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The Dawn of an Era

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"The quickest way to end a war is to lose it"







May 2013

"You know wresting fans love war, can't get enough of it.

That's all this business really is, the glorification of that most primitive state where it truly is survival of the fittest. Brutality, cunning, greed, these are what create a true champion. I'm about to once again prove that I am the best one that has ever stepped foot inside the squared circle. I've heard the rumours that I'm losing my top spot, that I've lost the war, but what those people forget is that Tommy Cornell always has a plan B."




Welcome to 'The Dawn of an Era', this is my very first C-Verse dynasty, I hope you enjoy! There will be prediction contests and any other general comments are much appreciated.


Each week is going to be posted in two parts, firstly the actual show which will be written as if you're watching it on t.v, and then second part will be in the style of an internet dirt sheet reviewing the show. The dirt sheet will also focus on rumours and so it's important to remember that while what grades the writer gives the matches, angles and show will be the factual rating within TEW, everything else is just opinion and speculation. Some rumours will be spot on, some will have parts of the story right, but some will be fully fabricated. The dirt sheets will also sometimes ask the readers to comment on certain matters so hopefully that will be a good chance to not only get you're opinion on the diary but also ideas and thoughts about the future of it.


This will also be my first ever save on TEW 2013, other than on the trial. In case anyone is interested I will be playing with all the default settings and user preferences ticked. The two exceptions being that new workers will generate from day 1 but at a low level, and I will unhide the dirt sheet feature.

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TCW's flagship show Total Wrestling runs each Tuesday night, prime time on GNN Total Sports, airing to America, Canada and Nothern Mexico.


Recently Total Wrestling has attempted to adapt to appeal to the more modern fans shorter attention span partly by reducing it's slot to 90 minutes. They have also began to air increasingly more angles, albeit it normally short ones, which tend to fit in between the 6 or so matches usually put on. However despite this movement it remains ring-centric. TCW is, and always will be, the home of some of the best pure wrestlers in the business.





Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

PPV: Malice in Wonderland



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

PPV: The War to Settle the Score



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

PPV: Impeachment



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

PPV: Excessive Force



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

PPV: Total Mayhem




For anyone who has not read this diary but wishes to try get into it, or for anyone who needs a recap anyway. There will be monthly summaries here that should bring you up to date with current storylines.









Short Diary Summary

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Cornell gives in to demands from network for shorter matches

A new year signals a new direction in TCW as the boss has... [read more]


First 90 minute Total Wrestling to air tomorrow night

Say goodbye to the lower card because tomorrow night TCW... [read more]


Backstage issues: Top stars demand more mic time

Sources have told us that heated disputes could be heard as... [read more]


House of Cornell opens for business

School of Pro Wrestling graduates have been told to develop... [read more]


TCW shows Saunders the door after fling with Wolf turns sour

The message from the boss is clear, if you're going to spend... [read more]


Why Vessey should be the next world champ

When I look at the TCW roster, nobody deserves a chance more... [read more]


TCW's 5 most wasted talents

When your father is Canadian legend Dan Stone you're bound ... [read more]

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Good luck with this..TCW is my style of wrestling promotion.




Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins (International Title #1 Contender ship)

Texas Buffalo © vs The L.A Connection (Non Title)

Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor

Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson




This is a good start.

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Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins (International Title #1 Contendership)

Texas Buffalo © vs The L.A Connection (Non Title)

Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor

Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson



Looking forward to the first show :cool:

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Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado - Troy is way above Bach.

Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins (International Title #1 Contendership) - I'm thinking that Law is actually too big for the International belt. Not a fan of Fonz, so Huggins by default.

Texas Buffalo © vs The L.A Connection (Non Title) - The Connection win to set up a title match.

Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor - Calling a mild upset here as Vessey always annoys me.

Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson - He's the boss! He doesn't lose often, for good reason.

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Great stuff here! :D Hoping to see some of the actual articles, though, maybe one out of the Wrestling Grapevine articles per week. Nice way to get around firing Jasmine Saunders!



Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins (International Title #1 Contendership)

Texas Buffalo © vs The L.A Connection (Non Title)

Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor

Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson

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Show Name: TCW presents: Total Wrestling

Held: Tuesday, Week 1, January 2013

Location: Evanovich Riverside (Tri State)

Attendance: 9,899



Edd Stone defeated Giant Tana

Rocky Golden defeated Genghis Rahn




The show beings with the usual pyrotechnics display as the camera pans across the audience and then onto the announce desk




Jason Azaria: Welcome everybody to the very first Total Wrestling of 2013, we come to you live with what promises to be a great night of action




Kyle Rhodes: Oh indeed, although before we kick off with the first match it seems as though there is some issue in the ring





Joey Minnesota and Ricky Dale Johnson are both in the ring, RDJ is stood in the middle with a microphone while his younger freedom fighter counterpart sits nonchalantly on top of the turnbuckle.


‘Well I’m sure you all witnessed Psycho Circus just 48 hours ago, that means you saw Rocky Golden be defeated by the golden boy, but I’m not going to sit here and complain about how Wolf won, that doesn't concern me and Joey. We are here to find out who is the next number one contender is and in my opinion…’




‘And since when does your opinion matter when it comes to the title’


Cornell appears at the top of the stage


‘Wolf has proven himself many times. He is the TCW World Heavyweight Champion and you outta learn to respect that. Wolf will not be defending against either of you; in fact I’ve given him the week off to relax after his momentous win against Golden’


Joey Minnesota gets off the turnbuckle in anger


‘Calm down Joey boy. Listen, it’s not all bad for you both, as I have a proposal. Luckily for you we need a main event for tonight, so how about one of you steps in the ring with me, if you beat me, you have your shot at Malice in Wonderland, but if you lose then you need to cut this c**p, you’re not allowed a title shot while Wolf is the champ ever again’


Minnesota and RDJ look at each deciding who is going to take the challenge, Joey walks forward but RDJ cuts in


‘I’ll face you’


Azaria: Well if that isn’t a main event to be excited for I don’t know what is

Rhodes: You’re right there Jason, perhaps the two biggest stars of the company squaring off, this is why Total Wrestling is the best wrestling show there is.



