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The Dawn of an Era

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Show Name: TCW presents: Total Wrestling

Held: Tuesday, Week 4, January 2013

Location: The V. Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 9,393



Flyimg Jimmy Fox & Harry Allen defeated Genghis Rahn & Matthew Keith

American Buffalo defeated Giant Tana




The show beings with the Rhodes and Azaria welcoming the viewers to Total Wrestling, recapping last week’s show and hyping the upcoming PPV.




Jason Azaria: Well after a shocking main event last week the title will be on the line this Sunday as Wolf defends against the unlikely challenger, Sammy Bach.




Kyle Rhodes: But we shouldn’t forget the circumstance that Sammy got the win, I’m sure Cornell is out for revenge on Ricky Dale Johnson

Jason Azaria: Well I’m sure we are going to find out what this entails as we start the show with Mr Cornell himself inside the ring.





I’m going to keep this short as I’m a very busy man. Ricky, you messed with the wrong guy last week, you messed with your boss. Now I could fire you on the spot but luckily for you, I know what is good for business. At Malice in Wonderland it’s gonna be me versus you, in a steel cage. I’m going give you the beating of your life. Although I also don’t want to wait until Sunday to see you get your arse kicked. So tonight you can face Eddie Peak. Enjoy that.

Opening Match


Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Shortly after Cornell left the ring the man who defeated him last week entered it to compete in the opening match. His opponent, Troy Tornado, was returning from a two week injury that caused him to lose against Back on the first Total Wrestling of the year. Despite only being separated by three weeks, this match was a world apart from the previous one. Unlike last time, Bach was now Troy’s equal, if not a step above, this time when Sammy hit the Bach on your Back it wasn’t a surprise to see that Troy couldn’t make the 3 count.

Winner: Sammy Bach after 13:43


Azaria: Sammy Bach certainly has the advantage of momentum going into Malice in Wonderland.

Rhodes: That’s right, whereas the champion hasn’t entered a wrestling ring since retaining his title at Psycho Circus.





Danny Fonzarelli is shown backstage looking nervous and jumpy whilst trying to avoid Edd Stone. The camera switches to Edd who instead of tormenting Danny, is in Tommy Cornell’s office.




Hey Boss, you know that All Action title match at Malice in Wonderland?

The triple threat? Yeah… what about it.

Well, I mean have you properly looked at it? Where is the star power in that?

I think I know what you’re hinting at, but you see the people had to qualify for that, and didn’t you lose your qualifier against Chance Fortune?

Well yeah but…

And haven’t I already done enough favors for you this month? I mean you already owe Law a favor.

I know but if…

Look, I don’t care for that title, or the match, I have bigger things to deal with, if it means that much to you then sure, whatever, your in.

Thanks Boss! I’ll put on a great show.

Yeah, yeah, but Edd, I’ll remind you again, favors get repaid.



Second Match


Joel Bryant vs Jay Chord

Before the match Joel grabs a mic and accepts Bryan Vessey’s challenge for Malice in Wonderland. The rivalry started due to the two disagreeing over how the young stars should be treated so this match was a fitting warm up for Joel. Jay Chord tested Joel, perhaps more than he expected but the veteran managed to get the win after hitting the One Shot Drop.

Winner: Joel Bryant 6:19


Azaria: Well both men will go into Malice with form on their side after Vessey also won his warm up match, last week, against an impressive looking Koshiro Ino.

Rhodes: Two ring generals, in form, it’s bound to be a wrestling clinic.



Third Match


The New Wave vs The Machines

This match was the type that is often lost in the middle of the card on Total Wrestling and yet taken as a standalone match would be considered of a very high quality. Here we had four experienced wrestlers who both knew the ins and outs of tag team wrestling, all four men have something to offer in the ring whether it be technical prowess or a good standard of brawling but this match showed that when so much chemistry is involved those things are not the be all and end all. Although it could be said that this match will benefit even the losers, it were The Machines that got the pin fall after targeting Scout and hitting a double superplex.

Winner: The Machines after 10:23





After the match Texas Buffalo joined their recent allies to continue the dismantling of The New Wave. Benny Benson ran down to attempt the save but the numbers were all too much, it seemed as if Texas Bufallo and The Machines had finally gotten the better of their tag team rivals. It was then that a man familiar to most TCW fans made his entrance.


Rhodes: Wait a minute, that’s Greg Black!

Azaria: And look at him clear house to help his old friend Benny!

Rhodes: What a treat to see both members of High Concept in a ring together, it’s been years.


With their numbers advantage gone, Texas Buffalo and The Machines retreat out of the ring.




‘Hey you lot, 5 words for you. This… Sunday… Four... On… Four!’



The camera shows Law and his 'weapon' Peak stood backstage




Listen up Andrews, I see your match is up next, well I’m gonna tell you now that luckily for you, me and my friend Eddie here both have singles matches tonight, so you can stop looking over your shoulder and just concentrate on getting beat by whatever idiot it is you’re against… But don’t be mistaken thinking I’ve forgotten about you now, you’re beating will come this Sunday. As for tonight? Josh Taylor? You’re in over your head boy.



Fourth Match


The L.A Connection vs The Canadian Animals

To a lesser extent, this was a similar match up to the previous one as yet again both teams shared the strength of tag experience. This match however seemed to contain less wrestling maneuvers and more showboating, especially from the exceedingly cocky Canadian boys. This was probably their downfall as due to being too busy high fiving his partner, Freddy didn’t realise Chance had tagged in Aaron, Andrews pounced on his opponent with a painful looking spear.

Winner: The L.A Connection after 10:01.



