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Oh Canada (CGC)

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Oh Canada - Canadian Golden Combat


No backstory... that's what has been written in the Cornvellverse. This is CGC, its 2013 and we are going to embark on a new chapter in Canadian Wrestling history. So I will just be kicking things straight off recapping shows from January 2013 onwards and the promotion that is CGC.


Please enjoy!


Note:: I am a long time 'browser' of these boards and the EWB boards... always tempted to dip into these games and actually purchased TEW 13 the other day (my first version). So please bear with me... there is some outstanding stuff on here and im not here to compete with that as its just unbelievable and kudos to all the writers who are brave enough to share their games on here.

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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Sunday 6th January 2013



CGC Title Bout Wrestling
- Live Primetime on Maple Leaf Sports

Announced by Davis Ditterich; Colour by Adrian Garcia




Christian Price strolls towards the locker rooms holding his CGC Canadian title belt. Nate Johnson from ELITE appears...
"Hey Price, that gold don't look so good on you... how about I take it now and save you the embarrassment of losing it out there"


"pfft Johnson, you got alot of talk ... buuuut I don't see anything backing you up. Why should I waste my time on a has-been like you?"


"Has-been... sounds like someone's scared of my credentials, how about it then Price? Take me on tonight, 1v1 and if you win I wont bother you again... if I win, or I mean when I win, then maybe I give you another shot at me next week on Title Bout, in Quebec?"


"Johnson, whatever, you got alot of brass and sure ill beat you tonight.. just make sure you bring a stretcher with you old man"





"WOW, there we have it folks, welcome to CGC Sunday night and what a night it promises to be as we have our main event setup right there.. Price v Johnson for the Canadian title, right here, live in Ottawa"


"Thats the matchup right there, tonight we will crown a new champ.. Johnson is ready, Price is just here for his looks... its going to be special Ditt' and the DeColts best watch out as the ELITE are ready to roll in '13


"Who knows... but what I do know is that we are ready to go right now with our first matchup of the night... the giant Prometheus versus Zeus in what could be a one-sided affair"




Prometheus vs Zeus Maxmillion


"7'1 this guy is a monster, if I was Zeus id get out of that ring before... wowsh, that's going to hurt"


Prometheus dominates Zeus with hard hitting moves, pounding Zeus into the turnbuckles before pile driving him into the mat.



"This one could be over quick Ditt'


"It looks like it as... oh, damn... that's going to hurt... Prometheus has just launched Zeus over the ropes... now he is dragging him back in, the referee is ready to count it... 1, 2, 3, its over, that monster, that monster has just marmalized Zeus who is lying there not moving a muscle"


"Impressive Ditt, very impressive... we will see that guy again and I don't just mean in a crowded room but he is ruthless"




Video Promo

Jack and Ricky DeColt bouncing around as they hype their tag team match vs the ELITE duo of Eddie Chandler and Shooter Sean Deeley. The DeColt's wearing Canadian flags get a good pop from the crowd as we instantly cut to the entrance of the ELITE pairing...




Ricky & Jack DeColt v Eddie Chandler & Sean Deeley (ELITE)



"Hear we go then, a new year, the same feud and its Jack and Ricky doing the family honours tonight as they come out to face Chandler and Deeley"


".... Jack whips Chandler to the turnbuckle and charges with a big shoulder... but wait, wait just a minute, what's going on .. Deeley with the cheap shot to Jack, and then another to Ricky, this could be over, ELITE look to have gotten the upper hand tonight on the DeColt family"


Jack and Ricky get up slowly as Chandler looks to pound down on Jack. A quick reversal gets Jack in a position to tag in Ricky and in he comes...



"Its Ricky, Ricky hitting down on Chandler... Chandler wants to get the tag but the DeColts wont let him...


"He's got him locked up Ditt' we could be seeing the end of this one right here"


"You're right Garc' this one is about done, the referee is checking Chandler and he's submitting.. he is done, Ricky DeColt has locked him in and the family have retained their superiority to this crowds delight over the ELITE who look bemused right now"


"Never say never in this business Ditt' but I don't think we have seen the last of ELITE tonight..."