Opening Match


Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor

The opening match is an exciting contest with both men going all out to get the win. Joshua hits some impressive moves to kick Vessey into fifth gear but once he got fully going, Joshua was in trouble. Vessey gets Taylor in an ankle lock and forces him to tap out. After the bell has gone Vessey keeps the hold lock in out of anger until the referee and two other backstage workers manage to pull him off.

Winner: Bryan Vessey after 14:23





Backstage, Rick Law is shown finishing off a donut.


“Well hello everybody, I thought it would be… polite, to inform all of you fine citizens that there are going to be some changes around here. Tommy Cornell has appointed me the official enforcer of TCW. And what does an enforcer need? A weapon. So I’d like you all to give a warm welcome to my buddy here.




Eddie Peak steps out to the side of Law and knocks the camera man straight out dropping the camera to the floor, both mens feet can be seen walking away


“Ha, you’re an angry man aren’t you big guy, well...time to enact Martial Law”


Second Match


Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins

Eddie Peak accompanies Law to the ring and simply stands outside staring down Law’s competitors. Freddy almost gets the pin on Danny twice but Law hits Freddy with a devastating elbow to the face to get the pin.

Winner: Rick Law after 10:12





In the locker room, Joel Bryant is talking to a couple of the youngsters when Vessey storms in. Joel confronts Bryan about his treatment of Josh Taylor which leads to a brawl ending in Vessey throwing Joel into a locker door.


Third Match


Texas Buffalo vs The L.A Connection

In a short match, The L.A Connection never seemed to offer too much to counter the brute strength shown by American Buffalo and Texas Pete. Andrews hits a diving cross body taking Pete and himself outside the ring, Buffalo wins with his running closeline.

Winers: Texas Buffalo


After the match Buffalo grabs the mic and grunts out that the New Wave are their next targets



Rhodes: It seems like Texas Buffalo are on a mission to destroy their tag team competition

Azaria: And I for one can’t see anybody stopping them





In the canteen backstage Danny Fonzarelli is in the queue shown attempting to chat up the female cook. In between the noise of the canteen you can just make out snippets of the conversation

“Yeah baby I lost but Dr. Love always gets the last laugh, they’ll see that”

“Are you free after the show? I could do with some TLC”

“Oh okay, well if your plans fall through, you know where you can find the love doctor”




Edd Stone walks past, looks Fonzarelli up and down and laughs. The canteen worker tells the Canadian youngster she will see him later tonight.



Forth Match


Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

This co main event certainly grabs the crowds attention as Bach pulls out a variety of flashy moves. Tornado always seems to manage to get the upper hand but keeps failing to capitalise on this, arguing with the referee and the crowd on numerous occasions. Troy attempts to lift Sammy up into a power bomb but appears to hurt his ankle and has to let him go, falling onto his knees, Bach turns and hits an athletic enziguri for a shock 3 count.

Winner: Sammy Bach after 12:34



Azaria: Well I don’t think many people saw that happening, an incredible upset for Bach tonight

Rhodes: You’re right there but one has to ask would he of managed to kick out of the power bomb had Troy’s ankle not given in



Main Event


Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson

Two titans face off in a great main event which starts with a hard hitting back on forth. Cornell seems to just have the upper hand in most aspects but Johnson’s power keeps him in the match, it’s also clear that RDJ understands the important of the match. Depending on the success of Wolf this could mean no title shot for quite some time. The referee is knocked over after Ricky is whipped into him, Cornell takes the opportunity to low blow his opponent, he hooks the leg and waits for the referee to wake up but only manages a two count. The crowd are now right behind Ricky and increasingly loud. The two continue to throw heavy punches at each other with Ricky’s power winning the battle but as Ricky attempts his powerslam Tommy reverses and hits the inverted DDT for the 3 count.

Winner: Tommy Cornell



After a very physical match Cornell takes his time celebrating to the anger of the fans, RDJ looks distraught at the thought of losing any shot at the title. The show ends with Tommy stood over Ricky with his hand raised by the referee.





Total Recall

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Rick Law vs Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins (International Title #1 Contendership)

Texas Buffalo © vs The L.A Connection (Non Title)

Bryan Vessey vs Joshua Taylor

Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson

Prediction results

Pig 4/5

Timber 3/5

3rdStringPG 3/5

Jaded 1/5

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Total Wrestling Review


Well we are often cynical here at grapevine but I must admit, the first total wrestling of the year pulled out all the stops. The show opened with an angle involving Joey Minnesota, RDJ and Cornell setting up the main event. Nothing so special here but the stipulation added definitely helped the build up to the match and makes it harder to call. Now Wolf has beaten Golden, if RDJ is taken out of the race permanently the number of remaining faces to challenge for the belt seem low. These men are always reliable to put on a good angle though, I give it B-

The first match was a technically impressive clash between Joshua Taylor and Bryan Vessey, I would perhaps have preferred to see Joshua get the win with Bryan being 11 years his senior, I’ve always vouched for Taylor and think he could easily break out into the main event but the men behind the scenes seem reluctant to give the guy a true shot. Instead it seems we are getting a feud between Vessey and Bryant, after a backstage brawl later on in the show that I rated as a B-. Although watching two men in their 40’s take t.v time off younger stars troubles me, the idea that they are clashing over their conflicting ideas about how to treat the younger stars does interest me. Overall I’d give the match an impressive B.


