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Keep you EGO in check.

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March 14th, 2013 -

Look out wrestling world

It has been reported today that business tycoon and pro wrestling enthusiast Paige Turner has announced his interest in opening his own wrestling company. Turner, known for his whacky publicity stunts to promote his products, has many fans on there feet for what he might do to the pro wrestling industry, Many wrestling fans are excited to see what direction he looks to take his soon to be promotion in. More details will be soon to follow!


Marc Dubois out of SWF!


Insiders report today that up and coming star Marc Dubois was released from his contract with the SWF. Reports say that Dubois had failed another drug test and they were forced to release him. Dubois has not been reached for any further commenting.


USPW for success!

The "Family Nostalgia" product has been a huge success for United States Pro Wrestling. Taking much of the younger audience away from Total Championship Wrestling. USPW seems to be the number 2 promotion in the United States. Total Championship Wrestling has taken a huge hit in popularity and are losing money with the loss of ticket sales. They will need to do something soon to bring there self back to status they held only a few years ago.


March 20th, 2013

F*** Richard Eisen and F*** the SWF

Dubois appeared on a sports talk show on USA Sports-1 last night and publicly blasted the Eisen Family and the SWF. Talking about how Eric uses his power in the company to boost himself to the top and hold younger, more talented wrestlers down infavor of himself and his surrounding circle. He also said that the product they use could put a teenager jacked up on red bull to sleep. Richard Eisen was reached and simply stated "We promote a product that we feel our viewers want to see, just because we dont tell children to go out and smack each other with chairs and curse at there parents, doesnt mean we are boring."


Paige Turner scouting talent

Paige Turner has announced that he has been scouting out talent to bring into his new promotion, which is still without a name. He has stated that he wants to bring in the un used talent that has been putting on spectacular performances on the independant scenes for years that the big two (now three) have yet to capitalize on.


Sam Strong wishes Turner luck.

Sam Strong has said on a radio show that he is excited to see what Turner can do with his money in terms of creating a wrestling promotion. Strong, a true veteran and legend of the sport wishes Turner luck on creating a great rival for USPW to compete against



April 5th, 2013

Make way for EGO


Paige Turner held a press conference earlier today to announce the name of his new company, the Elite Grappling Organization. Pulling down a curtain, revealing the new logo. He also stated that he has made his first major signing and introduced none other then Marc Dubois! Dubois came out to the table and said he is looking forward to taking EGO to levels it could never imagine!


TCW Release Talent

Total Championship Wrestling announced that due to there financial situation they had to "trim the fat" away from there roster. Among the terminated were Eddie Peak Jay Chord and Sammy Bach, TCW Officials stating that they dont have anything for them right now. TCW are hoping these cutbacks will help them get into a better situation later in the year,


Eisen not scared

In an interview after the announcment of EGO Eisen was asked if he is intimidated by Turner. Eisen calmly said, competition is a good thing, it makes us work harder in trying to keep our viewers. However, this "EGO" company is nothing but a sudden buzz. After a few weeks and a few low rate shows it will be nothing but a joke. Turner has yet to make a comment to this.


April 20th, 2013

EGO announce roster

EGO released its starting roster today, the signings are as followed:

Acid 2

Akima Brave

Alan Parent

Amazing Fire Fly

Andrew Harper

Archie Judge

Ash Campbell


Bart Biggins

Brett Biggins

Buddy Garner

Bull Wrecker

Bulldozer Brandon Smith

California Love Machine

Cameron Vessey

Casey Valentine

Craig “Crash” Lewis

Doug Peak

Eddie Peak

Ed Monton

Ernest Youngman

Extreme Deluxe

Fox Mask

Frankie Perez

Greg Gauge


Hells Bouncer

Hollywood Bret Starr

Irwin Gutmann

Jacob Jett

Jay Chord

Jeremiah Moose

Jaz McArthuer


Jonnie Perez


Kid Toma

Little Bill Lebowski

Mac Smith

Marc Dubois

Marvel Malloy

Matthew Keith

Matthew White

Mikey James



Remmy Skye

Sammy Bach

Samuel Curran


Thomas Morgan

Toronto Zombie


The roster is packed with talent that EGO can use to promote exciting shows.


Sam Strong impressed

Sam Strong has noted that he is impressed with the talented roster Turner has put together. He is excited for them to announce there first match card and assures he will be attending the show.


