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Gone Hunting: Remo's New Path

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Have only just seen this. It's excellent :D


Glad you like it. It has been a nice little diary to mess with on the side when I am not working on the BBoA diary. Also my first attempt at trying CGC or a Cult company so it is a bit of a refreshing challenge.

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Luck of the Draw nears and the matches start to become a bit clearer as each week passes. Alex DeColt last week on Title Bout Wrestling said he would take on Shooter Sean Deeley in the main event while only one spot remains for the four way match to determine the CGC Canadian championship. That final spot will be filled by either Ryan Powell or Thrill Seeker. The winner will be joining Christian Price, Shane Nelson and Nate Johnson.


It looks like Remo has had his first taste of humility since arriving in CGC as well this past week. Fresh off a victory over the newest CGC member Glen Kasey he was attacked by the monster Gargantuan. The extent of his injuries are unclear, but he has been ordered by Phil Vibert to not appear this week. Gargantuan on the other hand will be in action where we can only expect Adrian Garcia to gloat about how he took out one of the toughest men in all of wrestling.


All of this plus much more. Will we see if Eddie Chandler still has issues with his fellow ELITE? Will there be any DeColt involvement? Will someone new look to try and make in impact? Find out and tune into CGC Title Bout Wrestling this Sunday!

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Keeping me off screen for a week was in part story. I also had a bit of shoulder pain from one of the bumps I took during my match with KC Glenn. They felt it better to be safe than sorry since I did just sign a rather big contract with them and they didn't want me getting hurt and kill the momentum I have been building. It also allows Gargantuan to look like a threat and more than likely make him my opponent at Luck of the Draw.


Despite not being on the show proper I was backstage for the upcoming show. It is so weird to see the difference in atmosphere compared to SWF still. There is no Marc DuBois bitching about something every damned week. There aren't any Eisen politics giving people headaches. The problem children are few and far between. Not only that they are more just loners than actual problems.


Hours before the show it was more like a group of guys hanging out for the weekend instead of a group of us preparing for a show. One of the new kids yet to debute brought in his Playstation 3 and a group were holding some sort of video game tournament with alot more of the younger guys. Bret Fraser was sitting around talking about his days when he first started working for 4C and soon Zeus Maxmillion was talking about some of the crazy road trips he had been on when he first broke into the business.


I have to admit I am usually all business when it comes to wrestling, but this....this was relaxing. It reminded me you can love the business and still have fun. I was never able to feel at ease like this with SWF and maybe that is why this company works. Everyone wants to be here. Everyone knows there job and there are never any real complaints. Everyone is competitive and they want to show they belong in this company.

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Title Bout Wrestling


Febuary, Week 1


Saskatoon Bowl


4,212 Attending






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome everyone to the most action packed hour on television. Welcome to Title Bout Wrestling! I'm Davis Ditterich!"


Ernie Turner: "And this is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. We near Luck of the Draw and we finally find the last participant for the Canadian Title."


Davis Ditterich: "It also seems Adrian Garcia has some words he wants to direct towards Remo as well. On top of that I heard Eddie Chandler was sent home by him tonight. He isn't in the building!"


Ernie Turner: "Oh that can't be good, D-Ditch. Is ELITE crumbling?"


Davis Ditterich: "I don't know. We can only ho....wait a minute. What is Trent Shaffer doing coming out here?"






Shaffer saunters down to the ring with microphone in hand and he rolls in. He waits until the boos die down so he can finally speak.


Trent Shaffer: "Everyone seems to forget something. It wasn't just Alex DeColt and Remo against ELITE in the main event of ELIMINATION. Those are the only names I hear mentioned. You know who is being overlooked? Who has two thumbs and says 'this guy'?"


Trent points his thumbs at himself and the fans actually say it along with him. 'THIS GUY!'


Trent Shaffer: "That's right. I don't like that. I deserve some respect. I had to go through a team to get to the finals as well and it wasn't easy. So tonight I will get respect. DeColts! I know you all are here. I want you to think loooooong and hard. Let things sort of roll around in your heads. I challenge any one of you tonight for the main event. Be there or be a rectangular thing."


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Well I guess that answers my question. He sure is a cocky one!"


Ernie Turner: "He is young and hungry, D-Ditch. He wants to make a statement tonight. Will the DeColts answer?"


Davis Ditterich: "The DeColts don't back down from a fight. The better question is who will accept the challenge?"






Ryan Powell vs Joey Poison with Faith


The first match of the evening is for the final spot in the CGC Canadian title bout at Luck of the Draw. Ryan gets the jump on Joey early on and works him over with stiff strikes and a ground game to keep the risk taker on the mat. It takes time for him to recover, but Joey starts to wiggle his way out of an armbar and break free to fight back with some forearms followed by a dropkick that takes Ryan out of the ring. Joey soon follows with a suicide dive.


They fight on the outside for a bit, but both get back in the ring so not to be counted out. Joey continues on the offense and starts to use quick armdrags and crisp dropkicks to keep Ryan from regaining his balance fully to where he has to take a breath outside to try and regain his composure. Joey comes after him, but Ryan is waiting and manages to send Joey into the post. He takes back control and rolls Joey in and starts to dismantle him again. When it looks like Poison is down Ryan takes to the top rope and delivers a Star Treatment. Referee Jonathan Taylor counts to three and the last participant is now decided.


Winner: Ryan Powell


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "A fine match and Ryan Powell gets his shot at gold."


Ernie Turner: "It isn't going to be an easy task for Christian Price to retain. He has three men gunning for him and all of them are rather dangerous."






Adrian Garcia comes to the ring with the Gargantuan walking right beside him. The monsterous wrestler gets in the ring and holds the ropes for Adrian who climbs in after grabbing himself a microphone.


Adrian Garcia: "Last week Remo found out something the hard way. No matter how bad you think you are there is always someone bigger and badder than you. I didn't forget you had a hand in ELITE losing. I never forget when someone is in need of paybacks."


He motions to Gargantuan who grits his teeth and then flexes his massive arms and shows off to everyone.


Adrian Garcia: "Remo, this is the man that will end your career. You are staying home tonight I hear. Smart man, but at Luck of the Draw you have a choice. Face this man and see what happens. Are you scared? I bet you are too stupid to be scared. I want an answer next week, but just so you know what you are getting yourself into I want you to sit back and watch what happens tonight. Watch what Gargantuan can do."


Rating: B






Gargantuan with Adrian Garcia vs Whippy the Clown


Whippy is hesitant, but he gets into the ring and tries to take down the much larger opponent while trying to use his speed. That works for all of about a minute before he is turned inside out with a powerful clothesline. Gargantuan does little more than headbutts and a few power moves which Whippy does well at selling. The two surprisingly work well together and Whippy helps make Gargantuan look more competent than he really is. The match is short and sweet with Gargantuan finishes off the poor clown with his Ultimate Backbreaker.


Winner: Gargantuan


Rating: D


Davis Ditterich: "The challenge has been made and Gargantuan obviously shows no fear."


Ernie Turner: "I don't think Remo is going to back down. This could turn into a real mess at Luck of the Draw."


Davis Ditterich: "We can only wait to see next week what Remo's response will be."






The DeColt siblings are in their locker room when a camera comes up on them. They all actually seem to be playing a hand of poker. Jack is the first to speak up as he pushes all the chips forward.


Jack DeColt: "I'm all in. If I win this hand I get my hands on Shaffer."


Ricky DeColt: "Fine, me too. Consider this a tiebreaker since none of us could win at Rock Paper Scissors."


Alex pushes his chips forward as well and the three all show their hands. Jack and Ricky look a bit annoyed and they eye Alex who just smiles while standing up. He finally speaks as he puts one hand each on a shoulder of his brothers.


Alex DeColt: "Sorry, guys. Looks like I get some practice before I have to take on Shooter Sean. Better lucky next time."


He leaves and the two brothers shake there head before Jack notices something. He leans in closer and he gets up.


Jack DeColt: "Now wait a moment. That was a card from another deck! Alex you cheater!"


Rating: B+


Ernie Turner: "They act as if it is all fun and games now, but Trent isn't one to take lightly I think."


Davis Ditterich: "I am sure Alex will be all business once he is in the ring. We will find out because that match is happening now!"








Alex DeColt vs Trent Shaffer


The crowd is pretty hot for this one and Trent Shaffer jumps the gun to attack Alex to start. Something that doesn't last long as the veteran fights back and eventually tosses Trent outside the ring where he takes some time to recover. He uses the count to his advantage before getting back in and they have a more proper start to the match. At first it is slow and more a feeling out process between the two before they start to chain some moves together.


It is a lengthy bout that really get to show the strengths of both workers. Alex looks good as usual, but Trent is getting to show some bits of offense he hasn't shown before. His work is also impeccable and it makes the two exciting to watch. Alex misses a charge and hurts his shoulder a few minutes into the match and Trent spends a majority of the time working that shoulder and arm over. He has control for the better part of this match, but his cockiness gets the best of him. He forgets he is in the ring with the current CGC champion. A fatal one that makes him unable to handle the adrenaline rush and ensuing rally that Alex puts forth. Alex fires off several punches and then manages to endure the pain in his arm and shoulder to lock up Trent and deliver a DeColt driver. DeColt wins!


Winner: Alex DeColt


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Wow, what a match. Alex DeColt may have won, but I think Trent Shaffer put the champ on notice. Who knows. Next time it might be for the belt."


Ernie Turner: "There is some momentum for Alex to carry into Luck of the Draw as well. He will need it because I don't think Shooter Sean Deeley will get cocky like Trent."


Davis Ditterich: "Very true. It will certainly be a great match. Tune in next week for our final show before Luck of the Draw! Will Remo respond to Adrian's challenge? What about Eddie Chandler? Will we see him?"


Ernie Turner: "Oh baby, I can not wait!"




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.44

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One hour of television can be a curse sometimes. With SWF we had plenty of more time to build up the overall stories going on leading up into the next big show. Here with CGC the hour does well to highlight what is going on in the main event scene, but the undercard's promotion is lacking. Too many names to fit into one hour leads to trying to juggle with the roster and give at least all the upper card some time to shine.


ELIMINATION at least did well at giving quite a few people some in front of viewers. Alot of the midcard got to work with some of the bigger names even if they all did end up on the losing end. Since then it has been pretty much three or so matches being built up. Me against Gargantuan. The CGC Canadian four way match and then the main event of Alex taking on Deeley. Eddie Chandler also has a bit of story going on himself that is slowly playing out, but really his storyline isn't putting him in a match. I am sure he will have one. It would be foolish not to. If anything they will let him wrestle Jack or Ricky DeColt.


There also seems to be rumblings of a somewhat big signing possibly going down too. I don't know the details, but Alex and Phil are working really hard to make it happen. Unlike alot of the new blood this will probably be a name ready to be thrust right into things like I was. Curious to see who it is.


