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That is an excellent point - I did not even consider that, to be honest. But despite that product shift, it is still jarring to see the old standbys like Fortius Minimus, Super Falcon, Dark Falcon, Wonder Boy, and Minion take on 'generic' names to help them succeed in a "Pure" product model.


Taking those five people, I'd suggest that they are considerably less generic now than they were. Minimum and Minion were one-line (almost literally) joke characters, and the other three were just "he's a high flyer in a mask" used to pad out a roster. They were about as generic as you can get. They may have 'duller' names now, but they all have more backstory and actual motivations \ characterisations that go beyond one dimension, and I think you're ignoring the fact that their names were pretty damn awful first time around.

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When I saw them in 2010, I always meant to go hire the team and add two others so I would have Khorne, Nurgle, Slaneesh and Tzeentch - yes I'm a big Warhammer 40k nerd ^^. Sad to see they're gone but might just bring them back. There's nothing cooler than storming to the ring going: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE... :D
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When I saw them in 2010, I always meant to go hire the team and add two others so I would have Khorne, Nurgle, Slaneesh and Tzeentch - yes I'm a big Warhammer 40k nerd ^^. Sad to see they're gone but might just bring them back. There's nothing cooler than storming to the ring going: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE... :D


There really needs to be a Facebook way to like posts so I don't have to post a reply like this. That my friend is genius.

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Overall I am fine with some of the gimmick changes on a few of the guys. For Lizard and Shark it there is no way the BCG crowd would get behind that idea and they already know the one place that gimmick would work, WLW, isn't going to hire them full time. They are also young enough they know if they can catch on in some way they can make a good career of it.


Someone like the Chaos Demons probably were on the line of hoping that taking a more serious approach might give them a shot one last time without the stigma of people remembering the Chaos Demons were rather sloppy and couldn't even thrive in WEXXV which pretty much was catered to their style.


I think the one that surprised me I think the most of the people that kept their gimmick was Lobster Warrior. I thought as he was getting older he would be allowed to finally shed it and take a more serious approach.

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When I saw them in 2010, I always meant to go hire the team and add two others so I would have Khorne, Nurgle, Slaneesh and Tzeentch - yes I'm a big Warhammer 40k nerd ^^. Sad to see they're gone but might just bring them back. There's nothing cooler than storming to the ring going: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE... :D


Surely Kruge the Executioner would be Khorne's aspiring champion? :p You could do it in Europe.

Kruge (Khorne)

Minion (Slaanesh)

Notorious FREAK or Herschel the Hammer (Nurgle)

Mister King (Tzeentch)


Managed by Dr. Insane, of course, as either Abbadon the Despoiler or Horus himself. :D


Their arch rivals, the Emperor's Finest:


Beast Bantom

Stig Svensson

Danny Patterson


Managed by the Emperor Himself... well that'd have to be Byron. :p Or Joey Beauchamp as an outside choice.

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Surely Kruge the Executioner would be Khorne's aspiring champion? :p You could do it in Europe.

Kruge (Khorne)

Minion (Slaanesh)

Notorious FREAK or Herschel the Hammer (Nurgle)

Mister King (Tzeentch)


Managed by Dr. Insane, of course, as either Abbadon the Despoiler or Horus himself. :D


Their arch rivals, the Emperor's Finest:


Beast Bantom

Stig Svensson

Danny Patterson


Managed by the Emperor Himself... well that'd have to be Byron. :p Or Joey Beauchamp as an outside choice.


Ladies and gentleman I give you geek... yay. One of us, one of us.

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Taking those five people, I'd suggest that they are considerably less generic now than they were. Minimum and Minion were one-line (almost literally) joke characters, and the other three were just "he's a high flyer in a mask" used to pad out a roster. They were about as generic as you can get. They may have 'duller' names now, but they all have more backstory and actual motivations \ characterisations that go beyond one dimension, and I think you're ignoring the fact that their names were pretty damn awful first time around.


Aw, now come on. There were 10's of people lined up outside Bremen Hall to watch Super Falcon take on Dark Falcon in a caged bird match for me in 2010!

