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Elite Pro Wrestling. Backyard Beatdowns to Global Glory

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Is backyard wrestling dangerous? The men of newly created EPW are out to prove that it is not. Instead of falling back on garbage wrestling and alot of weapons and blood, they are focusing more on wrestling and quality entertainment. EPW has taken out ads in the local paper to promote its first ever event, EPW Revolution, to be held on the 3rd saturday of January. Rumors are that the event will be a one night tournament to crown the first ever heavyweight champion, yet as with any wrestling event, anything can happen.



EPW Product details:


Key Featuers: Traditional and Modern

Medium: Mainstream and Lucha Libre

Low: Cult, hardcore and Daredevil

Very low: Comedy

Match Intensity: 70

Match danger: 80


EPW looks to entertain a wide range of fans. Matches will be hard hitting and intense, with plenty of jaw dropping moments, but will keep the violence low. Not to say there wont be an occasional cage match or blade job every once in awhile, but these will be kept for important matches and feuds. As of right now, no woman are in EPW, so unless you get your jollies off watching hot sweaty oiled ripped men rolling around on eachother, the sexual content in EPW is zero. Something a family could go to but not so "kiddish" as today's WWE product.


1st card to be posted soon.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:14px;">EPW Revolution</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

EPW has announced what they have called the "Road to Glory Tournament" The opening round will consist of 3 tag team matches. the 3 teams that win (6 wrestlers) will be split into 2 triple threat matches in the 2nd round. The third and final round will be the winners of the triple threat matches going 1 on 1 in a ladder match with the Title belt hanging above the ring. Opening round matches are:</p><p> </p><p>

The Night Terrors (Moroi and Babau) vs El Mitico jr and Taylor Kid</p><p>

Hi 5 (Hudson Drake and Clutch McKane) vs Hollywood Bart Starr and Raphael</p><p>

KC Glenn and Matt Hocking vs Ernest Youngman and Jacob Jett</p><p> </p><p>

EPW Revolution will be held in the Hunters Town Hall (midwest) this coming saturday. Get your tickets now and be part of the revolution!</p>

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<p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">EPW Revolution</span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Night Terrors defeated el mitico jr and taylor kidd (27)</p><p>

Hollywood bret starr and raphael defeated Hi-5 (25)</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett came out to hype himself up, saying he is going to be the first ever EPW world champion.</p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn and matt hocking defeat ernest youngman and jacob jett (30)</p><p> </p><p>

Youngman cuts a promo saying that KC Glenn is over rated, and that he needed the help of matt hocking to win while he was stuck with jobber jacob jett. EPWs first feud?!?!? I think so! (angle rated 21)</p><p> </p><p>

After the opening round, we now have 6 wrestlers left who will compete in triple threat matches to determine the finalists.</p><p> </p><p>

Hollywood bret starr defeats KC Glenn and babau in a close match (34)</p><p> </p><p>

KC glenn cuts a promo afterwords saying that since he is no longer in the EPW title chase, he challenges Ernest Youngman to a match next month to show that he can beat Youngman 1 on 1. (angle rated 23)</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hocking defeats morio and raphael (30)</p><p> </p><p>

EPW LADDER MATCH for the EPW championship!: In a grueling 19 minute match, matt hocking goes over hollywood bret starr to win his 3rd match of the night and take home the EPW World Championship. (32)</p><p> </p><p>

Overall show rating: 31</p><p>

Attendance: 18</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Overall a pretty good show. Used this as my special yearly "wrestlemania" show, explaining the little boost in attendance fora 0 pop backyard fed. Considering that EPW started with 0 pop everywhere, 31 is a really good grade. Improved pop in the region. Monthly loss was $1,940 but I did use 13 people on the show, 12 wrestlers, 1 ref, and split the road agent duties between raphael and the ref. Next month will be a 1 hour show, probably 3 one vs one matches with an angle thrown in there to build up some money.</p>

