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The South will Rise Again

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SCCW: The South will Rise Again


Kennedy Gymnasium: Nashville, Tennessee

Att: 636



Match 1


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_KCGlenn_zpsfd16ae4d.jpg



Acid II VS KC Glenn


Acid II and KC Glenn really got the crowd hot with this great first match of the night. The match had nothing but high octane offense on display from both wrestlers. Glenn missed Tuneup the Sunshine Band (Super Kick) allowing Acid II to hit the Acid Rain Bomb (Falcon Arrow Brainbuster) for the victory at the 8:28 mark of the match. The match was completely devoid of heat though.


Match Rating D-



Match 2


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361


Doc Holliday w/ Haley Buck VS Mercutio Sleep w/ Venus Angeletti


Sleep goes to the tries to control the bigger brawler with his quick strike and runaway tactics, cheating at every turn to keep the advantage. Holliday finally has enough and sends Sleep down to the mat with a big clothesline. Angeletti tries to sneak attack Holliday but Buck is there to stop her. Sleep trying his own sneak attack missed Holliday with a dropkick, instead hitting Angeletti, sending her out of the ring. Holliday quickly hits the Hangman’s Neckbreaker, ending the match at the 8:30 mark. This match suffered from the lack of heat during the match.


Match Rating E-



Post-Match Attack





After the match Outlaw Wes Revell comes running down to the ring, attacking Doc Holliday. Sleep recovers and holds Haley Buck as Venus Angeletti slaps her several times on the face. Billy the Kid comes running from the back, forcing Revell, Sleep and Angeletti to exit the ring.


Rating F-


Match 3


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ThePilgrim_zps2eb9b209.jpg?t=1359583993 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg


The Pilgrim VS Ernest Youngman


Youngman looks like the next big thing in wrestling; Pilgrim looks like he just walked into the ring from his frat house. Young strikes with some hard forearm shots, a nice delayed suplex, a high dropkick and is followed by a clothesline. Youngman starts getting cocky, slapping Pilgrim on top of his head, telling him to get up. Young signals for the The Hit (Fireman's Carry Stunner) but Pilgrim counters out of nowhere and hits the Plymouth Rocker (Jumping Stunner) and gets the surprise victory at the 8:13. The match suffered from the lack of heat during the match.


Match Rating E


Match 4


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361


Billy the Kid w/ Haley Buck VS Outlaw Wes Revell w/ Venus Angeletti


Nothing pretty about this match, as it was a straight brawl from the beginning of the bell. Revell seemed to get the best of the match until the Kid hit an overhead suplex, as Revell was coming off the ropes. Melvin Otto comes running into the ring with Angeletti on his heels and attacks the Kid. The referee immediately calls for the bell at the 7:36 mark of the match. The match suffered from any kind of heat during the match.


Match Rating F+



Post-Match Attack




Melvin Otto continues his attack on Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday comes running from the back help his friend but is attacked from behind by Mercutio Sleep. Sleep, Otto, Outlaw Wes Revell and Venus Angeletti beat down the Kid, Holliday and Haley Buck until there to exhausted to continue and leaves the ring.


Rating F-


Match 5


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254


Buck Graham VS Whiskey Jack


Graham and Jack continue there long feud during their time in SCCW previously. Nothing but classic southern wrestling with a lot of punching and rest holds. It looks like Jack will pull out the victory getting Graham into the suplex position but Graham flips out of the move, jumps to the top rope and hits a Missile Dropkick right into the face of Jack. The match ends at the 13:21 mark of the match. The finally got into a match but the wrestling was below par.


Match Rating E-






Jack Griffith: I never thought I would be back into the pit stain of a wrestling city like Nashville again. I’m here for one reason and one reason alone and that is to hold the Southern Class Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Championship again. I’m not here to make nice with you stupid fans that filled this gymnasium for the name SCCW alone. I’m here to when championships and serve JUSTICE!!!!!


Interview Rating D-


Match 6


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252


Roderick Remus VS The Punisher


Big size different in the match with Punisher weighing over 260 pounds and Remus barely touching 200 pounds. The Punisher does not take Remus very seriously and almost losses the match after a couple very quick roll-up by Remus. Punisher has enough of this and hits a running big boot. A piledriver quickly ends the match at the 7:41 mark before Punisher can cause any more damage to Remus. The crowd was it hottest of the night but the size difference caused the wrestling to suffer.


Match Rating E


Match 7


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpg w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250


Melvin Otto w/ Venus Angeletti VS Roger Monteiro


A wild brawl starts the match but it was clear from the beginning that Monteiro never stood a chance in the brawl. Otto proceeds to beat down the young rookie for the rest of the match before hitting the Prophet Motive (Kneeling Powerbomb) at the 7:38 mark. The match suffered from the lack of action and heat during the match.


Match Rating F


Match 8


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg?t=1359584249 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg?t=1359584247


Regular Joe VS Quentin Queen


Queen just starts running circles around Joe, hitting armdrags, clotheslines, dropkicks, snapmares over and over again. Joe has no idea how to stop the young Queen. Queen fly’s off the top rope for a crossbody but Joe moves out of the way at the last second, finally getting a chance to get into the match. Joe hits his regular offense but Queen comes back with a DDT out of nowhere. Joe is in trouble as Queen signals for the Q-Ball (Rolling Cutter) but counters out of the move and hits the gets a quick roll-up for the victory. The match suffered from the lack of heat during the match.


Match Rating E






Brady Prince: I would like to thank all the fans who should up for the resucrecation of the Southern Class Championship Wrestling. I always loved wrestling for the SCCW before and I know that after tonight southern wrestling will once again be put back on the map. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!!!!


