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CCW vs TCW (Winner gets the T.V Deal, captain of losing team is fired)

Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Aaron Andrews, Scout and Guide vs Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Joey Minnesota, Rick Law, Eddie Peak

Momentum seems to be on the side of TCW. I am torn (so you have done a good job). I am going to go with the huge upset just for fun



I'm glad about that, my initial plan actually was to try and make it so neither CCW or TCW were the 'good or bad guys' so the reader could pick their own favourites. But that was when the plan was to draw this storyline out for a good year, giving me more time to really build up both teams. For a few reasons I brought the real battle between the two to Total Mayhem which I'm glad I did, because I prefer my future plans, but I think it's taken away the chance to add some detail to it really. That and the fact that to be honest I've rushed the last month or so game time, I plan on picking up the quality as much as possible very soon though.

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TCW: Saturday Night Showcase



Held: Week 4, May 2013

Attendance: 1000


Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado

In preparation for competing in the main event of Total Mayhem, Aaron squared off against Troy, the CCW member appeared fully ready, picking up the win with The Spear


Bryan Vessey defeated Chance Fortune

Chance has had a much worse few months than his L.A Connection partner, the two appear to have parted way as of late and without him, Chance seems lost. Vessey won with the Ankle Lock.


Joel Bryant defeated Brent Hill

With a combined age of 85 there was clearly no lack of experience in the ring. Bryant appeared extra focused and picked up the win before his Total Mayhem match against Vessey.


Edd Stone defeated Benny Benson

Joshua Taylor joined the commentary team at ringside, scouting his Total Mayhem opponent. Stone sent his message loud and clear, hitting two Parties Over on his opponent.


CCW vs TCW Hype Video

A video is shown documenting the past few months in TCW and how it all cumulates at Total Mayhem, with the losing teams captain being fired and the winning team getting the deal with GNN Total Sports.




Show Rating: 70

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CCW vs TCW (Winner gets the T.V Deal, captain of losing team is fired)

Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Aaron Andrews, Scout and Guide vs Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Joey Minnesota, Rick Law, Eddie Peak


Iron Man Final Showdown: Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey


All Action Title: Joshua Taylor© vs Edd Stone


Queen of the Ring Title: Joanne Rodriguez© vs Grace Harper


Winner faces Peak for CCW Title: Golden Rock vs Koshiro Ino vs American Buffalo vs Brent Hill vs Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado

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Total Mayhem


Show Name: Total Mayhem

Held: Sunday Week 4, May, 2013

Attendance: 30000







Jason Azaria: Welcome everybody to Total Mayhem, a night that promises to be historic!




Kyle Rhodes: Indeed, Total Mayhem is TCW’s home for historic moments, and tonight should be no different as we get to see the end of the war between TCW and CCW.



Opening Match

#1 Contendership: CCW World Title



Golden Rock vs Koshiro Ino vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo vs Brent Hill vs Troy Tornado

With all six men fighting at one time, this match was utter chaos, especially because it contained numerous big men. The fight usually consisted of two men in the ring whilst the others brawled outside the ring, every so often someone would attempt a quick pin but due to the sheer amount of people in the match this task seemed impossible. It was only when the larger superstars like Buffalo started to appear tired that close counts began to appear, Rock hit the Rocky Road on Brent Hill for a very near call, Tornado leaping off the top rope with an elbow drop to prevent the pin. With Brent and Rock down at ringside, Ino took the chance to summon all of his energy, tossing a fatigued Troy Tornado out of the ring he then lifted Benson up with great ease, throwing him on top of the injured Tornado. Buffalo then attempted to sneak in a running head but to steal the win but Ino managed to see it coming just in time, slipping under the attack he grabbed the shoulders of the giant with his equally large arms, pulled him down to the mat and applied the Cobra Clutch. Buffalo tapped almost instantaneously.

Winner: Koshiro Ino


A video plays hyping the rivalry between Edd Stone and Joshua Taylor which has centred around the All Action Title.


Second Match

All Action Title


All Action Title


All Action Title: Joshua Taylor vs Edd Stone

The two men met in the ring for the third time with the title on the line. The match contained some nice spots including an impressive cross body from the turnbuckle to the outside of the ring by Edd. Despite his best efforts however Taylor appeared to simply have his number this time. Picking up the win and retaining the title.

Winner and still All Action Champion: Joshua Taylor


Azaria: I've got to say, I love Taylor as our All Action Champion, a deserved win for the man.

Rhodes: Who knows what is next for Edd now.



Third Match

Queen of the Ring Title



Joanne Rodriguez vs Grace Harper

These two put on an entertaining match at Excessive Force and tonight was no different. This time however Grace managed to get the win after connecting a super kick. After the match however rather than celebrating with her new belt she opted to take a microphone.

