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ReWF (or A Scrub Plays TEW)

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I should start this thread out by saying I’m not very good at this game. I’ve dabbled since the EWR days, but I’ve never really had a successful company. That being said, I have had a lot of fun loosing, and I even managed to get from Regional to Cult once! Anyway, if you’re expecting expert play, this isn’t the place. If you’re the type that likes to watch the world’s worst car crash shows on TV, then you should enjoy yourself. I will be playing with Fog of War on, so try to avoid hints about which workers might be good or bad based on the hidden stats. Any other gameplay hints you want to provide are appreciated, but don’t get offended if I don’t follow them. With those disclaimers, here we go!


I started a new game as The Grand Avatar with high reputation so I could start my own federation. Avatar stats pictured below:




Then I immediately started my company, Revolution Wresting, based in the North West (near my home town) set to difficulty hard (which starts me at regional.) The product details are as follows:



The bottom few definition notes that got cutoff were:

“will prevent ReWF from getting TV slots on Mainstream networks”

“is favourable towards getting sponsorship”

“will allow ReWF to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes”

and finally “will mean that the ‘young lion’ system will not be taken into account at any time”


This setup will net me some decent cash from sponsors while still allowing me to do a reasonable number of hardcore matches. True to the original (based on an eFed) we’ll be focusing on bloody and violent drama, with a little bit of comedy to lighten the mood on occasion. Because I’m really attached to the North West, but there’s no way I can stand up against the AAA, I’ll be turning off Company Battles and new Worker generation will start in January 2014. Other than that, I’m going with default settings.


I think that’s it for right now. Early tomorrow (PST) I’ll be posting my initial hirings, first two shows, and any other events that happen up to the end of the demo. Hopefully, by then the game will be out so the real fun can begin.

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Looks interesting - best of luck with it!


General game play hint for me would be to make sure you're picking up guys and girls with extremely positive and very positive personalities as backstage seems hugely important this time around - Chloe Dean and Joanna Silver as managers (or JS as a wrestler, since you're on integrated) will give you a decent starting boost. List of more of them here in case it's of use.

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Where to start? Wrestlers are a dime a dozen and they’re only in one match a night, but announcers, referees, road agents, they make a difference in every single match. I have $10,000 to start with and an estimated $57,000 in sponsorship money, so I can afford to splurge a little bit. I end up making an offer to Dewey Libertine to ref, Reese Paige to RA, and Rob Miskovsky and Duke Hazzard to announce. I was able to get pretty good rates for them all by offering wage matching (they’re the highest paid people on the roster anyway, and I can always fire them if I want to replace them) as well as double the downside (which is no problem since I play on using them every show.)


Next, the actual in-ring roster. I hire everyone I can get for cheap. If you’ll work for less than $200 a show, you’re in my roster. A lot of them are young, so I figure at least a couple of them will turn into decent workers. I’m also happy enough to fire any of them if they give me any lip. I’m not going to completely cheap out though. I also bring in some younger folks that are showing some real talent to round out the roster. I decide on Fuyuko Higa, Greg Gauge, KC Glenn, Rayne Man, Lily Snyder, and El Mitico Jr. I sweeten the pot for them by promising them all to never be below midcarder, and either the spine or future main event roles.


Auto-push leaves me with a pretty even spread of workers, a pretty good face/heel mix, and none of the workers I promised midcarder position pushed any lower than midcard. It did end up with some oddities such as Melvin Otto and Bonnie Clyde in main event slots. I’m just going to roll with it for now and adjust later if needed. One thing that does need adjustment is gimmicks. I don’t know what drugs some of these guys were on when they picked their gimmicks, but I end up rearranging most of them to options that are a bit more suitable (and a bit easier.) Of course, the backstage environment is a shambles at the moment, but we’ll start trimming out the troublemakers as time goes on.


Now, it’s time to book the first card. I’m running two events a month, the first being a small show with no frills, the second a medium show with a local band, some nice decorations, basically all the cheap event improvement options. The first show will be a tournament for the Revolution Title, with Buzz Reid and KC Glenn starting a separate feud while Greg Guage and Rayne Man start a battle for the title. It turns out... less than optimal:




Let me list the problems here. I have vocal fans, which provide me a long list of people they hate (more than I really even want to list on here.) Isabella Encanta, the manager I put in with Buzz, has a horrible chemistry with him so that’s going to have to change. Rayne Man is really unhappy at having to lose to Greg Gauge, even though they are both paid similarly, with the same push, and the loss was in a four way where he wasn’t even pinned. Oh, and the two storylines I started, debuted at F and F+.


Next time, we’ll try to patch up this mess and see how much better (or worse) the next show will be.

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Looks interesting - best of luck with it!


General game play hint for me would be to make sure you're picking up guys and girls with extremely positive and very positive personalities as backstage seems hugely important this time around - Chloe Dean and Joanna Silver as managers (or JS as a wrestler, since you're on integrated) will give you a decent starting boost. List of more of them here in case it's of use.


I'd already made it through the hiring bit before I started this post, but I will be firing the backstage troublemakers and hiring some good attitude soon enough.

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Now to clean up this mess. You might remember from my last post that I said I had a lot of backstage issues, and a long list of workers that the fans disliked with varying amounts of intensity. It turns out a couple of these names line up. Leopard King and Irwin Gutmann both rate pretty high on both of those lists, and I have a title holder and number one contender that both aren’t looking very strong. It’s time to schedule a couple of squash matches followed by firings!


First though, I need to hire a replacement for Buzz’s manager, Isabella Encanta. After a little debate, I settle on Roxy Kitten. Not the most logical pairing as far as gimmicks, but she’s cheap and has good entertainment skills. With that decided, I create a new angle for “abrupt manager replacement” as well as a “consoling another worker backstage” angle to setup Isabella being fired by Buzz and then joining his opponent KC Glenn. Hopefully this will heat up their storyline some, even if there are complaints that Isabella is turning the show after she debuted.


Finally, I setup a mach for my second title, the Hardcore Championship. I try to pick workers who style is listed as brawler but, with fog of war on, we’re just going to have to try it out and see who does well. Then it’s time for the second show…


…which ends up even worse than the first.



Let me count the problems this time. Isabella’s turn went bad (which I kind of expected) and hurt her morale something fierce. Backstage morale is still trending downward. Both of the girls in the main event complained about being horrible at hardcore matches (I guess I should have guessed that.) Worst of all, I spent a ton more on that show and managed to draw less.


I can at least help with the backstage issues. I fire Leopard King and Irwin Gutmann immediately as I’d planned. I also organize transport, organize accommodations, provide catering, and allow smoking backstage. That still leaves me with pretty crappy morale, but it’s better than it was:




Thankfully, despite a couple of pretty lousy shows, the finances still turn a positive number. 47k in ticket sales and 23k in sponsorship offset the 17k in wages, 20k in show costs, and 10k in miscellaneous expenses to end up with a 27k profit.


