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Gone Hunting: Remo's New Path

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The Punch Heard Around the World


Break Like the Wind 2012 will be a day that no one in the wrestling world will forget. Broken promises stepped all over twelve years of loyalty and led to the events that happened last night at the next to last pay-per-view of the year for Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Remo Richardson was scheduled for one of the larger matches of the night when he took the mic and started to explain he was there without a contract and how he would get one tonight or he would walk out. Many thought it was a work up until he had his mic cut and several people from backstage came out. Eric Eisen was at the front of it all looking irate and possibly relaying a message from his father, but even he couldn't have seen what happened next.


One punch. One punch knocked Eric Eisen out cold and Remo was escorted out of the building and more than likely to the police department. He was later released on bond and has not spoken to the media for his reasonings. Needless to say it wasn't long after that an article was put on SWF's website that Remo will never be back after the incident. Remo's profile has since been removed and all merchandise pulled from their store.


Already many are speculating he will show up in one of the promotions competing against SWF. It is more a matter of when he will show up and where?

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Life has gotten a bit hectic. More hectic than any travel schedule I had with SWF before my little incident at Break Like the Wind. So many calls from both company owners, bookers all the way to website and magazine writers wanting to get ahold of me. I guess the bright spot is I wasn't out of work long. I was actually packing up my travel bag when I heard a knock on my door.


I finally got so sick of everyone wanting their 'exclusive interview' calls I finally decided to answer the next one and tell whoever it was they better come to my house quick or else they will miss their chance. Here I thought I was going to make it to the airport before he showed. A shame.


Opening the door the guy was a bit on the small side and instantly he went wide eyed at seeing me. "M...m...Mister Richardson. I'm Ed Neely from Wrestling Entertainment Weekly. W..we spoke last night."


I just smirked some and moved aside to let him in. "No reason to be nervous. Don't believe everything you see on television." A bit of a funny thing to say I suppose given the incident he wants to talk to me about. He looks as if he is wondering if I meant that in a joke or not as well when I motion him to take a seat in a recliner. I drop down onto the couch and stretch out. "I got a flight in about two hours so you better ask away."


He still seemed nervous, but at least the damn stammering has went away and he manages to compose himself. "Oh, right. So you have been with Supreme Wrestling Federation all your career. What happened that caused you to do what you did at Break Like the Wind?"


I stayed silent for a moment. Really the scene has played over in my head so much since it happened I am almost tired of it. "Well despite how I act on television I was a loyal employee. I was patient and always did things that were asked of me. I could have probably jumped ship and became a world champion elsewhere at a younger age, but the Eisens actually treated me well."


"That is up until about September. My contract was up in mid October and usually I never had issues. I got the paperwork relatively quickly and I signed on the dotted line. This time I waited for awhile and no word. I started to think I did something wrong and so when I finally asked Jerry what was going on I was told it was in the works. I believed and went on. About three days before my contract was up Jerry called me and said there was a small problem and the contract wouldn't be ready in time. Being who I am I said I would work for my current pay and do the scheduled dates, but to have a contract ready by Break Like the Wind. That was over a month past when my new contract was supposed to be ready."


Ed raises his brows seeming surprised. SWF does usually run a decently tight ship so it is no surprise that he didn't know sometimes issues like this came up. It would often with younger stars. Honestly it is the first time I can remember them doing this to one of their top guys.


"So I wrestled and did the dates. I never got another update. My current feud with Jack Bruce was supposed to have our blow off bout and move on to other things. An hour before I was about to have the match Jerry tells me the contract still wasn't ready and I was asked to wait another month."


I grinned and sat up while giving a stretch. Ed just seemed rather enthralled by what he is hearing. Who knows. Maybe the guy will get a nice bonus because of all of this.


"I think Jack knew what was going to happen. He looked worried when I said okay and just smiled. I was supposed to cut a promo before the match so I figured that was my time. I did my best to be a team player, but now it felt like they were just seeing how much they could push me around. I pushed back. I think it was well known what happened after I came out."


Hell, the wrestling industry has been talking about it nonstop. I can barely go get something to eat without one or two people asking me about it. Ed just scribbles some things down and smiles at the laptop he has running that seems to be recording the conversation. "So why Eric? Obviously your anger must be towards more Richard?"


"Well Richard is one you hardly ever see. I never directly dealt with him in contracts. It was always Michaels and Jerry. Eric is a bit of an ass though and he was there. I tried to hit em so hard his father would feel it." I replied. In a way it was nice to get this out.


"So what next? Have you considered working elsewhere or are you on a break?" he asks. All hints of nervousness were gone now. He was just wanting to get as much out of me as he can now.


"That is what the trip was for." I told him and I started to get up. Looking at my watch I best get out of here if I am going to deal with traffic and get to the airport in time. "I am about to go sign a contract and you might just see me starting next year." I grinned again and reached for the bag I packed.


Ed starts to gather his things, but he keeps his laptop out with the mic so he can record. "So where? Tommy Cornell get you? Sam Strong?"


I just shook my head as I opened the door to motion him out. Gathering his things he still held the laptop so he can get an answer. "Then who? Where is the biggest free agent going?"


I just gently reached out to close the laptop which makes Ed look rather distressed. Even more so when I lean in and smile. "Going on a hunting trip. I heard it is DeColt season up in Canada."


With that he was pushed out of the room and I went past him without saying anything else. I had a plane to catch afterall.

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The contract was in my hands. At least a rough draft of what I cold expect so I knew what to discuss with Alex and Phil when I finally met them. The sad thing is this is more than anything Richard Eisen had given me during the past few months that lead to the entire cluster****. Overall it wasn't a bad idea. Given their size compared to other companies they did their best to make it look worthwhile, but at the same time not overspend and shoot themselves in the foot.


Sure I had better offers from other companies. I just didn't feel like I fit in a company that prefers work rate like North of the Border Pro Wrestling or Total Championship Wrestling over entertainment. Not that I don't believe I could deliver. I just wanted a place that was a bit more like what I am used to. Something I can fit in at more easily. That left Sam and Alex's offers on the table. I felt despite being smaller that the Decolts had a bit of a brighter future. Younger stars and better main even workers overall. The contract is only for three years starting out so I guess that is plenty of time for me to move on if I am wrong about being able to fit in here.


The flight gave me plenty of time to think and look over the contract. There are only a few minor things to talk about. I am not sure really how Phil and Alex are so hopefully none of them are things that might cause things to fall apart. Otherwise I might have to be giving Sam a call and tell him I reconsidered.


It was a bit of a whirlwind when I landed. I had to get a cab and get to the hotel they had rented for me and check in then I only had about an hour to find the restaurant they wanted me to meet them at. Goddammit they made it a classy one at that. I guess they didn't realize I am not really the type for this sort of thing. It probably dawned on them when I showed up in my biker jacket, jeans and t-shirt. Alex was already eyeing me critically while Phil was eager to stand up and shake my hand. Alex only did so afterwards when my hand was offered. "Phil....Alex...."


"So glad you could come out here and discuss the contract. I just hate dealing with things over the phone when it is such an important matter." Phil said with a smile. It seems genuine enough. I can believe it. He always liked the tough brawler types. His time running DAVE is proof enough of that. "Have a seat. Me and Alex were just discussing possible ways you could be used to your full potential."


Hearing that said I was a bit sure what he was going to say, but I was polite enough to just hear him out on it at least before I shoot it down. It was briefly mentioned in the notes that I got with the contract's rough draft and one of the few things I wasn't keen on.


"We were thinking of adding someone to the Elite stable recently to keep them a bit fresh. We figured this was a great chance to do so. How would you like to be part of it?" Phil asks.


"It is the premier heel stable in the company. I am sure Adrian would love to work with you." Alex adds as he finally decides to speak up. I think he is more here more to just watch and see how I act and is more than fine letting Phil do the brunt of the talking.


"No offense, but I rather work alone. No alliances and no real friendships when it comes to storylines. I am fine feuding with either side in that respect. Be it Decolt or Elite you would have someone that could be a thorn in the side. Elite is strong enough as is from what I understand. I think it is better for me to be an outside threat to everyone." It doesn't seem like asking for much, but with negotiations you never know. At least in this case I am not dealing with an Eisen.


"Ahh, well. We can certainly figure out a way to use that. You are coming in at a good time. We signed some new talent from the indies to expand the roster and mold into future stars, but you. You are the big one we hoped to reel in. An established star that can make waves on his first appearance." Phil's enthusiasm is rather nice. He seemed like a good guy that is willing to work with me. I am still not so sure about Alex.


"You aren't planning on punching anyone if things don't go your way?"


Alex finally speaks up again and I had a feeling that sort of question would be tossed my way. "Depends, is there someone that is going to deserve it?" It was a joke, but Alex was unamused and Phil actually looked worried. With a sigh I shook my head. "Look, you all sent me a rough draft and even talked to me on the phone. That is more than I got from Richard the past few months. If you are worried I might be a problem look at the previous twelve years I had there with no incident. If you don't like me in time then just kick me out."


It seemed to ease the slight tension I created and I realized perhaps they will need time to learn just how I am. The rest of lunch was spent hammering out details. Dates I would be expected to work, my place overall on the roster. I guess my response when it came to title talk was a good one because Alex did seem less of a tightass when I said I could care less about gold in the grand scheme of things. Afterwards we shook hands again and tomorrow the final draft of the contract would be ready for me to sign. At the start of the year I will be gainfully employed once more. Time to make the most of it and make Richard regret what he did to me.