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haah thanks, like i said, 2nd show is an hour long, lot less wrestlers. I kinda splurged as im using revolution as my "wrestlemania" or my season finale type show. going to try to break even the next 11 months, splurge again on revolution 2, and then hopefully a few shows after that get bumped up to the next size and see some more money flowing in.
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<p>Small update, I want to keep people up with the latest news around the world in my game. Nothing of huge note in the first month, although Hollywood Bret Starr is looking like he has bad luck with tournaments <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Bret Starr defeated mikey james in the first round of the MAW Rip Chord Invitational before losing to findlay o'farrady who went on to win the whole thing.</p><p> </p><p>

Company size changes:</p><p>

5ssw rises to regional</p><p>

GSW rises to small</p><p>

USPW falls to cult.</p><p> </p><p>

New Relationships:</p><p>

Mainstream Hernendez is dating Maryam Vega</p><p>

Carlos gonzaga and my world champ Matt Hocking have a strong dislike for eachother</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">EPW Break and Enter</span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

1. We open up the show with matt hocking coming out to the ring to celebrate his recent title win. Rapheal comes out and interupts him, saying that he was eliminated from the tournament lastnight without ever getting pinned. He demands a match tonight, and Hocking accepts. (angle rated 35)</p><p> </p><p>

2. Next segment is a match with Jacob Jett fighting newcomer Miller Fforde. Jacob Jett gets the quick pin just over 7 minutes to win a short but very exciting match. (42 rating)</p><p> </p><p>

3. Ernest Youngman taunts KC Glenn, continuing their feud from last month. He says KC Glenn is a jobber and cant win a match if his life depends on it. He says he will destroy Glenn tonight. (angle rated 27)</p><p> </p><p>

4. Ernest Youngman beats KC Glenn in a close, exciting 15 minute match. Glenn had the upperhand but Youngman pulled out brass knuckles and cheated to get the victory. (match rated 42)</p><p> </p><p>

5. Main Event: Matt Hocking defeats Rapheal in a match that somewhat disappointed. After having 2 matches rated a 42, this match fell a little short. They did have good chemistry together so it wasnt a horrible match. Hocking makes defense #1. (match rated 36)</p><p> </p><p>

Overall show rating: 36</p><p>

Attendance: 13</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hocking had a backstage incident on the first show, pulling a prank on El Mitico jr that almost lead to a fight. A fatherly approach was hopefully enough to settle problems but Hocking was the focal point of another incident on this show, this time with Hudson Drake. Hocking received a slap on the wrist. The locker room was brought down a little by the incident but still at a pretty solid 62%. </p><p> </p><p>

Post show speeches were given to Jacob Jett for carying his match, and KC Glenn and Ernest youngman were also praised for putting on a solid match. Everyone seemed pleased.</p>

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<p>We have had our first death in TEW, Go Amori has passed away due to old age. </p><p> </p><p>

On a positive note, EPW made a profit last month of $1917. For people doing the math out there, that means the first two months combined, EPW has lost just $23. Not bad. 23 bucks to run two shows, gain some popularity, etc. The hour long show was a little short, so maybe after the 3rd show, I will bump up to an hour and a half.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I realized that I pretty much neglected to set up anything for the 3rd show! I know KC Glenn and Ernest youngman will somehow interact, but the world title has pretty much no direction, and....... yaaaaaaah..... haha. Have to get used to booking the once a month type promotion. Any suggestions for future shows/feuds are appreciated, I do have some long term plans in the works but getting there is the hard part. </p><p> </p><p>

Also, Hocking causing problems is no good. We might see a Title switch in the very near future if problems continue.</p>

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<p>Elite Pro Wrestling sent out flyers to local restaurants, bars, schools, and stores promoting its next event "EPW End of the Line" </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

EPW Championship Match</p><p>

Matt Hocking vs Ernest Youngman</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Hi-5 vs The Night Terrors</p><p> </p><p>

#1 contenders match</p><p>

Hollywood Bret Star vs Taylor Kidd</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:14px;">EPW End of the Line </span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

1. Brett Starr puts away Taylor Kidd in a pretty decent match considering Kidd is pretty much an unknown. Brett Starr is now the #1 contender and will face the champ next month (rated 38)</p><p> </p><p>

2. Matt Hocking is in the ring giving a promo when Ernest Youngman comes down an interrupts him. After some insults, Youngman blindsides Hocking and starts beating him down. KC Glenn runs out for the save and clears the ring. KC Glenn and Youngman have a stair down to end the segment (21)</p><p> </p><p>