May10th, 2013

Chord, Dubois and Turner verbally attack SWF and promote a “new era”

Jay Chord, Marc Dubois and Paige Turner went live on America Sports-1 to tell the fans that pro wrestling is at a low right now, they put over Sam Strong’s USPW because they promote a product that appeals to there audience, while the SWF jam the same bulls*** they have for the past decade down there fans throat, and that’s why they are proud to announce EGO ATTITUDE! Mondays Live on America Sports-1! The show will debut Monday June 1st, 2013 at 7est and will feature Marc Dubois take on Remmy Skye, Sammy Bach and Jay Chord for the EGO Heavyweight Championship!


Eisen is still Supreme

Eisen believes that this “Attitude Era” will promote a possibly challenge for the SWF, but it will just make our product stronger and we will reign “supreme” over all promotions as we have since our inception.


May 26th, 2013

Attitude Anticipation

The debut show for the Elite Grappling Organization has been the talk of pro wrestling for the last month. They have announced the following matches so far:


Craig “Crash” Lewis and Bill Lewis will take on The Peak Brothers. This will be the reuniting of the Peak Brothers since there days in DAVE.


Matthew Keith will take on his brother Greg. This will surely be a great match up between two talented brothers.


The Nation of Filth will take on The Biggins Brothers in a tag team match.


And in the main event we will see Jay Chord, Remmy Skye, Sammy Bach and Marc Dubois in a fatal four way for the EGO Heavyweight Championship. This match has been talked about since its announcement earlier this month.


TCW still in the dumps

TCW is still losing money and there fan base, putting the world title on Wolf Hawkins was a huge flop as nobody can get behind him as being more then Cornell’s lackey. Many think they should throw the belt on Joey Minnesota, who reportedly is getting fed up with not being used as the top draw in the promotion.


Well this is my first diary, give me any feedback and advice on how I can write better, and I couldn’t tell you if I was there their or they’re to save my life so please no need to comment on that, any other grammar help would be appreciated though. I would also like to know how to post pictures?

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EGO Wrestling Roster

Acid 2

Akima Brave

Alan Parent

Amazing Fire Fly

Andrew Harper

Ash Campbell


Bart Biggins

Brett Biggins

Buddy Garner

Bull Wrecker

Bulldozer Brandon Smith

California Love Machine

Cameron Vessey

Casey Valentine

Craig “Crash” Lewis

Doug Peak

Eddie Peak

Ernest Youngman

Extreme Deluxe

Fox Mask

Frankie Perez

Greg Gauge


Hells Bouncer

Hollywood Bret Starr

Irwin Gutmann

Jacob Jett

Jay Chord

Jeremiah Moose


Jonnie Perez


Kid Toma

Little Bill Lebowski

Marc Dubois

Marvel Malloy

Matthew Keith

Mikey James



Remmy Skye

Sammy Bach


Storm Spillane

Thomas Morgan

Toronto Zombie


Other Workers

Archie Judge - Road Agent

Ed Monton - Road Agent

Jaz McArthuer - Referee

Mac Smith - Colour Commentator

Matthew White - Referee

Samuel Curran - Announcer

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EGO Heavyweight Championship

Holder: Marc Dubois

Held Since: June 1st, 2013

Defences: 0

Defeated: Remmy Skye, Sammy Bach and Jay Chord

History: N/A


EGO United States Championship

Holder: Vacant

Held Since: N/A

Defences: 0

Defeated: N/A

History: N/A


EGO Tag Team Championships

Holders: Doug and Eddie PEak

Held Since: June 8th, 2013

Defences: 0

Defeated: The Nation Of Filth

History: N/A


EGO Hardcore Championship

Holder: Vacant

Held Since: N/A

Defences: 0

Defeated: N/A

History: N/A


EGO Cruiserweight Championship

Holder: Frankie Perez

Held Since: June 1st, 2013

Defences: 0

Defeated: Fox Mask, Jacob Jett and Mikey James

History: N/A

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EGO Presents Attitude! live from New York, New York.

June 1st, 2013


The show kicks off with Paige Turner coming out to the ring. He holds in his hands the EGO Heavyweight Championship. He says that it will be on the line tonight in a match between Marc Dubois, Jay Chord, Sammy Bach and Remmy Skye. Marc Dubois comes out and says that he is the biggest superstar in this promotion and that he should be crowned the champion. Sammy Bach comes down to the ring to inform Dubois that he will have to beat him tonight to become the champion. The two stare each other down before Turner gets in between the two and the camera's cut to Mac Smith and Samuel Curren, who hype up the main event once again.