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A new video has popped up on the website of Candian Golden Combat's website recently as well as showing on Maple Leaf Sports on occasion.


The video starts showing a Harley Davidson being shown under dim lighting as rather heavy guitars kick in.



As it circles the bike and switches between that and clips of a large man in a ring with no one around demolishing a smaller competitor that some fans may recognize as Jacob Jett of 4C fame. First he is being turned inside out by a powerful clothesline, then he is being press slammed. the final shows a vicious spinebuster and the camera starts to rotate and almost shows the face of the large man. It cuts back to the bike then the lights go out. The bike can be heard starting and the lights come up showing Remo Richardson with shades and a biker jacket sitting on it before fading to a graphic that reads 'Coming January 2013'.

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Happy New Year from Canadian Golden Combat!


It is a new year full of excitement for CGC as we march towards the first pay-per-view of the year! Elimination is around the corner and we will see four matches where the winners of each match will compete in a main event spectacular!


We also have new talents that will try to prove their worth and show they in the spotlight of Title Bout Wrestling along with the debute of one of the baddest men on the planet, REMO!


Don't miss a moment of action starting this Sunday as we kick off the new year in style with an action packed hour of wrestling!


Wrestling! DeColts! Action! What more could one want? TUNE IN TO MAPLE LEAF SPORTS THIS SUNDAY EVENING!




Shane Nelson vs Nathan Black


Remo vs Joey Poison


Alex and Jack Decolt vs Eddie Chandler and Shooter Sean Deeley

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No rest for me as of late. The next day I had the contract in hand and seeing that everything we discussed was in order I had signed it. Next thing I know I was shooting a commercial then being taken over to the DeColt Power House where most of the roster train in the off time while also helping out trainees that one day home to graduate to the main roster. I swear I even saw a younger DeColt there I didn't know about, but I was told he wasn't even distantly related. I still am unsure about that.


I hadn't been out of the ring for long, but they at least wanted me to get some ring time in with some guys to just make sure there is no rust at all. Not only that I got to meet the man I would be debuting against, Joey Poison. Shane Nelson was also there to help since he was one of the better overall workers not named DeColt. The two certainly kept me on my toes and I felt confident me and Joey can have a good match on television.


The other part I would be working on is promo ideas and such. I was told I can for the most part say what I want as long as it fits into the guidelines of primetime television. Mostly watch my language and such. Nothing too hard to worry about. I always thought I was decent enough on the mic that I can improvise when need be. I just needed to give Phil a brief outline of what the promo is to be about a few days before the show.


Through the end of December and into the start of the new year this was much what I did. Just getting used to the ring, meeting new faces, and promo work. By the time the first show in January rolls about I am more than prepared. If anything I am psyched to show Alex and Phil what kind of deal they got in the end and also make Richard Eisen regret screwing me over.

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Waterloo University Arena, Ontario: Sunday January 7th


5,000 Attending (SELLOUT)




Pre Show:


You should have bought a ticket!






Davis Ditterich: "Good evening folks and welcome to the most action packed hour on television and Happy New Year to all our fans. We are two weeks away from our Elimination pay-per-view and Phil Vilbert promises this is one we won't forget!"


Adrian Garcia: "No one will forget when the boys of ELITE get to dominate again this year. Trust me, we are just full of surprises and no one will stop us from getting to the final match where we will crush no matter who we are put up against! Enough of that, I got to get to the ring with my boys!"






Adrian Garcia joins Shooter Sean Deeley and Eddie Chandler and the trio make their way to the ring much to the dismay of the crowd.


Adrian Garcia: "Good evening everyone! It is a new year and just another year of dominance by ELITE! With me are two fine examples of what a true wrestler should be. Boys, how do you feel tonight?"


Shooter Sean Deeley: "Cool and collected. No one can shake me and those who want to try and take me on will find themselves without the use of at least one of their limbs for a good looooong while."


Eddie Chandler: "I'm feeling as fabulous as ever and ready to show why we are the ones that really run this show. Adrian, you know how good we feel right now? We will take on whoever wishes to try and even compete with two men such as myself and Shooter."


Adrian Garcia: "You hear him? Well boys, I already got us some competition so there is no need to worry. Are you ready to beat up some DeColts?"


All three in the ring grin and wait through a few minutes of silence before some music begins to play and both Jack and Alex Decolt step out with a microphone in hand.




Alex DeColt: "You are starting the new year out sounding rather confident. Don't you remember just a month ago I beat you and retained my title, Eddie? And last time I checked Jack here beat you, Shooter. I remember you both tucking tail and running."


Jack DeColt: "Did we knock you so silly you think that you can change those results? I am not going to complain. You know I don't back down from a fight so if Adrian is fine with throwing you two at us then bring it on!"


Adrian Garcia: "This is a new year and the real year of the ELITE, DeColts! Just you both wait. We will be full of surprises and you will regret ever getting in our way!"


The two teams stare one another down and Adrian Garcia pats his men on the back and seems to give them words of encourage ment.


Rating: B




Davis Ditterich: "So glad you can take your time to do your real job and commentate with me, Adrian."


Adrian Garcia: "Shut it, geeko. I have more important things to do than to sit by you and listen to your inane chatter."


Davis Ditterich: "Well we get our first match of the night as Shane Nelson continues to build momentum as he takes on the always dangerous Nathan Black."





Shane Nelson with Jenny Playmate vs Nathan Black


Nathan attempted to take control with several holds, but Nelson seemed to be able to wiggle out of anything Black could throw at him. Doing so made Nathan flustered and prone to mistakes. Shane lays into him with a few strikes then a exploder suplex. He then picks up Black and nails him with the Clash of Styles for a win.


Winner via Pinfall: Shane Nelson


Rating: D+


Davis Ditterich: "Another solid win for Shane Nelson. At this rate he might be getting a shot at Christian Price soon."


Adrian Garcia: "Who cares. I'll just have one of my ELITE take him out and take that title if he does end up with it."








Remo stands alone with a determined look on his face as he speaks into the microphone.


Remo: "I may not have been gone long, but I was out of the ring long enough to remember why I do what I do. I feel a void in me that can only be filled by being here. By being in a ring and destroying whoever I get my hands on. So when I was asked if I wanted to come up here to Canada I was quick to pack my bags. That killer instinct never left. It only was heightened now. Now I got new bodies to mangle and new faces to rearrange. If you thought I was a bad man before then you haven't seen nothing left. I don't care who it is you throw at me. I will inflict pain and misery on them so I can feel the bliss that I so missed. Tonight, Joey Poison, you are going to fill that void at least for a little while."


With that being said he gives a wink and walks off.


Rating: A




Davis Ditterich: "Looks like Remo is here and here not to make friends. I don't want to be in Joey Poison's shoes."


Adrian Garcia: "Time to see if this guy can deliver. He acts tough, but I want to see him in action. Maybe if he ends up being good enough I might make him an offer he can't refuse."


Davis Ditterich: "Good luck getting near that man. I think I will stay back here."





Remo vs Joey Poison with Faith


Remo brings the pain quickly and he lays out Joey with several powerful strikes. Joey doesn't seem to be a total pushover, though. He manages to fight back and get some solid shots in that don't seem to do much to stagger the big man.


Remo catches Joey off the top rope at one point and hefts him up onto his shoulders for an airplane spin. One that ends up with him not using his arms for a short bit before dropping Poison down onto the mat. It is enough for a two count and Joey manages to get a foot on the ropes.


Joey attempts one last comeback, but he is already battered compared to Remo who seems to just toy with his opponent and lay into him with several punishing moves. The ref is close to stopping the match for excessive punishment, but Remo finally hits him with The Destroyer and ends this match. He celebrates while Joey Poison is tended to by staff.


Winner via Pinfall: Remo


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Uh, have fun recruiting him."


Adrian Garcia: "....maybe I will talk to him another time....when the boys are around."


Davis Ditterich: "Good idea."




Davis Ditterich: "And here I am again on my own as Adrian has went to go get his men prepared for tonight's main event! It will be Shooter Shane Deely and Eddie Chandler against Alex and Jack DeColt! Another clash between family and fame!"





Main Event:


Shooter Shane Deely and Eddie Chandler with Adrian Garcia vs Alex and Jack Decolt with Hotstuff Marie


The ELITE try to jump the gun, but the DeColts are prepared. They brawl for a bit before both Eddie and Sean retreat to the outside and regroup with Adrian and plan. The match itself finally starts with Sean and Alex going at it.


Sean uses his technical excellence to overwhelm Alex and he manages to keep him isolated from his brother who is a bit frustrated and tries to get in the ring to help several times only to be shuffled back to his corner by the ref. This allows Eddie and Sean to easily double team the champ and mostly work on his left leg.


Their cockiness allows things to get to their head and a messed up double team allows Alex to clothesline and take both ELITE out. He makes it to Jack who begins to go to town on both members of ELITE. Adrian tries interference, but is knocked off the apron by Jack DeColt. The injured Garcia waves to the back and tries to recover. The DeColts are starting to take control as they toss Eddie Chandler out and begin to double team Sean.


Marie tries to warn them as she sees a the large Gargantuan emerge from the back and move to the ring. The DeColts seem him coming and prepare to deal with the big man, but Chandler comes back into the ring and chop blocks Steve and takes him down. That leaves Alex to deal with Gargantuan who easily overpowers the already weakened Alex and gathers him in a large bearhug. The ref calls for the bell as Eddie Chandler and Shooter Sean Deely exit the ring and watch the monster go to town on the two DeColts.