Winner, and new champion: Grace Harper


Grace announced that she had been working for Tommy Cornell all along, and now she finally has the title she can do what she came here to do.

She threw the belt on the floor and spat on it. The women's division is dead.


A pre-recorded video is shown where Cornell hypes the main event, focusing on the fact that tonight, either himself or Hawkins is leaving the company.


Fourth Match


Iron Man Match: Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

The two veterans finally met in the ring to have their final showdown. Back in January, Vessey picked up the first win at Malice in Wonderland only to tap out to Bryant in the main event of Total Wrestling two weeks later. Since then numerous reason have prevented the two finally settling the score such as Vessey’s suspension and of course The Second Sons of Wrestling. Tonight however gave the two men exactly thirty minutes to prove who is best. Both managed to make their opponent tap with their finishers, first with Bryant tapping out of the Ankle Lock and then Vessey from the Boston Crab. It seemed as if the two were going to fight to a draw until Bryan managed to hit the Vessey Driver, getting the third and final pin of the match.

Winner: Joel Bryant


Rhodes: What a match, both men left all they had in the ring, it appears Vessey just had that little bit more.

Azaria: I can't help but think that with this, Vessey has to be in line for some title opportunities in the near future.

Rhodes: I agree although now we have a match that is more important than even titles.

Azaria: Indeed, this match will alter the future of the company.

Rhodes: That’s putting it lightly, it could END the company!

Azaria: Mr Thomas is sat at ringside and I believe he has the contract with him.


Main Event


Elimination Tag Match: CCW vs TCW (Winning team gets the T.V deal, losing captain is fired.


The match began with Andrews charging at Law and straight away hitting The Spear. In just 9 seconds, Law had been eliminated! The man who has been perhaps the most dominant wrestler of the past few months had finally fallen to Aaron Andrews.


CCW’s numbers advantage didn’t last long when Peak pinned Guide after a Peak of Perfection, Scout however was the next man in, and seemed intent on avenging his tag partner. Scout managed to lock in the Sharpshooter on the monster Peak but whilst Cornell distracted the referee, Minnesota booted Scout in the back of the head, helping Peak to eliminate the second member of The New Wave.


Soon after, TCW dominance continued when Andrews failed to kick out of Rough Justice. CCW were down to just Bach and Hawkins and Andrews, whilst TCW still had Cornell, RDJ, Minnesota and Peak.


CCW’s luck began to shift when Peak got himself disqualified when he refused to break up a bearhug even when Andrew’s leg had touched the ropes. That said, the damage to Andrews had been done and Cornell managed to quickly get the pin.


Hawkins took the chance to go one on one with Cornell and the two had a memorable ten minutes in the ring together, with both men pushing the other to their limits. CCW chances looked slim however when Tommy hit the Rough Justice on Wolf. Bach at ringside was distraught until the shoulder of Hawkins miraculously lifted up. Cornell furiously pulled Hawkins up to attempt a second Rough Justice but Hawkins managed to spring up and connect The Full Moon Rising. Cornell was defeated.


Minnesota however quickly ran in and grabbed Wolf into a roll up, surprising all by eliminating the former world champion. It was to be Bach against RDJ and Minnesota.


Bach managed to pull the match to one man each after hitting the shooting star press on Minnesota, but faced a fresh Ricky Dale Johnson. It all came down to perhaps the person most associated with CCW against a TCW veteran and two time world champion.


The two were evenly matched but when Bach accidently elbowed the referee Cornell made his way back to the ring.


Cornell shocked everyone however by hoisting Ricky onto his shoulders and slamming him down with a Rough Justice. Bach stood open jawed, and clearly confused but took the chance and scrambled on top of Johnson, the referee dragged himself back into the ring, TCW was defeated.


Winners: CCW: Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Aaron Andrews, Scout and Guide


Azaria: What the hell! Cornell has screwed Total Championship Wrestling!

Rhodes: But… as the captain, isn’t he fired!

Azaria: Well he’s just gotten hold of a microphone…




Mr Thomas, get me that contract!

I bet you all think that it's, that Tommy Cornell is over. But here look, this contract... the one we all signed... the name signed under the TCW Captain? Ricky Dale Johnson! You see real champions always have a plan b, you know the sad thing? I managed to trick him into signing in the wrong place because he was too busy worrying about MY career. That's why he's not held the world title since 2008 whilst I'm now a SEVEN time TCW World Heavyweight Champion. He's gone soft, so I don't feel bad that HIS weakness has done this to himself, you should be booing him not me!


Why? You ask me why? A man's got to adapt, I don't LIKE Capital City Wrestling, hell I hate it. But I've gotten where I am because I understand this business, and this is the future. I've loved TCW, but it's time to move out and move on, so you can bet your ass that when Capital City Wrestling starts, I'm gonna be the top dog.