After this next show it will also be time to get ready for another busy week. Luck of the Draw and Title Bout are close together again so everyone is working hard and preparing for the long week. Beyond my match with Gargantuan I am unsure where I will go next. Alex has a few guys they would like me to work with to see how well it goes over with the fans. Should be interesting at least.

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Things are heating up in the world of CGC as we head into the final show before Luck of the Draw. Both the CGC Canadian and CGC World matches have both been inked and it looks like it will be some top tier competition which will be more wild by the match types drawn from Phil Vibert's Magical Tophat.


As a preview for the CGC Canadian match we will see a tag match at Title Bout Wrestling featuring all four participants. Shane Nelson and Christian Price will take on Ryan Powell and Nate Johnson. In fact tag matches seem to be the theme for this week. The Soldiers of Fortune will be defending their titles against an unknown team at Luck of the Draw, but they get a warmup match against the young duo of Skip Beau and Donte Dunn.


Shooter Sean Deeley also gets a bit of a warmup alongside Eddie Chandler. The duo will be taking on Ricky and Jack DeColt, While he won't get his hands on Alex DeColt you can be sure Shooter Sean Deeley will be wanting to get a win here to build momentum going into the main event at Luck of the Draw.


Tune into all the action this Sunday! Tune into Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


Febuary, Week 2, Sunday


British Columbia: King Edward Multiplex


5,000 attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome everyone! Welcome to Title Bout Wrestling. We are just a few days away from Luck of the Draw!"


Ernie Turner: "Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is ready for that show. We get a nice preview tonight. We got the tag champions in action tonight."


Davis Ditterich: "This is true. They still do not know who their opponents are either. We also have more tag action as the competitors of the four way for the CGC Canadian title will team up."


Ernie Turner: "And hoo boy! What a main event? Shooter Sean Deeley and Eddie Chandler of ELITE look to take on Jack and Ricky DeColt."


Davis Ditterich: "Alex I am sure will be watching that closely since he has to defend his title against Shooter Sean at Luck of the Draw. We also ha...wait a minute. We got a camera in back where chaos has apparently broken out!"






There is a cut to a camera in the backstage area where things are being knocked over and there are several people shouting. Finally the camera pans over to where Gargantuan and Remo are throwing punches at one another while several members of staff and even other roster members are trying to pull the pair apart. There are being bodies tossed about by the two large fighters who finally get pulled away by the swarm of people trying to break it up and nothing can really be made out on what is being said due to all the shouting and chaos.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Well I think Remo decided to give his response early. We will get a verbal one later from what I have told."


Ernie Turner: "I don't think we really need one now. I think we know his answer to the challenge, D-Ditch"





Soldiers of Fortune vs A Perfect Pair


Skip and Donte are both still very young, but they show promise as a team and look like they have been partners for years. Even so they are still young and are taking their lumps as they try to improve and become a serious threat. They take it to the Soldiers of Fortune early in an attempt to possibly impress Vibert to where they might be named the challengers for the tag titles at Luck of the Draw.


Their luck in the early parts does end up taking a turn south when Donte manages to make a mistake that puts Fate in control. The veteran duo show why they have been multiple time and current tag team champions by disecting the young tag team and finally putting them away.


Winners: Soldiers of Fortune


Rating: D


Davis Ditterich: "Good showing by the champs. They have to feel confident about their chances to retain after that showing."


Ernie Turner: "I am sure they still would rather know who they are taking on. Alot of hungry teams want that title. I want to see who is going to challenge!"


Davis Ditterich: "Looks like we will have a few more days until we find out, buddy."


Ernie Turner: "I'm not your buddy, guy."






Eddie Chandler is walking with the lady friend he has been seen with the past few weeks. They both seem to be all smiles and he has an arm around her shoulders.


Eddie Chandler: "You have opened my eyes lately, Isabella. I thank you for that. Everything I have seen is just perfect and I am thinking long and hard. I think we should do it soon. Very so-"




There is a loud 'AHEM' and when Eddie and Isabella turn about a rather annoyed Adrian Garcia is standing there.


Adrian Garcia: "Yes, doing it can wait. Eddie, we got a match to prepare for. Lose the dame and come on."


Eddie looks as if he is about to tell off Adrian, but he just nods and turns to Isabella where he whispers something. She grins and kisses him on the cheek before trotting off. Adrian just rolls his eyes as Eddie lightly shoves the manager on the shoulder.


Eddie Chandler: "Lighten up. Now let us go plan things."


The pair soon wander off camera, but then it pans to show Isabella standing off to the side and grinning wickedly.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "Things still don't seem to have righted themselves with ELITE. We at least have a name for our mystery girl!"


Ernie Turner: "And just what is this Isabella up to? She obviously has Eddie distracted and Adrian can't be happy about that."


Davis Ditterich: "He will need to keep his mind on the match coming up. The DeColts are a well oiled machine so Eddie can't afford to let a woman distract him."






Shane Nelson and Christian Price with Jenny Playmate VS Nate Johnson and Ryan Powell


All four competitors will be opponents in a few days, but now they have to try and work as a team to get a win here. Christian and Shane do pretty well at working as a team, but Nate and Ryan seem more interested to try and show off to try and prove who is the better man. Adrian Garcia is also not at ringside for his client. He seems much more busy trying to get Eddie and Shooter Sean ready for the main event.


Overall there is plenty of good back and forth action that allows each of the four competitors some good offense to show what they bring to the table as well as make all the challengers come off as viable threats while at the same time keeping Christian strong. Ryan and Christian at one point both end up tumbling out of the ring leaving Shane and Nate to take on one another. Nate gets a bit of a pull on Shane's tights on a roll up and Christian can't get back in in time to break the pin.


Winners: Ryan Powell and Nate Johnson


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "A really good match. I am left wondering who will win the title at Luck of the Draw."


Ernie Turner: "Christian Price is a working man's champion and he will be working overtime if he wants to keep the gold around his waist. There are three talented and hungry guys gunning for him right now."






The camera cuts to backstage where a angry looking Remo is pacing back and forth. He finally stops to turn and address the camera, but he has to take a few deep breaths before he can finally speak. The rather subdued tone is drastically different than the look of rage he is expressing right now.


Remo: "So you want a fight, Gargantuan. I don't think you realize what you are going to get. You see this isn't a fight, asshole. This is going to be a war. A war is never pretty and I just hold when Phil pulls our stipulation it will be something that helps me make you regret attacking me. You and Adrian didn't think this through. I won at ELIMINATION, but I am not a friend of any DeColt. I don't need friends. I don't want friends.


Instead now you come out when I just finished a match and decided to strike. Second biggest mistake. At Luck of the Draw you will experience the biggest one. This isn't a game to me. I hope you feel that it isn't one too. Otherwise it doesn't matter how big or strong you are, Gargantuan. Just you wait. You will see the true monster of this company."


With that a bit of a grin comes across his face and he gives the camera a wink before he wanders off.


Rating: A


Ernie Turner: "That is one scary man. I am not sure even Gargantuan can actually take him out."


Davis Ditterich: "Well another match is in the books. We will have Remo taking on ELITE's pet monster, Gargantuan. Just like what Remo said. It is going to be a war."


Ernie Turner: "I have to wonder if the ring can even survive having both of those men in it."






Ricky and Jack DeColt with Hotstuff Marie vs Eddie Chandler and Shooter Sean Deeley with Adrian Garcia


The crowd is hot for the encounter and with good reason. These are four of the best workers the company has to offer and they do well at playing off one another. Eddie seems to have his head clear because he and Sean start of working well together and quickly get Jack tossed to the outside so they can start to double team Ricky.


The assault lasts for a good while, but Ricky starts to make the trademark DeColt rally and it is enough to get to Jack and tag him in. Jack goes to town against both ELITE members and he is just a flurry of strikes and suplexes. A distraction from Adrian is meant for a sneak attack from Eddie. Jack ducks, though and Eddie runs right into his manager and knocks him off the apron. Jack tosses Eddie out and then turns around into a Super Kick from Shooter Sean. Jack rolls out and Ricky is still trying to recover. Shooter Sean drags Ricky in and locks in an ankle lock in the middle of the ring on the foot that Ricky injured a few years back.


Ricky fights to get to the ropes, but Sean drags him back. Jack tries to get back in the ring, but Eddie grabs him and pulls him off the apron and the two brawl out side. Ricky can't stand the pain anymore and taps. Sean releases the lock as a dazed Adrian comes in and hugs the winner. Jack goes to check on his fallen brother as Eddie just frowns at what is going on in the ring.


Winners: ELITE


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "What a match! Ricky isn't going to be happy he tapped, but it is better than having a broken ankle."


Ernie Turner: "Look at Eddie, D-Ditch. What could be going through his mind?"


Davis Ditterich: "He certainly doesn't look happy. He isn't celebrating the win like Adrian and Deeley, that is for sure."


Ernie Turner: "What a way to lead into Luck of the Draw. Shooter Sean Deeley has to feel good now. He gets a win over the DeColts here. Now the question is can he take down Alex?"


Davis Ditterich: "We will find out soon! Be sure to check out Luck of the Draw! Good night, fans!"




Final Rating: B


Television Rating: 1.45

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So Luck of the Draw seems to be set up fully. While the hour of TV helped build up some matchups it really couldn't help form the undercard fully. I think viewers will be pleased with the matchups that they get. Alex and Deeley will easily be the best match of the night and a worthy main event. Chandler will have a match to further his storyline as well. The lesser titles should all deliver fairly good matches as well.


I got the (un?)lucky task of taking on Gargantuan one on one. The guy really does have the look of a monster, but there is a reason why he is being put up against someone like me for his match. As good as Whippy was he couldn't do much to make Gargantuan look that good. It is going to be a tall order for me as well. It doesn't help that he does seem a bit cocky and that cockiness has lead him to be rather lazy about his ring work. As if he doesn't feel the need to improve.


I have a feeling he is going to try and stiff me a bit at the match proper just because I have been pushing him hard when we have been practicing a few of the spots for our match. Perhaps he should watch that I don't stiff him back. I try to be a team player, but I also won't take such antics.


The big name that they are trying to keep a secret has signed as well, but can't show up for about three more weeks as he finishes up obligations. Not sure how much it is going to change storylines, but I guess Alex and Phil are thinking he is another big deal that can help elevate the company. I am made more and more curious as I hear bits and pieces.


After the pay-per-view it is another quick trip to do a live taping of Title Bout and I will probably be involved in some form or fashion. I am pushing for a program with at least one of the DeColts since I had to deal with Gargantuan this time around. They are considering some other talents they want to toy with at the main event level too so it could be someone else like Christian Price or the like. I can handle that too. Time will tell.

