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JPW: Building a Legacy From Dirt (Cornelverse)

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OOC: First time since EWR that I've written up a diary. Struggled to get into TEW possibly because of that lack of involvement so I'm hoping this is a fine cure. Vast majority of the issues I had with TEW are fixed in TEW13 so I've been enjoying playing and look to see how far I can take this little fed. I'm rusty on all of the code to dress up the posts so please bare with me as I experiment and find a groove with the 'look'.


Total Wrestling Online…

Spotlight: Just Pro Wrestling

Posted by TerryB, Thursday June 2013, W1


This weeks SPOTLIGHT article focuses on Chicago based and cannily named Just Pro Wrestling who have been promoting in the Great Lakes region for almost six months to generally satisfied audiences. JPW have certainly not set the world alight with their product so far, but some safe and steady shows have exposed the neglected market in the region with other promotions preffering to work the Tri-State region (Like NYCW) or the Mid Atlantic (MAW).


JPW were founded out of the pocket money of well known wrestling manager Herb Stately, marketing executive and weekend referee Chris Michaels and Canadian Enforcer Ed Monton who has been functioning in a day to day capacity as road agent. From what we’ve gathered it is Chris Michaels handling the booking duties and Herb’s extensive contacts in the east coast the source of much of their recruitment. The steady money they’ve earned (and according to some, stiffed the boys out of) with previous shows enabled them to purchase and renovate a warehouse on the edge of Rainbow Park which they will unveil later this month as their new mecca, their new home base. Michaels has already exploited his marketing background to line up some other shows as they look to turn Rainbow Park into a popular venue for the east chicago crowd. Music, Boxing, Wrestling, MMA, Comedy. The ambition of Mr Michaels is admirable but whether they’re bread and butter can ensure he achieves success is questionable.



The Founders of JPW: Chris Michaels, Herb Stately and Ed Monton


This month marks six months and their first ‘special’ event, something they plan to hold every two-three months at Rainbow Park. This one, curiously named ‘I WILL’ should have its card posted later today but you can expect their headline feud between the popular Hawaian Thunder Clark Alexander and champion Man Mountain Cahill to be brought to a conclusion along with the Samoan Wildboyz war with the Nation of Filth.


For those who haven’t been following the promotion, Herb Statelys kayfabe roll is as an agent to the stars running his own stable like a corporate business called ‘The Firm’ with all its connotations to Chicagos criminal past. His stable of baddies include the current Great Lakes Champion Man Mountain Cahill and former North Border Tag Champions the Nation of Filth (Stink & Grunt), who have played pass the titles with the Wildboyz since the promotions inception.


A lot of their regular roster is the wrong side of 30 ostensibly for their immediate regional name value. Yet Michaels, Morton and Stately have begun giving considerable focus to youngsters like Hollywood Bret Starr and Kirk Jameson who have been feuding recently and seem to be trying to build their own stars before the older guys tap out one last time. You’ll notice a lot of MAW guys and CZCW wrestlers as the company tries to build a product combining the showmanship of traditional wrestling with an athletic multitalented core. All their monthly live events, billed as ‘Wrestling Classics’ and their forthcoming special ‘I Will’ are taped for DVD release and as promotional fodder for the TV and PPV networks though I wouldnt expect them on your schedules any time soon. Their forthcoming schedule is below;



Week 2 - I WILL from Rainbow Park, Chicago

Week 4 - Wrestling Classic VI from Perry Hall, Chicago



Week 4 - Wrestling Classic VII from Perry Hall, Chicago



Week 4 - Wrestling Classic VIII venue TBC



Week 4 - Wrestling Classic VIII venue TBC



Week 2 - WINDY CITY SHOWDOWN from Rainbow Park

Week 4 - Wrestling Classic IX from Perry Hall, Chicago



Week 4 - Wrestling Classic X venue TBC



Week 4 - The Christmas Classic from Rainbow Park

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Just Pro Wrestling Present…

I WILL 2013



Tickets Available from the new Rainbow Park Box Office or online!



