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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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SupremeTV (Episode #15), which is the post-PPV ("The World is Watching") broadcast, will be up either Thursday or Friday night!


Currently, the plan is to get the results up on Thursday night; however, I do have a major research paper that I'm finishing up earlier in the day. With that said, if it goes longer than I'd expect, there's a chance I will have to bump it on over to Friday night when I get home from work. Either way, it's coming down the pike!


The great thing is, for my sanity and this project, the end of the semester is coming on May 17th. Once I hit that point, I'll have MORE than enough time to turn my attention BACK toward this project solely (at least when it comes to writing as I've been writing non-stop for class as of late). I'm really excited about this as I've got a lot of MAJOR developments coming up in the dynasty & want to make sure they are conveyed well.


... As you'll see, a major occurrence is coming THIS upcoming episode. It's somewhat of a slow-moving scenario; however, that's how most of my storylines tend to go. The first aspect will hit on Episode 15 though.


Thank you to everyone who continues to read, predict, provide feedback and ultimately come along for the ride with my vision for the SWF!


Things are about to get REALLY interesting... ;)


Side Note: 50,000 views+!!!! That was a goal of mine; so, I'm really happy to have surpassed it. Thank you for your help with that!

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Tuesday, 3rd Week of April 2013

Mayor Street Arena || New England








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
[Pyro is heard going off in the background]
That’s right, folks. The GREATEST, most IN-YOUR-FACE, wrestling action only comes from one show and you’re watching it! I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen.
Boy, do we have a show for you!

Duane Fry:
That’s right, peter!
[Turns his attention toward the lens; away from Peter]
Less than a week removed from retaining the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, the “Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley will be in action as he teams up with “The Beast” himself, Big Cat Brandon. Their opponents? The combination of SWF OWNER Rich Money and “The Alpha Dog” Remo! Boy-o-Boy… That’s ALREADY on my radar as a MAJOR barnstormer waiting to happen!

Jerry Eisen:
What I don’t get is… All three of us SAW Rich Money backstage earlier as he arrived via limo. He looks to be in TERRIBLE shape. He suffered a concussion at “The World is Watching” after being pushed from the top of the ladder by Frehley. How is HE planning to compete tonight?

Peter Michaels:
He’ll find a way. It’s Rich Money. Can’t stand the guy but you can’t underestimate his ability to develop a plan in his favor.

Duane Fry:
I’d LOVE to see him step into that ring and get plowed over ONCE AGAIN by Frehley!
The “Dark Destroyer” REALLY has his number as of late! He’s the guy that Money just can’t seem to beat!

Jerry Eisen:
Speaking of… It sounds like we’ve got the champion on his way out right now…

Peter Michaels:
I’m sure he’s got A LOT to say after last Thursday…

Duane Fry:
You think he’s going to say that Rich Money ‘Aint Nothin’?

Jerry Eisen:
That’s the ONLY way I want SupremeTV to open tonight!

Duane Fry:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you… the man who’s held the strap successfully for the last 9-months now… The SWF World Heavyweight Champion… The “Dark Destroyer”… Steve Frehley!!





Steve Frehley©, Rich Money, ???? and ????

“Can't buy this..."


[Episode #15 of SupremeTV opens with the dominating sound of
blaring throughout the Mayor Street Arena. Slowly, shuffling through the Supreme Gate, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion is shown entering onto the scene with his trademark devilish smirk upon his face. Meanwhile, as is customary for the last 9-months, he also carries the gleaming World Heavyweight Championship loosely over his right shoulder; a prominent sight truly.]


Duane Fry:
All the Money in the WORLD couldn’t stop Steve Frehley this past Thursday night!


Jerry Eisen:
He’s one HELL of a fighter… One of the TOUGHEST World Champions we’ve EVER seen!


[The crowd roars as the “Dark Destroyer” slowly overtakes the ringside area; projecting an air of absolute confidence in the process. Once in the ring, microphone in hand, the crowd continues to roar long after Frehley’s music has come to a close. In response, the champ looks out upon the crowd with his smirk radiating more than ever.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Rich Money…
[Pauses; crowd pops and eventually says the last part of the phrase with him]
… You… ‘Aint… Nothin!


[The crowd pops loudly once again as Frehley stands in confidence.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Ya may have bought the SWF… but ya can’t buy this…


[Frehley proudly presents the SWF World Heavyweight Championship to the crowd by extending his right arm upward in a strong fashion. In doing so, the crowd pops loudly for the “Dark Destroyer”. He takes the second to milk the scenario; smirking out as he always does. Then, slowly, he drops the belt back down upon his shoulder.]


[steve Frehley©]:
For the last 9-months, I’ve seen challenger after challenger claim that they were ‘takin me down’. Hell, the critics out there were pushin’ for the same thing. No matter where I turned, where I went, who I heard, it was always the same… ‘Steve Frehley isn’t World Championship material’.
[Crowd boos at the notion]
That all ends now…
[Pauses; crowd pops]
That don’t mean [CENSOR] anymore.
[Pauses; crowd pops]
It don’t matta WHO you are… WHERE you come from… or what the HELL you think about me… It… don’t… matta…
Just as I’ve done before, just as I DID to Rich Money, I’ll punk ya a$$ if you’re stupid enough to get in my way. Call it a ‘chip on my shoulder’… I don’t really give a damn…
I call it doin’ what I do best… [CENSOR]-up b*tches…


[The crowd pops; Frehley smirks in confidence.]


[steve Frehley©]:
I ‘aint PC… I ‘aint no super hero… but I don’t give a [CENSOR] about that. I’m here to do one thing and one thing only… Fight.
It’s all I’ve ever known… It’s all I WILL ever know…
… and I don’t plan on changin’ that.
You want this belt? You want to be the brotha who puts me down?
[Pauses; smirks]
Come get it… Come prove that…


[in the middle of Frehley’s sentence, looking out upon the crowd with absolute confidence, the World Heavyweight Champion is interrupted by Rich Money’s theme.]


[The crowd instantly begins to boo like crazy as the Supreme Dictator slowly strolls through the Supreme Gate. While the SWF OWNER still projects an air of perfection, dressed in a sleek tailored suit and equally classic slicked back hair, the actual sight we’re presented is of a powerful man struggling through injury.]


Jerry Eisen:
Rich Money looks to be in TERRIBLE shape…


Duane Fry:
The sunglasses, the light sensitivity, it looks like he’s STILL struggling through that concussion he suffered last Thursday night!


Peter Michaels:
He looks like Hell…


Duane Fry:
He REALLY does…


[Despite wearing a pair of midnight black shades, the bright lights of the ringside area seem to bother the struggling SWF OWNER. With this in mind, as he limps lightly toward the ring, Money is shown using a free hand to block the lights from above. Seeing this, it’s expected that Rich Money is currently suffering through a post-concussion scenario; most likely from his fall at “The World is Watching”.]


[He looks to be in pain; however, doing his best to hide it. That said, the light sensitivity is impossible to hide.]


[As he enters the ring with a microphone already in hand, it’s equally obvious to see that the SWF OWNER is locked in a state of pure frustration. His mannerisms are rather harsh; short tempered. That said, as he comes to a halt in the ring, staring down Frehley from afar, the fact that the World Champion is laughing at him doesn’t help the scenario very much.]


[Rich Money]:
You think this is FUNNY… don’t ya?!!


[steve Frehley©]:
You have NO idea, Brotha…


[Frehley smirks; light chuckle to himself.]


[Rich Money]:
I spent Thursday night in a Puerto Rican hospital.
[Grows more angry]
Do you KNOW what THAT means? I was PROBABLY subjected to EVERY disease known to MAN!
They SAY they were all board certified but I have NO DOUBT they were nothing more than a collection of witch doctors preying on the IDIOTS that live there.
[Pauses; angered]
They were Uncivilized… Classless… Directionless…
I had my lawyers pull me out of there as FAST as they could.
I feared for my LIFE!


[A little dramatic moment there as Rich Money places his hand upon his chest; exploding with emotional anger.]