"Well that's true as up next, its the Title bout, Price v Johnson... Canadian belt on the line..."




CGC Canadian Title Match: Christian Price v Nate Johnson



"Johnson looks ready, hungry.. but something's not right about this"


"You worry too much Ditt', Johnson is the superior wrestler.. Price will have to rely on luck out there to get him through this one unscathed"


Price and Johnson rally blows off each other as they work the match in-ring.



"Johnson starting to tire and there you go, Price ready to tie him up for a finish... HANG ON, what's .. who... why? Its Dan DaLay, what's he doing here is he going... OH MY.. OH MY"


"Bang that's how you do the job, the referee distracted and DaLay has just nailed Price with the title belt.... this one is over"


"It is Garc'... the referee turns to count this one, Johnson barely with any energy left to make the cover but Price is out, we have a new Champion and oh my god its left a sour taste in my mouth. DaLay get out of here.. the ELITE have left their mark on another big night in CGC Wrestling. From Ditt and Garc' this ones done"


Camera's pan to the ring as Johnson holds the belt aloft, Price stunned on the floor still wondering what's going on... whilst DaLay is seen walking back towards the locker rooms with a big smile on his face as the crowd jeers the tormentor.

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Quebec, Canada, Sunday 13th January 2013


CGC Title Bout Wrestling
- Live Primetime on Maple Leaf Sports

Announced by Davis Ditterich; Colour by Adrian Garcia


Alex DeColt arrives to the arena and cameras follow him as he looks like he means business tonight...


"DaLay... HEY DALAY, you heard me, come back here"


"Heh, what's up old man... your daddy mad at you?"


"You got some front DaLay, im talking about last week.. you screwed Price out of his title, I don't like that sort of cheap shot on my show. You want to win a belt, you do it fairly..."


"Price has had his reign, Johnson is the better wrestler... he is a Champion and that belt should be around his waist... talking of which, when do I get my shot at taking your title belt, you been running scared for to long now DeColt"


Price walks past and over hears the conversation, before rushing over almost grabbing at Dalay as Alex DeColt holds him back.


"Back off Price..."


"Stay out of this Price, im dealing with this degenerate"


"No chance, this is my career, my title was taken from me by that douche... I want my rematch, Johnson said I could have it... I want it tonight"


"You want to uh, get beat down again Price... you may think you are a pretty boy but you aint pretty smart... its going to get ugly for you if you keep poking your face into places you are not wanted"


"Shut up DaLay, I call the shots... and Price, get yourself ready - you got your shot. DaLay tell Johnson... he either turns up or I take that belt off him by default"


"smmmh, jokers..."


DaLay walks off as DeColt and Price look at each other wondering what else could happen tonight.





"GOD damn there we have it, Price v Johnson rematch... announced by Alex DeColt.. he means business tonight and im sure ELITE will be looking to stay clear of any more dodgy dealings as a repeat of last week's shenanigans could be costly"


"You think that Ditt' but the reality is, the DeColts are running scared... they don't know what to do.. ELITE could takeover this place and Johnson will retain that belt don't you worry about that"


"Im more worried about him retaining than NOT Garc' .. but enough of that, right now we have a tag team matchup as DWB will pair up against Skip Beau and Joey Poison...




The Dirty White Boys v Skip Beau & Joey Poison



"Belly and Hogg working over Beau as Poison looks on... he wants to tag in, the colourful Poison reaching as far as he can to get the tag. But Hogg whips Beau into the turnbuckle and ... OH my there's a reversal, Beau just plants Hogg into his tag team partner and breaks free... we could see Poison now..."


"DWB looking rattled as Poison comes in, fists to the gut of Hogg... a giant chop on Belly who comes into the ring.... Poison hypes the crowd and goes up top. But NO, NO that's going to hurt"


"Hurt his moneymakers Ditt' his snake wont be spitting poison tonight after that one.."


