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Please note: All future episodes of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling, beginning with the 1-1-13 show, will now be posted in this 'Universal Wrestling League' thread in the 'TEW 2013 Dynasty' section.


All first-time readers: Welcome to the new Universal Wrestling League thread. This thread is a continuation of the one I posted in the 'TEW 2010 Dynasty' section. For a backgrounder on the UWL and a re-cap of previous episodes of 'Slam!' wrestling through 12-25-12, please go to the 'Universal Wrestling League' thread in the 'TEW 2010 Dynasty' section.


Hope you enjoy the UWL!

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IT'S 2013!!!


- Dallas Page battles Ken Patera in a completely enclosed steel cage! If Page wins the match he gets a spot in the match later in the program for the vacated President's Championship!




- MATCH FOR THE VACATED PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Harley Race (and possibly Dallas Page)


- UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Hall & Nash © vs. The Dog Pound


NON-TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. ???




Ep. 102 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Tuesday, Jan. 1.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Show opened with a shot of the enclosed cage surrounding the ring. Announcers welcomed viewers.)


(Video footage aired from last week of Watts telling DDP he could be in the match for the vacated President's Championship this week if he beat Ken Patera, who Page defeated three weeks earlier thanks to help from 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin, in a completely enclosed steel cage. Watts admitted the cage was constructed that way in an effort to keep Garvin out of the match. DDP reluctantly accepted the terms of the match as it was the only way he had a chance to get into the PC match later in the evening.)


Match 1 (Completely Enclosed Steel Cage Match - If Page wins, he gets a spot in the President's Championship match later tonight!)

DDP vs. Ken Patera


(Patera came to the ring first to a strong ovation. When Patera got to the cage, he looked over the steel structure. DDP came out to almost unanimous boos. DDP walked around looking at the cage and tugging on the steel mesh before getting in the ring.


Wild battle between these two. Page lacerated Patera early in the match by slamming Ken's head into the cage. Patera would return the favor a few minutes later by doing the same thing to Page. Page tried to catch Patera with the Diamond Cutter in the middle of the match but Patera was able to wriggle out of DDP's grasp before DDP could perform the maneuver. Both men had pin attempts during the match. DDP also gained an advantage at one point by thumbing Patera in the eye and another time, unwrapping tape from around his hand and strangling Patera with it.


At the end of the match, Patera had DDP in the corner. Patera was standing on the middle buckle and popping DDP in the head with punches when DDP grabbed Patera and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Patera crashed to the mat. As Patera got to his feet he was bent over. DDP moved in and blasted Patera with a jumping DDT. DDP for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. DDP got up and put the boots to Patera. DDP pulled Patera up and whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a side slam. DDP jumped to his feet and made the Diamond sign, signaling it was time for the Diamond Cutter. Patera got up and turned right into DDP's grasp and DDP nailed the Cutter. DDP went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Patera barely kicked out. DDP in disbelief. Ron Garvin came running to the ring with a pair of bolt cutters. DDP looked over and saw Ron at the cage door. As Ron started to try and cut the chain that locked the door, the official on the floor grabbed the cutters and a struggle ensued. DDP was taking it all in. Suddenly, four members of UWL security came charging to the ring and tackled Garvin to the floor as the crowd exploded. DDP still looking at the scene on the floor as Patera recovered behind him. A member of the security team zip-tied Garvin's hands as the other three security members held him down. DDP was angry and yelling at the security team as Patera was now on his feet behind DDP. DDP in disbelief as security got Garvin to this feet and led him back up the aisle. DDP not paying attention to Patera and still yelling at security. DDP finally turned around and Patera stunned DDP with his Russian hammer. Crowd eating it up. Patera then grabbed DDP in the full nelson and blasted DDP with his full nelson slam. Patera covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd erupted. A bloody Patera got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory. DDP still laying in the ring as the victorious Patera exited the cage to the cheers of the crowd. WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 12:12)


(Announcers discussed Patera beating DDP in a bloody cage match and DDP losing his chance at getting a spot in the match for the vacant President's Championship and Ron Garvin trying to get in the cage using bolt cutters and being zip-tied and hauled off by security. Anns. then ran down the rest of program: PC Match for the vacated title: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; UWL World Tag Team Title Match: Hall & Nash © vs. Dog Pound; Non-Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. ???; a look back at Valentine's Christmas night assault on Piper on 'Slam!' that left a bloody Piper laying in the ring and the aftermath you didn't see on TV last week; and more! Said Pres. Watts was coming up next!)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Pres. Watts came out in street clothes and had a mic. Watts got a decent ovation coming to the ring and still had his left arm in a sling.


BW: "I have a few things I need to tell you fans.


"First, since it's a new year, we've made a rule change here in the UWL. We know UWL fans like action. Sometimes in the heat of battle the action can spill out of the ring and two competitiors are battling so furiously they can forget that they have a 10-count to get back in the ring. Count outs are rare here in the UWL and we want to keep it that way. So beginning tonight, there will be no more 10-count to get back in the ring. Instead, wrestlers will now have until the count of 20 to get back in the ring. A 10-count just wasn't long enough. You fans want to see guys fight it out and see winners and losers because that's what pro wrestling is all about. Going to a 20-count all but assures there will be virtually no more count outs in the UWL.


"The second thing I want to bring up is the President's Championship. The President's Championship is the number two singles' title in the company. It ranks right behind the World Title. So, the winner of tonight's match for the vacated President's Championship, whether it be Harley Race or Wahoo McDaniel, will get a World Title shot against Roddy Piper next week on 'Slam!'"


Crowd cheered.


BW: "And, also beginning here in 2013, we're gonna start announcing the UWL's Top 5 Contenders for the World Title every week. It should be interesting to see who the top 5 are on a weekly basis and we're sure some of the contenders chosen by the UWL Championship Committee will generate controversy.


"There you have it! 2013 is gonna be a great year for the UWL just like 2012 was! Let's hook 'em..."


Out on the entrance stage walked Ole Anderson in street clothes and holding a mic.


Ole: "Watts, judging by the fact that your arm is still in that sling it's obvious that 2012 heading into 2013 has not been a great time for you. I'm suprised that there's been no Bill Watts bravado coming from you tonight; telling all these people what you're going to do to me when your arm heals...if it ever heals, to be more precise.


"You say you want a re-match with me. When's that gonna be, Watts? 2013? 2014 or '15? Maybe when the next Presidential election rolls around? I don't know if I have the patience to wait around that long. It might be time to face reality. I did far more damage to your left arm than you want to admit."


BW: "Ole, I can tell you that my arm is healing. And, you and I, we're gonna be meeting in a re-match a lot sooner than you think."


Ole: "I'll believe it when, no, check that, if it happens. Until then, I think I really did a number on that arm at 'Holiday Havoc' and you just can't admit it to yourself. You're in denial. Even if you were ever able to regain use of that arm, do you really want to tangle with me in another match? I'll work the left arm again and you'll leave the ring in worse shape than the last time. You need to think about your quality of life heading into the future, Bill. Do you really want to tempt the fates again?"


BW: "Listen! I am willing to tempt those fates again just to have one more match with you, Ole! It's worth risking the long-term use of my arm just to get my hands on you! Life holds no guarantees! And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let what you did to me go without a response! The re-match will happen! The only question now is when and not if!"


Ole: "I'm not holding my breath, Mr. President."


Watts glared at Ole and Ole turned and calmly headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the Watts-Ole confrontation and the UWL rule change. Hyped still to come: PC Match for the vacated title: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; UWL World Tag team Title Match: Hall & nash © vs. Dog Pound; Non-Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. ???; a look back at Valentine's Christmas night assault on Piper on last week's 'Slam!' that left a bloody Piper laying in the ring and the aftermath you didn't see on TV last week; and more! Said Brunzell vs. Grog was next!)


Match 2

Grog (w/ Father Dutch) vs. Jim Brunzell


(Gregorian chants echoed throughout the arena as Father Dutch and the masked Grog came to the ring to decent boos. Brunzell got a fair ovation coming to the ring.


Announcers pointed out that Brunzell and tag partner Brian Blair appeared to be having some problems after they lost their most recent tag matches on 'Slam!'. Though they appeared to smooth things over after some heated moments in the ring, anns. wondered if there was still trouble lying just under the surface.


Brunzell actually gave Grog a fight and the fans got behind Brunzell during the match. At one point, FD got up on the apron and Brunzell clotheslined him to the floor. During the match, Blair, in street clothes, came running to ringside. Blair was staunchly behind his tag team partner.


At the end of the match, Grog had gained the advantage. Grog whipped Brunzell into the buckles. Grog charged on Brunzell but Brunzell caught Grog with a boot to the face. Grog spun around and was hunched over and Brunzell jumped off the middle buckle onto Grog's shoulders. Grog walking around the ring with Brunzell on his shoulders as Brunzell popped Grog in the head with punches. The staggered Grog then stunned Brunzell with an electric chair slam. Brunzell laid out. Blair now pounding on the apron for Brunzell to recover. Grog picked up Brunzell and blasted him with his pumphandle slam. Grog covered Brunzell. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref then raised Grog's hand in victory. A dejected Blair stood with his head hund down and hands on the apron at ringside.


After Grog and Father Dutch left, Blair made his way into the ring as Brunzell was recovering. Blair started helping Brunzell to his feet when Brunzell shoved Blair away. Brunzell now standing. Blair went over and said something to Brunzell and Brunzell got right in Blair's face and looked to be going off on Blair. Blair threw his hands up and went to walk away from Brunzell but Brunzell grabbed Blair by the shoulder and spun Blair back in his direction. The two now started arguing back-and-forth. Brunzell then angrily turned away from Blair and was facing the other way as Blair looked on. Brunzell, standing with hands on hips, seemed to be staring out into nowhere. Blair walked back over to him and said something and Brunzell subtly shook his head 'yes'. Blair then signaled they should leave the ring and they did together. The two walked back up the aisle together; but neither said a word to the other.


WINNER: Grog - Pinfall - Pumphandle Slam - 6:38)


(Announcers discussed Grog beating Brunzell and more apparent friction between Blair and Brunzell after the match. Hyped still to come: PC Match for the vacated title: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; UWL World Tag team Title Match: Hall & nash © vs. Dog Pound; a look back at Valentine's Christmas night assault on Piper on last week's 'Slam!' that left a bloody Piper laying in the ring and the aftermath you didn't see on TV last week; and more! Said the Non-Title Match: Tina Ferrari © vs. ??? was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Jan. 5 @ 10am EST!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari. She was wearing the title. Asked about her match tonight against a mystery opponent.


Tina: "Larry, how many times has this happened to me now? President Watts made Queen Kong my opponent in a title match at 'Thunderstruck' on short notice. What happened? I beat her. Watts then tried to shock me by having me wrestle Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota, also on short notice? I won that match, too. Then, Watts threw me into a Gauntlet match with the Women's World Title on the line at 'Holiday Havoc'. Had to defend this title against three women, including Lita. What happened there? I defeated all three women and still hold the gold. Whoever this suprise wrestler is I'm facing tonight, I'm not worried. I've proven myself time and again. It's becoming redundant. When I wrestle, you might as well just tack on another number in the 'W' column for me. That zero in that I still have in 'L' column's not changing tonight. So, I'm sure Watts has a real dandy lined up for me to face in just a few minutes. She'll just be another victim in Tina Ferrari's growing list of victims. The soooner I get out there, the sooner I can get this over with."


Ferrari left the interview area as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


Match 3 (Non-Title)

Tina Ferrari © vs. ???


(Ferrari came to the ring first to pretty strong boos. Ferrari was wearing one of her gaudy robes and her trademark tiara. She had the title on under her robe.


After a pause, her opponent was introduced. Crowd exploded when out came Kelly Kelly.


Ferrari paced around in the ring as Kelly Kelly came down the aisle and slapped hands with fans along the way.


Kelly Kelly gave Tina a fight and took the majority of the match from the Women's World Champ. Kelly came close to winning on a couple of occasions but Tina barely escaped defeat.


At the end of the match, Tina was on the offensive. Tina whipped Kelly into the ropes and caught Kelly coming off in the firearm's carry position and in one fluid motion Tina nailed Kelly with a Samoan Drop. Kelly laid out. Tina then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash but Kelly got her knees up and Tina crashed into them. Tina down on the mat. Both women slowly made it to their feet. Kelly up as Tina got up bent over. Kelly nailed Tina with the K2 (legdrop bulldog). Tina down. Kelly for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Tina got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Kelly grabbed Tina and whipped her into the buckles and came in with a handspring elbow smash but Tina moved and Kelly smashed into the buckles. Tina took immediate advanatage and nailed Kelly with some punches and then whipped Kelly into the ropes and caught Kelly coming off with a kick to the gut. Tina then blasted Kelly with a DDT. Tina covered Kelly and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref then raised Tina's hand in victory.


WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - DDT - 7:29)


(After the match: Tina took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


Tina: "President Watts! Listen up! You keep suprising me with these different opponents in the hopes that one of them, just one of them, will be good enough to beat me! Kelly Kelly wound up just like the rest of them...a loser! You go ahead and keep throwing your suprise opponents at me! And I'll keep sending them back to you stained in defeat! No woman wrestler can stop me because I'm powered by the spirit of Mildred!")


(Announcers discussed Tina defeating mystery opponent Kelly.


Pedicino: "Whatever one thinks of Tina Ferrari you've got to hand it to her. No matter who she's faced she's beaten. This is one lady that backs up her words in that ring."


Hyped still to come: PC Match for the vacated title: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; UWL World Tag team Title Match: Hall & nash © vs. Dog Pound. Said a look back at Valentine's Christmas night assault on Piper on last week's 'Slam!' that left a bloody Piper laying in the ring and the aftermath you didn't see on TV last week was next!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week's Christmas night assault by Greg Valentine on World Champ Piper.


VIDEO (Edited):


In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Roddy Piper.


Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and the fans erupted when Piper came out on the entrance stage. Piper was in street clothes and had the belt slung over his shoulder.


RP: "Ho! Ho! Ho!"


Crowd roared.


RP: "I've got the best gift I could have gotten hanging right here on my shoulder! 2012 started out as a bleak year for me! But, as you can see, it ended great! And there's nothing better than being able to spend Christmas with a few thousand of your closest friends!"


More cheers.


LM: "One man who is not having a good Christmas is Greg Valentine."


RP: "I know he's not. And that's another great gift!"


LM: "Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart have made it quite clear that they are angling for the World Title re-match with you on a specific date. They won't tip their hand as to when that date is. But, they have promised that they are going to make things as unpleasant for you as possible leading up to it."


RP: "Oooooooohhhhhhhhh! I have no doubt that Valentine and Egg Head have a few tricks up their sleeve for me! Since Valentine is the former World Champion, he does have the right to a re-match! And, Greg Valentine, let me tell you, mister! You can pick whatever date you want for the re-match! because 'Hot Rod' is good and ready for you, man!"


Crowd cheered.


Suddenly, Santa Claus came walking down the aisle. He was carrying his red gift bag and it was very thin.


Stack: "That's an awfully thin gift bag Santa has."


Santa waved to the fans on the way to the ring and then got up on the apron and turned and waved to them again.


RP: "I can't believe it! The jolly fat man in the red suit is here! Let's hear it for Santa Claus!"


Crowd cheered as Santa got in the ring and walked around and waved some more. He walked in front of Piper and Marshall and waved to them and they waved back.


RP: "Santa! Say a few words to these fans, will ya?!"


Santa shyly shook his head 'no' and continued to walk around and wave to the fans.


RP: "He used to say a lot when I was a kid and sat on his lap at the mall! Santa might have a sore throat from flying around all night in this cold air! I know if I was St. Nick, I'd move my operation to Phoenix year around!"


Santa started walking behind Piper and Marshall.


RP: "What a night! The new UWL World Champion and Santa in the same ring! What are the odds that would ha..."




Santa cracked Piper across the upper back with his gift bag. Piper crashed to the mat. Marshall dropped the mic and bailed from the ring. Sanata then put the boots to the downed Piper. Santa then reached into the gift bag and pulled out a steel chair. Crowd buzzing. Santa placed the chair in the middle of the ring and grabbed Piper. Santa then lined Piper's face up over the chair and blasted Piper with a Hammerhead (aka, Pedigree). Santa turned and pulled off his hat and beard and revealed himself to be Greg Valentine. Crowd booed loudly. Valentine went over and picked up the mic left by Marshall. Piper rolled over on his back and his face was a bloody mess.


GV: "Hey, Piper! Merry (bleep)ing Christmas!"


Crowd seemed stunned by the word that was bleeped for TV. Some had their hands over their mouths. Valentine stood over the downed Piper. Crowd popped as Wahoo came charging to the ring with his own chair. valentine quickly bailed to the floor as Wahoo hit the ring. Wahoo glared at Valentine briefly before kneeling down to check on Piper. Valentine looked on as he backed up up the aisle before turning and heading to the back.


Later that night backstage (footage that didn't air last week):


A cameraman was standing in the locker room where Valentine was now getting dressed. He had on slacks and a black button-up dress shirt that was still unbuttoned in the front. Hart was also there. Valentine was talking with Hart.


GV: "Did you see the way Piper's face slammed into that chair? Heh heh. I really opened him up. Fitting that he's wearing a blood red mask on Christamas. Your Santa Claus idea, Gary, that was brilliant."


Hart: "I thought Piper would fall for it. He had his guard down because he didn't think you were in the building tonight."


GV: "By the time our re-match rolls around Piper's not gonna know what hit him. He's in such..."


Off-camera, the door was heard slamming open. A bloody Piper charged into the dressing room and attacked Valentine as Hart backed off. Piper had driven Valentine into a dressing stall and was standing over Valentine and firing away with punches as Valentine put his ams up in attempt to defend himself. Wahoo McDaniel, Lex Luger and Arn Anderson came into the dressing room and, after a brief struggle, were able to pull the enraged Piper off of Valentine. Valentine got to his feet as the Anderson brothers came in and kept Valentine at bay. Hart standing behind Valentine.


GV: "You're lucky your buddies came in and saved you, Piper, or you would have been in for a serious thrashing!"


Piper trying to break free of Wahoo, Arn and Lex's grasp and get back at Valentine. Anderson brothers stood around Valentine. Piper struggled a little more as Valentine grabbed an unfolded steel chair. Chaotic scene.


GV: "C'mon!"


Piper still fuming.


Lex: "Not now, Roddy! You'll get him later!"


Wahoo, Arn and Luger were able to lead Piper out of the locker room as Greg stood seething with chair in hand as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Piper gaining a measure of revenge last week after Greg, dressed as Santa, bloodied Piper in the ring. Hyped still to come: PC Match for the vacated title: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel. Said the UWL World Tag team Title Match: Hall & Nash © vs. Dog Pound was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Harley Race w/ JJ Dillon. Asked about tonight's match for the vacated PC Title and a possible shot at the WT next week.


HR: "What we are looking at over the next two weeks is the chance for me to win the two biggest titles in the UWL. I win tonight and I am the first 3-time President's Champion in history. And then, I defeat Roddy Piper next week and I'm a World Champion for the ninth time in my career! That makes 12 title reigns I've had right there! And then when you add in all the other championships I've held the number becomes astronomical!


"Wahoo McDaniel! We meet again tonight! We've wrestled each other so many times in our careers that we can practically read each other's minds in that ring! We often know what each of us is about to do before we even do it! That's where the element of human chess really kicks in! Which one of us is gonna make that one key move during the match that leads to victory?! I want that President's Championship for a third time! And I want that World Title shot next week! I intend to be the man that digs down just that much deeper tonight, pulls out that one move and wins the match!"


JJ: "A great opportunity lies before JJ Dillon Enterprises tonight. Harley Race can win the President's Championship for the third time. And he can become the new World Champion next week. I want that World Title back in the camp of JJ Dillon Enterprises! This is the place that it belongs! And no one deserves it more than Harley Race! He is a champion among champions; one of the most decorated wrestlers in the history of the mat wars! Roddy Piper, you're World Title reign could be in serious jeopardy next week!")


Match 4 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Hall & Nash © (w/ DiBiase) vs. The Dog Pound


(Typical Dog Pound entrance. Came barking to the ring. Rick and Buzz climbed into the front row of seats and stood on a couple of chairs and barked and the crowd barked back. The pair then got in the ring and ran around barking and again the crowd returned the favor.


Hall, Nash and DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Hall and Nash were wearing the belts. They briefly played to the crowd once in the ring.


Ref took the titles and held them up for all to see and then handed them off to r.a. Marshall. Ref called both teams out to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted all four men down. Ref then sent all four men to their respective corners. DiBiase had words with Hall and Nash before he left the ring.


Ref called for the bell and Steiner and Hall started the match. Dog Pound came out on fire in this match and took it to the champs early before Hall and Nash, using a little help from DiBiase, fought their way back into the bout. Match turned into a back-and-forth battle with the Pound coming tantilizingly close to winning the titles on a couple of occasions but not being able to seal the deal to the consternation of the crowd.


At the end of the match, Steiner and Nash were the legal men in the ring. Nash was on the offensive. Nash whipped Steiner into the ropes and caught Rick coming off with a brutal clothesline. Steiner crashed to the mat. Nash then grabbed Steiner and hoisted Steiner up for the jack-knife powerbomb. Once up in the air, Steiner nailed Nash with a series of head shots. Nash crashed to the mat with Steiner sitting on his chest. Steiner reached back and grabbed Nash's legs and went for the cover. 1...2... Hall hit the ring and broke up the pin try and kicking Steiner in the side of the head. Steiner went down. Sawyer hit the ring and dropkicked Hall over the top rope and down to the floor. Sawyer followed Hall out to the floor. DiBiase looked to sneak attack Sawyer but Buzz spun around and stunned DiBiase with a couple of punches and then floored Ted with a clothesline. Crowd popped.


In the ring, Steiner dropped Nash with a Steiner line. Nash got up and Steiner repeated the move with the same result. Nash got up again and walked right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Steiner. Steiner went for the cover. 1...2... Nash kicked out. On the floor, Buzz was brawling with Hall. In ring, Steiner whipped Nash into the ropes and caught Nash coming off with a kick to the gut that doubled Nash over. Steiner started to lock Nash into position for the double underhook powerbomb but Nash blocked it and backdropped Steiner to the canvas. On the floor, Sawyer was again on the offensive against Hall when DiBiase Pearl Harbored Buzz and Hall and Ted were now working over Buzz. Back in the ring, Nash and Steiner got to their feet and Nash stunned Steiner with a kick to the gut that double over Steiner. Nash grabbed Steiner and nailed him with the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash covered Steiner and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and went over and took the titles from r.a. Marshall and said something to Marshall. On the floor, Hall and DiBiase sent Buzz crashing back first into the ringisde barricade and Buzz went down in a heap on the floor as Hall put the boots to him. Ref handed Nash his title in the ring and then raised Nash's hand in victory. Ref then leaned throught the ropes to hand Hall his belt and Hall yanked the belt out of the ref's and then nailed the ref in the side of the head with the title. Ref crashed to the mat. Hall, Nash and Ted all met at the entrance aisle and Hall and Nash held their titles up as the Dog Pound was laid out in the ring and on the floor. Firm members then made their way to the back. WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Steiner with the Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 11:21)


(Announcers discussed Hall & Nash reatining the titles against the Dog Pound. Said the match for vacant President's Championship was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Wahoo McDaniel. Asked Wahoo about the match tonight and the possibility of facing good friend Roddy Piper for the WT next week.


WM: "Larry, I am completely focused on the match at hand. Harley and me have wrestled each other a number of times over the years. They've been great battles. And I don't expect any different tonight. It will be a fight to the finish. It will come down to whose got that little extra something at the end to decide the outcome. When you've wrestled someone several times in the past, it's important to change things up a little since you know each other so well. I've got some ideas on what I want to do out there that should suprise Harley. But at the end of the night, the bottom line is I want to walk out of that ring as a 2-time President's Champion.


"As for the possibility of facing my good friend Roddy Piper for the World Title next week, it would be an intriguing match-up to say the least. When you get in that ring it's about winning. Friendship has to be put aside. I would love the chance to win the UWL World Title again. And if it happens, no matter the outcome, Roddy and I will remain firm friends. Once that bell rings, things are all business. And I aim to take care of business.")


Match 5 (Match for the vacant President's Championship)

Harley Race (w/ JJ) vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(Race and JJ came to the ring first to pretty strong boos. Wahoo got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Ref held up the vacated title for all to see and then called Race and Wahoo out to the center of the ring. Ref laid down the rules and patted each man down and sent each man a neutral corner. Race and JJ had words before JJ left the ring.


Ref called for the bell. Announcers said they would stay with the match to its conclusion.


Race and Wahoo battled just like two guys who knew each others ring style really well. During the match, Race resorted to some heel tactics. He tried to pin Wahoo with his feet on the ropes; raked Wahoo's eyes; and grabbed the top rope for extra leverage when he had Wahoo locked in the abdominal stretch.


At the end of the match, Race was on the offensive. Race bodyslammed Wahoo into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt that connected. Race for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Race pulled Wahoo up, leaned Wahoo against the ropes and popped Wahoo with a couple of head shots and then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and stunned Race with a flying crossbody. Wahoo crashed down on top of Race and went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Race kicked out. Race and Wahoo got to their feet and Wahoo laid into Race with a series of chops and then whipped Race into the buckles. Wahoo followed Race in with a running big splash. Race staggered out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Race got to his feet. When Race got up, Wahoo nailed Race with a chop to the head from off the top buckle. Race again crashed to the mat.


Tully Blanchard, in street clothes, came charging to the ring. Crowd popped as Piper, in his ring gear (minus the kilt), came charging out not far behind Tully. Wahoo turned and saw Tully as Tully grabbed the middle rope and prepared to climb up on the apron. Piper yanked Tully down and started blasting Tully with punches. Tully staggered back into the aisle as Piper methodically stalked him. Tully then took off and ran back around the side of the stage with Piper giving chase. This led to JJ climbing to the top buckle and coming off with an attmpted double sledge on Wahoo and Wahoo turning and nailing JJ with a gut punch and then a series of blistering chops. Wahoo then grabbed JJ and threw him over the top rope down to the floor. Crowd eating it up. Race recovering. Wahoo moved towards Race when Dusty Rhodes, in a thong and shower shoes (just kidding! :p), in street clothes, came down to the ring and was standing on the floor. Mixed crowd reax to his appearance. Wahoo got distracted and went over by the ropes and started yelling at Rhodes. Race had recovered and came up behind Wahoo and drove a knee into Wahoo's back and Wahoo tumbled through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Race went to leave the ring but the ref ordered him back. Dusty stood back as Wahoo was down on the floor. Ref began his count as Wahoo started to stir. Race came over and looked to go after Wahoo but the ref stopped him and ordered him back again.


Race started arguing with the ref. Ref was now distracted. Wahoo got to his feet next to the apron. Rhodes came up behind Wahoo , dropped to a knee and nailed Wahoo with a low-blow. Wahoo hurting. Rhodes threw Wahoo back in the ring. Wahoo laying on the mat. Race stopped arguing with the ref and went over and grabbed Wahoo, hoisted Wahoo up and blasted the Chief with his piledriver finisher. Race covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Dusty looking on from the aisle with a sly smile on his face. Ref took the title from r.a. Marshall and had a few words for him. Ref handed the belt to Race and raised Race's hand in victory. Race held the title in the air as JJ got in the ring. When JJ saw Race had won, he started celebrating and hugged his man.


LM: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 9 minutes, 52 seconds, your winner...and for the third time President's Champion...Harley Race!"


JJ then raised Race's hand in victory to more boos before the pair left the ring.


As Race and JJ headed back up the aisle, Piper came charging back out to the ring. Piper hit the ring and briefly talked to Wahoo, who was now sitting up. Piper then started having a conversation with ref and talked briefly with the ref. Piper was angry. Piper went over and kicked the bottom rope as Wahoo made it to his feet. Wahoo grabbing the back of his neck as Piper had words with the Chief as the program went off with air with the announcers hyping the UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC) next week! WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 9:52)




Dark Match

Roddy Piper © & Arn Anderson vs. Rip Oliver © & Greg Valentine (w/ Hart)

(WINNER: Piper & Anderson - Pinfall - Piper pinned Valentine with a Spear - 18:07)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Roddy Piper defends the UWL World Title against President's Champion Harley Race!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- The first 'UWL Top 5' is unveiled</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- An interview with 'Superstar' Graham and his manager the Grand Wizard</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Ted DiBiase, Rick Rude & David Schultz of The Firm vs. The Killer Bees & Sam Houston</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 103 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); Non-Title: Rip Oliver (TVC) vs. Lash LaRue; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; an i'view w/ Wahoo McDaniel; DiBiase, Schultz & Rude vs. Killer Bees & Sam Houston; Ole Anderson is here; Pres. Watts makes an appearance; and more! Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1

Buzz Sawyer (w/ Rick Steiner) vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ)


(Tully and JJ came to the ring first to fairly strong boos. Dog Pound got a nice ovation coming to the ring. DP came to the ring barking and did their usual schtick of climbing into the front row of seats, standing on a couple of seats and barking and the crowd barked back. Once in the ring, the Dog Pound ran around and barked some more with the crowd returning the favor.


Good battle between two ring vets. Both men pushed each other to the limit. JJ tried to interfere in the match but Steiner made sure that didn't happen with a sock to the jaw.


At the end of the match, Buzz was on the offensive and had dropped Tully with a double flying forearm smash. Sawyer went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Tully got to his feet and Buzz went to nail Tully with his missle dropkick but Tully fell out of the way and Buzz crashed to the mat. Tully got to his feet as Buzz was on his hands and knees. Tully moved in and kicked Buzz in the side of the ribs multiple times. Buzz grabbed at his ribs as Tully pulled Buzz to his feet and bodyslammed Buzz into position for a turnbuckle move. Tully went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow that connected. Tully for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Buzz kicked out. Tully grabbed Buzz and whipped Buzz into the ropes and looked to catch Buzz coming off with a clothesline but Buzz ducked the move and came back and he and Tully blasted each other with a clothesline. Both men crashed to the mat. Both men made it to their feet and Tully moved in and caught Buzz with a knee to the gut. Tully went to whip Buzz into the buckles but Buzz reversed and sent Tully into the buckles. Buzz charged in on Tully but Tully caught Buzz with a boot to the face. Buzz staggered backwards. Tully came out of the corner and Buzz ducked down and caught Tully in the fireman's carry. JJ was about to try and interfere but Steiner's suddenly close presence made JJ re-think that. Buzz then nailed Tully with a fireman's carry into a slam (aka, Attitude Adjustment). Buzz covered Tully and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Buzz's hand in victory as the fans were cheering. WINNER: Sawyer - Pinfall - Firman's Carry into a Slam - 8:36)


(After the match: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed Steiner and Sawyer.


LM: "Buzz Sawyer. That was an impressive win over a tough customer in Tully Blanchard. Another thing that was impressive was that finishing move you used. What is the name of that move?"


Buzz: "I call that move the Buzz Saw! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Steiner: "Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back.


LM: "Rick Steiner. I've been told you have an announcement to make concerning the future of the Dog Pound. What is this news?"


Rick: "Lee Marshall! Me and Buzz have decided to try our hand at wrestling as singles! Woof! Woof! Woof! We wanna see what we can do on our own here in the UWL! Now, we're still the Dog Pound and we'll still a tag team!"


Buzz: "Yeah! We'll still tag team groupies back..."


Rick: "No, Buzz! I meant we'll still wrestle as a tag team here in the ring on occasion right now!"


Buzz: "Oh... Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh! I get ya now, Ricker! You mean we're gonna still gonna wrestle as a tag team sometimes!"


Rick: "Now you've got it!"


Buzz: "I've got it?! Do I need to see a doctor and get rid of it?! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


More crowd barking.


Rick: "Just let me do the talking right now, OK? Buzz can get a little spacey sometimes, you know."


Marshall just shook his head.


Rick: "Anyway... Where was I?"


LM: "You were talking about you and Buzz trying your hand at singles' wrestling."


Rick: "That's it! That's where I was! Me and Buzz are gonna see what kind of dent we can make on the solo wrestling front!"


LM: "Do you guys have any goals as singles?"


Rick: "We wanna win and become champions! We think we can do it! And one day, each of us wants to be the World Champion! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Buzz: "Woof! Woof! Woof!"


The pair then started running around the ring and barking and the crowd barked back. Steiner and Sawyer then bolted the ring and headed back up the aisle barking some more as the crowd followed suit.)


(Announcers discussed Buzz beating Tully and then the post-match interview where the DP announced they were going their separate ways for a while to pursue singles' careers. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); Non-Title: Rip Oliver (TVC) vs. Lash LaRue; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; an i'view w/ Wahoo McDaniel; DiBiase, Schultz & Rude vs. Killer Bees & Sam Houston; Ole Anderson is here; Said Pres. Watts makes an appearance next!)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Pres. Watts, in a suit, came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Watts got a decent ovation coming to the ring. His left arm was still in a sling.


Watts got in the ring.


BW: "We had a great opening match tonight and we've got a lot more great UWL action to come, so I'm gonna be as brief as possible.


"In just two weeks, the Universal Wrestling League celebrates its two-year anniversary. A huge show is being planned for the January 22nd edition of 'Slam!'. And I'm hear tonight to announce that we have our first match signed for that show. And that match will be for the UWL TV Title. Champion Rip Oliver will be defending against the man he beat for the title at 'Holiday Havoc', Arn Anderson!"