Then we saw Law cut his promo and introduce Peak as his bodyguard. His crooked cop character is pretty gimmicky but does its job very well and with Eddie he is a believable force now. Law is often good on the mic but when you add the menace of Peak behind him, things really come together, B.

After the promo I wasn’t surprised to see Law pick up the win to challenge Andrews. It seems story with Peak’s involvement is going to be a slow burner, as he didn't get involved, but just him being at ring side does add an air of intimidation to Rick that really suits his gimmick. I’d give the match a C+. Whether Law will beat Aaron is an interesting question, Law seems to be being built up and pushed, but is the International title really the right direction for him? It’s not the most prestigious belt so if he wins, the belt could actually hold him down, but if Andrews beats him then the push is effectively over.


Texas Buffalo then defeated The L.A Connection. Not the most exciting match up but Andrew’s cross body got a loud pop from the crowd, not surprised to see the champs win, C+. Strange to see American Buffalo get mic time after the match, even if were only a few words. It actually wasn’t terrible and sets up Texas Buffalo versus The New Wave pretty well, because he only spoke a few words, Buffalo's menacing look was the key factor so I'd give it a B-.

Next was quite a strange segment where Edd Stone embarrassed Fonzarelli in the canteen. Quite a simple feud and one which is unlikely to excite many but the promo was pretty well executed and I always enjoy myself some Stone so I’ll give it a chance, B-.


Next was the real shock of the night, a huge win for Sammy Bach. I’ve always been a supporter of his but it was a shame to see Troy hurt his ankle, especially after all his previous injury problems, reports are that it’s legitimate however he seemed to walk up the ramp without too much problem so I assume it’s nothing big at all. Still though the injury shouldn't take away from the huge win, with Law after the International title however it’s hard to see where Sammy fits in to the future of Total Wrestling but rumours are Cornell is trying to pick an appropriate tag partner for him. Either way, a great co main event, I’d give it B-.


The main event was as physical yet dramatic as one would expect, these two have faced each other plenty of times before and always seemed to know what the other person was doing, great basics and chemistry on display. The stipulation added some doubt in my mind as who would win, and at times I almost forgot the golden rule of TCW. Tommy Cornell always goes over. The match itself though was always going to be well done with perhaps the two biggest stars in the company facing off so I’d give it a firm B.


Overall it seems like Cornell has truly answered the networks call for shorter matches, and it seems like it’s paid off. Despite reported backstage problems that we here at Grapevine has written about I would give Total Wrestling an impressive B. However, admittedly in true grapevine style I do have some worries and problems with the show, the lack of plenty of big names like Ino, Golden, The New Wave was worrying and one has to question whether the shorter format is going to hurt the roster in the long run, I mean we just had a Total Wrestling with no appearance from the World Champ! Instead of giving us Wolf, we get a rehashed Cornell vs RDJ main event. Only time will tell if TCW can keep up these ratings without simply throwing Cornell in the main event to guarantee good ratings, or then again, perhaps time won’t tell and Tommy will remain in his place as the face, heart and backside of the company.

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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visits Wisconsin Gardens.


Rocky Golden vs The Machines

Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor

The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo © Non Title

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins

Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell


Also on Total Wrestling the answers to the questions posed by last weeks show are answered...


Will Cornell carry on restricting access to Wolf's belt? What exactly did Rick Law mean by enacting Martial Law? How did Edd Stone's night with the canteen lady go? Will the Champion be back from his holiday rest?


Tune in tomorrow for this and much more!




OOC: There will be a monthly prize for the person with the most correct predictions. Basically I currently have very little long term plans for the All Action Title, despite being a fan of it, mostly because it simply can't fit in the 90 minutes without leaving out some people higher up the card. So the All Action Title will become a type of tournament title, the last three weeks of each month will hold a qualification match in the pre show and the winning three will face the champion at each PPV. Also if an All Action Champion defends the belt at three consecutive PPV's he gets to challenge the International champion. Starting this month whoever wins the monthly prediction contest (weeks 1-4) gets to chose the winner of the PPV match. I think it will be interesting to see whether we get a new champion every month or whether people will effectively work together to get someone an International Title match.

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Hoping to improve on last time (I sure can't get much worse!)


Rocky Golden vs The Machines - I like Rocky, but established team losing a handicap match is horrible.


Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor - You seem higher on BV than I am.


The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo © Non Title - After being burnt last time by the non-title stip, I'll hopefully avoid making the same mistake this time.


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak - Peak is a monster. Fonz is a doofus.


Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins - Title or non-title? Either way, Andrews should be too good.


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell - I don't think anyone will go broke betting on Cornell every week.

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Looking great so far, really loving the format...and looking forward to the monthly prize! Hope I get 4 or above this time. :D



Rocky Golden vs The Machines - Machines are established, but they're aging. This could get Rocky over a little more.


Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor - Relatively young guy and oldster defeats team of two oldsters, including one who's seriously losing push.


The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo © Non Title - Could set up a rematch, this time with the title on the line.


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak - Fonzie Sucks!


Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins - DQ due to interference from Edd and/or Laura.


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell - Too early for the boss to put anyone over yet.