3. In the first EPW tag team match with both sides being actual teams, The night terrors beat hi-5 in a so-so match(27)</p><p> </p><p>

4. In a risky move, EPW shoved Brett Starr out there with a live mic and told him to say anything he wants. He enjoyed the freedom and cut a solid 6 minute promo discussing his recent misfortunes in the MAW Rip Chord Tourny, failing to win the EPW title his first chance, and hyping up next months show where he faces whoever is holding the title at the time. Even though he is a heel, it was such a good promo for a fed this size that the fans gave him a standing ovation as he left the ring (rated 48, best rated segment so far in EPW history)</p><p> </p><p>

5. The EPW Title match saw some drama that will hopefully be resolved next month. Hocking accidentally knocked out the ref towards the end of the match. Youngman was able to hit his finisher and go for the pin, but there was no ref. They brawled for a little while more when Hocking hit his finisher out of nowhere. He went for the pin and KC Glenn ran down and counted the 1, 2, 3 for the win. Hocking celebrates with the title as Youngman looks absolutely pissed to end the show. (37)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Attendance: 15</p><p>

Overall: 37</p><p>

Incidents: Our only ref showed up very late, after giving the fatherly approach, Royce Greig said he was very sorry he let me down and it wont happen again. The handling of the situation improved the backstage enviorment up to 69%</p><p>

Post Event Speeches: Decided to go with just 1 guy, single out Bret Starr on an amazing performance. He seemed pleased</p>

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<p>Monthly roundup</p><p> </p><p>

EPW managed make a profit of $263 dollars this month. With a tight budget, it looks like EPW will not be signing any new guys for awhile, instead opting to build up its current roster.</p><p> </p><p>

EMLL rose to Regional</p><p>

SWF hit international</p><p> </p><p>

Mayham Midden decided to finally retire from the business entirely. After a long career in SWF, he spent time in RIPW as an announcer for several years. He retires at 66, being in the business for 48 years.</p><p> </p><p>

In what I can only call extreme irony, Young wrestler Deaths Head received a major concussion at the last EMLL show against Snake King. He is estimated to be out for more than a full year (1 year 2 weeks). </p><p> </p><p>

In a news bit that I had missed, RAW has gotten a PPV deal in Australia back in January. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Comments, Ideas, anything is appreciated. next show to be posted soon.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:14px;">EPW Sanitarium</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

EPW World Title Match</p><p>

Matt Hocking vs Hollywood Bret Starr</p><p> </p><p>

El Mitico Jr vs Raphael</p><p> </p><p>

Jacob Jett vs Miller Fforde</p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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EPW Sanitarium Results


1. Jacob Jett defeated Miller Fforde (39)


2. Hocking comes out to discuss the controversial ending to last months show. He says that he doesn't want a cheap victory, yet he also values #1 contender-ship matches, so tonight, instead of a 1 on 1 match, he will defend hsi title against both youngman and hollywood brett star in a triple threat match. (27)


3. Rapheal defeats el Mitico JR (40)


4. Youngman gets on the mic and complains about last months Main event. KC Glenn ran down to the ring and counted the 3 count to end the match even though he is no a ref. He is glad he is getting another deserved chance at the title tonight, and promises that once he wins the title, KC Glenn will never get a shot at it. (rated 26)


5. Hocking vs Youngman vs Starr triple threat for the EPW Title. Close match with lots of good spots. Brett Starr and Youngman team up on Hocking the entire match but somehow Hocking manages to come out ontop over both heels. (rated 43)


Post event speech: Hocking, Youngman, and Bret Starr praised for good performance.


Attendance: 13

Overall: 39

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EPW Exile Matches


EPW World Title Cage Match

Hocking vs Hollywood Bret Starr

Bret manages to get another title shot as he says he has yet to be pinned by the champ. He lost to Hocking in a ladder match on the first show after fighting twice that night, and then lost a triple threat match where he wasnt involved in the pin. We will see EPWs first cage match, as Bret Starr demanded this to "make sure nothing fishy happens" With KC Glenn running in as a replacement ref and counting pinfalls, it doesn't seem like a ridiculous demand, although you have to think Starr has something up his sleeve.


