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WCW 1994: Bischoff's Brain Child

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The Backstory



WCW is hotter than ever before with recent news that Hulk Hogan has signed for the company, with this fans are drooling thinking about the dream match between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan which Ted Turner announced would be taking place in less than four weeks. WCW has risen to a national power due to TBS, one of the biggest networks in America broadcasting WCW on Saturday nights, so far this has been very successful and the amazing in ring wrestlers WCW possesses have drawn in audiences both in America and internationally.


Unfortunately one major fault of WCW has been the terrible story lines and inconsistent booking by Erick Watts which has diluted the success of the company. Several months ago Eric Bischoff began working as an announcer for WCW and he has recently been very vocal to Ted Turner about how he feels Watts is booking. Bischoff laid out his 'Brain Child' to Turner which will spread across many years and will include a live prime time TV show, more global superstars, cutting edge story lines and unpredictability. This was all planned out in order for Bischoff to get Watts removed of head Booker to which Turner listened and therefor got rid of Watts and promoted Bischoff. Now Bischoff has all the power, will the creative genius inside of him prevail or will this be the downfall of WCW?

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Schedule & Past Events




WCW Saturday Night July: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4


Pay Per View


WCW Bash at the Beach 1994




WCW Fall Brawl 1994


WCW Halloween Havoc 1994


WCW Starrcade 1994

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WCW Current Champions


World Heavyweight: Ric Flair




United States: Steve Austin




Tag Team: Kevin Sullivan and cactus Jack




Television: Lord Steven Regal



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WCW Saturday Night Preview


. We will see the highlights from the contract signing that took place at MGM Studios for the match between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan at Bash at the Beach.


. Lord Steven Regal defends his Television title against young star Marcus Bagwell


. Commissioner Nick Bockwinckel promised the debut of a big star who will take on Paul Orndorff


. Jim Duggan faces off against Ric Flair


. The long standing rivalry between Ricky Steamboat and United States champion Steve Austin continues when they meet in the squared circle



Steven Regal vs Marcus bagwell

??? vs Paul Orndorff

Jim Duggan vs Ric Flair

Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat

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Intrigued by this. Will be following. However, I have to ask... where did you get the mod?


Good to have you following, the mod was updated from Genadi's TEW 2010 mod, since i downloaded the demo i have been updating this mod so i could do this diary as i enjoy playing this period of wrestling, before and into the attitude era.

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Good to have you following, the mod was updated from Genadi's TEW 2010 mod, since i downloaded the demo i have been updating this mod so i could do this diary as i enjoy playing this period of wrestling, before and into the attitude era.


Nice one. Just I've been looking for a mod set around 94'-95'-ish when Hogan just joined WCW. Keep up the good work, brother.

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Good to have you following, the mod was updated from Genadi's TEW 2010 mod, since i downloaded the demo i have been updating this mod so i could do this diary as i enjoy playing this period of wrestling, before and into the attitude era.


Genadi didn't release a 1994 mod, Hive did :p


I'm a WCW fan boy so I'll be following.

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WCW Diary?


Count me in...


Steven Regal vs Marcus bagwell


Well let me see, Regal was one of my favorites and Bagwell was one of my least favorites so this is actually very easy.


??? vs Paul Orndorff


Jim Duggan vs Ric Flair


The urge to pick Jim is strong but I have better chances of winning the lottery than Jim does of picking up the win here.


Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat

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Steven Regal vs Marcus Bagwell

No brainer? Almost I'd say...


??? vs Paul Orndorff

Once again I'll say: Ph34r the ?


Jim Duggan vs Ric Flair

Well ... >_<


Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat

US Champion ain't losing on the first show...


Also - any chance for you to upload your modded data perhaps?

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Also - any chance for you to upload your modded data perhaps?


Thanks for the predictions, as for uploading the mod i don't think your aloud to upload other peoples work on here plus i'm not sure whether Hive could be updating the mod himself in preparation to release it, so i won't but uploading this mod unless Hive wouldn't mind me doing so. Also in between playing the game i was going to start creating a mod myself for around this time period either 1993 or 1992 if anyone's interested

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Thanks for the predictions, as for uploading the mod i don't think your aloud to upload other peoples work on here plus i'm not sure whether Hive could be updating the mod himself in preparation to release it, so i won't but uploading this mod unless Hive wouldn't mind me doing so.


I'm currently working on a TEW 2013 release of the mod. I hope to have it done in time for the new year.