Jonnie Perez takes on Kamikaze in a singles match

The fast paced styles of both Jonnie Perez and Kamikaze made this an entertaining match. The match had many great high flying spots but it came to an end when Kamikaze nailed Perez with the Reverse 460 Degree Splash.

Winner: Kamikaze


We see The Peak Brothers walking backstage. We will see them take on Craig "Crash" Lewis and Bill Lewis after the commercial break.




Craig and Bill Lewis go against The Peak Brothers in a tag team match.

Craig and Bill Lewis were no match for the power of The Peak Brothers, who man handled them through the entire match. They finished them off with The Peak and Valley. After the match Doug went to the outside and grabbed a table and tossed it into the ring. They brought Bill Lewis into the air and double chokeslammed him through the table, leaving his body shattered on top of shards of wood. The Peak Brothers leave the ring, while Craig Lewis calls for medic's to help his brother.

Winners: The Peak Brothers


Moroi and Babau take on Hell's Bouncer

Hell's Bouncer dominated the entire match, throwing the two lightweight workers around like rag dolls, he finally picks Moroi up and powerbombs him into the mat and puts his foot onto his chest for the pin.

Winner: Hell's Bouncer




Jay Chord is backstage with a microphone. He tells the audience in attendance that he plans on winning the EGO Heavyweight Championship tonight, he says he will do whatever it takes to win that match and to prove that his fame isn't just from his last name. Chord drops the microphone and walks down the hallway before the camera cuts back to the ring.


The Biggins Brothers vs The Nation Of Filth

The match was a great showing of tag team action, The Biggins Brothers and The Nation Of Filth are both very experienced tag teams and it showed in there match, The Nationa Of Filth nailed The Biggins Brothers with the Dust Buster and got the three count.

Winners: The Nation Of Filth




Frankie Perez, Fox Mask, Mikey James and Jacob Jett compete for the EGO Cruiserweight Championship

The four workers put on many spectacular spots during this match. Fox Mask hit The Fox Hunter on Jacob Jett early in the match but the pin was broken up by Mikey James. While Jett recovered in the ring the other three brawled on the outside until Jett leaps through the ropes and hits all three with a suicide dive! The match continued to be a back and forth until Mikey James nailed Fox Mask with a Scything Side Kick and Frankie Perez destroyed Jett with the Perfect Parity. James took a run at Perez but Frankie avoided him and caught his arm, pulled it around his neck and through him over his shoulder, planting him with the P-Clutch. Franke Perez gets the pinfall victory.

Winner and new EGO Cruiserweight Champion: Frankie Perez




Matthew Keith is standing in the ring when we come back He talks about how his brother Greg wont use the Keith name, and how he is a disgrace to the family. Greg Gauge comes to the ring and says he wants to make his own legacy, not by using his dads name to get himself noticed but by putting on proper performances. Matthew Keith tells him to stop talking and to get in the ring so we can see who the better son is.


Matthew Keith versus Greg Gauge

This match was truely spectacular, both men using lightning fast, fluid technical holds to gain an advantage. They both tried to lock the Proton Lock in on each other many times, but knowing the hold too well neither of them could finish it. Greg Gauge gets frustrated after trying to lock in the Proton Lock for a fourth time and leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. He comes back into the ring and smacks his brother in the face with it! Matt drops to mat holding his face. Greg begins to strike Matt over and over with the chair until Matt is left a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. Greg walks backstage covered in the blood of his own brother.

Winner by DQ: Matthew Keith




Buddy Garner versus Thomas Morgan

Two veteran wrestlers take each other on in a technical exhibition. Both workers go hold for hold until Garner locks in the Garner Tendon Hold making Morgan tapout.

Winner:Buddy Garner



Hollywood Bret Starr is backstage, flanked by Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine. They talk about how they are the future of wrestling. There former partner Jay Chord has made it to the top, and they hope that he can win the EGO Heavyweight Championship tonight. Bret Starr says he is interested in the EGO United States Championship and says it is rightfully his. Bulldozer Brandon Smith walks into the scene and says that the EGO United States Championship is his, and nobody is going to stop him, especially from a bunch of "little boys". Valentine quickly hits Smith with a right hand and Vessey follows in after as the three continue to beatdown on Smith. The Biggins Brothers come running in and chase off Starr, Vessey and Valentine. They help Smith up who is holding his ribs in pain.