Co-Main Event


Joshua Taylor vs Rick Law

At the beginning of the month most people would put these wrestlers on par with each other, however after a hot month for Law but an average month for Taylor it wasn’t too much of a shock to see how much Law controlled the match. Taylor had his fair share of offense but whenever Law gained control, his brutality always hurt Taylor. It was all too much for Joshua when Rick hit his powerbomb onto an exposed turnbuckle and then nearly knock his opponents head of with a Long Arm of the Law Closeline.

Winners: Rick Law after 12:43



Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way to the ring. The ageing yet popular wrestler takes his time to greet many of the fans on his way down.



Main Event


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak

The night’s main event was a physically intense face off with countless heavy punches. After 10 minutes of wearing the other man down RDJ accidently elbowed the referee, the hardcore monster took his chance to use this opportunity by hit Ricky twice with a steel chair. Peak attempted to pin his opponent but luckily for RDJ the referee took quite a while to come round to the elbow and RDJ managed to get his shoulder up to Peak’s dismay. Ricky then managed to catch a second wind and continued the assault on Peak, getting the win with Southern Justice.

Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson after 15:03



Rhodes: An impressive win for Ricky who had to battle against the odds.

Azaria: Not just the odds but a steel chair!

Rhodes: Well I hope he recovers well because on Sunday it’s Ricky Dale Johnson against Tommy Cornell.

Azaria: And that’s just one of the many matches I’m anticipating, we also have matches for the All Action and International Title.

Rhodes: And of course, Bach versus Hawkins for the World Title!








Main Show

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Joel Bryant vs Jay Chord

The New Wave vs The Machines

The L.A Connection vs The Canadian Animals

Joshua Taylor vs Rick Law

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak




Pig: 4/6

Antithesis: 4/6



Pig: 17/24

Jaded: 9/18

3rdStingPG: 7/11

Antithesis: 4/6

Timber 3/5


So congratulations Pig. Could you please pm me who you would want to win the All Action Title at Malice in Wonderland. Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortune vs Edd Stone.


The PPVs will have predictions but it will be separate from the monthly Total Wrestling competitions that decide the All Action Champion (although if you were to win it you would have the advantage of knowing who will win the All Action Title match). This competition will be a bit different in that I won't count up how many you get right each PPV, the person who gets the most right each PPV will get a point, and the person with most points at the end of year will get some reward. It might seem unnecessary to have two predictions contests running but hopefully it will mean that if you read this and enjoy predicting then it's not the end of the world if you miss a week or two, aslong as you have the gist of things so you can predict the PPVs. Hope you enjoy.


P.S Thanks again for anyone commenting.

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The following matches are scheduled to take place when Washington D.C hosts the first TCW PPV of the year: Malice in Wonderland


Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

All Action Title: Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortune vs Edd Stone

High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

International Title: Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

World Heavyweight Title: Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Cage match: Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell




I mentioned it just above but will remind people again that this is a separate prediction contest to the monthly Total Wrestling one, this is a simple whomever gets the most correct get a point and the person with the most points after 12 PPVs win.


P.S Pig. if you predict the PPV can you please leave out your pick for the All Action match as obviously you've picked the winner as your prize for the monthly contest. Thanks.

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Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

All Action Title: Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortune vs Edd Stone

High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

International Title: Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

World Heavyweight Title: Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Cage match: Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

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Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

All Action Title: Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortune vs Edd Stone

High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

International Title: Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

World Heavyweight Title: Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Cage match: Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Dawn of an era... the push Bach's been getting. I think thats the tie in, at which point Bach will need some strong heels to defend against. We will see, but I am betting the predictions that this is where it is heading.

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Total Wrestling review

With Malice in Wonderland just around the corner... [read more]


Joey Minnesota slams TCW in interview

Whether Minnesota's shock exit last week was a... [read more]


Why USPW already lost the 3 way battle.

Some writers here on wpv will disagree with me... [read more]


Texas Buffalo to hold the belts right through the year?

Our sources have suggested that Cornell is loving... [read more]


Backstage dissatisfaction at an all time high in TCW.

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5 best tag teams in the history of TCW?

With the expected reformation of High Concept what... [read more]

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Total Wrestling Review

Long term readers of wrestlingrapvine might be interested to see that we are trying out a slightly different format for these reviews to make them more accessible. Instead of a paragraph or so on each segment with a rating inside it there will now be a short summary with the ratings and then a separate 'thoughts and opinions' part at the end. Any opinions on the format would be appreciated.


Cornell books main event for Malice and Total Wrestling (B-)

Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado (B)

Fonzarelli shown nervous (B-)

Edd worms his way into All Action Title match (C+)

Joel Bryant defeated Jay Chord (C+)

The Machines defeated The New Wave (B)

Tag Team brawl with Greg Black save ©

Law hypes match against Taylor (C+)

The L.A Connection defeated The Canadian Animals ©

Rick Law defeated Josh Taylor (B-)

RDJ's elaborate entrance (B)

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Eddie Peak (B)




So with just a few days left until Malice, Total Wrestling needed to impress in order to grab a few more PPV buys. Despite a lack of big names I think it managed to do this well, with three B rating matches this show has finally proven to me that TCW is capable of putting on a good show with Cornell, not only no Cornell, but no Wolf, Golden, Minnesota, Vessey and more. Taken as a stand alone show, this was good, but nothing exceptional. Little storyline development and no title matches but it has painted a brighter picture for TCW's future than most would have anticipated. The fact that so many main event stars have not had regular appearances this month is strange but the people backstage must be happy at the upper midcard's ability to step in when needed with workers like Bach and Peak.


It would be impossible to review the final Total Wrestling of the month without thinking of the PPV that is about to occur. Malice in Wonderland has the potential to be a firm PPV. One gripe I do have is that it seems Cornell has played in safe when it comes to the main event. Up to this week it was assumed the main event would be Hawkins against whomever beat Cornell but now it seems like it's going to be Cornell/RDJ. Now the two co main events are definitely strong matches that should pull good ratings but I'm a fan of the main event title always closing the biggest shows.


