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1930: The Revolution Begins (Effverse Mod Diary)

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1930: The Revolution Begins


The Wrestling world celebrates it's 10th anniversary this year. Although having been around in some form for around 15,000 years it had never garnered any fame. The 10th anniversary of the first Professional Wrestling Match, in which Canadian Daniel Loiselle defeated the German Friedrich Herzog, was setting the way for the future.


It was however in 1930 when an intriguing promotion opened up named the Revolutionary Wrestling Alliance. The reason they garnered such intrigue was due to the fact that their owner wore a mask and was simply known as "The Watcher". Nobody knew who he was or where he came from, only that when he spoke, all others listened! He claimed he had a vision on how Professional Wrestling should be, and he (along with his new promotion) were going to pathe the way for generations to come with their hard hitting, smash mouth wrestling! He was about to unleash a revolution!


This is the story of that small promotion that randomly sprung up in 1930.


The Locker Room


Main Event


Daniel Loiselle (Face)

The legendary Canadian grappler and owner of QCW in Quebec, Daniel Loiselle is considered one of the first true professional wrestlers. He is North Americas most decorated champion, holding an impressive 7 Championship belts in 10 years. He is also a multiple time winner of the Wrestler of the Year award. There is no doubt, Loiselle is Hall of Fame bound.


Brian Hamill (Heel)

Brian Hamill is a Brawler, trained at the US Boxing camp, who turned pro in December 1920. A native of Minnesota, he is 5'8 and 209lbs and naturally plays the heel. He plays crazy gimmicks well. He has adopted the 'Face-Plant' as a finishing move.


Jeff Vedder (Face)

Jeff Vedder is a Technician, trained at the US Amateur Wrestling camp, who turned pro in August 1920. Born and raised in New Jersey, he is 6'1 and 254lbs and is a born babyface. He is adept at coming across as being arrogant. He utilises the 'Half-Crab' as a finisher.


Maurice Caulfield (Face)

Maurice Caulfield is an Entertainer who turned pro in February 1924. Hailing from Colorado, he is 6'2 and 239lbs and is able to play both a face and heel pretty well. He uses the 'High Knee' as his regular finisher.


Upper Midcard


Barry Murdoch (Heel)

Barry Murdoch is an Entertainer who turned pro in April 1924. Born and raised in Wisconsin, he is 6'2 and 268lbs and is naturally a heel. He can play oddball weird characters very well. He has adopted the 'Face-First Suplex' as a finishing move.


Martin Young (Heel)

Martin Young is a Brawler, trained at the US Boxing, who turned pro in October 1920. Born and raised in West Virginia, he is 6'2 and 243lbs and is a heel through-and-through. He is very good at playing crazy characters. He uses the 'Leaping Face Plant' as his regular finisher.


Oscar Christison (Face)

Oscar Christison is an Entertainer who joined the world of pro wrestling in August 1925. Fighting out of Indiana, he is 6 foot and 235lbs and is naturally a babyface. He has never learned to drive. He utilises the 'Slingshot Suplex' as a finisher.


Roger Evans (Face)

"American Made" Roger Evans is a Brawler who turned pro in October 1921. Born and raised in Missouri, he is 6'6 and 294lbs and is a natural fan-favourite. He comes across as a bad ass. He has adopted the 'Three Point Stance' as a finishing move.




Arnold Winner (Face)

Arnold Winner is a Brawler, trained at the US Boxing camp, who turned pro in February 1922. Hailing from North Dakota, he is 6'2 and 285lbs and is a born babyface. He is good at portraying brutish characters and gimmicks. He usually finishes opponents with the 'Running Body Smash'.


Diego Campos (Face)

Diego Campos is a Brawler, trained at the Mexico Boxing, who turned pro in June 1920. The Mexican is 6 foot and 253lbs and makes a good babyface or heel. He can play comedy characters very well. He uses the 'Wind-Up Punch' as a finisher.


Hisaki Ishiguro (Heel)

Hisaki Ishiguro is an Entertainer from Japan who turned pro in October 1920. He is 6'2 and 236lbs and is naturally a heel. He is very good at playing crazy characters. He has adopted the 'Vertical Suplex' as a finishing move.


Keith Bryant (Heel)

The unstoppable force that is Keith Bryant is a Regular Wrestler who turned pro in April 1924. A native of Illinois, he is 6'8 and 321lbs and is naturally a heel. He plays brutish gimmicks well. He uses the 'Overhead Slam' as a finisher.


