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LIVE ON PPV! - This Sunday - Feb. 17 - WVU Coliseum - Morgantown, WV - 8pm E/5pm P!
































'Winter Warfare' will be posted on Sunday.

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Lash LaRue vs. Father Dutch

(WINNER: LaRue - Pinfall - Brain Buster - 6:36)




(Special video built around the War Games; Piper © vs. Valentine WT Dog Dollars & Chain Match; Handicap Match; and Wahoo vs. Dusty aired to open the show.)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Shot of the War Games cage suspended above the two rings.)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to 'Winter Warfare' before a hot crowd. Hyped the following matches: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link; Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel; and the UWL Women's World Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1

Brian Blair vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


(Blair came to the ring first to a decent ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. He was in his black and yellow Bee ring attire.


'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine played over the p.a. system and out came 'Bad Boy' Brunzell. He was wearing his derby hat, t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' in big block letters on the front, black tights with 'Bad Boy' writen across his rear and his black and white boots with three B's on the outside of each one. Brunzell received a pretty strong negative reaction.


Brunzell got in the ring and strutted around in heel fashion. Blair leaned over the top rope and took the r.a mic from guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta.


Blair: "Jim, I know we're no longer..."


Brunzell moved within a few feet on Blair.


BBB: "It's 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! OK?! Gosh!"


Blair: "Alright. Well, 'Bad Boy', even though we're no longer friends and tag team partners, I've got to offer a little constructive criticism. If you want to be taken seriously as a heel you have got to ditch that ring entrance music, brother. That music screams comedy clown...not 'Bad Boy'."


Blair then turned to hand the mic down to Capetta and Brunzell jumped Blair from behind. Ref called for the bell.


Brunzell hammered away with a series of punches to Blair's head, whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Brian coming off with a dropkick that drove Brian to the mat. Blair got up and Brunzell moved in with another dropkick that dropped Blair again. Blair got up next to the ropes and Brunzell moved in and started choking Blair. Brunzell broke the illegal hold at the ref's count of four and then repeated it and broke once more at four. Brunzell then moved in and drove a knee into Blair's gut. Blair staggered away and Brunzell then raked Blair's back three times. Brunzell then whipped Blair into the buckles and Brunzell charged in and popped Blair with a flying high knee to the chest. Blair stumbled out of the corner and went down on the canvas.


Brunzell was then picked up on a mic as he looked out at the crowd.


BBB: "How's that for a bad boy?!"


Blair made it to his feet and Brunzell punched Blair a few more times and sent Blair into the buckles. Brunell charged in with a clothesline try but Blair moved and Brunzell slammed front-first into the buckles. Brunzell turned around and was greeted by a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut by Blair. Brunzell was partially bent over and holding his gut as he walked out of the corner and Blair repaid Brunzell with three rakes to the back of his own as fans cheered. Blair then blasted Brunzell with an atomic drop. Brunzell didn't go down but was holding the goods. Blair then hit ropes behind Brunzell and nailed Brunzell with a running bulldog. Blair for the cover. 1...2... Brunzell kicked out. Blair then grabbed Brunzell and snap suplexed Brunzell to the mat. Blair went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Brunzell got to his feet. Blair came off with a missle dropkick but Brunzell fell out of the way and Blair crashed to the mat. Both men down.


Brunzell made it to his feet first and went over and kicked Blair in the chest. Brunzell then locked Blair in a side headlock. Brunzell tightened up on the hold. Blair was able to shove Brunzell off and Brunzell hit the ropes and came off. Brunzell leaped over Blair as Blair dove to the mat. Brunzell hit the opposite ropes and came off and Blair dove down again. Brunzell hit the ropes and came back and Blair leapfrogged Brunzell and landed on his feet, caught Brunzell from behind and ran Brunzell into the ropes for a roll-up pin try. 1...2... Brunzell reached up and grabbed Blair's tights and reversed position. Brunzell had a handful of Blair's tights as he went for the pin. 1...2...2-1/2... Blair kicked Brunzell off. Both men got up and Brunzell charged at Blair and Blair caught Brunzell with a backdrop. An angry Brunzell made it to his feet and charged at Blair again and Blair stunned Brunzell with a savate kick. Brunzell went down. Blair grabbed Brunzell and bodyslammed him into position for another turn buckle move. Blair stomped Brunzell a couple of times and then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Brunzell. Blair bounced off Brunzell then quickly crawled over and covered Brunzell. 1...2...2-3/4... Brunzell kicked out.


Blair grabbed Brunzell and whipped Brunzell into the ropes and looked to catch Brunzell coming off with a dropkick but Brunzell grabbed the top rope and Blair crashed to the mat. Brunzell took immediate advantage and stomped away on the downed Blair. Jim then grabbed Blair's head and started beating the back of it on the canvas repeatedly. Blair down and hurting. Brunzell grabbed Blair and suplexed him in the middle of the ring and then nailed Blair with a jumping leg drop. Brunzell for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Blair barely kicked out. Brunzell then got up and kicked Blair, who was now on all fours, in the ribs. Blair down on the mat near the ropes and hurting. Brunzell then grabbed the top rope and pressed his boot on Blair's throat. Ref counting. Brunzell broke the illegal move at the count of four. Ref ordered Brunzell to step back as Blair's leg was under the bottom rope. Brunzell then got a few cheapshot stomps in for good measure. Brunzell got in the ref's face and had words with him and then Brunzell poked the ref a couple of times in the chest and the ref responded by slapping Brunzell upside the head. Brunzell grabbed the side of his head and was picked up on a mic.


BBB: "Ow! Watch it!"


Ref had a few more words for Brunzell. Blair recovered and Brunzell turned around just in time to be greeted with a series of head shots that staggered Brunzell. Blair then nailed Brunzell with a belly-to-back suplex and then backed into the ropes and came off and nailed Brunzell with a knee drop to the head. Brunzell in a bad way. Blair grabbed Brunzell and went to whip Brunzell into the ropes but Brunzell reversed and looked to catch Blair coming off with a clothesline but Blair ducked the move and came back with a flying lariat. Brunzell crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Blair grabbed Brunzell, whipped Brunzell into the ropes and caught Brunzell coming off with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Blair then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Brunzell got to his feet facing away from Blair. When Brunzell turned towards Blair...HELLO!...Blair connected this time with the missle dropkick. Brunzell crashed back down to the mat. Blair covered Brunzell and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Brunzell got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Blair now waited for Brunzell to get to his feet. The stunned Brunzell got up and Blair went to nail Brunzell with his codebreaker finisher but Brunzell blocked the move and shoved Blair off. Blair crashed to the mat. Brunzell slowly moved towards Blair as Blair got up facing away from Brunzell. Brunzell clubbed Blair from behind with a series of rapid-fire double sledges to the back. Blair spun around and Brunzell slapped Blair hard across the face. Brunzell then raked the momentarily stunned Blair's eyes. Brunzell then turned to the ref and was picked up on a mic.


BBB: "I've always wanted to do that!"


Brunzell then whipped Blair into the buckles. Brunzell laid a couple of gut punches in on Blair and then, in the ultimate bad boy move, Brunzell started biting Blair's head. Ref counting. Brunzell broke the move and then repeated it and once again broke at the illegal move at four. As Blair was holding his head in the corner, Brunzell was picked up on a mic again.


BBB: "I've wanted to do that, too!"


Brunzell turned back and looked to continue his assault on Blair and went to throw a punch but Blair blocked it and nailed Brunzell with a punch of his own that stunned Brunzell. Blair then came firing out of the corner with a series of punches that backed Brunzell up into the opposite buckles. Brunzell dropped to his knees and tried to beg off. Blair moved in and Brunzell stuck his head out between the top and middle rope. Ref ordered Blair back. Before Brunzell could stand up, Blair moved in again and once more Brunzell stuck his head in between the ropes to force Blair to back off. Brunzell started to get to his feet and Blair moved in when Brunzell dropped back to his knees and stuck his head between the ropes once more, thus forcing Blair to back off. Blair took a couple of steps off and then blew the ref off and tried to drag Brunzell out of the corner by his hair as the ref tried to step in and separate the two. Brunzell took advantage and popped Blair with a forearm to the groin. Blair stumbled back holding the jewels as Brunzell got to his feet. Brunzell came out and caught Blair and nailed Blair with his inverted headlock neckbreaker. Blair down. Brunzell then picked up Blair, whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with a dropkick. Blair crashed back down to the mat.


Brunzell then snapped Blair up and blasted Blair with his slingshot suplex finisher. But then, instead of immediately covering Blair, Brunzell turned towards the crowd and was picked up on a mic.


BBB: "Oh! What a bad boy am I!"


Brunzell then covered Blair and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Blair got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. As the ref checked on Blair, Brunzell walked a few steps away, reached into his tights and brandished a pair of taped knux. Brunzell slipped them on his right hand for all to see. Camera caught a close-up of the knux and 'Bad Boy' was written across them in black ink. Jim held them up for the crowd to see. Big mistake. Brunzell turned around to continue his assault on Blair and Blair had just gotten to his feet and Brunzell walked right into the codebreaker. Brunzell crashed to the mat. Blair covered Brunzell and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Blair's hand in victory as the crowd popped. Blair left the ring and once again took the r.a. mic as Brunzell recovered in the ring.


Blair: "Jim...er...'Bad Boy'...I still say you really need to change your ring entrance music."


More crowd cheering as Blair made his way back up the aisle and slapped hands with fans along the way. An angry Brunzell could do nothing but stomp around the ring and kick the ropes a few times. Before leaving the ring, Brunzell arrogantly grabbed his left arm with his right hand and raised it in the air victoriously before heading to the back.


WINNER: Blair - Pinfall - Codebreaker - 13:22)


(Announcers discussed Blair defeating Brunzell in the opener. Hyped still to come: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link; Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel; and the UWL Women's World Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota. Said the TV Title match was next!)


Match 2 (UWL TV Title Match)

Rip Oliver © vs. Buzz Sawyer


('Delirious' by ZZ Top blared over the p.a. system and out came Buzz Sawyer. Sawyer got a decent ovation. Sawyer walked to the bottom of the ramp and started barking and then made his way down the aisle barking some more as the fans barked back. Buzz also lightly gnawed on a couple of fan's hands along the way. Buzz got in the ring and ran around and barked some more.


Rip Oliver came to the ring to strong boos. He had the title around his waist.


Usual pre-match drill. Ref took the title and held it up for all to see then handed it off to Capetta. Ref called both men to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent each man to a neutral corner.


Ref called for the bell.


Oliver came out of the corner and went to blast Buzz with his superkick but Buzz ducked the kick and came back and swept Oliver's leg out from under him. Rip went down. Rip got up and came at Buzz again and Buzz caught Rip with another leg sweep that dropped Oliver. Oliver got up and Buzz swept Oliver's leg out from under him a third time and Oliver went down again. Rip got up in the corner and angrily slapped the top buckle. Buzz got down on all fours and raised his right leg like he was mock peeing on Rip. Rip came out of the corner and kicked Buzz in the side of the ribs. Buzz toppled over. Rip got on top of Buzz and started hammering away with punches to Buzz's head. Buzz sat up and Rip stunned Buzz with a low flying dropkick to the chest. Rip for the cover. 1... Buzz kicked out. Rip grabbed Buzz, whipped Buzz into the ropes and caught Buzz coming off with an elbow to the chest. Buzz staggered backwards. Buzz near the ropes. Rip charged at Buzz and went to nail Buzz with a clothesline but Buzz backdropped Rip over the top rope down to the floor. As Rip got to his feet on the floor, Buzz mounted the top buckle and came off with a double sledge to the top of Rip's head. Rip crashed to the floor. Buzz started barking and the crowd barked back. Buzz grabbed Rip and went to ram Rip's head into the ring post but Rip shoved Buzz off and Buzz slammed head first into the post. Buzz staggered off. Ref counting. Rip nailed Buzz with a double sledge to the back and then spun Buzz around and popped him with some head shots. Rip then grabbed Buzz around the waist and rammed Buzz back-first into the ringside barricade. Rip then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 20-count. Rip was now on the apron. Rip came off and nailed Buzz with an elbow to the head. Buzz went down next to the barricade. Rip stomped away on Buzz. Rip then halved Buzz with a modified gourdbuster across the top of the barricade. Buzz dangling. Rip backed up and charged at Buzz and popped Buzz with a kick to the head. Buzz shot up and then crumpled to the floor at ringside. Rip grabbed Buzz and went to whip Buzz into the ring steps but Buzz reversed and sent Rip crashing into the steps. Buzz then rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 20-count.


Rip was getting up on the floor when Buzz charged in and plastered Rip with a flying shoulder block that sent Rip crashing to the floor. Buzz looked out at the crowd and barked some more and the fans barked back. Buzz grabbed Rip and pulled him up by the hair and popped Rip with a few punches and then threw Rip back in the ring. Buzz went to the apron and mounted the top buckle. When Rip got up he was greeted with a flying clothesline from the top rope. Rip crashed to the mat. Buzz for the cover. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Buzz and Rip started getting to their feet at the same time. Buzz charged Rip and laid Rip out with another sweep of the leg. Buzz then grabbed Rip's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Rip over in the Boston Crab. Crowd buzzing as Rip tried not to submit. Buzz cinched up on the hold as Rip struggled to make the ropes. Rip got close to the ropes but it appeared the pain might be too much as Rip raised his hand in the tap out position. Rip didn't tap and was finally able to surge close enough to the ropes and get a hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Buzz grabbed Rip and whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a Frankensteiner. Crowd popped as they'd never seen Buzz do that move before. Buzz for the cover. 1...2... Rip got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Buzz grabbed Rip in a front facelock near the corner. Rip repsonded with a couple of shots to the ribs, grabbing Buzz by the legs, dropping back and sending Buzz slamming head first into the top buckle. Buzz stunned in the corner leaning against the buckles. Rip rolled Buzz up from behind for the pin try. Rip grabbed a handful of tights. 1...2... Buzz kicked out. Rip grabbed Buzz and whipped Buzz into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Buzz with a backdrop but Buzz caught Rip and attempted to sunset flip the champ. Rip struggled briefly not to go over but Buzz succeeded in flipping Rip for the pin try. 1...2... Rip clapped the sides of Buzz's head with his legs to break the pin try. Both men to their feet. Buzz caught Rip with a right to the jaw that briefly staggered Rip. As Buzz moved in Rip caught Buzz with a kick to the gut and then a DDT. Buzz face down on the mat. Rip dropped a jumping elbow into the small of Buzz's back. Buzz rolled over on his side and was hurting.


Rip then got up and picked Buzz up and bodyslammed Buzz into position for a turnbuckle move. Rip mounted the middle buckle and came off with a slingshot splash attempt on Buzz but Buzz got his knees up and Rip crashed into them. Both men down in the ring. Ref counting. Both men made it to their feet. Rip moved in and attempted to punch Buzz but Buzz blocked the punch try and laid into Rip with a series of punches that staggered Rip. Buzz then ran and hit the ropes and charged at Oliver and connected with another flying shoulder tackle. Rip went down. Buzz maneuvered Rip into position for a turnbuckle move. Buzz went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow that connected. Buzz rolled over and was hurting from the impact of the move. Buzz then slowly covered Rip and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Rip barely kicked out. Buzz grabbed Rip, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off in the fireman's carry position. As Buzz prepared to hit Rip with his Buzz Saw finisher Rip wriggled free from Buzz's grasp and dropped down behind Buzz and nailed Buzz with a sitout rear mat slam. The back of Buzz's head slammed violently into the mat. Buzz writhing in pain and holding the back of his head. Rip in the sit-up position and Buzz down. Rip got up and grabbed Buzz and walked Buzz into the corner. Rip went to whip Buzz into the opposite buckles but Buzz grabbed onto the top rope and would not budge. Rip solved that with a knee to Buzz's gut. Rip went to whip Buzz into the opposite buckles again but Buzz reversed and sent Rip crashing into the opposite buckles. Buzz charged in and nailed Rip with a clothesline. Rip spit high in the air when hit with the blow. Rip still on his feet but hurting in the corner. Buzz then backed up and charged at Rip and threw himself wildly in the air. Rip moved/fell out of the way and Buzz crashed into the top buckle. Buzz was dangling on the top buckle with his upper body hanging out of the ring. Rip made his way to his feet and assumed the position. Buzz was able to slowly extricate himself from the top buckle. Buzz then turned and stepped out of the corner...WHAM!...Rip pulverized Buzz with his superkick finisher. Buzz crashed to the mat. Rip dropped down and covered Buzz and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!


Ref then went over and took the title from guest r.a. Capetta and had words with Capetta. Ref went over and handed Oliver the TV Title and raised Oliver's hand in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 11 minutes, 33 seconds, your winner...and STILL UWL TV Champion...'Crippler' Rip Oliver!"


Crowd mainly booed the announcement but Rip had his small cadre of supporters in the crowd.


Oliver didn't stick around to celebrate in the ring and left and headed to the back, all the while holding the belt high in the air as he made his way back up the aisle.


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 11:33)


(Announcers discussed Oliver retaining the TV Title against Buzz Sawyer in a wild affair. Hyped still to come: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link; Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel; and the UWL Women's World Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota. Said the Pro-Style Match: Graham vs. Steiner was next!)


(Ad aired for 'Hello Kitty'.)


Match 3 (Pro-Style Match)

'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Rick Steiner


(Graham and Wizard came to the ring to the song 'California Dreamin'. They were soundly booed. Graham was wearing his t-shirt that read: 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold turban, white shoes and carrying his gold-tipped black cane. Once in the ring, Graham did his usual bodybuilder posing routine that closed by him kissing his biceps.


After a brief pause, 'Welcome To The Junge' blared over the p.a. system. Crowd popped as Rick Steiner came out on the entrance stage. Rick stood on the stage and barked and then made his way down the aisle and stopped and barked some more as fans barked back. Steiner then made a lap around ringside barking as the fans joined in the bark fest. Steiner then got in the ring and continued the barking.


Graham had a few more words with Wizard in his corner as the ref called for the bell.


Both men came out of their corners and circled one another. Graham took a swipe at Steiner and missed and Steiner maneuvered around behind Graham and grabbed Graham around the waist and took Graham down amateur-style and rode Graham. Steiner then got off of Graham. Graham got up and was not a happy man. The two circled one another again and Steiner dropped down and took Graham down with a legdive takedown and rode Graham again. Steiner then stood over the downed Graham and playfully paintbrushed the sides of Graham's bald head. Steiner backed off and Graham got to his feet. Graham wasn't happy. The pissed Graham left the ring, went over to the timekeeper's table and took the r.a. mic from Gary Michael Capetta.


BG: "Rick Steiner! Let me be perfectly clear, jack! You need to take your amateur moves, put them in an envelope and mail them back to your house! This is supposed to be a pro-style match! I am a PROFESSIONAL wrestler! So, you need to get into pro mode or this match will not continue!"


Crowd booed as Graham handed the mic back to Capetta and went over and had some quick words with Grand Wizard and then climbed up on the apron. Graham carefully climbed back into the ring and the two circled each other again. Graham reached his hands out and Steiner went to lock up with Graham but Graham suddenly turned and started strutting in the ring. Graham then flexed his biceps and kissed then and then flexed his pecs. The two then circled one another again, only this time Steiner broke the routine and started strutting around the ring in mock 'Superstar' fashion as the crowd cheered. Steiner then flexed his biceps while facing the crowd. Graham nailed Steiner from behind with a rapid-fire series of forearm smashes to the upper back. Graham then whipped Steiner into the ropes and caught Steiner coming off with a brutal clothesline. Steiner crashed to the mat. Graham rubbed the sole of his boot across the downed Steiner's face. Graham then snapped up Steiner and placed Steiner over his shoulder. Graham then charged into the corner and slammed Steiner back-first into the buckles. Steiner was hanging upside down in the corner. Graham placed Steiner's foot under the ring bolt that connects the top buckle to the ring post. Graham fired away with a series of boots to Steiner's mid-section as the ref counted. Graham stopped the attack at the count of four and then repeated it. Ref ordered Graham to back away and tried to get Steiner's foot removed from under the bolt. Graham tried to move in again but the ref turned and saw him and ordered him back. Graham had a few brief words with the ref. Ref went back to trying to free up Steiner and Wizard got up on the apron. Graham went over and Wizard handed something to Graham and then dropped back down to the floor as the ref finally freed Steiner's foot from under the ring bolt.


Steiner down in the corner. Graham waited for Steiner to get to his feet. Steiner got up and Graham charged at Steiner and went to nail Steiner with his foreign object-laden right hand but Steiner ducked the move and Graham's momentum from his swing spun him around. Steiner immediately grabbed Graham and went for the belly-to-back suplex but when Graham was hoisted in the air he nailed Steiner in the head with a foreign object shot. Steiner crashed to the mat near the ropes with Graham on top of him. Graham concealed the weapon in his right hand as he went for the cover. 1...2... Steiner got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Graham on the back. Graham got to his feet thinking he'd won the match and raised his left arm victoriously in the air. Ref yanked Graham's arm down and signaled there was no pinfall. Graham had words with the ref. Ref checked on Steiner who was just regaining his bearings as Graham was able to drop the foreign object in his tights behind the distracted ref's back. As Steiner got up, Graham moved in with a series of head shots on Steiner. Graham then whipped Steiner into the ropes and looked to catch Steiner coming off with a clothesline but Steiner ducked the move and came back and dropped Graham with a Steiner Line. Graham got to his feet and Steiner caught Graham with another Steiner Line that dropped Graham once again. Graham got up a third time and went down a third time thanks to the Steiner Line. Graham got up and climbed out on the apron as Steiner started barking in the ring and the crowd barked back. Graham crouched down on the apron and had words with Wizard. Graham got back in the ring and charged at Steiner and started firing away with punches. Steiner fired right back. The two fought into the corner and Steiner was against the buckles as the two exchanged more head and body punches, forearm smashes and grabbed each other like prize-fighters and tussled against the ropes. Ref finally was able to force a break.


Graham backed up and Steiner started to move out of the corner when Graham stunned Rick with a cheapshot kick to the gut. Graham then went to whip Steiner into the ropes but Steiner reversed and caught Graham coming off in the belly-to-belly position. Steiner blasted Graham with the belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Graham crashed to the mat. Graham made it slowly to his his feet and Steiner moved in and caught Graham with a bridging dragon suplex for the pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... Graham kicked out. Steiner wasn't done with the suplex fun! A wobbly Graham got up and Steiner caught Graham around the waist from behind and popped Graham with three straight brutal German suplexes. Graham down as Steiner got to his feet. Steiner circled around behind Graham and mounted the middle buckle as Graham got to his feet facing away from Steiner. Steiner blasted Graham with a diving bulldog. Surely this was it. Steiner covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2... Wizard, in desperation, reached in the ring and grabbed the ref by the ankles and pulled him out of the ring to the floor. Ref landed on his feet. Ref and Wizard had words and the ref signaled that Wizard was ejected from ringside. Wizard and the ref argued some more. Steiner then counted a symbolic three-count in frustration as he still covered Graham. Steiner got up and walked over by the ropes and had words for Wizard. Wizard said something to Steiner while shaking his cane at him. Steiner stepped one leg out on the apron and leaned his upper body out through the top and middle ropes. Wizard saw that and suddenly was very agreeable to leaving ringside. Members of UWL security came out to make sure Wizard didn't change his mind.


Problem was, this allowed Graham time to recover. Graham was now standing next to the ropes opposite Steiner. As the ref was getting back in the ring, Steiner turned around in the ring and...WHAM!...Graham charged at Steiner and pummeled Steiner with his running clothesline. Steiner crashed to the mat. Graham then hoisted Steiner up and nailed Steiner with the jackhammer. Graham stood up and was picked up on a mic.


BG: "That's how a professional does it, baby!"


Crowd booed as Graham dropped down and covered Steiner without bothering to hook the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Steiner kicked out. Graham, on his knees, angrily pounded the mat in frustration. Graham snapped Steiner up and once again hoisted Steiner up for the jackhammer. But Steiner was able to shift his weight, drop back down to his feet in the ring and in one fluid move hoist Graham over his shoulders in the fireman's carry position. Steiner held Graham there for a couple of seconds before stunning Graham with the Death Valley Driver. Steiner covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd popped. Ref then raised Steiner's hand in victory. Steiner ran a barking victory lap around ringside as the fans cheered. Steiner then headed back up the aisle barking along the way as the crowd returned the barks.


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Death Valley Driver - 10:06)


(Announcers discussed Steiner beating Graham in the pro-style match. Hyped still to come: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link; Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel. Said the UWL Women's World Title: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - March 8 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena . More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Video footage aired from the Ferrari ©-Toyota Women's WT match on 'Slam!' last year where Toyota dominated the stunned Ferrari but Ferrari pulled out the victory by pinning Toyota with her feet on the ropes. Video also showed Watts announcing the re-match on 'Slam!' two weeks ago and Ferrari not being happy with the news as well as the confrontation between Toyota and Ferrari © last week on 'Slam!' after Toyota's match. Video clip also aired of 'Bad Boy' Brunzell hitting on Toyota backstage and Toyota slapping Brunzell across the face causing Brunzell's derby hat to fly off.)


Match 4 (UWL Women's World Title)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota (Japanese Women's Champion)


(Toyota came to the ring first and got a strong ovation from the crowd. She was in a beautiful flowing ring robe.


Ferrari came to the ring in her own exquisite robe and wearing her trademark tiara. She was heavily booed. She took off her robe revealing the Women's WT around her waist.


Announcers wondered if Tina's reign would end tonight and pointed out that Toyota's title was not on the line.


Ref took the title from Tina and held it up for all to see and then handed it off to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref then called the two women to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each woman down as Toyota and Ferrari eyed each other. Ref then sent each woman to their neutral corners.


As Toyota and Ferrari turned to head to their corners, Tina hooked a u-turn and jumped Toyota from behind. Ref called for the bell to start the match. Crowd buzzing.


Tina drove Toyota into the corner and pounded away on the Japanese legend with punches and kicks. Tina then nailed Toyota with a running bulldog and went for the quick cover. 1... Toyota kicked out. Tina then snapped Toyota up in a front facelock and blasted Toyota with a suplex. Tina then got up and popped Toyota with a rapid-fire series of elbow smashes to the chest and covered Toyota again. 1...2... Toyota again kicked out. Tina got up and put the boots to Toyota and then grabbed Toyota and bodyslammed her in the middle of the ring. Tina hit the ropes and came off and looked to nail Toyota with a diving splash but Toyota moved out of the way and Tina crashed to the mat. Both women down. Both women made it to their feet and Tina moved in and attempted to punch Toyota but Toyota blocked the punch and nailed Tina with a punch of her own, whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a flying dropkick that sent Tina crashing back down to the mat. Tina scooted on her ass next to the ropes. Toyota moved in and Tina, from her knees, punched Toyota in the gut and then pulled Toyota's legs out from under her and went for the pin with her feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Toyota got a shoulder up. Ref looked over at Tina just after Tina took her feet off the rope. Tina went to pin Toyota in the same fashion with her feet on the middle rope. 1...2... Ref looked up and saw Tina's feet on the rope and ordered a break.


Ann. Pedicino: "It's obvious that Tina is very worried about this match. She's doing whatever she can to try and make short work of Toyota."


Tina kicked Toyota in the ribs just as Toyota was getting to her feet. Tina then grabbed Toyota by the hair and was violently yanking on it. Tina then walked Toyota over by the ropes and Tina went out on the apron while still holding Toyota's hair. Tina snapped Toyota's throat across the top rope while dropping to the floor. Toyota took a couple of steps back in the ring holding her throat and then dropped to her knees. Tina came back in the ring and nailed Toyota with a stiff kick to each side of the head. Tina forced Toyota down to the mat and went for the cover again. 1...2... Toyota kicked out. Tina turned to the ref and slapped her hands together three times in rapid succession and yelled at the ref to count faster. Tina pulled Toyota up by the hair and then whipped Toyota into the buckles. Tina charged in on Toyota but Toyota moved out of the way. Tina stopped short of crashing into the buckles. Tina looked out at the crowd and pointed at her head gesturing how smart she was. Toyota had gotten to her feet behind Tina and when Tina turned around Toyota stunned Tina with a legdive take down and locked Tina in the STF. Crowd popped. Tina in a bad way. Tina trying not to submit. Tina inched her way to the ropes. She desperately tried reaching the bottom rope but it was a few inches out of her reach. Toyota kept the hold locked on. Finally, Tina was able to scoot close enough to the ropes and get her hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Toyota backed off and Tina made it to her feet. Tina moved in on Toyota and Toyota kicked Tina in the gut and then blasted Tina with bridging underhook suplex for the pin try. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Crowd groaned.


Toyota snapped Tina up, whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a high backdrop. Tina got up a couple of feet from the ropes and Toyota nailed Tina with another flying dropkick that sent Tina spiraling through the top and middle rope and crashing to the floor. As Tina made it to her feet on the floor, she was greeted with a plancha by Toyota. Both women crashed to the floor as the fans popped big-time. Both women down. Both women slowly made it to their feet on the floor. Tina charged at Toyota and Toyota caught Tina with a spinning spinebuster out on the floor. Toyota climbed back in the ring and broke the ref's 20-count as the stunned Tina struggled to make it back to her feet. Toyota went over and mounted the top buckle. A staggered Tina once again got to her feet on the floor and this time was nailed with a missle dropkick. Crowd going nuts. Tina laid out and looking dead. Toyota down briefly got to her feet and scraped Tina up off the floor and threw her back in the ring. Toyota got in the ring. Tina got to her knees and was desperately begging off. Tina appeared to be almost in tears. Toyota grabbed Tina and nailed her with a straight jacket reverse powerbomb. Tina slammed face-first into the mat. Crowd rose to its feet as Toyota covered Tina. 1...2...2/-7/8... Tina somehow got a shoulder up. Crowd in disbelief.


Stack: "Tina Ferrari desperately wants to hold on to that title! The question is, can she continue to take this kind of punishment and keep coming back?"


Toyota pulled the seemingly close to death Tina up, whipped Tina into the buckles and followed Tina in with a step-up enzuigiri. Tina lunged forward while holding the top rope and then dropped to her knees and then her face next to the ropes. Toyota went over and grabbed Tina by the legs but Tina grabbed the middle rope with both hands and fought with all her might not to let go. Ref ordered a break and Toyota stepped back. Tina unsteadily made her way to her feet and Toyota moved in and Tina leaned out through the top and middle rope forcing Toyota to have to back off again. Tina then carefully made her way back into the ring and Toyota started to move in. Tina feigned like she was going to lean out through the ropes again and then suddenly stunned Toyota with a kick to the gut and followed it up with a tornado DDT. Some fans popped for Tina as both women were once again down. Tina crawled over and covered Toyota. 1...2...2/1/2... Toyota kicked out. Crowd cheering and super hot at this point. Tina grabbed Toyota and placed her head between her legs. After struggling to lift Toyota twice, Tina finally got Toyota up and blasted her with a piledriver. Tina again went for the pin. 1...2...2-7/8... Toyota got a shoulder up. Announcers couldn't believe the match they were witnessing. Tina snapped up Toyota and whipped Toyota into the ropes and looked to catch Toyota coming off with an elbow to the chest but Toyota ducked the move and came back and stunned Tina with the leg lariat. Tina driven hard to the canvas. Crowd on its feet and not sitting down. Toyota made her way to the buckles and climbed to the top buckle and was facing the crowd. Tina made it up on shaky legs in the ring and was greeted by a moonsault from Toyota. The impact of the move sent both women crashing into the ref. Ref stumbled back and crashed to the mat and was hurt.


Tina was out of it and Toyota had crashed down on top of her because of the nature of the move. Toyota got up and pulled Tina up. Toyota whipped Tina into the buckles and followed Tina in with a couple of punches. Tina further weakened. Toyota maneuvered Tina up to the top buckle. Tina was sitting on the top buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing because they knew what was coming.


Pedicino: "Steve, if Toyota hits this Victory Star Drop, Tina's title reign and undefeated streak are over!"


Toyota pulverized Tina with the Victory Star Drop and the fans exploded. Tina all but finished. Toyota covered Tina but the ref was still down. Then, 'Bad Boy' Brunzell, still in his ring attire and wearing his derby hat, hit the ring and pulled Toyota off of Tina. Brunzell then blasted Toyota with his slingshot suplex finisher. Toyota down. Brunzell grabbed Tina and dragged her over and placed her on top of Toyota and then grabbed the ref and dragged him over to count the pin. Brunzell fled the scene, his derby hat never once coming off his head. Groggy ref then counted. 1.....2.....2-1/2..... Toyota kicked out. Fans nearly blew the roof off the building. Both women slowly made their way to their feet. They moved in on each other and Tina swung wildly at Toyota and missed and Toyota maneuvered around and caught Tina in the crucifix and tried to take Tina over but Tina instead turned it into a Samoan Drop. Tina then covered Toyota and hooked the leg. 1.....2.....3! Small segment of the crowd cheered as the ref called for the bell.


Ref went over and took the title and had words with Capetta. Tina was sitting up as the ref came over and raised her hand and handed her the Women's World Title.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 14 minutes, 19 seconds, your winner...and STILL UWL Women's World Champion...Tina Ferrari!"


Most of the crowd booed full-throat. But boos turned to cheers when Madusa, in street clothes, came running down to the ring. Madusa went over and started having an animated conversation with the ref about the interference of Brunzell in the match. Ref pointed to his eyes gesturing he did not see the interference. Ferrari had now made it to her feet and came over and had words with Madusa.


Tina was picked up on a mic.


Tina: "Mind your own damn business!"


Madusa had a few words for Tina and then turned and continued talking to the ref. Tina then grabbed Madusa by the arm, spun Madusa in her direction, kicked Madusa in the gut, dropped the title and laid Madusa out with a tornado DDT.


Tina then picked up her belt and looked at the downed Madusa before the ref stepped in and ordered Tina to leave the ring. Tina had words for the ref and then stomped Madusa once before leaving the ring. Tina was booed as she headed back up the aisle. A tired Tina spoke into one of the cameras just before she got to the ramp.


Tina: "Nobody beats Tina and the spirit of Mildred. Nobody."


Ferrari then headed to the back.


WINNER: Ferrari - Pinfall - Samoan Drop - 14:19)


(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the title thanks to some outside help from 'Bad Boy' Brunzell and then Tina laying out Madusa after the match with a tornado DDT. Hyped still to come: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel. Said the Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link was coming up.)


(Announcers then intro'd a video for the next UWL PPV.


Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - April 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, February 23 @ 10am MST.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Pres. Watts. Watts was in his referee attire.


LN: "President Watts. Recently, we've heard people saying that tonight's War Games match between Team UWL and The Firm could be a tipping point in this war between the two factions. What's your take on this matter?"


BW: "Larry, this war with The Firm is a protracted war. It's got a long way to go before all is said and done. However, having said that, I could see the War Games match tonight having a serious impact on the final outcome of this situation. If this match is to give one side a serious edge in this conflict then let's hope Team UWL emerges the victor. If The Firm wins, then the foundation may be established for them to achieve possible victory down the line. And that would be a dark victory for the UWL as a whole. But I'm confident that Team UWL can win this thing tonight. I've talked with Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh and they're ready to go. It's gonna be a helluva fight. We'll deal with any fallout from the War Games when that time comes."


LN: "You're the trouble-shooting referee for the Dusty Rhodes-Wahoo McDaniel match tonight. Why do you think your role is necessary for this particular match?"


BW: "It's simple. I'm gonna be out there to make sure Dusty Rhodes nor any of his cronies in The Firm do something illegal to affect the outcome of the match. Since he's shown up here, Dusty has caused nothing but problems for Wahoo. And his mocking of Wahoo's Choctaw heritage a couple of weeks ago on 'Slam!' raised temperatures past the point of boiling. I'm gonna do my job in an impartial manner. If Dusty's gonna win this match with me out there, he's gonna do it fairly and on his own merits."


Dusty charged into the picture. He waas wearing his top hat, black satin jacket, black tights and white cowboy-style wrestling boots.


DR: "Watts! You're the one who needs to make sure he doesn't try anything illegal that could cost me the match! You do your job! I do my job! And everybody's happy! You just stay the hell out of the way!"


BW: "I'll call it fair as long as the match remains fair, Dusty! You do your job the right way and I won't have any reason to take matters into my own hands with you! You got that?!"


DR: "Loud and clear, Watts. I'm not gonna give you any reason to act unfairly towards me. Just keep your distance."


Dusty turned and walked out of the interview area as Watts looked on.)


(Video footage aired of the suprising debut of Dark Journey and the men she manages, Lord Humongous and Missing Link and the situation between the Anderson Brothers and Lord and Link leading to the Handicap match.)


Match 5 (Handicap Match)

The Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey)


(Anderson Brothers came to the ring first to loud boos. They were all wearing new red ring jackets that had 'Minnesota Wrecking Crew' written across the back. The trio got in the ring and didn't show any reaction to the booing crowd. They were standing in the corner and talking with one another.


After a brief pause, 'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest played over the p.a. system. Crowd exploded when the music started and got even louder when Journey, Lord and Link walked out on the entrance stage. The three came to the ring and the fans were eating it up. Before getting in the ring, Link went over and slammed his own head into the ring post a few times and then he and Lord got in the ring and Journey got up on the apron. Lord pointed at the Andersons and then pounded on his chest with his right fist. Link went over and pounded his head into the top buckle a few times and then stomped around in the ring. Journey called her men over to her while she stood on the apron. Journey talked to her men briefly and then walked down the steps to the floor. Anderson brothers were still talking in their corner.


Announcers pointed out that standard tag team rules apply.


Ole and Link were the first two men in the ring. Ref called for the bell and it was on.


Wild battle, as the Andersons were able to work over body parts on both Humongous and Link but couldn't force a submission from either of them during the match. Andersons resorted to double-teaming on a few occasions during the bout. Andersons also escaped some pin tries by Lord and Link a couple of times with outside help from one of the other brothers. During the match, Humongous showed great power, at one point running around the ring and clotheslining all three Andersons in a row. At another point in the match, Gene and Lars whipped Lord into the corner and moved in on Lord and Lord charged out and planted the brothers into the canvas with a brutal double clothesline. Lord dropped a couple of hockey goalie mask-laden headbutts of his own during the match that put Gene and Lars momentarily in another world. Ole at one point made the mistake of punching Lord in the mask. Ole's hand didn't feel too good after that. At one point, Gene got the sharpshooter on Link but Link was smart enough to move close enough to the ropes to force a break in the hold.


At one point in the match, the action had spilled out onto the floor. Lars grabbed a steel chair and popped Link over the head with it. Link no-sold the chair shot, ripped the chair out of Lars's hands and proceeded to beat the chair against his own head a few times.


Link stunned the Andersons by actually knowing some wrestling moves. Not only did he go crazy with the headbutts, Link also caught Lars in an elevated double chicken wing submission hold. Only Ole nailing Link from behind with a forearm smash to the upper back saved Lars from submitting. Link also performed the bodyslam, elbow smash, clothesline, side slam, hip toss, some kicks and punches and a few other moves that seemed to shock the Andersons. Lord used the chokeslam, clotheslines, spinning powerslam, boot to the chest, military press slam, hammerlock reversal on Ole, punches and kicks, standing legdrop, suplex, flying shoulder tackle and some others. But, in the most shocking move of the match, Lord locked Gene in...the Texas Cloverleaf. Crowd ate it up. Gene was saved by Lars hitting the ring and nailing Lord with a clothesline to the back of the neck.


Andersons put on their usual wrestling display, zeroing in on different body parts and trying to force a painful submission. They used arm bars, shoulder-to-shoulder slams, wrist locks, arm twists, dropping knees into the left shoulder area from the mat and coming off the top turnbuckle. They yanked, dropped and twisted on legs. Gene used his sharpshooter. Ole grapevined the left leg of Lord but couldn't force a submission. Ole tried to hit the Divorce Court on Lord during the bout but Lord thwarted that attempt. The Andersons also used the eye poke and double team to help gain advantages at different time throughout the match.


At the end of the match, Lord and Ole were the legal men in the ring. Lord whipped Ole into the ropes and pulverized Ole coming off with a brutal clothesline. Ole laid out on the mat. Lord went for another standing legdrop but Ole rolled out of the way and Lord crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ole to his feet just before Lord and Ole was able to move in and nail Lord with the Divorce Court. Small group of Anderson brothers' fans popped. Ole then locked Lord into the cross arm breaker. Lord struggled in the hold for a bit but then, mustering his great strength, was able to make it up to his feet and lift Ole off the ground while Ole still had the hold locked on. Lord used his free hand to grab Ole by the hair and then powerfully swung his arm downward and shook Ole off and Ole slammed into the mat. Crowd buzzing. Lord grabbed Ole and whipped Ole into the ropes. Gene slapped Ole on the shoulder as Ole hit the ropes. Ole came off the ropes and Lord nailed Ole with a boot to the chest. Ole crashed to the mat. Lord then grabbed Ole and started hoisting Ole up in the gorilla press position when Gene came in and chopblocked Lord's left knee from behind. Lord dropped Oole to the mat in front of him and crumpled to the mat. Gene had tagged into the match. Gene turned towards Link and flipped Link off.


Pedicino: "Gotta wonder if the Missing Link even knows what that gesture means. Where he comes from it might be an invitation to dinner."


Link started to come into the ring but the ref went over and stopped him and ordered him back to his corner. Journey signaled from the floor for Link to stay out. Gene then grabbed the big legs of Lord and tried to turn Lord over into the sharpshooter. Gene almost turned Lord over but Lord was somehow able to resist being fully turned, got one of his legs free and rolled over on his back and kicked Gene off. Gene went down next to the ropes and quickly got to his feet as Lord made it to his feet. Gene charged in on Lord and started hammering away with punches and forearms to the chest and body of Lord. Gene stopped and looked up at the unaffected Lord. Lord then blasted Gene with a brutal straight down forearm smash to each shoulder. Gene was driven to his knees. Lars hit the ring and Lord dropped Lars with a kick to the chest. Lars rolled over next to the ropes. Ole had recovered and went to go after Lord but Link hit the ring and stunned Ole with a headbutt that sent Ole stumbling back into his corner. Ole still on his feet when Link charged in and blasted Ole with a series of violent, rapid-fire headbutts that drove Ole to his ass in the corner. Ole out of it as the ref ordered Link back to his corner and, with DJ showing Link the way, he went back to his corner. Crowd loving it. Gene unsteadily got his feet and took a wild swing at Lord and then Lord popped Gene with a brutal slap upside the head. Gene hit so hard that he looked like a drunk trying to walk a straight line. Lord then hoisted Gene up in the gorilla press position, dropped Gene to the mat behind his back, hit the ropes and came off and nailed Gene with the diving splash to the back. Lord rolled Gene over and covered him. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans went crazy. Ref raised Lord's hand in victory. Ref then went over to raise Link's hand in victory as well but Link kept pulling his arm away from the ref every time the ref tried to raise it. Journey, now in the ring, explained to Link it was OK and Link, almost in a sheepish fashion, held out his arm for the ref to raise. Link left the ring and dropped to the floor and Lord held the ropes open for Journey. Lord then dropped to the floor and grabbed Journey by the hips and she was lowered standing to the floor. Journey then led the way back up the aisle as the fans gave the trio a strong ovation.


WINNER: Lord & Link - Pinfall - Lord pinned Gene with the Diving Splash on the Back - 15:29)


(Announcers discussed Lord and Link winning the Handicap match and their suprise at the number of actual wrestling moves Lord and Link knew. Hyped still to come: Hyped the following matches: War Games (Team UWL vs. The Firm); UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine; and DDP vs. Rude. Said Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee: Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Wahoo-Dusty feud.)


Match 6 (Pres. Watts to act as the Trouble-Shooting Referee)

Dusty Rhodes vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(Pres. Watts was intro'd as the special trouble-shooting ref and came to the ring to 'Born in the USA'. He was in the standard ref's attire including the zebra-striped shirt. He got a decent ovation coming out. Once in the ring, Watts went over and talked to the regular in-ring ref.


'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and out came Dusty Rhodes. Dusty had on his ring attire and top hat. Dusty got a mixed crowd reaction coming to the ring. Once in the ring, Dusty went and stood on the middle buckle in a couple of corners and played to the crowd. Dusty went over and said something to Watts off-mic and Watts said nothing to Dusty.


Wahoo came to the ring to a strong ovation. He was wearing his ring attire and Indian headdress.


Watts had a few more words with the in-ring ref and then Watts left the ring and headed to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Both men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle for the advantage, Wahoo threw Dusty off. Rhodes went down but quickly got back to his feet. The two circled each other again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. Same result. Wahoo threw Dusty off and Dusty went down and got back up. Dusty grabbed the back of his hair and gestured Wahoo pulled it and the in-ring ref shook his head 'no'. Dusty then looked out at Watts and a mic picked up Dusty.


DR: "You saw it, Watts! Wahoo grabbed my hair!"


Watts looked up at Dusty and also shook his head 'no'. The two men then circled one another again and were about to lock up in another collar-and elbow tie-up when Dusty suddenly popped Wahoo with a punch to the jaw and then moved in and nailed Wahoo with a chest chop of his own. Wahoo then fired back with a blistering series of chops on Dusty. Dusty staggered. Wahoo whipped Dusty into the buckles and followed Dusty in with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. Dusty slightly bent over in the corner. Wahoo nailed Dusty with another chop and then whipped Dusty into the opposite buckles and followed Dusty in with a running big splash. Dusty staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed on his back in the ring. Wahoo got on top of Dusty and popped Dusty with a series of head shots. Wahoo pulled Dusty up and rammed Dusty's head into the top buckle multiple times. Dusty spun around and was on stagger street. Two more chops from Wahoo. Wahoo pulled Dusty out of the corner and nailed Dusty with a suplex. Wahoo then went to drop an elbow on Dusty but Dusty rolled out of the way before Wahoo could execute the move. Wahoo went for the elbow again and Dusty rolled out of the way once more. Wahoo then connected with the elbow smash to the chest on the third try near the ropes. Wahoo got up and grabbed Dusty's legs but Dusty grabbed the middle rope and wouldn't let go and a struggle ensued before the ref stepped in and ordered Wahoo to back off. Once Wahoo let go of Dusty's legs, Dusty kicked Wahoo in the gut while still holding onto the middle rope. Wahoo slightly doubled over. Dusty kicked Wahoo in the gut a second time while still holding onto the middle rope. Wahoo stumbled back and was grabbing his gut. Dusty got up and moved in and blasted Wahoo with a series of rapid-fire bionic elbows to the head. Dusty then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a clothesline. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Dusty hit the ropes and came off and nailed Wahoo with his running elbow smash. Dusty for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Dusty got to his feet and started to pull Wahoo to his feet when Wahoo caught Dusty with a couple of gut shots. Dusty staggeed back a couple of steps. Wahoo moved in and Dusty caught Wahoo with a thumb to the eye and then a kick to the gut. Dusty moved in and staggered Wahoo with a trio of punches and then bodyslammed Wahoo in the ring. Dusty hit the ropes and went for another running elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Dusty crashed to the mat. Both men down.