Interview Rating E


Main Event

SCCW Heavyweight Championship Bout



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995


Jack Griffith VS Brady Prince


Griffith and Prince circle each other, old rivals meeting each other once again. The attack starts out slow, as both wrestlers seemed to be pacing themselves, basic moves and rest holds. The action picks up after Griffith hits a low blow behind the referees back and slams Prince’s face into the mat with a running bulldog. Several elbows from Griffith find their mark on the back of Prince’s neck. Prince makes the comeback after Griffith misses a clothesline. Prince as Griffith in big trouble as he locks in the Maryland Crossface, Griffith is yelling from the pain. Whisky Jack comes running into the ring, distracting the referee as The Punisher hits Prince to break hold behind the referees back. Griffith still in pain hits the Jack in the Box (Northern Lights Suplex) on the dazed and getting the pinfall at the 17:58 mark in the match. The crowd was really good and the wresting was decent. Jack Griffith becomes the new SCCW Heavyweight Champion.


Match Rating D








Locker Room



Wiliam Reddy aka Billy the Kid:


Last year when I started this journey of bringing the Southern Class Championship Wrestling back to life, I never thought it would become reality. I only wrestled for the love of wrestling during the weekends as I worked my normal job here in Nashville but after talking with so many veterans about the lack of southern wrestling, I decided that the SCCW needed to come back to life. After months and months of negotiating with Shane Sneer in buying the SCCW name and belts, we finally agreed on a price. After months and months of looking for a roster and finding the best for the old SCCW and the next generation of stars, I believe that SCCW will not suffer from its previous fate. During the late 90’s and 2000’s the time for a new wrestling promotion could not survive but today in 2013 we can survive, we can thrive. The big boys have left the south alone for too long. Today we bring back the meaning of southern wrestling, today will be the start the wonderful journey of showing the world that southern wrestling is here to stay. I’m in this journey for everything I have; I cannot fail in this journey. I put my own house for collateral to by the SCCW, pay you guys the wages you deserve, to give the promotion a shot at the future. The money is not limitless so I need every one of you to put the love and passion I have into as well. We will not succeed unless we all succeed.


I will see you boy’s next month, right back here in Nashville for Payback.

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Wiliam Reddy: Welcome Brayfield and Judge.


Boss Man Brayfield: Good to be here.


Archie Judge: Same here.


Wiliam Reddy: I’ve called this meeting to go over the south will rise again event and pick the matches for are upcoming event Payback. I know that I do not know everything about this business, so I would like to have these monthly meetings to discuss the next steps for the promotion, best matchups and what you guys see from your years of experience in the wrestling business.


Boss Man Brayfield: To sounds good with me. I believe that is one of the problems with promotions today, young promoters thinking they can run everything themselves.


Archie Judge: I have no problem being part of this team.


Wiliam Reddy: Good. So let’s just right into the think of it. The south will rise again event by all accounts was a success. Between sponsorships and merchandise with the ticket sales, the event netted a surprising twenty thousand dollars in profit. I’m expecting the same amount for Payback.


Boss Man Brayfield: With the mix of old veterans and young talent plus a name that people can recognize, I’m not all the surprised. The people in the south are starving for a wrestling promotion they can call their own.


Archie Judge: That’s already a good sign for a small promotion.


Wiliam Reddy: Let’s go over the matches. Acid II and KC Glenn started us off and put on a good showing.


Boss Man Brayfield: I always believe that the fast smaller type wrestlers should always start off the show. It’s not my kind of wrestling but it does its job in getting people exciting about the bigger wrestlers later in the show.


Archie Judge: I need to work with them more in getting the crowd more involved in the match.


Wiliam Reddy: I thought it was better than I thought it would be. I think it shows that we have some very good young talent on the roster.


Archie Judge: I think we should have them start the next show as well.


Boss Man Brayfield: I will have to agree. Let’s see if they can repeat that performance and get the fans blood rushing once again.


Wiliam Reddy:

I will have to agree in letting them start the show once again. On other news, I have reports that two promotions in Japan are looking at KC Glenn and have offered him contracts, so we might have to work around there touring schedules in getting Glenn into are shows. Second match Doc Holliday and Mercutio Sleep.


Boss Man Brayfield: I think that Mercutio Sleep was out of his league and extremely green. We might need him to jobber for a while, losing to the more veterans for a while. Having him pair with Venus Angeletti was a good idea as well. Doc Holliday does have a better future then Sleep but might need to go down the same path as Sleep for a little bit. Younger wrestlers need those veterans to teach them the rope of what it takes to be great wrestlers in not only their abilities but in how they control the flow of the match. It is better for the fans to pay attention to every move instead of waiting for the next match, silent.


Archie Judge: It could have been better between the two but sometimes the younger wrestlers just need to go through some growing pains.


Wiliam Reddy: I was thinking about having me and Doc Holliday face Outlaw Wes Revell and Mercutio Sleep at the next event.

Archie Judge: We need to establish some feuds early so I see no problem with it.


Boss Man Brayfield: I will have to agree with Archie here, as you have already established a little feud between everyone involved and we need those feuds move us onto the next direction.


Wiliam Reddy: Alright the next match; The Pilgrim and Ernest Youngman?


Boss Man Brayfield: I believe that Ernest Youngman can be a star, especially here in the south. He has the looks and abilities. I did not agree on him losing to the Pilgrim. He looks like he slob in my opinion. Fat boys have their place and it is not beating future superstars.


Archie Judge: I thought it was a great match and showed just what we can see in the future from both wrestlers.


Wiliam Reddy: So you agree it was a bad decision, Judge?


Archie Judge: No. I thought it was the right call in getting some faces over, especially with the heels winning higher up the card.


Wiliam Reddy: Who do think they should face next.