Azaria: I'm speechless!

Rhodes: I'm as confused as you, what is clear is that this is CCW's night, they've done what they intended, CCW has won!



Cornell drops the microphone and leaves the ring, leaving a still shocked Bach who is joined by the rest of CCW. The show ends with all five men celebrating.







CCW vs TCW (Winner gets the T.V Deal, captain of losing team is fired)

Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Aaron Andrews, Scout and Guide vs Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Joey Minnesota, Rick Law, Eddie Peak

Iron Man Final Showdown: Joel Bryant vs Bryan Vessey

All Action Title: Joshua Taylor© vs Edd Stone

Queen of the Ring Title: Joanne Rodriguez© vs Grace Harper

Winner faces Peak for CCW Title: Golden Rock vs Koshiro Ino vs American Buffalo vs Brent Hill vs Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


So it's a draw! Congratulations Pig. and TheHeel for joint first place. What I will do is give one of you what was going to be 1st prize and the other person what I had for 2nd and a reserve 3rd place. Hopefully it will seem fair.

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I would admire your honesty, but I believe Pig. picked Bryant on Vessey so it was 4-4.


Still deliberating over the prizes actually (as they could have a pretty big effect) but will probably get them up later after posting the May Storyline Summary.


But you are right about RDJ, one of the first things I decided when I started this was that it would all end with him getting fired, unlike the Golden Rock firing and Minnesota walking out, I don't intend on bringing him back. Started declining due to age pretty badly so he can pass on his skills in development whilst he still has anything to offer.

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May Storyline Summary


May saw the culmination of the war between TCW and CCW. Throughout the month the two groups clashed numerous times both in and out of the ring. There was also the contract signing where CCW (Bach, Hawkins, Andrews, Scout and Guide) and TCW (Cornell, RDJ, Minnesota, Peak and Law) all agreed to the match and especially the added stipulation that the losing teams captain either Hawkins or Cornell was fired and not allowed in the winning promotions.


The month also saw Taylor fend his All Action Title off Edd Stone, successfully defending his at Total Mayhem. Another rivalry came to it's conclusion when Vessey and Bryant finally met in their third match of the year. In an Iron Man classic, Vessey walked out victorious.


Other matches at Total Mayhem saw Grace Harper beat Joanne Rodriguez for the Queen of the Ring Title. However after the match the new champion revealed she had been working with Cornell all along and threw the belt to the ground, effectively killing of women's wrestling's short stay in TCW.


The main event of Total Mayhem saw Sammy Bach win the match for CCW, giving CCW the GNN Total Sports T.V deal. The match however was won when Cornell, who had just been eliminated, returned to get revenge but shocked the world by targeting his team member Ricky Dale Johnson. In turned out that the Rough Justice that gave CCW the win wasn't in fact ending Cornell's career but RDJ's as Tommy had tricked Ricky into signing as the teams captain. Total Mayhem ended with CCW celebrating victorious in the ring.


In other news, Steve Flash retained the HoC Triple Crown Title against Might Mo. In SWF, Steve Frehley contined his impressive reign as the World Heavyweight Champion, defeating Marat Khoklov at Master of Puppets. Online polls however only rated the PPV 81, whilst Total Mayhem received an 87 with the CCW vs TCW main event scoring 90. Although this could be expected because Total Mayhem is TCW's 'season finale' of sorts this is the second month running in which the second biggest promotions has out performed SWF.

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So now for prize time! I'll give TheHeel. the 1st prize but give Pig. 2nd and 3rd, hopefully it works out fair.


Needs a little bit of explaining first, I've always seen this as somewhat of a prelude to what I want to do which is a CCW diary. Without going into too much detail yet, when I start CCW which will probably be in a new thread it will already have it's champions. So the main prize is to pick who these are.


TheHeel: Could you pick who starts as the CCW World Champion? Preferably somebody who is popular enough to be it. (Cornell, Hawkins, Bach, Golden, Law, Peak etc.)


Pig.: Could you pick who starts the American Champion? This can be pretty much anyone who you've seen is on the roster. The B show is going to become a used for the tag division, the starting champions for this can either be Texas Buffalo, The New Wave, High Concept, The Machines, The Canadian Animals, The Second Sons of Wrestling or if you really wanted to make a new team for it, feel free.


Obviously picking the World Champion is a better prize but I think because Pig. can pick two and has more choice, it works out fair.


On a side note, I'm splitting the roster into an A and B brand. The diary will be much more focused on the A brand, this will have 18 people on it and I'm trying to decide over the last spot. Does anybody have any opinions or preference over the following people: Jay Chord, Matthew Keith, Chance Fortune, Texas Pete, John Anderson, Genghis Rahn, Giant Tana, Benny Benson or Greg Black?