Both men got to their feet and engaged in a brief punch-chop exchange and Wahoo got the better of it. Wahoo went to whip Dusty into the ropes but Dusty reversed and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and stunned Dusty with a flying bodypress. Dusty down with Wahoo on top for the cover. 1...2... Dusty kicked out. Both men to their feet. Wahoo nailed Dusty with another chop and caught Dusty in a side headlock. Dusty looking for a way out. After fighting the hold for a bit, Dusty countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Dusty got up and started to apply the figure four on Wahoo when Wahoo reached up and caught Dusty in a small package. 1...2... Dusty kicked out. Both men got up and Dusty climbed out on the apron as the ref held Wahoo at bay. Dusty grabbed his tights and yelled that Wahoo held them during the pin try. Ref once again didn't agree. Dusty turned and pleaded his case to Watts to no avail. Dusty turned back around and was greeted with a punch to the head by Wahoo. Wahoo then suplexed Dusty back into the ring. Wahoo then played tit-for-tat with Dusty only Wahoo succeeded in locking Dusty in the figure four. Crowd buzzing. Dusty fighting not to submit. Dusty fought and started to reverse the hold but Wahoo powered back over. Dusty in serious pain. Dusty then was able to pull himself over near the ropes and grab the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Dusty made his way to his feet. Wahoo moved in on Dusty and Dusty once again bailed to the apron. Ref ordered Wahoo to step back. Dusty started to slowly climb back in the ring when Wahoo moved in again and Dusty climbed back out on the apron. Dusty waved a finger at Wahoo and told Wahoo it wasn't fair not to let him back in the ring. That was it for Wahoo. He charged over and grabbed Dusty and the two engaged in a struggle with one another. Ref moved in to separate them and in the tussle Dusty was able to clock Wahoo with an elbow to the head. Wahoo staggered as Dusty was now more than happy to get back in the ring. Dusty moved in and blasted Wahoo with a series of measured punches to the head and then clasped his hands together and nailed Wahoo with a side swing double sldege to the side of the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Dusty stepped back as Wahoo made it to his feet by the ropes. Wahoo got up and was doubled over and Dusty charged in and drove a knee into the side of Wahoo's ribs and Wahoo toppled through the top and middle rope to the floor.


Ref ordered Dusty back. Dusty stood back for the first few seconds of the ref's 20-count. As Wahoo got to his knees on the floor, Dusty left the ring and went out on the apron and stomped Wahoo on the head. Wahoo down and holding his head. Dusty dropped to the floor. Watts came over. Dusty turned and had words with Watts as Watts tried to order Dusty back in the ring. Dusty grabbed Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head into the apron. Wahoo back on his knees on the floor. Watts again ordered Dusty to get back in the ring. Dusty was picked up on a mic talking to Watts.


DR: "Watch this, baby!"


Dusty grabbed Wahoo and violently threw him into the ringside barricade. Wahoo down in a crumpled heap. Watts went over to check on Wahoo as Dusty got in the ring and walked through it to the other side, went to the floor and reached under the ring apron and brandished a folded steel chair. Dusty came over to where Wahoo was recovering and Dusty raised the chair over his head and prepared to clock Wahoo when Watts turned and saw it and stepped in between Dusty and Wahoo and ordered Dusty to drop the chair. Dusty shook his head that he wouldn't do it. Watts then maneuvered behind Dusty as he prepared to clock Wahoo with the chair but Watts snatched the chair out of Dusty's hands. Watts and Dusty had more words with each other. Dusty turned around and a recovered Wahoo fired away on Dusty with chops as the fans cheered. Wahoo slammed Dusty's head into the ringside barricade and then rammed Dusty head first into the ring post. Dusty down at ringside. Wahoo rolled in and out of the ring to break the 20-count. Dusty was on his knees when Wahoo grabbed him and threw Dusty back in the ring. Dusty was now bleeding. Wahoo got on the apron and climbed to the top buckle as Dusty got up. When Dusty got to his feet, Wahoo came off the top buckle preparing to nail Dusty with the big chop to the top of the head but Dusty caught Wahoo with a gut shot and then popped Wahoo with a DDT. Dusty for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Dusty popped Wahoo with some head shots and then pulled Wahoo up and threw Wahoo into the corner. Dusty moved in with head and body shots on Wahoo and then nailed Wahoo with a running bulldog. Dusty rolled up Wahoo for the pin try and was holding a handful of tights. 1...2...


Watts was picked up on a mic.


BW: "Hey! He's holding the tights!"


Ref stopped the count. Dusty got up and walked over by the ropes and yelled at Watts. Mic picked up Dusty.


DR: "Watts! You just do your job and pay attention to anything that happens on the floor! Don't worry about the ring!"


Dusty turned around as Wahoo was just getting to his feet. Dusty moved in with a knee to Wahoo's gut and backed Wahoo into the corner and prepared to whip Wahoo into the opposite buckles but Wahoo grabbed the top rope and wouldn't budge. Dusty tried again with the same result and this time Wahoo let go of the top rope and caught Dusty with a flurry of chops that stunned Dusty. Dusty was now the man in the corner. Wahoo whipped Dusty into the opposite buckles and moved in on Dusty and Dusty charged out of the corner and went to blast Wahoo with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and Dusty nailed the in-ring ref instead. Ref crashed to the mat and was hurt. Dusty then showed his class when he stomped the ref. Dusty turned and Wahoo moved in and fired away on Dusty with more chops. Pres. Watts climbed into the ring and took over the duties as in-ring ref. Wahoo then whipped Dusty into the corner and then moved in and mounted the middle buckle and started popping Dusty in the head with a series of chops. Dusty then grabbed Wahoo, marched out of the corner and blasted Wahoo with an inverted atomic drop. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Dusty then put the boots to the downed Wahoo and then turned his attention to Watts. Dusty went over and stuck his finger in Watts' face and started berating Watts. Watts was calm at first and then angrily slapped Dusty's finger out of his face. Dusty stuck his finger in Watts' face again and Watts once again slapped it out of his face. Dusty then poked Watts in the face. Bad idea. Watts tore into Dusty with a series of head shots that staggered Dusty. Dusty turned around and walked right into Wahoo's grasp. Wahoo grabbed Dusty by the hair, did his war dance and then nailed Dusty with a chop to the head. Dusty crashed to the mat. Wahoo snapped Dusty up, whipped Dusty into the ropes and caught Dusty coming off with his big chop finisher. Dusty toppled to the mat. Wahoo covered Dusty and hooked the leg as Watts counted. 1...2...2-9/10... Dusty managed to get a shoulder up. Crowd groaned.


Wahoo pulled Dusty up, whipped Dusty into the ropes and looked to catch Dusty coming off with a clothesline but Dusty ducked the move and came back and Wahoo and Dusty clotheslined each other. Both men crashed to the mat. Watts started counting as both men slowly recovered. Both men made it to their feet at roughly the same time. Dusty was facing away from Wahoo. Wahoo moved in on Dusty with arms raised preparing to nail Dusty with a double sledge but Dusty turned just in time and stopped Wahoo with a gut punch. Dusty then blasted Wahoo with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows to the head that stunned Wahoo. Dusty didn't waste time. He hoisted Wahoo up and blasted Wahoo with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver). Dusty covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. Watts counted. 1...2...3! Watts turned and called for the bell. Watts then turned toward Dusty and Dusty was standing there with a smile on his face. Watts went over and did his duty and raised Dusty's hand in victory. Watts then went and checked on Wahoo. Dusty left the ring and went over and took the r.a. mic.


DR: "I want to let all you fans know that the first game of video poker at the nearest Indian casino is on me tonight! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!"


Watts looked on from the ring at Dusty as Dusty looked back with a smile still on his face as Wahoo got to his feet in the ring. Wahoo holding the back of his neck and not happy about the turn of events.


WINNER: Dusty - Pinfall - Stardust Driver - 14:13)


(Announcers discussed Dusty beating Wahoo and Watts having to make the decisive count.)


(Announcers then intro'd a video message from JJ Dillon.




Dillon was standing in front of a black curtain in a suit with mic in hand.


JJ: "Hello. This is JJ Dillon. Each passing day draws us that much closer. You can feel the excitement and suspense building. The wrestling world is abuzz with one question: Who will be the new member of JJ Dillon Enterprises? People can't stop talking about it. Everywhere I go, people come up to me and ask for just a small hint as to who the next wrestler will be that I manage. That information is and will remain confidential until the day of the great reveal. The only thing I will tell you is that since the last time I talked to you all, the list of candidates has gotten much, much shorter. And it's quite an impressive list. And the wrestler I choose to join JJ Dillon Enterprises will become known in the very near future.)


(Announcers briefly discussed the JJ message and then talked a little about the War Games.)


(Video aired chronicling the feud between The Firm and the UWL and what led to the making of the War games match.)


Match 7 (War Games)

Team UWL: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera & Hugh Morrus vs. The Firm: Director Ted DiBiase, David Schultz, Hall and Nash


(Announcers explained the rules of the War Games:


1) Match will open with one wrestler from each team wrestling each other in the War Games cage for a 5-minute period.


2) A coin toss will be held backstage to determine which team will have the one-man advantage throughout the non-decision portion of the match.


3) Teams will then send out one man in alternating 2-minute periods.


4) Once all eight men are in the ring, the 'submit or surrender' part of the match begins. The only way for one team to win the match is to force one member on the opposing team to submit or surrender.


5) Two referees will be stationed outside the War Games cage on the floor. Their only job is to make the call on a submission or surrender. There will be no refs in the cage.


Camera shot of the ominous two-ring completely enclosed War Games cage aired.


David Schultz of The Firm was intro'd first and came to the ring to the strains of 'Money' by Pink Floyd. He got a mixed crowd reaction. Schultz walked around part of the cage and pulled on the steel mesh before stepping inside.


Arn Anderson came running down the aisle and got a strong ovation. Anderson quickly climbed in the cage and went right after Schultz. Ref called for the bell and it was on.


Period 1: Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz


Wild action for the opening 5-minutes. Match started with a slugfest between the two and the action see-sawed from there. During the period, Arn nailed Schultz with the spinebuster, a DDT, a jawbreaker, head and body punches, head rams into the cage, left-handed punch to the face, etc. Schultz countered with punches and kicks, a couple of clotheslines, couple of flying lariats, a vicious head slap, knee drop to the head from the middle buckle, etc. Schultz bloodied Arn with a brutal head ram into the cage.


During the first period, announcers said the coin toss had been held and The Firm won, thus giving them the advantage throughout the pre-submit or surrender part of the match.


Clock came up on the JumboTron and counted down the final 10 seconds before the next wrestler came out. Crowd counted down with the clock. A horn went off.


Scott Hall came charging down to a mixed crowd reaction and hastily climbed in the cage.


Period 2: Scott Hall enters


Arn was working over Schltz with punches in the corner when Hall got in and attacked Arn from behind. Hall then held Arn while Schultz popped Arn with some head and body punches of his own. Hall nailed Arn with a fallaway slam and diving bulldog. Period mainly consisted of Schultz and Hall working over Arn. Towards the end of the period, Arn was able to get the upper hand on the pair and bash their heads together and then pop hall with a DDT and nail Schultz with an inverted atomic drop.


10-second clock came up again and the crowd counted down along with it. Horn sounded.


Former Firm member Ken Patera came charging to the ring to a loud ovation.


Period 3: Ken Patera enters


Ken hit the ring and it was off to the races. Patera blasted Hall with some punches that floored Hall. Arn had the upper hand on Schultz and whipped Schultz at Patera and Patera floored Schultz with the double sledge to the chest. Crowd eating it up. Arn went to work on Hall and Patera snapped up Schultz and worked Schultz over. Hall got the upper hand on Arn with a low-blow. Hall laid Arn out with a side slam and then went over and helped Schultz gain the upper hand on Patera. Hot spot as Hall and Schultz whipped Patera into the corner and moved in on Patera and Patera charged out and leveled both with a double clothesline.


The battle continued...


10-second clock came up again and the crowd counted down along with it. Horn sounded.


Firm regained the advantage as Director DiBiase made his way to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction.


Period 4: Ted DiBiase entered and had something in his left hand


As Arn and Patera were fighting it out with Schultz and Hall, DiBiase stepped into the ring and put on a fingerless black glove. DiBiase came in and nailed Arn with the gloved hand a few times and then bodyslammed Arn into position for a turnbuckle move. Ted mounted the middle buckle and came off and blasted Arn with a fist drop to the head. Schultz and Hall were now working over Patera and the two took Patera and slammed Patera's head into the cage. DiBiase had pulled Arn to his feet, whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a brutal clothesline. Arn crashed to the mat. Patera now bleeding. Period 4 was ruled by The Firm.


10-second clock came up again and the crowd counted down along with it. Horn sounded.


Crowd popped as Hugh Morrus charged down the aisle and hit the ring.


Period 5: Hugh Morrus enters


Morrus came in and spun DiBiase around and nailed Ted with a series of punches that staggered DiBiase. Hugh whipped Ted into the ropes and caught Ted coming off with his flying headbutt to the chest. DiBiase went down and the crowd loved it. Hall came over and looked to attack Hugh and Hugh caught Hall in a bearhug and rammed Hall back-first into the corner. Hugh working over Hall now. Arn had recovered and fought back and was now on the offensive against Schultz. DiBiase nailed Hugh in the side of ribs from behind with the gloved hand. Patera came over and engaged Hall in a fight. DiBiase went to whip Hugh into the ropes but Hugh reversed and caught DiBiase coming off, lifted DiBiase off the gorund, stepped back, and unloaded DiBiase head first into the cage. DiBiase went down. Hall gained the advantage on Patera and nailed Ken with a sitout rear slam. Arn raked Schultz's eyes across the top rope and then worked Schultz over with more head and body shots. DiBiase had been opened up.


The battle raged on...


10-second clock came up again and the crowd counted down along with it. Horn sounded.


Mixed crowd reaction as final Firm member Kevin Nash came power-walkng to the cage.


Period 6: Kevin Nash enters


Nash came in and dropped Hugh Morrus with a kick to the face. Nash then moved on to Arn Anderson and obliterated Arn with a boot to the face as well. Nash then grabbed Patera then came up behind Patera, spun Patera around and nailed Ken with the chokeslam. All three Team UWL members down and The Firm wasted no time taking advantage. DiBiase ordered Hall to hold up Hugh. The bloodied Ted repaid Hugh for busting him open by pounding Hugh's head with rapid-fire punches with his gloved hand. Hall let go of Hugh and Hugh crumpled to the mat. Nash had driven Patera into the corner and was choking Ken out with his boot. Hugh was now bleeding. Hall took over on battering Hugh. Schultz nailed Arn with the Redneck Death Drop and then relentlessly stomped away on the downed Arn. Ted looked on for a moment like a football coach watching from the sidelines and then joined in the bashing party. Firm dominated the two-minutes.


10-second clock came up again and the crowd counted down along with it. Horn sounded.


Crowd popped as Luger charged to the ring.


Period 7: Lex Luger enters (Submission or Surrender is now allowed)


Luger got in and went after Schultz and Luger dropped Schultz with a clothesline and then did the same thing to Hall. Nash moved in and Luger and Nash exchanged punches and Nash whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Lex ducked the move and came back and clotheslined Nash. Nash didn't go down but was staggered. Luger whipped Nash into the ropes and caught Nash coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped as Luger signaled it was time for the rack but DiBiase ended that when he came off the middle buckle with a double sledge to Luger's back. Luger went down and Ted went to work on him. Schultz was now battling Hugh and Hall was fighting with Arn. Nash recovered and started paying back Luger. Patera then moved in on his former boss DiBiase.


Patera and Ted slugged it out and Ted got the advantage and took Ken down and locked Ken into the STF. Ken fighting not to submit. Elsewhere, Nash was working over the bloody Hugh in the corner. Arn had been getting the business from Hall but when Hall went to whip Arn into the ropes Arn reversed and caught Hall coming off with the spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slashing gesture and then laid out Hall with the gourdbuster. Schultz had removed the top turnbuckle pad in the corner leaving only exposed steel. Schultz would pay for that decision. Schultz and Hugh exchanged punches and Hugh got the upper hand and hoisted the staggered Schultz in the air in the press position and dropped Schultz head first onto the exposed steel. Schultz went down. Schultz rendered bloody.


Ken had escaped the STF but DiBiase had the upper hand on Patera and whipped Patera into the corner. As DiBiase moved in on Patera, Ken came out of the corner and caught DiBiase with the Russian Hammer and drove DiBiase to the mat. Crowd erupted. Ken snapped Ted up and laid out Ted with his full nelson slam. DiBiase down next to the ropes. Patera paid his old boss back by stepping on his throat. Nash had moved on to fighting with Hugh. Luger was now battling Hall. Schultz joined Hall in a double team on Luger. Nash got the upper hand on Hugh and left him in the corner and went over and helped Ted by stunning Patera with a kick to the gut and powerbombing Patera. Patera laid out near DiBiase. Arn was now helping Luger battle Schultz and Hall. Nash joined in the fray with Schultz and Hall against Luger and Arn. Hugh recovered and joined in the fight. The six were battling it out. Luger got the upper hand on Hall and was able to whip Hall into the ropes and catch Hall coming off with his forearm smash to the head. Hall crashed to the mat. Luger roared and so did the fans. Hall now bleeding. Hugh caught Schultz with a flying headbutt to the chest. Nash dropped Arn with a boot to the face.


DiBiase and Patera had recovered and now they re-joined the battle. Bodies going in every direction. Hall was able to blast Arn with the Hallinator (aka, Rock Bottom). DiBiase nailed Patera with the Billion Dollar Blaster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale). Luger stunned everyone when he stunned Nash with a forearm smash to the head that staggered the giant. Luger managered to grab Nash and place him in the torture rack. Crowd into the action. Hall saved Nash with a kick to Luger's gut. Luger dropped Nash to the mat.


The match progressed with more wild action. But something had to give and finally did.


At the end of the match, with the parties still warring, Hugh was battling Nash. Hugh had battled back against the big man and had just gained the advantage. Hugh fired away on Nash with a series of punches and then hit the ropes and came off and Nash blasted Hugh with a kick to the face. Hugh crashed to the mat. As the other six participants had their own wars to worry about, Nash hoisted Hugh up and nailed him with the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash then picked up Hugh and nailed him with a second jack-knife powerbomb. Hugh laid out. Nash moved into the other ring and attacked Arn who was battling DiBiase. Nash now engaged with Arn. Schultz and Hall in a scrum in the same ring with Ken and Lex. DiBiase was freed up and saw Hugh struggling to recover from two vicious powerbombs from Nash. Ted wasted no time. Hugh was starting to turn over on his side when Ted climbed in the ring and turned Hugh over and locked Hugh in the STF. Hugh wasn't in the hold very long before tapping out.


Ref outside the cage nearest the tap called for the bell.


Ted held the hold on Hugh as the fighting petered out in the other ring. Ref again called for the bell trying to get DiBiase to release the hold as Hugh tapped out again. Patera charged into the other ring and grabbed DiBiase and started to pull DiBiase off off Hugh when Schultz nailed Patera with a forearm smash to the back to break that up. DiBiase now off Hugh. Luger and Patera checked on Hugh as The Firm started to exit the cage. Before leaving, Hall nailed Arn with a kick to the slats. Arn fell back against the ropes holding the goods as the victorious Firm left the cage. DiBiase raised his hands victoriously into the air once on the floor as the crowd now booing the rogue coalition. The quartet then made their way back up the aisle as some grabage flew in their direction. Hugh was now on his feet as Arn, Lex and Ken were talking with him to see if he was alright. Hugh shook his head 'yes' and the four then left the ring and dejectedly headed to the back.


WINNER: The Firm - Submission - DiBiase made Hugh submit to the STF - 24:17


Bleeding By The Numbers


1 - Arn Anderson (Period 1)


2 - Ken Patera (Period 4)


3 - Ted DiBiase (Period 5)


4 - Hugh Morrus (Period 6)


5 - David Schultz (Submit or Surrender)


6 - Scott Hall (Submit or Surrender))


(Announcers discussed The Firm winning the War Games and wondered if The Firm had gained strong momentum moving forward in their war with the UWL. Hyped still to come: UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine. Said Rude vs. DDP was next!)


(Ad aired for UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)


Match 8

Rick Rude vs. DDP


(Rude came to the ring alone and received a not as strong mixed crowd reax because the crowd was a little drained after the last match and were re-charging their batteries for the upcoming World Title match. He was in his ring robe.


Rude got in the ring and took the r.a. mic from Capetta.


RR: "How about that? The Firm wins the War games and Dusty Rhodes defeats Wahoo McDaniel. And now, I'm gonna complete a perfect night for The Firm when I beat Dallas Page.


"What I would like right now, is for all you fat blobs who call yourselves men to stay seated, shut your mouths and let the ladies in the crowd soak in what a real man looks like."


Rude removed his robe to reveal his ripped body and struck a couple of beefcake poses and then placed his hands behind his head and gyrated his hips and flexed his biceps.


Music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' played over the p.a. system and DDP came to the ring to a decent ovation. DDP got in the ring and made the Diamond sign over his head and then made the 'Bang!' gesture.


Short match that was pretty one-sided with Rude taking roughly 80% of the bout.


At the end of the match, Rude was in control. Rude had picked up DDP and blasted DDP with a side suplex. Rude then turned his back on DDP and took a couple of steps forward, did the hands behind the head, hip gyrations again. As Rude turned around, DDP had just gotten to his feet and stunned Rude with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. DDP covered Rude and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. More cheers for DDP than when he came to the ring as the ref raised DDP's hand in victory.


DDP left the ring and made the Diamond sign again out on the floor. DDP slapped hands with fans on the way back up the aisle.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 3:49)


(Announcers discussed DDP beating Rude and then talked about the World Title match coming up next.)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - April 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, February 23 @ 10am MST.)


(Video aired chronicling the Roddy Piper ©-GregValentine feud since Piper won the title at 'Holiday Havoc' last December.)


Match 9 (UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain Match)

Roddy Piper © vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Gary Hart)


(Valentine and Hart came to the ring first to loud boos.


Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and Piper made his way to the ring to a loud roar. Piper was wearing his kilt, t-shirt, ring boots and had the title around his waist. Piper had a determined look on his face as he made his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Piper briefly acknowledged the fans.


Guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta did the ring introductions. Ref took the title from Piper and walked around the ring and held it up for all to see. Ref handed the title off to Capetta and was handed the dog collars and chain by a UWL attendant. Ref called both men to the center of the ring. Hart came out with Valentine (not the type of 'coming out' some of you might be thinking of. :p). Piper and Valentine locked eyes as the ref laid down the match rules and patted each man down. Ref then separated the men a few feet apart and placed a collar around each man's neck. Hart had a quick final word with Valentine before leaving the ring and heading to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Crowd buzzing as Valentine and Piper walked to the center of the ring and got nose-to-nose with each other. The two exchanged words and then each man grabbed a chuck of chain and a tug-of-war ensued over who would gain the advantage with the chain. After a brief struggle, Piper yanked hard on the chain causing Valentine to lunge forward and Piper used a part of the chain as a whip across Valentine's shoulder. Valentine winced and backed into the corner and was rubbing his shoulder. Piper then yanked hard on the chain and Valentine lunged forward and Piper peppered Valentine with a series of boxing-style head and body punches that stunned Valentine. Piper then wrapped part of the chain around Valentine's neck and started strangling him as the fans cheered. Piper relentless in the strangling. Piper backed Valentine into the corner and used part of the chain to rake Valentine's eyes. Piper then channeled his good buddy Wahoo and popped Valentine with stiff chops to the chest. Valentine staggered out of the corner next to the ropes. Piper moved in and blasted Valentine with more boxing-style head and body punches when Gary Hart reached into the ring and grabbed Piper's leg and tripped Piper up. Piper went down and quickly got up and looked down at Hart and had a few words for Hart. Piper was standing with one leg on each side of the chain. Valentine maneuvered behind the distracted Piper and yanked the chain up into Piper's groin area. Valentine spun Piper around and popped Piper with some methodical punches to the head. Piper staggered. Valentine then wrapped part of the chain around his right forearm, leaned Piper back over the top rope and blasted Piper with three brutal chain-laden forearm smashes to the chest.


Piper walking next to the ropes partially hunched over and grabbing at his chest. Valentine then wrapped part of the chain around his fist and spun Piper around and nailed Piper with a chain-laden punch to the head. Piper went down next to the ropes and part of his right leg was sticking out under the bottom rope. Ref ordered Valentine to back off as he checked on Piper. Piper moved around and was now sitting up next to the ropes and was bleeding. Valentine tried to move in on Piper but the ref stopped Valentine and ordered him to step back. Valentine distracted the ref by having words with him. Hart quickly undid his tie and snuck up behind Piper and strangled the champ with his tie. After Hart was done with his nefarious deed, Valentine stopped chatting with the ref. Piper laying in a heap in the ring. Valentine put the boots to Piper. Crowd popped as Wahoo, still in his ring attire, came walking down to the ring. Hart looked over and saw Wahoo and the Chief pointed at Hart and Hart backed off, not wanting anything to do with the Indian star. Valentine pulled Piper up and nailed Piper with a backbreaker across the knee. Piper in a bad way. Wahoo urging on Piper from ringside. Valentine then went and started to tie up Piper's legs with the chain but Piper was able to reach up and nail Valentine with a couple of head shots that staggered Greg. Piper wriggled the chain from his legs and got to his feet. Valentine moved in on Piper and Piper stopped Valentine with a poke to the eyes. Crowd buzzing. Piper nailed Valentine with a rapid-fire series of head shots that stunned Valentine. Piper backed up and stretched out part of the chain and used it to clothesline Valentine in the chest. Valentine down to the mat. As Valentine unsteadily got to his feet, Piper repeated the move, only this time he clotheslined Valentine in the head. Valentine again crashed to the mat. Ref held Piper at bay while he checked on Valentine. Piper stalked around the ring (as far as he could move with the chain on, anyway). Valentine turned over and sat up and was now wearing a crimson mask of his own. Valentine got to his feet and stumbled and fell backwards onto his ass in the corner. Piper moved in and started to pull Valentine up by the hair when Valentine nailed Piper with low-blow.


Piper stumbled back holding the goods. Valentine moved in and started using part of the chain as a whip across Piper's back. Valentine then started strangling Piper with the chain. Piper struggled and was fighting for air. Valentine stopped the strangling and backed up, wrapped part of the chain around his fist and charged at Piper and nailed the champ with a chain-laden right to the head. Piper crashed to the mat. Valentine covered Piper. 1...2...2-3/4... Piper barely kicked out. Valentine maneuvered Roddy into the corner, nailed Roddy with some more punches and then wrapped part of the chain around the post and pulled on it. Piper being strangled with nowhere to go. Valentine stopped the choke and freed up the chain from the post. Piper staggered out of the corner and went down in the ring. Valentine covered Piper again. 1...2...2-1/2... Piper again barely kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Wahoo keeping an eye on Hart on the floor. Piper got to all fours and Valentine stood over Piper and smashed Piper across the back with the chain. Piper back down. Valentine went over and started pulling Piper up but Piper repaid Valentine for the earlier low-blow with a low-blow of his own. Crowd popped. Valentine stumbled back. Piper got to his feet, wrapped part of the chain around his fist and blasted Valentine with two head shots that spun the knocked senseless Valentine around. Piper locked Valentine in the sleeper hold. Valentine trying to not submit. Valentine quickly started to fade. Valentine fighting. While still on his feet, ref raised Valentine's hand twice and it fell by his side. Ref raised the hand a third time and it almost fell by Valentine's side but Valentine stopped his arm mid-fall and quickly countered with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Piper crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the 20-count. Both men stirred and Valentine made it to his feet first. Valentine wrapped part of the chain around his fist as Piper got to his feet. When Piper got up...WHAM!...Valentine caught Piper flush in his damaged left ear. Piper hit the mat with a thud. Ref ordered Valentine to step back as he checked on Piper. Piper had a dazed look in his eyes. Ref looked out of the ring and then spoke to Piper again. Piper started to slowly make it to his feet. He was wobbly and took a step and had to grab the top rope to maintain his balance. Ref stepped in close to Piper. Ref had Piper follow his fingers with his eyes and the ref had Piper tell him how many fingers he was holding up. Piper gave the right answer.


Ref signaled for the match to continue. Valentine moved back in with the chain wrapped around his fist and backed Piper up into the corner. Valentine went to hit the ear again but Piper got his arms up and deflected Valentine's further punch tries. Valentine punched Piper in the jaw and then yanked Piper out of the corner by the chain. Piper on wobbly legs. Valentine grabbed part of the chain and pulled it tight. Piper had part of the chain in his hands as well. Valentine moved in on Piper with his part of the chain and Piper pulled his up and the two locked chains. It became a battle of the chain as both men looked for an advantage. As the battle raged, Piper kicked Valentine twice in the gut and gained control of the chain. Piper was able to wrap part of the chain around his elbow and pop Valentine in the head with an elbow smash. Valentine then crashed face-first to the mat. On the floor, Hart panicked and reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope. Hart poured a powdery white substance from the envelope into his hand. Just as he was going to try and use it as a weapon on Piper, Wahoo came over and blasted Hart with a big chop. The powder went flying as the fans cheered. Wahoo dropped Hart with another chest chop. Hart backed up on the floor to get away from Wahoo. Back in the ring, Piper covered Valentine. 1...2...2-1/2... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. As Piper started to pull Valentine up, Valentine stunned Piper with an open hand thrust to the throat. Piper staggered back grabbing his throat. Valentine quickly chain-wrapped his fist and nailed Piper with a second clean shot to Piper's damaged left ear. Piper crashed to the mat. Valentine backed into the corner and came out and nailed Piper with an elbow smash. Valentine then got up and hopped up on the middle buckle and was preparing to hit Piper with another move when Piper suddenly reached up and started wildy yanking on the chain. Piper then pulled hard and Valentine lost his balance and toppled to the mat. Piper then wrapped part of the chain around his fist and popped Valentine three times in the head in rapid-fire succession and then quickly used part of the chain to tie up Valentine's legs and then cover Valentine. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans erupted. A tired Piper rolled off Valentine. Ref went over and had words with guest r.a. Capetta and took the title. Piper removed the collar from his neck and then got to his feet. Ref handed the title to Piper and raised his hand in victory as Wahoo got in the ring and congratulated Piper as fireworks went off above the ring.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 13 minutes, 38 seconds...your winner...and STILL UWL World Champion...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Crowd cheered.


Valentine shown walking back up the aisle with his head down and an unhappy Hart beside him. Wahoo then raised Piper's hand in victory as fans cheered and the program faded to black.


WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Multiple Head Shots with the Chain - 13:38)


(Video aired for the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV presented by Extenze on April 14.)




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Fresh off their win in the War Games, The Firm will be appearing for a special interview. Did their War Games win turn the tide in favor of The Firm in their war against the UWL?




- UWL World Champion Roddy Piper makes an appearance after his successful title defense against Greg Valentine in the Dog Collars & Chain match at 'Winter Warfare'


- Non-Title Match: Rip Oliver (TVC) vs. DDP


- UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari retained the gold and her undefeated streak in the UWL with a hard-fought win over Manami Toyota at 'Winter Warfare'. What will she say about it on 'Slam!'?


- 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Lash LaRue




Ep. 109 of 'Slam!' will be posted Tuesday or Wednesday.

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(Show opened with photo highlights from different matches at Sunday's 'Winter Warfare' PPV)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Pres. Watts in a suit. He was carrying a mic. He got a decent ovation coming to the ring.


BW: "I have a few announcements I need to make as we start 'Slam!' tonight.


"First, as you all know, Greg Valentine failed to regain the UWL World Title two nights ago at 'Winter Warfare' against Roddy Piper in a Dog Collars and Chain match."


Crowd cheered.


BW: "Later in the evening, as an angry Valentine was walking out of a bar, a couple of people heckled the loser of the World Title match. Valentine responded by physically assaulting the pair. I want it made perfectly clear right now! As President, I will not tolerate any UWL wrestler attacking anyone in a situation where they weren't physically provoked first! If any of our wrestlers is set upon by someone who intends to cause them bodily harm, then the wrestlers have a right to self-defense! But that's not what we had in the case of Valentine! He was heckled! Yeah, sometimes people can even push my buttons with their words! But there comes a time when a wrestler must use self-restraint! Only words were hurled at Valentine! And Greg Valentine crossed a serious line when he laid his hands on those people.


"So, because of Greg Valentine's actions Sunday night...I have decided to suspend Valentine for 60 days without pay and fine him $100,000 dollars!"


Crowd cheered.


BW: "He needs to think long and hard about what he did while he's suspended and those big checks stop being direct-deposited in his bank account for the next two months! I had to respond to this matter quickly and with a firm hand! And any wrestler, whether you love 'em or despise 'em, if they act in a way that can be injurious to the UWL, I'll slam them with a punishment that fits the crime as well!


"Moving on... Two weeks ago, we had a President's Championship match between champion Harley Race and Rick Steiner. The match did not end well as this video clip shows."


Video clip aired from two weeks ago of the PC match between Race © and Steiner where Billy Graham interfered in the match and KO'd Steiner with a pair of knux and cost Steiner the match.


BW: "Rick Steiner was robbed of a fair chance to win the President's Championship that night. So tonight we're gonna have the re-match! Harley Race will defend the President's Championship against Rick Steiner one more time!"


Crowd cheering.


BW: "For my next announcement, I need Dusty Rhodes to come to the ring."


Rhodes came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. He was in street clothes but had on his top hat. While coming to the ring, 'Winter Warfare' pics aired from the Wahoo-Dusty match where Pres. Watts acted as the enforcer ref and Watts had to count Dusty's winning pinfall in the match. Dusty had a mic. Dusty got in the ring and strutted around arrogantly for a moment as Watts looked on.


DR: "President Watts. I know it has to kill you to be standing in this ring with me right now. I know the last thing you wanted to do on Sunday was count the 1...2...3 for me and then have to raise my hand in victory as I defeated Wahoo McDaniel. But I'm lovin' it, baby! Did you call 'Stardust' out here to congratulate him on a job well done?"


BW: "Dusty, as much as it pained to have to make that three count in your favor at 'Winter Warfare', I was acting professionally in the role of referee and I had to call it fairly. You won. You tried to take some shortcuts to victory throughout the match. But, in the end, you defeated Wahoo with a legal wrestling move.


"But, I'm ordering a re-match between you and Wahoo tonight!"


Crowd buzzing.


DR: "Sweet! I get to beat Wahoo again! Let's do it!"


BW: "Wahoo McDaniel, come on out."


Wahoo came to the ring in his street clothes and was carrying a satin bag that looked like it had something round in it. Wahoo got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Once in the ring, Wahoo pulled the contents out of the bag and unfurled it.


DR: "Why does Wahoo have his Indian stra... Whoa, daddy! I didn't agree to this! No! No! No! No! No!"


BW: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Later tonight, it's gonna be Wahoo McDaniel vs. Dusty Rhodes in an Indian Strap match! Get ready to hook 'em up!"


Crowd popped. Wahoo looking at Rhodes with a determined, teeth gritted look on his face.


DR: "I thought it was gonna be..."


Wahoo took Watts' mic.


WM: "What you thought and reality are two different things. Dusty, prepare to be hooked up to the strap!"


Wahoo looked on as Rhodes was in disbelief as the segment ended.)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino discussed Watts making the Indian Strap match. Also hyped for the program: PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; UWL WC Roddy Piper makes an appearance; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Non-Title: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more.)


Match 1

'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Lash LaRue


(LaRue came to the ring with his bullwhip. Once in the the ring, LaRue cracked the whip a couple of times on the mat. Modest crowd response to his entrance.


Garvin came to the ring to a fair amount of boos. He had a white towel draped around his neck.


LaRue and Garvin fought each other hard. But in the end, Garvin prevailed when he dropped LaRue with his KO punch and covered LaRue for the 1...2...3! Garvin then raised his right fist and blew on it like a gunfighter blows the smoke off the barrel of his gun. Garvin then reached down, grabbed LaRue by the hair and pulled LaRue slightly up off the mat and slapped LaRue in the face to revive LaRue.


WINNER: Garvin - Pinfall - KO Punch - 3:03)


(After the match: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed Ron Garvin.


LM: "'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin, we haven't seen you in a UWL ring in over a month. Where have you been all this time?"


RG: "Lee, personally I don't think it's any of your business where I've been the last month. But I'll tell you and these fans, anyway. For the last month, 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin has been fulfilling several different contractual commitments that took him away from wrestling."


LM: "Care to elaborate on that?"


RG: "No. What I will say is that I'm back. Any wrestlers in the back, I don't care if you're a fan favorite or bad guy in the eyes of these fans, if you need someone beaten up then let's talk. I'll be glad to do your dirty work for you...if the price is right.")


(Announcers discussed the return of Ron Garvin. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; UWL WC Roddy Piper makes an appearance; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more. Said the Non-Title Match: Oliver © vs. DDP was next!)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - April 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, February 23 @ 10am MST.)


Match 2 (Non-Title)

Rip Oliver © vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring to a good ovation to the strains of the music-only version of the song 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. DDP got in the ring and did the Diamond sign and 'Bang!' that goes along with it.


Oliver came to the ring to pretty strong boos. As Oliver made his way to the ring, pics aired of Oliver defeating Buzz Sawyer to retain the TV Title at 'Winter Warfare'. Announcers said PPV replays were available.


Exciting match between these two as DDP took Oliver to the limit. Lots of back-and-forth between two solid workers. At the end of the match, Oliver had just gained control and nailed DDP with a sitout rear mat slam. Oliver got to his feet and assumed the position as a hurting DDP got slowly got to his feet. When DDP got up, Oliver moved in with his superkick finisher but DDP ducked the kick and Oliver's momentum caused him to lunge forward. Oliver turned around...WHAM!...DDP blasted Oliver with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. DDP covered Oliver and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans popped loudly for DDP. After DDP had his hand raised by the ref, DDP went out and celebrated briefly with fans at ringside before heading to the back.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 7:52)


(Announcers discussed DDP beating TVC Oliver in a non-title affair. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; UWL WC Roddy Piper makes an appearance; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more. Said UWL Women's WC Ferrari is coming up.)


(Pics aired from the Blair-Brunzell match at 'Winter Warfare'. Anns. said the PPV replay was available.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell. Brunzell was wearing his menacing derby hat and black t-shirt that had 'Bad Boy' written across the front.


LN: "First thing, Jim..."


BBB (exasperated): "It's not Jim, anymore! It's 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! OK, Larry?! Jeez!"


LN: "Well...'Bad Boy'...you lost to your former friend and tag team partner Brian Blair on Sunday. It must have been a tough loss to take?"


BBB: "I lost to Brian Blair... But I also won."


LN: "Huh?!"


BBB: "I won at 'Winter Warfare' because it was the successful coming out party for 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! That match with Brian Blair solidified my new persona! I am now 100% official 'Bad Boy'! It's like I shed my old skin and put on a new, better skin! I'm gonna be bad boy material until I die!"


LN: "Was it the action of a bad boy when you attacked female wrestler Manami Toyota and laid her out with a slingshot suplex and played a major role in costing her the match against Tina Ferrari for the UWL Women's World Title at 'Winter Warfare'?"


BBB: "Listen! Last week on 'Slam!', I offered Manami Toyota the chance of a lifetime to spend an evening of lust with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! That ungrateful woman responded by slapping me across the face! Man or woman, you do that to a bad boy, you're gonna pay! That's how a true bad boy handles a situation like that!"


LN: "I couldn't help but notice that when you attacked Toyota that your derby hat never came off. How did that not happen?"


Pics aired of Brunzell attacking Toyota and nailing her with his slingshot suplex while never losing his derby hat at 'Winter Warfare'.


BBB: "It's a little bad boy magic at work. I have two derby hats. One of them has a strap that goes under my chin and keeps the hat on my head. The other has no strap on it. I wore the hat with the chin strap that night. There was no way Manami Toyota was gonna knock my bad boy derby hat off like she did last week."


Pres. Watts walked into the interview area.


BW: "So, 'Bad Boy', I think a pretty heavy fine is gonna be in order for you for attacking a female wrestler. Male wrestlers attacking female wrestlers is not something I'm gonna put up with."


BBB (excited like a kid): "Hey! You're gonna fine me?!"


BW: "That's right."


BBB (still excited): "Yesssssssssss! I'm getting fined! A fine is one of the pinnacles of being a bad boy in pro wrestling! Man! Wait until I call my mom and tell her about this. She'll be so upset that her precious Jimby-bimby is getting more and more bad boy."


BW: "Might want to make that call right after this interview is over, 'Bad Boy'."


BBB: "Why is that?"


BW: "Because after Tina Ferrari's interview, which is coming up next, you're wrestling in the following segment."


BBB: "Great! Who's my opponent?"


BW: "I want it to be a suprise. Afterall, don't bad boys like suprises?"


BBB: "You better believe it! I love suprises! Suprise the hell out of the 'Bad Boy'!"


BW: "Oh! And your opponent's a real bad boy, too!"


Brunzell rubbed his hands together.


BBB: "I love it, daddy-o! Bad boy vs. bad boy! Only one bad boy can emerge as the badder boy! And that's gonna be 'Bad Boy' Brunzell!"


BW: "'Bad Boy', prepare to hook 'em up!"


Watts left the interview area as the camera caught a close-up of an excited Brunzell.)


(Pics aired from the UWL Women's WT match between Tina Ferrari © and Manami Toyota at 'Winter Warfare'. Anns. said PPV replays were available.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari.


'Invincible' played over the p.a. system and Ferrari came out to strong boos. She was wearing her trademark tiara, expensive looking casual wear and had the title slung over her shoulder. Once in the ring, Tina hoisted the belt over head with both hands and strutted to all four sides of the ring showing off the title as the fans booed more.


LM: "Tina, at 'Winter Warfare', Manami Toyota pushed you to the limit. And, if not for the interference of one 'Bad Boy' Brunzell, she might have been the woman who ended your undefeated streak and World Title reign here in the UWL."


Tina: "Notice what was said there, Lee. She 'might have been' the woman who beat me and put the kibosh on my unblemished record and title reign. Did she do it?"


LM: "No. She did not."


Tina: "Let me explain something to you and all these in-bred West Virginia mountaineers here."


Crowd booed.


Tina: "You boo me for saying that, but you know it's true. I'll prove my point. (Tina pointed at ringside.) See this brother and sister here in the front row? They just celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary and their 12-year-old son Meeshaw's graduation from first grade. Congratulations, you two. Enjoy your anniversary night in the luxury shack that comes complete with an outhouse, AM/FM transistor radio, light bulb and wash basin.


"Back to what we were talking about. Manami Toyota is one of the greatest, and I'm talking top five here, women wrestlers in the world. She has quite the arsenal of mind-blowing moves. And I was on the receiving end of many of them at 'Winter Warfare'. I took everything one of the best had to offer and I'm still the UWL Women's World Champion! That's what it's all about! I still hold the gold! I'm sure that flight back to Japan for Ms. Toyota was quite long, as it had to grate on her to know she was so close and couldn't close the deal! And the reason she couldn't seal the deal is because she was wrestling me! Toyota would have beaten anyone else two nights ago! I'm the one person she couldn't beat! She seemed almost superhuman in the ring at times! But even being superhuman is no match for Tina Ferrari when she's being propelled by a steady diet of the spirit of Mildred! You people need to face it! They might as well rename this the Tina Ferrari Women's World Title because no one else is ever gonna wear it!


"And, 'Winter Warfare' marked my one-year anniversary as UWL Women's World Champion. One year. And there is no end in sight for my glorious and historic reign."


LM: "Did you have anything to do with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell interfering in the match?"


Tina: "Nope. Nothing. Manami Toyota disrespected him on 'Slam!' last week and she paid for dissing the 'Bad Boy'."


LM: "So there's nothing going on between you and 'Bad Boy' Brunzell?"


Tina: "Nothing. While I like the new persona he's trying to cultivate, I've also seen one of his paychecks in the past. He's gonna have to move up a couple of tax brackets for Tina Ferrari to be interested in him in the carnal relations-type way."


LM: "After the match with Toyota, Madusa came to the ring to inform the ref, who had been knocked senseless during the match, that Brunzell had interfered. You laid Madusa out with a tornado DDT. That's twice now you've attacked Madusa in recent weeks after a match..."


Tina: "Madusa had no right to get involved on Sunday! She was sticking her nose in something that was no business of hers! She deserved what I did to her; just like she deserved it when I smacked her in the back of the head with the championship belt a month ago! I don't know what her problem is! She just needs to look out for herself and stay out of my way!"


Crowd popped as Madusa came to the ring in street clothes. Madusa got in the ring and Marshall turned over the mic to Madusa.


Madusa: "Let me just say this, Tina..."


Tina rolled her eyes.


Tina: "Oh, god! I can't wait to hear..."


Madusa: "Shut up! I have to tell you this. Tina, we will meet in this ring in a match again. And I'm gonna win that match. And everything that you've built for over two years now will come crashing down around you. The winning streak. The title reign. It will all be gone. The only question you need to ask yourself, Tina, is when will the match happen. Because it's gonna happen. And I'm taking you down. That's a promise."


Madusa then turned and left the ring to cheers as a speechless Tina looked on as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Madusa confronting Tina and telling Tina she will be the woman to end Tina's run in the UWL the next time they meet in a match. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; UWL WC Roddy Piper makes an appearance; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more. Said 'Bad Boy' Brunzell vs. ??? was coming up!)


Match 3

'Bad Boy' Brunzell vs. ???


(Brunzell came to the ring first to the strains of 'Bad Boys' by Miami Sound Machine. He was in his derby hat, 'Bad Boy' t-shirt, black tights with 'Bad Boy' written across the back and black and white boots with 'BBB' written on the outside of each boot. He got a decen amount of boos.


Stack: "Brunzell really needs to change his ring entrance music if he wants to be taken seriously as a bad boy. That music makes him look like bad comedy."


Brunzell went over to the ring apron and grabbed the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


BBB: "Get that other bad boy out here right now so I can show him who the real bad boy is! Haha!"


Brunzell was arrogantly walking around the ring.


After a brief pause, the crowd exploded when 'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest blared over the p.a. system. Brunzell stopped dead in his tracks as the crowd roar got louder as out on the entrance stage walked Dark Journey and the '80s-style hockey goalie mask-wearing Lord Humongous.


Brunzell's jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide.


Pedicino: "I think 'Bad Boy' Brunzell's bad boyishness just drained from his body!"


Stack: "It's all there in a puddle on the mat!"


Humongous stepped onto the apron, pounded his chest with his right fist and pointed right at Brunzell.


Pedicino: "I wonder if Missing Link's here tonight?!"


Stack: "If he is, he's probably snacking on some of the production equipment in the back!"


Pedicino: "Think you're right!"