"Lead Belly that greaseball has just yanked the turnbuckle and Poison lands on his jewels and looks worse for wear... Belly now calls for Hogg, a double piledriver.... followed by a pair of elbow drops, Poison is out....Hogg can make the pin... 1, 2,... can Beau save it, no Belly with the big foot to the face... 3 and its done"


"Poison and Beau beat up bad there, DWB looking as dirty as ever"





"Hang on a minute, what's this..."


Cut to cameras rushing through the backstage area...



"What the hell, what in the hell is going on here... is that.. it is, its Alex DeColt, what sort of condition is he in?"


"Bloodied id say Ditt"


"We can see that Garc, but who did this.. who would do this, I think we all know and I think they will pay for this one. DeColt looks mad, but what condition is he in to get any payback tonight..."




CGC Canadian Title Match: Nate Johnson v Christian Price



"We dont have time for this right now as here comes Price, he is making the most of this entrance and the fans are on his side as he faces Nate Johnson in a rematch to try and claim back his CGC Canadian title belt"


Johnson's music hits....



"Wheres Johnson... what games are ELITE playing now.."


Price looks bemused as no one appears... the referee try's to placate him as, from under the ring behind them, out slides Johnson with a chair and he plants a shot on both the referee and Price as they turnaround due to the crowd commotion.



"Damn you Johnson, damn you to hell... thats cheap, thats not what we wanted tonight, you need to fight for this title.."


"Its clever Ditt' thats what I say... Johnson used his brains and he now has the upperhand to beat Price and...wait a mi.


"What are these guys doing here.. hey you stay out of this... its Chandler and Deeley"


Johnson waves to his ELITE members to join him in the ring as he rolls the referee on to the floor.



"Get out of there Price... oh my, Price is taking a beating, blows to the head, chest... that's 3 on 1, someone get down here and clear this lot out"


"Price is feeling the pain right now... he had to know this was coming, he just doesn't have the brains for the business"


"Price can barely stand.... *BANG* " OH MY GOD another chair shot, this one is done... get in there referee stop this...


Just as Deeley lines up another chairshot, the referee calls for the bell as more officials come racing out to separate ELITE from Price. Price can barely stand as he stares at his conquerors... as the announcement goes out that this one is a draw and that Nate Johnson retains his CGC Canadian title.




As the arena settles after that matchup...



"What more can we go through tonight, Price beaten... Alex DeColt bloodied... there's anarchy in the CG.. oh hang on right here..


Alex DeColt's music hits and the CGC Title holder limps down to the ring in his wrestling attire holding a mic.


"Listen up... listen up. Tonight its been about trying to restore order in this promotion. Tonight I attempted to bring back the wrestling from those ready to interfere with business... however TONIGHT its failed. AND now RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW I want Dan DaLay to come out here and face me 1v1 as he needs an ass-whooping for getting ELITE to run roughshod over this company... it stops now and its stopping with me beating your ass right here in Quebec"


Crowd pops in anticipation... as then DaLay appears to his music....



"Things just about to pick up right here in Quebec on Maple Leaf Sports its Sunday Night Title Bout...


"Watch out"


DaLay races to the ring, slides in, squares up face to face with DeColt before they start exchanging rights and lefts.



"Big blows, these 2 are exchanging hammer blows... DeColt starting to get on top as DaLay wobbles"


"DaLay might need some assistance... where are the ELITE?"


"Don't even talk about them Garc' this one has to be man v man and Alex DeColt is letting out all his frustration right now on... hang on..


The other 3 members of ELITE appear at the entrance to the ring area, distracting DeColt to let DaLay recover and get in a cheap nut shot. Then...



"IS THAT.. YES its Ricky and Jack... the DeColts are here and they are taking it to the ELITE forcing those punks backstage.. now can Alex get back on top out here?"


"Thats not fair on DaLay, call this one over..."


