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Gone Hunting: Remo's New Path

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img547/8327/cgcz.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Some very heinous acts were about to happen near the end of Title Bout Wrestling last week when the most unlikely of people came in to put a stop to what The Revolution was about to do to Hotstuff Marie. No one is sure why Edd Stone showed up, but many are thankful that he did so given the circumstances. What many are wondering is why no one else was coming to help? The fans seemed to expect Christian Price, Joey Poison or someone to come in and help, but instead it was a man not even part of the company that helped out the DeColts. Perhaps Eddie is telling the truth and secretly the DeColts are despised?</p><p> </p><p>

While not cleared to compete, Alex and Ricky will be back and perhaps some light can be shed on Edd Stone's intentions. The Revolution may also look to keep up their guard as the brothers might be out for revenge now that they are back together.</p><p> </p><p>

Another man out for revenge is Remo. It appears someone did keep him from being on the show where the number one contender for the CGC World title was decided. Could the Revolution be targeting CGC's most dangerous man? Or could Adrian Garcia have paid someone to delay Remo so his client would have had a better chance at winning? There is also Trent Shaffer which often comes off as a goof, but perhaps it is ploy to make him look like the innocent one of the group?</p><p> </p><p>

The DeColt Wrestlefestival nears and so far the only match set in stone will be the world title bout at the end of day two. What else may we come to expect as we draw closer to the biggest event of the year for the company?</p><p> </p><p>

Tune in and find out this Sunday! Tune into Title Bout Wrestling!</p>

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Title Bout Wrestling


March, Week 3, Sunday


Maritimes: Caribou Arena


3,604 Attending (5,000 Max)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome once again to Title Bout Wrestling everyone! I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And this is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. I have to say last week we almost saw something even I would disapprove of."


Davis Ditterich: "Things were about to get real bad. With her husband cuffed, Marie was caught in the ring by The Revolution when the most unlikely of person came to the aid of Jack and Marie."


Ernie Turner: "Edd Stone, the high flier and party boy decided he had enough of what he saw, but why was he here?"


Davis Ditterich: "I think we are about to find out. Apparently something is going on in back."






Edd Stone is in a locker room and he looks to be getting ready for a match perhaps to the surprise of many. He soon pauses in the middle of putting a boot on and the camera pulls back and pans to show the DeColt brothers all standing there. Jack seems a bit apprehensive as does Ricky, but Alex is smiling and he offers a hand which Edd takes to shake.


Alex DeColt: "I don't know why you were around last week, but I thank you for saving my brother and his wife."


Jack DeColt: "Just why were you here last week?"


Edd just tilts his head and actually looks amused by the question.


Edd Stone: "Phil invited me and the next day signed me up. I just couldn't stand by and watch what was about to happen. Not like you had backup."


Jack DeColt: "Someone would have come. Just because you helped I don't trust you, Edd. "


Edd rolls his eyes and he stands up as he adjusts his vest and he looks up at Jack.


Edd Stone: "Yeah? When were they gonna come out? When Marie's clothes came off?"


Jack looks ready to lunge and Alex holds him back. Ricky seems a bit unsure and he lets out a sigh.


Ricky DeColt: "You just got us at a bad time, Edd. As you can see we are at war with a lot of people at the moment."


Edd Stone: "I know. And notice how your supposed friends haven't helped you? Where are the likes of Joey Poison and Christian Price? Guys, I am not against you. I did what no one else would do. I am wanting to help. If you want it, just ask. I won't press it."


There is a bit of silence and Alex smiles again and nods. He then starts to usher his brothers out, though he stops before going out the door.


Alex DeColt: "Edd, really. Thanks. I might take you up on that offer."


He steps out and Edd just stands there for a moment. He just chuckles and shakes his head as he sits back down and goes back to getting ready.


Edd Stone: "So high strung and paranoid, all of them."


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Edd makes a good point. I am a bit worried why no one else came out to try and help the DeColts."


Ernie Turner: "He could just be making them paranoid. Alex acts like he might trust Edd Stone, but I think Ricky and Jack are going to need some more convincing. Jack especially."


Davis Ditterich: "I have been told Edd Stone is in fact debuting tonight later on in the show."