Boss Man Brayfield: I believe that Youngman should face Roger Monteriro and get his win back. Pilgrim probably needs to face the Punisher and show the fans that it really was a fluke win. Youngman needs to show the fans that he will be a big star in the future and needs to start getting wins now.


Archie Judge: I have to agree that Youngman needs to find an opponent he can beat on the next show. I will have to disagree with Brayfield about this in Pilgrim facing the Punisher. We are heel heavy at the top, so we need to start trying to grow some faces to challenge them. Pilgrim could be one of those faces if we handle him right, instead of being a current jerker.


Wiliam Reddy: Alright how about we have Youngman face Monteriro and Pilgrim face Melvin Otto.


Boss Man Brayfield: I think it would be a mistake in trying to have the Pilgrim be one of the top faces in the promotion but I have no problem with the match ups, as long as Youngman pulls the victory.


Archie Judge: I have no problem with those matchups.


Wiliam Reddy: Okay next match; Billy the Kid and Outlaw Wes Revell?


Boss Man Brayfield: A good southern brawl. Maybe and a little blood next time but something we can build on. Revell can be a great heel in a couple years, as he has the looks to be dangerous.


Archie Judge: I think the match will the beginning of a big feud.


Wiliam Reddy: Okay next match; Buck Graham VS Whiskey Jack?


Boss Man Brayfield: I love showing the fans that these two once had a great feud going in the original SCCW. Nothing makes the fans happier than seeing to old warriors give it their all in the ring. Until we get a tag team division set up, Graham and Jack should be used to help the younger wrestlers. Graham should face the pretty body Quentin Queen at the next event, while Jack should face Regular Joe. The amount of experience these younger will get cannot be described.


Archie Judge: I think they should have faced the young wrestlers to start and maybe build a feud later on. These guys will be looked upon in the locker room as teachers and not future champions of the promotion. I have no problem with those matchups, Brayfield.


Wiliam Reddy: Then it is agreed that Graham will face Queen and Jack will face Joe. Alright let’s talk about the next match up between Roderick Remus and The Punisher?


Archie Judge: A heavyweight has no business facing lightweights. I think that was probably the biggest mistake of the card. Remus has a future in the promotion; Punisher should be pushed back to a support role.


Boss Man Brayfield: I thought this was perfect in showing that Punisher is still the beast from days past. Remus may have a future but the Punisher showed be showcased as a beast.


Archie Judge: So we are throwing away the future of the promotion just to help an aging big man live in his past glories?


Boss Man Brayfield: No I’m saying that Punisher needs to be showcased as a beast.


Archie Judge: This is the new southern wrestling not showcase the past and its failures. Smaller wrestlers have a place in today’s wrestling, not fodder for the bigger wrestlers.


Boss Man Brayfield: Yes the lightweights have a place in today’s wrestling and it’s still flipping the curtain for the bigger stars. Lightweights will never be stars in wrestlers, no matter how many people try to push it onto us.


Wiliam Reddy: Alright guys that enough. How about we have Remus and Graham face Punisher and Queen in a tag match?


Boss Man Brayfield: I have no problem with that.


Archie Judge: I have no problem with that matchup.


Wiliam Reddy: Next match between Melvin Otto and Roger Monteiro?


Archie Judge: A complete disaster. Never should have been that high up the card. It really brought the mood of the crowd down.


Boss Man Brayfield: I will have to agree. Throw away matches should only be that high if they are a wild brawl or a squash match.


Wiliam Reddy: Lesson learned. Alright; Regular Joe and Quentin Queen?


Boss Man Brayfield:It showed potential but both are not ready for that high up the card. Is Queen a, well ……. “Queen”?


Wiliam Reddy: Yeah, there is no place for that here. The private lives of the wrestlers are there business not mine.


Boss Man Brayfield: Just asking.


Wiliam Reddy: Alright the main event, Jack Griffith and Brady Prince?


Archie Judge: Putting the heavyweight title on Griffith was a great idea. No disrespect to Prince but he is not championship material. We need someone to carry this young promotion at the beginning, even if it is a heel. But I do think that Prince should get a rematch, with the interferences by Griffith to win the match.


Boss Man Brayfield: Griffith makes a great champion. Prince is a tag team wrestler and has always been. Once we can bring in a bigger face, Griffith should remain the champion. Griffith has the face to show the world that southern wrestling is here to stay and he is the poster child.


Wiliam Reddy: Alright for the next event, Payback, we have Acid II and KC Glenn leading us off. Next match Billy the Kid and Doc Holliday versus Outlaw Wes Revell and Mercutio Sleep. Next match Ernest Youngman versus Roger Monteriro, then followed by The Pilgrim versus Melvin Otto. Next match Whisky Jack versus Regular Joe, followed by Roderick Remus and Buck Graham versus The Punisher and Quentin Queen. The main event will be Brady Prince versus Jack Griffith for the championship belt.


Boss Man Brayfield: That’s a good order. Maybe have the championship match be inside a cage?


Archie Judge: I do not think we are ready for a cage match. I believe we need to have those matches feel important before we use them and we are not there yet.


Boss Man Brayfield: Southern wrestling loves cages matches, lots of blood and brawling.


Archie Judge: We can still have that but not in a cage yet.


Wiliam Reddy: I have to agree with Archie on this one. Let us build a feud before we introduce the specialty matches. But we will make the match a brawl.



Acid II vs. KC Glenn


Billy the Kid & Doc Holliday vs. Outlaw Wes Revell & Mercutio Sleep


Ernest Youngman vs. Roger Monteririo


The Pilgrim vs. Melvin Otto


Whisky Jack vs. Regular Joe


Roderick Remus & Buck Graham vs. The Punisher & Quentin Queen


Brady Price vs. Jack Griffith (SCCW Heavyweight Championship Bout)

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SCCW: Payback


Kennedy Gymnasium: Nashville, Tennessee

Att: 726



Match 1


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_KCGlenn_zpsfd16ae4d.jpg



Acid II VS KC Glenn


Once again Acid II and KC Glenn put on a solid performance. Acid II missed a frog splash allowing KC Glenn to hit the Tune Up the Sunshine Band (Superkick) for the victory.


