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Underground Pro Wrestling (c-Verse)

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It was announced today that a new wrestling promotion is launching in North Dakota. Underground Pro Wrestling is the promotion’s name and it is being said the founder/owner of the promotion is newcomer to the wrestling world J.R. Rose.










Not much is known about the local sized promotion, except that it apparently has $250,000 behind it. The money is assumed to have come from the oil boom in North Dakota. Rumor has it, that Rose and therefore uPw favors Traditional wrestling with a modern twist to the matches. Much will be revealed when uPw hold its first event, which is scheduled to be at the end of the month, no name has been chosen, but keep an eye here or check out the promotions website, upwunderground.com.






Here’s what we’ve gathered on J.R. Rose…











Rose is only 19 years old and literally has just appeared in the world of wrestling, no one knows who trained the man or even where he may have trained. From the little that is known about him, he seems to have a Japanese Junior influence to his high flying style. He also has exceptional basics and entertainment skills for such a young wrestler.




We’ll bring you more information on Underground Pro Wrestling and J.R. Rose as we get it.

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Underground Pro Wrestling






Born: January 2013

Location: Mid West, United States

Current Size: Local




Key: Traditional

Heavy: Cult, Modern

Low: Mainstream, Hardcore, Lucha Libre, Daredevil

Very Low: Realism, Comedy



Heavy Face/Heel Divide

Women’s Wrestling Division

High T&A levels



Roster (in alphabetical order)


Amazing Fire Fly






Crusher Von Steinberg






Fearless Blue






High Flying Hawaiian



J.R. Rose



Lug Phelan












Taylor Kidd





Women’ Division





Lily Snyder



Tag Teams



Pierrot and Hellech


The Night Terrors

Babau and Moroi






Allison Addison


Client(s): Taylor Kidd



Hailey Booke


Client(s): None Currently




Client(s): Babau, Moroi



Announce Team



Samuel Curran



Smooth C






Kurt Lovenkrantz




Road Agent

Ed Monton






uPw Championship




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From upwunderground.com...




History will be made as the "Little Promotion on the Prairie" Underground Pro Wrestling makes its official show debut as uPw presents:






uPw Wizards in Winter







uPw will come from The Barn, which happens to be a converted barn just outside Bismarck, North Dakota for their first ever event. Adding to the historic first uPw event is the Main Event that will decide the first ever uPw Champion. Come witness history with the future stars of professional wrestling. The card will be as follows...









uPw Wizards in Winter



Taylor Kidd w/ Alison Addison vs. Disturbed



Moroi w/ Streetz vs. Amazing Fire Fly



Phobia vs. Crusher Von Steinberg



uPw Championship



6 Man Ladder Match


Fearless Blue vs. Babau w/ Streetz vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian vs. Lug Phelan vs. J.R Rose vs. Hellech w/ Bizarro

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ReapeR" data-cite="ReapeR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35263" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't predict matches, but I'll be following this. Also, nice title. Who made it?<p> </p><p> R</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks ReapeR and MJstark did that title.</p>
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uPw Wizards in Winter

Saturday, Week 4, 2013

The Barn, Mid West, United States

Attendance: 48











We join the commentary duo of Samuel Curran and Smooth C at ringside of The Barn. Curran is looking sharp in his suit and Curran is looking cool in his orange shades. Both men are looking a bit uncomfortable, maybe due to both being from warm climates and outside a North Dakota winter rages with seasonal temps just below the 0 degree Fahrenheit mark. Add in the fact the Barn is known to be quite drafty inside, and it’s really no wonder why the duo would be a bit uncomfortable.





Curran: Welcome to the historic first Underground Pro Wrestling event, uPw Wizards in Winter! I’m Samuel Curran and beside me is “The Pride of Hawaii” Smooth C.




Smooth C: Thank you Sam. It’s great to be here tonight, but damn is it chilly.




Curran: Can’t argue with you there Smooth, but I can tell you the action in the ring should be hot here tonight. Before the night is over we will crown the first ever uPw Champion in a huge 6 man ladder match.




Smooth: It’s going to be huge and no telling who will walk away with the gold.




Curran: But first we witness the first ever match here in Underground Pro Wrestling as Taylor Kidd faces the masked, Disturbed.






Taylor Kidd w/ Alison Addison vs. Disturbed





This match wasn’t going to steal the show nor was it going to be remembered in a few months but it still is a solid opener for a “local” promotion. The two men put on a fast paced match with Kidd doing a bit of flying while Disturbed shows off his solid technical skills. Alison Addison seems to play off Taylor Kidd well throughout the match, but other than a couple of pep talks on the outside, she stays out of the way. Disturbed finishes off Taylor Kidd with a wicked looking Double Stomp off the top rope and than scores the pinfall to become the first ever victor in uPw history.




Match Result: Disturbed defeated Taylor Kidd in 12:22 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp



Match Rating: E







After the match is over a bizarre almost circus/carnival like music starts blasting throughout the barn and three wrestlers dressed as clowns walk out onto the stage.







Curran: That’s Hellech, Pierrot, and the woman is Bizarro. Figures those three would find themselves together here in uPw.




Smooth: I love clowns! Who doesn’t really?




The trio walk to the ring, Bizarro is carrying a balloon animal shaped like a dog that she hands to someone in the crowd before they enter the ring. They look downright sinister as they stand in the middle of the ring.




Hellech: They say the best medicine is laughter and we’re walking proof of that. We’re never sick and we can promise with us around, none of you fine folks out there will be sick either. Laughter is what we provide. In time you will learn to love our wonderful antics.




Pierrot: You are so right, Hellech. We’re all about having a good, fun time. We’re always the life of the party, and tonight Hellech…




Hellech: That’s right I become the life of uPw when I become the first ever uPw Champion. It can only be a good thing for Underground Pro Wrestling to have the gold around one of our waists. The more I look around this place, the more I see that this place and all these people around here are lame and incredibly boring. Good thing they have us. We’ll liven this place up and that’s a promise.




Bizarro: Doesn’t everybody love clowns?




The trio leaves the ring laughing and dancing to the back.




Segment Rating: E-




Moroi w/ Streetz vs. Amazing Fire Fly





The next match is a definite improvement over the opener as the two masked wrestlers square off in the ring. Both men show the crowd they are adept to flying around the ring with Fire Fly clearly being the quicker of the two. He uses that quickness to gain an advantage late in the match, but Moroi has an advantage of his own. That advantage is standing ringside and Streetz climbs to the apron to take a weak shot as Fire Fly. It may be weak but it serves its purpose and moments later Fire Fly falls victim to the Nightmare Scenario and Moroi scores the pinfall.





Match Result: Moroi defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 15:05 by pinfall with a Nightmare Scenario




Match Rating: E+





Phobia vs. Crusher Von Steinberg





Two very different wrestlers step into the ring for this match and instead of beautiful chaotic action; we only witness chaotic action that is more awkward than beautiful. Von Steinberg throws a couple fits of madness throughout the match that gets the crowd wondering what is wrong with that man. Phobia meanwhile shows that he can be very exciting in the ring but he is unable to stick with the veteran and Von Steinberg scores a victory in his first uPw match.