Ernie Turner: "Hawt dang. That should be interesting to see. Time to see if Phil made a good choice in signing him."






ELITE with Adrian Garcia vs Perfect Pair


ELITE hasn't exactly had the best of luck, but at least now they seem to be on the better side of this match. Gargantuan mostly destroys the two young wrestlers with his raw power as Nate stands on the apron and watches. He seems more than fine with letting the big man throw the other two about. He quickly tosses out Donte and then tags Nathan in who puts Skip Beau into a cattle mutilation and causes the youngster to tap. A quick match and a good win for ELITE.


Winners: ELITE


Rating: C-


Davis Ditterich: "Well the DeColts might be more worried about The Revolution, but I think ELITE just made a point that they haven't gone away."


Ernie Turner: "With the DeColt Wrestlefestival coming up I wonder what they might have planned. I am sure Adrian and his boys will want to make a statement."






The camera comes into a dark room where the only light is a lamp on the middle of a table that has all five members of The Revolution around it. Eddie has a devious look on his face and it seems the group has been talking about something.


Eddie Chandler: "So a little bird tells me that all the DeColts are searching for us in the arena tonight. It seems they finally realize they are slowly being backed against the wall. Tonight we wait. We let them think they can find us. Next weekend the plan will go into action. Soon we will dethrone Alex DeColt as the CGC World champion and then we can begin to snuff out all the DeColts once and for all."


The group all nods and they begin to laugh for a few moments then fall silent once more.


Eddie Chandler: "Very well. Let us go. You all have your orders."


With that they all start to get up and leave before the camera fades to black.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "This is getting a bit out of hand. Phil needs to do something about them. They might bring serious injury to someone before all is said and done."


Ernie Turner: "Even so they haven't done anything bad enough to warrant a suspension or termination from what I see. From the sounds of it that might change."


Davis Ditterich: "I hope the DeColts can weather this storm somehow."






Edd Stone vs Ozzie Golden


Edd comes out to a good pop from the crowd and he takes on another young talent in Ozzie Golden. Where most of the stone family is known for their technical prowess, Edd shows off a more speedy offense full with high risk offense with several dives, top rope moves and springboards that keep Ozzie on his feet the entire match. The party animal is too much for Ozzie and he overwhelms him and eventually puts him away with a flying elbow drop.


Winner: Edd Stone


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "What an amazing arsenal that was displayed right there. Edd is certainly an exciting man to watch."


Ernie Turner: "Color me impressed, but he seems a bit too laid back right now. Shouldn't he be worried he is a marked man now too?"


Davis Ditterich: "He very well might be, but I don't think he cares at the moment. He seems to just be enjoying his first of what I guess will be many wins here in CGC."






While Edd is on his way in back he almost runs into Trent Shaffer and the two stare one another down for a moment, though they both grin at one another and exchange words on the lines of 'We'll meet soon enough' if one could read lips. Trent gets himself a microphone and gets in the ring.


Trent Shaffer: "I am tired off ELITE and now this Revolution that seems to be happening. I am tired of Remo too. You all know who should be in that title match at the DeColt Wrestlefestival. Who has two thumbs and says this guy?"


The crowd shouts along with him when he points his thumbs towards himself. 'This guy!'


Trent Shaffer: "That's right! I don't even have a match now because of it. What about my fans? You all want to see me in a match, right? I think we should flood the CGC message boards and such demanding I get a match against Alex for th.."


He gets cut off as music kicks in and someone emerges from the entrance ramp with microphone in hand.




Christian Price: "Trent, just stop. You got to earn a title shot. Just like how I will earn one. You want a match so bad at Wrestlefestival? How about you take me on? Afterall if you think you can beat Alex so easily you can most certainly beat me, right?"


Trent looks uncertain, but he then gets a bit of a smirk and he just nods and he points to Christian Price.


Trent Shaffer: "All right. You're on! If you want to be embarrassed that is fine by me. Get prepared. Next Sunday we will throw down. I will make sure Phil books it."


Christian seems pleased and the two stare down for a few moments before Christian starts to leave. Trent panders to the audience a bit then exits as well.


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Well that should make for an interesting match. We got two rising stars going at it now during night one of the DeColt Wrestlefestival it would seem."


