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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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Headline: Bad Boys of Australia Announcements


It looks to have been a busy month for Bad Boys of Australia leading up to their show in July which is titled Retribution. The first annoucement was apparently there was a falling out with D-Pod and the company. D-Pod was not a major player, but was on the original roster. Felt that he was being held down on the card he asked for his release and was granted.


There have also been apparently a few new hirings once again to further expand the roster as well. The total number is unknown and the only name we could get so far is Reed Buckfield. Given the card for the show we can expect at least one new name if not two as it seems Vortex will be introducing his 'friend' in tag action that night.


Francis Burke also seems set to defend his National Championship against Michael Rheur after the Rheur attacked the champ at the end of the show. Apparently Big Daddy Horne was impressed by what he saw and has given Rheur a shot above other candidates such as BDH favorite Sulphur.


The match line up we got here at Perth Web Wrestling is below:


Bad Boys of Australia: Retribution


Main Event for the National Championship


Francis Burke © vs Michael Rheur


Win or Be Fired


Frankie Roberston vs Septimus Stubbs


Tag Action


Heaven and Hell vs Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne


The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and his friend.


Also in Action


Dexter Mattell vs ???


Switchblade vs Mercenary


Matty Wills vs Adrian McGhee



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Main Event for the National Championship

Francis Burke © vs Michael Rheur

I don´t see Rheur getting the title next so Burke retain again.


Win or Be Fired

Frankie Roberston vs Septimus Stubbs

Stipulation makes this one Frankie´s match, Horne vs. Robertson will happen. What happen in that match is entirely differend thing but that´s for next card.


Tag Action

Heaven and Hell vs Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne

Big guys over pair of jobbers.


The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and his friend.

Vortex has been doing quite well so far and with mystery man here too it´s just too hard to go against them.


Also in Action

Dexter Mattell vs ???

It´s possible that new guys is a big name who gets big win over one of your top stars but I go with Mattell winning instead as I assume the new guy is here to replace D-Pod.


Switchblade vs Mercenary

Being involved in the main storyline with Frankie, Horne etc. and being more recognizable star thanks to his stint in APW makes Switchblade favorite to win in this one.


Matty Wills vs Adrian McGhee

Perhaps Wills will get his first win here?

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Francis Burke © vs Michael Rheur - Boom. The German... dude makes himself known to Australia.

Frankie Roberston vs Septimus Stubbs - Can't see you actually firing Frankie Robertson. If the stipulation applies to Stubbie as well, well.. he can just sort of quietly disappear backstage.

Heaven and Hell vs Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne - Unless you want to phase the big guys out, I can't see them losing.

The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and his friend. - Vortex and Friend sounds like a promising tag team.

Dexter Mattell vs ??? - I've decided I like ???

Switchblade vs Mercenary - Switchblade has promise.

Matty Wills vs Adrian McGhee - I REALLY HATE ADRIAN MCGHEE!

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Francis Burke © vs Michael Rheur

- Too soon for the Bitter Grumpy German. Bratwurst for all!


Frankie Roberston vs Septimus Stubbs

- I would like to root for Stubbs but... three things 1) he's the booker/player character, 2) his finisher is called the Stubby Puller - which... ewww! and 3) this storyline makes no sense with Robertson falling before fighting BDH.


Heaven and Hell vs Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne

- Big Daddy Sulphur makes the flippy floppys get gotted n' SPLATTED!


The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and his friend.

- Team Friendship is Unsettling for the win!


Dexter Mattell vs ???

- I never bet against ?... nor Triple Threat ?!


Switchblade vs Mercenary

- It took me a moment to realize these two aren't the Drifters. They sound like they should be a team. I'll give it to 'blade, mostly likely via DQ due to the other Drifter driftering by and dropping 'blade on his head.


Matty Wills vs Adrian McGhee

- Is Adrian any relation to Brains? I hated that guy! Not simply because I made him my villainous boss in a short lived (07?) diary I did.

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Main Event for the National Championship

Francis Burke © vs Michael Rheur

I like Rheur for Champ, but may be a little soon.

Win or Be Fired


Frankie Roberston vs Septimus Stubbs


Tag Action



Heaven and Hell vs Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne


The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and his friend.


Also in Action


Dexter Mattell vs ???


