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IPW: A Friend In Need

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Thanks for the kind words guys. It's good to know people out there are still enjoying it (which is my primary concern as to how many actual readers, because if no one likes it, then I'm not doing my job).


I'm slow building a lot of major things throughout the year which will come to a head in December and the crux of this thing (the Nemesis/Tyler relationship) will definitely become a central theme to the diary.


Is there anything people would like to see more of? Game world updates? More Tyler/Nemesis conversations?

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iNSANITY May 2013





Thursday, Week 3, May 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA



Dark Match: E-Soteric vs "Ice Cold" Ray Snow

  • A poor match that nonetheless lifts the crowd despite their obvious dislike of E-Soteric. Both men get reasonable amounts of offense before Snow ends things with a Spinning Back Fist.

Winner: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow via Spinning Back Fist

Time: 7:04






"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler comes to the ring. He thanks the fans for being at the event and says the following match will be for their eyes only. Ash versus Hellech.





Dark Match: Ash vs Hellech

  • Both guys go all out for the live crowd, hitting a variety of high risk moves.
  • In the end, it's the presence of...


  • ...Willow that proves to be the difference. She trips Hellech as he comes off the ropes which allows Ash to hit a DDT. An Acid Rain Bomb right after gets the rookie the win.

Winner: Ash via Acid Rain Bomb

Time: 8:22






Moses Makesh: What's poppin IPW fans? Moses Makesh bringing the action to ya with my main dawg, Luther Judge.


Luther Judge: Mo', s*** has been gettin' real here in IPW.


Moses Makesh: True that Luther. Got some great battles lined up tonight. Six men who been involved in a war the last few months will be on opposite sides. Acid, "Dangerous" Doug Peak, and the IPW Champion Masked Stranger gonna face off with Frantic Ali and the IPW Tag Team Champions, Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez.


Luther Judge: We got some boys from Pittsburgh here too.


Moses Makesh: The son of legendary Sam Keith gonna try and make his pops proud when takes the challenge of "The Future" Steven Parker.




Classical music hits as "The Traditonalist" Eric Tyler coldly makes his way down to the ring. The IPW Championship is over his shoulder, giving some intrigue to his speech.


Eric Tyler: This belt right here doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot yet. It's still a symbol, though. One that signifies you are the best this company has to offer. A man you know as Masked Stranger allowed me to borrow it to open the show tonight. I remember when I used to chase gold like this.


Tyler pats the belt, clearly remembering a time gone by.


Eric Tyler: But that time is over. I didn't believe this belt's previous owner deserved the recognition. I believe he will in time. Tonight is the first step towards proving his worth. Frantic Ali. He will learn. Learn what it means to be a champion, to be the man leading others to glory. If he does not, this gold will never be around his waist again.


Tyler does not smirk, does not change his facial expression at all, but something in his body language hints at something deeper with Ali.


Eric Tyler: I believe he will rise to the challenge. And Stranger will rise to meet that challenge. Next month, here at The Simmons Center, it will be Masked Stranger defending this belt, the IPW Championship, against Frantic Ali.


The crowd pops at this announcement, chanting "Ali, Ali, Ali"


Eric Tyler: If Ali proves himself worthy tonight, he has my pledge that myself and my allies will not involve themselves in next month's title belt. The champion has already agreed to this. He told me, "Eric, a true champion does not need help". I agree. However, if Ali attempts to circumvent his trial tonight, if he does not fight with the true heart of a champion, then I will make sure this belt stays with a righteous man.


Tyler looks long and hard into the camera, speaking directly to Ali.


Eric Tyler: The choice is yours.




Moses Makesh: Tyler straight up challenging Ali's heart, Luther.


Luther Judge: S***, Mo', dude ever talk like that to me, I'd end his ass.


Moses Makesh: Yea, yea, Luther. Tyler would murder you.


Luther Judge: Nah. I could get 'im.


Moses Makesh: Please homie, Ali can get him, you'd be cryin' minute Tyler slapped one of those holds on you.


Luther Judge: Yea, okay, you probably right.




Backstage, Hustle Muvva checks himself out in a mirror, dressed in a full-length mink coat and diamond-studded sunglasses.


Hustle Muvva: Dayum, I be lookin' fly. See, tonight, I'm the beauty goin' up against an ugly ass beast. Colossus thinks ain't nobody can stop him. It look like that, don't it? Problem is, the big man ain't met me in the ring. You just a stepping stone, a fat ass rock, standin' between me and Deadshot. Tell your punk ass b**** Briggs that I'm coming for his ass too. Remember, THE HUSTLE NEVER STOPS.




Moses Makesh: Muvva is one cocky cat.


Luther Judge: Cat? More like a p****, if you get me. Talk is cheap, son. He wants Deadshot? Then take down the big man.


Moses Makesh: Don't know if anybody can do that, Luther.


Luther Judge: Colossus is the big dog who got a bite to match his bark.




IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs BB Colossus w/Anslem Briggs

  • This match is a clusterf*** right away as Muvva storms the ring with a gold cane in hand and begins whaling on Colossus, getting the big man down to a knee before using the cane to choke him.
  • Colossus seems to shrug off blow after blow, eventually grabbing Muvva with a meaty paw and chucking him across the ring. Briggs gets involved when he slides a trash can full of weapons in the ring.

  • The challenger grabs a steel chain and whips Muvva twice with it. Done with the chain, Colossus removes a STOP sign, winds up, and connects with a hard shot. Somehow, the champion gets a shoulder up at two.
  • Colossus isn't done, though, as he picks up Muvva's cane. It ends up being a mistake as Muvva uses the time to chop block Colossus' knee.
  • Muvva signals to the crowd that it's time for the Hustler's Headbutt, when...


  • ...Deadly Deadshot sprints down to the ring. The masked man goes to leap off the top rope, but Muvva cuts him off at the pass, crotching Deadshot on the top rope.

  • Briggs, sensing his client is in trouble, hops up on the ring apron, a thick binder in his hand. He swings for Muvva, but misses and nails Colossus. The obviously exhausted big man staggers backward and Muvva rolls him up. Jeffrey Davis counts three and the bell rings!

Winner: Hustle Muvva via roll-up after botched interference from Anslem Briggs

Time: 10:02




Moses Makesh: The upset! Muvva somehow steals a win from the monster, Colossus.


Luther Judge: The big man won't be happy with Briggs.


Moses Makesh: Doesn't look like Colossus or Deadshot are too happy with Muvva.




Colossus, a rage in his eyes, goes right after Muvva, throwing him into the corner and nailing a Colossus Avalanche as Briggs cheers him on. Deadshot passes Briggs a wad of cash. The masked man lifts Muvva up and nails a Dead Drop. The two men continue to pummel the IPW Californian Champion until...




...Fiasco Fierce comes in from the crowd, brandishing a steel chair. Colossus and Deadshot face off with Fierce. The monster takes the first crack, but Fierce delivers a swift shot to Colossus' face. Deadshot thinks better of the attack and bails. Fierce helps a groggy Muvva to his feet. As Deadshot backs up the ramp, Hustle points directly at him, then makes a throat-slashing gesture.




Moses Makesh: Muvva is one lucky son of a b****.


Luther Judge: No doubt. Deadshot and Colossus might have ended him if Fierce hadn't shown up.


Moses Makesh: Gotta think Fierce had just as much beef with Colossus and Deadshot after last month's attack.


Luther Judge: You better got one hell of a reason if you going after that monster.


Moses Makesh: Survival is key here in IPW. And tonight, we have our second Survival of the Fittest Match.


Luther Judge: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow earned another deal here with a win. Now it's that freak Moroi's turn.


Moses Makesh: But, who did the IPW fans choose to put him up against?


Luther Judge: Tell the people Mo'.


Moses Makesh: And Moroi's opponent tonight is...



Survival of the Fittest Match: Moroi vs Disturbed

  • Disturbed arrives, squawking like a chicken, as the fans chant "Stretch, Stretch, Stretch". As he flaps his arms wildly, Moroi is heard laughing from underneath his mask.

  • Moroi spends the next five or so minutes dominating the match from start to finish, eventually claiming the victory following a Nightmare Scenario (Corkscrew Moonsault).

Winner: Moroi via Nightmare Scenario

Time: 4:09




Moses Makesh: Make that two-for-two. Ray Snow and Moroi have survived and won new contracts here in IPW.


Luther Judge: What the f*** was that? Why was he pretending to be a chicken?


Moses Makesh: Uh, well, from what I know, Disturbed used to go under the name 'Stretch the Chicken Boy'. Guess old habits die hard.


Luther Judge: Mo'.


Moses Makesh: Yea?


Luther Judge: You f**** with me right?


Moses Makesh: Nope.




A song you might hear at a strip club comes on and Hailey Booke once again appears at the top of the entrance ramp. Wearing a long white dress, Booke dances for the crowd, shaking her ass to get everyone fired up. She unzips the dress in the back and slowly works it down her body, revealing her bra. She stops for a moment, shakes her head at the crowd and pulls the dress back up.




Moses Makesh: It hot in here, Luther?


Luther Judge: As hot as the damn sun right now.


Moses Makesh: Forget it. I think...


That is as far as Moses gets.




Stanley Axis brushes past Booke and grabs a mic before turning to face the beautiful blonde.


Stanley Axis: Put your clothes back on. You're a disgrace.


The crowd chants "Shut the f*** up" at Axis.


Stanley Axis: YOU SHUT UP! Have some standards. Look at this girl with her chubby arms and pock-marked thighs. I'm disgusted.


Hailey looks like she's about to cry, zipping her dress back up as fast as possible.


Stanley Axis: My name is Stanley Axis. Despite my last name, I'm not racist...I'm not. What I am is tired of having to force my dinner back down my throat every time this girl starts dancing.


Booke can't hold back anymore and starts bawling like a baby before running behind the curtain. Axis smirks and addresses the crowd.


Stanley Axis: You're welcome.




Moses Makesh: That poor kid must be blind, deaf, and dumb.


Luther Judge: I'm gonna kill his ass myself. Makin' that poor girl cry.


