Strong because there’s NO room for you here in the SWF anymore.
[smirks; pauses]
Move on… Listen to your body… Listen to these fans… We ALL know… The “Iron Man”… is NO… more…


[The crowd boos like crazy as Eisen drops the microphone upon the steel rampway below. With an arrogant smirk upon his face, “Mr. SWF” flings the North American Championship on high; proudly displaying it to said booing crowd. In the end, the segment closes with an angered Faith, barely upright, locking eyes with his rival from afar. While Eisen walked away with the tainted win tonight, there’s no WAY this feud is anywhere NEAR coming to a close…]



Duane Fry:
Faith isn’t going ANYWHERE folks…
Regardless of what Eric Eisen says, Christian Faith will FOREVER BE… “Mr. SWF”. The day he leaves this company is the day he hangs up his boots. He’s not going ANYWHERE else…

Peter Michaels:
I’m goin’ on the record to say… One-on-one, No Hammer, No Chase… Christian Faith would wipe the FLOOR with Eric Eisen. There’s NO denying that, folks. Hell, even with Eisen winning, he’s proven that to be true. He NEEDED Hammer to get this win. It’s ridiculous!

Duane Fry:
If ANYONE’S dragging an SWF Championship through the mud it’s Eric Eisen!

Jerry Eisen:
Sadly, I agree with you on that one.

Duane Fry:
At some point, Faith HAS to get his revenge… Right? I mean, it’s the “Iron Man”!
He’s not broken down THAT much that he couldn’t put Eisen in his place… right?

Peter Michaels:
No question about it…

Jerry Eisen:
I hope so… Believe me, nothing would make me happier…





Big Cat Brandon, Jack Bruce, and Remo

“Three-headed monster!"


[An extended hype video is now shown depicting the heated three-way feud between Jack Bruce, Big Cat Brandon, and Remo. Utilizing previous footage, still shots, and prior promos from Bruce & Ms. Chase, the overarching theme of the video revolves around the notion that ANYTHING could happen when these three clash with one another. In a sense, the video itself paints a very chaotic rivalry that has tested the very physical nature of ALL three competitors; leaving them ALL reeling at one point or another. In the end, leading into tonight’s match, the final question doesn’t necessarily revolve around WHO will win. More fittingly, said message revolves around… Who will survive?]



Jerry Eisen:
I’ve been looking forward to this match ALL night! You KNOW we’re going to get something special out of this one!

Duane Fry:
Jack [bruce] has a TALL mountain to climb here. He KNOWS that Remo’s coming for his career. If he can put him down-and-out FOR GOOD then the “Alpha Dog” will take his title shot at the “Supreme Challenge”. That ALONE adds an INTENSE amount of pressure on the rebellious rocker! Then, throw in Big Cat Brandon, a guy he’s continually but-heads with in recent months, also a man who’s one HELL of a vicious fighter, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster!

Jerry Eisen:
He’ll get it done… It’s Jack… F’n… Bruce we’re talking about!

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know, Jer. This one could go any way if you ask me…

Duane Fry:
Yea… We could be looking at a WAR for the ages!




Big Cat Brandon vs.

“His bite outweighs his bark”


Standard Triple Threat Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Remo


  • There’s a ‘big fight’ air circulating the arena as our three competitors enter the squared circle. All bringing their own distinct vibe, the environment feels rather chaotic underneath it all. There’s an expectation that all HELL… WILL… break loose.

  • As the bell is rung, each man stares upon one another from their own corner. Looming in the distance, they all appear ready in their own right.

  • Shrugging in an arrogant fashion, smirking while doing so, Bruce ignites the match into existence by speeding across the ring and diving at Remo within seconds. A diving closeline hits square upon Remo’s chest; forcing him back into his corner. The crowd pops!

  • Big Cat joins into the action as he speeds toward the corner; splashing Remo in the process.

  • Big Cat & Jack Bruce work as a team early on; however, it’s not cohesive by any means. Throughout their tenure as allies, both men are shown keeping an eye on the other from the corner of their eye.

  • In reality, that’s a smart idea as, a good 2 minutes into the match, Big Cat Brandon is shown flooring Jack Bruce with a running shoulder block; sending Bruce crashing to the canvas.

  • It’s only a single strike at first. Big Cat then turns his attention toward Remo as the two brawl around the ring. Before you know it though, Bruce is back on his feet and is gunning for “The Beast”.

  • Eventually, the tension between Big Cat & Bruce explodes as the two fellow babyfaces lay into one another. In doing so, the Puerto Rican crowd seems split; cheering for both men in the process.

  • This overflow of tension proves to be beneficial for Remo. A good minute into the Big Cat/Bruce brawl, the “Alpha Dog” explodes back onto the scene & floors both men in a show of superhuman ability. His mixture of size, speed and power are rather alarming. He’s able to use all three to overcome his opponents at this point.

  • The triple threat match is staring to form into a true three-way scenario now; with each man fending for themselves. In doing so, mass chaos begins to form.

  • At one point, Bruce is shown forcing Remo from the ring with a hangman’s closeline over the top rope. As is customary, Bruce holds onto the ropes though and never really touches the ground in the process. Slowly, he pulls himself back up; however, doesn’t make it ALL the way before “The Beast” rams his massive frame into the ascending rocker. This forces Bruce to crash outside of the ring; inches from a recovering Remo.