Humongous stepped over the top rope into the ring and slowly walked towards the petrified Brunzell. Ref called for the bell. The two stood looking at each other. Lord then raised his arms over his head and started screaming and wildly bouncing around on his feet in front of Brunzell. Brunzell jumped back and then bailed from the ring to the floor as the crowd booed. Brunzell walked around for a few seconds and then got back on the apron. Lord signaled for Brunzell to get back in the ring. Lord just stood mid-ring as Brunzell slowly made his way back in. Brunzell was standing by the ropes and just looking at Lord and didn't seem to know what to do. Brunzell then let out a gutteral yell and charged at Lord and fired away with punches and forearms to Lord's body. Brunzell stopped and Lord just looked at Brunzell and then Lord raised his arms in the air and brought his massive forearms crashing down across Brunzell's shoulders. Brunzell crashed to his knees. Lord looked down as Brunzell unsteadily made his way to his feet. Brunzell moved like he was on drunk wobbly legs. Lord then grabbed Brunzell and hoisted Brunzell over his head in the gorilla press position, held Brunzell for a few seconds and then let go of Brunzell. Brunzell crashed face first to the mat. Lord hit the ropes and came off and nailed Brunzell with his diving splash to the back. Lord turned Brunzell over and covered Brunzell. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered. Ref raised Lord's hand in victory. Lord looked down at the defeated Brunzell and Journey got up on the apron and gestured for Lord that it was time to leave. Lord turned and left the ring and dropped to the floor. Lord then grabbed Journey by the hips and lowered her to her feet on the floor. The two then turned and headed to the back as Brunzell was still laid out on the mat.


Pedicino: "I guess 'Bad Boy' Brunzell has a few more levels of bad boy-ness to conquer before he's at Humongous's bad boy level!"


Stack: "Joe, I think he's got more than a few levels to conquer to be on the same bad boy plane as Lord Humongous!"


WINNER: Lord - Pinfall - Diving Splash to the Back - 1:02)


(Announcers discussed the dominant victory by Lord over Brunzell in the battle of the bad boys. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more. Said UWL WC Roddy Piper is up next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - March 8 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena; Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 2-17 thru 2-23.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Harley Race (President's Champion)


2 - Ken Patera


3 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


4 - Dusty Rhodes


5 - Rick Steiner


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Pics aired from the UWL WT Dog Collars & Chain match at 'Winter Warfare'. Anns. hyped PPV replays.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Roddy Piper.


Bagpipe music filled the arena and the fans popped as Piper came to the ring. Piper was in his t-shirt, kilt, ring boots and had the WT around his waist. He was also carrying the dog collars and chain from the match at 'Winter Warfare'. He also had a bandage on his head from where he was busted open with the chain on Sunday. Piper got to the ring, placed the chain on the apron and reached under the ring and brandished an aluminum trash can. Piper threw the can into the ring. Piper picked up the chain and got into the ring. Piper briefly played to the adoring throng and then went over and grabbed the can and sat it up in the middle of the ring.


RP: "I have an announcement to make! It's time to send these to the dump...forever!"


Piper raised the collars and chain over his head and then held the them out and dropped them in the can as the crowd cheered.


RP: "I wanted another dog collars and chain match with Greg valentine to prove something! I had to prove to myself that I could beat him in this type of match after what he did to me in our previous dog collars and chain match in 2011! And you know what?! I beat him! And I'm still the UWL World Champion!"


More cheers.


RP: "We now hear that Greg Valentine was so frustrated by his loss to me at 'Winter Warfare' that he beat up a couple of people outside a bar who were giving him a ration of sh...I mean...crap! Now, Greg's got no job for two months, without pay I might add, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the thought of Valentine sitting at home brooding and not earning a dime! I understand he's got a big, fat contract so that's quite a monetary hit for him! But I have an idea for Greg Valentine! To help pass the time...maybe he can shine Gary Hart's bald head every day so it maintains that nice shine! I swear I've almost gone blind sometimes from the glare of these ring lights reflecting off Emporer Ming's head! The day Greg Valentine lost the World Title to me in December of last year, he plotted to get me in another dog collars and chain match! For 10 weeks, Valentine bided his time until he got his wish! And then, in a span of three seconds, Valentine's plan up and vanished like a fart in the wind!


"And I could not have done it without you fans! Things got pretty hairy during the match! But I was able to escape potential pitfalls because I'm a fighter and I knew I couldn't let you fans down! I thought of you when things looked their bleakest! And there were times when things looked bleak on Sunday! But, Roddy Piper's fans are the best fans in all of pro wrestling and you gave me that little extra that I needed to fight back and defeat Greg Valentine!"


More cheers.


RP: "There is also someone I need to thank! He can't come out here right now because he's getting ready for his match later tonight! That man is Chief Wahoo McDaniel! You don't make many true friends in this business! But Wahoo is a true friend in every sense of the word! He came out and watched my back by keeping an eye on Gary Hart! And Hart's attempt to blind me with some sort of powdery substance during the match backfired only because Wahoo was there to make sure that powder harmlessly left Gary's hand! By the way, Gary, how's your chest feeling today after those chops from the Chief, huh?! Wahoo, I love you like a brother, man!


"Now, it's time to move on! What's in store for Roddy Piper?! What challengers and challenges lie ahead?! Things will now get really interesting! In this wild and unpredictable business you never know what can happen! But with you fans behind me, I know that there's nowhere to go but up from here for Roddy Piper!"


Crowd chanted 'Roddy! Roddy!' as Piper saluted the fans and then left the ring and dropped to the floor. Piper turned and signaled for Marshall to hand him the garbage can with the dog collars and chain in it. Marshall obliged and handed the can down to Piper. Piper hoisted the can over his shoulder and made his way back up the aisle as bagpipe music filled the arena and the fans kept cheering and chanting Piper's name.)


(Announcers discussed the Piper interview. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; The Firm is here; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show; and more.)


(Announcers intro'd a video message from JJ Dillon.




Dillon was standing in front of a black curtain in a suit with mic in hand.


JJ: "Hello. This is JJ Dillon. Each passing day draws us that much closer. You can feel the excitement and suspense building. The wrestling world is abuzz with one question: Who will be the new member of JJ Dillon Enterprises? People can't stop talking about it. Everywhere I go, people come up to me and ask for just a small hint as to who the next wrestler will be that I manage. That information is and will remain confidential until the day of the great reveal. The only thing I will tell you is that since the last time I talked to you all, the list of candidates has gotten much, much shorter. And it's quite an impressive list. And the wrestler I choose to join JJ Dillon Enterprises will become known in the very near future.)


(Announcers said the President's Championship match was next!)


(Pics aired from the Graham-Steiner match at 'Winter Warfare'. Anns. said PPV replays were available.)


Match 4 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. Rick Steiner


(Steiner came to the ring to a loud ovation as 'Welcome To The Jungle' blared over the p.a. system. Steiner ran around rignside barking and the crowd barked back. More barking and running around when Steiner got in the ring.


Race and Dillon came out to strong boos. Race had the PC around his waist.


Race fought with the determination and grit of a champion wanting to retain his title. But Steiner fought like a rabid dog in his own right and pushed Race to the limit. Some exciting near falls during the match.


At the end of the match, Steiner had taken control. Steiner worked over Race with a series of moves and a couple of pin tries but couldn't put Race away. Steiner whipped Race into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Race coming off with a backdrop but Race instead delivered a kick to Steiner's chest. Steiner shot up and stumbled back. Race grabbed Steiner by the hair and nailed Steiner with three brutal headbutts. Race let go of Steiner and Steiner crashed to the mat. Race then mounted the middle buckle and went to nail Steiner with his diving headbutt but Steiner rolled out of the way and Race crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men started slowly making their way to their feet as the ref counted. Steiner got up first and, still feeling the effects of Race's triple play headbutt, Steiner stumbled back and fell against the ropes. JJ Dillon, who had not interfered in the entire match, suddenly jumped up on the apron and grabbed Steiner from behind as Race got to his feet. Race backed up and charged in and looked to nail Steiner with a running high knee when Steiner moved and Race crashed into JJ. JJ crashed to the apron and then fell to the floor. Crowd popping like corn. The dazed Race turned around and Steiner dropped Race with a Steiner Line. Race staggered to his feet and was nailed with another Steiner Line. Race crashed to the mat and was a little slower to get up this time. When Race got to his feet, Steiner hoisted the dazed Race across his shoulders, held Race there for a few seconds as the crowd buzz grew and then blasted Race with the Death Valley Driver. Steiner covered Race and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd erupted like a volcano as Steiner started running around the ring and barking. Ref went over and took the title from r.a. Marshall and had a few words with him. Ref handed Steiner the belt and raised Steiner's hand in victory.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 10 minutes, 57 seconds, your winner...and NEW President's Champion...Rick Steiner!"


More crowd cheers and Steiner went to all four corners of the ring and stood on the middle buckle and hoisted the title in the air and barked as the happy fans barked back in return. Steiner then left the ring and slapped hands with the fans on the way back up the aisle with his newly won championship slung over his shoulder.


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Death valley Driver - 10:57)


(Announcers discussed Steiner winning the President's Championship. Hyped still to come: Indian Strap match; PC Match: Race © vs. Steiner; a look at pics from 'Winter Warfare' throughout the show. Said The Firm is coming up.)


(Announcers then said that since DDP beat TV Champ Rip Oliver in a non-title match tonight, Pres. Watts has ordered a TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP to take place next week on 'Slam!'.)


(Pics aired from the War Games match between The Firm and Team UWL at 'Winter Warfare'. Said PPV replays were available.)


(In-ring: Five members of The Firm came to the ring as the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. Rhodes was not with them. Usual mixed crowd reax to the group. All had mics. Hall and Nash had the tag titles slung over their shoulders. Four were in street clothes and DiBiase was in a suit. The group got in the ring and soaked in the crowd reaction before speaking.


Hall: "Hey yo! You are looking at the winners of the War Games! I wonder how Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus are feeling today?! They came into the War Games cage with a lot of confidence, man! And they left losers! It was great to beat on those guys and bloody them up! To hear the bell ring signaling the end of the match and that Team UWL couldn't continue...that was like music to my ears! If it hasn't sunk in with you yet, then it should be sinking in with you now! In this war, The Firm wins the key battles! The writing is on the wall! It's gonna take some time! But The Firm will win this war and one day be in total control of the UWL!"


Rude: "The four men standing in the ring with me should have silenced any doubt about how serious The Firm is about achieving their aims and goals! Team UWL was comprised of four of the best wrestlers the UWL has on its roster! But they couldn't overcome the greatness that is The Firm! A loss like the one suffered in the War Games by Team UWL is major blow to their resistance! They're now in retreat! They have to re-group and hope to God that they don't suffer too many more major losses! Because if they do...then the war is as good as over and you're looking at the victors!"


Schultz: "I don't think I can say it any better than Scott Hall and Rick Rude just did! The Firm cashed all the chips in the War Games! We held the winning hand in the end just like we thought we would! Who's gonna stop us! The War Games was a big test! And Team UWL failed miserably! It was my first War Games! I loved it! I loved the sheer brutality and violence of it all! I loved the bloodshed! Especially when the blood being spilled was from Team UWL members! It was violence for the sake of violence! It was like a brawl in the middle of the street after they've closed the bar and there were no cops around to stop the carnage! Just like the better fighters win the street brawl, we won because we were the better fighters in the War Games! And the referees, just like cops, could only show up at the end of the fight and check out the carnage! The plan is coming together! Joining The Firm is the best thing I've ever done! And I can't wait until that day when victory is complete and we're running the show around here and telling all those UWL wrestlers what to do!"


Nash: "At 'Holiday Havoc', Scott Hall and yours truly won the UWL World Tag Team Titles. That put one piece of the puzzle in place. Sunday night, we beat Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera, known collectively as Team UWL, in the War Games. That's another piece of the puzzle added successfully. What The Firm is doing is like one big puzzle. We're putting the pieces in place one by one. There are more pieces to add. And when the puzzle is complete the picture you will see is that of The Firm ruling the UWL. A loud and clear message was sent to the UWL on Sunday. You guys can fight us all you want. But in the end it won't matter one damn bit. Because you UWL wrestlers just don't have that one key thing The Firm has. And that's a ferociously driven will-to-power that you guys will never be able to match!"


Ted: "Rick. Scott. Kevin. David. Well said as always. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was when I locked Hugh Morrus in that STF in the War Games and heard the sound of Hugh's right hand furiously tapping the mat. Hugh's gesturedshowed that he was a man who desperately wanted to surrender to The Firm because he knew if he didn't then the suffering would have been much greater for him in that cage. This is a war. And war is hell. And more is on the way for the UWL. You may score your wins here and there and you'll all get excited thinking you're pushing back against The Firm and driving us into some kind of retreat. But it will turn out to be just a mirage. In the War Games the point was driven home with the volume turned all the way up. As Hall said earlier, The Firm always wins the key battles. For the UWL to have any chance to win this war, they must win key battles and not just the smaller ones. But that's easier said than done against The Firm.


"Heading into the War Games, people said that the match could be a turning point in this war. They said the winner would have the upper hand and the loser would be left scrambling to get back in the struggle and keep things from getting so completely lopsided that they no longer have a prayer of winning the grand prize...complete control of the UWL. Sunday night was certainly a good sign for The Firm. And that sign is pointing to ultimate victory for The Firm right now. So, do the UWL wrestlers have what it takes to scratch and claw their way back into this war? Or will the rest of this war be just one big march to glory for The Firm? is the outcome quickly becoming academic? A good barometer of where things stand will take place in a few minutes when Dusty Rhodes battles Wahoo McDaniel in an Indian Strap match. If Wahoo wins then the UWL will show they've still got some serious fight left in them. But, if Dusty wins, that's a tell-tale sign that The Firm now has such a strong advantage that the UWL might have to sue for peace. Here's hoping the UWL front office is on its phones to its lawyers this evening preparing for the latter. Hahahaha!"


'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and The Firm briefly played to the crowd before leaving the ring and heading to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the promo by The Firm. Said the Indian Strap Match: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Dusty Rhodes was next!)


(Pics aired from the Dusty-Wahoo match at 'Winter Warfare'. Anns. said PPV replay was available now.)


Match 5 (Indian Strap Match)

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Dusty Rhodes (w/ Ted DiBiase)


(Announcers pointed out that to win an Indian Strap match one of the wrestlers must touch all four top turnbuckles in succession.


Dusty and Ted came to the ring first. Dusty was wearing his top hat, black satin jacket with 'Dusty' written in red cursive lettering on the back, black tights and his white cowboy-style wrestling boots. They received the usual mixed crowd reaction.


Wahoo came out to a strong ovation and was carrying the strap. Wahoo got in the ring and waved part of the strap over his head like a whip. Ted and Dusty hopped out onto the apron. Ted had words with the ref about Wahoo swinging the strap around and then Ted talked with Dusty before dropping to the floor.


Wahoo unraveled the strap and slid the end of the strap around his wrist. Dusty was hesitant to slide the end of the strap around his wrist. Dusty walked around in the ring as fans now booed Dusty. Dusty finally relented and put the end of the strap around his wrist.


Match was your typical stiff, brutal Inidan Strap match. Both men were busted open during the affair. Wahoo raked a piece of the strap hard across Dusty's forehead to open up the 'American Dream'. Dusty opened up Wahoo with a trio of rapid-fire bionic elbows to the noggin.


Both men had chances to win but couldn't finish. Wahoo had pulled Dusty around and touched two buckles before Dusty broke Wahoo's momentum with a rake to the eyes with part of the strap. Another time, Wahoo was dragging Dusty around and had touched three buckles and was going for the fourth when DiBiase reached into the ring from the floor and grabbed and pulled the strap. Wahoo became distracted and reached down with his free hand and grabbed DiBiase's hair which allowed Dusty time to recover enough to get to his knees and nail Wahoo with some gut shots that killed Wahoo's chance to touch the fourth buckle. Dusty got up and worked over Wahoo with some punches where he danced around while throwing the jabs. Dusty also dropped Wahoo at one point in the match with his patented hand jive.


Dusty also came close to beating Wahoo. At one point, Dusty had wrapped Wahoo's hands with the strap and touched three of the corners but then Wahoo resisted being dragged further and stopped Dusty as Wahoo, from his back, kicked Dusty in the gut. At another point in the match, Dusty had worked over Wahoo, hoisted Wahoo up on his shoulders and Dusty touched the first three buckles with relative ease. As Dusty started moving towards the fourth buckle, Wahoo grabbed the top rope and wouldn't let go. Dusty struggled to free Wahoo's hands from the rope and failed to do so. Wahoo was able to wriggle free from Dusty's grasp, drop to his feet and nail Dusty with a brutal series of chops that staggered Dusty.


At the end of the match, the two engaged in some back-and-forth when the two engaged in a punch vs. chop affair. Wahoo got the upper hand and fired away with a series of uncontested chops that staggered Dusty. Wahoo then whipped Dusty into the ropes and caught Dusty coming off with his big chop finisher. Dusty crashed to the mat. DiBiase looking concerned on the floor. Wahoo tied Dusty's hands with the strap and touched the first top buckle. Wahoo got a little resistance from Dusty before Wahoo was able to move close enough to strike the second top buckle. As Wahoo dragged Dusty to the third corner, Dusty wrapped his legs around the ropes and wouldn't budge. After a brief struggle, Wahoo put an end to that by stomping on Dusty's head. Wahoo lunged and touched the third buckle. Crowd now on its feet. Wahoo pulled Dusty towards the fourth corner but Dusty put up another struggle. Dusty got himself turned around and his feet were facing in Wahoo's direction. Dusty managed to grab the middle rope with his tied hands. Wahoo tried pulling Dusty some more but Dusty wasn't budging. Wahoo reached down to grabbed Dusty and Dusty kicked Wahoo in the gut with such force that Wahoo slammed into the fourth corner. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


WINNER: Wahoo - Touched all four corners in succession - 9:35)


(After the match: Both men exhausted and bleeding. Wahoo was still in the corner and took off his end of the strap and tossed it to the ground. Wahoo then had his hand raised in victory by the ref. Wahoo then started to walk out of the ring as Ted DiBiase climbed in the ring and yanked the strap from around Rhodes' wrist. Just was Wahoo was about to leave, DiBiase used part of the strap as a whip and started whipping Wahoo in the back with it. Wahoo went down to one knee next to the ropes. Ted tossed the strap to the now recovered Dusty and Ted fired away on Wahoo with some head shots and then backed off as Dusty moved in and started strangling Wahoo with the strap. Ref tried to intervene but was shoved down by DiBiase. Wahoo got to his feet and was still being strangled by Rhodes. Ref tried to intervene again and was greeted by a punch to the head that sent the ref crashing to the mat. Crowd chanting for one man. DiBiase nailed Wahoo with some body shots and got in Wahoo's face and said something while Dusty still held the strap around Wahoo's neck. DiBiase and Dusty had moved to the opposite side of the ring and were preparing to toss Wahoo over the top rope down to the floor and hang Wahoo with the strap. Crowd popped as Piper, in his t-shirt, kilt and ring boots but minus the title, hit the ring and came up behind Dusty and Ted. Piper spun Ted around and nailed him with some punches as Dusty let go of Wahoo and attacked Piper from behind. Ted and Dusty started hammering away on Piper. Wahoo, with the strap still around his neck, recovered and joined in the fray and started blasting Dusty with chops. Ted moved in and Wahoo popped Ted with some chops as well. Piper regained his senses and joined in the fray and it was a wild brawl in the ring as the fans ate it up. Dusty was slugging it out with Piper and Ted was battling Wahoo as security hit the ring and looked to try and re-store order as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match (UWL World Title Match)

Roddy Piper © vs. 'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)

(WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Grand Wizard's interference backfired and Piper was able to pin Graham with the Spear - 11:46)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Rip Oliver defends the TV Title against 'Diamond' Dallas Page</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- An interview with new President's Champion Rick Steiner</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Brian Blair</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- An interview with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Madusa wrestles</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 110 will be posted Monday or Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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(Video footage aired from last week of Wahoo McDaniel beating Dusty Rhodes in the Indian Strap match and Ted DiBiase and Dusty attacking Wahoo after the match until Wahoo's good friend Roddy Piper came to the aid of Wahoo and it turned into a 2-on-2 brawl as the program went off the air.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and out came The Firm's Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes to the ring. They received a mixed crowd reaction and each had a mic. Ted was in a suit and Dusty was in a black Firm t-shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots and his black top hat. The two got in the ring and briefly soaked in the crowd reaction before speaking.


Ted: "Last week here on 'Slam!', the UWL showed that it still has some fight left in them when Wahoo McDaniel won the Indian Strap match against Dusty Rhodes. I really thought that when The Firm beat the UWL team of Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus in the War Games nine days ago it would send the UWL roster into a serious downward spiral when it came to dealing with The Firm. You have to give Wahoo the credit he deserves. He beat one of the elite in our sport when he beat Dusty Rhodes in that Indian Strap match. But it's what happened after the match that I want to talk about.


"Dusty and I attacked Wahoo after the match because, in The Firm's world, no good deed goes unpunished. Wahoo had to have the message drilled into his head that if you stand against us, if you win any battles against us in this war, we will make sure you pay a heavy price no matter what. We were about to play a game of Hangman using Wahoo as the Hanged Man when Roddy Piper decided to play superhero and come to his best pal Wahoo's rescue. As you saw in the video at the top of the program, things then descended into a brawl between the four of us. Coming to Wahoo's aid was not a good thing for Piper to do. He has escalated things just that much more in the war between The Firm and the UWL. And now Piper is a major target of ours. He's the World Champion. But he might not be for long if The Firm has anything to do with it. Piper may have survived against Greg Valentine. But can he survive against the elite? That's a question that's going to be answered. And an answer to that question can be answered this evening. Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel, would you please grace Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes with your presence?"


After a brief pause, bagpipe music filled the arena. Fans popped as Wahoo and Piper walked out on the entrance stage and made their way to the ring. Both had mics and were in street clothes. Piper was carrying the title. The two got in the ring and immediately approached Dusty and Ted.


RP: "And I always thought I was the guy who changed the questions when someone else thought they had all the answers. What's this about, Ted?"


Ted: "It's real simple, Piper. We want a match with you and Wahoo...tonight!"


Crowd buzzing.


RP: "I think I'll let my good friend Wahoo respond to your request."


Wahoo: "You guys want a match with Roddy and me tonight? Then let's get President Watts out here and make it official!"


Crowd cheered.


Pres. Watts came to the ring without fanfare. He was in a suit and had a mic. Fair crowd response.


BW: "So, men, you're all in full agreement here. You want a tag team match against each other tonight?"


Ted: "That's right."


Wahoo: "Me and Roddy want these guys in this ring."


BW: "This would truly be an epic tag team battle featuring four of the biggest superstars in all of professional wrestling. My repsonse to your request is...let's hook 'em up! Our main event is a dream match! It's Director Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel!"


Crowd cheered.


DR: "I have something to say. 'Stardust' deserves his right to speak because of his stature in this business. After we beat you two tonight, Wahoo, I just want to let you know that me and Teddy, he only lets a few people call him that, me and Teddy will finish that game of Hangman we started with you last week."


Wahoo slapped the mic out of Dusty's hand and was prepared to go after Dusty when Piper grabbed Wahoo from behind to restrain the Chief.


BW: "Ted and Dusty! Get out of this ring right now!"


Ted: "We're going, Watts. Just cool your jets, buddy."


Ted tossed his mic down and put his hands up gesturing he wasn't going to do anything. Dusty followed Ted. Wahoo still wanted to get at Dusty but Piper had Wahoo restrained. Ted left the ring and Dusty, just before leaving the ring, turned and sucker punched the restrained Wahoo in the jaw. Piper let Wahoo go and lunnged after Rhodes but Rhodes had vacated the ring and dropped to the floor before Wahoo could strike him. Watts now held Piper back in the ring as Piper was now pissed. Wahoo still seething in the ring as well. Watts kept the two at bay as Ted and Dusty slowly made their way back up the aisle looking back at Roddy and Wahoo. Watts walked over by the ring ropes.


BW: "You guys get out of here immediately! Go on! I'm not fooling around!"


Dusty and Ted continued their slow march to the back as Watts looked on at the pair. In the ring, Piper and Wahoo were talking as the segment ended.)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and discussed Watts making the match between Piper © & Wahoo vs. Dusty & DiBiase for the main even tonight. Hyped also for the program: TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with new President's Champion Rick Steiner; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Rude of The Firm; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Madusa sees action; JJ Dillon is here; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more.)


Match 1

Brian Blair vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


(Blair came to the ring to a decent ovation.


Garvin was booed coming to the ring.


The scrappy Blair gave Garvn a fight and almost pulled out the win but Garvin was able to escape defeat.


At the end of the match, Blair was on the offensive. Blair whipped Garvin into the ropes and caught Garvin coming off with a flying dropkick. Garvin crashed to the mat. Garvin made it to his feet and Blair went to nail Garvin with the codebreaker but Garvin blocked the move and sent Blair crashing to the mat. Garvin cocked his right fist and was bouncing around on the balls of his feet as Blair made it to his feet. Blair got up and turned around...WHAM!...Garvin drilled Blair right in the forehead with his knockout punch. Blair crumpled to the mat. Garvin covered Blair and didn't bother to hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd booing. Garvin stood up and blew on his right fist like a gunfighter blows the smoke coming out of the barrel of gun. Ref raised Garvin's hand in victory. Garvin then grabbed Blair by the hair with one hand and pulled Blair into the sit-up position and slapped Blair hard across the face to revive Blair. Garvin then grabbed the towel he had around his neck when he came to the ring off the ring bolt that connects the top buckle to the ring post and headed back up the aisle in business-like fashion.


WINNER: Garvin - Pinfall - Knockout Punch - 5:18)


(Announcers discussed Blair giving Garvin a battle before Garvin put Blair's lights out. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Rude of The Firm; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Madusa sees action; JJ Dillon is here; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said an i'view with new President's Champion Rick Steiner is next!)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - April 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video clip aired form last week of Steiner defeating Race and winning the President's Championship.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed new President's Champion Rick Steiner.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome my guest at this time! He is the new President's Champion...Rick Steiner!"


'Welcome To The Jungle' played over the p.a. system and Steiner came out in street clothes with the title slung over his shoulder. Strong crowd ovation. Steiner barked on the way to the ring and the crowd barked back. Steiner then ran around ringside barking and slapping hands with the fans. Steiner then got in the ring and ran around and barked some more as fans responded in kind.


LM: "Rick Steiner! People were predicting big things for you when you set out to wrestle as a single rather than as part of a tag team! But, did you expect to win a championship so soon after starting to wrestle in the singles' division?!"


RS: "Lee Marshall! Woof! Woof! Woof! "


More crowd bakring.


RS: "I...I always believed that one day I would win a singles title! The thing about this sport is you can never predict when a championship opportunity may come! It may take years to get a title shot or it may happen suddenly! Either way, you need to be ready to seize upon the chance! This championship is not only mine! The President's Championship is also the property of the Dog Pound! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back as Steiner again started running around the ring and waving the title in the air.


LM: "Now that you've won the President's Championship you've got to take the next step and defend it. And there are a lot of wrestlers out there who would love to get their chance to take that belt from you."


RS: "The UWL has the best wrestling anywhere! There's some serious competition who would love a President's Championship shot! And the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' is ready to take on all-comers and fight like a rabid pit bull to keep this title safely ensconsed in the Dog Pound! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Steiner started running around the ring again and barking and the crowd barked back. While Steiner was doing that, many in the crowd started booing as 'Superstar' Graham and his mgr. Grand Wizard made their way to the ring. Graham had a mic. Graham had his "I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' t-shirt on.


RS: "You guys here for something to eat?! Sorry, I'm all out of Milk Bones! Woof! Woof! Woo..."


Graham: "Steiner! I'm not out here to share in a bowl of kibble with you. I'm not out here to gnosh on some damned Milk Bones, either. I'm out here to remind you that the President's Championship is a professional title, daddy. And since I am the prototype of what a PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestler should be, I think I deserve a shot at that belt."


RS: "You?! 'Superstar', let me let you in on a little bit of a secret. It may have slipped your mind. But nine days ago at 'Winter Warfare' I beat you, remember? I beat the prototype PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestler in a pro-style wrestling match. What makes you deserving of a title match with me?"


Graham: "Let me let you in on a little bit of a secret, Steiner. You cheated to beat me at 'Winter Warfare'!"


RS: "What?! I did not!"


Graham: "Yes you did! Why are you denying it?! You're a cheater, Rick! I've got the proof!"


RS: "What did I do?!"


Graham: "You know what you did!"


RS: "Wha..."


GW: "We have the proof! Would you like to see it?!"


RS: "Let's see this 'proof'!"


GW: "The proof is right here."


Wizard reached into the side pocket of his tie-dyed tuxedo and pulled out a taped up foreign object and dangled it in Steiner's face.


RS: "I've never seen that thing in my life! Lee, I didn't use a foreign object in our match!"


Marshall nodded that he agreed with Steiner.


GW: "Throughout the match at 'Winter Warfare' you used this weapon on 'Superstar' Graham! I spotted your use of it but didn't say anything about it! But now, as a good and upright citizen of the United States of America, the people need to know what a devious cad you really are! When the fans cheer for you they are cheering for a cheater! Being Rick Steiner, you absent mindedly left this backstage at the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown where the show was held!"


RS: "Huh?!"


Steiner then grabbed the sides of his head and started walking around the ring. Steiner seemed confused by this sudden turn of events.


GW: "There's no way you could have beaten 'Superstar' Graham in a pro-style match without taking a shortcut! Shame! Shame! Shame on you, Rick Steiner!"


Wizard was wearing a whistle around his neck and started blowing it loudly.


GW: "Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!"


More whistle blows. Steiner was just flabbergasted by this bizarre attack.


GW: "It's our word against yours, Rick! Two against one! I never lie and know the 'Superstar' never lies! We are honest men! You are a liar, a cheater and worst of all, a thief!"


Steiner repsonded angrily.


RS: "I don't cheat and everyone knows it! You two cheat...a lot! Everyone knows that, too!"


GW: "You are lucky that we're gentlemen! Because if we weren't you would be in a serious world of hurt right now for calling us cheaters!"


RS: "Th...this is..."


GW: "Here's the deal my boy! We're willing to let your cheating in the match at 'Winter Warfare' slide on one condition! You give the 'Superstar' a President's Championship match as a sign of contrition for your vile deeds and all will be forgotten! If you won't agree to our terms, well... Think about it! Because while we're a couple of swell guys...one thing we aren't is patient guys! I know you'll make the right decision, Rick."


Steiner was speechless. Graham pointed at the title.


Graham: "That belt's gonna look real good around the most perfect waist in the universe."


Graham and Wizard then left the ring to loud boos as a stunned Steiner looked on from the ring and was in a state of disbelief.)


(Announcers discussed the bizarre confrontation between new President's Champion Rick Steiner and Graham & Grand Wizard. Wondered how this would all play out. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Madusa sees action; JJ Dillon is here; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Rude was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed DDP. Before Nelson started the interview he asked the cameraman to pan down to get a look at his new bright red socks. Nelson then asked DDP about the chance to win the TV Title tonight.


DDP: "When you make positive changes then positive things happen to you. Last week, I beat TV Champion Rip Oliver in a non-title match. Because of that, I've now been given the chance to wrestle Rip Oliver again, only this time with the belt on the line. I feel real good heading into this match, Larry. Real good. I have a good understanding of Rip Oliver's mindset heading into a match like this because I used to have a similar mindset. And that mindset is that you have to protect the championship at all costs. I know how badly Rip wants to retain the TV Title. His frame of mind is that he'll do whatever he thinks he has to do to walk out of the ring still the TV Champion. There's nothing out of bounds for a guy like Rip Oliver. I know that my awareness level will need to be seriously elevated for this match. I've walked on the other side of the tracks before. So I know what I'm dealing with. Hopefully, there will be another positive change later tonight and I can beat Rip Oliver and become a positive example of a TV Champion.")


Match 2

Rick Rude vs. Buzz Sawyer


(Rude came to the ring to the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd. Usual mixed crowd reaction for a member of The Firm. Rude got in the ring and took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


RR: "What I want right now...is for all you blubber butts in this audience who call themselves men to sit down, shut up and let your ladies have a brief escape from the misery of being stuck with you by ogling what a real man looks like."


Rude removed his robe, struck a couple of beefcake poses and then put his hands behind his head and gyrated his hips.


Sawyer came to the ring to a decent ovation.


Match was a good back-and-forth affair between these two.


At the end of the match, Sawyer had just gained the advantage. Sawyer whipped Rick into the ropes and blasted Rick coming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Rick crashed to the mat and got up and was greeted by another flying shoulder tackle from Buzz. Rick down again. Rick got to his feet and walked right into Buzz's arms. As Buzz was hoisting up Rick for the Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment), Rick escaped Buzz's grasp , dropped down behind Buzz and blasted Buzz with a rapid-fire series of forearm smashes to the upper back. Rick then nailed the stunned Buzz with the Rude Awakening and covered Buzz. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and then went over and raised Rick's hand in victory. Rude did one final gyration and then flexed and kissed his biceps before leaving the ring.


WINNER: Rude - Pinfall - Rude Awakening - 7:04)


(Announcers discussed Rude beating Buzz. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; JJ Dillon is here; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said Madusa was in action next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - March 8 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena; Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Video clip aired form last week of Madusa confronting UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari and telling Tina that the next time they met in a match Madusa would beat Tina and win the title and end Tina's undefeated streak.)


Match 3

Madusa vs. Debbie Combs


(Madusa came to the ring to a good ovation.


Combs gave Madusa a fight early on but then Madusa took control and finished off Combs with a German suplex into a bridgeout to score the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 3:41)


(After the match: As Madusa was having her hand raised in victory, UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari walked out on the entrance stage. She was dressed in a short skirt, blouse and heels, her trademark tiara and had the title slung over her shoulder. She had a mic.


Tina: "Congratulations on beating a jobber, Madusa! Way to go! Maybe you can beat someone...you know...who has a name and give you a serious run for the money! When you beat someone worthy, give me a call and then, and only then, can we talk about you getting another shot at this!"


Tina patted the title on her shoulder. Madusa took the r.a. mic.


Madusa: "We will meet again in a match, Tina. And when we do, your World Title reign and undefeated streak are coming to an end. That's a promise."


Tina and Madusa locked eyes and then Tina raised the title belt over her head as the crowd booed and then Tina turned and walked off the stage as Madusa continued to look on.)


(Announcers discussed the Madusa win and Tina coming out and having words for Madusa and Madusa once again promising she'll beat Tina the next time they meet in a match. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; JJ Dillon is here; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said JJ Dillon is here next!)


(In-ring: Back from commercial, JJ Dillon was already in the ring. He was in a suit and had a mic. He was booed.


JJ: "We are one giant step closer to decision day. Who will be the man who will be chosen to join Harley Race in JJ Dillon Enterprises? The list of potential candidates, and there are some great ones out there, gets shorter with each passing day. I came out here tonight because there's one particular wrestler I want to talk about. And that wrestler is Chief Wahoo McDaniel.


"Wahoo is the kind of wrestler who would be a great addition to JJ Dillon Enterprises. He's got the kind of resume' that I look for. He's held several championships in his career. That includes being the UWL World Champion. His list of accomplishments is impressive to say the least. I see in Wahoo a wrestler that can bring the World Title back to JJ Dillon Enterprises. I make no secret of it, Wahoo is one of the top candidates on my list. I'd love to sign him. And he'd be paid quite handsomely if he signed on the dotted line with JJ Dillon Enterprises.


"Wahoo's in the back right now. I hope he's listening to this. Wahoo, Roddy Piper is holding you down. Roddy Piper may be your friend. But he's also keeping you from winning the UWL World Title for a second time. As long as you're close with Piper, Wahoo, don't expect to get a World Title shot as long as Piper is the champion. I saw what happened earlier tonight where Roddy was holding Wahoo and Dusty Rhodes was able to get in a free shot on the Chief. Roddy will say he was just restraining Wahoo to keep Wahoo from attacking Dusty. But Dusty was leaving the ring and Piper was still holding him. Something's not right here. Wahoo, Roddy knows the threat you would pose to him as a contender for his crown. I believe he's keeping you close precisely because he doesn't want to face you. So you languish, Wahoo. You wither in the shadow of World Champion Roddy Piper. And mark my words, he likes it that way. You need to break free from Piper. You need to get away from him..."


This brought Wahoo, now in his ring attire, out. Wahoo was cheered as he came to the ring. Wahoo got in the ring and looked at JJ.


JJ: "I'm glad you came out here, Wahoo. I would love to have you as a part of JJ Dillon Enterprises. You just need to get away from your friend Roddy Piper. He's keeping you down. The man is grade-A scum of the highes..."


Wahoo had heard enough. He battered JJ with a series of chest chops and JJ dropped the mic. Wahoo whipped JJ into the ropes and caught JJ coming off with his big chop. JJ crashed to the mat and was laid out as an angry Wahoo stood over JJ. Wahoo was shaking and had his fists clenched. Wahoo was able to restrain himself and leave the ring as the crowd cheered him and his actions as he headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed JJ setting his sights on possibly signing Wahoo to be the next member of JJ Dillon Enterprises and also running down Roddy Piper and Wahoo coming out and laying out JJ with the big chop. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. DDP; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 2-24 thru 3-2.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Ken Patera


3 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


4 - Wahoo McDaniel


5 - Dusty Rhodes


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed TV Champ Rip Oliver. Asked about defending the title tonight against DDP and losing in a non-title match to DDP last week. Oliver in his ring attire and had the TV Title around his waist.


RO: "Yeah, I lost to Dallas Page last week. But what did Dallas Page gain out of it? A TV Title shot. That's what Page gained. Page still isn't a champion. He's got to beat me for a second straight time to become the TV Champion. What are the odds of me losing to Page two times in a row? Extremely slim and none. Those are the odds of lightning striking twice for him against me. And the odds of Page avoiding my superkick for a second straight match? Those odds are even worse for him. I don't miss with my patented finisher two matches in a row. It's a mathematic impossibility."


LN: "Mathematic impossibility? Can you name your source for that answer?"


RO: "Yeah. Me. That's your source."


Oliver then lifted his right leg up and showed the sole of his boot to the camera.


RO: "You see what's written on there? It says 'positive'. I heard Page out here earlier babbling on about all this 'positive' nonsense. He's free to think what he wants. I decided to write the word on the bottom of my right boot because that's the foot that's gonna connect with Dallas Page's jaw when I superkick the hell out of him. I'm basically gonna drive all of his positivity right back down his throat on my way to remaining the UWL TV Champion.")


(Video clips aired from last week of Pres. Watts ordering a match between 'Bad Boy' Brunzell and a bad boy mystery opponent and the mystery opponent turning out to be Lord Humongous who destroyed Brunzell in one minute.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell.


Brunzell came to the ring to the song 'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine. He was in his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written across the front, black jeans and black shoes. He got a decent amount of boos.


Pedicino: "You try and get into this guy being a legit bad boy of wrestling. But then his ring entrance music plays and you can't help but start laughing at him. Somehow, Gloria Estefan doesn't scream 'bad' anything."


Brunzell got in the ring and didn't look too happy. Marshall asked Brunzell about losing last week to another bad boy in Lord Humongous.


BBB: "I am a bad boy in pain right now. And when I say pain I mean physical pain. I'm still feeling the effects of Lord Humongous diving on my back last week. I was caught off-guard when it turned out I'd be facing Humongous in my match with a mystery opponent last week. But I'm happy to say that I emerged from the match still in one piece and walked out of that ring as the one true bad boy in the match."


LM: "The one true bad boy? How can you say that?"


BBB: "I can say that because Lord Humongous is not a bad boy. Lord Humongous is one gigantic psycho! I mean, who wrestles wearing a hockey goalie mask from the 1980's? Is he Jason Voorhees' cousin or something? The guy is a slasher film monster come to life! There's no place for that kind of stuff in pro wrestling! The man is dangerous! I also can't help but wonder what his face looks like under that mask! I'm guessing he's pretty hideous to look at! Almost as hideous as that manager of his, Dark Journey! I'm a bad boy. But the only way I could you-know-what with Dark Journey is with all the lights off, the curtains shut tight and a couple of plastic bags covering her face! How's that for bad boy sex talk right there?!


"But, enough of what happened last week. True bad boys know they have to move on. They can't look back. Bad boys by their very nature are lone wolves. I want to talk about something that's very important. When I was coning out here tonight, I heard some of the fans calling me 'Jim'. You don't know how much that rankles my bad boy psyche. It makes me really mad. When I heard it, I wanted to come out there and stomp the bejesus out of you with my penny loafers."


LM: "Are penny loafers genuine bad boy footwear?"


BBB: "They are where I came from in Minnesota. A guy wore penny loafers and you knew to steer clear of him. He was a bad boy. Penny loafers. Sweater vests. But, back to what I was talking about. You people need to start showing me the respect I deserve. My name is no longer Jim Brunzell. My name is now 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! You all got that?!"


Fans started chanting 'Jim'.


BBB: "Cut it out! I'm warning you! When a bad boy gives you a warning then, by gosh, you'd better heed it! If you don't, then bad boy pain might not be far behind!"


Chants continued. Brunzell covered his ears and started stomping around the ring. He then stopped.


BBB: "Give me the bad boy props I deserve! I mean it! Shut up with the 'Jim' chants! I also wanted to say that, even though I'm off to a bit of a rough start with the development and acceptance of my bad boy persona, I will attain full-fledged membership in the true bad boys club in the near future! And you bet..."


More 'Jim' chants.


BBB: "That's it! You people have just forfeited your right to the rest of this 'Bad Boy' Brunzell interview! Goodbye!"


Brunzell left the ring and stepped out on the apron and the fans chanted 'Jim' at him. Brunzell looked out at the crowd and had a hurt look on his face. Mic picked up Brunzell.


BBB: "I'm trying to be a bad boy, people! You there! Quit laughing at me!"


Brunzell dropped down to the floor and took in the chants for a few more seconds before covering his ears and running back up the aisle and heading to the backstage area.)


(Announcers discussed the 'Bad Boy' Brunzell interview and how Brunzell doesn't seem to be adapting too well to the bad boy persona he's trying to create for himself. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more. Said the TV Title match was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Piper © & Wahoo.


Asked about the upcoming match with Ted and Dusty of The Firm and Wahoo's response to JJ Dillon's desire for the Chief to join JJ Dillon Enterprises and turn his back on Roddy Piper.


Wahoo: "I want to make it very clear for everyone out there. I have no interest in ever working for a man like JJ Dillon. It was clear he was trying to get me all worked up about my best friend in wrestling here in Roddy Piper. That's not gonna fly with me. And if he persists in smearing Roddy and calling Roddy names, well, he won't get me to work for JJ Dillon Enterprises; but he will get laid out with my big chop again. That choice is up to him. I would never abandon my best friend for a snake oil salesman like JJ Dillon. In this business, people turn on each all the time for a myriad of reasons. But the bond between me and Roddy is too strong to break.


"As for tonight, The Firm was riding high coming out of 'Winter Warfare' with their victory in the War Games. They thought that win had given them some big advantage in their war with the UWL. But last week on 'Slam!', I beat Dusty Rhodes in an Indian Strap match and sent a message that the UWL wasn't going anywhere. We aren't giving up the fight. There's still a long way to go in this war. Tonight's tag match can send another strong message to The Firm that not only is the UWL still battling, but that we've also seized the momentum if Roddy and me win. Prepare for a fight, boys. And Dusty, your earlier remarks about wanting to hang me last week...well...I've got a few extra stiff chops in my arnsenal that are you reserved just for you."


RP: "Let me just say something. I heard JJ Dillon earlier come out and say that I held Wahoo so Dusty could hit my good friend with a sucker punch! I'm not a big fan of being smeared! Especially by the likes of a blood-sucker like JJ Dillon! Wahoo knows I would never do anything like that in a million years! You all saw it! I was holding on to Wahoo so he wouldn't pummel loudmouth Dusty Rhodes right then and there! JJ Dillon is trying to sew dissension where this none and there will never be any! This man next to me is a true friend! And I know our friendship is too strong to break up no matter what JJ Dillon tries!


"Dusty Rhodes and Ted DiBiase! You guys have a lot to answer for! When Ted joined Dusty in a double team on Wahoo last week after the Indian Strap match and they tried to hang Wahoo with the strap, they really stoked my fire! Did you guys really think I was just going to let you hang Wahoo without coming out and trying to help him?! In your utter arrogance, my guess is you thought you were just going to get away with crime! But the other side of the coin is punishment! And Wahoo and I are bringing the punishment tonight! We are in a time of war in the UWL! The entire future of the company is on the line! We're fighters! And we'll fight to the very last UWL wrestler to keep this company from falling into the hands of The Firm!")


(Video aired from last week of DDP defeating TV Champ Rip Oliver in a non-title match last week to earn this week's TV Title match.)


Match 4 (TV Title Match)

Rip Oliver © vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring to the music-only version of 'Smells Like teen Spirit'. DDP got a pretty strong ovation coming to the ring. Once in the ring, DDP made the Diamond sign and did the 'Bang!' gesture.


Oliver came to the ring to strong boos. He had the TV Title around his waist.


In the ring, ref took the title and held it up for all to see and then handed the belt off to r.a. Marshall. Ref then called both wrestlers to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted both men down before sendiing them to their respective corners.


Ref called for the bell.


Short, explosive match. DDP took much of the match and came close on a couple of occasions to pulling out the victory but Oliver escaped defeat each time.


At the end of the match, Oliver was on the offensive. He briefly worked over DDP and then whipped DDP into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch DDP coming off with a backdrop but DDP instead nailed Rip with a jumping DDT. Crowd popped. DDP got to his feet and made the Diamond sign signaling it was time for the Diamond Cutter. Oliver made it to his feet and DDP moved in an popped Oliver with the Diamond Cutter. DDP covered Oliver and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-/9/10... Oliver got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. DDP pulled up the stunned Oliver and Oliver nailed DDP with a kick to the gut. Oliver then tried to quickly nail DDP with his superkick but DDP caught Oliver's and held Oliver's leg and popped Oliver with a series of rights to the jaw. DDP released Oliver's leg and then went to nail Oliver with a discus clothesline but Oliver ducked the move and DDP stumbled forward past Oliver so he was facing away from Oliver. DDP turned around and this time there would be no avoidance of it. Oliver plowed into DDP with his superkick finisher. DDP crashed to the mat. Oliver covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and went over and took the belt from r.a. Marshall and then went over and handed Oliver the title and raised his hand in victory. Oliver turned and left the ring and headed back up the aisle.


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 6:24)


(After the match: As DDP recovered in the ring and started making it to his feet, Father Dutch and Grog hit the ring and attacked DDP. They knocked DDP to the mat and put the boots to him and then Grog picked up DDP and nailed him with a pumphandle slam. DDP laid out. Father Dutch ordered DDP held by Grog. Grog pulled DDP up and held him as Father Dutch brandished a small chain from his pants pocket and wrapped it around

his fist. Father Dutch reared back and popped DDP with his chain-laden fist three times. Grog let go of DDP and DDP crashed to the mat. Father Dutch went over by the ring ropes and demanded the mic from r.a. Marshall. Marshall handed over the mic. Father Dutch then ordered Grog to pull DDP to his knees. DDP was now bleeding.


FD: "I want you to see this, Dallas Page! Show it!"


Video aired of DDP laying out both Grog and Father Dutch with the Diamond Cutter out on the floor on seperate occasions a few weeks ago.


Father Dutch grabbed DDP by the hair and got right in DDP's bloody face.