[Rich Money]:
I went through ALL of that for one thing and one thing only… to SAVE MY COMPANY from YOU!
[Crowd boos; he pauses]
That championship over your shoulder belongs around MINE; a REAL Champion. A REAL class-act. A REAL… success story…
[Pauses; crowd boos]
And that’s why I selfishly deciding to declare MYSELF as your #1 contender for “The Master of Puppets”!
[Crowd boos like crazy; Money stands tall]
I will SAVE the SWF out of the kindness of my heart…


[in mid statement, Rich Money is now interrupted by the sound of Duane Fry’s voice; peering over a microphone as he stands up from the commentary desk at ringside.]


[Duane Fry]:
Actually… Mr. Money… “Master of Puppets” is a Pay-Per-View that’s booked by the SWF Nation!! You can’t just…


[The crowd pops; however, Fry is quickly cut off by an extremely angered Money; a little growl showing up in his tone.]


[Rich Money]:


[The crowd boos as Money’s body rises-and-falls as he breathes angrily.]


[Rich Money]:
Just SHUT… UP…
I don’t care WHAT PPV it is or HOW Richard [Eisen] went about things in the past. This is MY company…. Do you understand me?! I’ll do whatever the HELL I WANT with it!!


[The crowd boos very loudly. Money doesn’t care.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Don’t matta to ME who I’m facin’…
If it’s you… I’ll finish the DAMN job this time…


[Money slowly peers over at Frehley in an angered fashion; projecting his best “I’d advise you to take that back” look.]


[Rich Money]:
Finish the job? FINISH… THE JOB?
[Pauses; growing with anger]
The only JOB that will be FINISHED is ME taking the SWF World Heavyweight Championship BACK to where it BELONGS; not over the shoulder of some common gutter rat!


[steve Frehley©]:
You want it?
[Pauses; smirk grows larger]
Come get it…


[Frehley drops his microphone as he slowly shuffles toward Money in a confident fashion. The smirk upon his face shows that he’s not afraid of the SWF OWNER; especially in his current condition. That said, Money looks a little more apprehensive for once. He staggers back slightly; putting his hand up to stop Frehley.]


[Rich Money]:
Whoa… Whoa…
I’m NO condition to fight you right now. My doctors said that I should refrain from…


[in mid sentence once again, Rich Money is interrupted by the opening wildcat roar of Big Cat Brandon’s theme music.]





Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
You KNOW he’s looking for Rich Money!! This is the FIRST TIME he’s seen Money since he tranquilized and attempted to exile him in he process!


Peter Michaels:
Rich may want to run at this point…


Duane Fry:
I don’t think his health will allow that!


[The crowd pops as the “Beast” stomps his way through the Supreme Gate with vicious intent in his eye. He’s looking for revenge for what Money had done to him in previous weeks (tranquilizing & exiling him via an armored car).]


[That said, before Big Cat can make it to the ring, he’s ultimately cold-clocked from behind by the “Alpha Dog” Remo. Slamming into the back of his head violently, Remo staggers the Big Cat for a moment. Seconds later, the two engage in a wild brawl on the steel rampway itself. Neither man really looks to gain full advantage; however, their collective onslaught HAS to be adding a level of damage to both.]





Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
We’ve got ourselves a Grade-A brawl right here!


[Frehley’s attention is pulled to the brawl for a brief second. That said, as he turns back toward Money, he’s met with the vision of the SWF OWNER exiting the squared circle. Money is obviously still very angry as he slams his hands down upon the canvas as he walks away. That said, Frehley doesn’t follow after; seen shaking his head slowly as his devilish smirk is projected.]


Jerry Eisen:
Money wants NOTHING TO DO with Frehley right now. He’s walking off!


Duane Fry:
Come ON, Money!! Not so tough now, are ya?


[in the end, the opening segment comes to a close with the sight of Remo gaining a slight upper-hand on Big Cat; dropping him to the steel ramp way in a thunderous fashion with a standing spinebuster of sorts.]


[big Cat isn’t out but he’s slowed down enough to allow Remo to walk back through the “Supreme Gate” with Rich Money at his side. However, before doing so, Remo stands over his fallen victim in a show of domination. There’s no smirk. No arrogance. Just a cold, strong, dominating stare.]


[Meanwhile, Rich Money is just as angered as ever as he frustratingly walks into the back alongside the silent warrior in Remo.]



Duane Fry:
The thing is, Money says that his doctors haven’t cleared him but YET… He’s in our main event tonight. How is that possible?

Jerry Eisen:
Anything is possible when you own the company… and the doctors that watch over you for that sake…

Peter Michaels:
My guess is, Money’s lookin’ for his new ally, Remo, to do all the damage here tonight. From what I’ve seen… the “Alpha Dog” just may be able to do that on his own!

Duane Fry:
I have a feeling something’s going down tonight… Money wouldn’t freely walk BACK into a wrestling ring if he wasn’t 100%. He’s got the power to do WHATEVER he wants. Why would he return so quickly when he doesn’t HAVE to?

Jerry Eisen:
I guess we’ll see. The BIGGER story here may be that the “Master of Puppets” PPV looks to be NO LONGER in the hands of the SWF Nation!

Peter Michaels:
Money doesn’t care about tradition. As he said… This is HIS company… He’ll do with it what HE wants…

Duane Fry:
There HAS to be a way to stop this though!! I’m calling on YOU, SWF NATION, to contact company headquarters RIGHT HERE… RIGHT NOW… Raise up your voice; FIGHT for YOUR PPV! That’s the ONLY WAY we can make a difference now…

Jerry Eisen:
Fans or not… Money won’t change a thing…
He WANTS the SWF World Heavyweight Championship in the WORST way. He’ll do whatever the HELL he can to make sure he gets it! If that means stripping the SWF Nation from booking “Master of Puppets”; he’ll do that…





Christian Faith and Enforcer Roberts

“Classic Feud"


[The powerful image of a
pulling into the loading dock of the Mayor Street Arena opens this segment. It roars to a stop as the camera man catches the front grill; displaying the Mustang emblem with strength. Slowly as the engine dies off, the camera man backs up and pans out in which to see the driver is none other than “The Iron Man” Christian Faith.]


Peter Michaels:
It’s the Iron Man, folks! Christian Faith… The greatest Wrestling LEGEND we’ve EVER seen!


Duane Fry:
He’s a man’s-man. Tough as nails. One HELL of an S.O.B.!


[Faith shuts the door behind him as he shuffles past the front-end of his car. In doing so though, the “Iron Man” comes to an unknown halt. He stares off-camera; projecting his typical stern stare in the process.]


[Once again, we slowly pan out in which to see Enforcer Roberts standing within 3-feet from Faith. Equally stern in nature, Roberts doesn’t look all that interested in ‘talking it out with Faith’. Instead, he’s letting his stare, much as Faith typically does, do the talking for him.]


Jerry Eisen:
We’re reigniting a real CLASSIC in Roberts vs. Faith here tonight, folks! It looks like the Enforcer isn’t willing to wait…


Duane Fry:
We could have a fight between these two in seconds!


Peter Michaels:
They ‘aint goin’ to fight. Roberts is lookin’ to send a message; one that Faith understands. All this ‘new school’ crap about talkin’ through your problems, jumpin’ to action, that’s just not how things SHOULD be in this sport. Roberts… Faith… They’re cut from the same mold. They’re going to leave it for the ring… but… until then… We’ve got a good ole’ stare-down to send a message…


[said stare-down continues to take place as neither man backs down.]


[Without speaking a word, Faith nods his head upward, a sense of respect shown despite Roberts being a heel, as he slowly shuffles past him. Roberts, emotionless in his gaze, continues to stare forward as Faith exits the scene.]


[As the “Iron Man” disappears entirely, the scene ends with the vision of Enforcer Roberts slowly turning to watch him walk away; focused in his stern gaze the entire time.]



Duane Fry:
You’re right, Peter. Just an Old School stare-down…

Peter Michaels:
You boys may not get it. It ‘aint your fault. You come from a new generation that’s always lookin’ for it’s next fix. Faith, Roberts; these guys don’t think that way. What they do in the ring will do their talkin’. There’s no need to waste their time with it now…

Jerry Eisen:
I can’t believe we’re about to witness the RETURN of a classic match here tonight. The Enforcer and the “Iron Man”…
[Nods his head; excited]
Boy-o-Boy, now THAT’S Something to get excited about!

Duane Fry:
It’s bound to be one HELL of a Barnstormer!




Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord

“Truth is… He’s STILL unstoppable!”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

John Greed & Squeeky McClean w/ Jungle Lord


  • The Truth looks like they have a plan in mind; deviously grinning from ringside.