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I have to say I much prefer Spirit of the Lizard (Inejiro Yoshizawa) and Spirit of the Shark (Noritoshi Miura) now rather than their 2010 personas. If I do start my usual Japan game up after release, I will probably sign them now.


I never was a fan of the Chaos Demons - still not even without the masks to be honest.

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Someone like the Chaos Demons probably were on the line of hoping that taking a more serious approach might give them a shot one last time without the stigma of people remembering the Chaos Demons were rather sloppy and couldn't even thrive in WEXXV which pretty much was catered to their style.


Actually, if I recall correctly, they were cut from WEXXV purely for financial reasons.

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If they were released for financial reasons I will retract the original statement, but at the same time if they knew that was the case they might have looked at the past and decided their future was better off going in a new direction.


Either way I am not trying to be problematic. I am just saying I could see why certain people wanted to go in a new direction.

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I've thought it over... and I really just can't agree with the notion that the C-Verse hasn't "changed enough".


USA: USPW are finally competing with TCW and SWF at the National level. Meanwhile, there's a solid number of new promotions springing up in the indies, with some of the more "established" companies uniting together to withstand not only re-establish some semblance of "territories", but to help with the fact that now three companies will be more than happy to sign away their talent.


UK: It's a one man show as 21CW has realized its dream of doing in the UK what SWF did in America so many decades ago. That alone is more dramatic than anything else we've seen happen in the C-Verse.


Japan: New companies springing up, and many of the older "lesser" companies have not only united together, but have done away with the old "touring" schedules.


Australia: Okay, not much happened. RAW has continued to establish itself as the top dog, while ditching much of its original roster in favor of better workers and a more streamlined roster. APW has done much of the same, seeing cheaper, less talented workers replaced with guys worth pushing should (more like when) RAW raids them.


Europe: Also not too much going on beyond some roster turnover, and EWA trying to break free from the pack. However, I didn't expect much to happen in a region that, in 2010, was barely able to support three Small sized companies. Besides, the collapse of UCR a few years ago is never going to be topped in terms of dramatic shifts.


Canada: Yeah, okay, not much happened in Canada. But its Canada, so who really cares? :p


Mexico: Has EXPLODED! SOTBPW has finally launched into the stratosphere and broken its non-aggression with the other two old Mexican companies. Meanwhile, its success has caused the entire industry to boom, bringing about the formation of new promotions and an influx of talent to keep the heavily raided OLLIE and MPWF afloat.



I'm not sure what people expected. Roster turnover wasn't massive overall, or at least in the big American companies, with the exception of their lower leveled talent... but beyond that? The C-Verse has evolved a nice little bit between games. I'm cool with there not being a slew of workers sniped back and forth across companies.

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I'm fine with them having dropped the gimmicks by 2013 and gone their separate ways' date=' but it's really disappointing that the Chaos Demons tag team and alter egos were removed from the database entirely, rather than the team just being inactive and the alter egos set to 0% usage.[/quote']


That's a very fair point. I reckon much of this has to do with the possibility that workers new renders may not have been originally intended for that worker (it was just one that Ryland liked) and thus don't have versions that match up with their old gimmicks.


Still, just because a worker dropped a silly gimmick doesn't mean its gone forever. Look at Pigeon Mask. "Back in the day" he tried to become more serious, and ultimately brought the old (and awesome) gimmick back. Just wish we could identify the majority of these people and see if those that did the original renders could create alts for them with their old gimmicks. From there, its a pretty simple process to mod in potential alter egos.


EDIT: And only their alter egos are gone. The Chaos Demons tag team is still in the data with A* experience. So they can be re-formed with their original experience, just sans the awesome masks.

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Ah, you're right, the team is still there. I checked in the database editor before I posted, but I think I must've clicked on Team Names rather than Teams.


And I know the old renders with the masks are still there, but the alter egos still need to be created if one is to use them (assuming you don't want to overwrite their real identities). Not that it's terribly difficult, but still...

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When I saw them in 2010, I always meant to go hire the team and add two others so I would have Khorne, Nurgle, Slaneesh and Tzeentch - yes I'm a big Warhammer 40k nerd ^^. Sad to see they're gone but might just bring them back. There's nothing cooler than storming to the ring going: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE... :D


My first thought when I saw this thread was, "It's spelled daemons."

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