Winner via DQ: Alex and Steve Decolt


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Oh no. Don't tell me that somehow Adrian Garcia managed to tame the monster known as Gargantuan! We need help out here, quick!"






Marie shouts for help as Gargantuan destroys Alex and then makes short work of Steve as well. The ELITE celebrate outside the ring and soon the three men get in to join the monster. Adrian has a microphone as he leans over the fallen DeColts.


Adrian Garcia: "Welcome to the first surprise of the New Year. Meet the newest member of ELITE! This place will never be the same again!"


The group leave the ring and the camera fades to black as Marie along with staff check on both of the unconcious DeColt Brothers as Davis' voice is heard.


Davis Ditterich: "ELITE have made their mark early! How will the DeColts respond!? Tune in next week!"


Rating: B




Quick Reference:


ELITE vs DeColt Segment: B


Shane Nelson vs Nathan Black: D+


Remo Promo: A


Remo vs Joey Poison: B-


Alex and Jack DeColt vs Shooter Shane Deely and Eddie Chandler: B-


Gargantuan Demolishing DeColts: B




Rating: 1.39

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It was good to be out in front of the camera again. Even better that Phil and Alex both seemed pleased with both my promo and match. Working with someone like Joey Poison for my first match really helped as well. The show itself seemed to be pretty good. There are so many workers for this company and only an hour to work with. Alot did get to work before the show at least and get some ring time.


I took a long shower in cold water to calm myself. It is weird to think how pumped I was when I haven't really been out of the spotlight for long. The energy from the crowd is just so refreshing and I really enjoyed myself. Now to just build off my performance and continue to work the crowd and draw more people in. Trying to catch up with the big boys is a long road, but I am prepared to give my all and help this company grow and compete with at least the other big name up here in Canada. There is still alot of work to do before we even get close to challenging a company like North of the Border Pro, though.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img255/8730/remoe.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The week moved on as we headed for the next show as Phil with his writing team worked on what to do next. The problem with an hour long show is having so little time to try and promote so much. There is talk of expanding later, but for now they have to work with what they have. For me it means promo work since they rather not give me a match every week. Understandable since they do have so many workers to highlight and maybe ten at the best will be featured on an episode.</p><p> </p><p>

Some of the new signings have started to show up after finishing obligations to their previous employers as well. Jacob Jett, whom I got to work with already when filming my debute commercial, and his girlfriend Katie both were brought in from the small hardcore promotion up here known as 4C. They must really like him because he is already getting a shot at being on air for the next show. Of course it will be as a jobber, but you gotta start somewhere and he does get television exposure.</p><p> </p><p>

Two others were brought in from another small Canadian promotion known as ACPW. Both are apparently going to be packaged as a team, but for now they are being kept off television at least as they get a bit more used to working the style of CGC since almost all the roster is larger than them. I gues they might be bringing in a new manager for that pair as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally it looks like Adrian Garcia was wanting to break away from being behind the booth. Having five men to manage at the moment plus being in many of the angles involving the ELITE was taking a toll. I was amused to see who they got to say the least. I never presonally met him until this week, but he does seem like a suitable replacement for Adrian and should do just fine in the role.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall it was uneventful for me. Aside from working on what promo I would do next week for the show I was mostly free to do what I wanted. That meant some hours of training and others spent just still getting settled into my new home. Been also trying to help some of the other new guys train as well as some of the younger talents. Was helping this one guy, Skip Beau who has been getting a decent tag team push with his partner Donte near the end of the year apparently, but lately he seems to only want to train with Zeus Maximillion now. Guess the Greek God got himself a little protege now. There are far worse mentors to have I suppose.</p><p> </p><p>

The main thing I was curious as we moved towards the first pay-per-view of the year was what the plans were. I wasn't even sure what my involvement in it would be just yet. A singles match? One of the elimination matches? And if I do get to be in the latter do I make it to the final match? Who will my partners be? It is rather exciting. As of right now it seems like Alex, Phil and Adrian are all working on it and keeping things a bit hush hush.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img547/8327/cgcz.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Revenge?</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Alex and Jack DeColt may have won the match, but the war against Elite is far from over still. Adrian Garcia showed he had a trick up his sleeve and unleashed the monster known as Gargantuan on the two brothers. With Alex and Jack away this week to nurse their injuries a enraged Ricky DeColt is out for blood.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Cut to video of Ricky DeColt in a backstage area.</em></p><p> </p><p> Ricky DeColt: "I won't stand by and let ELITE run wild. Alex and Jack may be down, but the DeColt's are not out. Throw whoever you want at me, Sunday, Garcia. I will take any member of ELITE on!"</p><p> </p><p> <em>Cut back to commercial highlights.</em></p><p> </p><p> The challenge has been issued. Who will respond and take on the youngest of the DeColt brothers?</p><p> </p><p> We are also promised to hear from Remo and his thoughts on the upcoming Elimination pay-per-view and if he will be part of it. We then have a debute of another brand new signing. Jacob Jett is here and he will get to cut his teeth on a new level of competition starting with Ryan Powell.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Cut to Jacob Jett standing in a room with a rather lovely woman.</em></p><p> </p><p> Jacob Jett: "A new promotion and a new challenge. It isn't a big deal, man. I got my girl Katie here to help me climb that ladder. And hey, given where I worked ladder climbing happened alot. And at the top of those ladders there was always a prize and here in CGC it won't be anything different. The challenge will be a fun one. Nobody is gonna keep this man down."</p><p> </p><p> Katie Cameron: "Hard work got him this far and I watched him fight for everything he has ever had. I just want him to be happy and I will be here to watch him become champion one day."</p><p> </p><p> Jacob Jett: "I got a good girl and a good job, man. All I need is one more thing. That is some gold to put around the waist. One month, one year, it doesn't matter. I will take it one three count at a time."</p><p> </p><p> <em>Cut back to highlights of commercial.</em></p><p> </p><p> An angry DeColt seeking out the Elite! A hungry newcomer wanting to make a mark! Not to mention more action in one hour than you will find anywhere else! Tune in this Sunday!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35449" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Main Card:<p> </p><p> Thrill Seeker vs Bobby Thomas</p><p> </p><p> Jacob Jett vs Ryan Powell</p><p> </p><p> Ricky DeColt vs ELITE member chosen by Adrian Garcia</p></div></blockquote>
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Waterloo University Arena, Ontario: Sunday January 14th


5,000 Attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Hello! Davis Ditterich here and I am with my....heeeeeeey. You aren't Adrian Garcia!"




Ernie Turner: "Well this is Sweet and Southern, Ernie Turner coming at you live to add some Southern style up north of the border!"


Davis Ditterich: "But where is Adrian!?"


Ernie Turner: "Don't worry about it. We got Ricky DeColt coming out and we need to hear what he has to say!"


Davis Ditterich: "But why are you heeeeeerrrrreeee?"






Ricky DeColt is all on his own when he climbs into the ring with a microphone ready to address this crowd.


Ricky DeColt: "So Adrian thinks he is hot stuff on a silver platter when he is still just a cold booger on a paper plate. You can gloat all you want, but this is still DeColt country, Adrian. Alex and Jack have to rest up for Elimination, but I am spry and ready to go. I don't care who you bring out. Take your time and think about it. Bring your new toy out. Bring Eddie out. Bring Dan out. I don't care! Whoever comes out I will beat and show you why you should never anger a DeColt!"


Ernie Turner: "Looks like Ricky is ready to defend the honor of his family name. Who will he face?"


Davis Ditterich: "Look, I see you are still in the seat. Are you really working here? I don't get this!"


Rating: B-






Thrill Seeker vs Bobby Thomas


Davis Ditterich: "Well this is our first match of the night. The high flying Thrill Seeker takes on the very talented Bobby Thomas. Are you sure you are supposed to be here?"


Ernie Turner: "Durn skippy I need to be here. This seat feels conformed to my soft cheeks and I am ready to see some action!"


Thrill Seeker and Bobby Thomas are both veterans that know their way around the ring and prove it with quick action that gets the crowd in a frenzy.


It is technical prowess against high flying and it seems Thrill Seeker's quick movements are enough to keep Bobby Thomas off his game and make him keep guessing. Bobby is outsmarted and eventually falls victim to the Ultimate Thrill (Shooting Star Hurricanrana).


Winner: Thrill Seeker


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Wow, Thrill Seeker continues to amaze as he manages to get past Bobby Thomas tonight. If he keeps this up he has a chance for gold."


Ernie Turner: "What the hell was that move he used at the end? It obviously seems like some sort of gypsy magic. I think the good old boy, Bobby Thomas, was robbed!"


Davis Ditterich: "Do you even kno-"






The camera cuts to what looks like a gym with a ring in the middle of it. He is messing with someone that looks like El Diablo of ACPW fame before tossing the man out of the ring and turning about to step over towards the camera. His gaze is intense and he seems ready to just snap and destroy anything in his path.


Remo: "Elimination. I like the sound of that. I don't even know if I will get to be there, but I hope I do. It sounds like I can destroy three men and move on to destroy even more. I don't care about partners or whatever. I just want to hurt someone. I don't care who I am up against. DeColt, ELITE, some other team that thinks they can make it to the final. A man like me only cares about one thing. I care about pain and to see the suffering of others. I hope I am at Elimination that night. That void I wish to fill so much may finally get a bit more than it is used to."


He just gives a bit of a demented smirk then winks at the camera before slipping off.


Davis Ditterich: "That is one man I would never want to mess with."


