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PSW: The Return of Tradition

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Extreme Warfare V

Live to DVD

Saturday: March 30th, 2013

The PSW Arena


Attendance - 2,209


*Pre Show*


Dark Match: Chris Flynn & Puerto Rico Express vs The Natural Born Killaz

*In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Chris Flynn and Puerto Rico Express defeated Natural Born Killaz (Jay Becker, Malik Cash and Antix) in 9:51 when Chris Flynn defeated Antix by submission with a Flynn-Lock.(Grade: E)*



*PSW Extreme Warfare Begins*

Opening Video (Enemy by Fozzy)




*Show opens with Mitch Naess and Doc Messing welcoming the viewers to The PSW Arena while the fans are chanting "P-S-DUB" in the background. They talk about the altercation between Greg Black and Alex DeColt and show a clip, then go over the rules for the Extreme Warfare match and then talk about each match and speculate who will Greg Black and the Decolt's get to be their respective partners in their match in the Main Event. They also hype that Eric Tyler has an announcement to make at Steel City Showcase III in a couple weeks. We then cut to the back where Alex and Ricky DeColt are standing outside their locker room.



"Greg Black....tonight there is nowhere to run....nowhere to hide....there is no doubt that you are a talented wrestler, but this time you have bitten off more than you can chew. Now, I understand your jealousy....I mean, only a select few can get accepted into the DeColt Wrestling School....and even fewer actually graduate. Not to take anything away from the Stone family, I have nothing but respect for them....but everyone know that when you want the best....you call a DeColt. So tonight, I hope you are ready for a lesson that you should have been taught a long time ago....and that is respect....Now people have been asking me who my partners are for the match tonight...well, as you can see my brother Ricky was more than willing to join me...but as for our partner, all I will reveal....is he is a BIG man, with a bone to pick with you....chew on that Gregory....and we will see you later tonight."


Opening Match

JD Morgan, Akima Brave & Roger Cage vs The Ring Genreals & Dazzling Dave Diamond


* Morgan, Brave and Cage came out together to

and climb into the ring with Brave taking a mic and plays the crowd and introduces Roger Cage to a "You're not in Kansas" chant, to which Messing says is from a statement Cage made when he signed with PSW that he definitely was not in Kansas anymore....Diamond and The Ring Generals come out next to

and climb into the ring, with Diamond getting into Cage's face and they start shoving each other, then the match begins with all six men battling in the ring, with multiple double teams. At the 10 minute mark, a create a stop signs are brought out for Brave, Cage and Morgan while a bag containing thumb tacks and brass knuckes are brought out for The Generals and Diamond. The match continued, with all weapons being used....Diamond would knock Morgan onto the tacks with his own stop sign and then land his finisher for the win.


Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Ring Generals defeated JD Morgan, Roger Cage and Akima Brave in 14:24 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated JD Morgan by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver. (Grade: D)



begins to play and onto the ramp come Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Brett Starr, the latter 2 wearing MAW T-Shirts. They begin the interview insulting the crowd, getting a chorus of boos...they then talk about being second generation superstars in this industry by reminding us who paved the way for them to be better than their Uncle or Father. They then mention the Keith family and say they are very disappinted that Greg Gauge is against them, calling him a "taint". Finally they have some insults for Mainstream Hernandez and Little Bill Lebowski before leaving the ramp and head down to the ring with the crowd booing and yelling at them for "sucking".


Match #2


Casey Valentine, Cam Vessey & Brett Starr vs Mainstream Hernandez, Greg Gauge & Little Bill Lebowski


* My Last Breath by Evanescence begins to play and Hernandez, Gauge and Lebowski come down to the ring, Little Bill holding a kendo stick. They climb into the ring and rush Valentine, Vessey and Starr and gain a quick advantage. A really good match, all six men used chairs and did some nice moves off the ropes. At the 10 minute mark, a trophy resembling the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament Trophy was delivered to Valentine, Vessey and Starr and a trash can was delivered to the other side. Lebowski immediately grabbed the trash can and threw it into Vessey's face and nailed a drop kick into it, sending Cam to the outside over the top rope. Valentine grabbed the trophy and used it on Gauge, but was knocked over the top rope by Hernandez with a shot from a chair, which allowed him to his his finisher on Starr and get the pin.


Mainstream Hernandez, Little Bill Lebowski and Greg Gauge defeated Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Hollywood Bret Starr in 16:24 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Hollywood Bret Starr by pinfall with an Apparition #14. (Grade: D+)


*The video board lights up with a closeup on someone's eyes....and as it slowly pan away we hear "HEEEEEEEEEELO PSW!!!! I'm BAAAAAAAAACK!!!" and we see Frankie Future standing with Johnny Martin and Steve Flash. The crowd begins to cheer and starts a "Welcome Home" chant. Future, Martin and Flash talk about their upcoming match with Grandmaster Phunk and The Towers of Power, calling them overrated wrestlers that play in the land of slow and old giants. Frankie teases that this may not be a one and done for him, that he has some unfinished business here but there are now two men that are standing in his way....and unfortunitely neither of them are active wrestlers anymore, but hold a lot of power in PSW. Frankie concludes the interview with a message to those powers that be by saying "watch an learn what it takes to really make an impact in a PSW ring...."



*We then cut to the locker room of Matthew Keith and Steven Parker. They talk about their decision to put a shot at the Tag Titles up for grabs tonight and how they know there is no way they can lose, because as Parker puts it...the future of this company lies with them and not with two bleached blondes with no talent from Philly. They then admit that the PSW Champion, Madman Boone would not have normally been their #1 choice for a partner, but they know that in order to win this type a match, they need someone a little crazy and someone who isn't afraid to lay it all out there. They close by telling The Philly Blondes to get ready to defend the titles at the nest Showcase because there is no way they lose tonight.


Match #3


Teddy Powell & The Atlantic Connection vs Findlay O'Farraday & The Deadly Alliance


*The Atlantic Connection and Powell are already in the ring when we rejoin the broadcast,

begins to play and The Deadly Alliance comes out without O'Farraday. They grab a mic and say that he is going to be a little late, but they can start without him. The match starts off with the Alliance taking control by using a pair of handcuffs on Powell, which allowed them to focus on The Atlantic Connection. At the 10 minute mark, a pair of bolt cutters is brought down to the ring for Powell and he uses them to cut himself free but as soon as he runs to help his partners, O'Farraday slides from under the ring and nails him with a sledge hammer. He then turned his attention to McManus while his partners destroy Jenkins in the other corner. Findlay O'Farraday and The Deadly Alliance defeated Teddy Powell and The Atlantic Connection in 16:10 when Findlay O'Farraday defeated Riley McManus by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. (Grade: D-)


* Greg Black is in his locker room alone. He says no one should worry because his partners are in the building, in fact they heard what the DeColt boys said earlier and all that did was piss them off more. He begins to bash the DeColt family, pointing out some big losses in their careers and that they can just add another one tonight, after the beating they will take at the hand of his "gigantic insurance policies", he then adds that the DeColts may have gotten a BIG man....but he doubts he can meet the size of his partners.