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Excitement and Intrigue surround the matches that have been made for Luck of the Draw and all them are subject to stipulations that will be drawn out of Phil Vibert's Magical Tophat. Not only that but it seems our tag team champs, The Soldiers of Fortune, will have to face not one, but two teams in an attempt to keep their titles. Even so they still face better chances than Christian Price who will be fighting three other men as he attempts to retain the CGC Canadian.


All the DeColts will be in action as well as Ricky and Jack will both being in singles action. Then a clash of two monsters shall occur when Remo and Gargantuan enter the ring to face one another. Can Remo continue his winning ways or has he met his match finally? This all leads up to Alex DeColt defending the CGC World title against the red hot Shooter Sean Deeley. Adrian Garcia has to be salivating at the prospect of being able to manage not one, but two champions by the time the night is through.


It is going to be a wild ride and we here at CGC hope you order Luck of the Draw on pay-per-view if you can't make it to the show. We are selling out fast so don't delay! Action, excitement, DeColts! Luck of the Draw will rock all of Canada this Friday!

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CGC Luck of the Draw


Febuary, Week 3, Friday


Ontario: Canadian Air Center


15,000 Attending (Sold Out)




The show opens with

showing the various goings on since ELIMINATION and leading up to Luck of the Draw. The main focus is once again the dealings of ELITE against the DeColts, but also bits of Gargantuan and Remo as well as the four man battle for the CGC Canadian Title. Once the video is over it fades and a graphic comes up as the cheers of the crowd start to be heard.




Rating: B






Davis Ditterich: "It's time for Luck of the Draw and we are fifteen thousand strong here in the Canadian Air Center! I'm Davis Ditterich!"


Ernie Turner: "And Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is here as well. I see Phil Vibert is all dressed for the occasion and with his tophat over by ringside. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is always dressed for the occasion. I can't say the same to you, D-Ditch."


Davis Ditterich: "I am not the one wearing a pink jacket like you. I think I am better off. Enough of that! We got all our titles on the line tonight as well as some other good matches that have been booked. Trent Shaffer will be taking on Ricky DeColt."


Ernie Turner: "Jack DeColt will be testing his luck and taking on Eddie Chandler as well. Can Eddie pull it together finally tonight?"


Davis Ditterich: "We will find out soon enough, but first we get things under way with the CGC World Tag Team titles up for grabs."




The Soldiers of Fortune make their way to the ring, but then it is announced they will be facing not one, but two teams tonight. The pair look annoyed as their competition soon makes their way to the ring.




CGC World Tag Team Championship Match




The Soldiers of Fortune vs Zeus & Stevie vs The Dirty White Boys


Phil reaches into his magical tophat and he pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be....A TABLES MATCH!


The three teams seem uncertain to start as they see staff bring tables about to set up for them to use. The Dirty White Boys are the first to pounce as they jump the other two teams and start to clear house. Destiny and Fate are tossed out and Stevie soon follows. Zeus starts to fight back against Hogg and Lead Belly and he sends them over the top along with himself with a powerful double clothesline.


It is utter chaos for the next several minutes as the three teams brawl around ringside and even into the crowd. Fate is off in the crowd fighting Zeus while Destiny and Grease Hogg are both down at out for the most part when Stevie Grayson attempts a cross body block on Lead Belly in an attempt to put him through the table set up behind the large man. Lead Belly instead catches and uses his momentum to turn about and powerslam Grayson through the table. We have new champs!


Winners and New CGC World Tag Team Champions: The Dirty White Boys


Rating: D+


Davis Ditterich: "What a start to the night. Just one match in and we already have one title change hands."


Ernie Turner: "Could mean bad luck for both Christian Price and Alex DeColt. Can they avoid the same fate or will they lose their titles too?"


Davis Ditterich: "Speaking of Alex DeColt it looks like we are about to hear a few words from him."






Alex is back in the DeColt locker room with the CGC World title resting over a shoulder.


Alex DeColt: "I see some trouble in the ranks of ELITE right now, but I know better. I know this could just be another trick that Adrian Garcia has going to make me feel overconfident. Too bad he thinks so little of the DeColts. I don't get overconfident. I know Shooter Sean Deeley is a threat. I know I could be put in a match that will make me change my gameplan to suit it. It doesn't matter. Tonight I am going to get things done for all the fans here in the building and all of those watching across this great country. In the end I will still be your champion."


He smiles wide and the fans seem to eat it up given the cheering that can be heard.


Rating: A*


Davis Ditterich: "The champ doesn't look rattled. I doubt Shooter Sean Deeley is either."


Ernie Turner: "It is going to be one hell of the match and we still got quite a way to go to get there."






Ricky DeColt vs Trent Shaffer


Phil Vibert reaches into his hat and pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be...Best Two out of Three Falls


Two of the brighter prospects face off and it is much more disappointing than people might expect from these two. They just don't seem to work well together at all and their timing is all over the place. It may even seem the match was rushed through in parts to get to the end faster.


Trent manages to keep control most of the match, even getting the first fall, until Ricky starts to make one of the trademark DeColt comebacks and gets the second fall. Mometum is greatly in his favor and he feels the crowd behind him. That is until he is caught in a cradle and has his tights grabbed allowing Shaffer to get a surprise victory.


Winner: Trent Shaffer


Rating: C-


Davis Ditterich: "That little cheater!"


Ernie Turner: "The boy didn't get caught and that is the important part. Big win for Trent here."


Davis Ditterich: "Oh now he has a mic. Wonderful."






Trent is still abit winded, but he is all smiles as the ref is outside keeping Ricky from getting back in the ring. The dejected DeColt finally leaves ringside as Trent speaks.


Trent Shaffer: "Did you all see that? Did you see who just got a win over one of the DeColts? Well I can give you a hint. Who has two thumbs and says this guy?"


He points to himself as the crowd shouts along with him 'THIS GUY!'


Trent Shaffer: "That is right. Not just one fall either. I got him two times in one night. It shouldn't be that bore of a man Shooter Sean Deeley going after the title. It should be me, but it's cool. Let Alex deal with that dimwit tonight. I will get my time. Then the next time I ask you all a question it won't just be 'Who beat a DeColt' it will be 'Who beat Alex DeColt and won the CGC World title?'. Watch your back, Alex. There are other dangers than ELITE."


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Notice how he didn't mention Alex beat him fair and square not long ago?"


Ernie Turner: "It's all in the past. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner can understand that. You look to the future, D-Ditch."


Davis Ditterich: "Well there are several men in line for Alex's title. If he can pull off a few more wins he might get his shot."






Gargantuan with Adrian Garcia vs Remo


Phil Vibert reaches into his magical tophat and pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be.....FIRST BLOOD.


The paper isn't even drawn at the point Gargantuan goes on the attack. Remo is knocked back, but doesn't go down. The two just start delivering powerful blows that only seem to stagger the other instead of put them down.


Adrian attempts to command his monster and let him know what he must do. It seems as if Gargantuan isn't listening and is just becoming more frustrated that Remo is actually going toe to toe with him. Remo is tossed into the ropes and bounces off with a big forearm that sends Gargantuan out of the ring. Remo follows and the two brawl there before Remo starts to get the upper hand. He actually picks up Gargantuan on his shoulders then drops him face first onto the ring steps. It looks like his head hits a corner and it cuts the big man open. The ref soon calls for the bell as the two still continue to fight.


Staff has to come out soon afterwards and seperate the two as Gargantuan is kept mostly off shot from due to the bloody gash he has.


Winner: Remo


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "What a mess. I have never seen Gargantuan bloodied like that."


Ernie Turner: "Remo picked him up and tossed him like it was nothing. I think he might be the true monster here like he claims."


Davis Ditterich: "Remo continues his dominance since arriving and he shows no signs of slowing down."






The camera shifts to backstage where Eddie Chandler is with the young woman Isabella. She is hugging onto his arm and he seems entranced by her as he speaks without looking at the camera.


Eddie Chandler: "Jack DeColt. Another old rival that I must face again. We have exchanged wins so many times I have lost count. Maybe we should just call it even and start anew."


He smiles and he finally looks towards the camera. He almost looks as if he is somewhat out of it as stares for a few brief seconds.


Eddie Chandler: "Starting things anew just seems like a good idea. This might be the first of many changes. I have been enlightened. I have had my eyes open by this woman. I-"


Eddie is cut off by the shout of Adrian Garcia who still looks furious given what happened with Gargantuan.


Adrian Garcia: "Stop talking to the camera and get away from that bimbo. We got a match."


He tugs on Eddie who actually looks like he is about to hit Adrian, but his arm is stopped by Isabella. She just gives a wink and slinks away. Eddie seems to calm instantly and he nods.


Eddie Chandler: "Come on Jack. I'll be waiting."


Rating: B+


Ernie Turner: "Just what the hell is wrong with Eddie Chandler? He should never let a woman get to him like that. He needs to remember everything Adrian has done for him."


Davis Ditterich: "Something doesn't seem right. I am unsure what is going on here, but Isabella has really started to put a bit of a divide between Eddie and the rest of ELITE."






Eddie Chandler with Adrian Garcia vs Jack Decolt with Hot Stuff Marie


Phil Vibert reaches into his magical tophat and pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be......a regular match?


Vibert actually looks confused while Adrian looks pleased. Did he tamper with things? It seems not to matter to Eddie or Jack because they are quick to lock up. Great back and forth action as the crowd really starts to get into this one.


Several near falls from both men as time goes on and neither seems to gain the advantage. Garcia tries to start causing a distraction which leads the ref to try and stop him. When Jack goes to try and get the ref to get his attention back to the match that is when Adrian throws brass knuckles at Eddie, but in doing so overshoots his client. Eddie tries to catch, but fumbles and drops them out of the ring. Marie grabs them and quickly runs away and an annoyed Eddie turns around to meet a big boot from Jack. Jack quickly puts Eddie away with a DeColt Driver and gets the win.


Winner: Jack DeColt


Rating: B-


Adrian starts to actualy berate a dazed Eddie afterwards and slaps him across the face. Eddie finally snaps and he shoves Adrian over the guardrail and into the crowd. An audible 'I quit!' can be heard as he staggers off and Adrian looks surprised.


Davis Ditterich: "Did I hear that right? Eddie Chandler quit ELITE?!"


Ernie Turner: "It looks like he was pushed too far. Will he cool off and rethink what he just did?"


Davis Ditterich: "This could be a big blow for Garcia. Eddie is one of the originals and still perhaps his best weapon."




Next up are several short camera cuts of the four competitors that will be in the four way match for the CGC Canadian title.




Shane Nelson: "Christian is a good guy and all, but man, it is time for me to hold some gold again and show I can be a singles star."




Ryan Powell: "I am tired of everyone forgetting about me. This year I will make them all remember. Winning this match is a good way to remind everyone about Ryan Powell."




Nate Johnson: "If you ask me I think I should be going for the CGC World, but some gold is better than no gold. This should be a walk in the park for someone like me."