As I wrap this up, here is my current roster:




and my franchise players:




Now it’s time to buy the game and keep going! I plan on spending some of my profit to hire some more managers to try and make my angles go a little smoother. If I can get decent at that 30% of the show, that will hopefully give my rookies time to develop some match skills.

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A few tips:


1. Ditch Gorman fast. I have no idea who he is, but he's almost certainly not worth keeping if he's very negative.


2. Along similar lines, I'd ditch Higa as she stinks backstage. If you DO keep her, you need to have her main-eventing - the only reason to hold onto her is if she can significantly boost your show grades, which she'll need to be in the main or semi-main to do.


3. Hire Chloe Dean and Bradley Blaze to give you a much-needed backstage boost. They're also pretty darn good.


4. Use more angles. That bikini contest was your best angle by far. Another which will draw comparatively well is Monster Unleashed, or something else menace-based - I don't know all your roster but you must have SOMEONE who's big and tough there. If you have a match ratio of 70% that means you can use up to 45% angles (15% leeway either way.) More importantly, if you DO use 45% angles, they'll count for 45% of your grade - and remember that's almost all on the best two angles, which should both be significantly higher than your main events are going to be for the future.

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A few tips:


1. Ditch Gorman fast. I have no idea who he is, but he's almost certainly not worth keeping if he's very negative.


2. Along similar lines, I'd ditch Higa as she stinks backstage. If you DO keep her, you need to have her main-eventing - the only reason to hold onto her is if she can significantly boost your show grades, which she'll need to be in the main or semi-main to do.


3. Hire Chloe Dean and Bradley Blaze to give you a much-needed backstage boost. They're also pretty darn good.


4. Use more angles. That bikini contest was your best angle by far. Another which will draw comparatively well is Monster Unleashed, or something else menace-based - I don't know all your roster but you must have SOMEONE who's big and tough there. If you have a match ratio of 70% that means you can use up to 45% angles (15% leeway either way.) More importantly, if you DO use 45% angles, they'll count for 45% of your grade - and remember that's almost all on the best two angles, which should both be significantly higher than your main events are going to be for the future.


You've guessed at some of the content of my next update :)


I'll be trimming more of the bad backstage influences as I go along. At the moment I don't have too many people with decent entertainment skills, so I'm planning on hiring some managers as well.

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As promised, it’s time to spend some of the cash that I’m flush with. First off, I’ll pick up a few managers. After some debate (made especially hard due to fog of war) I decide on hiring Chloe Dean to help out Fuyuko Higa (one of my better talkers and improvisers, but suffers from a bit of a language barrier issue,) Venus Angeletti to assist Greg Gauge (not really needed, but his my main eventer at the moment,) and Haley Buck for Anders Thunder.


With those hires, let’s do one more show. I let the autobook make a couple of the early matches for me on this show and did an angle to introduce each new manager. Storyline wise, I still just have two running, Greg Gauge versus Rayne Man for the Revolution title and KC Glenn versus Buzz Reid for… nothing in particular really. Trying to strengthen up the main event, I schedule Rayne Man in a squash match (he’s still complaining about having to lose the title match during the initial tournament) and Greg Gauge in a more even win over Fuyuko Higa. I also schedule a match between KC and Buzz, which KC wins by DQ when Buzz’s new manager Roxy runs in. Overall the card went…


…better, but still not great



A couple of pieces of info I get out of this show. Number one, the fans really seem to hate Cerberus. Given that he’s a bad backstage influence, I axe him. Gram Gorman wasn’t even in this show, but I find I have little use for him, so I can him as well. On the plus side, I got road agent notes that Haley Buck and Roxy Kitten are doing good work at ringside, so I give them both “Good Example” praises in the after show speech. I try to keep these positive, I don’t need any more backstage problems…


…looking a little better.



Both Phobia and Anders Thunder show up on my hot prospects list, so I figure I should get them into a storyline. I still have the Hardcore title to give out, so I throw them along with Lily Snyder and El Mitico Jr. I end up booking an all night title defense angle, with Lily winning once (to try and keep her strong) then losing to Phobia, who then gets a successful defense against Mitico. Gauge and Rayne both get another win to bolster the main event, Gauge getting the pin on KC on the back of a run in from Buzz….




Unfortunately, all four of the workers I selected for the hardcore title aren’t any good at hardcore matches. Still Roxy and Haley are continuing to get good booking notes, so that’s a plus at least. At the end of the month, I still cut a 14k profit even with the hirings. Here’s my current roster….




I still have some more to trim backstage, and a few more hirings to do. My goal is to break around even cash wise and, of course, make it up to that coveted D for show quality.

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Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this - the screenshots instead of recaps, but supplemented with your thoughts on booking, is an awesome way of writing that's suited really well to RTG games. Keep up the great work!


It's been a while since I've written something like this. I'm tying to give a little more insight to my decisions (be they good or bad) then I was during the first couple posts, so I'm glad that's showing. Someday, I'd like to do an in-character write-up, but at the moment I don't really know enough about the characters in the Cornell-verse to pull it off.

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So, when we left off last time I still had about 14k in monthly profits to spend. After browsing the free worker pool for a while, I settle on hiring Canadian Crusher and Sozen Ishinomori. I setup Sozen as a face brute type and create an angle with a couple of the heels. The general idea for now is to give him a lot of wictories over the jobbers on the roster while he saves other from run-ins. Canadian Crusher is a little harder to fit in on a specific angle, but I’ve got a pretty face heavy roster right now, so I’m sure I can find him a spot.


Looking at my currently running story lines, KC Glenn versus Buzz Reid is my best thing going. Unfortunately, Buzz drops a brick in the ring every match. I’m still getting constant warnings that I don’t have enough storylines above D though, so I guess I’ve got to keep this one going for now. The moment that I have two other good storylines though, I’m going to break KC out of this dead end feud and give him a more suitable opponent.


Of course the other storyline issue I currently have is a bunch of not-so-hardcore folks in the running for the Hardcore title. As Phobia is a Luchidore, I decide to start booking some ladder matches for him. That will just have to be hardcore enough for now. Maybe, if everything works out with Sozen, he’ll be a good candidate for the Hardcore Title.


Results end up….


…poor again, but since I ran it in the south west, it was still an improvement of my popularity there. I think I’m going to start running my small monthly show there for the backstage boost (or at least avoiding the backstage hit of two failed cards a month.) On the plus side, the bra and panties match is one of my better opening matches. I have a lot of strong female workers and I have a feeling they’ll be relegated to pulling stunts like this until I can gain a bit more momentum.