  • Despite that, it doesn’t prove to be all THAT beneficial for Jungle Lord.

  • While the two clash into one another in a collective thunderous fashion, Atomic pulls away from the pack, so to speak, by keeping Jungle Lord on his heels.

  • Both McClean and Greed try to interfere at given points, sneaking around Darren Smith to do so; however, both attempts ultimately fail.

  • Jungle Lord steamrolls back into a 2nd wind; however, eventually is overrun by Atomic’s overtly energetic onslaught.

  • Catching Jungle Lord with a corner splash, staggering his opponent outward in doing so, Atomic ultimately brings an end to the match with his signature “Mushroom Cloud”. The impact practically takes Jungle Lord’s head off; dropping him to the canvas in a heavy fashion.


<hr color="black">
Captain Atomic via pinfall

“Mushroom Cloud” (Running, Diving, Closeline)




Duane Fry:
The Truth did EVERYTHING they could to FINALLY put Captain Atomic away. But, as we saw in the first few months of 2013, that’s easier said than done.

Jerry Eisen:
Tag Champions or not, they STILL couldn’t stop the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”! Big win for Atomic here. Big win!

Peter Michaels:
He’s one HELL of a youngster, ain’t he?

Duane Fry:
He sure is.

Jerry Eisen:
Despite the win, I’m sure the Truth STILL don’t believe that…
I’m guessing a sermon on the matter is only a step away…





Captain Atomic

“The Flames of HELL..."


[Captain Atomic stands in the ring; fuming with explosive energy. His body rising and falling with each breath as he grinds his teeth. As he pushes down upon the top rope nearby, expelling his energy, the lights all of a sudden drop out.]


[There’s no ‘dimming of the lights’. Instead, the lights go completely out in seconds; leaving the Mayor Street Arena pitch black; the only light coming from cameras as they flash.]


Duane Fry:
What’s THIS all about?


Jerry Eisen:
I think the generator went out or something…


Peter Michaels:
This ‘aint no generator issue…


[All of a sudden, the sound of electricity surging throughout the arena can be heard. It overpowers in it’s volume as it grows to a fevered pitch.]


[Then, as the surging electricity sound reaches it max, the Money Tron turns back on. That said, the lights remain off.]


[The electricity sound disappears as the Money Tron presents a video. It starts rather dark, much like the room it’s projected before, as the sound of someone breathing rather heavily can be heard; as if the camera is growing closer. Then, out of nowhere, a chilling state of burly laughter can be heard as a single flame is lit on the screen. That flame, rather quickly, explodes into something rather uncontrollable as we now witness an unknown room encompassed by flames. Within said flames, gigantic in their presentation, stands a shadowed figure.]


Duane Fry:
I REALY don’t like the look of this…


Jerry Eisen:
It’s as if the shadowy figure is burning in HELL as we speak…


Duane Fry:
This is… alarming to say the least…


[That shadowed figure appears to be a very large individual. That said, it’s not his size that really takes your attention. It’s that they simply aren’t moving; living within the flames it seems.]


[Just then, just as quickly as it came, it all goes away…]


[The lights come back up as if nothing ever happened. Meanwhile, Captain Atomic is shown standing in the middle of the ring; still exploding with internal energy as he pushes down on the top rope across from the Money Tron in an expulsion of said energy.]



Jerry Eisen:
Just like that… It’s all gone. WOW. Was that shadowy figure… Vengeance? Is he haunting Atomic straight from… well… HELL itself?

Duane Fry:
This is… I can’t even think of how to properly explain this all…

Peter Michaels:
I don’t think anyone COULD explain it, Duane…

Jerry Eisen:
Whether it’s Vengeance or not, WHOEVER or WHATEVER it is… It’s tethered to Captain Atomic it seems.

Duane Fry:
It HAS to be Vengeance… but if it is… How is that EVEN possible?

Peter Michaels:
It’s the SWF, boy… ANYTHING is possible here…





Angry Gilmore and ????

“Don't piss me off..."


[Angry Gilmore’s theme begins to blare over the Mayor Street Arena as the live crowd pops with excitement. Seconds later, the overtly pissed, intensely furious, Gilmore is shown stomping his way through the “Supreme Gate”. There’s no celebratory moment, as always, just a expulsion of limitless rage.]


[Gilmore wastes no time, once again, which is typical, as he stomps his way into the ring & rips a microphone from the nearby ring announcer. Ultimately, the fans pop for Gilmore as he looks out upon them; barking over his theme music as it fades into the background.]


[Angry Gilmore]:
[Gilmore pauses; pacing around the ring]
[Pauses once again; pacing around the ring]
[Grows with anger; shakes his head]
[Crowd pops; Gilmore continues to pace around the ring]
[Pauses; looks up at the camera with sheer intensity]


[before Gilmore can finish his ferocious statement, the sound of Kris Cage’s obnoxious theme song can be heard throughout the Mayor Street Arena.]



Driving the thorn...


[As you can expect, Gilmore’s PISSED about the fact of being interrupted…]


[Coming out through the “Supreme Gate”, the overtly arrogant Cage strolls in a slow, but energized, fashion. The smirk upon his face tells of man who’s not only unafraid of Gilmore but is confident that the ‘Angry One’ poses no real threat to him. Slowly, he enters the ring. That said, Angry Gilmore looks to be on the verge of exploding with aggression; gritting his teeth as he snarls in the center of the ring.]


[Kris Cage]:
You’re coming for what, Angry? ANOTHER beating? ANOTHER embarrassing moment?
[Pauses; smirks]
Why go ALL the way to Russia for that… When you’ve got someone right HERE who can do the job…


[Cage smirks; Gilmore snarls]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Cage doesn’t budge. Instead, he leans up against the ropes in a lazy/arrogant fashion.]


[Kris Cage]:
That’s just NOT going to happen…
Angry, right?
[Nods his head; smirking]
That’s right. We haven’t been properly introduced yet. My name is Kris Cage… but you can call me… “Untouchable”…
[smirks; winks in the process]
You know, the thing that you THINK you are… and that I really am…


[Cage looks out toward the crowd with a short stint of laughter. The crowd doesn’t reciprocate.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Gilmore throws his microphone to the floor as he stomps directly toward Cage. In doing so, Cage actually drops his arrogant smirk for a second, attempting to pull the scraggly ring announcer in front of him; however, Gilmore’s able to push his shield aside rather quickly.]


[That said, as Gilmore goes to strike, Cage is able to land a quick cheap-shot; made possible by the distraction that Darren Smith provided. Said strike is a quick knee to the lower region of the ‘Angry One’.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
What a cheap shot!


[Gilmore staggers back for a second; however, comes back at Cage EVEN angrier than before; if that’s possible.]


[in doing so, Darren Smith is shown jogging out of the back & calling for the bell; signifying the official opening of a match that wasn’t scheduled to exist.]



Peter Michaels:
Cage came out here to get under Gilmore’s skin. He did exactly that. Now, he’s goin’ to have to put up one HELL of a fight or risk gettin’ his a$$ kicked on LIVE television.

Duane Fry:
He’s pretty high on himself; coming after Angry Gilmore for his debut match on SupremeTV.

Duane Fry:
High on himself? He HAS to be HIGH as it is! Coming for Gilmore? Stupid move! Especially with the mood Gilmore’s in tonight!

Jerry Eisen:
When is he NOT in a mood?

Duane Fry:
Very true…




Angry Gilmore vs.
Kris Cage

“Wrong move…”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Kris Cage can’t stay upright early on; hitting the canvas repeatedly due to an aggressive onslaught from Angry Gilmore.

  • It looks like the match won’t last very long. That is until Cage literally trips Gilmore as he turns to run toward the ropes. This doesn’t derail Gilmore but it certainly staggers him briefly.

  • Cage takes advantage of this, bringing everything he’s got, and ultimately creates an open environment between the two of them.

  • Just when it looks like Gilmore may regain full control, Cage finds a way to subtly slow him down (ie: drop-toe-hold, reversals into low impact maneuvers, etc.).

  • Eventually though, even though putting forth a great effort, Gilmore becomes too much to stop.