  • Spilling outside of the ring, the three-headed monster continues to brawl in an awkward manner. It really looks like a mess of punches; no real front-runner forming form the action.

  • Bruce does, at one point, get a little too close to Ms. Chase though. In doing so, he’s shown throwing a quick air-peck toward Chase. She doesn’t seem amused; emotionless as she stares with her arms crossed. As Bruce tries to toy with her further, walking closer, Remo is shown slamming into him from behind; forcing Bruce to crash into the nearby guardrail.

  • Darren Smith is at an 8-count as the three competitors make their way back into the ring.

  • Back in the ring, Jack Bruce speeds around the ring in a flashy fashion. We’re in ‘Bruce-Time’; what feels like the last few minutes of the match when Jack ALWAYS finds a way to secure a new wave of energy and overcome his opponents.

  • Jack is looking as though he’s on the verge of putting this one in the bag… WHEN… the “Alpha Dog” brings that notion to a screeching halt.

  • As Bruce dives off the tope rope, attempting a flying axe-handle strike, a staggered Remo is able to catch the rebellious rocker in a bear-hug like manner. Seconds later, a side belly-to-belly suplex is shown throwing Bruce halfway across the ring. The throw is an example of PURE strength.

  • Bruce knocks the cobwebs out of his head and speeds toward Remo; however, in doing so, Big Cat appears, recently recovered from a previous impact, in which to KO Bruce, from the side, with a BIG boot. Bruce folds up sideways in the process.

  • Remo and Big Cat stare at one another; neither moves for a second. Then, a HUGE brawl takes place between the two (as if the match just started). Somehow, both men look as if they have endless energy left despite such a daunting match.

  • Eventually, Remo is able to reverse a powerslam attempt by Big Cat & ultimately floor “The Beast” with a strong reverse DDT.

  • Bruce has now re-emerged; executing a diving punch which sends Remo into the corner.

  • He wails away incessantly, obviously pissed, as the crowd pops like crazy. Jack’s exploding in a way.

  • As Remo staggers out of the corner, Bruce dives toward the “Alpha Dog” in which to administer his signature “New York Minute”; the move that was unable to keep Remo down on SupremeTV this week. However, as he does so, Remo is shown breaking the attempt by standing his ground.

  • As Bruce jumps outward, his grasp of Remo’s head begins to slip. In doing so, Remo has the awareness, and the athleticism/strength, to grab onto the falling Bruce; pulling him back upward, tossing him over his shoulder, flipping his body onto his back in the process & throwing him down with a POWERFUL “The Destroyer”.

  • As you would expect, Jack Bruce is motionless. Meanwhile, the crowd stands in SHOCK ; floored by the insanity that is the physical FREAK that is Remo.

  • Big Cat attempts to break the pinfall; however, dives atop the pin after the final count. In doing so, the bell is rung in favor of Remo.


<hr color="black">
Remo via pinfall

Remo pinned Jack Bruce

“The Destroyer” (Dominator)




Duane Fry:
Good… GOD! Did YOU see that?!?!

Jerry Eisen:
Remo turned a “New York Minute” attempt into “The Destroyer”!
[shakes his head in shock]
The awareness… the body control… the STRENGTH… to do that. WOW…

Peter Michaels:
I’ve seen some freaks of nature in my day but… Remo…
[Nods his head]
That man truly is a FREAK!

Duane Fry:
I’ve NEVER seen something like that before…

Jerry Eisen:
He MAY not have put Jack Bruce away for good in this one but he sure as hell turned some heads. Remo isn’t here to stand idle. He’s looking to make an impact!

Duane Fry:
… And with Ms. Chase at his side, there’s no telling what he could accomplish…

Peter Michaels:
You’ve gotta wonder… if Remo can beat Jack the way he did tonight, what’s stopping him from putting Ole’ Bruce in a hospital bed before the “Supreme Challenge”? We’ve got about 3-months ahead of us before we even get there. That’s ain’t good odds for Bruce…

Duane Fry:
No, not at all…





Steve Frehley© and Rich Money

“The WAR of opposites..."


[The final produced video package of the night rolls shortly before the main event. In this video, the heated feud between SWF World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley and the SWF’s controversial owner Rich Money is highlighted with snap shots, video footage, and audio clips from previous promos telling the story. Ultimately, this rivalry is projected as extremely personal; a true powder-keg waiting to blow. All in all, the overarching message that’s presented is whether or not Steve Frehley can defy the odds, once again, and overcome a man of Supreme Power in which to retain his belt? The video makes it seem that it may be an impossible feat.]



Jerry Eisen:
Rich Money has made Steve Frehley’s life a living HELL since he purchased the Supreme Wrestling Federation from my father. He’s dragged his name through the mud, literally mugged him on the snowy streets of New York, and potentially shortened his career after placing a hit on the champion; a fact that resulted in a terrible knee injury coming into tonight. Through all of this, the “Dark Destroyer” has stood in absolute defiance of his owner. He’s not backing down; he never has and he most certainly never will by the looks of it. If Rich Money wants the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, he’s going to have to BEAT Steve Frehley to do so and you know, damn well, that Frehley’s more than willing for a fight.