Now it’s time for some more roster moves. I’ll start with the firing of Mercy Michaels. I got what I needed out of him with a couple of stomp matches, so now I’ll cut out the backstage cancer. I also need to pick up an authority figure. A lot of the angles I remember the most from when I still regularly followed wrestling were authority figure based, so I’m hoping I’ll get some more inspiration by hiring Dharma Gregg. Thankfully, she turns out to be a good backstage influence. Fuyuko Higa, still the worst backstage influence of the lot, pulls a lousy prank backstage and I read her the riot act. She seems to reactive positively to it (at least she doesn’t blow me off.)


Booking this show, I decide to take some advice and make this show a bit more angle heavy. It’s easy enough with Dharma to introduce. This being a major show, both titles are being defended. Phobia is still one of my hot prospects, so I put him up against another Luchador in a ladder match. Rayne Man hasn’t had a victory (angle or match) over his storyline rival Greg Gauge in a while, so I decide to finally give him the title, but in a three way where Fuyuko gets pinned. Other than that, I’m just trying to strengthen up my other main eventers. It ends up…


…the best show I’ve done so far!



Unfortunately both of my new wrestler into matches went badly, and Phobia and El Mitico have bad chemistry, so there goes my Luchador match-up. On the good side, Dharma went over quite well, and I can see a couple of real storylines forming. I still need to follow up on the bounty angle from earlier in the month, but I have a couple of ideas for that.


A few last housekeeping items before I close this down. I fired Powerful Man and turned on all the good backstage options and I’m up to a 56% backstage rating with only Fuyuko as a bad influence now. My angles are rated at E (Hardcore,) E (Glenn versus Reid,) E+ (Revolution Title,) and F+ (Sozen Ishinomori.) Finally, I had a 2k loss this month, which is fine for me at the moment. With the last of the roster turnover complete for the time being, hopefully the next few of these posts will be quick and show some upward trending grades.

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Looks like I’m starting this month with more morale issues. Melvin Otto is annoyed at not being used on the last two shows. I guess he has a point, he’s a main eventer, but I’m thinking that’s more of a problem with his push than anything. Still, I make plans to get him involved with the Sozen Ishinomori storyline. Additionally, Fuyuko Higa causes another backstage incident, I read her the Riot Act, and she doesn’t react as well as last time.


With those details out of the way, it’s time for the next show. This is another one in the South West, which might not make sense money-wise, but it’s nice to have one good show a month for backstage morale. I start the card by wrapping up the brief bounty story between Greg Gauge and Rayne Man I started last month. Sozen rescues Rayne from the first attack, but Melvin scores on the second and claims the bounty. I created a new menace based angle to join this un-official story with an official one as Sozen attacks Melvin and takes the bounty money.


The next few matches are filler matches, still trying to find some good chemistry amongst my crew. Thus far, I’ve only ever found one good chemistry note, and I already fired both of those guys. I’m also trying to keep the folks I have in storylines constantly showing up in matches so that their popularity gets off the floor. I also use my authority figure Dharmah Greg to book Gauge in a handicap match since he’s the reason behind Rayne being unable to wrestle. Hopefully a victory over Joanna Silver and Simon Ice (there’s a good tag team name) will help him look a little more intimidating. Finally, Phobia gets another successful defense of the Hardcore title.


I continue to get messages that he’s a good up and comer, but…


…he bombs the main event, crashing what could have been a decent show.


I give a positive speech praising Roxy Kitten and Soze, with a little Phobia could do better comment on the side. At least I still get the positive backstage morale bonus for a good show. I guess it’s easy to please a hundred fans sitting in a barn in Northern California.


Right after the show Deborah Young is complaining about her position at midcard. Personally, I think she should be even lower, but autopush says midcard so I leave her there, despite her complaints. El Mitico Jr. signs a contract with MPWF. They’re bigger than me, so they’ll take precedence if we have a show on the same day. I’d hate to lose him, but I don’t plan on moving my shows from Thursdays. If it becomes a problem, I might have to let him go.


All of my storlines are still below D, so I’m looking for any boost I can give them. I end up adding in Rayne and Gauge’s managers into their storline. Little Miss Sunshine is my best momentum on the roster (mainly from winning a few bikini contests) so maybe that will help heat up the rivalry. Just before the next show Deborah complains about her push again (for the third time) so I can her. She gets booed in every match she’s in anyway, so tough luck. Then Fuyuko Higa gets in a fight with a fan. Backstage bull is annoying enough, but if you’re upsetting the fans, that’s a problem. I opt for a fine, and she doesn’t react well. The next incident will merit a firing.


As for April Anarchy (imaginative I know,) my primary event in my home state of Washington, I try and keep it short and sweet. Rayne Man shows up after his injury on the last show, ready to retain his title. Multiple people put in match requests for the title, sensing blood in the water, and Dharma grants them all leading to a four way dance for the title. Sozen and Melvin get in a brawl backstage to continue their storyline, and Phobia defends his hardcore title again. I spend a lot of time booking the main event on this one (the aforementioned four way dance.) I settle on a slow build with multiple managerial run-ins, but Rayne gets the pin on Buzz for his first defence.


Basically, I’m trying to put all my best workers in this one to see if I can actually gain some popularity in my home region…


…which has its highs and lows.


As you can see I switched over to numbers before this card since I’m seeing a lot of Es and I need some more specifics to tell if I’m trending upwards. It turns out this is my best card yet, despite the Melvin and Sozen angle being rated a freaking two. I guess that’s my mistake for booking an angle that relies on overness. That crashes Sozen’s calvary storyline. Phobia is still getting tons of static as well, I really need to get the title off of him so I can fold him into a different storyline. But hey, all that work on the main event paid off!


I ended up losing 6k this month (mainly due to reduced ticket money in the South West.) For next month, I turned off the paid transport and accommodations as my backstage environment isn’t completely poisonus anymore. I’m still considering firing Melvin, Fuyuko, and Buzz. I add Dharma Gregg into storyline Sozen’s story so he can be her body guard. Melvin’s “injury” and subsequent termination are on the docket. Unfortunately, I still need Buzz as his storyline is the highest rated at 31. I really need another decent storyline. Lily Snyder is currently involved in the (horribly tanking) Hardcore Title story, but maybe she should be doing more. Maybe a turn for Fuyuko to go versus Lily? I guess we’ll see.

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Time for some more worker moves! First off, I’ve heard good things about Regular Joe, so I hire him with the contract options of backbone, midcard, and no house shows. I switch him to heel as a hired gun, drop Lily Snyder from the Hardcore storyline, and start a new one with the two of them. Unfortunately, others are making moves too and L-Ring sign KC Glenn and Greg Gauge. Thankfully, they’re smaller than me, so I should get priority.