KC Glenn defeated Acid II in 8:07 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band.


Match Rating D-







Venus Angeletti

After tonight Billy the Zero and Doc Who you will witness the Seeds of Evil. We are going to beat the down into the depths of hell and we will not stop until I’m satisfied. Tonight is not only the night of you destruction but the beginning of my glory. This is no longer the new Southern Class Championship Wrestling but the arena for my pets to destroy men from limb to limb. The Seeds of Evil is upon y’all, who have been warned.


Rating F



Match 2


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242


Outlaw Wes Revell & Mercutio Sleep w/ Venus Angeletti VS Billy the Kid & Doc Holliday w/ Haley Buck


A wild back and forth brawl from the beginning. Mercutio Sleep hit his own teammate with a dropkick allowing Billy the Kid to hit the Hangman (High Angle Belly-to-Back Suplex) on Outlaw Wes Revell for the victory.


Billy the Kid and Doc Holliday defeated Outlaw Wes Revell and Mercutio Sleep in 7:41 when Billy the Kid defeated Outlaw Wes Revell by pinfall with The Hangman.


Match Rating E


Match 3


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250


Ernest Youngman VS Roger Monteiro

Ernest Youngman just destroys Roger Monteiro in a quick match. Youngman finishes the match The Hit (Fireman's Carry Stunner).


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Ernest Youngman defeated Roger Monteiro in 2:52 by pinfall with The Hit.


Match Rating E






Jack Griffith


This is not the new Southern Class Championship Wrestling, this is the old Southern Class Championship Wrestling with the real southern boys ruling the ring once again. I, Whiskey Jack and The Punisher once controlled this promotion and today we will run it again. Do you YANKEES really think we would relinquish are southern pride so some hotshot rookie or some never has been? The only way I will lose this belt is if my southern brothers turn on me but no true southern gentleman will never, ever turn on his brothers.


Rating D-



Match 4


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ThePilgrim_zps2eb9b209.jpg?t=1359583993 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361


The Pilgrim VS Melvin Otto w/ Venus Angeletti


Melvin Otto jumps right out of the gate and pounds The Pilgrim into the mat. The Pilgrim starts to rally after avoiding a corner splash and hits a big suplex but Venus Angeletti trips him, allowing Otto to recover. Otto finishes the match with the Prophet Motive (Kneeling Powerbomb) for the victory.


Melvin Otto defeated The Pilgrim in 8:21 by pinfall with a Prophet Motive


Match Rating E-






Boss Man Brayfield


After watching Brady Prince come so close to winning the SCCW Heavyweight Championship last month from Jack Griffith, I knew I needed to return the south and the SCCW. After having a very pleasant conversation with Prince earlier today, he has agreed to I should manage him in his quest become the SCCW Heavyweight Champion. Jack Griffith I have a message from Prince, he says he hopes you enjoy seeing your own blood, as you will be leaving a pool of it in the ring the ring tonight.


Interview Rating E+



Match 5


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg


Whiskey Jack VS Regular Joe


A solid match overall from Whiskey Jack and Regular Joe. In the end Jack was too much for Regular Joe, as Jack was able to hit the Face First Suplex after hitting a big low blow on Joe for the victory.


Whisky Jack defeated Regular Joe in 9:26 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.


Match Rating E-



Match 6


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg


Buck Graham and Roderick Remus VS The Punisher and Quentin Queen


A solid match with back and forth action. The heel team of The Punisher and Quentin Queen grab the advantage early isolating Roderick Remus in there corner. Remus is getting killed in the corner until The Punisher misses a clothesline attempt hitting his partner of the apron instead. Remus makes the hot tag just before The Punisher can stop him. Buck Graham goes wild in the ring, dropkick to Punisher, then another Queen, who is knocked off the apron again and then another dropkick to Punisher for good measure. Remus is tagged back, while Graham climbs the top turnbuckle. Graham fly’s through the air hitting a missile dropkick as Remus school boys Punisher for the victory.


Buck Graham and Roderick Remus defeated The Punisher and Quentin Queen in 13:11 when Roderick Remus defeated The Punisher by pinfall.


Match Rating E



Main Event

SCCW Heavyweight Championship Bout



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BossManBrayfield_zps10aa3556.jpg



Jack Griffith VS Brady Prince w/ Boss Man Brayfield


The match starts out with a wild brawl in the middle of the ring, both men throwing wild punches at each other. Prince makes good on his promise of make Griffith bleed, as he runs him head first into the steel pole on the outside of the ring, then proceeds to grate Prince’s face on the steps. Griffith hits a low blow and rolls into the ring to recover, blood beginning to pour down his face. Blackjack Robbins comes to ring side and attacks Prince with a couple big clotheslines, as Griffith distracts the referee. Robbins throws Prince into stairs and then rolls him into the ring. Prince is never able to recover after the attack from Robbins as Griffith stays on the attack. Griffith hits the Jack in the Box (Northern Lights Suplex) but stops the count at two. Griffith hits another one and once again stops the count. Griffith hits a third Jack in the Box and finally gets the pin.


Jack Griffith defeated Brady Prince in 23:05 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Jack Griffith makes defence number 1 of his SCCW Championship title.


Match Rating D+




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SSCW Presents: HILLBILLY BASH live at the Kennedy Gymnasium on the Vanderbilt University Campus, Friday March 19th.