Ernie Turner: "Time for one of them to make that next step. Time to see which one can be a champ and which one will be a chump."


Davis Ditterich: "It would be a good statement win for either man, that is for sure."






A camera is following the DeColts about as they seem to be searching for The Revolution. They aren't looking in a happy mood and that mood seems to sour even more when they start to round a corner and stop. The camera moves around to see what stopped their progress as Remo is smirking and standing in their way.




Remo: "Well hello, boys. Taking the night off and going for a walk I see?"


The tone is a sarcastic one and the three brothers don't seem to really be pleased at all.


Alex DeColt: "What do you want, Remo? We are busy."


Remo: "Oh is that so? Well I am just on my way to the ring. It certainly isn't my fault you three decided to get in my way."


It looks like things are getting tense and a few officials come around to try and separate Remo and the brothers. They give Remo enough room to pass by them and he grins towards Alex.


Remo: "Keep that title warm for me. You'll see me in the ring soon enough. First I got to take care of some business in the ring then also find out who decided to mess with me the other week."


Remo laughs as he wanders off and the brothers stare as he leaves. Alex looks frustrated and he shakes his head.


Alex DeColt: "Come on. We got more important matters. Ignore him."


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "And possibly the most dangerous man is that one. He just seems to be like he is waiting to pounce whenever he feels like it."


Ernie Turner: "One might not think it, but he is a patient man when you think about it. He is biding his time. The question is can Alex beat him when he finally does have to fight CGC's most dangerous man?"


Davis Ditterich: "As the legend of Remo grows and he continues to rack up wins I would have to say we will get an answer. Right now it is hard not to say that he should be next in line no matter who wins at the end of night two at the DeColt Wrestlefestival."






Remo vs Shane Nelson with Jenny Playmate


Shane Nelson seems to be the latest obstacle to be placed in the destructive path of Remo. He doesn't seem intimidated and doesn't back down. He goes right at the big man and that might be the greatest of ideas. Remo shrugs off most of the offense and he just overpowers Shane and begins to dominate him.


Just when it looks like Shane is about ready to be put away he slips free from being hefted up into the Death Valley Driver and starts to try and make a comeback. He only manages to stagger Remo a few times before getting caught when trying to do a cross body block. Remo hefts him up onto his shoulders and this time Shane doesn't escape the Death Valley Driver.


Winner: Remo


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Well Shane Nelson tried his best, but like all the others he hasn't been able to stop Remo."


Ernie Turner: "I am starting to wonder if anyone can. I mean even Gargantuan couldn't do it and he is the biggest guy we have."


Davis Ditterich: "Even if Eddie manages to win. Does his revolution involve a plan to keep Remo out of the picture? Right now that that CGC World title is a large steak and Remo is a very hungry dog."


Ernie Turner: ".....you make it sound so silly."


Davis Ditterich: "We are out of time this week! Tune in next week as Title Bout wrestling will lead into the first night of The DeColt Wrestlefestival!"




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.33

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And a rather crazy weekend is almost upon everyone working for CGC. The DeColt Wrestlefestival will be happening and that makes for a busy Sunday and Monday as everyone on the roster will be probably pulling double duty. Some will even be doing triple since there will be a Title Bout Wrestling going on leading into the first night of the Wrestlefestival. I know that episode will give me something of a buildup as to what I will be doing those two days. I find myself being happy and annoyed at the same time. It does continue the story of me trying to figure out who hired the thugs to take me out, but at the same time it feels more kind of like a backdrop to some of the other stuff going on. I think night one will be a bit weak, but night two I think has the potential to be a damn fine show.


Also interested in seeing how some guys handle their situations. Ryan Powell could be defending his title both nights and there will be a battle royal on the first night that I will be interested in seeing who comes out on top. If they go for a veteran they can rely on or they go after a new guy they want to try and push. From the sounds of it the winner will get to take on the CGC Canadian champ on night two. Be it Ryan or someone else I am not sure yet. I am not even sure who he will be wrestling on night one so far. A few names have been tossed around, but that is about it. I lightened up my training load this week just to be ready for a long weekend. I could be in two rather long matches so I need to be as ready as I can be come Sunday.