With that done, I move on to the next show (regular show, but still in Washington to try and build up a little more bankroll,) which starts with another incident with Fuyuko Higa. I was hoping to set up a squash match before I showed her the door, but I’m tired of every single show having an incident involving her, so this time she’s fired! All the folks I have left are good locker room influences, so that’s good. Joe is such a goody-goody that he refuses the stalker angle that Melvin Otto turned down earlier. I was hoping a little risqué content to boost the ratings, but oh well.


So what did make the show? Continuing his brute calvary storyline, Sozen Ishinomori saves Joanna Silver from The Canadian Crusher, who then unites with Melvin Otto (still sore from losing his bounty money.) The two beat down Sozen after his match with Elsa Calvo, and then ally with her, setting up “how many heels does it take to bring this guy down” type situation. Joe debuts his hired gun gimmick with a post match attack on Lily. Finally, Phobia retains the title again.


It ends up being…


…a very poor decision to have run this card at home.


The whole thing is a mess, but what stands out the most was Penefold Perdition being exhausted by a seven minute ladder match. Greg Gauge and El Mitico Jr. still seem to put on a decent match but, other than that, it’s garbage.


After seeing that mess, I decide to turn on the dirt sheet. I need whatever tips I can get to figure out why these matches bomb, as I’m creeping perilously close to dropping from regional to small. After sifting through the available workers, I hire Paul Steadyfast, now the most expensive man on the roster. All the usual options for the good workers, midcard, backbone, no house shows, and wage matching. What I didn’t realize is that wage matching counts across the different jobs (I misunderstood what it meant by “same type of contract,”) so hiring this guy jumps up the wages on both of my announcers, my road agent, and my ref. So, it’s time to hire some new support staff. I settle on Big Dunc and Jez McArthur, both a ten point boost in rating for the same price that I was paying the old staff after the wage match.


They arrive just in time for the next show. Lily Snyder’s situation in this card is a bit messed up, as I mixed up Average Joe and Paul Steadyfast somewhere in the middle. Despite that, I feel good things coming for her storyline, so I decide to end both the Buzz Reid versus KC Glenn story (KC Glenn deserves better opponents) and the Hardcore story (none of these guys seem to be able to have a good match together.) Both of those matches end decisively to try and give Phobia and KC a nice popularity boost.


So now…


… I’m literally one show away from shrinking.


Lily versus Paul was the best match of the night. I think I might try to slip him in with Average Joe for a nice boost to that storyline. Buzz is out of his story, but since he’s cheap and a good influence, I just bump him down the push levels instead of firing him outright.

I made 33k this month (with both shows in Washington) but a patch also fiddled with sponsorship levels so I’m not sure exactly where I stand financially. Regardless, I have enough of a bankroll to go back to having one show in the SW each month to keep morale up. After turning paying for lodging and travel back on, I’m getting pretty close to a 70 backstage rating. I also decide to turn off the dirt sheet, as one peek into it told me all sorts of things I didn’t want to know about a certain worker (drug habits mainly.) I want those things to be a realistic surprise when they pop up.


So, next month we see if I can hold the ReWF out of the gutter, or if I’m destined for small-ville.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As usual, I’ll start off this month with a few more roster moves. I fish around a bit to looking for some more fresh blood. I still haven’t found many good chemistry pairings with my current roster, and some of my lower carders get the vocal crowd angry every time they show up on screen. I settle on hiring The Tic and Nina Cacace.


With nothing else left to do, it’s time to book the first card. I’m doing this one in the south west again for the morale boost. Despite this effectively being the B show for the month, I’m still making a run at putting on the best show possible, as a trial run for the second event that’s for all the marbles (or at least to retain my regional size.) I’m trying to hit on all my storylines at least once, and try out some different match-ups searching for some useful chemistry. My backstage rating finally hit 70 for this booking, so there are no backstage incidents. However, as I feared a couple of months ago, El Mitico Jr. is absent due to a show with MPWF. I don’t plan on rescheduling so, if MPWF has their shows on Thursdays as well, I might have to let him go.


I have a lot of faith in Nina Cacace, so I start up a story line between her and KC Glenn (plus his manager Isabella Encanta) and throw them into the main event together. If nothing else, it will make a hell of an entrance for Nina, and she’ll be able to have some cheesecake angles against Isabella. Moving down the card, I realize that a lot of the recent terminations have been faces, and a lot of the recent hires have been heels. The balance is definitely tipping, so I might have to get ready for a turn or two. On the plus side, a lot of my biggest stars at the moment (Rayne Man, KC Glenn, Lily Snyder) are face, so that gives them a lot of opponents to try out.


Anyway, the card goes…


…decently well.


Lily Snyder’s match with Anders Thunder doesn’t really grab the crowd, but she wins despite interference from Regular Joe advancing their Hired Gun storyline. I brought in Canadian Crusher to try to be a midcard heel (maybe Hardcore Title holder) but he bombed his match with Bobbie Dylan. The Tic didn’t debut as strong as I’d hoped since Dharma Gregg had an improvisational off day. Greg Gauge puts on a good match and then shoves his manager in the way as Rayne Man comes after him, touching on the Revolution Title story. Regular Joe and Ursula Saez have good chemistry but still put on a pretty lousy match and his angle promising to take down Lily goes even worse. Paul Steadyfast goes up against one of my opener talents but puts on the second best match of the night, sounds like he might have a bright future. Sozen and Melvin bomb another important match, send Sozen’s story further down the crapper. I Finally, Nina Cacace proves her worth by putting on my best main event so far with KC Glenn. No chemistry notes or anything, just damn good wrestling.


A 30 ranking still won’t be good enough to save my skin at the next show, so I watch the news for another good hire. Titan gets one of those “people to watch” stories so I pull him in, but it turns out he’s a very negative influence. I spent a lot of time trying to get my backstage stabilized, so when he has a backstage incident at his very first show, he’s fired. I actually get a + to my morale for shoving him out the door so fast. I also bump down match percentage to 60% and reduce each of the match times by a couple of minutes so that gives me space for a few extra angles.


Paul Steadyfast made his way up the card quickly as I decide to give him a title shot. I’m hoping that, if he can put in the same enthusiasm as he did against the opener talent last show, he’ll put on a hell of a match with someone else that can actually keep up. Unfortunately, he complains about losing, even though it’s to the title holder, via tainted victory, and with the keep strong note. I book him in the match anyway. If he starts to be a problem, I’ll job him a couple of times and kick him to the curb.