Christian Price: "A tall task at hand, but I have to do my best. The working man's champ is going again three top talents and it will be overtime for me to keep this title around my waist."


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Some good competitors here, but I have to say the champ retains."


Ernie Turner: "It is hard to bet against Nate Johnson. The man has experience and the talent."







CGC Canadian Championship Match




Christian Price vs Nate Johnson vs Ryan Powell vs Shane Nelson


Looks like the managers for both Nate and Shane aren't at ringside. Adrian for obvious reasons and Jenny Playmate perhaps just because Shane didn't know how dangerous the match might be. Phil Vibert reaches into his hat once again and pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be....a ladder match!


Ladders start to be set up by staff while the competitors all seem to size up one another. They start to go after one another and it becomes a rather wild match. The ladders are brought in a few times, but never are they properly set up in an attempt to be used to get the title. Instead they are more being used as weapons and each man gets rather innovative with what they do with them.


Nelson takes himself out of the match when he attempts to leap off the top of the ladder to the outside onto Ryan Powell. Powell moves and Nelson crashes hard onto the ground where medics check on him. The remaining three go at it and Nate Johnson is sent through a ladder that was set up in the corner that seems to put him down. Christian is left to climb only to be blindsided by Powell. The ladder is tipped over and Christian falls outside the ring. Powell quickly sets the ladder back up and grabs the title.


Winner and new CGC Canadian Champion: Ryan Powell


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Look at all the carnage. Nelson was stretched out and we might need one for Christian Price."


Ernier Turner: "And perhaps the dark horse of this match won it. Ryan Powell said he was going to make people remember him. I think he is off to a good start."


Davis Ditterich: "And for a second time tonight we have a new champ. Things aren't looking good for Alex DeColt!"






Alex is walking down the halls looking ready for his match. He turns a corner then comes to a stop, his expression staying a serious one as the camera pans over to see who got in his way.




Remo has a large grin on his face and he just nods a few times.


Remo: "Hey 'Champ'. Look at you ready to go take on Shooter Sean Deeley."


Alex DeColt "Good job earlier. Is there something you wanted or do you just like getting in the way of people."


Remo just grins wider and he slaps Alex on the back and leans in.


Remo: "Just wanted to wish you luck. I much rather take you apart than him."


He just chuckles and moves out of the way and walks off. Alex just stands there silently as he seems to have some thoughts running through his head now. It is also fair to note that the crowd was going insane when the two were on camera together.


Rating: A*


Davis Ditterich: "Alex has a huge bullseye on him. So many people want that title."


Ernie Turner: "He has to deal with Shooter Sean Deeley tonight, but what happens when he finally does have to face Remo?"






CGC World Championship Match




Alex DeColt vs Shooter Sean Deeley with Adrian Garcia


Adrian still looks angry as can be, but Shooter Sean Deeley looks cool as ice and ready for this match. Him and Alex stare at one another as Phil Vibert reaches into his magical hat and pulls out a piece of paper. This match will be....a thirty minute iron man match!


Shooter Sean Deeley actually smiles at hearing that and Alex shows no real reaction. The pair circle one another and then lock up. The pace is a slow and methodical one at first. Each man tries to pace himself to last the full thirty minutes without losing energy early on. They both rely on submissions to keep the other from getting too much momentum and it isn't until about ten minutes in when things start to pick up.


Deeley starts to get the upper hand and works over the legs of Alex. This match seems like his to lose and even more so at about the halfway point when he manages to get Alex to submit to the Canadian Cloverleaf. He can't seem to capitalize on that because soon after Alex starts to fight back. Deeley attempts to play keepaway, but is caught and Alex starts to unload with powerful suplexes and strikes. A powerful DDT knocks Deeley out long enough that Alex can get the pin and even the odds.


Things are really getting down to the final minutes as the match reaches the twenty-seven minute mark. Both men are looking tired and are on their last legs as they attempt to put the other man away. Down to the last minute Deeley makes a mistake and he is loaded up on Alex's shoulders. Garcia tries to get the ref's attention, but fails. Deeley is laid out and Alex tiredly falls on top of him. He gets the three count and ten seconds later the match ends. Alex wins with the score two to one.


Winner and Still Champion: Alex Decolt (Defenses: 9)


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "What a close match! Deeley gave it his all, but Alex Decolt manages to retain once again."


Ernier Turner: "Look at the frustration of Adrian Garcia. He had a chance at having two champions, but tonight both men lost and even worse he might no longer have Eddie Chandler in ELITE."


Davis Ditterich: "Just what will happen now? We will start to find out in two days at Title Bout Wrestling."


The camera fades as Alex finally starts to get up and his handed the title while Deeley is outside the ring being checked on by Garcia.




Overall Rating: B+


PPV Buy Rate: 0.40

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I was correct in my assumption that Gargantuan would stiff me in the match. In turn I obliged. I got a sore jaw from the exchange, but I think he has learned that not everyone is going to cater to his desires. Really given his talent he should just feel lucky to be in the position he is. And while it wasn't intentional the gash on his head did require some staples and he might be held off a few shows as a precaution.


Luck of the Draw also was getting really good reviews. The main event is being lauded as one of the best ones that CGC has had in a long time. A shame it happened on one of the lesser pay-per-views, but at the same time maybe it means more people will tune in after hearing about what they missed. It will be interesting to see what the ratings for Title Bout will look like on Sunday. I hope the show garnered enough interest for people to see the aftermath of some angles such as Eddie Chandler leaving ELITE and how the rest of the group will handle things.


I should also start on my first proper feud soon. Just a little promo work this next show, but soon after the build for a match with a person that isn't a heel like me and might actually be able to come off as a credible threat. I am just wondering how long they are going to take before they decide to pull the trigger for me against Alex. I understand them wanting to tease it a bit longer, but their biggest show is coming up soon. I still expect a few more months before me and him finally meet one on one. Even then I am unsure if he will have the title by that time. Looks like he and Phil are mulling over a change there, but didn't want to do it on a show where two other titles already changed hands.


Time to see if we can keep going ahead with the momentum we are building. No real rest as we travel during the short time between Luck of the Draw and Title Bout this week.

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Luck of the Draw has come and gone. We were treated with several surprises including two new champions and a thirty minute classic between Alex DeColt and Shooter Sean Deeley. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the fact it would seem Eddie Chandler has quit ELITE, the faction that now only boasts one original member in it if he truely has left. Can Adrian Garcia get his client back into the fold or will Eddie Chandler stay true to his words?


The newly crowned CGC Canadian title holder, Ryan Powell, seems to be ready to show he is a fighting champion. On the first Title Bout Wrestling after Luck of the Draw he looks to already defend his title. Apparently he issued a statement in the lockerroom after the show he would face anyone and the first to challenge him is Whippy The Clown.


Cut to quick clip of Ryan Powell




Ryan Powell: "I told everyone I am tired of being forgotten. Now I have a title and I will make you all remember me by becoming the greatest CGC Canadian champion of all time."


Cut to quick clip of Whippy the Clown




Whippy the Clown: "I might be a clown, but this is no laughing matter. You are about to have a very short title reign. Don't worry. When I win the audience will be laughing at you, not with you! Heehee!" *HonkHonk*


Shooter Sean Deeley and Alex DeColt will be in action as well after their long, hard fought match. Deeley will be going against Glen Kasey while Alex has the task of taking on Dan DaLay who will more than likely be trying to get a statement win to show he should get a shot at the title as well.


It sure looks to be an action packed hour once again that you won't want to miss. Tune in this Sunday for the best hour of wrestling in Canada. Tune into Title Bout Wrestling!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Title Bout Wrestling


February, Sunday, Week 3


The Maritimes: Caribou Arena


3,283 Attending (5,000 Max)






Davis Ditterich: "Good evening everyone and welcome to Title Bout Wrestling! I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And this is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. What a night we had at Luck of the Draw just a few days ago."


Davis Ditterich: "You aren't kidding. It looks like ELITE has lost their figurehead in Eddie Chandler and we have some new champions."


Ernie Turner: "The Dirty White Boys and Ryan Powell both have gold now, but Alex DeColt retaining against Shooter Sean Deeley was certainly the match of the night."


Davis Ditterich: "Thirty minutes those two did battle and Alex managed to retain once more. In fact it looks like he is ready to speak to the fans."






Alex comes out and he really plays up to the applause of the crowd. He still looks a bit worn down from his match from Luck of the Draw, but he has a big smile on his face and the title around his waist.


Alex DeColt: "Luck of the Draw wasn't too kind to me. Not only did I have a tough opponent in Shooter Sean Deeley, but then I had to take the masterful technician for thirty minutes due to the draw. I just had to do what a DeColt is trained to do. I took things by the horns and I got myself a win. Better luck next time, Sean. It is going to take a lot more to get thi-"


Alex's words are interrupted by music as it fills the arena. Adrian Garcia soon walks out and along with him Dan DaLay is at his side.




Adrian Garcia: "Alex, my boy, I think you are hiding something. You don't want to admit it, but Shooter Sean Deeley showed that he could beat you. Next time you won't be lucky at all."


Alex DeColt: "Hey, Adrian. How is Eddie doing?"


Adrian Garcia: "Shut up! He made his mistake. Now he will never hold gold again. That is beside the point, DeColt. DaLay wants a shot at you. Non-title, but if he wins next week you will put the title up against a member of ELITE that I choose."


Alex looks thoughtful as he regards the large, and fresh, Dan DaLay then back to Adrian Garcia.


Alex DeColt: "Keep the others away from ringside and we got a deal. You know I can't refuse a challenge. I have beaten Dan before. I can do it again."


Adrian looks pleased and he just nods and pats Dan on the back. DaLay just stares down Alex and says nothing before he and Adrian turn to walk off. Alex remains in the ring to make sure they are gone then he too leaves.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "No rest for Alex DeColt tonight it would seem, partner."


Ernie Turner: "Adrian knows Alex too well after all these years. He won't say no to the challenge even if he should have. Dan DaLay is a dangerous man."






Glen Kasey vs Shooter Sean Deeley with Adrian Garcia


It looks like no break from Shooter Sean either tonight as he faces the young newcomer Glen Kasey. Despite the long match from the other night Sean still seems quite sharp and not hindered. The pair actually pull off a great opening sequence of chain wrestling that really get the crowd into the match and in turn makes Kasey look really good. The kid has a bright future. Future being the key word because soon Shooter Sean gains control and he manages to use his technical expertise to put the young Glen Kasey away via submission.


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Looks like Shooter Sean Deeley gets back to his winning ways. If he continues to impress like that I think he will get another shot sooner than later."


Ernie Turner: "I like what I saw out of that Glen Kasey kid. He didn't win, but for awhile there he showed that someday maybe he can hang with the big boys."






Remo stands in a locker room by himself as he looks at the camera with an intense gaze.