Moses Makesh: Sure, Luther, sure. That's why you 'bout to go nuts.


Luther Judge: What can I say? I like them t******.


Moses Makesh: You and me both, brother.



Deadly Deadshot vs Fiasco Fierce

  • Despite his earlier run-in, the crowd still expresses their hatred of Fierce from the get-go, leaving Fierce visibly rattled.
  • Deadshot takes the action to Fierce, striking and dodging, keeping out of the bigger man's grasp.
  • Fierce looks to be making a comeback, and maybe getting the crowd behind him, after catching Deadshot in mid-flight and hitting a backbreaker.
  • For some reason, this doesn't go anywhere as Deadshot shrugs off the move and continues his assault.
  • Visibly tired, Fierce kills the drama by locking in an armbar for a solid minute as Deadshot lays on the mat, seemingly disinterested.
  • Mercifully, Fierce whips Deadshot into a corner and goes for a Spear. Deadshot dodges it and Fierce goes shoulder first into the ring post. The masked man takes advantage and hits the Dead Drop (Tornado DDT), picking up the pinfall.

Winner: Deadly Deadshot via Dead Drop

Time: 11:33




Moses Makesh: Deadshot gets revenge for earlier in the night.


Luther Judge: S***, that sucked.


Moses Makesh: Come on now Luther.


Luther Judge: Nah, Mo', they need to know. We're sorry about that match.




As Deadshot celebrates in the ring...



...Hustle Muvva makes his way back out, microphone in hand.


Hustle Muvva: 'Nuff of this. Tell me where she is.


Deadly Deadshot: I have no idea what you're talking about.


Hustle Muvva: No?


Muvva takes a step closer to the ring.


Deadly Deadshot: No. I'm a businessman. Our business is not yet complete. My business with her has been done for some time. Perhaps she just doesn't want to return to you.


Muvva runs his hands through his hair and beard.


Hustle Muvva: Please. You seen me?


Deadly Deadshot: I see a scared, lonely man.


Those words are enough for Muvva as he charges into the ring, cane in hand.


Deadly Deadshot: Wait! Maybe I do know where she is. And if you come at me before our match next month, you'll never find her.


Muvva's eyes narrow. He drops the cane.


Deadly Deadshot: Then again, I could be lying.


Muvva picks up the cane and charges, but Deadshot has already bailed to the outside.


Hustle Muvva: I'm gonna kill you. You hear me. You're a dead man.


Deadshot laughs, a sadistic, cold chuckle, as Muvva slams his cane on the ground.




Moses Makesh: Next month, somebody ain't gonna make it out of that match alive.


Luther Judge: Hell, Mo', his name is Deadshot.


Moses Makesh: And Deadshot made it personal.



We go backstage where Willow is alone in a locker room, her client Ash nowhere to be seen. A plume of smoke rises from her full, red lips.


Willow: Hi there. I see the images melting away, my friend and my enemy becoming one or two. This again, you say. No, something different, something beautiful and glorious. Acid burns. It does.


The woman seems to lose her train of thought for a second, staring up at the ceiling.


Willow: What I mean is the visions, you know the visions, the ones of bright lights and big stars out at night. There's a base for another Acid. He could be Acid too, you know. But you have to let him. Open your heart to the wonder, beautiful masked man and let us in.


Willow twirls her hair in between her fingers.


Willow: You wanted proof. You can't handle the proof. We helped, like helpers do. I know what you're thinking. I can read your mind. You think we want to become you, to replace you. No, no, no. Can't you see? We're one in the same. That mask, black and shining silver. We have one just like it.


Furiously scribbling on a piece of paper, Willow eventually holds up a picture of Acid's mask on one side and Ash's mask on the other.


Willow: This is what we want. A challenge. No! An opportunity. To prove to you our loyalty and our ability. Acid, don't be caustic. Hahahaha.




Moses Makesh: That was...


Luther Judge: ...f****** weird. That girl been hitting too much of the chronic Mo'.


Moses Makesh: I think she was issuing a challenging to Acid.


Luther Judge: Or was showing off her mad poetry skills. Could be either.




We go back to the backstage area where "The Future" Steven Parker is in his locker room, taping up his wrists.


Steven Parker: Nemesis. Eric Tyler. Two of the men I looked up to when I was just starting out in this business. Pioneers of violence. I respect them. But, they are the past. Like another one of my idols. Sam Keith. Perhaps the greatest wrestler who ever lived. Tonight, I step into the ring with his son. A man who has gotten his opportunities because of the past.


Parker finishes wrapping a wrist. He calmly stands from his chair. Grabs a pair of black wrestling boots from a locker.


Steven Parker: Know what I say. F*** the past. THE FUTURE IS NOW!




Moses Makesh: Give the kid props. He's willing to take shots at everybody from our boss to Sam Keith.


Luther Judge: I ain't never trusted a Keith. Something funny about the name.


Moses Makesh: Damn, Luther, you like anybody?


Luther Judge: My momma.


Moses Makesh: Yea, so do I.




A music video airs, showcasing the feud between Frantic Ali, Jesus Chavez, Hector Galindo and Masked Stranger, Doug Peak, and Acid from Stranger beating Ali for the IPW Championship to Eric Tyler claiming he wants to make Ali "better" to Ali introducing Chavez & Galindo as his back-up to the first appearances of Acid and Peak.




Moses Makesh: Here we go Luther. This is the war going on right now here in IPW.


Luther Judge: Fo' sho. And this ain't the final time we'll see these six guys get after it. Guarantee that s***.


Moses Makesh: Like you said earlier, talk is cheap. It's time for straight ballin'.



Acid, "Dangerous" Doug Peak, & Masked Stranger vs Frantic Ali, Jesus Chavez, & Hector Galindo

  • All six men eye each other warily as the match begins with Peak and Chavez calling firsts. The two brawlers get the crowd fired up, trading punches back-and-forth before Peak puts Chavez down with a shoulder block.
  • Chavez scrambles to the ropes and tags in his partner Galindo who, with a burst of energy, scampers to the top rope and lands a sweet missile dropkick on Peak. Galindo and Chavez isolate Peak in their corner, taking turns delivering punishment.
  • Peak escapes to the outside and Acid enters. Galindo charges only for Acid to land a sweet reverse facebuster. Peak re-enters the fray, armed with two steel chairs. He hands one to Acid and they simultaneously land chair shots on Chavez and Galindo.

  • Ali doesn't take too kindly to the actions and clotheslines Peak over the top rope. Acid tries to respond, but Ali meets him with a spinning roundhouse kick. As Acid rolls to the outside, Masked Stranger enters and the two men stare each other down.
  • The crowd pops as Stranger and Ali brawl in the center of the ring. Stranger goes for a rear chinlock, but Ali slithers out and counters with a German suplex. Ali covers, but Acid breaks up the count with a trash can shot to Ali's head.
  • For the next several minutes, the match devolves into a series of brawls: Stranger versus Galindo, Ali versus Peak, and Acid versus Chavez, with Ali getting rammed face-first into the guardrail until he bleeds and Acid taking a powerbomb from the second rope from Chavez.
  • Referee Jeffrey Davis eventually gets both teams to return to their corners, despite the ring now littered with various weapons. Peak and Chavez enter as the legal men and Peak, out of nowhere, hits the House of Horrors. The pinfall appears to be academic, but Ali runs in and breaks up the count.

  • Ali stomps on Peak and calls in Galindo, though Stranger and Acid nail a double clothesline to drop Galindo down. Chavez stumbles to his feet and wraps a steel chain around both Stranger and Acid's necks, hanging them from the top rope.
  • Outnumbered, Peak is quickly overwhelmed. Ali sets up a table on the outside and sets it ablaze. The crowd gasps as Chavez superplexes Peak off the top rope and through the flaming table, leaving both men out of commission.
  • As Acid continues to struggle against the steel chain, Stranger wiggles free and attacks Ali on the outside. Stranger rolls Ali inside the ring, but Ali recovers and low blows the champ. Ali rolls up Stranger and grabs a handful of tights as Jeffrey Davis makes the surprising three count.

Winners: Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, & Jesus Chavez via roll-up with a handful of tights

Time: 20:09



Moses Makesh: That is iNSANITY!


Luther Judge: And it gives Ali extra shots going in to next month's match.


Moses Makesh: Stranger gonna be goin' over that...

Moses' mic goes dead. The Simmons Center is bathed in darkness. Only one word can be heard over the crackling in the loud speakers. "The".


Moses Makesh: What the f***? Whoever pullin' this s*** needs to stop.


Luther Judge: What's that, three words?


Moses Makesh: You think the...


Luther Judge: You think the asshole who is doing this will ever show his damn face.


Moses Makesh: Probably when the message is done.




Matthew Keith readies himself back in the locker room, going over various holds with a sparring partner. The partner winces in pain as Keith releases the hold. He turns and addresses the camera.


Matthew Keith: "The Future". Interesting nickname. I've got a name too. Difference is, mine actually means something. Yes, I have an advantage. My dad is Sam Keith. Know what that means? My dad is Sam f****** Keith. I've been practicing breaking people's bones since I was two years old. Can you say the same Parker?


Keith calls his sparring partner over.


Matthew Keith: Hold number one. Standing armbar.


Keith grabs the guy's arm and yanks it behind him. The partner immediately taps.


Matthew Keith: One of a hundred Parker. You can't be prepared for all of them. I'M A KEITH AND THAT MEANS SOMETHING.




Moses Makesh: He's right. The name Keith does mean something. And it'll mean more to Parker if he beats a Keith.


Luther Judge: Now, I only know a lil' 'bout this Keith cat, but from what I heard he was one tough dude.


Moses Makesh: And his sons got that in their blood too.


Luther Judge: Sons?


Moses Makesh: Two of 'em. Twins.


Luther Judge: Which do we got?


Moses Makesh: ...



Special Pittsburgh Showcase Match: Matthew Keith vs "The Future" Steven Parker

  • Despite the trash talk before the match, Keith and Parker shake hands as the bell rings. Parker actually gets the upper hand early as Keith goes for too much, too quickly and Parker reverses a Irish whip into back body drop.