Crowd cheered.


BW: "It's gonna be a monster show, so be sure to tell all your friends about the UWL's second anniversary show coming up in two weeks!


"Also, over the last week, some people have asked about the situation on last week's 'Slam!' where 'Bounty Hunter' Ronnie Garvin was handcuffed with a zip-tie, in essence arrested and hauled away from ringside during the cage match between Dallas Page and Ken Patera. Before I go any further, let's take a look at this video of that incident."


Video aired from last week where Ron Garvin came to the ring during the Page-Patera cage match carrying a pair of bolt cutters. Garvin shown trying to cut the lock on the cage door so he could get into the completely enclosed cage and security coming out and tackling Garvin to the ground and Garvin being zip-tied and hauled off by security.


BW: "In pro wrestling, because of the unpredictable nature of the sport, a lot of people get away with a lot of things. This business is full of suprises. Heading into the Patera-Page match last week, I knew, given Page's recent track record with Garvin, that he might try and hire Garvin to do some dirty work in this match. Even though the cage was completely enclosed, I figured that Page might still have Garvin try and somehow break into the cage and effect the outcome of the match. I gave orders to security to treat any attempt by Garvin to get into the cage as a 'breaking and entering' situation. The enclosed cage was created for the sole purpose of keeping Garvin out of the match. I gave security the green light to use force if need to be to subdue Garvin and keep him from trespassing in the cage; and that's what they did. I've had calls this week from so-called 'civil liberties' groups complaining about how I handled the situation with Ron Garvin. I'm not gonna apologize for the decision I made. I felt it was the right call given the circumstances. It looks like the 'Bounty Hunter' is gonna be a real wild-card here in the UWL. You don't know who he might strike against and tough choices will sometimes have to be made as to what to do about it.


"The last thing I wanna talk about tonight is my left arm. I am healing. My left arm has got to be in the sling a little while longer. And when the sling finally comes off, Ole Anderson, we will have our re-match! It is gonna happen! You can etch it in stone! Did you hear me, Ole?! The arm is healing! And we're gonna hook 'em up one more time!")


(Announcers discussed the Watts interview. Talked about the 2-yr. UWL anniv. coming up in two weeks and said more big matches would be made for the 1-22 edition of 'Slam!' Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); Non-Title: Rip Oliver (TVC) vs. Lash LaRue; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; an i'view w/ Wahoo McDaniel; DiBiase, Schultz & Rude vs. Killer Bees & Sam Houston; Ole Anderson is here. Said Rip Oliver © vs. Lash LaRue of the Mighty Texans battle in a non-title match in just minutes!)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2 (Non-Title)

Rip Oliver © vs. Lash LaRue


(LaRue came to the ring carrying his trusty bull whip. He was modestly cheered. Oliver came to the ring to strong boos. He had the TV Title around his waist.


Oliver got in the ring and took off the belt and held it up and pointed at himself signaling he was the champion. He then held the belt up in LaRue's face and laughed at LaRue. LaRue then chased Rip around the ring with his whip and twice cracked the whip at Rip's feet and Rip bailed to the floor as the crowd cheered.


Once the match started, LaRue gave Rip a battle in the short affair; but Rip emerged victorious after he finished off LaRue with his superkick finisher.


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 2:31)


(After the match: Ring Ann. Lee Marshall i'viewed Rip. Asked Rip about the TV Title re-match with former champ Arn Anderson coming up in two weeks at the UWL 2-year anniv. show.


RO (now holding the title): "See this title? It's mine now. Arn Anderson no longer holds this belt. And he won't be holding it after our re-match in two weeks, either. Arn, it's my time to shine as the TV Champion. I told people that you couldn't survive my superkick in our match at 'Holiday Havoc' and I was right. I knew what would happen when I hit Arn with the kick because I've developed my superkick into the most lethal in wrestling. Other wrestlers may use the move. But they don't use it with the devastating effects that I do. I've mastered the superkick like no one else ever has. It's the best around. I have a great deal of confidence. And the reason I have a great deal of confidence is because I know that whoever I step in the ring with, if they feel my right boot against their chin, then the match is over. I've won."


Out on the entrance stage walked Arn Anderson. Arn was in street clothes and carrying a mic. He got a good ovation.


AA: "Rip, you're a legend in your own mind. You did win the TV Title from me a month ago. But the question is can you make lightning strike twice? I got distracted and let my guard down for just a few seconds and then you caught me with that kick and I was knocked into a mental la-la land. I will not make the same mistake again. You're really gonna have to work to put me down with your kick in two weeks."


RO: "Arn, in our re-match in two weeks, I may have to work a little harder to hit you with my superkick. But I only have to connect once and you're finished...again. You need to keep that in mind."


AA: "And if I gourdbust you away from the ropes, then I become the TV Champion for the second time. You need to keep THAT in mind."


RO: "Guess we'll find out in two weeks, Arn. But I think you'll be feeling my boot pressed firmly against your chin one more time. The end result will be a repeat of what it was at 'Holiday Havoc'."


AA: "I disagree with your summation there, Rip."


RO: "And why is that?"


AA: "Because I hate reruns. See you in two weeks."


Rip and Arn looked on at each other from a distance as the fans cheered Arn's closing remarks.)


(Announcers discussed the Rip-Arn confrontation. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); an i'view w/ Billy Graham; DiBiase, Schultz & Rude vs. Killer Bees & Sam Houston; Ole Anderson is here. Said an i'view w/ Wahoo is next.)


(Video footage aired from last week of Dusty sneak attacking Wahoo with a low-blow and playing a major role in costing Wahoo his match with Harley Race for the held-up President's Championship.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Wahoo.


Wahoo came to the ring in street clothes and good a strong ovation.


LM: "Wahoo, on two different occasions now, Dusty Rhodes has had a hand in costing you two big matches. And last week he cost you the opportunity to win the President's Championship for the second time. What are your thoughts on this situation?"


WM: "Last week, Dusty Rhodes cost me the chance to win the President's Championship! I'm getting sick of this! Dusty, why don't you face me like a man instead of sneak attacking me! You talk about what a legend you are in wrestling! Are your actions against me the actions of a legend?! Hardly! They're the actions of a coward, pure and simple! This situation between you and me is reaching a critical mass, Dusty! I'm a man of great pride! And I'm sure as hell not gonna let things slide! We're on a volatile collision course!"


Dusty, in street clothes, came out on the entrance stage. He had a mic. He got a mixed crowd reax.


DR: "Wahoo, Wahoo, Wahoo. The definition of a 'coward' is subjective. It's in the eye of the beholder. You say what I've done to you is cowardly. I say what I've done is dish out some justifiable punishment on you for rejecting the offer of a lifetime to join The Firm."


WM: "You know what, Dusty, forget the talk! Why don't you come to this ring right now and face me like a man! C'mon!"


DR: "You want me to come down there right now and face you? You don't think I'm man enough to step into the ring with you? I can't believe you're questioning my manliness!"


WM: "Come on down then! Get your ass in this ring, Dusty!"


DR: "I will not be talked to that way, jack! I am a member of the most elite group in all of wrestling! I deserve respect because of that!"


WM: "You're wasting time. Get in the ring."


DR: "You really, really want me to come down there and teach you a lesson without sneaking up on you?! I know I can do it and you know I can do it, Wahoo! You realize you're treading on thin ice if I come down and step in that ring?!"


WM: "Prove it, then. Prove it to these fans! Big Dust, show us how tough you really are! GET DOWN HERE! NOW!"


DR: "I'm comin'! I swear I'm comin' down there and I'm gonna teach you another lesson in why you don't reject an offer to join The Firm!"


WM: "One more thing! A couple of weeks ago we fought in this ring and security got involved! I'm asking that security stay in the back tonight! This is between me and manly Dusty Rhodes here!"


DR: "Wahoo! If security doesn't get involved, then I can't guarantee what's going to happen to you! If they don't come out to save your hide then I refuse to be held responsible for any damage I inflict upon you! You got that?!"


WM: "I hear you loud and clear! Come down here! Let's fight like men!"


DR: "That does it! I'm comin' down there, Wahoo! I mean it! You really want me..."


WM: "Shut up and get in the ring!"


Dusty then power-walked to the ring with mic still in hand. Dusty climbed up on the apron as Wahoo was standing back. Dusty didn't climb into the ring as Wahoo gestured for him to get in. Rhodes and Wahoo were at a stand-still. Wahoo then walked towards Rhodes and Rhodes jumped off the apron back down to the floor. Wahoo angrily gesturing for Dusty to get in the ring. Most now booing Dusty.


Dusty briefly paced at ringside.


DR: "Wahoo, you should have learned by now. The Firm does things on its timetable; we don't do things on the timetable of outsiders. All in due time, Chief. See you around."


Dusty backed up the aisle with a thin smirk on his face as Wahoo boiled in the ring. Wahoo stepped out onto the apron and then stopped as Dusty headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Wahoo and Dusty. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); an i'view w/ Billy Graham; Ole Anderson is here. Said the 6-man tag was next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed the Killer Bees. Asked about the problems they've been having with each other recently.


Blair: "Larry, we have...."


Brunzell: "Wait a minute. Why do you get to talk first, Brian?"


Blair: "Hey. I just started talking because the mic was pointed in my direction, man."


Brunzell: "If you noticed, it was pointed more in my direction than your direction."


Blair: "Jim, you're really splitting hairs here."


Nelson: "I was pointing the mic at both of you. Whoever wanted to speak



Blair: "Look. You wanna talk first, then be my guest."


Brunzell: "No, no. You started talking so go ahead and continue, Brian."


Blair: "We're cool then, right?"


Brunzell: "Yeah. Go ahead and speak your piece."


Blair: "Thank you. Larry, we've had some communication problems recently. And despite what you just saw between us right now, we're getting along fine for the most part. We've just had a frustrating run lately and sometimes you can turn that frustration on your partner. It's not fair. But it is just the way it is. Jim and I are both determined to get this thing turned around and get back to the winning ways that led us to becoming the World Tag Team Champions last year."


Brunzell: "Things have been tough for us lately. And the frustration does boil over. We've been able to keep it together so far. And that's the mark of a good tag team. We want to win those tag team titles again. But we've got to break out of this funk before we can even think about that happening. And tonight would be a good time to start back down the road to being contenders by beating Ted DiBiase, Rick Rude and David Schultz of The Firm. Let's get Sam and go out there and win this thing, Brian."


Blair: "Let's do it!"


Blair patted Jim on the back as the pair walked out of the interview area.)


Match 3

Ted DiBiase, Rick Rude & David Schultz vs. Killer Bees & Sam Houston


(Bees and Houston came out to a mild ovation. The Firm members came out to the usual mixed reaction.


Bees and Houston got the crowd behind them during the match as they gave The Firm members a tought battle and came close to pulling the major upset. But in the end, it was The Firm that got the job done. Brunzell and Ted were the legal men in the ring and Brunzell had gone on the offensive. Brunzell had nailed Ted with a reverse backbreaker. Ted was down. Brunzell went out on the apron and climbed to the top buckle as Ted got to his feet in the ring. Jim went to nail Ted with his missle dropkick but Ted moved and Brunzell crashed to the mat. Ted grabbed Brunzell and nailed him with the Billion Dollar Blaster. Ted covered Jim and hooked the leg. Sam and Brian hit the ring and were intercepted by Schultz and Rude. Rude dropped Sam with a clothesline and Schultz dropped Brian with a clothesline as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Ted's hand in victory. Firm members briefly celebrated in the ring and then left and headed victoriously back up the aisle as the Bees and Sam recovered in the ring.


Sam and Brian made it to their feet as Brunzell was still recovering. Sam and Brian each took an arm and helped Brunzell up. Once Brunzell was up, he started jawing at both Sam and Brian. Brunzell gestured that they should have broken up Ted's pin try. Brian and Sam started having an animated conversation with Jim. Jim got in both their faces and was really hot as Sam and Brian tried to talk some sense into him. Jim turned and was in Brian's face and really letting him have it when Sam gently patted Jim on the shoulder. Jim spun around and popped Sam with a punch to the jaw that dropped Sam. Sam down holding his jaw. Jim gestured he was blowing both of them off and stormed out of the ring and headed back up the aisle as Sam got to his feet. Sam was talking to Brian in the ring as the segment ended.


WINNER: DiBiase, Rude & Schultz - Pinfall - DiBiase pinned Brunzell with the Billion Dollar Blaster (Full Nelson Facebuster) - 8:01)


(Announcers discussed the victory by The Firm and what appeared to be the continuing unraveling of the Bees. Said an i'view w/ 'Superstar' Graham was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed PC Harley Race and mgr. JJ Dillon. Asked about the WT match tonight with Roddy Piper ©.


HR: "What a way to start the new year! On New Year's day I win the President's Championship! And one week later I have the chance to become the new UWL World Champion! Talk about a double play! The President's Championship and the World Title are the two most prestigious titles in all of wrestling! If there's one man in the UWL who can carry the load and defend both of those titles it is me! If I beat Piper tonight, I will be the World Champion for the ninth time in my career! I think Roddy Piper has met his match! After the wonderful story last month of Piper coming back from a career-threatening injury to capture the World Title, it looks the story won't have a happy ending as I look to be the man who ends his reign after just a month!"


JJ: "JJ Dillon Enterprises kicked off the year in style when this man became the President's Champion for the third time! And tonight, I feel really good about Harley Race becoming the World Champion for the ninth time in his career! But what will make this so special is that it will be his first UWL World Title! Roddy Piper's return has been unbelievable to say the least! No one saw him coming back! But he fought his way back, overcame the odds, and is now the World Champion! However, looking into my crystal ball to see what the year 2013 holds, I see Harley Race winning the UWL World Title and becoming the standard by which all future UWL World Champions are judged by!"


LN: "One more question. Where is Tully Blanchard?"


JJ: "I have no comment on Tully Blanchard right now."


JJ and Harley left the interview area.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Graham and Grand Wizard.


The pair came to the ring to boos. Graham was in his ring attire and Wizard was was in his tie-dyed tux, white shoes, gold turban, sunglasses and carrying his gold-tipped black cane.


Once in the ring, Graham struck a couple of bodybuilder poses that drew even more boos from the crowd.


GW: "2012 was a great year for the 'Superstar'! 2013 will be even better! We have aimed our goals extraordinarily high for this year! The sky is the limit! And, of course, the ultimate goal is for the 'Superstar' to win the UWL World Title! Roddy Piper, if you survive tonight against Harley Race, the 'Superstar' is gonna be gunning for you! And the waist that World Title would look the best around is the 'Superstar's!"


BG: "The reflection of perfection does indeed have some big goals he wants to accomplish in 2013! And winning the World Title is at the top of the list! So, you people out there, you need to keep an eye on me because I'm gonna attain even bigger and better things this year than I did in 2012! That's a tall order when you look at my success last year! But when you're the tower of power, daddy, you aim for the sky; because the sky's the limit for the man who's too sweet to be sour!


"Lee Marshall! Earlier tonight, did I hear Rick Steiner out here saying that he and Buzz Sawyer are splitting up for a while and trying their luck at singles wrestling?"


LM: "You heard that right."


BG: "Now I know that Steiner and Sawyer wrestle separately on occasion. But they're mainly tag team wrestlers, jack. If those two are gunning for any titles other than the tag titles then all I can say is they're headed for an epic fail. Those boys need to stick to what they do best. Rick and Buzz, do us all a favor, man. Do not gum up the works in the singles scene here in the UWL. You don't belong in it. Again, just stick to tag team wrestling. That's your specialty."


'Welcome To The Jungle' played over the p.a. system and Rick Steiner came out on the entrance stage. He was in street clothes. Steiner barked from the stage and the crowd barked back. Steiner came to the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way. Steiner got in the ring and barked some more and the crowd barked returned the favor.


RS: "'Superstar'! You say I can't make it wrestling single here in the UWL?!"


BG: "I thought I made myself perfectly clear, Rick. You and Buzz need to

stay in the tag team division. Don't mess around in things you don't belong in."


RS: "But I beat you!"


BG: "Wha... What are you talking about?"


RS: "Remember that one night when we were staying at the same hotel. We were in the hotel lounge after a show and you challenged me to a match using amateur wrestling holds. I remember that you said that while I had great amateur credentials from my days at the University of Michigan, you were the consumate pro and I couldn't beat you strictly using amateur moves because being a pro meant you were better than amateur. And then..."


BG: "Hey! Hey! You don't have to go any further! You can stop..."


RS: "No! I gotta finish! That night in the hotel lounge I took you down repeatedly and pinned you several times! I know you remember that, 'Superstar'!"


BG: "I have no recollection of that. No."


RS: "You have to! You stormed out of the bar and never returned that night after I made you eat your words! You remember! You remember!"


GW: "If the 'Superstar' says he doesn't remember then he doesn't remember! Case closed! Steiner, I think it's time for you to leave the ring! You're an univited guest as this is our interview time!"


RS: "I'll show you what I did that night in the bar! This should refresh 'Superstar's memory!"


Graham blew off Steiner and turned to Lee Marshall.


BG: "Enough of that stuff. Let's move on..."


Steiner moved around behind Graham, grabbed Graham around the waist and took Graham down to the mat. Graham tried to break free from Steiner's grasp but Steiner rode him. Steiner then got off of Graham and when Graham got to his feet, Steiner took him down once more in similar fashion and rode Graham again with the same results. Steiner again got off of Graham and Graham got up and was furious. Billy wasn't mad on his feet for very long as Steiner then took Graham down with a leg dive takedown into a half Boston Crab. Graham in pain now. Steiner let go.


RS: "That's the kind of stuff I did to you that night! Your have to remember it now!"


BG: "You just snuck up on me, Rick! How the hell am I supposed to be prepared for that, man?!"


RS: "OK! Let's do this! Let's have an amateur match right now! I'll take the bottom position and 'Superstar' you can take the top position! Grand Wizard, don't get excited! This is only wrestling!"


Crowd buzzing.


Steiner got down on all fours and signaled for Graham to take the top position.


BG: "I haven't got time for this nonsense! (Turned towards Wizard.) Let's get outta here! Wrestle yourself, Rick Steiner!"


Graham and Wizard left the ring to boos as Steiner got up in the ring.


RS: "Lee! He knows I can beat him because I've done it before! That's why he's running away!"


Graham turned in the aisle and looked back at Steiner but Wizard grabbed Billy's arm and gestured they keep going to the back as Steiner went over and held the ropes open for Graham to get back in the ring. Graham looked at Steiner for a moment and then waved him off and headed to the back with Wizard to the boos of the crowd.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation with Graham and Steiner. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Piper (WC) vs. Race (PC); Said Ole Anderson is coming up.)


(Video aired hyping the UWL 2-year anniversary program in two weeks on Jan. 22...LIVE!...Tucson, AZ...Tucson Arena...Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL WC Roddy Piper. Piper was in his ring gear and kilt and had the WT around his waist. Nelson asked about tonight's WT match with Harley Race.


RP: "Harley Race wants to win the World Title for the ninth time tonight. But there's a problem. You see, I am determined to make sure that Harley remains an eight-time World Champion! I have been the champion for a month now! And you know what?! I really like being the World Champion! It's a lot of fun! I don't want to lose the belt right now! And these fans...do you really think they want me to lose the belt at this time?! The fans don't want to see Harley Race as the World Champion! They like me! Harley Race as President's Champion...the fans say 'fine'! But they say 'no' to a Harley Race World Title reign, man! The fans helped propel me to becoming the World Champion! They like seeing me walk to the ring wearing the big gold belt! They like seeing me have my hand raised in victory and walking out of the ring still the World Champion! I can't let the people down because this World Title isn't just mine, it's theirs as well! With the fans behind 'Hor Rod', I like my chances tonight!"


LN: "Do you think Greg Valentine could show up during your match with Harley?"


RP: "There's always a chance Greg Valentine could show up! And I just want to let Mr. Valentine know that whenever he wants to trigger the re-match clause in his contract for his shot at regaining the World Title, he just has to name the time and the place and I'll be there!")


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 1-6 thru 1-12.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Lex Luger


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson)


(In-ring: Ole Anderson came to the ring in street clothes and had his left arm in a sling and wearing a 10-gallon cowboy hat. He had a mic and was booed.


Once in the ring, Ole soaked in the negative crowd rersponse.


Ole: "Thank you for that uplifting repsonse! Can you people guess who I am?


"That's right! I'm President Bill Watts! And I came out here to let all of you know that one day...one day...I don't when that day will be but it will be one day...my arm's gonna heal up and this sling is gonna come off! And when it comes off there's gonna be hell to pay for Ole Anderson! We're gonna have a re-match...one day! The re-match between Bill Watts and Ole Anderson is coming! I promise you that! Ole's gonna rue the day he ever decided to become a pro wrestler when I get my hands on him! And it will happen when my arm heals and this sling comes off!


"If I could only lose the sling and get my arm back to full strength, Ole's a dead man! And it's gonna happen! I guarantee it's gonna happen! One day! I just need one day where I can get rid of the sling and my left arm is good to go! And on that one day, oh boy! Ole's gonna get what he so rightly deserves from me! I'm asking you fans for patience! Just wait for that one day! Oh! What a one day it will be when my arm is freed from this sling! Revenge is mine, sayeth Bill Watts! I'm gonna hit Ole so hard that by the time he stops rolling his ring attire will be out of style! I'm gonna kick Ole like an extra point! And it will all occur one day! One day! Say it with me! One day! One day! One day!"


Tepid crowd response.


Ole: "I see it's a tough crowd tonight! I know it's hard to get excited because we don't know when that one day will be! It could be tomorrow! It could be a month from now! It could be 10 years from now! But that one day is coming and the arm's gonna be well again and Ole Anderson's gonna shake in his boots when he looks across the ring and sees ol' 'Cowboy' Bill! Just keep thinking that it will happen one day! Because one day it's gonna happen! And that one day I'm gonna pay Ole back for injuring my left arm and shoulder! He's gonna get it and get it good! One day! One is the magic number here! Some say one is the loneliest number! But for me, it's the most important number! One! I love the number one! It's my favorite because when that one day comes, I'm gonna thrash Ole Anderson! And you can rest easy knowing that one day is coming! Just keep the faith in your UWL President!


"Also, did I ever tell you that my lucky number's one! How about that! When one day comes around it will be a day of good luck for me because it is my lucky number! I never felt the need to have a hand to hold! In everything I do I take complete control! That's where I'm coming from! My lucky number's one! The number one has been nothing but good to me over the years!


"Another bit of good news! When the sling comes off and my arm is restored to its former vitality I'll be able to open a beer again because my left hand is my beer can opening hand! I'll also be able to have sex again! Oh, happy days!


"Anyway, I've repeated myself enough. I'm still delusional, though, thinking I'm one day going to heal enough to fight Ole Anderson again. And that one day when I do face Ole Anderson it's gonna be a barn-burner! And I'm gonna be the man who burns Ole's barn down! Yee-ha! Thank you! God bless you! And one day I'll be hookin' 'em up again!"


Ole walked around and did a mock wave to the booing crowd with his right hand. He went to wave his left arm but then mock winced in pain and grabbed his left arm with his right hand. Ole left the ring to strong boos and was still holding his left arm.)


(Announcers discussed Ole mocking the injured Watts. Said the WT match was next!)


Match 4 (UWL World Title Match)

Roddy Piper (WC) vs. Harley Race (PC) (w/ JJ)


(Announcers pointed out that only the WT was on the line in the match.


Race and JJ came to the ring to loud boos. Race got in the ring, opened his robe revealing the title around his waist. Race took the PC off and held it up for all to see as the fans booed. Race then handed the belt off to the ref who in turn handed it to Lee Marshall.


Crowd popped when bagpipe music filled the arena. Piper came out to a rousing ovation. He was in his 'Hot Rod' t-shirt and kilt and had the WT around his waist. Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Piper briefly played to the cheering crowd.


Piper took the WT off and handed it to the ref. Ref held it up for all to see. Piper removed his kilt and t-shirt. Ref called both men to the middle of the ring. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted both men down. Ref then sent the men to their respective corners. JJ had final words with Race before leaving the ring and heading down to the floor.


Announcers pointed out that FX would stay with the match to its conclusion.


Ref called for the bell.


Both men came out of their corners and Piper and Race tore into each other with a barrage of punches. Race got the upper hand and went to whip Piper into the ropes but PIper reversed, sent Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a dropkick that dropped Race to the mat. Race got to his feet and was greeted by a series of boxing-style punches to the head and body from Piper that drove Race into the corner. Piper then nailed Race with a running bulldog and went for the cover. 1...2... Race kicked out. Piper caught Race in a side headlock. Race was in the hold for a few seconds before countering with a belly-to-back suplex. Race got to his feet and went to wrap Piper up in the Indian Deathlock but Piper reached up and caught Race in a small package for the pin. 1... Race kicked out. Both men to their feet. Race and Piper engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Piper drove Race against the ropes. Ref ordered a break in the hold. Race raised his hands showing he wasn't going to do anything. Piper backed off. The two men circled one another and Piper moved in and caught Race in a hammerlock. Race moved close enough to the ropes to drape his left leg over the middle rope and force another break. The two broke again. Piper backed off as Race got back in the ring. Piper came at Race and Race stuck his upper body out through the top and middle rope. Ref ordered Piper to back off. Race slowly back into the ring. Piper moved in on Race and Race once again stuck his upper body out through the ropes. Piper went after Race but the ref stopped Piper. Piper turned his head to have words with the ref and paid for it as Race nailed Piper with a headbutt to the side of the head. Piper backed up holding his head. Race moved in and grabbed Piper in a front facelock and started pounding away on Piper's back with forearm smashes. Race then drove Piper into the corner and laid into the champ with a series of shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Piper hurting.


Race then nailed Piper with some head shots and then grabbed Piper and rubbed Piper's eyes across the top rope. Ref admonished Race. race had words for the ref as Piper was grabbing at his eyes. Race moved in and popped Piper with series of European uppercuts that drove Piper next to the ropes. Race whipped Piper into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Piper with a backdrop but Piper leapfrogged Race. Race spun around and Piper repaid Race with a poke to the eyes. Now, Race was grabbing at his eyes. Piper popped Race with some punches, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off in the fireman's carry position. Piper airplane spinned Race. Piper dropped a now dizzy Race to his feet in the ring. Piper hit the ropes and came off looking to nail Race but Race stunned Piper by catching the champ with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race grabbed Piper and attempted to piledrive the Piper but Piper twice blocked the move and backdropped Race over the top rope down to the floor. Race got to his feet on the floor and Piper came off the apron with a double sledge to the top of Race's head. Race staggered next to the ringside barricade. Announcers pointed out that wrestlers now have a 20-count to get back in the ring. Piper laid into Race with punches. Piper then grabbed Race by the hair and rammed Race head first into the ring post. Race staggered away. Piper stalked after Race. JJ came up behind Piper and nailed him with a double sledge to the back. The move had no effect on Piper and Piper turned in JJ's direction. JJ started backing away from Piper as Piper took a couple of steps towards JJ. Race nailed Piper from behind with a double sledge to the back. Race then grabbed Piper and rammed Piper back first into the ringside barricade twice. Race then headbutted Piper. Race quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Piper had extricated himself from the barricade and Race came up behind Piper and nailed the champ with an atomic drop. Piper went down on the floor. Race reached under the ring and brandished a steel chair. Piper had staggered over by the steps. Race went to hit Piper over the head with the chair but Piper moved and Race slammed the chair onto the top ring step. Race turned with chair in hand and Piper caught Race with some punches. Race dropped the chair on the floor. Piper picked up the chair as Race staggered off and Piper blasted Race with chair shots across the back. Crowd cheering. Piper tossed the chair down.


Piper grabbed Race and drove Race back first into the ring apron twice and then threw Race back into the ring. Piper got back in the ring as Race ws on his knees. Piper charged at Race and Race yanked Piper's legs out from under him and locked Piper in the Indian Deathlock. Piper fighting not to submit. Crowd pulling for Roddy. Piper inching his way towards the ropes but Race holding his own. Piper got near the ropes but could not reach them. Piper fought with everything he had not to submit. Piper was able to lean forward enough to catch Harley with some head shots and Race let go of the hold. Both men to their feet. Piper on wobbly legs. Race moved in and caught Piper with a series of brutal headbutts. Piper on stagger street. Race picked up the dazed Piper and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt that connected. Race for the pin. 1...2... Piper kicked out. Race picked Piper up and suplexed Piper. Race then hit Piper with some elbow smashes and then stood up and went to nail Piper another diving headbutt in the ring but Piper rolled out of the way and Race crashed to the mat. Both men down. Piper crawled over next to the ropes and was getting to his feet as Race got to his feet. Race moved in and nailed Piper with another European uppercut and whipped Piper into the ropes and looked to catch Piper coming off with a clothesline but Piper ducked the move and came back and blasted Race with a spear. Crowd erupted. Piper went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Race got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Piper grabbed Race and went to suplex Race near the ropes. Ref didn't see JJ reach in the ring and clip Piper's ankle. Piper lost his balance and crahsed to the mat with Race on top of him. 1...2... Piper kicked out. Piper got up and looked at JJ on the floor. Race snuck up behind Piper and rolled Piper up from behind. Race grabbed a handful of Piper's tights. 1...2... Piper kicked out. Piper got up with Race on his knees. Piper moved in and Race nailed Piper with a headbutt to the gut. Piper stumbled back and was holding his stomach. Race moved in with a couple of more punches on Piper and then whipped Piper into the buckles. Race charged in on Piper but Piper caught Race with a boot to the gut. Race spun around and was facing away from Piper. Piper locked Race in the sleeper.


Race struggling not to pass out in the hold. Crowd buzzing. Race fighting and looking for an escape. Race moved close enough to get a hand on the top rope for a split-second but Piper yanked Race away from the rope. Race battling with everything he had. In desperation, Race had maneuvered into position where he was facing the buckles. Race lunged forward and dropped down and Piper's head slammed into the top buckle and Race was freed from the hold. Race down and Piper leaning against the buckles. Race got up and nailed Piper in the side of the ribs with a pair of hard open hand slaps. Race then went to slam Piper's head into the top buckle twice but Piper blocked the move and elbowed Race the ribs twice and then slammed Race's head into the top buckle repeatedly. Piper then went to nail Race with another running bulldog but Race pushed Piper off and Piper crashed to the mat. Both men got to their feet at the same time. Piper moved in and swung wildly at Race. Race ducked the punch try and Piper lunged forward. Piper spun around and Race caught Piper with a brutal headbutt. Race then grabbed Piper and blasted him with his piledriver finisher. Race covered Piper and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Piper barely managed to kick out. Crowd buzzing. JJ suddenly jumped up on the apron. Ref came over and ordered JJ off the apron but JJ argued with the ref. Ref distracted. Tully Blanchard came charging down the aisle and climbed up on the apron. Tully took off one of his cowboy boots as Race snapped Piper up and was holding Piper from behind. Tully mounted the top buckle and came off and looked to hit Piper in the head with his boot but Piper moved and Tully slammed the boot into Race's head. Crowd went nuts. Piper blasted Tully with some punches and threw Tully over the top rope and sent Tully crashing to the floor. Roar now ear-splitting. JJ yelling at the ref and pointing an accusatory finger at Piper and was yelling at Piper as well. Piper came over to JJ and grabbed JJ by the lapels of his jacket. Race recovered and charged up behind Piper but Piper moved and Race slammed into JJ. JJ grabbed the top rope to keep from going over. Piper slammed JJ's and Race's heads together. JJ crashed to the floor. Crowd going bonkers. Race turned and staggered away and Piper charged up behind Race and blasted him with the running facebuster. Piper wasted no time locking Race into the ankle lock. Race tried to inch his way to the ropes to try and force a break in the hold. Race reached out and was just inches away from the rope but the pain became just too much and Race tapped out. Ref called for the bell. Fans eating it up. Ref took the title from Lee Marshall and went over and handed Piper the belt and raised Piper's hand in victory.


WINNER: Piper - Submission - Ankle Lock - 14:33)


(After the match: As Piper was soaking in the crowd cheers and saluting the fans, Greg Valentine and Gary Hart walked out on the entrance stage. They were in suits and Valentine had a mic.


GV: "Hey, Piper! This way, pal!"


Piper turned and saw Valentine. Piper walked and stood in the center of the ring.


GV: "I have said that we will decide when and where my re-match takes place with you! I am here to tell you exactly when that will be! Roddy Piper! I am triggering my re-match clause and our World Title match will take place at 'Winter Warfare'!"


Piper got the r.a. mic from Marshall.


RP: "I've said I will give you your re-match wherever and anytime you wanted it! You've got your re-match at 'Winter Warfare', mister! But the re-match is all you're gonna get because you're not winning this back!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "Talk all you want! At 'Winter Warfare' that belt's coming home where it belongs!"


Piper pointed at himself and then Valentine and then patted the title belt as it sat on his shoulder and was saying something off-mic.


GV: "One more thing before I go, Piper."


RP: "And what would th...?"


Suddenly, a blood red liquid came pouring out of the ceiling and drenched Piper in the ring. Piper stood stunned in the middle of the ring. Piper wiped some of the the liquid off his body and looked down at it and then slowly raised his head back up and looked at Valentine through a mask of the substance.


GV: "That."