Remo: "I am kind of tired of hearing about DeColts and ELITE over and over. Last time I checked I just took out ELITE's pet monster and it seems none of the DeColts are man enough to challenge me. That is okay. I'll just keep winning. I will just keep inflicting pain. Eventually I will hurt enough people Alex and his brothers won't be able to ignore me and take easy matches. So how about it? Next week I will come out and any of you DeColts can come out and take me on. Or really if anyone is brave enough to meet me in the ring. Come on down. I am just fine in dishing out punishment against anyone that wants some."


He grins some and gives a wink at the camera before stalking off.


Rating: A*


Davis Ditterich: "I am glad I am not Alex DeColt to be honest. ELITE, Trent Shaffer and now Remo all look to want a title shot."


Ernie Turner: "That is what it is like to hold gold, D-Ditch. You instantly get a target on your back that never goes away until you lose the title."


Davis Ditterich: "Alex has handled it well enough so far, but just how long can he manage to hold off all the contenders?"






CGC Canadian Championship Bout




Ryan Powell vs Whippy the Clown


Ryan Powell looks ready to be a fighting man's champion. He has only had the belt for a few days and he already is putting it on the line against CGC's resident clown. Ever the joker before the bell, Whippy is intense and uses his speed to start out the match with the advantage.


Ryan is no slouch either and he manages to make a comeback and the pair can't seem to get full control of the match for a prolonged amount of time. Powell helps himself by using a ref distraction to knee Whippy in the groin and then slams him to the mat. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and connects with Star Treatment. Three slaps to the mat later Powell makes his first defense.


Winner and still Champion: Ryan Powell (Defenses: 1)


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Not a bad outing for Ryan Powell. If he wants people to remember him this is a good start."


Ernie Turner: "It wasn't the cleanest of wins, but that is what you need to do when you are a champ. You find a way to win no matter what."


Davis Ditterich: "Well I am not sure that is what everyone believes. I doubt Alex would cheat."


Ernie Turner: "You say that now. We will see if that is the case given how many people are after him right now. Desperate times call for desperate measures."






Eddie Chandler is in a dark room by himself with a camera man. It seems even Isabella isn't around which is a rare sight these days indeed.


Eddie Chandler: "I came to realize the past several years I let my vision get clouded. I just listened to Adrian Garcia and believed he knew what I wanted. It took Isabella, my muse, to finally make me realize what I really want."


He smiles and he lets out a low chuckle before remaining silent for a few moments.


Eddie Chandler: "This company is in need of help. Much like how I let Adrian brainwash me and make me believe what I want we have the masses brainwashed by the DeColt family. They can do no wrong, right? They are simply perfect and they are heroes."


Eddie shakes his head, his facial expression turning into a more serious one as he leans in closer.


Eddie Chandler: "Much like how Isabella made me open my eyes I will help the fans realize their vision is clouded. DeColts, there is a revolution coming and I will be its leader."


Rating: B-


He then reaches up to cover the camera with a hand and it cuts off.


Davis Ditterich: ".....what the hell is Eddie Chandler talking about? A revolution? Opening the fans eyes?"


Ernie Turner: "I am a bit unsure, D-Ditch. I have heard women driving men crazy, but I think there is a bit more to this one than that. I have a feeling we will hear more of this revolution soon."






Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay with Adrian Garcia


This match unravels into a brawl almost the moment DaLay hits the ring. He doesn't wait for the bell and the two men are slugging it out before it spills outside of the ring where Adrian shouts at his man to finish off Alex.


The action finds its way back into the ring where DaLay starts to take control and it seems that he is just too fresh compared to the still worn down champ. Adrian seems pleased, but that soon fades when he notices Isabella emerge and approach the ring. He finds himself distracted and he chases her off just as Alex starts to make a comeback.


Adrian and Isabella disappear while DaLay looks to stop Alex's attempt and making a comeback. It seems Alex has more energy than expected and he manages to overpower DaLay. He starts to hit his signature moves then he hits DaLay with the DeColt Driver. He gets the pin and celebrates as DaLay rolls out of the ring.


Winner: Alex DeColt


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Great match! Alex comes off on to-what the hell!?"






Alex is reaching to get his title when Eddie Chandler comes out from the crowd and clocks him hard. He slips into the ring and starts to attack. Alex begins fighting back, but then three other men hit the ring. They join Eddie in the assault, but those three are all wearing hoods making it hard to see just who it is. The group easily overwhelm the tired DeColt and lay him out. Eddie has a bit of a maniacal smile as he stands over the fallen DeColt and raises the title high as he shouts towards the fans.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "That devil! Eddie Chandler got the champ while he was already weak and just who are those people with him?"


Ernie Turner: "It seems he is ready to start his revolution sooner than any of us expected. What a time to strike when Alex's brothers aren't in town either."


Davis Ditterich: "The champ is laid out and we have to go. Everyone tune in next week!"




Final Rating: B


Television Rating: 1.47

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So onwards to the DeColt Wrestlefestival I suppose. It is the biggest event, or events since it is two days, for the company and right now I honestly am unsure where I fit into their plans. It seems the main event is getting a bit crowded. Eddie Chandler is out on his own and they want to make his Revolution group look good. There is also ELITE which needs some momentum as of late. They haven't exactly been winning much recently. There is Trent Shaffer who they want to keep relevant as a main eventer too. Then you have me. The loner who really is supposed to be a heel, but has been stuck playing a bit of a face the past two pay-per-views.


If I have any say I at least want a shot at a DeColt on one of the nights. I understand it is a two night affair and even worse one day takes place on Sunday which means a Title Bout taping will be happening too. It really is going to make for a crazy day. Then to follow it up is another big show on Monday. The plus side is after that show there is plenty of time to build to the next PPV.


One plus for me is I finally get some real match time on Title Bout this coming week. Strange how I have yet to be featured in the main event on there yet, but at the same time I guess I have only been around two months. Been working with my opponent on and off and I feel we can pull off a good match. Really in the end it should give him a boost more than me, but they could use a few faces not named DeColt to be up top. Especially if they move the title off Alex sometime soon.

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Tune in this Sunday for the most exciting hour of television. Tune into Title Bout Wrestling!


Last week Eddie Chandler promised a revolution and it seems like he fired the first shots when he along with three hooded men took out the CGC World champ, Alex DeColt after he had a tough match against the always dangerous Dan DaLay.


Jack and Ricky weren't around last week, but this time they will be in the arena and more than likely looking for revenge against Chandler and his accomplices. Just who could be under those hoods as well? New foes? Old Enemies? It is hard to tell.


Last week we also had Remo calling out the roster to come face him. While he hopes for a DeColt to accept will they be too busy with Eddie Chandler or will one of the two brothers answer? If not them will there anyone willing to take on perhaps the most brutal and dangerous man in CGC right now?


We are on the Road to the DeColt Wrestlefestival and it looks like it will be a wild one. Tune in this Sunday! Tune in for Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


February, Week 4, Sunday


Quebec: Molson Palais des Sports


5,000 Attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Greetings wrestling fans and welcome to Title Bout Wrestling. I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And I'm Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. Tonight will we get some answers from Eddie Chandler? It also seems we might be DeColtless tonight, D-Ditch."


Davis Ditterich: "Alex was hurt badly by Eddie and his new cohorts and will not be here. We have not seen or heard of Ricky and Jack are here. They may be with their brother."


Ernie Turner: "It shall be interesting to see what happens if they all aren't around. I know one thing. Remo made a challenge and he will be in the ring later to see if anyone accepts."


Davis Ditterich: "That's right. He w.....oh no. Look, partner. It's Eddie."







Eddie Chandler comes out with Isabella hugging onto an arm. Behind him are the three hooded figures that helped him with his attack last week. They all get in the ring and the three stand at attention with hands behind their back and head lowered to keep their face hidden. Eddie asks for a mic and he takes in all the boos and seems to enjoy it.


Eddie Chandler: "Last week was a key moment in the history of this company. It is when a revolution started. My revolution! It is time for me to set you all free and open your eyes much like how Isabella helped open mine. This is not something that just came about. I have been planning it. Adrian had no control over me for some time. I was just biding my time and what a better time for me to overthrow the DeColt Dictatorship than Wrestlefest! As you see I have those that wish to help me. Wonderful cohorts to help in this revolution."


He steps towards the first man and he nods his head. He reaches up and pulls back his hood to reveal his face.




Eddie Chandler: "When Isabella first found me and opened my eyes she said she had something to show me in private. This was what I was shown. A man that has dreams of freeing you all like I was freed, but as you can see he isn't the only one that wishes to help you all."


He steps over and looks to the other two hooded figures and they too remove their hoods to reveal themselves.




Eddie Chandler: "A week later she should be a wonderful pair I was in awe of. That would be these two revolutionaries. That is when I knew I had those that could help me. Help me take down the devious DeColt family. This isn't about money. Adrian was obsessed and still is blinded by that. ELITE is just as bad as the DeColts. If they get in our way they will be ousted as well. The Revolution will happen and no one will stand in our way!"


All five people in the ring seem to smile then they move to stand in a row with Eddie in the center. They are stand at attention and Eddie raises the mic to speak again.


Eddie Chandler: "Last week we began the revolution. Now you will see just what my friends can do in the ring."


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "I don't know who any of these men are, but it looks like Eddie has found some dangerous partners in crime."


Ernie Turner: "I still wonder if this was smart. Losing the likes of Gargantuan, Dan DaLay, Nate Johnson and Shooter Sean Deeley for these three?"







The Revolution with Isabella and Eddie Chandler vs Perfect Pair and Glen Kasey


The match starts off with The Revolution quickly getting the upper hand and isolating Dunn while doing their best to keep him in a corner and make quick tags. Skip and Glen try to help several times, but without success. Dunn finally does make a tag to Skip and he starts to clear house. Eddie uses this time to try and distract as he goes after the still hurt Dunn. Skip tries to help his partner and is taken out by The Revolution for his efforts. This leaves Glen to take on the three men. As talented as he is he cannot handle taking on three men and he is taken down by a double powerbomb followed by the third revealed member hitting a moonsault to put him away for good.


Winners: The Revolution


Rating: D+


Ernie Turner: "Well color me impressed. They worked well as a team and got the win. Look at them celebrate. I think the rest of the roster just got put on notice."


Davis Ditterich: "Having two people to help distract certainly helped as well. Even so I agree. They look....it's Jack and Ricky DeColt!"






Jack and Ricky DeColt come storming out looking to bust some heads. Both have steel chairs and Eddie's group quickly get out of the ring before either of the DeColts can get a hit in. The brothers stand tall in the ring and Ricky keeps his chair as Jack gets a microphone.


Jack DeColt: "What's the matter, Eddie? You guys could jump Alex four on one just fine. You still got us outnumbered so why are you running?"


