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ACPW: A Stranger in a Strange Land

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Thursday, December 4th, 2014


...He connects! This could be all! Glenn's gonna do it!! One!


The frantic energy of the moment perfectly manifested in the voice of internationally renowned play by play man Steve Smith.




New champion here boys!!


The sound of joy coating the words of Sue Danes, the heel presence of ACPW's announce group as she prepares herself for what will surely be her fondest memory of ACPW.


THR-NO! KICKOUT!!! It's not over! Hernandez is still alive!!!


The crowd explodes as the resiliency of the babyface former champ is put on display, defying the odds and kicking out after a Tune Up the Sunshine Band looked to have knocked him out cold. KC Glenn looks down at Mainstream Hernandez in disbelief before turning and arguing with the referee over the speed of his count. This gives Mainstream a few precious moments to gather himself as The Guru speaks up.


That's the heart of a champion right there. He already had a war with Jamie Atherton earlier tonight, and he still had it in him to kick out after KC Glenn almost took his head off with the vicious kick right to the jaw. And I don't agree with Glenn's actions here guys, I think if he's to win this one he can't give Hernandez a single second to breathe. He should be continuing his assault right now, not arguing over what was or wasn't a three count.”


Brilliant point G, Could this lack of discipline be what's held KC back from ever winning the title in his four years here in ACPW? Hernandez is starting to stir, could this be the opening he was looking for?


The former champ slowly gets back on his feet as KC turns from the ref, visibly annoyed, and walks right into a knee to the midsection! The phenom doubles over before receiving a trio of martial arts kicks right to the gut as the crowd start to electrify.


Hernandez is back on the offensive! Does he have enough left in him to put Glenn away here?!


Asks Smith just as KC Glenn grabs Mainstream's leg, stalling his assault. The agility of Hernandez gives him the advantage though, as he puts his hands on Glenn's shoulders and launches himself knee-first into KC's face!




Referee Robbie Sanchez drops to the mat to make the count as the sold out crowd shouts out loud, filling Twin Elm Park with their unabashed energy.




Mainstream nods his head in unison with the count, feeling the victory within inches of his grasp.




The crowd is buzzing, an exhausted Mainstream Hernandez is grinning ear to ear, and ref Sanchez's hand is mere centimeters away from ending the match.




The vocal minority of Glenn supporters explode while the rest of the crowd scream and groan in disbelief, Hernandez looks over at Robbie who simply shrugs and holds up two fingers as the former champ wipes some sweat from his forehead and gets back to work. He grabs a nearly unconscious Glenn under his shoulders and drags him into the corner, sitting him up against the bottom turnbuckle before making his way across the ring.


What's he got planned here guys?!?


Ask a clearly distraught Sue Danes, audibly worried for her favorite wrestler. The man of a thousand facts, The Guru chimes in on the situation.


I've seen this before, Hernandez has been known to execute the Apparition Number Fourteen into the corner, doubling the impact by crushing his opponent's head into the turnbuckle.




Exclaims Sue, now in a full fledged panic over the outcome of the next handful of moments.


But it might be what it takes to finally finish KC Glenn. Hernandez acknowledged the ability and fight of the young phenom coming into this match and said he'd do what he'd have to do to win this one, and it looks like he's about to prove it.


And with that comment from Steve Smith, Hernandez looked down inside his soul for one last ounce of fight before sprinting full speed towards KC. A few steps out he leaped and seemed to soar through the air, knee right on target with the face of his opponent. The crowd cheered the charging Hernandez, but as Mainstream came flying into the corner, KC rolled out of the way at the last second causing the former champ to crash into the corner as the crowd gasps in disbelief.


Glenn moved out of the way!


Pronounces Smith, though he quickly gets cut off by the shrill scream of Sue Danes.




After squinting in pain and rubbing his temples The Guru chimes in.


Glad to see you've brought your objectivity with you tonight Sue...


As the commentary crew bickers amongst themselves Glenn works over Mainstream's injured knee with a series of kicks and elbow drops. He quickly locks in a half boston crab but it's too close to the ropes and Hernandez grabs them to break the hold.


KC Glenn is showing why he's so esteemed as he quickly changed his game plan to focus on Hernandez's knee following that brutal collision in the corner.


Those are the actions of champions Steve, and that is why we're about to see KC finally win the Junior Heavyweight title right now!


Sue states proudly as Glenn continues to attack. He lays into Mainstream with a series of strikes before stepping to the outside of the apron for a springboard attack. After taking a moment to turn around and mock the crowd, he launches himself over top air with a beautiful flipping senton, but lands on Hernandez's knees!