Duane Fry:
Money really HAS tried everything to put Frehley away but, through it all, he’s still standing. He STILL has the belt on him and he’s not letting that go without a fight; as you said. We ALL know and appreciate the kind of competitor Rich Money is. He’s top notch. One of the best in the world. That said, his gigantic EGO has got the best of him here; I think. He EXPECTS to beat Frehley simply because he’s higher on the ‘food chain’ so to speak. The thing is, that’s not enough…. Especially against someone like the “Dark Destroyer”…

Peter Michaels:
They BOTH have their work cut out for them. I just don’t know how Frehley’s goin’ to be able to climb the ladder with his knee as bad is it is. He may be doomed to fail comin’ in here, folks.

Duane Fry:
He COULD be… but I don’t expect Frehley to let that slow him down. He’s got one speed, injured or not, and that’s full-blast…






Rich Money

“EPIC; Can’t stop me…”


Ladder Match; Item Retrieval Finish


Darren Smith



  • The Puerto Rican crowd, as any crowd we’ve encountered this year, absolutely hates Rich Money. That’s obvious. Their chorus of boos feel unified & heated. That said, it doesn’t seem to faze the controversial SWF Owner in the slightest. He doesn’t even crack a smirk; basking in the boos. Instead, he goes about his business as if NO ONE was there. It’s just Rich Money in his mind; that’s always the case.

  • In contrast, the crowd erupts at the first strike of Frehley’s theme music. On their feet, they grow even louder as the World Heavyweight Champion shuffles through the “Supreme Gate”. With his trademark devilish smirk upon his face, one that tells of a man who can certainly be described as a “Loose Cannon”, the champ shuffles toward the ring; never taking his eyes off of his challenger in the ring.

  • Once in the ring, Frehley wastes no time; as always.

  • He tosses his championship belt onto the ground, throwing it in the corner, as he instantly rushes his challenger with a barrage of heavy-handed haymakers.

  • As the bell is rung, Rich Money is already on his heels; taking the brunt of Frehley’s explosive onslaught.

  • The crowd pops like crazy as the “Dark Destroyer” brings the action immediately; overwhelming Money before he could even remove his entrance attire.

  • The action spills out of the ring almost instantly as a haymaker from Frehley sends Money over the top rope. As expected, the “Dark Destroyer” doesn’t take this time for himself. Instead, he follows after the fallen Money; stomping the HELL out of him as he attempts to get off the lightly padded ringside floor.

  • Lifting him off the ground, Frehley would utilize the ringside area as a weapon of sorts (ie: slamming his head into the commentary table, Irish whipping him into the nearby guardrail and dropping him face-first on the steel steps). Money’s in a WORLD of hurt…

  • Eventually, Money would rebound for the first-time; sending Frehley backward a few steps with an unexpected right hand of his own. That said, Money’s not really able to capitalize. Instead, he staggers away, catching his breath & returns to the squared circle.

  • As Frehley enters the ring, Money’s waiting; dropping a knee on his back. Seconds later, Money turns his attention DIRECTLY toward Frehley’s injured right knee.

  • A twisting leg lock, on the injured knee, is utilized by Money to A) slow the action down and B) possibly make it impossible for Frehley to walk.

  • Eventually, Frehley would break free from the hold; however, for the next few minutes, this exact scenario continues. Frehley explodes with an onslaught but then is ultimately dragged back to the canvas by Money; administering a range of leg/knee submission holds.

  • Before you know it, even as Frehley is able to break free from every hold, the “Dark Destroyer” is obviously limping. His knee looks to be in terrible shape as he can barely stay upright for long enough before it ultimately ‘gives out’ on him.

  • At one point, Frehley attempts a “Thez Press” in which to pummel his opponent; however, as he goes to leap into the air, he’s shown barely getting off the ground. The maneuver looks awkward, with Frehley just slamming into Money, as the two drop to the canvas due to the impact.

  • Seeing his opening, and returning to his feet first, Money is shown swooping in and DDT’ing the injured Frehley as he returns to his feet as well. Seconds later, he erects the ladder from ringside, square in the middle of the ring, and begins to climb.

  • He made it almost to the top before the injured Frehley is able to hobble himself in that direction. Climbing up behind him, Frehley drops Money off the ladder with a modified throw.

  • Even though he tossed Money, Frehley is unable to really do much more than drop off the ladder himself. He can’t seem to extend his knee enough in which to climb.

  • For the next 5-minutes or so, the ladder is brought into the match as an actual weapon of sorts. Trading opportunities, Frehley & Money lay into one another with the unforgiving ladder.

  • At the 15-minute mark, Frehley makes a HUGE impact as he actually executes his signature “Frehley’s Comet” upon Money. In doing so, Money crashes into the ladder; which was positioned in the corner turnbuckle behind him. The impact forces Money to collapse on top of the ladder; bending it in the process. That said, Frehley’s not able to capitalize early enough. Following impact, he’s barely able to get off the canvas as the running maneuver took EVERYTHING out of him due to his injured knee.

  • Eventually, Frehley is able to grab a new ladder from underneath the ring but it’s too late. He’s hobbling; slowing him down. He erects the ladder and goes to take his first step but is ultimately forced from his ascent by Rich Money; who swings in with a spear of his own.