JPW Great Lakes Championship

‘Hawaian Thunder’ Clark Alexander challenges reigning champion Man Mountain Cahill of The Firm




The Gauntlet For Glory 2013

A Five Man Battle Royal fought under over the top rope rules until the final two race to scale a ladder and claim a shot for the Great Lakes Championship at octobers Windy City Showdown spectacular

Fumihiro Ota vs “Ace” Johnny Martin vs Madman Boone vs Findlay O’Farraday vs ‘Remarkable’ Steve Flash



Grudge Match

For months these two have battled after the Marksman took exception to Hollywood Brett Starrs arrogance and self-promotion. Now they settle it, who really is the ‘star’ in the making?

‘Marksman’ Kirk Jameson vs ‘Hollywood’ Brett Starr



Frantic Ali vs ‘Top Gun’ Ford Gumble



Special Challenge Clash of the Masked Stars!

Featuring the debut of the mysterious Pacific Dragon!

Acid vs Pacific Dragon



JPW North Border Tag Championship - Samoan Strap Match

Each participant will be tied to an opponent by a length of strapping

The Samoan Wildboyz defend against the Nation of Filth representing The Firm!




Tag Challenge Match

Death Row (Knuckles & Shady K) lock horns with The Good Ol’ Boys (Wooton Fitzpaine & Thimbleby Langton)


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Just Pro Wrestling Present…

I WILL 2013

Taped for DVD release

For the first time coming from Rainbow Park, Chicago Il

In front of a record setting crowd of 2,086


DVD Features: Not a lot of easter eggs in with this JPW offering, something they are going to have to improve with all the competition out there. The one nice feature was the indexing of the show by matches so you could watch a particular match without having to skip forward or back. That’d be great if the curiously named I WILL had any stand out matches you wanted to go and watch again and again.


The Wiki of Wrestling Opens the Show!

The show opens with a series of camera shots of the purpose built Rainbow Park venue set to “Wish” by the Citizen Smith Band and interspersed with clips of the shows participants in largely highlight reel format, but the competitors in tonights Gauntlet for Glory get a few seconds each to intone the words “I Will” and their predictable conclusions to that sentence.



Fumihiro Ota:

I will….


Johnny Martin:

I Will…


Madman Boone:

Hahahah! Oh I will…


Findlay O’Farraday:

Findlay Will Crush!


Dharma Gregg w/’Remarkable’ Steve Flash:

He will..


Johnny Martin:

Become number 1 contender.


Madman Boone:

Do something… DANGEROUS!


Fumihiro Ota:



Dharma Gregg:

Beat four other guys to that title shot!


Findlay O’Farraday:



Madman Boone:






We open on the Band Stage inside Rainbow Park with the winners of a battle of the bands competition playing some generic heavy metal as sparklers erupt from the lighting rig above the ring. JPW Announcer and primary commentator ‘The Wiki of Wrestling’ Rob Miskovsky is standing by in the ring, his earring catching the lights.


Rob Miskovsky:

Good evening wrestling fans! And Welcome for the very first time to our new home here on the Lakeside in Rainbow Park CHICAGO!


(cheers, camera close ups on ringside fans)


We are gathered here tonight, for an auspicious start to the summer. Seven matches, two titles on the line and the first ever Gauntlet for Glory - five men, a couple of ladders and one contract to face the JPW Champion! All that, right here, in CHICAGO!


(more cheers, somewhat strained after the repeated cheap pop)


We’re delighted you can be with us tonight in the venue and watching at home on JPW Home Entertainment. Each and every night our boys give it there all, risking their health, their future to deliver heart stopping moments for each and everyone of you. So please, join with me with a big cheer.


(camera pulls into a tight close up on Miskovsky and mic)


For those about to rumble, we salute you!


Another burst of sparklers from the lighting rig as the camera pulls back to reveal the fans breaking out into a chant of “Jay-Pee-Dub! Jay-Pee-Dub!” and waving signs at the small camera crew. Miskovsky proceeds after thirty seconds chanting by introducing the competitors for our first match.