  • The two men spend their time, building up the bout for the next several minutes with Parker targeting Keith's right knee and Keith targeting Parker's back.
  • An amazing sequence follows with Keith coming off the ropes and connecting with a flying clothesline, showing amazing agility in the process. A cover attempt is quickly turned into a schoolboy by Parker who gets two before Keith rolls into a pin attempt of his own, which also gets only two. The two competitors break and take a fighting stance as the crowd cheers.
  • Parker, frustrated, begins to fight dirty, poking Keith in the eye, before chucking him over the top rope. "The Future" uses the steps as a weapon, whipping Keith from corner to corner.

  • Keith, though, reverses the last attempt and gives Parker a dose of his own medicine. More familiar than his father with the hardcore environment, Keith takes a chair to the small of Parker's back.

  • Parker tries to escape up the ramp, but Keith drags him back down by his hair and rolls him into the ring. Keith clamps on the Proton Lock, but Parker somehow uses his body weight to flip the maneuver and ends up with a Proton Lock of his own.
  • Keith, though, knows exactly how to escape his own move and does so with ease. The next few minutes, both Keith and Parker continue to target weak areas, the highlight being Parker leaping from the top rope and driving a chair into Keith's knee.
  • Fifteen minutes in, the crowd is seemingly burnt out from cheering so much, but still highly involved in the bout as Keith slips out of a Future Shock and connects with a series of German suplexes. He bridges the last one, but Parker somehow kicks out.
  • Keith can't help but notice as Parker warily gets to his feet. Seeking to wear him down further, Keith clasps on a sleeper hold. After a minute, Jeffrey Davis raises Parker's arm once...twice..., but on the third time, Parker keeps the arm high before delivering a back elbow to Keith's head.
  • The saucy little minx serving as timekeeper and ring announcer (a buxom Asian girl, this month) announces the match has hit the twenty minute seemingly giving both men a second wind. Keith whips Parker off the ropes, but "The Future" slides to the outside. Keith gives chase, but gets another elbow, followed by a chair shot for his trouble.
  • Parker rolls Keith back in the ring and locks in a single leg crab, tearing at Keith's knee. As Jeffrey Davis asks Keith whether he wants to give up, Keith shakes his head no several times, before latching on to a turnbuckle, removing the pad as Parker continues to yank on the knee.

  • Keith whacks Parker with the turnbuckle pad, flips over onto his back, and sweeps Parker's legs out from under him. "The Future", furious, charges at Keith, who meets him with a boot to the gut. A piledriver puts Parker down on the mat.

  • Rather than go for the pinfall, Keith gets Parker in the Proton Lock. "The Future" fights to escape, but realizes any attempt is futile. He reluctantly taps as the crowd goes ballistic.

Winner: Matthew Keith via Proton Lock

Time: 24:53



Moses Makesh: S***.


Luther Judge: You said it Luther.


Moses Makesh: Yo, we are out of time, but what a way to end this show. Matthew Keith and Steven Parker put on a show with a little bit of everything. Haters beware, IPW just isn't blood, beer, and boobs. Because, remember, this is iNSANITY.


Attendance: 189



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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick BB Colossus' opponent in his Survival of the Fittest Match at iNSANITY in June*

Show & Overall Prediction Results:

Midnightnick 4/5

Occasional Z 3/5

Jingo 2/5

Charasmatic Enigma 2/5

Midnightnick, you've won again. Select any member of the IPW roster (or a wild card like last time, if I can bring them in) to face BB Colossus at next month's iNSANITY

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Do we have a problem?


John. Always asking questions he knows the answers to. I'd strangle him if I could.


Eric, cut the s***. Last two months we've had problems backstage before the show. That no-talent bum Fierce trying to start a brawl with Tayler and then Chavez stinking up the backstage area for damn near half an hour.


I can explain.


I mean, not really. I don't what the hell Fierce was thinking when he started rapping about Tayler's Mom. That's why I didn't pull any punches when I ripped him in front of the whole locker room after iNSANITY. As for Chavez...stay away from the bean burritos at Taco King.
We need to cut Fierce loose. The fans hate him. He's not great on the mic. He's getting in fights backstage. And, I laid into him in front of the boys about not giving his best effort and he stormed off.


Yup, yup. 'Cept, way I see it, is you made a promise to honor all contracts. On-air. You ever need a lawyer?




Well, if we fire Fierce, you will.


Not if I force him to quit. I'd let out an evil laugh right now, but no, that's kids stuff.
And Chavez?


Taco King. I talked to him. Explained that if he needs to ahem...let off some steam, to use the bathroom.


Damn Taco King. Think they'd find something else besides beans, cheese, and meat to throw in a burrito.


I wouldn't know. I only eat grass-fed animals and organic vegetables.


John looks at me like I'd look at a talking dog. Pure confusion.


It means the animals aren't locked in cages and then processed and the vegetables aren't treated with chemicals.


Hmph. You learn that working for those DeColt boys?




You sure? That seems like a Canadian thing.


Am I sure where I learned something? Yes.


The wife actually got me into it 'bout a decade ago. That reminds me...
That reminds me John, it's my anniversary. I've got to go.


You got a wife?


For almost 20 years.


How come I've never met her?


Okay, this is a question he definitely doesn't know the answer to already. I mean, Shelly, hanging out in the back with John and Phil and Mitch or Ricky and Alex and Jack and God forbid, Eddie. Chandler would've hit on her the second she walked in. And then I would've broken his arm. Still. Better tread lightly on this one.
She works a lot.


Bravo. Change the subject. Change the subject.
Thank you for re-upping Cindy's deal without telling me. Appreciated that.


S***, don't start with me Eric. I got that right.


I know. Just give me a heads up next time.


No promises.


John cracks a smile and extends his hand.
Take the rest of the week off Eric. Enjoy some time with the lady.


What the?
And I got dinner tonight.


Thanks John.


No problem. What are friends for?

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Monthly Update - Monday, Week 1, June 2013


Head Bookers:

  • Cueball Lynch became the new Booker of Phoenix Wrestling Company

New Workers:

  • Boriken Love Machine Jr., Wee Davey Kane, Barney Mason, Pink Parasite

Worker Deaths:

  • Mayhem Midden


  • Sharaku Okimasa - Bunrakuken Torii (Strong Friendship)
  • Fro Sure - Pierrot (Strong Friendship)
  • Brittini Burke - Captain Wrestling II (Dating)
  • Ragnar The Viking - Catalina Vasquez (Dating)
  • Champagne Lover - Heroe (Strong Dislike)


  • Akinori Kwakami (Swollen Calf Muscle - 28 days)

Random Incidents:

  • Jacob Jett rises to Lightweight after letting himself go
  • Josh Jones rises to Middleweight after letting himself go
  • Pumpkin Jack rises to Middleweight after building serious muscle mass
  • Cameron Vessey rises to Light Heavyweight after building serious muscle mass
  • Blood Raven rises to Middleweight after building serious muscle mass

TV News:

  • GCG signs deal to revive GCG Stars of the Golden Canvas on Japanese Sports Vision 3
  • MPWF signs deal to revive MPWF Evento Principal De La Lucha Libre on El Canal del Hombre Dos


Top 5 Promotions in the World


(No Change)




Top 5 Promotions in the USA


(No Change)



Economy / Industry Levels:


Economy: D- (Rising) / Industry: E (Falling)



Economy: F- (Rising) / Industry: E+ (Falling)



Economy: E+ (Rising) / Industry: A+ (Rising)



Economy: D- (Rising) / Industry: F- (Rising)



Economy: C+ (Falling) / Industry: B- (Falling)



Economy: D- (Falling) / Industry: E- (Falling)



Economy: D- (Falling) / Industry: C+ (Falling)



Regional Battles:

USA (South West)




Mexico (South Eastern)




Japan (Tohoku)



Japan (Kanto/Kinki)




Japan (Chubu/Chugoku/Shikoku)




Japan (Kyushu)




Japan (Hokkaido)





- Invincible Pro Wrestling page (with all relevant info including ranking, popularity, financial changes) will be updated monthly as well. This can be found on the first page.
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The Simmons Center succumbs to iNSANITY once again! Nearly six months ago, Masked Stranger won the IPW Championship thanks to the help of a masked man who we haven't seen since that fateful night. The man he beat... Frantic Ali. The former champ called upon two allies to make sure there would be no interference whenever the re-match happened. So this Thursday, it will be Masked Stranger versus Frantic Ali with the boss, "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler, Acid, Doug Peak, Hector Galindo, and Jesus Chavez all banned from ringside. One-on-one will decide who comes away with the gold and whether Frantic Ali can get his revenge.


Whoever wins that war won't have long to rest. Citing a promise he made, Tyler has ordered "Dangerous" Doug Peak and Acid to determine the number one contender to the IPW Championship. What Tyler hasn't explained is why he's decided to put two of his crew on opposite sides of a match. You have to believe both Acid and Peak will hold nothing back when a shot at the main belt is on the line. Will Tyler's gamble backfire or is he insuring a second chance at the IPW Championship in case Stranger loses?


At last month's iNSANITY, Matthew Keith and "The Future" Steven Parker put on one hell of a show. This month, the two men will team up together when they try to take the IPW Tag Team Championship from Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez. Could the belts be on their way to Pittsburgh or can Galindo and Chavez fend off the impressive youngsters and keep hold of the gold?


Deadly Deadshot has made Hustle Muvva's life a living hell, furious that Deadshot failed to cost Muvva a match all the way back in January. He's kidnapped Muvva's girlfriend Cindy (we still haven't seen her), paid the monster BB Colossus to attack following a match, and generally done whatever it takes to end Muvva's career. Despite falling short once already, Deadshot will get a second chance at Muvva's IPW Californian Championship at this month's iNSANITY. Will the masked man finally finish the job or will Muvva continue to stymie the assassin?