FD: "You committed a major sin against us when you used your sin-laden Diamond Cutter on each of us! Your punishment has just begun, sinner!"


Father Dutch looked nose-to-nose at DDP one last time and then tossed down the mic and he started to leave the ring as DDP toppled back over to the mat. Grog got a few more stomps in on DDP before the pair left the ring and headed to the back to boos.)


(Announcers discussed Oliver retaining the TV Title against DDP and then Father Dutch and Grog coming out and attacking and bloodying DDP after the match. Hyped still to come: Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Dusty of The Firm; an i'view with Team UWL from the War Games: Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera; a video of a new tag team coming to the UWL; and more.)


(Announcers then intro'd video of a new tag team coming to the UWL...they are the Nasty Boys.


Video clips aired of the Nasty Boys in action in Australia and then comments from the Nasty Boys. The two were wearing their ring attire and crash helmets that were splattered with different colored paint.


Jerry Sags: "Look out UWL! The Nasty Boys are comin' your way! And things are gonna get a little bit nasty! Hahahaha!"


Brian Knobs: "Here we come, boys and girls! I hope you're ready! The Nasty Boys are UWL-bound and we're gonna nasty-size ya! And we're gonna have a whole lot of fun doin' it! Hahahaha!")


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes in The Firm's dressing room. Asked them about tonight's match with Piper and Wahoo.


DR: "Larry Nelson! Tonight, The Firm re-takes the control we had in our war with the UWL! We're gonna teach Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel a little lesson in repsect! You guys are gonna feel the unquenchable wrath of the Director and 'Stardust'! Wahoo! You say you've got a few extra stiff chops in reserve just for me! Well daddy, I've got a few malicious bionic elbows I can't wait to drop on your head tonight! The UWL seems excited about the result of last week's Indian Strap match between Wahoo and me! But we're gonna smash you two into the ground and things will start getting back to normal and The Firm will once again be in the driver's seat in this war!"


TD: "Roddy Piper, you're the UWL World Champion. You've got a lot to lose entering this match with us. It would be a real shame if something unforseen happened to you in a match where that championship isn't on the line. You could leave the ring tonight a broken and battered man. And then The Firm may be the one's to step in and end your World Title reign one day. You should have left things alone last week and not come out and saved your buddy Wahoo from a punishment he so richly deserved because he's decided to mess with The Firm. Our aim is to kill two birds with one stone as we look to do serious harm to two of the UWL's franchise players. Think about it. If we can hurt Piper and Wahoo that's a huge blow to the UWL side. And if you take out two of the flagships of the company, then morale will take a big hit on the UWL side. You just remember this match wouldn't even be happening if Roddy Piper wouldn't have stuck his nose where it didn't belong last week. And one more thing. How's your jaw feeling, Wahoo?"


Dusty laughed.


TD: "If your good buddy Piper wasn't holding you then you could have fought back. Roddy Piper is the reason you got punched, Wahoo! So, not only do you have to deal with Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes in this match! You also have to make sure your tag team partner won't stick the knife in your back! Et tu, Wahoo?!")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Team UWL.


Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus came to the ring to a strong ovation. Arn, Lex and Ken were in their ring attire and Hugh was in street clothes. They got a strong ovation coming to the ring. The four acknowledged the fans with hand slaps while coming down the aisle and acknowledged all the fans once in the ring.


Lee Marshall asked about the team losing the War Games match at 'Winter Warfare' to The Firm.


Arn: "Lee, I think I can speak for the entire team when I say that losing the War Games match was deflating. There was a real feeling that we let down not only ourselves, but the entire UWL as well as all these UWL fans out here. I want everyone to know that we left everything we had that night on the steel enclosed field of battle. We gave as well as we got during the entire match. Unfortunately, The Firm got us one more time than we got them and were the victors. The fallout could have been a disaster of epic proportions. But our spirits were lifted last week on 'Slam! when Wahoo beat Dusty in that Indian Strap match. And a victory by Piper and Wahoo tonight over DiBiase and Rhodes would do wonders for getting us right back on even ground in this war."


Lex: "I think Arn said it all right there in a nutshell. Losing the War Games was tough for all of us. There were a lot of questions in our minds about where do we go from here. The Firm had all the momentum coming out of that match. But one man, Wahoo McDaniel, got us back in the game last week with his big win over Dusty Rhodes. Roddy and Wahoo, I know you're back there listening to this. Every UWL wrestler is counting on you guys to win tonight. It would be a huge boost for our side and send a clear message to The Firm that this war is going to continue for a long time and the future of the UWL is still up for grabs!"


Ken: "I am very proud of the effort Team UWL put forth in the War Games. We showed the most jaded of skeptics out there that we could fight The Firm evenly. Even though we didn't win it, the fact is we pushed them to the breaking point. As in any war, after a major battle loss, the side on the defensive has to retreat, re-examine the battle plans and tinker with them and come back out and engage the enemy. That's what the entire UWL is doing right now! This war is far from over! We've now started an offensive of our own and it continues with match tonight between Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel against Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes!"


Hugh: "The loss in the War Games was especially hard on me since I'm the one who submitted. But there was no finger pointing, there was no blame after the loss. We knew that we had to just take a few steps back and get ourselves together and live to fight another day. Our strategy doesn't need a major re-working at all. As Arn said our spirits have been lifted by recent developments. The Firm may not show it, but they are very worried right now. The UWL is beginning to mount a serious full-scale assault. Even though we have no idea the twists and turns this war is going to take in the future, I feel the UWL side will be the victors in the end because of the solid soldiers we have leading the charge.")


(Announcers discussed the i'view with Team UWL. Said Piper © & Wahoo vs. DiBiase & Rhodes was coming up next!)


(Video clips aired from earlier in the evening showing what led to tonight's main event.)


Match 5

Roddy Piper © & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Firm Director Ted DiBiase & Dusty Rhodes


('Money' played over the p.a. system and Rhodes and DiBiase came to the ring alone to the usual mixed crowd reaction. No playing to the crowd by either man once in the ring because this was serious business.


After a brief pause, bagpipe music filled the arena. Crowd popped big-time as Wahoo and Piper made their way to the ring. Piper was wearing the WT around his waist in front of his kilt. Piper and Wahoo didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring and they were all business once inside the squared circle.


Crowd buzzing in anticipation of the match. Announcers said FX would stay with the match to its conclusion.


As expected, it was a wild affair. The two teams battled it out as if their futures hung in the balance. Back-and-forth throughout the match and some exciting near falls during the bout. The Firm cheated a few times during the match but Piper and Wahoo pulled something from deep within to continue the fight. Total roller coaster ride of a match.


At the end of the match, DiBiase and Wahoo were the legal men in the ring. DiBiase had the advantage and was working over Wahoo with some moves and his fists. DiBiase then went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and sent DiBiase crashing into the buckles. Wahoo then charged in and blasted DiBiase with a running big splash. DiBiase staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back on the mat. Wahoo went out on the ring apron and mounted the top buckle as the dazed DiBiase made it to his feet. When DiBiase got up, he was greeted by Wahoo coming off the top buckle and nailing him with a big chop to the head. DiBiase crashed back down to the mat as the fans were cheering. As Wahoo bent down to pull DiBiase to his feet, Dusty hit the ring to try and stop Wahoo but Dusty instead was the one who was stopped when Roddy Piper hit the ring and leveled Dusty with a spear. Dusty crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron as the crowd went ballistic.


Then, Hall, Nash, Schultz and Rude came down the aisle prepared to interfere but Arn, Lex, Ken and Hugh charged out and caught the remaining Firm members in the aisle and started brawling with them. Crowd was ear hurting loud by this point. Piper pushed Dusty off the apron down to the floor with his foot. Wahoo snapped up DiBiase and laid into Ted with a blistering series of chops. The eight men fighting on the floor were now brawling by the entrance stage. Wahoo whipped DiBiase into the ropes and caught Ted coming off with his big chop finisher. Ted crashed to the mat. Wahoo covered Ted and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans nearly blew the roof off the building. An ecstatic Piper jumped in the ring and hugged Wahoo. The ref then raised both men's hands in victory as the crowd roar grew. The eight brawlers had disappeared from the scene and fought their way to the back. Piper and Wahoo celebrated briefly in the ring and then left the ring and started back up the aisle. Shot of JJ Dillon looking at Wahoo and Roddy on a backstage monitor. JJ took his glasses off and looked off into the distance as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Piper © & Wahoo - Pinfall - Wahoo pinned DiBiase with the Big Chop - 12:13)




Dark Match (6-Man Tag)

Arn Anderson, Lex Luger & Ken Patera vs. Hall & Nash (WTTC) and David Schultz

(WINNER: Arn, Lex and Patera - Pinfall - Ken pinned Hall with the Full Nelson Slam - 15:09)

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Last week, manager JJ Dillon suggested it was time for Wahoo McDaniel to break away from good friend Roddy Piper because Piper was holding him back. Wahoo responded to Dillon's charges by chopping JJ down to the mat. JJ Dillon will speak again on this week's 'Slam!'. Will he continue to try and fan the flames of dissension between Wahoo and Roddy?




- Madusa battles Angelina Love


- 'Bad Boy' Brunzell sees action


- Another look at the new tag team coming to the the UWL, the Nasty Boys


- Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race




Ep. 111 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Video aired to open the program of UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel beating Director Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes of The Firm on last week's 'Slam!'.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts came to the ring with mic in hand. He got a decent ovation coming to the ring. Watts got in the ring.


BW: "I have a major announcement to make to start tonight's show. Last week, UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Chief Wahoo McDaniel beat Director Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes of The Firm in a tag team match. As the President of the UWL I have to admit I'm a little biased. I'm supposed to be impartial and just run the UWL and do what I think is best for the company. But man, I loved seeing Piper and Wahoo beat those two."


Crowd cheered.


BW: "Like you fans, I don't want to see The Firm ever get control of this company. The UWL has scored two big wins over The Firm the last two weeks. The UWL is riding a tidal wave of momentum at this time. In a war, you've got to seize on that momentum. The Firm is on the defensive right now. It's great to see. The victory by Piper and Wahoo last week was so huge that I've decided to make another main event match between the UWL and The Firm tonight!"


More cheers.


BW: "So, right here in San Diego, we're gonna have another tag team match! It's gonna be Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Hall and Nash! And the UWL World Tag Team Titles will be on the line!"


Loud roar from the fans.


BW: "Let's get ready to hook 'em up!"


'Born in the USA' started playing and Watts started to leave the ring when Hall and Nash, in street clothes, came power walking to the ring. Each had a mic and each had their title slung over their shoulder. Watts stayed in the ring. The pair got a mixed crowd reax as they stepped in the ring.


Nash: "Watts! You couldn't have given us better news! We've got no problem putting these belts on the line tonight against Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel! We live for times like this! Your UWL boys have scored a couple of major victories the last two weeks! But that streak isn't going to last! We have every intention of putting Piper and Wahoo, and by extension the entire UWL, in their place tonight! This is a war between The Firm and the UWL! The UWL may have the momentumne right now! But Scott Hall and Kevin Nash are gonna rip that momentum away from the UWL and re-claim it for The Firm in the next 90-minutes!"


Hall: "Hey yo! President Bubba Watts! In all the glee that the UWL and these fans have about this match-up tonight, they seem to be overlooking one thing! Can Wahoo McDaniel trust Roddy Piper, man?! The people love Roddy Piper! What they don't realize is that he is a man with a monster ego! There's no way in hell that Piper wants to share any spotlight with Wahoo in the championship arena! That's evident by the fact that Roddy's never offered Wahoo even one World Title shot to date! If they're such good friends and since we all know that Wahoo is one of the top wrestlers there is, why doesn't Piper just offer him a title match?! The wildcard in this match is Piper, pure and simple! He doesn't want Wahoo at the level he's at right now! He wouldn't have held Wahoo and let Dusty sucker punch the Chief last week if he had Wahoo's best interests at heart! Nooooooooo! I don't think Roddy Piper could stand being a World Tag Team Champion with his best friend! It would mean having to look at Wahoo as a serious contender for the World Heavyweight Championship! And Piper can't have that, man!"


BW: "First of all, Piper explained last week that he restrained Wahoo from going after Dusty Rhodes because that was not the time to fight. The time to fight was in the match later that evening. Also, how do you explain Piper and Wahoo working as a strong team in that match with DiBiase and Rhodes?"


Hall: "Oh! Last week was a big victory for them! I'm not gonna deny that! But there were no titles on the line, man! A match is a totally different animal when a championship is at stake! Just keep your eye on Roddy Piper! Wahoo, you really don't need that guy as a friend! Piper's bad news!"


Nash: "President Watts! You need to enjoy your time as President now! Because when The Firm seizes control of the UWL you won't be the company President anymore! Piper and Wahoo just need to get ready and be out here at match time because we're gonna tear them a new one and right the ship!"


Bagpipe music filled the arena and the fans popped when Piper and Wahoo, in street clothes and carrying mics came out on the entrance stage. Piper was carrying the title cradled in his arm.


RP: "I'm really getting tired of hearing this. I'm getting tired of having my loyalty to my best friend Wahoo McDaniel questioned. It's not only JJ Dillon doing it now, but it's also you guys in The Firm. Did DiBiase put you guys up to this? Did he give the order to start a disinformation campaign about me? Hmmmm... I would never screw this guy over in a million years..."


Hall: "You just said a 'million years', Roddy! That right there is code for a major screw-over is coming! Good luck, Wahoo, with him as your partner! He's about as trustworthy as a tag team partner as Bernie Madoff was with other peoples' money!"


WM: "I'm gonna put this to rest right now. Roddy and me and have been good firends for years now. Our bond is so strong that it's unbreakable. That's all there is to it. I've got his back and he's got mine. And we're gonna work together as a team tonight just like we did last week when we beat your boss Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes. We've got The Firm reeling right now and...(sniffs the air)...I smell a World Tag Team Title change tonight!"


RP: "Actions speak much louder than words! And everyone will see that me and Wahoo are strong friends and a strong tag team! And they'll see, because of our actions and team work, we're gonna become the new World Tag Team Champions!"


Crowd popped.


Nash: "OK! Heard you boys loud and clear! Actions do speak louder than words! The only thing you've done so far is spit out a bunch of verbiage! And in our match later tonight, our actions are gonna speak real loud for us and Squanto McDaniel and Scotty the Scot Scotsman are gonna leave this ring as the losers! And it's going to be a microcosm of what's going to happen to the UWL as a whole when The Firm wins this war!"


WM: "What did you call me just a minute ago?"


Nash: "What? Hmmmm.... What did I call you?"


Hall: "He called you Squanto...Squanto McDaniel, man!"


WM: "That's what I thought..."


Wahoo tossed the mic and charged to the ring. Piper was caught off guard by Wahoo taking off like he did. Wahoo hit the ring and Hall and Nash jumped him immediately. Piper charged in and the battle was joined as Pres. Watts had left the ring and was now out on the floor.


The two teams started brawling wildly in the ring as the fans were roaring.


BW: "We need security out here right now!"


The two teams were slugging it out in the ring as 10 UWL security members hit the ring and, after a brief period of struggle, were able to separate the warring factions. The two sides were in the ring and separated by a wall of security.Crowd buzzing. Wahoo broke free of security and charged over and jumped on Nash and started wailing away on him as the fans cheered. Hall joined Nash against Wahoo. Piper had looked to charge over and jump in the fray but was held at bay by security. Hall and Nash were able to get some licks in on Wahoo before security pulled them off of the Chief. Security was able to get Hall and Nash out of the ring. The pair scuffled with some security members briefly on the floor before being escorted to the back. Piper was then removed from the ring and then Wahoo soon followed suit. Piper stopped and waited for Wahoo in the aisleway but security hustled Wahoo past Piper up the aisle and to the back. Piper then followed suit.)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino discussed Watts making the UWL WTT Title Match: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Piper © & Wahoo and the situation that developed between the teams after the announcement.


Stack: "Joe, you have to wonder what's going on concerning Roddy Piper. It does seem like both JJ Dillon and Ted DiBiase have launched some sort of smear campaign against him."


Pedicino: "Any fan who has followed this sport for a while knows that in his career Roddy Piper has been one of the biggest villains in this sport in the past. Are JJ and Ted onto something here? Is Roddy preparing to shock us by going rogue? We can only wait and see."


They then ran down the program: Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; an i'view with mgr. Dark Journey and her tag team Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Madusa vs. Angelina Love; Rick Steiner comments on the bizarre turn of events with 'Superstar' Graham last week; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; JJ Dillon speaks; another video from the Nasty Boys, who are coming to the UWL; and more.)


Match 1

'Bad Boy' Brunzell vs. Sam Houston


(Brunzell came to the ring to the song 'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine. He was in his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written on the front and...shoes and socks. Announcers took notice of the fact that Brunzell was not wearing his usual wrestling boots.


When Brunzell got in the ring, he was greeted with chants of 'Jim!' by the crowd. Brunzell walked around the ring covering his ears. Brunzell then took the r.a. mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.


BBB: "My name is not Jim! It's 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! Bad Boy!' Jim is dead, gosh darnit!"


Sam took it to Brunzell early in the short match but Brunzell fought back and took control.


At the end of the match, Brunzell was on the offensive. He nailed Sam with his inverted headlock neckbreaker and then snapped Sam up and nailed him with his slingshot suplex finisher. Brunzell covered Sam. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


WINNER: Brunzell - Pinfall - Slingshot Suplex - 2:58)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Brunzell.


LM: "'Bad Boy', I can't help but notice that you're not wearing your usual wrestling boots. What gives?"


BBB: "Last week, you questioned whether or not penny loafers were real bad boy footwear. So, I decided to give the people a little treat and wrestle wearing my penny loafers. I just showed you in my match that they are legit bad boy footwear. I might wrestle in a sweater vest or tweed jacket in a future match. And the people will be thrilled to see me in action in those bad boy duds.


"With this win, my bad boy stock is rising. I'm feeling more bad boy with each passing day. When I shower in the morning all the grit and grime washes off, but the bad boy stays all over my body. I ooze bad boy stuff. You know you're a genuine bad boy when the bad boy stays on your person even in warm water. The bad boy will never come off me now, even with an intense spa treatment. When I took on my bad boy persona it's like I took off the old Jim skin and put on a new skin. A skin that's impenetrable to being a gooey two-shoes."


LM: "I think that's 'goody' two-shoes."


BBB: "Goody. Gooey. It's all relative. People get out of my way now when I walk down the street because they can smell the bad boy dripping out of my pores. It's a good drip. It's a drip of affirmation. I am a bad boy. And don't you people ever forget it!"


Fans started chanting 'Jim' again.


BBB: "I also want to say..."


'Jim' chants picked up.


BBB: "Cut it out! I mean it! Bad things happen to people who insult bad boys! As I was saying..."


'Jim' chants continued. Jim covered his ears and walked around the ring.


BBB: "Stop it! Stop! Stop! Please! 'Jim' no longer exists! As I..."


Chants continued and picked up even more.


BBB: "That's it! The 'Bad Boy' has had enough! I'm leaving now and you people will no longer enjoy my bad boy coolness and wit!"


Brunzell walked out on the apron and the 'Jim!' chants continued. Brunzell then dropped off the apron and covered his ears and ran back up the aisle to the back.)


(Announcers discussed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell's win over Sam and the post-match interview.


Pedicino: "It's obvious that Brunzell has got work to do in cultivating his bad boy image."


Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Piper © & Wahoo; Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; an i'view with mgr. Dark Journey and her tag team Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Madusa vs. Angelina Love; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; JJ Dillon speaks; and more. Said President's Champion Rick Steiner is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - April 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of 'Superstar' Graham and Grand Wizard accusing Rick Steiner of cheating to win the match between Graham and Steiner at 'Winter Warfare'.


VIDEO (Edited):


Steiner started running around the ring during the interview and barking and the crowd barked back. While Steiner was doing that, many in the crowd started booing as 'Superstar' Graham and his mgr. Grand Wizard made their way to the ring. Graham had a mic. Graham had his "I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' t-shirt on.


RS: "You guys here for something to eat?! Sorry, I'm all out of Milk Bones! Woof! Woof! Woo..."


Graham: "Steiner! I'm not out here to share in a bowl of kibble with you. I'm not out here to gnosh on some damned Milk Bones, either. I'm out here to remind you that the President's Championship is a professional title, daddy. And since I am the prototype of what a PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestler should be, I think I deserve a shot at that belt."


RS: "You?! 'Superstar', let me let you in on a little bit of a secret. It may have slipped your mind. But nine days ago at 'Winter Warfare' I beat you, remember? I beat the prototype PRO-FESS-ION-AL wrestler in a pro-style wrestling match. What makes you deserving of a title match with me?"


Graham: "Let me let you in on a little bit of a secret, Steiner. You cheated to beat me at 'Winter Warfare'!"


RS: "What?! I did not!"


Graham: "Yes you did! Why are you denying it?! You're a cheater, Rick! I've got the proof!"


RS: "What did I do?!"


Graham: "You know what you did!"


RS: "Wha..."


GW: "We have the proof! Would you like to see it?!"


RS: "Let's see this 'proof'!"


GW: "The proof is right here."


Wizard reached into the side pocket of his tie-dyed tuxedo and pulled out a taped up foreign object and dangled it in Steiner's face.


RS: "I've never seen that thing in my life! Lee, I didn't use a foreign object in our match!"


Marshall nodded that he agreed with Steiner.


GW: "Throughout the match at 'Winter Warfare' you used this weapon on 'Superstar' Graham! I spotted your use of it but didn't say anything about it! But now, as a good and upright citizen of the United States of America, the people need to know what a devious cad you really are! When the fans cheer for you they are cheering for a cheater! Being Rick Steiner, you absent mindedly left this backstage at the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown where the show was held!"


RS: "Huh?!"


Steiner then grabbed the sides of his head and started walking around the ring. Steiner seemed confused by this sudden turn of events.


GW: "There's no way you could have beaten 'Superstar' Graham in a pro-style match without taking a shortcut! Shame! Shame! Shame on you, Rick Steiner!"


GW: "Here's the deal my boy! We're willing to let your cheating in the match at 'Winter Warfare' slide on one condition! You give the 'Superstar' a President's Championship match as a sign of contrition for your vile deeds and all will be forgotten! If you won't agree to our terms, well... Think about it! Because while we're a couple of swell guys...one thing we aren't is patient guys! I know you'll make the right decision, Rick."


Steiner was speechless. Graham pointed at the title.


Graham: "That belt's gonna look real good around the most perfect waist in the universe."


Graham and Wizard then left the ring to loud boos as a stunned Steiner looked on from the ring and was in a state of disbelief.)


(In-ring: Ring Ann. Lee Marshall i'viewed President's Champion Rick Steiner.


Steiner came to the ring in his street clothes and had the title slung over his shoulder. Steiner barked walking to the ring and slapping hands with fans along the way. Steiner then ran around ringside barking some more as the crowd barked back. Steiner then got in the ring.


RS: "Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back.


Marshall asked Steiner about the bizarre series of events where 'Superstar' Graham and his mgr. Grand Wizard accused Steiner of cheating to win the Graham-Steiner match at 'Winter Warfare' and Wizard brandishing the 'foreign object' Steiner supposedly used to cheapshot Graham throughout the match.


RS: "I swear that I did not cheat to win our match at 'Winter Warfare'! I've never even see that foreign object that the Grand Wizard accused me of hitting Graham with during the match! I've watched the match over and over during the last week and you can clearly tell that I never cheated in the match! This whole thing is mind-boggling! And my mind boggles pretty easily sometimes!"


Out on the entrance stage walked 'Superstar' Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard. Graham was wearing his 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' t-shirt and Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tuxedo attire and accoutrements. Both had mics.


GW: "Rick Steiner! You may get confused very easily! (Wizard held up the taped up foreign object) But you were most certainly not confused when you used this foreign object repeatedly to hit 'Superstar' Graham with cheapshots and weaken him and set him up for defeat in your match at 'Wiinter Warfare'! If you don't get away with using that illegal weapon then there's no way you could have beaten the 'Superstar' because it was a pro-style match! Your denials tonight ring hollow! Everything you're saying is a blatant lie, Steiner!"


RS: "No! No! Everything I'm saying is the tr..."


GW: "You're now in full-blown spin-mode! Deny! Deny! Deny! Isn't that right, boy?!"


RS: "Anyone can watch our match from 'Winter Warfare' and see that I didn't cheat at all! I wrestled a clean match! You can't stand it because I won!"


GW: "Sure! All these people can watch the match over and over on their video players at home! They can play the video in super-duper slo-mo! They can break down the match frame-by-frame! But they're not gonna see you cheat because you're very good at it! I've been in this sport for years and I've never seen a better cheater than you! You're so skilled at it that even I have to admit that I'm begrudgingly impressed! But I'm the Grand Wizard! I know all and see all! And with my eagle eye, while standing there at ringside, I saw the cheating by you, Rick! Everyone else in the arena that night may have missed it! But the Grand Wizard didn't! You had better listen to..."


Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He received a tepid response.


BW: "Grand Wizard. 'Superstar' Graham. Last week after you accused Rick Steiner of cheating in the match against 'Superstar' at 'Winter Warfare' you know what? I watched the match a few times. I even super slo-mo'ed it and watched it on one occasion from start-to-finish frame-by-frame. I saw nothing. I saw no evidence of cheating whatsoever by Rick Steiner. And now, for you to come out here and say that you were the only one who saw Steiner cheating that night when there were cameras everywhere, well, I believe it's patently absurd."


GW: "You believe it's patently absurd because you don't like 'Superstar' and the Grand Wizard and you wanted Steiner to win the match! You'll let him get away with murder because you're friends with him! That's a conflict of interest right there!"


BW: "I have known Rick for years. But it's strictly a professional relationship. Are you guys angling for a President's Championship match here? That's what this is all about, isn't it?"


Graham: "President Watts. It was made perfectly clear last week. If Rick Steiner agrees to give me a President's Championship match, then his cheating ways in our match at 'Winter Warfare' will be forgotten."


BW: "And if you don't get a President's Championship match? This sounds like match-extortion to me."


GW: "This isn't match-extortion as you call it, President Watts! It would be an act of social wrestling justice! Graham was cheated out of a chance to win against Steiner in their previous match because Steiner took it upon himself to use a weapon and break the rules repeatedly! You need to do the right thing and give 'Superstar' the title match! That happens, then the past is a distant memory never to be mentioned again. But, if 'Superstar' doesn't get the match, then we will come on this program week after week and remind everyone one of Steiner's deviant actions at 'Winter Warfare'. And we will go out of our way to hound Mr. Steiner about his dirty deeds! Bottom line: No President's Championship match! No Peace!"


BW: "I'm not gonna give 'Superstar' Graham a President's Championship match just because you threaten to come out here every week and make asses of yourselves! That is absolutely out..."


RS: "President Watts. I want the match."


BW: "What?!"


RS: "Make the match. I'll defend the President's Championship against 'Superstar' Graham."


BW: "This is highly unusual."


Graham: "What's unusual about it? Steiner's making sense and that doesn't happen very often."


RS: "To shut 'Superstar' and Grand Wizard up and make this situation a thing of the past, let's do this. Let's have the match. I'm not a big fan of the thought of being slandered every week."


GW: "President Watts! It's our word vs. his! He says we're slandering him and we say we're telling the truth! We can keep this thing going...forever!"


BW: "I think I might be going against my better judgment here. But the thought of you two coming out here week-after-week and making these claims, which I think are baseless, is just too much to even want to begin to try and comprehend. So, the match will happen. Next week here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be Rick..."


RS: "Not next week! Forget it! Tonight! Let's have the match tonight! I want to put this matter to bed as soon as possible! Please, President Watts! Let me and 'Superstar' rumble this evening!"


Watts walked around for a minute.


GW: "You heard the man, President..."


BW: "Shut up! OK! Rick, you want the match tonight to put this matter behind you and I don't blame you one bit for wanting that! So, President's Championship! Rick Steiner defends against 'Superstar' Graham tonight right here on 'Slam!' Let's hook 'em up!"


Graham and Wizard seemed pleased as a furious and flustered Steiner looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts adding the PC Match tonight. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Piper © & Wahoo; Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; an i'view with mgr. Dark Journey and her tag team Lord Humongous & Missing Link; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; JJ Dillon speaks; another look at the Nasty Boys who are coming to the UWL; and more. Said Madusa vs. Angelina Love was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel in the locker room. Asked about tonight's WTT Title match against Hall & Nash of The Firm and what appears to be a continuing smear campaign against Piper by The Firm and JJ Dillon.


RP: "Larry Nelson, it's like this. I am standing here right now with my good friend Wahoo McDaniel. If Wahoo thought I was up to no good, do you think he would be standing next to me right now? Do you think he would be going into battle with me for a second straight week against members of The Firm? The answer to that is obvious. We have every intention of going out to the ring tonight and becoming the new UWL World Tag Team Champions. The Firm, JJ Dillon. These guys can say what they want. They can't shake or break our bond with each other. We are friends until the end. The only thing that's going to be broken tonight is Hall and Nash's reign as the tag team champions."


Neslon asked Wahoo his thoughts on the matter and asked about earlier tonight where Piper seemed a little late in helping Wahoo when Wahoo charged to the ring and went after Hall and Nash on his own.


WM: "Hall and Nash made me hot under the collar. I know I startled Roddy when I took off for the ring and went after those two bums. But I knew Roddy would be right there to fight along side me. I had no doubt about that and that's what happened. If Piper was looking to turn his back on me and leave me to the wolves, he could have done it right then. It almost seems like the wrestling media is playing up this matter because it garners more fan interest. Are Wahoo and Roddy on the verge of turning on each other? The answer to that is a resounding 'no'. And we'll prove it tonight. You're gonna see us work like a solid unit just like we did last week against Director Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes. If people want to blow this issue out of proportion that's their business. But the fantasy and the reality will never mesh. Wahoo McDaniel and Roddy Piper are friends for life.")


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - March 8 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena; Sat. - Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Mem. Hall; Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena; Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


Match 2

Madusa vs. Angelina Love


(Love came to the ring to a decent crowd response.


Madusa came out to a good ovation.


Love, a former TNA star, gave Madusa a battle and had chances to beat Madusa. During the match, Ferrari came out and watched from the entrance stage. Tina was in a black cocktail dress, black heels and wearing her trademark tiara. Tina had the Women's WT slung over her shoulder. She also had a mic.


But Madusa proved too much in the end and nailed Love with her German suplex into a bridgeout to score the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 5:23)


(After the match: Just like last week, as Madusa had her hand raised in victory, Tina started running her mouth.


Tina: "Oh my! I have to say that you beat some serious competition in Angelina Love tonight. That's more than I can say for your match last week where you beat a gal who was on the same level of trashiness as Honey Boo Boo's mom."


Madusa looked on.


Tina: "This was definitely a step in the right direction for climbing back into championship contention, Madusa. But, you're gonna have to beat more than Angelina Love. And you're definitely gonna have to beat better opponents than Honey Boo Boo's mother to get another shot at this belt. The problem for you, Madusa, is whether you can keep it going against stiffer competition. That's a big 'if' if you ask me.


"Say, you know what? I haven't wrestled on 'Slam!' in a few weeks. I need to make sure I keep the ring rust at bay. So I'm asking President Watts to make a match for me next week. And you'll need to watch and study it, Madusa. I'll show you how an unbeatable World Champion does it. Ahhhhhh... It's so great to be the Women's World Champion. It means you're the best. It means I am the 'Queen of the Ring'. And you, why, you're never gonna hold this title. And the one factor in play in all of this that will always separate me from you is that I'm powered by the spirit of Mildred Burke. I feel so honored that her spirit chose me to be her vehicle to achieve wrestling greatness in the modern era. If you're so good, Madusa, why didn't Mildred's spirit choose you? It's because you don't have the 'it' factor that I have. And for over two years now, I have proven that Mildred's spirit made the right decision when she chose to inhabit my body."


Madusa now had the r.a. mic.


Madusa: "Talk all you want, Tina. Say whatever you like about being powered by the super-spirit of a woman wrestler from another time. The fact is we are gonna meet in a match again one day. And I'm gonna beat you and take that title and end your winning streak. That's a promise."


The two looked at each other from a distance and Tina seemed a little more concerned about Madusa's seemingly growing confidence.)


(Announcers discussed Madusa beating Angelina Love and another confrontation with Tina where Madusa re-iterated that she will be the one to topple Tina when the time comes.


Pedicino: "Madusa's confidence is growing. You can sense it. If this keeps up and Madusa knocks off a few more major names in women's wrestling, if I was Tina Ferrari, I'd start getting very worried."


Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Piper © & Wahoo; Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; an i'view with mgr. Dark Journey and her tag team Lord Humongous & Missing Link; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; another look at the Nasty Boys who are coming to the UWL; and more. Said JJ Dillon is coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Firm Director Ted DiBiase in The Firm dressing room. Hall and Nash were standing behind him with scowls on their faces and were in their ring attire and Ted was in a suit.


Nelson asked about the recent slump The Firm was in and tonight's WTT Title Match: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Piper © & Wahoo.


Ted: "The last couple of weeks have not been good for The Firm. I don't need to tell anyone that. It's all played out right there on national TV. The UWL is now riding a high. They're ecstatic with the way things have turned out recently. But starting tonight, that high comes crashing down. In one match in one night, the UWL wrestlers are gonna be plunged to the lowest depths of despair. We just need that one key win to get back on top of the situation and re-take the driver's seat in this war. Some so-called wrestling 'insiders' have been saying that the momentum has swung so strongly in the UWL's favor that there's no way The Firm can get that momentum back. Those people are idiots. In case you've forgotten, we're The Firm. We are the elite of this sport. Just because the elite has a couple of bad weeks doesn't mean all is lost. Not by a longshot. When we get that next major victory, and we should get it tonight, we'll be back in control. That's a promise you can take to the bank. And then we'll build on that victory until the path to winning this war is completely cleared for us to march in and seize our rightful place as the rulers of the UWL.


"And let's not forget...Roddy Piper. He is the question mark in all of this. What's he gonna do in that ring tonight? Can he stand to share the championship spotlight with his best pal Wahoo? Or is Roddy Piper really all about Roddy Piper? He loves being the UWL World Champion. And I guarantee you that he doesn't like the idea of anyone horning in on his glory. I'll go so far as to say that Piper is worried that Wahoo is closing in on his popularity. Piper's at the top and he looks down on everyone else and he loves it. So, Wahoo, just keep that in mind as you head into the match tonight. You may not just be fighting Hall and Nash. You might also be fighting your BFF Roddy Piper as well.")


(Video aired from last week of JJ Dillon's speech about Wahoo and Piper and Wahoo coming to the ring and confronting JJ.


VIDEO (Edited):


In-ring: JJ Dillon was in the ring. He was in a suit and had a mic. He was booed.


JJ: "Who will be the man chosen to join Harley Race in JJ Dillon Enterprises? The list of potential candidates, and there are some great ones out there, gets smaller with each passing day. I came out here tonight because there's one particular wrestler I want to talk about. And that wrestler is Chief Wahoo McDaniel.


"Wahoo is the kind of wrestler who would be a great addition to JJ Dillon Enterprises. His list of accomplishments is impressive to say the least. I see in Wahoo a wrestler that can bring the World Title back into the JJ Dillon Enterprises. I make no secret of it, Wahoo is one of the top candidates on my list.


"Wahoo's in the back right now. I hope he's listening to this. Wahoo, Roddy Piper is holding you down. Roddy Piper may be your friend. But he's also keeping you from winning the UWL World Title for a second time. As long as you're close with Piper, Wahoo, don't expect to get a World Title shot as long as Piper is the champion. Wahoo, Roddy knows the threat you would pose to him as a contender for his crown. I believe he's keeping you close precisely because he doesn't want to face you. So you languish, Wahoo. You wither in the shadow of World Champion Roddy Piper. And mark my words, he likes it that way. You need to break free from Piper. You need to get away from him..."


This brought Wahoo, now in his ring attire, out. Wahoo was cheered as he came to the ring. Wahoo got in the ring and looked at JJ.


JJ: "I'm glad you came out here, Wahoo. I would love to have you as a part of JJ Dillon Enterprises. You just need to get away from your friend Roddy Piper. He's keeping you down. The man is grade-A scum of the highes..."


Wahoo had heard enough. He battered JJ with a series of chest chops and JJ dropped the mic. Wahoo whipped JJ into the ropes and caught JJ coming off with his big chop. JJ crashed to the mat and was laid out as an angry Wahoo stood over JJ. Wahoo was shaking and had his fists clenched. Wahoo was able to restrain himself and leave the ring as the crowd cheered him and his actions as he headed to the back.)


(In-ring: JJ Dillon was in the ring with mic in hand. He was in a suit. He was roundly booed.


JJ: "First of all, I want to say that Harley Race is not out here with me right now because he's in the back getting ready for his match with Buzz Sawyer later tonight.


"Now! The waiting period is rapidly drawing to a close! I have eliminated more names from my list of potential candidates to be the newest addition to JJ Dillon Enterprises! But, one name that has not been removed from the list is Chief Wahoo McDaniel. Wahoo, despite our little disagreement out here last week, I still have you listed very high. You are still on my radar. If we could just sit down and talk for a little while I'm certain that I could convince you to join JJ Dillon Enterprises. I've got something to offer you that your friend Roddy Piper never can and never will. And that's the opportunity to become the UWL World Champion for second time.


"You may think to yourself that Piper is such a good friend that all you would have to do is ask for a World Title shot and Piper will give it to you. Ha! Piper may tell you that he'll give you a World Title shot one day. But that day will never come. Wahoo, you know it and I know it. There's an old saying in this business: Do you want friends or do you want to make money and win championships? You sign with me, Wahoo, and I'll make you more money than you ever have in your career. And as for championships, Wahoo, try this on for size. Here in the UWL, I've managed a two-time World Champion, a three-time President's Champion and the tag team champions. Show me another manager here who can come close to those credentials. You can't. Linking up with JJ Dillon Enterprises is linking up with money and titles. It's that simple. You just neeed the right man in your corner, Wahoo. My record speaks for itself. Harley enjoys cashing those big checks embossed with the JJ Dillon Enterprises logo in the upper left-hand corner. He has four total title runs under my management. What more proof do you need that JJ Dillon Enterprises is the way to go?


"Roddy Piper can give you none of that kind of success. The only thing he can do is hold you back and keep you from getting what you deserve. You've got other friends, Wahoo. Losing a snake like Piper as a buddy wouldn't be a big loss. What do you want from life, Wahoo? A best friend who oppresses you? Or do you want to be managed by a man who backs up his talk with his record? I know what choice I would make in this situation. It would be a no-brainer. I would sign up with the person who could take me to the top of my profession. Roddy Piper is just an albatross around your neck. He's nothing but a..."


Wahoo, in his ring attire, came out on the entrance stage with mic on hand.


WM: "JJ, do I have to come down there and do what I did to you last week to drive home the point that I'm not turning on my good friend to sign with a low-life like you?"


JJ: "No need to come down here. My chest still hurts a lot from last week. Just think about what I've said. You're at a fork in the road. It's either friendship with the World Champion or becoming the World Champion for a second time. It's your choice."


WM: "Listen to me..."


Wahoo then stopped talking and blew off JJ with a hand waving gesture and headed to the back as JJ looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed JJ talking about desiring to have Wahoo join JJ Dillon Enterprises and running down Wahoo's best friend Roddy Piper for the second week in a row and Wahoo coming out once again but in the end blowing JJ off.


Hyped still to come: President's Championship Match: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Superstar' Graham; Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; an i'view with mgr. Dark Journey and her tag team Lord Humongous & Missing Link; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; another look at the Nasty Boys who are coming to the UWL; and more. Said the Word Tag Team Title match was next!)


Match 3 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Hall & Nash (WTTC) (w/ DiBiase) vs. Roddy Piper © & Wahoo McDaniel


(Bagpipe music filled the arena as Piper and Wahoo came to the ring to a rousing ovation. Once in the ring, Piper boisterously played to the crowd while Wahoo was more low key in his crowd acknowledgement.


After a brief pause, 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. Hall, Nash and DiBiase made their way to the ring to the usual mixed crowd reaction. The champs had the titles around their waists. Once in the ring, the champs only briefly played to the crowd.


DiBiase had words with the champs in the corner. Wahoo and Piper talking in their corner.


Ref took the tag belts and held them up for all to see. Ref then called the two teams out to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted all four men down. Ref then sent the teams to their corners.


Ref called for the bell.


Wahoo and Hall started the match. It was an intense fight with two teams who disdain each other going at it. Lots of back-and-forth. Only brief advanatages for either side throughout the match. Near falls, a couple broken up by outside intervention.


During the match, JJ Dillon walked out on the entrance stage and was watching the action. Wahoo had just gotten the upper hand on Nash and had driven Nash to the mat when Wahoo looked over and saw JJ and was briefly distracted. But it was long enough for Nash to recover and attack Wahoo from behind and gain the upper hand. JJ was only on the entrance stage for two or three minutes before he disappeared to the back.


Piper locked Nash in the ankle lock during the match but Nash was able to scoot over by the ropes, get his hand on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Hall nailed Wahoo with the Hallinator but Piper saved Wahoo by breaking up the pin try with a stomp to Hall's head.


Also during the match, DiBiase had used his belt to choke out Piper on the floor behind the ref's back.


At the end of the match, Piper and Hall were the legal men in the ring. After some back-and-forth between the pair, Hall gained the advantage with an eye poke. Hall nailed Piper with a series of head slaps and then dropped Piper with a discus punch. Piper crashed to the mat. Hall covered Piper. 1...2... Piper kicked out. As Hall pulled Piper up, Piper unleashed a flurry of boxing style head and body punches on Hall. Hall staggered. Piper whipped Hall into the corner and charged in but Hall got a foot up and Piper slammed into it face first. Piper staggered and turned away from Hall. Hall mounted the middle buckle behind Piper and nailed Piper with a diving bulldog. Hall for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo hit the ring and stomped on Hall's back to break up the pin try. Nash hit the ring and went to clothesline Wahoo but Wahoo ducked the move and came back with a stiff flurry of chops on Nash. Wahoo drove Nash by the ropes and Nash clmbed out of the ring and dropped to the floor and Wahoo followed him out. Ref distraced by the pair. Hall and Piper had gotten to their feet and moved in on one another when Hall kicked Piper in the gut. Hall then hit Piper with a flurry of punches and then nailed Piper with a chokeslam. Wahoo and Nash now fighting next to the ring on the floor. Ref trying to order each man back to his corner. With the ref distracted, DiBiase ran over and grabbed one of the tag titles off the timekeeper's table. DiBiase got up on the apron with the belt and Hall grabbed Piper and maneuvered Piper into position while holding Piper from behind so DiBiase could hit Piper with the belt. DiBiase swung the belt and Piper escaped Hall's grasp and the belt slammed into the side of Hall's face. Hall stumbled backwards and crashed to the mat. Piper let Ted have it with a flurry of punches that staggered Ted and then nailed Ted with a running clothesline that sent Ted crashing to the floor as the fans roared. Fighting had fizzled on the floor as Nash saw what had happened to Ted. Nash went over to check on his boss. In the ring, Piper waited as the stunned Hall got to his feet. Hall turned towards Piper...WHAM!...Piper steamrolled Hall with the spear. Piper covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2... Nash tried to hurriedly climb in the ring to break up the pin count but tripped over the middle rope and fell to the mat. ...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans ear-splitting loud. Ref went over and took the tag belts from r.a. Marshall and said a few words to him.


Piper jumped into Wahoo's arms and Piper raised his index finger in the air signaling they were #1. Ref then went over and handed the belts to Roddy and Wahoo as the cheering continued and then raised their hands in victory.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 8 minutes, 42 seconds, your winners...and NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel!"


Outside the ring on the floor, Hall, Nash and DiBiase met over by the ring steps and DiBiase angrily berated his men. Hall and Nash got in few words during the tirade and then a very pissed DiBiase ordered his men back up the aisle to the back. In the ring, Piper and Wahoo soaked in the adulation of the crowd and raised their new belts high in the air to solid approval. The pair then headed back up the aisle with the titles slung over their shoulders and basking in the glow of another big win over The Firm.


WINNER: Piper & Wahoo - Pinfall - Piper pinned Hall after the Spear - 8:42)


(Announcers discussed Piper and Wahoo winning the tag belts from Hall and Nash. Wondered if things were starting to fracture for The Firm judging by DiBiase's angry tirade at Hall and Nash after the match. Hyped still to come: President's Championship Match: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Superstar' Graham; Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; another look at the Nasty Boys who are coming to the UWL. Said an i'view with Dark Journey and her men Lord Humongous & Missing Link was next.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Dark Journey w/ Link & Lord.


The trio came to the ring to a loud ovation to the strains of 'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest.


Before getting in the ring, Link went over and slammed his own head into the ring post a few times. Once in the ring, Lord pounded his chest and Link stomped around the ring before Journey got him to calm down.


The two men stood behind Journey.


LM: "Dark Journey, this is the first time we've really gotten to talk to you here on 'Slam!'. We already know what Lord Humongous and the Missing link can do in the ring. My first question is: where did you find these men?"


DJ: "Lee, I would love to answer that question. But there's a reason these men are billed as being from 'parts unknown'. It's a secret I can't openly discuss."


LM: "What are the goals of your men in the UWL?"


DJ: "Our ultimate goal is simple: to become the UWL World Tag Team Champions one day. That's what good, competitive tag teams always aim for and we're no different. By the way, congratulations to Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel on becoming the new World Tag Team Champs tonight!"


Crowd cheered.


LM: "In the Handicap match at 'Winter Warfare' against the Anderson brothers, everyone was suprised to see the vast number of wrestling moves that Lord Humongous and Missing Link actually know. Who trained these men?"


DJ: "I have connections. I can only say they've been trained by some of the best. Even the Anderson brothers were stunned by what Lord and Link could do in the ring..."


Out on the entrance stage came the Anderson brothers. They were in street clothes and Ole had a mic. They were strongly booed.


Ole: "Dark Journey. I have to admit that Lars, Gene and I were shocked by the wrestling knowledge your two neanderthals have. But, they're still neanderthals. And that means they're not all that highly evolved. You can always.... Hey! Is Missing Link trying to eat the microphone?!"


Link had taken the mic from Lee Marshall and was starting to gnaw on it. Marshall tried to take it away but Link wouldn't give it up. Journey, who had turned her attention to the Anderson brothers, talked to Link and told and gestured for him not to eat the mic and give it back to Lee Marshall. After a little prodding, Link gave the mic back.


Ole: "Haha! I don't believe this. These guys can't be for real."


DJ: "They're very real, Ole. You and your brothers know that very well since you lost to them at 'Winter Warfare'."


Ole: "Unfortunately, we did lose to Jason Voorhes and Piltdown Man, there. But they caught us by suprise. You see, now that we know what Lord Humongous and Missing Link can do in the ring, there's no way they could upset us in a match again. I'm confident of that."


DJ: "You greatly underestimate the intelligence of these men. There's a lot more to them than meets the eye."


Ole: "I don't think so. But, we did not come out here to debate what's larger, Lord Humongous's and Missing Link's IQ's or their shoe sizes. We came out here for one reason. Can President Watts come out here for a moment?"


After a brief pause, Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Not much crowd repsonse.