"Shut up Garc' the ELITE are getting what they deserve and so is DaLay, big chops, a power bomb and that could be all she wrote right there for DaLay... count it referee.. 1,2 ... 3... its over, its over.. Alex DeColt wins and its DaLay and the ELITE who can lick their wounds tonight"


DeColt stands over DaLay as he celebrates, then pointing to the backstage area as if to say he is coming for the rest of the stable.



"Its been a big night right here in Quebec, we are going... but we will see you on Pay Per View Friday night for Elimination XI and im sure more fireworks right here in CGC"


Camera's cut away with Alex DeColt marching towards the backstage area.. with DaLay just watching propped up against the ropes in the ring.

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British Columbia, Canada, Friday 18th January 2013


CGC Elimination XI
- Live on PPV Canada 1-Choice

Announced by Davis Ditterich; Colour by Adrian Garcia


Fireworks die down, intro finishes on the big screen...



"BOOM and we are here tonight live on pay per view straight from British Columbia as CGC Elimination XI is about to get underway and we are going straight into the action as that monster Prometheus takes on Warren Technique in what looks to be a lopsided matchup"


"Technique better show just that, as this giant is about ready to crush anybody in this company who stands in his way"




Prometheus v Warren Technique



"This one could be over quick, Technique just trying to stay out of trouble"


Prometheus grabs Technique by the throat for a double handed choke slam.



"Get out of there... Technique could be just about done"


"If he had any sense he wouldn't have got in there in the first place, this guy is a monster.. woah, woAH"


"OH MY, damn you didn't want to see that.. its going to be over now, no way back for Technique"


Prometheus throws Technique over the top turnbuckle straight onto the matted floor... Technique barely moving gets counted out as Prometheus stands over him from the ring, showing an evil face to the shocked crowd.



"Well you just have to stay out of his way, that's all id say to the wrestlers.. give him room..




Thrill Seeker v Trent Shaffer



"More action here in British Columbia as Thrill Seeker looks to push himself into title contention in a matchup with Trent Shaffer. Both men will have their eyes on the Canadian title belt and tonight's winner may just have the edge in being the next contender"


"I don't like the look of Thrill Seeker, too cocky... Shaffer on the other hand, a real Blue chipper..


Seeker and Shaffer share their moments in the match as the crowd warms to the face paced action.



"Up high again, Thrill Seeker somersaults a body slam onto Shaffer.. this could do it... 1,2. .. no Shaffer is out, and he instantly rolls up Seeker... 1, 2... 2 and a half on that one, this could go either way"


"I think Trent has the edge now, this is it... Oh no.."


"Shaffer looking to lock Thrill Seeker into a figure four, has had the move reversed... there's pain on Shaffer's face.. can he make the ropes...


"Come on Trent... referee he's touching the rope..."


"Shutup Garc'... Seeker pulls him back to the centre of the ring, I think we have our winner here...."


ding, ding, ding



"There's the bell, there's your winner by submission... Thrill Seeker"




Video Promo


Tag Team belts on the line next as Fate and Destiny the Soldiers of Fortune will face off against DWB. Fate and Destiny hype themselves as the only true tag team and that they will beat down on the greaseballs 'DWB and put them back where they belong, in the swamps of Mississippi.





"This should be a barnstormer... SoF and DWB, no love lost... hang on, we are cutting backstage"


Alex DeColt is having a argument with Dan DaLay...



"Whats going on, DaLay shouldn't be here tonight"


"DaLay get out of here, you are not contracted to fight tonight"

"I think you are forgetting something DeColt... im here to take your belt.. you cant sit on that forever without defending

"You think id give you a shot just like that, with your group waiting to do something?"

"DeColt, its me, just me... no ELITE, no Ricky or Jack... man'o v man'o, give me that shot tonight and if I lose ill back off..."

"Something's not right DaLay, BUT ill give you that shot... 1v1, any interference and there's instant DQ...


DeColt walks off as DaLay is shown watching him in the background before he returns to the locker rooms alone.





"Huge news right there, we have our main event for tonight.... DeColt and DaLay for the CGC World Title right here on pay per view... has Alex made a mistake in letting DaLay into his mind"


"ELITE to be on top of the world tonight Ditt' there's no chance Alex wins without needing Jack and Ricky to back him up...