Here at wrestlingrapevine we rate these shows partly to be able to compare between promotions, and with the battle for supremacy that has started between the big three American promotions comparing these scores has never been more relevant. Last week we reviewed SWF's first PPV of the year and gave it a firm B... an 81 to be precise which is the joint highest show they have had this month. This week was TCW's highest rated show which we gave an 80. USPW has disappointed as of late and failed to get any show above 78. So in the monthly battle at the top of the American wrestling industry, Malice in Wonderland is going to prove key, needing above an 81 to win.


P.S Preview for Malice in Wonderland is on the previous page.

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Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

International Title: Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

World Heavyweight Title: Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Cage match: Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

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Malice in Wonderland




Show Name: Malice in Wonderland

Held: Sunday Week 4, January, 2013

Location: Nationals Park (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 27504



Koshiro Ino and Rocky Golden defeated Matthew Keith and Jay Chord

Eddie Peak defeated Joshua Taylor




The camera pans across a loud crowd and then onto the announce desk where both men are looking smarter than usual.




Jason Azaria: Welcome everybody to Malice in Wonderland! And boy what a card do we have for you.




Kyle Rhodes: Indeed, and the crowd here in D.C seem hyped up for this opening match.



Opening Match


Bryan Vessey vs Joel Bryant

This match up was always going to be technically sound, two ring generals who have spent years honing their craft. These are two men who have nothing to prove except silencing the critiques who call them done, over the hill and past their peak. The match opened with a few minutes of small encounters with each man trying to get a feel of their opponent. Joel Bryant seemed to outdo Vessey with all the basics but not when it came down to raw strength. Vessey always seemed that little bit better than Joel. Despite this, Vessey resorted to putting both legs up on the rope in order to get the 3 count after a painful looking back breaker. The crowd erupted with boos both at Vessey and perhaps some disappointment that neither of these two veterans were really pushed to their limits. Vessey made a rather quick exit leaving Bryant in the ring angry both with his rival and himself.

Winner: Vessey after 16:03


Rhodes: I can’t imagine that this is the last we will see of this.

Azaria: Well it certainly looks like Bryant is far from satisfied.


Second Match



TCW All Action Title

Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortunes vs Edd Stone

The All Action division has been relegated lately, the tournament for this title has taken place in pre-shows that haven’t aired on Total Wrestling so it’s no real surprise that there was a distinct lack of heat for this match. Despite this, the match lived up to it’s name and for 10 short minutes the ring was full of action, often spilling outside of the ring. Ultimately it was the same man that impressed most that picked up the victory, Edd Stone. After Chance sent Harry and himself over the top rope Edd took the opportunity to hit the Party’s Over and win the title.

Winner, and new champion: Edd Stone after 10:35




Third Match


High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

With 8 men all attempting to get a pin fall this was always going to be a hectic match, the referee constantly had trouble keeping just the two legal men in the ring at once. The match set up suited Texas Buffalo who could dominate one opponent, The Machines would help them isolate him and the two teams worked well together with lots of quick tags. The match began to descend into chaos when Greg Black took exception to Texas Pete breaking up Scout's pinfall attempt on American Buffalo. All 8 men brawled outside the ring and this is where High Concept shined with numerous impressive moves off the top ropes. It was in this chaos that Benny Benson managed to surprise American Buffalo and win the match with a roll up.

Winners: High Concept and The New Wave after 17:56


Rhodes: What a return for Greg Black and High Concept!

Azaria: Surely this puts them in line for a title match.


Fourth Match



TCW International Title

Aaron Andrews ©vs Rick Law

The match began with an explosion of action as Andrews finally properly got his hands on Law, without weapons and without Peak. It was an exciting open match but Law’s size advantage could never be forgotten as the challenger often resorted to simply throwing his opponent into the turnbuckle and pounding his body. At one point it seemed like Andrews had the match in the bag, Law was down and Andrews was walking to the ropes to hit a frog splash, as he was about to jump up Law resorted to a low blow that every man in the building could feel. When the referee waved away Andrew’s protest Law climbed onto Andrews to apply a cobra clutch, after just a few seconds the ref rang the bell signalling Law the new champion. Andrews, and indeed most of the front row could see that he had not tapped out, but Law was already half the way up the ramp with the title in hand.

Winner, and new champion: Law after 17:06


Azaria: What a sickening end to a match Kyle.

Rhodes: Oh I agree, you can't help but feel for Aaron there.

Azaria: Well at least now we have our co main event!

Rhodes: And this one, is for the World Heavyweight Title!


Co-Main Event



TCW World Heavyweight Title

Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins ©

The match had an exciting and fresh feel to it, rarely is there a world title match in TCW that features such quick action and as many high spots as this one did. Bach seemed intent on silencing the people who believed he is not worthy of a world title. Despite being the younger man, it was Hawkins who seemed more at home and more confident and this translated into him controlling most of the match. Bach’s intensity however, never dropped and his will didn't fail him, an incredible shooting star press had the audience on their feet but Wolf’s shoulder jolted up just before the referee could get to three. Both men had given their all, and both men were nearing their breaking point, it was when Wolf kicked out of the shooting star press that Bach perhaps questioned whether he had it in him to win the match. He received his answer when Wolf hit his signature DDT the Full Moon Rising, keeping the challenger out for the three count.

Winner, and still champion: Wolf Hawkins after 22:02


After the match Wolf began to celebrate, his cocky ego had just been fed a huge meal in Bach. A hugely disappointed looking Bach pulled himself up onto his two feet and staggered towards the champion. Wolf turned round and the two men stood eye to eye, Bach looked at the crowd, back at Wolf, and offered his hand as a sign of respect for the great match the two had just had. Wolf’s face was reminiscent of earlier this month when Bach first challenged him, the offer seemed to shock and trouble Wolf. The champion genuinely seemed to consider shaking his hand but instead simply turned his back and left the ring.