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ThePilgrim_zps2eb9b209.jpg?t=1359583993 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246

Roger Monteiro & The Pilgrim versus Melvin Otto & Outlaw Wes Revell



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg

Billy the Kid & Doc Holliday versus Whisky Jack & Ernest Youngman



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg

Acid II versus Roderick Remus



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996

Mercutio Sleep versus Buck Graham



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_KCGlenn_zpsfd16ae4d.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg

KC Glenn versus Quentin Queen



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995

The Punisher versus Brady Prince





http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg

Jack Griffith versus Regular Joe

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SCCW: Hillbilly Bash


Kennedy Gymnasium: Nashville, Tennessee

Att: 684



Match 1


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ThePilgrim_zps2eb9b209.jpg?t=1359583993http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250


Melvin Otto & Outlaw Wes Revell w/ Venus Angeletti VS The Pilgrim & Roger Monteiro


Melvin Otto and Outlaw Revell just start kicking the snot out of Roger Monteiro as they tag back and forth. The Pilgrim gets tagged in and eats a double clothesline. Otto hits the Prophet Move on The Pilgrim to end the match.


Melvin Otto and Outlaw Wes Revell defeated The Pilgrim and Roger Monteiro in 6:21 when Melvin Otto defeated Roger Monteiro by pinfall with a Prophet Motive.


Match Rating F+



Backstage Attack




Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday and Haley Buck are walking towards the ring, when Outlaw Revell, Melvin Otto and Venus Angeletti cut them off. Mercutio Sleep comes from behind The Kid, Holliday and Buck and hit all three of them with a steel chair. Revell, Otto, Angeletti and Sleep start laughing as they walk to the back.


Rating F-



Match 2


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242


Whisky Jack & Ernest Youngman VS Billy the Kid & Doc Holliday w/ Haley Buck


Whisky Jack and Ernest Youngman have no mercy for Billy the Kid and Doc Holliday as they drag them to the ring and begin to kick them and drop elbows and knees on them. The Kid and Holliday try a comeback but the chair shots where too much and Youngman got the pin after hitting The Hit on The Kid to finish the match.


Whisky Jack and Ernest Youngman defeated Doc Holliday and Billy the Kid in 8:22 when Ernest Youngman defeated Billy the Kid by pinfall with The Hit.


Match Rating E+



Match 3


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg


Acid II VS Roderick Remus


Fast paced action to start, with both men flying around within the ring. Acid II misses a crossbody attempt off the top rope allowing Roderick Remus to lock in the Remus Clutch. Acid II has no choice but to tap.


Roderick Remus defeated Acid II in 7:50 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Match Rating E



Brady Prince & Boss Man Brayfield



Boss Man Brayfield


Last week Brady Prince may have lost the SCCW Heavyweight Championship bout to you Griffith but this battle is not over and Prince will become the SCCW Heavyweight Champion in the very near future. The SCCW needs a, true blue southern gentlemen to be its champion and that is exactly what Prince is a, true southern gentlemen.


Rating D-



Match 4


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996


Mercutio Sleep w/ Venus Angeletti VS Buck Graham


Buck Graham hits a clothesline, then a suplex and finishes the match with the Missile Dropkick.


Buck Graham defeated Mercutio Sleep in 3:24 by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick.


Match Rating F+



The Southern Gentlemen




Jack Griffith


Bossman Brayfield wants to talk being a true southern gentleman, we hear are the true southern gentlemen. We are not some over grown child who watched too many re-runs of the Barons of Lee County. We are God fearing, tough men, who fight for what we believe, which is getting these damn yankees out of the south. Prince is not a southern man; he’s from Maryland, the capital of yankeeville. We will destroy you Prince and Brayfield and any other yankee that wants come within our sights. We have each one of you yankees in our crosshairs, who have all been warned.


Interview Rating E+



Match 5


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_KCGlenn_zpsfd16ae4d.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg


KC Glenn VS Quentin Queen


A series of tie-ups ends in a stalemate, so both decided to go for a clothesline off the ropes which they delivery to each other. Both men are up and Queen armdrags Glenn and dropkicks him to the outside. Queen fly’s off the top rope but catches only guardrail instead of Glenn. Glenn dropkicks him against the guardrail and rolls him back into the ring. Glenn announces it’s time to Tune up the Sunshine Band but misses when Queen moves out of the way and goes for a suplex but Glenn counters and switches for a DDT but Queen counters that into a small package and gets the victory.


Quentin Queen defeated KC Glenn in 7:54 by pinfall.


Match Rating E



Match 6


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BossManBrayfield_zps10aa3556.jpg


The Punisher VS Brady Prince w/ Boss Man Brayfield


The Punisher and Brady Prince go right after each other once the bell rings. They quickly fall outside of the ring, where The Punisher slams Prince into the ring post. The Punisher tries it again but Prince wiggles out and forces The Punisher to hit the ring post instead. Back in the ring Prince hits a sunset flip but only gets two. The Punisher slows the match down and keeps Prince down for a while with a deep headlock. Prince escapes but takes a clothesline. Punisher goes for a Piledriver but Prince backdrops the bigger man to counter. Punisher is right back up and goes for a slam but Prince counters into a small package for the victory.


Brady Prince defeated The Punisher in 12:48 by pinfall.


Match Rating E+



Post Match Attack




Jack Griffith and Whisky Jack join the Punisher and attacks Brady Prince. Buck Graham comes from the back to protect his old friend but Blackjack Robbins cuts him off with a viscous chair shot. Prince takes a Piledriver from The Punisher before the Southern Gentlemen leave the ring.