Death Row (Knuckles, Shady K) vs The Good Ol’Boys (Wooton Fitzpaine, Thimbleby Langton)

I’m reliably informed that JPW intend on trying to build the Good Ol’Boys into a firm fan favourite team in the territory and the most effective way of doing that is to follow the routine of Wooton and Thimbleby at recent shows. Principally get beaten black and blue. Thats not an easy thing to pull off and not get laughed out of the building, they’re big heavyweights after all. Most opponents are smaller than them. Yet theres a certain ‘country sensibility’ about these two, bumbling, ill educated hicks who just wanna smile and have a good time. No hassle to anybody. And its that lack of cutting edge that Miskovsky picked on in his DVD commentary as the reason for Death Row giving them a lesson in pain. Knuckles and Shady for their part are 2005 graduates of the SWF training school and you could see how well they were trained, every move crisp, clean and done with relish. Shady K could easily be heard in this 2/3 full 3,000 seater venue jawing with the fans as he tried to humiliate wooton slapping him about the head, pie facing him and generally having his way. Nobody would have took money on Death Row losing this, but it was the arrogance that came with their supremacy that undid them in a surprise result. With the Good Ol’Boys proving to be difficult to keep down for the three count, Knuckles lost his temper and shoved referee Chris Michaels aside one too many times resulting in a DISQUALIFICATION.


Winner: The Good Ol’Boys by DQ

Match Grade: D-


Wooton had his hand raised by Referee Michaels, but neither he nor Langton, recuperating on the floor, looked like winners. A furious Death Row chased the referee out of the ring and then turned on the dazed and confused Wooton. Knuckles shows his strength hefting Wooton up and holding him round the waist in a crouch as Shady K runs the ropes with a vicious lariat/slam combination that Miskovsky says they call the Death Sentence. Shady K then drops to ringside with his partner and puts the boots to Langton before grabbing a ringside chair and jabbing it hard into Langtons ribs. Finally they back off as the crowd boo them and JPW staff can come and help up the Good Ol’ Boys to mild cheers.



A Remarkable Man for Remarkable Days…

Taped backstage segment now and the bubbly Dharma Gregg, dressed in the kind of outfit one would think is not too far removed from her previous career as a New York stripper, is walking through a corridor with her charge fan favourite ‘Remarkable’ Steve Flash. She stops him with a hand on the chest for a pep talk.


Dharma Gregg

Listen Flash, Baby, tonight is your night. We been here since day one and you got yourself one of the most.. Remarkable… records in the Great Lakes. Think of it as just another match, just another four people to get past. All these years you been working the Tri-State area and not getting a fair shot. Well now its about you. These Chicagoans know just how good you are, and like me they’re gonna be cheering you on to victory.


Steve Flash

Thanks Dharma…


Dharma Gregg

Oh and Flash, baby. Leave a little somet in the tank for a celebration later?


Flash grins shyly, perhaps uncomfortable with the cameras. The spotlights on him and the four others though tonight! As they resume walking down the corridor The Good Ol’Boys are seen being helped onto benches by staffers. Dharma gasps at the misfortune that has befallen them… and we fade back to ringside for our next match.


Segment Grade: E+



Samoan Strap Match for JPW North Border Tag Championship: The Samoan Wildboys (Akima Brave, Kid Toma) © vs Nation of Filth (Stink,Grunt) w/Herb Stately

Miskovsky makes the introductions of two teams who have been feuding since the day JPW held its first show back in January. The Samoan Wildboyz got the cheers, but it was Nation of Filth and Herb Stately… representing The FIRM which got the loudest reaction in the shape of boo’s and rude insinuations. Little problem with the crowd noise is with the building a third empty it detracts from the supposed ‘big show’ feeling. They’ll have to get the place filled up in future. After the champions make their entrance Herb Stately, dressed in the finest second hand suit money can buy grabs the microphone from Miskovsky and addresses the Wildboys, from behind Stink and Grunt it should be said.

Herb Stately

Really. Really. Let me give you some advice Wildboyz. Take those belts off from round your waist, lay them down in the middle of this ring and go take a walk. You don’t want to get involved in a no disqualifications match with my boys here. Stink, Grunt. This is their environment! And you can forget tying them to those straps. Whats a matter Wildboyz? You aint got the cardio to keep up with these two you gotta be tied to them?


That got a chuckle from the crowd, because quite clearly the Wildboys are in great shape while the Nation of Filth have been eating nothing but filth it seems. Referee Michaels ties one end of each of the two straps to each of the Wildboyz but gets threatened with a punch when he approaches Stink.


Herb Stately

No Rope! Your not tying them to those savages!