Switchblade vs Mercenary


Matty Wills vs Adrian McGhee

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Bad Boys of Australia: Retribution


Laird Lounge


37 Attending


A surprising increase of fans that is more than double of any other show ran so far by the company. A few extra chairs actually had to be brought out so every had a seat as there were many of new faces along with the old standbys such a Sulphur's number one fan. As the fans were settling in they were given a match to watch as they wait for the show proper to start. Reed Buckfield makes his debute, though it isn't on the main show and he takes on Sinner in a rather short and somewhat sloppy bout where Sinner pins the new roster member who did get in a few good flashy high flying moves.







Michael Rheur comes out to start off the show and while he is a good person to have in the ring it might be best for him to never put his hands on the mic. His body language and the rather monotone voice he has along with really showing no emotion as he speaks makes for some bad reactions. The new fans might be scared away as he begins to speak once inside the room.


Rheur: "If I may take a moment to explain myself tonight for my actions against Francis Burke."


There is a bit of an awkward pause as he gazes about and almost looks as if he is trying to think of what he wants to say.


Rheur: "When I signed I personally had a talk with Big Daddy Horne. One of the first things he told me is 'impress me' when I mentioned a title shot. This is nothing against you Francis. You are the champion so that is why you were targeted. I don't care if it was you, Frankie Robertson, Sulphur or maybe even Big Daddy Horne himself. Whoever has the title gets a beating."


There is almost a hint that he might show some emotion, but it might just be the pause from where he seems to try and gather his thoughts.


Rheur: "Tonight I get my shot because last month I impressed the boss. Tonight I will show how impressive I can be when I take that National Championship from you, Francis."


He certainly didn't seem to impress many on the mic. He is better off letting his actions speak for him.


Rating: 12







Adrian McGhee vs Matty Wills with Rose Wills


The two rookies start off with the first match for the show that is being filmed. Both haven't had much success in singles action as of yet and are seeking their first win in that regard. They both show fire and a desire to win, but it is Adrian that starts to get the upperhand at the start of the match as Rose tries to get her brother to fight back. The cheering from her and the fans seem to revitalize Matty and he begins to fight back and take control. The match is a short one and the swing of momentum is all Matty needs to kick the dazed Adrian in the gut then DDT him hard in the center of the ring. Three slaps to the mat later and the young wrestler has his first win.


Winner: Matty Wills


Rating: 18






Taniko Jo come strutting out as if she owns the place. She seems very pleased to be in the company of the two biggest men in the company. She motions to them and gives a light applause as she waits for them to get in the ring. She then grabs the mic and gets in the ring herself and she gives a bit of a formal bow to Big Daddy Horne.


Taniko: "Taniko Jo is proud to have you as Sulphur's partner tonight, Big Daddy. This match is one either of you can win on your own, but together there is no one that can argue that the lowly Heaven and Hell have a chance."


Big Daddy Horne laughs some and seems pleased at the ass kissing he is getting and he slaps Sulphur on the shoulder some. While Big Daddy might be a bit heavier, he is actually shorter than the massive Sulphur which really shows just how big that man is.


Taniko: "So come out, painted warriors. Meet your doom at the hands of the greatest tag team to grace the ring of this company!"


Rating: 52






Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne with Taniko Jo vs Heaven and Hell


For every positive Heaven and Hell bring to the table as a team it is countered by the negative that Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne should never team together again. They just couldn't find any sort of rhythm and it seems each one wanted to be in the match and have the other stand on the apron. Heaven and Hell tried to put up a good fight, but their speed just didn't match up against the size and strength of their opponents and Sulphur manages to get the win for his team when he hits Australian Devil with Depths of Hell slam.


Winner: Sulphur and Big Daddy Horne


Rating: 13






Switchblade vs Mercenary


Switchblade gets himself his first singles match with the promotion as well as Mercenary. Both are brawlers and they compliment one anothers styles well enough. They are probably two of the better of the veteran performers as well and it shows too. The crowd gets behind them and they have a match that really has been on par with some of the main events that the promotion has shown. If Switchblade didn't seem to miss a step every once in awhile it would have been even better. A slip up on Mercenary sees Switchblade wiggle out of a Samoan drop and turn it into a quick rollup for the win.


Winner: Switchblade


Rating: 24






Dexter and Ceri step out looking like their usual confident selves. He doesn't seem to be taking his upcoming match very seriously as he instead seems more intent on mocking some of the crowd before finally getting the mic and getting in the ring.


Dexter: "Here we go again with me and an unknown opponent. What kind of rookie did they get for me to beat up this time? Isn't it about time I get a real challenge? Oh, right. There are no real ones. Frankie can't even beat two old men up and Francis is possibly the luckiest man alive to still have that title."


Ceri grabs the mic before Dexter can finish and she gives him a peck on the cheek before speaking herself.