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Show Name: TCW presents: Total Wrestling

Held: Tuesday, Week 2, January 2013

Location: Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 9,512



Chance Fortune defeated Edd Stone to qualify for the All Action Title match at Malice in Wonderland

Rick Law defeated Giant Tana




The show beings with the usual pyrotechnics display as the camera pans across the audience while Rhodes and Azaria welcome the viewers at home




Jason Azaria: Well Kyle, it looks as if the question of who will challenge Mr Cornell next for a shot at Wolf is about to be answered




Kyle Rhodes: I think you’re right Jason, what my colleague is referring to is that Rocky Golden has just made his way down to the ring and has been handed a microphone. One can only assume he has the title in mind, of course this is the first time we have seen Rocky since his loss to Wolf at Psycho Circus.





‘Well it’s great to be back in this ring, even one week off seems to last forever. Although it seems like our champion has a different idea to me, taking holidays when he sees fit. I don’t know if you’re here tonight Wolf or not, but I know what you’re about, you weren’t on holiday, you were hiding. I mean I understand, everyone saw that you had your leg up on the ropes when you pinned me, so if I were you I’d stay in whatever hole you’ve found and keep out of my way. Now when I was sat at home watching the show last week, because I wasn’t even booked on it, I had to rub my eyes in disbelief. We now have to face Tommy Cornell before getting a shot at Wolf, and put up any future title shot on the line just to do that? The belt has nothing to do with Tommy and it’s about time he realised that. Now I understand the stipulation that if I lose, that’s it for title shots against Wolf, but the way I see Wolf hiding, I somehow doubt that is a big risk.




‘If I hear you correctly Rocky, you’re challenging me? Well I’ve got some bad news for you. I've already got a match tonight, Joey Minnesota has taken my challenge, I must admit I'm excited to end that idiots hope of a title shot. But hey, it’s not all bad, you’re in the ring… you want a match with someone? Well you can have one, right now’


Cornell smirks has he turns round to signal out Golden’s opponent.


Azaria: I wonder who this is going to be!

Rhodes: Oh wait a minute, no, that’s not fair.

Both Brent Hill and John Anderson begin to make their way down to the ring.


Opening Match


Rocky Golden vs The Machines

The opening match starts with Golden being pinned into the corner taking many shots from The Machines. However Rocky manages to fight both of them off and looks pumped up. The match mostly consists of Rocky managing to separate The Machines and trying to fight them one on one but ultimately he failed when The Machines managed to lock on a double armbar in the middle of the ring which Golden had no chance of escaping from.

Winners: The Machines after 10:03



Second Match


Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor

The rivalry between Vessey and Bryant heats up but the two rarely come to blows, instead it seems as if each one is trying to do demonstrate their skills using the others tag partner as an example. This formula almost goes wrong for Joel as Genghis hits a devastating backbreaker, causing Taylor to have to come in and break up the pin. Vessey gets angered by this and comes in to run at Taylor, Josh is quick enough to dodge and pull the rope down sending Vessey falling out the ring and then performs a snap suplex on Genghis. Bryant takes this opportunity to get the win with a diving elbow drop.

Winners: Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor after 10:46





The camera pans across the parking lock to show Danny Fonzarelli hand in hand with a woman, as he gets closer it is clear that the woman is the same one he was talking to in the canteen last week. He winks at someone as he walks into the arena.




The camera moves round to show that it was Edd Stone who he winked to, who now stands in disbelief.


Third Match


Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins(Non Title)

Both men lost last week and this evidently fired both competitors up, this was a non title match and yet didn't feel like one, clearly both men felt like a lot was at stake. The match featured some decent manoeuvres and after a battle of reversals Aaron Andrews hits the Standing Hot Shot and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Aaron Andrews after 11:34



After the match Andrew’s celebration is interrupted when his challenger at Malice in Wonderland appears with a megaphone, Peak follows slowly behind him




‘Sir would you please step out of the ring’

‘Mr Andrews do as I say and this will all go a lot quicker for you, step out of the ring’


Andrews reluctantly rolls out of the ring to question what Law’s problem is but is swiftly struck down as Rick swings a police baton into his stomach, Peak then continues the assault by stomping the stomach until both men decide they have had enough and begin to walk back up the ramp


‘I’ll see you and that pretty little title of yours at Malice.’



Rhodes: What a brutal beating handed out to Aaron Andrews.

Azaria: It’s despicable Kyle, outnumbering the International Champ AND using a weapon, I can’t imagine Aaron looking forward to the PPV anymore.



Forth Match


Texas Buffalo vs The New Wave (Non Title)

American Buffalo and Guide starting the match with some aggressive brawling, both men able to hold their own and deal out a lot of damage, Buffalo tagged in a fresh Texas Pete which allowed the tag champs to keep the upper hand until Guide was on his last legs, luckily he got the tag and Scout’s technical abilities meant he was always one step ahead of Pete. Just as The New Wave were getting their heads in front The Machines make their way down to the ring. Brent Hill walks round one side to distract the referee while John Anderson goes the other and pulls Scouts leg from outside the ring which gives Pete the chance to win. Guide tries to help his partner but is taken out with a powerful closeline from American Buffalo.

Winners: Texas Buffalo after 10:45


Azaria: Well that was strange, not a word from either team what that attack was all about.

Rhodes: Very strange Jason, do you think The Machines have allied with Texas Buffalo or have some other reasoning for costing The New Wave that match?




The camera cuts to inside Tommy Cornell’s office where Rick Law is laughing with Cornell, there is knock on the door and Edd Stone walks in


‘What the hell are you doing, did I say that you could come in?’