Match Result: Crusher Von Steinberg defeated Phobia in 15:49 by pinfall




Match Rating: F+





After Phobia leaves to the back, Soundgarden’s “Outshined” hits the PA system and out from the back strolls uPw founder, J.R. Rose. The reaction is one of not really knowing who the man is. Rose gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.








Rose: Welcome to Underground Pro Wrestling! First off I want to thank you all for being here tonight to watch us perform for you. I would say we are off to a solid start. So spread the word about the next big thing in the wrestling world, Underground Pro Wrestling! Because without you fans, we can’t grow and we’ll be stuck in a place I don’t want this promotion to go and that’s the scrap heap. We will do our very best to entertain you and to make you want to come back.





Now I’ve heard plenty of questions about uPw? Mostly, “North Dakota!?!?! Really?” And I say, yes really. It’s said “Home is where the heart is”. And this is where my heart is, so why not build a wrestling promotion around it? It can and will be done right here out of North Dakota. First North Dakota and then the country, then the world. It starts here tonight and tonight I also plan on capturing the uPw Championship and becoming this promotions first champion. So enjoy the ride, just don’t jump off if things get a little bumpy.




Rose drop the mic and it’s time to find out who will become the first uPw Champion.




Segment Rating: D





Curran: It’s time for that 6 way ladder match to determine the uPw Champion. Who will climb that ladder and grab the gold?




Smooth: I’m going to go out on a limb and say it isn’t gonna be Fearless Blue.




uPw Championship


6 Man Ladder Match


Fearless Blue vs. Babau w/ Streetz vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian vs. Lug Phelan vs. J.R Rose vs. Hellech w/ Bizarro





This match is filled with plenty of high spots involving a ladder and/or the outside of the ring. Nearly every competitor crashes and burns at some point with Fearless Blue taking more bumps than most. Lug Phelan looks a little out of his element with the ladder being involved but that didn’t stop him from dishing out his own form of punishment.




Hawaiian nearly grabs the belt at one point but thanks to Babau he crashes to the floor after the ladder is pushed over. Hawaiian doesn’t really ever recover from the spill and isn’t much a factor from that point on. Spot of the match sees J.R. Rose delivering an inverted DDT off the ladder to Babau at one point, leading Streetz to plead for Babau to get back into it.




It’s J.R. Rose who looks like he is going to be the winner and first uPw Champion as everyone else is down and he has a clear path to the top. That is until Bizarro jumps into the ring and distracts Rose and by proxy the referee as well. From almost out of nowhere…




Pierrot hits the ring, and he hits Rose with a pie to the face. Rose is blinded and Pierrot helps his partner, Hellech to his feet. Hellech climbs the ladder and grabs the belt, becoming the first ever uPw Champion!




Match Result: Hellech wins the uPw Champion after defeating Babau, J.R. Rose, High Flyin Hawaiian, Lug Phelan and Fearless Blue in a Ladder match in 31:23 after retrieving the uPw Championship




Match Rating: D





Curran: Unreal finish to that match, with J.R. Rose getting a pie in the face and those clowns cheating their way to championship gold. Hellech is your uPw Champion folks, like it or not. That’s how the history books will read. Smooth?





Smooth: I say win at any cost myself but Rose has to be pretty upset. I love those clowns though, so good for them.





Curran: That’s all we have for the night. Join us next month for the next uPw show. Until then, stay warm my friends!





Final Show Rating: D-

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What’s that white stuff floating through the air!?! Well it ain’t Fearless Blue scratching that dry scalp of his. Underground Pro Wrestling presents…






uPw Snowpocalypse





- The biggest news from the first ever uPw event is that Hellech is the first uPw Champion, thanks to some help. No one around uPw seems too pleased by the developments and each man from the Wizards in Winter main event are already making a case for a chance at the champ, Hellech.




- The smooth talking Streetz has managed to get his client Babau a chance at competing for the uPw Championship, but Babau isn’t alone as High Flyin Hawaiian will also be involved making the main event a triple threat for the uPw Championship.




- J.R. Rose was the closest to capturing the title before ultimately being screwed over by Pierrot and a pie to the face. Rose gets a chance at revenge against Pierrot in the Semi-Main Event of Snowpocalypse.





- The other two men that were in last month's main event, Fearless Blue and Lug Phelan will square off to open the show. Who will be victorious and maybe move into a spot to get a shot at the belt?




- All of this and more will happen at uPw Snowpocalypse…









uPw Snowpocalypse



Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue



Amazing Fire Fly vs. Disturbed



Moroi w/ Streetz vs. Phobia



Pierrot w/ Bizarro vs. J.R. Rose



uPw Championship


Hellech ©w/Bizarro vs. Babau vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiin

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Nice start! Most of these guys are pretty much unknown to me so I´m sure my picks are off but I give it a shot anyway.



Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue

Not sure how big Phelan is but that alt screams heavyweigh to me so until proven wrong I expect him to get the monster heel treatment.


Amazing Fire Fly vs. Disturbed

I was little suprised to see Fire Fly losing his first match, but I guess he starts with no overness and since Disturbed won his first match I assume that he´s currently higher on the ladders.


Moroi w/ Streetz vs. Phobia

Moroi was more impressive in the first show so he gets a nod here


Pierrot w/ Bizarro vs. J.R. Rose

Not sure here but I guess booker man would make a good challenge to Hellech and thus win for him looks more likely option here.


uPw Championship

Hellech ©w/Bizarro vs. Babau vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiin

No title change on first defense.

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uPw Snowpocalypse

Saturday, Week 4, 2013

The Barn, Mid West, United States

Attendance: 57






We join the tandem of Samuel Curran and Smooth C ringside of the Barn. They still look a tad uncomfortable but a bit happier than last month.








Curran- Welcome to event number of Underground Pro Wrestling, Snowpocalypse! Tonight newly crowned uPw Champ, Hellech will make his first title defense against Babau and High Flyin’s Hawaiian. It should be a big test for the champ.




Smooth- I very much doubt that. Hellech could easily be viewed as the best champion ever in uPw in 10 years or so.




Curran- Best cheating champion, perhaps.





Smooth just shrugs in response.





Curran- Speaking of cheating, also tonight J.R. Rose looks for some revenge against those clowns as he faces off against Pierrot, who makes his in ring debut here tonight. I’m sure he hasn’t forgot that pie to the face that cost him being the first ever uPw Champion.




Smooth- I wonder what flavor that pie was.





Curran- You would, but up first, Lug Phelan will face Fearless Blue. Both men were unsuccessful in the ladder match last month and will try to get on the right track here tonight.




Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue





It’s not the prettiest match between the brawler, Phelan and the flyer, Blue. Blue manages to prolong the match using his quickness and speed but it’s clear that he’s overmatched by the pissed off Phelan. Phelan takes over near the end of the match and beats Blue senseless before finishing him off with a stiff looking Gutwrench Backbreaker for the pinfall.




Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated Fearless Blue in 11:58 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker




Match Rating: E-





After the match is over and while Fearless Blue is making his way to the back after suffering the loss to Lug, he crosses the path of Disturbed. Disturbed stops in front of Blue.








Disturbed- What happened to you? You really should have kept that hair, it made you. Now, not only are you the ugliest thing walking this planet, you flat out suck.




Blue says nothing but frowns.





Disturbed- People used to say that about me you know. Look at me now, Stretch no longer, and I’m a success. Maybe you should cover up that ugly mug and just maybe you could be awesome like me. That’s a huge maybe however. Now if you excuse me I have a match to win. I’m sure you have plenty of sucking to do anyway.





Disturbed bumps shoulders with Blue and heads towards the ring as he laughs away.





Segment Rating: F





Amazing Fire Fly vs. Disturbed





This is a surprisingly even and solid matchup between the two masked individuals. A portion of the crowd gets behind Fire Fly during the match, and that same portion gets on the case of Disturbed. The match is mostly back and forth throughout until about the 12 minute mark when Fire Fly looks to be in complete control and on the verge of victory. Until Disturbed is able to slip behind Fire Fly and go with a quick roll up and because of Disturbed’s weight, Fire Fly is unable to kick out. Disturbed gets the victory out of almost nowhere.




Match Result: Disturbed defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 13:28 by pinfall with a fast roll up




Match Rating: E+






That bizarre almost circus/carnival like music hits the Barn…




Smooth C- Yes! Here come the clowns!!!








Indeed, Hellech, wearing the uPw Championship inside out, with the plate facing his body instead of out, followed by Pierrot and Bizarro come marching out from the back. Bizarro wears a nice flower on her chest that see shows to a fan at ringside, only to spray water from said, flower. The trio break out in laughter and they roll into the ring.





Hellech- HEEEEEYYYYYYY KIDS!!! It’s those fun loving clowns you all love so much. We are back to bring you more joy, oh so much joy. As you can clearly see, I’m the Champion of Underground Pro Wrestling, the first champion. Hellech the first ever uPw Champion, has such a nice ring to it. Ha! Ring… Get it?





The crowd clearly doesn’t, but Pierrot and Bizarro are busting a gut. Hellech waves off the crowd.




Hellech- Gee, we’re standing in the ring, ring to it. Man, what a dumb crowd. No matter how dumb you folks may be, I know you still love us. Who doesn’t really? That brings me to…





Pierrot grabs the mic from Hellech.





Peirrot- Hey, hey… Let me. I’m facing that punk tonight.





Hellech nods and clearly replies with an “ok”.





Perriot- Hey, J.R. Rose. How’d you like that pie? Bizarro here made it just for you. So I really hope you enjoyed it, because you don’t want to make her angry. Who am I kidding, Bizarro doesn’t get angry. She’s always happy and she’s always loveable, more so if you cross her. Or any one of us for that matter. Tonight Mr. Rose, I’m sure you are looking for some revenge but let’s face it. You and the rest of the knuckleheads in the uPw locker room are no match for us. You just aren’t happy or carefree enough like us clowns. Rose, just make sure you save room for dessert. Haha.




Bizarro- Doesn’t everybody love clowns!?!





Smooth- Yes! Yes we do.





Curran is seen shaking his head as the trio of clowns head to the back.





Segment Rating: E-




Moroi w/ Streetz vs. Phobia






Phobia looks quite distracted by the presence of Streetz at ringside. Of course he has every reason to be such as Streetz gets involved a few times, from grabbing at Phobia’s legs to getting into an argument with the referee. Phobia puts up a solid fight but Moroi seems to be a bit better plus more interference from Streetz leads to Moroi hitting the Nightmare Scenario on Phobia and that’s all she wrote. Moroi captures his second victory in uPw.





Match Result: Moroi defeated Phobia in 15:09 by pinfall with a Nightmare Scenario





Match Rating: E





We head to the back where we see, Crusher Von Steinberg.









Steinberg- Yes, they must all be crushed.




Crusher nods his head.




Steinberg- I could not agree with you more and you’re lucky I enjoy crushing and beating people up.




Crusher shakes his head defiantly.




Steinberg- No! I will not spare anybody. They must be crushed!




The camera pans around and Von Steinberg is all by himself. Steinberg walks off down the hall.




Curran- Was Crusher just talking to himself?





Smooth- Sure looks that way, but man, I hope he doesn’t crush me!





Segment Rating: E-





Pierrot w/ Bizarro vs. J.R. Rose






This one is easily the match of the night as the two men give it their all in the ring. Bizarro interjects herself in the match quite a bit keeping J.R. Rose on his toes. Pierrot often gains the advantage over Rose thanks to Bizarro’s help.




A collision between Bizarro and Pierrot after Bizarro is on the apron again takes Bizarro out of the equation for a time. Rose takes full advantage of the break from the clown and gets Peirrot on the mat. He quickly follows it up with the Rose Star Press, a standing shooting star press, and J.R. Rose gets the pinfall.




Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated Pierrot in 17:27 by pinfall with a Rose Star Press




Match Rating: D





After the match, J.R. Rose is celebrating with a cheering crowd, but Bizarro rolls into the ring and hits Rose with a low blow from behind. Rose goes down in a heap. Both Bizarro and Pierrot start laying the boots to the downed Rose.




Pierrot motions to Bizarro and Bizarro rolls out of the ring and begins looking under it. She pulls out a pie! She sets it in the ring and she rolls back in the ring. She hands the pie to Pierrot and Pierrot slams it into the face of Rose.





Pierrot than helps Rose to his feet and starts to set him up for the Doom Spiral. But from the back runs…










Curran- That’s Lily Snyder!





Lily slides into the ring and immediately tackles Bizarro. The two females fight and it causes a distraction to Pierrot that allows Rose to recover. He fights back and delivers a spinning heel kick to Pierrot that sends him to the outside. Pierrot pulls Bizarro from the ring and the clowns retreat to the back while Rose, despite being pie faced, and Lily Snyder stand tall.




Segment Rating: E





uPw Championship


Hellech ©w/Bizarro vs. Babau vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiin





The main event is another solid match with the three high fliers showing what they can do given the chance. Streetz is noticeably absent from ringside for Babau, Bizarro on the other hand is noticeably at ringside. She often interjects herself in this matchup just like the previous match she was out there for. High Flyin’ Hawaiian is the clear fan favorite of the uPw crowd and is met with cheers every time things start to go his way. Unfortunately for him Babau looks intent on winning the match just as well.




The two heels in the match, Hellech and Babau team up to take High Flyin’ Hawaiian all but out of the match. Bizarro does her part at ringside by laying in the boots to Hawaiian when he is spilled outside the ring. Hellech is quick to jump all over Babau and a few moments later, Hellech comes off the top rope to deliver a wicked looking Double Foot Stomp to the masked, Babau. The three count is basically expected at that point and Hellech retains the uPw Championship.




Match Result: Hellech defeated High Flyin Hawaiian and Babau in 18:53 when Hellech defeated Babau by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp





Match Rating: E+





Curran- With that uPw Snowpocalypse becomes another chapter in the short novel that is Underground Pro Wrestling. Hellech leaves with the belt, but he has numerous competitors that are eyeing that belt, maybe none more dangerous than J.R. Rose. Who has been attacked by the clowns twice now. Join us next month for more uPw action! Good night.