Andrews is shown knocking frantically on Cornell’s door, when he gets no he answer opens the door to see his boss stretching by his locker




What the hell are you doing in here!

Well you saw that right?! I was robbed out there!

Look if you’ve got any complaints now isn’t the time, if you still want a job come tomorrow you’d better get the hell out of this office

Andrews reluctantly storms out, passing Wolf Hawkins on the way.




Well boss, what a match eh? That’s why I should be main event!

What? Oh you won? Congrats. Yeah you’ll main event sometime soon, I do need the odd holiday too.

You… You didn’t even watch?!

Can’t you see I’m getting ready here? I have a big match next.

Wolf followed Andrew’s example and storms out of the office frustrated. As he walks past he see’s Eddie Peak beating on Andrews outside of the office




Main Event


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

The two titans of Total Championship Wrestling faced off in a physical match which took it's time building up. The two both knew how to work the crowd and bring them into a match which was only booked a few days prior. It seems that the goldmine of main events that is ‘the Syndicate against the Freedom Fighters’ was still being chipped away at, but the crowd didn’t at all seem to mind. Ricky Dale Johnson, the larger man, managed to hit a good few power moves that really made the crowd doubt if Cornell was going to win, and when RDJ kicked out of the Rough Ride, almost everyone was on their feet. After another few minutes of close kick outs and finisher reversals Cornell hit the Rough Justice, and this time there was no response from Ricky.

Winner: Tommy Cornell after 24:54


After the match, RDJ had left the ring leaving Cornell alone celebrating. The all too familiar picture of a TCW PPV ending with the owner having his hand raised by the referee was interrupted when the lights went out.

The lights flickered back on only to show a bloody Cornell lying flat out in the middle of the ring, with no attacker in sight.

The lights fully came back on showing Cornell crouched in the corner of the ring holding his head.



Azaria: What the…

Rhodes: Did you see who that was? I saw nothing.

Azaria: No… I’m being told we’re out of time here guys.

Rhodes: Well a shocking end, but we hope you enjoyed Malice in Wonderland

Azaria: Tune in to Total Wrestling next week, perhaps some answers?









Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

All Action Title: Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs Harry Allen vs Chance Fortune vs Edd Stone

High Concept and The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo and The Machines

International Title: Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law

World Heavyweight Title: Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Cage match: Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell



Antithesis: 4/6

Jaded: 4/6 (You predicted twice! I took your first set because the second set missed out a match)

Pig: 3/6


PPV Rankings

Antithesis: 1

Jaded: 1

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Malice in Wonderland big commercial success.

SWF will be scratching their head wondering how TCW put on an arguably better... [read more]


Review of Malice in Wonderland

Despite a somewhat lackluster main event, Malice has shown that TCW is on the... [read more]


5 people who could be behind the Cornell attack

TCW has been a breeding ground of injustice as of late and so the list of possible... [read more]


Predictions for February

1) February will see a new world champion. Wolf's reign has cemented his place... [read more]


In depth look at House of Cornell

With many rumoured debuts imminent, what better time to delve deeper into... [read more]


Why I'm done with Total Championship Wrestling.

A few months ago I released an article with a similar headline, but this time... [read more]

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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visits Texas


Pre Show

All Action Qualifier: Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo ©

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson



Hint: 1 of the main show matches will end in a draw/non decision


Also on Total Wrestling: Will Cornell discover who attacked him at Malice in Wonderland? Will Danny Fonzarelli carry on trying to avoid Edd Stone? Who will be next to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title? Catch this and much more on the first Total Wrestling of February.

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Pre Show

All Action Qualifier: Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo ©

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson

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Malice in Wonderland Review


Bryan Vessey defeated Joel Bryant (B)

Edd Stone defeated Jimmy Flying Foxx, Harry Allen and Chance Fortune to become the All Action Champion (C-)

High Concept and The New Wave defeated The Machines and Texas Buffalo (B-)

Rick Law defeated Aaron Andrews to become the International Champion(C+)

Wolf Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach (B)

Angle: Cornell's office: Wolf, Andrews, Peak (B)

Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson (B)

Angle: Cornell attacked (B+)


Malice in Wonderland was always going to be a pivotal PPV for TCW, the new year has brought a new direction and a new format with the 90 minute shows. Many, including myself, doubted if four 90 minute shows would be enough to garner enough hype for the end of month PPV. Malice wasn't an outstanding PPV, but it was definitely good enough to answer those questions. Not only was it the strongest PPV in some months, it has even been rated higher than it's SWF counter part. Booking decision to one side, the PPV was a clear commercial success for the company.


But now onto the booking decisions and the matches themselves. Not too many surprises, I had Vessey down to beat Bryant and I had the two face tag teams down to beat the heels, although I thought The New Wave would get the pin as I'm not sure if Greg Black has been on t.v long enough to get a title shot. Edd winning the All Action Title was a nice little surprise, I expected the champion to retain, I'm not sure how this will affect his rivalry with Fonzarelli but time will tell. Personally I think that Law is perhaps too big for the International Title but him winning it is certain to up the prestige of the belt, the finish however I'm sure will lead to a rematch somewhere down the line. The two main events were both great wrestling matches, I thought Wolf was going to win but I did have some doubt and so it was a bit of a shame not to see Bach get the belt, the refused handshake hinted at the rivalry continuing and I for one, wouldn't mind seeing a rematch.


But now onto the perhaps the most interesting development of the night, for anyone who hasn't seen Malice yet the show ended with Cornell being attacked by someone in the dark. There has been an article highlighting possible culprits so I won't go into too much detail. Plenty of people have been given a motive by Cornell's actions as of late so it's going to be pretty interesting to see who is revealed as the attacker.