Match #4


The Future is Here & Madman Boone vs The Philly Blondes & Acid



plays and Parker, Keith and Madman Boone come out together. They work the crowd for a bit, then
begins to play and out come The Philly Blondes followed by Acid, who runs past them and attacks Boone and the match begins All six men battle all over the place, and at one point Madman Boone and Acid spill over the rail and into the crowd and begin to fight up into the stands. Fans hand Boone cups of beer, chairs and even a mannequin dressed up like clown. At the 10 minute mark, only Parker, Keith, Campbell and Callum are in the ring...the fist delivery is given to Matthew Keith...a fire extinguisher, which he promply discharges all over Campbell. Callum get the other delivery, a cattle prod, and uses it on Parker. Finally Acid and Boone make it back down to the ring. Some very good action finally gave way to Keith locking on his finisher for the submission.


Madman Boone and The Future Is Here defeated Acid and The Philly Blondes in 20:10 when Matthew Keith defeated Ash Campbell by submission with a Proton Lock. (Grade: C-)


starts to play and Grandmaster Phunk makes his way down to the ring. He grabs a mic and begins to work the crowd to a mixed bag of cheers and boos. He then talks about who Johnny Martin got to be his partners and how old they are, especially Frankie. He then says that it's time to introduce his partners, so he tells the fans to sit down and shut up.
begins to play and The Towers of Power come out wearing USPW T-Shirts. They try to intimidate fans around the ring before finally climbing into the ring.


Match #5


Frankie Future, Johnny Martin & Steve Flash vs Grandmaster Phunk & The Towers of Power



, blasts through the PA and Frankie Future's old video is shown on the video to a chorus of cheers and out come Frankie, Martin and Flash...all wearing PSW T-Shirts. They climb into the ring and all six men get nose to nose, until Mick Muscles grabs Steve Flash and tosses him into the turnbuckle and begins to hammer on him. All six men battle, mostly inside the ring, using a lot of weapons that were left behind from previous matches. Frankie Future gets tossed onto some left over tacks by Danny Rushmore. At the 10 minute mark, Phunk gets a baseball bat, which it tosses to Rushmore, who proceeds to use it on a bloody Martin. Frankie Future gets the other delivery....a framed picture of Eric Tyler wearing the DAVE Unified Title, but as he goes to hit Mick Muscles with it, Phunk takes it away from him and kicks him into a powerbomb by Muscles. Martin gets back into the ring from behind Phunk, takes the picture back and crashes it over his head, allowing him to land his finisher on Phunk.


Johnny Martin, Frankie Future and Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk and The Towers Of Power in 22:15 when Johnny Martin defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. (Grade: C-)


*We cut back to Naess and Messing where they recap the events of tonight and then begin to hype the Main Event, which is minutes away from starting and are shown a quick recap video of the altercations between Greg Black and the DeColt's, including a backstage argument at a CGC event between Black and Jack DeColt.



*We come back to the ring and the lights go out as Walk by Pantera begins to play and Alex and Ricky DeColt come down to the ring. They slap hand with as many fans as they can before climbing into the ring. Alex has a mic and says that he know that Greg Black is not going to reveal his partners until the very last moment, so they will wait too....so he invites Greg Black to come on down....


*Fans begin a "You Suck" chant as

begins to play and down to the ring comes Greg Black....alone. He climbs into the ring and stands in the opposite corner from Alex and Ricky. They go back and forth on the mic before Black says that he knew the DeColt boys couldn't find anyone to come help them, not even one of the "Puerto Rican's that do their yard work"....just as he says that, the lights go out and begins
to play and out comes....



*PUERTO RICAN POWER!!!!! Wearing his FCW T-Shirt....the fans go nuts and so do Naess and Messing....he poses on the top of the ramp for a minute before making his way down to the ring, and as he climbs in Greg Black jumps out and heads back up his ramp a bit as Alex and Ricky hold PRP back...he takes the mic and yells for Black to get back into the ring and make that yard work comment now...


*Greg Black laughs at PRP and says that he will gladly do that, but he also knows that he isn't stupid, that even if the DeColt's say they will not touch him, he knows better than to trust the word of a DeColt....but he has a couple of friends who will gladly get his back....The lighs go back off and Iron Man by Black Sabbath begins to play....flames begin to shoot up through the turnbuckles and on the stage, and out from the back walk.....



*TYSON BAINE AND T-REX!!!! The Titans are here in PSW!!!! Screams Naess. Baine and T-Rex stand on the top of the ramp and pose for the crowd, who is going absolutely nuts. Black smiles and laughs as Alex, Ricky and PRP look a little shocked at who is here. They make their way down to the ring and finally climb in.....


Match #6


Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt & Puerto Rican Power vs Greg Black & The Titans


*The fans are going absolutely nuts as Puerto Rican Power goes toe to toe with Tyson Baine, not backing down from the much bigger man. Greg Black and Alex DeColt start going at it and finally T-Rex and Ricky DeColt. All six men are all over the place....the concourse, the bathroom and at one point, PRP and Baine go up onto one of the balcony's, with a couple times it looked like one of them would take a tumble off, but it did not happen. At the 10 minute mark, two tables were left in the ring, and were eventually used as Ricky DeColt would be put through one by T-Rex and PRP would get thrown through the other by Baine as it was set up in the corner. We reached the 30 minute mark and this time two barbed wire bats were left in the ring, also used by both teams....Ricky DeColt would trip Greg Black and he went for his finisher, allowing Alex to land his finisher and get the win.


Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt and Puerto Rican Power defeated Greg Black and The Titans in 33:45 when Alex DeColt defeated Greg Black by pinfall with a DeColt Driver.. (Grade: C)


*Post match, Alex, Ricky and PRP celebrate in the ring as the fans toss beer to them as the show ends.


Overall Thoughts : Very happy with this show, the talent trades seemed to help the ratings. The stars of the show were the six men in the Main Event. Overall Show Grade: C

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Steel City Showcase III


Thursday: April 11th, 2013

Pennsylvania Park

2100 Weyman Street, Philadelphia PA

Doors Open @7:00pm EST

Bell Time @8:00pm EST



The Card



Roger Cage vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


Primal Rage vs Curtis Jenkins vs Boneyard

*PSW Pennsylvania Championship Series Match*




The Future is Here vs The Philly Blondes ©

Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*




Akima Brave vs Acid



Also: Eric Tyler will be on hand to make an announcement plus Greg Black will address his defeat at Extreme Warfare!



Prediction Key:


Roger Cage vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


Primal Rage vs Curtis Jenkins vs Boneyard

*PSW Pennsylvania Championship Series Match*


The Philly Blondes © vs The Future is Here

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*


Akima Brave vs Acid




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...