Marc Dubois, Sammy Bach, Jay Chord and Remmy Skye in an elimination falls count anywhere match for the EGO Heavyweight Championship

The match started off with Jay Chord leaving the ring and walking up the ramp, waiting for the others to get tired before he even began to put some effort in. Bach and Skye teamed up on Dubois hitting him with many double team moves until Bach drilled Skye with a discus clothesline sending him to the floor. At this point Chord decided to join in and clubbed Bach in the back of the head. Skye quickly went after Chord but Chord slipped out of the ring and Skye was met with a dropkick from Dubois. Dubois and Bach went back and forth for awhile until Skye cleared them both out with a flying crossbody! at this point Chord slipped back into the ring and rolled Skye up for a three count! Remmy Skye was eliminated. Chord quickly fled the scene as Skye was forced to walk backstage. Bach and Dubois were back at it again. Bach got the upperhand and leaped off the turnbuckle hitting Dubois with the Bach With A Vengeance. He went for the pin but Dubois kicked out just before three. Bach went to lock in his Bach On Your Back Sleeper but was reversed by Dubois. Dubois drilled Bach with a quick reverse DDT and slipped out of the ring to recover. Chord once again appeared out of god knows were and hit the ring and nailed Bach with the Cradle Piledriver laying him out and scoring the pinfall, eliminating Sammy Bach. Dubois crawled back into the ring and the two squared off. Chord quickly got the advantage and nailed Dubois with a few high impact moves. Before Chord could setup for the Cradle Piledriver, Dubois reversed it and hit him with the Marc OF Excellence. Dubois hooked the legs of Chord and got the three count! Dubois showing that not only is he a cocky a**hole, but a great in-ring competitor.

Winner and new EGO Heavyweight Champion: Marc Dubois Order of elimination: Remmy Skye, Sammy Bach, Jay Chord.


Dubois gets to his feet after the match and Paige Turner comes down to the ring. Turner hands Dubois the championship and Dubois raises it above his head. The crowd erupts with a mix of boo's and cheer's, cheering for the great match but booing at the a**hole that is Marc Dubois. Dubois grabs a microphone and says that he is the greatest in ring performer of his generation, if not of all time and his reign as champion will not be forgotten! Dubois smirks to the camera as it fades to black.




So once again tell me any feedback or advice you would like to give me on my writing or any ideas I should add.

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June 7th, 2013

EGO Attitude! a big success!

Monday's episode of Attitude was a huge hit with the fans. The performance of Marc Dubois was the highlight of the show. Turner has said that he is very happy with the rating. The show pulled in a 6.0 rating. Placing them third in the ratings war this week, SWF drew a 12.11, USPW drew a 7.1 and TCW drew a 4.5


Trouble For TCW

With TCW falling behind in the ratings, it is presumed that they will need to change something up to keep the fans they havn't already lost to USPW or EGO. Cornell has been quoted as saying "We are doing are best, I have faith in my creative staff and the talent on my roster. Wolf Hawkins is a fine champion and the fans will realize it sooner or later."


Sam Strong's Opinion

Sam Strong was in an interview on friday talking about all the promotions in the American wrestling scene. "The SWF will be the biggest promotion in America for awhile still, but with promotions like Turner's EGO and my USPW its just a matter of time before we see there ratings begin to fall. TCW on the other hand is a sinking ship. They have the talent to put on great matches but without having the major storylines they need they will keep falling lower and lower until they are no more." He was asked if he had attended EGO's show on monday. "I did actually, I was really impressed with the performances of many of the young talent they have. I am happy to see the legacy of Rip Chord, Micky Starr and Peter Valentine continue on through their heir's."

I would like to see some feedback from someone to tell me what I am doing right/wrong with the diary so I can improve it.

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I would like to see some feedback from someone to tell me what I am doing right/wrong with the diary so I can improve it.


Okay - my thoughts, which may or may not be agreed with by others.


Good stuff


Really like the news segments, short and informative and you capture the characters' voices well in the quotes.


I like your match write-up style, good work there.