A smirking Valentine and Hart looked on from the entrance stage as fans booed. Piper stood shaking and soaked in red and looking at the devilish pair as the program faded to black.)




(No dark match.)

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Arn Anderson battles 'Superstar' Billy Graham!




- President Bill Watts has an important message for Ole Anderson


- Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude of The Firm


- Rick Steiner vs. Grog


- An interview with UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari




Ep. 104 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

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(Video footage aired from last week of Valentine demanding his re-match with Piper for the WT take place at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV and then Piper being soaked in a blood red liquid that dropped form the celing.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and the fans popped as Roddy Piper came to the ring. He was in street clothes and carrying a mic. He was carrying the WT.


Piper was in a serious mood and didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring. Piper got in the ring and paced for a moment before speaking.


RP: "Greg Valentine! Get your ass out to this ring!"


After a brief pause, Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart came out and both had mics. They were roundly booed. They made their way to the ring and were wearing suits.


Hart: "Roddy, it's good to see you've cleaned up since last week. Walking around drenched in blood red liquid did not look good on you."


RP: "Hahaha! The flabby version of Mr. Clean speaks!"


GV: "You didn't think that little prank we pulled on you last week was funny? Because I know my manager and I sat at a bar after the show and laughed ourselves sick about it. Seeing you standing in the ring at a loss for words while soaked in red liquid was hilarious as far as I'm concerned. You looked like a male Carrie White."


Hart: "It's a good thing Piper doesn't have telekenesis."


GV (laughing): "You got that right! Hahaha!"


RP: "You two go ahead and laugh at what you did! Keep playing your little games! I don't know what purpose they're supposed to serve! But I can tell you this! Valentine, you want your World Title re-match at 'Winter Warfare'...then you've got it, mister! You have really turned up the heat for our next meeting! I can tell you..."


GV: "Roddy, let me point something out to you. It's still five weeks until 'Winter Warfare'. A lot can happen between now and then. If I were you I would most definitely be on my toes at all times. Because you never know what might be headed your way next."


RP: "You think I'm worried about that, man?! Huh?! I know you and Hart here have lots of tricks up your sleeves! There could be all sorts of twists and turns thrown in Roddy Piper's way on the road to 'Winter Warfare'! But I am determined, like a feral pit bull, to make it through Greg and Gary's fun house, get you in that ring, beat your ass and still be the UWL World Champion!"


GV: "Oh! I most definitely want you to make it to our match at 'Winter Warfare'! How else could I regain the World Title if I don't beat you for it?! The question you need to ask yourself is, what kind of shape will you be in when you step in the ring with me on February 17th in Morgantown, West Virginia?


"I have made it clear in the past! When I was the World Champion, I was willing to do whatever I had to do to retain the title! And I'll do what needs to be done to get it back!"


RP: "You listen to me! I'm a fighter! And I can also be one crazy SOB when I have to! You go ahead and play your games! Just remember this! I came from the bad side of the tracks! And I know a few tricks, too! We may be fighting each other in wheel chairs at 'Winter Warfare'! I can give just as good as I can take! And in the end, my goal is to take every last shred of your pride by making sure you do not have another World Title reign!"


Crowd cheered.


Hart pulled Valentine aside and the two talked off-mic. Piper paced angrily in the ring as the private convo went on for a while.


RP: "Hey! What are you guys talking about?! Are you looking to come up with the right answer to steal the points?! This isn't 'Family Feud'! Let's go!"


Valentine and Hart broke up their private pow-wow.


GV: "Could we get President Watts out here?"


Watts came out in a suit and with mic in hand. He got a fair ovation coming to the ring. Watts still had his left arm in a sling.


BW: "Before this goes any further, I just want to remind you that I have the final say on all matches made here in the UWL. And I am going to allow the re-match for the UWL World Title between Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine to take place at 'Winter Warfare'."


Crowd cheered.


Hart: "President Watts. I have been talking with Greg Valentine and, with next week being the 2-year anniversary of the UWL, we'd like to propose a match."


BW: "What is it?"


Hart: "Why don't we give the fans a little taste of what they're going to see at 'Winter Warfare'. Let's have a match between Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper right here on 'Slam!'?"


Crowd buzzing.


BW: "Knowing you and Valentine, I'm assuming there's more to this than meets the eye."


Hart: "How very perceptive of you, Mr. President. The match, of course, would be non-title. We don't want to give these freeloaders out here the World Title match of the year for free. What we want is the match next week to have a certain stipulation."


BW: "That would be?"


Hart: "The winner of the match gets to pick the stipulations for the World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'."


BW: "Gary, this demand is highly unusual..."


RP: "I accept! President Watts, just make the match for next week!"


BW: "Roddy, are you sure you've rationally thought this through? You really want this? If you win next week, you get to make the stipulations for the World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'. If Valentine wins, he gets to make the stipulations for the match. We're clear on this?"


RP: "It's crystal clear! I want the match! And I already know what the stipulations will be for our match at 'Winter Warfare' if I win!"


GV: "'If' is a mighty big word. 'If' you beat me next week then you make the rules for our World Title match. But if I win, I make the rules. And I already know what they'll be, Piper, and you're not gonna like them."


BW: "It's set then. For next week's UWL 2-year anniversary show on 'Slam!', it will be Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper and the winner will make the stipulations for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'. Let's get ready to hook 'em up!"


Hart: "Roddy, thank you for accepting this match. I mean it."


RP: "Get your smarmy ass out of my face! Valentine, I'll see you next week, brother! And I'm bringing a nice big case of whoop-ass with me!"


Both parties were looking at each other as Watts looked on as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making two matches between Piper © and Valentine and then running down the program: Arn Anderson vs. Billy Graham; Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude; Tag Champs Hall & Nash see action; DDP wrestles; Rick Steiner vs. Grog; Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; The Killer Bees make an appearance and Jim Brunzell says he wants to make a public apology; and more.)


Match 1

Gene & Lars Anderson (w/ Ole) vs. Ahmed Johnson & Ron Pope

(WINNER: Gene & Lars - Pinfall - Lars pinned Johnson with the Minnesota Wrecker (Samoan Drop) - 3:26)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed the Anderson brothers.


Lars: "Next week, the UWL celebrates its two-year anniversary. Gene and I have carefully bided our time until this moment. Being the former World Tag Champions, we want to activate the re-match clause in our contract for a tag team title match against Hall and Nash on that show! You can't keep the Anderson brothers down! We want those titles back!"


Out on the entrance stage walked Hall and Nash. They were in street clothes and were carrying the titles. Each had a mic. They received a mixed crowd reaction.


Nash: "So, the Anderson brothers want their re-match next week, huh?! Well, that's just fine and dandy with us! We'll give you your re-match! The sad news for you guys is the end result is gonna be the same as it was at 'Holiday Havoc'! But, you deserve your re-match so we can beat Gene and Lars Anderson and get you guys out of our hair!"


Hall: "Hey yo! You want it?! Where do we sign, man?! We took these titles from you guys and we're not giving them back!"


Ole: "Hall and Nash, that's just what we wanted to hear. Gene and Lars are more than capable of winning those belts back from you two. The interesting thing in all this is that we're not fan favorites and neither is The Firm. Normally, we wouldn't violate the hallowed unwritten rules of wrestling and fight you guys. But this will be the exception. Just like Roddy Piper, Wahoo McDaniel, Benedict Arn, Lex Luger and all those guys who love being cheered by these fans out here, we can't stand you, either! You pose a threat to every wrestler on the UWL roster no matter who they are or what side of the aisle they're on. The Anderson brothers will be damned if you think we're gonna let The Firm come into this company and one day take it over and run our careers the way you see fit! Your boss, Ted DiBiase, says that you guys are gonna one day own all the titles here! Not if we can help it! And next week, Gene and Lars Anderson are gonna do what needs to be done to win those tag titles back and drop the number of titles The Firm holds back to what it should be...ZERO!"


Mixed crowd reaction to Ole's words.


Gene: "Yeah."


Nash: "Good old gruff Ole. I've said this to Scott a million times. You are one of the best promo men in the business. But, in spite of that entertaining promo you just cut, the Anderson brothers are targets of The Firm just like all the warm and fuzzy fan favorites on the UWL roster are! When the day comes and The Firm is running the show...you three will answer to us! And you'll have to do what we say...or else! You got me, red beard?! Also, can't wait for the day when Gene does his first multi-word promo!"


Ole: "Gene will do that multi-word promo next week when he and Lars regain the tag team belts! He'll talk about how great it is to have put two members of The Firm in their place! Isn't that right, Gene?!"


Gene: "Yeah!"


Out on the entrance stage walked President Watts. He had a mic and his arm was still in a sling just like it was a few minutes earlier.


BW: "I'm going to go ahead and allow the World Tag Team Title re-match to take place next week on the 2-year anniversary UWL show. And Ole, I'll be talking with you later.")


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired chronicling the problems between the Killer Bees.)


(In-ring: Bees came to the ring. They were in street clothes and both had mics. They received a modest crowd reaction.


Blair: "Lately, a lot of fans have been asking what's going on with the Killer Bees. We've been going through a tough time lately on the professional front. Not too long ago, we were the World Tag Team Champions. Since losing the titles, it's like we've been stuck in neutral. We can't seem to get our bearings and get back on the winning track. But, we want our fans to know that we're not quitters. We will fight through this slump. And I am confident that we will be winning again in the very near future and will one day be tag team champions for the second time.


"We're both very frustrated right now. Jim has really been feeling the stress and strain of the current downturn of our career fortunes. He's repsonded to our slump by acting in ways that he never has before. Like most people who are around each other a lot, we butt heads from time-to-time over things. But even I've never seen Jim this angry before. Jim is here tonight to make a statement about his recent behavior."


Blair stepped back.


Brunzell: "Thank you, Brian. You all know the story. Brian just explained it. The Bees have been in a serious slump lately. It's taken a toll on both of us. Brian's handled it a lot better than I have. My behavior recently has been very un-Jim Brunzell-like. I'm normally a happy guy who is pretty laid back. But this negative turn in our wrestling fortunes has gotten to me in ways that I never imagined it could.


"With that said, I just wanted to apologize to all you fans for my recent actions. You guys are like part of our family. You've supported us loyally over the years. What you've seen from me...well...like I said...that's just not me. I'm letting myself crack a little under the pressure. I've never been in a slump like this my entire career. It's hard to handle. I'm used to success. But, you have my word, I will work through this time of great upheaval. The last thing I want to do is let you fans down. I know I can count on your support as I deal with this rough patch in my life.


"Brian here has been the rock of our team the last few months. He's like a brother to me. He's been my main sounding board during this dark period in the Bees' history. I could not have picked a better tag team partner. We'll be back on the winning track once more and it will happen soon.


"Finally, there's one more person I need to apologize to. Sam Houston, could you please come out here."


Houston came to the ring in street clothes and received a mild reaction from the crowd. Sam got in the ring.


Brunzell: "Sam, I think you know why I asked you out here."


Sam nodded in the affirmative.


Brunzell: "I just wanted to offer a heartfelt apology for sucker punching you in the jaw after our six-man tag match last week against The Firm. I wanted to win that match so badly, and we gave them such a run for their money that when we lost I was very upset. In the heat of the moment after the match I hit you. It was wrong and I can't apologize enough for what I did. I felt justified when I did it. But now, I just feel ashamed and embarrassed."


Brunzell extended his hand.


Brunzell: "Can you forgive me?"


Sam shook his head 'yes' and shook Jim's hand.


Brunzell: "That means a lot to me, Sam. It really does. And I want you fans to know that the Killer Bees will be back and we'll be better than ever!"


Sam, Brian and Jim then started talking off mic and Jim shook hands with Sam once more and gave Sam a quick hug before the three left the ring together.)


(Announcers discussed Jim Brunzell apologizing for his anger and actions in recent weeks. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Billy Graham; Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude; Tag Champs Hall & Nash see action; Rick Steiner vs. Grog; Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; and more. Said DDP sees action next.)


Match 2

DDP vs. Scott Casey

(WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 2:44)


(Casey suprised DDP by giving him a battle during the match, including almost scoring the pinfall upset victory before DDP came back and finished off Casey with his trademark finisher.)


(After the match, Marshall i'viewed DDP.


DDP: "Two weeks ago, I paid Ronnie Garvin $15,000 dollars to try and help me in my cage match against Ken Patera. As you saw, Garvin didn't get the job done. Now I know that he's here tonight. Garvin owes me my money back because he failed to render the services I paid him for. You only get..."


Out came Ron Garvin in street clothes and carrying a mic. He was booed. He came to the ring.


RG: "Dallas, let's get one thing straight here. The original deal was for $30 grand to take out Patera in that cage match against you. The $15,000 dollars you paid me up front was for taking the job. If I had completed the job then you would have owed me the remaining $15,000. But since Watts sicked his goons on me and had me forcibly removed from ringside, I was unable to perform my duties. So, you don't owe me the remaining $15 grand because my mission wasn't accomplished. But the $15,000 you did pay me...that's mine, Dallas. You are not getting that back, pal."


DDP: "Wait a minute! You never told me that! You never said that half the money I was paying you was just for taking the job! What the hell is this?! I want my money back, Ron! You failed to complete the task you were given a down payment on!"


RG: "Why do you think I make people pay me half the money up front? That's to guarantee I'll take the job. And that money is non-refundable whether you like it or not. You're never seeing that money again. It's sitting comfortably in my bank account. You knew, or should have known, the risk of hiring a bounty hunter. That's your fault for not doing your homework."


DDP: "This isn't cool, Ron. I want my money back because you did not deliver as promised! So, you march your ass down to the bank, get MY money out, return it to me, and everything's OK."


RG: "Look, how many times do I have to say this to you? The money you paid me up front was the money for taking the job. No refunds. That's non-negotiable."


DDP: "I want my money and that's final."


RG: "You're not getting it back...that's final."


DDP: "Man... I guess that's what I get for dealing with low-life scum like you..."


RG: "What did you call me?"


DDP just shook his head and briefly turned his back to Garvin. Big mistake. Garvin got locked and loaded. DDP turned back around...WHAM!...Garvin blasted DDP with his KO punch and DDP crashed to the mat. DDP out of it.


RG: "Dallas, that one's on the house!"


Garvin then tossed his mic aside and put the boots to the downed DDP before leaving the ring to loud boos.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events between Ron Garvin and Dallas Page.)


(Video clip aired from last week of the Graham-Steiner confrontation where Graham laughed at the idea of Steiner and Sawyer splitting up the Dog Pound and wrestling as singles for a while and Graham also dismissing Steiner's amateur credentials and Steiner making Graham look foolish by repeatedly taking Graham down with amateur moves.)


Match 3

Rick Steiner vs. Grog (w/ Father Dutch)


(Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system and FD and Grog came to the ring to fairly strong boos. Steiner then came out barking on his way to the ring and the crowd barked back in return. Steiner climbed over the ringside barricade and went and stood on a front row seat and barked some more before finally getting into the ring. Steiner ran around the ring and was barking but the party was cut short when Grog attacked Steiner and started beating on Rick.


Ref called for the bell.


Grog dominated the first half of the match before Steiner was able to fight his way back into the bout.


At the end of the match, Steiner was on the offensive. Steiner whipped Grog into the ropes and looked to leapfrog Grog coming off but Steiner didn't get high enough and Grog slammed head first into Steiner's groin. Steiner crashed to the mat in great pain and holding his goods. As Grog moved in to grab Steiner, Steiner rolled over and draped his arm over the bottom rope. Ref ordered Grog back. Ref knelt down and was checking on Steiner. FD, standing on the floor on the other side of the ring, gestured for Grog to come over. As the ref still checked on Steiner, FD slapped something into Grog's hand. Grog then 'tipped' his hand when he was shown wrapping FD's small steel chain around his hand. Grog stood with his hand down by his side as Steiner slowly made his way to his feet. Ref signaled for the men to start wrestling again. Grog moved in and swung wildly at Steiner and missed with the chained hand. Steiner caught Grog and hoisted Grog up for a belly-to-back suplex. As Steiner got Grog in the air, Grog connected with the chained right fist. Steiner crashed to the mat with Grog on top of him for the pin. Grog concealed his right hand down by his leg as the ref counted. 1...2...2-7/8... Steiner kicked out. Crowd cheered. As the ref briefly checked on Steiner again, Grog turned away from the ref and dropped the chain in the front of his tights.


Steiner made it to his feet once more. Grog charged at Steiner and Steiner stunned Grog with a scoop powerlsam out of nowhere. Crowd popped big-time. Steiner got to his feet and started barking and the crowd barked back. Steiner looked and saw FD climbing up on the apron. When FD got on the apron, he was immediately greeted with a Steiner Line that sent FD crashing to the floor. Crowd eating it up. Grog got to his feet as Steiner turned around. Grog charged at Steiner and Steiner caught Grog in the belly-to-belly position and blasted Grog with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Steiner barked some more and the crowd barked back. Grog got to his feet and Steiner hoisted Grog up in the fireman's carry position. Steiner blasted Grog with the Steiner Driver (aka, Death Valley Driver). Steiner covered Grog and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd let out a roar as the ref called for the bell and then went over and raised Steiner's hand in victory. WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner Driver - 6:39)


(After the match: Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


BW: "Rick, stay right there. 'Superstar' Graham, I need you to come out here now."


After a brief pause, Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard came out on the entrance stage to strong boos. Graham was in his ring attire.


BW: "Next week, the UWL will celebrate its 2-year anniversary right here on 'Slam!' with a big show. After what we witnessed last week between you two, I am ordering a match between Rick Steiner and 'Superstar' Graham!"


Crowd cheered.


BW: "Only it won't be a standard pro-style match. Instead, you will be wrestling according to amateur rules!"


Graham: "What???!!! I'm not some amateur wrestler, jack! I am a pro-fess-ion-al! I'm not gonna roll around on the mat and exchange holds like they do in high school and college! I work the pro style! I beat men with the jackhammer and the 'Superstar Squeeze'! This amateur stuff...Watts... leave it for those who are amateurs!"


Steiner happy in the ring.


BW: "'Superstar'! You've got one week to learn how to work amateur-style! You will wrestle this match or be slapped with a $100,000 dollar fine and an indefinite suspension for insubordination! You got me?!"


Graham: "Who do I protest this decision to?!"


BW: "You want to lodge a protest?!"


Graham: "Yeah. I wanna file a protest!"


BW: "Go ahead."


Graham: "Go ahead and what?"


BW: "Present your protest."


Graham: "You're who I lodge a protest with?!"


BW: "That's right."


Graham: "Well then, I protest you making me wrestle an amateur-style wrestling match against Rick Steiner next week!"


BW: "Overruled! The match will happen as planned! Graham and Steiner! Get ready to hook 'em up next Tuesday night!"


Steiner ran around the ring barking as Graham and Wizard started having words with Watts off-mic on the entrance stage.)


(Video aired for the 2-year UWL anniversary edition of 'Slam!' - Next Tuesday - FX - Special 2-hour edition - Live! - Tucson, AZ - Tucson Arena - 9:30 E/P - Want to be there in person: Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the amateur rules match between Steiner and Graham for next week's 2-yr. anniversary show. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Billy Graham; Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude; Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; and more. Said the WTT Champs see action next!)


Match 4 (Non-Title)

Hall & Nash © (w/o DiBiase) vs. Mulkey Brothers


(Announcers pointed out that the Mulkeys were the UWL WTT Champs for five days in early 2012.


Not much of a match, Hall badly destroyed both Mulkeys. At one point, with Bill Mulkey laid out in the ring, Hall went over by the ropes and requested the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Marshall handed Hall the mic.


Hall: "Hey, Kev! I've got this man! You can take the night off!"


Hall tossed the mic back down to Marshall and Nash acted all happy. As Hall turned his attention back to Mulkey, Nash laid down on the apron and propped his head up on his hand and watched the action.


Hall battered Bill Mulkey some more and threw him into his corner where Bill tagged in Randy. Randy got a quick working over from Hall and was then whipped into the ropes and Hall caught Mulkey coming off with the Hallinator (aka, Rock Bottom). Hall stood with one foot on Randy's chest for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and went over and took the titles from r.a. Marshall. Ref handed the titles to Hall and Nash and raised their hands in victory. WINNER: Hall & Nash - Hall pinned Randy Mulkey with the Hallinator - 4:21)


(After the match: As Hall and Nash were strutting around the ring and rubbing in their reign as tag champs, an attractive black woman in a black conservative pants suit and black heels came walking to the ring with mic in hand. Hall and Nash took notice of her. Hall demanded the ring mic from r.a. Marshall once more.


Pedicino: "Who is that? I've never seen her before."


Stack: "I'm as stumped as you are, Joe."


The woman stepped into the ring and Hall and Nash seemed interested in her in impure ways. The woman walked right up to Nash.


Woman: "Wow! I can see why they call you 'Big Sexy'! Ummmm...."


Nash: "Come back with me to the hotel after the show and I'll show you why they call me 'Big Sexy'."


Nash then did one of those naughty, leering laughs.


Hall: "Hey yo, lady! What about the 'Bad Guy', huh? We could have a lot of fun, doll. Just let me stop by the hotel bar and pick up a few dozen adult beverages and we could have a hell of a party!"


Woman: "Ummmm... Heh heh. Well, sometimes three is better than two."


Nash and Hall looked at each other wide-eyed with mouths hanging open.


Woman: "I love pleasure. (Purrs.)"


Nash: "Believe me, so do we, baby!"


Hall: "Pleasure's my middle name! Scott 'Pleasure' Hall! It's right there on my birth certificate!"


Woman: "Sounds like it would be a fun night. But I'm here on business."


Nash: "Business?! Besides spending a wild night with the UWL World Tag Team Champions what other business is there for a woman?!"


Woman: "I'm a manager."


Hall: "Manager of what?! A Victoria's Secret store?!"


Woman: "I manage wrestlers."


Nash: "Are you serious?! You...a chick...manages some wrestlers?! Please! Haha!"


Hall: "Hey yo! I've never seen you before! What's your name, toots?!"


Woman: "My name is Dark Journey."


Hall: "No way! That's a fictitious name! No managers have fictitious names in wrestling, man! Come on!"


Nash: "Seriously, what is your name?"


DJ: "It's Dark Journey."


Hall and Nash started laughing.


Nash: "When you were born, your mom and dad named you Dark Journey?! Hahaha! That's rich! You're too much, Dark Journey! I think you're just some ring rat looking to make a name for herself at our expense! Hit the bricks, Pointer Sister #9!"


Hall: "Were there eight other Pointer Sisters, man?"


Nash: "Haha! I don't kn..."


DJ: "The two wrestlers I currently manage are here tonight. Would the World Tag Team Champions like to meet them?"


Nash: "You got your wrestlers here with you?! Can't wait to see 'em! Bring 'em on out! Bet they're a couple of midgets or something!"


Hall: "Yeah! They can kick our ankles but not our asses...literally!"


Two started laughing hysterically.


DJ: "Link and Humongous! Come on out and introduce yourselves!"


Hall and Nash were still laughing. But the laughs melted away as Dark Journey's two men came out on the stage. Fair crowd response.


Stack: "That's Lord Humongous and the Missing Link!"


On the stage, Humongous pounded his chest as Link was carrying a chair and held the chair up and furiously beat his head against it multiple times.


Crowd now buzzing.


Humongous was wearing his trademark '80s-style hockey goalie mask, fur-lined tights, spiked leather bands on his forearms and heavy black boots. Link was wearing his trademark blue, yellow and green face paint, black tights and fur-lined black wrestling boots. Link also had his famous haircut of a tuft of hair on the back of his head and a tuft on the front and black goatee.


As the pair made their way to the ring, Hall and Nash couldn't believe what they were seeing. Nash rubbed his eyes like he believed it was a bad dream.


Once at ringside, Link tossed the chair aside, grabbed the back of his own head, and rammed it repeatedly into the ring post. Link then stomped around ringside as Humongous just stared at Hall and Nash through his hockey mask. Journey then signaled by waving her hands towards herself for her men to get in the ring. The pair got up on the apron. Hall and Nash backed up. Crowd starting to get into it. Humongous and Link stepped through the ropes and stood behind Journey. Hall and Nash both raised their title belts to use as weapons in case the unorthodox pair came at them.


The two sides looked on at each other and Humongous pounded his chest again with his right fist and then slowly raised his right hand and pointed at the champs. Nash and Hall looked confused and concerned as they still had their belts at the ready, though they didn't seem to really know how to deal with this duo.


Journey then slowly raised her right hand.


DJ: "I just wanted Lord Humongous and Missing Link to meet the tag team champions. Hope you realize now that I'm a manager. We're not here to play. This is serious business. See you around, Hall and Nash."


DJ then pointed out of the ring. Humongous and Link slowly turned and left the ring and dropped to the floor. As Hall and Nash looked on, Journey went out on the apron and jumped into the arms of Humongous who gently lowered her feet-first to the floor. The trio made their way back up the aisle to stronger cheers than they received coming out as a befuddled Hall and Nash stood in the ring looking on.)


(Announcers discussed manager Dark Journey introducing her tag team, Lord Humongous and Missing Link to the WTT Champs Hall and Nash and Hall and Nash seemingly not knowing what to make of the pair. Hyped still to come: Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude; Arn vs. Graham; and more. Said an i'view w/ Tina Ferrari was coming up! Announcers then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson was standing in the interview area.


LN: "Steve and Joe, when Dallas Page got backstage after 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin had knocked him out with a cheapshot knockout punch, Page collapsed. The on-site physician has been checking on Dallas and I can report that Page is awake and alert and showed no signs of a concussion. Wait a minute..."


Camera panned to the left and saw Garvin walking in the direction of where the interview area was.


LN: "Ron Garvin! Could I have a word with you, please?!"


Garvin walked into the interview area.


LN: "Ron, do you have anything to say about what transpired earlier this evening?"


RG: "Look, when you reach an agreement with me to take on a bounty, the 50% you pay me up front is for taking the job. That money becomes mine and is not refundable. If I don't get the job done that you paid me for, then you don't owe me the other half of the money. It's very rare that I don't complete a job that I'm paid to do, but it does happen on occasion. Dallas Page knew or should have known he wasn't get that up front money back. For him to demand it back, well, that's an insult to me and the bounty hunting profession. Page deserved getting knocked senseless by me because he was publicly trying to humiliate me. You don't do that to 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin. Not in this lifetime, anyway. When you try and mess with my business then you better be..."


DDP suddenly charged into the scene and attacked Garvin from behind. DDP was beating on Garvin and Garvin then fought back and the two were exchanging blows when Garvin got the upper hand and went to whip DDP into a group of folding tables that were on a cart but DDP reversed and sent Garvin crashing into the tables. As Garvin got up, security rushed to the scene and kept the two separated. Pres. Watts then walked into the scene. The two men were trying to get at each other.


BW: "'Diamond' Dallas Page! 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin! You two will settle this matter next week on the UWL 2-year anniversary edition of 'Slam!' Security, get them out of here and take them in opposite directions!"


Security moved in and hustled Garvin away as DDP was picked up on a mic yelling.


DDP: "You're a scum-punk, Garvin! A snake who steals people's money! Next week you're the one who's gonna pay!"


DDP was then hustled off.)


(Announcers discussed the Garvin-DDP fight and Watts making a match between the two next week. Said an i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari was next.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 1-13 thru 1-19.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Lex Luger


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


# The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Women's WC Tina Ferrari.


Ferrari came to the ring in an Ann Coulter-like party dress and was wearing heels, her trademark tiara and had the title slung over her shoulder. Crowd booed Ferrari as she got in the ring.


Tina: "Go ahead and boo me, peasants! The fact is that I am greatness personified and you people sitting out here are a whole bunch of nothing!


"I was just standing in my dressing room and looking at myself in the mirror. I can tell you that I never get tired of seeing this World Title on my body. It is a beautiful sight, as you can tell. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the spirit that has played a key role in propelling me to greatness. To the spirit of Mildred Burke I say thank you. Thank you, spirit of Mildred, for using me as your vessel to achieve the glory I have attained! I could never have done it without you, spirit of Mildred. I am forever in your debt.


"As you know, President Watts seems to like springing suprises on me. At 'Holiday Havoc', he made me defend the World Title against three women in a Gauntlet match; one of those women was Lita. Is Lita standing here before you today as the Women's World Champion? Of course she isn't. She couldn't beat me. A couple of weeks ago, President Watts thought it would be fun to set up a match between myself and a mystery opponent. That opponent turned out to be Kelly Kelly. What happened in that match, huh? We know the answer to that one, don't we. Kelly Kelly lost to me. No matter what kind of situation President Watts tries to throw me in I always emerge the victor in the end. I am still undefeated since I arrived in the UWL. So, Presiddent Watts, I know you're back there listening. What are you going to try and pull on me next, big boy? Because no matter what it is, it will end in defeat for your side as it always does."


Watts came out on the entrance stage unannounced with mic in hand.


BW: "Tina, I must say that while I'm not your biggest fan, I have to respect what you've accomplished here in the UWL. You still have yet to lose. You've been the Women's World Champion for almost a year. It's been an incredible run. With that in mind, I do have something else lined up for you. I think the Women's World Title should be defended on our big UWL 2-year anniversary show next Tuesday."


Tina (sarcastically): "Why, color me shocked, Mr. President! My oh my! Who shall I be defending the title against next week?!"


BW: "I'm glad you asked that, Tina. The woman you will be defending the UWL Women's World Title against next week is...Wendi Richter!"


Moderate crowd response.


Tina: "Would you like me to pretend I'm shocked and worried? Bring on Wendi Richter. As far as I'm concerned, she'll just be another statistic in a growing number of statistics that has tried and failed to beat me and wrest the gold from my well-manicured grasp."


BW: "I have nothing to say, Tina. We'll see how things play out next week."


Tina: "Indeed we will."


Watts turned to walk off the stage and then stopped himself.


BW: "Hey! Stupid me! I forgot to mention something. The special referee for the Women's World Title match will be...Madusa!"


Crowd popped at that news.


Tina: "No way! That's bullsh... This is a conspiracy against Tina Ferrari to deprive her of what is rightfully hers...the Women's World Title! Who do I have to talk to to protest this decision?!"


BW: "Ask Billy Graham. See you next week, Tina. And make sure you've got the title with you just in case you lose the match."


Tina: "Ask Billy Graham? What is that all about?"


Watts just turned and walked off the stage as an upset Tina stomped around the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Women's WT match between Ferrari © and Wendi Richter with Madusa as special ref for next week's UWL 2-yr. anniversary edition of 'Slam!'. Hyped still to come: Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude; and Pres. Watts has a message for Ole Anderson. Said Arn Anderson vs. Billy Graham is next!)


Match 5

Arn Anderson vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


(Arn came to the ring first and was strongly cheered. Graham and Wizard received a vociferous negative reaction from the crowd.


Graham further drew fan ire by stirking some bodybuilding poses in the ring.


Hard fought battle between the two. Graham took roughly 70% of the match.


At the end of the match, Graham had regained the advantage and was working over Arn. Arn looked like a beaten man. Graham whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a sole kick to the chest. Ann. Pedicino pointed out that Graham learned that kick from Asian mystics. Arn crashed to the mat. Graham stood back as Arn made his way to this feet. Arn got up, turned around and was plastered with a big running clothesline by Graham. Arn down again and looked done. Graham took the opportunity to strike a couple of bodybuilder poses. Instead of going for his jackhammer finisher, which was Graham's usual follow-up to the running clothesline, Graham knelt down on top of Arn with his knees Arn's shoulders. Graham flexed his biceps as the ref dropped down to count. As the ref started the count, Arn kicked his legs back, caught Graham's arms and flipped Graham over in a pinnning position. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans roared. Graham in disbelief as Arn got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory by the ref. Graham dropped to the floor and met up with the equally stunned Wizard and the pair made their way back up the aisle.


Arn, feeling the effects of the beating Graham laid on him, was still in the ring and had his hands on his knees and was facing away from the entrance aisle. Oliver charged to the ring in street clothes and without the title and slid into the ring and quickly popped to his feet and assumed the position. When Arn turned around...WHAM!...Oliver dropped Arn with his patented superkick. Arn laid out. Oliver stood over the downed Arn and looked at him and then up at the booing crowd before turning and leaving the ring and heading to the back.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Flip Over - 7:55)


(Announcers discussed Arn beating Graham and then TV Champ Oliver coming to the ring and laying out Arn with his superkick.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


NON-TITLE (Winner gets to pick the stipulations for their World Title match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV!):

Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE RE-MATCH: Hall & Nash © vs. Gene & Lars Anderson


UWL TV TITLE RE-MATCH: Rip Oliver © vs. Arn Anderson


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH (Special Ref: Madusa): Tina Ferrari © vs. Wendi Richter


'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. DDP


AMATEUR RULES MATCH: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham


Next Tuesday - FX - Special 2-hour edition of 'Slam!' - 9:30pm E/P - Tucson, AZ - Tucson Arena)


(Announcers said Rude vs. Patera was next!)


Match 6

Ken Patera vs. Rick Rude (w/ Ted DiBiase)


(Rude and DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Patera came charging to the ring to a strong ovation.


As Patera got into the ring he was jumped by Rude and DiBiase who pounded on Patera and whipped Patera into the ropes, grabbed hands and looekd to catch Patera coming off with a double clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and flattened both men with a double clothesline of his own that sent the crowd into orbit. With Rude slow to get to his feet, Ted got up next to the ropes and Patera blasted the Firm Director with a second clothesline that sent Ted crashing to the floor.