Steel City Showcase III


Live to DVD

Thursday: April 11th, 2013

Pennsylvania Park


Attendance - 1,852

*Pre Show*


Dark Match #1: Samoan Destruction Inc vs Chris Flynn & Jon Parent

* In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Rhino Umaga defeated Jon Parent in 7:39 by pinfall with a Rhino Charge. (Grade: D-)*


Dark Match #2: Findlay O'Farraday vs Matthew Jackson

* In a match that had an below average crowd reaction and okay in-ring action, Findlay O'Farraday defeated Matthew Jackson in 6:28 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. (Grade: D-)*


Dark Match #3: Teddy Powell & JD Morgan vs The Deadly Alliance

* In a match that had a good crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Teddy Powell & JD Morgan defeated The Deadly Alliance in 11:13 when JD Morgan defeated The Wolverine by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch. (Grade: D-)*

*PSW Steel City Showcase Begins*

Opening Video


*Show opens with Mitch Naess and Doc Messing welcoming the viewers to Pennsylvania Park. and recap the events of Extreme Warfare. They run down the card, and especially hype the Tag Title match tonight. They also tease that Greg Black will be on hand to discuss his loss to the DeColt's and Puerto Rican Power and that Eric Tyler is in the building and has an announcement to make.....'Perfect Strangers' (Deep Purple) begins to blare and through the smoke walks Eric Tyler, holding an unknown title belt. He takes his time to get down to the ring, playing to the fans next to the ramp. When he reaches the ring, he takes a mic and climbs into the ring....takes off his sunglasses and tucks them into his inside jacket pocket....the fans begin to chant his name just he is about to speak....he looks around the arena and smirks.....



"Okay, okay......Wow! Thank you Philadelphia! You know...the last time I was in this city was back in December of 2000....in fact, it was in this very building against "The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee for the DAVE Unified Title.....and if my memory serves me correctly.....I left with that title for the 3rd time in my career...So as you might guess, this place holds a very special place in my career. Now, I did not come out here tonight to talk about the past....I came out here tonight to talk about the future. About 5 months ago, my friend and owner of PSW, Mitch Naess came to me for some help to raise PSW up a level or two.....I told him that I would do whatever to took to elevate this company to the top......now. while we have had some great shows over the past 4 months, I can't help but feel that I have not given my all to this job....I fell like there is so much more that I need to give to make this company even better.....now, I cannot lace up the boots anymore....no....father time has caught up to me.....but there is still one thing I can do....and that is stop sitting in the back and just watch the shows....no....it's time that PSW get a Commissioner....someone to not only make the decisions, but enforce them.....so as of about 12 minutes ago....I have officially named myself the Commissioner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling......."


, interrupts Tyler and Frankie Future's entrance video begins to play on the video board and through the smoke, walks Future with a mic, he stops and stands at the top of the ramp.....



"WAIT A MINUTE.....HOLD ON CHIEF!! Are you freaking serious Tyler? Did you just give yourself even more power than you already have around here?"



"What part of what I just said did you not understand Frankie....who the hell do you think you are to walk out here and question me? Last time I checked, you don't work here anymore..."



"EXACTLY ERIC!!! I don't work here anymore....and do you know why?"




"Because you chose Larry Vessey and his New York promotion...."



"WRONG!! Well....you are right about one thing, I do work for Larry....but I did not make that choice myself....NO! You see, back in March of last year, that's 2012 for you morons out there....back in March, I over heard a conversation between Mitch and someone on the phone.....this conversation basically was him begging the other person on the phone to come here and save his company. Mitch said he would do whatever it took to get this person here.....even force out the guys that were no longer deemed worthy....well, not two weeks later Mitch calls me into his office and basically tells me that he was not going to renew my contract, but tried to play it that he was doing me a favor. Well little did I know, that decision was not made by Mitch....no.....the person he was talking to on the phone that night was none other than YOU! You didn't want Frankie Future around because you view me as a threat.....someone who is smarter than you.....someone that is a better wrestler than you ever were....and most importantly.....someone who is more respected than you.....and you could not handle having me around when you finally came down from your golden palace in Canada."




"Come on Frankie....do you really think that I told Mitch to get rid of you, let alone anyone? NO! In fact, I reached out to you my first week here, pretty much begging you to come back...but you never returned my calls."



"Will you stop trying to look like the good guy in all this Eric? People need to see you for what you really are.....A FAKE!!! All you care about is your wallet and giving your friends the spotlight....."




"Fake? I have never faked anything in my entire career.....and if you want me to prove it to you, why don't you come on down that ramp and we can answer one of your earlier statements, and I can show you who the better wrestler is....."



"Oh stop acting so righteous....you are just as fake as 75% of all the guys in the back.....I am not going to fight you.....there is no money in it for me.....just be warned Tyler....I may not be under contract here, but I will be seeing you around....."


Frankie drops the mic and walks to the back, leaving Eric Tyler in the ring, fuming over his comments....before Tyler leaves, he announces that at Sudden Impact in May, a new PSW Title will be on the line.....and so far 3 of the 4 men have won their way into the four way dance....he then leaves the ring, still visibly mad at Frankie's comments.



*Backstage, Roger Cage talks about the beating he took at the hands of Dazzling Dave Diamond and The Ring Generals....he taunts Diamond and hypes their match tonight, and warns both Statler and Waldorf that he is coming for them both.......


Opening Match

Roger Cage vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*A solid match with some good in ring action and a very good crowd. Both men held the advantage for an equal portion of the match, Diamond tried to hit his running DDT off the top turnbuckle, but was knocked off the top by Cage and into the ring which allowed Cage to lock land a Cage Rage for the win.


Roge Cage defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 12:16 when Roger Cage defeated Diamond by pinfall with a Cage Rage. (Grade: D)


*Post Match, The Ring Generals hit the ring and beat down Cage, until eventually Diamond recovers enough to join in on the assault.


Match #2

*Preliminary PSW Pennsylvania Title Tourney Match*


Primal Rage vs Curtis Jenkins vs Boneyard

*An average match with below average in ring action and a decent crowd. Each man held the advantage for an equal portion of the match, Jenkins to pick up Boneyard for a slam, but couldn't and then was double teamed onto the floor, which allowed Boneyard to turn on Rage and land to Super Bomb for the win.


Boneyard defeated Primal Rage and Curtis Jenkins in 14:11 when Boneyard defeated Primal Rage by pinfall with a Super Bomb. (Grade: E+)



*Post Match, Antix runs down to the ring and lays a beating on Curtis Jenkins




begins to play and Greg Black comes down to the ring without his usual cockyness....he rips the mic away from the sound tech at ringside and climbs into the ring as the fans taunt him with chants of "DeColt" and "Loser"...



"WILL YOU PEOPLE SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!" *The fans taunt louder*

"I did not come out here to be treated like this by a bunch of inbred losers from Pennsylvania....no....I came out here to address something that happened a couple weeks ago and show all you losers out there a little something you were unaware happened.....Alex, Alex Alex..... After all we've been through, I don't hate you - no, I would like to thank you. Yeah, I wanna thank you for everything that you've taught me, I mean my whole life, first my father taught me how to shoot a hockey puck....yes, a black man can play hockey..... then my second grade teacher Mrs. Yakovitz taught me all about pathogenic oculodissonance and now, Alex, you taught me how to go through a plate glass window using only my head, and you taught me how to go through an announce table using only my ass. So in return, after our match at Extreme Warfare, I decided I would teach you a few things...please roll the clip.