It's an interesting roster line-up with some guys who don't tend to get that much airtime in dynasties (Crash Lewis and the Nation of Filth - awesome!)


Stuff I'd change


You should probably put the grades in somewhere.


Leave it longer between posting show lineups and shows if you want people to predict. Also, posting a 'quick picks' that people can copy and paste in the below format will help that as well.


Quick Picks:


Craig “Crash” Lewis and Bill Lewis vs The Peak Brothers.

Matthew Keith vs Greg Gauge

The Nation of Filth vs The Biggins Brothers

EGO Heavyweight Championship: Jay Chord vs Remmy Skye vs Sammy Bach vs Marc Dubois


This may be just me, but I don't like all the writing being centred. I'd leave match write-ups as normal and just centre the results, maybe.


Hope that's of some use, feel free to take it on board or ignore it!

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EGO Presents Attitude! live from Rochester, New York.

June 8st, 2013

Marc Dubois comes out to the ring to open the show. He holds his EGO Heavyweight Championship above his head before he begins to talk. He tells the audience that last week he showed why he deserves this championship. He says that none of those second rate workers backstage have what it takes to defeat Marc Dubois! Suddenly Sammy Bach's theme music plays through the arena and he walks onto the ramp with a microphone. He tells Dubois that he is the number one contender for the title. Paige Turner comes out next and announces EGO's first Pay Per View Event Going Commando Saturday, June 27th!. Also, tonight will see Sammy Bach and Marc Dubois tag up to take on Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith! The crowd cheered as Dubois looked stunned standing in the middle of the ring as it cut to commercial.




Amazing Fire Fly takes on Acid 2

The two went back and forth with high flying and fast paced moves. Acid 2 seemed to have the upper hand near the end of the match but the Amazing Fire Fly took control and finished it with the Sky High Fire Fly

Winner: Amazing Fire Fly


Hollywood Bret Starr, Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine are standing backstage hanging out, when Jay Chord walks over to them. Jay Chord asks them if they want to take this promotion over the same way they took over MAW back when they were learning there craft. They all agree with Chord, and The Succession is born again.




The Peak Brothers versus The Nation Of Filth for the EGO Tag Team Championships

The match was very slow paced from start to finish. The momentum switched between both teams through out the match making it undecisive who was going to win. Finally, Eddie Peak nailed stink with the Peak Of The Devil scoring the win. The Peak Brothers celebrate holding the titles in the air. The Nation Of Filth get up to leave the ring but The Peak Brothers stand infront of them. The Nation Of Filth throw strikes at The Peak's but they are blocked and The Peak Brothers begin to violently assault them. Doug leaves the ring and reaches under the ropes, pulling out a garbage bin. He throws it into the ring and Eddie drives Grunt onto the garbage bin with the Peak Of The Devil. The Peak Brothers leave the ring with there titles around there waist, leaving a path of destruction behind them.

Winners and new EGO Tag Team Champions: The Peak Brothers


Brett and Bart Biggins take on Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine

Brett and Bart Biggins being tag team specialists dominated most of the match, but the raw talent of Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine came through in the end when Casey Valentine destroyed Bart Biggins with the Deep Impact for the three count. Valentine and Vessey grabbed microphones and bad mouthed the crowd. Saying how The Succession is taking over EGO. They drop the microphones and leave the ring with the fans booing.

Winners: Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine


Backstage Jay Chord and Hollywood Bret Starr congratulate CV2 on there win, saying they made The Succession look strong out there. Running down the hallway is Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Remmy Skye, who jump the four members of The Succession, Brandon Smith tackles CV2 into the wall behind them knocking them out cold and Remmy Skye nails Jay Chord with a right hand, Brandon Smith goes after Bret Starr and hits him with a stiff elbow and throws him into the wall. Remmy Skye nails Chord with a hard kick to the chest then picks up a piece of pipe laying on the ground and smashes it across Chord's head. Brandon Smith and Remmy Skye walk away leaving the four members in pain on the floor. The crowd cheers as the commercial plays.