Ernest Youngman vs KC Glenn

These two have been at eachother since the start, KC Glenn counting the pinfall in a title match, Youngman taunting Glenn, these two go one on one to settle the score.



Jacob Jett vs Taylor Kidd

JJ goes one on one with young underdog Taylor Kidd


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Around the Globe


New Company: Pro Wrestling Max opened recently, founded by MAW Rip Chord invitational tournament winner Findlay O'farrady


SWF is now broadcasting their PPV's in mexico


EPW continues to slowly grow their bank account and their popularity


Ollie now has a tv deal, broadcasting weekly shows on thursdays


Deaths: Jason Rogers, 57, was a 39 year vet, spending most of his career in canada. his career highlight was winning the GCG Tag Team titles with Chance in 1994. He died of natural causes.


Sam Sparrow, 57, Passed away after being the head ref of TCW since his debut in 1996. His death is said to be from natural causes, although nobody saw this coming. He was said to be in good shape on TCWs Tuesday show from New England. He passed away two days before TCWs big annual event, TCW Mayham 17. The show was dedicated in his honor

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EPW Exile Results



Jacobb Jett vs Taylor kidd

Double J gets the victory in this match, good kickoff to the event. (40)


Youngman taunts KC Glenn, i did this show awhile ago so i dont quite remember what the point of the interview was. Uhm.... called him a meanie? :) haha (27)


KC Glenn vs Youngman

Ernest youngman wins a back and forth match that overshaddowed the main event with a higher rating. (48)


Hocking is in the ring for the main event and Jacobb Jett runs down and beats him to a bloody pulp. Hollywood brett starr makes his entrance as Jacobb Jett walks back up the ramp. They high five while passing eachother, Hocking has been set up. Jett and Star are apparently working together now. (angle rated 19)


Cage match for EPW World Title

Matt Hocking vs Hollywood Brett Star

Hocking tries to come back fromt he beating but he is just so worn out before the match even starts. Brett Star climbs over the top of the cage for an easy win and walks away with the world title (45)

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EPW Decimation Results


1. Brett Starr opens up the show with an unscripted promo against Miller Fforde. Miller Fforde comes down and they have a back and forth. They mention their title match in MAW where starr went over fforde. Fforde says that he deserved a rematch in MAW but never got one. Starr says why not fight him right here, tonight, for the EPW world Title. Fforde accepts and we have a main event for tonight. (angle rated 36)


2.Night terrors vs Hi-5 Tag Team match

a horrible match with no heat. only got a 22 rating



3. Jacobb Jett cuts a promo against Matt Hocking to continue their feud. He really had the crowed in an uproar, 43 rating


4. El Mitico vs Jacobb Jett vs Raphael

In a wild triple threat match that saw lots of action, Double J was able to pick up the victory after he hit his finisher on mitico and got the pin. 49 rating


5.In a prematch interview, KC Glenn says he will defeat youngman. he wasnt that good on the mic tonight and only got a 27 rating


6. KC Glenn vs Ernest Youngman

In the co-main event, Youngman stole another victory by rolling glenn up and pulling the tights. rating: 42


7.Hollywood Bret Starr vs Miller Fforde. EPW World title match

This match failed to live up to their match in MAW. It wasnt horrible though, Starr walked away with the win, 35 rating



OVerall show rating: 38

Attendnace: 9...... yes 9...... 9...... nine.... their were more wrestlers on the card than fans........



EPW looks to do something special for the next event to boost attendance. Having just 9 fans at a show is not enough. How is EPW supposed to spread if only 9 people show up!?!?! (i know in TEW terms, attandance doesnt multiply or effect pop growth, but in terms of the diary ide like to believe it does. )

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Today, EPW announced to garner interest in the company, they have set up a 2 event, tag team tournament to crown the first ever EPW tag team champions. This comes as big news as EPW currently only has 2 tag teams, The Night terrors and Team Hi-5. EPW has announced that instead of slapping together some teams, they will sign Keith Vegas and Reguluar Joe to re-unite two former tag teams, and sign 4 more current tag teams from the indies.