Final Show Rating: E+









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Lewis and Clark’s little expedition has nothing on us. Our journey to the top of the wrestling world is way more epic as Underground Pro Wrestling presents…






uPw Epic Journey





-The clowns continue to play with J.R. Rose and once again Rose receives a pie to the face for his troubles. But just when it looked like numbers would overwhelm the uPw’s founder, things evened up just a bit as Lily Snyder made her Underground debut at uPw Snowpocalypse. She saved the founder from a worse beating at the hands of the clowns and now finds herself in the middle of the conflict. At uPw Epic Journey Lily Snyder will team with J.R. Rose against Pierrot and Bizarro! Who will get the last laugh, or will the laughs just keep on going?





-Hellech retained the uPw Championship in a hard fought 3 way match at Snowpocalypse and finds himself the night off at Epic Journey. It’s almost a guarantee Hellech will somehow involve himself in the battle of Rose/Snyder against the clowns. But how and will it give the clowns the edge?




-Fearless Blue was tore down by a boastful Disturbed after Blue’s loss to Lug. This month Fearless Blue will face Moroi, who has been on quite a tear in the first couple of months of uPw history. Thanks in large part to Streetz, who has his eyes on bigger and better things for both of his clients, Moroi and Babau. How will Blue fare? Or will Moroi continue to be a winner?





-In the semi-Main Event of Epic Journey, Lug Phelan will take on High Flyin’ Hawaiian with both men still with gold in their eyes, despite Hawaiian’s loss last month. Who will impress? Or could they both impress no matter the outcome?





-Crusher Von Steinberg will also be in action against Taylor Kidd. Is Kidd ready to face a man that might not quite be a full deck of cards?





-All of this and more as uPw returns to The Barn. Join us for the action from the Underground!









uPw Epic Journey




Crusher Von Steinberg vs. Taylor Kidd w/Allison Addison



Babau w/Streetz vs. Phobia



Fearless Blue vs. Moroi w/ Streetz



High Flyin’ Hawaiian vs. Lug Phelan



J.R. Rose and Lily Snyder vs. Pierrot and Bizarro

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Crusher Von Steinberg vs. Taylor Kidd w/Allison Addison

What I seen so far suggest that Kidd is a jobber so I´d assume that Steinberg picks up the win here.



Babau w/Streetz vs. Phobia

I don´t see Phobia doing any better against Babau than what he did against Moroi.



Fearless Blue vs. Moroi w/ Streetz

Moroi has done well so far and I expect another win here over Blue.

High Flyin’ Hawaiian vs. Lug Phelan

Hawaiian seems to be one of the title contenders so he´s likely to stay strong.


J.R. Rose and Lily Snyder vs. Pierrot and Bizarro

Coin flip. I go with clowns since Rose got the win last time.

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uPw Epic Journey

March, Saturday, Week 4, 2013

The Barn, Mid West, United States

Attendance: 56





We join the commentary duo of Samuel Curran and Smooth C at ringside of the Barn as they are set to call uPw Epic Journey.







Curran- Welcome to uPw Epic Journey. I’m Samuel Curran and of course with me is Smooth C. Tonight J.R. Rose along with Lily Snyder will face off with a couple of clowns, literal clowns. They do the whole pie to face and everything.




Smooth C- I love those clowns and cannot wait to see them beat some funny into Rose and whoever that chick is that came to his aid last month.




Curran- Also we will see High Flyin Hawaiian take on Lug Phelan. The victor you would have to think may have a title shot in their near future. The Night Terrors will both be in action here tonight and I’m sure Streetz has his duo ready to go. But first we will see Crusher Von Steinberg take on Taylor Kidd. I’m glad I’m not Taylor Kidd.





Smooth C- I’m in total agreement there. I just hope Crusher stays away from us.




Curran- As do I, Smooth.




Crusher Von Steinberg vs. Taylor Kidd w/Allison Addison





Taylor Kidd really didn’t know what he got himself into when he stepped through those ropes and stood across from the slightly mad Crusher. Addison could only watch on in horror as Crusher toyed with Kidd on his way to dismantling the youngster. Crusher picks up the easy pinfall and victory.





Match Result: Crusher Von Steinberg defeated Taylor Kidd in 4:41 by pinfall




Match Rating: E-




The horror that Allison Addison experienced during the match continued after the final bell rang. As Crusher sees Kidd trying to pick himself up. Crusher is more than happy to assist in Kidd’s effort to get to his feet. Unfortunately for Taylor Kidd, Crusher is just as happy, if not more so, to assist Kidd in going back down to the mat. Crusher hits a vicious lariat that has Addison wondering if Kidd’s head is still attached to his neck.




Those concerns are proven false as Crusher picks up Kidd again and his head is still firmly attached to his body. Crusher than quickly picks up Kidd and hits a heavy spinebuster that drives Kidd into the mat, leaving him motionless. Crusher is apparently satisfied and vacates the ring. He heads to the back as Addison climbs into the ring to check on Kidd.





Segment Rating: F-





Babau w/Streetz vs. Phobia





Babau and Phobia put on a potential show stealing match. Phobia, despite being considered an underdog, puts up a pretty good fight, forcing Streetz to become involved on more than one occasion during the match. Phobia keeps on battling despite Streetz doing what he can to keep Phobia from victory. Eventually Phobia is wore down and falls to Babau’s Frightenrana.





Match Result: Babau defeated Phobia in 11:58 by pinfall with a Frightenrana




Match Rating: D-










Backstage we see Moroi and he is joined by Streetz and the recently victorious, Babau. The duo look downright evil and Streetz has an almost cocky sinister smirk on his face as he looks over his two combatants.




Streetz- You are looking at the true two best wrestlers here in Underground Pro Wrestling. You’ve just seen Babau get a victory due to his skill set. And of course he’s been screwed over in the uPw Championship scene just as much as that uPw Golden Boy, J.R. Rose, if not more so. Yes, the clowns have had almost all the success but they ain’t got anything on The Night Terrors. The fear these two men will bring to uPw… Oh, it’s gonna be exciting!




The Night Terrors nod their heads in agreement to Streetz’ proclamation. Streetz smiles before he continues.





Streetz- Up next you will see another victory by Moroi who hasn’t been beat yet. He won’t be beaten tonight; maybe he’ll never be beaten. We’ve seen what these guys can do alone, but next month let’s put them in the ring together like they are meant to be. All we need is for a team or any two wrestlers to step up and meet them next month. Then we’ll see what real terror looks like.





Segment Rating: F+






Fearless Blue vs. Moroi w/ Streetz





Fearless Blue looks pretty fired up for this match after getting berated by Disturbed last month after a loss. Problem for Blue is that Moroi is coming into the match red hot. It turns into a fairly decent back and forth affair. Fearless Blue hangs in there but he is unable to contend with both Moroi and Streetz and thanks to Streetz timely interference, Moroi hits the Nightmare Scenario for the win.