Patera had control of the match early, but Rude battled back and it became a see-saw affair. DiBiase got in a couple of cheap shots in Patera out on the floor during the match.


At the end of the match, Rude was on the offensive and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and caught Rude coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Rude crashed to the mat. Dusty Rhodes, in street clothes, came down to the ring. As Rhodes was about to climb up on the apron, Wahoo came roaring down the aisle and yanked Rhodes down to the floor and started battering Dusty with a brutal series of chops at ringside. ref distracted by Wahoo and Dusty. As Patera pulled Rude up, Rude raked Patera's eyes. Rude then pounded away on Patera as DiBiase grabbed a steel chair from under the ring and got up on the apron and held the chair up in the corner. Rude went to ram Patera's head into the chair but Patera instead slammed Rude's head into the chair. Rude staggered backwards and went down in the ring. Patera rammed the stunned DiBiase's head into the ring bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the ring post that sent Ted hurtling back down to the floor. Wahoo had sent Dusty scrambling/staggering up the aisle. Patera moved in and grabbed Rude in the full nelson as the ref turned around. Patera blasted Rude with his full nelson slam and covered Rude and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and then raised Patera's hand in victory as the fans cheered.


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 8:16)


(Announcers discussed the big win by Patera over Rude of The Firm and Wahoo short-circuiting Dusty's interference attempt. Said Pres. Watts has a message for Ole Anderson next!)


(In-ring: Back from commercial, Pres. Watts was walking around in the ring with a mic in his hand. His left arm was still in a sling.


BW: "We don't have much air-time left so I'll get right to it. I have something to say to Ole Anderson. So, if Ole could come to the ring."


Ole walked out on the entrance stage in street clothes with mic in hand. Ole came to the ring to strong boos. Ole got in the ring and walked around looking at Watts.


Ole: "Did you call me out here to tell me that one day your left arm is gonna be healed and we're gonna have that re-match you keep blabbing about? It's been over a month now, Watts. Why don't you just..."


Suddenly, Watts removed the sling.


Ole: "What's that about?"


BW: "Watch this, Ole."


Watts started moving the arm around normally as fans started buzzing.


BW: "Guess what?! My left arm has healed up! And we're gonna have that re-match I've been talking about all these weeks! Ole! Next week, as we celebrate the 2-year anniversary of the UWL here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be you and me!"


More crowd buzzing.


Ole looked on at Watts with a serious look on his face.


BW: "And we're gonna hook 'em up in a no disqualification match!"


Crowd now cheering as Watts and Ole stood nose-to-nose with determined looks on their faces as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match ($1 Million Dollar All-Star Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: Roddy Piper (WC), Greg Valentine, Rip Oliver (TVC), Lex Luger, Rick Steiner, Ken Patera, Hall & Nash (TTC), Arn Anderson, Billy Graham, Gene & Lars Anderson, Wahoo McDaniel, Hugh Morrus, Grog, Buzz Sawyer

(WINNER: Piper- Eliminated Valentine with a Backdrop over the top rope - 12:40)

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'Holiday Havoc' PPV does a strong number of buys!!!


The UWL's annual December PPV, 'Holiday Havoc', garnered an estimated 126,000 buys, making it the third biggest PPV in the two year history of the company.


The show was built around Roddy Piper returning to the ring after being out with an 'injury' for 14 months and challenging Greg Valentine for the UWL World Title with Piper vowing to retire from wrestling if he couldn't beat Valentine and win the belt.


This is the third PPV in UWL history to break the 100,000 buy mark.


The previous two were headlined by matches featuring Hulk Hogan.


They were:


'Thunderstruck' (Hogan vs. Graham) - 6/12 - Est. 139,000 buys


'Heatwave' (Match of a Lifetime: Hogan vs. Brody) - 8/12 - Est. 181,000 buys

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NO DQ: Pres. Bill Watts vs. Ole Anderson


AMATEUR RULES: Rick Steiner vs. 'Superstar' Graham


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © vs. Gene & Lars Anderson


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE (Special Ref: Madusa): Tina Ferrari © vs. Wendi Richter


TV TITLE: Rip Oliver © vs. Arn Anderson


'Diamond' Dallas Page vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin




Ep. 105 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Quick-hitting montage' of video clips from the past year in the UWL aired to an edited version of the song 'Hocus Pocus' by Focus to open the program.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and welcomed them to the 2-year anniversary of the UWL on 'Slam!' and then ran down the card: Non-Title: (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. Arn Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; Women's World Title Match (Special Ref: Madusa): Tina Ferrari © vs. Wendi Richter; JJ Dillon is here with a major announcement; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Hall & Nash © (w/ DiBiase) vs. Gene & Lars Anderson (w/ Ole)


(Anderson Bros. came to the ring first to heavy boos. Hall, Nash and DiBiase came out to a mixed crowd reaction.


Heated opening battle before a hot crowd. During the match, Ole and Ted argued with each other from a distance on the floor. Also, DiBiase got in a series of cheap shots on Gene when Gene was out on the floor and Ole would re-pay the favor when Hall was on the floor by slamming Hall's head into the ring steps. A lot of back-and-forth and some exciting near falls.


At the end of the match, Lars and Hall were the legal men in the ring. Hall was on the offensive. Hall battered Lars with a quick flurry of punches and then dropped Lars with his discus punch. As Lars got to his feet, Hall grabbed him by the throat and prepared to nail Lars with a chokeslam but Lars escaped with a boot to the groin. Hall let go and Lars moved in and nailed Hall with punches of his own and whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off in the fireman's carry position. Lars nailed Hall with his Minnesota Wrecker (aka, Samoan Drop). Lars went for the cover. 1...2... Nash came in and grabbed Lars by the hair and threw Lars into the corner. Gene hit the ring and Nash dropped Gene with a roundhouse right to the head. Nash moved in and kneed Lars in the chest and then popped Lars with a series of elbow strikes to the head. Ref trying to separate Nash from Gene. Nash broke the illegal move at 4 on a couple of occasions but then continued the assault on Gene. Announcers pointed out that the ref was letting some things go to give the Andersons a shot to win the belts. And Hall recovered and moved over by the ropes and DiBiase came over and handed Hall something. Ole charged in and decked DiBiase. Ole actually got a fair face reaction for that as Ted crashed to the floor. Gene got up and moved in on Hall and Hall nailed Gene with a foreign object-laden right hand that stunned Gene. As Ole saw what happened in the ring, Ted came up behind Ole and dropped him with a low-blow. Hall threw Gene out of the ring down to the floor. Nash finally stopped his assault on Lars and went to his corner and had words with the ref. Ref distracted. As Lars came out of the corner, Hall popped him with a foreign object shot. Lars crashed to the mat. Hall dropped the object in his knee pad and then picked up Lars and blasted Lars with the Hallinator (aka, Rock Bottom) just as the ref turned around. Hall dropped down and covered Lars. 1...2...3!


Ref called for the bell. Ref went over and took the belts from r.a. Lee Marshall. Ref handed the belts to Hall and Nash and raised their hands in victory as DiBiase got in the ring and congratulated his men. Ole now on his feet at ringside and leaning against the ring apron and still feeling the effects of DiBiase's low-blow. Gene got on the ring apron and was promptly driven back down to the floor by a kick to the face from Nash. The Firm trio left the ring to a mixed crowd reaction.


WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Hall pinned Lars with the Hallinator - 9:29)


(Announcers discussed Hall and Nash retaining the tag belts. Pointed out that Ole may have made a mistake coming to the ring with his brothers tonight since he has a match later on. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; TV Title: Rip Oliver © vs. Arn Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; Women's World Title Match (Special Ref: Madusa): Tina Ferrari © vs. Wendi Richter; JJ Dillon is here with a major announcement; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said Pres. Watts has a message coming up next!)


(FLASHBACK: Video clip aired of the Mulkey Brothers upsetting Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus to win the UWL World Tag Team Titles and end Rip and Hugh's run as champs at 8-months on Ep. 56 of 'Slam!' - 2-14-12 - Wilkes Barre, PA - Mohegan Sun Arena.)


('Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He was wearing his black tights, a black UWL t-shirt and his cowboy-style wrestling boots. He received a decent ovation.


BW: "Tonight, the UWL celebrates its two-year anniversary. And it's thanks to you great fans that the UWL is going strong today! Thank you! Give yourselves a hand! You are the best fans in all of wrestling! I didn't say sports entertainment! I said wrestling!"


Fans cheered.


BW: "I'll be brief. You know the great show we've got lined up for you all tonight. And next week, we've got another solid show taking shape! On next week's 'Slam!', you are going to see the in-ring debut of Dusty Rhodes of The Firm!"


Mixed crowd reaction.


BW: "Also, 'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer will wrestle Father Dutch! And, in our main event, it will be Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera vs. Ted DiBiase, David Schultz and Hall and Nash of The Firm! And that match will take place in a steel cage!"


Crowd roared.


BW: "To make sure that no one who is not supposed to be in the match finds their way into the cage, I've hired a top-notch security team to surround the ring to make sure no outsiders get in! We've still got a great show tonight and we're gonna have another one next week!


"Again, thanks to all you great fans for your support of the UWL! let's hook 'em up!"


Watts waved as fans cheered.)


(Announcers discussed the big matches already made for next week's 'Slam!'. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; JJ Dillon is here with a major announcement; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said the UWL Women's WT match was next!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed special guest ref Madusa. Asked her about refereeing the Women's WT match between her foe, Women's WC Tina Ferrari and challenger Wendi Richter.


Madusa: "It's no secret that I can't stand Tina Ferrari. But, acting in the official capacity of a UWL referee, I'm going to call this match as fairly as I can. I will..."


Ferrari walked into the picture. Madusa glared at her.


Tina: "Madusa, let me tell you something, sweets. You better call this match the right way. You get my drift? It better be the right person getting their hand raised when the match is over. Got me?"


Madusa: "Tina, I will raise the hand of the right person. And that person will be the one who scores the victory in this match. And that will be one of two people."


Tina got in Madusa's face.


Tina: "You just make sure the hand you raise belongs to the reigning Women's World Champion."


Madusa: "Not if Wendi Richter wins. Then I'll be raising her hand. And I'll also gladly hand her the World Title that's around your waist. Tina Ferrari, ex-Women's World Champion. I so like the sound of that."


Madusa walked out of the interview area as Ferrari turned and looked at her go.


Tina: "Watch yourself, Madusa.")


Match 2 (UWL Women's World Title Match - Special Ref: Madusa)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Wendi Richter


(Richter got a modest response coming to the ring. Announcers pointed out that she was a former Women's World Champion. Tina came to the ring to strong boos.


Before the match even began, problems arose between Madusa and Tina when Tina tried to keep Madusa from patting her down. Madusa eventually succeeded in the pat down and Tina wasn't happy.


Tina took it to Wendi early before Wendi fought back and made it a match. Wendi came close a couple of times to scoring the upset but Tina barely escaped each time. Tina accused Madusa of making a fast count each time and the two exchanged words. Madusa and Tina would have more words with each other throughout the match. At one point, Tina shoved Madusa and Madusa had to do everything in her power not to retaliate.


At the end of the match, Tina had regained the advantage and was working over Richter. Tina bodyslammed Wendi into position for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out on the apron, mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Wendi. Tina bounced off of Wendi and then crawled back over and covered her. Madusa counted. 1...2...2-9/10... Wendi kicked Tina off a split-second before Madusa's hand hit the mat a third time. Tina got up and raised her arms in victory thinking she had won the match. Madusa grabbed Tina's arm and yanked it down. Tina threw her arm in the air again and gestured for Madusa to raise it. Madusa yanked the arm down again. Tina got in Madusa's face and the two had words. Tina then slapped Madusa in the face. Madusa felt the sting of the slap for a second and then tore into Tina with a flurry of punches. The dazed Tina spun around just as Richter got to her feet and blasted Tina with the RKO. Loudest pop of the match so far. Tina down. Wendi covered Tina and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Somehow, Tina barely got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Richter snapped up Tina and drove Tina into the ropes and nailed Tina with a couple of forearms to the chest. Wendi whippedTina into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Tina coming off with a backdrop but Tina instead stunned Richter by catching Richter with a tornado DDT. Both women down. Tina crawled over and covered Richter. 1...2...3! Madusa got up and called for the bell. Madusa went over and said something to Lee Marshall and took the title.


Tina gestured for Madusa to raise her hand in victory. Madusa briefly hesitated and then did her job and raised Tina's hand in victory and handed Tina the title. But Madusa didn't like it. Tina started talking trash to Madusa in the ring. Madusa made the yapping gesture with her hand and then turned away from Tina and Madusa shook her head. Big mistake. Tina nailed Madusa in the back of the head with the title. Madusa crashed to the mat holding the back of her head. Tina looked down at Madusa and then arrogantly raised the title high in the air for all to see before leaving the ring. Crowd booed as Tina headed back up the aisle.


WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - Tornado DDT - 8:51)


(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the title in a wild match and the continuing heat between Tina and Madusa. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; JJ Dillon is here with a major announcement; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said the TV Title match was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(FLASHBACK: Video aired of the debut of Hulk Hogan and Hogan's feud with Billy Graham culminating in their match at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV in June 2012.)


Match 3 (TV Title Match)

Rip Oliver © vs. Arn Anderson


(Arn came to the ring to a strong ovation. Oliver received heavy boos but also had his supporters. Oliver came to the ring with the title around his waist.


Short match that saw the men trying to beat the living hell out of each other rather than battle for the belt. During the match, Oliver tried to catch Arn coming off the ropes with his superkick but Arn was able to duck the kick.


At the end of the match, Arn charged at Rip and Rip caught Arn under the legs and nailed Arn with the hot shot. Arn crashed to the mat next to the ropes. As Arn got up, Rip assumed the position. Arn made his feet next to the ropes and Rip moved in an popped Arn with his superkick. Arn went head over heels over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Rip dropped to the floor and waited for Arn to get to his feet. Rip prepared to nail Arn with another superkick. Announcers pointed out that the wrestlers now had a count of 20 to get back in the ring. Arn got to his feet next to the ringside barricade. Rip went to nail Arn with another superkick but Arn moved and Rip instead crotched himself on the barricade as fans cheered. Arn popped Rip with a couple of head shots then peeled Rip off the barricade. Arn whipped Rip the ringside barricade at the other end of ringside. Arn charged at Rip and clotheslined Rip over the barricade into the ringside seating area. Arn climbed over the barricade and greeted Rip as Rip got to his feet with a series of punches that staggered the champ. Ref's count hit 20 and he called for the bell. Arn was battering Rip as Rip tried to get away from Arn. Rip was able to fight back and the two slugged it out and disappeared off to the side of the entrance stage to the back.


DECISION: Double Countout - 4:12)


(Announcers discussed the double countout in the TV Title match. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said JJ Dillon's major announcement is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(In-ring: JJ Dillon and Pres. Champion Harley Race made their way to the ring. They were booed. Race was in street clothes and JJ was in a suit. Race had the President's Championship slung over his shoulder. JJ was carrying a mic. Once in the ring, JJ paced around for a moment before speaking.


JJ: "First of all, just let me say that 2013 promises to be an exciting year for JJ Dillon Enterprises. As you can see, I am the manager of the President's Chanpion Harley Race. And we expect nothing less than a long and prosperous reign in 2013 for the three-time President's Champion.


"Now, if you'll notice, something's missing from this picture. What is it? The answer is obvious. No Tully Blanchard. And the reason you don't see Tully Blanchard standing in the ring with us is because he is no longer a part of JJ Dillon Enterprises. For months Tully had been struggling to regain the form that made him a two-time UWL World Champion. Because of that, Tully and I had a long talk a few days ago and decided that it would be best for both of us if we parted company. We in JJ Dillon Enterprises wish Tully Blanchard the best in all his future endeavors.


"So, it's now time to move forward. There's now an opening in JJ Dillon Enterprises. Who will be the wrestler that fills that void? I have my eye on several wrestlers out there right now who I think would be an outstanding addition to JJ Dillon Enterprises. And no, I will not name any of the wrestlers I'm interested in. Do they work for Vince? Do they work for Eric? Are they in the International Wrestling Alliance? Maybe some of them wrestle for Icons of Pro Wrestling? Are any on the UWL roster? What about outside the United States? I'm not gonna tip my hand. The search is on. And I am confident that the newest member of JJ Dillon Enterprises will be revealed sooner rather than later.)


(Announcers talked about JJ parting company with Tully and looking for a new member for JJDE. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; DDP vs. Ron Garvin; Amateur Rules Match: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said DDP vs. Ron Garvin is coming up!)


(FLASHBACK: Video aired chronicling The Firm throughout 2012. Included the revealing of Ted DiBiase as Director of the group.)


(Video aired chronicling DDP's involvement with 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin and the fallout from last week where Garvin turned on DDP and KO'd DDP during an argument over money.)


Match 4

DDP vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


(Garvin was intro'd first and came to the ring first and was strongly booed. He was wearing yellow tights and green boots.


As Garvin made his way to the ring, DDP didn't wait to be intro'd and came charging up behind Garvin and spun Garvin around and fired away on Garvin with a series of punches. Garvin staggered to ringside as many in the crowd cheered. DDP laid into Garvin with a few more punches and then threw Garvin into the ring. DDP followed Garvin in and the ref called for the bell.


DDP took it to Garvin early but Garvin fought back and took control before the match shifted into a back-and-forth affair. DDP tried to nail Garvin with his Diamond Cutter once during the match but Garvin escaped DDP's grasp before DDP could hit the move.


At the end of the match, Garvin was on the offensive. He plastered DDP with his Garvin Stomp and then went out on the apron and started climbing to the top buckle as DDP got to his feet. As Garvin prepared to come off the top buckle, DDP lunged and hit the ropes and Garvin lost his footing and crotched himself on the top buckle. Garvin teetered as DDP mounted the middle buckle and hoisted Garvin up on the top buckle and blasted Garvin with a superplex. Many in the crowd popped. DDP covered Garvin. 1...2... Garvin kicked out. As Garvin got up, DDP kicked Garvin in the gut and went to nail him with his Diamond Cutter finisher but Garvin shoved DDP off and DDP crashed front-first into the buckles. That was all Garvin needed. Garvin cocked his right fist. DDP turned around and stepped out from the corner...WHAM!...Garvin obliterated DDP with his knockout punch. DDP crashed to the mat. Garvin covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Garvin's hand in victory as the fans booed.


After the match, Garvin snapped up the out-of-it DDP, whipped DDP into the ropes and nailed DDP coming off with another KO punch to the head. DDP dropped haplessly to the mat once more. Garvin then left the ring in a very business-like fashion as boos rained down upon him.


WINNER: Garvin - Pinfall - 6:48)


(Announcers discussed Garvin beating DDP. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link; the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more! Said the Amateur Rules match was next!)


(FLASHBACK: Video aired chronicling the Father Dutch-Wahoo McDaniel feud which culminated in their violent 'Armageddon' Cage match at 'Helloween'.)


(Video aired of the Billy Graham-Rick Steiner situation leading up to their amateur rules match.)


Match 5 (Amateur Rules Match)

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Rick Steiner


(Steiner came to the ring first to the strains of 'Welcome To The Jungle'. Fans cheered. Steiner barked as he made his way to ringside and then ran around ringside barking at the fans who barked back in return. Steiner got in the ring and ran around and continued to bark some more.


Graham and mgr. Wizard came to the ring to the song 'California Dreamin' and strong boos. Once in the ring, Graham struck a few bodybuilder poses.


Graham then took the mic from r.a. Marshall.


BG: "I want it known right now that this whole thing is a farce! It is a travesty of justice to make the 'Superstar' wrestle in an amateur match! I am a professional wrestler! The amateur wrestling should be left to kids and Olympians! This rolling around on the mat stuff...it's not the 'Superstar's' style, jack!"


Crowd booed.


Graham had words with his manager and then the ref called both men out to the middle of the ring. Ref laid down the rules and patted each man down.


Announcers pointed out that the match was to be wrestled strictly according to amateur rules; 3 3-minute rounds; point-scoring system; 1-count scores a pinfall; submissions also allowed.


Graham had some words with the ref.


Graham then got down on all fours in the ring and Steiner got down behind Graham and started to wrap his arms around Graham's waist when Graham broke free and got to his feet and started walking around in the ring as the crowd booed. Graham walked over next to the ropes as Wizard got up on the apron. The two were talking. Ref came over and ordered them to break it up. Graham blew off the ref and continued talking with Wizard. Ref came back over and forcefully told Graham to get in the middle of the ring. Graham shoved the ref in the chest with one hand when Steiner came over and stood in front of the ref. Steiner gestured that if Graham wanted to fight, he could fight with him. After a brief stand-off, Graham had another quick word with Wizard and walked back to the center of the ring.


Graham got back down on his hands and knees and Steiner cautiously assumed the top position. Ref called for the bell. The two struggled to gain an advantage before Steiner was able to get the advantage. Steiner rode Graham and turned Graham over and went for the pin. Just before the ref could count one, Graham kicked out. The two got to their feet. The two men came out and carefully circled one another and Graham was able to catch Steiner in the go behind but Steiner wriggled out of the hold, caught Graham in the go-behind and took Graham down again. Graham got up and Steiner took Graham down with a leg-dive takedown. A furious Graham got up and climbed out on the apron to the boos of the crowd. Ref ordered Graham back in the ring. Graham crouched down and had some more words with Wizard and then got back in the ring. Graham then had words for the ref and Steiner and gestured for Steiner to take the bottom position and he would take the top position.


Steiner put up his hands and shook his head. Steiner got down on all fours. Big mistake. Graham feigned like he was going to get down and wrap his arm around Steiner's waist but then suddenly stood over Steiner and clubbed Steiner in the back with a two-fisted backsmash. Ref called for the bell. Steiner down in the ring. Graham put the boots to Steiner. Wizard on the apron urging Graham on. Graham whipped Steiner into the buckles and followed Steiner in with a big clothesline. Steiner staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees and then his face in the ring. Graham backed up as Steiner made his way to his feet. When Steiner got up and turned around...WHAM!...Graham dropped Steiner with his big running clothesline. Graham the snapped up Steiner and nailed him with his jackhammer.


Grand Wizard took the mic as Graham stood over the downed Steiner.


GW: "The 'Superstar' has just shown you how the professionals do it!"


Wizard got in the ring and raised Graham's hand in victory before the pair left the ring and headed back up the aisle to boos.


WINNER: Steiner - DQ - Graham attacked Steiner - 1:39)


(Announcers discussed Graham attacking Steiner and and getting DQ'd in their amateur rules match. Hyped still to come: Non-Title - (Winner gets to make the stips for their World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; No DQ: Pres. Watts vs. Ole Anderson; a look back at the arrival of Dark Journey and her two wrestlers: Lord Humongous and The Missing Link. Said the first 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and this week's 'UWL Top 5' were coming up.)


(FLASHBACK: A chronicle of the Valentine-Piper feud in '12 that culminated in Piper winning the UWL WT at 'Holiday Havoc'.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (Winner of tonight's non-title match picks the stips for the WT match!): Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine


'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 1-20 thru 1-26.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Lex Luger


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of the suprising debut of a new tag team in the UWL.


VIDEO (Edited):


UWL World Tag Team Champions Hall & Nash had just won a non-title match.


After the match: As Hall and Nash were strutting around the ring and rubbing in their reign as tag champs, an attractive black woman in a black conservative pants suit and black heels came walking to the ring with mic in hand. Hall and Nash took notice of her. Hall demanded the ring mic from r.a. Marshall once more.


Pedicino: "Who is that? I've never seen her before."


Stack: "I'm as stumped as you are, Joe."


The woman stepped into the ring and Hall and Nash seemed interested in her in impure ways. The woman walked right up to Nash.


Woman: "I'm here on business."


Nash: "Business?!"


Woman: "I'm a manager."


Hall: "Manager of what?! A Victoria's Secret store?!"


Woman: "I manage wrestlers."


Nash: "Are you serious?! You...a chick...manages some wrestlers?! Please! Haha!"


Hall: "Hey yo! I've never seen you before! What's your name, toots?!"


Woman: "My name is Dark Journey."


Hall: "No way! That's a fictitious name! No managers have fictitious names in wrestling, man! Come on!"


Nash: "Seriously, what is your name?"


DJ: "It's Dark Journey."


Hall and Nash started laughing.


Nash: "When you were born, your mom named you Dark Journey?! Hahaha! That's rich! You're too much, Dark Journey! Hit the bricks, Pointer Sister #9!"


DJ: "The two wrestlers I currently manage are here tonight. Would the World Tag team Champions like to meet them?"


Nash: "You got your wrestlers here with you?! Can't wait to see 'em! Bring 'em on out! Bet they're a couple of midgets or something!"


Hall: "Yeah! They can kick our ankles but not our asses...literally!"


Two started laughing hysterically.


DJ: "Link and Humongous! Come on out and introduce yourselves!"


Hall and Nash were still laughing. But the laughs melted away as Dark Journey's two men came out on the stage. Fair crowd response.


Stack: "That's Lord Humongous and the Missing Link!"


On the stage, Humongous pounded his chest and Link was carrying a chair and held the chair up and furiously beat his head against it multiple times.


Crowd now buzzing.


Humongous was wearing his trademark '80s-style hockey goalie mask, fur-lined tights, spike leather bands on his forearms and heavy black boots. Link was wearing his trademark blue, yellow and green face paint, black tights and fur-line black wrestling boots. Link also had his famous haircut of a tuft of hair on the back of his head and a tuft on the front and black goatee.


As the pair made their way to the ring, Hall and Nash couldn't believe what they were seeing. Nash rubbed his eyes like he believed it was a bad dream.


Once at ringside, Link tossed the chair aside, grabbed the back of his won head, and rammed it repeatedly into the ring post. Link then stomped around ringside as Humongous just stared at Hall and Nash through his hockey mask. Journey then signaled by waving her hands towards herself for her men to get in the ring. The pair got up on the apron. Hall and Nash backed up. Crowd starting to get into it. Humongous and Link stepped through the ropes and stood behind Journey. Hall and Nash both raised their title belts to use as weapons in case the unorthodox pair came at them.


The two sides looked on at each other and Humongous pounded his chest again with his right fist and then slowly raised his right hand and pointed at the champs. Nash and Hall looked confused and concerned as they still had their belts at the ready, though they didn't seem to really know how to deal with this duo.


Journey then slowly raised her right hand.


DJ: "I just wanted Lord Humongous and Missing Link to meet the tag team champions. Hope you realize now that I'm a manager. We're not here to play. This is serious business. See you around, Hall and Nash."


DJ then pointed out of the ring. Humongous and Link slowly turned and left the ring and dropped to the floor. As Hall and Nash looked on, Journey went out on the apron and jumped into the arms of Humongous who gently lowered her feet-first to the floor. The trio made their way back up the aisle to stronger cheers than they received comeing out as a befuddled Hall and Nash stood in the ring looking on.)


(Announcers discussed Link, Humongous and Journey and their stunning debut.


Pedicino: "Steve, the Missing Link seems to be missing more than just one link in his evolutionary chain. And Lord Humongous, even though he was cheered by the fans, looked like he walked straight out of a horror movie."


Stack: "I can't disagree with you, Joe. The Missing Linka and Lord Humongous look like they're gonna make things very interesting here in the UWL. And the fact that Humongous wears a hockey goalie mask, well, that's more than a little unnerving. But it's a great psychological tactic heading into a match. Wrestlers will be worried about being hit with that thing. Especially since Humongous is a big, powerful man."


Said the No DQ Match: Watts vs. Ole was coming up!)


(FLASHBACK: Video clips aired of Tina Ferrari winning and successfully defending the UWL Women's World Title throughout 2012.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Ole Anderson. Asked about the No DQ match with Watts tonight.


Ole: "I really think President Bill Watts needs his head examined to see if he's clinically insane. He wants to fight me in a no disqualification match? A match in which there are no rules and anything and everything goes? The only job the referee has in a no disqualification match is to count pins or call submissions. There are so many factors in play in a match of this nature. I don't think Watts thought this thing through clearly before making the match.


"I can do whatever I want to that left arm of his and the ref can't stop the bout. I could drag Watts out to the parking lot and back over his arm with my car and the only thing the referee can do is stand there and watch. There's no way that arm's 100%. Not after the damage I've inflicted on it in the past. And I have two goals tonight. Win the match. And permanently render President Watts' left arm useless. I think I'll succeed on both fronts. And Watts will have no one but himself to blame because he demanded this type of match.")


(Video aired chronicling the Watts-Ole feud.)


Match 6 (No DQ)

Preisdent Bill Watts vs. Ole Anderson


('Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts came to the ring to a solid ovation.


Ole came to the ring alone and to strong boos.


Both wrestlers took advantage of the stips. Ole spent much of the match working over the left arm of Watts. Ole used a chair on the arm, yanked it into the ring post; slammed it on the bolt that connects the top buckle to the ring post and generally worked it over with arm bars, arm twists, hammerlock into a slam onto the arm, ramming the arm into the buckles and, of course, the Divorce Court and cross arm breaker. Watts escaped the cross arm breaker by scooting close enough to the ropes and getting a hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Ole had also low-blowed Watts during the match.


Watts also got in some of his own brand of rough justice by pummeling Ole with punches, slapping Ole hard across the face a couple of times and drawing blood from Ole's mouth, slamming Ole's head into the ring steps, throwing Ole into the ringside barricade and stomping the hell out of the downed Ole and then choking Ole with the top part of a steel chair, slamming Ole's head into one of the TV monitors on the announcers table, bashing Ole across the back with a chair, etc. Watts tried to pin Ole a couple fo times to no avail.


At the end of the match, Ole was on the offensive. Ole and Watts had fought their way back out to the floor and Ole was pounding on Watts with punches and nailed Watts with a couple of kicks to the left arm. Ole then slammed Watts' head into the apron and then threw Watts back in the ring. Ole slowly made his way back in the ring as Watts made it to his knees. Ole moved in on Watts and Watts stunned Ole with a low-blow of his own. Crowd erupted. Ole fell on his ass in the ring. Watts methodically made it to his feet and was shaking as Ole, with the aid of the ropes pulled himself to his feet. Watts moved in on Ole and Ole tried to punch Watts but Watts blocked the punch try and blasted Ole in the face with a trio of three big punches of his own. Ole staggered. Watts grabbed Ole and whipped him into the buckles. Watts moved in and blasted Ole with a couple of brutal open hand slaps to the chest and then started choking Ole. Ref could do nothing. Watts let go of Ole. Ole staggered out against the ropes grabbing his throat and gasping for air. Watts whipped Ole into he ropes and caught Ole coming off with an elbow to the chest that dropped Ole. As Ole got to his feet, Watts got down in the three-point football stance. When Ole got up, Watts blasted him with a three-point stance clothesline. Ole crashed down to the mat again.


Watts then reached down and grabbed the stunned Ole and hoisted Ole into the bodyslam position. Watts walked part-way around the ring with Ole in his grasp and then nailed Ole with the Oklahoma Stampede (running powerslam). Crowd popped. A weary Watts covered Ole. 1...2... Gene and Lars Anderson, now in street clothes, hit the ring and stomped away on Watts thus killing the pin try. Nothing the ref could do because of the match stips. Gene and Lars continued booting Bill and then Lars pulled Bill to his feet and held him while Gene nailed him with punches to the head and body. As Ole recovered next to the ropes, Lars and Gene whipped Watts into the ropes and nearly decapitated the President with a vicious double clothesline. Watts crashed to the mat. Gene and Lars arrogantly strutted around the ring as the crowd booed. Ole went out to the floor and grabbed a steel chair off the floor that had been used during the match. Ole slid the chair into the ring. Lars and Gene went back to booting Bill. Ole picked up the chair in the ring and ordered his brothers to hold Pres. Watts up. Again, the ref had his hands tied by the No DQ stip of the match.


Ole slowly raised the chair over his head and started moving towards Watts when the crowd exploded as Lord Humongous and Missing Link, in their attire, hit the ring as mgr. Dark Journey followed them to ringside. As Ole went to swing the chair, Link grabbed it from behind and ripped it out of Ole's hands. Ole spun around and saw Link and Lord and jumped back. Gene and Lars had let go of Watts and Watts toppled to the canvas. The three Anderson brothers didn't know what to make of the bizarre pair standing before them. Link beat the chair against his head several times and tossed the chair aside. Ole ordered Gene and Lars to attack. Gene went at Link and Gene threw a punch that was blocked and then Link blasted Gene into next week with a series of violent headbutts. Gene crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and fell to the floor. Lars sized up Lord Humongous and then let Humongous have it with a right to the jaw. Problem was the jaw was covered with hockey goalie mask and had no effect. Lars grabbed his fist and was showing serious pain. Lord staggered Lars with one big head shot. As Gene made it to his feet on the floor, Lord hoisted Lars in the air in the press position and walked over by the ropes and threw Lars down on top of Gene. Both men now lying in a heap at ringside. Ole was now standing on the apron and then dropped to the floor and looked for a weapon under the ring. He found the weapon he was looking for in a reserve TV monitor. Ole got back in the ring with the monitor. Humongous signaled for Link to get out of the ring. Journey also signaled for Link to leave and he did. Lord stood there looking at Ole. Ole was hesitant at first but then charged at Lord and slammed the monitor over Lord's head. Part of the monitor cracked and broke on Lord's hockey mask. Lord staggered back a couple of steps and was holding the top of his head. Ole let out a laugh. A couple of seconds later, Lord took his hands off his head and stood straight up. Ole couldn't believe it.