‘Oh sorry boss, I’ll… I’ll go knock again’


Tommy stares from Edd to Rick as a small grin appears on his face, both Cornell and Law have a laugh


‘I’m playing with you Edd, what do you want?’

‘Well I was wondering… if I could ask a favour from you, you see it’s that pathetic fool, you know, Fonzarelli, I was wondering if’

‘Edd, I’ll tell you what I can do, how about you and Rick here discuss the situation, I’m sure he can help you out somehow’


Rick grins and turns his head around to Edd


‘Hmm, you know what, there is something I can do to help, I’m sure my associate Mr Peak will be happy to lend his services.’


Edd looks relieved how well this has gone for him, thanks the men and begins to exit until Law turns his whole body to look him in the eye.


‘But Edd… favours get repaid, don’t forget that now’



A video package plays hyping up Koshiro Ino plays which ends by telling the fans that he will be making his first appearance of 2013 next week


Azaria: How exciting, Ino hasn’t been here for the last two weeks now, I’m sure he will be ready to make an impact when he returns.

Rhodes: I agree with you there, but right now it looks like Danny Fonzarelli is making his way down to the ring.





’Ive just been sent down here for a match tonight, and I must say, I don’t know who it is I’m looking forward to it, I’ve had a great week and things are looking up for Dr Love. So tonight, I get to make up for not winning the number one contendership match last week.’


Danny’s smile fades as Eddie Peak makes his way down to the ring.


Fifth Match


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

This was a painful match to watch for any Fonzarelli fan, what made it so bad was not Peak’s complete domination but the fact that Danny kept kicking out, kept trying to escape Peak’s attacks and even try to hurt the monster. Unfortunately he could keep none of these up forever and Peak got the win with the Peak of the Devil.

Winner: Eddie Peak after 10:59


Main Event



Wolf Hawkins surprised the fans by coming out to be the guest commentator for the main event. Ignoring the chorus of boos coming from the crowd he stands on the announce table and bows to the audience before taking his seat.


Azaria: Urm okay, well now that is out of the way, welcome Wolf, how are you feeling? Did you enjoy your holiday?

Wolf: Of course I did, The Maldives are always nice this time of year, and especially satisfying after my win against Golden.

Rhodes: I’m glad to hear that Champ, but what do you say to the people who say that because you are, the Champ, taking a holiday like that is something you’re going to have to put off?’

Wolf: Of course there are going to be people who whine. Look I’m a young, successful, good looking Champion; I'm used to the jealousy. What I will say though is that it wasn't all cocktails on the beach. Look at these arms? I bet you didn’t know some of the best gyms in the world are in the Maldives. I’m the biggest I’ve ever been in my life, nobody is going to want to challenge this.

Azaria: Although I agree that you’re looking in top shape Wolf, I will have to disagree with your final point, it seems like everyone wants a shot, take tonight’s challenger for example, just like his friend last week he has put a lot on the line to face Mr Cornell just for a chance to challenge you at Malice in Wonderland.

Wolf: It makes me laugh really, the mistakes people make. Ricky can never challenge me again, I know Joey is going to be added to the list tonight. But I’ve had enough of this small talk though, can we just call the damn match



Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota

The match starts with a fast pace as the two trade blows, it keeps up this pace throughout with both men showing their aggressive side. Both men also put on a great display of their technical abilities including Joey hitting an impressive superplex. The intensity of the match means that after 15 minutes both men are down on the ground and barely make a 10 count. Minnesota begins to get the upper hand until he see’s Wolf standing up, this momentary lapse in concentration gives Cornell all chance he needs to hit Rough Justice.

Winner: Tommy Cornell after 16:23


Wolf joins Tommy in the ring as Joey exits furious at both Wolf and himself. Wolf signals to him that that’s it- No more shots.



Azaria: Wow, so that’s both Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota who are banned from challenging for the TCW World Heavyweight Champion

Rhodes: While Wolf is champ that is. Although I agree that right now you’d be a fool to bet against him.

Azaria: Well both men have swiftly left backstage so that’s all for tonight, thank you for watching.



Backstage Cornell and Hawkins are making their way to their locker room


‘Wolf, I can say now that your title is safe, both of those two are out of the picture, and after tonight I don’t think Golden can even feel his arms never mind challenge you’

‘Yeah you’re right boss, I could beat all three of them anyway, shame there is no one left eh, I wouldn’t mind being at Malice, but hey, I’m sure they’ll televise it in the Maldives.’


There are footsteps as someone steps out behind them both


‘You want a match Champ? I’m here.’


The two men turn around to see Sammy Bach stood in the corridor, cheers can be heard from the crowd watching.


‘Excuse me? You want to face Wolf? Get real. Come on Wolf let’s go’


Cornell and Hawkins keep on walking but Wolf keeps looking back at Bach, visibly shocked and intimidated.









Total Recall


Rocky Golden vs The Machines

Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Joel Bryant & Josh Taylor

The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo © Non Title

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins

Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell



Jaded: 5/6

3rdStringPG: 4/6

Pig: 4/6



Pig: 9/11

3rdStingPG: 7/11

Jaded: 6/11

Timber 3/5


P.S Thanks to anyone who has commented and predicted, I'd be happy to hear any way you think it could improve, especially with the presentation (I'm not sure if the angles are being separated well enough. I hope you enjoy reading and predicting, especially now with the All Action Competition the predictions make it extra exciting for me to do.

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Total Wrestling Review


After the previous Total Wrestling, this week had to put on a great show to silence the people that felt the last shows high rating was simply an anomaly. Personally the verdict is still out on whether this was achieved but none the less, it was an interesting show with plenty to dissect.