  • Money is able to drag himself off the matt first, Frehley not far behind, as the two engage in a depleted brawl once again. This bodes well for Frehley; the consummate brawler.

  • That said, all it takes is a stiff kick to Frehley’s injured knee for the “Dark Destroyer” to drop to the canvas in pain.

  • Frehley, NEVER willing to look/act weak, tries to pull himself off the canvas; however, is dropped downward once again as Money closes up the ladder & slams it’s end into Frehley’s already injured knee. The impact forces the champ to drop to the canvas; gripping at his knee in intense pain.

  • The champ still tries to hide the depth of his pain but it’s impossible not to react entirely…

  • His hair no longer perfectly gelled, Money looks depleted but in control. With a smirk upon his face, he erects the ladder once again; knowing that Frehley won’t be able to get upright at any point.

  • He starts his climb slowly; making sure to look down & rub it in to Frehley.

  • Money gets to the top, reaching for the belt; his fingertips touching.

  • He even tugs on the belt for a brief second…

  • BUT… Frehley is able to somehow, someway, return to his feet; pushing the ladder over. In doing so, Money lands upon the top rope; crotch first.

  • The crowd pops. Money’s eyes are wide open; in a great deal of pain as he collapses onto the apron. Meanwhile, Frehley has dragged himself outside of the ring to follow Money.

  • Frehley would set up a table at ringside; however, wouldn’t be able to use it as he’s simply unable to walk very well. As he pushes through the pain, staggered walking now, the champ is ultimately KO’ed as he turns the corner; Money using a closeline to bring him down.

  • They would return to the ring once again as Money administers another twisted leg/knee submission hold. With no rope break, Money keeps the hold in for a good 40 seconds.

  • Ultimately, Frehley is able to break the hold with a single punch to Money’s head; however, the damage is obviously done. At this point, it’s expected that the champ won’t be able to stand upright whatsoever.

  • Frehley is able to get up onto one knee but is then knocked back down by a boot to his head from Money.

  • As Frehley collapses to the canvas, not unconscious but in a lot of pain, Money is shown climbing the ladder once again. Once again, he’s untested as he gets all the way to the top.

  • Reaching…

  • Reaching…

  • Money has his hand on the belt…

  • Pulling…

  • Pulling…

  • Money ALMOST has the World Heavyweight Championship in his grasp…

  • NO!!

  • In an act of desperation, gathering ALL the energy he has left, Frehley leaps from the ground; pushing the ladder over in the process.

  • As Frehley collapses back to the canvas, Money takes a sickening ride…

  • What can be defined as a crazy bump, Money drops from the top of the ladder, outside the ring, and through the waiting table from before.

  • The crowd pops intensely…

  • Money is motionless; in a heap of broken wood…

  • Frehley slowly… very slowy… drags himself over to the collapsed ladder…

  • He erects it once again; from a lying position though…

  • Looking up, wondering how he can do so, Frehley pushes through the pain and begins to climb.

  • His knee won’t bend very well and, as he tries to do so, the champ is shown wincing as if it were about to fall off…

  • That said, somehow… someway… He pushes through the pain and forces his knee to start climbing.

  • Climbing… He’s to the middle of the ladder…

  • Climbing… He’s ¾ths the way up…

  • Climbing… He’s NOW to the top…

  • Rich Money is still motionless as he hasn’t moved since his descent through the table…

  • NO…

  • Frehley ALMOST falls off the ladder by himself; his knee giving way…

  • He pulls himself up upright once again; barely…

  • He reaches upward…

  • NO!

  • His knee gives out AGAIN… This time… Frehley drops down the ladder slightly…

  • Through it all, Money is STILL motionless at ringside…

  • He pulls himself upright once again… climbing upward…

  • Money is starting to come-to; however, barely moving…

  • Frehley reaches upward…

  • Reaching…

  • Reaching…

  • He’s got the belt in his grasp…

  • Pulling…


  • Frehley collapses down the ladder; landing upon the canvas in the process…

  • The belt remains at his side though as he lays looking upward; conscious but overtly depleted…

  • Money is slowly moving now; however, it’s too late.. The bell has rung… Frehley retains…


<hr color="black">
Steve Frehley via retrieving the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rich Money is shoved from the top of the ladder (crazy bump), out of the ring, and through an awaiting table


This marks Steve Frehley’s 9th successful defense of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship



[The SWF Commentary team is silent at first. All you can hear is them clapping for the World Champion.]

Duane Fry:
Anyone who doubts him still, NOW’S the time to get OFF that train! Steve Frehley somehow, someway, did the unthinkable. With an injured knee, barely able to stand, up against one of THE toughest competitors in ALL of wrestling, the “Dark Destroyer” overcame ALL the odds & has retained the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! What a win! What a CHAMPION!

Jerry Eisen:
You’re spot on. I don’t think ANYONE can discredit Frehley anymore. This was a match of the year candidate. Top notch; an AMAZING battle! WOW…

Peter Michaels:
My hats off to Frehley. He’s one tough S.O.B…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s the toughest I’VE EVER seen…

Duane Fry:
This goes to show you, Rich Money may have the cash… the power… the WHOLE SWF in his grasp… But, through all of that, it doesn’t mean absolute success in this company! When you’ve got people like Steve Frehley here… The kind of warrior that can push through pain & STILL come out on top… There’s one HELL of a road ahead of you!