The War to Settle the Score is up next and so far it would be hard to predict the card, my guess would be rematches of both the International Title match, Vessey against Bryant and of course the monthly All Action Title match, it's been a while since the tag belts have been defended so I assume they will also be on the line. As for the main event the only safe bet is that Cornell will be involved, most probably against the revealed attacker. More of the same could be on the menu, and this will be enough to keep TCW in the battle against SWF, my opinion however is that despite beating them this month in most ratings it needs to change and offer something different if it wants to ever properly challenge them.


Malice in Wonderland Rating: B

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Oh, crap...forgot all about this TCW diary! But keep up the good work nonetheless...I'm back with more predictions!


Pre Show

All Action Qualifier: Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo © - DQ win

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson

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Pre Show

All Action Qualifier: Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo ©

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson


Poor Sammy, he needs a hero :D

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I often find a diary I enjoy but because it has already done a few months or even years in game time I can't properly get into it as I don't feel like reading pages and pages of posts. So what I'm going to do is post short monthly recaps that I'll post on the first page, that way if once this has been going for a while, people wish to try get into it, they should be able to get up to date with storylines without much time and effort.


January's Storyline Summary


Bryan Vessey and Joel Bryant began a feud which started due to conflicting ideas about how the youth should be treated, Vessey's stance is heavily influenced by his time in Japan as he believes that the younger workers should pay their dues and respect the veterans whereas Joel prefers an approach that nurtures them, giving them opportunities. Vessey beat Bryant one on one at Malice by using the ropes as leverage.


Danny Fonzarelli and Edd Stone have been involved in a couple of altercations which normally stem from the two competing over different girls. The two are yet to face in the ring but Edd has used his influence backstage to try to ruin his love rival. The month ends with Danny constantly on edge backstage.


The tag team division was involved in a war as Texas Buffalo allied with The Machines in order to take out their competition, this was going well until Greg Black returned, reunited with Benny Benson, and reformed High Concept to help The New Wave get the win in a 4 on 4 match at Malice.


Cornell has made some form of alliance with Rick Law and his monster deputy Eddie Peak. Law has used this power and Peak to capture the International Title after terrorizing the former Champion Andrews for the month. It was at Malice that Law won the gold but his crooked influence seems to stretch as far as TCW officials as the referee declared Andrews had tapped out when he clearly had not.


Backstage politics also affected the World title as Cornell restriced access to Wolf's belt. Any challenger had to face Cornell in order to get to Wolf, not only that, if they lost, they are never allowed to challenge for the World title ever again whilst Wolf is champ. Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota both failed to beat Cornell, losing their title opportunities which angered Joey so much he quit. On the third Total Wrestling, with the help of RDJ, Sammy Bach managed to beat Cornell in a huge upset. At Malice, Bach failed to beat Wolf despite a close match. After the title match Wolf refused the handshake offered by Wolf. The main event was Cornell vs RDJ as Tommy believed putting Bach in the main event was bad for business. Cornell defeated the man who cost him the match against Bach in a brutal cage match. The PPV, and month, ended with Cornell being attacked in the dark.


In other news, Total Wrestling was reduced to 90 minutes.

The House of Cornell development company opened up.

TCW beat SWF in the ratings however this will likely be a one off, at least for some time, as Malice received surprising good ratings when SWF's PPV were given shockingly low.

USPW lost out to both TCW and SWF.

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Hey, I've been generally posting this in the format of:


Weekly Show

Weekly Headlines

Weekly Review

Weekly Preview

And Monthly Recaps.


But I've been thinking about the weekly review and I've had a little idea that might be cool if it gets any interest.


I don't think it's been as good as it could be a) because I normally write it just after writing the headlines and perhaps get lazy but more importantly b) I feel like because it's me reviewing my own show it doesn't read like an authentic real review. So what I'm hoping is that each week, a reader reviews the show instead.


I doubt this will get much interest and people might want to read the show before deciding if they want to review it, but if anyone is interest in this or wants to ask anything about it then please message me or respond here.


If it gets interest my plan would be to post the show, let the person know it's up, let them know what ratings it got, give them sometime to review it (pretty flexible about how long) and then they send me it. I post the review with the usual format of match ratings, opinions section under their name, and then show ratings. That said, I'm open to ideas about doing it differently.


I'll just say that:


It can be as short or long as you want

You can just write your own opinion or in whatever style you want

Be as critical as you want, I really wouldn't mind if the whole review was saying just how bad the show was.

I don't mind if it's simply reviewing the show or speculating as to what is going to happen in the future

Although I guess knowing what the current storylines are would help, I don't mind if you've not read the diary and you're just reviewing the single show.



If nobody wants to, then I'll keep the current system, if I just get interest every other week or so then that would be cool, but hopefully in the future if I get a different reviewer each week then it would become an interesting feature of the diary.



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Pre Show

All Action Qualifier: Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo ©

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson DRAW

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Show Name: Total Wrestling

Held: Sunday Week 1, February, 2013

Location: The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid-South)

Attendance: 9609



Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Edward Cornell

Matthew Keith and Jay Chord defeated Harry Allen and Giant Tana




After the usual pyrotechnics the camera pans to the announce desk.




Jason Azaria: Welcome to Total Wrestling!




Kyle Rhodes: I wonder if tonight we will get any answer regarding how Malice in Wonderland ended last Sunday.


Azaria: Well it looks like first we have to listen to whatever Rick Law has to say.


Rhodes: Personally I've lost all respect for the man after the way he won the International Title.