The show goes…




I wanted to get the Hardcore Title off of Phobia, but try and keep him strong as he’s still listed as an up and comer, thus the 24/7 title defense declared by Dharma Gregg. Lily Snyder puts on a good match ending in a DQ when Regular Joe runs in. KC Glenn and Steadyfast get into an argument backstage to setup the main event. Then my three faces with the best momentum get in on a movie parody video that’s played before The Tic’s match, where he shows his worth with a hell of a fight against the number one contender Greg Gauge. They also have chemistry, which might set them up for a later feud. Sozen Ishinomori puts out another poor match despite the infusion of some new blood into his angle. Despite the picture, that’s an auto naming mistake and it’s Average Joe in a match versus KC, which goes really well. Phobia drops the hardcore title due to an ambush backstage, but the match completely bombs. Regardless, Phobia is free of that title and able to start a feud with someone more at his level. Finally Paul Steadyfast doesn’t perform quite as well as I expected, maybe because he’s grumpy about the scheduled loss?


A lot of solid matches in there, but the semi-main destroyed the show, pulling it down to a 33. El Mitico Jr. was gone again for this event, so I have to let him go. On the plus side, I made a $475 profit for the month, which means I’m sitting about where I want to be for roster size. On the even more plus side, this show, while not the best, was good enough to not loose me any further popularity, so I’m still hanging on at regional size.


So now it’s time to take stock of the company as a whole and see where I’m at. First off, I have a few people with fairly poor gimics (Isabella Encanta, KC Glenn, and Paul Steadyfast.) Paul just got here, but the other two were hired in the first month so I change them both over to blue collar to match each other and I think I might start a romance angle there, with Nina Cacace getting in the way. Unfortunately, it’s still too soon for turns so I’ll have to live with my off balance face/heel divide for a little longer.


Here’s a list of my different scouting reports from the creative meetings menu. The hot prospects list is pretty suspect, as a lot of those folks get some pretty vehement hatred from the crowd, but I’ll keep them around for a bit longer to see how things go. It’s also nice to see my new hires on a few of these lists.

Franchise players: Greg Gauge, Rayne Man, Lily Snyder, Regular Joe, Paul Steadyfast

Hot Prospects: The Tic, Anders Thunder, Phobia, Sterling Whitlock, Bobbie Dylan

Talk the Talk: Sozen Ishinomori, Nina Cacace, Haley Buck, Duke Hazzard, Roxy Kitten

Show Stoppers: KC Glenn, Greg Gauge, Nina Cacace, The Tic, Rayne Man

Ring Generals: KC Glenn, Paul Steadyfast, Greg Gauge, Nina Cacace, Rayne Man


Here’s my list of storylines. I’m having a real hard time keeping two above the D grade so I can stop getting the interesting storylines complaint.

Lily Snyder versus Regular Joe: 22 (Up and comer versus Hired Gun)

KC Glenn and Isabella Encanta versus Nina Cacace: 30 (Romance versus Seductress)

Greg Gauge and Venus Angeletti versus Rayne Man and Little Miss Sunshine: 36 (Revolution Title feud)

Sozen Ishinomori versus Canadian Crusher, Cip Conduit, Elsa Calvo and Melvin Otto: 22 (Face monster versus evil coalition)


Finally, here’s my current roster



For next month, I plan on dropping a few of my openers that don’t get a lot of use (I’ve started to get morale complaints about not being in shows.) Also, I’m going to end the Sozen Ishinomori storyline (they’ve had something like 20 events in that chain, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere) and hopefully find something else to replace it.

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So, as I was writting this month, I debated a few different style questions in my head. I'd appreciate any feedback from readers.


1) As the roster has stabalized, the actual show reports have taken the bulk of the attention. This time around I tried to give a paragraph of reasoning before the show report, then a sentance about each match after the fact. Does that sit well? Should I go over every match in the show before I post the ratings, or maybe just post the rating then give each match a brief paragraph?


2) These was a pretty epic length post. Should I stick with doing a month at a time, or a post for each show?


3) Writing in the present tense made sense when I started this, but now I'm debating switching over to past tense, diary style.


4) More or less (or just fine the way it is) screenshots?

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  • 3 weeks later...

After considering the questions about writing style I asked last time, I’ve decided to switch up my style quite a bit to a new show focused format. That will hopefully make these a bit easier to write which will, in turn, make it easier to keep up with where I am in the actual game. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep quite detailed enough notes to fill out the entire format, but that should improve as I catch up. If you have any opinions on the new style, please feel free to leave me a comment.




It turns out there’s not a lot to do in the lead-up to the next show. I’ve eyed the various minor morale problems due to complaints about not being used in a while but, after some consideration I’ve decided to keep the roster the same for a while. I erased the list of workers that the vocal crowd dislikes (partially due to a lot of those workers having been fired, and partially hoping that maybe a few of those folks’ skills have improved) and I’ll be taking notes over the next few months. I’ll be booking this card with some more experimental matches to get some of my midcarders some match time. I’m also setting up the finish for both my Revolution Title and Sozen Ishinomori storylines in the next show, hoping to really burn the barn when I get back up to the northwest and make some ground on the popularity numbers.


Thursday, Week 2, July 2013, Monthly Revolution from The Simmons Center in front of a crowd of 100 people


Lily Snyder versus Regular Joe:

A pretty basic opening bout with some evenly matched, if a bit boring, action. It goes back and forth for a while, with neither wrestler getting an upper hand for long. Unfortunately, the ending of the match is a bit of a disappointment when Joe goes for a steel chair, but has it kicked back in his face by Lily, causing the ref to call a dubious Double DQ.

Double DQ, Rating 23


Nina Cacace taunts KC Glenn:

An old fashioned taunt angle furthering the feud between the two of them. Nina insists that KC is just throwing away his life wrestling for this tiny crowd when he should be wowing the fans at a national fed. If he can't see that, she'll pound some sense into him.

Rating: 35


KC Glenn and Regular Joe Argue:

A backstage argument starting with KC’s snide comments about Joe’s earlier loss sets up a match between these two later tonight. They’re both skilled competitors, so it should be a damn good show, even if Joe is double-booked for the evening.

Rating: 26


Nina Cacace versus Bobbie Dylan:

Bobbie Dylan gets a lot of hate from the crowd during this bout, which seems to throw her off her game making her already modest talent look down right horrible. Nina gets the easy win despite Isabella Encanta (KC Glenn’s manager) running in and tripping her up through the ropes while the ref was checking Bobbie for a possible KO.

Nina Cacace winner via Pinfall, Rating: 19


Melvin Otto, Canadian Crusher, and Chip Conduit Boast

A short segment with the heel alliance that’s up against Sozen Ishinomori. They threaten that even though none of them can win a singles match against Sozen, they can make sure that Ishinomori will never win a bout again. Unfortunately, none of these guys can really talk, and it falls a bit flat.

Rating: 24


Paul Steadyfast versus Sozen Ishinomori

Sozen comes out of the great looking fierce, but as the match drags on he starts to slow a bit. Paul starts to come back, but then he gets thrown into the ref, knocking him out of the ring. Canadian Crusher takes the opportunity to slip in from the crowd and tag Sozen with a baseball bat. Paul then gets the easy pin once the ref can get back into the ring.