Match Result: Moroi defeated Fearless Blue in 13:33 by pinfall with a Nightmare Scenario




Match Rating: E







Soundgarden’s “Outshined” hits the Barn and the founder of uPw, J.R. Rose walks out from the back and to the ring. He slides into the ring and is handed a microphone.








Rose- So these clowns we have running around here have been… well, a thorn in my side. They stole my chance at being the first champion of this great young wrestling promotion. They’ve hit me with pies on two occasions now and last month tried to shorten my already short career. But thanks to Lily Snyder they were unsuccessful in their ‘fun’. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Snyder. Thank you.




Now tonight it’s her and I taking on two members of those clowns. I’ll be honest as much as I am looking forward to this match; I really want to get my hands on Hellech and the uPw Championship. That’s my goal to be the Champ. Problem is those clowns continue to be in the way. That’s ok, I like a challenge. I do know this, that day when I finally get Hellech in the ring, one on one. That belt will be coming to me. Tonight though, Pierrot, Bizarro, hope you are ready for a laugh!





Segment Rating: E-






High Flyin’ Hawaiian vs. Lug Phelan





What looked to be a good match between two of the top contenders in uPw on paper was sadly anything but. Lug did prove to be a brawling bad ass during the match, but it was High Flyin’ Hawaiian that proved to be the better man on this night as he finished off Lug Phelan off with a Pacific Crush that left Lug wondering what hit him and what was that ringing in his ears was. Simply it was the final bell and a loss for the brawler.




Match Result: High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Lug Phelan in 16:36 by pinfall with a Pacific Crush




Match Rating: F+







J.R. Rose and Lily Snyder vs. Pierrot and Bizarro




The main event marked the first time we see Bizarro and Lily Snyder in action in the ring. The two ladies didn’t disappoint, neither did Pierrot or J.R. Rose for that matter. The clowns took as many shortcuts as they could get away with but the two good guys in the match thwarted their many attempts of trickery and cheating. That was until Hellech decided to come down to ringside to lend his ‘moral’ support.




From that point on, things began to unravel for the good guys as Hellech managed to distract both Rose and Snyder. When distraction proved not quite enough to give the clowns a victory, Hellech pulled Rose off the ring apron and hit him with the uPw Championship. This not only basically removed Rose from the match; it proved a huge distraction to Lily Snyder. Bizarro rolled up Snyder from behind and got the 3 count for another clown victory.




Match Result: Pierrot and Bizarro defeated J.R. Rose and Lily Snyder in 24:33 when Bizarro defeated Lily Snyder by pinfall




Match Rating: D-




Curran- The clowns steal another one from J.R. Rose as Bizarro pins Lily Snyder. This thing is far from over. Join us again next month when uPw returns to the Barn!





Final Show Rating: E+

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Looking for a little help from anybody that reads and follows this. The stable of clowns (Hellech, Pierrot, and Bizarro) could use an official stable name. So, looking for some suggestions and whichever I like best will become the name for the stable. Thanks


Next card should be up a little later on.

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“Look ma, we’ve grown!” But we can’t get away from this Barn as Underground Pro Wrestling presents…






uPw Down on the Farm





-Indeed, Underground Pro Wrestling is officially recognized as a small level promotion after uPw Epic Journey. A new face or two has been added to the roster, including The Pilgrim. The Pilgrim will be in action at uPw Down on the Farm as he faces Lug Phelan, who will serve on this occasion as the uPw Welcoming Committee.





-Fearless Blue will also be in action as he faces off against a mystery opponent. How will Blue fare against the unknown?





-Lily Snyder became part of the Rose and Clown struggle 2 months ago, last month lost to those clowns, and this month will face off against Bizarro in a one on one match. It will be a historic match as it’s the first ever women’s match in uPw. Who will make history with the first Women’s Match Victory?





-Speaking of the Rose and Clown struggle, it seems we will witness a rematch of 2 months ago as J.R. Rose will face off with Pierrot. Rose was hoping to get a match with Hellech but after the tag team loss last month to the Clowns his chance was lost for now. Of course Hellech was instrumental in that loss and Rose won’t soon forget it. But for now he will get his hands on Pierrot once again. Rose won last time, will he beat Pierrot again?





-The Night Terrors will get their first ever tag team match in uPw, as well as the first ever non-mixed tag team match. They will face the team of Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia. All four masked men have shown to be very exciting in the past and this match could prove to be very exciting as the four meet. Will The Night Terrors show tag team dominance or will the make shift team get an upset?





-Finally, the uPw Championship will be on the line as Hellech will defend against the High Flyin’ Hawaiian. Hawaiian scored a big victory last month to earn a shot and Hellech hasn’t defended the belt since February. Will Hawaiian be able to rip the title from the Clown’s hands? Or will the Clown have a few tricks up his sleeve to retain?





-Only one way to find out answers to all of these questions, join uPw as they go Down on the Farm!






uPw Down on the Farm



The Pilgrim vs. Lug Phelan



Fearless Blue vs. Mystery Opponent



Lily Snyder vs. Bizarro



The Night Terrors w/Streetz vs. Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia



J.R. Rose vs. Pierrot w/Bizarro




uPw Championship


Hellech © vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian

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I´m no good at names but I would probably name them Carnival of Something. There´s quite many options about what that something could be: fear? evil? etc.


The Pilgrim vs. Lug Phelan

Could go either way but with clowns and Night Terrors you seem to have the top heel side covered pretty well while other than Rose and Flying Hawaiian the faces haven´t been that strong so far. Because of that I would give some wins to faces espesially with current champ being heel.


Fearless Blue vs. Mystery Opponent

Mystery man rule kicks in here and I just don´t see Blue winning much.


Lily Snyder vs. Bizarro

Could go either way but since I had Rose winning his match I go with Bizarro getting the win here via cheating.

The Night Terrors w/Streetz vs. Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia

Real team over random pairing. This might well be match of the night.


J.R. Rose vs. Pierrot w/Bizarro

Rose needs the win as he´s likely the next challenger for Hellech.


uPw Championship


Hellech © vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian

No title change yet.

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uPw Down on the Farm

April, Saturday, Week 4, 2013

The Barn, Mid West, United States

Attendance: 112





We join the duo of Samuel Curran and Smooth C at ringside of the Barn, a familiar sight in uPw as it moves into its fourth show. They look anxious to call the action.








Curran- Welcome to uPw Down on the Farm. I’m Samuel Curran and beside me, once again, is none other than Smooth C. And we are proud to say uPw is moving up in the world and has gained more recognition since uPw Epic Journey.





Smooth C- We have Sam, no longer are we just a local promotion barely a blip on the wrestling radar. We’re slightly a bigger blip now!





Curran- Tonight, the uPw Championship is up for grabs as High Flyin’ Hawaiian takes on the uPw Champion, Hellech. Not to mention Hellech’s tag team partner Pierrot will also be in action, taking on J.R. Rose. Who would like nothing more than to be facing off with Hellech. First though, he needs to get through Pierrot than maybe he’ll get what he wants.