  • After staggering Cage with a string of Suplexes in a row, Gilmore hits the ropes. As his opponent returns to his feet, ultimately staggered to say the least, Angry is shown ultimately KO’ing the young Cage with his signature “Anger Management”.

  • The impact is so harsh that Cage collapses to the canvas in a thunderous heap; unconscious the entire way down. Seconds later, Gilmore scores a standard three count with an aggressive pinfall attempt; cradling his right leg in the process.


<hr color="black">
Angry Gilmore via pinfall

“Anger Management” (Running Knee to the Forehead)




Jerry Eisen:
Cage has a big mouth; it came back to bite him in the a$$ here tonight.

Duane Fry:
Something tells me Kris didn’t learn a THING from this though. He’s ALWAYS going to run his mouth. That’s just who he is…

Peter Michaels:
Havin’ a big mouth ‘aint a terrible thing… but, if you’re goin’ to talk loud here in the SWF, you’ve gotta back it up!

Jerry Eisen:
He didn’t do THAT bad of a job. He looked good out there but, at the end of the day, that’s Angry Gilmore he’s in the ring with.

Duane Fry:
Even worse, an Angry Gilmore who’s pissed about what happened in Moscow…

Jerry Eisen:
When is he NOT pissed?

Duane Fry:





Jack Bruce and Remo

“The war that is..."


[An extended hype video is shown depicting the budding rivalry between Jack Bruce and Remo. In this video, their three-way-match with Big Cat Brandon is highlighted. Showing important points throughout the match, the ultimate goal is to display the “Alpha Dog” as an overwhelming powerhouse; utilizing the ending of the match to sell this story further. In the end, the overriding message appears to be… Can Jack Bruce ACTUALLY stop Remo from putting him on the shelf? Was their match at “The World is Watching”, coupled with previous attacks, a sign that it could be Remo, not Jack Bruce, who’s going to main event at the “Supreme Challenge 33”?]



Duane Fry:
The “Alpha Dog” is really hitting his stride these days.

Jerry Eisen:
That may be an understatement. Remo is hitting on all cylinders right now and, to be honest, I don’t know if Jack Bruce has it in him to stop the “Alpha Dog”. I mean, Bruce is one hell of a talent but… this is Remo… A focused Remo… a DANGEROUS… Remo…

Peter Michaels:
We’ve seen it before from this freak of a man. This time around, it may at Bruce’s expense…

Duane Fry:
No one has seen from Bruce all night. Honestly, I don’t know if he’s in the house tonight. Could their match have slowed him down? Are there a few nagging injuries that are starting to make an impact? Will Remo be the ONE to put Bruce down; getting his title shot at the “Supreme Challenge 33”? So many questions… and, to be honest, I don’t know if we’re going to get ANY answers here tonight.

Peter Michaels:
Bruce won’t stay away. It’s in his blood to cause a little mayhem. He’ll be out here; injured or not. He’s got a chip on his shoulder now. He wants to stick it to Remo.

Jerry Eisen:
The question is… CAN he? I’m not sure…




vs. Enforcer Roberts

“Old School Brutality”


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • The opening collar-and-elbow-tie-up is equally stiff from both competitors. It feels very ‘old school’; very strong in nature.

  • The action that follows progresses the same way it opened; tough, hard-nosed, blue-collar & stiff.

  • With time, several rest holds are utilized in which to keep the action rather slow-paced; keeping with the old school vibe. That said, Enforcer Roberts really stands out in this sequence as it’s his typical approach.

  • At one point, it looks like Enforcer Roberts MAY have Faith in a compromising position; locking in a back-breaking camel clutch. Due to Faith’s history of back issues, the SWF commentators wonder whether or not this will be enough. That said, Faith is eventually able to force his way out of the move.

  • Later, Faith almost puts Roberts away with a classic sleeper hold. With time though, despite seeming on his last leg, the Enforcer is able to break free after slamming both men into a nearby turnbuckle several times.

  • In the end, with Roberts and Faith equally staggered, Faith is ultimately able to maximize his momentum and reverse a DDT attempt into a release northern lights suplex.

  • Seconds later, a stiff boot to the stomach is followed by his signature “Leap of Faith”. As you can expect, Roberts is unconscious and simply unable to kick out as Faith utilizes a standard pinfall to pick up the tough win.


<hr color="black">
Christian Faith via pinfall

“Leap of Faith” (Leaping Piledriver)




Duane Fry:
Tough win… Man-o-Man… TOUGH win for Faith here. Enforcer Roberts is no easy win; that’s for sure. Just like Faith, he’s hard-as-nails and unwilling to give in. Overall, great win for Christian Faith here. With it comes bragging rights for a classic SWF feud.

Jerry Eisen:
What a classic it HAS been, that’s for sure. Roberts/Faith; a beacon of old school action that’s for sure. As you said though, tough win here. A great way for Faith to get back ‘on the horse’ after what happened this past Thursday.

Peter Michaels:
Eric Eisen’s goin’ to get his and get his soon. Tonight’s win is an example at that. Roberts is TEN TIMES the man that Eisen is. If Christian can put Roberts down, there’s no doubt in my mind that the little brat is next.

Jerry Eisen:
That’s if Faith can get him one-on-one for once…

Peter Michaels:
It’s only a matter of time...





Eric Eisen© and Christian Faith

“Moving on"


[Not long after Christian Faith is able to pull himself to his feet, stubbornly not utilizing a nearby ring rope for help, the polarizing sight of the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen, can be seen on the Money Tron.]


[As the crowd boos like crazy, Eisen is shown standing in an undisclosed location. With the NA Title lying over his right shoulder, holding it across the belt with his right hand, it looks like Eisen is as confident as ever.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
I know what HAS to be running through your head right now, Christian… WHEN?!
WHEN should I FINALLY pay attention to reality and hang up my boots for the last time?
[Pauses as he smirks; crowd boos]
It has to be an immense weight to carry; Should I? Shouldn’t I? Well, I hope I made your decision A LITTLE bit easier after last Thursday…
[smirks; crowd boos]
Now, I could come down there, beat the living snot out of you again, but, at what point is it just… SAD?!
At what point does it no longer become a challenge… and look more like a one-sided beatdown of someone’s Grandpa?
[smirks; pauses]
So, I’m not going to pile on you. No. I’m above that, Christian.
[smug smirk; crowd boos]
I release you on your way… because, well, I don’t need you anymore. I made my point. I BEAT the “Iron Man” and became the unquestioned FACE of this company in the process.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
So, as we say goodbye, I want you to keep this one question in mind… “When… Will it be… Enough?”.
[smirks; crowd boos]
Only YOU can decide that but… from what we ALL saw last week… Maybe it’s time…


[With that, the live feed upon the Money Tron goes black. In doing so, especially after Eisen’s last statement, the crowd continues to boo rather loudly. From there, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Christian Faith standing in the center of the ring. His stance is rather awkward, most likely hiding an injury or two, as his weathered frame looks to be well past it’s hay-day. Despite that, Faith slowly shuffles his way out of the ring; stern in his demeanor as always.]



Duane Fry:
You know Faith personally, Peter. Do YOU think he’s getting closer to the end?

Peter Michaels:
If you think there’s a CHANCE he’s almost done, then you don’t know Faith at all. This man would rather DIE in the ring than ever walk away; on his or another’s accord.

Jerry Eisen:
I agree with Peter. You’ll have to put him down for good, and I mean FOR GOOD, if you EVER want to see an SWF without Christian Faith. He’s not going anywhere. The fact that Eric is calling for it will only make him MORE hell-bent on staying.

Duane Fry:
But what about his back? His knees? His shoulder? He’s had trouble with them all. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to look past the fact that he can’t keep up like this much longer. He tries his hardest to hide the pain but, every once in awhile, there’s a wince there. Even the toughest of the tough show a little pain now and then…

Peter Michaels:
He ‘aint goin’ nowhere, Duane. You can take that to the bank…





Valiant, ???? and ????

“I've got someone for ya..."


[A strong-jawed Valiant walks through the Supreme Gate as his
begins to blare; Hannah contrastingly sheepish at his side. He’s seen better days but, through it all, is still perceived as the SWF’s ‘Golden Boy’ if you will. Slowly shuffling toward the ring, the “Honorable One” continues to do the ‘right thing’ by lightly touching the hands of his fans on either side of the steel ramp way. It’s not in an energetic fashion; he’s more stern in nature In the ring, as his music fades into the background, the crowd is heard showering the young Valiant with a respectable response.]