Jerry Eisen:
It’s TRUE! The SWF houses THE best in the world at what they do. To succeed here is to succeed on the GRANDEST of stages. And now, with the WORLD WATCHING, Steve Frehley has cemented his place as one of THE toughest competitors we’ve EVER seen in this industry. Amazing moement…

Peter Michaels:
Certainly is, Jerry… Certainly is…





Steve Frehley© and Rich Money



[The crowd is roaring with excitement as Steve Frehley slowly pulls himself to his feet; ignoring the nearby ring rope as a crutch in the meantime. He’s barely able to stand as he defiantly throws his right arm into the air; presenting the SWF World Heavyweight Championship on high. The crowd grows even louder now, reacting to Frehley’s defiance, as the champion looks as strong as ever; even when injured it seems.]


Duane Fry:
He came… he saw… he sent Money for a ride! Steve Frehley is STILL your SWF World Heavyweight Champion!


Jerry Eisen:
He’s one hell of a fighter, Duane…


[With time, Frehley exits the ring; however, not easily. His right knee is obviously limiting his mobility but that doesn’t stop the “Dark Destroyer” from pushing through the pain. He fends off a wince with his trademark devilish smirk but isn’t entirely successful all the time. More or less, he looks to have gone through a war; barely coming out the other end intact.]


[As he takes his first few staggered steps onto the steel rampway, Frehley comes to a sudden halt. The camera man zooms in on his face at this moment to see that devilish smirk growing larger. Just then, he spins around in a labored fashion to see Rich Money now on his feet…]


Duane Fry:
Wait a minute here…


Peter Michaels:
We’ve seen THIS before…


[Money is being held up by medical professionals as he appears utterly ‘out of it’. That said, he’s aware enough to understand that Frehley’s smirking in his direction.]


[Money slowly shakes his head ‘no’; however, in a truly exhausted fashion.]


Jerry Eisen:
Money’s pleading with every inch of energy he has left…


[Despite that, Frehley drops the belt for a second, and somehow, someway, fights through the pain to ONCE AGAIN floor Money with his signature “Frehley’s Comet”!!]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:


Peter Michaels:
There’s your partin’ gift, Money… That’s for all that crap you put this man through…


[The crowd goes crazy!!!]


[slowly, Frehley would pull himself back up from the wreckage of the broken table from earlier. That said, Money doesn’t follow. He, and one of the medical professionals who sadly became collateral in the impact, are shown lying motionless on the scraps below.]


[ultimately, “The World is Watching” goes off the air with the sight of Steve Frehley picking the World Heavyweight Championship back up off the ground. Throwing it over his shoulder, the defiant champion staggers up the steel rampway with his trademark devilish grin upon his face. Behind him, the carnage of an unconscious Rich Money lying amongst the rubble of a broken table.]



Duane Fry:
What an ending to an AMAZING show, ladies and gentlemen!! Steve Frehley, after being dragged through the mud for months now, has done the unthinkable once again. There was no Vengeance, no Bruce, no nothing… This was an uninterrupted one-on-one battle and the “Dark Destroyer”, even when injured, came away with a HUGE victory. Now, more than ever, there’s NO denying that Steve Frehley is LEGIT! He’s one tough S.O.B. as Peter said and, to be honest, even when injured, this man has a good chance of beating just about ANYONE; as he showed here tonight.

Jerry Eisen:
You’re right, Duane. WHAT a BIG win for Frehley. This puts him at 2-1 in singles competition against the SWF Owner. Normally, that would bring the victor some comfort but, when you’re dealing with Money & all the power he possesses, something tells me this isn’t the LAST we’ve seen of these two in the ring.

Duane Fry:
Money won’t rest until he gets the belt… He’ll do whatever it takes. That said, after ALL he’s done… He STILL wasn’t able to beat the champ!

Peter Michaels:
Make sure to tune in THIS upcoming Tuesday to see the fallout from “The World is Watching” overtake SupremeTV! There’s no doubt in my mind that Money’s not backing down; not now… not ever. Loss or not; he’s the owner and there ‘aint no damn way he’s letting someone ELSE enjoy the limelight in HIS company.

Duane Fry:
Also, make sure to tune in THIS Saturday as SWF Underground continues to raise a little HELL from the depths of the shadows!

Peter Michaels:
Frehley retains… Eisen retains… and we’ve got NEW SWF World Tag Team Champions with The Truth! Big night, folks… BIG… night…
Good night!!







<hr color="black">



27,305 (out of 30,000)

PPV Buy-rate:
(Highest of 2013)


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Wow. Seriously, just wow. This has to be one of the best diaries on these forums and I must say good job. I've always wanted to play one of the big two but have never been good at managing bigger rosters, but after reading this I'm going to SWF a try. Thank you E-V.
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That was awesome!!


I really got sucked into the action and could visualize everything that happened!!


Can't wait for the next show to see what Rich Money has up his sleeve now.

And to know what drove Des Davids to betray American Machine

And to see if we ever hear from Gilmore after being demolished in Russia


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I'm allowing myself to ease into the next SupremeTV episode due to some slight exhaustion. I'm in the final three weeks of my Spring semester and have a number of huge assignments/projects/papers to accomplish before having the sweet release of summer. :D That said, I'm taking some time here to put my focus primarily upon my school work (while keeping this project moving along). In reality, it's probably going to progress as it always does (speed wise) but I just wanted you to know, all in all, how things were in this moment.