Tyler Roberts (Heel)

Tyler Roberts is a Entertainer who turned pro in December 1922. The New Yorker is 6'1 and 253lbs and is naturally a heel. He plays the legit bad ass well. He has adopted the 'Overhead Slam' as a finishing move.


Yoshitaka Kase (Heel)

Due to his size, Yoshitaka Kase is also known as "Son of Godzilla" in his native land of Japan. He is a Brawler who turned pro in June 1921. He is 6'6 and 316lbs and is able to play either a face or heel. He comes across as a bad ass. He uses the 'Butterfly Suplex' as his regular finisher.


Lower Midcard


Gautier Desjardins (Face)

Gautier Desjardins is a Brawler, trained at the Canada Boxing, who turned pro in June 1922. Fighting out of Toronto, he is 6'2 and 259lbs and is a born babyface. He can play oddball weird characters very well. He uses the 'Backbreaker' as a finisher.


Jullien Leroy (Heel)

Jullien Leroy is a Brawler, trained at the Canada Boxing camp, who turned pro in October 1921. Hailing from Montreal, he is 6'10 and 324lbs and is a born heel. He is well suited to playing bad asses. He has adopted the 'Flying Tackle' as a finishing move.


Pablo Gonzalez (Heel)

Pablo Gonzalez is a Regular Wrestler, trained at the Mexico Amateur Wrestling camp, who turned pro in August 1920. This Mexican Luchadore is 6 foot and 246lbs and makes a good babyface or heel. He is adept at playing powerful no-nonsense characters. He utilises the 'Butterfly Suplex' as a finisher.




Michizane Kobayashi (Heel)

Michizane Kobayashi is a Japanese Junior who turned pro in June 1921. He is 5'7 and 199lbs and naturally plays the heel. He can play psychotic, crazy characters very well. He uses the 'Big Chop' as his regular finisher.


The Announce Team


Darrell Batch

Darrell Batch is an announcer who joined the world of pro wrestling in May 1927. He is one half of "Randall & Batch" former entertainers in a Las Vegas casino.


Don Randall

Don Randall is an announcer who joined the world of pro wrestling in April 1927. He is one half of "Randall & Batch" former entertainers in a Las Vegas casino.


The Referee(s)


Nann Leon

Nann Leon is a female referee who joined the world of pro wrestling in April 1928.


Notable Relationships

Martin Young has a strong friendship with Barry Murdoch

Nann Leon is dating Barry Murdoch


Biggest Backstage Asshole...

Diego Campos (Extremely Negative Influence)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">HALL OF CHAMPIONS</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">RWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION</span></strong></p><p>


Daniel Loiselle</p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">RWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS </span></strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:8px;">(Not active until 1945)</span></span></strong></p><p>


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This sounds interesting; I'm familiar with the Effverse and considered running a diary in it a few times, but I wasn't sure if people would get behind the characters without renders or anything. I'll be reading, and cheering for Loiselle through the whole thing.
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The new feature where regens are automatically given renders should really help with this, though!


Good start, looking forward to how it develops!


This sounds interesting; I'm familiar with the Effverse and considered running a diary in it a few times, but I wasn't sure if people would get behind the characters without renders or anything. I'll be reading, and cheering for Loiselle through the whole thing.


Which works brilliantly. I'll be using the renders that the computer generated each worker with - no picking and choosing here! They'll all be up in their corresponding bio in the first post soon.


Thanks for the words of encouragement from you both

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RWA PRESENTS: Proving Ground (Night 1)


Live from the sold out Den in New England the Revolutionary Wrestling Alliance brings to you, Night 1 of it's Proving Ground Event!



Before we get underway with tonights matches, we must ask that you do not try any of what you see here tonight at home or anywhere other than a professional training camp. Our wrestlers have gone through years of vig...



Blah Blah Blah. Let's just get on with tonights event shall we! Ladies and Gentlemen, in the red corner, from Mexico City, Mexico, he is the current Mexico City Heavyweight Champion, Pablooooooo Gonzalez! And his opponent, in the blue corner, from Toronto, Canada, "Toronto Tough Guy" Gautier Desjardins! Your referee for tonights bouts, from Canada is the lovely Nann Leon.




- Desjardins starts the match strong

- Desjardins makes a msitake allowing Gonzalez to counter

- Some excellent brawling skills shown by both competitors

- Gonzalez with an Axehandle Smash!

- Desjardins bridges his shoulders off the mat at 2!