I’ve been told I have no room in ‘Rich Money’s SWF’…
That all I’ve done up until now means nothing. All that I’ve struggled through… overcame… All that I warred with… It means nothing…
This couldn’t be any more evident than this past Thursday night…
“The World is Watching”; a night that was billed as THE event in ALL of wrestling world-wide. Where was I? Stuck in a hotel room in Puerto Rico. Money made it so I wasn’t even ‘invited’ to the auditorium that night.
[Crowd boos]
Now, I could stand here and moan about how it all went down. I could cry out about injustice… but… to be honest, that means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
This industry is NOT about the words you put into this mic… It’s about the actions you make within this ring… before you fans… in front of the world…
[Pauses; crowd pops]
So, I stand before you here tonight, ready to get down to business… ready… to prove myself… once again…
Because, if that’s what it’s going to take to make it in ‘Money’s SWF’, then THAT’s exactly what I’m going to do…


[Valiant stares into the camera lens with the same strong-jaw from before. He looks focused as ever; as if he’s sending the message directly to Rich Money.]


[Then, out of nowhere, Joseph Sexy’s sleazy ‘red shoe diary-like’ theme is heard blaring over the Mayor Street Arena. As expected, this pushes the crowd to start to boo.]



SWF's Head Scout


[sexy slowly shuffles out, projecting his trademark sleazy smirk, as he comes to a stop at the top of the steel ramp way. Valiant looks in his direction; calm yet clenching his hand into fists as he looks ready for something to go down.]


[Joseph Sexy]:
Another ‘Rah-Rah’ speech from little ole’ Val…
[sleazy smirk]
The thing is, none of it means a thing.
I just spoke to Rich Money and it doesn’t matter WHAT you do to ‘prove yourself’. You’ll NEVER amount to ANYTHING… in HIS… SWF…
[Pauses; smirks]
Richard [Eisen] may have treated you with ‘kid gloves’ on your way up but it was all a façade, Val. Believe me, as the HEAD of scouting… I can tell you first hand… the reality is… You simply don’t have what it takes to EVER amount to anything…


What does that say for YOU, Sexy? I’ve already beaten you in THIS very ring…


[Joseph Sexy]:
Oh, Val…
We ALL know you cheated your way to the win. But, should we expect anything ELSE from the so-called “Honorable” Valiant?
You pretend to be high-and-mighty but you’re nothing more than a cheat… you’re just a SINNER like us all…


[sleazy smirk from Sexy.]


I’m nothing like you…


[Joseph Sexy]:
Oh… but you are… but FAR worse…


Let’s put this to rest… once and for all… You and me… right here… in this ring… TONIGHT!


[The crowd pops. Valiant stands strong. Meanwhile, Sexy smirks as he shakes his head ‘no’ slowly.]


[Joseph Sexy]:
The great thing about being on the INSIDE looking out is that I get to decide when I want to step into that ring. Tonight… I’m just NOT feeling it…
[crowd boos; Sexy smirks]
But I DO know someone who’d LOVE to step into the ring with you tonight… and HE’S going to expose you for the FRAUD that you REALLY are!! I give to you… “Prime…Time”… DES… DAVIDS!!



Showstoppin'... Show...Show...Stopp'in'!


[As Davids’ new theme begins to blare, the man that Sexy’s recently dubbed “Prime Time” is shown slowly shuffling through the Supreme Gate. With a smirk upon his face, Des comes to a stop next to Joseph. In doing so, the muscular heavyweight is shown flexing for the booing crowd; dancing his pecs in a charismatic fashion a few seconds later.]


[Meanwhile, Valiant stands strong in the ring; fortified and ready for a fight.]



Duane Fry:
We’ve got ourselves a match… Valiant and Des Davids!

Jerry Eisen:
So, Joseph Sexy can now book matches as he pleases?

Duane Fry:
He’s on the inside with Rich Money. He can do WHATEVER he wants it seems. If his new title didn’t give that away already, this match certainly does.

Peter Michaels:
Isn’t Sexy supposed to be on Underground? That’s where he should stay…

Duane Fry:
GOD, I’d love that…

Jerry Eisen:
We ALL would but, it seems, that’s not happening anytime soon. Right now, we’ve got a match coming up; one HELL of a match that is…




Des Davids vs.



Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Hannah w/ Valiant

Joseph Sexy w/ Des Davids


  • Valiant throws a number of stiff strikes early on; however, Des Davids quickly overcomes this with a powerful diving shoulder strike off the ropes. The impact forces Valiant to the canvas in a heavy fashion.

  • As before, Valiant looks to fight his way back into the match, utilizing an old school brawl-based approach; however, once again, as before, it’s almost always overrun by Davids’ combination of power & athleticism.

  • Eventually, Valiant works his way into the lead, using a twisting neck breaker to do so, and, in doing so, Davids is finally slowed down.

  • The “Honorable One” keeps Des at bay, utilizing a number of rest submissions to keep him on the canvas; however, keeping “Primetime” down is much like attempting to slow down a bull.





  • In the end, despite being ahead, Valiant is caught off-guard by a distraction from Joseph Sexy as he stands on the apron. Davids tries to swoop in to take advantage; however, the “Honorable One” is able to move out of the way.

  • Valiant then grabs Des for a belly-to-belly suplex but the move doesn’t ever come to pass. Instead, Davids is able to break free & ultimately overrun his opponent with a diving closeline.

  • After celebrating by flexing for the crowd, smirking, Davids eventually lifts Valiant off the canvas and plants him back down with his signature “Highlight Reel”.

  • As you can expect, there’s no kicking out for Valiant; much to Sexy’s excitement.


<hr color="black">
Des Davids via pinfall

“Highlight Reel” (Jackknife Powerbomb)




Duane Fry:
BIG…. BIG… Win for Des Davids here. From tag team success to singles success, “Primetime” looks pretty good out there.

Jerry Eisen:
Joseph Sexy is loving this. His feud with Valiant just found it’s ultimate trump-card in Des Davids. Man… The power… the speed… As much as I can’t stand the guy, “Primetime” looked really good out there.

Peter Michaels:
More than just ‘good’, he’s a damn thoroughbred! Valiant is one hell of a Supreme Superstar and he came in here tonight in which to impress. Boy, did he!

Duane Fry:
I think we’ve got a rivalry in the making here folks… Two up-and-coming talents looking to stake their claim!

Jerry Eisen:
Boy, I’d love to see this one again… and again… and again… Some great action here!





Rich Money



[We cut backstage now in which to see SWF OWNER Rich Money standing within his personal suite. The smug smirk is no longer there. An agitated stare is what replaces it. It’s obvious that he’s frustrated; if not overtly angered. That said, as he looks deep into the lens, it’s as if he’s speaking out of necessity and not interest.]


[Rich Money]:
I’ve been informed…
[Pauses; sighs in anger]
by my lawyers…
[Pauses again; obviously frustrated]
… that the original contract for our upcoming PPV event, “Master of Puppets”, is lock-solid.
[Pauses; again he sighs in anger]
With this in mind, they have pleaded with me to give way… to YOU… idiots…
[Pauses; speaking through his gritting teeth]
… and let you book MY company…
[Pauses; snarling]
They say that millions would step forward and suit MY company… suit ME for breaking the contract…
… And if successful, I could lose everything…
[Crowd pops; Money grows even more angry]
You’d LIKE that WOULDN’T you?
So, against my greater judgment, I am FORCED to give way to you… You mindless, misguided, unintelligent, overgrown guerillas…
DO… the RIGHT… thing…
[stares down the camera]
You KNOW that I’m the ONLY man who deserves a re-shot at Frehley…
[Adjusts his suit; attempts to reclaim himself]
Don’t reaffirm my perceptions of you; rise above your OWN stupidity.
Book…ME… against Frehley at “Master of Puppets”… OR… ELSE…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with Rich Money staring down the camera lens in an angered fashion. He’s obviously frustrated; exuding this out of every pour. That said, he adjusts his suit and tie once again, attempting to regain his composure, but it’s a minor smokescreen as it pertains to the anger radiating throughout his body.]



Duane Fry:
BIG NEWS HERE!! Money MUST relinquish booking to the SWF NATION for “Master of Puppets”!!