Rick Law is in the ring with Eddie Peak




Well hello there everybody, first things first, Mr Cornell is not here tonight, he is still recovering from that barbaric attack. But he knows the show must go on and so he has handed the control over to me. So now Total Wrestling is officially under Martial Law for the night. My first decision is something that Mr Cornell suggested, as the prime suspect of the attack, Bach, tonight you face me in the ring. Oh and not just me... Eddie here will join me, that's right, a handicap match!


Rocky Golden appears at the top of the ramp with a microphone.




Oh so you're in charge now? Well maybe now I can get a rematch against Wolf, everyone saw that he cheated at Psycho Circus. Don't get in my way Rick, give me Wolf.


He cheated? I'm sick of hearing people whine, you know people even dare to say I cheated to win my International Title at Malice, there's a lot of fools in this world Golden, and I can tell from here that you're one of them. You want a match against Wolf tonight? Too bad, you're already booked, right now actually against... Troy Tornado!

Opening Match


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Troy Tornado fought with an intense fight, the man obviously has a chip on his shoulder after losing his last two matches against Sammy Bach. Golden took quite a beating but managed to turn things around and get the win the Golden Standard.

Winner: Rocky Golden after 15:34


Azaria: Well despite what the authority keeps telling him, Golden is surely on track for a world title match.

Rhodes: Especially now both of The Freedom Fighters are banned one would assume he is next in line.

Azaria: Although I guess if we've learnt one thing lately it's that Cornell's word is final.



Second Match


Joel Bryant vs John Anderson


It was all business for Joel who had something to prove after his recent loss to Vessey at the PPV. Anderson however was no push over and could often match Joel, stretching his body numerous times with submissions. Bryant however managed to lock in a boston crab in the middle of the ring which got the win. After the match Bryant grabbed a microphone and challenged Vessey to a rematch, as Vessey got the pin by using his legs as leverage Bryant still believes he is the better wrestler.

Winner: Joel Bryant after 10:22


Wolf Hawkins is backstage in his locker room


Well it looks like all you idiot hicks get to see me wrestler here tonight, I don't normally lower myself to fighting on free television but hey, Tommy isn't here and we need a main event. So I'm issuing a challenge to anyone on the roster to face me for my title tonight. I want to prove that I'm a fighting champion who deserves to be in the main event of every damn PPV. You'll all pay to see what I can do in that ring, and don't even begin to deny it or you're delusion will be as pathetic as the lives you live. Now... if who ever attacked my friend, wants to step forward and be the one to challenge me, then that would be even better, come on coward, step out of the shadows and you get a shot at this title. I'll see you in the ring later.


Rhodes: I wonder if the attacker will actually step forward.

Azaria: I'm not sure, the title must be a powerful lure but we have to assume that whoever is responsible, wants to be in the shadows for some reason.


Third Match



Tag Team Titles

High Concept vs Texas Buffalo


The match began with a bang as Benny Benson flew at American Buffalo, the team kept up their offence and Texas Buffalo never truly managed to do what you must do against teams like High Concept; keep them on the ground, preferably isolated. Instead the newly reformed duo dazzled with tag champs with numerous impressive double teams and solo high flying moves. Although the champs dominance in the power department was always apparent they never really got to utilise it. After a diving leg drop onto Texas Pete, Benson got the three count.

Winners, and new Tag Team Champions: High Concept after 10:21



Rhodes: What a quick impact High Concept have made in TCW.

Azaria: That's true, although it's not like this is a new team, as perhaps the most experienced team in the division it's not surprise to see them lift the belts.


Fourth Match


Bryan Vessey vs Scout


Before the match Vessey responded to Bryant's challenge, accepting but adding a stipulation. 'I see you won your last match via submission, and I'm about to win with my Ankle lock. How about we see who is the better submission artist and have this match next week, as a submission match.'

The match against Scout was surprisingly open as Vessey's challenger showed he was no push over. Bryan was obssesed with locking in the ankle lock and this actually played into Scout's hands, the predictability of Vessey let him hit countless counters. It was only when Scout began to feel more confident that his guard drop and Vessey locked it in. Once his grip was tight Scout was never not going to tap out.

Winner: Bryan Vessey after 11:20



Co-Main Event


Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak


Bach was always going to be in trouble here, half the time Law simply sat on the turnbuckle as his so called deputy threw the much smaller man around the ring, clubbing his body. Out of nowhere though, Sammy hit Peak with his Bach on your Back, sending Peak rolling out of the ring in pain. Law reluctantly joined the match properly and the two went toe to toe swapping huge punches. When Sammy was beginning to get the upper hand and actually look like he could cause a huge upset, Peak got back in the ring and closelined his opponent out. The two men then relentlessly stomped on Bach outside the ring not listening to the referee's call to answer the 10 count. The two men obviously cared not for winning the match, only for helping the Boss out by punishing the suspect of his attack.

Winners: Draw after a double count out after 10:26


After the referee signalled for the bell to be rang the two men continued their assault on Bach. It seemed like the beating would have no end until Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortunes, The L.A Connection ran to make the save.




When Law saw the team running rather than fight two on three he made a quick exit, Peak almost got caught but managed to use Law's example and escaped through the crowd.



Azaria: Well it looks like despite the beatings Andrews is not letting Law get off with his title so easily.

Rhodes: It's Law's title now, although I can't say that's fair.

Azaria: And now it's time for our main event, will we get to find out who the attacker was?



Wolf is waiting in the ring and is shocked to see RDJ appear at the top of the ramp


What the hell are you doing here? Was it you?


No Wolf, it wasn't me, everyone saw I was half way up the ramp when it happened. No I just want to face you one on one to smack that cocky attitude of yours right out of your body.


Well Ricky... I know you're getting on nowadays, I mean I'm surprised your still walking, especially after that cage match. But it looks like you're getting forgetful. You're banned from facing me for my title.