Ernie Turner: "I would just include him in Elimination to make him happy. I don't think it would be a good idea to exclude!"


Davis Ditterich: "Really, why are you here?"


Rating: B+






Ryan Powell vs Jacob Jett with Katie Cameron


Ryan Powell looks to continue his recent streak of dominance while the newly acquired Jacob Jett attempts to make an impact.


Jacob does just that at the start as he stuns Ryan with several big moves that staggers the more experienced veteran. The assault is short lived and Ryan manages to rake the eyes of Jett and start to take advantage.


Jett never recovers and Ryan Powell manages to take the young wrestler down and notch another win as he tries to make himself relevent in the main event picture.


Winner: Ryan Powell


Rating: C-


Davis Ditterich: "Ryan Powell wants some gold and he might at least take a step towards challenging Christian Price. I think Alex DeColt has a rather full dance card."


Ernie Turner: "I like the cut of his jib. He took that wiley kid and put him in his place. I think I found a favorite of mine."


Davis Ditterich: "Do you even know anything about him!?"






Ricky DeColt vs Eddie Chandler with Adrian Garcia


Davis Ditterich: "Ricky is out for revenge and Adrian Garcia seems to have chosen his crown jewel in Eddie Chandler to take the youngest DeColt out."


Ernie Turner: "Oh hey! There is the guy that asked for Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner to take his spot."


Davis Ditterich: "He did what!?"


The match starts out with Ricky being a proverbial house of fire that lays into Chandler. He dominates much of the early match before Eddie manages to slide out of the ring and attempt to regroup with Adrian. The pair try to talk things over, but Ricky soon comes out of the ring after the ELITE member.


They brawl for some time on the outside before a thump to the eye allows Eddie to gain control. He beats on Ricky and tosses him in before the referee's count reaches ten. Eddie comes in as well and continues his slow dismantling of Ricky for some time.


His cockiness leads to Ricky taking control for a bit and as he builds momentum it looks like the DeColts would have their revenge. Eddie may have been playing possum and when he is downed Ricky goes to grab his opponent only to be rolled up and Eddie gets his feet on the ropes to secure the win.


Winner: Eddie Chandler


Rating: B-




Eddie Chandler slips out as a rather irate Ricky DeColt gets to his feet and argues with the referee. He should be more worried about what is going on outside the ring as Gargantuan emerges and heads for the ring. Ricky turns around in time to have his head taken off with a monsterous clothesline. Gargantuan continues his assault and soon Ricky soon ends up in the same shape as his brothers were at the end of last week.


Adrian Garcia and Eddie Chandler soon join the monster and the three pose over the fallen Ricky DeColt.


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Dammit, ELITE use their new monster again and the DeColts are hurting."


Ernie Turner: "I think I like this seat. I will be staying in it for awhile baby. I hope you like that Sweet and Southern style of Ernie Turner."


Davis Ditterich: "Someone heeeeelp!"




The ELITE look strong going into Elimination in a few short days. Will the DeColts recover enough to try and put a stop to their eternal rivals? What about the wildcards in said matches like the possibility of Remo being in one?


Overall Rating: B-


Rating: 1.37


Quick Reference:


Ricky Decolt challenge: B-


Thrill Seeker vs Bobby Thomas: C+


Remo promo: B+


Ryan Powell vs Jacob Jett: C-


Ricky DeColt vs Eddie Chandler: B-


Gargantuan attack: B-

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Soon after Title Bout Wrestling went off the air a short video appeared on the CGC website showing Phil Vilbert in a darkened office room late at night typing away on a laptop. After a few seconds he seems pleased and he leans back to look at the screen.


Phil Vilbert: "There, now all the Elimination teams and matches are set. Everything looks fair and even now."


With a yawn he gets up and leaves the office, closing the door behind him. The laptop is still on as it is revealed that a man dressed as a ninja is standing behind that door. He scoots over and begins tapping away at the screen. He eventually reaches to pull of the mask he was wearing and a rather large grin of a familiar face is seen before fading to black.



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It seems that Alex and Phil have continued to be busy men. On top of planning out all the shows they have also been after more new talent it would seem. Two of them have already reported to start work while it looks like four others seem to be on the way once they manage to finish off whatever their old company needs of them. From the looks of it most of these guys will be working dark matches primarily for the time being. Only one other might get to work television and pay-per-view to start like Jacob Jett is.


The feeling is that while they feel safe for the time being in a few years they will need some more talent to cover for aging stars that might retire or even people that decide to move on. For the most part all of these new guys are mostly in their early to mid-twenties and can be given plenty of time to mature now. There is certainly no reason to hit a panic button because even if Alex is getting close to fourty, Jack and Ricky are both going to be around a few more years. Not to mention I am only thirty and they have the talented Shooter Shane Deeley who still has plenty of time.


The venerable Vin Tanner has recently taken one of the young guys under his wing. Blockbuster is someone that has a long way to go to be television ready, but having a good old fashioned brawler like Vin teaching the ropes will only help him out. It is still hard to believe Vin is fourty-five right now as well because he shows no signs of age slowing him down. The guy has kept in shape and seeing him help younger talent in dark matches has been fun.


Soon after the last show of Title Bout I was also given the rundown of what to expect from Elimination and for the time being what the planned finish to the whole thing will be. Looks like an interesting card to say the least and they did pick pretty good partners for me. We should compliment one another rather well. What might be tiring for some of the guys is that we tape Title Bout on Sunday when Elimination happens on Friday. Here is to hoping for a solid pay-per-view that allows us to follow up with a good hour of action.

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It is that time of the year again. The excitement of Elimination is in full swing and in a few short days many of the stars of Canadian Golden Combat will face off on several three on three matches where the survivors of the matches will team together and have one final battle. Last year ELITE took the crown as Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay walked away as the survivors. Will ELITE win again this year or will the DeColts come out on top? Or will perhaps a new group will take the win? The new and very dangerous Remo Richardson is entered this year as well as other top stars such as Joey Poison and Trent Schaffer.


The Canadian title is also in the line as the lone singles match that evening will feature Christian Price against Ozzie Golden. Can Price retain or will we see a second reign for Ozzie Golden when all is said and done?


Tune in and see what unfolds. It is one of the most exciting nights of the year for Canadian Gold Combat. Tune in for....ELIMINATION XI!




Canadian Title: Christian Price © vs Ozzie Golden


Match 1: The Decolt Family vs Rude Awakening (Gargantuan, Bobby Thomas and Dan Dalay)


Match 2: Three of a Perfect Pair (Skip Beau, Donte Dunn and Jacob Jett) vs ELITE (Eddie Chandler, Shooter Shane Deeley and Nate Johnson)


Match 3: Hero Inc. (Thrill Seeker, Joey Poison and Shane Nelson) vs Bad Intentions (Lead Belly, Grease Hog and Remo)


Match 4: Bad and Beautiful (Vin Tanner, Brett Fraser and Trent Shafer) vs Uh, Whut? (Stevie Grayson, Zeus Maxmillion and Whippy the Clown)


Final: Survivors of Match 1 and 3 vs Survivors of Match 2 and 4

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Canadian Title: Christian Price © vs Ozzie Golden


Match 1: The Decolt Family vs Rude Awakening (Gargantuan, Bobby Thomas and Dan Dalay)


Match 2: Three of a Perfect Pair (Skip Beau, Donte Dunn and Jacob Jett) vs ELITE (Eddie Chandler, Shooter Shane Deeley and Nate Johnson)


Match 3: Hero Inc. (Thrill Seeker, Joey Poison and Shane Nelson) vs Bad Intentions (Lead Belly, Grease Hog and Remo)


Match 4: Bad and Beautiful (Vin Tanner, Brett Fraser and Trent Shafer) vs Uh, Whut? (Stevie Grayson, Zeus Maxmillion and Whippy the Clown)


Final: Winners of Match 1 and 3 vs Winners of Match 2 and 4


Alex DeColt & Remo vs Eddie Chandler, Shooter Shane Deely, Nate Johnson & Trent Shaffer


EDIT: Didn't see the 'survivors band together bit'. Perhaps you could make it a bit clearer in the predictions...I thought you were advertising an impossible 6 on 6 :p

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Colisee de Kahnawake


Crowd: 15,000 (SOLD OUT)




The show starts

that plays that features all of those that will be wrestling tonight. Most of the video focuses the DeColts and ELITE with a smattering of the rest of the roster for the final drum beat cuts things to black and a logo appears.




Rating: B+




Davis Ditterich: "Welcome to one of the most explosive nights of Canadian Golden Combat as Elimination time is here again. With me tonight is apparently my permanent new broadcast partner, Ernie Tu-"


Ernie Turner: "That is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner, D-Ditch. We got four matches of two teams looking to beat the snot out of one another and the winners aren't done after that, no sir."


Davis Ditterich: "That's right. The survivors of the various matches will meet at the main event. I tell you what. After seeing the teams announced earlier in the week I was surprised what I saw. Some favourable matchups out there if you ask me."


Ernie Turner: "It just shows some guys are luckier than others. One of those teams can't feel too lucky and that is the DeColts who have perhaps one of the hardest matchups in the first round!"


Davis Ditterich: "Another tall mountain for them to scale, but I am sure they aren't going to back down."






Backstage in the DeColt locker area Ricky seems to be a bit lost in thought while Jack paces around the room looking obviously annoyed. Hotstuff Marie does her best to try and calm her husband down.


Marie: "Baby, you have to calm down. Don't waste your energy like this."