*A video clip of begins to play and it shows Alex DeColt saying goodbye to his brother Ricky and walks toward a car. He is then attacked from behind by Greg Black.....Black beings to speak over the clip*


So I taught you what it felt like to have your head rammed through a steel garage door, then I taught you what it feels like to be beaten mercilessly about the head with a and upper torso with a 2x4, and then I taught you how to get up close and personal with members of the steel pipe family. And now, since you tucked and ran back to Canada, we may never get to finish this....but know this, Alex, that Greg Black's lesson in violence is not going to end anytime soon. No, as a matter of fact, as far as you're concerned, jerky, this lesson will never....ever....end......oh, and Mister Tyler....or should I say Mister Commissioner, we will be speaking real soon..... "


Future is Here vs The Philly Blondes ©

*A very good match with great in ring action and a very rowdy crowd. Both teams held the advantage throughout the match, with the action spilling outside the ring a few times. Parker took Callum up the entrance ramp and tried to throw him off the stage, but Callum reversed it and both men ended up falling off the stage, through a table set up below Back in the ring Keith gained control after Campbell missed a missile dropkick which allowed Keith to lock on the Proton Lock for the win.


The Future is Here defeated The Philly Blondes in 19:46 to become the PSW Tag Team Champions for a third time when Matthew Keith defeated Ash Campbell by submission with a Proton Lock. (Grade: C)


*Post Match, Keith and Parker celebrate in the ring with the belts raised over their heads. They thank the fans and say that they look forward to defending the tag titles anytime, anywhere.



*Akima Brave comes out for his match with Acid, he grabs a mic and says that he knows the fans came here to see him kick the crap out of that masked fool Acid....he then says that he wants to raise the stakes....he makes the challenge that if he beats Acid, then the match for the World Title at Sudden Impact becomes a Three-Way Dance....he then asks Acid to be a man and agree.....


Main Event

Akima Brave vs Acid

*Acid comes out and agrees to the stipulation. A good match with some good in ring action and a very good crowd. Both go back and forth, battling in and out of the ring. Beer is handed to Brave by fans as he throws it in Acid's face. Acid gets several near falls after landing the Acid Drop, while he argues with the referee, Brave gets up and locks Acid in and lands several Samoan Suplexes for the win.


Akima Brave defeated Acid in 21:33 when Brave defeated Acid by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex. (Grade: C-)

Overall Thoughts : After watching some old ECW shows from the 90s over the weekend, it got me the itch to get back and write this PSW diary. Was able to get the database back to where it was before I lost it.


Happy with this show, Keith, Parker and Brave were the stars of the show. Looking forward to how the three way dance for the World Title will come out and also ready to start the next feud for the Tag Titles. Overall Show Grade: C-

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Bragging Rights


Saturday: April 27th, 2013

The PSW Arena

391 West High Street; Pittsburgh PA

Doors Open @ 7:00pm EST

Bell Time @ 8:00pm EST



The Card



JD Morgan vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*Weapon on a Pole Match*



Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Future is Here ©

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*



Teddy Powell © vs Findlay O'Farraday

*Weapons Match*

*For the PSW National Championship*




The Ring Generals vs The Philly Blondes vs Mainstream Hernandez & Greg Gauge

Ladder Match

* #1 Contender for the PSW Tag Team Championship*



Greg Black vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Roger Cage vs Johnny Martin

Elimination Match

* #1 Contender for the PSW Championship*




Akima Brave vs Acid vs Madman Boone ©

*For the PSW Championship*



Also: Frankie Future says he has a surprise for Eric Tyler!



Prediction Key:


JD Morgan vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Future is Here ©

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*


Teddy Powell © vs Findlay O'Farraday

*For the PSW National Championship*


The Ring Generals vs The Philly Blondes vs Mainstream Hernandez & Greg Gauge


Greg Black vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Roger Cage vs Johnny Martin


Akima Brave vs Acid vs Madman Boone ©

*For the PSW Championship*



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<hr style="color:#666666" size="1">

April 19th, 2013

PSW Offices




"I'm sorry Eric. but I stand by my original instructions to you....we will not hire or resign any wrestlers over the age of 43.....I don't want to turn into another USPW or NYCW, banking on the nostalgia of wrestlers who were popular in the 80s and 90s.....I want to build our roster on younger guys.....plus, you remember how grueling the shows were and the toll they took on your body....it's a lot harder for guys in their 40s to rebound from our type of matches....



"Yeah, I remember how I felt back then....and even in my 20s, it still took me some time to recover....hell, that is why I am retired today.....body just couldn't take it anymore.....but in this case, it's different....this guys can still perform....he is willing to put the younger guys over.....the fans still like him.....he busts his ass every night he goes out there and more importantly, he doesn't cause problems in the back and is very well respected in the back by the other guys....can't you just reconsider?"



"No, not this time.....I have to stand by my decision this time.....Extreme Warfare was his last match with the company."



"What the hell am I supposed to do with his tag partner then?"



"Not my problem Eric...that is why I hired you to be the booker....you need to make these decisions.....plus his contract is coming up in the next 4 or 5 months and he will be gone then too...so why not just job him out to some of the younger guys or just have him wrestle in the pre-show."



"Because he deserves better then that.....


There was a knock on the office door, and in burst The Punisher






"Now Punisher, relax...this is not personal, this is just business....."



"We have been here since the beginning of this company....in fact, we were the first PSW Tag Champs....and this is how you treat us? By letting one of us go and call it just business? I guess loyalty means nothing to you Mitch.....we have had opportunities to jump exclusively to other companies, but we said we wanted to stay in PSW because of what we had built here.....and THIS is how you repay us?



"I know you're upset....and you can put the blame on me for not telling you sooner....I was hoping to work something out and keep him here so you two could go out together and get the respect you both deserved....



"BULLS**T ERIC! You of all people should know something about loyalty....isn't that why you came back? Now I am beginning to see, it wasn't about that....it was all for money.....you both can go F*** yourselves......I will work out my contract., but after that....I am gone!"


Punisher slams the door behind him as he left....



"Well that went better than I thought....



"Really Mitch?!? That's all you can say? You're not the one that has to deal with him and the rest of the locker room.....



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"Alright, welcome back to Between The Ropes......well, we are only a couple hours from PSW's Bragging Rights show, live from The PSW Arena and we have one fantastic card. But before we get into a preview of the show, lets take a look at some news that happened just last week. It was reported that The Wolverine's contract was expiring and there was talk that the company was not going to resign the veteran grappler. So we can report that these rumors are indeed true, PSW and The Wolverine have parted ways, and from what I am hearing his former tag team partner was not happy about it, in fact he barged into the office of Eric Tyler and tore him a new one.....what does this mean for The Punisher? He said that we most likely will see him leave the company when his deal expires in about 6 months...question is will we see him in the ring between now and then.....Ok, as I said...Bragging Rights is tonight and we have a great card lined up....so lets take a look at the matches.


First we have PSW veteran JD Morgan taking on Dazzling Dave Diamond in a weapon on a pole match. These two men have had their problems as of late, with Diamond and The Ring Generals basically saying the single reason that they were sent to NYCW was because Morgan was threatened by them. Morgan has said that he had nothing to do with that, calling their claims "unfounded" and that Diamond is just speaking out of his ass because things are "different in the PSW....you have to earn the respect of the fans and other wrestlers....it's not like New York, where you kiss ass to get ahead". Well Diamond later attacked Morgan at a fan event in Scranton, thus setting up this weapon on a pole match. This should be a bloody and brutal battle between these two tough veterans.