I think you misunderstood me. I don't want a title shot, I just want to prove I could beat you for it if not for all the BS that's going on around here.


Wolf paced up and down the ring furious, before signalling Ricky to make his way into the ring


Main Event


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky ran into the ring, ducked under a closeline and grabbed the champ into a small package, the referee counted to three and Ricky won as simple as that. While Ricky celebrated, Wolf argued with the referee and was obviously threatening him. The referee in fear decided that the match hadn't started yet because Wolf was not ready, the bell rang again for the match to re start.


This match began in a similar fashion except Wolf kicked out this time, he then managed to get into the match properly and the two tested each other's strength until Wolf began to lose so low blowed the veteran. With this opponent down Wolf began to control the match, the weight he had put on recently certainly helped him to match Johnson who was normally the much larger man. The champ however mostly relied on technical ability which produced an impressive double suplex. Johnson's heart prevailed as he never gave up, after 15 minutes he reversed Wolf's Full Moon Rising and instead rolled him up for a third time of the night, getting the pin for the second time.

Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson after 15:45



Azaria: The champion has been beat, Twice!

Rhodes: But let's not remember, he still can't have a title shot.

Azaria: Well we received little answers this week about the mysterious attacked but it's sure been a night full of action.

Rhodes: Some great action indeed but lets hope next week Cornell is back with some idea of what happened. Goodbye from Total Wrestling, goodbye from Texas.







All Action Qualifier:Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Edward Cornell

Giant Tana and Harry Allen vs Matthew Keith and Jay Chord


Main Show

Troy Tornado vs Rocky Golden

Joel Bryant vs John Anderson

Bryan Vessey vs Scout

Tag Team Titles: High Concept vs Texas Buffalo ©

Sammy Bach vs Rick Law and Eddie Peak

Wolf Hawkins vs Ricky Dale Johnson



3rdStringPG: 5/8

Pig: 5/8

Antithesis: 4/8

Midnightnick: 3/8



3rdStringPG: 5/8

Pig: 5/8

Antithesis: 4/8

Midnightnick: 3/8


P.S If anybody wants to review this episode of Total Wrestling then message me or reply here, there's more detail about it above this post, thanks.

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The following matches have been scheduled to take place when TCW visit Louisiana


Pre Show

All Action Competition: Greg Black vs Freddy Huggins


Main Show

Rick Law, Eddie Peak and Edd Stone vs Sammy Bach and The L.A Connection

Tag Title Number 1 Contenders: The New Wave vs The Machines

American Buffalo vs Joshua Taylor

Koshiro Ino vs Troy Tornado

Submission Rematch: Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey



Hint: None of the matches will end in a draw/non contest


Also on Total Wrestling: Two new signings debut on the show and Tommy Cornell returns after the attack at Malice.

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Theheel to review Total Wrestling

As part of our new section here at Wrestlingrapevine... [read more]


TCW reportedly facing money problems

After years of struggle it seemed that TCW's finances... [read more]


Buddy Garner new House of Cornell Champion

The young stars are going to have to do more to impress... [read more]


TCW considering a roster cleanup

With Total Wrestling reducing it size it natually follows for... [read more]


3 future world champions

Currently giving more air time to veterans such as Bryan... [read more]


Who are the two new signings?

There have been many rumors circulating about the possible... [read more]

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Rick Law, Eddie Peak and Edd Stone vs Sammy Bach and The L.A Connection

Tag Title Number 1 Contenders: The New Wave vs The Machines

American Buffalo vs Joshua Taylor

Koshiro Ino vs Troy Tornado

Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey


Pre Show

All Action Competition: Greg Black vs Freddy Huggins

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Pre Show

All Action Competition: Greg Black vs Freddy Huggins


Main Show

Rick Law, Eddie Peak and Edd Stone vs Sammy Bach and The L.A Connection

Tag Title Number 1 Contenders: The New Wave vs The Machines

American Buffalo vs Joshua Taylor

Koshiro Ino vs Troy Tornado

Submission Rematch: Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

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The Heel's Total Wrestling Review


After the successful January PPV Malice in Wonderland, TCW put on the 1st show after the PPV to recap and set in motion for the events that will lead up to the War to Settle the Score PPV. A raucous crowd showed up in San Antonio, Texas for tonight’s show. Average attendance for TCW shows in January was 9,579 for the 4 shows that led up to Malice and this followed the trend with a 9,609 attendance.


In the pre-show we had another qualifier to All-Action Title that was recently won by Edd Stone. Former All Action Champion Flying Jimmy Fox took down The Boss’s cousin Eddie Cornell. Fox looked very serious and determined to regain his championship and so he will be in the All Action title match at The War to Settle the Score. The other pre-show match saw Jay Chord and Matthew Keith win against Harry Allen and Giant Tana. Most fans were out getting popcorn during this match prior to the start of the main show.


Law opens show and books angles C

Rockey Golden defeated Troy Tornado C+

Joel Bryant Defeated John Anderson B-

Hawkins issues challenge B-

High Concept upset the Texas Buffalo’s to win the tag title C-

Bryan Vessey defeated Scout B

Sammy Bach drew with Law and Peak after double count out C+

LA Connection run in C+

RDJ accepts Champion Hawkins challenge B

RDJ defeats Wolf Hawkins B-


I can’t believe the way the fans treat Rick Law to open the show. After the savage attack on Tommy Cornell, TCW needed to be under Martial Law tonight. It is high time that the fans and that flunky Kyle Rhodes learn to respect Rick Law. This is the world of wrestling, not some kiddie school revue. Law is the champion, plain and simple and if these simple minded fans can’t understand that, well….you know what I am thinking.