Ole then charged at Lord and went to hit him but Lord blocked the punch and blasted Ole with a monster punch of his own. The punch spun Ole around and Ole walked right into the waiting arms of the now-recovered Watts. Journey got Lord out of the ring as Watts nailed Ole with a second Oklahoma Stampede. Watts covered Ole and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd roared. Dark Journey and her men shown heading back up the aisle without looking back. A battle-tired Watts had his hand raised in victory. Watts then slowly made his way out of the ring.


WINNER: Watts - Pinfall - Oklahoma Stampede - 13:22)


(Announcers discussed Watts beating Ole in the No DQ match with help from Lord Humongous and The Missing Link. Said the non-title Piper © vs. Valentine match was next with the winner picking the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare!' PPV.)


(Announcers hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


- 8-Man Cage Match: Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Ken Patera & Hugh Morrus vs. Ted DiBiase, David Schultz & Hall & Nash ©

(The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!)


- The in-ring debut of newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes


- Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch


- Lord Humongous & Missing Link make their in-ring debut


- The Killer Bees will battle the returning Ding Dongs


- Another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update




'Slam!' - FX - Tuesdays - 9:30pm E/P)


(FLASHBACK: Final flashback vid of the night chronicled the Watts-Vince Russo Co-Presidency in '12 that culminated in a 6-man elimination tag match at 'Heatwave' where the UWL Presidency was at stake and Watts' team won the match and the official firing party for Russo two nights later on 'Slam!')


Match 7 (Non Title: Winner gets to pick the stips for their WT match at 'Winter Warfare'!)

Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Gary Hart)


(Valentine and Hart made their way to the ring first to loud boos.


Bagpipe music filled the arena and fans popped as WC Piper came to the ring. Piper had the belt around his kilted waist.


Short, explosive battle between these two. Your typical hard-fought Valentine-Piper match. Hart never tried to interfere in the match. Match was fought completely in the ring.


During the match, Valentine tried to pin Piper with his feet on the ropes but the champ escaped. Piper locked Valentine in the ankle lock only briefly as Valentine made the ropes and forced a break in the hold. Valentine applied the figure four on Piper but Piper was able to reverse the hold. Lots of punching in the match.


Late in the match, Valentine had untied one of the top turnbuckle covers leaving only exposed steel.


At the end of the match, Valentine had just gained the advantage. Valentine worked over Piper with some big forearm smashes to the chest of Piper while Piper was leaned against the ropes. Piper staggered away grabbing at his chest and turned and walked right into a boot to the gut from Valentine. Valentine went to apply the Hammerhead (aka, Pedigree) but Piper wriggled free from Valentine's grasp and reached down and pulled Valentine's legs out from under him. Piper then positioned Valentine in the ring and catapaulted Greg into the corner. Greg's head slammed into the exposed steel where the turnbbuckle cover was ripped off earlier by Valentine. Valentine snapped back and crashed down on his back in the ring. Piper for the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Piper grabbed Valentine and went to whip Valentine into the ropes but Valentine reversed and bent down and looked to catch Piper coming off with a backdrop but Piper leapfrogged Valentine, spun around, grabbed Greg around the waist and ran Valentine into the ropes and rolled Valentine up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Valentine reached up and grabbed Piper's tights reversed the roll-up while maintaining the hold on Piper's tights. 1...2...3! Piper kicked out a split-second after the three count. Ref called for the bell. Fans booing. Valentine had his hand raised in victory by the ref.


Piper got to his feet and looked at Valentine as Hart got in the ring and congratulated his man.


Valentine then took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


GV: "Piper! Next week, I'm gonna announce to you and the world the stipulations I've chosen for our World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'! Gary Hart and I already know what they're gonna be! And I can guarantee you that you're gonna hate it! Haha! You're finished on February 17th!"


Piper looked on at a sneering Valentine as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Reverse Roll-up while holding the tights - 8:08)




(After the show went off the air:


President Watts, Wahoo McDaniel, Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Hugh Morrus, Ken Patera, Madusa, Rick Steiner, Buzz Sawyer, Killer Bees and DDP came to the ring. They saluted the fans and thanked them for their support over the last two years. Watts and some of the other wrestlers spoke to the crowd. As this was going on, former President Vince Russo came through the crowd, hopped the railing and got the r.a. mic and got in the ring. Crowd booed Russo's appearance.


Russo insulted the fans and then turned his ire on Watts. Russo told Watts that the UWL was still his company and that Watts was just keeping the 'Presidential seat' warm until he figured out a way to regain power. Watts had a few words for Vince and then blew Russo off. Watts turned his head and Russo sucker punched Watts in the jaw. Now Watts was pissed. The wrestlers all stepped out on the apron as Russo backed off as Watts slowly moved towards him. Russo tried to leave the ring but his path was blocked by Wahoo and Luger. Watts grabbed Russo in the bodyslam position, walked around the ring with Russo and then nailed Russo with the Oklahoma Stampede as the fans cheered.


Watts took the mic, squatted down next to the laid out Russo and had some words of encouragement for the former UWL President.


BW: "Russo! You will never, ever be the President of this company again! But the good news is if you're looking for work, I heard the Jack In The Box is hiring burger flippers right down the street!"


Watts and the wrestlers saluted the fans one last time before leaving the ring and heading back up the aisle as Russo was still laid out on the mat.)

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Tully Blanchard (Tully gave notice in October that he wasn't re-signing with the UWL after his contract expired on Feb. 1, 2013 due to the company's lack of using him in major storylines and matches. Tully felt he was just languishing in the promotion and felt he needed a fresh start elsewhere.)


The Crusher (Had not been used since 'Helloween' last year.)


The Powers of Pain (Had not been used in a long time. Rumored to be interested in possibly bringing back Warlord and giving him singles run.)


Daniels (aka, The Great Christopho) (Daniels knew his UWL run would end sometime during the year when, as Great Christopho, he would be unmasked as Daniels and would be 'fired' by the company in the storyline. The storyline went on longer than most expected and when the UWL signed Ron Garvin the decision was made to have Garvin unmask Daniels at 'Holiday Havoc' last year. Daniels now wrestles in Japan.)


Queen Kong (She was paid $1000 per appearance by the UWL. Was told by the company that they had no future plans for her. Last worked at 'Holiday Havoc' last year.)


The UWL is said to wish all of them the best in their future endeavors.




Feb. PPV - 'Winter Warfare' - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum


Apr. PPV - 'Spring Mayhem' - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center


June PPV - 'Thunderstruck' - Seattle, WA - Key Arena


Aug. PPV - 'Heatwave' - Glendale, AZ - Jobing.com Arena




Starting this year, the Dec. UWL PPV originally titled 'Holiday Havoc' will now be known as 'Season's Beatings!'

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After defeating UWL World Champion Roddy Piper in their non-title tilt last week, Greg Valentine will reveal the stipulations for their upcoming World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'!




- 8-MAN CAGE MATCH: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera & Hugh Morrus vs. Firm Director Ted DiBiase, Hall & Nash (WTTC) and David Schultz

(The cage will be surrounded by a special security force to keep outsiders from entering the cage!)


- Newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes makes his in-ring debut


- The bizarre pair of Lord Humongous & Missing Link, managed by Dark Journey, also see their first UWL action


- Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch




Ep. 106 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 106 - TUCSON, AZ - TUCSON ARENA - 1-29-13 (Taped)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd shots/Pyro)


(Ring Ann. Lee Marshall is standing mid-ring with mic in hand.)


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome my guests at this time! They are one of the teams in our steel cage main event this evening...Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus!"


The quartet got a strong ovation as they made their way out on the entrance stage in their ring attire. The group then came to the ring.


LM: "Gentlemen, we all know about the escalating problems UWL wrestlers are having with The Firm. And tonight, you four will battle it out in a steel cage against Firm Director Ted DiBiase, World Tag Team Champions Hall and Nash and 'Dr. D' David Schultz. This match promises to be a barn-burner. What are you thoughts heading into this very volatile situation?"


AA: "Lee Marshall! It's an understatement to say this will be a very volatile situation! It's gonna be more volatile than anyone could ever imagine! You've got two teams who absolutely despise each other squaring off in a 15-foot high steel cage! That cage is not just there to keep everyone in the ring! It's also a weapon! I can't describe what it feels like to have your flesh ripped open on the steel! You have to feel it yourself to truly know the agonizing pain and piercing sting of that cage pressing into your skin and pulling it apart! Having said that, our team has every intention of using that cage to our advantage! As the saying goes: there will be blood! This feud with The Firm is a blood feud! The hatred every time any of us crosses paths with members of The Firm is palpable!


"They want to take over the UWL! Our careers could be hanging in the balance whenever a UWL wrestler steps into the ring against a Firm member! The Firm wants power and control over everyone that comes within their orbit! They're willing to suffer setbacks and casualites along the way in this war as long as in the end, they are the victors and they get to make the rules and play god with our lives! You can look at us as the resistance! Because that's exactly what we are! We are trying to resist The Firm because we know that The Firm winning this war will be the worst thing that would not only happen to the UWL; it would also be the worst thing to ever happen to professional wrestling! All wrestlers on the UWL roster, no matter who they are..."


'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system as DiBiase, Hall & Nash (WTTC), and Schultz walked out on the entrnace stage in their ring attire to the usual mixed crowd reax. Ted had a mic.


Ted: "Arn! We've come out here to make you, Lex, Ken and Hugh an offer that you would be insane to refuse! We're giving you four the opportunity to just walk away from this match tonight! Just leave! Do not step into that cage with us! Am I making myself clear?!"


Lex: "Not clear enough, Ted."


Ted: "It's really simple, Lex Juicer, if your four decide to go ahead with your plans to face us in the cage match later this evening, I guarantee you that you will ALL regret it! Do the smart thing, men! Don't show up for the match and don't bother The Firm anymore and we'll leave all of you alone!"


Ken: "So, if we just blow off the cage match with you guys tonight and leave you guys alone then our problems with The Firm are solved? Is that what I'm hearing?"


Ted: "Ken, you were once a valued member of The Firm! You know my word is good!"


Ken: "You, your word is good?! Ha! Ted, you're worth tons of money! Yet you have the integrity of a used car salesman! I don't trust you! I know Arn, Lex and Hugh don't trust you! And we will continue to fight The Firm every step of the way to keep you from taking over this company one day! We're not going anywhere! And we'll see you guys in the cage later tonight!"


Ted: "That's it! You were given the chance to walk away from this match and staying out of Firm business! You've decided to rudely tell us that you're gonna continue to meddle in our affairs! Now, you will pay and pay dearly for your decision, men! You could have saved yourself a lot of problems now and in the future, but you've made things far worse for yourselves than you could have ever dreamed! We'll see you later tonight!"


DiBiase angrily glared at the four men in the ring as they looked on at Ted before Ted led his men off-stage and to the back as the segment ended.)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino discussed DiBiase telling Arn and crew not to wrestle in tonight's match with The Firm but Arn and co. rejecting DiBiase's thinly veiled threat. They then ran down the program: 8-Man Cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; the in-ring debut of Dusty Rhodes; Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch; Lord Humongous' and Missing Link's in-ring debut; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson interviewed the Killer Bees. Asked about their match tonight with the returning Ding Dongs and how things were going between them.


Brunzell: "Larry, I think I can speak for both of us when I say I think the Killer Bees start their comeback as a tag team tonight. We're confident we can beat the Ding Dongs. And this win tonight will be the first on our road back to contending for the tag team titles. Brian and I have been good friends and tag team partners for a long time now. We've had rough patches before but we have worked through them. We're working through this tough time right now. And a victory over the Ding Dongs would go a long way towards erasing the issues the Killer Bees are having."


Blair: "Jim is right. We've been together a long time. We're strong friends and have been a solid tag team for years. We're struggling as a team at this time. But, a win over the Ding Dongs would be a big boost for us. We just need that one win to start moving in a positive direction again. Our goal is to be the World Tag Team Champions for a second time. Beat the Dongs and we are headed back up the contention ladder. Jim and I have been having some problems because of frustration over how things are going for us professionally. We take pride in what we do. We don't do failure well. When you're in a slump, you often wind up pointing the finger of blame at each other. I believe we've moved past that stage and are concentrating on the positives that made us a winner. If we enter this match with the Dong Dongs with that mindset, we should be able to take care of business and win this match.")


Match 1

Killer Bees vs. Ding Dongs


(Dongs came to the ring first to the sound of bells ringing over the p.a. system. They received a modest booing response from the crowd.


Bees came to the ring to a fair ovation and slapped hands with fans along the way to the ring.


Announcers pointed out that the Dongs never won a match in their previous stint in the UWL.


Bees dominated the match but the Dongs escaped defeat on three different occasions during the bout.


At the end of the match, the unthinkable happened. Blair and D2 were the legal men in the ring. Brunzell and D1 were fighting on the floor after D1 had broken up a pin try by Blair and Brunzell dropkicked D1 over the top rope and down to the floor. Brunzell followed D1 out of the ring. Blair nailed D2 with a couple offensive moves and then planted D2 on the top buckle. Blair mounted the middle buckle. D1 had gained the advantage on the floor and sent Brunzell crashing into the ringside barricade. Blair popped D2 in the head with a couple of punches and then went to hoist D2 up for a superplex. As the ref looked up at Blair and D2, D1 snuck over and reached in the ring and clipped Blair's ankle. Blair lost his balance and crashed to the mat. D2 dropped to the mat and rolled Blair up for the pin try while D2 also placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Dongs went crazy. Announcers pointed out that was the Dongs first-ever win in the UWL. Brunzell recovered and saw his downed partner and the celebrating Dongs. Jim went over and spoke briefly with the ref and then Jim dropped his head in defeat. Dongs left the ring mainly to boos but also had a few supporters in the crowd as they jubilantly headed back up the aisle.


WINNER: Ding Dongs - Pinfall - D2 pinned Blair with his feet on the ropes - 5:19)


(After the match: Jim was walking around in the ring with his head down and hands on his hips. Blair got to his feet. Blair not happy with he result either. Brian and Jim looked at each other and Brian approached Jim to talk to him but Jim walked away and went over next to the ropes and asked for the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Jim took the mic and walked around in the ring for a moment before speaking.


Brunzell: "It can't get any lower than this for the Killer Bees. Where do we go from here?"


Brian dejectedly shook his head and gestured with his hands that he didn't know.


Brunzell: "Well, Brian, you're in luck. I know where we need to go from here. It's the only thing left to do."


Blair turned his head away from Brunzell...WHAM!...Brunzell sucker-punched Blair in the jaw with his mic-laden right hand. Blair crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Brunzell tossed the mic. Brunzell then grabbed Blair and nailed Blair with an inverted headlock neckbreaker. Blair laid out. Brunzell picked up the mic and stood bent over Blair.


Brunzell: "This had to be done, Brian! Trust me! You'll thank me for this later! I've just salvaged our careers!"


Brunzell tossed the mic and put the boots to the downed Blair beofre finally leaving the ring to fairly strong boos from the crowd.)


(Announcers discussed the Bees losing to the Dongs and Brunzell turning on Blair after the match.


Pedicino: "I can't say I'm suprised at what we just witnessed. Brunzell appeared to be on the verge of cracking for several weeks now."


Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; the in-ring debut of Dusty Rhodes; Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch; Lord Humongous' and Missing Link's in-ring debut; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more.)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Pres. Watts. Asked about defeating Ole Anderson last week in their No DQ match with some help from Lord Humongous and Missing Link and also about tonight's 8-man cage main event.


BW: "First off, I want to say a very public thank you to the Missing Link and Lord Humongous and their manager Dark Journey for coming to my aid last week during the no disqualification match I had with Ole Anderson. No matter how bizarre Link and Humongous might be, if they didn't help me then I was in serious trouble against Ole and his brothers, who had joined in an attack on his behalf. The bottom line is...I won the match! I told the fans and I told Ole I was coming back and I did and I got my revenge against Ole Anderson! Ole, I hope you learned your lesson about messing with one of your elders! But, knowing Oole, nothing's probably been learned from all of this!


"As for the 8-man steel cage tag team match later tonight. The war between The Firm and the UWL just keeps burning hotter and hotter. In a cage match, you've got men locked in close confines with each other. I have no doubt that things will get very physical in this match. You have two teams battling who hate each other. And to make sure that this remains an 8-man tag team match, as I told everyone last week, I've hired a special security force to guard the cage to keep outsiders from getting in the ring. Now, we have a great security crew right here in the UWL. But, the guys I've hired to guard the cage tonight are some of the most accomplished security people to be found anywhere. All of them come from strong military backgrounds. This security force that I've hired came highly recommended because of their outstanding track record in controlling potentially explosive situations. With these guys at ringside, I have no doubt that our 8-man cage match tonight is going to remain just that, an 8-man cage match!")


(Video aired from last week of Garvin defeating DDP with his KO punch.)


Match 2

DDP vs. Manny Fedrnandez


(Fernandez came to the ring to very little crowd reaction. In the ring, Fernandez took the r.a. mic from Marshall and made a racially charged, pro-Mestizo speech and closed it by saying: "Viva La Raza!" Most in the crowd booed but there were some cheers scattered throughout the arena.


DDP came to the ring to a modest positive crowd reaction with some boos mixed in.


These two fought it out and Fernandez gave DDP a battle. But in the end, DDP was able to pull out the victory when he nailed Manny with his Diamond Cutter and scored the pinfall victory. A few more cheers than when he entered the ring.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 7:26)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed DDP. Asked about the situation with Garvin.


DDP: "Lee, the last couple of weeks have been a real wake-up call for me. I've been taking stock of my life and career and have come to the realization that I need to make some changes. And the changes I'm making are for the better. You side with certain people, you should expect bad things to happen. Since I've arrived in the UWL, I've done nothing but align myself with unsavory characters. I've insulted you fans repeatedly. I've taken shortcuts to win. I cared about nothing but what DDP wanted. That's all changing now. You may remember that I used to come out here and peddle my life-changing DVD's. It's time I heeded some sage advice myself . If I want to become a better person. If I want to become a wrestler that these people can be proud of, I've got to change. To all you fans, I apologize for my behavior towards you these last two years. I apologize to all the wrestlers that I've cheated against just to win a match. I especially want to apologize to President Bill Watts for what I've put him through in the last year. I've been in the wrong all this time, man. 2013 will be the year of the new and improved Dallas Page. I'm not gonna win every battle, but I can become a decent and honorable man. You people watch me. You will see the changes in me."


DDP made the diamond sign.


DDP: "Bada-bing, bada-boom, bada-bang!"


Decent response from the crowd as DDP left the ring and slapped hand with the fans on the way back up the aisle.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center; Fri. - March 8 - St. Chalres, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena . More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(In-ring: Back from commercial, JJ Dillon was standing in the ring with mic in hand as President's Champion Harley Race was standing with JJ. Race was in street clothes and Dillon was in a suit. Race had the PC slung over his shoulder.


JJ: "Last week, I told you that JJ Dillon Enterprises had parted company with Tully Blanchard. Since I made that announcement, my phone has been ringing off the hook, my e-mail box has been flooded, I've even gotten several certified snail mail letters from wrestlers around the world who want to be the the next member of JJ DIllon Enterprises! You sh..."


JJ's cell phone rings. He reaches into the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket and pulls out the phone.


JJ: "Hello. Hey, Randy! Look, I'd love to talk with you about the opening right now but I'm on TV! I'll call you back, OK? Talk to you soon! Bye-bye.


"Guys are calling me at all hours of the night! They know what it would mean to their careers to be part of JJ Dillon Enterprises! I can tell you right now that I am searching high and low for the man who I think is the best fit for our stable! Some wrestlers are already very high on the wish list! Who are they? Haha! I'm not telling you. When the newest member of JJ Dillon Enterprises has been selected, it will be such huge news on the wrestling landscape that there will be no way you can miss it."


JJ handed the mic to Race.


HR: "A champion is only as good as his challengers. So I'm throwing out an open challenge to every wrestler out there on the UWL roster. You think you can beat me and take the President's Championship? Then step up to the plate, sign your name on the dotted line and let's see if you have what it takes to beat the 3-time President's Champion.")


(Announcers discussed DDP's stated changes for the better and JJ Dillon looking for the next member of JJ Dillon Enterprises. Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch; Lord Humongous' and Missing Link's in-ring debut; an i'view w/ Billy Graham; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Said the in-ring debut of Dusty Rhodes was next!)


Match 3

Dusty Rhodes vs. Del Trotter


(Dusty came to the ring alone and to a mixed crowd reax. He was wearing a top hat, black satin jacket with the name 'Dusty' written in red cursive lettering on the back and a red, white and blue Texas star at the end of his name, his cowboy-style wrestling boots and black tights.


During the match the announcers discussed Dusty's feud with Wahoo.


Dusty toyed with and ultimately destroyed the founder of Trotter's Independent Traders-turned-wrestler Del Trotter. Dusty used the bionic elbow and the hand jive on Trotter during the match. Dusty would finally pin Trotter after blasting him with his new finisher, the inverted piledriver.


WINNER: Dusty - Pinfall - Inverted Piledriver - 4:16)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Dusty.


DR: "Most people call the move I just finished Mr....what was his name..."


LM: "Del Trotter."


DR: "Most people call the move I just finished Del Trotter with the inverted piledriver. But when I do it it is not the inverted piledriver. It is called the 'Stardust Driver'. You all got that? Say it with me. The 'Stardust Driver'. I don't ever wanna hear it called by its generic name, the inverted piledriver, when I use it!


"Lee Marshall, a lot of fans are very curious about what goes on backstage at a pro wrestling event. Well right now, I'm gonna give these people a little peek behind the curtain. UWL official Chris McClain, come on down to this ring."


After a brief pause, McClain came out. He was in a suit and was walking casually to the ring.


DR: "C'mon, daddy! The master of the 'Stardust Driver' hasn't got all day!"


McClain got into the ring.


DR: "Chris McClain, as I was waiting by the curtain to come out for my match tonight, you appraoched me and asked me a question, correct?"


CM: "Yes I did."


DR: "You asked me if, for old time's sake, I could do one of my classic 'funky like a monkey' promos, did you not?"


CM: "That's true. I loved those interviews."


DR: "Would you like to hear me do a 'funky like a monkey' promo right now, Chris?"


CM: "I'd love to hear one."


DR: "Well, you're not gonna hear one, jack! I'm now a member of the elite group in wrestling, The Firm! I no longer come out here and grovel for the approval of these...these...people! And just because you've got that blazer on that has the UWL logo on the breast pocket, don't think you can make some request and I'm gonna respond like the organ grinder's monkey! You hear me, McClain?! You hear where I'm comin' from?!"


CM: "Hey. Wait a minute. It was only a re..."


DR: "I don't think you understood what I just said! But maybe you'll understand this!"


Dusty tore into McClain with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head that staggered McClain. Dusty then clasped his hands together and blasted McClain with a double sledge to the side of the head. McClain crashed to the mat. Dusty hoisted McClain up and nailed him with his 'Stardust Driver'. McClain laid out in the ring. Dusty left the ring and went over and grabbed an empty steel chair next to the timekeeper's table. Dusty folded up the chair and climbed back into the ring with it. Crowd buzzing. Dusty placed the chair in the middle of the ring and then grabbed McClain and prepared to hoist McClain up for a 'Stardust Driver' on the chair. Crowd popped as Wahoo, in street clothes, hit the ring and came up behind Dusty and blasted Dusty with a couple of forearm smashes to the upper back. Dusty let go of McClain and McClain fell to mat. Dusty spun around and Wahoo peppered Dusty with a series of staggering chops and then whipped Dusty into the ropes and looked to catch Dusty coming off with his big chop but Dusty grabbed the top rope and quickly bailed from the ring to the floor as fans booed Dusty. Wahoo looked on from the ring as the ref and Marshall checked on McClain in the ring. Dusty reached under the ring and pulled out another steel chair and tossed it into the ring. Dusty then went over and yanked the timekeeper out of his chair and picked up the chair. Marshall and the ref had gotten McClain out on the apron. Dusty threw the unfolded chair into the ring. Wahoo grabbed the chair, sat it up and sat in it and dared Dusty to get in the ring. Crowd buzzing. Dusty got up on the apron and looked intently at Wahoo. Dusty then got one leg in the ring and Wahoo stood up. Dusty immediately bailed to the floor. Dusty then started backing up up the aisle and was picked up on a mic.


DR: "You're on The Firm's time, Wahoo! I'm not on your time!"


Rhodes backed up some more up the aisle as Wahoo looked on before Rhodes turned and headed to the back as Wahoo checked on UWL official Chris McClain.)


(Announcers dicussed Dusty winning his UWL wrestling debut and Dusty then attacking and laying out UWL official Chris McClain until Wahoo came to McClain's aid. Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch; Lord Humongous' and Missing Link's in-ring debut; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Said an i'view with Billy Graham is next!)


(Video footage aired from last week of Graham assaulting Steiner during their amateur rules match and Graham leaving Steiner laying with his un-amateur jackhammer.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Billy Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard.


Graham and Wizard came to the ring to strong boos. Graham was in street clothes and Wizard was in his tie-dyed tux.


Once in the ring, Graham struck some bodybuilder poses to more boos.


BG: "Let me state it clearly for the record! I am a PROFESSIONAL wrestler, man! I am not an amateur wrestler! If I was an amateur wrestler then I wouldn't be in the pro ranks! I would be rolling around on some one-inch thick mat in the middle of a black circle with some guy named Tommy or Wade or something! There's also no money to be made in amateur wrestling! But there's a lot of money...big money...to be made in the pro ranks! I beat on people for a living! I'm not gonna get on some mat and exchange some holds all to try and score a one-count for a win! I'd rather jackhammer the hell out of somebody or squeeze their guts out with my 'Superstar Squeeze' or punch somebody in the head!


"I shouldn't have been forced to participate in that match with Rick Steiner last week! He's got an amateur background and I don't! If Rick Steiner loves amateur wrestling so much, then maybe he should quit pro wrestling and go back to his first love! But he won't...because there's no money to be made by engaging in a minor league hold exchange! I attacked Rick Steiner because I'm a professional! I wasn't going to put up with that amateur garbage! Steiner was left laying in the ring by a professional wrestler using a professional move on him! That's all there is to it!"


GW: "So well put, 'Superstar'! This man is a professional and that's that! Putting him in an amateur match last week against Rick Steiner was ridiculous to say the least! 'Superstar' Graham did not train and pay his dues when he broke into this business so he could wrestle amateur-style! He sent a message to Steiner last week by jackhammering him! The message was that if you want to wrestle Billy Graham...then you wrestle him in a pro rules match!"


'Welcome To The Jungle' played over the p.a. system and Rick Steiner, in street clothes, came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Steiner barked from the stage and the crowd barked back.


RS: "'Superstar'! It's obvious that you couldn't beat me in an amateur rules match last week! So, if you want to meet me in a professional wrestling match, I'll show I can beat you in that, too! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


BG: "Steiner! I'm open to facing you in a pro-style match anytime, anywhere! Bring it on! That's right up 'Superstar' alley! None of this amateur hour junk! Let's fight like real men!"


This brought Pres. Watts out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


BW: "Thanks to you, 'Superstar', the amateur rules match was turned into a farce. Like pro wrestling, amateur wrestling is not only a sport, but an art form in its own right. Amateur wrestling is the purest style of wrestling there is. And it's appreciated and enjoyed by millions of fans across this country of ours. I can see why you loathe it, 'Superstar'. You're not top-notch amateur wrestling material like Rick Steiner has been in his career."


BG: "President Watts, say whatever you want, daddy! The fact is that amateur wrestling is beneath the 'Superstar'! Let me say it one more time! I am a PROFESSIONAL wrestler! I do my wrestling in a ring...and sometimes outside the ring! Engaging in some silly glad-handing on a mat with no ropes and turnbuckles surrounding it, man, that's not my style! If Steiner wants to butt heads in a pro match in the squared circle, then just show me the contract and I'll sign it!"


BW: "Spoken like the truly arrogant ass you are.


"I wanna make this match..."


RS: "Just make the match! I can beat him wrestling either style!"


BW: "Alright! We have ourselves a match! It's gonna be Rick Steiner vs. 'Superstar' Graham in professional wrestling match! And the match will take place at the 'Winter Warfare' pay-per-view on February 17th! Get ready to hook 'em up!"


BG: "I'm not gonna 'hook 'em up' with Steiner! No, sir! I'm gonna beat Rick Steiner up professional style!"


RS: "We'll see about that, 'Superstar'! I may just wind up whipping your butt! Professional style, of course! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back in return as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making Steiner vs. Graham in a pro-style match for 'Winter Warfare'. Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; Lord Humongous' and Missing Link's in-ring debut; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Said Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch is next!)


Match 4

Father Dutch vs. Buzz Sawyer


(Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system and Father Dutch came to the ring alone. He was carrying his little black bag with him. He was pretty heavily booed.


Sawyer came out to the strains of 'Delirious' by ZZ Top. He was cheered. He slapped and gently bit some of the fans' hands coming down the aisle.


Stack: "Buzz biting the hands of some fans. I don't think that's very sanitary. But this is Buzz Sawyer we're talking about."


Back-and-forth battle throughout with some near falls.


At the end of the match, FD was on the offensive. FD whipped Buzz into the ropes and looked to catch Buzz coming off with a clothesline but Buzz ducked the move and came back and blasted FD with a flying lariat. FD crashed to the mat. Buzz gained the advantage and started working FD over in the ring. Grog came charging down the aisle. Just as Grog got to ringside, DDP charged down the aisle behind Grog, spun Grog around and blasted Grog with the Diamond Cutter out on the floor. Crowd popped as DDP got up and made the Diamond sign. Sawyer then hoisted FD up across his shoulders and blasted FD with the Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment), covered FD and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Camera cut to a shot of DDP walking backwards up the entrance ramp and looking at the laid out Grog on the floor and the defeated FD in the ring. A jubiliant Sawyer had his hand raised in victory and did a victory lap around the ring while barking.


WINNER: Sawyer - Pinfall - Buzz Saw - 7:04)


(Announcers discussed Sawyer defeating Father Dutch and DDP nailing Grog with a Diamond Cutter on the floor to keep Grog from interfering in the match. Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV will be; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Said the in-ring debut of Lord Humongous and Missing Link was next!)


(Video aired from last week's No DQ match between Pres. Watts and Ole where the Anderson brothers interfered on Ole's behalf and Humongous and Link came to Watts' aid and wound up helping Watts win the match and then leaving the Anderson brothers laid out after the match.)


Match 5

Lord Humongous & Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey) vs. Bo & Puck Dupp


(The music-only (no lyrics) version of the song 'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest blared over the p.a. system. Out on the entrance stage walked Dark Journey with her men Lord Humongous and Missing Link. Roaring ovation for the unique trio as they made their way to the ring. Link headbuttted the ring post a few times. Dupps bailed as the trio stepped into the ring.


The Dupps threatened to leave and, after a brief hesitation, turned and started to walk back up the aisle. Link and Lord bolted the ring, caught the Dupps, each hoisting one over his shoulder and carried the Dupps up the ring steps and tossed them in the ring to the delight of the crowd.


As expected, Lord and Link dominated. Link got in his trademark headbutts and showed some suprising moves and agility for a man who's supposedly missing vital parts of his evolutionary DNA. Homongous tossed both brothers around like rag dolls. The carnage was mercifully ended when Humongous gorilla pressed Bo and then let him go behind his back, sending Bo crashing face-first to the canvas. Humongous then ran and hit the ropes and came off and nailed Bo with a diving splash across Bo's back. Lord turned Bo over and covered him as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd popped. Fans seemed to get even louder when 'Breaking The Law' played over the p.a. system again as the ref raised Lord and Link's hands in victory.


The Anderson brothers then came out on the entrance stage in street clothes. Humongous looked over from the ring and saw them. Journey pointed at the Andersons and Link turned and saw them. Lord walked over by the ring ropes and gestured for the Anderson brothers to come to the ring. Link stomped around the ring and slammed his own head into the top turnbuckle a few times. The Anderson brothers didn't budge. Humongous and Link left the ring and dropped to the floor and stood at the opening of the entrance aisle. Journey got in front of her men and talked and gestured for them to keep their cool...whatever cool they have, anyway.


Ole then slowly pounded his fist into his open hand and pointed at Lord and Link and then he and his brothers turned and slowly made their way off the stage to the back as fans booed.


WINNER: Lord & Link - Pinfall - Lord pinned Bo Dupp with a Diving Splash on Bo's back - 4:42)


(Announcers discussed the wrestling debut of Lord & Link.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 1-27 thru 2-2.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Ken Patera


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Firm Director Ted DiBiase in The Firm's private dressing room. All four Firm members in the cage match were in their ring attire. Hall and Nash were sitting on one of the big black couches in the room while Schultz was busy throwing punches at Rude's open hands.


Nelson asked about Arn, Lex, Patera and Hugh turning down Ted's offer/demand that they not wrestle in the 8-man cage match tonight.