Matthew Keith and Steven Parker won the PSW Tag Titles just two weeks ago at Steel City Showcase, and they are wasting no time in putting those titles on the line. A lot of people expected them to be facing the former champs in a rematch, but Eric Tyler decided to award the team of Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine the shot instead after a great showing in some pre show matches. The Samoan Destruction Inc is relatively new in PSW, but they are no strangers to wearing gold....in fact the have held the CGC Tag Titles on three different occasions, which also helped Tyler's decision, since the men overlapped stays with the company. Keith and Parker are no strangers to competition, say they relish the chance to face some new blood and that they did not work this hard to get the PSW Tag Titles for the third time just to lose them two weeks later. This should be a hard hitting brawl between two teams that understand what being the champs is all about.


The PSW National Title has been held by Teddy Powell since last May, but none of his recent battles over the belt have been as bloody or brutal as the one he has been waging with Findlay O'Farraday. The big Irishman has lost his only attempt for the title, but got some revenge in the ring at Extreme Warfare, not to mention the multiple attacks on Powell. Well these two men are going to square off one more time for the title, but this time it will be in a weapons match. This looks to be yet another bloody battle between these old rivals.


With The Philly Blondes losing the tag titles to The Future is Now, Commissioner Tyler has decided to make a three team match to see who will become the #1 contender for those belts. The Philly Blondes automatically qualified for this match in lieu in of ther

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With The Philly Blondes losing the tag titles to The Future is Now, Commissioner Tyler has decided to make a three team ladder match to see who will become the #1 contender for those belts. The Philly Blondes automatically qualified for this match in lieu in of their rematch, but the other two teams were hand picked by Tyler. He chose The Ring Generals, a one time PSW Tag Team champion because he was tired of them accusing Tyler and owner Mitch Naess of holding them back. And for the third team, he paired up Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez, saying they both have a lot of potential and are rising stars in the industry and could easily be a great tag team. All three of these teams have a lot riding on this match, so expect some great action...especially in a ladder match.


Our Co-Main Event was originally slated as a Tag Team match, but Tyler changed it to a four way elimination match to crown the #1 contender to whoever wins the PSW Championship. Greg Black has been on a rampage against the DeColt Family, losing his match at Extreme Warfare. He has vowed revenge and said that he and Tyler will have words real soon. Grandmaster Phunk has been a fixture in PSW for a long time, having several chances at the title. He has had his issues with Johnny Martin lately and feels that he has been passed over for Martin. Roger Cage is a former champion in another orginization, so he is no stranger to the spotlight. A relative newcomer to PSW, he has jumped a lot of people in the card, including Black and Phunk, so his addition to this match is a slap in their faces. And finally Johnny Martin is viewed as the logical choice for the #1 contender, quietly building his resume with some good wins. The only question is can he focus on the task at hand, or will his issues with Phunk get in the way.


And finally the PSW Title will be on the line as Madman Boone will defend against Acid and Akima Brave. Brave defeated Acid at Steel City Showcase to be included in this match and has vowed to walk out the PSW Champion. Acid is a man of very little words, but what little he did say was that he will eliminate Brave before taking out Boone and getting the title. And Madman Boone will just do whatever it takes to retain the title he has held since August of last year. All three men are driven so expect a spectacular match.


And finally, Frankie Future and Eric Tyler had words at Showcase, which Frankie has said he has lined up a big surprise for Tyler for being one of the reasons that he was let go from the company almost a year ago. All we know at this time is that this person is surprise is someone from Tyler's past who has some unfinished business with him.


That is it for tonight....look forward to seeing all of you at Bragging Rights, and join us next week for a complete analisys of the action and a preview of Showcase IV. I'm Doc Messing and we will see you at Bragging Rights!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just caught up on this, PSW has been my go to company since I started playing. I love the whole Greg Black storyline and will be interested to see where the Frankie Future / Eric Tyler thing goes. Hopefully it isn't dead....that being said, here are my predictions.


JD Morgan vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - Diamond is little younger and I can see Morgan becoming that veteran putting over new guys


Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Future is Here © - Champs can't drop the belt this soon


Teddy Powell © vs Findlay O'Farraday - Powell hangs on a little while longer


The Ring Generals vs The Philly Blondes vs Mainstream Hernandez & Greg Gauge - Ring Generals / Future is Here fued in the works?


Greg Black vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Roger Cage vs Johnny Martin - Time for Black to get a shot at the title


Akima Brave vs Acid vs Madman Boone © - Boone is good, but I love Brave.

*For the PSW Championship*

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Just caught up on this, PSW has been my go to company since I started playing. I love the whole Greg Black storyline and will be interested to see where the Frankie Future / Eric Tyler thing goes. Hopefully it isn't dead....that being said, here are my predictions.



Glad you are liking the diary so far. This is far from dead, I just have not had time to run the next show due to work and family things. I have a good 3 or 4 months worth of stories planned and want to include more behind the scenes stuff, like the Eric Tyler / Punisher argument. I am shooting for having the next show up in the next couple of days.

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Bragging Rights


Live to DVD

Thursday: April 27th, 2013

The PSW Arena


Attendance - 2,229

*Pre Show*


Dark Match #1: Casey Valentine vs Chris Flynn

*In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Casey Valentine defeated Chris Flynn in 6:57 by pinfall with a Deep Impact. (Grade: D)*


Dark Match #2: Natural Born Killaz III vs The Atlantic Connection

* In an extremely poor match, The Atlantic Connection defeated Natural Born Killaz III in 8:12 when Curtis Jenkins defeated Jay Becker by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (Grade: D-)*


Dark Match #3: Little Bill Lebowski vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

* In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Little Bill Lebowski defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 7:35 by pinfall with a Lebowski Spindog. (Grade: E+)*

*PSW Bragging Rights Begins*





*Show opens with Mitch Naess and Doc Messing welcoming the viewers to The PSW Arena. They recap the events at Showcase III and talk about tonight's card. They talk about Frankie Future's claims about Commissioner Eric Tyler and speculate on what the surprise could be. As they begin to break down the first match between JD Morgan and Dazzling Dave Diamond, they are interrupted and we are told something is happening in the back.....



Eric Tyler is shown backstage, where officials have just found him bloody and unconscious, the apparent victim of a hit and run attack. Tyler is asked by Alex Braun if he saw who did this to him. Tyler just repeats "Frankie" as the Paramedics stretcher him out of the building into the back of a waiting ambulance.


Opening Match


JD Morgan vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*Weapon on a Pole Match*

*Morgan and Diamond battle in the ring, with Morgan gaining the advantage. He tries to climb the pole to retrieve the kendo stick that is hanging at the top, but is knocked to the outside with a dropkick from Diamond. Diamond scores a 2 count and tries to land the Dazzle Driver, but it is reversed. Morgan takes control again and lands a powerbomb, followed by a DDT which allows him to finally get the weapon but Diamond was playing possum and lands a low blow and takes the weapon from Morgan and uses it to set up and land a Dazzle Driver for the win.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated JD Morgan in an A Weapon On A Pole match in 11:45 by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver. (Grade: D)


We cut to the back where Findlay O'Farraday is standing in front of Powell's locker room and goes on a tirade about how much he hates Powell and how he will get his hands on the PSW National Title and destroy Powell in the process.