He looks disgusted and Eddie looks amused if anything. He just seems to laugh it off which only make Jack more irate, but he doesn't give chase. Ricky seems to calm him and he takes the mic.


Ricky DeColt: "You want a Revolution? You say you are better than ELITE? You are just the same thing with a different name. You just let a woman blind you over Adrian. You want us we are right here. Come on and get some!"


Eddie and his cohorts just stand there and then start to back away to leave as Jack and Ricky try to get them to come to the ring. There looks to be no confrontation tonight. At least not yet.


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Well I think Eddie is realizing revolutions aren't an easy thing and the DeColts aren't going to go without a fight."


Ernie Turner: "This is just another problem that they didn't need, though. ELITE was bad enough, but now they have these guys too. Not to mention we got the likes of Trent Shaffer and Remo out there. Could they perhaps join one or the other?"


Davis Ditterich: "Trent I can see possibly being swayed if it gives him a title shot. Remo....I don't know what goes through that man's mind."






Brett Fraser vs Jacob Jett with Katie Cameron


Power against speed in this one and Brett starts out strong as the veteran starts to really wear down Jacob Jett with several stiff strikes. Katie cheers her boyfriend on and the fans start to get behind him when he dodges a corner charge and starts to go on the offense. He chains together several high impact acrobatic moves and manages to down Brett long enough to climb to the top and hit him with the Jett Drive splash and get himself a win.


Winner: Jacob Jett


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Wow, I did not expect Jett to pull that one out. Brett is a tough customer and not an easy man to pin."


Ernie Turner: "A good showing. I think he turned some heads tonight for sure. Could he perhaps be wanting to put together a string of wins to challenge Powell?"


Davis Ditterich: "That is very possible. If Ryan tells the truth he won't duck and avoid Jett either. He said he would take on all comers."






Remo comes to the ring and he doesn't look to be in a good mood. Then again it often seems he is never in a good mood unless he is beating someone up. He comes out to a mix of cheers and boos as he takes the microphone and tries to get the people to quiet down so he can speak.


Remo: "Well it looks like Alex done got his ass kicked. Jack and Ricky, are you out there? You got your hands full with Chandler and his little band of punks? If not one of you should get your ass out here. I want a fight and I want it now."


He waits for a few moments and it looks like neither Jack or Ricky are coming out. He is getting impatient as he sneers and speaks once more.


Remo: "Go figure. Just got a good excuse to avoid me. Yellow hair to go with that yellow stripe down your backs."


He is about to say more, but he is cut off when music hits and Christian Price emerges. He has a mic in hand as well and he speaks as he walks towards the ring.




Christian Price: "Remo, you are a tough man. You might not care, but I respect that. I am sure the DeColts do as well. They aren't running from you. They have business to take care of. And hey, I might not be a DeColt, but I do remember you saying you would take on anyone. Is that challenge still open?"


Remo actually smiles some at that and he just slowly nods. He even steps back some as he motions for Price to get in the ring which he does.


Remo: "You are right, red. I did say anyone. I hope you are prepared for a war. If not get out."


Price just stares down the bigger man and he nods he tosses his mic aside and Remo does as well while a referee runs down to the ring as the match is about to get under way.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Christian Price is not someone I expected to see here, but why not? He always seems to push himself to the limits and this certainly is a way to push his limits."


Ernie Turner: "Remo doesn't get a DeColt, but he will get a challenge. Christian is a hard worker and he won't go down without a fight. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is excited now! Get this show on the road, yee-haw!"






Remo vs Christian Price


Things don't start well for Price who is quickly overwhelmed by the power of Remo. Christian is no slouch and well built himself so he is able to eventually fight back and perhaps even surprise Remo with his display of power. There is no real finesse or technical expertise on display here. Just two men that look to prove they are the dominant force and despite being nothing more than a big brawl the fans are really into it all.


Despite his best efforts Price starts to get overwhelmed once again as the match continues to go on. Remo is just too vicious and more powerful. Price ends up falling to the the Death Valley Driver and Remo continues his winning ways.


Winner: Remo


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Wow...just wow. Christian Price may not have won, but he lasted longer than most would probably have expected."


Ernie Turner: "But just like everyone else that has taken on Remo he suffered the same fate. Can anyone stop this man?"


Davis Ditterich: "I am not so sure about if he can be defeated, but when. It certainly doesn't look like it may happen any time soon."


Ernie Turner: "Wrestlefest is coming up. Maybe he will get his hands on a DeColt finally?"


Davis Ditterich: "We might find out in the coming weeks. We are out of time for now. Tune in next week for Title Bout Wrestling!"




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.44

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The match with Christian went as well as I had hoped. We may not have pulled out as good of one as Alex and Sean did a few weeks back, but we were somewhat close I would think. Either way it was a good match for both as it showed Christian can be a viable option of the future when the likes of Nate, Eddie and Alex start to look towards retirement. Combined with Ricky, Sean, Trent and I being thirty and under I think the company has a bright future if they can keep all those names. I know Sean is locked in for another six years as of last week. A well deserved contract extension to someone that really looks to be one of the best in ring performers we have.


This next Sunday will be weird. I will be backstage, but I am being held off for the week. Instead they are looking to push a few other angles to start building towards Wrestlefest and they are still trying to decide where all the pieces are going to fit together. I already know I won't be facing Alex yet, but beyond that I am unsure where I will fit in. After seeing what me and Price did they are considering us feuding for a bit. There is also talk of maybe getting a few matches in with Ricky or Jack. I will be patient for now and see what happens.

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Eddie Chandler has revealed his new partners in crime that wish to help him with his revolution. In turn they got themselves a win to show they are a force in the ring as well, but the DeColts aren't about to lie down as we saw when Ricky and Jack looked to get even with the new faction in CGC. This week Alex is back and the brothers will stand tall. Will Eddie and his group show up as well or will they bide their time?


Someone who isn't biding their time is Adrian Garcia and ELITE. While last week they were quiet they are far from it this time around. The DeColts will be up against the team of Shooter Sean Deeley, Gargantuan and Dan DaLay while Adrian looks to talk to Phil Vibert about getting Nate Johnson a shot at Alex's title at Wrestlefest!


Our tag team champions will also be in action as they defend their belts for the first time. The Dirty White Boys will take on Zeus and Stevie. The latter look to get revenge on their loss at Luck of the Draw while the former hope to make their second run with the tag titles better than their first.


Tune in this Sunday for the most action packed hour on television! Tune in for Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


Friday, Week 1, March


Ontario: Waterloo University Arena


5,000 Attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Greetings, wrestling fans! Time for another hour of Title Bout Wrestling. I'm David Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And I am Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. We got Alex DeColt back after the beating he took two weeks ago, but the DeColt brothers have something standing in their way if they want to get their hands on Eddie Chandler and his group."


Davis Ditterich: "Well I don't think they are helping out their former member, but ELITE is in the house in full force. Gargantuan Dan DaLay and Shooter Sean Deeley will be taking on the DeColt brothers in the main event. Not only that, but Adrian Garcia I heard is really pushing Phil Vibert into putting Nate Johnson against Alex at the DeColt Wrestlefestival at the end of this month."


Ernie Turner: "Sounds like a tough match for the DeColts. Also sounds like the perfect time for Eddie and his group to cause trouble while the DeColts are caught up with ELITE troubles."


Davis Ditterich: "I guess we shall see. Right now we go back to the DeColt locker room with a word from Alex, Jack and Ricky."






The DeColt are all standing side by side with Marie nearby sitting out of the way. The trio of brothers look into the camera with a serious look on each of their faces.


Alex DeColt: "Divide and conquer. I think that is what you tried to do the other week when you and your goons attacked me, Eddie. You knew Jack and Ricky weren't around and you certainly didn't seem to be in a rush to take on a DeColt when there was more than one of us."


Jack DeColt: "That's right, Eddie. You can talk all your B.S. about starting this revolution and opening the fans eyes, but you still are misguided. The fans cheer who they want to cheer for. We don't make them do anything. We get cheers because we beat up bullies like you all."


Ricky DeColt: "And as you can see tonight all of us are together. We stand tall and together nothing can beat us. If you want to see if you can come on and try. We won't be hiding."


Alex DeColt: "You heard him, Eddie. I know who has my back. Are your friends going to have yours when we find you?"


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Well if Eddie wanted a war it looks like he found one."


Ernie Turner: "Woo boy. I am not sure if it is a good idea to be throwing challenges about like that. Eddie isn't an idiot. He won't attack unless he knows he and his boys can get the upper hand."


Davis Ditterich: "Maybe later we will find out if Eddie has a response. For now we got the tag team titles up for grabs!"






CGC World Tag Team Championship Bout




The Dirty White Boys vs Zeus and Stevie


Zeus and Stevie look to get revenge for their loss in the three way match they had at Luck of the Draw that also included former champs Soldiers of Fortune. They at least don't have tables to worry about this time around.


What they do have to worry about is the cheating ways of The Dirty White Boys. Both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg have no problem pulling out all stops to keep on top of this match. They try to keep Stevie isolated and the rare times when Zeus does get in they often take time to regroup and just frustrate the big man.


The plan seems to work out well and Zeus in his frustration makes too many mistakes and gets dumped to the outside. Stevie is already weakened at this point and he is taken out by Lead Belly with a powerbomb as Grease Hogg keeps Zeus from getting into the ring to save his partner. The champions retain.


Winners: The Dirty White Boys (Defenses: 1)


Rating: D+


Davis Ditterich: "It wasn't a pretty match, but the champs retain. I am sure they are looking forward to the DeColt Wrestlefestival as well. They will certainly be making a defense one of those two days, but against who?"


Ernie Turner: "I am a bit baffled. Maybe the Soldiers of Fortune get a rematch? I don't see any other teams right now making enough waves to get one."


Davis Ditterich: "Very true. Unless we get a surprise I am unsure what we will see."






A cut to the offices of Phil Vibert where he sits behind his desk while Adrian Garcia is leaned over it and Nate Johnson is standing nearby.


Adrian Garcia: "You know this is your best option. You want to make Wrestlefestival memorable, right? You won't let Sean have another chance so soon then let this fine specimen take the title from Alex DeColt."


Nate is about to say something himself, but then there is the sound of the door opening and they all turn and enters another person. Adrian and Nate are not happy with what they see.




Eddie Chandler: "Blah blah blah. Stop feeding Phil's head with your useless propaganda. Wrestlefestival is the perfect place for Alex DeColt to finally realize my revolution is real when I take the title from him."


Before Phil can even say anything in response to these two the door opens again and this time everyone seems a bit surprised at who appears this time.




Trent Shaffer: "Uh, guys? I think you both lost at the last pay-per-view, but I know someone who won and he beat Ricky DeColt. Who has two thumbs and says this guy?"


He points to himself and he is about to finish his antics before Phil finally slams his hands on the desk and stands up, causing all of the men to look towards him.