Another job is on the line this month when the immovable object steps into the ring. BB Colossus has been dominant recently, his only loss coming at the hands of Hustle Muvva thanks to the accidental interference by Deadshot and Colossus' manager, Anslem Briggs. Now, Colossus will fight for his right to stay in IPW as he'll battle former IPW Californian Champion, Fiasco Fierce, in the latest Survival of the Fittest Match.

All that and much more during this month's iNSANITY presented by Invincible Pro Wrestling live from The Simmons Center.



IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Frantic Ali

Acid vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Matthew Keith & "The Future" Steven Parker

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

Survival of the Fittest Match: BB Colossus vs Fiasco Fierce

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I'm happy you managed to get Disturbed in!


That was a long shot I felt.


And that was an amazing main event too!


I was surprised as well that he agreed to a one-shot deal. Maybe if a guy has regular employment, he won't be as opposed to a short-term gig as a way to earn extra cash.


Thanks. In my mind, I was hesitant to make Keith vs Parker the main event since neither is an actually contracted IPW wrestler, but felt that Tyler would value quality over the pride of a promotion he's worked at for approx. 5 months.

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IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Frantic Ali

Acid vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Matthew Keith & "The Future" Steven Parker

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

Survival of the Fittest Match: BB Colossus vs Fiasco Fierce

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IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Frantic Ali

I can't see Tyler letting Ali win the belt back that easily


Acid vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak

Much better worker


IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Matthew Keith & "The Future" Steven Parker

Again, much better team


IPW Californian Championship:Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

I fancy Deadshot to take this, like the character


Survival of the Fittest Match: BB Colossus vs Fiasco Fierce

Too big

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IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Frantic Ali

Acid vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Matthew Keith & "The Future" Steven Parker

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

Survival of the Fittest Match: BB Colossus vs Fiasco Fierce

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  • 3 weeks later...

iNSANITY June 2013





Thursday, Week 3, June 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA



"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler comes out to open the show. Tyler welcomes the crowd to another high-octane wrestling card and hypes up an upcoming tag match between Hellech & Moroi versus "Ice Cold" Ray Snow & Stanley Axis.





Hellech & Moroi vs "Ice Cold" Ray Snow & Stanley Axis

  • The tag match does a good job of lifting the crowd with Axis getting the most reaction from the fans. And it's the newly fiendish Axis picking up the victory following a Spinning Fallaway Slam to Moroi.

Winners: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow & Stanley Axis via Spinning Fallaway Slam

Time: 12:04






Moses Makesh: Luther, what's up dawg? You ready for some more iNSANITY?


Luther Judge: No doubt 'Mo. S*** about to get real up in here.


Moses Makesh: Fo' sho. And up first is two crazy cats from the East Coast, Matthew Keith and "The Future" Steven Parker going up against Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez.



Keith and Parker eye each other nervously, having just done battle the week before.


"The Future" grabs the microphone right out of Keith's hand as Keith gears up to talk.


Steven Parker: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, allow me. Let's be honest, we aren't exactly friends, hell, we may hate each other. And after last month, can't say I blame either of us...especially me.


Keith snorts under his breath, drawing a nasty look from Parker.


Steven Parker: As I was saying. We don't like each other. Guess what? It doesn't matter. Because we are too talented...especially me. And both of us want the same thing, those IPW Tag Team Championship belts. We want to bring them back to Pittsburgh. We want to throw them in the trash where they belong. I mean, what kind of company uses silver belts? Galindo and Chavez, you lawn-mowing, chalupa-making a******* are the past, THE FUTURE IS NOW.


Keith snatches the mic from Parker.


Matthew Keith: My colleague may not have respect for those belts, but I do. My father prided himself on winning as many championships as possible. I plan to do the same. Our opponents are dangerous, like rabid animals. They know little in terms of actual wrestling, but will fight with every last breath to hang on to the gold.


Steven Parker: Silver.


Matthew Keith: It's a figure of speech Steve.


Parker bristles as Keith cuts his name short.


Steven Parker: It's Steven.


Matthew Keith: Sure. We are not a well-oiled machine like Galindo and Chavez. But we are better wrestlers.


Steven Parker: Especially me.




Parker maneuvers himself in front of the camera, pushing Keith out of the way.


Steven Parker: THE FUTURE IS NOW.


Keith shakes his head in disgust before walking away.




Moses Makesh: Damn, those boys don't look like they on the same page at all.


Luther Judge: Mo', they ain't even reading from the same damn book.


Moses Makesh: Galindo and Chavez? They homies for life. Could be the difference.



IPW Tag Team Championship:

Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Matthew Keith & "The Future" Steven Parker

  • The match is even throughout with Chavez uses his brawling skills to try and keep Keith and Parker off their game.
  • The two PSW stars try to keep Galindo on the ground, isolating him with a variety of holds and submission attempts.
  • Galindo, though, turns the tide with a dropkick from the top rope on Parker, but gets two and a half.
  • Chavez introduces some weaponry into the bout, grabbing a chair from ringside and nailing Keith.
  • Parker breaks up the count, but is met by Galindo who comes off the ropes with a flying clothesline.
  • It's clear to everyone Galindo is off his game, however.
  • Keith sends Galindo over the top as Parker locks in a Boston Crab on Chavez who looks ready to submit when...


  • ...Frantic Ali runs down to the ring armed with a chair.

  • Ali blasts Parker in the head, and follows it up with a shot to Matthew Keith before scrambling into the crowd.
  • Galindo, gimpy, climbs the top rope and comes off with a Shooting Star Press.
  • One-half of the champs makes the cover and with Keith in no position to break up the pinfall attempt, Jeffrey Davis counts Parker's shoulders down for three.

Winners: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez via Shooting Star Press

Time: 19:03




Moses Makesh: It's done! Galindo and Chavez keep the belts.


Luther Judge: My main man, Frantic Ali, saw to that.


Moses Makesh: Ali had something to say. I think his message was sent.


Luther Judge: Two nasty shots with a chair. That's better than the postman.




In their locker room, Willow smokes something producing a large plume of smoke while Ash silently watches.


Willow: Acid, I'm an easy-going girl. Like a lazy river flowing into the ocean. But, sometimes, that river has rapids. Dangerous ones. And you need a kayak to survive them. You don't have a kayak. We do. But you say you don't want our kayak. The rapids are coming. And they don't like you. We do. We want to save you. You have to let us.


Ash nods his head in approval.




Moses Makesh: What the f*** that mean?


Luther Judge: I thought I'd heard it all Mo'. Dealing with the fiends on the street. This girl lost her mind.


Moses Makesh: Rivers and rapids? She so gone, prolly don't even know what day it is.


Luther Judge: It's Sunday, right?


Moses Makesh: ...



The normally serene Hustle Muvva paces back and forth in his locker room. He pauses for a split second before lashing out, tossing furniture around like its nothing and taking his trademark cane and smashing into various items around the room. Breathing heavily, the IPW Californian Champion looks directly into camera as if he's staring down one man in particular.


Hustle Muvva: I'm a lover, baby, not a fighter. A good lookin' lover too, if I do say so myself. But the s*** you pulled Deadshot got my blood all boiling. Kidnapping my girl? Aw hell nah. Sending that monster out to ugly up my grill? Aw hell nah. Hide behind that mask for now, kid, 'cause in 'bout a minute, you gonna have to wear it permanently.


Muvva takes his cane and breaks it over his knee, sending splinters flying in every direction.


Hustle Muvva: The pimp cane? Don't need it. Don't need nothing but my bare fists against your skull. This belt, and my girl, are leaving with me tonight. You? You leaving in an ambulance, maybe a hearse. Cause...I GOT A HUSTLE AND IT'S MURDER!




Moses Makesh: Never seen Hustle so angry before Luther.


Luther Judge: That boy 'bout to do something fierce to Deadshot.


Moses Makesh: You don't mess with a brotha's mama or his girl.


Luther Judge: Deadshot about to find out how right you are 'Mo.




IPW Californian Championship:

Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

  • Muvva goes right after Deadshot, much to the approval of the crowd, beating the masked man down.
  • Deadshot continuously does whatever he can to avoid Muvva's wrath, using underhanded tactics and bailing to the outside when overwhelmed.
  • This strategy proves smart when Deadshot gets the upper hand by blasting Muvva with the timekeeper's bell and running him into the steel guardrail.
  • A bloody Muvva looks exhausted as he gets to his feet and stifles Deadshot's momentum with a back body drop into the crowd.

  • Muvva rams Deadshot's head into the concrete floor several times until trickles of blood begin to leak out from underneath Deadshot's mask.
  • The champ rolls the challenger back into the ring, but Deadshot waves towards the back and begs off Muvva's assault...

  • ...Cindy is walked down to the ring by a hooded figure. She's wearing handcuffs and looks utterly beaten down.
  • Muvva runs over to his girl as the hooded figure rolls her into the ring.
  • Cindy lets Muvva embrace her and audibly says, "Kill him".
  • Muvva nods and turns towards Deadshot...as Cindy smirks and throws off the handcuffs.
  • She drops to her knees and delivers a low blow to Muvva who falls to the ground in pain.
  • Deadshot grabs Muvva and lands the Dead Drop (Tornado DDT) and Jeffrey Davis has no choice but to count 1...2...3!

Winner: Deadly Deadshot via Dead Drop

Time: 13:03




Moses Makesh: Aw hell nah. Not like this.


Luther Judge: Old saying is true Mo'. Women be hot, but women be crazy.




Deadshot grabs the title from ringside and calmly chucks it aside as Cindy stares straight forward with a blank expression. The new champion looks over his fallen prey before ordering Cindy to get him a chair, which she does.


The crowd gasps as Deadshot delivers shot after shot to Muvva's skull until he's left lying in a pool of his own blood.




Moses Makesh: Yo, Deadshot is a sick man.




Deadshot rolls Muvva's lifeless body out of the ring and onto the floor as a host of EMTs rush down.


Deadly Deadshot: Look at yourself. You thought this was all fun and games. This is business. I am the most dangerous enemy you can imagine. I do not feel remorse or guilt. I will use every possible avenue to ensure my opponent's demise. There is nothing you can do to stop this. They will call me a monster, a killer. They can now call me champion. AND I NEVER MISS MY MARK!