The Wildboyz take off their belts and let them hang in their hands beside them as the Referee tries again to tie the other ends of the straps to the Nation of Filth but gets chased out of the ring by an angry Grunt this time. Michaels speaks to Miskovsky.


Rob Miskovsky

Wrestling fans, Referee Chris Michaels would like it to be known, that if the Nation of Filth do not consent to being tied to the straps as per the stipulation of this North Border Tag Championship match… then the Nation of Filth will FORFEIT the match!


Big cheers and jeers from the fans as the Nation and Stately do various kinds of ‘freak outs’ in the ring. Stink and Grunt lean through the ropes shouting at Referee Michaels who keeps gesturing at his wrist - they gotta strap up or else. The Samoans see an opportunity and run the Nation from behind beating them down and letting Michaels tie the straps to their wrists. This match is on!


Segment Grade: D


Very unpretty brawl. I think they didn’t plan anything beyond the pre match as this had no flow whatsoever. Stink just wasn’t selling, and Grunt wasn’t much better. The Wildboys put a lot of energy in but for some reason or other, the Nation of Filth weren’t up for this. They didn’t even use the rope in enough set piece moves. Stink choked Toma with it at one point and clotheslined Akima with the one tying him to Toma while Akima wrapped his arm in the rope and hit Grunt with ‘loaded’ forearm shots. Pretty bad but it was over soon enough as Herb Stately freed his man Grunt from the rope binding him to Akima, only for him to double noggin knocker with Stink, collapse to the mat and get hit by Akima’s SUICIDE HEADBUTT from the top rope for the three count. Ironic that he could never have hit that properly if he had still been tied to Grunt. The Samoan Wildboys retain the JPW North Border Tag Titles.


Winner: The Samoan Wildboys retain JPW North Border Tag Championship

Match Grade: E+



Nurse Dharma

No thats not the name of an adult video she made whilst working out in Sin City. Thats what I’m calling the next segment which sees us go backstage to those Good Ol’ Boys still bemoaning their beating at the hands of Death Row. Dharma is heard telling them Flash is okay getting himself prepared for his big match tonight, she couldn’t leave those two boys in that state. She mops their brow and helps strap Langtons ribs up with the medic. What a kind gal. I know I’d feel better with her nursing me.


Segment Grade: E+



Acid versus Pacific Dragon

First match of the evening that lives up to the expectations of the fans as the two masked combatants go at it in a high flying exhibition. I know that JPW creative are keen on pushing Acid and his protege Acid II as a top tag team in the near future but word broke before the night of the show on twitter that Acid is in talks with Pride Glory Honor Wrestling over doing a tour with them. Perhaps that uncertainty influenced the result of this match as the debuting Pacific Dragon (really Mikey James who bolted from CZCW as champion to join on with JPW) scored the three count after nailing the Dragons Whiplash (a Buff Blockbuster). The clash of the masks finally gives the show a bit of oomph. Lets hope the rest of the show holds up to this standard. Wonder if that will be Acid’s last match for JPW?


Winner: Pacific Dragon

Match Grade: D



Frantic Ali vs "Top Gun” Ford Gumble

Former TCW Cruiserweight and World Tag Team Champion Steve Gumble, going under the ring name of “Top Gun” Ford Gumble has pretty much kept his whole schtick since coming on the independent scene. Fans gave him cheers and he waved back at them, making BANG! BANG! Gestures from the middle rope. He looks a long way removed from the decent cruiserweight of old, with a bit of middle aged (35yr old) spread round his waistline and pecs that wobble a little too much. Frantic Ali, a good intense brawler from the west coast, started quickly with a collar and elbow tie up that he breaks to punch Gumble in his paunch. As the two go at it, our attention is diverted to see someone emerge from the back and take up a seat beside Miskovsky. If I’m not mistaken thats “Southern Justice” Jack Griffith. He makes no fuss, but seems to be eyeballing Gumble the whole contest. This proves distracting to Gumble who after a seesaw match gets caught running the ropes and hit with a Death Valley Driver, Frantic Ali floating over for a decisive three count.