Attack Rating; E



Main Event

SCCW Heavyweight Championship Bout



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg


Jack Griffith VS Regular Joe


Regular Joe offers a handshake to Jack Griffith but Joe gets slapped in the face, spit flying into the front row. Joe attacks but gets caught in a headlock and Griffith messes up Joe’s hair before letting go. Joe again attacks and again Griffith puts him in a headlock but Joe counters into armbar, which Griffiths counters into another headlock but Joe counters to a backdrop. Griffith quickly up and hits Joe with a big clothesline. Griffith begins to go to work on Joe. Joe fights back and little and gets backslide for two. Joe is destroyed with a hard suplex once Griffith gets back up. Griffith goes for an elbow drop but Joe moves out of the way. Joe and Behold out of nowhere but Griffith is able to kick out at the last second. Griffith is furious and just starts whipping Joe all around the ring. Griffith ends the carnage with the Jack in the Box for the victory.


Jack Griffith defeated Regular Joe in 18:06 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. Jack Griffith makes defence number 2 of his SCCW Championship title.


Match Rating D+



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Wiliam Reddy: Welcome back Brayfield and Judge.


Boss Man Brayfield: Good to be here once again.


Archie Judge: I will have to say another successful show this month.


Wiliam Reddy: I have to agree the shows are coming along nicely. Some nice feuds are developing and we are making money, which is nothing but good news. I called this meeting as I have been talking Sam Keith and about joining the Confederation of the Territories. I wanted to get some insights from you before I made a decision on joining them or not?


Boss Man Brayfield: I have to say that is a great idea. The days when promotions would help each other have really been missed in my opinion. Today especially with the TCW and SWF it’s all about the flash, the glam, being on TV, being famous.


Archie Judge: The days of territories are over and I see no point in joining Sam Keith with this relic of the wrestling world.


Boss Man Brayfield: Relic of the wrestling world? Come on Judge, you can’t tell me that the days of territories weren’t good for wrestling?


Archie Judge: Territories had their place in wrestling but that is in the past, it cannot work today.


Wiliam Reddy: Why cannot territories survive in today’s wrestling world.


Archie Judge: It is a basic premise, in that SWF, TCW and USWF are too big to allow a group of smaller promotions to take money out of there pocket. The wrestling world is different than the 60’s and 70’s. The money is too big; wrestlers do not want to go from territory to territory before they become a star. TV and PPV rates control the product. The wrestling audience does not have the patience anymore and kayfabe is destroyed. Those are the main reasons why this will not work.


Boss Man Brayfield: This is where I think you are wrong Judge. The wrestling world is changing. In the late 70’s the audience wanted a central wrestling power, watch there favorite wrestler every week, instead of trying to find where he is wrestling this week. The fans wanted one champion, one promotion and they got that. TV was huge, if you could get your show nationwide, then you could control wrestling and that is what SWF did.


Archie Judge: And you guys think that the wrestling fan will want to go back to the territory days?


Wiliam Reddy: After talking with Keith, he believes that people are tired of soap opera entertainment and want to go back to storytelling inside the ring instead of outside the ring.


Boss Man Brayfield: I have one reason why the days of territories need to come back. The wrestling product has suffered for years now. Then the territories failed and SWF came in grabbed all the wrestlers, they had seasoned, veteran, guys in there prime at every position on the roster, so the in-ring product was amazing. This allowed the management to try to get audience involved with the entertainment part of the business. Now SWF, TCW and recently USWF are pushing people on the cards that are not ready for that spotlight. The product is suffering in the ring. The younger wrestlers just care about their microphone skills instead of the in-ring skills.


Wiliam Reddy: But microphone skills are important, especially with getting that message across the TV screen.


Boss Man Brayfield: I did not say that is not important but there’s no balance anymore. Today’s wrestlers cannot speak from the heart, there’s no passion. They are given a script and the sound like there reading word for word from that script. With the territories you do not need a script, you can speak with soul, passion, really get your message across.


Archie Judge: And as soon as someone gets a following, the bigger promotions will quickly take them way. How can we grow as a promotion, if our talent is constantly being taken.


Boss Man Brayfield: This is why territories will work today. TCW, SWF and USWF want talent, they need talent that is ready now, not two years from now and we can provide that. When our talent is signed by the bigger promotion, then we can get some guys that we have the alliance with. The influx of endless talent is out are disposal. We can really focus on feuds, in-ring work, getting the talent ready for the big show. This is why baseball has the minor leagues, to help the young prospect be prepared for the show, without rushing them.


Archie Judge: Then that goes back to my question. How can we grow if our talent is being taken by the bigger promotions? We can only get so high, there is no future in this unless you’re happy with being a regional promotion?


Wiliam Reddy: Right now I have no problem being a regional promotion. It is not a long-term goal but we have to start somewhere.


Boss Man Brayfield: This is why it will work. We build the name in the territory system, than we can take off from there. We will have no competition from any other wrestling that is in the COTT.





Wiliam Reddy: From what I understand what Brayfield trying to say is that we do have to worry about the growth. Today with DVD sales, internet or ways of getting our product to the costumers, we just need to focus on our own product and then the people will come. Then more people will come as our product gets better and then we will grow. Just like the movie “The Diamond of Dreams.” “If you build it they will come. “


Boss Man Brayfield: We can thrive in a territory setting right now, as people have so many different ways of finding us. As long as we put on a good product, the people will come.


Archie Judge: See that all I was wanting to know. I do not think it is a good idea long-term but I see where we need get as many people to pay attention to us now to help build for the long-term.