The other surprise on the show was the tag team match that saw High Concept defeat the Texas Buffalo’s to win the tag team titles. This match was the lowest rated segment on the card and it was clear the fans just were not into the match. High Concept has been champions before in SWF, but do not appear over at this point in TCW. It will be interesting to see if the fans get behind the new tag champs as they are the only baby-faces holding any titles in TCW at the moment.


While this week’s edition of TCW was OK, it fell a bit flat after the Malice PPV did so well. The main complaint by fans was not enough attention was given to the situation with Tommy Cornell, and I believe that is what the fans were expecting. While it was fine that Cornell wasn’t on the show, we could have had a taped segment either with Cornell being treated backstage at the PPV or the day after convalescing at home or in the hospital following this savage beating. Some fans have wondered why Rick Law didn't come out and ran down the top probably suspects and punished them all during the show. Under his Martial Law ideas, I am sure Mr. Law could have handled out some hard justice to those that are most likely guilt. I am sure that this week we will get a follow up on the vicious and uncalled for attack on Mr. Cornell but let’s list out the top suspects and maybe give reasons as to why they are on the list.


Sammy Bach – (odds even money) After having been soundly defeated at Malice it is clear that Bach is trying to keep his name in the spot light and work his way into another shot at the title at The War to Settle the Score. While Mr. Cornell had Rick Law state that Bach is the odds favorite to have perpetrated this dastardly attack, I for one am not so sure. I frankly don’t believe Bach has the guts or the brains to do something like this.


RDJ – (Odds 3 to 1) Ricky was jealous that he lost to Cornell, first earlier in the month and then at Malice. He claims he was walking up the ramp way to the back when the lights went out. But who was closer to Cornell at that time, than him? He blames Cornell for his lack of opportunities even though he is a washed up has been that hasn’t held the belt in 5 years and doesn’t look like he will ever get it back. The fact that he can’t receive a title shot while Hawkins is champion is the perfect misguided thinking by RDJ to justify the attack in his simple mind. Or is what is reality setting in on RDJ is the fact that Cornell’s tactics and business decisions made his best friend leave TCW…….or did he?


Aaron Andrews – (odds 5 to 1) Right before the match between Mr. Cornell and RDJ, Andrews is seen pounding on the boss’s door while Mr. Cornell is preparing for his match. Andrews being the sore loser that he is, wants to discuss his lack luster match and the reasons why he lost the International title to Rick Law. Cornell not having time for such silly games brushes Andrews off and tells him to get out or he’s fired. Andrews is a known hot heat and whiner and this type of action would fit perfectly into his MO.


Rocky Golden – (odds 10 to 1) Another bitter former champion still complaining about a title he lost 5 months ago. His ego is the size of Texas and he is still whining that he lost the title instead of doing his talking in the ring with wrestling actions . He blames Cornell for the defeat and his lack of opportunities in regaining the title. During January, Golden who still believes he is a star only had 1 singles match, and that was a handi-cap match to boot, which he lost. With nowhere to go, Rocky Golden might be capable of committing this crime.


Joey Minnesota – (20 to 1) Loser boy claims to have left the TCW after throwing a tantrum in ring with RDJ after they had won a tag match against the Canadian Animals. It would just be like that low life Minnesota to sneak attack the boss with the lights out and try and get back into the main event here. Being the weasel that Minnesota is and his penchant for causing trouble, he might just have slithered back into town to try and take out the boss. An action that if he is trying to return to TCW in this fashion only has one possible response….YOUR FIRED!


Lastly, and I can’t believe I am even speculating this but one of my associates swears that there is something too this……..


TCW World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins – (odds 99 to 1) Hawkins has been wanting to prove himself and might be feeling the boss isn’t allowing him to show case his true talent. Cornell was clearly protecting his champion by not letting him have singles match with RDJ and Minnesota earlier in the month. Could it be that this perceived lack of respect from his boss, and then the insult of the TCW World Champion not being the Main Event of the Malice PPV have gotten to Wolf? The fact that Mr. Cornell, while rightfully preparing for his main event match at Malice and didn’t even pay attention to the World Title Match, some say has angered Wolf. I admit Hawkins appeared to be slightly disappointed at this at the PPV. He also didn't appear to be at the top of his game during this week’s match with RDJ, but I don’t think he would be dumb enough to bit the hand that has fed him so well.


Well of the people in TCW at the moment, that is the top list of suspects. Although I am working my sources to try to determine if certain rumors are in fact true. Word on the street is several newcomers might be coming into TCW and a former TCW wrestler might be on his way back to the company. Could one of these people been behind the attack? Hopefully this week we will get some insight into the madness.


A few tidbits from TCW that my high placed sources are monitoring….


** Rumors are flying around that while there will be some new talent on the way to TCW that there also might be some departures. Finances appear to be a bit of a concern for North America’s #2 promotion and while they shouldn’t be in any danger, there might be some cut backs.


**Reaction to the new 90 minute have been mixed. Some fans like it because with all the wrestling on TV there attention span becomes drained if a show goes on longer. The naysayers are complaining that not enough time is allotted each week and some wrestlers are being passed over and not getting the necessary mic and ring time needed to help get them over. How Tommy Cornell handles this will be interesting to see. Some have suggested that TCW either add a weekly house show to the circuit and better yet try and get a B show that is either on network or is an internet show to help some talent get that valuable air time and experience.


Overall this week’s show gets a B- which is down from other shows since the 1st of the year. In the rating wars that was good for 2nd to the SWF show that did a solid B+ but better than USPW which barely received a C+ rating, and I consider that generous. I will expect more this week with the follow up on the vicious attack of Mr. Cornell and with him probably being back on the show, I am sure ratings will again increase.


Thanks again to The Heel, if anybody wants to review next weeks show then let me know, I've mentioned a few posts back about it but just to remind everyone it can be however short or long as you want and written however you like.

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