Jerry Eisen:
HUGE moment here! You MAY have screwed my FATHER out of this company but the “Master of Puppets” was HIS baby. He made sure that it’s contract was impenetrable for YEARS to come! Deal with it Money… DEAL… with it!

Peter Michaels:
This puts ALL the power BACK into the SWF Nation leading up to the PPV in may. Great news to hear.

Duane Fry:
That’s right folks… It’s all… in YOUR hands now!!




Big Cat Brandon and
and Rich Money

“Tangled web we weave…”


Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Remo


  • The match opens with Big Cat Brandon and Remo staring one another down in the center of the ring. Both menacing; however, projecting said feel in a different way. Big Cat is fiery; snarling. Remo is stoic; statuesque.

  • Before you know it, Big Cat has laid the first strike but, despite it’s power, Remo only staggers slightly. Before you know it, a strong brawl develops between the two rivals; neither man looking to get the best of the other. That is until Big Cat is shown planting Remo with a powerslam off the ropes; 1 ½ count follows.

  • Big Cat looks good. That is until Money chops out his knee from behind. Darren tries to talk him back into his corner but, before you know it, Frehley explodes from his side; sending Money over the top rope in the process. Seconds later though, as Frehley stands tall in the ring (illegal man), Remo sends HIM over the top rope now with an equally stiff closeline.

  • With a hobbled leg, Big Cat continues on; however, the slight advantage given helps Remo overpower the equally large brawler.

  • Eventually, Money would tag himself in and go to work on Big Cat’s knee; keeping him grounded in the process.

  • Money utilizes a single-leg submission hold, one that challenges Big Cat’s level for pain, but, eventually, the hold is broken by a speeding Steve Frehley; dropping a knee across Money’s throat.

  • Brief hysteria follows as Remo charges in and the two start to brawl. Darren Smith, all along, looks close to calling the match a double DQ. That said, the brawl quickly subsides after Remo KO’s his long-time rival with his own spear maneuver.

  • Money & Remo continue to beat down on Big Cat; however, the “Beast”, despite having a hobbled leg, returns to a 2nd wind; placing Money on his heels.

  • Frehley would ultimately get tagged in; creating the typical ‘super babyface’ scenario as he floors both Remo & Money in the process.

  • Seconds later though, the ‘super babyface’ scenario comes to an end as Money swoops in with another chop-block; this time on Frehley’s already injured knee.

  • Frehley doesn’t let this slow him down entirely but, as you can expect, this gives enough room for Money to keep his hated rival on the canvas.

  • The “Dark Destroyer” regains himself and sends Money flying back into his corner with a heavy upper-cut. This forces Money to tag in Remo; a fact that ignites a heavy brawl between the two (Frehley & Remo).

  • In time though, Remo is shown throwing Frehley over the top rope with a back-body-drop; forcing Frehley to crash atop a reeling Big Cat. The babyfaces tumble to the floor.

  • Remo follows them, tossing Frehley back into the ring; however, before he can return… He’s met with a strike from behind…





  • Speeding out of the “Supreme Gate”, Jack Bruce quickly ascends upon the ring in an energetic fashion. Before you know it, as the crowd pops loudly for their beloved Anti-Hero, Bruce is shown colliding with the back of Remo’s head; utilizing a leaping punch as his choice of strike.

  • As you can expect, throwing his hands into the air and sighing, Darren Smith calls for the bell now; no longer able to keep order.


<hr color="black">
Remo and Rich Money via Disqualification

Jack Bruce’s interference; hitting Remo outside of the ring




Jerry Eisen:
Jack Bruce is getting him some!!!

Duane Fry:

Jerry Eisen:
Big Cat doesn’t look too happy about the outcome though…

Duane Fry:
Either does Frehley…

Peter Michaels:
If we know anythin’ about Bruce, he’ll do what he wants… when he wants to do it. He don’t care about others and their feelings.

Jerry Eisen:
It’s what’s made him SO great… and SO hated by many…

Duane Fry:
Wait… What’s this? Is that…

Jerry Eisen:
Why is Eric & Hammer on their way?






Steve Frehley, Big Cat Brandon, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Remo, ????, ????, ????, and ????

“It begins..."


[Jack Bruce and Remo are shown brawling outside of the ring with the rebellious rocker seemingly getting the upper hand. That is until THEY appeared…]


[speeding out of the back, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen is shown ascending upon the ring with Hammer at his side. Behind them, Ms. Chase slowly strolls toward the ring; emotionless as she watches on much like a robot of sorts.]



Coming to the ring...


Duane Fry:
What’s Eisen doing out here? Do YOU know anything about this, Jerry?


Jerry Eisen:
Uh… No?


[bruce, still with the upper hand, locks in his “New York Minute”; however, as he goes to extend his legs out, Remo is shown shoving him off with brute force. As Bruce is flung away from the “Alpha Dog”, he’s ultimately met with an unforgiving strike from Eisen; landing the plate of his North American Championship across the face of Bruce! As expected, this sends the SWF ICON crashing to the floor in a thunderous heap; semi-motionless as he seems dazed & certainly out of it.]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:


[With Bruce leveled, the trio of Remo, Eisen & Hammer enter the ring as one.]


Jerry Eisen:
They’re working together… This isn’t random… THEY ARE WORKING TOGETHER!


[in the ring, Frehley is shown laying a round of heavy-handed haymakers across the face of Money as he leans overwhelmed in the corner of the squared circle. That said, sensing someone is upon him, Frehley spins around and starts to throw the very same haymakers toward the menacing threesome; connecting with Eisen in the process.]


Duane Fry:


[Despite fending them off for a second, Frehley is eventually floored with Hammer’s signature Samoan Drop maneuver; leaving him in pain in the center of the ring.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
[shakes his head]
This isn’t good folks… Not at all… I don’t like the look of this…


[big Cat roars into action, fiery as ever, and is able to put Remo on his heels for a second; however, that eventually falters as well. Before you know it, the foursome of Money, Remo, Eisen & Hammer are all able to beat him down to the canvas in what looks more like a mugging than an orchestrated assault.]


Peter Michaels:
You’re a “Beast” no doubt, Big Cat, but this is a 4-on-1; you can’t walk away from THOSE odds…


Duane Fry:
This is a DAMN mugging!!


[stomping out of the back, the “Iron Man” storms through the “Supreme Gate” on his way toward the ring.]





Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
You messed with the WRONG man, Eisen!


[sadly though, as he makes it onto the apron, Faith is sent back downward with a powerful headbutt from Remo.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
Did you see that headbutt?!?! HOLY…


Peter Michaels:
He’s a damn brute!!


[bruce tries to return to his feet, as does Faith once again; however, neither is successful in fending off the newfound heel faction. Before you know it, both are floored in the ring; Bruce by “Bank Roll” from Money and Faith by a “Supremacist” from Eisen.]


Duane Fry:
This isn’t good folks…


Jerry Eisen:
Not at all…


Duane Fry:
There’s an alliance here; it’s obvious.


Peter Michaels:
They just steamrolled through Faith… Big Cat… Bruce… AND Frehley… All in a matter of 5 minutes…
[shakes his head; rubs his face in shock]
There’s no stoppin’ these guys… There’s no DAMN way that you can…


[in the end, SupremeTV closes with the jarring sight of Rich Money, Eric Eisen©, Remo, Hammer and Ms. Chase all standing as one within the ring. There’s no collective arm-raise with one another but there certainly appears to be an alliance present.]



It begins...


[They stand united; bringing the episode to a close with an overwhelming reality before us…]



Jerry Eisen:
How long was this in the works? This obviously wasn’t a ‘spur of the moment’ thing. There was some sort of planning here. GOD… How do we stop THIS?

Duane Fry:
I don’t know HOW we could… These men just floored FOUR of the SWF’s biggest names in a matter of a few minutes. They looked unstoppable in there! Seriously, unstoppable!

Peter Michaels:
Money… Eisen… Remo… Hammer… Ms. Chase…
[shakes his head]
Talk about a power team…
[Pauses; shocked]
Money already HAD absolute POWER in the SWF now…
He’s pretty much a GOD among men…

Jerry Eisen:
What does this mean for the “Chase Agency”? Rogue and Paul aren’t out there. Are they the next to join this supposed alliance?
I don’t know what to make of this!