Smooth C- Don’t forget our first ever women’s matchup! Bizarro, the clown princess, will take on Lily “Mind Her Own Business” Snyder.





Curran- Right you are, Smooth. First though, The Pilgrim makes his uPw debut taking on a pissed of Lug Phelan.





The Pilgrim vs. Lug Phelan





Lug is in no mood to play nice and this turns into a hard hitting match for the opener of Down on the Farm. Luckily for Lug, The Pilgrim is always down for a good brawl and that’s just what The Pilgrim gives Lug. The two men duke it out and The Pilgrim goes toe to toe with Lug. This seems to infuriate Lug even more, and some theorize that Lug is blinded by rage by the time The Pilgrim hits the Plymouth Rocker on Lug to gain the victory and what most call an upset.




Match Result: The Pilgrim defeated Lug Phelan in 9:26 by pinfall with a Plymouth Rocker




Match Rating: E





We go backstage and J.R. Rose is pacing back and forth in a hallway of the Barn.








Curran- What the…





The camera sees what Curran did…











A new clown on a unicycle rolls down the hall. In his hands is a pie, out of his mouth comes, “HEEEEEYYY ROSE!!!” J.R. Rose turns to see him coming down the hall. Out of the clown’s hands comes the pie, right into the face of J.R. Rose. The clown rolls off down the hallway laughing a sinister laugh.





Smooth C- We just witnessed a Drive Pie Shooting! Who was that?





Curran- I believe that was the Psycho Clown, Magwitch. In fact I’ve been handed a memo saying that he is Fearless Blue’s mystery opponent here tonight!





Segment Rating: F+






Fearless Blue vs. Magwitch w/Bizarro





Despite not knowing who he was going to face until just moments before the match, Fearless Blue is ready to compete. Many times during the match, Blue is the one in control of the match and on the edge of victory. Bizarro makes sure to change momentum any way she can for Magwitch. Of course Magwitch’s style throws Blue off as well. Magwitch is more than willing to use his body as a weapon no matter the cost. Often Magwitch will use his own head as a battering ram. Eventually the clowns prove to be too much for Blue and Magwitch gets the pinfall and a debut victory.






Match Result: Magwitch defeated Fearless Blue in 13:30 by pinfall





Match Rating: F+








We move backstage to see the odd, Disturbed standing in a darkened room. Disturbed can be heard chuckling behind that mask that would make Rorschach proud.










Disturbed- Another loss for lame, Fearless Blue. When are you going to take my advice? You need a change, you ugly son of a gun. Unless you want to keep losing and being a complete loser! I’m the perfect example, I’ve changed, and I haven’t lost a match here in uPw yet!






Disturbed begins to chuckle manically before getting a hold of himself and continuing on.







Disturbed- Blue, eventually you’ll see what I say. You’ll know it to be true. You’ll know you’ll have to do what I say if you want to break free from the chains of being a loser and an ugly freak. Next month I’ll once again show how changed I am with another victory. Shame they won’t put me in the ring against you, maybe I’d be able to beat my point into you.







Segment Rating: E







Lily Snyder vs. Bizarro






Bizarro comes down to ring by herself which seems a bit surprising. Also surprising the match stays fairly clean. It’s a solid back and forth contest with the crowd booing Bizarro whenever possible. The two women show they can put on a match just good as what the guys can do in uPw. Around the 10 minute mark in the match, Bizarro starts ramping up her shortcuts due to some frustration. He biggest shortcut is when she grabs a hold of Lily’s tights on a roll up to gain the victory.





Match Result: Bizarro defeated Lily Snyder in 13:05 by pinfall





Match Rating: E







Backstage, Streetz stands by with the Night Terrors flanking him. The duo is about to get ready for their first uPw Tag Team match.











Streetz- Can you feel the fear in air? If you were standing anywhere near Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia right now, I’m sure you could. Because the truth is, nobody in uPw or anywhere wants to step into the ring and see these guys across from them. They are that thing that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. They are that thing under your bed that freaks you out. They are those things that haunt your dreams and turn them into nightmares. They are the best team there is and that scares the beejezus out of all of the other teams around. Tonight they will pray on Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia, tonight they make examples of Fire Fly and Phobia. Tonight, Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia will forever be haunted by The Night Terrors!





Streetz looks over at Babau and then Moroi. He grins as he looks back to center.






Streetz- Let’s go boys. A haunting we will go!







Segment Rating: F+






The Night Terrors w/Streetz vs. Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia







It was fair to assume this would be a solid match from the start and while it might not have been as good as expected it was still a very solid tag team match. The Night Terrors and Streetz play the match straight and Streetz stays out of it only lending moral support from the outside. Fire Fly and Phobia look pretty solid as a tag team but in the end the team with the experience proves to be too much. Babau hits Phobia with the Frightenrana for the victory and the first Night Terror victory in uPw.






Match Result: The Night Terrors defeated Amazing Fire Fly and Phobia in 16:01 when Babau defeated Phobia by pinfall with a Frightenrana






Match Rating: E






J.R. Rose vs. Pierrot w/Bizarro







Despite being seemingly awkward as opponents, Rose and Pierrot still put in the match of the night. It’s the kind of back and forth, good versus evil match that fans can behind. Especially when evil has help on its side in the form of Bizarro who tries to give Pierrot the advantage at various points of the match. She’s not the only one of the clowns looking to give them the edge as Magwitch makes his way out to the ring.





Bizarro goes with a distraction on the referee while Magwitch gets in the ring to help Pierrot finish off J.R. Rose. He goes charging at Rose, head first, but Rose steps aside and Magwitch collides hard with Peirrot. After Magwitch rolls out of the ring, Rose quickly hits the Rose Star Press and grabs the pinfall for the win.






Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated Pierrot in 16:56 by pinfall






Match Rating: D







As soon as Rose gets up from the pinfall, both Bizarro and Magwitch are already back in the ring. They prevent Rose from escaping , and allow Pierrot to get back to his feet. Pierrot hits Rose from behind with a Spinning Heel Kick. The chaos is on as the three members of the clowns start to stomp the fallen, Rose.




Magwitch grows board with simple stomps and goes to his knees and backs the other two clowns off, he than starts to deliver some vicious head butts to Rose back. Magwitch climbs to his feet and bounces off the ropes for momentum to deliver another big diving head butt to Rose.




Pierrot than motions for Magwitch to bring Rose up to his feet. With Bizarro’s help, Magwitch obeys. Pierrot happily delivers the Doom Spiral to Rose. The clowns stomp on Rose’s fallen body again for good measure before apparently being satisfied and leaving the ring and Rose as little more than a speed bump in the ring.




Curran- The clowns do a number on J.R. Rose again, and now that there are four of them the odds are even greater!




Smooth- I love those guys.




Segment Rating: E-






uPw Championship


Hellech © vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian





The crowd is behind High Flyin’ Hawaiian from the start. They’d love to see someone take the title away from those clowns. Hellech comes to the ring by himself but Hawaiian is noticeably looking over his shoulder throughout the match and rightfully so with how his opponent has conducted business since his arrival in Underground Pro Wrestling. Despite Hawaiian’s distraction from phantom clowns, Hawaiian manages to get many nearfalls on Hellech throughout the match. He never quite manages to put him away.