The show began with Rocky Golden, I rarely enjoy the time he gets on the mic but I can put up with it if it leads to a handicap match. I’m not surprised they gave the main event to Joey instead, it was a safer bet, Cornell against Minnesota is always going to be a decent match. The surprise opponents of both the Machines was a pretty cool way to start the show so I’d give the overall segment a B-. The match that followed was well executed and probably pleased both the fans that felt an established tag team could not realistically lose a handicap match and the fans that want to see the main event star be protected. Golden looked good tonight and being paired with two very able wrestlers definitely helped him, the double arm-bar was a nice end too. Overall I’d give the match another B-.


The next match was the tag match featuring the feud between Vessey and Bryant, although I had hopes for this feud the tag match itself fell a bit flat. I would give it a C-, the writers seem to be off Genghis right now which I feel is a shame and using him as Joel Bryant’s rag doll just looked strange, a more open match would have probably benefited everyone. That being said. I’m still looking forward to when these two veterans actually square off, presumably at Malice in Wonderland.


Next was a very short segment showing Danny Fonzarelli walking in, why the canteen lady had travelled with him from the last arena I don’t know, but the weirdness of a Dr Love, canteen lady and Edd Stone love triangle actually has me interested. That being said it’s not something that will appeal to most TCW fans and unless it stays to the lower cards with short segments it may put off some people. I’d give the segment a C+, not bad.


Next was Aaron Andrews against Freddy Huggins, the match was okay, but lacked much meaning and felt like it was simply there to help Andrews look good in order to be a credible threat to Law. With that being said, it did its job quite well, I’d give it a D+, but both men are capable of more. The segment after the match I’d give a C+, it would have perhaps been higher it if was after a more exciting previous match. The beating looked legitimately brutal, it’s easy to belief Peak is crazy and Andrews sold it all well.

The following match between American Buffalo and The New Wave showcased some great wrestling, containing three credible strong men and Scout to provide some technicality which would have been sorely missed. The experience of The New Wave is always visible and the two seem to have the art of getting over their opposing team down to a tee. The Machines interference was interesting and allowed The New Wave to lose while still looking strong, not sure where they are going with this but I’d give the match a solid B-.


Next was a segment inside Cornell’s office, the dynamic between Cornell and Law was fun to watch and the two share decent chemistry, the authority of Cornell really adds to Law’s intimidating feel. It was also nice to see Edd be part of a segment with Cornell and shows a degree of faith in him. He managed to hold his own in what seemed to be a scripted segment, I’d give it a B-. The segment lead to Eddie Peak defeating Danny Fonzarelli, at what we can only assume to be the commands of Rick Law. It was perhaps wrong to have one near main event basically squash another one and the loss really does make Danny look bad. Whether he will pick himself up from this I don’t know, but the match itself was pretty well done, I’d give it a C.


Finally the main event, it was good to see Wolf back on screen and it does seem like he has bulked up lately, I’ve always said that as much as I can get behind a smaller underdog challenger, for Wolf to play the champion role that he is being asked to do well relies on him having a certain look, tonight, he had that. The match itself was as good as one would expect, I’d give it a B but the end result never looked much in doubt. Minnesota being banned as well as RDJ leaves the title picture open which leads us onto the final segment. Sammy Bach being introduced to the picture is something which many have been calling for, I am personally happy at this, if that is indeed what is happening but I do have some doubt whether Bach is a believer contender yet. That being said Cornell did brush off Bach’s request, and we all know that his word is final so perhaps this is just a tease for a match that won’t be held for quite some time, for the questions that it has raised, and the way it was executed, I'd give the segment a B.


Total Wrestling has still have not answered my main two troubles, whether it can put on good shows without Cornell, and whether it can adjust to this 90 minutes without neglecting big stars. Ino, RDJ and plenty more were not used at all, and with the number of mid card feuds it isn't easy to see how they will fit in. The show doesn’t paint the most rosy picture for the future of TCW but if I were to judge it as a single show, I’d give it a good B-, let’s just hope next week builds more on the positives.


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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visits The Minnesota Coliseum.


Pre Show

Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith (All Action Qualifier)


Main Show

Koshiro Ino vs Bryan Vessey

Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord

Chance Fortune vs Rick Law

Benny Benson vs Brent Hill

Freedom Fighters vs The Canadian Animals

Sammy Bach vs Tommy Cornell


Hint: One of these matches will end in a draw/non decision


Also on Total Wrestling: Danny and Edd fight over a new girl in TCW, and Minnesota to address his home town fans.

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<p>Pre Show</p><p>

Harry Allen vs <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> (All Action Qualifier)</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show</p><p>

Koshiro Ino vs <strong>Bryan Vessey</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Jay Chord</p><p>

Chance Fortune vs <strong>Rick Law</strong></p><p>

Benny Benson vs <strong>Brent Hill</strong></p><p>

<strong>Freedom Fighters</strong> vs The Canadian Animals</p><p>

Sammy Bach vs Tommy Cornell -<strong>DRAW</strong></p>

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<p>Pre Show</p><p>

Harry Allen vs <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> (All Action Qualifier)</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show</p><p>

Koshiro Ino vs <strong>Bryan Vessey</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Jay Chord</p><p>

Chance Fortune vs <strong>Rick Law</strong></p><p>

Benny Benson vs <strong>Brent Hill</strong></p><p>

Freedom Fighters vs The Canadian Animals -<strong>draw</strong></p><p>

Sammy Bach vs <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong></p>

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Show Name: TCW presents: Total Wrestling

Held: Tuesday, Week 3, January 2013

Location: Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)

Attendance: 9,512



Eddie Peak defeated Giant Tana

Harry Allen defeated Matthew Keith

Joshua Taylor defeated Genghis Rahn




The show beings with the Rhodes and Azaria welcoming the viewers to Total Wrestling and expressing excitement about the opening match




Jason Azaria: Bryan Vessey is already in the ring awaiting his opponent in tonight's opening contest




Kyle Rhodes: Oh and here comes his challenger who we have not seen for the past couple of weeks, Koshiro Ino.