Moses Makesh: I knew some stone cold cats back on the block, but this dude may be the coldest.


Luther Judge: Did you hear his voice? Never changed. He's like a robot. Maybe he is a robot.


Moses Makesh: Bigger question Luther. What'd he do to Cindy? You see her face after she caught Muvva right in the balls? Nothing.


Luther Judge: She can catch me right in the balls if she wants.


Moses Makesh: You're horrible.


Luther Judge: I'm a man, Mo'.




Backstage, Anslem Briggs flips through a stack of money as the enormous BB Colossus hovers over him.


Anslem Briggs: It appears as if our business with Mister Deadshot paid off.


Colossus grunts in approval.


Anslem Briggs: Now, we must continue to make money. They tryin' to lock down me and you, BB. Tryin' to put a stop to our game. The fans, they love us. That's why your job is on the line against that busta ass Fiasco Fierce. He gonna find out real soon that...NOTHING BEATS THE COLOSSUS.




Moses Makesh: I wouldn't wanna see Colossus in the ring on a regular day. That cat fighting for his job? Fierce gonna be six feet under.


Luther Judge: I ain't no b****, but Fierce might be smart just quit and get the hell up out of here.


Moses Makesh: Fierce is a fighter Luther.


Luther Judge: A fighter about to get knocked the f*** out. He...


Luther stops mid-sentence, mesmerized by the sight of...




...Hailey Booke, wearing a see-through tan blouse and Daisy Dukes, as she makes her way down to the ring.


Booke begins dancing for the crowd as music you'd hear in a strip club plays over the building's PA system. She teases the crowd by undoing a button on the blouse when...




...Stanley Axis sprints to the ring. Booke turns her attention to Axis and dances for him, which Axis seems to enjoy until he grabs Booke by the hair and throws her down.


The beautiful blonde tries to escape, but Axis has none of it and rips Booke's blouse and shorts off revealing a black bra and black thong.


Stanley Axis: Not so hot now, are ya? You want a man, you know where to find one and it ain't in this crowd.


Axis throws Booke's clothes at her with disdain as the woman begins to cry in the middle of the ring. Axis shakes his head in disgust before flipping off the fans as he makes his way back up the entrance ramp.


Booke does her best to cover up and she disappears behind the curtain shortly after Axis.




Moses Makesh: That ain't no way to treat a fine specimen like Hailey.


Luther Judge: What's with dudes that can't treat the ladies right. A girl that fine needs to be wined and dined.


Moses Makesh: We'd like to make it clear that IPW does not condone what you just saw here. Stanley Axis' actions were filthy.


Luther Judge: If I see that fake ass b**** in the back, I'm gonna make sure he ain't walking out of here.


Moses Makesh: I got your back Luther.



Survival of the Fittest Match:

BB Colossus w/Anslem Briggs vs Fiasco Fierce

  • Fierce looks like he's about to start rapping as the bell rings as the crowd gets on him.
  • Colossus goes to bench press Fierce who sandbags him and drops to the ground.
  • Confused, Colossus gives up and throws Fierce into the corner and connects with a Colossus Avalanche. Jeffrey Davis counts the easy 3.

Winner: BB Colossus via Colossus Avalanche

Time: 3:04





Moses Makesh: That was over with a quickness.


Luther Judge: Those two cats didn't look like they knew what the other was doing out there.


Moses Makesh: Fierce looked terrible fo' sho.




"The Traditionalist" calmly walks to the ring, microphone in hand, dressed in a nice white suit. He soaks in the dueling reactions from the crowd, half appreciating Tyler's name, half furious at him for recent actions. Tyler doesn't seemed fazed in the least as he prepares to speak.


Eric Tyler: I know what you're thinking. After thirty years in this business, it's something you can't turn off. So, yes, I do know what you're thinking. And you are wrong.


This elicits a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Eric Tyler: You think I'm going to get involved in tonight's match between Ali and Masked Stranger, that because of my recent actions towards the challenger, I don't want him to win the IPW Championship.


Tyler pauses for a moment.


Eric Tyler: You are wrong. Tonight, I want to see two of this company's finest competitors go head-to-head without any interference. From anybody. So right now, I'm declaring that if Acid, Doug Peak, Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, or myself interject themselves into tonight's proceedings, they will be fired from IPW.


A large pop comes from the crowd.


Eric Tyler: As far as the man in the black mask. I don't know who he is or what he wants. And I can't fire him, because as far as I know he doesn't work here. If he does choose to get involved, the punishment will be swift and fast and it will come from MY FIST. Tonight is about one principle, a traditional saying that doesn't get used often enough in the sport today... LET THE BEST MAN WIN.




Moses Makesh: The boss ain't taking prisoners tonight Luther.


Luther Judge: Way it suppose to be around here Mo'.


Moses Makesh: What I know, is whoever comes out on top, gonna get one hell of a fight from the man who gets the 'W' in our next match.



Acid vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak

  • The first moment of tension comes before the bell rings when Peak goes to shake Acid's hand and he refuses.
  • Both men's contrasting styles allow the match to build slowly as Peak uses his size and power to keep Acid grounded for several minutes.
  • The mysterious one refuses to stay down for long, though, using a small opening to nail a flying roundhouse kick from the middle rope and getting a two count.
  • Acid, realizing he's at a disadvantage, grabs what he can find at ringside and uses the items to bash Peak over the head multiple times.
  • The blows stagger the big man, but don't put him down for three.
  • Acid goes for an early Acid Rain Bomb, but Peak recovers quickly and throws Acid halfway across the ring, the masked man landing square on his back.

  • Peak brings the match to the outside, running Acid back-first into the ring post several times.
  • "Dangerous" rolls Acid back in the ring and sets up a table outside the ring.
  • Waiting until Acid gets to his feet, Peak charges, but Acid dodges at the last second and Peak flies over the top rope and through the table.
  • The two men collect themselves and Acid grabs Peak to try and get a three count when...


  • ...Ash runs down from the back. The rookie winds up a chair as Acid lifts Peak to his feet.
  • But as Ash swings, Acid ducks out of the way and Ash hits Peak square across the jaw.
  • Acid delivers a nasty kick to Ash's jaw and climbs the top rope.
  • BAM! Acid Rain Bomb! The move connects and Acid drapes an arm over Peak and gets the three.

Winner: Acid via Acid Rain Bomb

Time: 22:52




Moses Makesh: Acid! Acid! That was a damn brawl Luther.


Luther Judge: And the young pup learned a thing about trying to take on the big dog.


Moses Makesh: Peak gonna be pissed at how this thing ended.


Luther Judge: Lord knows I would be.




Frantic Ali struts to the ring, eyes lit up with an obvious intensity.


Frantic Ali: I don't give a s*** what Tyler has to say. I don't trust him, I don't trust his boys to stay the hell out of this match. But, I trust my boys. And I told them to stand down. I'd love a fair fight. Because ain't no chance I lose one.


The crowd chants "Ali", "Ali", "Ali".


Frantic Ali: That belt belongs to me. It always has. I'm f***** done playing around. Masked Stranger, get your ass out here and lets do this. Because my name is ALI and I'M THE GREATEST.





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UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 3"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List 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Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" 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IPW Championship:

Masked Stranger © vs Frantic Ali

  • A palpable tension in the crowd and between the two men is broken by the sound of the bell.
  • Ali tries to go on the attack early, but is thwarted at every stop by Stranger locking in a variety of holds.
  • Finally, Ali manages to reverse an armbar, twisting Stranger's arm back before dropping him with a neckbreaker. Stranger kicks out at two.
  • Ali pummels Stranger from post-to-post as the crowd rallies behind him, hoping to see a new champion.
  • He goes for a quick Death Valley Driver, but Stranger reverses into a German Suplex, with Ali barely getting a shoulder up as Jeffrey Davis' hand goes to hit the mat a third time.
  • Stranger tries for his finisher, locking in the Cobra Clutch, but Ali rolls through and gets a two count.

  • The two men exchange a series of rights and lefts in the center of the ring, neither willing to budge until Ali ducks, shoves Stranger into the ropes, and connects with a clothesline.

  • Ali drags Stranger to the top rope, going for a superplex as Stranger tries to fight him off with shots to the ribs.

  • The man in the black mask appears in the crowd, holding up a sign that says "HE'S COMING", distracting Ali long enough for Stranger to push Ali off the top rope.
  • The champion leaps off with the intent of dropping an elbow, but Ali somehow finds the strength to roll out of the way.

  • Exhausted, both men slowly rise to their feet.
  • Stranger delivers a boot to the gut and gets ready to hit his set-up move, a Spinning Neckbreaker, when Ali uses his momentum to break Stranger's grip and out of nowhere hit a Death Valley Driver.
  • Ali covers and the crowd chants ONE, TWO, THREE!

Winner: Frantic Ali via Death Valley Driver

Time: 21:54




Moses Makesh: Ali! Ali! The truest gangsta in IPW has his day. Frantic Ali is the champ once again.


Luther Judge: Mo', you gotta ask, who is the man in the black mask?


Moses Makesh: Don't think anybody knows and we may never know. Tonight, don't matter, because we gots to go as Ali clutches his gold. Peace out peeps.

Attendance: 265



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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick Stanley Axis' opponent in his Survival of the Fittest Match at iNSANITY in October*

Show & Overall Prediction Results:

Occasional Z 3/5

Midnightnick 1/5

The Crippler 1/5

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Quick update...


I have returned from two separate vacations in the past two weeks and my schedule is now back to normal. Posts should come at a much faster pace over the next couple of months and as I've said from the beginning, there is an end to this diary either at the 2 or 3 year point. That said, here is the upcoming schedule...


1. Nemesis and Eric Tyler conversation (tonight or tomorrow)

2. Monthly Update (tomorrow)

3. iNSANITY July Preview (Thursday)

4. iNSANITY July Event (early next week)


Thanks to all of those still reading and predicting.