BW: "What is it, Ole?"


Ole: "Do you want the long answer to that question or the direct and to the point version?"


BW: "Let's do direct and to the point. We don't have all day."


Ole: "We want a re-match with Lord Humongous and the Missing Link."


BW: "You mean another Hanidcap match re-match or..."


Ole: "That's right. We want another Handicap match with those two Harvard graduates."


DJ: "Let's do it again. That's what I say."


BW: "Alright. Next week right here on 'Slam!', we're gonna have a 'Winter Warfare' re-match. It's gonna be a Handicap Match: The Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous and The Missing Link! Let's get ready to hook 'em up!"


Crowd cheered the news.


Ole: "Smart move, Watts. Dark Journey, you need to explain to your pet rocks that next week the results are gonna be different! Very different!"


Journey and her men looked on from the ring as the Andersons looked at them from the entrance stage as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Handicap re-match pitting the Anderson brothers against Lord Humongous & Missing Link for next week. Hyped still to come: President's Championship Match: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Superstar' Graham; a look back at last week's assault on DDP by Father Dutch and Grog; another look at the Nasty Boys who are coming to the UWL. Said Race vs. Sawyer was next!)


Match 4

Buzz Sawyer vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ)


(Race and JJ came to the ring to boos.


Sawyer came to the ring to the strains of 'Delirious' by ZZ top and got a good ovation. Sawyer slapped and bit the hands of a few of the fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Sawyer ran around barking and the crowd barked back. Sawyer's bark-fest was cut short when Race attacked him. Ref called for the bell.


JJ never interfered in the short bout.


Race took the majority of the match.


At the end of the match, Race was in control. Race whipped Sawyer into the ropes and caught Buzz coming off with a belly-to-back suplex. Race then grabbed Sawyer and went to hoist him up for the piledriver but Buzz twice blocked the move and backdropped Race to the mat. Both men got to their feet. Buzz charged at Race and swung wildly at Race and missed and Race nailed Buzz with a solid right to the head. Race then grabbed Buzz by the sides of head and blasted Buzz with a big headbutt. Buzz staggered and Race still holding Buzz's head. Race nailed Buzz with a second headbutt. Buzz really wobbly now. Race looked out at the crowd and went to headbutt Buzz again but Buzz blocked the move, kicked Race in the gut and then nailed Race with a big headbutt of his own. Now Race staggered but Buzz not letting go of Race's head. Buzz nailed Race with two more headbutts and let go of Race. Race stunned and wobbly. Buzz moved in and hoisted Race across his shoulders and nailed Race with the Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment). Buzz covered Race and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans cheered. Ref raised Buzz's hand in victory and then Buzz left the ring and climbed over the ringside barricade and stood on a front row seat and barked and the crowd barked back. Buzz then climbed back over the ringside barricade and barked some more as he headed to the back as the fans responded with more barks of their own.


WINNER: Buzz - Pinfall - Buzz Saw - 4:17)


(Announcers discussed Sawyer beating Race. They then sent it back to the locker room where a celebration was happening.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson was in the 'fan fave' locker room and Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel were being showered with champagne by other 'fan fave' wrestlers. They were holding their titles.


LN: "Whoa! Roddy Piper and Chief Wahoo McDaniel! You're the new World Tag Team Champions! How does it feel to not only win the tag team gold, but also do it against Hall and Nash of The Firm?!"


RP: "Larry Nelson. I can't describe how great the feeling I have right now is. To not only beat Hall and Nash to win the belts. But to win the belts with your best friend, man, it doesn't get any better than this. The UWL has The Firm on the ropes now. They are reeling. They are feeling the heat as their goal of one day taking over the UWL is slipping from their grasp. I thought winning the World Title was the best night of my career. I was wrong. This is the best night of my career. And that's because this accomplishment was with Wahoo McDaniel."


Larry got doused with some champagne.


LN: "Thanks, Hugh. You'll have the dry cleaning bill tomorrow."


Hugh then gave Larry a big bearhug and lifted Larry off the ground before heading back out of camera range.


LN: "Wahoo, I know you've got to be a happy man right now!"


WM: "You get in this business to win championships. But how often do you get to win a championship with your closest friend? This is truly indescribable. Roddy, I couldn't have done it without you. We've battled The Firm and took the fight to them. They are in disarray. The UWL now has its boot on the back of The Firm's necks. You can sense it. If The Firm doesn't turn things around soon, then this war may be over sooner than they could ever imagine.


"Some people have been saying a lot of negative things about Roddy recently. Things that can ruin a man's reputation. But tonight, we showed that our bonds of friendship are stronger than ever and those bonds will never be broken. I trust Roddy Piper with my life. He's a solid, stand-up guy who has proven time and time again that he knows what loyalty is all about. You don't find many people like that in life. I'm honored that he's my best friend."


RP: "And I know I can trust Wahoo through thick and thin. Those talking about me, they're just trouble-makers looking to create problems where there are none for their own sinister purposes."


President Watts walked into the picture.


BW: "Roddy and Wahoo! I just want to say a personal congratulations on winning the UWL World Tag Team Titles tonight! This was a huge win for the UWL over The Firm..."


Suddenly, Hall, Nash and DiBiase stormed into the dressing room. The raucous locker room suddenly got quiet and the champagne stopped flowing.


BW: "Hey! This is not your dressing room! Get out..."


Ted: "Watts! We'll be out of here in just a minute! Roddy Piper! Wahoo McDaniel! Enjoy this moment! You say that the UWL has The Firm in serious trouble! Ha! President Watts! We want to trigger the re-match clause in our contract as soon as possible!"


BW: "Being the former World Tag Team Champions, Hall and Nash do have a right to a re-match!"


RP: "Any time, boys! Any time!"


Ted: "Great! Let's do it next week on 'Slam!'"


WM: "You want your re-match that soon! You guys can have it as far as we're concerned!"


BW: "Since a re-match is mandatory, I'm going to go ahead and make the match. Next week, it's gonna be Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel defending the UWL World Tag Team Titles right here on 'Slam!' against Hall and Nash"


Ted: "That's all we wanted to hear! Next Tuesday, The Firm gets back to the winning ways they're used to when we win back OUR World Tag team Titles!"


DiBiase, Hall and Nash glared at Piper and Wahoo.


BW: "DiBiase, you guys leave...now!"


The Firm members lingered for a few more seconds and then turned and left the locker room celebration.


RP: "We'll concern ourselves with the match next week starting tomorrow! But tonight, it's gonna be a big party to celebrate Roddy Piper and his good friend Wahoo McDaniel winning the World Tag Team Titles!"


The wrestlers then resumed their locker room party.)


(Announcers hyped still to come: President's Championship Match: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Superstar' Graham.)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of DDP being attacked by Father Dutch and Grog after DDP's match with Rip Oliver.




After the match: As DDP recovered in the ring and started making it to his feet, Father Dutch and Grog hit the ring and attacked DDP. They knocked DDP to the mat and put the boots to him and then Grog picked up DDP and nailed him with a pumphandle slam. DDP laid out. Father Dutch ordered DDP held by Grog. Grog pulled DDP up and held him as Father Dutch brandished a small chain from his pants pocket and wrapped it around

his fist. Father Dutch reared back and popped DDP with his chain-laden fist three times. Grog let go of DDP and DDP crashed to the mat. Father Dutch went over by the ring ropes and demanded the mic from r.a. Marshall. Marshall handed over the mic. Father Dutch then ordered Grog to pull DDP to his knees. DDP was now bleeding.


FD: "I want you to see this, Dallas Page! Show it!"


Video aired of DDP laying out both Grog and Father Dutch with the Diamond Cutter out on the floor on seperate occasions a few weeks ago.


Father Dutch grabbed DDP by the hair and got right in DDP's bloody face.


FD: "You committed a major sin against us when you used your sin-laden Diamond Cutter on each of us! Your punishment has just begun, sinner!"


Father Dutch looked nose-to-nose at DDP one last time and then tossed down the mic and he started to leave the ring as DDP toppled back over to the mat. Grog got a few more stomps in on DDP before the pair left the ring and headed to the back to boos.


Comments then aired from DDP and Father Dutch.


Grog was standing behind Father Dutch in front of a black curtain. FD had a mic.


FD: "Dallas Page...SINNER! You lay your filthy hands on me and my congregant Grog and hit us with your blasphemous Diamond Cutter! Last week, you shed blood because of the sins you committed against us! And I saw it in a vision while fasting and praying in my prayer closet, more of your blood will be shed by OUR hands! Page, you have crossed a line in which redemption for you will be painful, grueling and without mercy!"


Picture flipped.


DDP was standing in the UWL interview area with mic in hand. He had a white bandage on his head from where he was busted open by FD and Grog.


DDP: "Father Dutch! You want a holy war with DDP! Well, you and your acolyte Grog have got one! You're unlike any other holy man I've ever encountered; and I don't mean that in a good way! You unfairly smear decent religious people with your less than holy actions! I felt every blow with your chain-wrapped fist, man! And I'm gonna carry this anger, righteous anger, into my crusade against you!")


(Announcers discussed the DDP vs. Father Dutch/Grog situation. Announcers then intro'd a second video of the Nasty Boys...who are coming soon to the UWL.




Video opened with the shot of a house that had burned to the ground. Some smoke was still rising from the ashes as members of the fire dept. were on the scene. Camera panned back and there were the Nasty Boys standing in the foreground. They were wearing their ring attire and black fire helmets that had 'Nasty Boys' scrawled across the front.


Jerry Sags: "Man! I'm really gonna miss that house."


Brian Knobs: "So am I, Sags. So am I.


"We're standing out here in front of what used to be our house."


Sags: "We called it 'Nasty Boy Central'! Hahahaha!"


Knobs: "We had a lot of hot parties there over the weeks! But I guess this one got too hot...literally! Hahaha!"


Sags: "Eh! We'll find a new place to live. We always do."


Knobs: "How many places have we already lived in 2013?!"


Sags: "Counting the 'Gray Ash Hotel' here, I think it's six!"


Knobs: "Six?! My God! That's all! We've got a lot of work to do if we want to break our record for houses lived in in a calendar year!"


Sags: "Brian, I think I'm ready to settle down! Let's try to not go over 30 this year!"


Knobs: "Sags, I'm starting to worry about you, man! You're becoming too domesticated!"


Sags: "I know! But that comes with maturity!"


Knobs: "Well, we just want all you awesome UWL fans to know that house or no house, the Nasty Boys are headed to the UWL! Be ready, baby! And prepare for a whole new level of nastiness!"


Sags: "Wherever the Nasty Boys go the party is soon to follow! The Nasty Boys are comin'! It's gonna be a symphony of nastiness as we nasty-size the UWL!"


Knobs: "But today, I think we need to start looking for a new party house, Sags!"


Sags: "Great! Wanna take the truck?!"


Knobs (big smile): "Why not!"


Nasty Boys walked over to a big beer delivery truck, got in and drove off.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 3-3 thru 3-9.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


3 - Wahoo McDaniel


4 - Dusty Rhodes


5 - Ken Patera


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


- UWL World Tag Team Title Re-Match: Piper & Wahoo (WTTC) vs. Hall & Nash


- 'Winter Warfare' Re-Match - Handicap Match: Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link


- UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari vs. Miss Jacqueline


- JJ Dillon makes an appearance




'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P.)


(Announcers then said the PC Match: Steiner © vs. Graham was next!)


Match 5 (President's Championship)

Rick Steiner © vs. 'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


(Graham and Wizard came to the ring to the song 'California Dreamin'. They were booed. Wizard had his trusty cane with him. Once in the ring, Graham struck some bodybuilder poses and then flexed and kissed his biceps.


'Welcome To The Jungle' came pouring out of the p.a. systeam and Rick Steiner © came to the ring to a strong ovation. He was wearing the President's Championship around his waist. Steiner barked walking down the aisle and the crowd barked back. Steiner then ran around ringside barking and the crowd barked some more. More of the same from Steiner when he got in the ring.


Ref took the title from Steiner and held it up for all to see. Ref then called the match participants to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man to their repective corners.


Ref called for the bell and it was on...


Graham gave as much as he got from Steiner. The match was a battle of power wrestling and both men came close to winning during the bout but neither man wanted to taste defeat.


At the end of the match, Graham had just regained the advantage and pummeled Steiner with a flying shoulder tackle. Steiner crashed to the mat. Graham backed up against the ropes and waited for Steiner to get to his feet. Steiner got up and Graham went to nail Steiner with his big running clothesline but Steiner ducked the move and spun around and stunned Graham with a series of punches to the head. Steiner then whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off in the belly-to-belly position. The two men stood face-to-face for a moment and then Steiner wasted Graham with his overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Graham crashed to the mat. The dazed Graham got to his feet when Steiner popped Graham with a bridging German suplex for the pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... Graham barely got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Grand Wizard then jumped up on the apron and climbed in the ring. Steiner went over and grabbed Wizard by the lapels of his tie-dyed tux. Steiner was shaking Wizard near the ropes. Ref came over and tried to separate the two but instead got entangled with the two men. While that was going on, Graham had managed to regain enough of his senses to get to his knees behind them. As Steiner, the ref and Wizard were a tangled mass, Wizard was able to reach into his outside left pocket on his tux jacket and pull out a foreign object and toss it in Graham's direction without it being detected by Steiner or the ref. The weapon hit the mat and the camera caught a brief glimpse of it.


Stack: "That's the foreign object Wizard and Graham accused Steiner of using against Graham in their match at 'Winter Warfare'!"


Graham snapped up the object and got to his feet. Graham was doubled over at the waist and had his right hand concealed next to his leg. The tangle was finally separated and Steiner looked to go back after Graham. As the ref was about to turn his attention back to the action, Wizard suddenly grabbed the ref and had the ref's head held down on his shoulder. Ref struggled to free himself but Wizard wouldn't let go.


Steiner grabbed the bent over Graham by the head and Graham suddenly shot up...WHAM!...Graham caught Steiner flush in the jaw with a foreign object-laden right hand. Steiner crashed to the match. Graham dropped the weapon in the side of his tights. Wizard let go of the ref just as Graham covered Steiner. Graham didn't even bother to hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Some of the fans cheered Graham. Ref went over and said something to r.a. Marshall and took the title from him. Wizard, who had only moved to the apron, got back in the ring and was ecstatic. Ref handed Graham the title and raised Graham's hand in victory. Steiner conscious but still down and dazed from the foreign object shot.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 7 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner...and NEW President's Champion...'Superstar' Graham!"


As Graham and Wizard celebrated and played to a booing crowd in the ring, Ken Patera, in street clothes, came in the ring and started intensely talking to the ref. Patera gestured with a mock punch to his own jaw that Graham had used a weapon. Ref pointed to his own eyes and said he didn't see it. Graham turned and saw Patera and told Patera to get out of the ring because it was Graham's moment. Graham then turned away from Patera and held the title over his head while facing the crowd. Wizard looking out at the crowd also. Patera came up behind Graham, reached into Graham's tights and brandished the foreign object for the ref to see. Ref took the object. Graham and Wizard started arguing with the ref. Ref went over and called r.a. Marshall to the apron. Graham and Wizard were right behind the ref and continued to harangue him.


LM: "I have just been informed that because 'Superstar' Graham used a foreign object to affect the outcome of the match, the referee has decided to wave off the decision and re-start the match!"


Crowd popped. Patera now out on the apron. Graham and Wizard still all over the ref. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match. graham still had the title in his hand. Steiner had been recovering during the post-match fray and took immediate advantage. He came up behind Graham, dropped down and rolled Graham up from behind and Graham lost his grip on the belt. Patera jumped in the ring to make sure Wizard didn't interfere. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans popped big-time. Ref picked up the belt and handed it to Steiner and raised his hand in victory. Graham got up and he and Wizard were beside themselves. The two had more words for the ref. Steiner had left the ring and was celebrating doggie-style at ringside. Patera was out on the apron. Graham turned and walked over by the ropes and pointed an accusatory finger in Patera's face while Wizard still pleaded his case with the ref.


LM: "You're winner and STILL President's Champion...Rick Steiner!"


Graham and Patera were having a heated face-to-face exchange...


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Roll-up from behind - Total Match Time: 7:45 *7:36 first part - :09 restart)


(Backstage: Cameras cut to a shot of new WTT Champs Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel walking backstage. The men were all smiles and were leaving the arena. They were in street clothes and each had a duffle bag slung over their shoulder. As they got to the exit, the smile suddenly melted from Wahoo's face and he turned to his right. Standing by the door was one JJ Dillon. Wahoo looked at Dillon.


JJ: "Congratulations, Wahoo. By winning the tag team titles with Roddy Piper, you've played right into his hands. You'll never, ever get the World Title shot that you deserve as long as he's World Champion."


Wahoo grabbed JJ by the lapels of his suit jacket and drove JJ into the wall. Wahoo got right in JJ's grill.


Wahoo: "Look, Dillon! You had better..."


Piper moved in.


RP: "Let him go, man. JJ's not worth it."


Wahoo held JJ for a few seconds longer and then let him go and Wahoo and Roddy walked out of the building as the camera caught a shot of Dillon watching the pair leave as the program faded to black.)




Dark Match

Dusty Rhodes, David Schultz & Rick Rude vs. Arn Anderson, Lex Luger & Hugh Morrus

(WINNER: Team UWL - Pinfall - Arn pinned Rhodes with the Gourdbuster - 12:27)

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Mar. 8 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena - Att: 4,527


Mar. 9 - Joplin, MO - Joplin Memorial Hall - Att: 3,018 (Sellout)


Results (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper (WC) def. Rip Oliver (TVC) via submission with the Ankle Lock (The TV Title was not on the line)


Wahoo McDaniel def. Dusty Rhodes via pinfall with the Big Chop


Hall & Nash and Lord Humongous and Missing Link battled to a No Contest


David Schultz & Rick Rude def. Lex Luger & Ken Patera via pinfall when Schultz pinned Luger after a foreign object shot


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner © def. Harley Race via pinfall with the Steiner Driver (aka, Death Valley Driver)


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Mad Maxine via pinfall with the Tornado DDT


DDP def. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin via pinfall with the Diamond Cutter

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Last week, Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Hall & Nash of The Firm to become the new UWL World Tag Team Champions. This week the re-match happens. Can The Firm put an end to their recent slump against the UWL by having Hall & Nash re-gain the tag titles?




- 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: The Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link


- Arn Anderson vs. Harley Race


- UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari battles Miss Jacqueline


- Another video from the Nasty Boys




Ep. 112 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: Show opened with JJ Dillon standing in the ring with mic in hand and being booed.


JJ: "Later tonight, a match for the UWL World Tag Team Titles will take place. The new champions, Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel, will defend the titles against former champions Hall and Nash. This match is a travesty of justice.


"It's a travesty because by winning the tag team titles, Roddy Piper can now make sure Wahoo can't even think about getting what he deserves. And what he deserves is a World Title match against his best friend Roddy Piper. Piper has Wahoo practically welded to his hip. Roddy keeps Wahoo so close so he can make sure Wahoo never gets that title match. Roddy will put the World Title on the line against any other contender. He calls himself a fighting champion. But he won't put the belt on the line against Wahoo. Why?


"All Piper's talk about being dear friends with Wahoo is just that as far as I'm concerned. It's talk and nothing more. Why is Roddy Piper avoiding Wahoo on the World Title front? Is he scared of Wahoo? Does he believe that Wahoo would be the biggest threat to his championship reign if given a match against him? Wahoo! Roddy Piper is holding you down! You need to break away from him and soon! If you stick with Piper, I guarantee you that you will never get out of his shadow! You'll be able to chase after every other title in the UWL! But you won't even be considered for a World Title match as long as Piper is the champion! I ask you, Wahoo, how is that fair to you?! As a best friend with your credentials, Wahoo, Roddy Piper should be more than willing to give you that title shot! But he's not going to!


"The only way you'll ever get a World Championship match as long as Roddy Piper is the champion is by making a clean break from your so-called best friend! Wahoo, I can get you what you so richly deserve! I can get you a World Title match with Roddy Piper! I gave my resume' as a manger of champions since I've been in the UWL! Let me repeat it right now! I've managed a two-time UWL Wolrd Champion, three-time President's Champion and the World Tag Team Champions! Do the math! That's six title reigns I've guided wrestlers to in the UWL! No other manager can honestly claim to have had the success I've had here! I can take you to the top, Wahoo! Me! JJ Dillon! You've been the UWL World Champion before, Wahoo! Don't tell me that those weren't some of the greatest months of your life! And you know that you'd love to re-live that glory! Just sign on the dotted line with JJ Dillon Enterprises and I'll take you back to the top of mountain where you belong!


"Sure! I can be your friend! But being someone's friend never paid the bills! Get my drift, Wahoo?! We don't even have to like each other! Turn your career over to me and I will make you the king once again! To hell with Piper's firendship! You don't need it! Career-wise, he's cutting you off at the knees! Join with me and I'll make you more money than you've ever made in your career and you will become the UWL World Champion again! You're Wahoo McDaniel! You should be at the top of this sport! But Roddy Piper will make sure that never happens if you stick with him!"


Crowd popped as Wahoo, in street clothes, came out and started walking towards the ring. He was cheered. He had an angry look on his face. Just as wahoo was about to enter ringside, Piper, also in street clothes, charged down the aisle and cut Wahoo off. Piper was talking to Wahoo and putting his hands on Wahoo in an effort to hold Wahoo back. Wahoo kept glaring at Dillon.


JJ: "Right now, Piper's holding you back physically! I can't think of a better symbolism for what's happening here! Wahoo, he's also holding you back from being where you should be in wrestling right now! Think about it! You make the call and everything's set and I will change your career forever!"


Piper was caught on a mic as Wahoo was still boiling and wanting to get in the ring.


RP: "Forget about him! It's all just talk, man! Let it go! We've got a fight tonight! Let's go get ready for it!"


Wahoo angrily loooked on at JJ a little bit longer and then slowly turned and headed back up the aisle as the crowd was buzzing. Dillon looked on from the ring at the pair leaving.)


(Announcers discussed the JJ Dillon promo and Wahoo coming out again and wanting to get his hands on JJ and Piper coming out and restraining Wahoo to keep him from going after JJ. Hyped for the program: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Tina Ferrari © vs. Miss Jacqueline; David Schultz & Rick Rude of The Firm see tag team action; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Father Dutch & Grog; Arn Anderson vs. Harley Race; and more.)


Match 1

Lex Luger vs. D-Lo Brown


(Luger came to the ring to a strong ovation.


Brown, an experienced wrestler, gave Luger a battle.


At the end of the match, Brown was on the offensive. Brown bodyslammed Luger into position for a turnbuckle move.


Brown went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash but Luger got his knees up and Brown crashed into them. D-Lo bounced off Luger's knees and crashed to the mat. Both men got to their feet at the same time. Luger moved in and stunned Brown with a series of head shots, whipped Brown into the ropes and caught Brown coming off with a scoop powerslam. Luger then signaled it was time for the rack. Luger hoisted Brown across his shoulders and locked him in the hold. Brown submitted after just a few seconds. Ref called for the bell as Luger dropped Brown to the mat. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory as fans cheered.


WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 4:39)


(After the match: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed Luger. Asked about the war with The Firm.


LL: "Lee, Team UWL was really deflated after losing the War Games match to The Firm at 'Winter Warfare'. All the momentum in our war with The Firm was on their side coming out of that match. But as we've seen in the last three weeks the tide has dramatically turned. The UWL wrestlers have gained the upper hand in this war. We are the ones with the momentum now. If we keep this up in the weeks and months ahead The Firm is in serious trouble."


Firm Director Ted DiBiase walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He received a mixed crowd reaction.


Ted: "Luger! Go ahead and brag all you want right now! The UWL's had a good run the last three weeks! But that all changes tonight! We're gonna get those World Tag Team Titles back! And then the pendulum will swing back in our favor! All the UWL's work recently to gain the upper hand in this war will vanish! We'll be back in the game! And we're not gonna be stopped from attaining everyone one of our goals here!


"But, I do have to credit you with one thing, Lex! You are one of the strongest men in our sport! And when The Firm takes control of the UWL I want to keep you on the payroll! You'd make one hell of a security guard!"


LL: "Ted, I wouldn't work for you and The Firm if my life depended on it! You also seem to be ignoring the other side of the coin! If the UWL wins this war, and I'm confident that we will, you'll never work in the UWL again!"


Ted: "Just remember this! He who laughs last, laughs loudest! And I can laugh really loud! Hahahahahahaha!"


Lex and Ted stared each other down from a distance as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Lex and DiBiase. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Tina Ferrari © vs. Miss Jacqueline; David Schultz & Rick Rude of The Firm see tag team action; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Father Dutch & Grog; and more. Said Arn Anderson vs. Harley Race was next.)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Arn Anderson vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ)


(Arn came to the ring to the usual strong ovation.


Race and JJ were heavily booed coming out.


Good match between two of the most wily veterans around. Back-and-forth action.


During the match, camera caught a shot of manager JJ Dillon at ringside. Dillon was watching the match when a cell phone ring was heard twice. JJ reached into the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out the phone and answered it. Mic picked JJ.


JJ: "Yes."


JJ listened intently to the caller.


JJ: "Now? I'll be there. Hang on."


JJ hurriedly hung up and put the phone back in his pocket and abruptly walked off and left ringside. Race had been on the offensive and turned and saw JJ heading back up the aisle. Race looked puzzled and threw out his hands as if he was wondering what was going on. The distraction allowed Arn the time to regain the advantage on Race.


At the end of the match, Race had regained the advantage. Race caught Arn with a couple of big headbutts, whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with his belly-to-belly suplex. Race then grabbed Arn and attempted to hoist Arn up for the piledriver but Arn twice blocked the move and then reached down and grabbed Race's legs and pulled them out from under Race thus sending Race crashing to the mat. Arn held onto Race's legs and flipped over on top of Race for the pin try. 1...2... Race grabbed Arn around the waist and bridged up off the mat and maneuvered Arn into position to try and catch him with a backslide. Arn fought going over and was able to reverse the move and catch Race in a backslide for the pin try. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd popped as Arn had his hand raised in victory.


After the match, Arn asked for the r.a. mic from Marshall and Marshall handed it to him. A defeated Race was standing with hands on hips in the ring.


Arn: "Harley, we may walk on different sides of the tracks in this business. But, I've always had nothing but the greatest respect for you as a wrestler. You're one of the best. It was an honor to wrestle you tonight. I hope we can do it again sometime."


Arn extended his hand for Race to shake. Race stood looking at Arn for a moment and then turned and left the ring without honoring Arn's gesture. Crowd booed Race as he headed to the back.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Backslide - 6:28)


(Announcers discussed Arn defeating Race. Also discussed JJ getting a call on his cell phone during the match and abruptly heading to the back leaving Race without his manager for the rest of the match. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Tina Ferrari © vs. Miss Jacqueline; David Schultz & Rick Rude of The Firm see tag team action; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; and more. Said Father Dutch and Grog were here next!)


(Video re-aired of Father Dutch and Grog attacking DDP after DDP's match two weeks ago and Father Dutch bloodying DDP with chain-laden punches to the head.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Father Dutch and Grog.


Gregorian chants filled the arena as Father Dutch and Grog came to the ring. They were strongly booed. Father Dutch was in his usual priest's attire and Grog was in his ring attire and wearing his trademark silver and black mask.


LM: "Father Dutch, you have stated that Dallas Page had to be punished by you and your congregant Grog because Page had caught both of you in recent matches with the Diamond Cutter. This is professional wrestling, Father. Why would Page have to be punished because he used a wrestling move on both of you?"


FD: "Sinful men defend sinful men, Lee Marshall. Do you know what Dalls Page did for a living before he became a wrestler? He was a bartender. He practically bathed in sin every night with lacivious ladies who would come into the bar and devour drinks he made, become extremely intoxicated and act in a lewd manner with their triple D implants hanging out of their low-cut tops and wearing skirts so short that they needed two hairdos! Dallas Page was the leader of this debauchery! He's proud of his sin! I would have been glad to let him wallow in his evil ways and wind up in Hell when his time comes; but he decided to go out of his way and lay his filthy hands on me and my loyal disciple Grog and assault us with his vile Diamond Cutter!


"So, for the sin of touching me in a non-sanctioned fashion, I am declaring a crusade against Dallas Page! He can't just come out and repent like a normal man! Page committed a serious sin by attacking a holy man and his follower! He will be brought to righteouness in the only way a man like Dallas Page can learn righteousness! And that's through harsh, unrelenting pain and agony! There's no other way for Dallas Page to get to the holy land other than..."


LM: "Couldn't he just book a flight?"


FD: "What? Book a flight to where?"


LM: "The Holy Land."


FD: "Lee Marshall! Sinner! You mock a prophet of the Almighty One!"


LM: "Wait... Sorry if you took it that way. I meant no offense. Again, sorry."


FD: "It's too late for an apology! Your sin must be dealt with! Grog!"


Grog moved in and grabbed Marshall by the lapels of his suit jacket and shoved him in the corner. Marshall was intimidated. As Father Dutch looked on and Grog was about to do something not nice to Lee Marshall, crowd popped as DDP, in street clothes, charged down the aisle and slid in the ring behind Father Dutch. DDP spun Father Dutch around and blasted Dutch with a Diamond Cutter as the crowd cheered. Father Dutch laid out. Grog turned and saw DDP in the ring, let go of Marshall and charged at DDP and went to clothesline him but DDP ducked the move and spun around and DDP popped Grog with a kick to the gut and laid out Grog with a Diamond Cutter as well. Crowd really into it. DDP left the ring and headed back up the aisle and turned towards the crowd and gave the Diamond sign and did the 'Bang!' for the hot fans as Grog and Father Dutch were still laying in the ring. DDP then turned and headed to the back.


LM: "Dallas Page, ladies and gentlemen! Let's hear it for him!"


More crowd cheers for DDP as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed DDP laying out Father Dutch and Grog with Diamond Cutters again. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; Tina Ferrari © vs. Miss Jacqueline; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; and more. Said David Schultz & Rick Rude of The Firm see tag team action next.)


Match 3

David Schultz & Rick Rude vs. The Mulkey Brothers


(Mulkey Brothers got a decent response coming out.


Rude and Schultz came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. They came out without DiBiase.


Match was dominated by Rude and Schultz and Schultz ended the match by blasting Randy with the Redneck Death Drop (aka, Scorpion Death Drop) and scored the 1...2...3! Bill had run in to break up the pin try but was dropped by Rude with a clothesline.


WINNER: Schultz & Rude - Pinfall - Schultz pinned Randy Mulkey with the Redneck Death Drop - 3:14)


(After the match: As the Mulkeys were laid out in the ring, Dave and Rick talked briefly. Schultz snapped up Randy as Rude mounted the middle buckle. Schultz hoisted Mulkey up in the air and Rude came off the middle buckle and the pair blasted Randy with a spike piledriver. Randy laid out. Ref tried to order Rude and Schultz out of the ring. Schultz raised his fists like he was going to pop the ref and the ref backed off. Bill had gotten unsteadily to his feet and Rude moved in and slapped Bill hard across the face. Bill in a daze but still on his feet. Rude then gestured for Schultz to hoist Bill up as Rude mounted the middle buckle again. The pair then pulverized Bill with a spike piledriver. Bill laid out. Schultz then gestured for Rude to mount the middle buckle again. Schultz grabbed Randy and was starting to hoist Randy up for another spike piledriver when the crowd popped as Lord Humongous and the Missing Link came charging to the ring with mgr. Dark Journey in tow. Schultz dropped Randy and he and Rude bailed to the floor just as Lord and Link hit the ring. Link stomped around the ring as Lord looked at the diabolical pair and pointed at them and then pounded his chest with his fist. Journey was out on the apron looking on. Schultz and Rude made their way back up the aisle and turned to look back at Lord and Link as they continued their journey up the ramp and to backstage area as Lord and Link looked on from the ring. Journey and her men then checked on the hurt men in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Rude and Schultz taking liberties with the defeated Mulkey Brothers after the match and Lord and Link making the save. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; and more. Said UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari vs. Miss Jacqueline was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena; Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed the Anderson Brothers. Asked about the re-match tonight with Lord & Link.


Ole: "Seeing as how primitive Lord Humongous and the Missing Link are, they probably think tonight's Handicap match between us will be a repeat of 'Winter Warfare'. I'm here to tell you it won't be. Tonight, things are gonna be different. Very different. The Anderson brothers learned some things from the last match. We've thoroughly studied video of it. We're good and ready for this re-match. We've got all our bases covered."


LN: "But don't you think Lord Humongous and Missing Link have watched the match and studied it as well?"


Ole: "Surely ye jest. Can you honestly see those two sitting in front of a TV watching a replay of the match and breaking it down and looking for things they can improve on and searching out nuances in our ring style that they can try to exploit? You've got to be kidding. Men with hard heads and low IQs aren't going to study match film because they don't have the mental wherewithal to do it. Wrestling Lord Humongous and the Missing Link is not like wrestling a couple of MENSA members. Can you imagine Dark Journey trying to lead them in a strategy session? They may know some wrestling moves. But one thing they definitely are not is a pair of deep thinkers. They can remember some basic things they're taught, but beyond that they're useless in the brains department. I mean, I'm sure they know how to wipe. God! Let's hope they know how to do that at least! But they can't put together a complex series of moves like we can.


"You know what? I would love to see the Missing Link try to stack a group of building blocks in alphabetical order. Think he can do it? I wouldn't bet the farm on him accomplishing that goal. But tonight, things are gonna be different. Very different than they were at 'Winter Warfare'. Watch and learn from the best.")


Match 4 (Non-Title)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Miss Jacqueline


(Miss Jacqueline came to the ring to a decent ovation as people recognized her from her days in TNA and WWE.


Tina came to the ring to strong boos. She had the title around her waist and her trademark tiara on her head.


Jacqueline gave Tina a fight and came close on a couple of occasions to scoring the upset victory but Tina barely escaped defeat each time. In the end, Tina showed why she was the Women's World Champion and undefeated in the UWL when she blasted MJ with a tornado DDT and covered MJ for the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - Tornado DDT - 5:34)


(After the match: As Tina was having her hand raised in victory, Madusa walked out on the entrance stage. She was in street clothes and had a mic. She got a good ovation.


Tina looked over and saw Madusa.


Madusa: "Tina. We're gonna meet again in a match one day and I'm taking you down. And the whole empire you've built for yourself on the broken and defeated bodies of women wrestlers is gonna come crumbling down. That's a promise."


Tina said nothing but looked on at Madusa from the ring as Madusa glared at Madusa through steely, squinting eyes.)


(Announcers discussed Tina winning her match and Madusa coming out and again promising that she would be the woman to end Tina's title reign and undefeated streak in the UWL. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; another video from the Nasty Boys and more. Said an i'view w/ Ken Patera was next.)


(Video aired from last week of 'Superstar' Graham defeating Rick Steiner with the use of a foreign object to win the President's Championship and Patera coming to the ring after the match and, as Graham celebrated in the ring, coming up behind Graham and ripping the object out of Graham's tights and showing it to the ref and explaining to the ref what had happened and the ref ordering the match re-started and Steiner pinning Graham to retain the title and Graham and Patera having words with each other after the bout.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Ken Patera.


Patera came to the ring to a solid ovation and was in street clothes. Patera slapped hands with some of the fans on the way to the ring.


Marshall asked Patera about coming out after Graham appeared to have won the President's Championship and informing the ref that Graham had used a foreign object to win the match and then producing the weapon.


KP: "It's like this. I was watching the match on a backstage monitor. If 'Superstar' Graham would have won the match cleanly, then I would have never come out. But, Graham and his manager the Grand Wizard were able to get this President's Championship match because they had accused Steiner of using a foreign object on Graham in their match at 'Winter Warfare'. And then, in a moment of great hypocrisy, Graham uses a foreign object to beat Rick Steiner. There was no way I could stand in the back and let Graham get away with that. The right man won that President's Championship match last week. And his name wasn't 'Superstar' Graham."


Crowd booed as Graham and Wizard made their way to the ring. Both had mics. Graham was wearing his 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL!" t-shirt and Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold turban, white shoes, sunglasses and carrying his gold-tipped black cane. The pair got in the ring.


GW: "Ken Patera! You need to mind your own business! 'Superstar' Graham's match was with President's Champion Rick Steiner! It had nothing to do with you! YOU, Ken Patera, cost 'Superstar' Graham a championship! Shame!"


Wizard had a whistle around his neck again and started blowing it.


GW: "Shame! Shame on you, Ken Patera! You can just leave this ring with your head hung low!"


KP: "Grand Wizard! You've got a lot of nerve, pal! You came out here a couple of weeks ago and proclaimed that neither you nor the 'Superstar' ever cheat! But then you turn right around and cheat to try and win a title! And you might just have gotten away with it if I didn't happen to be watching in the back! I won't let that kind of garbage slide!"


Graham: "You watch your mouth when you speak to my manager! Patera! It galls me just to be in your presence right now! How dare you come out and cost the 'Superstar' the President's Championship! However I won should have been of no consequence to you, jack! You had no stake in the match! You should have just kept your mouth shut and stayed backstage! But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Ken Patera can't do that! He's gotta come out and be the big hero! He's gotta be the big man! But enough about that! What's done is done!


"You know what I've been thinking about today, Ken?! I think you and me, we need to have a little showdown! But not in a wrestling match!"


KP: "What are you getting at?"


Graham: "A lot of these people may not know something about Ken Patera. You see, Ken Patera was once an Olympic power-lifter. He's an incredibly strong man. Ken Patera's an Olympian. But he's not a superstar like I am. You're pretty impressive with the clean and jerk lift. But, how good are you at the bench press? Hmmmm...."


KP: "I'm strong enough. Where is all this leading, 'Superstar'?"


Graham: "I say that you can't bench press as much as me! I am one of the strongest men in the world in the bench press! And I know you're not on my level when it comes to the bench, daddy!"


KP: "I am certain that I can bench more than you."


Graham: "You! Bench more than me?! You can't be serious?!"


KP: "I know I can do it."


Graham: "Have you ever seen the 'Superstar' on the bench press?! I am the tower of power! When I'm at the gym, all the other people stop working out to watch me repeatedly bench press hundreds of pounds! Look at these 22-inch arms! You could sink battle ships with these guns! There's no way, none, that you could ever outlift me on the bench press! Not a chance!"


KP: "That's what you say. I think otherwise."


Graham: "Then why don't we see who can bench press more?! Ken Patera! I challenge you to a bench press contest!"


KP: "Challenge accepted! And why don't we make things a little more interesting, 'Superstar'!"


Graham: "How would we do that?"


KP: "We'll each put up $50,000 dollars of our own money and the winner gets the whole pot...$100 grand!"


Fans cheered.


Wizard pulled Graham aside and whispered something to him.


Graham: "You're on, Patera!"


GW: "Patera! Prepare to lose your money when the bench press contest goes down!"


KP: "Oh! When I win the contest, I expect to be paid in cash!"


Graham: "Is my check not good enough for you?!"


KP: "I don't accept payment documents that are written Crayon! Cash only, 'Superstar'!"


Graham got mad but Wizard kept him in check.


GW: "We'll be there with our cash! You just make sure you have the money, Patera! If you don't, you might want to try and retrieve your fees from the attorney who failed to successfully defend you when you went on trial for beating up a cop because a fast food restaurant was closed! You're nothing but an ex-con!"


Patera looked on at Wizard and was speechless.


Graham: "Ken! Your silence says all we need to know!"


Wizard and Graham left the ring as the crowd was buzzing about the remarks Wizard made about Patera being an ex-con.)


(Announcers discussed Graham challenging Patera to a Bench Press Challenge and Patera accepting. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash; another video from the Nasty Boys and more. Said the 'Winter Warfare' Handicap Match Re-Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link was coming up! Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Roddy Piper in the locker room.


Piper was in his t-shirt, kilt and ring boots. He had the tag title slung over his shoulder and World Title around his waist.


LN: "The first question I need to ask is, where is Wahoo?"


RP: "I haven't seen Wahoo in a little while. He must be taking care of some personal business or something. But I know when match time comes he will be here and when the bell sounds he'll be ready to fight alongside me to keep the tag team titles."


LN: "You beat Hall and Nash to win the UWL World Tag Team Titles last week. UWL wrestlers have been on quite a roll in matches against The Firm since 'Winter Warfare'. What are your thoughts going into tonight's match?"


RP: "I feel real good. And I think I can also speak for Wahoo when I say I know he's also confident that we're gonna beat Hall and Nash tonight and retain the belts and The Firm will continue losing battles in their war against the UWL. Everything has turned in our favor now. We are riding high. I don't expect that to change this evening. The Firm has met the resistance and the resistance is the UWL! If they lose tonight, it will be one giant step closer for our side to winning this war! You cannot keep losing and expect to emerge victorious! We have put them in a state of desperation!"


LN: "No concerns about Wahoo at this moment, though?"


RP: "None at all. He's my best friend. I trust him with every fiber of my being. He'll be ready to go when the match rolls around and , just like last week, we'll give Hall and Nash another fight of their professional lives. The Firm will be in the biggest trouble they've faced since they've arrived in the UWL.")


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 3-10 thru 3-16.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


3 - Wahoo McDaniel


4 - Dusty Rhodes


5 - Buzz Sawyer


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


Match 5 ('Winter Warfare' Re-Match! Handicap match)

Anderson Brothers vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey)


(Anderson brothers came to the ring to strong boos.


Music-only version of 'Breaking The Law' played over the p.a. system. Crowd erupted as Lord, Link and Journey made their way to the ring.


Before getting in the ring, Link slammed his own head into the ring post a few times. Lord got upon the apron and pounded his chest with his fist and then pointed at the Anderson brothers.


Announcers said the match would be fought under standard tag team rules.


Lord and Link battled it out with the Andersons tooth-and-claw. Both teams had chances to win but couldn't close the deal. Gene tried to force a sharpshooter submission on Lord Humongous but Lord was able to make it to the ropes and get a hand on the bottom rope to force a break. Another pretty impressive and suprising wrestling display from Lord and Link just like in the match at 'Winter Warfare'. Link got some of his trademark headbutts in as well.


At the end of the match, Ole and Link were the legal men in the ring. Ole had nailed Link with some punches and then grabbed Link by the tuft of hair on the back of his head and hit Link with a headbutt. Bad move. Link's hard head withstood the blow and Ole was the one on wobbly leg street. Link then started hammering Ole with headbutts of his own that at first staggered Ole and obliterated his brain cells. Ole staggered and stumbled around the ring and then crashed to the mat as the fans popped. Lars dropped off the apron and took off after Dark Journey. Journey was paying attention to the match and didn't see Lars come up from behind, hoist Journey on his shoulder and start walking away from ringside with his captor. Journey screamed and wriggled free of Lars' grasp and dropped to her feet on the floor and tried to run away but Lars grabbed her from behind around the waist. Journey struggled to get away but couldn't. Lord saw what was happening and dropped to the floor and came up behind Lars, spun Lars around and blasted Lars with a series of big punches to the head that put Lars on stagger street. Gene bolted the apron and charged up the aisle and jumped Lord from behind. Lord now fighting with both men.


Ref left the ring and went to restore order on the floor and get the men back to the ring. While that was going on, Link whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a side slam. Crowd popped. Lord had fought back on the floor and was now having his way with Lars and Gene. Ref still on the floor trying to break things up. Back in the ring, Link picked up Ole and nailed him with the high angle spinebuster (aka, Alabama Slam). Link covered Ole but there was no ref to count. Fight raged on the floor and the ref was still trying to restore order. Link got up in the ring and was looking around. A man in a baseball cap came through the crowd and hopped the ringside barricade and quickly got in the ring behind Link. The man was Ron Garvin. Gravin cocked his fist. Link turned around...WHAM!...Garvin blasted Link with his knockout punch. Link staggered but didn't go down. Garvin flinched, shook out his right hand and blasted Link with his KO punch a second time. The punch staggered Link some more but he didn't go down. Garvin again winced and this time briefly grabbed his hand. Garvin re-loaded and hit Link with his KO punch a third time. Link crashed to the mat. Garvin put the out of it Ole on top of Link and then bolted the ring and fled the scene back through the crowd.


The fighting tailed off on the floor and the ref was able to get the warring parties separated. Ref turned and saw Ole on top of Link and immediately slid back into the ring. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ole and Link still laying there in a heap in the ring. Humongous got into the ring and looked at Link and Ole and then put his hands on his head. Journey followed Lord into the ring and saw the pair laying there and she asked the ref what happened.Ref gestured by slapping his hands together three times that he just made the count. Anderson brothers had gotten into the ring and peeled Ole off of Link and dragged Ole over by the ropes. Lord and Journey checked on Link. Lars and Gene dropped out on the floor and pulled Ole out of the ring. Ole on his feet and being held up by Lars and Gene.


Mic picked up Ole.


Ole (weakly): "Did we...we win?"


Lars: "We won, Ole!"


Ole got a weak smile on his face as Lars and Gene helped the still dazed and confused Ole back up the aisle to the back as Lord and Journey continued to check on Link in the ring.


WINNER: The Anderson Brothers - Pinfall - Ole pinned Link after Ron Garvin interfered and dropped Link with his Knockout Punch - 7:33)


(Announcers discussed the Anderson Bros. beating Lord & Link thanks to outside interference from Ron Garvin.


Pedicino: "The Anderson brothers must have paid Ron Garvin handsomely for that hit on the Missing Link."


Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash. Said another video from the Nasty Boys was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hall & Nash of The Firm.


LN: "Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, where is Director Ted DiBiase?"


Nash: "He's handling some other business right now, Larry. Just don't worry about it. The Director always knows what he's doing. He'll be at ringside for the the tag team title match tonight. He'll be in the ring celebrating with us when we take those belts back from Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel. That's if Wahoo McDaniel even bothers to show up. Roddy Piper didn't even know where his tag team partner was heading into a UWL vs. The Firm match with huge implications. Maybe Wahoo's seen through Roddy Piper and now realizes that Piper is nothing but an anchor holding his career advancement down."


Hall: "It's like this, man. Even if Wahoo shows up to defend the tag titles with Piper, the fact is The Firm is in a must-win situation tonight. Let's call a spade a spade here. We have got to win tonight. And that's just what 'Big Sexy' and the 'Bad Guy' intend to do. We have to get those tag team titles back."


LN: "And if you guys should lose tonight, what then?"


Hall: "Well, man, things could start looking real bleak for..."


Nash butted in.


Nash: "Don't even talk that way, Scott! We're gonna win! We're regaining those tag titles and this will be the start of The Firm regaining control in the war with the UWL! And hopefully...hopefully...Wahoo McDaniel finally makes a clean break from his so-called best buddy Roddy Piper!")


(Announcers discussed the Hall & Nash interview and noticed that DiBiase was not with them.


Pedicino: "Steve, Roddy Piper has no idea where Wahoo McDaniel is and Ted DiBiase is not with his men Hall and Nash. If you start thinking about it and putting 2 and 2 together, could we be looking at Wahoo hooking up with The Firm?"


Stack: "I don't even want to entertain that thought. Let's hope there's an innocent explanation for all of this."


Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Piper & Wahoo © vs. Hall & Nash. Said another Nasty Boys video was coming up!)