Future is Here © vs Samoan Destruction Inc


*The crowd was noticeably behind the champs since the challengers are still relatively new to the company. Parker and Umaga start things off trading blows in the middle of the ring, with the challengers getting the early advantage, isolating Parker from Keith, scoring three near falls. Parker takes advantage of a botched flying headbutt by Samoan Machine to tag in Keith, who cleans house and keeps control of the match, eventually locking in the Proton Lock for the win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Future Is Here defeated Samoan Destruction Inc. in 13:55 when Matthew Keith defeated Samoan Machine by submission with a Proton Lock. The Future Is Here make defense number 1 of their PSW Tag Team titles. (Grade: C)


, begins to play and Frankie Future comes down to the ring with a smug grin on his face. He slowly climbs into the ring to a chorus of boos and "Sell out" chants.


"Well hello Pittsburgh....I love you too.....now if you don't mind, I need all of you losers to SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! I did not come out here to be attacked by a bunch of inbred, toothless ass clowns.....I came out here to address what happened earlier to our beloved Commish, Eric Tyler. I know that I am going to be blamed for running Eric over with a car, leaving him in a crumbled mess in the middle of the parking lot....well I can HONESTLY say that I did not run you over Eric.....no....in fact you can ask your best friend Alex Braun where I was when you were being treated like a piece of road kill.....I was in the trainers room getting some treatment on my back.....and Alex was in there icing his knees. So you see, there was no way I could have been in two places at the same time.....and it's too bad....but I guess your surprise will have to wait til you are better.....but before I go, let me leave you with these words of wisdom......things are changing around here.....and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.


Teddy Powell © vs Findlay O'Farraday

*Weapons Match*


* Powell comes out from the back and it looks like he means business. He climbs into the ring and hoists the PSW National Title over his head and looks o the back and yells for O'Farraday to come get some and grabs a chair and begins to walk toward the entrance. Just as O'Farraday steps onto the stage, Powell lays into him with the chair and the match begins. Both men take turns beating the hell out of each other with chairs, trash cans, a ring bell and other various weapons. Powell lands a dropkick off the top rope after tossing a chair at O'Farraday and drills the chair into his head, which allows him to land the Motion Censor for the win.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Teddy Powell defeated Findlay O'Farraday in a Weapons match in 15:59 by pinfall with a Motion Censor. Teddy Powell makes defence number 8 of his PSW National title. (Grade: C-)



As Powell is celebrating his win, Dazzling Dave Diamond slides into the ring and blasts Powell from behind with a fire extinguisher and continues to lay a beating on him. He motions to O'Farraday to join in, which he does and the two men absolutely destroy Powell, leaving him bloody and beaten in the ring as they walk to the back together.



A taxi pulls up to the back door and out steps Eric Tyler....he staggers to the door and pulls it open and walks inside as the crowd cheers and Messing and Naess yell out in disbelief that he is here after being hit by a car.....


Match #4

*#1 Contender to the PSW Tag Team Titles*

Greg Gauge & Mainstream Hernandez vs The Ring Generals vs The Philly Blondes

*Ladder Match*

*The former champs focused on Gauge and Hernandez, which allowed The Ring Generals to wait in the wings while the other two teams worked on each other. Campbell went for the ladder after knocking Gauge off the top rope, only to have Statler his a neckbreaker off the ladder. Waldorf landed the Waldorf Salad Toss on Hernandez and then spears Callum to the floor, allowing Statler to climb the ladder and retrieve the contract for a shot at the Tag Titles.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Ring Generals defeated Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez and The Philly Blondes in a Ladder match in 18:12 when Marv Statler retrieved the item. (Grade: C-)


Keith and Parker are shown watching the monitor of the finish of the last match, but as they turn to leave, The Ring Generals rush in from behind and attack them. Keith is tossed into the table containing the monitor they were just watching by Statler and Parker is thrown through the wall that separates the catering room from the rest of the locker room. The Generals grab the belts and say these are coming home real soon, then toss them to the floor and leave the champs out cold.



Eric Tyler is shown looking for Frankie Future in the back. He comes across Dazzling Dave Diamond, who makes a comment about Tyler not taking a hint, so Tyler grabs Diamond and begins to choke him out while screaming in Diamond's face that he wants to know where Frankie is. Tyler then lets him go, only to grab a chair and continue the assault on Diamond before being restrained by security and Alex Braun.


Match #5

*#1 Contender for the PSW Championship*


Grandmaster Phunk vs Greg Black vs Roger Cage vs Johnny Martin

*Elimination Match*


*Martin and Phunk went at each other at the sound of the bell and Black and Cage did the same. Each man would have an advantage with the action spilling to the outside. Phunk was eliminated by Cage after Greg Black hit him with a reverse DDT and then was tossed from the ring by Martin, who then took Cage out. Martin and Black traded punches then Black hit Martin below the belt, allowing him to pick up the win after a Fade to Black.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Greg Black defeated Grandmaster Phunk, Roger Cage and Johnny Martin in an Elimination match in 20:35; the order of elimination was Grandmaster Phunk first, then Roger Cage, and finally Johnny Martin. (Grade: C)


A bloody Eric Tyler bursts from the back and makes his way down to the ring with a mic....




, Begins to play and Frankie Future comes out....



"Well hello there Eric...you look terrible....you really should be in bed after the horrible accident.



"Enough talking....get your ass down here or I will come up there and give you a beating you will never forget...get down here! I may be 52 years old and retired, but I will come out of retirement for one night to kick your ass.....get down here!



"Eric...there is no money in it for me.....I have nothing to prove to anyone, especially to beat up an old man....and like I told everyone earlier, it was not me.....I was in the trainer's room at the time of the attack....you can ask your buddy Alex Braun....he saw me in there when the news came in that you were hit by a car



"Do you really think I am that stupid.....I already talked to Alex and yes...he confirmed that he saw you in the trainers room at the time of the attack.....but he also told me that you asked him if he knew what time I was arriving at the arena. And when he said I would be here in 10 minutes, you walked back out into the hallway and came back after 5 minutes....



"What does that prove....there was no way I could have gone to the parking lot, got in a car, ran you over and made it back into the room in 5 minutes....you really are losing it old man.....maybe it's time you hung it up and gave Sam Strong a call about a job with his retirement home for wrestlers....otherwise known as USPW....



"Frankie.....you are in MY building....I know what is going on at all times.....take a look at the video board.....and when you see what I have to show you.....I bet you will agree to fight me.....


The video board lights up and it shows Frankie in the hallway outside the trainer's room talking on his cell phone. We can hear him say "5 minutes....do it!" He laughs then walks back into the room.



"Oh Eric....you sneaky little devil you....okay....you caught me. But I still am not going to fight you.....



"Then I will just have to make you..


Tyler drops the mic and runs up the ramp toward Frankie, but just as he is about to reach the top, the lights go out and when they come back on......



Nemesis steps out from the back and levels Tyler with a clothesline, leaving him down on the ramp.





Frankie and Nemesis stand over a beaten Tyler as the crowd stares in disbelief. Nemesis makes the thumb across the throat motion, then both men walk to the back as officials come out to check on Tyler.