- Gonzalez attempting a facelock but Desjardins gets out of it

- Desjardins is going for the backbreaker!

- Gonzalez manages to roll through...

- ...1...2...3! An unexpected win!



Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match and returning to Mexico a hero no doubt, Pablooooo Gonzalez!





Following on from that we are going to take you to our next bout. It features in the red corner, from Tokyo, Japan, he is known as "The Son of Godzilla", Yoshitaka Kaaaaaaase! And in the blue corner, he is coming to us tonight from North Dakota, Arnold Winner!




- The 2 men lock up.

- Winner rolls Yoshitaka Kase over for a 2 count

- Yoshitaka Kase attempts a Crab but Winner rolls out

- Kase now has the headlock... Winner escapes

- Kase and Winner Grapple again...

- ...Kase with a German Suplex!

- 1...2... Winner gets his shoulder up at the last minute

- Winner is dazed as Kase hits the ropes...

- ...Drop toe hold into a Crossface by Winner...

- ...Kase taps out!



Ladies and Gentlemen the winner of the bout, North Dakotas own Arnold Winner!





We are going to take an intermission now for those people in attendance or those who will be watching this at home on 16mm. Our next bout will be in 10 minutes.


[During the intermission 2 young local wrestlers come out and put on a sloppy match for those who remained in their seats.]



Welcome back ladies and gentlemen for our next bout...



I'm sorry Darrell but there's no way you're introducing every match whilst I take the back seat. Now ladies and gentlemen our next bout is contested as a tag team match under one fall rules. In the red corner Roger Evans & Oscar Christison! And their opponents in the blue corner, the team of Martin Young & Barry Murdoch!




- Murdoch and Evans start the match off

- Some very good technique from both men

- Evans starts to get the better of Murdoch

- Frustrated, Murdoch tags out to Young

- Young is now being overpowered by Evans

- Evans tags in Christison

- Christison gets a 2 count on Young

- Young tags out to Murdoch

- Christison and Murdoch countering each other

- Christison with the Slingshot Suplex!

- 1...2...3!



Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of the bout, the team of Roger Evans and Oscar Christison!





And before Don returns, let me introduce you to the competitors of our Semi-Main Event! In the red corner from New Jersey, a former amateur wrestling champion, Jeff Vedder. And in the blue corner, he is known as "Minnesota Madness" Brian Hamill!




- Hamill seems to have control in the early going

- Hamill has Vedder in a front facelock

- Vedder escapes the Facelock and applies an arm bar

- Hamill manages to lever his weight over, pinning Vedder

- 1...2... Vedder manages to get his shoulder up!

- Vedder releases the arm bar.

- Both men grappling to take control

- Hamill attempts the Faceplant on Vedder...

- ...Vedder manages to avoid it!

- Vedder grabs the legs, tripping Hamill

- He has Hamill in the half crab!

- Hamill has conceded the match!



Ladies and Gentlemen the winner of the match... Jeff Vedder!





Ladies and Gentlemen before we introduce our final bout of the evening, please give a warm welcome to the man who made tonight possible, he is known merely as "The Watcher"!



Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight. When I decided to start promoting wrestling bouts, I did so with an end goal, and that goal was to revolutionise the way people saw this sport. For 10 years people have come to shows and watched good old fashioned wrestling matches between two hard as nails fighters, grizzled veterans and former football players butting heads. Here in the RWA you can see those old school matches, but you will also see some hungry young guys who aren't here because their football career ended, or because they couldn't make it in boxing - but because they want to be wrestlers, and they want to showcase their talents to an audience that appreciates this fine sport. Thank you very much for indulging me in this speech, and now back to Randall & Batch to introduce tonights Main Event for the RWA Heavyweight Championship!



Ladies and Gentlemen, the next bout is scheduled for one fall and it is for the RWA Heavyweight Championship! In the red corner, he hails from Quebec, Canada and is a former multi-time Heavyweight Champion and award winner, the man, the legend, Daniel Loiselle! His opponent, coming to us from Colorado, Maurice Caulfield!




- Caulfield out powers Loiselle in the early stages

- Caulfield is showing some good ability

- Caulfield gets a 2 count. Loiselle looks in shock!

- Loiselle now able to get Caulfield down

- Loiselle ties Caulfield up in a Facelock

- Caulfield powers out!

- Caulfield attempts a Backbreaker, but Loiselle wriggles free!

- Loiselle with the Indian Deathlock!

- Caulfield has tapped the mat!



Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match, and your FIRST RWA Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Loiselle!



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