Jack DeColt: "I can't help it! I know Adrian is behind this. Every year it seems he somehow tries to put everything in his favor. I am getting sick of it."


Ricky finally snaps out of his small daze and he stands up.


Ricky Decolt: "She's right, bro. We just got to do what we always do and that is overcome the odds, right?"




Alex soon steps into the room and he closes the door as he looks between his brothers.


Alex DeColt: "You guys ready for a long night? I talked to Phil and he thinks something got corrupted when he was using his randomizer to pair up the teams. That corruption has to be Adrian Garcia. Lets make him regret fussing with things and trying to help out his boys."


Jack and Ricky nod and the three of them form a circle and they stack hands. Even Marie joins in at the last moment as all four of them take a deep breath then thrust their hands in the air.


In Unison: "Time for a DeColt ass kicking!"


Rating: B




Davis Ditterich: "That is one thing about the DeColts. They never lack confidence."


Ernie Turner: "Agreed, D-Ditch. They will need more than that. Gargantuan AND Dan Dalay? Those two alone are a handfull. Not to mention Bobby Thomas is no slouch."


Davis Ditterich: "We are about to find out if the DeColts can move on as their match is coming up now!"




The DeColt family with Hotstuff Marie vs Rude Awakening with Adrian Garcia


Bobby Thomas and Alex DeColt start things out and the heels get control early, but find themselves on the short end of the stick a few minutes it just because of Gargantuan being disqualified for being too rough when he was in the ring with Ricky DeColt. The damage may have been done as Ricky is favoring his back and left leg by the time all is said and done.


Gargantuan is Eliminated


Bobby tries to take advantage as he and DaLay pummel the youngest DeColt, but Ricky manages to keep kicking out. Not only that he quickly rolls up Bobby after the latter was getting too cocky and gets a surprise pin.


Bobby Thomas is Eliminated


That seems to have been all that Ricky had left in him because DaLay comes in and quickly picks the young man up and lays him out with a powerbomb and gets the pin before Alex or Jack could make the save.


Ricky DeColt has been Eliminated


Jack hits the ring and starts laying into DaLay. The two brawlers go around the ring as Alex and Marie cheer Jack on. Adrian starts to try and cause a distraction. It is enough to get Alex to go after him and allows DaLay to land a low blow on Jack and hit him with a powerbomb as well. The ref turns around to see the pin and quickly counts to three.


Jack DeColt has been Eliminated


Adrian looks pleased and Alex looks on in disbelief before the anger takes over. He hits the ring and tackles DaLay to the mat and begins beating on him. DaLay eventually recovers and the two can't seem to get the upperhand as they trade moves for awhile. Alex finally seems to outsmart is opponent and uses DaLay's momentum against him as he is rolled up and the ref counts to three.


Dan DaLay has been Eliminated


Winner: Alex DeColt


Rating: C




Davis Ditterich: "What a match. Alex moves on barely as....what in the?"




It looks like Dan doesn't care that the match is done. He attacks Alex as he is trying to leave the ring and starts to tear into him with several blows. A big powerbomb lays Alex out and Jack DeColt runs back in to make the save before DaLay can deliver a second one. Dan and Adrian seem pleased with themselves as Jack checks on his brother.


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Alex moves on, but will he be of any use in the finals now?"


Ernie Turner: "It looks like Adrian has a plan and even in losing, his men seem to come out on top. Not only that, but he has another team still in this!"


Davis Ditterich: "There might be no one able to stop ELITE this evening."






The ELITE team of Eddie Chandler, Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson all watch what unfolds on a television in their locker room. A grinning Eddie Chandler nods in approval.


Eddie Chandler: "Just like what the boss said. Looks like phase one is complete of his plan. We just need to execute phase two and win."


Nate Johnson: "And look who we got to face. He really outdid himself this time around. Another year, another ELITE win."


Shooter Sean: "Guys, this is all good and such, but what about the winners that might join Alex? What if a good group makes it through?"




Adrian Garcia enters sans DaLay and he waves a hand.


Adrian Garcia: "That is nothing for you all to worry about. I told you I have everything planned and all you need to worry about is making it to the finals as a whole. You all won't disappoint me, will you?"


Eddie Chandler: "Pfft, against the three we have to face? This is going to be easy!"


Adrian Garcia: "That is what I like to hear. Come on."


Rating: C+




Davis Ditterich: "That little rat! Adrian Garcia has seemed to have tampered with things. Phil needs to intervene here and put a stop to things."


Ernie Turner: "The man is smart. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner can appreciate that. A bit too late to stop things now. We will just have to watch this plan unfold."




The ELITE with Adrian Garcia vs Three of a Perfect Pair with Katie Cameron


ELITE start this off by jumping the other team and gaining the upper hand. Jett and Dunn are tossed outside and Skip Beau ends up triple teamed. He is laid out and Sean Deeley locks in a painful armbar that forces Skip to tap quickly and giving Elite a quick and early advantage.


Skip Beau has been Eliminated


Jett recovers first and he enters the fray and goes right after Deeley. He actually lands a good amount of offense in, but a thumb to the eye stops it quickly. Deeley quickly tags in Chandler who begins to work over Jett and he starts a series of quick tags with his team mates for them all to stay fresh. Dunn is stopped from getting involved by the ref several times and eventually Jett is forced to Deeley's armbar as well.


Jacob Jett has been Eliminated


Donte Dunn is no match and overwhelmed by the group afterwards. They have their way with him as well and Eddie Chandler nails a T-Bone suplex on Dunn to finish him off. A dominant victory for ELITE.


Donte Dunn has been Eliminated


Winners: Eddie Chandler, Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Things aren't looking good for Alex DeColt so far. Next we will find out who will be teaming with him, but whoever it is they will have to be facing a dangerous ELITE team that also gets help from whoever wins the final or the four team matches later on."


Ernie Turner: "The plan continues to unfold and it might just be a storybook ending for ELITE tonight if things continue on like this."






Remo, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are all standing around when a camera comes about the corner to spy on them.


Remo: "It is simple. They can talk about ELITE and the DeColts all they want. We know we are the dominant team here. The reason why is simply one thing. It's me. It's my need to inflict pain. My urges to hurt as many people as I can. No one on the team we face can subdue those urges. No one can quash my needs. And the finals? Well ride on my back and we will just get to have even more fun. Now come on!"


Remo moves on, but Grease Hogg and Lead Belly hang back and sort of look at one another.


Lead Belly: "Are you sure you want to go through with things?"


Grease Hogg only nods and slaps his partner on the back as he begins to lead him away and they start to follow Remo.


Grease Hogg: "Adrian payed us good money. We can't back out now."


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: ".....dammit! Adrian strikes again. What could he have in mind now?"


Ernie Turner: "I don't know, but if it involves angering Remo I hope The Dirty White Boys got payed quite a bit. They might need it to pay for their medical bills later on."






Bad Intentions vs Hero Inc.


It looks like Joey and Shane left their valets in the back just to be safe. There seems to be some arguing who gets to start for Bad Intentions and eventually it is Grease Hogg. The bell rings and as soon as it does Hogg just nails Thrill Seeker right between the legs in front of the ref. He is quickly disqualified as Remo just narrows his eyes. Hogg tries to act like he was innocent and doesn't seem too upset about his elimination.


Grease Hogg has been Eliminated


Remo comes in before Lead Belly can try to and he goes to work on Thrill Seeker. He tosses the smaller wrestler about and then after softening him up he tags in Lead Belly. Lead Belly is reluctant, but he gets in and goes for Thrill Seeker who ends up evading. He tags in Joey Poison who starts to unload on the biker. Both men end up over the top and Remo looks suspicious about things. Like how Lead Belly is making no attempt to get back in. He is instead trying to leave and Joey won't let him. Joey also fails to pay attention to the count and soon both men are counted out by the referee.


Joey Poison and Lead Belly have been Eliminated


The annoyance seems to be growing on Remo and that might have just made things worse for the other team despite having a two on one advantage. Thrill Seeker is still hurting so Shane Nelson comes in to take on the big man. He tries to use several quick moves to try and soften Remo up, but a big boot almost takes the head off fo Shane. Remo loads him up onto his shoulders and nails Death Valley Driver on Shane and gets a quick three.


Shane Nelson has been Eliminated


Thrill Seeker is still hobbled, but he jumps Remo from behind and begins to get a few good shots on him. The high flyer then goes to the top and he leaps for Remo. Remo just catches him and he hefts him up onto the shoulders to deliver a DVD onto him as well.


Thrill Seeker has been Eliminated


Winner: Remo


Rating: C+


A rather annoyed Remo doesn't stick around to celebrate and instead he quickly heads for the back. Looks like he wants to have a talk with his partners.


Davis Ditterich: "Well no matter what Alex and Remo will be outnumbered, but that is a rather potent duo to deal with."


Ernie Turner: "That is if Alex can compete. Even Remo can't take on four to six guys. Even monsters have their limits....right?"






Bad and Beautiful vs No Laughing Matter


Vin Tanner starts off with Whippy and the two brawl about the ring. Vin manages to keep the upper hand for most of the exchange before Whippy gets a quick tag to Zeus. Zeus overpowers the older wrestler and hefts Vin up into a torture rack. The veteran quickly taps out and Shaffer quickly jumps Zeus before he has time to even put Tanner down.


Vin Tanner has been Eliminated


Shaffer and Fraser end up working well together as they beat down Zeus. he manages to take to Stevie, but that only ends up a bad thing as Brett and Trent continue their assault on a fresh body now. Trent manages to serve as a distraction as Fraser lands a trio of backbreakers on Stevie and gets the pin.