Ted: "Arn Anderson. Lex Luger. Ken Patera. Hugh Morrus. Earlier tonight, you were given a golden opportunity to walk away from the 8-man steel cage match. But you refused my offer. I don't like being refused. I almost always get my way. I offered you an out, because if you four step into that cage with us tonight, then I guarantee that hell will rain down upon you. If you would have just said what I wanted to hear then all of the problems that you're about to face could have been avoided. I offered you the golden ticket to freedom! You don't enter the cage for the match tonight and you just steer clear of The Firm and mind your own business from this day forward and everything will be OK! But you guys couldn't do that! I'm dealing with four men who have big egos and a great deal of confidence...but they don't have a lot of common sense! You said 'no' to me! And now there's gonna be a heavy price to pay tonight in that cage!")


(Announcers discussed the ominous sounding words from Ted. Stack then said they'd just gotten word that the security force that Pres. Watts hired to guard the cage during the 8-man tag tonight was on its way and should be arriving any minute at the arena. Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update and more. Said Greg Valentine tells Roddy Piper (WC) what the stips will be for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV next!)


(Video aired from last week of Valentine defeating Piper © in their non-title match with Valentine pinning Piper with a reverse roll-up and holding a handful of tights to score the three count. The winner of the match gets to make the stips for their WT match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb.)


(Back from commercial, Greg Valentine and manager Gary Hart were already in the ring. Both were in suits and each had a mic. Crowd was booing them. Also in the ring was a large black, shiny gift box sitting on a table.


Bagpipe music filled the arena. Fans popped as WC Piper, in his ring gear and wearing the WT around his waist, made his way to the ring. Piper had a mic. Piper got up on the apron and, with a deadly serious look on his face, looked across the ring at Valentine and Hart. Piper made his way into the ring, all the while keeping his eyes on the devious duo.


RP: "What's in the box? Just tell me what the stipulations are gonna be for our World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'."


Hart: "Roddy, why the hurry? We'll get to that in due time. I just wanted to tell you that your fate was sealed last week when you lost to Mr. Valentine. Once Greg earned the right to pick the stipulations for your World Title bout in less than three weeks, the clock started ticking on your World Title reign. Hope you've enjoyed the ride, Piper. Because it's all about to come crashing down around you."


RP: "What are the damned stipulations?! Let's hear 'em! Do you guys think you're gonna shock me with whatever you've come up with?! I am a fighting World Champion! And no matter what kind of a match it's going to be, the one thing you can be absolutely certain of is that I will be ready to go! So, Greg Valentine, let's hear your grand plan to try and win the UWL World Title back!"


GV (chuckles coolly): "Piper, the stipulations are right here in this box. (Pats box.) You say that you won't be shocked by my choice of match. I disagree. You're not thinking this thing completely through. Look at the big picture, 'Hot Rod'! The obvious answer for what kind of stipulations we'll have for our World Title match at 'Winter Warfare' are staring you right in the face. Yet you don't see them. Open your eyes."


RP: "What kind of psycho-babble was that, man?! I can't see the stipulations because you haven't pulled them out of the box! When I see what's in the box, then I guess I'll know the stipulations! It's called deductive reasoning, Greg! You might want to try it sometime!"


GV (very cool): "Using my own powers of deductive reasoning, I'd say that you seem quite concerned with what's in the box here..."


RP (through gritted teeth): "Open the box..."


GV: "Roddy, I will now reveal the stipulations I have chosen for our World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'. Gary, may I have a drum roll, please."


Hart made a noise like a drum roll.


Valentine removed the lid from the black box. He then reached into the box and shuffled something around. It had a heavy steel sound to it. Valentine then pulled out the 'stips'.


Crowd buzzed and Piper's mouth fell slightly agape. Greg was now holding the stips in his hand.


GV: "Does this look familiar, Piper?! Haha! That's right! We're gonna do it again! Only this time the UWL World Title will be on the line! How does it feel, Piper, knowing that you're gonna have to defend the title in another Dog Collars and Chain match!"


Piper appeared stunned.


GV: "Remember the last one between us?! It was at 'Helloween' on October 2, 2011! I destroyed your left ear with this very chain! I put you out of commission for 14 months! I thought I had ended your career! But as they say...sh...crap happens! On February 17, 2013, Piper, I'm not only regaining the UWL World Title! But I have every intention of finishing what I started in our last Dog Collars and Chain match!"


Piper speechless.


Hart: "Awwwwww. What's the matter, 'Hot Rod'? You don't have anything to say? That's gotta be a first in your life."


GV: "Roddy, you're the World Champion! Your thoughts on facing Greg Valentine in another Dog Collars and Chain match?!"


Valentine stuck his mic in Piper's face. Piper was clearly pissed but holding it in. Piper angrily looked at Valentine and Hart and then turned and left the ring and made his way back up the aisle.


GV: "He never thought he was gonna see this thing again! Haha! Roddy Piper knows his title reign and career are living on borrowed time!"


Valentine hoisted the collars and chain in the air and the crowd booed as Hart applauded his man. Piper was long gone from the scene.)


(Announcers discussed Valentine choosing a Dog Collars and Chain re-match with Piper with Piper's UWL WT on the line and Piper's stunned reaction.


Pedicino: "Piper's made it clear in the past that the one match he never wanted to wrestle again was a Dog Collars and Chain match. Well, he's now forced to wrestle that kind of match again. Valentine and Hart definitely played their trump card here."


Hyped still to come: 8-Man cage Match: Luger, Arn, Patera & Hugh vs. DiBiase, Schultz, Hall & Nash (WTTC) - (The ring will be surrounded by a special security team to make sure no outsiders get in the cage!); said another 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update was next.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE DOG COLLARS & CHAIN MATCH: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine


PRO-STYLE WRESTLING MATCH: Rick Steiner vs. Billy Graham


'Hello Kitty Presents: 'Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said the 8-man cage match was next!)


(Backstage: Ken Patera was in the locker room with mic in hand.


Arn, Luger and Hugh were standing behind Patera.


KP: "Ted DiBiase! You can sabre rattle all you want! You and the rest of The Firm do not intimidate us! We're gonna march out there to that cage and we're gonna fight you guys tooth and claw! This match is just another battle in the war between the UWL and The Firm! We will not just disappear into the night because you want us to! The Firm declared this war and the battle has been joined! We're like resistance fighters! We give up the fight and The Firm has a clear path to a total takeover of this company! We're determined not to let that happen! Let the chips fall where they may in this match! It may get ugly! It's most certainly gonna get violent! But, if you want to achieve your goals here in the UWL, you're gonna have to crawl over our defeated carcasses to do it! And that's not gonna be an easy task because we refuse to go down without a fight! This is for the UWL and our careers! We're in this thing for the long haul until mission accomplished by us...or The Firm!")


Match 6 (8-Man Cage Match - Special Security Force will surround the ring to keep outsiders out of the cage!)


(The special security force was intro'd and came to the ring. Crowd buzzed as they came out. They were dressed in all black and wearing flack jackets, black riot helmets with darkened visors covering their faces. On their belts were night sticks, stun guns and handcuffs. Each one was carrying a clear, hard plastic shield. The four came to ringside and then each took their stations, one on each side of the ring.


After a brief pause, Arn, Lex, Hugh and Ken came to the ring to a strong ovation. The four men got into the cage.


Another brief pause and then 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system.


After several seconds, DiBiase's team had not come out yet. After more of a wait, still no sign of DiBiase's team. Announcers wondered what was going on and so were the four men already in the ring.


Then, Larry Nelson appeared on the JumboTron. He was standing in the parking lot. EMT's and an ambulance were on the scene and some men were laid out in the parking lot. They were wearing what appeared to be security uniforms.


LN: "I'm here in the parking lot and we've got four brutally battered men out here. According to one of the EMT's I just talked to, these men were supposed to provide the security for the 8-man cage match tonight. These guys are in bad shape. As you can see, they're loading one on a stretcher right now and the other three appear to be in just as bad, if not worse, shape. I'll have more news from out here as information becomes available."


The JumboTron then cut back to the UWL logo.


Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh all turned their attention to the 'security team' out on the floor. The four 'security' guys had now assembled in front of the open cage door.


Stack: "I don't like the looks of this."


The four members of the 'special security force' then slowly made their way into the ring.


Crowd buzzing.


Ref was also in the cage and he suffered the first blows. Ref was struck by one 'security team' member with his night stick a few times. Another 'security team' member then threw the ref out through the cage door. Injured ref crashed to the floor. The 'security team' member who tossed the ref then slammed the cage door shut and locked it.


Arn and crew knew they were in trouble. The two sides stood across from one another as each 'security team' member had their sticks drawn. Arn, Ken, Hugh and Lex realized they were gonna have to try and fight their way out of the cage. They charged at the 'security team'. The 'security team' raised their shields and started battering Arn and co. with their night sticks. It was brutal. The beating continued. Arn and crew were already beaten down. One 'security team' member struck Ken in the head with his shield. Ken down on the mat. The savage beatings continued. Another 'security team' member held up his shield and two other 'security team' members took turns ramming Arn, Hugh and then Lex head first into the shield. Arn's team laid out. Patera was pulled up by his hair and Patera was now bleeding. Two 'security team' members beat on Patera some more with their sticks, fists and feet. They then handcuffed Patera to the top rope.


A bleeding Hugh was pulled up as one 'security team' member pulled of his helmet revealing himself to be David Schultz. Two of the 'security team' members held Hugh up as Schultz slammed his helmet over Hugh's head. Hugh crumpled and was dragged over and handcuffed to the top rope on the opposite side of the ring from Patera. As Schultz continued the assault on Hugh, the other 'security team' members pummeled Luger and a bloody Arn. The biggest 'security member' yanked off his mask revealing himself to be Kevin Nash. Nash picked up Luger and held him while another disguised 'security member' pulled out his stun gun and zapped Lex. Lex fell to the ground and was convulsing. Nash and the now unmasked Hall dragged Luger to another side of the ring and handcuffed him to the top rope.


Four members of UWL security came charging to the ring. The four tried to scale the cage and climb in, but Schultz, who had been abusing Hugh and Patera, climbed up the ropes and knocked two of the UWL security team to the floor with punches. The other two UWL security team members met the same fate, one at the hands of Hall and one at the hands of Nash. A battered, bloodied Arn was beaten into a heap and then the final disguised 'security member' pulled off his helmet to reveal himself to be...suprise...Firm director Ted DiBiase. DiBiase ordered Arn to be held up. Hall and Nash pulled Arn to his feet. DiBiase got in Arn's face and was saying something to Arn. Arn tried to look away but DiBiase took his night stick and shoved it under Arn's chin forcing Arn to look at him. Schultz was having a field day walking around the ring taking cheap shots at the handcuffed Lex, Ken and Hugh. Ted then rammed the the butt of the night stick into Arn's gut. Arn hurting but Hall and Nash wouldn't let him go.


DiBiase then laid one of the hard plastic shields in the middle of the ring. After nailing Arn with a few punches with his fist, DiBiase grabbed Arn and nailed Arn with the Billion Dollar Blaster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale) face-first onto the shield. Arn convulsed on the canvas and then was drug over next to the ropes and handcuffed to the top rope. It was a surreal sight as Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh were all handcuffed on opposite sides of the ring. The Fearsome Firm-some continued the assault on the four.


Larry Nelson came on the JumboTron again. This time, he was standing backstage in the interview area.


LN: "You are not going to believe this! Down the hall, someone has barricaded the locker room door making it impossible for wrestlers to come out and help Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh! We've heard President Watts is in there as well! I've never seen anything like this in all my years of wrestling journalism!"


Suddenly, Wahoo McDaniel ran past Nelson and had something in his hand.


LN: "Whoa! Wahoo just ran by and it looks like he's got a pair of bolt cutters in his hands! This is unbelievable..."


The violent assault continued in the ring against the handcuffed Arn and co. Fans were throwing garbage in the ring as members of The Firm further infuriated fans by playing to them on occasion while they unleashed their horror.


Crowd popped as Wahoo, in street clothes, came to ringside. Wahoo popped the lock on the cage door with the bolt cutters. Wahoo removed the chain and opened the cage door. Dusty Rhodes came down to ringside and attacked Wahoo from behind and then nailed Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. The dazed Wahoo was standing bent over slightly. Dusty took the opportunity to slam the cage door on Wahoo's head. Wahoo went down in a heap on the floor.


More garbage hit the ring as Ted, Hall, Nash and Schultz finally stopped beating on their opponents. The four talked for a moment in the cage and then turned and looked at their carnage. They finally left the ring. Just before leaving, Schultz decided to take some more liberties and kick the battered Patera a few more times before leaving. Dusty greeted the men at ringside and Rude came down as well. The men were shaking hands with each other on a job well done. More garbage aimed at The Firm out on the floor. The Firm then started making their way back up the aisle. Camera then caught a shot of the four brutalized men in the ring as the program faded to black.


DECISION: There was no match.)




Dark Match (TV Title Match)

Rip Oliver © vs. Buzz Sawyer

(WINNER: Sawyer - DQ - Oliver hit Sawyer with the title - 10:19 - After the match, Sawyer laid out Oliver with the Buzz Saw)

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After last week's brutal assault on Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus by Director Ted DiBiase, David Schultz, Hall & Nash of The Firm, President Bill Watts will have a response to the incident.




- Last week, Greg Valentine announced that the stipulations for his UWL World Title match against Roddy Piper © at 'Winter Warfare' would be a Dog Collars & Chain match. The two are scheduled to appear on 'Slam!' this week. What will the fallout be from Valentine's shocking choice of stipulations?


- FATAL FOUR-WAY MATCH (Winner gets the TV Title shot at 'Winter Warfare' against champion Rip Oliver): Buzz Sawyer vs. Father Dutch vs. DDP vs. Grog


- PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © vs. Rick Steiner


- Madusa vs. 'Trucker' Reggie Bennett




Ep. 107 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show opened cold with UWL Pres. Bill Watts standing in the middle of the ring with mic in hand.


BW: "Last week here on 'Slam!', we witnessed a series of savage assaults on several individuals.


"First, I want to let everyone know that the members of the special security force that I had hired to guard the cage and who were assaulted in the parking lot of the Tucson Arena and never made it into the building are all now home after being taken to the hospital. They are recovering from their injuries. We have footage of the assault that took place as it was caught on parking lot security cameras. Let's take a look at some of that footage right now."


Silent video aired of the four members of the security force standing outside of their Brinks-like truck unloading items from the back to take into the building when four men, all wearing hoodies to disguise their faces, charged into the scene and began brutalizing the members of the security force. Two of the attackers were wielding 2x4's and the other two had bats. Brief footage was shown of the initial stages of the brutal assault.


BW: "I'm not going to allow the complete video of the attack to air because of its heinous nature. Those four men were battered into submission by their attackers. They were rushed to the hospital after the attack and had some pretty serious injuries. The faces of the attackers were not seen during the attack so no one can give a positive description as to who they were. But I think we all know who it was.


"Next, as for Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus, they are not here tonight. They sustained pretty bad injuries in the cage at the hands of The Firm. The good news is that they are now recovering and will be able to return to action very soon. Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh, I know you guys are watching this right now. I think I speak for all these fans and the entire UWL when I say you're in our thoughts and prayers.


"Last week, you saw Larry Nelson give a backstage update where he said that the reason no wrestlers could help the four men being assaulted in the cage was because someone had barricaded the locker room door. I was in that locker room as well. I had stopped in to discuss some business with a couple of wrestlers. We all heard a loud thud outside the locker room and when we went to see what it was we couldn't exit the room. That's why virtually no one came to the aid of Arn and his team.


"Wahoo was not in the locker room at the time the door was barricaded. He found out what was going on and bravely took it upon himself to grab a pair of bolt cutters, go down to the ring and break off the lock on the cage door.Unfortunately, Dusty Rhodes came down and made sure Wahoo never got in the cage to help Arn, Lex, Hugh and Ken because Dusty attacked Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head in the cage door. Wahoo is alright but has been having some strong headaches over the last week. But I will tell you this, Wahoo is ready to go and he is ready to fight."


Crowd cheered.


BW: "We also had four UWL security team members try and enter the cage and they were assaulted by DiBiase's band of outlaws as well. Their injuries were minor and they are here at work tonight.


"I've had to think long and hard over the last seven days about how I'm going to handle this situation. It is unprecendented here in the UWL. But I have made my decision and am here to announce what's going on regarding this matter. And I want The Firm to know what I've decided to do right here on national TV. I need Director Ted DiBiase and The Firm to come to the ring."


After a brief pause, all six members of The Firm, in street clothes, came out on the entrance stage to the strains of 'Money' by Pink Floyd. They received their usual mixed crowd reaction. Ted and Nash each had mics. The group made their way to the ring and some garbage came flying in their direction. The group got in the ring and more garbage flew in their direction.


BW: "Before this goes any further, I need UWL security to come to the ring."


8 members of UWL security came to the ring. They surrounded the ring on the floor, two on each side.


BW: "Also, UWL fans are the best fans in wrestling. Please refrain from throwing any kind of trash into the ring. These guys are gonna get what's coming to them.


"Ted DiBiase, I am sickened to be in the presence of you and your men right now. You really crossed a line last week and the matter must be dealt with swiftly."


TD: "President Watts, you make The Firm sick as well. Seeing your ugly mug is enough to induce violent vomiting. Let me just say that we warned Arn Anderson, Ken Patera, Hugh Morrus and Lex Luger not to get in that cage last week or something really bad was going to happen. They wanted to show the world what badasses they were in taking on The Firm. It didn't work out too well for them. They didn't heed my words and paid dearly for it. Let that be a lesson to every wrestler on the UWL roster. You mess with us and you're gonna get the horns!"


BW: "We have some video of your assault on your opponents last week. And here it is."


Video aired of The Firm coming to the ring dressed as the security team and then Arn and co. coming to the ring and climbing in the cage. Footage also showed Nelson coming on the JumboTron from the parking lot and announcing that the security force had been violently attacked as the medical team worked on them in the background. Video also showed The Firm get in the ring and launch their brutal assault on their match foes that left Arn and co. handcuffed to the ropes and a bloodied (except for Luger) and battered quartet.


BW: "Are you guys proud of what you did?"


KN: "I'll say it. Hell yeah! We are proud of what we did to those four scumpunks last week! When The Firm tells you that you need to stay away from us...you'd better take heed of the warning!"


BW: "Before this goes any further, do any of you want to take credit for barricading most of the wrestlers who could have helped your opponents in the locker room?"


Rude raised his hand and took the mic from Nash.


RR: "I always like my props! I was behind the door barricading! It's great to know that it was a job well done!"


BW: "Rick, that's something to really be proud of."


RR: "It worked. And that's all that matters! It's great when a well-devised plan comes together!"


BW: "Well, here's what's gonna go down. This is the fallout from what you guys did last week to the members of the special security team I hired, the referee and your four opponents.


"First, Ted DiBiase, I am leveling the largest known fine in wrestling history against The Firm. And that fine is $1 million dollars!"


Crowd cheered.


TD (sarcastically): "Oh no! Not that! Hahaha!


"You really think a million dollar fine is gonna hurt me or The Firm as a group?! You'll have a check cut by my corporation on your desk tomorrow morning paying off the fine! I mean, if you fined one of these pork rind-eating, rusty pick-up truck driving fans out here that much they could never pay it off in a million years! But I'm not one of the great unwashed masses, Bill. I'm Ted DiBiase. And I'm worth more than this entire audience put together!"


Crowd booed.


BW: "That's not all. Dusty, because of your attack on Wahoo last week, I'm fining you $50 thousand dollars. I'm also fining you another $50 grand for attacking UWL official Chris McCalin last week as well. And that money is to be paid by you directly to me!"


Dusty had Nash's mic.


DR: "Working for The Firm, that will be no problem, daddy. I'll just make a withdrawal from The Firm's bank, also known as the Bank of Ted, and your payment will be made personally by me...in cash. What I do find interesting though is that Wahoo was trying to enter the cage and I stopped him from doing so. Shouldn't I be getting some reward or something instead?"


BW: "Wahoo came to the ring to try and save four men who were being assaulted by your buddies here! But I'm gonna give you a reward, Dusty! And here it is!


"At 'Winter Warfare', it's gonna be Dusty Rhodes vs. Chief Wahoo McDaniel!"


DR: "It's about time I get the Chief in the ring so I..."


BW: "I wasn't finished! To make sure this match is on the level and you don't engage in typical bad Dusty behavior the match is gonna have two referees! There will be one referee in the ring! And there will be a trouble-shooting referee on the floor! And that trouble-shooting referee is gonna be me!"


Crowd cheered.


DR: "No! No way, jack! You're gonna try and help Wahoo win the match! Uh uh! Not cool!"


BW: "What are you gonna do about it, Dusty?! I mean, you can always walk away from the UWL if you like! Isn't that what you all like to tell others?! Just leave The Firm alone and we'll leave you alone?! You caused this problem and that's how I'm gonna handle it!"


DR: "Watts! You dirty, no good..."


TD: "No one in The Firm is going anywhere, President Watts. You know it and I know it. If we were forced out of the UWL then you guys would never know what we could be planning. You don't want that. You know you and owner KD Smith only have two choices. A hostile takeover attempt by The Firm is coming one day. It's no secret.


"What's that old saying? Ah, yes! Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. If The Firm is forced out of the UWL, then we'll plot our hostile takeover of the UWL from the outside. If we did that you'd never know what we were up to. You're a smart guy, Watts. You know that you can at least keep somewhat of an eye on us if we're wrestling here. You're not gonna force us out. Because you know the ramifications could be very bad for everyone who works for this company. And you would never even see it coming. At least this way your side has a fighting chance against us. Not much of a chance but a slim chance nonetheless. Besides, I like a challenge, Bill. And I know you do to. What's unfolding here is the ultimate battle for power in the history of pro wrestling. The history books will ultimately tell us who won this war. And we know that the victors write the history books.


"I've often been asked why I don't just start my own promotion. Why would I waste my time doing that; building something from the ground up? I want a promotion that's firmly established. That's why I targeted the UWL in the first place. I love power plays. I live for going in and ripping businesses away from others and making it mine and all that money and power then flows to me! Barring a successful Hail Mary from the UWL side, I'm going to ascend to the UWL throne and rule the roost my way with my growing elite faction by my side!


"So, trouble-shoot Dusty's match at 'Winter Warfare'! The Firm has a long-term business plan in place and we are implementing it gradually on

a step-by-step basis here in the UWL! When the time comes I will have what I want!"


BW: "This a protracted war, Ted! And in a long war there are several battles to be fought!


"And that's why at 'Winter Warfare', we're gonna have ourselves a re-match, son! It's gonna be Ted DiBiase, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and David Schultz vs. Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus...in the War Games match!"


Crowd popped at the news.


BW: "So, Ted, you keep on giving your grandiose speeches about hostile takeovers and long-term business plans and such! On February 17th at 'Winter Warfare', all your talk and money isn't going to be worth a damn thing! You're only thought on that day is gonna be survival in the two-ring, completely enclosed steel cage! Submit or Surrender, men! And I for one would love nothing better than seeing a member of The Firm beg for mercy!"


Watts angrily tossed the mic down and left the ring as The Firm looked on as fans were cheering.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers. Talked about Watts handing out heavy fines and making the War Games match and Dusty vs. Wahoo match for 'Winter Warfare'. Then ran down the rest of the program: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine are here; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Rick Steiner; Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare'): Buzz Sawyer vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch vs. Grog; an interview with the Anderson Bros.; Madusa vs. 'Trucker' Reggie Bennett; 'Superstar' Graham vs. Lash LaRue; Wahoo makes an appearance; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV update; and more!)


(Video aired from last week of Brunzell snapping and turning on Blair and leaving Blair laying after the Bees lost to the Ding Dongs.)


Match 1

Jim Brunzell vs. Mike Jackson


(Brunzell came to the ring to fairly strong boos. Gone were the yellow and black Bees' tights and boots. Brunzell now came to the ring wearing a black derby hat, black t-shirt that said 'Bad Boy' on the front, black tights with 'Bad Boy' on the back of them in red lettering, and black and white boots with the initials 'BBB' on them.


Brunzell laid waste to Jackson in short order in a heel-ish fashion. Brunzell pinned Jackson after nailing Jackson with the slingshot suplex.


WINNER: Brunzell - Pinfall - Slingshot Suplex - 2:31)


(After the match: Ring ann. Lee Marshall i'viewed Brunzell. Asked about Brunzell's stunning turn.


JB: "From this day forward, I will no longer be known by the name Jim Brunzell. Everyone will now call me 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! I've got a new image. As you just saw, I defeated my opponent with the slingshot suplex. The slingshot suplex is my new finisher. I'm using the slingshot suplex because the wrestler who used to use it here in the UWL is no longer with the promotion. It's a cool bad boy move; and now it's mine.


"Another thing that makes me a bad boy is my derby hat. A derby hat is a bad boy hat. It suits my new image as the baddest of bad boys. The hat screams heel! Also, on the front of my t-shirt and on the butt of my tights is the name 'Bad Boy'. That's not-so-subliminal advertising. When people think 'bad boy' in the future, I want them to make the connection with me...'Bad Boy' Brunzell. Soon, I will be getting a 'Bad Boy' tattoo. The work will be done by an ex-con biker named Spike. Now that really says bad boy. I'm gonna be all bad, all the time! That's my new persona!"


LM: "I have to ask this. Last week, you said that you turned on your long-time tag team partner Blair because it would salvage his career and your career. Would you care to elaborate on that?"


JB: "The 'Bad Boy' is always ready to elaborate. The Killer Bees tag team had run its course. It had become obvious over the last several months since we lost the World Tag Team Titles last summer. We just couldn't re-capture the old magic that made us one of the best tag teams in all of wrestling. The frustration just built up inside me until last week and it was like a damn just broke. I knew when we lost to the Ding Dongs that the Bees were finished, kaput, done. It was over. I saw both our careers heading straight down the porcelain if there wasn't a change...and fast. So, I decided right then and there that I had to turn on Brian. I knew laying Brian out would make me the bad guy. Hence, 'Bad Boy' Brunzell was born on January 29th, 2013 right here on 'Slam!'"


Out on the entrance stage walked Brian Blair. He was in street clothes and had a mic. Modest ovation for the former Bee.


Blair: "Hey! 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! How about this?! You wanna flaunt your new bad boy image?! How about doing it by having a match with your former tag team partner?! You know, it's wrestling 101! You assaulted me and left me laying and now I want revenge! Let's do this, huh, 'Bad Boy'?! I mean, you wanna show everyone what a bad boy you are now..."


JB: "Brian, I know you're still smarting from what I did to you last week! Don't deny it! I'm now THE 'Bad Boy' in wrestling! I know you want revenge because of what I did to you! But...since I'm the bad boy in this situation...I'm gonna have to say there's gonna be no match between you and me! None!"


Crowd booed.


JB: "Sorry, people! Bad boys always turn down a match with someone who they've screwed over and who wants vengeance! It's not gonna happen! Never in a mill..."


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


BW: "Jim Brunz..."


JB: "It's 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! You got me, Billabong Watts?! I called you 'Billabong'! Now that's bad boy speak right there!"


BW: "OK, 'Bad Boy'. (Watts rolled his eyes.) There's another part to Wrestling 101. Blair came out here and wants a match with you to avenge what was done to him by you last week. You said it will never happen. Here's where the other part of Wrestling 101 comes in. As President of the UWL, I call the shots around here. I make the matches. And at 'Winter Warfare', it's gonna be Brian Blair vs. Jim... I mean 'Bad Boy'...Brunzell! Get ready to hook 'em up on February 17th!"


Crowd cheered as Blair pumped his fist and was quite pleased with the decision and Brunzell made an angry heel face and stomped around the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Blair vs. Brunzell being made for 'Winter Warfare'.

Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine are here; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Rick Steiner; Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare': Buzz Sawyer vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch vs. Grog; an interview with the Anderson Bros.; Madusa vs. 'Trucker' Reggie Bennett; Wahoo makes an appearance; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV update; and more! Said Graham vs. LaRue was next!)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from last week of Pres. Watts making the pro-style wrestling match between Graham and Rick Steiner for 'Winter Warfare'.)


Match 2

'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Lash LaRue


(LaRue came to the ring first to a minimal ovation. He had his trusty bullwhip with him. He cracked it on the mat a couple of times once in the ring.


Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard came to the ring to the strains of 'California Dreamin' over the p.a. system. Once in the ring, Graham strutted around and struck a couple of bodybuilder poses and kissed his biceps as the crowd booed.


LaRue gave Graham a battle, but in the end it was too much 'Superstar' as Graham finished off LaRue with the Jackhammer to score the pinfall victory.


WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 3:25)


(After the match: Graham went over by the ropes and demanded the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall, who was out on the floor. Graham took the mic.


BG: "At 'Winter Warfare', baby, the 'Superstar' is gonna show Rick Steiner why he is a PRO wrestling superstar! It's gonna be a PROFESSIONAL wrestling match! We're not gonna have any of this silly rolling around on a mat and grabbing at each other amateur stuff! The 'Superstar' doesn't play that way! I work it pro-style! One-on-one! Do whatever needs to be done to win, daddy! Punches, kicks, head slams! That's my kind of wrestling! Not this: 'Okay, Ollie, let's grapple inside this black circle and see who can put somebody's shoulders down for the one-count! PROFESSIONAL wrestlers can keep a man's shoulders pinned to the mat for a three-count! A one-count?! What kind of silliness is that?!


"Another thing! There are a lot of smokin' hot ladies in this audience tonight! You don't see a lot of hot babes at amateur wrestling events! That stuff bores the broads to tears! They're here tonight because the name on the marguee is PROFESSIONAL wrestling! They like to see men fighting the way they should be fighting! None of that amateur crap! And I can tell you right now that the lusty dolls on this night came to see one PROFESSIONAL wrestler in particular! And you're all looking at him!"


Graham flexed his biceps and kissed them before he and the Wizard left the ring to primarily boos.)


(Announcers discussed Graham beating LaRue and Graham's words for Steiner. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine are here; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Rick Steiner; Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare': Buzz Sawyer vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch vs. Grog; an interview with the Anderson Bros.; Madusa vs. 'Trucker' Reggie Bennett; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV update; and more! Said an i'view with Wahoo was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Wahoo.


Wahoo came to the ring in street clothes and wearing his Indian headdress. He was heavily cheered. As Wahoo made his way to the ring, video aired from last week of Wahoo coming out to the cage during The Firm's assault on Arn and crew and Dusty attacking Wahoo from behind and slamming the cage door on Wahoo's head.


LM: "Wahoo McDaniel. First question is, how is the head feeling today after being slammed in that cage door by Dusty Rhodes?"


WM: "It was constantly throbbing for a couple of days after the incident. But the pain has subsided greatly now. I feel much better. And I felt a whole lot better after hearing President Watts announce that I was going to be wrestling Dusty at 'Winter Warfare' and President Watts would be acting as a trouble-shooting referee during the match. The Firm has shown repeatedly they're not beyond cheating and using sneak attacks on opponents. We need a policeman in a match like this and I think Watts is the perfect choice."


On the entrance stage, Dusty Rhodes wheeled out a table that had items on it that were covered with a black cloth. Dusty got a mixed crowd reaction and picked up a mic off the table he wheeled out.


WM: "What do you want, Rhodes? What is this all about?"


DR: "Wahoo, now I know we've had our problems with each other recently. I know there's bad blood between us. I really slammed that cage door hard on your head last week.


"But I want to call a temporary truce right now, Wahoo. We may be on opposite sides of the fence. But that doesn't mean I can't pay tribute to the man I will be wrestling at 'Winter Warfare' in less than two weeks. I've come up with a tribute to you and your people, Wahoo. I sincerely hope you enjoy it."


Dusty pulled a set of notecards out of his shirt pocket and then cleared his throat into the mic (which was lovely).


DR: "Wahoo is a Choctaw Indian. The Choctaw originally came from the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama...Roll Tide, and Louisiana.


"In the 19th century, the Choctaw were recognized as one of the 'Five Civilized Tribes' in America because they adopted many of the ways of the white man. In 1831, the 'Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek' declared that Choctaw who stayed in Mississippi were one of the first non-European ethnic groups to become U.S. citizens.


"OK. Enough of that."


Dusty tossed the notecards into the air.


DR: "Let's get to the good stuff. No one wants to hear about the Choctaw in the 19th century. The people want to hear about the Choctaw today in the 21st century.


"The Choctaw have produced many brave and valiant warriors in their history. One of them is standing right there in the ring.


"Of all the achievements of the Choctaw people, this is truly the greatest of them all!"


Dusty pulled the black cloth off the table revealing a video slot machine, video poker machine and roulette wheel.


DR: "Yes! The greatest achievement in Choctaw history is their own Indian casinos! Look at it! A video slot machine and a video poker machine! The one major downside to this story is that Choctaw video gaming machines have notoriously poor payouts! And this roulette wheel here, I know it must have come from an Indian casino because the logo on the middle of the wheel is a hot pink feather! Spin the wheel, white man, at the Choctaw Indian casino! And lose all your monaaayyyyyy!"


Wahoo pissed now went and stood on the apron. He was glaring at Rhodes.


DR: "Hold on, Chief! I'm not finished with my tribute! And no Indian casino would be complete without it's greatest asset of all! I'm talkin' about the All-You-Can-Eat Seafood Buffet on Friday and Saturday nights!"


Dusty raised a stand up off the table with a sign atop it that said 'Indian Casino All-You-Can-Eat Seafood Buffet! Just $29.95!'


DR: "Come and get it people! All you can eat at the Indian casino! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! The Indian casino and all-you-can eat buffet are the pinnacle of Cohoctaw excellence and ingenuity! It's even greater than cheap smokes and extremely dangerous fireworks!"