With this in mind, here are some posts that are coming your way before the next card were to be posted.

  • Overall Roster Popularity/Momentum Levels: A recent post (one guessing at where Jack Bruce was in popularity at this point) sparked my interest to create an informal (not gussied up) display of where everyone is based on popularity/momentum. It'll be broken down by 'card status' (ME, UMC, etc.) and will be taken from where they are post-PPV. This way, there's another way at looking how things are going; knowing how 'over' the game sees these characters as.
  • Underground Results: As always, in bullet-point format, I plan to post the results for Underground in the next few days. There's actual something pretty important on the show as well; stemming off of what we saw at "The World is Watching".
  • SWF.com Article: This is to set the stage for the lead up to the next SWF PPV; "Master of Puppets". There's a theme with this show; so, I wanted to get ahead of the next episode to said that theme. That said, things may not go as 'planned' storyline wise (as the next episode has said theme challenged by someone). It'll make sense when we get there.


On to some responses to feedback...


Wow. Seriously, just wow. This has to be one of the best diaries on these forums and I must say good job. I've always wanted to play one of the big two but have never been good at managing bigger rosters, but after reading this I'm going to SWF a try. Thank you E-V.


Thank you for placing this dynasty in such high regard.
IF this dynasty is as strong as many have said, it's because I've had A LOT of practice with the SWF (failed practice.ha). In my 3 previous attempts, I've learned A LOT about how to book the SWF (at least as it pertains to keeping myself engaged, interested & not overwhelmed). I still have issues, it seems, with getting the best out of my wrestlers (Even with a high motivation stat) but that's seemingly a lack of knowing what booking notes to use and when. Oh well, it's a learned process!


Also, that's great that this project has made you jump back at the SWF for another go at it. Believe me, I totally understand the feeling that the SWF can seem overwhelming at times. The roster is pretty large & the talent there are some of the best in the world. I often found myself crippled with fear as I didn't know WHO to push, WHO to let slip a little, and HOW to keep everyone happy (readers included). It takes awhile but, once you find your groove, there's NO other company out there to book like the SWF. It's A LOT of fun.


Let me know how your SWF game goes. I love to hear/see/read what others do with the same company.


Talk about swerve! Great PPV!


Haven't seen you in awhile; good to see you back!


Thank you about the PPV. There truly were some 'swerve' moments in there. That said, just so people know I'm not booking JUST to swerve (as some do; which is nothing wrong with that... just not my cup of tea) these were the outcomes I had planned for over a month now (in-game time). Truly, I had Money winning at points throughout the feud; however, keep coming back to the notion that I LOVE Steve Frehley. As you'll see with a later 'internet post', one of my goals as the headbooker of the SWF is to make the next big mega-star. Right now, that's Steve Frehley in my mind.


Great show. Sucks about the grade on the triple threat match.


Thank you, Ricky!


(Also, thank you for the message on word usage. I do really appreciate your help on the matter).


As for the triple threat match.Yea, I was pretty bummed about that outcome of that match. For whatever reason, I'm having trouble getting the best out of my main eventers (despite having motivation as my highest stat). That said, the PPV stayed at a strong "B", which actually helps me world-wide, and Remo picks up a big win to start pushing him back to the forefront (after his last feud with Frehley turned out with him on the losing end).


I think I may need to 'head back to the basics' and re-learn the booking notes aspect of TEW booking. I seem to be missing something. ha.


That was awesome!!


I really got sucked into the action and could visualize everything that happened!!


Can't wait for the next show to see what Rich Money has up his sleeve now.

And to know what drove Des Davids to betray American Machine

And to see if we ever hear from Gilmore after being demolished in Russia



Awesome! Seriously, this is great to read/hear. I spend a lot of my time in writing/planning trying to think of a way that I can best relay what I'm visualizing in my head. Without moving parts, these dynasties can feel rather flat and 2-D (as they are). So, I try really hard to create an experience that can 'take you into the action'. Awesome to know that it worked for you!


The great thing is... All three of the things you're waiting on will get touched upon within the first week or so after the PPV. One of them may be a gradual release of information but it's being done in which to create some mystery (so to speak).


All in all, great to know the PPV pulled you in as it did!


Awesome heel turn! :D The Truth are fast becoming my favorite heels on this diary...


Thank you, fellow Supremacist!


In all honesty, when I first created the Truth, I wasn't planning on having THEM be the group that finally broke the All-Americans year long+ streak with the belts. That said, as time went on, I came to really love what they stood for/the kind of heels they could be going forward (Especially with Jungle Lord at their side).


Due to the major storylines, they may spend most of their time on "Underground" though; with occasional spots on SupremeTV.


I thought about trying to bump SupremeTV from 90 to 120 minutes once my semester is done. If that happens then there's a better chance that The Truth will get a proper SupremeTV airing. I guess we'll have to see!

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Popularity/Momentum Scale


There was a recent comment guessing where Jack Bruce's popularity would be at this point in the game. This got me thinking. Instead of solely going off of what your perceptions of their status is, I'll give you a quick 'window' into how the game is progressing from the roster's standpoint (in TEW terms). As you'll see, I've been very fortunate to have some wrestlers jump up the ranks. That said, I've also had some favorites fall due to recent losses.