Stevie Grayson has been Eliminated


Brett is too busy celebrating that Whippy has slipped around Trent on the outside and quickly rolls up Brett and gets a three count.


Brett Fraser has been Eliminated


Trent starts to get in with Zeus giving chase. The ref gets distracted by Zeus enough that Trent is able to pull something from his tights and hit Whippy in the throat with it. He quickly stuffs them back down the tights and quickly makes the cover. The ref turns about and the pin is made as Zeus comes up short on the save.


Whippy the Clown has been Eliminated


Zeus starts to overpower Trent and take advantage. It seems the cheating ways of his opponent has put him into a fit of rage. It also serves to help Trent in the long run as it allows him to trick Zeus and roll the bigger man up. He puts his feet up on the ropes and the ref fails to notice and counts to three.


Zeus Maxmillion has been Eliminated


Winner: Trent Schaffer


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "By hook or crook, Trent Schaffer moves on to team with ELITE to face Remo and Alex DeColt."


Ernier Turner: "It is hard to bet against ELITE and Trent right now. An injured Alex DeColt means that it might turn into a four on one real quick."


Davis Ditterich: "The final is set, but we got one more match. The CGC Canadian title is up for grabs next!"






Christian Price stands in front of a camera with his belt slung over a shoulder and a smile on his face.


Christian Price: "This title has meant alot to me. It has shown that years have hard work have paid off. It shows that even if my career had a rough start I made the most of it and now I have gold to show for it. Ozzie, I know you have held this title before. It will be awhile before you hold it again. Tonight I continue to strive to be my best and to show people where hard work can get you. Maybe if you start to work hard this title can be yours again someday, Ozzie."


Rating: C




Davis Ditterich: "Christian has been a working man's champ and he looks to continue to do so tonight."


Ernie Turner: "Well he has his work cut out for him, D-Ditch. Ozzie has held that gold before and I am sure he knows what it takes to hold it again."


CGC Canadian Championship Match






Christian Price © vs Ozzie Golden


Both men seem to have one another well scouted. Move after move is countered and after a few moments both men step away from one another and shake their head as the crowd cheers.


They go back at it and Price finally manages to get an advantage as he uses his strength to heft up Ozzie and slam him to the mat hard. Ozzie tries to use his speed to his advantage, but it doesn't seem to help him too much. Price is just too strong and too skilled for it to work. He finally catches Ozzie for one final time and nails him with the Price Check and gets the pin. Christian Price retains!


Winner: Christian Price


Rating: C-


Davis Ditterich: "A good test for Christian Price, but he manages to get himself another win."


Ernie Turner: "Ozzie impressed as well. I am sure if he can get a few wins he will be right back in the hunt."






Alex DeColt is seen coming out of the doctor's station in back. He has his ribs wrapped and he seems to be moving gingerly as he comes to a stop. His brow furrows and the camera pulls away to show Remo standing there staring right back at the champ.


Remo: "You're my partner? Or are you going to pull out because of a few little bruises?"


Alex DeColt: "A DeColt doesn't quit. Four on two be damned. I am going out there to wrestle. Now are you really a tough guy or do those odds bother you?"


Remo just gives a smirk and he turns around as he goes to walk off.


Remo: "I would have gone out even if you did decided not to. I live for the fight. The only way I can be stopped is if they can kill me."


Alex just watches the other man go and he just slowly nods before he too walks off camera.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Well it seems neither of those men are showing fear. The odds are stacked against them. That is for sure."


Ernie Turner: "This was all a plan set up by Adrian Garcia. I don't think he wanted Remo here in the final, but he has his ELITE, a tricky Trent Shaffer and on the other side he has an injured Alex DeColt. He couldn't have asked for much more."


Davis Ditterich: "I hate to agree with you, but it does seem rather bleak for Alex and Remo."






ELIMINATION FINAL: Alex Decolt and Remo vs Trent Shaffer and ELITE with Adrian Garcia


Remo looks to start the match, but Alex stops him and enters instead. Nate Johnson starts for his team and he just keeps his attention on his partners as he assures them in a cocky manner he has this. The bell rings and Alex gets a quick rollup and gets the pin on a surprised Nate.


Nate Johnson has been Eliminated


Eddie Chandler quickly jumps in and lays into Alex with several boots. He tugs him over into the corner where he and the two remaining partners continue to abuse the already injured Alex. They specifically attack the ribs since they are wrapped and the ref almost looks ready to stop the match to announce that Alex is eliminated due to not being able to defend himself. That is when Alex ducks a lariat and takes out Shooter Sean Deeley. Both men make it to the corner and make a tag!


Remo and Trent Shaffer enter and the bigger man instantly catches Shaffer and nails him with a spine buster. He quickly hefts him back up and nails him with a DVD and gets the pinfall. The odds are now even!


Trent Shaffer has been Eliminated


Shooter Sean Deeley jumps Remo from behind and actually gets him off his feet. He uses his submission expertise to keep Remo grounded. He and Eddie start making quick tags to keep Remo from being able to get any momentum back. Alex is still hurting and is leaning heavily on the ropes to even stay upright.


More tags are made and Shooter makes a motion as if he is about to end this and lock the armbar on Remo. He leans down to grasp for the arm, but it is caught and pulled into a guillotine choke hold and flails wildly. Eddie attempts to get in, but his save comes too late. Shooter Sean Deeley taps.


Shooter Sean Deeley has been Eliminated


Adrian Garcia is irate and he shots at Eddie Chandler who is beating on Remo. Chandler whips Remo into the ropes, but he fails to notice Alex tags himself in by slapping Remo on the back. Chandler downs Remo and then turns around. Kick to the gut! Rolling DDT! Alex pins Chandler and the last member of ELITE is eliminated.


Winners: Alex DeColt and Remo


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Adrian Garcia is throwing a fit. His plan was executed almost to perfection, but came crumbling apart at the worst possible time!"


Ernie Turner: "I can't believe it. I would be irate as well. So much careful planning down the tube. I would not want to be part of the ELITE tonight after the show. I am sure they will get an earful."






A beaten up Remo and Alex fully get to their feet then turn to stare at one another. The champ is handed the title and his other hand extends to shake the hand of Remo. Remo looks down at the hand and despite the urging of the fans he shakes his head and turns about. He leaves Alex in the ring to celebrate as he stalks off to the back. Jack and Marie soon come out to join Alex in the celebration as the crowd goes wild.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "What a night. What looked like a bad evening for the DeColts ends with a victory. One that Remo didn't feel like partaking in."


Ernie Turner: "Remo doesn't want friends. He wants to hurt people. Alex should be worried next time he is in the ring with Remo that title might be on the line."


Davis Ditterich: "That's all for us tonight, tune in Sunday night for Title Bout Wrestling!"


Final Rating: B-


Quick Reference


- Opening Highlights: B+


- DeColts Getting Ready: B


- DeColts vs Rude Awakening: C


- DaLay Beatdown: C+


- ELITE Planning: C+


- ELITE vs Three of a Perfect Pair: C


- Remo and Dirty White Boys: B+


- Bad Intentions vs Hero Inc: C+


- Bad and Beautiful vs No Laughing Matter: C+


- Christian Price Promo: C


- Christian vs Ozzie: C-


- Alex and Remo Meet: B


- Main Event: B-


- Post Match Celebration: B+

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Two matches in one night. Even when getting a bit protected in one doesn't often help with the soreness felt the next day. Not when the second one involved an almost thirty minute match. It is exactly why Alex isn't even going to be on Sunday's broadcast and Phil is only letting me do some promo work while introducing a new guy to the audience. Ricky is also taking the night off to see the injuries he took from Gargantuan which leaves Jack as the DeColt in charge that evening.


Seems like ELITE will take a bit of a back seat this episode as well and Phil wants to see how some other things work. The decision is to see if Trent Shaffer can hold his own and handle being in the main event and how well he will play off the DeColts Not sure if he is going to pull the trigger and give him a title shot just yet, but he seems to want heels other than the ELITE in the main event picture. I can count towards that, but given the fan reception it is hard to push me straight up and I seem to be stuck as a bit of a tweener. I have no interest in being a face, but this sort of position I am fine with for awhile.


I rather like where I am now. I can be a pain to the DeColts or ELITE if need be. They aren't putting me in the title picture just yet and letting me stick around for a bit to see if I can maintain momentum instead of just shoving me right at Alex. It certainly helps to build some intrigue that way and hopefully the fans eat it up when the confrontation happens down the road.


For now it is time to take a day to rest and ice my poor body down before traveling to be on television on Sunday.

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ELIMINATION is now over and we head into another week of Title Bout Wrestling! Both Alex and Ricky DeColt are out recovering from injuries sustained during the brutal matches they were involved in, but Jack will try to maintain order while his brothers are away. While ELITE may have lost in the finals they may have at least gotten the upper hand in the war. Will they have something in store for the remaining DeColt?


Luck of the Draw is only a month away as well. It will be a night full of surprises for those involved as with match stipulations picked from Phil Vilbert's Magical Tophat that night. The only certainty is that the Canadian Title will be defended in a four way battle where the three competitors wrestle to qualify for the match. Shane Nelson and Grease Hogg face off Sunday for the first open spot.


The tag and world titles will be on the line as well. Just who will be named the contenders? We may just fine out this Sunday! It is the most action packed hour of wrestling in all of Canada. Don't miss Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


January, Week 3 Sunday


British Columbia: King Edward Multiplex


5,000 Attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome fans to another hour of Title Bout Wrestling. I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And I am Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner and I am excited. We are just two days removed from the excitement we saw at ELIMINATION."