Madman Boone © vs Acid vs Akima Brave

*Acid immediately attacks Brave and the two men brawl to the outside, while Boone just stands in the ring watching. When Brave climbs back in, Boone hits him from behind and then Acid lands a cross body off the top rope on Boone. Acid gains control over both men, going for a cover on each of them only to have the other man break up the count. Boone goes for a high risk move off the rope on Acid, but Brave knocks him to the floor and it allows him to lock onto Acid and land 5 Samoan Suplexes and get the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Akima Brave defeated Acid and Madman Boone in 27:22 when Akima Brave defeated Acid by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex. Akima Brave wins the PSW Championship title. (Grade: C)



*Greg Black runs down from the back and attacks Brave with a chair as he celebrates his win. He continues the beating, landing two Fade to Blacks in the ring. He then goes to the outside, sets up a table and throws Brave through it from the ring apron. We close the show with Black standing on the ring apron looking down at a beaten Akima Brave.


Overall Show Grade: C-

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March 3rd, 2013

PSW Offices




"Morning Eric....how you feeling old man?



"Ha...morning Mitch....sore....very very sore....if this was 25 years ago, I would be ready to go out there and wrestle for 30 minutes....but the body doesn't recover like it used to. But in all honesty, it felt really good to get out there again and be in the thick of the action again. So, what did you think of the show?



"I loved it! I was a little worried about putting the belt on Akima, but the fans accepted him, and they really were vocal when Greg attacked him after the match.....whose idea was the table?



"That was all Akima....I asked him if he wanted just a verbal confrontation, but he said that he felt that there would be more heat if he and Greg got into a brawl, then changed it so that Greg would take him down and put him through the table, Greg said he was cool either way but I think that this definitely seals him as our top heel.


*There was a knock at the door, when it opened Nemesis walked in...



Good morning boys..Eric....how you feeling?



"John! How ya doing old friend? Thank you again for agreeing to the working agreement with us...and of course for being a part of the show.



Any time I can get a chance to kick you ass, you know I will take it.



"Ha! Well the reason I asked to meet with both of you is I received a call from the MSG Network and they have agreed to meet with us about a possible TV show. Well, I have been in negotiations with them and we have come to terms, pending your approval Mitch.



"TV!?!? Really? That is great news....of course I am interested....but I bet there is a catch of some sort.



"Well....not really a catch, but since they are taking a risk by putting us on Late Night on Saturday's, I had to agree to have the company pay for the production costs and let them get the ad revenue....now this can be renegotiated in 12 weeks, but if we want to get on TV, then we had to agree with it.



"Oh...well....I am okay with that.....but we had better be able to eventually get some revenue from this, but if it's just for a year or so, I think we can manage.



That's great Eric....but why am I here? Remember, I am just here on loan for a little while....I still have a company to run.



"I am glad you asked John....I want to eventually use some more of your guys down the line when we launch the TV show. But I had one big question for you....what do you think about having one more match.....now, it can be a tag match since you and I are both not nearly the worker we used to be. I want to build this battle between Frankie and myself for a couple more months, and then later this Summer, we will have either a regular tag or six man tag match, where the losers have to leave the company. I spoke with Frankie and he is on board, but this won't be as big without you.



Can I think about it? I mean, I am not in the best shape anymore....but that does sound like a pretty good idea....I will get back to you in a couple weeks about the match.


"Perfect.....oh, and Mitch....what do you like better....PSW Steel City Wrestling or PSW Extreme TV.....


OOC - I have an idea of what name I want to use for the new TV show, but does anyone have any suggestions?


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OOC - I have an idea of what name I want to use for the new TV show, but does anyone have any suggestions?


I like the two you picked, but if I had to choose I think I would go with Extreme TV, but that sounds a lot like DAVE's old show. Either way you can't go wrong.


By the way, I loved the appearance of Nemesis.

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Sudden Impact


Saturday: May 25th, 2013

The PSW Arena

391 West High Street; Pittsburgh PA

Doors Open @ 7:00pm EST

Bell Time @ 8:00pm EST



The Card



Acid vs Mainstream Hernandez

*Winner gets shot at title of his choice*



The Ring Generals vs The Future is Here ©

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*



Teddy Powell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*For the PSW National Championship*




JD Morgan vs Dead Bolt vs Ash Campbell

Ladder Match

* PSW TV Championship Qualifier*



Frankie Future, Findlay O'Farraday & ??? vs Johnny Martin. Roger Cage & Madman Boone

* If Future's Team loses, he has to leave PSW *



Akima Brave © vs Greg Black

*For the PSW Championship*



Also: Eric Tyler responds to Nemesis's actions at Bragging Rights



Prediction Key:


Acid vs Mainstream Hernandez


The Ring Generals vs The Future is Here ©

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*


Teddy Powell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*For the PSW National Championship*


JD Morgan vs Dead Bolt vs Ash Campbell

*PSW TV Championship Qualifier*


Frankie Future, Findlay O'Farraday & ?? vs Johnny Martin, Roger Cage & Madman Boone


Akima Brave © vs Greg Black

*For the PSW Championship*



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Acid vs Mainstream Hernandez


The Ring Generals vs The Future is Here ©

*For the PSW Tag Team Championship*


Teddy Powell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

*For the PSW National Championship*


JD Morgan vs Dead Bolt vs Ash Campbell

*PSW TV Championship Qualifier*


Frankie Future, Findlay O'Farraday & ?? vs Johnny Martin, Roger Cage & Madman Boone


Akima Brave © vs Greg Black

*For the PSW Championship*

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Sudden Impact


Live to DVD

Thursday: May 25th, 2013

The PSW Arena


Attendance - 2,348

*Pre Show*


Dark Match #1: Samoan Destruction Inc vs Jon Parent & Matthew Jackson

*In an extremely poor match, Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Jon Parent and Matthew Jackson in 7:28 when Rhino Umaga defeated Jon Parent by submission with a Samoan Crab. (Grade: D-)*


Dark Match #2: Nelson Callum vs Chris Flynn

* In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Nelson Callum defeated Chris Flynn in 6:46 by submission with a Honey Trap. (Grade: D)*


Dark Match #3: The Atlantic Connection vs The Inner City Express

* In an extremely poor match, The Atlantic Connection defeated The Inner City Express in 8:21 when Curtis Jenkins defeated Jay Becker by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (Grade: D-)*

Dark Match #4: Casey Valentine vs Greg Gauge

* In a match that had some good action and average heat, Casey Valentine defeated Greg Gauge in 12:23 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.. (Grade: C-)*


Dark Match #5: Little Bill Lebowski vs Grandmaster Phunk

*In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Grandmaster Phunk defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 7:45 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner.. (Grade: D+)*


*PSW Sudden Impact Begins*

Opening Video (Enter Sandman - Metallica)




*Show opens with Mitch Naess and Doc Messing welcoming the viewers to The PSW Arena. They recap the events at Bragging Rights and talk about tonight's card. They talk about the attach on Eric Tyler and speculate on what the commissioner will do to retaliate after Nemesis made a surprise appearance and laid Tyler out. They also announce that PSW has landed a TV deal, and the first show will debut next week. Just then Perfect Strangers' (Deep Purple) begins to blare and through the smoke walks Eric Tyler.


Tyler comes down to the ring with a bandage on his forehead with a mic in hand and the PSW TV Title over his shoulder. He climbs into the ring as the crowd chants his name.