Opening Match


Bryan Vessey vs Koshiro Ino

Two of the best in ring workers of the company squared off for an action packed 15 minute opening match, Ino received a good reception, looked strong and was able to match the brawling skills of Vessey. Despite this it was Bryan's technical superiority that helped him get the win as Ino was unable to reach the ropes and was forced to tap out of Vessey's ankle lock.

Winner: Bryan Vessey after 15:45


After the match Vessey grabbed a mic and informed Joel Bryant that he challenges him to match at Malice in Wonderland.



Azaria: After watching that match I don't envy the position Joel is in.

Rhodes: I've heard Joel is not in the building tonight but I must add, he is not someone to back down from a fight, I think we can safely say this match is going to happen.





Wolf Hawkins is sat in Cornell's office discussing the events that transpired at the end of last week's show.


Look Wolf, you don't need to worry about your title, until someone stands out and actually deserves a shot against you, it isn't going to happen. The TCW World Heavyweight belt is the most elite belt in professional wrestling, it's not for people like Bach.


Thanks boss but I don't mind taking him on, I want to prove to him what a mistake he's made.


I don't think you understand me, this is a business, and creeps like Bach are simply not good for business. I know you're still young but you'll get it one day.


Well if he is bad for business then why not ensure he can never challenge for the belt, take his chance away like you did with the others, beat him.


You're lucky I've got a soft spot for pummelling idiots I don't like, as much as it sickens me to give that guy a main event match, lets do it.




Second Match


Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord (non-title)

The International Champion defends his belt against Rick Law at Malice in Wonderland but appeared fully focused on tonight's match giving the youngster all the respect he deserves. Chord showcased impressive athelitic abilities but this was always going to be the champs night who got the pin after a diving moonsault.

Winner: Aaron Andrews 6:23



Danny Fonzarelli is shown backstage looking rather depressed as he reads a text message sent after last weeks show, from the canteen lady, that explains how she no longer wants to see him. Edd Stone's manager, Vita, comes in to try and cheer him up.




Ah man she was perfect, it had only been two weeks but I swear she was the one, you should have tried her homemade pie. It belonged in a fine restaurant not some cheap cafeteria.


Vita puts her arm around the ageing Dr Love but is interrupted when the man she is managing enters the room. Edd signals Vita to leave the room as he walks towards his recent rival.




Does it get any more pitiful than this, let me get this straight, last week you get destroyed by Peak only to go home and find out that you've been dumped by some trash. Isn't it time to give up?


Fonzarelli takes exception to his ex girlfriend being called trash and launches himself at Edd. The two brawl until they are split up by officials backstage. Amongst all the drama Edd Stone can be heard laughing as he is restrained


I'm going to ruin you Fonz, you'll be gone from here.



Rhodes: What a heated confrontation we just saw.

Azaria: I'm more worried about the consequences, we saw last week that Edd had some power backstage, what is going to happen to Danny now Edd is intent on ruining him as he puts it?



Third Match


Benny Benson vs Brent Hill

This match opened with the two testing the waters and trying to figure the other out. It began to pick up pace just before it was cut short. Benny Benson has seemingly gotten caught up in the tag team turmoil that has been heating up as of late. Firstly John Anderson and Texas Buffalo circled the ring before The New Wave came down for the pre-emptive save of Benson, the two competitors left the ring to join the brawl and both ended up being counted out by the referee. The 4 man team of Texas Buffalo and The Machines used their numbers advantage until Benson hit a diving cross body from the turnbuckle to the outside of the ring that took out both of The Machines, after the makeshift trio gained controlled Benny grabbed a microphone to challenge the 4 men to a match at Malice in the Wonderland.

Winner: Draw after 7:45


Rhodes: Well it looks like American Buffalo's plan to destroy all competition has run into some problems in the form of Benny Benson.

Azaria: That's true but I'd still put my money on the tag champs all day long.




Fourth Match


Rick Law vs Chance Fortune

Rick Law dominated the match from the very start, mostly simply throwing Chance around the ring. Rick of course faces Chance's tag team partner Aaron Andrews at Malice in Wonderland and this fact seemed to only fuel Rick's strength. Peak was again present at ringside and for the entirety of the match simply stared at Chance. After a devastating powerbomb, Rick got the 3 count. After the match both Law and Peak continued the assault, using handcuffs to tie Chance to the ropes. Andrew's ran down to make the save, recieving a good reaction from the crowd as after last week's beating finally got his hands on Law. Andrews managed to throw Peak out of the ring causing Law to flee with his lackey. After freeing his friend both men celebrate in the ring despite Chance's loss.

Winner: Rick Law after 7:34.




Co-Main Event


The Freedom Fighters vs The Canadian Animals

Both freedom fighters have recently lost any chance of a world title match for as long as Wolf is the champion so this match raised speculation that the two were intending to focus on the tag titles until Wolf dropped the belt. The performance on display would certainly argue that the titles are a reachable goal for the two main event stars as they easily disposed of The Canadian Animals. Edd Stone did appear to be favouring his left leg after the brawl with Fonzarelli but to say that this was the only reason for the defeat would be a stretch.