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John can't stop laughing. He laughs and laughs and laughs, that boisterous, echoing, hyena-like cackle is on a constant loop. I have no idea what's so funny, he just started laughing the minute I walked into his apartment. I check my bald head, face, pants, shirt for something that could've set him off. Nothing.
What's so damn funny?


Last week. After the show. What you...


The laughter starts up again.


Okay. Okay. Fierce. You laid into him.


I did.


For having a s*** night.


Uh huh.


When he got squashed by BB.


Another few chuckles escape John's lips. He's trying so desperately to hold it back. Tears well up in his eyes.


I can't believe it either.


For the first time in a decade, I feel a laugh coming on...no, nevermind.
I've tried everything to get him to quit. He hates me. Other guys have told me as much.


He must really need the cash. Or he's just f****** crazy.


Or both. I'm hoping this month is the final nail in the coffin.


You've got a plan?


After these six months, I'm almost shocked that he has the temerity to doubt me. I'm Eric Tyler. I always have a plan.

No different than last month for the most part. Different opponent, same result.


Who you got him facing?




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That'll push him over the edge.


That's the idea. Losing to a guy I've been building up like BB is one thing. A rookie, even one involved in a storyline like Ash, is entirely another. My guess is after I lay into him...again...Fierce will rap about me being bald and old or something equally pedestrian and storm off. I know I'm bald. I know I'm old. I have eyes, you know.
Gotta say Eric, ain't been all sunshine and rainbows so far, but you've been doing a good job.




You got somebody in mind to take Fierce's spot when he leaves?


I do.


Yea, yea, so do I.


John slides a piece of paper over to me. I can barely make out the chicken scratch.


Won't ever cross the finish line if you don't pick up the pace.


I'll do what I can.


For thirty seconds or so, neither one of us says anything. It's not so much an awkward silence as an unexpected one. John isn't really known for being the contemplative type.
I wanted to bring up something else with you.


Go ahead.


This whole Ali, Jesus, and Hector versus you, Doug, Acid, and Stranger storyline. You got an end to it, yet?


Not written in stone, but I've got some ideas jotted down.


S***. 'Course you do, you are Eric Tyler. "The Traditionalist".


Okay, now I'm officially skeptical.
I am. What's that got to do with anything?


You know what? Forget it. Some other time. Now, go home and give Brookie a call or whatever it is you do when you aren't bulls******* with me.


Chess. I play a lot of chess.

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Monthly Update - Monday, Week 1, July 2013


Company News

  • NYCW rise to Regional
  • BHOTWG fall to Cult
  • GCG rise to Cult
  • ACPW rise to Small
  • SWF rise to International


  • Dean Daniels takes control of USPW

New Workers:

  • Jotaro Tanaka, Baz Smith, Lorenzo Oliverio, "King" Kevin Welsh

Worker Retirements:

  • Sam Strong, Chief Two Eagles, Koki Ishibashi, Psycho, Saionji Omura, Alfredo Menendez


  • Cheerleader Nicki - Geoff Borne (Dating)
  • Isamu Kijimuta - Yoshi Oshiro (Loyalty)
  • Rafael Ruiz - Benito Garcia (Strong Friendship)
  • Suzue Katayama - Jim Lou Freebush (Dating)
  • Heather B - Mario da Silva (Dating)


  • Citizen X (Herniated Spinal Disc - 1 year)


  • Christian Faith becomes new Head Trainer at Supreme Wrestling University (replaces Enforcer Roberts)


Top 5 Promotions in the World


(No Change)




Top 5 Promotions in the USA


(AAA - #4 from UR, CZCW - #5 from #4)



Economy / Industry Levels:


Economy: D (Rising) / Industry: E (Rising)



Economy: F (Rising) / Industry: E+ (Falling)



Economy: D- (Rising) / Industry: A+ (Rising)



Economy: D- (Rising) / Industry: F (Rising)



Economy: C+ (Falling) / Industry: B- (Falling)



Economy: D- (Falling) / Industry: F+ (Falling)



Economy: D- (Falling) / Industry: C+ (Falling)



Regional Battles:

USA (South West)




Tri State (USA)



Mexico (South Eastern)




Japan (Tohoku/Kyushu)



Japan (Kanto)




Japan (Chubu/Chukgoku/Shikoku)




Japan (Kinki)




Japan (Hokkaido)





- Invincible Pro Wrestling page (with all relevant info including ranking, popularity, financial changes) will be updated monthly as well. This can be found on the first page.
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It's going to be a golden night at The Simmons Center this Thursday as all three titles will be on the line, two in re-matches from last month.


Frantic Ali reclaimed the IPW Championship from Masked Stranger, and more importantly, sent a message to "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler. It was so nice, he'll have to do it twice...in a row, as Stranger has exercised his rematch clause for this month's iNSANITY. Tyler controversially barred everyone from ringside for last month's encounter. Will Ali be granted the same courtesy this time or will Tyler and his cohorts seek to bring home IPW's top prize?


Another battle in that war will see Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez take on Acid and "Dangerous" Doug Peak for the IPW Tag Team Championship. These titles have become somewhat of an afterthought in recent months, but there's no doubt Ali's boys will do whatever it takes to keep them around their waists. The bigger question: will Acid and Peak be able to get along after last month's war that saw Acid become the #1 Contender to the IPW Championship? Or will Eric Tyler lose an ally in his quest to make Frantic Ali "better"?


IPW fans were shocked when Cindy returned almost six months after being kidnapped by Deadly Deadshot to help her captor defeat longtime boyfriend Hustle Muvva and capture the IPW Californian Championship. Something certainly didn't seem right with the beauty, as she exhibited something of a deadness inside, a stark change from her usually flamboyant personality. Deadshot has done his best to batter Muvva physically and mentally, but Hustle will have another chance to get revenge when he tries to reclaim his title and maybe, his girl.


BB Colossus has been on the warpath, especially since aligning with Anslem Briggs. This Thursday, he'll have a chance to become the #1 Contender to the IPW Californian Championship, but he'll have to go through three other men to do it. Hellech and Moroi have both suffered losses as of late after their filthy traitor partners ditched them. Can either man rebound and perhaps build some momentum towards an eventual title match? The fourth competitor is something of a wild card. Stanley Axis used to call himself "a man of the people", "one of the fans", somebody just happy to be here. His recent actions, though, speak to a much darker man. Last month, Axis attacked and stripped Hailey Booke in front of the IPW crowd, and showed no remorse over his actions. Will this darker, more sinister Axis become more of a threat here in IPW and could it start with a victory Thursday?


The rookie sensation Ash wanted one thing: to become the protege of Acid. He begged and begged and begged only to be rebuffed at every turn. Last month, it appears Ash had enough, as he attempted to cost Acid his match against Doug Peak. He'll try to impress his hero once again this Thursday as he seeks to pick up a big victory against Fiasco Fierce.


All that and more this Thursday at The Simmons Center for IPW's iNSANITY.



IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

Can't see him losing the title straight away


IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

I'll go with the champs to retain...reckon Ash will distract Acid


IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

Again, too soon to lose it.


BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

BB might win it, but Axis has more going on


Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

Unless Tyler and Nemesis' conversation was a massive swerve, Ash should win...

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

Can't see him losing the title straight away


IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

I'll go with the champs to retain...reckon Ash will distract Acid


IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

Again, too soon to lose it.


BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

BB might win it, but Axis has more going on


Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

Unless Tyler and Nemesis' conversation was a massive swerve, Ash should win...


Um, yea, it wasn't. Fierce and Tyler now have a hatred relationship (from both sides, reflected in the conversation). And frankly, Fierce can get the f out of my game. As much as I like writing the raps, he gets awful grades and puts in awful performances. Seeing how far I can push Fierce until he breaks is going to be fun.

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

- Uh... no reason. Honestly. Since I can't figure out why to make this match, I'll just assume the champ retains.


IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

- DaVE stars before DaVE attempted developmentals.


IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

- I forgot Dubba D held a belt, so maybe his aim is better than my memory.


BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

- The Breaking Bad Colossus seems to be enjoying a bit of a push.


Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

- The game of how far can you (de)push a Fiasco until it breaks continues.

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

IPW Californian Championship: Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

BB Colossus vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

Ash vs Fiasco Fierce

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Thursday, Week 3, July 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA



E-Soteric vs "Ice Cold" Ray Snow

  • The crowd is all over E-Soteric from the onset, chanting for anything else they can think of.
  • As more people started filing in, a louder "this is boring" chant kicked in.
  • The match itself is a relatively back and forth affair with Snow using his technical expertise to keep E-Soteric off guard.
  • Finally, Snow ducks under an E-Soteric lariat attempt and connects with the Spinning Back Fist to put E-Soteric down for the three.

Winner: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow via Spinning Back Fist

Time: 7:47






Moses Makesh: S***'s about to get insane tonight. Welcome peeps to another dose of IPW's iNSANITY. Moses Makesh here with the one, the only, my main dawg...Luther Judge.


Luther Judge: Mo', what's poppin'? Been jacked up for tonight since last month.


Moses Makesh: Same Luther. And we're gonna get this party started right now!




Generic rap music hits and Frantic Ali steps out from behind the curtain. He holds up the IPW Championship to the crowd before patting the silver plate twice. Ali strolls down to the ring, looking supremely confident. He steps into the ring and grabs a mic.


Frantic Ali: See this belt, MY belt? I had a motherf***** named Eric Tyler try and keep me from getting this belt back where it belongs. 'Round my waist. Thing is, when you the baddest dude on the planet, ain't nothing gonna stop you from getting what you want. I punked Masked Stranger right here in this ring. He couldn't handle me. Boy put up an effort, I'll give him that, but they named me Ali for a reason. Now, word is he wants another shot. I ain't stressin' it. Tonight, I put your b**** ass down for a second time...


Beethoven's 5th plays over the loud speakers...




...and "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler comes out from the back. Most of the crowd serenades Tyler with a chorus of boos, but a faint "DaVE" chant can be heard from some in attendance.


Eric Tyler: Congratulations Ali.


Frantic Ali: I don't need your approval Tyler.