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Thanks for the predictions, as for uploading the mod i don't think your aloud to upload other peoples work on here plus i'm not sure whether Hive could be updating the mod himself in preparation to release it, so i won't but uploading this mod unless Hive wouldn't mind me doing so. Also in between playing the game i was going to start creating a mod myself for around this time period either 1993 or 1992 if anyone's interested


Definitely interested! And...


I'm currently working on a TEW 2013 release of the mod. I hope to have it done in time for the new year.


Well - w00t! Good times ahead :D

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WCW Saturday Night

Ocean Center 10,000




The show kicks off with highlights from the contract signing from the previous Sunday for the match between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan at Bash at the Beach. Gene Okerlund welcomes Ted Turner who declares that WCW is going to the top of the professional wrestling world and this match will kick start that. Flair mocks Hogan pretending he's honored to be having this match, he then says he's glad this match is happening as it gives him the chance to prove he's the best professional wrestler of all time. He sign's the contract before passing it over to Hogan, Hulk stares him down before saying he is the reason WCW will be the biggest promotion in the world and it's because Hulkamania will run wild over everyone including Flair. They both go face to face and shove each other before Turner calls a holt to the confrontation and the contract signing.




Not the best match from these two but it was a good enough opener, it served two purposes, by putting over Regal as a hard hitting physical wrestler as well as giving Bagwell a good showing which was positive for the youngster. Regal controlled most of the match and got the win after eight minutes with the Regal Stretch.


Nick Bockwinkel comes out and introduces the newest edition of the WCW roster... Jake Roberts!




The crowd popped big for the return of Jake Roberts to wrestling, the hot crowd allowed Orndorff to get cheap heat by using under handed tactics to gain an advantage. The crowd inspired a come back from Roberts and he fought back picking up the win with his trademark DDT.


As the commentators are breaking down the last matches action, a camera cuts to the back and shows Sting preparing to walk to the ring, out of no where he is attacked by Vader, the beat down continues as Harley Race barks out orders.




This match excited the fans from start to finish and was easily the match of the night. Most expected this to be an enhancement match for Flair to show off his skills when instead Duggan controlled a lot of the match with dominant offence, Flair sold the attack very well and the crowd were well behind Jim Duggan. Duggan lost his concentration when going for the Two Point Clothesline and allowed Flair to escape with a roll up victory.


Steve Austin is backstage talking about his longstanding rivalry and match tonight with Ricky Steamboat, he says tonight they are closing the show and he will close this rivalry by winning and proving he is the better man. Nick Bockwinckel interrupts him and says the rivalry is far from over in fact they will end with a best of seven series starting in the match tonight.




This match was not the classic that was expected from these two and despite them having great chemistry together they weren't anywhere near the level of performance shown by Flair and Duggan earlier in the night. Steamboat managed to escape a cutter variation an land a flying cross body and get the pin for the win and to go 1-0 up in the series.



Tooney: 4/4

BHK1987: 4/4

Harmor: 3/4

JayR666: 3/4

#Bestintheworld: 2/3

Sco xY2Jx: 3/4

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WCW Saturday Night Preview


. Eddie Guerrero debuts in WCW facing off against Brian Armstrong


. Lord Steven Regal defends his Television title against Johnny B Bold


. Vader speaks out on his attack on long time rival Sting


. Harlem Heat take on Stars and Stripes to decide the #1 contenders for the tag titles


. Diamond Dallas Page faces off against Brian Pillman


. In the main event former best friends and tag team partners Arn Anderson and Ric Flair face off



Brian Armstrong vs Eddie Guerrero

Lord Steven Regal vs Johnny B Bold

Harlem Heat vs Stars and Stripes

Brian Pillman vs DDP

Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair

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Good first show


Brian Armstrong vs Eddie Guerrero

Bright future, if you make a cruiserweight division he's gotta be the face of it

Lord Steven Regal vs Johnny B Bold

Bold's not the man to beat him for it

Harlem Heat vs Stars and Stripes

Brian Pillman vs DDP

Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair

Got a feeling double A gets the victory either from help with Hogan or something else either way i see him winning

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Brian Armstrong vs Eddie Guerrero

I expect a strong showing from him in his first performance;


Lord Steven Regal vs Johnny B Bold

Got to go with the man from my homeland


Harlem Heat vs Stars and Stripes


Brian Pillman vs DDP


Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair

Flair win as he needs to look good as Champion.

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