Winner: Frantic Ali

Match Grade: D-


After the match, “Southern Justice” stands up from his seat and casually walks out to the back. Gumble, rubbing his head as he lays on the mat watches him leave. Referee Michaels can be seen asking Gumble what that was about. Gumble just grimaces and rolls out of the ring for the losers walk to the back.



Mad Men Run into a Mad Man

Herb Stately is furious with the Nation of Filth. Berating them for their failure to regain the tag team titles as the JPW Great Lakes Champion Man Mountain Cahill stretches in the background. Stately tells them to do something to redeem themselves or they could be out of the Firm come Monday morning. In a bad mood, Stink and Grunt leave the locker room and decide they should ‘take out’ the Mad Man Boone before the Gauntlet tonight. Those of you not following JPW in recent months won’t know that Boone has been loosely allied with the Samoan Wildboys and Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander and so has had several run ins with The Firm. Stink snickers that Boone will be easy pickings when there is a cough from behind. The camera turns round to reveal Madman Boone himself!


Madman Boone:

Looking for me guys? I’m not hard to find! Haha!


Boone promptly headbutts Grunt and follows up with a flailing fist on Stink before grabbing hold of him and headbutting him too. The three brawl for a minute with the Madman getting knocked down briefly only for him to kick Stink in the cajones and DDT him before using a picture frame off the wall to smash on Grunts head. It didn’t have glass. The Nation of Filth slump to the ground as Boone turns to the cameraman


Madman Boone:

Five men! Ladders! A Championship Shot! Thats a dangerous combination. I like it!


Boone ruffles Stinks mohican before rushing off. The Nation of Filth looking doubly ineffective tonight.


Segment rating: D-



"The Marksman” Kirk Jameson vs “Hollywood” Bret Starr

Match of the Night. JPW have a lot of veteran wrestlers on their roster, but its the young bucks like Jameson and Starr here that are going to carry it to any sustainable success and they certainly didn't disappoint as they ended months of animosity over who is the real Future Star of the wrestling world. A very efficient match that could have come across better with a full house roaring them on. The arrogant Starr proved his quality in a surprisingly clean match kicking out of Jameson’s Bullseye before managing to nail the Hollywood Hammer and get a clean three count.


Match Rating: D+


Afterwards Kirk offered to shake his hand but Starr blew him off and instead milked the crowds boo’s, savouring his victory in unsportsmanlike fashion. Kirk was sitting on the apron his head in his hands when unexpectedly the enormous Findlay O’Farraday - must be seven foot plus - came jogging like a freight train down to ringside and BOOTED his head in. Gasps from the crowd as Jamesons body contorts and falls off the apron to the floor. He is out cold. Findlay is snarling at the ringside crowd. “Hollywood” Brett Starr sees Findlay and laughs, taking his cue to leave ringside quickly before he becomes the target. Findlay climbs onto the apron and over the top rope into the ring. He points at the clipboard that is descending from the rafters to a height not that far out of his standing reach. He seems to want to get the GAUNTLET started now… he’s huge! Dominates the ring…


Segment rating: D



GAUNTLET FOR GLORY: Fumihiro Ota vs Madman Boone vs Steve Flash vs Johnny Martin vs Findlay O’Farraday

“Remarkable” Steve Flash, “Ace” Johnny Martin and Madman Boone raced out from the back as Findlay gestured wildly in the ring. The three fan favourites clearly intended to work together and attacked Findlay. Each of them getting a clubbering blow for their troubles. The Ninja clad Fumihiro Ota snuck in from the crowd and despite being a notorious baddy in these parts got a big cheer as he announced himself to Findlay with a missile dropkick from the top rope as he turned round. The four smaller wrestlers proceeded to be victims of Findlay’s monster push for the next couple of minutes.


The rules of this match are straight forward enough. It begins with all wrestlers legal in the ring and proceeds like a battle royale with people being thrown over the top rope until the final two wrestlers face off in a ladder match- like you will have seen in the SWF and TCW. The winner gets an ironclad shot at the Great Lakes Champion in a few months at WINDY CITY SHOWDOWN.