Frankie Perez versus Mikey James

These two men have been going against each other for many years, and the chemistry definately shows in there matches. Perez and James were evenly matched through out the entire match going hold for hold and hitting each other with amazing flying moves and locking in submissions. Late in the match Frankie's little brother Jonnie Perez came running out and attacked Mikey James, diqualifying Frankie. Frankie yells at his brother while his brother tries to tell him he was just helping him win. Frankie tells Jonnie to go backstage and smacks him in the back of the head. Jonnie turns around and nails Frankie with a huge kick to the gut and plants him with a huge DDT. leaving Frankie and Mikey out on the mat. Jonnie leaves the ring as a force to be reckoned with in the cruiserweight division.

Winner: Mikey James by DQ


We go backstage with Sammy Bach who tells the fans he wants the EGO Heavyweight Championship more then anything, he talks about how he has never been used to his full potential until signing with EGO. He vows to become EGO Heavyweight Champion by October or he will retire from wrestling all together!


Fox Mask versus Buddy Garner

In a match between two wrestlers who are very talented in there own style, Buddy Garner and Fox Mask put on a classic match. Garner was unable to hold down the high flying Fox Mask, but once he caught Fox Mask it was all over as Garner locked in the Garner Choke Sleeper and put Fox Mask to sleep.

Winner: Buddy Garner




Sammy Bach and Marc Dubois versus Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge

This match puts rival workers together to take on another team. Sammy Bach and Matthew Keith start the match and Keith takes the early advantage hitting bach with a Suplex. Greg and Matt work well as a team despite hating each other and keep Bach in there corner and slowly pick him apart. Bach gains some momentum a dropkicks Matt into Greg. Bach dives over to Dubois who pulls his hand away at the last second and leaves Bach in the ring. Greg walks over to Bach and locks him up in the Proton Lock. Bach puts his arm out and Dubois finally tags himself in, and stomps the bridging chest of Matt, causing him to release the hold. Gauge gets into the ring and runs at Dubois but is met with a quick dropkick to the chest. Matt runs at Dubois now and he hits him with a stiff short arm clothesline. Greg takes another run at Dubois and Dubois drops to the floor and pulls the ropes down sending Greg over the ropes. Dubois gets to his feet and Matt takes the final run at Dubois before Dubois plants him with the Marc Of Excellence and gets the three count. After the match Dubois celebrates in the ring with Bach laying outside exhausted and in pain. Greg Gauge is holding his ribs on the outside when Matt slips out of the ring and starts to stomp his back. Matt quickly applies the Proton Lock on the already injured Greg Gauge. Dubois simply steps out of the ring and walks past Bach, laughing at him, and leaves. Matt keeps the hold locked in until Greg is no longer struggling. Matt gets to his feet and the camera shows his evil smile before it fades to black and the show ends

Winner: Marc Dubois and Sammy Bach


Quick Results

Amazing Firefly Vs Acid 2

The Peak Brothers Vs The Nation Of Filth

Brett and Bart Biggins Vs Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine

Frankie Perez[DQ] Vs Mikey James

Fox Mask Vs Buddy Garner

Sammy Bach and Marc Dubois Vs Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge



So after this show I will start to post predictions with the weekly news segments, but if people don't participate then I will scratch them and just continue to spam shows.

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June 14th, 2013

Paige Turner and Sam Strong interview

Paige Turner owner of the Elite Grappling Organization and pro wrestling legend Sam Strong owner of United States Pro Wrestling were together with Nicky Champion and Marc Dubois on a radio show last night. They both put over each others rosters and product. They said they would like to see Nicky Champion and Marc Dubois in a singles match at some point to see who the better champion is. Possibly holding a joint event at some point in time. Strong said the only problem he could see is the difference in the products and how it could confuse there fan bases.


Richard Eisen wants to buy TCW

Richard Eisen has been reported as saying he wants to purchase the TCW promotion and all its trademarks. Cornell has said he is yet to make an offer and that he would most likely turn it down at this point in time, but if the company continues to lose money they would need to sell.


This weeks ratings

SWF scored a 10.8, down from last week. USPW drew a great 8.8 rating. There highest to date, the highlight match being Nicky Champion defeating Tyson Baine to retain his championship. EGO pulled in a 6.2 this week, an improvement from last week and TCW coming in last once again with a 5.0 rating. An improvement from last week but still not enough to put them back on top.

Prediction contest

Frankie Perez and Mikey James vs Jonnie Perez and Acid II

The Peak Brothers vs The Biggins Brothers

Hollywood Bret Starr, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Remmy Skye and Buddy Garner

Greg Gauge vs Sammy Bach

Matthew Keith vs Marc Dubois

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