Ceri: "It's okay, baby. Once again you will keep beating these nobodies and they will come to their senses and let you get a title shot again. They can't hold down greatness for long."


Dexter smiles and he nods as he chuckles and takes the mic back.


Dexter: "You do know how to put me in a better mood quickly. And she is right! No one can hold me down. So bring on the rookie. I will make a statement again tonight!"


His good mood probably won't last long.


Rating: 41




The man that emerges is far from a rookie and Dexter goes a bit wide eyed when he sees who his opponent is.




Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Harley Principal


The fans actually cheer for Harley when he stalks towards the ring and Ceri quickly bails on her man who looks ready to jump out of the ring himself. Instead he tries to strike at Harley as he gets in the ring, but ends up getting overpowered. It looks like in this case he is the rookie that gets beaten up for a statement being made as Harley dominates Dexter as Ceri shouts and looks on in horror as her man is tossed about then put away with the Principal Pumphandle Slam.


Ceri quickly pulls Dexter out of the ring and tries to bring him back around as Harley poses for the crowd.


Winner: Harley Principal


Rating: 22






It might not be the main event, but it might be the most anticipated match of the evening. Septimus Stubbs storms out and he knocks London out of his seat as he grabs the mic and stalks around the ring, pointing fingers at the fans as he shouts.


Stubbs: "Well good to see we can get more morons in this building to watch me put away this annoying pain in the ass once and for all. I wonder how many of ****bakes really think he can win. Well just stop thinking and realize this. Even if he wins here he loses. Big Daddy Horne is waiting in the wings and guess what? If you get to him, Frankie, you get to have yourself a no disqualification match. Your time with this company is coming to an end real ****ing fast, mate."


He tosses the mic away and London scrambles to gather it and get back to his table as Septimus shouts expletives and waits for Frankie.


Rating: 27






Septimus Stubbs vs Frankie Robertson


There is nothing pretty about this match. These are just two men that can't stand one another beating ten kinds of hell out of eachother. The brutality of the match is highlighted when within the first few minutes Septimus has already busted Frankie open with some stiff strikes to the head. This match itself could have been more brutal if it was a no DQ as well, but there were rules to follow and even when the brawl spilled out to the floor the two managed to get back to the ring before the twenty count could be made.


This also turns out to be the longest match in the promotion's short history. Just when it looks like one man was ready to win the other would start to come back. It was almost a stalemate by the time the ten minute mark was reached and the two were still going at one another. By then Septimus was bloodied as well. It comes down to just who has better conditioning as the younger Frankie seems to be able to keep up the tempo as time goes on. It is past the fifteen minute mark when he manages to slip around and lock on the dragon sleeper on Septimus Stubbs in the middle of the ring. Septimus almost gets to the ropes twice only to be pulled away and eventually the older wrestler has to tap out.


Winner: Frankie Robertson


Rating: 24






After the match a bloodied and tired Robertson stands tall and he raises his arms. Big Daddy Horne comes out with a dour look and says nothing as he watches Frankie celebrate. He just shakes his head at the fallen Septimus Stubbs and he turns around to disappear in back once again. Frankie slaps hands with a few people and it looks like he has a date with destiny at the next show. It will be contract vs career in a no DQ match against the owner of the company.


Rating: 29




The Australian People's Party come out for their match and soon Vortex emerges on his own. He is looking about and seems to be paying no one else any mind as he seems to be searching once again. He finally crawls halfway under the ring and there is some laughing from both him and another individual as Vortex can be heard shouting afterwards.


Vortex: "Come friend! Come brother! We have work to do!"


He starts to drag another man out from the ring. Marcus and Matt are looking more and more unsure about things as they see the man pulled out by Vortex. The masked crazy man known as Jester.




The Australian People's Party vs Vortex and Jester


The two rather deranged workers soon crawl into the ring and before the bell can sound they are upon the young duo who are completely caught off guard. Matt spills out of the ring with Vortex as Jester and Marcus fight on the inside. Jester just keeps laughing madly as he seems to take pleasure in beating on his opponent. He actually even attempts to lick the eyeball of Marcus at one point who finally knees the madman in the stomach and tries to fight back. Jester is just too much for him and his partner is kept in check on the outside by Vortex. Jester takes down then climbs the ropes to put Marcus away with a 450 senton.


Winner: Vortex and Jester


Rating: 19


The two winners just snicker and sort of hug onto one another for a few moments before finally exiting the ring. London lets out a huge sigh of relief as he is finally left along for once.