Paul Steadyfast Winner via Pinfall due to Interference from Canadian Crusher, Rating 30


KC Glenn Laughs Off Nina Cacace’s Threat

An old-fashioned response to Nina’s earlier speech. KC wants to do right by his fans and pay his dues. Just because Nina is on the way down and never made anything of herself, that doesn't mean that KC will suffer the same fate. It looks like he's about to go on, but Regular Joe hits the stage and interrupts him.

Rating: 26


KC Glenn versus Regular Joe

As promised, KC and Joe have a roaring match. It’s back and forth and has a flow that none of the other matches so far on the card had. Unfortunately, it’s interrupted just as its about to reach its climax when Nina fulfils her promise and slides into the ring to smash KC with a chair in full view of the ref. Joe goes crazy at the loss, but several wrestlers come and drag him to the back.

KC Glenn winner via DQ, Rating: 32


Rayne Man Hypes Match Against Phobia

Rayne is generally good for a hell of a speech but this one falls flat as his target, Phobia, has struggled to get any acceptance in the ReWF, despite being heralded by many as a brilliant up and comer. Still, the match promises to at least be decent.

Rating: 18


Greg Gauge versus The Tic versus Joanna Silver

Joanna is obviously out classed in this match and Greg quickly takes advantage of her weakness leaving her down in one corner of the ring. The Tic interrupts him before he can get the pin, and they go about fighting each other. Eventually, Greg is able to send Tic through the ropes and get the quick pin on the unconscious Silver just before Tic can get there to break it up.

Greg Gauge Winner via Pinfall, Rating: 27


Rayne Man Catchphrase

“I'm gonna bring the rain, man!” or something like that anyway. In the end It’s good for a cheap pop, one of the best on the show actually.

Rating: 38


Rayne Man versus Phobia

A straight up match with no interruptions or unusual rules to let Phobia show his stuff. At first it looks like Phobia might have a chance as he gets off a couple of high flying moves, but Rayne gets his head in the game and Phobia’s top rope cross body hits nothing but canvas. The match swings hard the other direction and Rayne hits his finisher in the center of the ring.

Rayne Man Winner via Pinfall, Rating: 23


There were a couple of mistakes in this card. First off, Steadyfast turned down two different losses (one via DQ) before I finally decided to give him the win via interference. Second, I somehow managed to book Regular Joe twice. Third, a lot of my workers had off days today, both in and out of the ring, which generally hurt some of the better segments and kept them from getting into the D (I hope) range. Regardless, it was still good enough to raise my popularity in the southwest.

Card Rating: 26

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wednesday, Week 4, July 2013, Journal of Owner Edward Beam

The buildup to the big July show has been rough. We’ve been papering the town with posters, but there’s only so much you can do to attract a crowd in Pullman. I’ve been trying to find a couple of ringers to bring in to make sure this card goes over well enough to keep the sponsorship money coming in. I’m getting tired of talking to nervous advertisers who are considering pulling their cash. I sent out an offer to Sayeed Ali as he is being let off his current 4C contract, just to hear that 4C changed their mind and offered him another PPA deal and L-Ring also made him an offer as they’re finishing putting together their roster for their first show down in Hawaii. Despite his other obligations, I we confirmed the contract. He has strong hardcore skills, which is something sorely lacking around here right now.


In other news, ACPW closed this month, spilling out a little new talent onto the North American scene. I’ve got my eye on a few folks from there but, looking at their roster, it seems like there’s a reason they failed.



Thursday, Week 4, July 2013, July Jacuzzi from the Washington State Gymnasium in front of a crowd of 1651

Greg Gauge Gets his Final Title Shot

This week’s show opens with Greg Gauge backstage in the commissioner’s office talking to Dharma Gregg. He wants another title shot, after blowing his last few. Dharma isn’t impressed by the request. After some argument she lets him have one final shot, with the stipulation that, if he loses, he’ll never get another title shot in the ReWF again.

Rating: 31


Nina Cacace versus Lily Snyder

Today’s first match features a couple of decent competitors without a lot of heat behind them. Nina starts off the brawl strong, but Lily starts to get the more technical upper hand, following up a series of reversals with a Camel Clutch. Nina is just barely able to reach the ropes and the ref forces Lily to break the hold. As the ref is checking on Nina to see if she can continue, Regular Joe slips out of the crowd, hops up on the apron behind Lily, and delivers a chair shot. With Lily down, Nina crawls over to her and lays an arm across her stomach.

Nina Cacace winner via Pinfall, Rating: 19


Little Miss Sunshine, the Sexy Reporter

Little Miss Sunshine, whom some would say is the best regarded female working for the ReWF today, saunters down to the ring. She announces, in her trademark wholesome yet alluring way, that she’s always wanted to be a reporter, and now she’s going to get that chance, becoming the ReWF’s first backstage correspondent. Color Commentator Duke Hazzard excitedly dubs her the “Sexy Reporter.”

Rating: 60


Regular Joe versus Sozen Ishinomori

Standing in the ring, Regular Joe looks at home, while Sozen Ishinomori looks akward and out of place. The action reflects that as Joe and Sozen don’t really mesh. Thankfully, the awkwardness doesn’t last long as Canadian Crusher runs in, slides Joe a bat, and distracts the ref while Sozen takes the business end of a nut shot. Regular Joe gets the easy cover once Crusher leaves ringside.

Regular Joe winner via Pinfall, Rating: 22


Nina Cacace and Isabella Encanta Backstage

Backstage, we see KC Glenn finish prepping for his match and head toward the curtain area. Isabella Encanta, his manager and girlfriend, remains in his locker room for no more than a few seconds before Nina Cacace walks in. When Isabella asks why she’s busting in uninvited and Nina implies that KC might want some of her charms, Isabella jumps on her. Unfortunately, Nina is a trained wrestler and she makes quick work of holding Isabella down and ripping off the manager’s shirt. Security intervenes and pulls them apart before it goes any further.

Rating: 48


Paul Steadyfast versus KC Glenn

Paul Steadyfast, newcomer to the ReWF who got a title shot after only two months, opens up with a series of fluid punches and kicks that leaves KC stumbling. Though Glenn is able get some offense in, Paul holds the momentum for most of the match. Things look like they’re turning around when he hits a Snap DDT, but then Nina Cacace comes walking down the ramp waving Isabella’s torn shirt. KC looks toward the ramp just long enough for Paul to grab him from behind and hit a powerful Suplex. The pin follows shortly.

Paul Steadyfast winner via Pinfall, Rating 33


Bikini Contest

Sometimes a little T&A can rev up a flagging crowd. Now that Little Miss Sunshine is occupied elsewhere, Chloe Dean easily wins the contest, setting the fans fire with a heck of a display.