Davis Ditterich: "That is right. An amazing finish to a crazy night, but in the end there were several casualties of war. Both Alex and Ricky DeColt are at home today."


Ernie Turner: "I hear several members of ELITE are banged up too. Some of them are in house, but so is Jack DeColt so I have a feeling it ain't gonna be pretty tonight, D-Ditch."


Davis Ditterich: "I wish you would stop calling me that. Speaking of Jack DeColt it looks like he is coming out to the ring!"






Jack looks a bit beat up himself, but he carries himself with pride as Marie follows by his side. Once they are both in the ring he asks for a microphone and waits for the cheers to die down so he can speak.


Jack Decolt: "Last night was a tough one for alot of people. It wasn't a good night to be a DeColt. In fact....it was a great night to be one. We aren't in the best of shape, but in the end ELITE once again found themselves bested by us. Alex and Ricky, you two take it easy tonight. I got things covered to..."




He trails off as the music of ELITE kicks in and Adrian Garcia emerges with Shooter Sean Deeley. Adrian has a mic of his own and he is just shaking his head for a few moments.


Adrian Garcia: "For someone that didn't even make it through the first match you sure talk as if you won the whole thing. Last time I checked you fell victim to ELITE much like you will tonight. You see, I talked to Phil and we got you a match tonight. Later on you will take on Shooter Sean Deeley!"


Shooter grabs the microphone as well and he takes off his shades and hands them to Adrian.


Shooter Sean Deeley: "No excuses tonight. There isn't team mates involved. It is just me and you, Jack. You know you can't beat me. I will break your arm and you can go home to be with your brothers."


Jack looks unimpressed and he walks over to lean on the ropes as he looks towards Sean and Adrian.


Jack DeColt: "I'm not scared of you. Last time I checked you got beaten by a injured Alex DeColt and Remo when you were part of a team that had a four on two advantage. You want a piece of me? The DeColts don't turn down a challenge. You're on!"


Sean and Adrian both look pleased at what they hear and they just exchanging a glance between one another before grinning and turning about to leave as Jack poses in the ring a bit for the fans before leaving.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Well that didn't take long for things to boil over between both sides in that feud. What a main event for the evening!"


Ernie Turner: "Jack might be walking into a trap. I am not sure his wife will be much help if someone like Dan DaLay or Gargantuan gets involved."


Davis Ditterich: "Sean seemed confident, but the look him and Adrian exchanged does have me worried things might go south."


Ernie Turner: "What is wrong with the South?"






Destiny vs Stevie Grayson


Davis Ditterich: "The Soldiers of Fortune still hold the tag straps, but Stevie and his partner Zeus are one of the teams that they might have to face at Luck of the Draw. A win here can perhaps help their cause."


Ernie Turner: "And a win for Destiny could just bolster the confidence of the grizzled veterans that hold the straps."


It is power against speed with the younger and faster Stevie Grayson having more luck against the Destiny. That is until he is caught by a powerful boot that flattens him onto the mat. It allows Destiny to start using his arsenal of powerful punches and throws to turn the tide. He looks to pick up Stevie, but the younger wrestler wiggles free and lands behind Destiny. He twirls Destiny around quickly and hits him with a Shades of Grayson. It is enough for him to get the cover and the three count.


Winner: Stevie Grayson


Rating: D+


Davis Ditterich: "Destiny looked in control, but all it took was one quick escape to turn things around and give Stevie the win."


Ernie Turner: "Zeus has to be pleased. His partner might just be helping them get a title shot."







Things transition to a camera that has entered the room of General Manager Phil Vibert who is currently looking annoyed as he stands across from a rather angry looking Remo. Despite the size difference it seems Phil is doing his best not to be intimidated as he argues with the big man.


Phil Vibert: "I told you why. You wrestled two tough matches and we are holding you out as a precaution. You might not care about injury, but we do."


Remo: "This is crap. You know I am not hurt like some of the other guys. Give me something, anything. I am here so I may as well be in the ring doing what I like. Inflicting pain."


Phil shakes his head again and he lets out a sigh.


Phil Vibert: "Remo, if you do not calm down and leave now I will be forced to have you removed. Perhaps even suspend you. You know what that means, right? Less time in the ring."


Remo narrows his eyes and he steps a bit closer which makes Phil have to take a step back.


Remo: "Threatening me, little man? I don't have to be in the ring to do what I like. Give me a match next week. I will take on anyone. DeColt, ELITE, random fan. I just want in the ring."


Phil is about to say something, but someone clears his throat and speaks up instead. He speaks with a rather heavy drawl and when the camera pans over it shows a rather confident looking man even if his voice is quiet and a bit on the meek side.




Unknown Youth: "Mr. Vibert, I will take him on. I just signed so I should earn my pay."


Remo looks amused as he backs away from Phil and instead looks towards the youth and seems to consider.


Remo: "A new kid, huh? There is a difference between a paycheck and a deathwish, but you got balls. What's your name?"


Unknown Youth: "I'm Glen Kasey. You want a match, right? I accept if Mr. Vibert will allow it."


Both Glen and Remo look over to Phil who seems a bit shocked at the boldness of Glen Kasey. He just slowly nods and looks between both men.


Phil Vibert: "Very well. Remo, you get a match next week for sure against Glen Kasey. I hope you know what you are doing, Glen."


Remo seems pleased and he turns back to grin at Glen before he moves to leave. Glen just nods and keeps that bold look on his face until Remo leaves. He then lets out a sigh of relief and looks as if he can't believe what he just did.


Rating: A


Davis Ditterich: "Glen Kasey. A new name, but did he just do something that might make it one of the last times we hear of it?"


Ernie Turner: "I want to cheer for a fellow Southern man, but how can anyone expect him to beat Remo?"






Shane Nelson with Jenny Playmate vs Grease Hogg


Davis Ditterich: "These two met last night in team action, but this time it is one on one with a shot to be at Luck of the Draw for the winner."


Ernie Turner: "The first of three matches to determine who will take on Christian Price for the CGC Canadian title in a four way match."


Grease Hogg actually keeps looking towards the ramp on occasion. It seems that he is a bit worried an angry Remo might come out and have some 'words' with him. As soon as the bell rings he does his best to keep focus on Shane. The two go back and forth for a bit and neither can get a upper hand. The more nimble Shane Nelson ends up using his quickness to wear down Hogg and start to gain an advantage that way. It ends up being too much and Grease Hogg can never regain any ground before falling to the Clash of Styles.


Winner: Shane Nelson


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Well we have two of the four names for the match now. Shane Nelson wouldn't mind holding that title again, I'm sure."


Ernie Turner: "An impressive performance, but it is hard to pick a winner now. We don't even know who the other two participants will be!"






A camera comes up onto Adrian Garcia and Eddie Chandler as they talk backstage. They both seem to be in a good mood and pleased with whatever has been discussed so far.


Adrian Garcia: "So that is what we will do. By the time Luck of the Draw comes around we will have the CGC World back in our hands and also get to have revenge on both the DeColts and Remo."


Eddie Chandler: "Well just make sure it starts on a good note. I think Sean can handle Jack, but I am sure you have a backup plan. If not I..."


Eddie trails off and his gaze shifts to something off camera and then he looks downwards. The camera pans to the right to reveal a rather attractive looking young lady.




Woman: "Oh Mr. Chandler. There you are. I have been looking all over for you."


Adrian raises a brow as the woman sidles up to take Eddie by the arm and she gives him a light tug. Eddie on the other hand seems more than fine to go along with things as he gives a bit of a lustful look.


Eddie Chandler: "That so? Well what is it you need from me, babe?"


Woman: "Come with me. I have something to show you that you might be interested in."


She starts to lead him away and Adrian looks like he is about to say something, but Eddie turns and raises a finger to his lips to keep him shushed. He gives a wink then wanders off with the woman as Adrian just shakes his head.


Adrian Garcia: "I might need another backup plan I see."


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "How interesting."


Ernie Turner: "I know! I just wonder how lucky Eddie just got there. What could she want to show him?"


Davis Ditterich: "Not that! I meant that there seems to be another plan in motion. Not only is it against the DeColts, but Remo seems to be targeted as well!"


Ernie Turner: "....yeah. You would care more about that."






Jack DeColt with Hotstuff Marie vs Shooter Sean Deeley with Adrian Garcia


Davis Ditterich: "Here we go. Main event time. This should be another good bout in the ongoing war of DeColts against ELITE."


Ernie Turner: "Adrian Garcia seems pleased as peach pie. Looks like he already thinks he has this one in the bag."


The two men lock up and Jack gets the early advantage. He peppers Sean with several punches and kicks as well as forearm shots. Despite his man being on the recieving end of a pretty bad beating Adrian Garcia still seems confident as he prowls around the ring and yells at Sean to get serious. Sean intentionally gets himself and Jack tangled up with referee Francis Long so he can tug on Jack's tights and send him face first into a turnbuckle.


Sean gets on the offensive and slows down the pace of the match. He works on the lower back and neck of Jack as he seems to be setting him up for one of his several deadly submissions. Several holds are applied, but Jack still has the strength to break out of them or get to the ropes. The adrenaline must start pumping fiercly through Jack as he finally starts to elbow at Sean and break free from yet another hold and then follow up with a bodyslam.