New Signings:

Keith Vegas (Miller Ffordes former tag team partner)

Reguluar Joe (Matt Hockings former tag team partner)

Curtis Jenkins and Riley Mcmanus (atlantic connection)

Syd collier and Cameron Jones (2 time and current MAW tag team champions)

Mathew Keith and Steven parker (2 time PSW Tag Team Champions)

Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane.


Joining these 6 teams are of course, Hi-5, and The current IPW tag team champions, the Night Terrors. There is no shortage of experience in this tournament, two teams currently hold tag team gold and one other team has been there before. The first round will be held on the next event, with the semi-final and finals happening the following month. This will be a big event for such a small company, bringing in so many new faces. Common sense says that not all of these names will stick around, so it will be interesting to see who wins as they will be signed too a long term contract to ensure the Tag Titles stay within the company. Runners up could also be signed by having impressive matches, and in the business right now where its hard for some wrestlers to get any work, they will be grateful for a contract, even with such a small company as EPW.

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EPW Tag Team Turmoil Results


Night Terrors beat The American Cobrs (35)

Hi-5 defeat vegas and fforde (26)

Atlantic connection defeat collier and jones (36)

Angle: Parker and Keith get ont he mic and hype up how they are going to take EPW for a ride. They will dominate the tag team division for years to come. Both guys did a good job on the mic. (48)

Parker and Keith defeat the young americans (57)

Angle: Jacob Jett gets on the mic and says he will win the title tonight. He also digs into matt hocking, laughing at the fact that he was unable to win the first round of the tag team tournament. (41)

Hollywood bret starr defeats el mitico jr and jacob Jett in a triple threat match for the EPW world title. (51).


Attendance 28

Overall show rating: 50

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EPW Fade to Black Results


tonight is the continuation of the EPW Tag Team tournament to crown the first Tag Team champions. Both of EPW's original tag teams advanced past the first round and will be looking to represent the EPW originals. Hopefully one of them can walk away with the tag titles tonight.


1.Keith and parker defeat Hi-5 (54)

In a back and forth match, parker and keith were just too much for youngsters Hi-5. Keith and Parker advance to the finals.


2. Atlantic connection defeat the night terrors (38)

The 2nd original epw tag team lose tonight, as the atlantic connection basicly mopped the floor with them. Atlantic connection will meet Keith and Parker later tonight for the EPW Tag Titles


3. Starr promo (48)

Bret Starr says that he refuses to give another shot to Matt Hocking, instead, opting to fight his tag team partner, Reguluar Joe tonight.


4. Hollywood Bret Starr defeats Reguluar Joe, retains EPW World title. (38)

Not much to say here, not even Main event material. pretty much just filler before the Tag Team Title finals.


5. Keith and Parker beat Atlantic connection, ladder match for the first ever EPW Tag Team Championship (57)

Quite an amazing match for EPW. Keith and Parker completed their mission of winning the tag team titles when Parker climbed the ladder and retrieved the belts for his team. Shortly after the show, EPW signs both Parker and Keith to longterm contracts.




Attendance: 24

Overall Show Rating: 52



Epic last two shows for EPW, although having so many high caliber wrestlers on the cards, EPW has lost half its bankroll. Starting with 10,000 dollars, EPW managed to build up slowly to 12,000. After these two shows, EPW is down to just over 4,000. Most would call this careless spending but EPW insists that it was a necessary splurge in order to push EPW to the next level.

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EPW Way of the Warrior



1. Keith and Parker defeat the american cobras to retain the EPW tag team titles (51)


2. Glenn taunts youngman (19)


3. Glenn defeats youngman (46)


4. Starr taunts Jett (54)


5. Brett Star defeats Matt Hocking to retain the EPW World title (37)



Attendance: 28

Show Ratings 41

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EPW Total Eclipse


1. El mitico jr defeats storm spillane (38)


2. jett taunts hocking (55)


3. Jacob Jett defeats Marvel Malloy (47)


4. KC Glenn and Starr argue (38)


5. Hollywood bret starr defeats KC Glenn to retain the EPW World Title


Attendance: 34

Show rating: 37

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