Bad Boys of Australia National Championship: Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Michael Rheur


The match starts fast and Rheur tries to pick up where he left off last month as he looks to keep the quicker Burke grounded with several painful submission holds. The difference is this time Burke isn't already tired from being in a match previously and he has a fighting chance. He starts to chain together several quick strikes and high flying moves to keep Rheur on his toes, but missing a flying elbow allows Rheur to recover and begin working over one of the legs of Francis Burke.


Melissa cheers on the champ who several times has to fight to the rope to break the painful holds being applied and finally starts to surprise Rheur with a few surprise rollups in an attempt to get a pinfall. The fact he can't get Francis to tap is frustrating Rheur to no end and he starts to break out stiff strikes. He tries a release German suplex and surprisingly Francis manages to flip and land on his feet. It is enough to catch Rheur by surprise and he nails the Flying Flip Neckbreaker and scores another victory.


Winner and Still Champion: Francis Burke (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 22


Francis and Melissa hug and celebrate as Rheur just glares at the victor. This may not be over just yet.




- Vortex's friend is revealed. What damage will the duo cause?


- Is next month the last time we see Frankie Robertson?


- Or is it Big Daddy Horne that will hang up his boots?


- Who's next in line against Francis?


Final Rating: 27

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So had some extra time at work and went back through the shows and counted up all those who had guessed and such. The following so far after seven shows looks like this.


Jaded: 3/4 (75%)


Jingo: 26/38 (68%)


GriddleCakes: 28/38 (74%)


borman_48: 5/8 (56%)


MichiganHero: 3/4 (75%)


Zergon: 29/33 (89%)


Belton: 1/4 (25%)


Beeker: 13/17 (76%)


Rare Kuma: 2/4 (50%)


I think after much consideration and seeing Belton coming to the same conclusion I will do something as a prize come the end of the year for two people. The one that gets the most right overall and the one that has the best percentage. Think I will do a four show minimum on the last one so those that have only maybe guessed for one or two shows have plenty of time to at least try to qualify for that one. So far Zergon has been in my head the most after guessing six of the seven shows. There will be two seperate winners no matter what so even if Zergon wins the overall and still has the best percentage I will set him as the overall winner and go to the next person in percentage. Ideas on prizes are below. If anyone wants to suggest another I will consider and probably add to the list. It is early afterall and I might not be thinking of something good just yet!




- Hire an unemployed worker of chosing. This can be wrestler, manager or even a colour commentator since I do not have one yet.


- Pick an already employed worker for a push.


- Pick an already employed tag team for a push.


- Pick a singles feud that will run for a few months.


- Pick a tag feud that runs for a few months.

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Headline: Busy Bad Boys of Australia


The Bad Boys of Australia continue to impress and gain fans in the Western Australia area after being in business for only a handfull of months. It seems they saw an increase of attendees and their DVD sales for past events have increased. To celebrate it looks that a new singles title is being added into the mix. The Australian Future title is for any wrestler on the roster with five years or less experience will be introduced soon. Not only will eight members of the Bad Boys of Australia roster be after the title, but ZEN will be sending four of their own members in an attempt to capture the title for themselves. Bad Boys of Australia have said if a ZEN member wins the title they are able to defend it against anyone that meets the requirements between either company.


There is also a possible tournament in the works to close out the year and be held in December. There are no real details to be found so far and we can only consider it rumors for the time being. The tournament for the Future Australian title begins this month at Bad Boys of Australia: Hostile Intent. This will also mark the show where Big Daddy Horne faces Frankie Robertson in a contract versus career match. The card for the show is below.


Bad Boys of Australia: Hostile Intent


Australian Youth Quarterfinals


Azazel vs Pink Parasite vs Blue Flea


Australian Devil vs Dexter Mattell vs Adrian McGhee


Matty Wills vs Damian Dastardly vs Marcus Kerr


Hallowarped vs Matt Stoppard vs Vortex


Career vs Contract


Big Daddy Horne vs Frankie Robertson


Australian Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Switchblade


Also In Action


Sulphur vs Reed Buckfield


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal


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Azazel vs Pink Parasite vs Blue Flea

I don´t know much about any of these guys but to my knowledge Parasite is the most talented one so I go with him.


Australian Devil vs Dexter Mattell vs Adrian McGhee

Mattell should be able to beat two jobbers.


Matty Wills vs Damian Dastardly vs Marcus Kerr

Tough one. I almost did go with Damian but I assume that he and other ZEN guys are here just for loan and with Parasite already going forward I go with Kerr instead.