Eric Tyler: No, I can't imagine you care what I think.


Frantic Ali: Hell nah I don't.


Eric Tyler: But I care, Ali, because I came out a few months back and said I had one goal and one goal only...to make you better. I put you through the grinder. And you came out the other side, in tact. And you took back what you lost. Again, congratulations.


Frantic Ali: I ain't your protege or your son. I'm my own man, Tyler. Stop treating me like a young buck, new to the game.


Tyler gets nose-to-nose with Ali and the possibility of a brawl between the two ignites the crowd.


Frantic Ali: Step back 'fore you get knocked the f*** out.


Eric Tyler: I'm not finished. You proved you can be the hunter. One-on-one, anybody here would be hard pressed to beat you. Now? Now, you are the hunted. So...tonight, Masked Stranger will get his re-match. And to make sure you understand what it's like to have a bulls-eye on your back, there will be a special guest timekeeper for the match.


Frantic Ali: Yea, who's that?


Eric Tyler: Me.


Tyler drops the microphone and turns his back on Ali as he heads up the ramp.


Frantic Ali: Don't matter Tyler. I'M THE GREATEST! I'M THE GREATEST.




Moses Makesh: So that's how it gonna be. Eric Tyler will be at ringside to screw over the new champ.


Luther Judge: Guess that's how Tyler rolls. Give a dollar, take back two.


Moses Makesh: Ali's belt will be one of three on the line tonight. The first shot at gold...or silver...belongs to one of my homies, Hustle Muvva.


Luther Judge: Still can't believe that b**** Cindy straight played him. He's Hustle Muvva. He does the playin'.


Moses Makesh: And he's backstage right now...




The former IPW Californian Champion isn't his usual self. Gone are the fancy clothes and overall atmosphere Hustle Muvva usually projects. All that's left is a man in wrestling trunks and boots, sitting quietly in a chair.


Hustle Muvva: Y'all were expecting me to bring the style tonight. The champagne and the honeys. That's how I roll. Not tonight. Not until I get my hands around Deadshot's neck and snap that fool's bones. You f***** with the wrong playa, son.


Hustle composes himself. Takes a sip from a water bottle.


Hustle Muvva: I don't know what you did to my girl, but I can tell she ain't the same as she was. And see, that's the problem I got. You want me out of the picture? Yea, aight, go ahead and take your shot. But, this is business. That's your deal, ain't it? All business. Last month, you made it personal.


Slowly, Hustle Muvva rises from his chair. He folds it up and...SMACK! SMACK! The chair goes flying against a couple different lockers.


Hustle Muvva: I may be the boss playa here. Tonight, playtime's over you little b****. I'm gonna get at ya. Because I got a hustle...AND IT'S MUVVA!




Moses Makesh: Man done changed Luther. And can't say I blame him.


Luther Judge: Deadshot been after Hustle since the start of the year. Six months is a long time to have a target on your forehead.


Moses Makesh: Yup, but revenge is a b****. Deadshot might find that out right now.




IPW Californian Championship:

Deadly Deadshot © vs Hustle Muvva

  • Deadshot taunts Muvva before the match starts, forcing Cindy to kneel in front of him, an act which sends Muvva into a rage.
  • The former champ beats Deadshot mercilessly in the corner before chucking him outside.

  • As Muvva goes to continue the assault, Cindy shields Deadshot with her body to prevent further damage, but this proves to be just the time Deadshot needed to regroup.
  • The champ hits Muvva with brass knuckles hidden inside his tights and continues to wail on Muvva before whipping him into the steel steps.
  • Deadshot appears off his game as he misses a leg drop from the apron onto Muvva on the outside, though a clearly tired Muvva does his best to sell it.
  • Deadshot rolls Muvva back in the ring, and attempts a Dead Drop, but Hustle pushes him off and Deadshot lands flat on his face.
  • Hustle signals to the crowd that he's going for a Hustler's Headbutt, when Cindy rolls into the ring and flashes Muvva much to the crowd's joy.

  • Problem is, the momentarily stunned Muvva fails to react quick enough to dodge a low blow from his former flame.
  • Writhing in pain, Hustle is easy pickings for Deadshot who connects with the Dead Drop (Tornado DDT) and Jeffrey Davis reluctantly counts the 1...2...3!

Winner: Deadly Deadshot via Dead Drop (Cindy interference)

Time: 14:16




Moses Makesh: Bulls***. That hoodrat cost Muvva the win and some payback.


Luther Judge: Know what they say Mo'.


Moses Makesh: What's that?


Luther Judge: B****** be hot, but b****** be crazy.


As Hustle Muvva lays unconscious in the middle of the ring, Deadly Deadshot grabs a microphone and stands over his fallen enemy.



Deadly Deadshot: I want everybody in this crowd to look at the man laying in the ring.


His voice is cold, monotone, unsympathetic.


Deadly Deadshot: This is what I do. I take people out. This belt...


Deadshot hands the title to Cindy.


Deadly Deadshot: ...means little to me. I was hired to take you out, Muvva, and I've completed the hit. Our business is concluded. I will not attempt to injure you further. But, if you come after me, I will respond. As for the girl. I quite enjoy her company. When I'm finished with her, I will return her to you. Let this be a lesson to everybody else in the back...I NEVER MISS!




Moses Makesh: Damn. That is one dude who is not to be messed with.


Luther Judge: Always gotta watch out for the quiet ones. They the craziest.


Moses Makesh: This is iNSANITY Luther. And one of the more insane couples here is Willow and the masked youngster, Ash.




A cloud of smoke fills the air, slowly dissipating, until the audience sees Willow with Ash right behind her.


Willow: The times, they are a changin'. It's like two stars crossing in the night. One burning brightly, one fading. Fiasco Fierce. Ooooh, scary name. Like a big, shining light made of fire. All fire eventually turns to...


Willow seems to space out, lost in her own little world, staring deep into Ash's mask.


Willow: ...Ash.




Moses Makesh: That girl is a trip. She don't even know what she sayin' half the time.


Luther Judge: I know plenty of females like her. Too much of the good stuff.


Moses Makesh: For her man's sake, she better focus long enough to help him out against a former IPW Californian Champion, Fiasco Fierce.



Ash w/Willow vs Fiasco Fierce

  • Boooo! Chants of "Fiasco sucks" fill the building as the bell rings.
  • The former champ strikes first with a bulldog followed by a standing elbow drop, but only picks up a two count.

  • Most of the match sees Ash using his speed to keep Fierce off balance, landing a variety of lucha moves, though Fiasco does land a couple of big shots, but neither man can get more than a near fall.
  • Finally, Willow gets involved, reaching into her purse and pulling out a handful of grey stuff. She gets up on the apron, drawing Fierce's attention before blowing the cloud of ash right in his eyes.
  • Ash drops Fierce with an enziguri to the back of the head before heading to the top rope and connecting with an Acid Rain Bomb (Swandive Senton) and that's all she wrote.

Winner: Ash via Acid Rain Bomb (Willow interference)

Time: 7:14





Moses Makesh: The ladies makin' an impact tonight.


Luther Judge: Tis' beauty killed the beast.


Moses Makesh: What the f*** you just say?


Luther Judge: What? I didn't say anything.

As the announcers banter back and forth...




...Acid runs down from the back.

Moses Makesh: Acid! Uh-oh, Ash and Willow don't see him.


Acid rolls into the ring, standing behind the still oblivious Ash and Willow. As the crowd's excitement grows, the pair turn around and Acid nails his young doppleganger in the head with a steel chair.


Moses Makesh: Damn! Acid just laid that boy out.


Luther Judge: He ain't done either.


Willow tries to attack the former DaVE stalwart, but the masked man grabs her by the hair and drags her to the corner. His eyes burn with a clear fury as he points directly at Willow and the microphone only picks up two words... "Don't move." Willow nods as Acid moves back towards Ash.


Moses Makesh: Ash about to get schooled.


Luther Judge: 'Bout time too.


Acid takes the chair and sets it up in a seated position. He slides Ash's legs in between the gap, stomping on his head twice for good measure. Acid climbs to the top rope and...ACID RAIN BOMB ON ASH'S LEG.


Moses Makesh: Holy s***. He just broke that kid's leg.


Ash writhes on the ground in pain as Willow scampers over to console her young charge. Acid makes a throat-slashing gesture before stepping out through the middle rope.




Moses Makesh: We may not be seeing Ash for a minute.


Luther Judge: Ashes to ashes. That bone turned to dust.


Moses Makesh: Cold, Luther, cold.


Luther Judge: Hey, don't hate the playa...


Moses Makesh: Yea, yea. Well, next, four men will get a shot to...get a shot at the IPW Californian Championship next month. 'Cept, for the other three guys, they have to go through a monster, rather than a man.




Backstage, Anslem Briggs is with BB Colossus, who towers over his much smaller manager.


Anslem Briggs: Hellech. Moroi. Stanley Axis. You know what it's like to make that paper? Nah, you don't. Know why? Because you got nothing I want. I'm a deal maker. I got my boy Colossus into this match. Without me, he'd still be breakin' fools, but with nothing to show for it. 'Stead, tonight, he gets to mess you three punks up real good, and then bring home that gold, baby. Ain't that right BB?


Colossus grunts in agreement.


Anslem Briggs: Business is booming, baby.


Briggs laughs to himself before patting BB on the shoulder. Colossus shoots him a menacing look. Briggs backs away as if to say "my bad".




Moses Makesh: Can anybody stop the big man?


Luther Judge: Hell, not sure anybody wants to.


Moses Makesh: If I'm one of the three other dudes in the ring tonight, I might go home, grab a drink, and chill. Shot at the gold ain't worth my life.


Luther Judge: That's cause you ain't never had real gold Mo'.