Miskovsky hard sold the size factor of O’Farraday as he kept shoving multiple guys off himself and displaying his strength with a series of tosses and slams that leave Ota and Martin scrabbling to stay alive dangling off the apron. One such time Findlay biel throws Ota but he clings on to the top rope in a death grip. Findlay lumbers over to try and dislodge him and from behind Boone, Flash and Martin shoulder charge him, grabbing his tree trunk legs and dumping him to the outside! Ota is next eliminated as he tries to spring a suprise attack from the apron on the three celebrating fan favourites and Martin catches him with a kick as he tries a springboard crossbody. Ota collapses across the top rope and bounces off to the concrete below. Flash survives being thrown over by Boone who can’t focus his attack on one person like some ultra violent variation of attention deficit disorder. Flash skins the cat to get back in the ring as Martin hits Boone with a Twist on the Rocks. Martin tries to do the same to Flash, but he counters into a Flash Bang. “Ace” Johnny Martin is powerless as he is picked up and bundled over the top rope for elimination.


And so there was two. Miskovsky announced that ladder match rules were now in effect. Flash took the initiative early on thanks to the Twist on the Rocks which Boone was recovering from, and brought the ladder into the ring. This is the Madmans house now though and Boone is soon using the ladder as a weapon to his advantage, though he notably misses a legdrop when Flash rolls off the ladder. Painful looking that one. The ladder even gets bent when Flash dodges another attack as Madman spears the metal and plastic structure. It’s just about steady enough though for Madman to make a climb up it towards the clipboard. Just as he reaches the top he sees Flash resting prone against the railings outside and a crazy look emerges on his face. The fans are already saying “holy sh!t” before he finishes rocking the ladder and tipping it in Flash’s direction, leaping off it… to eat the steel railings as Flash avoids a big move again! Boone’s body spasms on the ground as staff race out from the back to check on him. Flash crawls into the ring and sets the ladder up unsteadily. Dharma Gregg has come down to ringside. Flash reaches the top and pulls off the clipboard. “Remarkable” Steve Flash survives the Gauntlet for Glory to get a shot at the JPW Great Lakes Champion at Octobers WINDY CITY SHOWDOWN! Dharma hugs him as he gingerly gets down from the ladder and they celebrate together.


Match Rating: D


A Firm Grip on the Gold

Its the turn of the Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander to send out a warning to the Man Mountain Cahill that he may be bigger, stronger and have the backup in the form of manager Herb Stately and The Firm, but Clark beat him to become the first Great Lakes Champion and he can beat him again, tonight. No tree is big enough to avoid being felled. With the support of his family, of his ancestors, nothing will stop Thunder from regaining the gold.


Segment Rating: D+


A highlight reel tells the story of Clark Alexander and Man Mountain Cahill’s joint pursuit of the Great Lakes Championship beginning in the two show title tournament at Wrestling Classic and Wrestling Classic II where Alexander defied the odds thanks to an assist from Madman Boone to beat Cahill to be crowned the first ever company champion. The six man tag match follows where The Firm dominate and then the rematch where Cahill steals the gold thanks to Herb Stately tripping Alexander up from outside at an inappropriate moment. Finally we see Alexander beating Stink and Grunt in turn as Cahill defeats Madman Boone in a bloody match. The two driving forces of the company collide again!


Segment Rating: D+



JPW Great Lakes Championship: Man Mountain Cahill © w/Herb Stately vs Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander

Miskovsky in the ring for the introductions, reminding the fans with one of his Wrestling Wiki facts that Clark Alexander was the original Great Lakes Champion, its a case of resetting the system and replaying the finals of the Great Lake Title Tournament four months on. Herb Stately kept chuntering in the ear of Cahill, best he could given the height difference, and jabbing a finger towards the challenger. Alexander was dressed in his traditional regalia and looked fabulous. Looking like a champion, and being a champion are two different things though and the power and menace of Cahill and scheming of Stately at ringside, twice distracting first the referee and then Alexander himself when Cahill was vulnerable, was too much. Cahill finished Clark off after 18 minutes with the Mountain Topper for a three count from Referee Michaels.


Winner: Man Mountain Cahill retains JPW Great Lakes Championship

Match Rating: D


Overall Show Rating: D

TWO Reviews Verdict: Decent enough show for JPW, no harm done but no headlines grabbed. They’ll be pleased to have broken their record attendance figures though. Onward now towards the next big show WINDY CITY SHOWDOWN in November. Four Wrestling Classics before then…</div>

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