(Announcers intro'd the third video of the newest tag team coming to the UWL...the Nasty Boys.




Video opened with the shot of a construction site and construction workers putting up a building. Shot pans back to show Knobs and Sags in their ring attire and wearing black hard hats splattered in different colors of paint and the name 'Nasty Boys' spray painted across the front of the helmet in white.


Knobs: "Hey, everybody out there in Nastyville! It's us! The Nasty Boys! You may be wondering why we're standing in front of a construction site! Well, we really don't know why! It just looked like a good place to shoot this video! We've got major news! Tell 'em, Saggs!"


Sags: "That's right, Bri! The Nasty Boys will be making their first appearance on 'Slam!' next week! And it's gonna be...nasty!"


Knobs: "Hell yeah! We're gonna nasty-size all you UWL fans and you're gonna get nasty with us! You get to see us live and some of you may get to feel us!"


Sags: "Feel us? What does that mean?"


Knobs: "Beats me? It sounded like the thing to say at the time!"


Sags: "Like that time you told that guy you were gonna beat him like some men beat meat?"


Knobs: "Ahhhhhh... OK! I had been drinkin' that day!"


Construction foreman walked into the picture. He was wearing a hardhat and had a section of the newspaper folded under his arm.


Foreman: "Do you guys work for the construction company?!"


Knobs: "Ummmm... That would be a no..."


Foreman: "Then get your asses off this site right now! You're not supposed to be here! And if you're still here when I get out of the library, I'm calling the cops!"


Sags: "You have a library on-site! Wow! I didn't know construction workers like to read that much!"


Knobs: "I didn't, either! I guess you learn something new every..."


Foreman: "Zip it, boys! When I say I'm going to the 'library' that's code for I'm going to the crapper! Got it now, dolts?! You'd better be gone by the time I'm off the can or you two zit-heads are going to jail!"


Foreman angrily stalked off and walked over into the porta potty and angrily slammed the door behind him and locked it. Sags and Knobs looked at each other and started laughing.


Knobs: "You thinking what I'm thinking?! Hahahaha!"


Sags: "Great minds think alike! Hahahaha!"


The two walked softly over to the porta potty and stood to one side of it. Knobs silent counted three with his fingers and he and Sags pushed the porta potty over.


You could hear the foreman inside as it was toppling over.


Foreman: "Hey! Help! Crap!"


Boom! The porta potty now laid on its side on the ground as the Nasty Boys fled the scene. Icky stuff oozed out of the air vent openings at the top. A construction worker came over and opened the door. Worker immediately covered his nose from the wickedly nasty smell and tried to keep from heaving as the foreman made his way out of the john covered in excrement.


Construction Worker: "You all right, boss?!"


Foreman: "Am I all right?! I'm covered in (bleep)! I've got (bleep) in my mouth! I'm just (bleep)ing great!"


Foreman then pointed at the porta loo.


Foreman: "Now, I need you to go in there and get my sports section."


Foreman then stormed off as the worker looked at him and then the loo and then back at his boss who was now off-camera as the picture faded to black.)


Match 6 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel © vs. Hall & Nash (w/ DiBiase)


('Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. Hall and Nash, with DiBiase, made their way to the ring. Mixed crowd reaction for the trio. They got in the ring and didn't play to the crowd. They were all business.


After a pause, bagpipe music filled the arena. Fans popped as Roddy Piper walked out on the entrance stage alone. Piper turned and gestured for someone to come out. It was Wahoo. Wahoo had his tag title on around his waist. Piper was weraing the World Title around his waist and had his tag title slung over his shoulder. Wahoo was not wearing his headdress. Piper and Wahoo didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the ring and once in the ring, they were in a totally serious frame of mind.


Ref took the tag titles and held them up for all to see. He then took Piper's WT and handed all three belts off to r.a. Marshall. Before the ref called the pair to the middle of the ring, Wahoo walked over and asked for the r.a. mic. Marshall had put down the belts on the timekeeper's table and handed him the mic.


Wahoo: "Could President Watts come out here?"


Brief pause. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He got a so-so crowd response.


Watts: "What is it, Wahoo?"


Wahoo: "President Watts. Since the UWL is at war with The Firm, why don't we make this match a war itself. We want this match changed to a no disqualification match."


Piper: "What?"


Wahoo: "We want these guys in a match where the only rule is winning. Hall and Nash deserve to feel more UWL wrath."


Piper started talking with Wahoo off-mic. Hall and Nash seemed excited by the stip and were talking with DiBiase.


Watts: "Wahoo, I know that bad blood runs between deep between the UWL and The Firm. But this is a sudden and unusual request just before a match."


DiBiase picked up on a mic.


Ted: "We want the no disqualification match!"


Piper and Wahoo talked some more. Piper seemed stunned by Wahoo's sudden request. After a brief discussion, Piper shook his head in the affirmative and let out a deep breath.


Watts: "Is this what everybody wants?"


Hall, Nash and DiBiase were adamant that they wanted it. Piper took the mic from Wahoo.


Piper: "Make the match! Hall and Nash! The stipulations of the match don't matter! Because we're gonna tear you guys apart no matter what! The Firm is going down in flames!"


Crowd popped. Watts paused before speaking.


Watts: "If that's what you all want. This match is now a no disqualification World Tag Team Title match! Let's hook 'em up!"


Crowd cheered some more. Watts exited the stage and headed to the back.


Ref didn't bother with the usual pre-match rundown of the rules and pat down because of the stipulation. Ref simply called for the bell.


Since it was No DQ, the announcers said that anything goes and all four men would be wrestling at once. There was no tagging.


It was a short, explosive brawl. The violence spread from the ring to the floor. Piper threw Hall into the ring steps. Hall was able to bash Piper's head into one of the TV monitors. Nash used a chair on Wahoo in the ring and when Wahoo gained the upper hand, he repaid Nash with chair shots.


The action was wild between all four participants. DiBiase got a few good shots in on Wahoo out on the floor.


At the end of the match, the fighting was still going full blast. Piper and Hall had fought back out to the floor and Piper stunned Hall with a bulldog on the floor that drove the fans out of their minds. While that was going on, Wahoo had gained the advantage on Nash and drove Nash into the corner and blasted Nash with a blistering series of chest chops. Wahoo then left the ring as Piper got back in. Wahoo went over to the timekeeper's table and grabbed one of the tag team belts off the table. Wahoo got back in the ring. Hall had made it to his feet and climbed up on the apron while still shaking out the effects of Piper's bulldog on the floor. Hall on the apron. Nash hurting in the corner. DiBiase looking on from the floor. Wahoo and Piper standing side-by-side in the ring and Wahoo had the title belt cocked like a weapon. Nothing the ref could do but watch as it was a No DQ match. All four men stood there for a moment and then Piper took a couple of steps forward and looked at Hall and Nash.




Stack: "Wahoo! No!"


Wahoo slammed the title belt into the back of Piper's head. Piper crashed to the mat and was writhing around and holding the back of his head. Nash stunned. Hall, still on the apron, was stunned. Ref in disbelief. Wahoo looked down at Piper for a few seconds and then turned and left the ring with the title still in hand. Wahoo dropped to the floor and started walking off. DiBiase, also stunned by the sudden turn of events, backed off as Wahoo walked by him. Wahoo threw the tag belt at DiBiase and DiBiase caught it. Wahoo headed back up the aisle and headed towards the back as the fans booed. Hall, Nash and DiBiase watched Wahoo as he left. After Wahoo was gone, Hall, still on the apron, signaled for Nash to finish off Piper. Nash wasted no time pulling Piper up off the mat and nailing Piper with his Jack-Knife Powerbomb. Nash covered Piper and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Many in the crowd cheered. Ref went over and took the tag belt that r.a. Marshall had and said something to him. Nash, Hall and DiBiase now celebrating in the ring. Ref handed Hall the one title he had and raised Hall's and Nash's hands in victory. Many in the crowd also booing. DiBiase placed the other belt around Nash's waist. Hall had his title in his hands. The trio was strutting around victoriously in the ring as security came to the ring to check on Piper, who was now over near the ropes but still down and hurting.


As Hall, Nash and DiBiase contiuned to celebrate in the ring, they were joined by the remaining members of The Firm: Dusty, Rude and Schultz. Some garbage now hitting the ring.


Announcers then sent it to Larry Nelson backstage. Wahoo was headed to the exit still in his ring attire.


LN: "Wahoo! What in the world just happened?!"


Wahoo said nothing and walked out the door with Nelson and a cameraman follwing him.


LN: "Do you have anything to say about what you just did to your best friend Roddy Piper?!"


Wahoo was silent as he walked to a car that was waiting for him with the engine running. You could not see the driver. Nelson and the cameraman followed Wahoo to the car. Wahoo opened the door and the inside lights came on revealing who the driver was.


Stack: "That's JJ Dillon!"


Pedicino: "I am in complete shock right now!"


Wahoo got in the passenger side front seat, closed the door and he and JJ drove off into the night. Camera followed the car as you could see the red tail lights getting farther away as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Piper with the Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 5:56)




Dark Match

Rick Steiner © & Hugh Morrus vs. Rip Oliver © & 'Bad Boy' Brunzell

(WINNER: Steiner & Morrus - Pinfall - Morrus pinned Oliver with the Moonsault - 13:20)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Last week, Wahoo McDaniel stunned the wrestling world when he turned on his best friend Roddy Piper and joined up with JJ Dillon Enterprises. This week, Wahoo will be on 'Slam!' to explain his actions.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Madusa vs. Molly Holly</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Dallas Page vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- The debut of the Nasty Boys</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Hugh Morrus vs. Grog</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 113 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 113 - GRAND RAPIDS, MI - DELTAPLEX ARENA - 3-19-13 (Live)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">(Show opened with video from last week of Wahoo McDaniel laying out his 'best friend' Roddy Piper with a belt shot to the back of the head and then leaving the ring and Nash pinning Piper with the jack-knife powerbomb and Hall and Nash re-claiming the World Tag Team Titles and then a camera caught Wahoo leaving the building and ignoring pleas for an explanation from interviewer Larry Nelson and Wahoo getting into a waiting car driven by JJ Dillon and driving off into the night.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Show Intro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and talked about the stunning turn of events last week at the end of the program between Roddy and Wahoo. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Madusa vs. Molly Holly; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Arn Anderson; a look back at the stunning end of last week's Handicap match re-match pitting Lord Humongous & Missing Link against the Anderson Brothers; Hugh Morrus vs. Grog; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the debut of the Nasty Boys; Schultz & Rude vs. the Mighty Texans; and more.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and all six members of The Firm came to the ring. DiBiase was in a suit and Hall, Nash and Rhodes were in street clothes and Schultz and Rude were in their ring attire. They received a mixed crowd reax coming to the ring. All six had mics.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Once in the ring, the group played to the crowd. Hall and Nash paraded around the ring showing off the tag team titles.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "The tag team titles have come back to where they belong! But no talk of Hall and Nash regaining the World Tag Team Titles would be complete without mentioning one special person who deserves a special thank you for playing a major role in our victory last Tuesday night! That man is Wahoo McDaniel!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd booed Wahoo's name.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Oh my! Aren't we a fickle bunch! You all loved Wahoo until the end of 'Slam!' last week! And then, when he finally came to his senses and gave Piper what he so richly deserved, now you hate him! You're pissed because Wahoo finally saw the light! You're mad because Wahoo finally realized that Roddy Piper was keeping him down! You're angry because Wahoo stood up for himself, said I'm not gonna take it anymore, and let Piper have it! Now, I wish Wahoo would have joined The Firm! He didn't! Wahoo cast his lot with JJ Dillon! We don't agree with that decision of Wahoo's one stinkin' bit! But even The Firm admires Wahoo taking a stand against Roddy Piper! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Winning these tag team titles back last week was huge! The UWL had all the momentum on their side the last few weeks in the war with The Firm! That one victory by us completely shifted the momentum back in our favor! The Firm has become the predator again and the UWL is the prey! Think about it?! Just one win by us! And the shaky foundation the UWL side was standing on came crashing down! Those of you rooting for the UWL in this war, if you don't pray now then you need to start! This is the begining of our side re-asserting our position in this war! And that position is the winning one!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hall:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey yo! Gotta give props to Wahoo McDaniel, man! It's like he was acting as an honorary Firm member a week ago! I was shocked when he slammed that tag team belt into the back of Roddy Piper's head! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it! Seeing Wahoo come to his senses and finally leave the Scotsman in the dust was a thing of beauty! Like Kev, I wish Wahoo would have joined up with The Firm! But, we all have choices to make! The key thing to remember is Wahoo has broken free from the shackles that Roddy Piper placed on him! Good job, Wahoo!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"The war continues! I saw some stuff on the Internet recently that said The Firm was near defeat against the UWL! One guy said we were on life support! If we were on life support entering that World Tag Team Title match last week...we pulled ourselves off of it, man! That's the way The Firm operates! You can't kill us! We are driven by the goals we intend to accomplish here! Like in any war, we went through a rough period but now we're out of it! We're back on top! And it's gonna be The Firm who starts to roll now! You just watch, see and learn!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rhodes:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wahoo! I still don't like you, jack! I can't stand you! But I loved what you did to Roddy Piper last week! It was like watching a satisfying ending to a movie that, up until that time was a stinker! You guys were such good friends and it got nauseating to hear about it every week! But last Tuesday, Wahoo, you showed the world that you were no longer gonna play second fiddle to Roddy Piper! You realized that winning the World Championship and making lots and lots of monaaaaay was more important than having a friend who was nothing more than a hindrance to your career! I liked what I saw! But I still don't like you, Wahoo!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"All the struggles The Firm had been going through recently vanished in three seconds last week on 'Slam!'. As Hall and Nash have already said, this win puts us back in the driver's seat in our war with the UWL! And The Firm is gonna drive this car all the way to victory! And once we cross the finish line we're gonna be the new masters of this company!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rude:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Short and sweet! Great job last week, Wahoo! I wanna talk about something else that happened last week! David Schultz and I defeated the Mulkey brothers in a tag team match! After the match, we decided to give everyone a crash course in Spike Piledriving 101! While we were showing our class the finer nuances of the move on both Mulkeys, two men, and I use the term 'men' loosely here because no one really seems to know what the hell they are, named Lord Humongous and the Missing Link, made the decision to stick their nose in a course study that had nothing to do with them at all! So, Dark Journey, you may need to explain this to your men with cave drawings or something, Humongous and Link meddled in Firm business! They're now on our growing list of enemies here in the UWL! They are walking around with a big proverbial bullseye on their heads! And they will pay for screwing with The Firm!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Schultz:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lord Humongous and Missing Link! Man! You boys really stepped into the squishy brown stuff when you decided to take on members of The Firm! Do you think we're just gonna forget about it?! Think we're just gonna walk away?! Hell no! That's not the way it works with us! Lord Humongous! None of us are scared of you! You walk around wearing that old school hockey mask and beating your chest and pointing at people and all that! That kind of stuff doesn't make The Firm back off! It doesn't make us shake in our shoes! And Missing Link! I don't know what evolutionary pool of green slime you emerged from, but someone forgot to keep that pool clean because you seem like one completely out-of-whack individual! What normal person runs around beating his own head on ring posts and steel chairs?! You guys want us?! You know where to find us! We don't hide! And remember this! When you fight one member of The Firm you're fighting every member of The Firm!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DiBiase:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Like others have said here tonight, I also want to congratulate Wahoo McDaniel for doing the right thing and abandoning Roddy Piper. But, I want to add one more thing. Wahoo, since you're not a member of The Firm, that still means you're on the UWL side in this war. That means you're still an enemy of The Firm. Cross us in any way and you will feel our wrath. We don't care what side of the tracks any UWL wrestler walks on. They're all enemies of The Firm.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Hall and Nash! Great job on 'Slam!' last week! You guys deserved to win those tag team titles back and you did it! It seems like the titles were on loan for a week! And then...time's up! The belts came home where they belong! And with the World Tag Team Titles back in our possession, it's time for The Firm to start concentrating their attention on winning the President's Championship, the UWL TV Title and the grandest prize of them all...the UWL World Title! Once we have all the male championships in our possession then it will be time to start implementing the final phase of our plan! And that is the complete takeover of the UWL! Everything swung back in our favor last week! People who started writing obituaries about The Firm were greatly pre-mature in their smarmy, self-righteous ballyhooing of our demise! And those obituaries are never going to be printed because we're not losing this war! We're gonna win! And those who stand in our way will eventually find themselves crushed under the weight of our might and steely determination! It's all about will-to-power in a war! And The Firm has the stronger will! You can bet on it!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Money' played over the p.a. system and The Firm left the ring and headed back up the aisle to a mixed crowd reax.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed The Firm i'view. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Arn Anderson; a look back at the stunning end of last week's Handicap match re-match pitting Lord Humongous & Missing Link against the Anderson Brothers; Hugh Morrus vs. Grog; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the debut of the Nasty Boys; Schultz & Rude vs. the Mighty Texans; and more. Said Madusa vs. Molly Holly was next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired from last week of Madusa once again promising Tina Ferrari that she was going to end Tina's title reign and undefeated streak in the UWL.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa vs. Molly Holly</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Molly Holly came to the ring to a decent ovation.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa got a solid ovation coming to the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Good match and Molly gave Madusa a battle but in the end, madusa nailed Molly with the German suplex into a birdgeout and scored the 1...2...3!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 6:29)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(After the match: Tina walked out on the entrance stage in an expensive, though skimpy, white dress, black heels, her trademark tiara and the title was slung over her shoulder. She had a mic and was booed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I must say, Madusa, that the last couple of opponents you have defeated are certainly a much better caliber than Honey Boo-Boo's mom that you beat a few weeks back. But in my book, that still doesn't put you in line for a title shot anytime soon. Guess you'll have to beat a few more high quality opponents before you can try and fulfill your promise to lead me to my demise."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa took the r.a mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Madusa:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'd crawl on rusty nails and broken glass through a raging inferno to get that next title shot against you, Tina. We're gonna have a match. And when that day comes, it will be the last day of your undefeated streak and your reign as the UWL Women's World Champion. That's a promise."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The two looked at each other from a distance as the segement ended.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Madusa beating Molly and Tina coming out and Madusa promising Tina again that she would beat Tina the next time they wrestled and end Tina's undefeated streak and title reign. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Arn Anderson; a look back at the stunning end of last week's Handicap match re-match pitting Lord Humongous & Missing Link against the Anderson Brothers; Hugh Morrus vs. Grog; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the debut of the Nasty Boys; Schultz & Rude vs. the Mighty Texans; and more. Said the debut of the Nasty Boys was coming up.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nasty Boys vs. The Ding Dongs</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Nasty Boys got a good ovation coming to the ring. They were in their trademark black ring attire with black sleeveless t-shirts that said 'Nasty Boys' in white lettering across the front with multi-colored paint splatters all over the shirt. They also wore their paint-splattered black sunglasses as well. Nasty Boys played to the crowd once in the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Total domination by the Nasty's. Match included the Nasty Boys famous 'Pit Stop' where Sags rubbed DD#1's face into Knobs' sweaty arm pit. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

End of the match saw Sags tag in Knobs. Pair whipped DD#1 into the ropes and caught him coming off with the flapjack. Knobs covered DD#1 and scored the 1...2...3!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Nasty Boys - Pinfall - Knobs pinned DD#1 after the Flapjack - 4:15)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed the Nasty Boys. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Lee welcomed the team and asked what their goals were in the UWL.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lee Marshall! Hahaha! It's great to be here in the UWL because the UWL is the place to be and the Nasty Boys always love being in the place that is the place to be! Got that?!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Not really."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Me, neither. But we're here to Nasty-size all these fans out here because if there's one thing we know, it's that the Nasty Boys know how to get nasty! Hahahaha! Wait a minute!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Knobs sniffed at the air.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Sags! Did you let that one, man! It stinks to high heaven!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sags:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Naw! Don't put that one on me, Bri! I didn't let a fart! I mean, it's our debut! And I have a 'no farting' rule when making my first appearance in a new wrestling promotion!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Well, I know I didn't do it! Because if I'd have done it I'd be shouting it from the rooftops! That thing reeks! Smells like rotten eggs and cheese puffs!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sags:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I know I didn't do it! You know you didn't do it! Then who did it?!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Sags and Knobs slowly turned and looked at Marshall. Marshall was embarrassed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Marshalllllllllllllllllll! Hahaha! Man! That was truly a nasty ass blast!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM (still embarrassed): </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"I'm sorry, guys. I had a loaded monster burrito earlier today. I guess it's coming back on me."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sags: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"More like it's coming out of ya! Hey! We should call him the 'Grim Reeker'! Hahahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "How many kinds of meat were on it?!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Really now. I don't...I...alright! It was six! Six kinds of meat and I loved every bite of it!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sags:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I think we just found the mayor of Nasty-ville!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Sags and Knobs, we really need to get on with this interview!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Sags and Knobs didn't listen and they hoisted Marshall up on their shoulders. Knobs got the mic from Marshall.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knobs:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I give you the official mayor of Nasty-ville...Lee 'The Grim Reeker' Marshall!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The two started parading Marshall around on their shoulders as the fans cheered and some chanted 'Nastys! Nastys!' Marshall, sincing there was no way out of this, started waving to the fans as the segment ended.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the debut of the Nasty Boys and their making Lee Marshall the official mayor of Nasty-ville. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Arn Anderson; Hugh Morrus vs. Grog; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Schultz & Rude vs. the Mighty Texans; and more. Said a look back at the stunning end of last week's Handicap match re-match pitting Lord Humongous & Missing Link against the Anderson Brothers was coming up!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena; Sat. - Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena; Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers intro'd video from last week of the end of the Handicap match re-match between the Anderson Bros. and Lord Humongous & Missing Link.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

VIDEO:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, Ole and Link were the legal men in the ring. Ole had nailed Lord with some punches and then grabbed Link by the tuft of hair on the back of his head and hit Link with a headbutt. Bad move. Link's hard head withstood the blow and Ole was the one on wobbly leg street. Link then started hammering Ole with headbutts of his own that at first staggered Ole and obliterated his brain cells. Ole staggered and stumbled around the ring and then crashed to the mat as the fans popped. Lars dropped off the apron and took off after Dark Journey. Journey was paying attention to the match and didn't see Lars come up from behind, hoist Journey on his shoulder and start walking away from ringside with his captor. Journey screamed and wriggled free of Lars' grasp and dropped to her feet on the floor and tried to run away but Lars grabbed her from behind around the waist. Journey struggled to get away but couldn't. Lord saw what was happening and dropped to the floor and came up behind Lars, spun Lars around and blasted Lars with a series of big punches to the head that put Lars on stagger street. Gene bolted the apron and charged up the aisle and jumped Lord from behind. Lord now fighting with both men. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref left the ring and went to restore order on the floor and get the men back to the ring. While that was going on, Link whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a side slam. Crowd popped. Lord had fought back on the floor and was now having his way with Lars and Gene. Ref still on the floor trying to break things up. Back in the ring, Link picked up Ole and nailed him with the high angle spinebuster (aka, Alabama Slam). Link covered Ole but there was no ref to count. Fight raged on the floor and the ref was still trying to restore order. Link got up in the ring and was looking around. A man in a baseball cap came through the crowd and hopped the ringside barricade and quickly got in the ring behind Link. The man was Ron Garvin. Gravin cocked his fist. Link turned around...WHAM!...Garvin blasted Link with his knockout punch. Link staggered but didn't go down. Garvin flinched, shook out his right hand and blasted Link with his KO punch a second time. The punch staggered Link some more but he didn't go down. Garvin again winced and this time briefly grabbed his hand. Garvin re-loaded and hit Link with his KO punch a third time. Link crashed to the mat. Garvin put the out of it Ole on top of Link and then bolted the ring and fled the scene back through the crowd.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The fighting tailed off on the floor and the ref was able to get the warring parties separated. Ref turned and saw Ole on top of Link and immediately slid back into the ring. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Larry Nelson interview.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Please welcome my guest at this time...the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Garvin walked into the interview area as fans in the arena booed his appearance on the JumboTron. Garvin's right hand was bandaged.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "'Bounty Hunter'."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Please. Call me Ron."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Ron, I have to ask about the right hand. You've got it really bandaged up. Did you hurt it punching Missing link in the head three times?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Yes, I injured my hand punching the Missing Link in the head."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm guessing since it took three of your knockout punches instead of the usual one to get the job done that Missing Link's head is as hard as they say it is?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'd say it's much harder than people think it is, Larry. It was like punching one of those big, thick steel bank vault doors. His head did a number on my hand. But it's healing up well. I have been taking care of it real good. I'll be able to get back in the ring in no time."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Any broken bones?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Thankfully, no. I've got other bounty contracts to fulfill and a broken hand would have put me on the shelf for a while. I don't work then I don't get paid. I was stunned by just how hard Missing Link's head really was. It's never taken me three knockout punches to put anyone down. Ever."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm assuming the Anderson brothers paid you well for this bounty?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You assume correctly. The Anderson brothers paid me quite well. I told them later that night that if they had any other bountys they needed taken care of to give me a call."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Pres. Watts walked into the interview area.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Nice to see you, Mr. President."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Garvin, I have been around a lot of shady characters in this business. But you might just take the cake."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey. It's just business with me. I have nothing personal against the Missing Link or Lord Humongous. But I have clients..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You don't have clients, you have cowards. The people who pay you to beat other people up are just too chicken(bleep) to do it themselves because they probably can't get the job done on their own. You say that hand is healing up?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Yes, it is."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Well, I hope it's completely healed in the next seven days. Because next week, right here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be the 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. the 'Man with the 'Head of Stone'! That's right! Ron Garvin, you're facing the Missing Link! You'd better be more than ready to hook 'em up for that!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Watts walked out of the interview area as fans in the arena cheered the news.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What are your thoughts on facing the Missing Link next week?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Just like bounty hunting, wrestling's a business. And I'll look to take care of my wrestling business next week. Pleasure speaking with you, Larry.")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the interview with Garvin and how cool Garvin was when Watts made the match next week against Link.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pedicino:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Nothing seems to phase that guy. He's so cool and casual that it's hard to believe he's a paid hitman."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; an i'view w/ Arn Anderson; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Schultz & Rude vs. Mighty Texans; and more. Said Hugh Morrus vs. Grog was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hugh Morrus vs. Grog (w/ Father Dutch)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Father Dutch and Grog came to the ring to pretty strong boos. Gregorian chants played as they made their way down the aisle. Father Dutch was in his priest's attire. Grog was in his and black leg-length tights with silver crosses on the outside of each leg, silver and black boots and silver and black mask.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hugh came to the ring to a solid ovation.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The two men battled it out and the action see-sawed back-and-forth. Father Dutch assaulted Hugh when Hugh was out on the floor during the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, Grog was on the offensive. Grog had worked Hugh over with some punches and then whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Grog for the cover. 1...2... Hugh kicked out. Grog pulled Hugh up and threw Hugh into the corner. Grog charged in and blasted Hugh with a big clothesline. Hugh didn't go down but was hurting. Grog whipped Hugh into the opposite buckles and charged in on Hugh but Hugh charged out of the corner and dropped Grog with a big clothesline of his own. Grog went down and so did Hugh. Both men to their feet at the same time. Grog moved in on Hugh but Hugh immediately fired away with a series of punches that staggered Grog. Hugh whipped Grog into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with a flying headbutt to the chest that dropped Grog again. At ringside, Father Dutch reached into his right pants pocket, pulled out his small chain and quickly wrapped it around his fist. Father Dutch started to climb up onthe apron when the crowd popped as DDP, in street clothes, charged down the aisle, reached up and pulled Faher Dutch down to the floor. DDP hammered Father Dutch with punches and then drove Father Dutch to the floor with a discus clothes line. In the ring, Hugh picked up Grog and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle as DDP kept the hurting, less-than-holy Father Dutch at bay on the floor. Hugh nailed Grog with his moonsault finisher, covered Grog and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and then raised Hugh's hand in victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hugh left the ring and met DDP at the aisleway opening. Hugh shook DDP's hand and DDP then raised Hugh's hand victoriously in the air as the crowd cheered. DDP and Hugh made their way to the back together.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Moonsault - 8:26)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Hugh beating Grog and DDP once again keeping Father Dutch from interfering in a Grog match. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; Schultz & Rude vs. Mighty Texans; and more. Said an i'view w/ Arn Anderson was coming up.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then sent it backstage.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: A car pulled up outside the Deltaplex. Harley Race got out of the driver's seat. JJ and new signee Wahoo got out of the back seat. Crowd booed when they saw Wahoo with JJ and Harley on the JumboTron.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Harley then walked to the trunk and opened it and got his bag out and slung it over his shoulder.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>JJ:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Harley, get Wahoo's bag...and mine as well."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Race looked on as JJ and Wahoo walked off leaving Race to get the bags. Race was clearly not happy as he got the bags out of the trunk and closed it and walked on alone as the segment ended.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers were stunned by what they just witnessed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pedicino:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Whoa! Did JJ Dillon just make Harley Race, an 8-time World Champion, carry his and Wahoo's bags into the building?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's what happened, Joe. I'm shocked to say the least."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Said an i'view w/ Arn Anderson was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Arn Anderson.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Arn came to the ring to a strong ovation and slapped hands with fans along the way. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Arn, last week, The Firm scored a huge victory when Hall and Nash defeated Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel to regain the UWL World Tag Team Titles thanks to Wahoo turning on his tag team partner and now former best friend Roddy Piper. How big a loss last week was that for the UWL?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Arn:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lee, losing different battles in a war have different effects. Some losses can have a very minimal impact on your side. But some can be absolutely devastating and can pave the wave to victory for the other side. The Firm's win last week was indeed big for them. But make no mistake, it did not open up a clear path to winning this war for them. I believe we've still got a long way to go in this conflict. Nothing's been settled yet. We had a great run in recent weeks against The Firm. They were on their heels. But they showed why they're such a tough foe last week. The UWL will win more battles along the way; The Firm will win more battles along the way. It will all come down to who can win the biggest battles in the end. They're the ones who will win this war. And I have great faith that the UWL is gonna be the side that wins the big battles when they have to."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What are your thoughts on Wahoo McDaniel turning on Roddy Piper last week and joining up with JJ Dillon Enterprises?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Arn:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Shock. That's the only word I can use to describe it. No one saw this coming from Wahoo, especially Roddy. I've talked with Roddy a few times since the incident last week and can tell you that he is devastated by this. He can't believe it. Tonight, hopefully we'll get some answers from Wahoo about why he did what he did."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'LaGrange' by ZZ Top played over the p.a. system. Out came Dusty Rhodes to a mixed crowd reaction. Rhodes was wearing a Firm t-shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots. He had a mic. Dusty got in the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DR:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Arn Anderson! I came out here tonight to give these fans a little history lesson!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Arn:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What history lesson is that?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DR:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Why, a history lesson about you and me. (Big Dusty smile.) The wrestling fans out there who have just recently become fans of our sport probably don't know about our history together. Arn and 'Stardust' have wrestled each other several times in our careers. But in the past, we were on opposite sides of the fence. Arn was the one who received the catcalls when he came to the ring and I was the one who was cheered like the conquering hero. We've wrestled each other for championships; battled each other in grudge matches. We've shed a lot of each other's blood. We've made each other wear the crimson mask on quite a few occasions. And our battles were legendary."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Arn:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Is that it, Dusty? What that had to do with what I was talking about before you rudely interrupteed me, I have no idea. But, thank you for giving these fans a brief history of Arn and Dusty. I'd like to finish my interview with Lee Marshall. You can go now."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dusty seemed saddened by Arn's words.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DR:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You want me to leave? One of your greatest rivals. I can take a hint."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dusty lowered his head and his shoulders dropped as he turned and started to leave the ring as Arn turned back to interviewer Lee Marshall.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Arn:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I've forgotten where we were before..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dusty hooked a u-turn and came up and bashed Arn across the back with a series of forearm smashes. Arn dropped his mic. Dusty spun the stunned Arn around and blasted Arn with a DDT. Arn down. Dusty left the ring and went over to the timekeeper's table and picked up an empty steel chair, folded it up, and then climbed back in the ring with the chair. Dusty placed the chair on the mat. Arn was starting to recover but Dusty went over and put the boots to Arn. Dusty then grabbed Arn and nailed him with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver) onto the chair. Arn laid out. Dusty then picked up the chair and started beating the downed Arn with the chair. Dusty got in a few shots before the crowd popped as the Nasty Boys, with chairs of their own, charged to the ring. Dusty saw the duo, dropped his chair and bailed from the ring just as the Nastys got in the ring. Nastys were ready for Dusty in the ring with their chairs raised for battle. As Rhodes stood at ringside looking on, Hall and Nash came down to back up Dusty. Words were exchanged between the Nastys and the trio on the floor. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Pres. Watts, with eight security team members, came down the aisle as the crowd cheered some more. Watts had words with The Firm members and ordered them to vacate the ringside area and go backstage. Nash had words with Watts. Hall then shoved Watts with one hand. Watts grabbed Hall as the fans really got into it and the two tussled like a couple of hockey players jockeying for position in a fight. Ref helped Arn to his feet in the ring as the Nastys went to the floor to help Watts. Nastys joined Watts in getting into a brief scuffle with Hall, Nash and Rhodes before security was finally able to separate the brawling parties. Watts yelled for Hall, Nash and Rhodes to leave the area immediately. Several security team members were finally able to get some order and, after a brief exchange of words, security was able to cool things down enough to get Hall, Nash and Rhodes hustled to the back. Arn was standing in the corner of the ring holding the back of his neck as the ref kept a check on him. Watts and Nastys got in the ring to check on Arn once the coast was cleared of The Firm rabble.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Dusty attacking Arn and the Nastys coming to Arn's aid and Hall and Nash coming out and backing up Dusty and Watts coming out with security to break things up and he and the Nastys getting into a scuffle with Hall, Nash and Rhodes before things were brought under control. Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; and more. Said Schultz and Rude vs. Mighty Texans was coming up!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell was wearing his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written across the front, black tights with 'Bad Boy' written on the rear and his black and white ring boots with 'BBB' on the outside of each boot.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson asked about tonight's match with DDP.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "I woke up this morning and the bad boy was really stirring inside of me. I might just be more bad boy than I've ever been in a match since my transformation. Dallas Page better look out. Because I might look to take a few shortcuts like a true bad boy to win this match tonight."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You're admitting you might cheat, then?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "All bad boys cheat! Jeez, Nelson! You sound like you've never seen a pro wrestling match before in your life! Cheating is a much hallowed bad boy wrestling tradition! It ranks up there with football on Thanksgiving! If you claim to be a bad boy and you're not cheatin' then you're not tryin'! The foreign object shot! Holding the tights! Throwing a powdery substance in your opponent's eyes! Using the ropes for leverage! Hitting a guy with a steel chair! Those are all types of mandatory of bad boy behavior! Bad boys look to be winners! It's as simple as that!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I notice you're still wearing the bad boy black derby hat. Have you considered adding a cape and handlebar mustache to your ring attire to really give yourself that Snidely Whiplash look? Maybe you could tie a woman to the train tracks as well?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell had a hurt look on his face as he looked at Nelson.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"You know, I come out here on this program week after week and showcase my bad boy image. People, including you, are supposed to take me seriously as a bad boy. But, many fans laugh at me. They don't think I'm a legit bad boy. But I am! I am! I am! I am! Look! Everyone needs to respond to me like I am a bad boy! I need them to boo and be scared when they hear my entrance song 'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine. They have to start acting in a way that's appropriate for my new bad boy ways! It's not nice when they don't react the way they should! Fudge!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"I'm saying this to be constructive. You have got to change your entrance music. I laugh every time I hear it. Hahahahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB (almost in tears):</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Your job is to interview me and get over to the fans that I'm a real bad boy threat! Yet, here you are..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hahahaha! Stop it! You're... Hahahahaha! You're killing me! Hahahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB (really upset):</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "OK! I'm leaving!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell stormed out of the interview area and Nelson was still laughing hard.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Steve and Joe... Hahahaha! Back to you! Hahahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson then doubled over with laughter as the segment ended.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired of Schultz and Rude beating the Mulkeys last week and then spike piledriving both brothers after the match until Lord Humongous & Missing Link came to their aid and Schultz and Rude scrambled from the ring.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

David Schultz & Rick Rude (w/ DiBiase) vs. Mighty Texans </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(MT's (Sam Houston and Lash LaRue) came to the ring first to a modest ovation. Lash had his trusty whip with him. Once in the ring, Lash cracked the whip on the mat a couple of times.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Schultz and Rude came to the ring with Director DiBiase to a mixed crowd reax.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Unlike the Mulkeys, the MT's gave Rude and Schultz a battle. DiBiase never interfered. But in the end, it was too much Schultz and Rude and Rude finished off Sam Houston with the Rude Awakening to score the 1...2...3 for his team. Lash climbed in the ring to try and break up the pin but Schultz intercepted Lash and knocked him senseless with a forearm shiver to the side of the head.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Rude & Schultz - Pinfall - Rude pinned Houston with the Rude Awakening - 5:02)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(After the match, Rude signaled for Schultz to pick Houston up. Rude climbed up on the middle buckle as Schultz hoisted Sam up in the air in the piledriver position and Rude came off the middle buckle and they nailed Sam with a spike piledriver. Sam down and convulsing on the mat. Lash had just gotten to his feet and Rude and Schultz hammered away on Lash and drove him back down to the canvas. They put the boots to him. Rude again signaled for another spike piledriver. Schultz was able to hoist Lash up in the piledriver position as Rude mounted the middle buckle. Just as they were about spike piledrive Lash, Lord Humongous and Missing Link, with Dark Journey in tow, hit the ring just like last week as fans cheered. Their manager Dark Journey stood at ringside. Schultz dropped Lash and he and Rude bailed to the floor just as Lord and Link hit the ring. Lord and Link were in the ring and ready to rumble as they looked down at Schultz and Rude on the floor. Schultz jumped up on the apron and was ready to fight with the bizarre duo. Journey got up on the apron on another side of the ring and gestured for Lord and Link not to go after Schultz. Rude said something to Schultz and Schultz dropped back down to the floor. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Schultz, Rude and DiBiase standing at ringside as the two teams looked at each other. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Mic picked up Schultz.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DS:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Your manager's a smart woman! You guys don't want a piece of The Firm! Believe me!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rude, Schultz and DiBiase turned and started to head back up the aisle. Journey and the ref checked on Lash and Sam in the ring.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Rude & Schultz attacking the defeated Mighty Texans after the match and Lord and Link coming to the aid of Schultz's and Rude's beleagured opponents once again.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pedicino:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Steve, it seems there's a lot of excessive piledriving going on tonight."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Must be a full moon out."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pedicino:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Think you might be right."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hyped coming up on the program: Both Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel will be here. Announcers assume Wahoo will be with JJ; Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; and more. Said Pres. Watts will announce a decision on whether or not the $100,000 Bench Press Challenge will happen between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts came out and made his way to the ring. Watts got a decent ovation. He had a mic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Watts got in the ring and walked around briefly before speaking.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What a night so far, huh? I have a few important announcements to make.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Last week on this program, 'Superstar' Graham challenged Ken Patera to a Bench Press Challenge. Patera thought they should make the challenge more interesting by each wrestler putting $50 grand of his own money on the line. So, next week, we're gonna have the $100,000 Dollar Bench Press Challenge right here on 'Slam!'!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Next, I want to remind you of a match I made earlier this evening for next week's program as well. It's gonna be the 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. the 'Man with the Head of Stone', Ron Garvin vs. The Missing Link!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Next week's 'Slam!' is shaping up to be a huge show. It just keeps getting bigger. After what we witnessed earlier this evening involving the Nasty Boys and Hall and Nash here in the Deltaplex, we're gonna have those two teams square off in a match next Tuesday night also!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"That is two huge matches for next week's program. And I've got two more matches to announce. We're gonna have, one-on-one, Director of The Firm Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"The other match I have to announce comes from the UWL Women's Division. Since Madusa has scored a couple of impressive victories recently over top-caliber opponents, she will be wrestling in a #1 Contender's Match. And her opponent is gonna be the top contender from Japan. It's a woman Madusa knows very well. It's gonna be Madusa vs. Bull Nakano! And the winner will face Tina Ferrari for the UWL Women's World Title at 'Spring Mayhem'!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"What a night it's gonna be next Tuesday! Let's get ready to hook 'em up!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed DDP.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson asked about DDP's match tonight with Brunzell and his on-going issues with Father Dutch.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> " Larry, I almost feel sorry for Brunzell. I know what it's like to be a real bady boy. Because I've been one inside and outside the ring during my life. I'm now trying to be a better boy. But, even I have to admit that once you've been a bad boy you never totally get it out of your system. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell seems like he needs to read an instruction manual on how to become a genuine bad boy. The guy is completely lost on what it takes to make a bad boy. He thinks just acting out in certain ways will make him one. But that's not the case. Being a real deal on the bad boy front must come naturally from within. That's why I said that even when one makes changes in their lives, like myself, I'll never totally shake off the bad boy because it's something ingrained in me. Other guys have the true bad boy aura here in the UWL. But one of them is not the wrongly named 'Bad Boy' Brunzell. Brunzell just comes across like, well, a dork for lack of better term. But, he'd better watch out in our match tonight. If Brunzell tries to chesat to win, he'd better keep in mind that my inner bad boy might just come bubbling up to the surface and then the faux bad boy will know how a real bad boy acts in certain situations.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"One guy who's a real bad boy here in the UWL is Father Dutch. I don't use the word 'bad' in a good way, either. Father Dutch is 'bad' in an evil way. He's like a cult leader who wields total control over Grog. Grog is simply his automoton. If Father Dutch told Grog to jump off a cliff, I don't think we'd see Grog ever again. Father Dutch, I want you to know that I'm watching you. Every time you try to interfere or cheat in a match, I'll be there to make sure it doesn't happen. You're not getting away with your unholy ways as long as the Diamond is around! So saith the Book of the Diamond Cutter!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP made the Diamond sign with his hands then did the 'Bang!' gesture before walking out of the interview area.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

('Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine blared over the p.a. system and out came 'Bad Boy' Brunzell to a decent amount of boos. Announcers were laughing at Brunzell's choice of entrance music again.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

As Brunzell got in the ring, the crowd started chanting 'Jim! Jim!' at Brunzell. brunzell took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Brunzell soaked in the 'Jim!' chants and then placed his hands over his ears and dropped to his knees. Brunzell then spoke.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB (voice cracking):</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Stop it! Please! I'm begging you! I'm a bad boy now! Really!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell tossed down the mic, placed his hands back over his ears and then dropped his derby hat-laden head on the mat as the 'Jim!' chants continued.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' played over the p.a. system and out came DDP to a good ovation. DDP got in the ring and made the Diamond sign and did the 'Bang!' gesture.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP took the majority of the match but Brunzell got some good offense in.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, Brunzell was on the offensive. Brunzell whipped DDP into the ropes and looked to catch DDP coming off with a dropkick but DDP grabbed the top rope and held on as Brunzell crashed to the mat. As Brunzell got to his feet, DDP moved in and started nailing Brunzell with a series of jabs that staggered Brunzell. DDP then went to nail Brunzell with his discus clothesline but Brunzell fell out of the way and DDP caught the ref full-force with with the blow. Ref crashed to the mat and was hurting. DDP checked on the ref as Brunzell got to his feet behind DDP. Brunzell nailed DDP with a double sledge to DDP's back. DDP turned around and Brunzell nailed DDP with some punches and then went to whip DDP into the ropes but DDP reversed and caught Brunzell coming off with a kick to the gut followed by a Diamond Cutter. Crowd popped. Brunzell down and almost out. DDP went over and checked on the ref again. With DDP's back turned in the ring, Father Dutch and Grog came down to the ring. Father Dutch slid into the ring and had his 18-inch solid wood crucifix. Dutch came up behind DDP and clocked DDP across the back of the head with the crucifix. DDP went down in a heap and was holding the back of his head. Father Dutch and Grog then fled the scene. Brunzell slowly made it to his feet and went over and grabbed DDP and pulled him up by the hair. Brunzell then nailed Page with his slingshot suplex finisher. Brunzell grabbed the ref and dragged him over. Brunzell covered DDP. Slow count by the ref. 1.....2.....2-1/2..... DDP kicked out. Crowd cheered. Brunzell then re-covered Page and this time hooked the leg. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell. Ref slowly made it to his feet and raised Brunzell's hand in victory. Brunzell was ecstatic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell took the r.a. mic from Marshall.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BBB:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Who's your bad boy daddy now?! Me! That's who!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Brunzell tossed the mic and thrust his arms into the air victoriously as many fans booed. Many fans also started chanting 'Jim!' once again. Brunzell left the ring, dropped to the floor, covered his ears and ran back up the aisle to the back.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Brunzell - Pinfall - Slingshot Suplex - 9:16) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Brunzell defeating DDP thanks to outside interference from Father Dutch.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then hyped next week on 'Slam!':</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

$100,000 BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

#1 CONTENDER'S MATCH (Winner gets the UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. The Missing Link</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Firm Director Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 3-17 thru 3-23.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

UWL WORLD CHAMPION: Roddy Piper</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

2 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

3 - Arn Anderson</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

4 - Dusty Rhodes</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

5 - Buzz Sawyer</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers said JJ and Wahoo were next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: JJ, Wahoo and Harley came to the ring to loud boos.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

JJ was in a suit, Harley was in casual street attire and Wahoo was wearing a dark blue blazer with a white button-up dress shirt opened at the top button, black slacks and dress shoes. JJ and Wahoo had mics. The trio got in the ring and boos continued unabated.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The three soaked in the boos for a moment before JJ started speaking.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>JJ:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I didn't know if this day would come. I knew I was running out of time to land the wrestler I really wanted to be the next member of JJ Dillon Enterprises since Tully Blanchard left. A few days before last week's 'Slam!', I called Wahoo McDaniel. When Wahoo answered and I told him it was me he hung up. A couple of days later, I called Wahoo again. He was about to hang up once more when I told him to just hear me out. Wahoo agreed. For the next 90 minutes we talked. It was a very amicable conversation. But Wahoo gave me no clear answer as to whether or not he was interested in signing with me.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"You may remember at the start of the program last week, I was out here talking. Wahoo came down to ringside and was mad enough to try and tear my head off. I thought that was it. I wasn't going to land Wahoo. Also, you may remember that while Harley Race was out here wrestling, I got a phone call at ringside. It was from Wahoo. He was out in his rental car in the parking lot and he wanted to talk privately with me. I immediately left ringisde while Harley's match was still going on. To avoid being noticed by the security cameras out in the parking lot, I was able to get my hands on a UWL coverall that members of the UWL technical crew wear. I put on the coverall and was able to scrounge up a baseball cap. I took off my glasses and pulled the cap down over my eyes. I walked out without being detected. When I got outside, Wahoo flashed his headlights so I knew right where he was parked. I got into the passenger's seat and, under cover of darkness, we talked. It was during that meeting that Wahoo told me he wanted to make the move and join JJ Dillon Enterprises. I was overjoyed with his decision. We laid out a plan for what to do. A message had to be sent loud and clear to Roddy Piper that Wahoo was no longer his friend and he was coming over to our side. We came up with Wahoo asking for the match to be a no disqualification match for the tag team titles against Hall and Nash. Once Watts agreed to the stipulation, we knew our plan was all-systems go. I told Wahoo I would be waitin for him in my rental car out back once he had turned on his best friend. We congratulated one another as we drove out of the parking lot last Tuesday night.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Wahoo knew that it meant the end of his run as a World Tag Team Champion with Piper. He didn't care. That's because Wahoo wants the biggest prize in our sport again. I don't need to tell you what that is. And now, I give you the newest member of JJ Dillon Enterprises...Chief Wahoo McDaniel!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd went nuclear as Wahoo stepped forward to talk. Wahoo soaked in the boos a little before spekaing.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Last week, until the end of 'Slam!', you fans cheered me. I was one of your heroes. Now, you boo me and hate me."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo chuckled as the fans continued to boo.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Frankly, fans, I don't give a damn.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"I had been good friends with Roddy Piper for years. We were like brothers. There's nothing he wouldn't have done for me and nothing I wouldn't have done for him. Even after the phone conversation I had with JJ, I still wasn't sold on the idea of joining JJ Dillon Enterprises. But the call did make me think. It made me think about what I wanted to do at this stage of my career. I know I want another run as the UWL World Champion. There was no way Roddy Piper was going to give me a title shot, ever. What JJ said made sense. Roddy Piper's been holding me back. I've been in his shadow ever since he returned. And I stand in the shadow of no man. Roddy Piper wanted it that way. He thinks that I'm a major threat to his championship run and that's why he kept me so close. Piper's right that I am a major threat to end his reign. Now, he can't avoid me.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"At the start of last week's show, when JJ was standing out here talking, I did come down to the ring with the intention of beating up JJ. But, Roddy came down and held me at bay and kept me from going after JJ. That was the last straw. When we got backstage, I went off on my own and thought some more about the matter. Roddy was keeping me so close that I was starting to suffocate. I knew at that moment I needed to make a change. I was friends with Roddy. But friendship doesn't pay the bills and it doesn't win the World Title. Friends come and go in a man's life. But, being the World Champion cements your legacy in this sport forever. People always remember the champions. They don't remember who came in second. Finishing second just means that you're the first loser. Roddy Piper was my own personal oppressor. I've broken away from him. I've stepped out of the big shadow he cast over me all this time. I've made the right decision to align myself with JJ Dillon Enterprises. As JJ has pointed out before, he has been the manager of multiple champions here in the UWL; including a 2-time World Champion. I will be the man who gives JJ three World Championship reigns. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"And the money JJ offered? When all is said and done, I will make more being managed by JJ Dillon than at any other time in my career. While the money's important, what I really want is that UWL World Title. I want to be the man who beats Piper and slams the door shut on his time as the World Champion. It's Wahoo's time to shine in the UWL now."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bagpipe music filled the arena and the crowd exploded as Roddy Piper came out on the entrance stage. Piper power-walked to the ring and was wearing his t-shirt, kilt and ring boots and had the belt around his waist. Piper had a mic. Piper stepped into the ring and was all business.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Piper walked around for a moment before speaking.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wahoo, I was listening to you backstage and coudln't believe the things you were saying. You say I would never give you a World Title shot? You never asked for one. That's all you had to do, Wahoo. Come to me and say you wanted a World Title shot and I would have given it to you no questions asked based solely on your track record of success in this business. You want to throw away our friendship because you believe that you had to turn to this piece of trash standing next to you to get a title match with me? I am absolute..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Shut up, Roddy! What you just said was complete and utter nonsense! I should never have had to ask you for a World Title match! You should have offered me the chance since you're the World Champion! And watch what you say about my manager!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Race leaned into JJ's mic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>HR:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Roddy Piper. Why don't you..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

JJ pulled the mic away from Harley.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>JJ:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Not now, Harley. It's not your time to talk."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Race shot a side glance at JJ.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You let JJ Dillon, of all people, fill your head with this b.s., Wahoo. You could have asked me for a World Tite shot at any time. Hell, you could have asked me five minutes after I won the title last December and you would have been the first man I defended the belt against and I would have done it gladly. I understand the difference between business and friendship; especially in pro wrestling. We walk a fine line in this sport all the time. Everyone is looking out for themselves to one degree or another. I'm just...I...I...it's like none of this is really happening. I'm hoping the alarm will go off and I'll wake up and find that this has all just been some sort of nightmare."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"This is reality, Roddy! You need to wake up alright! Wake up and face the fact that I am now managed by JJ Dillon and that I'm coming for you! Roddy Piper! I challenge you to a World Title match at 'Spring Mayhem'!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd buzzing. Roddy looked at Wahoo for a bit before responding.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wahoo, if you walked away from JJ Dillon right now I would say 'yes' in a heartbeat."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "LIAR! You are nothing but a damned liar! If I walk away from JJ Dillon, then I know for a fact you won't give me a title shot in a million years! You'd conveniently forget all about it! You just want me back on your side so you can continue to hold me down!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That is absolutely untrue. Would you listen to reason."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Oh! I've listened to reason! And reason's name is JJ Dillon! And let me give you another little nugget of reason!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo slapped Piper's mic out of his hand. Piper was stunned and looked down. Wahoo dropped his mic and blasted Piper with a series of stiff chest chops, whipped Piper into the ropes and caught Piper coming off with his big chop finisher. Piper crashed to the mat and was holding his chest. Wahoo added insult to injury and stomped on the downed Piper. Wahoo then grabbed his mic up off the mat and bent over the downed Piper.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Piper! I'm coming for you and that belt! I want the World Title match at 'Spring Mayhem'!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo threw the mic down on Piper and then he, JJ and Harley left the ring to the loudest boos of the night. Shot of Piper down in the ring and still holding his chest and grimacing in pain as the program went off the air.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

END PROGRAM</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match (UWL World Title Match - TV Title not on the line)</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Roddy Piper (WC) vs. Rip Oliver (TVC)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Coming off the ending segment of the show, a ref, UWL security and an EMT came out and checked on Piper. Piper made it to his feet and, after a couple of minutes, Piper said he could go. World Title match went forward.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Piper - Submission - Ankle Lock - 10:24)</span></p>

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The UWL 'Winter Warfare' PPV did an estimated 83,000 buys. The show was built around the UWL World Title Dog Collars & Chain match between World Champion Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine and the War Games match pitting Team UWL against The Firm.