Greatest success thus far?
Steve Frehley
. He's been booked pretty strong & still has the belt. Beating Money & Remo in PPV main events in 2013, he jumped (as you'll see) up to an A in popularity (from a B). He's been at A* at points as well; however, gets a slight ding when he has lost.


Greatest failure thus far?
. You all know my issue with Rogue thus far; however, he continues to baffle me. He's lost both feuds (conceptually) against Valiant & Lobster Warrior. That said, he's also picked up some strong wins along the way. He's rubbed elbows with some big names (losing to them & in angles) but, no matter what, his grades come out lackluster and his popularity has fallen. At this point, I'm kicking the tires to see what I'll do with him from here.


All in all, here is the list of wrestlers on the SWF roster and their current popularity & momentum grades. As a guide...


The first number is their popularity.


The second is their momentum.




Main Event

  • Jack Bruce

  • Steve Frehley©

  • Rich Money

  • Vengeance

  • Remo

  • Marat Khoklov

  • Eric Eisen©

  • Christian Faith

  • Angry Gilmore


Upper Midcarders

  • Big Cat Brandon

  • Valiant

  • Des Davids

  • Captain Atomic

  • Lobster Warrior

  • Squeeky McClean©



  • Jungle Lord

    Jimmy P

  • Paul Huntingdon

  • Rogue

  • Enforcer Roberts

  • Frederique Antonio Garcia

  • Joseph Sexy

  • John Greed©

  • Zim-ME

  • Kurt Laramee

  • Brett Biggins

  • Bart Biggins

  • Donnie J

  • Randy Bumfhole

  • Robbie Retro

  • Huey Cannonball

  • Jefferson Stardust

  • Kris Cage

  • American Machine

  • Clark Alexander


Lower Midcarders

  • Kill Switch

  • Masked Cougar

  • Malili Umaga

  • Remmy Skye

  • Shady K

  • Knuckles

  • Marshall Dillon

  • Snap Dragon

  • Markus Johansen

  • Mainstream Hernandez

  • Mathias Johansen



  • Bear

  • Hammer

  • Spencer Spade

  • Gino Montero

  • Sayeed Ali

  • Weasel


Enhancement Talent

  • Scythe

  • Lenny Brown

  • King Swoop


To read the SWF PPV results for "The World is Watching" click

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Like I said before, it could be relevancy decline for Rogue. Maybe the fans just don't see it in him. Or maybe he just doesn't connect with the fans.


Entirely plausible. He pulled a "B-" angle on his own; which pulled my attention. Then again, that could be the influence of Ms. Chase. Ultimately, I don't want to write the man off but I'm having some difficulty really relying on him to do anything outside of wrestle the in-between matches (ie: Not the opener or the Main Event/Sub-Main Event).


Maybe it's Destiny. Maybe his destiny roll just sucked (Rogue).


That could be it too! So many reasons why Rogue has sucked for me. ha.

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Note to myself: Don't update CGC diary soon after reading this. I kept putting Christian Price as Christian Faith and well that is just an insult to old Faith.


Great show once again by the way and neat to see the current momentum/popularity you have going. Of course seeing that surprises me even more at seeing Bruce/Remo/Big Cat only pulling a C+ somehow.

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Great show Eisen-Verse. Too bad some of the match grades seem to be little bit low mainly that three way one and Faith vs. Eisen which somehow only scored C-. Now I admit that I have never played with SWF so not sure what I could expect rating wise but I figure that two main event level guys with B overness should get better rating than that. I´m guessing that Faith must be rather heavily on time decline by this point.
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Note to myself: Don't update CGC diary soon after reading this. I kept putting Christian Price as Christian Faith and well that is just an insult to old Faith.


Ha! While Price has his own strengths, he's no Christian Faith. Then again, no one is (outside of the "Iron Man" himself).


Great show once again by the way and neat to see the current momentum/popularity you have going. Of course seeing that surprises me even more at seeing Bruce/Remo/Big Cat only pulling a C+ somehow.


Yea, it surprises me greatly too. In theory, Bruce/Remo/Big Cat (A*, B+, and B-) should be able to pull something better than a "C+". I mean, I know Bruce & Remo have 'bad chemistry' but, from what I've read, singles chemistry shouldn't play a part in a three way. I guess, I've got to look into some details on how to book as I don't want matches like this to kill me going forward.


Great show Eisen-Verse. Too bad some of the match grades seem to be little bit low mainly that three way one and Faith vs. Eisen which somehow only scored C-. Now I admit that I have never played with SWF so not sure what I could expect rating wise but I figure that two main event level guys with B overness should get better rating than that. I´m guessing that Faith must be rather heavily on time decline by this point.


Thank you, Zergon.


This has been an issue of mine for quite some time now; getting less than favorable grades. Maybe it's the way I set up my shows? I'm not really sure. I've backed off from using 'open' in most of my matches (unless they're on the same level; but not always even then). I've also relied less on 'go all out' as I used to over use that an eventually tank grades because the wrestlers weren't able to 'keep up'. Also, I tend to NEVER use 'strong' for a lower level wrestler against an UMC or ME; because I want the UMC/ME to look as good as possible. So, in most cases, I choose the winner, possibly protect (but hardly ever), decisive finish, and pinfall/submission for most all matches. Maybe it's that I don't use enough variation? That could be it. Who knows. ha.