Wiliam Reddy: Good I will let Sam Keith we will be joining the The confederation of the territories. I need you guys to start thinking of some talent we can get from the promotions in the COTT to help us.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>SSCW Presents: </em></strong><strong><strong><em>BATTLE OF THE GOLD I</em></strong></strong><strong><em> live at the Kennedy Gymnasium on the Vanderbilt University Campus, Friday April 19th.</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Roger Monteiro versus Acid II</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Doc Holliday versus Outlaw Wes Revell</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Billy the Kid versus Melvin Otto</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Ernest Youngman versus Regular Joe</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AceYoungblood_zpsbf97b420.jpg?t=1360336967</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Ace Youngblood versus Quentin Queen</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Mercutio Sleep versus Roderick Remus</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995</span><span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252</span><span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Brady Prince & Buck Graham versus The Punisher & Whiskey Jack</span></span></strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:18px;">SPECIAL ATTRACTION</span></em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_FindlayOFarraday_zps5b312eff.jpg?t=1360336967</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_Whistler_zps08fa24aa.jpg?t=1360336965</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Findlay O’Farraday versus Whistler</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="font-size:24px;">MAIN EVENT</span></em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243</span> <strong>VS</strong> <span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_SteveFlash_zpsa72c70b8.jpg?t=1360336969</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Jack Griffith versus Steve Flash</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p>

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SCCW: Battle of the Gold I


Kennedy Gymnasium: Nashville, Tennessee

Att: 694







Jack Griffith


Nashville you are looking a true champion, I will take on anyone that the damn yankees want to throw my way. Tonight I will face Steve Flash, which comes from New York of all places. Steve Flash is no match for the greatest southern wrestler the world has known. The era of Jack Griffith is upon you; pond scum, you should bow down to my greatness.


Steve Flash


(Steve Flash walks to the ring) This so called yankee will bow down to anyone, especially not some redneck sister loving trailer park trash.


Jack Griffith did not take to kindly to Steve Flash’s words and responds by going after Steve Flash. Both are brawling with each other as officials and staff breaks them up.


Rating: D



Match 1


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RogerMonteiro_zpse2ec765a.jpg?t=1359584250 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994


Acid II VS Roger Monteiro


Acid II destroys Roger Monteiro in a quick match


Acid II defeated Roger Monteiro in 2:54 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.


Match Rating: E



Match 2


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361


Doc Holliday w/ Haley Buck VS Outlaw Wes Revell w/ Venus Angeletti


Outlaw Was Revell does everything in his power to end the match early with several two counts on Doc Holliday. Revell tried using the ropes and the tights but Holliday was able to survive. Holliday begins his comeback and looks to have the match in hand until Venus Angeletti tripped him up near the ropes allowing Revell to get the small package for the victory.


Outlaw Wes Revell defeated Doc Holliday in 7:39 by pinfall after Venus Angeletti interfered.


Match Rating: E



Whistler Returns






It is great to back in Nashville, Tennessee. It has been too long in returning to the greatest fans in the world. Southern Wrestling is finally back. Tonight I fight the big man Findlay O’Farraday and he is a monster but I have destroyed monster my whole life and tonight will be no different.


Rating: E+



Match 3


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HaleyBuck_zpsa6180a08.jpg?t=1359584242 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpg w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361


Billy the Kid w/ Haley Buck VS Melvin Otto w/ Venus Angeletti


Billy the Kid started the match going straight after Melvin Otto. A low-blow changes the momentum of the match to Otto’s side. A couple of pin attempts but Otto cannot get that allusive three count. Billy the Kid starts his comeback but Venus Angeletti is able to interferes, allowing Otto to hit the Prophet Motive for the victory.


Melvin Otto defeated Billy the Kid in 8:14 by pinfall with a Prophet Motive after Venus Angeletti interfered.


Match Rating: E-



Brady Prince & Buck Graham with Boss Man Brayfield




Boss Man Brayfield


Tonight we will show you so called southern gentleman how real southern gentleman takes care of a problem. We would like to invite everyone to celebrate are victory tonight with some Tomball beers in the parking lot after the show, we will party like true southern gentlemen.


Rating: E



Match 4


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ErnestYoungman_zps97e16c3e.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg


Ernest Youngman VS Regular Joe


Ernest Youngman gave Regular Joe all he could handle during the match. Regular Joe looked like he might pull out the victory but Youngman hits a low blow and then the Hit and gets the surprise victory.


Ernest Youngman defeated Regular Joe in 7:44 by pinfall with The Hit.


Match Rating: D-



Findlay O’Farraday Interview




Findlay O'Farraday


I hope you enjoyed your little reunion with Whistler because after I’m done with him tonight he will never be able to walk back into the ring again. I will destroy all of your so called southern heroes.


Interview Rating: D



Match 5


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AceYoungblood_zpsbf97b420.jpg?t=1360336967 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg


Ace Youngblood VS Quentin Queen


Ace Youngblood dropkicks Quentin Queen out of the ring to start the match. Back in the ring they fight over an armdrag but Queen gets a small package for two. Youngblood counters a suplex attempt from Queen with a knee and then a suplex for two of his own. Queen stops a corner splash with an elbow and goes for a crossbody off the top rope. Youngblood sees it coming and rolls with the move but Queen rolls again and gets his feet on the ropes and gets the illegal pin.


Quentin Queen defeated Ace Youngblood in 7:37 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Match Rating: E-



Match 6


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_VenusAngeletti_zpscf83a6c1.jpg?t=1359584361 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg


Mercutio Sleep w/ Venus Angeletti VS Roderick Remus


Roderick Remus promptly kills Mercutio Sleep with a backdrop driver to start the match. Venus Angeletti prolongs the destruction of Sleep but distracting the referee. Sleep is never able to recover and Remus ends the match with a flying elbow of the top rope.


Roderick Remus defeated Mercutio Sleep in 3:30 by pinfall.