Hellech on the other hand manages the same, but he has a wild card in his corner. Near the 19 minute mark in the match, Bizarro finally makes her way down to the ring. It isn’t after that she interferes in the match. Hellech follows up the interference with laying Hawaiian out with the uPw Championship belt, and then capping it off with a Double Foot Stomp from the top rope to get another ‘victory’ and retain the uPw Championship.





Match Result: Hellech defeated High Flyin Hawaiian in 22:42 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp




Match Rating: E







Curran- Hellech leaves here tonight still the uPw Champion. The clowns who I understand have chosen to be called CarnEvil, leave Down on the Farm on quite a roll as of late.






Smooth C- CarnEvil? Carn… Evil…? I get it!





Curran- Good for you , Smooth. Join us next month when Underground Pro Wrestling will return to the barn for some exciting wrestling action! Thank you and good night!






Final Show Rating: E






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May is short for Mayhem around the Underground as Underground Pro Wrestling proudly presents…






uPw May-hem in the Barn





-The cadre of clowns officially now known as CarnEvil left last month’s event on a high, as Hellech remains the uPw Champion. CarnEvil’s presence will be all over May-hem in the Barn as the 3 males of the group all find themselves in matches.




-Hellech and Pierrot will tag for the first time in uPw as their team; Coulrophobia will face off against High Flyin’ Hawaiian and the Pilgrim. Hawaiian still has his eyes on the uPw Championship after being cheated last month, and the Pilgrim is trying to make a name for himself around the underground. Will CarnEvil’s team be victorious or will the good guys prevail?




-The newest clown on the scene, Magwitch made his debut last month with a victory and a pie to the face of J.R. Rose. This month Magwitch will step into the ring and face off against J.R. Rose. Rose is still upset with the pie to the face and with the beatdown he received from CarnEvil after beating Pierrot. Will Rose pass another test from CarnEvil and finally get his hands on Hellech? Or will CarnEvil have more surprises in store for the uPw Founder?




-Another newcomer to uPw will make his debut as the exciting luchador; El Mitico Jr. will face off against Disturbed. Disturbed has already promised victory and to make another example of how different he is. Will Disturbed’s promise come true or is El Mitico Jr. going to leave May-hem with a victory?




-Fearless Blue who has been tormented by Disturbed the last few months and will step into the ring to face Lug Phelan. Lug and Blue have met before with Lug getting the win. Will the results from before remain? Or will Blue prove Disturbed wrong?




-Both members of the Night Terrors will be in action in singles matches. Streetz is already sending out challenges for tag team to show up and face his team in June. Will both Night Terrors be successful on their own?




-Join uPw for May-hem in the Barn to find out answers to these questions and much more!










uPw May-hem in the Barn



Taylor Kidd w/Alison Addison vs. Phobia vs. Moroi w/ Streetz




Disturbed vs. El Mitico Jr.




Amazing Fire Fly vs. Babau w/Streetz




Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue




J.R. Rose vs. Magwitch w/Bizarro




Coulrophobia w/Bizarro vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian and The Pilgrim





P.S. Thanks for the suggestions for the stable name guys.

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Taylor Kidd w/Alison Addison vs. Phobia vs. Moroi w/ Streetz

Maybe it would be time for Phobia to get a win but Moroi is the safer option so I go with him.


Disturbed vs. El Mitico Jr.

Normally I would go with Mitico here but Disturbed is the one who seems to have storyline going.


Amazing Fire Fly vs. Babau w/Streetz

Fire Fly has the skills to get a win but the way these two have been booked so far suggest that Babau is picking a victory instead.


Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue

Blue seems to be on a losing streak storyline and while it could end here, more likely option is that he eats another pin.


J.R. Rose vs. Magwitch w/Bizarro

I seem to pick lots of heels to win so it´s time to go other way around and pick Rose here.


Coulrophobia w/Bizarro vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian and The Pilgrim

Clowns have the upper hand for sure but I go with small upset here and pick Hawaiian and Pilgrim instead.

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  • 2 months later...







uPw May-hem in The Barn

May, Saturday, Week 4, 2013

The Barn, Mid West, United States

Attendance: 113





We join the uPw Commentating duo of Samuel Curran and Smooth C ringside at the Barn, just outside Bismarck, North Dakota.












Samuel Curran- May is short for Mayhem and that’s what can be expected here tonight at May-hem in the Barn. Welcome to the 5th event presented by Underground Pro Wrestling. I’m Samuel Curran and beside me as always is the one and only, Smooth C. Things are heating up here in uPw and we’ll see that continue here tonight.






Smooth C- I’m just happy things are starting to heat up outside! Calling these shows the previous four months really made me miss my home in Hawaii.





Curran- I’m sure it did Smooth. Last month we saw the debut of another clown and another addition to CarnEvil, in that of Magwitch. He was victorious in his debut against Fearless Blue, hit Rose with a pie in the face, cost Pierrot the match against Rose, than helped Pierrot lay Rose out post match. Tonight Magwitch will face off with J.R. Rose one on one.






Smooth C- Man I love those clowns. They make me laugh.





Curran- That’s good Smooth, because CarnEvil’s tag team, Coulrophobia will also be in action as they face the makeshift tag team of High Flyin’ Hawaiian and The Pilgrim. Both of those men have their eye on Hellech and the uPw Championship. A victory for them could potentially give them cause for a shot at Hellech, again in the case of High Flyin’ Hawaiian and a first for The Pilgrim, who also made his debut last month. But first we’ll see one half of The Night Terrors in a three way match against, Taylor Kidd and Phobia.






Taylor Kidd w/Alison Addison vs. Phobia vs. Moroi w/ Streetz






There wasn’t much heat in this one but the crowd did get on Moroi and Streetz’ case a little bit. Streetz stays out of the match but does make a couple of passes at Alison Addison that draws the ire of Taylor Kidd and serves as a wonderful distraction for his client. Phobia shows off how exciting he can be and scores a couple of nearfalls. Moroi proves to be too much for the other two youngsters in match however, and Taylor Kidd is the one who takes the pinfall from Moroi after a Nightmare Scenario. A member of the Night Terrors is victorious again.




Match Result: Moroi defeated Taylor Kidd and Phobia in 12:09 when Moroi defeated Taylor Kidd by pinfall with a Nightmare Scenario




Match Rating: E






We head backstage and see the trio of clowns, Hellech, Pierrot, and Bizarro. Hellech proudly displays the uPw Championship Belt over his right shoulder.









Hellech- HEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY KIDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSS! It’s your uPw Champion, Hellech and his merry band, CarnEvil. The reason for this little interruption tonight is we’d like to formally and officially introduce that crazy, pie wielding, maniac to our happy group. So without further adieu, here’s Magwitch!





Magwitch enters the picture with the biggest of evil smiles on his face.