Phil Vibert: "You all are giving me a headache. Go out to the ring. Go! The winner can have a shot at Alex DeColt at Wrestlefestival!"


All three look at one another and they all seem to grin and seem rather confident in their chances.


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Well I didn't expect that. It sounds like we have a number one contender match up next!"


Ernie Turner: "Can we really call it that? I think there is one name kinda missing here when it comes to number one contenders."


Davis Ditterich: "You make a good point, partner. Just where is Remo tonight anyways?"


Ernie Turner: "I haven't heard a peep about him being in the building. What could be happening?"


Davis Ditterich: "Mysterious indeed. We will try to keep you updated, fans!"






Nate Johnson with Adrian Garcia vs Trent Shaffer vs Eddie Chandler


Isabella is strangely not with Eddie much like she wasn't with him when he was in Phil's office. Adrian on the other hand is glaring daggers at his former client and is whispering into Nate's ear.


The former ELITE stablemates start going for one another as soon as the bell rings. Trent looks amused and just lets them go at it. He doesn't join in until Eddie manages to dump Nate out of the ring and he attacks revolutionary from behind. Nate soon recovers and actually joins in on the beating of Eddie. Adrian looks pleased, but soon he is distracted when he notices Isabella coming down towards the ring. He goes to try and chase her off just as Eddie manages to slip out of the ring and leaves Trent and Nate to go after one another.


The pair seem to forget about him as they continue to go at it in the ring. Adrian has been lost chasing down Isabella and surprisingly the other members of Eddie's group have not shown themselves. Nate finally gets the upper hand and he manages to down Trent and it looks like he is ready to win this match. That is when Eddie dives in and hits Nate from behind. He hefts him up and nails him with a Northern Lights suplex that allows him to get the quick three. He slips out of the ring quickly and actually goes into the crowd.


Winner: Eddie Chandler


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Look at him go. He must be worried the DeColts were watching."


Ernie Turner: "Looks like Eddie got what he wanted. He gets a shot at Alex DeColt and I have to say I think that is who Alex would have wanted to win this match anyways."


Davis Ditterich: "I am not surprised that Eddie won. I am surprised he did it without any of his partners in crime causing trouble. Isabella took care of Adrian, but that is about it."


Ernie Turner: "I wonder if we will see Adrian in the main event or if he is still after that girl."






The DeColt Brothers vs ELITE


It seems to be Shooter Sean Deeley leading ELITE out on their own without Adrian Garcia. Marie also seems to have been advised to stay in the DeColt locker room. Adrian is either still looking to get ahold of Isabella or perhaps he is tending to Nate Johnson after his loss. This match turns into a giant mess almost instantly as the six men start going at it in the ring. The ref tries to get control as bodies are being tossed about.


It takes several minutes and finally it comes down to Shooter Sean Deeley and Alex in the ring as they start to best one another in a very similar fashion to their last time in the ring at Luck of the Draw. As the match draws on things start to break down again. Everyone is outside the ring and Ricky is knocked out cold when Gargantuan throws him head first into a set of steps. In anger Alex goes right after the big man, but he gets double teamed by both Gargantuan and Shooter Sean Deeley. Jack and Dan soon end up back in the ring and Jack ducks a powerful clothesline and then manages to get Dan into a reverse DDT. He drops the big man and gets the pin before moving to jump out of the ring and helping Alex with the remaining ELITE members. The DeColts manage to fight off ELITE as Sean and Gargantuan get the somewhat conscious Dan DaLay and lead him off.


Winners: The DeColt Brothers


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "What a brutal match. It looks like Ricky is still out of it as the two older brothers check on him."


Ernie Turner: "Welcome to concussion city. Population: Ricky DeColt."


Davis Ditterich: "A brutal match that might have given one of the brothers a ser...what the hell!?"






Eddie Chandler, Isabella and the rest of The Revolution come out from the crowd and they attack the wounded DeColt brothers. Ricky is still out cold and that leaves the already weak Alex and Jack trying to fend for themselves. It is two on one with each brother and two members of The Revolution take out Jack DeColt with the ring bell. Alex is soon behind held down by the three unnamed members as Eddie mocks him. Isabella brings Eddie the title and he holds it in front of Alex while pointing at it then himself while saying. 'Say goodbye."


He then clocks Alex with the belt and Isabella steps out of her heels. She picks one up and slams it against Alex's head a few times, drawing blood from the now unconscious champ. The group then get in the ring and celebrate as trash is throw at them.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "Those bastards! They smelled blood and they attacked. Jack and Alex were already tired and poor Ricky is still out cold from the brutal attack from Gargantuan earlier."


Ernie Turner: "Alex and Jack could each have a concussion themselves at this point. I told you Eddie was a smart man. He got himself a title shot and he just gave the DeColt boys a big message."


Davis Ditterich: "Dammit, get some medics down there! Alex is bleeding bad!"


The show fades to black with The Revolution standing tall in the ring and medical staff running down to ringside to check on the DeColts.




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.44

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I will say it now. I am not sure if ELITE will be around by the end of this year. I am unsure exactly what the plans are, but right now aside from Shooter Sean Deeley most of the other guys haven't looked too strong. I could be wrong of course. Maybe they are just planning on moving them in a new direction soon, but right now they haven't looked too good. Part of it is the loss of Eddie and the creation of his group. It looks like that idea is working well. Eddie is a good worker in the ring and on the mic and the new guys working with him are only going to benefit.


Also came to find out that Alex tried to sign some names away from other companies, but ultimately failed in recent weeks. Ricky Dale Johnson was made an offer, but he thought it would be a step back in his career to come to us. Another was someone in SWF they wanted me to talk to. I didn't really know the Marshall Dillion kid really well so I wasn't much help in those talks. he was just being offered way too much money by SWF. I know Alex and Phil have a few more guys on the radar with contracts starting to expire so we might have new blood there soon enough.


Speaking of new blood, it appears Alex decided to open his pocket books and spend some big money on opening up a developemental promotion in the British Columbia area. Chance and Vin Tanner got sent there to be the main trainers since we got Ed Monton recently to handle road agent duties for us.


Prometheus and Blockbuster were both sent there to get some more work and a few other names were signed. Of them are two guys from Mexico and a few prospects from the US and Canada. Not sure if any will be called up soon. With the Revolutionaries, Glen Kasey and now a tag team that has been working dark matches the past month set to debute I think we will be fine when it comes to showing off new talent.


Of course with all the new coming in that means out with some of the old. I am sad to see Brett Fraser go, but is contract runs up soon and it isn't being renewed. It is a mutual departure and I don't think there is any bad blood. he is just starting to feel a bit run down in recent years and he is looking towards a lighter schedule. He is a really good guy and perhaps one of the first ones to really talk with me and befriend me when I signed. I wish him the best of luck.

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Title Bout Wrestling last week was a wild one indeed! Eddie Chandler's promise of a revolution just might be coming true. Not only did he become the number one contender for Alex DeColt's title, but he once against sent the entire DeColt family a very clear and vicious message. Already weakened from a tough match involving ELITE, the DeColts were attacked again by The Revolution and left a complete mess around the ring. The last sight we saw was the champ bleeding and being tended to by medics. Will Alex be around next week? Will any of the brothers be around for that matter?


Remo was also not present that show and it seems a bit mysterious that a man considered by many as a deserving contender for the number one contendership was not around to compete. Was he a victim of foul play or was it something else? We will find out. Not only will be give an explanation, but he will also be in action tonight against one of CGC's new stars! Who could it be!?


We also have former tag team enemies in singles action to start the night. The high flying Thrill Seeker will be taking on Bobby Thomas with a possible future shot at Ryan Powell's CGC Canadian Championship on the line.


Tune in for the most exciting hour of professional wrestling this Sunday. Tune in to Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


March, Week 2, Sunday


The Prairies: Saskatoon Bowl


4,427 Attending (5,000 Max)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome everyone to Title Bout Wrestling. I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And this is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner."


Davis Ditterich: "Fans, things did not end on a good note last week. Alex and Ricky DeColt are not medically cleared and have not traveled with us tonight. This is a result of a vicious beating done by Eddie Chandler and The Revolution."


Ernie Turner: "In part at least. Ricky suffered a concussion from Gargantuan tossing him head first like a lawn dart into the steps."


Davis Ditterich: "That was bad enough. Alex had several stitches and some head trauma as well due to Isabella's heel bashing against his head. These men need to be thrown right out for their actions."


Ernie Turner: "It looks like Phil is letting it slide. He didn't even strip Eddie of his title shot. Will Alex even be ready come Wrestlefestival?"


Davis Ditterich: "We can only hope. There is one DeColt here with us tonight and Jack looks to be out for revenge. We now go backstage."






Jack looks absolutely about to snap as Marie does her best to try and calm her husband. He takes a few deep breathes and he murmurs something to here where she eases away just slightly as Jack turns to the camera. His face is turning red just from the anger building inside of him.


Jack DeColt: "We never saw eye to eye Eddie. We have been around this company for a long time and we have pretty much been against one another for years. I could deal with it. Bad blood and all."


His hands clench into fists and he is visibly shaking as looks ready to snap right then and there and he does his best to remain calm while Marie looks on visibly upset as well.


Jack DeColt: "Unforgiveable. That is what last week was. We were checking on Ricky and then....then you decided to strike like the cowards you and your group are. Barely conscious I saw my brother...my older brother bleeding on one side of me and my younger brother unconscious still from ELITE's antics. My family.....I was too weak to help then. Tonight....Eddie you will face me. It is usually the big brother's job to handle business, but right now it is my duty."


He grits his teeth and reaches up to grab at his hair and pull on it as he shakes his head, the rage becoming too much for him.


Jack DeColt: "I don't care if it is just me. I will make you pay. You will never hurt my family again. You better have your friends because I am going to tear you apart!"


He manages to calm himself and he turns to Marie and he moves to hug her tight.


Jack DeColt: "Stay here tonight. I don't want you to see what I do."


The camera fades out as the two remain embraced.


Rating: A


Ernie Turner: "That there is a very scary looking Jack DeColt we just saw. I didn't know he had that sort of anger in him."


Davis Ditterich: "His brothers are injured and he stands alone. Tonight the main event he faces Eddie Chandler and I would not want to be in the shoes of The Revolution's leader."


Ernie Turner: "I don't like this at all. Jack is outnumbered and not thinking straight."


Davis Ditterich: "I don't think anyone will be talking him out of it. We can only hope he will come out all right."






Bobby Thomas vs Thrill Seeker


Both men are considered to be contenders for the CGC Canadian title and look to show they are deserving of a title shot. This is even more fueled by the fact both of these men have been enemies for several years dating back to their tag team days.