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We are coming up on the most exciting two days of the year, CGC fans. This weekend on Title Bout wrestling will be a lead in to 2013's DeColt Wrestlefestival! Of course we know of a few matches so far. The big one of course will be the main event of Monday night where Alex DeColt puts his CGC World championship on the line against the leader of The Revolution, Eddie Chandler. It has been a war between the DeColts and the newest faction in CGC and it has all been leading up to this. A one on one confrontation that could change the landscape of CGC as we know it!


On Sunday for Night One the main event has not been revealed yet, but we do know one thing. Two up and comers are looking to bring the house down and show they belong at the top. Trent Shaffer and Christian Price will clash in what should be a good match between two young talents that look to show they are deserving to be considered for a World Title shot in the near future.


We might find out the state of what will be going on with the CGC Canadian title as well during Title Bout Wrestling. Ryan Powell apparently has something to say and will address the crowd about his upcoming defense at The DeColt Wrestlefestival. It has also been announced on night one the CGC Tag titles will be defended by The Dirty White Boys. Their opponents will be the former champs and the team they did not put through a table to win the title, the Soldiers of Fortune.


Of course where does this leave some of the other members of the roster? Where will the likes of ELITE and Remo end up? What of several of the other stars not involved in the named matches? We will find out more come Sunday so tune in to the most exciting hour of television. Tune in to Title Bout Wrestling!

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Title Bout Wrestling


March, Week 4, Sunday


British Columbia: Kamloops Royal Athletic Park


15,000 Attending (Sold Out)






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome fans to Title Bout Wrestling and it is absolute pandemonium right now! We are fifteen thousand strong as the arena is jam packed for tonight. Are you ready for your first DeColt Wrestlefestival, Ernie?"


Ernie Turner: "Yee haw! Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is ready for anything and I am certainly ready to see what we have in store this hour. Can you believe we have TWO of the DeColt brothers in action?"


Davis Ditterich: "That is right, partner. Ricky and Jack will be in action tonight and we will also hear from Alex who apparently has some words for Eddie Chandler."


Ernie Turner: "They clash tomorrow in the main event, but will The Revolution try to strike and weaken Alex the night prior?"


Davis Ditterich: "Only time will tell. Right now it looks like we are going to the back where......really? Apparently Ryan Powell has found himself a microphone and a camera man."






Ryan has the CGC Canadian title slung over a shoulder and he doesn't look too happy. Then again this is the usual demeanor he has even after winning the gold.


Ryan Powell: "At Luck of the Draw I told everyone that I would make them remember me. I won a tough four man battle to climb that ladder and retrieve this title. Eleven long years have passed since I last held this. Ten years since I have had any sort of gold. Years of feeling that one day I would have my time again and I keep getting passed over for other guys."


He tchs lightly and shakes his head. He reaches up to lightly run a hand through his hair and he seems to be a bit lost in thought.


Ryan Powell: "After that tough fight I instantly defended the title. Who did they have take me on? A clown! See, just like all of you people this company mocks me. They forget about me and now they must hate the fact they have to acknowledge me as the CGC Canadian champion. You can't ignore me. They can't ignore me. I won't go away no matter how much you or this company want me to stay in obscurity."


He gets a bit of a smug look on his face and he adjusts the belt and reaches up with his free hand to pat it lightly.


Ryan Powell: "After the DeColt Wrestlefestival is all said and done I will be even harder to ignore. Tonight I will beat Zeus Maxmillion and keep this title. Tonight you will see a battle royal. Whoever wins it? Well I will beat them tomorrow. Get used to me. I am not going anywhere."


That smug look never leaves his face and he makes a bit of a rude gesture that the camera manages to pan away from in time.


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "He might not be a favorite, but I will give Ryan Powell this. He isn't hiding from anyone since getting that title."


Ernie Turner: "He wants to be remembered, but at the same time I think he will be remembered for all the wrong things. He can't look too far ahead, though. Zeus is no pushover."


Davis Ditterich: "A former tag and CGC Canadian champ as well, Zeus knows what it takes to win a title. Now let us go to the ring for the first match of the night."