That was it. Wahoo dropped off the apron and started walking up the aisle towards Dusty.


DR: "Wait a minute, Wahoo! Don't come up here! I haven't gotten to the picture presentation yet!"


Wahoo stopped half-way up the ramp and was seething.


DR: "Let's put those pictures up!"


First pic came up on the JumboTron.


DR: "This first picture is of Wahoo when he played for the Miami Dolphins."


Next pic was of Wahoo holding up the UWL WT inside a steel cage.


DR: "This picture is from the night that Wahoo won the UWL World Title in 2011."


Next pic showed Wahoo smoking and sitting in front of a video poker machine.


DR: "This is a picture of Wahoo sitting in front of a Choctaw casino video poker machine losing all his money to his fellow tribesmen and chain smoking."


Wahoo took a couple of steps up the ramp and was clearly hot under the collar.


Another picture, supposedly of Wahoo, appeared on the screen.


DR: "And this is a picture of Wahoo passed out on a sidewalk after a night of heavy fire water drinkin'!"


Wahoo charged onto the stage and Dusty dropped his mic and grabbed the stand holding the buffet sign. Dusty was waving the sign. Dusty was picked up on a mic.


DR: "You're on The Firm's time schedule, Wahoo! We're not on yours! You remember that!"


Dusty had the stand held up like a weapon and started backing up and Wahoo took a few steps in Dusty's direction and Dusty took off for the back. An angry Wahoo came back and smashed the slot machine to the ground and shoved the video poker machine off the table and it crashed to the floor. Wahoo then grabbed the roulette wheel, raised it over his head and smashed it on the ground as fans cheered. Wahoo then angrily looked around before storming off backstage.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center; Fri. - March 8 - St. Chalres, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena . More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Father Dutch and Grog. Asked about wrestling tonight in the Fatal Four-Way with a TV Title shot against Rip Oliver on the line at 'Winter Warfare'.


FD: "I have truly been blessed by the Man Upstairs. I have my congregant, Grog, in this match with me. Talk about Divine Providence. Grog was put in this match with me for one reason. To make sure that I win tonight and get that TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare'. Tell him, Grog!"


Grog (gravelly voice): "I am in this match tonight to help my shepherd, Father Dutch, get the title match he so deserves! But...I also would like a shot at the TV Title! And if Father Dutch can't win the match...why not Grog?!"


FD: "Grog, do not let such a sinful thought enter your mind tonight. You'll get your title match one day. But tonight is my night for glory. I know you don't want to go into the eternal fiery furnance, Grog. So, you will be doing His will by serving me in the match and helping me win it and getting the TV Title shot that I'm pre-destined for. OK?"


Grog (gravelly voice): "I understand clearly what my mission is now, Father! Forgive me for my selfishness!"


FD blessed Grog.


FD: "You are now officially forgiven, my son. Go and sin no more!"


Grog walked out of the interview area and FD followed suit.)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of Tina Ferrari successfully defending the Women's WT against Wendi Richter in a match where Madusa was the special referee and then striking Madusa in the back of the head with the title belt after the match.)


Match 3

Madusa vs. 'Trucker' Reggie Bennett


(Ring Ann. Marshall intro'd UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari as guest commentator for tonight's women's match.


Ferrari came out as the song 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system. She was in an expensive dress, heels and her treademark tiara and had the title slung over her shoulder. She was strongly booed as she walked over to the announcers' table and took a seat and put on her headset. Tina talked about her favorite topic with Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino...herself, while waiting for the match to begin. She bragged about beating Richter even though, according to her, Madusa did everything in her power to cost Tina the title.


Bennett, a big woman, came to the ring dressed in trucker attire. She was wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, torn blue jeans, boots and a beat up trucker's hat. She got little reaction coming out.


Madusa got a nice ovation coming to the ring.


Tina: "Madusa should have known better than to turn her back on me at the end of that match two weeks ago. I wonder how she likes having the Women's World Title belt centerpiece imprinted on the back of her head? She should like it. Because it's the only thing she'll ever have on her from this belt."


Madusa got in the ring and walked over by the ropes where the announce table was. Madusa looked down at Tina and Tina had more un-nice things to say about Madusa for the viewers at home while remaining seated.


Big Ms. Bennett gave Madusa a fight and took a chunk of the match and

beat Madusa down with her raw, brute power and came close to pinning Madusa on a couple of occasions after some power moves but Madusa escaped defeat both times.


In the end, Madusa showed why she was one of the best female wrestlers in the world when she fought back and, mustering every ounce of strength she had, was able to catch Bennett with her German suplex into a bridgeout and score the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 4:27)


(After the match: As Madusa was having her hand raised in victory, Tina took off her headset, grabbed the Women's Title off the announce table and walked over and took the r.a. mic from Marshall. Tina then stepped into the ring as Madusa looked on. The two briefly looked at one another and then Tina opened her yap.


Tina: "Poor Madusa. You tried so hard two weeks ago to cost me the Women's World Title but, try as you might, you failed. I'm still undefeated in the UWL and still the champion. Did you enjoy getting hit in the head with the title after that match? I certainly enjoyed hitting you with it. I can think of no one who deserved it more. Face it, Madusa! No matter how hard you try to deprive me of this, you just can't overcome my greatness! The only way this belt will ever be around your waist is if you steal it from me and walk around as the faux Women's World Champion! You know what 'faux' means, don't you? Like those faux furs I've seen you wearing..."


Madusa went over and ripped the mic out of Tina's hand.


Madusa: "Tina! Let me tell..."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the stage came Pres. Watts. Fair crowd reaction.


BW: "Pardon the interruption, Madusa. Tina, I came out here because I have some news for you. In just 12 days, we're gonna have our big winter pay-per-view 'Winter Warfare'. And you're gonna be defending the UWL Women's World Title on that show. And it's gonna be a re-match."


As Madusa was looking at Watts, Tina snuck over and ripped the mic out of Madusa's hand. Madusa stunned and glaring at Tina.


Tina: "A re-match, huh? It's not with Madusa, is it? Puh-lease! Hahaha!"


Madusa icy stared Tina.


BW: "No, it's not against Madusa."


Tina: "Oh Lord! It isn't Mad Maxine or Wendi Richter, is it?!"


BW: "Nope. Neither one of those ladies, either. Even though all of them are worthy contenders."


Tina: "Care to tell us who it is then?"


BW: "I was just getting to that. Last summer, this woman took you to the limit right here on 'Slam!'. Most of these fans didn't even know who she was when she faced you then. But when the match was over, because of her impressive display in the ring, they were chanting her name. It looked like your title reign and undefeated streak were gonna end that night. But then you used an illegal tactic to score the victory and barely escape with your title and streak still intact. Your title match at 'Winter Warfare' is gonna be with that woman again. And her name is...Manami Toyota!"


Much of the crowd popped hearing the news. They obviously saw the first match between the two. Tina suddenly had a very concerned look on her face as Madusa smiled and applauded the Watts decision.


Tina: "Why you son-of-a..."


BW: "No need to thank me, Tina! Just get ready to hook 'em up again with Ms. Toyota on February 17th!"


Watts left the stage and Madusa was laughing and pointing at a suddenly speechless Tina. Tina turned and pointed at Madusa and said something off-mic to her. Madusa just kept laughing and pointing at the shocked Tina as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making Tina © vs. Toyota for the UWL Women's WC at 'Winter Warfare'. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine are here; Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare': Buzz Sawyer vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch vs. Grog; an interview with the Anderson Bros.; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV update; and more! Said the President's Championship match was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed DDP and Buzz Sawyer. Asked about the Fatal-Fourway match tonight where the winner gets a TV Title shot at 'Winter Warfare'.


DDP: "It's exciting for DDP to get an opportunity like this again. The winner gets that coveted TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare'. Buzz, I like you. But tonight, it's every man for himself. I want to win and win badly. But, if it's not gonna be me, I hope it's you who gets the TV Title shot, brother."


DDP and Buzz shook hands.


Buzz: "Never saw the day I'd be shaking hands with Dallas Page and wishing him the best of luck in this match! But like you say, Dallas! There can only be one winner in this match! You want to win, I want to win. We both want that TV Title match at 'Winter Warfare'. However, there's one thing. We both might have to watch each other's backs in this match! Father Dutch and Grog will look out for their, or should I say, Dutch's, best interests tonight. There may be times we have to stick together, Dallas. I need to know if I can count on you?"


DDP: "In the past, Buzz, you couldn't have counted on me at all! But now, man, I've got your back and I'm confident you've got mine!"


Buzz: "That's just what this 'Mad Dog' needed to hear! Woof! Woof! Woof!")


Match 4 (President's Championship)

Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Rick Steiner


(Steiner came to the ring to 'Welcome To The Jungle'. He got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Steiner ran around the ring slapping hands and barking before getting in the ring and running around and barking some more as the crowd barked back.


Race and Dillon came to the ring to strong boos. Once in the ring, JJ took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


JJ: "The search continues for the next member of JJ Dillon Enterprises! Who will it be?! Where will he come from?! With each passing week, the search for that new member narrows just a little bit more! I will not make my decision in haste! But I will know the right person, the right fit, for JJ Dillon Enterprises when the time is right to make the choice! And I can safely tell you that none of the so-called men in this audience are candidates to be the next member of my stable!"


Crowd booed.


Steiner took much of the match. He had Harley on his heels and Harley appeared close to defeat.


At the end of the match, Steiner was still on the offensive and was battering Race. Steiner whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a leg dive takedown and locked Race into the STF. Crowd popped. JJ jumped up on the ring apron and took a step into the ring. Ref saw it and went over and ordered JJ out of the ring. JJ stepped onto the apron but wouldn't get down and was arguing with the ref. Ref didn't see Race tap out. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Steiner let go of the nearly defeated Race and went over to JJ. JJ and Steiner exchanged words and JJ poked Steiner in the chest. Steiner responded with a head slap that placed JJ on wobbly legs. JJ lunged forward and grabbed the ref by the shirt and around the head to keep from falling off the apron. Ref could see nothing. Graham had come down as Steiner was bending over to pick up Race. Graham had knux on his right hand. Graham climbed into the ring, came up behind Steiner, spun Steiner around...WHAM!...Graham blasted Steiner with the knux. Steiner crashed to the mat. Graham bailed from the ring and beat it back up the aisle as the crowd booed. JJ suddenly let got of the ref and dropped to the floor. Race had recovered and made it to his feet. Race hoisted Steiner up and blasted him with his patented piledriver. Race covered Steiner and didn't bother to hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref took the belt from r.a. Marshall and handed it to Race and raised his hand in victory as an ecstatic JJ got in the ring and congratulated his man before the pair left the ring. The dazed Steiner slowly recovered his senses in the ring.


WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 6:46)


(Announcers discuss Race retaining the title thanks to outside interference from Graham. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine are here; Fatal Four-Way (Winner gets a UWL TV Title shot against Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare': Buzz Sawyer vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch vs. Grog; another 'Winter Warfare' PPV update; and more! Said an i'view w/ the Anderson Bros. was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed the Anderson Bros. The three came to the ring in street clothes. They were soundly booed coming to the ring.


Marshall asked about the situation with Lord Humongous and the Missing Link.


Ole: "I have never, in all my years in wrestling, encountered two more creepy, unorthodox and bizarre people than Lord Humongous and Missing Link. And that's saying a lot in the wrestling busines, because this sport is littered with quite a few strange characters.


"They had no business, none, getting involved in my no disqualification match with President Watts two weeks ago. They cost me that match and they're gonna pay for it. My match with Watts was none of their stinkin' business. And it's beyond my comprehension how Dark Journey can even control those two creepoids.


"Let me tell you a little story about Lord Humongous and the Missing Link. I got this on good authority. After the matches, whwen Lord Humongous showers in their locker room, he does so wearing his hockey goalie mask! Picture that! Here's this monster of a man standing there in the showers and he's got that mask on! Does he use Head and Shoulders to wash the top of it?! From what I understand, he never takes the mask off...anywhere! This is slasher movie stuff come to life! It's crazy!


"And his partner, the Missing Link, he apparently likes to turn on all the showers in the locker room and build up a good steam and run around through the water and steam! I was told he does this because it reminds him of home! Where is home for a guy called the Missing Link?! It is truly a shame that Charles Darwin is dead! Because the missing transitional form has been found! And he wrestles in the UWL!


"Can you picture Link and Humongous walking into a Denny's for a bite to eat at one in the morning?! If that ever happened, Denny's would no longer be open 24 hours! Also, how does Humongous eat with that mask on?! He has a small hole where his mouth is! But it's not big enough to take a bite out of a Moon's Over My-Hammy sandwich! Does Dark Journey pound the food into a straw and then stick one end in her mouth and the other Humongous's hole and blow the food in there?! I mean...this is insane!


"But no matter how off-the-wall these guys may be, we have no intention of backing down from them! They will feel the boot of Anderson justice coming down upon their necks! As a matter of fact, a sound beating of Link and Humongous might be a good thing because we may rattle their brains just enough that they become fully human! As for..."


Crowd popped as 'Breaking The Law' blared over the p.a. system. They got even louder as Journey, Lord and Link came out on the entrance stage. Both Lord and Link were in their ring attire. Journey had a mic. Lord pounded his chest with his fist as Link stomped around on the stage.


DJ: "You know, Ole, the only reason I sent my men into your match with President Watts was because your brothers, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle Dumb-ass, interfered in it. That doesn't happen, then you don't cross paths with Link and Humongous. I now hear you talking about paying them back for coming to the President's aid. Well then, why don't we settle this with a match at...say...'Winter Warfare'?"


Ole: "You want to stick your guys in a match with us?! That's just great! While they may be able to intimidate most men, they don't intimidate us! The Anderson brothers are afraid of no one! Also, a wrestling match! Only one team has real wrestlers on it! And it's not your team! And when we start putting wrestling holds on them we're gonna be relentless in bringing the pain! Any two of us, no matter which two of us it is, will win by punishing Link and Humongous by doing something they could never even comprehend...actual wrestling! I'm more worried about Missing Link eating the ring! Because I know that neither one of them could ever apply a hammerlock, arm bar, wristlock, cross arm breaker or anything remotely associated with genuine wrestling! You've got to be smart to wrestle the Anderson brothers! And I don't think either Link or Humongous is a member of MENSA!


"Tell you what, Dark Journey, let's just cut to the chase! You can pick which two Anderson brothers you want to face your walking horror movie and evolutionary holding pattern!"


Out on the entrance stage walked President Watts with mic in hand.


BW: "I'm watching this back on the monitor. You want this match at 'Winter Warfare' then you've got it. It will be Lord Humongous and Missing Link vs. whichever two Anderson brothers Dark Journey picks to face them."


DJ: "President Watts, I need a word with you."


The two huddled briefly off-mic and then Watts spoke.


BW: "Dark Journey has just asked me to make this a Handicap Match. Lord Humongous and Missing Link vs. all three Anderson Brothers!"


Crowd cheered.


Ole: "That's fine with us! Dark Journey, you've just put your men behind a very big 8-ball! Tell 'em, Gene!"


Gene: "Yeah!"


DJ: "Looks like we'll find out if you're right, Ole, at 'Winter Warfare'. See you then."


'Breaking The Law' played over the p.a. system again as fans cheered as the Anderson brothers looked on from the ring at the trio on the stage.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the Handicap match for 'Winter Warfare'.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


WAR GAMES MATCH: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera & Hugh Morrus vs. The Firm's Ted DiBiase, David Schultz and Hall & Nash (WTTC)


UWL WORLD TITLE DOG COLLARS & CHAIN MATCH: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine


Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Firm's Dusty Rhodes (Pres. Bill Watts will be the Trouble-Shooting Ref for the match!)


PRO-STYLE MATCH: Billy Graham vs. Rick Steiner


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota


Bad Boy' Brunzell vs. Brian Blair


HANDICAP MATCH: The Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link


TV TITLE MATCH: Rip Oliver © vs. Winner of the Buzz Sawyer, DDP, Father Dutch, Grog match


'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 2-3 thru 2-9.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Ken Patera


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers said the Fatal 4-Way was next!)


Match 5 (Fatal 4-Way: Winner gets TV Title shot against champ Rip Oliver at 'Winter Warfare')

Buzz Sawyer vs. Grog vs. DDP vs. Father Dutch


(After the four wrestlers were introduced, TV Champ Rip Oliver came out on the entrance stage. He was in his ring attire and was carrying the title. He had a mic.


RO: "Hold it. Don't start the match yet."


Oliver gestured for someone to come out of the back. A UWL security team member wheeled a recliner out on the entrance stage and set it up as two other UWL security teams members came out, one with a small table and one with a bag of chips and a bottle of beer. The beer and chips were place on the table and security left the scene.


RO: "OK. I'm good. Let the match begin."


Announcers pointed out that all four men wrestled in the match at one time. First one to score a pin or submission wins the match.


As the match started, Rip tore open the bag of chips and started eating them and drinking the bottle of beer as he took in the action.


All four men battled it out in the short affair. Some pins were broken up by third parties as all four wanted the win.


Oliver shown eating chips and drinking beer during the match.


At the end of the match, Father Dutch and DDP had taken their fight to the floor and were slugging it out there. In the ring, Grog had just gained the advantage on Buzz. Grog quickly worked over Buzz and then hoisted Buzz up on his shoulder for his pumphandle slam finisher but Buzz wriggled out of the move and dropped down behind Grog. DDP and Father Dutch now fighting in the aisle. Grog spun around and was nailed with a series of head shots by Buzz. Buzz whipped Grog into the ropes and caught Grog coming off in the fireman's carry position and blasted Grog with the Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment). FD had gotten a brief upper hand on DDP and saw what was happening in the ring as Buzz covered Grog. FD got to ringside as DDP caught FD and blasted him with a Diamond Cutter on the floor as the crowd popped. Ref counted the 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


DDP got in the ring and hugged Buzz and then raised Buzz's hand victoriously to more cheers.


Oliver got up from his recliner and spoke.


RO: "Enjoy it while you can, Buzz. You've won your conference championship and now you're heading into your National Championship at 'Winter Warfare' against the defending champ. But, this story doesn't have a happy ending as I'm gonna still be the TV Champion after our match. Woof....woof....wooof."


Buzz and DDP looked on from the ring as Oliver slung the title over his shoulder and patted it before walking off the stage. Before Oliver could get to the back, he turned and retrived his beer from the little table sitting next to the recliner on the entrance stage before heading to the back.


WINNER:Buzz - Pinfall - Buzz Saw - 5:49)


(Announcers discussed Buzz Sawyer winning the 4-Way and getting the TV Title shot at 'Winter Warfare'.


Announcers then hyped next week's 'Countdown to Winter Warfare' edition of 'Slam!':


Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera will return next week...and they'll all be wrestling!


'War Games' Preview Matches:


Hugh Morrus vs. Kevin Nash


Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz


Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall


Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase




The final showdown between Roddy Piper (WC) and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'!


Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota sees action


Brian Blair wrestles


The Ding Dongs, hot off their first win ever in the UWL, will also wrestle




'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)


(Announcers said WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine were coming up next!)


(Video aired from last week of Valentine revealing the stips for his WT match with Piper © at 'Winter Warfare' would be another Dog Collars and Chain match. Piper left the ring without saying a word after Valentine revealed the stips he'd chosen.


(In-ring: Bagpipe music filled the air and fans popped as Roddy Piper came out. He was in his trademark kilt, t-shirt and wrestling boots and had the World Title around his waist. He had a mic. Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


After a brief pause, Valentine and mgr. Hart made their way to the ring. They were both in suits. Valentine had the dog collars and chain hanging around his neck. Both had mics.


Hart: "12 days. That's how long it is until the wrestling world is returned to its upright position. In 12 days, this man is going to beat you again in another Dog Collars and Chain match, Piper. Your reaction last week, where you walked out of this ring without saying a single word after Greg Valentine announced the stipulations for your World Title match at 'Winter Warfare' spoke volumes. I can see it in your eyes, Roddy. You wish Valentine would have picked any other kind of match that's out there. Anything but the Dog Collars and Chain again. You would have rather had a match where the loser is the one who gets set on fire rather than this match. Cage match. Chain match. Barbed wire match. Exploding ring match. Anything but what's actually gonna go down at 'Winter Warfare'. You need to face reality, Roddy. This match is happening and your World Title reign...and possibly your wrestling career, are gonna be over."


GV: "My. We're awful quiet, aren't we, Piper? Heh heh. Ever since I showed you that chain and those dog collars it's like you lost your ability to speak. And the sounds of silence coming from a genetic motormouth like you are like beautiful music to my ears. I've waited for two months now. I've bided my time. I told you that I would determine the time and place where our re-match would take place and it happened. And then I gambled and raised the stakes and challenged you to a match where the winner got to pick the stipulations for our re-match. I won that as well. You see, Rodney, everything is falling perfectly into place for me. And it's all going to climax on February 17th in Morgantown, West Virginia, when I regain the UWL World Title! And if there's any justice...I will also succeed in finishing the job I started at 'Helloween' in 2011 and put you out of wrestling FOREVER!"


Piper paced in the ring.


RP: "I have to say that I was rather stunned to see the Dog Collars and Chain again. I thought the last time we met in the Dog Collars and Chain match was the last time I'd see them again. I was at a loss for words last week. I'm not now. I have bad memories of that match in 2011. For a long time it looked like my career was over. You really did a number on my left ear with that chain, man. I still have hearing problems in it to this day. It's certainly not something somebody wants to re-live. But I'm gonna have to.


"And you know what? I'm looking forward to it!"


Crowd buzzing.


RP: "As far as I'm concerned, February 17th cannot get here fast enough! This is the ultimate challenge for me! I can't wait to put that dog collar on again! I can't wait to grab that chain and use it as a weapon on you! I know this is a two-way street and I will feel the wrath of the chain myself! But I love the thought of taking that steel chain and pounding the living hell out of you with it! It took me 14 months to come back to wrestling! And one thing I thought about in all those months when I was on the shelf was I want one more shot at Greg Valentine in a Dog Collars and Chain match! Just one shot in the most brutal match imaginable! There's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide becaue we're gonna be connected!


"You guys talk about taking the World Title and ending my career! Well, I am confident that I am going to retain the title and I'm gonna be around for a long time to come! And the best part of it is, I get to maul you with the chain, Valentine!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "Wow. Lot of confidence there, 'Hot Rod'. A fiery speech from a fiery personality. Unfortunately, I knew you would start talking again. We both feel good about our chances. But this should take your confidence level down a few pegs, Piper."


House lights went down and video aired on the JumboTron of Valentine destroying Piper's left ear in the Dog Collars and Chain match and the ref thinking of stopping the match several times due to the severe bleeding from Piper's left ear and Piper finally collapsing in the ring from blood loss and the ref stopping the match and awarding it to Valentine at 'Helloween' 2011. The video was on a loop and began replaying as Piper stood in the ring in the glow of the JumboTron looking at the video with a sour look on his face while Valentine and Hart stood in the ring in the shadows as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match (Non-Title)

Roddy Piper (WC) vs. Rip Oliver (TVC)

(WINNER: Piper - Submission - Ankle Lock - 18:04)

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Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - BankUnited Center - Att: 4,106


Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - Sun Dome - Att: 4,813


Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald F. Tucker Center - Att: 3,754


Results (same in each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper (WC) def. Rip Oliver (TVC) via submission with the Ankle Lock


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © def. Ken Patera & Lex Luger via pinfall when Nash pinned Luger with the Jack-knife Powerbomb


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPION: Harley Race © def. Rick Steiner via pinfall with the Piledriver


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Mad Maxine via pinfall with the DDT


Arn Anderson def. Rick Rude via pinfall with the Gourdbuster


David Schultz def. Hugh Morrus via pinfall with the Redneck Death Drop


Buzz Sawyer def. Billy Graham via pinfall with the Buzz Saw


Dallas Page def. Ron Garvin via pinfall with the Diamond Cutter

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Team UWL battles The Firm in the War Games this Sunday! On 'Slam!', the eight participants will battle each other in four 'War Games Preview' matches:


Lex Luger vs. Director Ted DiBiase


Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz


Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall


Hugh Morrus vs. Kevin Nash




- The final showdown between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain match for the World Title at 'Winter Warfare'


- Manami Toyota wrestles a tune-up match before her match against UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari at 'Winter Warfare'


- The Ding Dongs, riding a one-match winning streak, see action


- The final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update




Ep. 108 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


('Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out walked Pres. Watts on the entrance stage in a suit. He had a mic. Fair crowd response.


BW: "We are just five days away from 'Winter Warfare'! And tonight, you're gonna get a little preview of what you can expect to see in the War Games match this Sunday! Because we're having War Games preview matches right here tonight!"


Fans cheered.


BW: "Team UWL is all healed up from the assault on them by The Firm two weeks ago! And you're gonna see all four members of Team UWL vs. the four members of The Firm in singles matches! It's gonna be Hugh Morrus vs. Kevin Nash! Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz! Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall! And Firm Director Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger!


"To make sure the best man wins each match, all other wrestlers from each team will be barred from ringside during these bouts! Every match will be one-on-one! So, let's get ready to hook 'em up tonight! We've got a great show lined up for you!")


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to the 'Countdown To Winter Warfare' edition of 'Slam!' Ran down the card: The four 'War Games' preview matches; A final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota sees action as she prepares for her Women's WT match against champ Tina Ferrari at 'Winter Warfare'; the Ding Dongs look to win their second match ever in the UWL; the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update; and more!)


(Video aired from last week of Jim Brunzell transforming himself into the heel 'Bad Boy' Brunzell and Blair coming out and challenging Brunzell to a match that was made for 'Winter Warfare'.)


Match 1

Brian Blair vs. Dennis Stamp


(Blair came to the ring to a decent ovation.


Blair pretty much controlled the match and finished jobber Stamp off with the Codebreaker and scored the pinfall victory.


WINNER: Blair - Pinfall - Codebreaker - 2:38)


(After the match: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed Blair. Asked about Brunzell's turning on him and their match this Sunday at the PPV.


Blair: "I was totally caught off-guard when Jim attacked me the way he did after our match against the Ding Dongs two weeks ago. Jim had been on edge for months because of the tailspin the Killer Bees were in. Losing to the Ding Dongs was definitely hitting rock bottom for us. But, being the optimist, I thought that there was no way to go but up. But that will never happen now because of what transpired with Jim and me. He's now given himself this new image. I guess he looks at himself as a bad guy now. He seems to think just by attacking me in an unprovoked fashion and declaring himself bad that he's now some sort of villain. I'm really not getting it..."


'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine played over the p.a. system. Out on the entrance stage walked 'Bad Boy' Brunzell. He was wearing his black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' in white lettering on the front, black jeans and black derby hat. He had a mic. Modest negative crowd response to Brunz.


Pedicino: "Steve, if 'Bad Boy' Brunzell thinks coming out to the song 'Bad Boys' by Gloria Estafan and her crew is something a true bad boy would do, man, he's really lost."


Stack: "He's not gonna get the negative crowd reaction he so desires with his new image if he keeps coming out to that song. He'll get laughed at, though. Laughed at a lot. Brunzell has been a fan favorite for so long that I don't think he has any clue as to how to be a true wrestling bad guy."


Brunzell: "Brian, for your own personal education, my name is no longer Jim. It's 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! You got it?! This is the new and improved me! I saved my career by becoming the bad boy of pro wrestling! And, Brian, you should be thanking me! Because when I laid you out two weeks ago...I saved your career from going into the tank as well! Everything is all set now! It's gonna be former friends and tag partners turned bitter enemies at 'Winter Warfare'! And I'm going to show you, up close and personal, why I'm now the 'Bad Boy'! Prepare to be badded in five days, Brian!"


Blair: "'Bad Boy'! You wear all black clothes now..."


Brunzell: "And a derby hat! Don't forget the hat! It's a key part of my new persona!"


Blair: "And your derby hat. Whatever... I just wanna say this to you, Jim...I mean, 'Bad Boy'. You turning on me has sent both of us in a new direction. Maybe going our separate ways is what we needed to do. But it sure didn't have to happen the way it went down. And now we're foes. We're coming at each other from opposite sides of the spectrum now. And when we step into the ring this Sunday, I'm gonna be all business and I'm gonna do my best to beat you, 'Bad Boy'."


Brunzell: "You're gonna be all business, huh? Brian, at 'Winter Warfare', I'm gonna be the one who gives you the business and I AM gonna emerge from our match the winner! How's that for 'Bad Boy' talk?! I'm virtually guaranteeing victory! Tha 'Bad Boy' is just getting started! And I'm really gonna get rolling when I take out my former best friend and tag team partner!"


Blair: "Jim..."


Brunzell (in a whiny voice): "It's 'Bad Boy', Brian! C'mon!"


Blair: "'Bad Boy', guess everything will play itself out at 'Winter Warfare'. That's really all there is to say."


Brunzell: "Brian, you never really did have much to say. But I'm gonna be doing a lot of talking like a true bad boy should after I win our match!


"And now, it's time for the standard staredown between a bad boy and his fan favorite opponent."


The two stared each other down as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Blair winning his match and the confrontation he had with Brunzell. Hyped the Blair-Brunzell match coming up this Sunday at 'Winter Warfare'. Hyped still to come: The four 'War Games' preview matches; a final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota sees action as she prepares for her Women's WT match against champ Tina Ferrari at 'Winter Warfare'; the Ding Dongs looked to win their second match ever in the UWL; the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update; and more! Said Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera. Asked about the assault by The Firm team on Team UWL in the cage two weeks ago that left all four members of Team UWL battered, bloodied and handcuffed to the ropes as well as the upcoming War Games match at 'Winter Warfare' and the match tonight against Scott Hall.


KP: "Larry Nelson. All four members of Team UWL have recovered from their war wounds in the attack of two weeks ago and we are ready to go not only tonight, but in the War Games as well! Ted DiBiase! You and three of your men may have beaten the hell out of us! I'm sure you thought you inflicted some serious long-term damage to us that was both mental and physical in nature! But you didn't break us! In wars there are setbacks! Two weeks ago was a big setback for Team UWL! But we have re-grouped and are more determined than ever to stop The Firm from achieving it's goals in the UWL by any means necessary!"


Scott Hall walked into the interview area.


SH: "Hey, Ken! You gotta big mouth, man! But I got just the thing to shut it!"


Hall held up a night stick. Hall then pounded the night stick into his hand.


SH: "See you in the ring, bro!"


Hall chuckled as he walked out of the interview area as Patera looked on.)


Match 2 (All other War Games participants barred from ringside)

Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall (WTTC)


(Hall came to the ring first and was carrying the night stick. He got the usual mixed crowd reax. He got in the ring and was walking around and pounding the stick in his hand.


Patera came to the ring to a strong ovation. Once Patera got in the ring, Hall went to bash Patera with the night stick but Patera evaded the stick shot and the stick slammed into the top buckle. Hall turned around and Patera battered Hall with punches. Hall dropped the stick on the mat. Patera then whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a clothesline that sent Hall crashing to the canvas. Patera picked up the night stick and was preparing to clock Hall with it as Hall made it to his feet. Ref warned Patera. Hall got to his feet and Patera tossed the stick out of the ring and went to work on Hall as the ref called for the bell.


Patera dominated early, but Hall fought back and it became a see-saw affair with some near falls for both men.


At the end of the match, Hall had gained the advantage. Hall worked over Patera and appeared to have Patera on the ropes. Hall whipped Patera into the buckles and then charged in on Patera but Patera came charged out of the corner and dropped Hall with the Russian Hammer. As Hall slowly started to get up, Patera grabbed Hall in the full nelson, held Hall in it for a couple of seconds, and then blasted Hall with his full nelson slam. Patera covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd roared. Ref raised Patera's hand in victory and then Patera left the ring to a strong crowd response.


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 7:17)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)


(Announcers discussed Patera beating Hall in the first 'War Games' preview match. Then sent it backstage.)


(Video aired chronicling the Graham-Steiner feud followed by pre-recorded comments from the wrestlers.




Graham was wearing a t-shirt that read: "I AM A PROFESSIONAL!"


Graham: "Rick Steiner! This Sunday at 'Winter Warfare', daddy, the 'Superstar' is gonna show you why I'm a PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestler and not some amateur wrestling clown! I'm not big on rolling around on some cheap mat with another guy playing feely-grab! I do my work in a 20x20 foot ring surrounded by ropes and turnbuckles! I only do it like a PRO! That's all there is to it, daddy! I'm gonna take all your amateur skills, Rick Steiner, and shove 'em right down your throat with the 'Superstar's own special blend of power PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestling!"


Grand Wizard: "Steiner! Prepare to bark like a wounded dog this Sunday! The 'Superstar' is gonna take a bite out of you and put on a pro wrestling clinic at your expense! And your amateur skills won't do you a bit of good!"


Picture flipped and now it was Steiner.


Steiner: "'Superstar' Graham! I showed everyone that I could beat you in an amateur match! And now, in just five days, or 35 days in dog days, I'm gonna show eveybody that the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' can beat you in a pro-stye wrestling match! 'Superstar'! I'm gonna make you my own personal hydrant at 'Winter Warfare'! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Graphic then came up hyping the Graham-Steiner Pro-Style wrestling match at 'Winter Warfare'.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Kevin Nash. Asked about the War Games coming up Sunday and the match tonight with hugh Morrus.