Bobby takes advantage early and keeps Thrill Seeker grounded with his technical expertise. He looks to concentrate mostly on the legs of his opponent with the hopes that will keep Thrill Seeker from executing any of his high risk moves. This works for awhile, but Thrill Seeker backflips out of a back body drop and he manages to catch Bobby by surprise. He starts to build momentum despite being hobbled due to the damage done to his legs he manages to eventually put Bobby away.


Winner: Thrill Seeker


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Great performance by Thrill Seeker on that one. Can the former three time tag champion be the next CGC Canadian champ?"


Ernie Turner: "Ryan Powell had to be watching this one. Well if he wants people to remember him a win over a man like Thrill Seeker should help get him more recognition."


Davis Ditterich: "Phil still hasn't told us who Ryan's opponent will be at the DeColt Wrestlefestival yet so we will just have to wait and see."






Remo stands alone in the back and he paces some as he looks a bit lost in thought, he speaks as he paces and never really faces the camera.


Remo: "Last week someone decided to play a very dangerous game with me. Needless to say at a stop on the way to Title Bout last week I met a few guys in a parking lot. They found out that I am not a man to mess with. A valuable lesson learned."


He turns to look to the camera finally and he has a bit of a sadistic smirk on his face.


Remo: "I don't care who decided to do this. Who decided to delay me and keep me out of what ended up being a number one contender's match, but there are three good suspects all involved in that match now isn't there? Adrian Garcia is a weasel that I could see doing it. Eddie Chandler obviously doesn't care about his actions as we have seen in recent weeks. Trent....actually he is an idiot so I doubt it was him."


He lets out a light chortle and his expression turns more serious as he leans in, his face getting uncomfortably close to the camera.


Remo: "The point is this. I will find out who decided to give me those visitors and if you want to know what will happen when I find you? Just watch what I do to the poor sap that has to be in the ring with me tonight. It will only be a fraction of the torture and pain you will experience when I get ahold of you."


He straightens back up and lets out a light 'heh' before giving a wink and walking off.


Rating: A*


Ernie Turner: "So the truth comes out. I thought it odd he wouldn't have been around for such an important match."


Davis Ditterich: "It might take some time for him to find who is behind it. They better pray he doesn't find out who it is. It won't be a good time for them if he does."






Remo vs Steven Parker with James Parker


Remo comes out looking ready to just tear apart the ring if he didn't get an opponent. He does get one introduced as one of the two newest acquisitions of CGC. Steven and James, the Parker Brothers. It looks Steven has the bad luck of being the one facing off with Remo.


Then the crowd is surprised. James cheers his brother on while Steven actually starts off with a flurry of offense that surprises, but ultimately angers, Remo. A vicious elbow takes Steven off his feet and Remo takes control. He looks ready to put Steven down for good when a he seems to get a second wind and starts to fight back. He actually gets the crowd behind him for a moment there before a charge is met with a powerful boot that almost removes his head for good. He is easy pickings for the Death Valley Driver after that.


The big man celebrates as James pulls his brother from the ring.


Winner: Remo


Rating: B


Ernie Turner: "Welcome to Canadian Golden Combat, Parker Brothers."


Davis Ditterich: "Not the best of greetings to get. Even so Steven looked pretty good out there. Will be interesting to see what he and his brother James can do in the future."


Ernie Turner: "I am sure they are hoping for better fortune than running across an angry Remo next time."


Davis Ditterich: "There is another type of Remo other than angry?"


Ernie Turner: "Good point, D-Ditch."






Eddie and Isabella are in back with a camera and the latter is clinging onto the former as he just smiles in a rueful manner.


Eddie Chandler: "Jack, I see you are mad, but this is just something that happens when a revolution occurs. Blood is spilt. A revolution is never won on just words. In the end I am justified in what I did. You must understand that I will no longer let you get away with your atrocities. Alex learned last week how serious I am. Tonight you will as well."


He smiles and looks to Isabella who just gazes into his eyes.


Eddie Chandler: "My love, get the boys. They will know what they need to do."


Isabella: "Of course. All for our revolution, love."


The two begin to make out as the camera quickly goes black.


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Dammit, I knew he wouldn't play by the rules. Jack is walking into a trap!"


Ernie Turner: "That might be true. Eddie is a crazy son of a bitch, but his methods are working. He has the DeColts reeling."






Eddie Chandler vs Jack DeColt


This match starts off as violent as one would expect. Eddie is pounced on and starts to get the living hell beat out of him. More oddly is the fact that none of the other members of his group are present as he is absolutely getting destroyed.


A well timed thumb to the eyes slows Jack down for a moment which is enough for Eddie to chop block one of his legs out from under him and start to take control. He starts to work on the leg, but Jack soon overpowers him and starts to take over. Eddie is looking absolutely brutalized as time goes on and things take a turn for the worse fast.....for Jack DeColt that is.


Screams can be heard and they are familiar. Out come two members of The Revolution along with Isabella and they have Marie who is struggling. Jack looks livid and he starts to go after the two while Eddie suddenly grabs the ref and tries to distract him. Jack is halfway out the ring when out of nowhere the final member of The Revolution emerges and nails him with a dropkick to the head and he quickly pushes the dazed Jack back in the ring. Eddie quickly grabs Jack and puts him away with a cutter like move and makes the pin.


Winner: Eddie Chandler


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "This is disgusting! Why isn't anyone helping Jack? Those cowards have Marie!"


Ernie Turner: "Jack looked to have this in hand, but Eddie was thinking ahead. Hey, are those what I think they are?"


Davis Ditterich: "Those are handcuffs! They are handcuffing Jack to the turnbuckle! Dammit, someone stop this now!"






Jack is screaming and struggles his best to try and free himself. Marie is in tears as she struggles more and can't break free from the grip of the two. Eddie is just smiling wickedly as he steps towards her and licks his lips. Marie is horrified while Isabella stands back and laughs at the whole scenario. Things look to be going bad when suddenly a single man hits the ring with a ball bat and clocks one of the two members holding Marie.


Marie is smart to drop to the mat quickly because that bat is swinging about wildly and it manages to make all the members of The Revolution scatter to the outside as everyone starts to realize just who it is in the ring swinging that bat around like some sort of dervish.




Marie quickly dives onto Jack and clings to him while Jack looks on in disbelief. All of The Revolution does as well as they look to jump in, but Edd Stone is ready to swing at whoever so the group decides to back off for now and rethink things.


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "Edd Stone? Edd Stone!? What is he doing here?"


Ernie Turner: "I....of all the people to rescue Jack DeColt not in a million years would I have guessed."


Davis Ditterich: "I am thankful for what he did, but this is mind boggling and we are out of time! Tune in next week as we try to figure out what is going on, fans!"


The screen fades to black as officials come running down to try and get the cuffs off of Jack and Edd stomps around the ring just daring The Revolution to come at him.




Final Rating: B


Television Rating: 1.47

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Getting to Know The Newest Tag Team in CGC




Many may have been confused when they saw the opponent of Remo this past Sunday as well as his partner, but others may come to realize that both recognize both of the Parker Brothers as veterans that have paid their dues to make it to a company like Canadian Golden Combat.


Both Steven and James Parker were trained by the legend Rip Chord and have both been wrestling for seven and nine years respectively. It is no surprise that a man like Steven Parker could give a monster like Remo some trouble. Both he and James Parker are well versed in all the aspects of the ring and will use it to their full advantage. Working together as a team it would be no surprise if the pair could end up with gold around their waist in the future. What do Steven and James have to say about being signed by CGC?


Steven Parker: "I have been all over North America looking for a chance like this. I believe I am ready for this step in my career and I want the fans to just see what me and James can do."


James Parker: "United States, Puerto Rico and now back home to Canada. It has been a wild nine years and this is what it was for. A chance to shine on television and show what I can do to a broader audience. I would never trade the years I have spent up to this point, but this is a new chapter for the Parker Brothers."


It looks like the Canadian born duo is ready to make an impact and the fans are sure to see how talented they are. It looks like the fans of CGC should get used to seeing these two around for years to come.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img547/8327/cgcz.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">The Men Behind The Revolution</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The career of Eddie Chandler is well documented here in CGC and at least we know the woman at his side is known as Isabella, but what of the other men that have joined in on this revolution that looks to destroy the DeColt family? All are talented and must have had a past of some sort and we managed to uncover their names and their life before joining with The Revolution.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img41/5554/mimice.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The man above is simply known as Mimic. A speedy cruiserweight that has gotten a reputation, and his nickname, for often using his opponents own signature moves against them. He has also apparently been wrestling since the age of eighteen and has spent the past eight years wrestling throughout Canada. He looks to be a cold and calculating individual ready make his mark on CGC. He seems to be the one in command of the new trio, relaying the orders of Eddie and Isabella to execute the group's nefarious plans.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img401/1556/eldiablop.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The true name of this individual is still unknown, but he seems to go by the moniker That Handsome Devil. A speedy type much like the other two newcomers, his style is heavily influenced by Lucha Libre making it quite the unique style here in CGC. He is a cocky sort that seems to take pleasure in the attacks he and his fellow Revolutionaries have been carrying out.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img21/6483/jamieatherton.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Atherton is the only one we could uncover the actual name of. A cocky sort much like That Handsome Devil, he is a cruiserweight that relies his high risk arsenal attacks to gain him many victories over the six years he has been traveling through Canada. A cunning sort, it does not seem like he cares who he hurts as long as it helps spread the word of his group.</p><p> </p><p>

This is all the real information we could uncover from the group, but one thing is for sure. They have a devious mentor in Eddie Chandler and if The Revolution manages to get rid of the DeColts they will certainly never be forgotten here in CGC.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img255/8730/remoe.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I have to question the overall buildup to The DeColt Wrestlefestival this year. I think overall the storylines are a bit lackluster and I question the reveal of Edd Stone so soon before the show instead of maybe make it a big surprise at the event. Alex seems to be throwing all his eggs into one basket with this Revolution angle and so far it seems people are invested. I will admit Edd coming in to save Jack was a bit of a surprise to me, but I guess they want to help with the face side of things right now. Other than the brothers Christian Price is probably the only other face that can hold his own with some of the main eventers. Possibly Thrill Seeker if they needed a stopgap in case someone got injured.</p><p> </p><p>

I also got stuck with a questionable angle. It seems I am popular enough and considered a tweener to where it can work, but I really prefer not to be deeling with other heels. I say that because there is no way a face would have pulled what supposedly happened to me without a heel turn happening during the reveal. I am unsure where my spot at the Wrestlefestival is in reality either. Maybe against one of ELITE because of the chance Adrian was behind everything? Do I get fed a random face again? I would love a match against a DeColt, but unless it happens at night two I don't think that is going to be the case.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of random face being fed to me I am actually fine with the one I am going to take on this Sunday. Shane Nelson is a good talent that I think will pull off a good match with me. He might not look as much of a star as Christian or Edd, but I think he is better than either of those guys in the ring. A rare positive happening as I await to see what will unfold for me at Wrestlefestival.</p>

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