The show also drew a live crowd of 10,004 at the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown, WV.


Last year's 'Winter Warfare' drew the worst numbers of PPV buys and live attendance to date for a PPV in company history. That show, which took place at the Kibbie Dome (home of the Univ. of Idaho Vandals football team) in Moscow, ID, drew an estimated 57,000 buys and a live crowd of 4,207 for a show headlined by the War Games (The Anderson Bros. & Rick Rude vs. Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Billy Graham & Scott Hall), Kevin Nash vs. Bruiser Brody and a non-title Indian Strap match between then World Champion Greg Valentine and Wahoo McDaniel.


While ratings have stagnated recently in 2013, fans are still turning out for the live shows ('Slam!', PPV, House shows) and buying the PPV's, largely because the UWL vs. The Firm storyline has picked up a lot of steam moving forward.

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Mar. 22 - Park City, KS - Hartman Arena - Att: 3,364


Mar. 23 - Topeka, KS - Landon Arena - Att: 3,651


Results (Same in each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper (WC) def. Rip Oliver (TVC) via pinfall with the Spear (TV Title was not on the line)


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash (WTTC) and Lord Humongous & Missing Link fought to a No Contest


David Schultz & Rick Rude def. Lex Luger & Ken Patera when Schultz pinned Luger after a foreign object shot


Dusty Rhodes def. Hugh Morrus via pinfall with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver)


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner (PC) def. Harley Race via pinfall with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver)


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari (WC) def. Mad Maxine via pinfall with the Tornado DDT


DDP def. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin via pinfall with the Diamond Cutter

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'Superstar' Graham squares off against Ken Patera in the $100,000 Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge!




- #1 Contender's Match: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano

(The winner faces UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari for the title at 'Spring Mayhem'!)


- Firm Director Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger


- UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel make appearances


- Non-Title: Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys


- 'The Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. 'The Man with the Head of Stone': 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. The Missing Link


- Hugh Morrus vs. Ole Anderson




Ep. 114 of 'Slam!' will be posted in the next few days.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; #1 Contender's Match (Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano; Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger; an i'view w/ Dusty Rhodes; The 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. The 'Man with the Head of Stone': 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Missing Link; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; an i'view w/ DDP; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more!)


Match 1

Hugh Morrus vs. Ole Anderson


(Ole came to the ring alone and received strong boos from the crowd.


Hugh came to the ring to a solid ovation and slapped hands with fans along the way.


Ole spent much of the match working over Hugh's left arm and trying to force a submission. Hugh got in some offense but Ole would constantly short-circuit a larger offensive by zeroing in on the left arm.


At the end of the match, Ole was in firm control. Ole had Hugh locked up in a hammerlock and was working over the left arm. Hugh in great pain. Ole then bodyslammed Hugh on the arm. Hugh now really hurting. Ole backed into the ropes and came off and tried to nail Hugh with a knee drop to the head but Hugh rolled out of the way Ole crashed to the mat knee first. Both men down. Both men made it to their feet at roughly the same time. Hugh was facing away from Ole. When Hugh turned around...WHAM!...Ole blasted Hugh with the Divorce Court. Ole then locked Hugh in the cross armbreaker. Hugh trying not to submit. Luckily for Hugh, the ropes weren't too far off and Hugh only had to scoot a short distance to get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Ole got to his feet and stomped on Hugh's left arm. Suddenly, Gene and Lars Anderson came walking down the aisle. Problem was, just as they got to ringside, Lord Humongous and Missing Link charged down the aisle behind them. Gene turned and saw Lord and Link coming and he and Lars took off around the ring with Lord and Link giving chase as the fans cheered. Lord and Link chased Gene and Lars back up the aisle to the back. Ole had pulled the hurting Hugh up and grabbed Hugh's left arm with his left hand and pounding on Hugh's left shoulder with his right fist. Ole then whipped Hugh into the ropes and went to nail Hugh with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back nailed Ole with his flying headbutt to the chest. Ole crashed to the mat. Both men down. Hugh slowly covered Ole and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Ole kicked out. Hugh got up and went over and started climbing to the top buckle. Hugh struggled to make it to the top buckle because his left arm was in dire pain thus making it hard to climb. As Hugh made it to the top buckle, Ole unsteadily got to his feet. Hugh nailed Ole with a moonsault. Ole crashed to the mat and Hugh bounced off of Ole. Hugh quickly recovered and covered Ole and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans popped. Hugh got to his feet and the ref raised his right hand in victory. Hugh's left arm was basically useless. Hugh briefly, and painfully, celebrated the win in the ring before leaving. Hugh slapped fans' hands with his right hand on the way back up the aisle.


WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Moonsault - 11:05)


(Announcers discussed the big win by Hugh over Ole Anderson. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; #1 Contender's Match (Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano; Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger; an i'view w/ Dusty Rhodes; The 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. The 'Man with the Head of Stone': 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Missing Link; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said an i'view w/ DDP was coming up!)


(Video clips aired from last week of DDP preventing Father Dutch from interfering in his disciple Grog's match against Hugh Morrus and then Father Dutch costing DDP his match against 'Bad Boy' Brunzell later in the program by bashing DDP in the back of the head with his 18-inch solid wood crucifix.)


(In-ring: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed DDP.


DDP came out to a strong ovation. He was in street clothes. Once in the ring, he made the Diamond sign and then did the 'Bang!' gesture.


Marshall asked DDP about the apparently escalating situation with Father Dutch.


DDP: "Man, this situation is getting crazy. Super crazy. You see, Father Dutch is like some messianic madman. He's a Jim Jones-type. I hope he doesn't have too many followers stashed somewhere. He really seems to believe he's been sent on some mission from God to purge certain UWL wrestlers of their supposed sins. And he believes that he's allowed to do whatever he thinks needs to be done to try and get the wrestler he's targeting at the moment to turn from their 'evil' ways. The man's a sadist. This guy is dangerously delusional. As our situation heats up, who knows what Father Dutch will do. But, I'm determined to fight this so-called holy man's crusade. No matter the cost to me, this guy has got to be dealt with."


Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system. Father Dutch and Grog came out on the entrance stage. Father Dutch was in his priest's attire and Grog was in his silver and black mask and black leg-length tights with a silver cross on the outside of each leg. Father Dutch had a mic. They were loudly booed.


FD: "Dallas Page. Sinner! How does the back of your head feel today, Dallas? I bet it still hurts from where I hit it with my sanctified crucifix last week. You see, you've got a really big sin problem, Dallas. One of your worst sins is something you do repeatedly. It's like you can't help yourself. When a man gives himself over to certain sins then he is powerless to control them. Your sin is that of constantly getting involved in mine or Grog's matches. When Grog or I step in that ring it becomes sacred ground. That means when one or both of us is in there, people who are not supposed to be in there are to stay away. You, Dallas Page, should not be in there when Father Dutch and/or Grog are wrestling. That is unless one of us is wrestling you."


DDP: "Well if that's the case, unholy one, then why don't you and I have a match, man!"


Crowd cheered.


FD: "Mock a man of God and it will hurt you. I promise that. Page, you are a man who is dripping with sin. I've said before that the only way to drive sin out of a man like you and set you on the path to righteousness is through ruthless, uncompromising measures. That's the only way your life can be turned around and you can be saved from the horrors of the afterlife that will be inflicted upon you. I am all for a match with you. Because it will give me a chance to show you the error of your ways. I will literally kick the Hell out of you. And you will be the better man for it and will one day thank me for brutalizing you and cleansing you of your wicked ways."


DDP: "You know, Father Dutch, listening to you, I can tell that you want a match where violence and bloodletting are gonna be on the menu. A standard match between us will not do. So, I'm gonna let you pick the stipulations for a match we'll have. How about that, pops?"


FD: "It's Father, not pops! Don't desecrate my name, son! You're teetering on getting a one-way ticket into the fiery furnace! You mentioned bloodletting. I couldn't agree more. We need a match where much of your blood is extracted because it will rid you of so much of the sin toxin that permeates your body. And you'll let me pick the type of match? I must say that I'm honored. A lowly sinner wants the holy father to pick the kind of match where the lowly sinner will suffer at my hands. But, I'm not going to do it. Instead, we'll let the wheel decide what kind of match we have."


DDP: "What wheel?"


FD: "It's in the basement where I hold my church services. The wheel is next to the bingo ball cage. It has several different types of matches on it. I'll bring the wheel next week, let you spin it and whatever kind of match comes up, that's the type of match we'll have."


DDP: "Is there a 'Loser Goes To Hell' match on that wheel?"


FD: "If there was, then there would be no match because the ground would open up underneath you as you walked to the ring and swallow you whole. But there are matches that can certainly make you feel hell on earth. I guarantee that."


DDP: "You know what? I'm game. I'm willing to tempt the fates. Bring your wheel to the show next week. Whatever match the wheel lands on then that's the type of match we will have."


FD: "Wonderful. I'll bring the wheel next week. And I'll fervently pray for your soul in the interim and hope that the match we have, no matter what it is, will scare the Hell out of you."


DDP looked on from the ring at FD and Grog and the devilsih duo looked back at DDP before walking aff the entrance stage and heading to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Father Dutch and DDP. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; #1 Contender's Match (Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano; Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger; an i'view w/ Dusty Rhodes; The 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. The 'Man with the Head of Stone': 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Missing Link; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said Garvin vs. Link was coming up next!)



(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem!' PPV - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of Ron Garvin interfering in the Handicap match between Lord Humongous & Missing Link vs. The Anderson brothers where Garvin interfered and KO'd Link after nailing Link in his unusually hard head with his third straight knockout punch and costing Lord and Link the match.)


Match 2 (The 'Man with the Hands of Stone' vs. The 'Man with the Head of Stone')

Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey) vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


(Music-only version of 'Breaking The Law' played over the p.a. system and the crowd roared as Link and mgr. Journey came out and made their way to the ring. As they got to ringside, Link slammed his head against the ring post three times before getting in the ring.


Garvin came to the ring in blue tights and black boots with 'RG' on the outside of each boot and a towel around his neck. He was roundly booed coming to the ring. Once in the ring, Garvin placed the towel on the ring bolt that connects the top bolt to the ring post. Garvin's hand had apparently healed as it was no longer bandaged up.


Not much of a wrestling match as the two tough guys basically slugged it out. Both men had pin chances but couldn't score the win.


At the end of the match, Garvin whipped Link into the ropes and dropped Link with a lariat. Link laid out. Garvin then used the Garvin stomp on Link. Journey looking on from ringside. Garvin then stood back and cocked his right fist, bounced around on the balls of his feet and waited for Link to get to his feet. Link got to his feet and Garvin blasted Link with his knockout punch. Just like two weeks ago, Link didn't go down on the first punch but was staggered. Garvin flinched and shook out his hand. Garvin then re-loaded and nailed Link with another knockout punch and Link was staggered some more but didn't go down. Garvin the re-loaded and went to hit Link with his knockout punch a third time but Link blocked the punch and then nailed Ron with a trio of brutal headbutts that stunned Garvin. Garvin staggered backwards. Link then ran, hit the ropes and came off and hit Garvin with a flying bodypress. Garvin caught Link and stumbled back with Link in his arms and the two toppled over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Both men down. Ref started counting. Both men started getting to their feet. Garvin moved in and hit Link with a knee and a hard punch to the jaw that sent Link toppling backwards. Link crashed to the floor. Ref still counting. Garvin reached under the ring and brandished a folded up steel chair. As Link got to his feet, Garivn charged at Link and popped Link in the head with the chair. Link briefly winced and then stood straight up and looked at Garvin. Garvin then moved in and went to blast Link in the head with the chair again but Link grabbed the chair and a struggle ensued for control of it. Link kicked Garvin in the gut and gained control of the chair. Link then started slamming the chair against his own head and then started methodically moving towards Garvin. Ref called for the bell as the count reached 20.


Garvin backed away from Link and backed right into the steps. Link moved in and went to bash Garvin over the head with the chair but Garvin moved and Link wound up slamming the chair into the top ring step. Garvin was backing away from the still chair-wielding Link. Journey was standing at ringside and Link went to hit Garvin with the chair again but Link stopped when Garvin pulled Journey in front of him. Garvin held Journey in front of him as Link looked on with the chair raised over his head. After a brief stand-off, Garvin shoved Journey into Link and Garvin started walking backwards up the aisle. Link wanted to go after Garvin but Journey stopped Link. Garvin headed to the back. Link stomped around angrily on the floor and beat the chair against his own head a few more times before Journey was able to finally calm him down. Journey then talked Link into dropping the chair. The two then made it back up the aisle to cheers.


DECISION: Double Countout - 4:19)


(Announcers discussed the double countout between Garvin and Link. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; #1 Contender's Match (Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano; Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said an i'view w/ Dusty Rhodes was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed 'Superstar' Graham and mgr. the Grand Wizard. Wizard was holding a briefcase.


Asked about the $100K Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge later tonight.


Graham: "Before I go any further."


Graham flexed his bi-ceps.


Graham: "Look at those guns, daddy! The most impressive arms in the world! Ken Patera is a strong man! No doubt about that! He could probably beat me in certain types of lifting competitions! But the bench press is the 'Superstar's domain! I rule the bench press and it will be shown tonight! And I'm gonna be $50,000 dollars richer than when I arrived at the building! There is no way that Patera out lifts me on the bench! I am called the tower of power for a reason! My arms are insured for a whole lot of money! And thre's a reason for that, jack! Just look at 'em! Patera, I hope you're watching this! Look at these guns! Look at 'em and weep! You have walked right into being $50 grand poorer! They say there's a sucker born every minute! And one of them is named Ken Patera! I can't believe he wanted to put so much green on the line in this challenge! I was born to bench press! My momma told me that when I was a baby, I used to bench pres my bottle...when it was full of formula! That money's gonna look great sitting in bank account of the 'Superstar'!"


Graham flexed his bi-ceps and kissed them.


Wizard: "See this briefcase, Larry Nelson? It's going no further than me tonight! That's because Ken Patera made the biggest mistake of his career when offered to put up all that money in a bench press challenge against the master of the bench press! It was a fool's bet! It was like betting against the 49ers in the Super Bowl against the Ravens!"


LN: "Uh, the Ravens won the Super Bowl."


Wizard: "They did? Whatever! There is no way that Patera can outlift the 'Superstar' on the bench! It's impossible! Whatever Patera lifts, Graham will lift more! Eventually, even a strongman like Patera will not be able to lift the weight on the bar and that will be that! And Patera! That better be U.S. currency that you bring out with you and not something like $50,000 pesos! Prepare to pay, Patera! Prepare to pay!")


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of the Arn Anderson-Dusty Rhodes confrontation and Dusty attacking Arn.


VIDEO (edited):


'La Grange' by ZZ Top played over the p.a. system. Out came Dusty Rhodes to a mixed crowd reaction. Rhodes was wearing a Firm t-shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots. He had a mic. Dusty got in the ring.


DR: "Arn Anderson! I came out here tonight to give these fans a little history lesson!"


Arn: "What history lesson is that?"


DR: "Why, a history lesson about you and me. (Big Dusty smile.) The wrestling fans out there who have just become fans of our sport probably don't know about our history together. Arn and 'Stardust' have wrestled each other several times in our careers. But in the past, we were on opposite sides of the fence. Arn was the one who received the catcalls when he came to the ring and I was the one who was cheered like the conquering hero. We've wrestled each other for championships; battled each other in grudge matches. We've shed a lot of each other's blood. We've made each other wear the crimson mask on quite a few occasions. And our battles were legendary."


Arn: "Is that it, Dusty? What that had to do with what I was talking about before you rudely interrupted me, I have no idea. But, thank you for giving these fans a brief history of Arn and Dusty. I'd like to finish my interview with Lee Marshall. You can go now."


Dusty seemed saddened by Arn's words.


DR: "You want me to leave? One of your greatest rivals. I can take a hint."


Dusty lowered his head and his shoulders dropped as he turned and started to leave the ring as Arn turned back to interviewer Lee Marshall.


Arn: "I've forgotten where we were before..."


Dusty hooked a u-turn and came up and bashed Arn across the back with a series of forearm smashes to Arn's upper back and dropped his mic. Dusty spun the stunned Arn around and blasted Arn with a DDT. Arn down. Dusty left the ring and went over to the timekeeper's table and picked up the empty steel chair, folded it up, and climbed back in the ring with the chair. Dusty placed the chair on the mat. Arn was starting to recover but Dusty went over and put the boots to Arn. Dusty then grabbed Arn and nailed him with his 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver) onto the chair. Arn laid out. Dusty then picked up the chair and started beating the downed Arn with the chair. Dusty got in a few shots before the crowd popped as the Nasty Boys, with chairs of their own, charged to the ring. Dusty saw the duo, dropped his chair and bailed from the ring just as the Nastys got in the ring. Nastys were ready for Dusty in the ring with their chairs raised for battle. As Rhodes stood at ringside looking on, Hall and Nash came to ringside to back up Dusty. Words were exchanged between the Nastys and the trio on the floor.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed Dusty Rhodes.


'La Grange' by ZZ Top played over the p.a. system and Dusty came out in his ring attire and top hat to a mixed crowd reaction. Dusty soaked in the reaction once in the ring.


LM: "Dusty, the question on everyone's mind is, why did you attack Arn Anderson last week?"


DR: "I attacked Arn Anderson because he hurt me. I came out to talk old times with Arn last week and he told me to get lost. You may not like me because I'm now with The Firm, but I still have feelings. As I pointed out last week, Arn and 'Stardust' have had many great battles with each other over the years. We know one another very well. I just wanted to reminisce with Arn about those days. We battled each other like a couple of wild stallions. And those matches are legendary. Long-time fans still talk about our matches to this day. They remember the fights over championships. They remember the bloodbath grudge matches we had. But Arn would hear none of it. He told me to hit the road and you don't talk like that to me, jack. Arn paid a heavy price for his disrespect of one of his greatest opponent's ever! Arn knows what I can bring to the table when we lock horns in the ring. He should have been thrilled beyond belief that I wanted to walk down memory lane with him. He should have been all smiles talking about a time that was a shangri-la period for pro wrestling. But, he couldn't do that..."


Arn came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He was in street clothes and wearing a soft neck collar because he was still feeling the effects of Dusty inverted piledriving him on a steel chair.


AA: "Dusty, you can see the result of your handiwork from last week right here around my neck. It hurts to try and move my head just a little in any direction right now. But, this collar will be off very soon. You talk about all the great matches we've had against each other in our careers. You won't get any disagreement from me about that. They were classics. We've exchanged titles. We've beaten each other senseless. We've bled buckets in our battles. That got me to thinking. Dusty, I'll make this short and sweet. Why don't you and I show these fans what it was like when we faced each other in the squared circle in the past. Let's have another go at each other, Dusty. I came out here to challenge you to a match at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Crowd cheered.


DR: "Arn, if you wanna go toe-to-toe again...I say bring it on! Let's give these fans, especially those who never got to see us wrestle before, a match that they'll remember for a lifetime!"


AA: "These fans will see why we've had one of the greatest feuds of all-time. It's back on! Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes!"


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He received a minimal crowd response.


BW: "As someone who has many memories of the great matches between you two, I'm going to go ahead and make it official. It will be Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes at 'Spring Mayhem'! Let's get ready to hook 'em up!"


Crowd cheered the news.


DR: "When all is said and done in 19 days, the one thing these fans will remember in the battle between Dusty Rhodes and Arn Anderson is that Dusty Rhodes emerged the winner."


AA: "Don't get ahead of yourself, Dusty. That chapter of the book has yet to be written. And the ending may very well be different from the one you've got in mind."


The two stared each other down from a distance as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Dusty vs. Arn being made for 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said the #1 Contender's Match (Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot at 'Spring Mayhem'): Madusa vs. Bull Nakano was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera.


Asked Ken about the $100K Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge with 'Superstar' Graham later tonight and grand Wizard bringing up Patera's criminal past last week. Ken had a briefcase in his hand.


KP: "I heard the 'Superstar' and his pipsqueak manager the Grand Wizard out here earlier. They're full of a great deal of arrogant confidence. 'Superstar' Graham seems to think he's the master of the universe on the bench press. But I can lift my fair share on the bench press as well. I don't know if their goal is some sort of head game. But it won't work with me. I know I can match 'Superstar' lift for lift! They think I made a sucker's bet last week when I suggested that each of us put up $50 grand of our own money on this challenge and the winner gets all of it! The loser gets nothing! And I can tell you that there's a real damn good chance that the man who will walk away with nothing tonight is the supposed king of the bench press himself in one 'Superstar' Graham!


"The Grand Wizard brought up my past. Yes, I did go to prison for assault. I wasted two years of my life and wrestling career because I did something stupid. And I take complete blame for my actions that night. I was in the wrong. But, since I've gotten out I've lived a straight, law-abiding life. I'll have to live with what I did that night in Wisconsin for the rest of my life. I've chosen to focus on the positive and move forward. You're not going to sidetrack me by bringing up the past. I won't allow it.


"And one more thing."


Patera opened his briefcase that was full of money.


KP: "Here's the $50,000 dollars I'm putting up tonight. And, 'Superstar' and Wizard, it's money that I have earned. You want it? Then 'Superstar' can beat me cleanly in the Bench Press Challenge tonight. That's all you've got to do.")


(Video aired showing highlights from the two previous outstanding Nakano-Madusa matches. The women split the first two meetings. Video also showed footage of Madusa's recent wins over Angelina Love and Molly Holly.)


Match 3 (#1 Contender's Match -Winner gets the UWL Women's World Title shot at 'Spring Mayhem')

Bull Nakano (w/ mgr. Mr. Saito) vs. Madusa


(Nakano and Saito came to the ring first to boos. Nakano was waving the Japanese flag. The two got in the ring and Nakano walked around the ring waving the flag, thus generating more crowd heat.


After a brief pause, the song 'American Woman' played over the p.a. system. Madusa came to the ring waving Old Glory as the fans greeted Madusa with a strong ovation. Madusa slapped hand with fans while coming down the aisle.


Another staunch, classic battle between two of the top women wrestlers in the world. Some exciting near falls for both women. Saito never interfered.


During the match, UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari walked out on the entrance stage to watch the match. She was in a blouse and mini-skirt, red heels and her trademark tiara. Tina had the title cradled in her arm.


At the end of the match, Madusa was on the offensive. Madusa nailed Nakano with a pair of dropkicks that staggered Nakano but didn't topple her. Madusa then sent Nakano crashing to the mat with a double flying forearm smash (aka, flying burrito). Madusa went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as the unsteady Nakano made it to her feet. Nakano turned around and Madusa came off the top buckle with a flying bodypress but Nakano caught Madusa in mid-air and turned it into a vicious powerslam on Madusa. Nakano for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Madusa got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. Shot of Tina looking on with an intense look on her face. Nakano pulled Madusa up, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a brutal lariat clothesline. Madusa crashed to the mat. Nakano then stood over and straddled Madusa and prepared to nail Madusa with a butt drop to the chest. Nakano looked out at the crowd, raised her fist and yelled 'Bonzai!'. Suddenly, Madusa reached up and grabbed Nakano's legs. Nakano struggled briefly not to go over but Madusa was able to flip Nakano into a pin try. 1...2... Nakano kicked out. Crowd groaned. Another shot of Tina as she was glued to the action.


Both women to their feet. Nakano got a kick in to Madusa's gut. Nakano then whipped Tina into the buckles. Nakano backed up into the opposite corner and charged at Madusa. Madusa found the strength to charge out of the corner and blast Nakano with a spear. Nakano crashed to the mat. Crowd went ballistic. Shot of Tina now with a look of disbelief on her face. Madusa went out on the apron and once again climbed to the top buckle as Nakano got to her feet. When Nakano made it up...WHAM! Madusa pulverized Nakano with a missle dropkick. Madusa covered Nakano and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd went nuts. Shot of Tina on the entrance stage now looking very uneasy. Madusa got to her feet and the ref raised her hand in victory. Madusa hunched over with her hands on her knees in the ring. The defeated Nakano made it to her feet in the ring and came up behind Madusa and spun Madusa around. The two women stared at each other for a moment and then Nakano reached out and grabbed Madusa's hand and raised it victoriously to more crowd cheers. Nakano and Madusa then embraced and Nakano then shook Madusa's hand before leaving the ring and joining Saito on the floor and the two headed for the back.


Tina still looking on at Madusa. Madusa went over by the ropes and took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Madusa looked right at Tina.


Madusa: "Tina Ferrari. For weeks now, I have promised that the next time I faced you in this ring I would beat you and end your title reign and undefeated streak here in the UWL. That promise is going to be fulfilled at 'Spring Mayhem'."


Crowd roared as Madusa looked on at Tina. Tina wasn't full of snarky comments or dismissive facial expressions. No, Tina Ferrari looked like someone who is very concerened the end of her streak and title reign might be coming to an end in just 19 days.


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - Missle Dropkick - 8:37)


(Announcers discussed Madusa beating Bull Nakano in the #1 Contender's match and earning the right for face UWL Women's Wolrd Champion Tina Ferrari with the title on the line at 'Spring Mayhem'.


Stack: "I have never seen Tina this worried about having to defend her World Title before. It's definitely in her mind that Madusa might just keep her promise at 'Spring Mayhem'."


Pedicino: "I don't think Tina thought Madusa was going to get another World Title shot for a long time. Now, in 19 days, Tina's undefeated streak and title reign could come to an abrupt end. Madusa's on a roll right now and I think she can back up the promise she's been making these last several weeks."


Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; $100K WINNER-TAKE-ALL BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera; Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said DiBiase vs. Luger was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Nasty Boys.


Asked about tonight's match against Hall & Nash (WTTC).


Sags: "We have joined the war to save the UWL from The Firm! Hall and Nash, you boys wanna mess with the us?! That's great! We thrive on situations like this! Last week was a just a scuffle between us! Tonight's gonna be a nasty brawl!"


Knobs: "We just arrived in the UWL and we've already enlisted to join the war against The Firm! What you're gonna witness tonight is the nasty-sizing of Hall and Nash! The Nasty Boys will not retreat and the Nasty Boys will not surrender! If The Firm ever seizes control of the UWL, you can bet that one of the first things they'll do is cut the hell out of the pay of the wrestlers who don't go along with their program! Me and Sags will be damned if you think we're gonna let you seriously cut into our party fund! This is a battle for the UWL, the future of wrestling and continuing to party hard!")


Match 4

Firm Director Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger


(Luger came to the ring alone and to a solid ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction and to the strains of 'Money' by Pink Floyd. DiBiase was also alone.


Very short match that saw both men get some of their offense in.


At the end of the match, DiBiase was on the offensive. DiBiase had just nailed Luger with his backwards diving elbow smash from the middle buckle. DiBiase for the cover. 1...2... Luger kicked out. DiBiase pulled Lex up, whipped Lex into the ropes and looked to catch Lex coming off with an elbow to the chest but Lex ducked the move and came back and blasted Ted with his forearm smash to the head. DiBiase crashed to the mat. Schultz and Rude, in their ring attire, hit the ring and attacked Luger. Ref called for the bell.


Schultz and Rude hammered away on Luger and DiBiase recovered and joined in the beatdown. Crowd popped as Lord Humongous and Missing Link hit the ring as mgr. Journey came to ringside. Schultz and DiBiase bailed to the floor but Humongous caught Rude. Humongous staggered Rude with a big right to the head and then hoisted Rude up in the gorilla press position, held Rude for a couple of seconds and threw Rude down on DiBiase and Schultz on the floor. Rude, DiBiase and Schultz all crashed to the floor as the fans cheered. Lord let out a yell and pounded his chest as Link stomped around the ring. DiBiase, Schultz and Rude made their way to their unsteady feet on the floor as Luger, Lord, Link and now Journey looked on from the ring. Crowd eating it up. Schultz wanted to go after the unorthodox pair. DiBiase gestured for his men to head back up the aisle. Schultz instead jumped on the ring apron and Link came over and Schultz and Link scuffled briefly before Ted and Rude were able to pull Schultz back down to the floor. Fans eating it up. Schultz was yelling at Lord and Link as DiBiase and Rude nudged Schultz towards the aisle entranceway. Journey calmed down her two men in the ring. In the aisle, Schultz turned back and was yelling and pointing at Lord and Link. DiBiase and Rude both looked back as well before DiBiase herded his men to the back.


WINNER: Luger - DQ - Rude & Schultz interfered - 2:27)


(Announcers discussed Rude and Schultz interfering in the Luger/DiBiase match and Lord and Link coming out after Rude and Schultz again and this time Rude getting tossed out of the ring by Lord and crashing down on DiBiase and Schultz and Schultz and Link scuffling a little after that before things finally settled down. Said the $100,000 Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 3-24 thru 3-30.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


3 - Arn Anderson


4 - Dusty Rhodes


5 - Hugh Morrus


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


$100,000 Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge

'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Ken Patera


(Shot of the bench press area, which was in front of the entrance stage and off to the left of the rampway several feet away from the ringside barricade behind the last row of fans on the floor.


Larry Nelson, a weightlifting official (to make sure the lifts are clean) and a team of four spotters were in the bench press area.


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system and out came Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard. They were roundly booed. Graham was in his tie-dyed, leg-length tights, weight belt, tie-dyed tank top and boots. Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tuxedo, turban, sunglasses, white shoes and carrying his gold-tipped black cane in one hand and the briefcase carrying Graham's $50 grand in the other. The two came down the rampway and turned and headed into the lifting area. A UWL official was standing next to a table and gestured for Wizard to put the case on the table. Wizard then clutched the case close to his chest with both arms and shook his head 'no' that he wouldn't do it. Graham and Wizard had words off-mic with the official. Three more UWL officials in suits came out and joined in the conversation. Wizard was not letting go of the case.


This brought Pres. Watts out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Watts looked down at Wizard.


BW: "Grand Wizard. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can hand the briefcase over to the UWL official. Or, these guys will come down and take it from you by force and hand it to the official."


Crowd popped as out on the entrance stage walked Lord Humongous and Missing Link.


BW: "You've got the count of five to hand that money over, Wizard. Or, I'm sending in the A-Team here. 1...2...3...4..."


Just before Watts counted five, Wizard quickly handed over the case. Watts, Lord and Link then headed backstage. The three extra UWL officials who came out also left.


After a brief pause, Patera came out to a strong ovation. He was in his black wrestling singlet with 'KP' in white lettering on the front, weight belt and his black boots.


LN: "Welcome to the '$100,000 Dollar Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge'! The winner of the money will be the man who can lift the most weight on a single bench press! As you can see, we have a team of spotters with us. They will spot for the lifts and add weight to the lift bar as the weight lifts get higher. Also with us is weightlifting official Joe Tetchie. He will make sure all lifts are clean and fair.


"And now, the participants. Introducing first, seconded by his manger the Grand Wizard, he hails from Venice Beach, California, 'Superstar' Billy Graham!"


Crowd booed as Graham struck a couple of bodybuilder poses and then flexed and kissed his bi-ceps.


LN: "And from Provo, Utah, Ken Patera!'


Crowd cheered Patera and Patera acknowledged the crowd with a nod of the head and brief wave.


LN: "A coin toss was held backstage earlier this evening and 'Superstar' Graham won the and toss has elected to go first. The wrestlers will alternate with each round of lifts. The first amount to be lifted is 450 pounds."


Graham had a few more words with Wizard and then went over to the chalk box and chalked up his hands. Graham then sat on the weight bench and briefly mentally prepared himself before laying back. Three spotters took their positions around the lift bar. One spotter was behind Graham's head and the other two were at opposite ends of the weights.


Weightlifting official Tetchie stood off to the side and raised his hand and, after holding it in the air for a few seconds, dropped his hand signaling it was time for Graham to lift the weight. Graham lifted the weight off the lift bar holders, brought it down to his chest and then hoisted the weight into the air, held it for a second and placed it back on the holders. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


LN: "'Superstar' Graham has successfully lifted the weight. Ken Patera will now attempt to lift the same amount of weight, 450 pounds."


Spotter wiped off the bench.


Patera went over and chalked up his hands. Patera sat on the bench and also briefly mentally prepared himself for the lift and laid back on the bench. Official Tetchie signaled for Patera to lift. Patera lifted the weight off the lift bar holders, brought it down to his chest and hoisted the weight into the air, held it for a second and then placed the bar back on the holders. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


LN: "Both men successfully benched the 450 pounds. We will now move the weight up to 500 pounds."


Spotters had added the weight and wiped off the bench.


LN: "Ken Patera will go first on this lift."


Patera had wiped his hands off with a towel and then put more chalk on his hands. Patera again sat on the bench, mentally prepared himself and laid back on the bench. Official Tetchie signaled for Patera to lift. Patera lifted the weight off the holders and brought it down to his chest. Patera was able to hoist the weight up and hold it for a second and then place it back on the holders. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


LN: "'Superstar' Graham will now attempt to match Ken Patera's lift of 500..."


Graham grabbed the mic away from Nelson.


Graham: "I WILL lift the 500 pounds!"


Crowd booed.


Mic made a thump as Graham shoved it back in Nelson's chest.


Spotters wiped off the bench.


Graham wiped his hands off and then put some more chalk on them. Graham sat down on the bench, mentally prepared himself and laid back on the bench. Official Tetchie signaled for Graham to lift. Graham matched Patera's lift of 500 pounds. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


LN: "'Superstar' Graham has successfully lifted the 500 pounds. Graham will now go first on this lift as the weight is pushed up to 550 pounds."


Spotters added the weight and wiped off the bench.


Same ritual. Graham wiped off his hands and then put more dry chalk on them. Graham sat on the bench, mentally psyched himself up and laid back on the bench. Official Tetchie signaled for Graham to lift. Graham successfully lifted the 550 pounds and held it for a second in the air, but Graham seemed to struggle slightly comapred to his previous two lifts. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


LN: "Ken Patera will now try to keep this challenge going by matching Graham's lift of 550 pounds."


Spotters wiped off the bench.


Patera wiped off his hands and then re-chalked them. Patera then sat on the bench, psyched himself up and laid back on the bench. Official Tetchie signaled for Patera to lift. Patera was able to lift the weight and hold it in the air for a second. Official Tetchie signaled it was a clean lift.


Camera caught a shot of Graham uneasily wiping his hand down over his mouth.


LN: "Ken Patera has lifted the 550 pounds! We will now move the wieght up to 600 pounds!"


Crowd buzzing.


LN: "Ken Patera will lift first."


Spotters added the weight and wiped down the bench.


Camera shot of Graham having an intense conversation with Wizard.


Patera wiped his hands and then re-chalked them. Patera sat on the bench and started to psych himself up. That was as far as he would get...


Graham, clearly panicked, grabbed a handful of chalk powder out of the chalk box, came up alongside Patera and threw it in Patera's eyes. A blinded Patera got up off the bench and started stumbling around. Graham moved in and nailed Patera with a couple of punches to the head and then slammed Ken's head into the weights on one side of the bar. Patera went down on the floor. Graham then charged over and went to grab the briefcases off the table but the UWL official tried to stop him. Graham shoved the UWL official down to the ground. He grabbed the briefcases and he and Wizard took off and ran around the side of the stage and disappeared. Pres. Watts came charging out onto the entrance stage with UWL security and they made their way into the bench press area. Shot of Patera, now wearing a mask of blood and chalk dust, on his knees next to the weight bench. Watts started talking with UWL security and pointing off to the side of the entrance stage in the direction where Graham and Wizard bolted with the loot as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Bench Press Challenge not ending as expected and Graham and Wizard running off with the money. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?; the first 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update and more! Said Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. Nasty Boys was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hall and Nash. They were wearing the tag titles around their waists.


Asked about tonight's match-up with the Nasty Boys.


Hall: "If the Nasty Boys want to play rough with The Firm, then we'll play rough with them. We don't run from anybody. The Nastys are a couple of hard-partying loudmouths who obviously like to get involved in things that have nothing to do with them. They've now officially made themselves enemies of The Firm. And they're gonna learn the hard way that's not a good thing, yo!"


Nash: "I need to clarify something that Scott just said. While the Nasty Boys are hard-partying loudmouths, we're hard-partying loudmouths as well. The difference is that we're allowed to be that way because we're with The Firm and are the World Tag Team Champions! In other words, we have a license to be hard-partying loudmouths! The Nasty Boys haven't earned the right to be classified as such! Sags and Knobs! When you boys have these belts around your waists and prove you can compete with the elite members of The Firm, only then can you stake a claim to the title of hard-partying loudmouths! But until that time...you two clowns need to just shut up and sit in the corner! As for tonight, the Nasty Boys will still be drinking non-alcoholic beer once we've finished with them!")


(Video aired from last week of the scuffle on the floor between the Nasty Boys and Hall and Nash after the Nastys came to the ring to defend Arn after Dusty had laid out Arn with a 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver).)


Match 5 (Non-Title)

Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys


(Nastys came to the ring first to a strong ovation.


'Money' played over the p.a. system and out came Hall & Nash. They were without DiBiase. They received their usual mixed crowd reax.


Announcers pointed out that the match was non-title.


Explosive match in which both sides tore into each other. A couple of times during the match, all four parties fought in the ring until the ref was able to restore order. Nash got the 'pit stop' treatment from the Nastys when Sags rubbed Nash's face into Knobs' arm pit.


At the end of the match, Knobs and Hall were the legal men in the ring. The two battled back-and-forth before Hall got the upper hand with a kick to Knobs' gut. Hall laid into Knobs with a series of head slaps and then dropped Knobs with a discus punch. Hall snapped up Knobs, whipped Knobs into the ropes and caught Knobs coming off by the throat. Knobs then nailed Hall with a couple of elbows to the side of the head freeing Knobs from Hall's grasp. Hall briefly staggered. Knobs moved in and punched Hall in the head. Hall fired back. The two then engaged in a punch exchange and Hall got the upper hand. Hall went to whip Knobs into the ropes but Knobs reversed and caught Hall coming off with a brutal side slam. Crowd popped. Nash hit the ring and dropped Knobs with a kick to the face. Both men went down. Ref ordered Nash back to his corner. Nash and the ref had words in the corner as Knobs and Hall struggled to their feet. Ref distracted. Knobs caught Hall with a glancing blow to the head and Hall countered with a kick to the slats. Knobs toppled over. Sags hit the ring and dropped Hall with a clothesline. Nash charged into the ring and went to kick Sags in the face but Sags avoided the kick, kicked Nash in the gut and popped Nash with a swinging neckbreaker. Nash down and holding his neck. Hall and Knobs got up and Hall swung wildly at Knobs and missed and Knobs dropped Hall with an atomic drop.


Knobs and Sags then whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with the flapjack. Hall slammed into the mat. Knobs covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2... Nash had recovered and went to break up the pin but Sags tackled Nash into the corner. ...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd screaming like naked ladies in a cold shower. Nastys ecstatic in the ring as the ref raised their hands in victory. The Nastys left the ring and briefly celebrated with some fans at ringside before heading back up the aisle and slapping hands with fans along the way.


WINNER: Nasty Boys - Pinfall - Knobs pinned Hall with the Flapjack - 9:24)


(Announcers discussed the Nastys beating the World Tag Champs Hall and Nash in a non-title clash. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel are here. Will we get an answer: Will Roddy Piper defend the WT against Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'?)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Arn Anderson


'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers then hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


- 8-Man Battle Royal with the winner getting a President's Championship shot at 'Spring Mayhem'


- Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action


- Rip Oliver will defend the TV Title


- Father Dutch's 'wheel' will be spun to determine the match between DDP and Father Dutch at 'Spring Mayhem'




'Slam!' - FX - Tuesdays - 9:30pm E/P)


(In-ring: JJ, Wahoo and Harley came out to strong boos. JJ was in a suit and tie. Wahoo was in a dark blazer, white button up dress shirt open at the collar and dark dress shoes. Harley was in casual street clothes. All three men had mics.


As the men made their way to the ring, video aired from last week of World Champion Piper confronting Wahoo and Wahoo attacking Roddy and knocking Roddy to the mat with his big chop and Wahoo demanding a World Title match with Piper at 'Spring Mayhem'.


The trio soaked in the boos once in the ring.


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Pres. Watts with mic in hand. Modest response for the President.


Crowd really came to life when bagpipe music filled the arena and out came Roddy Piper. Piper was in street clothes and was carrying the title and had a mic in his other hand. Once in the ring, Piper briefly acknowledged the fans.


Before they could get down to official business, JJ turned to Race.


JJ: "Harley, why do you have a mic?"


Race seemed taken aback by the question.


HR: "So I can have my say."


JJ: "You are out here as a representative of JJ Dillon Enterprises. Since the issue at hand does not concern you, you need to be a silent presence tonight."


JJ grabbed the mic out of Race's hand and tossed it aside. Race had a look on his face of disbelief.


JJ: "Just stand there. Don't say a word."


Race looked unhappy but swallowed his pride and kept his piehole shut.


BW: "JJ, is there something going on within the ranks of JJ Dillon Enterprises that we should know about?"


JJ: "President Watts, there are no problems in JJ Dillon Enterprises. Things have never been better."