Duane Fry:
Folks, we just witnessed a MAJOR moment in the history of the SWF unfold before our very eyes tonight. Months, Years… HELL even decades from now, I have a feeling we’ll be looking back on this night as a turning point… A turning point for which we may NEVER return from…

Peter Michaels:
Tune into SupremeTV next week… Hopefully we’ll get some answers about all of this…

Duane Fry:
You KNOW we will. Money’s never shied away from a microphone; especially when he’s on-top…

Peter Michaels:
Goodnight… and good luck… to US…








<hr color="black">



15,000 (out of 15,000)

14.87 (+ 1.13)



9,500 (out of 10,000)

7.33 (+ 0.02)


SWF – 15 vs. TCW – 0


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Good show again E-V!


I was a bit surprised that you didn't play up Money's injuries more during the main event?


Also loving the new Des Davids, hope to see him with some gold soon.

I expected American Machine to pop up somewhere during the match though ;)

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Good show again E-V!


I was a bit surprised that you didn't play up Money's injuries more during the main event?


Yea, I didn't overtly talk about his concussion issues during the match; however, did so in a subtle manner. He pretty much relied on Remo to do the bulk of the work in the match (only tagging himself in when Remo had beaten them down to the point where he could take advantage).


That said, I could have gone further.


Also loving the new Des Davids, hope to see him with some gold soon.

I expected American Machine to pop up somewhere during the match though ;)


"Prime Time" is really my 'it' guy coming up right now. I was watching "Demolition Man" a few weeks back and thought that Wesley Snipes' look was so unique. Before I knew it, I was already drumming up a way to turn Des from the boring blue collar tag wrestler into a arrogant hot-shot muscle man singles star.


As for American Machine, this whole process has NOT been easy on him. He went from a "C-" to a "D" in no time. That said, I plan to bring a sense of resolution to their pairing; however, not right now. I'm keeping AM off TV for that reason (using him in the dark) but didn't want to bog down his recent success by having him feud with a "D" overness star. Valiant seemed like a better kick to potentially push both of them to the next level.

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Peter Michaels:
Money… Eisen… Remo… Hammer… Ms. Chase…
[shakes his head]
Talk about a power team…
[Pauses; shocked]
Money already HAD absolute POWER in the SWF now…
He’s pretty much a GOD among men…


It was only a few hours ago that the wrestling world stood still; paralyzed by the fear of what’s to come. In one night, the Supreme Landscape was forced upon it’s knees. Those who dared to defy the new reality were left as cautionary tales.


We have embarked upon a new era in the SWF.


A very dark…


A very bleak…


A very oppressive…


New Era.


In hindsight, the warning signs were there. It’s our fault for standing aside and allowing them to persist; unchallenged. Now, from what we witnessed at the close of SupremeTV, there’s no denying that our fears are most likely true.


There’s a new alliance; one built upon the ‘back-room deals’ that many expected were taking place since day one of Money’s reign.


Rich Money… Eric Eisen©… Remo… Hammer… Ms. Chase


These are the names of those who currently have the Supreme Landscape in a life-threatening chokehold.


The five individuals who plan to change the SWF… forever…




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The time has come for you to no longer stand aside as solely a viewer.


The time has come for the SWF Nation to rise up and control the course for the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


“The Master of Puppets” is
are the puppet master!


For the next few weeks leading up to the May PPV extravaganza, you will be given the power to vote on a number of prompts. In doing so,
, the SWF Nation, will have FULL control over what happens to THE most beloved & hated individuals in the Supreme Landscape.


This first week MAY be THE most impactful opportunity of them all as
will dictate WHO the collective #1 contenders will be.


Who will attempt to derail Steve Frehley’s 9-month SWF World Heavyweight Championship reign?


provide the Supreme Superstar who will FINALLY rip the SWF North American Championship from the dubious hand of Eric Eisen?


Finally, After winning the SWF World Tag Team Championships at “The World is Watching”, WHO will
decide to challenge the manipulative “Truth”?


As weeks go on,
previous choices will bring about new questions; building atop what we’ve already established. Also, additional questions of a new variety will surface as we grow closer to the May PPV extravaganza.


So… The POWER is in
Hands; not Rich Money’s…


… How will
BOOK… “The Master of Puppets”?






Voting Round Time Length

I am keeping this round of voting open until Wednesday, May 8th @ 11:59 PM CST. I was originally planning on giving a week; however, I found that, given what I want to do with this next episode, I'm kind of held back from booking until I know who everyone has voted for.


I hope you enjoy!!
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turn out thus far for Round 1 of voting for "Master of Puppets"! Honestly, It's great to see it take off SO quickly. Thank you for that!


Keep the votes coming. Right now, we've got a clear cut Tag Team challenger. That said, the NA and World Heavyweight titles are both deep in the thick of competition. The World Heavyweight alone has 4 challengers within one point of one another!!


SWF "Underground" results will be up sometime later today most likely. I've been in the process of forming factions as of late and this weeks B-Show produces a new group as well. With that said, check out the faction page on page 2. I've added two new groups (one being the new alliance, name unknown to the public at this point, with Eisen, Money, Hammer, Ms. Chase and Remo).


All in all, keep those votes coming!!
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TV RATING: 1.04 (+ 0.09)




  • SWF Head Scout
    Joseph Sexy
    announces the creation of the
    SWF Underground Championship
    while standing before the entire locker room. He makes it known that those who win tonight will go on to face off against one another NEXT WEEK on SWF Underground. The winner will walk away as the FIRST champion. In the end, he walks off with the freshly developed championship in his grasp.

  • Kris Cage
    Remmy Skye
    in 5:11 via using the bottom rope for leverage following a snap neckbreaker out of a reversal.

  • Kris Cage
    holds a promo post-match where he vows to be the FIRST Underground Champion next week. He feels no one is even NEAR his level; it’s why he’s “Untouchable”. The crowd boos in response but this doesn’t faze Cage. He says they boo because they are simply ‘jealous’.

  • A short hype is shown portraying the unknown
    as an uncontrollable beast of a man. Projecting him as a ‘back country’ persona, the only image we see of the hairy behemoth comes at the end as he emerges from the darkness in the woods. A snarl is heard as he’s inches from the lens. Then, it all goes black.

  • The Lords of Xtreme
    (Snap Dragon & Masked Cougar)
    defeated the
    Biggins Brothers
    in 4:52 via a flash top-rope sunset flip.

  • An extended hype video is now shown tackling the mystery that is the whereabouts of
    Randy Bumfhole
    . A number of people are asked about where they THINK he could be; however, the overall feel is that he’s gone M.I.A. since his recent professional downfall. Many blame the Zim-ME turn as the scenario that ultimately ‘put him over the edge’; his Underground meltdown being talked about in this vein. In the end, despite talking it through, Randy’s whereabouts are still unknown and no one knows if he’ll ever return.

  • Malili Umaga
    Gino Montero
    in 5:23 via a “Samoan Suplex”. Gino Montero looks strong despite the loss.

  • Joseph Sexy
    is shown backstage; hitting on an unnamed female staffer backstage. It’s all rather overtly sleazy in nature; she’s obviously uncomfortable. To her rescue, in a way, is
    King Swoop
    . He delivers a short rap about Sexy’s inability to ‘get it up’; a fact that inspires the young female staffer to laugh (trying to hide it though). She eventually walks off as the two argue back-and-forth. Sexy keeps on trying to remind King who he is. King doesn’t seem to care. In the end, Swoop walks past him; smirking after taking it to the SWF Head Scout. Meanwhile, Joseph Sexy seems to be theoretically on his heels; taken back by King’s brashness.

  • Zim-ME
    Clark Alexander
    in 6:52 via an “It’s ALL about ME!”.

  • We cut backstage in which to see a brawl already in progress between Obsession’s
    The Fly Boyz
    The Awesomeness
    . Their back-and-forth is rather chaotic; however, not all that heavy hitting due to their limited power (on both sides). In the end, the brawl stretches out of the arena and into a parking lot area. At that point, the camera capturing this goes dark as a Superkick from Jimmy P brings its taping to an end; connecting with the camera man.

  • Kill Switch
    Frederique Antonio Garcia
    in 7:36 via the submission “Your Nightmare”.