Hallowarped vs Matt Stoppard vs Vortex

I really wanted to pick Hallowarped here but again he´s likely just visiting and Vortex has been pretty strong so far.


Career vs Contract


Big Daddy Horne vs Frankie Robertson

I don´t see you dropping Robertson so I guess Horne is retiring.


Australian Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Switchblade

I would love to see Switchblade taking the title but I doubt that will happen.


Also In Action


Sulphur vs Reed Buckfield

Sulphur continues his monster heel routine with another win.


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principle

Could go either way but since Harley did beat Mattell in his first match he would be able to beat Stubbs too.

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Azazel vs Pink Parasite vs Blue Flea

- Pink is better than blue.


Australian Devil vs Dexter Mattell vs Adrian McGhee

- Glasses greater than the letter A.


Matty Wills vs Damian Dastardly vs Marcus Kerr

- Alliteration tops the letter M.


Hallowarped vs Matt Stoppard vs Vortex

- Having a storyline in game helps.


Career vs Contract


Big Daddy Horne vs Frankie Robertson

- I'm gonna say BDH wins... and then retires... just to spite Frankie. Who then returns as a Masked and Mysterious Francois Robertsoon... Masked French Mime wrestler.


Australian Championship Match


Francis Burke vs Switchblade

- Burke remains on top.


Also In Action


Sulphur vs Reed Buckfield

- What the buck!


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principle

- Is it PrinciPAL or PrinciPLE? Studious students wanna know.

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Bad Boys of Australia: Hostile Intent!


Laird Lounge


43 Attending


A crowd much the same size as last month is gathered to see the 'stars' of Bad Boys of Australia tangle. Tonight can be the last night Frankie Robertson might be seen in this promotion or Big Daddy Horne might wrestle his last match. Not only that the first round for the Australian Youth title will be held in four exciting three way matches. It looks like the slight increase in revenue from having a few more fans means that the company is also attempting to look a bit better. The ring looks less shoddy and no longer looks like it might break if a fatty like Sulphur or Horne fell on the mat too hard. London's desk looks more study and the microphone even has a stand now and there....what is this? A second mic!? And this one is wireless? Big spenders.






Dexter and Ceri come out and it looks like those lucky kids get to be the first ones to use the new wireless mic. Dexter quickly scoops it up and he looks a bit annoyed as some fans at ringside remind him of what happened last month.


Dexter: "SHUT UP!"


Yeah, yelling like that never works yet the heels always do it. The fans just laugh some more at him and he waits for them to quiet down before he finally speaks while curling his free arm around Ceri to hug her close.


Dexter: "Don't worry, baby. They are just idiots. They don't understand how they just seem to want to hold me down here. They are too busy caring about that monkey-faced fool Frankie Robertson to notice just how great of talent they have here. Instead they throw me into a match with a madman without letting me be prepared! Now here I am in a match for a chance at a title."


Ceri pouts some and shakes her head and she reaches to take the microphone and kisses her man on the cheek.


Ceri: "And it isn't the right title, baby. You deserve to have a shot at Francis again. I know you can win this time. We already know you are the best of all the younger wrestlers here."


Dexter only seems to nod in agreement as he pulls the mic back over so he can speak to it.


Dexter: "Well we are the only ones that seem to know that. So they want me in t his tournament? I won't only win it, but I will hold that title for however many years I would be allowed to. Three years? Four years? It doesn't matter. I will go on a streak unheard of and they will have to give me another shot! Tonight that streak starts now!"


He tosses the mic to London who bobbles it a few times before getting a grip. There might be a reason why the company was hesitant to get a wireless. Dexter gets in the ring as he makes kissy faces at Ceri and waits for his two opponents.


Rating: 40






Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Australian Devil vs Adrian McGhee


Three rather distinct styles are on display this match. Dexter is a more well rounded type while Adrian is a straight ahead brawler and Devil is a high flier. For the three involved this match goes down rather well. Australian Devil is allowed to hit some of his big moves and he manages not to botch any of them and surprisingly Adrian and Dexter seem to find a good groove when it is just the two of them going at it. Australian Devil manages to take down Adrian with a Shining Wizard, but when he goes up for his finisher he is pushed to the outside of the ring and onto some empty chairs as Dexter scrambles to lock on the STF while Adrian is still down. The already weakened Adrian is forced to tap and Dexter moves onto the semi-finals.