And once again we see the lack of discipline in this still young superstar. Had he not paused to showboat we could have just seen a new champion.


Remarked Guru as both men lay on the mat exhausted. The ref begins to administer the double count, but Mainstream gets to his feet after six seconds. He slowly pulls KC to his feet when Glenn manages one last offensive assault, breaking Hernandez's grasp and pushing him backwards into the ropes. He uses the separation to hop backwards himself then spring forward, foot connecting squarely with Mainstream's jaw! Everyone is shocked by the sudden outburst, including the referee, who delays a moment before making the count.


KC just Tuned Up the Sunshine Band for the second time! This has to be over!!!


Screamed Danes in glee as the crowd counts along with the ref.








The crowd absolutely goes ballistic as the former champ still hasn't lost a chance to reclaim his vacated belt. KC looks furious though, and after taking a moment to gather himself he intertwines Hernandez's legs around his and turns him over.


Sharpshooter! KC is going to make Mainstream tap here! No, wait, he's turning around... and lifting his upper body up by his arms?! Queen Angelito Stretch!! Or as he calls it, the “Southern Discomfort! This has to be the end of it, Hernandez has put up a valiant effort but KC Glenn was in rare form tonight.


Having cinching in the horrifically painful submission in the middle of the ring, Steve Smith was all but right about the outcome of the match. Nowhere to move and seemingly no way to break the hold, all that was left was for Mainstream to submit, or so we thought. Just as Hernandez was about to surrender, Glenn lowered him down onto the mat before quickly lifting him up and stomping down on the back of his skull, inciting a cacophony of boos and jeers from the crowd.


Curb stomp by Glenn at a point where it was absolutely unnecessary, how disgusting.


Said Smith with a tone of disdain to his voice.


I agree Steve, Mainstream was about to give up, there was no reason to keep the match going when you've already won like that. This just goes to show the type of lowlife that KC Glenn is.


Lowlife, Guru? How about when Hernandez tried to crush KC's skull against the turnbuckle? How was that not disgusting?!


Really Sue? The fact that you don't understand the difference between the two situations is absolutely pathetic. And now, after once again mocking both the crowd and his potentially concussed opponent, we're going to have a new champion. KC goes for the pin...


The tension amongst the announce crew is at an uncomfortable level, and the crowd is booing Glenn with every ounce of their being as he casually covers Mainstream Hernandez.











Winner, and NEW ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion: KC Glenn

Rating: 70


The crowd continues to boo and some aggressive fans begin to throw trash into the ring as Mimic, Dagger, and Jonathan Heizenger make their way out from the back. The three other members of the Dream Club Murderers swarm around Glenn as he's handed his title. KC signals for a microphone as the medical staff attend to Hernandez and the crowd start a very vocal “Main-Stream” chant, which clearly annoys the new champion.


Now shut da hell up ya buncha beaver lovin losers. I beat yer precious Canadian posterboy and walked right on outta here with the belt like I said I wuz. Mimic and Dagger have held them there tag belts for damn near two years and ain't showin' no signs of stoppin', and John-boy over dere could whoop up on anyone that stood in his way. Weez duh Dream Club Murderers and we hold the gold now, weez callin duh shots from here on out. So Jamie, whatchu say we finish our problems once and for all? January, in this very ring, I want yew Atherton!


The crowd starts a loud “JAY-ME! JAY-ME!” chant when Jamie Atherton's music hits! The former champion comes out as the crowd erupts! He turns around and out walk fellow True North Sons members Jayson Van Pelt, El Diablo, and Frankie Dee! A “TEE-EN-ES” chant starts as the four members of Dream Club Murderers inch backwards in the ring. Atherton looks back at his men, the four nod in approval, and they all charge the ring. All eight men start brawling in the ring until TNS quickly gains the upper hand and DCM roll out of the ring. They flee through the crowd, but Glenn holds his new belt in the air the entire way out. Jamie goes over to check on Mainstream who's being attended to ringside while the other members of TNS take to the turnbuckles to salute the fans, ending a fantastic show and an amazing year.


Show Rating: 62


Quick Results

Mainstream Hernandez def. Jamie Atherton

KC Glenn def. MYSTIC Dragon

Nadia Snow def. Brooke Tyler, retains ACPW Women's Title

El Diablo def. Thrill Seeker, retains ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Mimic & Dagger def. Christian Vars & Josh Jones, retains ACPW Tag Team Titles

KC Glenn def. Mainstream Hernandez, wins ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title

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