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Gimmick Selection

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Hey guys,


I just played around with the gimmick selection a bit and recognized that, even if a gimmick I choose suits the wrestler (at least the text says it does), he keeps getting ratings less than 70 (mostly 66) at his debut with that gimmick. The workers I'm assigning gimmicks are newly signed... as an example, Monday Next seems to suite both the "Rebel" and "Clean Cut" gimmick, but he won't get good ratings off it.


My question is: why does the game say that a specific gimmick suits my worker when it obviously doesn't? and what can I do to prevent me from getting low gimmick ratings? I'm playing with fog of war turned on, so I can't see the exact values of my wrestler's attributes. I rely on these hints and it's a bit silly that they are so untrustworthy...

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C+ is not a poor gimmick rating.


The ding you get for 'poor gimmick' at C+ is tiny.


C+ = an average rating. Not every gimmick can be above average or 'average' loses all its meaning. It becomes easier to get higher ratings (and lower ones) if you offer the worker more creative input. All 'this worker suits this gimmick' means is that the worker is capable of executing that gimmick competently. Anything other than that means they're going to perform badly. i.e. trying to market someone as a dangerous maniac when they weigh 150 lbs soaking wet and look as threatening as a oyster.


However just being able to do a gimmick does not guarantee an exceptional (or even 'good' rating). It's just natural to get more 'average' ratings than you do smash hits.

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I think it's a matter of there being a certain cut off between what the game considers good enough to be a boost and poor enough to be a penalty? That kind've makes sense to me, but it would be nice if there was a slight range where it didn't boost OR cause a negative.


However the penalty is negligible and I've had an A* match with it (among other, more severe penalties like poor physical condition), so it's not something to get too too worried about. :)

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I'll admit that I was worried about the gimmick ratings too when I was getting workers who would debut with gimmick ratings around the 66 range. Then when I sat down and played Genadi's Golden Age mod, I saw that I was still managing to get good match grades, confirming that the penalty is indeed small. Besides, like Adam said, there's no way to avoid getting penalties altogether, as even 100 rated segments will have some sort of minor penalty. I liken it to how, I want to say it was either Vince McMahon or Bret Hart, can't remember who. Anyway, I seem to recall one of them saying that even they were still learning something new about the wrestling business, as you never stop learning something new about the wrestling business.
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I find that some gimmicks seemingly never get a rating above 66 no matter how well the product and the worker suits them. For example I avoid "old school face" entirely and instead opt for "patriot", "happy go lucky" or "man on a mission" as interpretations of a babyface character.
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I find that some gimmicks seemingly never get a rating above 66 no matter how well the product and the worker suits them. For example I avoid "old school face" entirely and instead opt for "patriot", "happy go lucky" or "man on a mission" as interpretations of a babyface character.


I have two workers using old school face as a gimmick and they are rated 89 and 87 respectively.

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I have two workers using old school face as a gimmick and they are rated 89 and 87 respectively.


Interesting. I don't know if anything has changed from 2010 to 2013 in regards to this but I gave up thie specific gimmick after it hadnt brought me much success in my USPW game. Now I find that there are gimmicks that always work as long as the worker suits them so I stick to them as I dont want to risk any of my stars to be stuck with a non-optimal gimmick.

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Nearly all my gimmicks are capped at 66, is this due to giving them no creative control?


Depends on your creativity skill, if it's very low I find it better to let the worker have complete freedom with their giimmick, since anything I write for them is going to turn out like a Vince Russo second draft that a spider monkey with diarrhea used as TP anyway and there is a chance that they will give better results on their own. On the otherhand, if it's very high I never do.

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