Jack begins building momentum again and this time Adrian Garcia seems to get a bit worried. He actually looks towards the entrance ramp as if expecting something, but no one ever emerges. That is when he takes things into his own hands and he starts to act like he is going to go after Marie. That stops Jack dead in his steps and he turns to start to go after Adrian. He hadn't weakened Sean enough to eliminate him from the equation though and Deeley grabs Jack from behind to twist him about and then lock him into the Front Choke Lock. Jack fights as he tries to get to the ropes, but he falls down in the center of the ring and he reaches towards his wife to make a few grasping motions before having to tap.


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Shooter Sean won! It took some help from Garcia, but he did it. It looked like Garcia had other plans, but they didn't unfold."


Ernie Turner: "Was he expecting help from Chandler? Someone else? I wonder what happened."


Davis Ditterich: "Perhaps we will find out next week when we return with another action packed hour of Title Bout Wrestling!"


The last image is Deeley hugging Garcia outside of the ring as Marie has Jack's head in her lap as she tries to comfort him as things fade to black.




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.42

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img255/8730/remoe.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A bit of a tough weekend doing a pay-per-view and a show in three day's time, but thankfully it was only a one hour show and most of those used didn't have to wrestle too much at ELIMINATION. The last of the new faces are arriving this week to start their training as creative tries to decide what to do with them. Some might not be seen on television for quite some time. KC Glenn being brought onto the show so soon after his signing. The kid can go in the ring probably better than anyone not named Shooter Sean Deeley, but he needs some work on the mic.</p><p> </p><p>

Either way I am looking forward to the match against him. It isn't scheduled to be a long one, but it should be enough to allow him to showcase what he can do since we are making this a bit more than a standard squash match.</p><p> </p><p>

My match for Luck of the Draw has been set up as well and we will be building towards that in the coming weeks. Not too pleased with it, but it could be much worse. It does at least make some sense and hopefully afterwards I can move on to something else that reminds people that I am one of the bad guys. Right now they are making me too much of a tweener and last thing I want to be is end up face because of the booking making me come off as one. Depending on what they ask of me after Luck of the Draw I might have a sit down with Phil and Alex and see if we can all agree on what direction to go with me. Not being in the title hunt is fine, but there are other DeColts I could feud with. Or at least another face that they are looking to test the main event waters with like Christian or Thrill Seeker.</p>

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The neverending war continues as ELITE and DeColts continue to do battle. Shooter Sean Deeley came out on top last week and is making a push to challenge Alex DeColt at Luck of the Draw after toppling Jack DeColt. Now Alex and Ricky are back after nursing their wounds and they are ready to take on the team of Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay in the main event.


Also in action Remo will be in the ring taking on CGC's newest signing, Glen Kasey, who may have bitten off more than he can chew in his debute match. This may just be the first and last time we ever see this young man in a CGC ring.


Finally another match for a spot in the CGC Canadian Title match at Luck of the Draw takes place. Nate Johnson takes on Jacob Jett for spot number three. Nate has the experience and he has held the gold before, but Jett is looking to get a statement win and get his first shot at gold.


Tune in this Sunday for the most exciting hour of television! Tune in for Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


January, Sunday Week 4


Ontario: Waterloo University Arena


5,000 Attending (SOLD OUT)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome everyone and thanks for tuning into Title Bout Wrestling! I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And I'm Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. What a main event we got tonight. Alex and Ricky are back and it looks like their welcoming party will be Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay."


Davis Ditterich: "The eternal feud continues. Shooter Sean Deeley looked good last week. Can his fellow stable mates get a win as well?"


Ernie Turner: "I guess we will find out. We got more action than that, though. Remo takes on a brave, or stupid, new kid named Glen Kasey."


Davis Ditterich: "And we will find out who will join Christian Price and Shane Nelson at Luck of the Draw in the CGC Canadian title match."






Eddie Chandler is found backstage looking into a room. A bit of a wide grin on his face as the camera can't quite see what he is looking at. Whatever it is he seems quite pleased with it.


Eddie Chandler: "You have been right two weeks in a row. I liked what I saw then and I really like the that pair greatly."




Before he can say much more Adrian Garcia comes up to him and clears his throat. Eddie Chandler turns about and moves away from the door.


Adrian Garcia: "What the hell are you doing? We got a plan to go over."




Before Eddie can answer the door opens fully and the girl from last week comes out while adjusting her dress. She leans in and kisses Eddie on the cheek.


Woman: "Glad you liked what you saw. See you later, big boy!"


She scampers off while Adrian looks unamused. In fact he looks downright angry as he gives Eddie a small push.


Adrian Garcia: "Get your head in the game. I don't care what you do on your off time, but we got a match coming up and I have been looking for you for the past hour. Now come on. We got work to do."


Adrian turns and marches off and Eddie just gives a sly grin and says nothing. He looks back towards the door briefly and nods to himself before finally walking off camera as well.


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "What do we have here? Eddie might have found himself a new girl, but it seems Adrian doesn't approve. Trouble in paradise for ELITE?"


Ernie Turner: "Don't look too much into it, D-Ditch. He might just be wanting a little fun. He will have his head in the game come main event time. Adrian will make sure of that."






Nate Johnson vs Jacob Jett with Katie Cameron


Adrian Garcia does not accompany his man to the ring. No surprise since it looks like he is more concentrating on the main event. Jacob Jett also looks determined to win this match to get the title shot because he surprises Nate with some quick movements and his high flying arsenal.


It keeps Nate off his game for a few minutes, but the more experienced Johnson soon capitalizes on a few mistakes made by Jett and starts to take control. Jett attempts a few comebacks, but none end up being successful as he ends up getting overwhelmed by Nate who finishes the ambitious newcomer off with a Natural Order.


Winner: Nate Johnson


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "A good effort, but Nate Johnson gives ELITE at least one win tonight and a shot at gold in a few weeks at Luck of the Draw."


Ernie Turner: "It is going to be an exciting match. Only one spot is left now. I am interested to see who gets in."






The screen switches over to a camera in the back that is in the DeColt locker area where both Alex and Ricky are standing next to eachother while looking into said camera.


Alex DeColt: "Last week Shooter Sean Deeley beat our brother. This week Eddie and Dan want to take me and Ricky Down a notch. Well we got other plans."


Ricky DeColt: "We were hurt and unable to help our bro out last week, but this week we are back and ready to show you ELITE punks that you can't keep a good family down."


Alex DeColt: "Tonight we take care of Eddie and Dan. At Luck of the Draw....well lets make it official, Sean. I will take you on. We will see what kind of match we have when Phil draws from his hat. It doesn't matter what it is. That night it will be the DeColts who have all the luck and I will walk out still holding this title."


Alex holds up his title and the two pose a bit before turning to wander off and get ready for their match.


Rating: B


Ernie Turner: "Did Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner just hear that right? Alex and Shooter at Luck of the Draw?"


Davis Ditterich: "Alex isn't one to back down from a challenge. Lets just hope he isn't walking into some sort of ELITE trap. Adrian certainly has to be pleased. That is now two of his men that get a chance at gold for certain."






Remo vs Glen Kasey


Glen doesn't look intimidated and he even looks to go right at Remo. He even manages to stagger the big man with some stiff strikes, but once he tries to grapple with the much stronger Remo things start to go south. Remo shrugs off most of the blows and he starts to beat on Kasey with some stiff strikes of his own followed by some powerful slams.


Kasey manages a small comeback as he dodges a corner charge and nails Remo with a beautiful dropkick. It just isn't enough to keep Remo down for long and he eventually overpowers Kasey again and finishes him off with The Destroyer.


Winner: Remo


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "The kid tried, but he...holy!"






The monsterous Gargantuan hits the ring as Remo is getting up and picks him up from behind and tosses Remo from the ring. Gargantuan follows quickly and starts assaulting the still stunned Remo. The punches bust Remo open and he tries to fight back, but he can't get the upper hand. Gargantuan rams him into the post back first then slams his head against the steps before posing in victory.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "It looks like Adrian Garcia hasn't forgot what Remo did to ELITE and he has dispatched his newest addition to send Remo a message."


Ernie Turner: "It seems like a good idea now, but I am unsure what this might mean in the long run. If anyone can take out Remo for good it might just be CGC's resident monster."









Alex and Ricky DeColt vs Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay with Adrian Garcia


If Eddie was distracted earlier he certainly isn't now. In fact he is back to his usual cheating self to give himself any sort of advantage he can get. If he gets in too over his head he tags in DaLay who uses his brute strength to overpower the DeColts. ELITE look to be on their game and have control for a good portion of the match.


Eddie getting too cocky costs them, though and he allows a weakened Ricky to tag in his older brother. Alex starts going to town on both men. DaLay tries to stop Alex's momentum but gets tossed outside for his troubles. As he is getting up a weakened Ricky manages enough strength to leap from the onto DaLay and keep him from getting back into the ring. Alex continues to beat on Eddie Chandler then nails him with the DeColt Driver and puts him away.


Winners: Alex and Ricky DeColt


Rating: C+


Ricky stumbles into the ring to celebrate with his brother while Adrian Garcia yells at both of his men. Eddie especially doesn't look too pleased as he tries to regain his wits after taking the DeColt Driver. He pushes Adrian away into the arms of DaLay as he wanders off on his own.


Davis Ditterich: "The DeColts win! Not only that did you just see what happened?"


Ernie Turner: "You have never been in the ring like me, D-Ditch. Emotions get to you sometimes. Especially in a big match. I am sure they will work things out after they all calm down."


Davis Ditterich: "Perhaps you are right. For now we are out of time. Tune in next week folks!"





Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.38

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