Winner: Dexter Mattell


Rating: 20






Blue Flea vs Pink Parasite vs Azazel


Looks like Azazel got the tough draw and he is against two members of the ZEN roster where the other matches only have zero or one. He gets double teamed at the start, but the alliance doesn't last long and Pink Parasite turns on Blue Flea to try and put him away. It allows Azazel time to recover and he starts to gain momentum as he takes out Pink Parasite with a springboard elbow. He quickly climbs the rope and nails a dazed Blue Flea with a double knee press that he has dubbed Angelic Smite. Pink Parasite can't recover in time to break up the pin and Azazel wins a rather short and messy match.


Winner: Azazel


Rating: 12






After the ring clears Harley Principal comes out and actually stops to grab the microphone. He taps on it a few times and he has a bit of a smirk on his face as he looks around the crowd.


Harley: "It's strange to be at an event working for a chance to where I can actually have a chance at a title. For a long time old Harley here has been through many shows, but the paychecks were never a for sure thing. I have been stiffed. I have walked out. I have punched a no good promoter. Yeah, it feels like I have done almost everything."


He almost has a look of nostalgia on his face as he remembers perhaps one of the fonder memories of his wrestling past. That or he really did enjoy punching that dude in the face.


Harley: "Only thing I have never had a chance to do is win a title. Well that can change and I just gotta keep doing what I do best. Get down and dirty and beat some asses. Last month was that annoying kid who was talking about greatness. He was great at wiping the mat with his ugly mug. Now tonight I got someone I have some history with. I don't have to go in on it, but this won't be a pretty one folks. Stubby, come on you old fart. Lets brawl!"


Rating: 28






Harley Principal vs Septimus Stubbs


Whatever the past is it can't be good because Septimus comes out and just lights up on Harley who is more than happy to return the blows with heavy handed punches. Septimus might still be a bit hurt from the long and tough match he had last month because he does look like he is favoring one of his legs and being a wounded animal in a fight like this is not a good thing. Harley seems to notice and he takes the leg out from under Stubbs. He takes control and never really gives Septimus much of a chance to get back into the match. He nails Septimus with the Principal Pumphandle Slam and gets himself another win.


Winner: Harley Principal


Rating: 18






Harley is slapping hands with a few people and perhaps overstaying his welcome because Sulphur is coming out for his match. Harley turns about and he stands face to face with the monster and he just grins at the frowning giant. Taniko Jo doesn't seem to like what she sees and she moves to get between the men and tells Sulphur to back off. Harley gives them both a wink and makes a throat cutting motion as Sulphur just glares while Taniko Jo tries to get her monster in the ring to get ready for his match.


Rating: 40






Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Reed Buckfield


Today is not a good day to be Reed Buckfield. The already angry Sulphur, as if there is any other kind of Sulphur, manhandles the poor guy quickly and puts him away with a Depths of Hell. After the three count he seems in a hurry to get into the back. Either he is hungry or he is looking for Harley. Both?


Winner: Sulphur


Rating: 10






Marcus Kerr vs Damian Dastardly vs Matty Wills with Rose Wills




Damian seems more intent on trying to flirt with Rose at the start of the match than wrestle. It just annoys Matty and he climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps to the outside on top of the Dastardly one. Of the matches this one does probably feature three of the best in the ring. It makes the match a bit harder to figure out who might just pull it out because all three are doing well with their timing. The Bad Boys members do team up to get rid of Dastardly near the end and start to go at it themselves. Wills manages to stop a suplex attempt by Kerr and reverses it and nails him with a DDT and gets himself the win.


Winner: Matty Wills


Rating: 21








Australian National Championship: Switchblade vs Francis Burke © with Melissa Abernathy


The two men shake hands before the match starts and it looks like top billing will be going to the Frankie vs Horne match. No big surprise given it is a career on the line and said career belongs to the company's owner. The two lock up and Francis looks to use his high flying, but Switchblade seems to have him well scouted and several times both men come to a stalemate. Switchblade might could even get the upperhand if not for something with his timing this match. One too many times he just seems to be late in attempting to reverse or block a move and it costs him. The crowd is getting rather into it when suddenly three men hit the ring and they just start assaulting the two competitors. The three men soon are made out to be The Drifters and Michael Rheur.


Winner: None


Rating: 23






The three men throw Wayne out of the ring and continue their assault on both Switchblade and Francis. They leave both men out cold and then they all look to one another then nod. They all then turn towards the entrance and stand at attention. They remain that way for a few moments and none of them show any real expression before they begin to quietly leave the ring and return to the back. Only a outline of a figure can be seen seemingly awaiting them. Melissa dives into the ring as she tries to revive the two unconcious wrestlers.