BW: "If you say so. The reason we are all out here tonight is because last week, Wahoo, you came out here and demanded a World Title match against Roddy Piper at 'Spring Mayhem'. I have been in discussions with the UWL Championship Committee all week about this matter. Wahoo, based on your career track record here in the UWL, as much as it pains me to say this, we feel that you have earned the right to a World Title shot at this time. With that said, on April 14th at the 'Spring Mayhem' pay-per-view, it will be Roddy Piper defending the UWL World Title against Wahoo McDaniel."


Crowd buzzing.


JJ was ecstatic.


JJ: "Yes!"


BW: "Wahoo, do you have anything to say?"


As Wahoo prepared to speak, crowd loudly booed Wahoo.


WM: "In spite of the repsonse I just received from this rabble out here, I do have something to say. I deserve this title match. It was a shot I was never going to get as long as I remained best friends with World Champion Roddy Piper. I would just wither in Piper's shadow as he would have kept promising me a World Title match that I know would never have come. I knew if I wanted this match that I had to make drastic changes. Joining JJ Dillon Enterprises has turned out to be nothing but a positive move for me. Piper, at 'Spring Mayhem', not only am I getting the World Title shot I so richly deserve; I'm also gonna become the second 2-time UWL World Champion in company history. And both 2-time World Champions will have been managed by this man right here. JJ Dillon has been the manager of champions. He has a track record that's more than proven. He gets positive results. And he's got another positive result coming his way on April 14th."


BW: "Anything you want to add, JJ?"


JJ: "Yes. I've managed a lot of wrestlers in my career. But Wahoo McDaniel is easily the best signing I've ever made."


Shot of Race looking on without a reaction.


JJ: "We both made the right decision. I made the right decision to pursue Wahoo McDaniel and he made the right decision by signing on with JJ Dillon Enterprises. At 'Spring Mayhem', our decision to join forces will prove very fruitful. As Wahoo has said, I am the manager of champions. No other manager can touch my record of leading men to titles here in the UWL. But, this will be my greatest achievement. I'm going to be the man to manage Wahoo to the UWL World Championship. And, if winning the World Title isn't sweet enough, Wahoo doing it by beating his former dear friend Roddy Piper will make it that much sweeter."


BW: "Roddy, what say you?"


RP: "I stand before all of you still in a state of stunned disbelief. Wahoo, I welcome our match at 'Spring Mayhem'. It didn't have to be this way, though. I would have given you a title shot if you had asked for one. No matter what happened in the match, win or lose, we would have still remained friends. We would have given the fans their money's worth in the ring. But we would have also shaken hands after the match. Wahoo, you've chosen to walk down the primrose path of destruction by signing with JJ Dillon. You think you've made the right choice. But, this man will chew you up and, when he feels he has no more use for you, he will spit you out.


"I intend to beat you at 'Spring Mayhem', Wahoo, and retain the World Title. But I won't be happy about doing it. It will be the toughest thing I've ever had to do. All this because you let Dillon get inside your head and fill it full of garbage. You're basically eating this man's garbage..."


WM: "Roddy! You listen to me! This is a business! And championships and money trump friendship and loyalty every time! I don't need you as a friend anymore! Those days are over! And you infer that JJ Dillon, a proven winner, is some sort of garbageman, well, I'll gladly wallow in his garbage dump any day of the week before I'd ever be friends with you again! This man's leading me straight to the top! The only thing you ever did for me, Roddy, was lead me in every direction except the one I needed to go in all along because you know what a threat I am to ending your run as World Champion! All the stuff you said about how all I had to do was ask you for a title match and you would have granted it...total bullshit! We'll both be getting what we deserve at 'Spring Mayhem'! I'll be getting the UWL World Title! And you'll be the former UWL World Champion and without your former best friend!"


RP: "Wahoo, when you speak now, it's like I'm hearing JJ's words come out of your mouth. I can't believe it. You're one of the toughest guys I know. And to see you like this, man, it kills me. But, you're right. This is a business. We've both got jobs to do. And it may just be you who walks out of that ring still a challenger and without your former best friend."


Wahoo moved in and got in Piper's face. Watts moved in and was prepared to break things up if they turned violent. Piper and Wahoo stared each other down as the program faded to black.)




Dark Match

Lord Humongous, Missing Link & Rick Steiner (PC) (w/ Dark Journey) vs. Dusty Rhodes, David Schultz & Rick Rude

(WINNER: Lord, Link & Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Schultz with the Death Valley Driver - 14:11)

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An interview with UWL World Champion Roddy Piper as he prepares for his title defense against Wahoo McDaniel at 'Spring Mayhem'!




- Pres. Watts discusses the fallout from last week's $100,000 Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge


- A special pre-recorded interview with UWL Women's World Title challenger Madusa


- An interview with UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari live in the arena


- Father Dutch and Dallas Page will have their match at 'Spring Mayhem' determined by a spin of the wheel


- Wahoo sees action


- 8-Man Battle Royal (The winner gets a President's Championship shot at 'Spring Mayhem')


- Rip Oliver defends the UWL TV Title


- Lex Luger vs. Lars Anderson


- Another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV update




Ep. 115 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.


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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); an i'view w/ The Nasty Boys; Wahoo vs. Lash LaRue; The Firm is here; Lex Luger vs. Lars Anderson; a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; a special pre-recorded i'view w/ Madusa; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more.)


Match 1 (UWL TV Title Match)

Rip Oliver © vs. Sam Houston


(Houston came to the ring to a modest crowd response.


Oliver came to the ring with the belt around his waist. He was booed.


Sam stunned Oliver by giving Rip a suprising battle that saw Sam almost win the belt on a couple of occasions during the match. But, in the end, Rip showed why he's the TV Champion by blasting Sam with his superkick finisher and covering Sam for the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 6:26)


(After the match: After Oliver had his hand raised in victory and was preparing to leave the ring, Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Fair ovation for Watts.


BW: "Rip, before you leave the ring I have an announcement to make that concerns you. At 'Spring Mayhem', Rip, you will be defending the TV Title. The man you'll be facing in 12 days has scored some impressive victories here on 'Slam!' recently. And you know him very well. Your opponent in the TV Title match at is...Hugh Morrus!"


Crowd popped as Morrus came out on the entrance stage.


Rip took the r.a. mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.


RO: "If you think you caught me by suprise there, Watts, you didn't. I knew the day would eventually come when me and Hugh would cross paths with the TV Title on the line. Hugh, when we were tag team partners, I carried the team. That eight month World Tag Team Title reign we had, that was all because of me. Since I kicked you to the curb over a year ago, you've won how many championships? Zero. That's the exact number of titles you've won because you no longer have my coattails to ride on. At 'Spring Mayhem' nothing changes. When our match is over you'll still be a man who is incapable of winning a championship without me carrying your carcass on my back. I welcome this match. Because I'm gonna show everyone that without me, Hugh can't get the job done. Hugh will never hold gold in his UWL career again because I'm not there to take him to the top of the mountain."


Hugh took Watts' mic.


HM: "Rip! I may not have won a championship since our team broke up last year! But I have had pretty good success on my own since the split! Last week, I beat Ole Anderson! That's no small feat as Ole is one of the best wrestlers around! Now, we meet in a match where the TV Title is on the line! I haven't forgotten the shoddy way you treated me when we were a tag team, Rip! I carry hat chip on my shoulder every day! And the way I'm finally gonna get rid of that chip is by beating you and becoming the new TV Champion at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Crowd cheered as Oliver and Hugh glared at each other from a distance as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Rip successfully defending the TV Title against Sam Houston and Watts making the TV Title Match: Rip © vs. Hugh for 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); Wahoo vs. Lash LaRue; The Firm is here; Lex Luger vs. Lars Anderson; a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; a special pre-recorded i'view w/ Madusa; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ The Nasty Boys is next!)


(Video aired from last week of the Nasty Boys defeating World Tag Champs Hall & Nash in a non-title match.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed the Nasty Boys.


Nastys came to the ring to a good ovation. They were in their ring attire and wearing their sunglasses that were splattered with multi-colored paint. They briefly played to the crowd once in the ring.


Knobs: "Mayor of Nastyville Lee Marshall! Last week, we came out to this ring and we beat the World Tag Team Champions Hall and Nash! The Nasty Boys are fully committed to helping the UWL win this war against The Firm! We did our own small part last week when we won a battle against them! And if Hall and Nash or any members of The Firm want to tangle with the Nasty Boys, you don't have to look hard to find us!"


Sags: "The Firm wants to rule over the UWL! I'll be damned if they're ever going to rule the Nasty Boys! Ted DiBiase and that group of skunks that he's surrounded himself with are never gonna tell us what to do! We'll never work for them! The entire UWL roster has got to join the fight to stop The Firm from taking over here! It would not be a good thing for wrestling!"


Knobs: "It also wouldn't be a good thing for the Nasty Boys' party fund! I'll fight to the very last 12-ounces of liquid gold to make sure The Firm can't hamper the Nasty's hard-partying ways! You think you're in a war now?! Mess with our beer money!"


Hall and Nash came out on the entrance stage with mics in hand. Pair received a mixed crowd reax. Both were in street clothes and had the titles slung over their shoulders.


Hall: "Hey yo! Man, Nasty Boys, you come out here and brag about beating us last week! What did you win exactly?! Hmmmm... You won a match! You didn't win anything else! See these tag team titles?! We've still got 'em, you bozos! We lost a match to you! But we didn't lose these! And The Firm is still very much in this war! We're very much alive, chicos! That loss last week...it means very little to us! You guys on the UWL side are still gonna lose this war in the end and you'll be working for The Firm and you'll do what we tell you to do when we control this company!"


Nash: "Sags and Knobs! You guys need to keep worrying about your party fund! Just stick with that because that's more in-line with your talent and character! You beat us in a NON-TITLE match! When you're the champions, losing a non-title match is like losing an exhibition game! It doesn't count in the grand scheme of things! You're so proud to be fighting on the side of the UWL! You mean you're proud to be fighting for the losing side?! Ha! As far as we're concerned, last week was, at best, a small victory for the UWL! It was a small, trivial battle that was won by you guys! It was simply a speed bump on the road for The Firm! We hit the bump, got a little shaken up, but recovered quickly! Now, we're back on the path to victory! There may be few more setbacks along the road; but we will not be stopped from attaining total power here in the UWL!"


Out on the entrance stage walked Pres. Watts. Watts had a mic and got little response from the crowd.


BW: "Hall and Nash, I hear you two out here saying that last week's non-title win by the Nasty Boys against you wasn't that big of a deal in your opinion."


Nash: "That's right! It wasn't all that important in the grand scheme of things, President Watts! We're still the World Tag Team Champions! We lost a match, not the titles!"


BW: "That might be about to change. Because the Nasty Boys beat you in a non-title match last week, Hall and Nash, you will be defending the World Tag Team Titles at 'Spring Mayhem'! And your opponents will be the Nasty Boys!"


Crowd cheered. Hall and Nash seemed to take the news in stride. Nastys were ecstatic in the ring.


Hall: "Look at how happy the Nasty Boys are, man! You'd think they just won free beer for life! Remember this! You guys have to beat us to win these belts! We don't have to beat you!"


Nash: "Go ahead and celebrate now! Because you will not be celebrating at 'Spring Mayhem'! The Firm is on a mission! And it's a mission that we have to fulfill! Total victory or total defeat!"


Knobs: "Hall and Nash! Yap! Yap! Yap! I'm hearing a lot of talk right now! We showed last week that we can beat you! And we can do it again at 'Spring Mayhem' with the titles up for grabs!"


Sags: "Yeah! And if we win those titles, then we're gonna have the biggest Nasty-party of all-time with plenty of beer! And everybody will be invited...except for members of The Firm!"


Knobs: "Hall and Nash! Prepare for a rough lesson in Nasty-fication!"


Fans cheered as the segment ended with the long-distance staredown.)


(Announcers discussed Pres. Watts making the WTT Title match for 'Spring Mayhem': Hall & Nash © vs, The Nasty Boys. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); Wahoo vs. Lash LaRue; The Firm is here; a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; a special pre-recorded i'view w/ Madusa; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said Lex Luger vs. Lars Anderson is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from last week of the Luger-DiBiase match that ended when Schultz & Rude interfered on behalf of DiBiase and Lord Humongous and Missing Link coming to Luger's aid.)


Match 2

Lex Luger vs. Lars Anderson


(Lars came to the ring alone and was moderately booed by the fans.


Luger came to the ring to a nice ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


As expected, Lars gave a Luger a fight.


At the end of the match, Luger was on the offensive. Luger had worked over Lars a little and then whipped Lars into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Lars coming off with a backdrop but Lars instead nailed Luger with a kick to the chest. Luger shot up and stumbled backwards but didn't go down. Lars then dropped Luger with a clothesline. Lars nailed Luger in the head with some punches, pulled Luger up, whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in the fireman's carry position. Lars nailed Luger with the Minnesota Wrecker (aka, Samoan Death Drop). Lars covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Luger kicked out and sat up. Lars stomped on Lex's upper back, pulled Luger up and went to whip Luger into the ropes but Luger reversed and caught Lars coming off with a scoop powerslam. Luger got up and gestured it was time for the rack. Luger hoisted Lars up in the rack and Lars was only in the hold for a few seconds before submitting. Ref called for the bell and Luger released Lars and Lars dropped to the mat. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory.


WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 5:25)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Luger.


LL: "Two times! Two times now, I have wrestled Ted DiBiase of The Firm in recent weeks only to have some of the thugs employed by him interfere in the match and there was no clear winner! I'm sick and tired of this! DiBiase! Get your ass out here right now!"


After a brief pause, Director DiBiase came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He was in a suit and received a mixed crowd reax.


Ted: "Luger, would you like some cheese to go with your whine? Hahaha! You need to look at the upside here, Luger. You didn't lose to me; which is what would have happened had both of those matches continued. It is..."


LL: "I would have lost to you, huh? Then why unleash your thugs during the match if you were so sure of victory?"


Ted: "Because sometimes it's not about winning a match for The Firm. Sometimes, Luger, it's about sending a message to the UWL. The price you guys are gonna pay for standing in The Firm's way is gonna get a whole lot steeper, Luger. You have cast your lot with the enemy and you shall be treated like an enemy and shown no mercy at the hands of The Firm!"


LL: "If your goal was intimidation then it didn't work, Ted! I want you in another match! And this time there must be a winner!"


Ted: "Is that really what you want, Lex? You want to face me again? You realize that if we wrestle each other again, I can't guarantee serious problems won't arise during the match."


LL: "What kind of serious problems? You mean your thugs attack me again?! I'm willing to take my chances! Let's have one more match!"


Ted: "Well, if you..."


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Tepid crowd response to his appearance.


BW: "I'll cut right to the chase. I want to see a winner in a match between you two. So, at 'Spring Mayhem', it's gonna be Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger and there must be a winner. Oh, and one more thing. For that match, every other member of The Firm is barred from ringside!"


Crowd cheered.


Ted: "Luger! You're losing at 'Spring Mayhem'! No Firm! No problem!"


LL: "We'll see about that.")


(Announcers discussed the Luger-DiBiase confrontation and Watts coming out and making a match between the two for 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); Wahoo vs. Lash LaRue; The Firm is here; a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said a special pre-recorded i'view with Madusa was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center; Sat. - Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium; Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd this pre-recorded i'view w/ Madusa as Madusa prepares to face UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari for the title at 'Spring Mayhem'.




Video shows Madusa sitting and facing an off-camera interviewer. You never hear the interviewer's voice. The questions he asks come up in white lettering in front of a black screen.


Q: How did you get your start in professional wrestling?


Madusa: "I was trained by Eddie Sharkey and former Olympian turned pro Brad Rheingans. When I first started wrestling, I wrestled on small independent cards. Sometimes, there were only 20 or 30 people in the crowd. I certainly didn't make much money when I started. There were times when I was paid $5 dollars a night for my work. This was how I paid my dues to break into this business. We usually wrestled in school gyms, rec centers or very small arenas. It was tough at first. The grind of traveling in a packed car to towns that were sometimes hundreds of miles apart; staying four to six in a cheap motel room to save money; the 'bologna blowouts', where we pooled our meager finances to buy some lunch meats and bread at the store just so we had something to eat. It was the definition of 'roughing it' by pro wrestling standards. Others who were at the bottom of the ladder like me that couldn't take the grind gave up and quit. There were times I wanted to give up. I'm glad I didn't. I worked hard, did my job and finally got noticed."


Q: About your time in the American Wrestling Association (AWA)?


Madusa: "The AWA was my first big break in this business. I will always be grateful to Verne Gagne for giving me the chance to show what I could do before a national audience. A lot of people speak negatively about Verne and, while he could be pretty tight with money, he gave me a strong push and I became the top female wrestler in his company. I also worked as a valet with Dallas Page's Diamond Company. Dallas was breaking into the business then as well. He's also made a good career for himself, thanks in large part to Verne. I also valeted for the AWA World Champion at the time, Curt Hennig. Curt was a rising superstar and he taught me a lot about the ins and outs of this business. I also got my first taste of managing there as I managed a wrestler by the name of 'Mr. Magnificent' Kevin Kelly. It was an exciting time. I was sad when the AWA finally had to close its door because they could no longer compete financially with the bigger national promotions. But, it was a valuable life-lesson in wrestling for me. I have fond memories of the AWA."


Q: What was it like wrestling in Japan?


Madusa: "Wrestling in Japan was a real eye-opener. While Verne presented women's wrestling in a serious manner, our matches were always at the bottom or in the middle of the card. We always got overshadowed by the men. Even if the women had the best match on a show, the men still got the lion's share of the attention. In Japan, the women are highly respected athletes. They had their own promotions which were treated just as seriously as the men's promotions. It was a great learning experience. I trained in a dojo over there and if you want to talk about tough...the dojo could be a harsh environment for wrestlers learning the art from the Japanese viewpoint. There was no messing around. When you went out to that ring you wanted to have the best match on every show because there was a serious pride factor involved. Their style was also much harder physically for women than the way they work here in the States. Some of my best matches have been against Japanese girls. The three matches I've wrestled against Bull Naknao here in the UWL are three of my personal favorite matches of all-time. They were tough. But when you saw the finished product, it was worth the bumps and bruises suffered along the way to give the fans matches that they will remember for a long time. Going to Japan was a great move for my career."


Q: What about your time in the WWE?


Madusa: "The WWE, then known as the World Wrestling Federation, almost felt like a step back at times. Vince paid well. Really well. I was known under the ring name Alundra Blayze there. I didn't mind the name change. I was in the biggest show of all. But, the WWF treated women's wrestling as basically filler. And they often had me in what were not much more than comedy matches with Bertha Faye. No offense to Bertha, but those matches weren't exactly match of the year-caliber battles. Unlike big Bull Nakano, Bertha didn't really do much in the ring. After a while, I felt like I was treading water there. Like I said, the money was good. But my career was going nowhere fast. I had to get out before my career was buried."


Q: How were things in World Championship Wrestling?


Madusa: "My times in WCW were a mixed bag. Just like in the WWF, women's wrestling was just filler. It wasn't taken too seriously. The most exciting time for me there was working as a valet/troublemaker for Paul E. Dangerously's Dangerous Alliance. I got to mix it up with the guys some in WCW. It was pretty wild. I was also used as t&a there. I remember having a bikini showdown with Missy Hyatt. My biggest regret also occured in WCW. That's the time I showed up on 'WCW Nitro' and threw the WWF Women's Title in a garbage can on national TV. It wasn't the best move one could make. It seemed revolutionary at the time. But, it could have been really costly in the long run. I know Vince wasn't happy when he saw it. Word got back to me on that real fast. I regretted it almost as soon as the title went into the can. When WCW started to go downhill, things seemed to go downhill for me, too. I was mainly just more t&a in a business that was getting more and more edgy. I knew the writing was on the wall there when I was booked in the 32-man tournament to decide the new WCW Men's World Champion. It was a complete joke. I lost the first time and then they re-inserted me into the brackets to lose again. It was a slap in the face to every male wrestler who's ever laced up a pair of boots. While it would be good for wrestling if WCW was still around, I wasn't too upset when they closed their doors. The place was an out-of-control mess at the end. Inmates were running the asylum."


Q: On wrestling in the UWL?


Madusa: "I watched the UWL broadcasts and saw how they presented women's wrestling. They treat it more seriously here than in any other American promotion I've ever been in. They contacted me last spring about coming in and I gladly accepted their very fair offer. If only the WWF and WCW and American women's only promotions had treated women's wrestling this way. I have never had a moment of regret regarding my decision to come here."


Q: Your thoughts on UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari?


Madusa: "Let me just say upfront that I do not like Tina Ferrari. I don't think there's ever been another wrestler, male or female, who burns me up more than she does. But, you've got to give the she-devil her due. Tina Ferrari has backed up her words with actions. Up to now, she has remained undefeated in the UWL. Her Women's World Title reign now stands at 14 months, which is the longest title reign of any kind in the history of the UWL. The problem for Tina is that she's put herself in a very precarious situation. Nothing lasts forever. Once she loses her undefeated streak and title reign, everything that she's worked for will come crashing down around her. She'll topple hard off her throne. It will not be a soft landing for her when she hits the ground. Because she has such a big mouth and likes to brag constantly about her accomplishments here and how she's said in the past that she'll die without ever losing the UWL Women's World Title, she's backed herself into a corner. She's been the only Women's Champion in this company's history. Once she loses, her air of invincibility is gone. It will vanish in three seconds. Then, she'll be put in the position of the challenger. She's never had to deal with being the chaser of the title. But she's about to have to deal with. The question is, how will she handle no longer being the top woman wrestler?"


Q: On promising to win the title at 'Spring Mayhem' and ending Tina's reign and undefeated streak?


Madusa: "I am extremely confident heading into this match. It's not an arrogant confidence, either. With each title defense, Tina Ferrari gets one match closer to judgment day. And on April 14th at 'Spring Stampede', I believe that I will be the one to end things for Tina. The undefeated streak. Gone. The Women's World Title reign. Gone. That's a promise.")


(Announcers discussed the Madusa interview and her confidence heading into the match-up with UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari at 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); The Firm is here; a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said Wahoo vs. Lash LaRue is coming up next!)


(Video footage aired from last week of the Piper-Wahoo confrontation and Watts making the UWL World Title Match: Piper © vs. Wahoo for 'Spring Mayhem' and Piper and Wahoo having a staredown at the end.)


Match 3

Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ) vs. Lash LaRue


(LaRue came to the ring first and had his bullwhip with him. He got a less-than-enthusiastic response coming to the ring.


Wahoo and JJ came to the ring to very loud boos.


LaRue got in some offense but Wahoo took most of the match. Wahoo finished off LaRue with his big chop finisher and covered Lash and scored the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop - 2:51)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Wahoo and JJ.


Marshall asked about the upcoming title match with Piper.


JJ: "12 days is now all that stands between Wahoo McDaniel and his destiny. And it's a destiny he richly deserves. Roddy Piper is now hunted by a man that knows him like, well, a best friend. This man standing with me is the uncrowned World Champion. All that time spent in Piper's shadow has made him angry. He knows that a great injustice occured by being Piper's friend. He knows that Roddy Piper was a stumbling block in his path. He has now removed that stumbling block and his path is now clear all the way to becoming the UWL World Champion for the second time."


LM: "Where's Harley Race right now?"


JJ: "Harley is in the back preparing for the 8-Man Battle Royal. But, this interview isn't about Harley, is it?! This interview is about Wahoo McDaniel and the World Title match coming up at 'Spriing Mayhem'! So why even bring up Harley Race?! He's not important here!"


LM: "Wahoo McDaniel, just listen to these fans booing you. And now, some garbage has hit the ring. What are you thinking heading into 'Spring Mayhem'?"


Boos continued as Wahoo prepared to talk.


WM: "As far as I'm concerned about this garbage...it's garbage being thrown by garbage!"


More boos and some more trash thrown in the ring.


WM: "Roddy Piper! Turning on you and joining JJ Dillon Enterprises is the best thing I've ever done in my career! As JJ said, I am the uncrowned World Champion! But, by aligning myself with the manager of champions here in the UWL, I'm gonna become the two-time UWL World Champion and JJ will be the manager of a champion for the seventh time!"


LM: "Roddy seems devastated by what has transpired. Don't you feel for your old friend at all?"


WM: "That's former friend, Lee Marshall! I don't give a rat's ass how Roddy Piper feels! The only thing I can tell you is that he's gonna feel a lot more pain in 12 days! He's gonna feel physical pain! And he's gonna feel the pain of loss when I beat him and take the World Title! Roddy Piper can go to hell, straight to hell, for all I care! He oppressed me! He made sure that I was always second fiddle in our friendship! No more! This is the new Wahoo McDaniel talking! I'm lookng out for number one now! And number one is me!")


(Announcers discussed the Wahoo win and Wahoo and JJ's words for Piper after the match.


Pedicino: "Another thing that needs to be brought up here, Steve, is Harley Race. It almost seems like he's been tossed aside by JJ since JJ signed Wahoo. You've got wonder what Harley thinks about all this?"


Stack: "Joe, Harley can't be too happy about what's going on concerning his treatment all of a sudden. But, he's keeping everything close to the vest. Harley's a guy who's good at not letting on as to what he is thinking. Unless this situation boils over publicly, we'll probably never know what Harley's true thoughts are on this matter."


Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari is here; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said The Firm is here next!)


(In-ring: 'Money' played over the p.a. system and four members of The Firm came to the ring. They received a mixed crowd reax.


Hall and Nash were in their ring attire and Rhodes was in casual street clothes and DiBiase was in a suit. All four had mics. The four soaked in the crowd response once in the ring.


Rhodes: "Call all your friends! Tell all the neighbors! The Firm is now on 'Slam!' wrestling! Prepare to be educated in a way you've never been educated before!


"At 'Spring Mayhem', Arn Anderson, it's gonna be you and me! One-on-one! We've wrestled each other a whole bunch in the past! And now our feud has been re-ignited here in the UWL! It's gonna be hotter than ever, jack! Arn, I know you're gonna be at your very best for 'Spring Mayhem'! But your best isn't gonna be good enough to beat 'Stardust'! When I beat you it will be another battle won for The Firm in their war with the UWL!"


Hall: "Hey yo! You all heard the news earlier tonight, man! Me and Big Kev are defending these tag team titles against the Nasty Boys at 'Spring Mayhem'! And we're gonna prove something! And that is that we can be a lot nastier than the Nasty Boys! Sags and Knobs! You guys beat us in a match when these belts weren't on the line! In 12 days, when these titles are on the line, it's a whole different ballgame! We'll do anything to keep these tag titles, guys! It's all part of our master plan! First, win all the men's championships here in the UWL and then take over the UWL by any means necessary! So, Nasty Boys, enjoy looking at our sparkly belts! Because you're not gettin' 'em at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Nash: "The war rages on! The UWL vs. The Firm! The people tune week after week to see what's gonna happen next! Who's gonna have the upper hand one week and who's gonna have it the next! In a war, there is always an ebb and flow! The Firm's had the advantage for a while and the UWL has held serve for a time! But there's one thing I can guarantee you! At 'Spring Mayhem', Hall and Nash are gonna enter the ring against the Nasty Boys as the World Tag Team Champions! And we're gonna leave the ring still the reigning World Tag Team Champions! And, Nastys! We don't care if we're not invited to your stinking party after the pay-per-view! No one can party like the boys in The Firm can party! Also, the people attending your party will be attending a loser party! That's just what the Nasty Boys are gonna be when we get through with 'em...losers!"


Ted: "As you'll notice, two members of The Firm are not out here with us tonight. That's because David Schultz and Rick Rude are not here. They're on a special mission on behalf of The Firm. But don't worry, all of The Firm will be back together next week.


"Lex Luger! We square off at 'Spring Mayhem'! President Watts has declared there must be a winner in our match and every member of The Firm is banned from ringside! That's alright with me! As I said earlier this evening, no Firm, no problem! Hahaha! You come out here Luger and walk around and like to show off your muscles! Where did those muscles come from, hmmm? Did you get all those muscles by just hitting the weights real hard?! Or did you have a little help, Luger?! That's the million dollar question! What I'm going to show everyone in 12 days is that wrestling skill and smarts will beat a power wrestling musclehead like you every time! Let's not insult these fans out here! They know I'm the superior ring technician! They know I'm a helluva lot smarter than you, Luger! You may have a power wrestling arsenal! But it's not a very expansive arsenal! People just meed to watch a few of your matches to see that you have to win with brute force! You can't get the job done any other way! When it comes to comparing the wrestling skills of Lex Luger and Ted DiBiase...it's like comparing a complete set of encyclopedias to a pamphlet! And I'm the encyclopedias! Luger's really gonna have to catch me off-guard to beat me! But I wouldn't bet on Luger getting the win at 'Spring Mayhem' because it's like this! No Firm! No problem! Hahahaha!")


(Announcers discussed The Firm's interviews. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Pres. Watts has some major announcements concerning 'Spring Mayhem'; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); a look back at last week's Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera; Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said an i'view w/ UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari was next!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari.


'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system. Ferrari came out in a burnt orange party dress, white heels and her trademark tiara. She had the title slung over her shoulder. She was strongly booed as she got in the ring. Ferrari didn't look too happy.


Tina: "Why in the world did Madusa get a special video interview?! Something like that should be reserved for the Women's World Champion! Hello! As you can see, I'm the one with the championship! This belt meanss I'm the champion! Unbelievable! You don't treat a challenger better than the champion! I am undefeated! I am unbeatable! I have been the UWL Women's World Champion for one year and two months! But I don't get a special big deal video made about me! Madusa deserved to have that video made about her as much as a guy with an IQ no larger than his shoe size being allowed on 'Jeopardy!' Something stinks here! I'm the best female wrestler of the modern era! In a truly just world, they would make movies about my life and greatness! But the UWL doesn't have even the smallest bit of class to do a small documentary on me!


"So, fuel has been added to the fire! I've now got more incentive to beat Madusa at 'Spring Mayhem' and retain the title! After I win, I am demanding that the UWL gives me the credit I deserve, dammit! I want a tribute to me and I want it produced by the UWL and funded on their dime! And it had better be a spectacular that is fitting of someone in my position! I'm not done! Oh no! On the 'Slam!' following 'Spring Mayhem', I want Tina Turner to come out and sing 'Simply The Best' to me while I sit on a throne in this ring because I am simply the best! I am better than all the rest of the female wrestlers out there and that includes Madusa! I am the gold standard of women's wrestling! And the UWL needs to start treating me like it!"


Tina then angrily left the ring to boos and headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Ferrari's angry tirade.


Pedicino: "I think the pressure of the upcoming match with Madusa at 'Spring Mayhem' is starting to get to Tina. And the way things are going for Madusa right now in the ring and with her confidence level, Tina may not even be in a position to demand some video spectacular about herself come April 15th."


Stack: "Joe, Tina definitely seems more than a little worried about the threat Madusa poses to her title reign and undefeated streak. One thing I think needs to be mentioned here is that no matter what happens at 'Spring Mayhem', love her or hate her, Tina Ferrari has had an incredible run since she arrived here."


Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; 8-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayehm'); Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said Pres. Watts has a major announcement about 'Spring Mayhem' next!)


(In-ring: Pres. Watts, a UWL official and six members of UWL security came to the ring to the strains of 'Born in the USA'. He had a mic and received a small ovation coming out.


BW: "I have a major announcement to make about 'Spring Mayhem'. But, before I go any further, take a look at this video."


Video clips aired from last week of the $100K Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge between 'Superstar' Graham and Ken Patera.


Video showed the area in the arena where the bench press challenge would take place and the two briefcases containing the money sitting on a table being guarded by a UWL official. Video showed Patera and Graham matching each other in lifts between 450-550 lbs. Video then showed Patera sitting on the bench preparing for his 600-lb. lift and Graham grabbing a handful of the chalk weightlifters rub on their hands and Graham sneaking up on Patera and throwing the powder in Patera's face and then a blinded Patera getting up and staggering around and Graham punching Patera and then slamming Patera's head into the weights on one side of the weight bar and Patera going down. Video then showed Graham shoving down the UWL official guarding the money and grabbing the two cases and he and mgr. the Grand Wizard fleeing the scene. Final shot was of Patera on his knees, his face a mask of blood and chalk.


BW: "Would Ken Patera please come to the ring."


After a brief pause, Patera, in street clothes, came to the ring to a strong ovation. He had a mic. Patera stalked around in the ring.


BW: "Right now, I need 'Superstar' Graham and the Grand Wizard to come down."


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. Wizard and Graham came to the ring to loud boos. Graham was in street clothes and carrying one of the briefcases and the Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold turban, sunglasses, white shoes and carrying his gold-tipped cane as well as the other briefcase. Both had mics. Once in the ring, Graham flexed and kissed his biceps.


BW: "Wizard and Graham, hand the cases containing the money to UWL official Mike Jones."


Wizard and Graham both hesitated.


BW: "We haven't got all day! Let's go! Hand the money over...now!"


Wizard and Graham reluctantly handed the cases over to the UWL official.


BW: "I'm glad we didn't have to forcibly extract those cases from you. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you guys did the right thing. I guess that phone conversation we had last week, Wizard, made giving up the stolen loot much easier to do."


Wizard: "You threatened us with an indefinite suspension and $250,000 dollar fine if we didn't do it! Watts, you are a bully!"


BW: "Well, look at the bright side. You're not going to be suspended. But, I'm still fining both of you. You're each being fined $10,000 dollars for the theft! And Graham, you're also being fined an extra $5,000 dollars for putting your hands on a UWL official!"


Wizard: "What?! This is not fair! We gave the money back!"


BW: "It wasn't fair last week when your man Graham attacked Ken Patera and busted him open and then took off with the money, either! You guys got off light as far as I'm concerned!"


Patera was doing everything in his power to keep from losing it. Graham and Wizard talked briefly off-mic.


Wizard: "President Watts! Since you are fining us a total of $25,000 dollars, the 'Superstar' and I have decided to pay our fines right now out of the money in our case!"


BW: "No you won't. The two fines are separate from the money that was put up for the bench press challenge."


Graham: "Why?! You've got the money right there, daddy! We'll just take the $25,000 dollars we have left and be on our way!"


BW: "That's not happening, either. Because the $100,000 dollars is gonna be put on the line again."


Graham: "In another bench press challenge?! That's ridiculous!"


Patera was looking on and still seething.


BW: "I said nothing about putting the money on the line in another bench press challenge. I'd be worried you two would try and run off with it again. Instead, I've got another idea. At 'Spring Mayhem', Ken Patera and 'Superstar' Graham are gonna face-off in a match and the winner will get all the money!"


Graham: "Alright! You want it that way, fine! Not only can Patera not out-bench press me, he's also not beating me in a wrestling match!"


BW: "We'll see about that at 'Spring Mayhem', 'Superstar'!"


Ken: "'Superstar'! If you really felt you could have beaten me in the bench press challenge, then you wouldn't have done what you did to me! My eyes were caked with blood and chalk! My ability to see was affected for hours after the attack! I'm still having headaches to this day from you slamming my head into those weights! But, I don't care if my head swells up to the size of a watermelon! When I get you in that ring at 'Spring Mayhem', I'm gonna rip you a new one! And your manager better not get any ideas about interfering in the match, either! Because if he does, I might just rip his head off and use it for a bowling ball!"


Crowd popped.


Graham: "Lay a hand on the Grand Wizard, Patera, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never wrestle again, jack! At 'Spring Mayhem', I'm winning that money! And you can go back to being nothing more than the ex-con wrestler you are!"


A furious Patera dropped his mic and tackled Graham to the mat and started punching him as fans cheered. The two then started rolling around on the mat exchanging punches as Watts signaled for UWL security to pull the men apart. UWL security was able to pry the fighting parties apart. Three security members were able to drag the pissed Patera to one corner and the other three security members pulled Graham into the opposite corner. Both parties wanted to get at each other. More security came out to quell the situation.


BW: "Security! Get Graham and Wizard out of here right now!"


Security struggled a bit before getting Graham and Wizard out of the ring and down to the floor. Other security held Patera at bay in the ring. Just as Graham and Wizard were being herded into the entrance aisle by security, Graham broke away from the pack and started to climb up on the apron as Patera broke free from the security holding him back. Patera charged over to where Graham was but security was able to wrestle Graham back down to the floor and start pushing him and Wizard back up the aisle as an angry Patera was grabbed and held at bay by security in the ring. Graham turned in the aisle and had more words for Patera as a vengeful Patera was seething in the ring.)


(Announcers talked about Watts making the $100K Winner-Take-All wrestling match between Patera and Graham for 'Spring Mayhem' and the brief brawl between Patera and Graham before security got things under control. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action next!)


(Video clips aired from the last few weeks of Schultz and Rude taking liberties with their opponents after defeating them, and interfering on behalf of Ted DiBiase in a match against Lex Luger last week and Lord Humongous & Missing Link coming to the aid of those being attacked by Rude & Schultz.)


Match 4

Lord Humongous & Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey) vs. Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond


(Tanaka and Diamond were already in the ring after coming back from the commercial break.


'Breaking The Law' played over the p.a. system and the crowd erupted as Lord Humongous & Missing Link, with mgr. Dark Journey came out on the entrnace stage. As the trio started to make their way down the aisle, David Schultz and Rick Rude, who Firm Director Ted DiBiase said weren't there, charged down the aisle behind Lord & Link. Schultz had a kendo stick and Rude had a 2x4. Schultz came up behind Lord and blasted Lord with the kendo stick. Rude did the same to Link with the 2x4. The shots shocked Lord and Link. Rude and Schultz continued their weapons assault on Lord and Link as Link and Lord staggered and stumbled towards the ring. The assault continued at ringside as Rude and Schultz battered the two around ringside. Dark Journey could only look on. Lord managed to make it into the ring where Schultz followed him and continued the brutal weapons attack. Link was hit with a few more 2x4 shots before finally getting into the ring himself. Pat Tanaka, who had bailed from the ring, climbed back in in an effort to try and stop the attack and was greeted with a kendo shot to the head by Schultz. Tanaka crahsed to the mat. Paul Diamond then got in the ring to help and was met with a 2x4 shot to the head by Rude. Diamond down and out. Lord and Link had been dropped by the weapons shots by Rude and Schultz. Schultz and Rude talked briefly with each other and Rude tossed the 2x4, grabbed Link and whipped Link at Schultz and Schultz blasted Link across the mid-section with a brutal kendo stick shot. Link went down. Next, Rude put the boots to the recovering Lord Humongous. Rude grabbed Lord, whipped Lord at Schultz and Lord got the same treatment Link did. Lord and Link both down. Rude then grabbed Link and blasted Link with the Rude Awakening and Schultz snapped up Lord and left him laying with the Redneck Death Drop.


Most of the crowd booing as Schultz and Rude left the ring. Rude turned and looked over at Dark Journey and took a couple of steps in Journey's direction as Schultz looked on. Rude put his hands behind his head and did his hip gyrations and then blew a kiss at Journey before he and Schultz headed back up the aisle as security came to the ring. Journey got in the ring to check on her men as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the vicious sneak attack by Schultz & Rude on Lord & Link that left Lord & Link laid out. Hyped still to come: UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Father Dutch and Dallas Page will spin the wheel to see what kind of match they will have at 'Spring Mayhem'; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said the 8-man Battle Royal (Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayhem') was next!)


Match 5 (8-Man Battle Royal - Winner gets a President's Championship match at 'Spring Mayhem')


(Lee Marshall intro'd special guest commentator President's Champion Rick Steiner. Steiner was in street clothes and had the title slung over his shoulder. Steiner barked and slapped hands with fans coming to ringside. Steiner ran around ringside and slapped hands with fans and barked some more as fans barked back. Steiner made it over to the announcers' table and shook hands with Stack and Pedicino and then sat down and put on his headset.


The 8 participants were already in the ring:


Brian Blair, Buzz Sawyer, Harley Race, DDP, Father Dutch, 'Bad Boy' Brunzell, Lash LaRue, Grog


Announcers mentioned that JJ Dillon had accompanied Harley Race to the ring and then JJ left and headed to the back. Also said the only way to be eliminated was to be tossed over the top rope down to the floor.


Ref called for the bell and it was on.




1) Lash LaRue - By Grog - Clotheslined over the top rope down to the floor - :39


2) Grog - By Buzz Sawyer - Thrown over the top rope down to the floor - 1:08


3) Race - By DDP - DDP threw Race over the top rope but Race landed on his feet on the apron and DDP then snapped Race's throat across the top rope and Race crashed to the floor - 1:56


At this point, Buzz threw 'Bad Boy' Brunzell out of the ring to the floor. Problem was, Buzz threw Brunzell out through the top and middle rope, thus Brunzell wasn't eliminated. Brunzell then crouched down next to the apron.


4) Buzz - By Father Dutch - Dutch staggered Buzz with a punch to the head using his small chain. Dutch then tossed Buzz over the top rope down to the floor - 2:36


5) DDP - By Father Dutch - DDP went to nail Father Dutch next to the ropes with his discus clothesline but Dutch ducked down and backdropped DDP over the top rope to the floor - 3:31


6) Father Dutch - By Blair - Dutch worked over Blair but couldn't successfully toss him out of the ring. Blair eventually stunned Dutch with the codebreaker. Dutch crashed to the mat. Blair snapped Dutch up and tossed Dutch over the top rope down to the floor - 4:44


Blair thought he had won the match and started jumping up and down and celebrating in the ring. Brunzell, who had not been eliminated, climbed back in the ring behind Blair and charged up behind Blair and nailed him with a forearm smash to the upper back. Blair spun around and Brunzell nailed Blair with some head shots and then threw Blair over the top rope. As Blair went over, he grabbed the top rope and his feet didn't touch the floor. Brunzell was celebrating and not paying attention. Blair skinned the cat and got back in the ring and came up behind Brunzell, spun Brunzell around and popped Brunzell with a couple of punches. Blair then whipped Brunzell into the ropes and caught Brunzell coming off with a flying dropkick. Brunzell stumbled back and crashed down next to the ropes. Blair waited as Brunzell unsteadily made his way to his feet. Brunzell got up, Blair charged at Brunzell and looked to drive him over the top rope with a clothesline but Brunzell backdropped Blair over the top rope and down to the floor. Ref called for the bell.


Brunzell was ecstatic in the ring as the fans booed. Ref went over and raised Brunzell's hand in victory. Brunzell went over and stood on the midle buckle in front of the announce table and raised his hands victoriously in the air in front of President's Champion Rick Steiner.


WINNER: Brunzell - Tossed Blair over the top rope - 5:26)


(Announcers discussed 'Bad Boy' brunzell winning the Battle Royal and earning the President's Championship shot at 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: an i'view w/ UWL World Champion Roddy Piper; and another 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update. Said Father Dutch and DDP spin the wheel to determine what their match will be at 'Spring Mayhem' was next!)


(Announcers intro'd a video that was pre-recorded earlier in the day of Father Dutch and DDP spinning the wheel to determine their type of match at 'Spring Mayhem'.




Video opened with the shot of the wheel that had several different kinds of matches on it: Last Man Standing, No DQ, Street Fight, First Blood, Barbed Wire, Steel Cage, Confessional, Coal Miner's Glove, 2/3 Falls, Chain, Scaffold, Iron Man


Camera panned back to show backstage interviewer Larry Nelson and Pres. Watts standing on opposite sides of the wheel and DDP was standing next to Watts and Father Dutch and Grog were standing next to Nelson.


LN: "You see the wheel. One of the 12 matches listed on this wheel will be the type of match that Dallas Page and Father Dutch square-off in at 'Spring Mayhem'. No matter what match comes up, it promises to be a barn-burner between these two men. UWL President Bill Watts will spin the wheel."


BW: "Alright. Dallas Page and Father Dutch, let's see what we get from the wheel."


Watts spun the wheel. Page and Dutch looked on as the wheel went round-and-round. Finally, the wheel slowed down. As the wheel satrted to come to a stop, the wheel passed the Last Man Standing match and then it appeared it was going to stop on Coal Miner's Glove match when, barely, it clicked over to the next match before coming to a stop.


LN: "Father Dutch and Dallas Page! You will be battling it out in the Confessional match! Dallas Page, what do you think of the result?"


DDP: "I say bring it on, brother! Father Dutch! I couldn't think of a more appropriate kind of match for us to have at 'Spring Mayhem'! I'm on a crusade to kick your self-righteous ass! And I can think of no better way to do it than by shoving you in that confessional! Maybe then you'll see the error of your ways and get some positive religion!"


Nelson then held the mic in Dutch's direction.


FD: "Dallas Page! Sinner! I am the epitome of righteousness in the UWL! I am the guiding light to glory! You're so laden with sins that the best thing that could happen to you is an unrelenting beating at my hands! I can save you, Dallas! But you must suffer for that privilege! And when I put you in that confessional and lock the door, it needs to be you that has a come-to-Jesus moment!"


The two stared each other down as the segment ended.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 3-31 thru 4-6.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Wahoo McDaniel


3 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


4 - Hugh Morrus


5 - Dusty Rhodes


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers discussed the Confessional match made between DDP and Father Dutch at 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: an i'view w/ UWL World Champion Roddy Piper. Said the 'Sping Mayhem' PPV update was next!)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper © vs. Wahoo McDaniel


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © of The Firm vs. The Nasty Boys




Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Arn Anderson


TV TITLE: Rip Oliver © vs. Hugh Morrus


$100,000 DOLLAR MATCH: Ken Patera vs. 'Superstar' Graham


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell




'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said the Piper interview was next!)


(In-ring: Bagpipe music filled the arena. Crowd popped as Piper, in street clothes and carrying the title, came out on the entrance stage. He also had a mic.


As Piper made his way to the ring, Wahoo, still in his ring attire, charged down the aisle and clotheslined Piper from behind. Piper crashed to the floor and dropped the title and mic. Wahoo stomped on the down Piper. Wahoo pulled Piper up, grabbed Piper by the back of the hair and slammed Piper's head into the ring post. Piper crashed down to the floor. Wahoo glared out momentarily at the booing crowd and reached down and pulled Piper up by the hair. Piper now a bloody mess. Wahoo threw Piper into the ring. Wahoo then grabbed a folded up steel chair from under the ring and climbed into the ring with the chair. Wahoo unfolded the chair and sat it up in the ring. Just as Piper was getting to his hands and knees, Wahoo dropped Roddy back to the mat with a kick to the side of the ribs. Wahoo then grabbed the dazed Piper and sat him up in the chair. Wahoo grabbed Roddy by the hair and got right in Piper's bloody face and was saying something off-mic to Piper. Wahoo slapped Piper in the face and then said a few more words. Wahoo then backed up and charged at Piper and knocked Piper out of the chair with a brutal clothesline. Piper back down on the mat. Wahoo, with a look of outright hate on his face, looked down at Piper. Members of the UWL security team came charging to the ring as Wahoo bailed to the floor. Crowd buzzing. Wahoo looked on from the floor as security checked on Piper. Close-up shot of the dazed Piper's bloody face as he was rolled over on his side as the program faded to black.)




Dark Match (No DQ - Non-Title)

Hall & Nash (WTTC) vs. The Nasty Boys

(WINNER: Nasty Boys - Sags pinned Hall with a roll-up from behind after Nash's interference backfired - 10:22)

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