  • Post-match,
    Kill Switch
    is targeted by the new alliance of
    Kurt Laramee, Shady K and Knuckles
    (Hard Knox)
    . The group comes through the crowd and eventually beats Kill Switch down in a mugging-like fashion. The scrawny technition is able to put up an initial fight but, before you know it, it simply isn’t enough to match the powerful violence of Hard Knox. In the end, the show comes to an end with the threesome standing over the fallen Kill Switch. Meanwhile, a quick view of
    Joseph Sexy
    , who stands atop the steel rampway, smirking at the carnage that’s just taken place.


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SWF extends SupremeTV to 2 Hours





An official SWF press release has dictated that its flagship program SupremeTV will be adding an additional 30 minutes to the weekly broadcast; giving a full run-time of 120 minutes.


SWF insiders have claimed that this development was solely projected by Duane Fry; however, quickly gained support with administrative brass. Furthermore, the network showed little in the way of opposition. All within a matter of a few hours, SupremeTV had been bolstered to fit an ‘evolving landscape’; a statement made by Fry to the SWF locker room shortly after the change was made.


In which to kick off the new addition, SWF officials are planning on making the upcoming SupremeTV episode a grand scenario. The outcomes of the “Master of Puppets” fan voting will be unveiled, which carries enough anticipation as it is; however, it may be the main event that produces the most buzz.


Long-time rivals, Rich Money and Jack Bruce will usher in the new era for SupremeTV in a major singles match to close the show. There are some who are scratching their heads over the matter, wondering why Duane Fry would offer such an impactful match on LIVE television, but the overarching thought continues to center around the SWF’s want to open the new era with an absolute bang.


When adding in the fact that this will be the first broadcast since their newest Money-led faction came together, many expect the show to be an eventful one.


The 30-minute addition is set to start on this week’s episode of SupremeTV and continue indefinitely.


SWF – SupremeTV – Jack Bruce - Rich Money


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...I'm jealous. :) a B-Show and a 2-Hour Main? Man... :) I always found that extra 30 minutes are extremely useful.


Yea, I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty happy to have the extra time to devote to SupremeTV. Up until now, for example, the SWF World Tag Team Champions have had a hard time getting onto the show (regardless of whether it was the "All Americans" or the "Truth"). While this upcoming episode is not a great example of this, I now have the ability to have them partake in the show without feeling like I should be giving that time to someone like Angry Gilmore.


Luckily, with an extra 30 minutes, I can now see to it that more people make their way onto the show. Take Lobster Warrior as another example. I love his character; however, always struggled to have work SupremeTV due to others that were taking the focus. Now, this week, he gets the opportunity to make it back on the 'big show' and only frequent 'Underground' for some 'recent fortune' building.


That said, I'm still putting 80-90% of the focus on those big names on the roster (as I feel that's how the SWF would really book their shows).

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That said, I'm still putting 80-90% of the focus on those big names on the roster (as I feel that's how the SWF would really book their shows).

The problem isn't so much focusing on the major guys (that's always necessary, considering SWF is a popularity-based promotion) but it becomes REAL hard to build people up. Using one hour and thirty minutes is completely fine for displaying your top guys, but much harder for anyone lower. I have had to rely on PPV's to build certain wrestlers, and this is not what I intended. :p


In any case, why didn't you add an extra thirty minutes sooner? Not that I'm complaining.

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The problem isn't so much focusing on the major guys (that's always necessary, considering SWF is a popularity-based promotion) but it becomes REAL hard to build people up. Using one hour and thirty minutes is completely fine for displaying your top guys, but much harder for anyone lower. I have had to rely on PPV's to build certain wrestlers, and this is not what I intended. :p


In any case, why didn't you add an extra thirty minutes sooner? Not that I'm complaining.


Up until now, I haven't really felt the need to extend the show. I was quite happy with how things were progressing. Plus, only needing to book 12-13 segments a show really helped while I was bogged down with schoolwork.


That said, with everything on the horizon, now it's 'time'.


Des Davids and Captain Atomic are rising up the ranks. Also, Bruce the Giant is on his way into the company as well.


There are a few other people who may jump ship in the next few months; so, it just felt like now was the time to really open things up. I'd rather do this than try for a 2nd show down the line.

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Plus, only needing to book 12-13 segments a show really helped while I was bogged down with schoolwork.


*Slaps own forehead* Why, of course! I fee like an idiot now. :eek: You got school. An extra thirty minutes would really mean extra segments, which would lead to extra writing... for a guy that has schoolwork. With that being said, I think that extra thirty minutes would mean a lot more extra writing. :p


That being said, I'm very disappointed in some of the results your workers put out (not necessarily what YOU are doing, by the way). You give them chances to do their thing, and even then...disappointment.

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*Slaps own forehead* Why, of course! I fee like an idiot now. :eek: You got school. An extra thirty minutes would really mean extra segments, which would lead to extra writing... for a guy that has schoolwork.


With that being said, I think that extra thirty minutes would mean a lot more extra writing. :p


Yea, I was looking for simplicity there. :)


That said, the semester ends in a little under 2 weeks! That means a lot more free time for me (and this project). I'll tackle the additional time/writing as a problem in the fall again but, by then, can probably scale back on depth of writing (if that's the best option).

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By the way, what's your contract deal details for your B-Show, if I may ask? If I may add, my main TV show is barely doing any better than doing than your B-Show... on Prime Time Tuesday Night. :p


Here are the details for SWF Underground:


Saturday, Late Night


Cost Split:
90% Company

Revenue Split:
90% Network


The show has ranged from .88 to 1.04 in the ratings. That said, there;s no competing show on Saturday night right now.
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How long is the B-Show? One hour and thirty minutes?


I know I just PM'ed you but thought I'd write it here too; just so others know. It's only an hour long.






SWF develops 'Classics' concept set for SupremeTV





SWF Insiders have revealed that Head Booker Duane Fry is experimenting with a new platform that will pay homage to the rich history of the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


In what's being dubbed as 'SWF Classics', Fry is looking to reintroduce several memorable rivalries to a new generation of wrestling fans. The concept centers around a brief history lesson through the form of a pre-show article and an in-show video, followed by a re-match between two known rivals from years gone past. It's said that the recent Christian Faith/Enforcer Roberts was a 'test run' example of this scenario. That said, returns about the packaged match were positive enough to inspire Fry to take the concept that much further.


Little is known as to how often these 'SWF Classics' will take place; however, their existence proves that Duane Fry is as interested in the product's past as it's future.


This should come as no shock to those who have followed Fry's rise to power within the SWF. With his start coming as a researcher, many consider the young Fry to be somewhat of a historian as it pertains to SWF History.


The next installment of 'SWF Classics' will come this week on SupremeTV as the colorful rivalry between Lobster Warrior and Squeeky McClean will be revisited once again.


Little is known as to how Fry plans to book the match itself; whether it will be a true 'throwback' scenario or infused with modern day storylines. Either way, it seems that the new 'SWF Classics' concept is here to stay.


SWF – SupremeTV – SWF Classics – Lobster Warrior – Squeeky McClean


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Interesting concept with the past fueds; it brings a whole new layer of booking for you where you're booking the past as well as the future. For someone who doesn't have a whole lot of free time you're doing a great job of making as much work as possible for yourself! Haha!
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With another concept in mind, the 1st round of "Master of Puppets" voting will come to a close in a little over 24 hours (11:59 PM CST on Wednesday). That said, there's been an amazing turnout thus far (50 votes). Thank you for that!


Get the rest of your votes in before the deadline (a little over 24 hours from now)!!



Interesting concept with the past fueds; it brings a whole new layer of booking for you where you're booking the past as well as the future. For someone who doesn't have a whole lot of free time you're doing a great job of making as much work as possible for yourself! Haha!


Yea, I'm good at that. ha. Always have been (making more work for myself).


That said, my semester is done a week from this Friday; so, I will have A LOT more free time ahead of me. That's why I decided to go ahead with the additional concept at this point (versus a few weeks back when I first thought it up; Faith vs. Roberts).


I love the idea... It should lead to some interesting reignition moments... Past fueds leading into new ones!




The past feuds can stand as a one-off in most cases; however, in others, there's a chance for reviving their hatred (if not splintering off into something new).


I don't plan on using it every week by any means; however, am really excited to give this a shot (as I feel it'll add some additional layers to the SWF as a whole).

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