The Faith/Eisen match really shocked me but, to be honest, I haven't seen Eric Eisen be able to pull a good match with anyone thus far. I mean, he worked with Gilmore, who's arguably the greatest 'wrestler' on the roster, and still was only able to pull out a "C+".


Faith's 'decline' is not very bad. He's #5 on the list & it says that we won't start to see a steep decline for a few years now. So, it HAS to be Eisen.

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Just wanted to say I've really enjoyed reading this Eisen, you breath so much life into the characters and it's just superb


Thank you, benjacko! I've always wanted to run a complex SWF dynasty; one that stands as a celebration of these great characters here (in the SWF) versus doing 'my own thing' to the company. All in all, I'm pretty excited how it's come together! Great to know it's connecting with you thus far!








TV RATING: 0.95 (+ 0.07)




  • Lobster Warrior
    opens the show to much fanfare. He has his mask once again & is bouncing around with excitement. More or less, he holds a promo that touches upon the classic 'Evil never prevails' narrative. That said, moments later, the SWF's Head Scout
    Joseph Sexy
    comes out and rips into Lobbie for being nothing more than 'cartoon joke' (rehashing Money's leftovers). In the end, Sexy tells Lobbie that tonight is NO night to celebrate as he has a match set for later tonight. That match is against none other than...
    Des Davids
    . Des comes out of the back, smirks arrogantly, and flexes atop the ramp as the crowd boos.

  • Obsession
    (Frederique Antonio Garcia, Jimmy P and Donnie J)
    SoCal Sychosis
    (Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon and Remmy Skye)
    in 6:52 as Garcia scores a flash pinfall on Snap Dragon.

  • The Awesomeness
    conducts a promo atop the rampway; digging at
    "The Fly Boyz"
    for their recent attack on them. In the end, as Obsession seems to playfully insult the comedic rock duo from afar (off-microphone), the young tag team makes it known that they will have their revenge. Closing with a rebel yell followed by a slow motion rock-n-roll pose; comedic in nature.

  • Joseph Sexy
    is shown hyping up a silent, yet obviously confident,
    Des Davids
    backstage. After singing his praises, touching upon his recent turn on American Machine, Sexy ultimately coins the "Prime Time" nickname that Davids adopts from here.

  • Kill Switch
    in 6:18 via "Your Nightmare" submission.

  • A video of
    Randy Bumfhole
    is shown depicting the downward spiral he's seen recently. After his brother turned his back on him, the video displays Randy's losing streak all the way up to his infamous 'mental breakdown' on "Underground". From there, the announcers make it known that NO ONE has heard from Randy since said meltdown. It's talked about whether or not he's quit the SWF or not but, in the end, no real statement is made as, simply put, no one really knows WHAT'S going on.

  • The NEW SWF World Tag Team Champions,
    The Truth
    , holds a promo backstage as they promote their agenda further; stating that their title victory has only given them a GREATER stage in which to preach 'the truth' from. They vow to change the world forever; whether they like it or not. "Those who don't see the error of their ways will ultimately suffer for their crimes on humanity". In the end, the tag team champions look pretty strong as Jungle Lord stands as a powerful asset behind them; their quintessential 'muscle'.

  • Enforcer Roberts
    Mainstream Hernandez
    in 5:41 via "R.C.T.".

  • A hype video is shown highlighting
    Captain Atomic's
    save of
    Lobster Warrior
    at "The World is Watching"; helping him stave-off
    and retain the mask he just reclaimed. In the end though, the video eventually malfunctions and seems as though it's destroyed itself in an ominous fashion. Was it
    ?! The announcers address this topic.

  • Des Davids
    Lobster Warrior
    in 9:06 via a "Highlight Reel".

  • The show closes with
    Joseph Sexy and Des Davids
    celebrating as one in the ring. In reality, Sexy looks more invested in Des than the other way around. "Prime Time" looks as though he'd be celebrating regardless of who was with him; flexing in a 'cool guy' fashion, rather showman-like, to close the show.


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Whoa. We're kinda sharing a wavelength here, E-V. I've nicknamed Davids "Prime Time" as well! He's just about to break into the main event.


BTW, best dynasty/diary I've read since coming here. The last one that caught me was a DAVE diary with Peak as the Great White Shark. I wish I could remember who did that one.


Keep it up, man. I look forward to your shows every time. Thanks for doing this. =)

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Yea, it surprises me greatly too. In theory, Bruce/Remo/Big Cat (A*, B+, and B-) should be able to pull something better than a "C+". I mean, I know Bruce & Remo have 'bad chemistry' but, from what I've read, singles chemistry shouldn't play a part in a three way. I guess, I've got to look into some details on how to book as I don't want matches like this to kill me going forward.




Pretty sure the chem doesn't affect multi man matches. I know I got Trent Shaffer and Ricky DeColt with horrid chemisty that doesn't allow them pretty much to pull better than a C- or C, but in a three way that included Dan DaLay they easily pull a B-. I am really curious now and might have to do a private SWF game to see what goes on and tinker with it.

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