Winners: The Freedom Fighters


After the match Joey grabs the mic receiving loud cheers from his hometown fans.


I want to thank you all for coming tonight, and I hope you enjoy our main event. I for one would love for Sammy to pull of the upset and then go on to take the belt off Wolf but that's irrelevant right now. I've heard people speculate what the future holds for me and my partner now that we cannot even aim for the World Heavyweight title. I know Ricky has set his sights on the tag team titles...


Joey pauses to look at Ricky


but f*** that. Ricky you've not had the belt for what? Five years?! You've lost you're hunger, I'm not the guy who can say oh well, it's not the end of the world.


The crowd give a mixed response to Joey, some agreeing with his attitude but many others disliking the lack of respect shown to his partner.


You see for me it is the end of the world, I had the belt for 10 whole months just 2 years ago and when I lost it I told myself that nothing would ever get in the way of me reclaiming my belt. You want the tag titles Ricky? Well you go play with the amateurs, there is nothing for me here any more. I quit.


Joey Minnesota drops the mic, looks back at his old partner one last time and makes his way out of the arena to the boo's of his once faithful fans.



Rhodes: I don't know what the crowd are booing, I for one agree with Joey here, just because a man has ambition.

Azaria: Oh come on Jason, this isn't ambition, this is throwing you're toys out of the pram because you lost. I would also like to apologise for Joey's language in there, there are many things that come out of having a live show and this is unfortunately one of the very few negative things.

Rhodes: Give me a break, this isn't a kids show, Joey was speaking his mind.

Azaria: Well no matter what he was doing, our focus now has to switch to tonight's exciting main event.



A video plays hyping the main event which shows Bach's impressive win against Tornado but also Cornell's recent form defeating both Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota. The video ends with a clip showing Cornell speaking to Bach last week. 'you want to face Wolf? Get real'.



Main Event


Tommy Cornell vs Sammy Bach

Just like the previous two Total Wrestling main events, a lot was on stake tonight, if Tommy won then Sammy would join the club of people who are not allowed to challenge for Wolf's title however if Bach won then he wins a title shot at Malice in Wonderland. The action reflected how important the match was, Cornell began by playing with Bach, constantly reversing him and trying to embarrassing him, often slapping the back of his head. Bach however forced Cornell to take him more serious after he too reversed Cornell and slapped the back of his head, causing Cornell to angrily discipline the referee. The match picked became increasingly fast paced which only worked to Bach's advantage as the high flier hit an impressive diving elbow drop that seemed to stretch from one side of the ring to the other. After 15 minutes of fast paced action Bach had Cornell where he wanted him until Tommy hit Rough Justice. To the surprise of the fans and especially Cornell himself, Bach kicked out. After almost striking the referee out of anger Cornell decided to lock Bach into a sleeper hold. Cornell is not the biggest of guys but did have the size advantage against Bach and so this seemed too much for the challenger. The referee was considering giving Cornell the win as Bach seemed unconscious when out of nowhere Ricky Dale Johnson begins running down to the ring. Cornell releases the sleeper to prevent RDJ from entering the ring and Bach takes this chance to pull Cornell into a roll up.

Winner: Sammy Bach after 16:32



Rhodes: What the... Sammy Bach has beaten Tommy Cornell!

Azaria: And let's not forget that he now will go on to challenge Wolf at Malice in Wonderland.

Rhodes: Cornell looks furious right now Jason, I can't imagine there will be no consequences to this next week.

Azaria: Indeed, but right now we leave you with this, Bach has beaten Cornell. Bach has beaten Cornell!








Pre Show

Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith (All Action Qualifier)


Main Show

Koshiro Ino vs Bryan Vessey

Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord

Chance Fortune vs Rick Law

Benny Benson vs Brent Hill DRAW

Freedom Fighters vs The Canadian Animals

Sammy Bach vs Tommy Cornell




Pig: 4/7

Jaded: 3/7



Pig: 13/18

Jaded: 9/18

3rdStingPG: 7/11

Timber 3/5


P.S Merry Christmas

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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visits The V. Thompson Arena (South West)


Main Show

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Joel Bryant vs Jay Chord

The New Wave vs The Machines

The L.A Connection vs The Canadian Animals

Joshua Taylor vs Rick Law

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Hint: None of these matches will end in a draw/non decision


Also on Total Wrestling: How will Edd Stone 'ruin' Danny Fonzarelli? How will Cornell react to RDJ costing him the match against Bach? Will Joel Bryant accept Bryan Vessey's challenge? Tune in for this and much more.

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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visits The V. Thompson Arena (South West)


Main Show

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Joel Bryant vs Jay Chord

The New Wave vs The Machines

The L.A Connection vs The Canadian Animals

Joshua Taylor vs Rick Law

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Hint: None of these matches will end in a draw/non decision


Also on Total Wrestling: How will Edd Stone 'ruin' Danny Fonzarelli? How will Cornell react to RDJ costing him the match against Bach? Will Joel Bryant accept Bryan Vessey's challenge? Tune in for this and much more.


Really love how you've been booking TCW so far. Makes me want to start a TCW diary as well. :p


Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado Not the time to end Sammy's push

Joel Bryant vs Jay Chord Joel will need all the momentum he can get vs Vessey

The New Wave vs The Machines Unless you are planning on turning the Machines, New Wave needs the win more

The L.A Connection vs The Canadian Animals Being international champ, AA is weighed down by Chance Fortune.

Joshua Taylor vs Rick Law Between Law and Peak, one needs to keep some heat on them.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak RDJ must remain strong to stay in the World Championship scene.

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