Feel free to answer any of these on here, as they are the starting champions it won't be a spoiler. I will add as a small disclaimer that I can't guarantee that whoever is picked will go on to have long reigns (though they might), although I won't just have them lose randomly to put the belt on someone I want.

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My choice for the American belt goes to the American Buffalo :cool:


And for the tag team champions I'd like to have Joel Bryant and Aaron Andrews. Think they deserve it after helping CCW so much, plus I think it would be cool if Andrews has a bit of a push with Bryant as his mentor.


It's been a great thread Ape, look forward to the CCW era! :D

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My choice for the American belt goes to the American Buffalo :cool:


And for the tag team champions I'd like to have Joel Bryant and Aaron Andrews. Think they deserve it after helping CCW so much, plus I think it would be cool if Andrews has a bit of a push with Bryant as his mentor.


It's been a great thread Ape, look forward to the CCW era! :D


Pretty cool choices, Andrews and Bryant actually have chemistry as partners in game so I'm very happy you chose them!


The American Buffalo choice is a good example of why I like giving out prizes that effect the game directly, didn't have much planned for him at all so this gives me a challenge :)


Likewise. Just got caught up on the action and I'm looking forward to rejoining the predictions game on this diary. :D


That's good to hear! I remember The Kid from Nowhere was one of the first diaries that made me actually go and look at the C-Verse, and now I only really play using it.


The predictions are going to go back to weekly so hopefully I'll think of some good possible prizes for you.

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Storyline Summary


The end of Total Mayhem signals the conclusion of a turbulent period in TCW that eventually caused it's demise.


Total Championship Wrestling saw an invasion from within when a number of disgruntled workers began to band together due to the promotion becoming swamped in backstage politics that often surrounded Tommy Cornell. Some wished only to change TCW whilst others wished for more radical measures to be taken such as actually taking over the company. One night prior to a TCW PPV in Washington D.C a group of these wrestlers met to discuss what they believed would be a perfect wrestling promotion both for the fans and the workers, even writing up a constitution of sorts. Because of the nature of it's inception, the Internet dubbed the group Capital City Wrestling, a name which the members themselves grew to use.


The following months so the battle between the two opposing forces intensify and eventual engulf most of the promotion. In those months some men thrived. For example, Rick Law dominated the roster with an impressive International Title reign. Other men, such as Troy Tornado and Genghis Rahn, couldn't keep up with the pace and dropped out of relevancy.


Perhaps luckily for CCW, this battle coincided with TCW's negotiations with it's T.V network GNN Total Sports. The network took a hands on approach when evaluating the show and deciding it's value, even sending a representative who on his rare appearances used his influence to demand a high level of authority. The representative concluded that not only was the war good for business, but that the general public swayed towards Capital City Wrestling, with its segments receiving higher ratings figures. This lead him to book a blockbuster main event for Total Mayhem which saw 5 members of CCW square off against 5 of TCW's finest. The match included two all important stipulations: the winning team would receive the T.V contract, and the losing team's captain would be fired and banned from either group.


Total Mayhem saw some exciting matches including an Iron Man match between Joel Bryant and Bryan Vessey, the match was won by Vessey which gave him a 2-1 victory in the six month long feud. The focus however was entirely on the main event where Cornell's TCW faced Hawkins' CCW. The match came down to CCW's Sammy Bach against TCW's Ricky Dale Johnson, Cornell shocked the world when he turned on his own promotion to give Capital City Wrestling the win. What made this even more shocking was that as captain, this would end his career however he revealed that at the contract signing he had tricked RDJ, whom he had recently befriended, into signing as the captain. The show closed with the members of CCW celebrating their success. TCW was dead, this was the dawn of an era.

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Sorry I have been out of action online this week as I have been really under the weather. I think I would choose Rick Law to be the CCW champion (of course I can't pick a fan favorite) and with that see what kind of issues that causes for Mr. Cornell and his appettite for being THE MAN!
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Theheel" data-cite="Theheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34975" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry I have been out of action online this week as I have been really under the weather. I think I would choose Rick Law to be the CCW champion (of course I can't pick a fan favorite) and with that see what kind of issues that causes for Mr. Cornell and his appettite for being THE MAN!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No worries at all, hope you're feeling better </p><p> </p><p> Interesting choice with Law, also a challenging one in ways because he is actually the least popular out of the six choices in game. But with a bit of work he should still be popular enough to head PPV's, plus I like your idea about it causing problems for Cornell. </p><p> </p><p> Well preview for CCW is up now in the preview thread, will probably take me till next week sometime to start it so until then, thanks for anyone who has read/commented on here. Hopefully you will follow me onto CCW because things are just getting started <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="GdQ3Tjf.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GdQ3Tjf.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="0UkoI1x.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0UkoI1x.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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