Match Rating: E



Match 7


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BuckGraham_alt_zpsde728ec0.jpg?t=1359583996 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254 w/ http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BossManBrayfield_zps10aa3556.jpg


Whisky Jack & The Punisher VS Brady Prince & Buck Graham w/ Boss Man Brayfield


Brady Prince and Buck Graham just start pounding Whisky Jack and The Punisher. Jack and Punisher have to bail from the ring to regroup. Graham makes a mistake by trying to chase Jack, allowing Punisher to clothesline him on the floor outside. Graham is just getting destroyed, as the crowd is getting hot for the tag. Finally what seems like an eternity, Graham escapes the corner and tags in Prince. Prince goes wild, knocking both Jack and Punisher out of the ring. Prince to the top turnbuckle and hits a double ax-handle on Punisher and Jack. Blackjack Robbins comes to the ring and starts threating Boss Man Brayfield, which gets the attention of Prince. Prince makes the mistake of coming to the aid of Brayfield, as he never sees clothesline to the back of the head from Punisher. Graham is destroyed by Jack, as Jack throws him into the guard rail. Back in the ring Punisher hits the Piledriver on Price and earns his team the victory.


Whisky Jack and The Punisher defeated Brady Prince and Buck Graham in 13:22 when The Punisher defeated Brady Prince by pinfall with a Piledriver.


Match Rating: E+



Post Match Attack




Jack Griffith joins is stable mats and just destroy Brady Prince and Buck Graham with vicious chair shots. Blackjack Robbins then pours beer on the fallen Prince and Graham


Attack Rating: E-



Whistler walks to the ring




A huge crowd reaction for Whistler, as he comes walking into the ring, flying his American Flag high, so everyone could see.


Rating: E



Match 8


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_FindlayOFarraday_zps5b312eff.jpg?t=1360336967 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_Whistler_zps08fa24aa.jpg?t=1360336965


Findlay O’Farraday VS The Whistler


The Whistler takes the early advantage, as Findlay O’Farraday has to bail from the ring to regroup. Farraday gets back into the ring but takes a kick to the back of the head and then a clothesline. Whistler goes running off the ropes but Farraday is able to hit a clothesline instead. Farraday follows up with some elbows to the back of the head and then locks up a chinlock. Whistler gets back to his feet and breaks the hold but Farraday slams him back to the mat. Farraday hits a couple more elbows and then locks in the chinlock again. Once again the Whistler escapes the chinlock and runs for the ropes and hits Farraday with a big clothesline. Farraday is in trouble, as Whistler is just stumping on him. Farraday tries for a desperate attempt at a comeback but Whistler ends the match with the Rebel Yell in the middle of the ring.


Whistler defeated Findlay O'Farraday in 13:16 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell.


Match Rating: D-




Main Event

SCCW Heavyweight Championship Bout



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_SteveFlash_zpsa72c70b8.jpg?t=1360336969


Jack Griffith VS Steve Flash


Jack Griffith starts the match and just pounds Steve Flash. The match spills to the outside, as Blackjack Robbins comes to ringside. Robbins distracts the referee as Griffith just nails Flash with a chair. Blood is just pouring from the head of Flash. Back in the ring Griffith slows the match down and just pounds the cut of Flash over and over again. Griffith stops his pounding of Flash and starts arguing with the fans. This little break allows Flash to recover and counters a suplex attempt from Griffith into a swinging neckbreaker. Flash is on fire as he hits Griffith with a clothesline, then a dropkick and finishes with a flying elbow drop from the top rope but it only gets two. Flash counters a piledriver attempt and hits the Flash Bang (Fisherman Buster) but Robbins has the referee distracted to prevent the count. Flash has had enough of Robbins and goes to confront him but the referee is caught in the middle and those not see a sucker punch from Robbins. Flash is stunned and walks right into the Jack in the Box from Griffith. ONE, TWO, THREE.


Jack Griffith defeated Steve Flash in 18:27 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box following interference from Blackjack Robbins. Jack Griffith makes defence number 3 of his SCCW Championship title.


Match Rating: D+



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SSCW Presents: THE AMERICAN CLASSIC live at the Kennedy Gymnasium on the Vanderbilt University Campus, Saturday May 20th.



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Roger Monteiro versus Ernest Youngman



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_ThePilgrim_zps2eb9b209.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_KCGlenn_zpsfd16ae4d.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_OutlawWesRevell_zps20ecee33.jpg?t=1359584246http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MelvinOtto_zpsb290af91.jpg


KC Glenn & The Pilgrim versus Outlaw Wes Revell & Melvin Otto



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_AcidII_zpsda0ad9b4.jpg?t=1359583994 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RoderickRemus_zps8d2956f0.jpg


Acid II versus Roderick Remus



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CVFP_WhiteMale_017_zps46eb5f24.jpg?t=1359583997http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JoffyLaine_zps4d50410d.jpg?t=1359583997 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_TheIdahoPunisher_zps1e0ac4f8.jpg?t=1359584252http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_WhiskyJack_zps051f8b29.jpg?t=1359584254


Billy the Kid & Doc Holliday versus The Punisher and Whiskey Jack



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_BradyPrince_alt_zps89fa936c.jpg?t=1359583995 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_MercutioSleep_zps47db00bc.jpg?t=1359584245


Brady Prince versus Mercutio Sleep



http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_RegularJoe_zps5c097eb5.jpg VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_QuentinQueen_zps0e9bd9bc.jpg


Regular Joe versus Quentin Queen




http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_CoyoteDynamite_alt2_zpsb43d83ed.jpg?t=1360952007 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_Whistler_zps08fa24aa.jpg?t=1360336965


Assassin #1 versus Whistler





http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_JackGriffith_zpsc5d21f36.jpg?t=1359584243 VS http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/bth_HonestFrank_zps02507252.jpg?t=1360951652


Jack Griffith versus Honest Frank

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