Rating: 37






Matt Stoppard vs Hallowarped vs Vortex with Jester


Vortex comes out riding piggyback on Jester and the two are laughing madly as they run outside the ring then kick the chair out from under London. They laugh more and Jester finally puts Vortex down so he can get into the ring. Hallowarped looks like he rather not be in the ring at the moment and in fact he leaves Matt in there against Vortex who leaps on him to attack. Looks like the ZEN member bides his time and slips back in when he sees an opening and takes out Vortex and tries a quick pin on Matt. Jester pulls Hallowarped off and wags a finger at him. He tries to further distract the ZEN member so Vortex can recover and sneak attack. Hallowarped sees it, though and upends Vortex out of the ring and onto Jester and he quickly picks up Stoppard to nail him with a Warp Speed and get a three count before Vortex can get back in.


Winner: Hallowarped


Rating: 20






Contract vs Career: Frankie Robertson vs Big Daddy Horne


The small crowd is firmly ready for this one as Frankie and Big Daddy Horne get in the ring and stare one another down. This match is announced as no disqualification. In the end it might hurt Horne more than help because it gives Frankie access to things like chairs and other things that can help even the playing field. The match starts off with Frankie trying to take the big man off his feet with little success and Big Daddy keeps pushing him away and finally catches him and of all things actually hits him with a belly to belly suplex.


This allows him to take control with that slow, plodding style he is so well known for and he continues to beat on Frankie. There are several times where Frankie starts to fight back and he finally does seem to get things going when he manages to take Daddy down to one knee so he can quickly escape to the outside and grab a chair. He climbs in and he looks to swing it only to have Horne punch it away and then toss Frankie out of the ring once more. The two battle on the outside against one another and many people look stunned to see a Big Daddy Horne match reach and even go past the ten minute back.


Frankie is busted open once again when he is driven face first into the ringpost on the outside and Big Daddy Horne looks as if he is ready to finish things. He hefts the weakened Frankie up and tosses him in the ring. When he starts to climb in, Frankie pops up and looks to be playing possum. He locks on the dragon sleeper and the big man staggers about and tries to pull Frankie off. Given how long the match has gone it looks like there is hardly anything left in Big Daddy's tank and he struggles and motions towards the back. No one ever comes out to his aid and instead several of the faces on t he roster step out and watch on as they cheer Frankie. Horne fades and slumps over. His arm is raised a few times and the bell is rung. Frankie wins!


Winner: Frankie Robertson


Rating: 23






Frankie bloodied and battered staggers about the ring and the faces that came out come to congratulate him. Francis and Switchblade are not seen, but Matty Wills, Heaven and Hell, Harley Principal are all there to slap Frankie on the back and hug him. Septimus Stubbs eventually steps out and has a dour, but actually defeated look as he stares at the unconcious Big Daddy Horne. He just shakes his head and leaves.


Rating: 23




- Big Daddy is forced to retire. What is next for the owner?


- Does Frankie get closure and get to move on finally?


- What is stirring with between the mystery person, Michael Rheur and The Drifters?


- How many more times in this diary will I keep messing up Principal's last name!?



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Interview with Big Daddy Horne



A member here at Perth Web Wrestling was able to get ahold of Big Daddy Horne a few days following his loss to Frankie Robertson and find out if this truely was the last match for the big man. Below are the answers to the questions we got to ask him.


PWW: What made you decide to retire?


BDH: Age I think. I never wanted to admit it, but getting back into the ring and trying to keep up with the younger guys is rough. I don't know how Stubbs does it still. He is only three years younger than me, but he can still go at it as if he was in his mid thirties instead of mid fourties. I could maybe wrestle another year, but my time in the ring is so limited these days I would just be trying to fool myself.


PWW: You mentioned your booker, Septimus Stubbs. What is having him around for a booker like?


BDH: *Laugh* He's an asshole, but he has a mind for the business. We argue before every show and usually argue for a good week on what to do next. I admit I am stingy on what we can pay talent, but he makes it work somehow. We still make money and we are starting to get a bit of a following. I think most people never would expect us to still be holding shows.


PWW: So now that you are done with the ring what are your plans?


BDH: Oh I will still be around. I can't let Stubbs do everything on his own. In fact his duties are going to lighten a slight bit now. I am going to take over road agent duties which he had been doing as well as booking.


PWW: Overall are you happy with the company?