Magwitch- Thank you, thank you! It’s good to be here among the like, among family. It’s a family that likes to tell a good joke and have a good time. That’s what I’m all about, that’s what I’m going to be doing. Just having a good time, and boy, what a good time I had last month riding my unicycle into uPw and delivering a pie to the face of that humorless J.R. Rose. Tonight, however I plan on injecting a little laughter into his life when I step into the ring with him. Rose I guarantee that I will be laughing last.





Hellech- That only starts business here tonight for CarnEvil. Two more of the humorless face Pierrot and me in the Main Event. The obvious joke there is them, that they even deserve to be in the ring with the best tag team and funniest in wrestling today. Of course not to mention the fact, that I’m the greatest wrestler around, the proof is on my right shoulder and that is not going to change anytime soon. Tonight the joke will be on the boys in the back, and us clowns will be the ones laughing.





Segment Rating: E-







Disturbed vs. El Mitico Jr.






El Mitico Jr. is making his uPw debut in this match and by how good this match is, shows Mitico is certainly a great signing for the young promotion. Disturbed is not intimidated by the skill that Mitico shows though. This match turns out to be one of the best of the night as the two masked grapplers go back and forth. Sadly the crowd is still unfamiliar with the wrestlers and reaction is scarce. El Mitico Jr. looks on the verge of victory but Disturbed uses a low blow to change the tide. He soon follows it up with a Flying Double Stomp to finish off Mitico for the win.






Match Result: Disturbed defeated El Mítico Jr in 13:03 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp





Match Rating: D







Backstage we go again, this time to find Streetz with the Night Terrors flanking him on his sides. A confident, sly grin is spread across his face.








Streetz- One of these terrors beside me is already victorious here tonight, and the other is moments away from realizing the same result. Collectively they are the best tag team in wrestling pound for pound, despite opinions of other oddities around here. These two nightmares are the absolute best; problem is they don’t ever get to show it. So here it is, if you got what it takes, well think you got what it takes, next month, Great Plains Bash show up and face the fearsome twosome and become victims.





Segment Rating: F+





Curran- Who will accept their challenge?





Smooth- As much as I like Streetz, he’s wrong; the clowns are the best team around here, just wait until the main event when they destroy Hawaiian and Pilgrim.







Amazing Fire Fly vs. Babau w/Streetz






Streetz looks visibly concerned at ringside of this one as he believes Amazing Fire Fly has a chance to upset his client. Of course Streetz will do everything and anything in his power to make sure that doesn’t happen. This match is another good one that sees Streetz involved from outside throughout. Fire Fly fights on and nearly does beat Babau a few times throughout. A Streetz forearm to the back of Fire Fly is the difference maker as Babau hits a Frightenrana shortly thereafter for the victory.





Match Result: Babau defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 16:23 by pinfall with a Frightenrana





Match Rating: E+






Backstage we find ourselves again, this time the founder, J.R. Rose stands by, as serious as ever as he’s set to face Magwitch here tonight.









Rose- Last month, once again, those clowns put one over on me. Sure I got the victory against Pierrot but it felt awful hollow. The only thing that will put this to bed is finally getting in the ring one on one with Hellech and taking the uPw Championship from his disgusting hands. Unfortunately that won’t happen tonight as yet another clown has come out of the woodwork and he thinks he needs to face me in the ring. That’s fine. It really is fine. I figure it’s time for me to embarrass a clown like they keep trying to do to me. I’d rather do it in the ring though and show them they don’t belong in the ring with the likes of me.






All I know is eventually Hellech and I will face off one on one. That will be a great day, not only for myself but for all of uPw because the real joke around here is them. I can’t wait to show them just how big of a joke they are! Tonight, it starts with their lapdog. And soon I will come for their leader!






Segment Rating: D+






Lug Phelan vs. Fearless Blue







This match is a rematch of a few months ago that saw Lug as the victor. Lug looks to have the same results but Fearless Blue isn’t going to just lie down. Blue uses his speed and quickness to try to stay ahead of Lug who’s straight ahead style is relentless. The crowd actually gets behind Blue a little bit and come to their feet when Blue scores a two and a split second to a three nearfall. Lug’s rage takes over from that point and he starts trying to steamroll Blue from then on. Blue hangs in there though, that is until Disturbed runs down to the ring and with the refs back turned, hits Blue with a stiff side kick. Lug takes advantage of Disturbed’s interference and hits Blue with a Gutwrench Backbreaker to get the win. All though after the match he doesn’t look to happy with Disturbed’s help.





Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated Fearless Blue in 14:21 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker






Match Rating: E-






After the match, Disturbed is still in the ring proud of what he had done. Blue however, is not. Blue is able to recover before Disturbed is done celebrating what he had just done. Blue is able to catch Disturbed with a running forearm from behind to take him down to the mat. Blue goes to the mount and begins to rain down fists to the head of Disturbed.





An irate Blue jumps to his feet and has a look of rage plastered across his face. He starts to stomp on Disturbed before going down to one knee to start pounding away again. Blue than makes a move to pull the mask from Disturbed but Disturbed is able to roll away and out of the ring. He quickly retreats and leaves a fuming Fearless Blue in the ring.





Segment Rating: F






J.R. Rose vs. Magwitch w/Bizarro






Rose doesn’t look happy when he reaches the ring for the match and see his opponent and of course Bizarro, who has been a thorn in Rose’s side since the first uPw event. Rose seems taken aback by Magwitch’s using his body as a weapon style. Magwitch actually controls most of the match thanks to Bizarro’s help. The crowd gets behind J.R. Rose to make a rally and about 12 minutes into the match Rose does just that. At that point the match goes back and forth until Rose hits the Rose Star Press almost out of nowhere and gets the win. Rose quickly leaves the ring to avoid any CarnEvil retaliation and now has his eyes set firmly on Hellech.





Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated Magwitch in 16:48 by pinfall with a Rose Star Press





Match Rating: D+







Coulrophobia w/Bizarro vs. High Flyin’ Hawaiian and The Pilgrim





The match quality is slightly disappointing for being in the Main Event spot but it’s still fairly solid. Hawaiian and Pilgrim don’t look intimidated by the clowns at all and come out hot, taking it to the circus outcasts. Of course it doesn’t last as the clowns along with Bizarro are quick to use some shenanigans to swing momentum back into the favor of CarnEvil’s tag team. Momentum shifts back and forth throughout the match, and usually when it swings Coulrophobia’s was it’s due to some sort of underhanded tactic. At the 25 minute mark in the match, a certain someone has seen enough of the clown’s cheating their way through the match and J.R Rose hits the ring and causes enough of a distraction for Hawaiian to take Hellech down and hit the Pacific Crush to score the pinfall.






Match Result: High Flyin Hawaiian and The Pilgrim defeated Coulrophobia in 26:18 when High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Hellech by pinfall with a Pacific Crush





Match Rating: E-






Smooth- That is absolute B.S.! J.R. Rose had no business sticking his nose into this match. CarnEvil was robbed!





Curran- While you may be technically right, High Flyin’ Hawaiian and The Pilgrim are the victors and frankly the clowns had it coming to them. Next month we our 6 month anniversary at uPw Great Plains Bash I. Join us next month and see the fallout of tonight’s show.





Final Show Rating: E+









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