Rating: 55


New Signing

Dharma Gregg comes down to the ring and wastes no time in introducing her new signing Sayeed Ali. In fact, she seems to be so hurried that the she stumbles over her own words. Still Sayeed gets some decent crowd response as he flexes and waits in the ring for his match.

Rating: 22


The Tic versus Sayeed Ali

The Tic enters the arena doing his Superhero shtick and slides in the ring. Sayeed doesn’t even wait for the bell to sound before he starts wailing on Tic. It looks like Sayeed expects this to be a quick match, but Tic won’t stay down. It’s when Tic starts getting in some offense of his own, which Sayeed no-sells, that the frustration sets in. Finally, Sayeed tosses Tic over the ropes, grabs a chair from the crowd, and pounds him with it, right in front of the ref.

The Tic winner via DQ, Rating: 36


Little Miss Sunshine Interviews Rayne Man

The “Sexy Reporter” Little Miss Sunshine’s first interview is with her client Rayne Man, talking up his final match with Greg Gauge. Though the interview content is interesting, Little Miss Sunshine’s idle adjusting of her clothes really grabs attention, making the whole segment a huge success.

Rating: 41


Rayne Man versus Greg Gauge, Cage Escape Match for the Revolution Title

Here it is, the ultimate match in this long running rivalry. Once the cage is locked, both wrestlers circle each other warily for a while before Rayne takes the initiative with some tentative punches followed by an Irish Whip and a face slam into the cage. Greg is quick to his feet and snags Rayne in a headlock, landing a Bulldog, but is robbed of any ground game as Rayne rolls back to his feet and brawling starts. These tentative jabs continue back and forth, without either contender getting the upper hand, for some time. As they begin to tire, Rayne Dropkicks Greg into the cage and hits a Jawbreaker as he stumbles away from the impact. Rayne keeps up the offense on the ground with an Elbow Drop and a frenzy of punches. The match pacing amps up as Greg shoves Rayne off and gets to his feet. Both workers hit a few big budget moves and try to climb the cage in turn, both fail. Finally, as Greg gets up to pull Rayne off the cage for the third time, Rayne leaps off himself, hitting a Rayne Drop and putting Gauge out on the matt.

Rayne Man winner via Cage Escape, Rating: 50


Rayne Man Celebrates

Once Rayne hits the floor outside the cage, Little Miss Sunshine runs out from backstage and starts throwing confetti. The two of them party as the show ends.

Rating: 34


Friday, Week 4, July 2013, Journal of Owner Edward Beam

The reports are in, and we’re averaging a 4.5 rating. That’s our best rating yet, and it’s enough to keep the sponsors off my back at least for a month or so. Dharma Gregg was storming around backstage after the show raging about her failure to run with the unscripted segments I gave her. She’s had tons of good work before, so I gave her a little encouragement and told her not to sweat it. Hopefully she recovers for next show, as I’m taking Greg Gauge out of the title picture so I can start a couple of feuds between Greg and Dharma as well as Paul Steadyfast and Rayne Man.


We did a few exit interviews for a free t-shirt and hat. Most of the folks said that they didn’t think the show was edgy enough, but they loved the Cage Match. I’ll work on putting some more interesting match types in the next few shows and see if that makes any difference. I’m thinking some First Blood matches, maybe a Dog Collar match or two, and a lot more Falls Count Anywhere setups. Also, I’ve got to come up with a couple of signature ReWF matches.


On the plus side, our books were 8k in the black this month, and our popularity went up in the North West for the first time since we founded this place.

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Wednesday, Week 2, August 2013, Journal of Owner Edward Beam

The mood is really up around the gym. I’ve seen more of the crew here on off-hours over the last week than the entire rest of the year (save show time of course.) Duncan Kendal, our road agent, has been keeping the guys (and gals) motivated, and he’s taking to showing his impressions of me and some of the vets. I pretend not to know about it and they get a kick out of the inside joke.


Show-wise, I’ve officially closed the Greg Gauge and Rayne Man story in order to give Paul Steadyfast a shot at Rayne Man’s title. I’ve got some good feelings about Dharma and Gauge’s upcoming story. She’s been getting pretty stale, and I think a little change in her dynamic, if not her entire gimmick, will do both the show and her some good. She’s got a lot of acting talent, but she’s pretty much making the same speeches every night. Gauge seems really into it as well. They’ve been talking a lot and have come up with a lot of good ideas.


Thursday, Week 2, August 2013, Monthly Revolution from the Simmons Center in front of a crowd of 89

Greg Gauge Requests Yet Another Title Shot

The show opens in the commissioner’s office, again, with Greg Gauge, again, asking for a title shot, again. Dharma Gregg is visibly upset that he’s trying to get around the terms of last week’s match which stipulated that he would get no further title shots if he lost. Gauge makes up several underhanded tactics that Rayne Man supposedly used to win the match, but isn't able to prove any of it. Dharma lets him drone on for while, then turns down his request, threatening to call security if he doesn't leave the office. Gauge sweeps his arm across her desk, scattering pictures and personal items before storming out.

Rating: 35


Sozen Ishinomori versus Sterling Whitlock in a First Blood Match

Sterling barely has a chance to get into the ring before Sozen in on him. It turns into a heavy duty brawl with little coordination and no finesse. Unfortuantely, Sterling never really recovers from the opening salvo and it’s not long before he’s clearly out of it. Sozen unceremoniously picks him up and drops him face first on the turnbuckle. As Ishinomori walks away, already celebrating, the ref checks Whitlock then signals no blood, the match should continue. After being stunned for a second, Sozen turns to finish the job, but Canadian Crusher slides into the ring and puts Sozen in an Inverted Facelock, then transitions into an Inverted DDT. The ref is still checking on Whitlock to make sure he's still conscious and somehow misses the whole thing. Unfortuntaley, Sterling is so out of it, he isn’t even in the condition to crawl across the ring for the pin. Sozen eventually recovers, picks Whitlock up, and drops him on the turnbuckle again. It’s obvious that the match is over as soon as Sterling hits the canvas, leaving a trail of blood.

Sozen Ishinomori winner via First Blood, Despite Interference from Canadian Crusher, Rating: 21


Nina Cacace Rants About KC Glenn

Nina Cacace comes out to the ring still brandishing Isabella Encanta’s torn shirt from the last show. She does a brief speech bragging KC Glenn’s loss last week and about how little it takes to tip the balance between a win and a loss. Everyone is expecting KC to come out from the curtain to defend himself (or attack her outright) but there’s no response. Maybe he’s not even here tonight?