BDH: In some ways, yes. First of all we are making money. That is always a good thing. I am still iffy on our relationship with ZEN, but Stubby insists we stay on good terms. I would rather try to work with Deep Impact, but Comedian wouldn't return calls to either of us so I guess he has no interest. There are guys I would like to get rid of and replace, but that is a whole can of worms I won't bring up. That is for something for me and Stubbs to argue about in private.


PWW: Who do you see as the big stars of your company?


BDH: Feels like a bit of a loaded question. Francis we obviously have faith in. He is our first champ. Frankie can really be someone that helps carry us forward. I still pick Sulphur as a personal favorite and I would like to help continue being a big name for us.


PWW: Anything else you would like to add?


BDH: Just one thing. We aren't going anywhere so get used to having us around. We are the Bad Boys of Australia and we still got a few tricks up our sleeves. Stubbs has something big planned for December so keep an eye out.


PWW: Thanks for your time.


Big surprise in December? It should be interesting to see what Big Daddy Horne is up to and if his little company that could can continue to gain new fans and provide some more competition to the Australian Wrestling scene.

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Bad Boys of Australia: Questions Need Answering


Michael Rheur and the Drifters made their presence known last month despite not having a match. The three men took out National Champion Francis Burke and his opponent for the night Switchblade leaving no clear winner. Rheur has a past with Burke despite a brief stay with the company, but as to why the drifters are with him is unknown. Not only that the three look to answer to a higher power that did not reveal himself. Just what might be going on?


Beyond that the tournament for the Australian Youth title has gone from twelve to four as three members of the Bad Boys remain along with Hallowarped from ZEN who looks to bring the title home to his own company.


With Big Daddy Horne retired, Frankie Robertson's war may finally be over. It seems his achievements have not gone unnoticed and he will get his own shot at the National Championship this time around. Does he still have enough gas in the tank after two brutal battles to take the title or will Francis Burke continue his reign?


Bad Boys of Australia: Close to the Edge


National Championship Bout


Frankie Robertson vs Francis Burke ©


Australian Youth Semi-Finals


Matty Wills vs Hallowarped


Azazel vs Dexter Mattell


Also in Action


Septimus Stubbs vs Reed Buckfield


Sulphur vs Harley Principal


Jester vs Switchblade


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

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National Championship Bout


Frankie Robertson vs Francis Burke ©

Frankie might have dealt with Horne but Stubb or Sulphur could still cause problems so I go with Burke keeping the belt with him.


Australian Youth Semi-Finals


Matty Wills vs Hallowarped

Seems that Matty will get the push he deserves now.


Azazel vs Dexter Mattell

Suprised to see Azazel getting this far but I don´t see him going over Mattell.


Also in Action


Septimus Stubbs vs Reed Buckfield

Reed is just another jobber.


Sulphur vs Harley Principal

Double count out draw to keep both guys strong.


Jester vs Switchblade

Probably two of my favorite guys from your current roster. So far Switchblade seems to be the one who is higher on pecking order.


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

Could go either way but I like Kerr more so that´s where I go.

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Frankie Robertson vs Francis Burke ©

- you do NOT retire the boss and then get his company's top belt. That's just unthunkable! Bad Frankie. Greedy Frankie!


Australian Youth Semi-Finals


Matty Wills vs Hallowarped

- seems Hallowarped brings the goods in Australia.


Azazel vs Dexter Mattell

- Dexter's Midnight Runners continue to roll thanks to night-vision spectacles.


Also in Action


Septimus Stubbs vs Reed Buckfield

- Reed Buckfield is a name that screams JOBBER to me.


Sulphur vs Harley Principal

- School's in session! Sulphur gets sent to detention. BDH cries.


Jester vs Switchblade

- I like his mask.


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

-I have my reasons. Beeker going for some other Ker®.

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National Championship Bout


Frankie Robertson vs Francis Burke ©


Australian Youth Semi-Finals


Matty Wills vs Hallowarped


Azazel vs Dexter Mattell


Also in Action

Septimus Stubbs vs Reed Buckfield


Sulphur vs Harley Principal


Jester vs Switchblade


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

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Hey, Voeltzwagon! (by the way, how did you come up with that name?)


Since I absolutely love the Australian wrestling scene in TEW '13, it would be irresponsible to not read your dynasty. And so I did over the last few days, and I have to say that I definitely like it. It's a nice concept, your shows are interesting and well-written, you've got some nice characters built up so far - although I don't agree with your portrayal of Vortex, but that's personal preference - and I really enjoy the arguments between Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs and the display of the first-mentioned as a pretty naive, foolish big man.


I hope you'll go on with your story, despite mentioned changes in real life, and I'm certainly gonna follow it.

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