"I have a couple of things to address before I get to you, Nemesis.....first let me thank each and every one of you that came out tonight to support us and for understanding why we cancelled Showcase IV. Those of you that bought tickets, make sure you redeem them before you leave tonight to get your ticket for the first taping of PSW Extreme TV, this Thursday night right here in the PSW Arena! (Fans begin chanting P-S-Dub!) With that being said, we have made a slight change....for a couple months we have been holding qualification matches for a new title....well on the first episode of Extreme TV, we will crown the first PSW Television Champion (He holds the belt over his head),...now if you have forgotten which three men have already qualified, they are Casey Valentine....Greg Gauge....Boneyard....and the winner of the triple threat match tonight between JD Morgan, Dead Bolt and Ash Campbell....now, I am sure most of you have heard that Boneyard is no longer with the company....so the fourth man in that match will be someone of my choosing, BUT you will have to tune in to find out who that is.....now that leads me to you Nemesis.....you and I go way back and I never thought that you would walk into my house and not only attack me, but side with that piece of sh*t, Frankie Future.....so tonight, I beg you to try that again because this time I am expecting it....this time I am ready.....this time, I promise that you will leave in an ambulance, just like I did last month! My advise to you John.....grow some eyes in the back of your head, because Eric Tyler is coming for you!


Opening Match


Acid vs Mainstream Hernandez

*The winner of the match will receive a title shot at whichever title he chooses. Both men are evenly matched with the crowd definitely behind Hernandez. A lot of high flying moves really lifted the crowd even after Eric Tyler's promo. Acid would gain the upper hand after a missed moonsault by Hernandez to set up the Acid Bomb for the win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Acid defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 11:38 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb. (Grade: C-)


*The Ring Generals are backstage and begin to taunt Matthew Keith and Steven Parker, talking about how they claim to be the future of wrestling when it's The Ring Generals that have shown they are what the people want to see. They guarantee they will become the PSW Tag Champs for the 2nd time.




Match #2

*PSW Tag Team Title Match*


Future is Here © vs The Ring Generals


*The crowd really showed their dislike of The Ring Generals by throwing trash and cups at them as they entered the ring. Keith and Parker come straight to the ring and waste no time in go right at the challengers. A really solid match that referee RM Stones almost lost control of as all four men would battle in and out of the ring. Statler motions to the crowd and former PSW Champion Henry Lee climbs over the guardrail as Keith is about to lock on the Proton Lock and attacks him, causing RM Stones to call for the bell and a DQ.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Future Is Here defeated The Ring Generals in 14:05 when Marv Statler was disqualified when Henry Lee run in and attacked Keith . The Future Is Here make defense number 2 of their PSW Tag Team titles. (Grade: C)



*Johnny Martin, Roger Cage and Madman Boone are in the back and talk about the actions of Frankie Future and Nemesis and promise Eric Tyler that they will take care of the problem for him


Match #3

*For the PSW National Title*



Teddy Powell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


* Both men are determined to win this match and it showed as they both gave it their all and the crowd really got behind them. A back and forth match that had 6 near falls but Powell proved that he can hit the Motion Censor at anytime.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Teddy Powell defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 14:49 by pinfall with a Motion Censor. Teddy Powell makes defence number 9 of his PSW National title. (Grade: D+)



The video board lights up and we see Nemesis sitting in what looks like his living room. He talks about his actions and says that Tyler knows what this is all about, alluding to Tyler turning his back on him when he needed his help the most. He says that this is more than business and he will do whatever he has to do to make Tyler pay, even if it means the demise of PSW. He says that Tyler's threats are hollow and he welcomes him to try and come at him, and that maybe he will lace up the boots one more time if that is what is needed. The picture fades and the last thing we hear is Nemesis say "Bring it on....."


Match #4

*Qualifier for the PSW TV Title*

JD Morgan vs Dead Bolt vs Ash Campbell

*Ladder Match*

*The fans really let Campbell have it for the words his dad just had for Eric Tyler and the company. Morgan looked like an unstoppable force out there, getting a huge pop when he tossed Campbell over the top rope and through a table set up on the outside. Dead Bolt would land a DDT on Morgan, but be thrown to the floor when Morgan knocked the ladder over as he climbed to get the contract, which allowed Morgan to set up the ladder and grab it.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, JD Morgan defeated Ash Campbell and Dead Bolt in a Ladder match in 14:29 when JD Morgan retrieved the item. (Grade: D+)


*Greg Black is in the locker room and he trash talks Akima Brave, calling him another example of a DeColt wanna be who has no talent of his own and that he will make him one of the shortest champions in PSW history as he reclaims the PSW Championship and then takes it north of the border, where he will get revenge on the DeColts.


Match #5

Frankie Future, Findlay O'Farraday & Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin, Roger Cage & Madman Boone

*Before the match, Frankie pulls out a wad of bills and hands them to O'Farraday and tells him that if they win, the rest of the agreed upon payment will be in his locker room. Martin, Cage and Boone charge the ring and all six men battle. RM Stones gets control and the match begins, with a lot of brutal hits and a lot of blood, especially from Boone and Lee. Nemesis crawls from under the ring and nails Boone with a chair as he was about to land the Bust a Move on Future, allowing him to get the pin.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Frankie Future, Henry Lee and Findlay O'Farraday defeated Johnny Martin, Roger Cage and Madman Boone in 18:18 when Frankie Future defeated Madman Boone by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter following interference from Nemesis. (Grade: D+)


*Johnny Martin attacks Nemesis but is quickly overrun by Frankie, Nemesis and Lee. They continue to beat on him and land multiple powerbombs and chair shots. Eric Tyler runs down from the back with a baseball bat and a chair, clearing the ring and saving Martin from a bigger beating. Tyler grabs a mic and yells for any of the three to come back into the ring, but Frankie, Nemesis and Lee just slowly back their way to the back, leaving Tyler to check on a broken Martin in the ring.


Match #6

*For the PSW Championship*



Greg Black vs Akima Brave ©


*Brave and Black put on a great show, really working and already hot crowd, giving them some great in ring action. Brave would use his power to eventually gain the upper hand and lock in multiple Samoan Suplexes to get the pin.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Akima Brave defeated Greg Black in 23:51 by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex. Akima Brave makes defense number 1 of his PSW Championship title. (Grade: C)


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Extreme TV

Episode #001


Thursday: June 6th, 2013

The PSW Arena

391 West High Street; Pittsburgh PA

Doors Open @ 7:00pm EST

Bell Time @ 8:00pm EST



The Card



Steven Parker (w/Matthew Keith) vs Dean Waldorf (w/Marv Statler)




Casey Valentine vs JD Morgan vs Greg Gauge vs ???

*For the PSW Televison Championship*



Rhino Umaga vs Akima Brave

*Non-Title Match*




Greg Black vs Roger Cage


*Also in action Little Bill Lebowski, Grandmaster Phunk, The Atlantic Connection, Acid & IPW's BB Colossus!!

Prediction Key:


Steven Parker vs Dean Waldorf


Casey Valentine vs JD Morgan vs Greg Gauge vs ???

*For the PSW Televison Championship*


Rhino Umaga vs Akima Brave


Roger Cage vs Greg Black

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