IPW Californian Championship #1 Contender:

BB Colossus w/Anslem Briggs vs Hellech vs Moroi vs Stanley Axis

  • Hellech, Moroi, and Axis all look at each other, then at Colossus, before deciding better of going after the big man and begin attacking each other.
  • In fact, Colossus stands large in the corner for the first few minutes as the other three men battle.
  • Finally, Colossus steps into the fray, dropping Hellech and Moroi with big right hands, but as Colossus covers, Stanley Axis breaks up the fall.
  • Colossus turns his attention to the cocky Axis, who quickly bails to the outside.
  • Briggs does some good work at ringside, mouthing off to the crowd while cheering on his client as Colossus toys with Hellech and Moroi as Axis watches from the outside.

  • Axis grabs a chair and gets up the courage to slide inside the ring as Colossus has his back turned, except BB sees him coming, grabs Axis by the throat and plants him with a vicious chokeslam.

  • Briggs tells BB to finish it and Colossus whips Hellech into the opposite corner, then whips Moroi into the same corner sending the two men into each other with an obscene amount of force.
  • It's academic at that point as Colossus puts his big boot on Moroi's chest and Jeffrey Davis counts an easy three.

Winner: BB Colossus via Colossus Avalanche on Moroi

Time: 11:12




Moses Makesh: That was a mauling.


Luther Judge: Colossus is not to be f***** with.


Moses Makesh: No doubt...


Moses' train of thought is broken by the arrival of...




...Hailey Booke. Booke saucily steps into the ring. She looks at the still down Stanley Axis, then at the crowd who urge her on. Booke takes the chair Axis had grabbed and slams it into his groin. Booke drops the chair and does a sexy dance over Axis, mocking him.




Moses Makesh: Stanley Axis messed with the wrong girl.


Luther Judge: And it looks like we're gonna get a show.




Booke licks her lips suggestively before slowly removing her shirt and jeans to reveal a sexy pair of bra and panties. She grabs a big from underneath the ring and goes around the ring, dancing, and handing 'IPW' shirts out to the now delirious fans who chant "Take it off".


Booke unhooks a couple of her bra straps before winking to the camera and re-hooking her lingerie back into position.




Moses Makesh: You need a towel Luther?


Luther Judge: I need a whole god damn closet full of towels after that.


Moses Makesh: She's certainly something.


Luther Judge: Uh-huh.


Moses Makesh: Right now, though, it's time for more serious business. The IPW Tag Team Championship.


Luther Judge: I got cash on Galindo and Chavez.


Moses Makesh: Gots to wonder how close-knit Peak and Acid will be after going after each other last month.




IPW Tag Team Championship:

Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

  • Peak and Chavez kick things off with Peak taking Chavez down with a shot to the ribs, then a running shoulder block.

  • Peak and Acid isolate Chavez in the corner, working him over, until Chavez ducks a Peak clothesline attempt and scrambles over to get the hot tag to his partner.
  • Galindo comes in like a bat out of hell, landing two drop kicks on Acid and Peak. Galindo covers Acid, but only gets a two count.
  • The next few minutes see Acid and Galindo hitting a couple high spots and each making a tag to their partner.
  • Peak and Chavez get the crowd fired up by trading punches in the center of the ring, before Chavez delivers a kick to Peak's ribs.

  • Acid runs in, but is met by Galindo, who drop toe holds Acid, sending the masked man neck-first into the top rope.
  • Galindo climbs the turnbuckles, setting up for the Shooting Star Press, when Peak, caught in a Chavez headlock, uses his momentum to run Chavez right into Galindo.
  • All four men down in the ring, rise to their feet at nearly the same time. Peak removes the nearby turnbuckle pad and slams Galindo head first into the exposed metal.
  • As blood pours from Galindo's forehead, Acid grabs a chair from ringside and signals for Peak to throw Chavez towards him. Peak grabs Chavez and whips him towards Acid who lets Chavez run by him...instead swinging the chair right into Peak's forehead.
  • Acid drops the chair, makes the throat slash gesture, and heads back up the ramp.
  • Now bleeding as well, Peak rolls around in agony. Chavez lifts Peak up and connects with The 187 Neckbreaker. Chavez covers. 1...2...3!

Winners: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez via The 187 Neckbreaker

Time: 18:38




Moses Makesh: Acid turns his back on Doug Peak! Why?


Luther Judge: Can't trust nobody Mo'. First rule of the streets.


Moses Makesh: The #1 Contender has taken out both Ash and his former partner tonight. Seems he's a man on a mission.


Luther Judge: F*** friends.


Moses Makesh: Acid always been somewhat of a loner. Seems he got fed up watching Tyler's boys' backs.


Luther Judge: Now he gots nothing to lose.


Moses Makesh: Luther, getting word something's going on backstage.




"Dangerous" Doug Peak is destroying stuff backstage, screaming "Where is he?" over and over again. Finally, the snarling Peak sees Acid walking down the hallway. Peak runs at Acid and tackles him to the ground.


Doug Peak: You little s***.


As Peak throws punch after punch at Acid, the masked man jabs a thumb in Peak's eye. Blinded, Peak gets to his feet as Acid delivers a straight kick to Peak's right knee. Hobbled, Peak grabs Acid by the head and rams him into a nearby wall. About a dozen men dressed as security guards run in and separate the two men as Peak continues to growl like an animal.




Moses Makesh: Peak and Acid ready to end each other.


Luther Judge: Damn Mo', I was ready to see some blood.


Moses Makesh: What's Eric Tyler thinkin' 'bout right now? Acid is gone. Peak has lost it. If he plans to keep fighting his war against Ali, he needs Masked Stranger to win tonight.


Luther Judge: Two cats who know all about war.




A video set to a mash-up of rap and rock music showcases the recent history between Frantic Ali and Masked Stranger. From Masked Stranger winning the IPW Championship thanks to the help of a masked man, to the two men's involvement with Eric Tyler. The video closes with last month's match when Ali recaptured the belt by pinning Stranger in the center of the ring.




Moses Makesh: Time to get this s*** going.


Luther Judge: 'Cept this time, Eric Tyler gonna get his too.


Moses Makesh: Yea, Luther, Ali gots to watch his back with "The Traditionalist" at ringside.




IPW Championship:

Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

*Special Guest Timekeeper: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler*

  • Stranger goes to shake Ali's hand, but the champ blows him off as the bell rings, prompting Stranger to take him down with an armbar.
  • The challenger dominates the opening minutes, targeting Ali's right arm and stomach.
  • Ali manages to turn the tide with an elbow to the side of Stranger's head followed by a scoop slam and a leg drop. Stranger kicks out of a pinfall attempt at two.
  • The champ rolls out of the ring and approaches Eric Tyler who grabs the timekeeper's bell and threatens Ali with it who laughs it off.
  • Ali grabs a kendo stick from underneath the ring instead and begins working Stranger over with it much to Tyler's chagrain.

  • Blood begins to trickle out of Stranger's mask as Ali gears up to whack Stranger once more with the stick, Stranger catches it and rips it away from Ali, chucking it aside.
  • Ali goes for a big right hand, but Stranger reverses it into a chicken wing, wrenching Ali's arm behind him.
  • Stranger continues to work on that right arm, wrapping it around the ringpost at one point and driving the steel steps into the elbow joint.
  • As Tyler cheers Stranger on, Ali holds on as Stranger attempts to whip him into the ropes and goes for the Death Valley Driver, but his weakened right arm can't support Stranger's weight, and Ali is forced to drop Stranger.
  • Ali signals to the crowd that he's going to try again after testing out his right arm, prompting...


  • ...Eric Tyler to grab a chair and get into the ring. The distraction allows Stranger to get Ali in a Full Nelson.

  • Tyler swings the chair at Ali...who ducks...and the steel connects with Stranger's forehead.

  • "The Traditionalist" is thrown from the ring by Ali, who lifts Stranger up, almost fails to support him, but manages to hit the Death Valley Driver right in the center of the ring.
  • The crowd counts with Jeffrey Davis. 1! 2! 3!

Winner: Frantic Ali via Death Valley Driver

Time: 22:10




Moses Makesh: Ali wins! Even though he was outnumbered, somehow, Ali came out on top.


Luther Judge: Suck it Tyler.


Moses Makesh: That's it for us tonight peeps. What will "The Traditonalist" do next month when IPW returns for another dose of iNSANITY?


Attendance: 184



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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick Stanley Axis' opponent in his Survival of the Fittest Match at iNSANITY in September*

Show Prediction Results:

Jingo 5/5

Occasional Z 4/5

Beeker 4/5

Midnightnick 3/5


Overall Prediction Results:

Occasional Z 7/10

Jingo 5/5

Beeker 4/5

Midnightnick 4/10

The Crippler 1/5

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Lemme tell ya something Eric. That was a pretty damn good show last night.


A compliment? What's he up to?
Thank you John. I thought it went well. What grade did we end up with?




Damn. We've pulled a couple shows with a C-, but it's always a C- or D+. I wish I knew what else I can do to get this company growing. Get more fans in the doors. But, I'm new to this.
Seems we've hit a plateau.


A what? Speak English fer god sakes. This is America.


Topped out. Reached our peak.


Nah, f*** that. Can't believe it. If I did, might as well pack this bad boy in and retire somewhere to spend my days drinkin' beer.


I'm not sure what else we can do.


More talent?


Yes, that would be great. Our fans don't flock for our well-written storylines, they come to see a combination of great in-ring action and rated-R promos with guys they actually recognize. We have a lot of people who are great at one, or even two, of those things. But, nobody good at all three.
Only so many spots to go around.


Well, ain't no reason not to fill one with a bigger name.


Hellech? Grimm just offered him a contract.


What do you think? I've been curious 'bout that boy. Doesn't seem like you've got a lot for him to do.


I don't. When Pierrot left, Hellech became some random guy in a creepy clown mask. And he doesn't really fit with the hard-hitting action we've been pushing.
I think we let him explore other opportunities.


All right, Eric, I'll trust ya. Let the kid go over to Grimm's b**** ass company.


Anybody you've got in mind to take his spot?


You do the scouting Eric. I'm a busy man. Watch what I can. It ain't a lot, though.


Come on John. I could use a little assistance.

Let me think. See where we finish in the regional battle. Maybe, we can kill two birds with one stone.


I think I know what you're thinking.




Strippers and beer?






Sometimes, I wonder about him.

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