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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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Alex Wright vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs VK Wallstreet

I wanted to click VK Wallstreet.. huge Mike Rotundo fan! Obviously... Goldberg kills him

Scott Steiner vs The Booty Man

Curt Hennig vs Diamond Dallas Page

DDP continues the momentum wave he is riding. Hennig will recover.

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Alex Wright vs LA Parka


Yup I still hate Alex Wright...


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Goldberg vs VK Wallstreet


Scott Steiner vs The Booty Man


No good could ever come out of having this match on a show...:p


Curt Hennig vs Diamond Dallas Page

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Alex Wright vs LA Parka-- dead serious, along with Prince Iaukea were my favorite wrestlers around 1997-1999. Yep...


Wasn't old enough to watch WCW live at this time but have since watched all of WCW from the 90's and I enjoyed all the cruiserweights probably more than anything else, wasn't a huge fan of Wright but did like Prince Iaukea he could of done with a better gimmick though.


Scott Steiner vs The Booty Man


No good could ever come out of having this match on a show...:p


Gotta get them enhancement matches in there somewhere:D Surprisingly it didn't even do bad, quite possibly the highest rated squash match I've ever received.

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