Nash: "What the people are gonna see tonight is just a little sampling of what I'm personally gonna do to Hugh Morrus and all of Team UWL in the War Games this Sunday! I can tell you this, after our match in just a few minutes, Hugh's not gonna be at 100% going into 'Winter Warfare'! I'm gonna drive all of the laughter out of the one they call the 'Laughing Man'! Hugh! Be ready! Because the pain is coming upon you!")


(Announcers hyped still to come: The three remaining 'War Games' preview matches; a final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota sees action as she prepares for her Women's WT match against champ Tina Ferrari at 'Winter Warfare'; the Ding Dongs looked to win their second match ever in the UWL; the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update; and more! Said Hugh vs. Nash was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hugh Morrus. Asked about the War Games Sunday and the match with Nash tonight.


Hugh: "It was great to see Team UWL draw first blood in the War Games preview matches this evening! Way to go Kenny! Score one for the good guys! Sunday could be a turning point in the war between the UWL and The Firm! Whoever wins the War Games will have an advantage and the losing side will have a serious fight on its hands to regain momentum in the weeks and months ahead!


"I'm sure as hell never gonna forgive The Firm for what they did to Team UWL in that cage two weeks ago! We were beaten senseless by DiBiase and his thugs! It took some time to heal up! But Team UWL is back and I feel we're back with a vengeance! I can still feel each strike of the night sticks on my body! I can still feel the handcuff cutting into my flesh as I was as I was cuffed to the ring rope! I can taste the blood from my head trickling into my mouth! The punches! The kicks! I can still feel them all! I can still feel the utter helplessness! But these feelings motivate me!


"As for tonight, Kevin Nash, you talk a big game, big man! But I'm mad as hell and I'm just hankerin' for a fight! To just be able to hit a Firm member, man, it doesn't get any better than this! And it's gonna feel a lot better when I get to hit four of them in the War Games on Sunday!")


Match 3 (All other War Games participants barred from ringside)

Kevin Nash vs. Hugh Morrus


(Nash came out to a mixed crowd reax. Hugh came out to a solid ovation.


Hugh got his wish and was able to hit Nash quite a few times in the short, explosive bout but Nash got in his licks as well.


At the end of the match, Hugh had gained the advantage and nailed Nash with his flying headbutt to the chest. Nash crashed to the mat and Hugh went for the cover. 1...2... Nash kicked out. Hugh and Nash got to their feet. Hugh moved in on Nash and Nash stunned Hugh with a kick to the face out of nowhere. Hugh crashed to the mat. Nash grabbed Hugh and hoisted Hugh up and nailed him with his jack-knife powerbomb. Nash covered Hugh and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and then raised Nash's hand in victory. Nash looked down at the defeated Hugh and spat on him before leaving the ring to more boos than cheers.


WINNER: Nash - Pinfall - Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 5:24)


(Announcers discussed Nash beating Morrus and The Firm evening things with Team UWL in their four War Games preview matches tonight. Hyped still to come: The two remaining 'War Games' preview matches; a final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; the Ding Dongs looked to win their second match ever in the UWL; the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update; and more! Said Japanese Women's Champion Manami Toyota sees action next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Feb. 7 - Miami, FL - Bank United Center; Fri. - Feb. 8 - Tampa, FL - USF Sun Dome; Sat. - Feb. 9 - Tallahassee, FL - Donald L. Tucker Center; Fri. - March 8 - St. Chalres, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena . More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Video clips aired from the previous Women's World Title match on 'Slam!' last year between Tina Ferrari (WC) and Manami Toyota where Manami put on an impressive ring display and Tina had to cheat to escape with the victory and clips aired from last week where Watts announced that Ferrari would be defending her title against Toyota in a re-match at 'Winter Warfare' and Tina's stunned reaction to the news.)


Match 4

Manami Toyota (JWC) vs. Cutie Suzuki


(Suzuki came out to a minimal crowd response.


Toyota came to the ring wearing a robe. She got a strong ovation from fans who remembered her last dramatic affair with Ferrari. Once in the ring, Toyota took off her robe revealing the Japanese Women's Championship around her waist.


The two Japanese stars put on a show in the brief affair, trading moves and momentum that had the crowd on the edges of their seats.


During the match, Tina Ferrari, in a hot pink sweatsuit and tennis shoes and also wearing her trademark tiara, came power-walking to the ring with the UWL Women's World Title around her waist. Ferrari started walking around the ring and taking in the action. At one point Toyota became distracted by Ferrari's presence and was run into the ropes and rolled up from behind by Suzuki for the pin try but Toyota kicked out at 2.


After 6+ minutes of fast-paced back-and-forth, Toyota finished off Suzuki with her devastating Victory Star Roll to score the pinfall victory.


WINNER: Toyota - Pinfall - Victory Star Roll - 6:20)


(After the match: As Toyota had her hand raised in victory, Ferrari got in the ring and approached Toyota. Ferrari got in Toyota's face and was angrily talking at Toyota as Toyota looked on. Ferrari then gestured that she was gonna break Toyota in half and then slapped her hands together in three count fashion and then Ferrari arrogantly raised her arms victoriously in the air as the crowd booed. Toyota then pointed at the title around Tina's waist, made her own three-count with her hands and raised her arms in the victoriously as the crowd cheered. Tina yanked one of Toyota's arms down and threw her own arms back in the air as the crowd booed.


Tina then took off the title and held it up in Toyota's face and Tina screamed: "Mine!" Toyota then stunned Tina by ripping the title out of Tina's hands, hoisting the belt over her own head and walking around the ring with it as the fans cheered. Tina not happy. Toyota then held Tina's belt out for her to take back. Tina reached for the belt but Toyota then yanked the belt away and held it over her head with one hand. Tina started stomping around and yelled: "Give me my title!" Toyota had a thin amused smile on her face. Toyota then held the title out again for Tina to take. Tina ripped the title out of Toyota's hands and clutched the belt close to her chest and glared at Toyota. Toyota calmly took her Japan Women's Title and went and stood on the middle turnbuckle and thrust her fist in the air while cradling her title with the other arm. Fans cheered.


Toyota then jumped off the buckle, turned and looked at the angry Tina, and once again Toyota made the three count gesture with her hands and then pointed at herself as a now frustrated Tina was looking on. Toyota then left the ring to a strong positive crowd repsonse and slapped hands with fans on the way back up the aisle as a brooding Tina looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win by Toyota and the confrontation with Tina after the match. Hyped the UWL Women's WT Match: Tina © vs. Toyota at 'Winter Warfare' this Sunday on PPV. Hyped still to come: The two remaining 'War Games' preview matches; a final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV Update; and more! Said the Ding Dongs are coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Arn Anderson. Asked about tonight's match-up with Schultz and the War Games this Sunday.


AA: "Larry, two weeks ago, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus, Ken Patera and myself were savagely attacked by four members of The Firm who were led by their head bully Ted DiBiase. It was an event that could have been a defining moment in our war with The Firm. We on Team UWL could have caved as a result of that assault. But as you can see, that didn't happen. As Frederick Nietzsche once said: 'What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.' We came out of the attack in that cage two weeks ago stronger and more unified than we ever have been! The Firm thought they had reduced Team UWL to ashes! But now we're rising like the Phoenix from those ashes! We are ready for the War games! We're not intimidated! Far from it! Team UWL is determined and a little bit pissed off! And we're gonna unload our wrath on the bodies and souls of The Firm in the hell known as the War Games cage!


"David Schultz, I have to admit, you're one of the toughest men I've ever met. This is a man whose hobby is bounty hunting when he has free time. But you're the man who's being hunted tonight, 'Dr. D'! And I'm the hunter! I know the number of times you struck me with that night stick of yours! I counted each painful blow and cataloged it away in my mind! I'll be delivering a receipt on you tonight!


"All this that's happening...it's bigger than any of the individuals involved! This is about the future of a major league wrestling company! This is about the protection of jobs and the ability to earn a living! This goes beyond just the wrestlers! This is about families! This is about every single person that's employed by the UWL! From the top people to the people who clean the offices in the Seattle headquarters! This is about survival and laying the groundwork of a bright future for those who work for the UWL after us! If The Firm wins this war...then that bright future is gone! The stakes are too high to get discouraged or wallow in fear and intimidation! Team UWL is gonna fight on! And while these battles tonight are big! The War Games this Sunday is much bigger than any battle so far!")


(Video aired chronicling the Anderson Brothers-Humongous & Link situation that led to Watts making a Handicap match between the Anderson Bros. and Lord & Link for 'Winter Warfare'. The re-cap was followed by pre-recorded comments from the wrestlers:




Ole was standing in the middle of his brothers. He had a mic.


Ole: "Missing Link and Lord Humongous. What you are looking at is not only three brothers, but three of the best wrestlers in the world! And tag team wrestling is our specialty! We're not just great ring technicians! We're also three of the greatest thinkers in this sport! You put that together and you have a combination that's hard to beat! You two may be large, powerful men! But you're certainly no match for us in the IQ department! Tell 'em, Gene!"


Gene: "Yeah!"


Ole: "Couldn't have said it better myself! You guys don't have the smarts to match up with us! Your wrestling is at a base, animalistic level; and that's expected from a couple of un-evolved troglodytes like you! You're facing three highly intelligent men this Sunday at 'Winter Warfare' who also have outstanding ring skills! Link and Humongous, you guys are gonna be made fools out of! And the funny thing is you're too stupid to know it!"


Video flipped over.


Dark Journey was standing in front of Lord and Link. She had a mic.


DJ: "Anderson Brothers. You may be in for the shock of your lives at 'Winter Warfare'. These men will suprise you with what they can do in that ring. You may have the excellent pro wrestling credentials. But, Lord Humongous and the Missing Link can handle themselves quite well. So this Sunday, you boys better be ready for a fight. Because that's exactly what you're going to get."


DJ held the mic up to Lord Humongous's hockey goalie-masked face.




Link then pounded a chair against his head.


Graphic then came up hyping the Handicap match this Sunday at 'Winter Warfare'.)


Match 5

Ding Dongs vs. ???


(As the Dongs made their way to the ring to a fair amount of boos, video aired of them upsetting the Killer Bees two weeks ago on 'Slam!', thus gaining their first-ever victory in the UWL.


Once in the ring, D1 took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


D1: "You wanted the best and you got the best! The hottest tag team in the world...the Ding Dongs!


"Did you people see it two weeks ago?! We beat the Killer Bees, 1...2...3! We're now on the hot-streak that I knew we Dongs could get on! That's one win in a row! WHOO!"


D2: "Not only did we beat the Bees; they were so devastated by the loss that they ceased to be a tag team!"


D1: "That's right! We donged 'em good, real good! We're so hot right now that no one can beat us! So, we've put out an open contract for our match tonight! We'll take on any tag team in the back! Who wants a taste of the Dongs, daddy-o! Huh??? Dare to step in the ring..."


'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest blared over the p.a. system. Crowd erupted as Link, Lord and Journey made their way out on the entrance stage.


The Dongs looked at each other with their mouths hanging open (there's a dirty joke in there somewhere) and were in shock. Lord, Link and Journey made their way to the ring. Link stopped and beat his head against the ring post. Lord stepped over the top rope into the ring and looked at the Dongs, pointed at them and then pounded his chest with his fist. Link stomped around in the ring as Journey looked on from the floor. Dongs suddenly didn't appear all that confident anymore.


Match was a total annihilation. Lord and Link destroyed the Dongs in short order. Link would score the pinfall victory after hoisting up D1, spinning around in a circle and blasting D1 with a high-angle spinebuster. D2 didn't even try to break up the pin.


WINNER: Link & Humongous - Pinfall - Link pinned D1 with the High-Angle Spinebuster (aka, Alabama Slam) - 3:06)


(Announcers discussed Link & Lord demolishing the Dongs and ending their one-match winning streak. Hyped still to come: The two remaining 'War Games' preview matches; a final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare'; and more! Said the final 'Winter Warfare' PPV update was coming up!)


(Video aired chronicling the Dusty Rhodes-Wahoo McDaniel feud which culminated in Dusty mocking Wahoo's American Indian heritage last week. The re-cap was followed by these pre-recorded comments from the wrestlers:


Wahoo: "Dusty! Last week was the last straw for me! You crossed a line you should have never crossed when you mocked my Choctaw Indian heritage! My temperature has now risen off the charts! I'm so hot I feel I could explode right now! I can't wait for this Sunday, because I finally get to get my hands on you and show you up close and personal what happens to a man who goes out of his way to make problems for me!"


Video pic flipped.


Dusty was wearing his top hat and black t-shirt:


Dusty: "It's finally gonna happen, jack! 'The American Dream' vs. The Chief! 'Winter Warfare'! Wahoo, I hope you've enjoyed the trouble I've made for you over the last few months! I have thoroughly enjoyed being a thorn in your side! I have quite a few favorite moments from our time together! But without a doubt, my two favorite moments have been when I personally played a role in costing you matches against my boss, Director Ted DiBiase, and against Harley Race when the President's Championship was on the line! Those moments get me right here!"


Dusty patted his heart.


Dusty: "But, beating you this Sunday, Wahoo, that's gonna be the moment I'll cherish the most in our little dance with dangerrrrr.... See you then, Chief."


Graphic then appeared hyping Dusty vs. Wahoo with Pres. Watts as the Trouble-Shooting Ref at the 'Winter warfare' PPV this Sunday.)




Announcers ran down the complete card:


WAR GAMES MATCH: Team UWL - Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera vs. The Firm - Director Ted DiBiase, Hall & Nash (WTTC) and David Schultz


UWL WORLD TITLE DOG COLLARS & CHAIN MATCH: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine


HANDICAP MATCH: The Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota (Japanese Women's Champion)


PRO-STYLE WRESTLING MATCH: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Rick Steiner




TV TITLE MATCH: Rip Oliver © vs. Buzz Sawyer


Brian Blair vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


JUST SIGNED: Dallas Page vs. Rick Rude






'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - This Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! - Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 2-10 thru 2-16.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Greg Valentine


3 - Ken Patera


4 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers said Anderson vs. Schultz was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson was standing alone in the i'view area.


LN: "I'm supposed to be interviewing 'Dr. D' David Schultz but he isn't here yet."


After a few seconds, Schultz walked right past Nelson.


LN: "David! If I can have a word with you, please."


Schultz stopped.


DS: "Make it fast, Nelson! I've got a job to do!"


LN: "Can you tell us your thoughts on wrestling Arn Anderson tonight and the War games match this Sunday at 'Winter Warfare'?"


DS: "I'll make it real simple for ya! Tonight, I'm gonna beat Arn Anderson's ass and this Sunday The Firm is gonna kick Team UWL's ass in the War Games!"


Schultz then hastily walked off leaving Nelson in his wake.)


Match 6 (All other War Games participants barred from ringside)

Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz


(Arn came out to a strong ovation. As Arn was making his way to the ring, Schultz charged down the aisle and attacked Arn from behind. Schultz pounded on Arn and then threw him into the ring. Ref called for the bell.


Schultz had the advantage just after the bell but Arn quickly fought his way back into the match.


At the end of the match, a see-saw affair with neither man gaining a firm (no pun intended) advantage, Schultz gained control and whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a flying lariat that dropped Arn. Schultz then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Arn got to his feet. Schultz came off the top buckle and nailed Arn with an elbow smash to the head. Arn staggered backwards. Schultz backed up and charged at Arn and Arn stunned Schultz with a spinning spinebuster out of nowhere. Crowd popped big-time. Arn made the throat-slashing gesture and then snapped Schultz up and nailed Schultz with his gourdbuster finisher. Arn covered Schultz. 1...2...2-1/2... Schultz kicked out. Crowd groaned. Arn picked Schultz up and went to nail him with another gourdbuster but Schultz blocked the move, escaped Arn's grasp and in one fluid motion was able to turn Arn around and nail Arn with his Redneck Death Drop finisher. Some in the crowd roared. Schultz covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Arn kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Schultz reached down and started to pull Arn up when Arn popped Schultz with a jawbreaker to the top of his head. Schultz snapped back and crashed to the mat. A battle weary Arn grabbed Schultz and nailed him with a second gourdbuster. Arn covered Schultz and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd exploded. Ref raised Arn's hand in victory. Exhausted Arn then leaned forward with his arms sitting on the top rope. Schultz recovered from the gourdbuster and snuck up behind Arn and laid Arn out with one more Redneck Death Drop. Schultz looked down at Arn and then left the ring. Out on the floor, the defiant Schultz raised his hands in victory as most of the crowd booed but many also cheered. Schultz then made his way back up the aisle.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 9:19)


(Announcers discussed Arn beating Schultz and Schultz laying out Arn with his Redneck Death Drop finisher after the match. Hyped still to come: The final 'War Games' preview match: DiBiase vs. Luger. Said the final showdown between UWL WC Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine before their Dog Collars & Chain World Title match at 'Winter Warfare' was coming up!)


(Backstage: 'Bad Boy' Brunzell was seen walking around and he came across Manami Toyota who was standing in the hall.


BBB: "Manami Toyota, right?"


MT (smiling): "That right."


BBB: "I'm 'Bad Boy' Brunzell and I'm the baddest cat in all of wrestling. See, right here on my shirt it says 'Bad Boy'. I'm also wearing the derby hat which lets everyone know what a bad boy I truly am."


MT: "Nice meet you, 'Bad Boy'."


MT extended her hand to shake Brunzell's but Brunzell did not reciprocate.


BBB: "Bad boys never shake hands. It's not a part of bad boy heritage."


MT: "Oh! You must be real bad boy then, no?"


BBB: "I'm the walking definition of a bad boy. I was thinking, maybe tonight after the show we could get together at the hotel. I'll come to your room but I won't bring flowers or candy or anything like that because bad boys don't do that stuff. Bad boys are the gift themselves."


MT: "Why I not just meet you down in bar?"


BBB: "Heh heh. We're not going to the bar. Bad boys always determine the rules of engagement for an evening with a woman."


MT: "Me not getting this."


BBB: "I'll come to your room at the hotel, knock on the door, you'll open the door and I'll come into your room. Bad boys are always assertive, see?

And then, once in the room, you will give me a nice full-body massage with a happy ending. How does that strike you, my little Geisha?"


Brunzell then moved into MT's space.


MT: "Hmmm... How it strike me?"


BBB (naughty voice): "Heh heh. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh... Ummmmm..."


MT: "It strike me like this."


Toyota slapped Brunzell hard across the face and Brunzell's derby hat flew off.


MT: "And you first name really Jim!"


MT stormed out of camera range as Brunzell picked up his hat.


BBB: "It's 'Bad Boy' now!"


Camera stayed on Brunzell from behind as he turned and walked down the hall yelling at the top of his lungs.


BBB: "I am now 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! My new first name is 'Bad Boy'! It's no longer Jim, people!")


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed DiBiase in The Firm dressing room.


LN: "Ted, The Firm is 1-2 in the first three War Games preview matches tonight. You need to win your match against Lex Luger to break even."


TD: "Tonight is the regular season. We've hit a couple of bumps in the road. But this Sunday the War Games is the Super Bowl. You can take some defeats in the regular season. But in the Super Bowl, victory is the only option. I've said it before. In a war you will have some setbacks on the way to ultimate victory. It's how you deal with those setbacks that determine whether or not you will win the Super Bowl. We will bounce back from tonight and be ready for Sunday; that's a promise. The Firm is at its best in must-win situations.


"As for my match with Lex Luger, I am confident that I will get us that second win this evening. I don't like Lex Luger. Like the rest of Team UWL, the man doesn't know when to quit. I warned him and his pals that if they did not bail on our cage match two weeks ago that something bad would happen to them. They didn't heed my warning. I was right. Something really bad happened to Team UWL. They can talk all they want about how they're good and ready for the War Games. But we'll see if that's the case. They have to put on their game face and spin things in the best way possible for their side heading into Sunday. I think when they step into the War Games cage with us they're in for a harsh reality check. Team UWL seems bent on destroying itself. They just never seem to learn from brutal experience. They should have the point driven home to them loud and clear this Sunday that it would be best if they just got out of The Firm's way and let us move forward with our grand plans. We have a vision for the future of the UWL. And we intend to implement it no matter the cost to both sides.


"Luger, tonight is a regular season match-up between you and me. I'll certainly be going all-out to win. But in the Super Bowl of wrestling, the War Games, things are gonna take on an added dimension. And that means everything will be ratcheted up to their highest levels. The hits will be even harder and the pain will go even deeper. And Team UWL is gonna suffer the consequences of my master game plan.")


(Video clips aired from the Piper ©-Valentine confrontation from last week where Valentine showed video of his battering of Piper in their previous Dog Collars and Chain match at 'Helloween' 2011 where Valentine seriously damaged Piper's ear and won the match via blood stoppage when Piper collapsed in the ring and Piper was put on the shelf for 14 months. The video played on a loop on the JumboTron of Greg's dirty deed.)


(In-ring: Valentine and Hart made their way to the ring to loud boos. Both were in suits and both had mics. Valentine had the collars and chain around his neck and the World Title cradled in his arm. Once in the ring, the pair soaked in the loud boos.


After a brief pause, bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and the fans popped as Piper, in street clothes and leather jacket came to the ring. Piper had the World Title slung over his shoulder and was carrying a mic. Piper got in the ring and briefly played to the crowd.


Hart: "Roddy Piper, now is the time to admit it. Admit that you're worried about the match this Sunday with Greg Valentine. The last time you two met in a Dog Collars and Chain match it did not turn out good for you. Valentine busted you up with the very chain he has around his neck right now. But, his masterpiece was destroying your left ear with that chain. You may have come back from the injury. But your damaged left ear is a constant reminder of what Valentine did to you at 'Helloween' in 2011. It has to bother you. You lose sleep at night because you know your hearing isn't what it used to be thanks to this man.


"Wrestling involves not only great physical skill. It also involves great ring psychology. Make no mistake, Piper, Valentine has a big psychological advantage over you heading into this match. And a lot times, when one wrestler has a strong mental advantage over the other, the battle is all but lost by the wrestler who comes in with the psychological disadvantage. When you put that collar around your neck at 'Winter Warfare' all those bad memories will flood through your brain. The feel of that heavy chain slamming unmercifully into that left ear will be haunting you once the bell rings. And it will affect your performance. Greg Valentine is the master of the mind game. He's gotten into your head and you can't get him out. And that's what will cost you at 'Winter Warfare'.


"Book it. Greg Valentine will be the World Champion once again this Sunday. The only question that's left to be answered is...will Roddy Piper's career be over this time as well."


Valentine pulled the chain and collars from around his neck and held it in one hand.


GV: "You know, I've looked at every single link in this chain more than once over the last 16 months. Piper, some of your blood is still on some of the links. As a matter of fact, I had to pick a small piece of flesh off the chain one time. There's no doubt that it was flesh from your ear where I beat it repeatedly with the unforgiving steel. And this Sunday I'm gonna go after that ear again. A solid blow to that ear and the match is as good as mine. I really don't think your ear could take another pounding like the last time, Piper. As Gary said, I'm the man who has the big psychological advantage going into this match. You can deny it if you want to. But you're playing at a serious disadvantage.


"I will seize upon my psychological advantage and channel it into a physical one. And that will be the end of Roddy Piper's reign as UWL World Champion...if not Roddy Piper himself."


RP: "Oh, you two are masters at the mind game. I'll grant you that. But you're talking to the real master of the mind game, boys! I have a PHD in ring psychology from 'Hot Rod's School of Hard Knocks'! I fought my way to the top! I didn't start my wrestling career on the bottom rung of the ladder! I started my career buried under the ladder! And after years of hard work and determination I made it to the top! I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you two psych me out! When we step into the ring at 'Winter Warfare!', Greg Valentine, you may think you're the man who has all the answers! But I'm gonna change the questions!"


Crowd cheered.


RP: "Last week, you two decided to make it movie night on the program and show footage from Greg's defeat of me at 'Helloween' 2011! You showed clips where Greg battered my left ear with that chain! It played over and over on the JumboTron there! Well, tonight we're gonna have another movie night! Everybody get your popcorn! It's 'Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine: The Sequel!' Guys in the truck, roll that footage, will ya!"


House lights went down and a black and white movie-like '5...4...3...2...1' played on the JumboTron. Then the words: 'A Hot Rod Production' played on the screen. Next came the words: 'Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine: The Sequel!' with accompanying music. Footage then aired of Piper defeating Greg Valentine to win the UWL World Title and the post-match celebration where the face wrestlers and Piper's family joined in. Valentine and Hart were in the shadows in the ring and Greg was not happy seeing the footage. The footage then played on a loop and included an extreme close-up shot of Greg tapping out. The footage played three times and the words 'The End (for Greg Valentine's UWL World Title reign!)' closed out Piper's version of movie night.


House lights came back up and the crowd was chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!' Valentine was pissed.


Piper then pointed at Valentine.


RP: "Loser! Loser!"


Crowd now chanted 'loser' at Greg. Greg walked around in the ring and covered his ears as Hart tried to calm him down.


RP: "Louder! He can't hear ya! Loser!"


'Loser' chants grew louder.




More 'loser' chants.


GV (furious): "Enough!"


More 'loser' chants that got louder.


GV (still furious): "I said enough, dammit! For one year I was the king of this sport! I was the World Champion! I was the ruler of the wrestling universe! And you call me a loser?!"


Chants didn't stop.


GV (still angry): "I'm not a loser! I'm a winner! I always have been and always will be! This Sunday I, Greg Valentine, will shut you people up when I become the UWL World Champion for the second time! And when I come down the aisle next Tuesday with the World Title once again around my waist where it belongs, I want you people to bow down to me and kiss my feet as I walk by! Piper, you're done...dead...at 'Winter Warfare'! Piper! I'm gonna maim you!"


Valentine then charged at Piper and wildly swung the chain at Piper but Piper evaded the chain shot and scrambled out onto the apron. Valentine went at Piper again and swung the chain at Piper and Piper evaded it by jumping off the apron down to the floor. Greg was furious.


Bagpipe music filled the arena and the fans cheered. Greg wanted to leave the ring and go after Piper but Hart stopped Greg and held him at bay in the ring. Piper looked at the pair in the ring as he backed up the aisle to the rampway as the fans cheered. Valentine was stalking around in the ring as Hart was talking to him. When Piper got to the entrance stage he held the title over his head as the fans cheered some more. Valentine angrily slammed the chain to the mat, ripping off his jacket, going over by the ropes and wanting Piper to get in the ring as Piper looked on while now holding the title in front of his stomach. Piper pointed at the fans and then threw his fist in the air and the fans ate it up as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Piper ©-Valentine confrontation and hyped their UWL WT Dog Collars & Chain match at 'Winter Warfare'. Said the final War Games preview match: DiBiase vs. Luger was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger. Asked about tonight's match with DiBiase and the War Games this weekend.


LL: "There comes a time when men are greatly tested. The question is, will they rise up and be men of valor and might? Or, will they be men who shrink away from their duty and walk away with their heads hung in shame? We on Team UWL are showing that even in the darkest of times like two weeks ago, we realize that we must be men of valor and might! We have a duty to fight for every wrestler on the UWL roster this Sunday in the War Games! We will not back down from The Firm no matter what happens! After the savage assault on Arn, Ken, Hugh and myself, we could have just walked away from it all and hoped someone else picked up our fallen UWL banner and carried it into battle! But we're not like that! We retreat, recover and then come back to fight another day!


"The path that the UWL and The Firm are heading down is just gonna get rockier and rockier as time marches on! The victories and the losses will become bigger and bigger for both sides until the ultimate climax of this war! Who will surrender?! Who will be the victor?! Nothing is certain! Life holds no guarantees! The UWL either wins this war or loses it to The Firm! There is no middle ground here! There is no room for compromise! Total victory or total defeat are the only options! The War Games could be a turning point in this war! This battle could be one sides Stalingrad! The winner of the War Games could open up their pathway to victory and the loser could be set on the road to final defeat and humiliation!


"Ted DiBiase seems to have a fetish for hitting chained up people with night sticks! Well, now I'm a free man, Ted! I've been released from those handcuffs! I am now able to exact a measure of revenge on you for your part in that assault on me and the rest of Team UWL in that cage! It's just you and me now! One-on-one! I have every intention of getting the third win of the night for our side and give us the momentum heading into 'Winter Warfare'!")


Match 7(All other War Games participants barred from ringside)

Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger


(DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reax.


Luger got a good ovation coming to the ring.


The two men battled fiercely in the short match. At one point, Ted took control of the match and worked over Luger with series of moves.


At the end of the match, after some more back-and-forth, DiBiase got the advantage with an eye rake and worked over Luger some more. Ted nailed Luger with fist drop to the head from the top rope. Ted covered Luger. 1...2... Luger got a shoulder up. Ted pulled Lex up and went to whip Lex into the ropes but Lex reversed and sent Ted into the ropes and caught Ted coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd went nuts as Luger got to his feet and signaled it was time for the rack. Luger wouldn't get the chance to try and apply the hold as Hall, Nash and Schultz hit the ring and jumped Luger. Ref called for the bell. Hall, Nash and Schultz beating on Luger. DiBiase recovered and joined in the fray. Crowd popped as the rest of Team UWL: Arn, Ken and Hugh, hit the ring and joined in the fray. The brawl was on! Luger shook off the attack from The Firm boys and was now slugging it out with them right along side the rest of Team UWL. Some of the action spilled onto the floor. It was chaos in and around the ring and the fans were going wild as the program faded to black.


DECISION: No Contest - 5:41)


(Final video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - This Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! - Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)




After 'Slam!' went off the air

Backstage interviewer Larry Nelson came to the ring with mic in hand as the theme from 'AWA Championship Wrestling' played over the p.a. system.


Nelson talked about the history of the American Wrestling Association in Las Vegas. Talked about the old Showboat Hotel where the AWA cards took place as well as many of the stars who passed through the Showboat Sports Pavilion during the AWA's glory days and what a wonderful time it was for wrestling back then.


Nelson then intro'd a video tribute to the AWA in Vegas. Video showed clips of AWA stars and memorable moments that happened at the Showboat.


Polite crowd applause as the video ended.


Nelson then intro'd AWA in Vegas legends, some of whom currently wrestle for the UWL. They were announced and came out on an individual and tag team basis.


Order of introduction:


1) 'Playboy' Buddy Rose & 'Pretty Boy' Doug Somers (in their ring attire) w/ Sherri Martel


2) Baron Von Raschke (in ring attire)


3) Jerry Blackwell (in ring attire)


4) Nord the Barbarian (in ring attire)


5) 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal & 'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin (in their ring attire) w/ Miss Precious


6) Greg Gagne (in ring attire)


7) Madusa


8) Ken Patera


9) 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


10) Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey


11) Tom Zenk


12) Former AWA World Champion Rick Martel (in ring attire)


13) Former AWA World Champion Larry Zbysko (in ring attire - Zbysko is currently a UWL front-office employee)


14) Chief Wahoo McDaniel


15) Col. DeBeers (In street clothes and minus the trademark beret. There was no way they were gonna play up his character in this PC era.)


16) Former 4-Time AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel


And finally...without this man the AWA would have never existed...'Mr. AWA' himself...


17) Former 650-Time AWA World Champion Verne Gagne


The crowd was courteous during the intros and popped the loudest for two current UWL'ers, Patera and McDaniel. The loudest boos were reserved from Rose, Somers, Martel and Brunzell.


Verne Gagne then had a few words for the fans about the AWA and thanked those who had supported the promotion when it was around and kicking.


Nelson then said they had one more suprise! They were gonna have a 10-man tag team match exclusively for the fans in the Orleans Arena. Fans cheered the news.


Those not participating left the ring and saluted the fans when out on the floor before heading to the back.


10-Man AWA Tag Match

Doug Somers, Buddy Rose, Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal & Larry Zbysko (w/ Sherri, Precious & Sheik Adnan in their corner) vs. Baron Von Raschke, Jerry Blackwell, Nord the Barbarian, Rick Martel & Greg Gagne (w/ Verne Gagne and Madusa in their corner)


(Former AWA ref Marty Miller was announced as the ref for the match. Marty came to the ring to the AWA theme song and little response.


Before the match, Rose, Zbysko and Sherri all got on the mic to let the crowd know they were the heel team. Von Raschke, Blackwell & Greg spoke for their side and let the fans know they were the face team.


Fun match that the fans got into. During the match, crowd popped big-time when Madusa mounted the top buckle and nailed Sherri with a flying bodypress out on the floor. Verne kept Sheik Adnan from interfering during the match with a wallop to the head. Some exciting near falls during the match.


At the end of the match, Zbysko tried to pin Von Raschke with a roll-up while holding the tights and Greg came in and broke up the pin with a dropkick on Zbysko. Chaos then ensued as all the other match participants jumped into the ring and started battling it out. The action spilled out to the floor. In the ring, Zbysko grabbed Von Rashcke and whipped Von Raschke into the ropes and looked to catch Von Raschke coming off with a clothesline but Von Raschke ducked the move and came back and caught Zbysko in the Iron Claw. Crowd popping like corn. As the battle continued on the floor between all the other participants, Zbysko was in the hold for only a short time before signaling he submitted. Ref called for the bell. Fans cheered. After the match, the victors got back in the ring and soaked in the cheers and saluted the crowd to end the evening.


WINNER: Raschke, Blackwell, Nord, Martel & Gagne - Submission - Von Raschke made Zbysko submit to the Iron Claw - 15:12)

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