Tag Team Title Bout - Soldiers of Fortune v Dirty White Boys



"This one could be a slobber-knocker Garc' we have the DWB ready to fight but do they have the quality to take the belts from SoF?"


"I don't think they do Ditt' but its not always about who is best, but who is smartest"


Belly and Hogg double team on Fate, as the referee remains distracted with Destiny who is attempting to get into the ring to help.



"These greaseballs are working clever, Fate is struggling to stay on his feet... big chops, big forearms and there's another slam, this one could be setup for Lead Belly to seal the win"


Fate prone on the floor, rolls out of the way as Lead Belly comes in with a leg drop... the momentum shifts as Fate tags in Destiny.



"Here comes trouble for DWB, right hands to Belly.. Hogg is in, right hands and he clears the ring... the SoF could retain their belts right here"


"This one is done Ditt' the DWB are tired..."


"Destiny tags in Fate, a double team on Belly... he cant get back up, Fate rolls up a pinfall and there we have it, Soldiers of Fortune retain their titles... DWB will lick their wounds and no doubt be back, but they are clearing their way from the ring as SoF have shown their dominance in this division once again"





"This is it then Garc' the big one, DeColt and DaLay title on the line next only on CGC Elimination....


CGC World Title Bout - Alex DeColt v Dan DaLay



"Neither man will be wanting to give anything up, they are solo here... no backup, no ELITE and no DeColt family members allowed to interfere.. it's man v man"


"Its a bad move by DaLay, he let DeColt set the rules... there are no rules when a title is on the line, ELITE should show up..."


"Dont be stupid Garc' anyway theres the bell... lets start this


DeColt takes the upperhand early with a clothesline and whips DaLay into the turnbuckle for 10 fists to the head. DaLay counters, but both men are taking their chance to showcase their moves...



"This one could be a classic tonight, but WHAT THE HELL is this... whats going on... someone turn the lights back up...


"Hahaha yeah, looks like DeColt has been caught out..."


Music hits



The lights come backup and a video plays showcasing clips of America in its glory.. getting boo's from the crowd.



"What's going on, what the hell is this all about.. what has DaLay got on the agenda here...?"


"Im not sure he has Ditt' both men look confused in that ring... who is here, I don't think anyone knows right now.."


"Oh Canada... der, der, der.... ah stuff that crap... we are here Canada, we are here and we are taking over. No more Canadian bullcrap, you will be pleased to know that the big boys have arrived and business is going to pickup in this place"



"What's this, who is this...


DeColt grabs a mic as his match is interrupted.


"Who the HELL are you and what the hell is this all about?"


Out from the backstage area comes a cool looking man...


"You know who I am, you know what I want.... this is a revolution, an American RevO....lution"

"All I know is you can get the hell out of here"

"Now now Mr DeColt, dont be so hasty... you see, me and my... comrades lets say, have a similar problem to you... theres not enough room for us, you and the ELITE in this organisation. So what im proposing is that we deal with ELITE ... and then say, we deal with you... so we get to run this gig all ourselves"

"You heard me once, hear me again, GET THE HELL OUT of here..."

"Touchy, touchy Mr DeColt..."

"Ill say it once more, get the hell out of this arena or ill comeback there and kick your sorry ass"



"Someone call security this is going to get out of hand, thigns are going to escalate here"


"Have it your way DeColt, but remember this Steve Flash will be back and things will turn up a notch... now you boys finish up your match, hell it looks like you have both been counted out.. oh well, keep that belt warm for me DeColt it will look nice around this waist"



"Ditt we just got ourselves some business around here"


"Not the sort we want here in CGC though Garc'... DeColt is bemused, DaLay gobsmacked... what's going to happen, what the hell will happen Sunday night on Title Bout... join us then, but for now from Elimination XI we are out"


The cameras pan back and forth between the leaving Steve Flash and the unlikely duo of DeColt and DaLay stood side by side outside the ring.

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