Rating: 27


Greg Gauge versus Simon Ice in a Dog Collar Match

With Greg Gauge in the dog house as far as the commissioner is concerned, this match got changed to a Dog Collar match at the last second. It takes a few extra minutes to get the necessary equipment to the ring, during which Greg rants in one corner of the ring and Simon seems pretty content to wait out the delay. Once the two competitors are chained together, the bell is rung and match finally begins. Gauge uses the chain to his advantage, pulling Simon into a powerful Clothesline, yanking him up, then dropping him again with an Atomic Drop. Simon is already out of it at this point, but Gauge grinds the point home with a Sidewalk Slam and a series of kicks. When Greg locks in a Scissor Headlock, Simon is almost begging to tap out.

Greg Gauge winner via Submission, Rating: 22


Sexy interview with Nina Cacace

Little Miss Sunshine tries to interview Nina Cacace backstage about her upcoming fight with Joanna Silver, but Nina really doesn’t seem to be in the mood to talk, only complaining loudly about the stipulations of the match. She ends up storming off, leaving Sunshine to awkwardly fill for a minute or two.

Rating: 34


Nina Cacace versus Joanna Silver in a Lingerie Match

The moment that Joanna comes out from behind the curtain, the crowd gets loud with a mixture of cat-calls, boos, and a “You Suck” chant by a few drunk folks in the back row. It’s the loudest they’ve been all night, but it really puts both wrestlers off their game. Still, once the match actually starts, they put on a pretty good show combining a few sexy spots with a few actual action spots. In the end, it shapes up to be one of the better matches of the night, but Joanna is obviously outclassed and is pinned easily.

Nina Cacace winner via Pinfall, Rating: 41


Ursula Saez versus Melvin Otto in a Casket Match

The fans really don’t seem behind either of these wrestlers as they come out to the ring. They’re not even vocal with their hate, it ends up being just being a good break to use the bathroom and get some food. The match itself has some good spots, but the flow between them is horrible. It’s merciful relief when Ursula Saez is Powerbombed and dumped into the casket.

Melvin Otto winner via Casket, Rating 12


Sozen Ishinomori challenges Canadian Crusher

The casket is just going behind the curtain when Ishinomori storms back out to the ring. He’s a bit hard to understand due to his broken English, but it’s clear that he’s ticked off about Canadian Crusher getting involved with his earlier match. Crusher doesn’t show, leaving Sozen to sputter at the microphone for a while before heading backstage.

Rating 10


Penfold Perdition © versus Buzz Reid in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Hardcore Title

The hardcore title hasn’t exactly been a prestigious one over the last few months, Penfold Perdition won in back in June and hasn’t defended it since. This match doesn’t look like it’s setup to make the situation any better. Penfold and Buzz Reid clash in the center of the ring with a flurry of mistimed punches. Penfold eventually gets the upper hand and Clotheslines Buzz over the ropes. There really isn’t much room outside the ring in the Simmons Center, but Buzz meets Penfold coming out of the ring and tosses him into the chairs. It’s hard to see what’s going on amongst the fans, but it’s not long before Buzz drops an elbow and gets the pin.

Buzz Reid winner of the Hardcore Title via Pinfall, Rating 6


Canadian Crusher Taunts Sozen Ishinomori

After being the target of Sozen Ishinomori’s somewhat illegible ranting earlier, Canadian Crusher comes out to the ring. After a little taunting he turns down Sozen’s challenge. He makes it clear that he’s never going to fight Sozen again, but he and his crew are going to make sure that Sozen never gets another win either. He’s just about to leave when Dharma Gregg comes out from the curtain. She informs him that he will be fighting Sozen on the next show wether he likes it or not, and that better be the end of it.

Rating: 22


Phobia versus The Tic in a Ladder Match for a $5000 Bonus

Finally, this match has some potential. Phobia is a luchador wrestler who gets precocious few opportunities to fly high around the ReWF. The Tic has only been around for a couple of months, but he seems to be a decent wrestler who’s really into the superhero thing. They're both lightweights with some high flying skills and they complement each other nicely.


As soon as the bell rings, Phobia jumps on the ropes and vaults off with a Crossbody Block. The Tic isn’t down for long, shoving Phobia off then dodging a kick and reversing into a Sidewalk Slam. The two continue to go all out, trading a variety of moves that only a couple of lightweights can pull off. They stay pretty even the entire time and it’s amazing that they can keep going at that pace for as long as they do but, eventually, they begin to tire and that’s when the ladders come out.


It seems that both Phobia and The Tic have the same idea at the same time and both grab ladders from under opposite sides of the ring. Phobia is first back in the ring with his, but The Tic shoves his ladder under the ropes and smacks Phobia in the shins, giving him time to get back in the ring as well. The two grab each other and wrestle for dominance, but Phobia gets the upper hand, driving The Tic down onto a ladder with a Single Leg Takedown. With Tic still lying on the ladder holding his back, Phobia sets up the ladder and goes for the briefcase, but he stops about half way up. He looks down, then flies off the ladder looking for a Leg Drop, which The Tic promptly dodges, sending Phobia crashing into the ladder. At that point, momentum swings The Tic’s way as he picks up Phobia and Russian Leg Sweeps him back down onto the ladder. A few more kicks on the downed Phobia and Tic is able to quickly assend the ladder that Phobia had setup and grab the briefcase.

The Tic winner via Briefcase Retrieval, Rating 24


Friday, Week 2, August 2013, Journal of Owner Edward Beam

This last show wasn’t one of the best we’ve done. We only ended up rating a 2.2, but the fans seemed happy enough after. I feel really bad for Buzz Reid and Penfold Perdition, every time they show up on screen they get nothing but hate. I keep them around as they were a couple of my first hires, and they really bring up the mood backstage, but I don’t know if they’re ever going to amount to anything.


Joanna Silver and Nina Cacace actually showed some skill out there. Joanna was always a questionable hire, but she has a great mix of sex appeal and actual wrestling ability. With Nina thrown in, they put on the best match of the night. I’m planning on booking them in a rematch next show so they can show their stuff to the home crowd.


Finally, there’s Sozen Ishinomori. He assured me that he could speak English when I hired him, but when he gets in front of the crowd he seems to freeze up and have a hard time staying clear. He microphone work on this show particularly bombed, which is sad because he’s one of the most charismatic workers we have on the roster. I feel like I was sold a bill of goods on him that he can’t possibly live up to, but he’s great backstage so I’ll keep him around for now.


Preview of August Apocalypse to be held in the Washington State Gymnasium, Thursday, Week4, August 2013

Sozen Ishinomori versus Canadian Crusher in a First Blood Match

Nina Cacace versus Joanna Silver in a Bra and Panties Match

The Tic versus Buzz Reid in a Dog Collar Match for the Hardcore Title

Regular Joe versus Lily Snyder

Paul Steadyfast versus Rayne Man in a Coal Miner’s Glove Match for the Revolution Championship

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