Rick DeColt vs Nathan Black


A rare Nathan Black sighting only leads to a rather quick bout where he is overwhelmed by the youngest DeColt brother. Ricky is showing quite a bit of fire and intensity as he quickly puts away Nathan who gets little to no offense in.


Winner: Ricky DeColt


Rating: C-


Ernie Turner: "Sweet baby Jesus! Ricky doesn't look like he is messing around tonight. I think he just used Nathan to send a message to The Revolution. He is healthy and ready to fight if they decide to cause trouble."


Davis Ditterich: "Nathan Black isn't exactly a pushover and he was just manhandled. The Revolution better hope they don't come across Ricky tonight."


Ernie Turner: "Or any of the brothers for that matter. Jack is in action in the main event, but I don't think he will have as an easy time since he will be against Bobby Thomas."


Davis Ditterich: "Speaking of the DeColt brothers we have Alex in back right now with Phil Vibert."






Inside the office of Phil Vibert stands Alex DeColt. Phil is seated in his lush, business chair and rests behind his desk as he simple watches Alex while idly drumming his fingers on the desk.


Phil Vibert: "So I understand you had a proposal you wanted to make? Shouldn't you be resting up for your big day tomorrow?"


Alex seems like he isn't amused and he shakes his head. He steps forward and rests his hands on the desk as he leans in.


Alex DeColt: "Phil, no games. I want Eddie and his Revolution tonight and I know just how to get them to accept my challenge."


Phil quirks an eyebrow, but seems intrigued and he sits up some in his seat.


Phil Vibert: "By all means. Tell me what you want and I can make it happen if it sounds suitable. I can't risk either of you being injured, though."


Alex DeColt: "Now you worry about my safety? Where were you during all the attacks!?"


Alex slams his fist on the desk, but he then calms himself and takes a deep breath.


Alex DeColt: "I want a four on four match. Tell Eddie to bring his little gang with him. Tell him he won't even have to worry about Ricky and Jack. I got my own little team ready to deal with them."


Phil Vibert: "Well I am not against this, but I am unsure why you think he would be so eager to get in the ring tonight."


Alex DeColt: "The winner gets something special. The winner gets to make a stipulation on what kind of match we will have."


Alex seems dead serious and Phil looks to be entertaining the idea. He then smiles and he just nods.


Phil Vibert: "Have it your way, Alex. I suppose this might keep an eye on the both of you better. Let me make it clear. You or your friends do something that keeps Eddie from wrestling tomorrow I will strip you of your title."


Alex DeColt frowns at that, but he nods and says nothing more. He turns to leave while an amused Phil Vibert watches on with something of a devilish smirk.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Wow, it looks like we got another match for tonight and that should be an interesting one!"


Ernie Turner: "Winner gets to pick a stipulation to the match? That could bite Alex on the ass in the end. He has some faith in his team mates. Who could they be?"


Davis Ditterich: "We will find out later on. All we know is that Ricky and Jack aren't going to be on his team. I bet they will be close by to make sure nothing bad happens."


Ernie Turner: "They just better be careful. If they do something bad to Eddie tonight Alex won't have to worry about defending his title tomorrow. He won't have it!"






Brett Fraser vs Zeus Maxmillion


The challenger for Ryan Powell's CGC Canadian title is in action and he gets the feisty, veteran brawler Brett Fraser as a warmup. It could end up being a bad thing because the match starts out as a rather messy brawl as they fall out of the ring and throw wild strikes at one another. Zeus uses his almost inhuman strength to overpower Brett and tosses him back into the ring. A vicious spinebuster followed by a running shoulder breaker puts Brett away for good.


Winner: Zeus Maxmillion


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "He better hope he has more energy. He still has another match tonight and Ryan Powell has to be licking his chops to see his opponent already having one match tonight."


Ernie Turner: "Zeus looked rather intense, though. This could be a message to Ryan. Zeus is ready and he is willing to wrestle twice in a short time as well if it means he can get gold."


Davis Ditterich: "There is a difference between twice in two days and twice in one night. If someone can do it, a fine specimen like Zeus is certainly a good one to go with."






Eddie Chandler is on a cell phone in a rather dark location that looks to be somewhere in the back of the arena. He finishes up with whoever he was on the phone with and puts it away before looking to the camera.


Eddie Chandler: "Alex DeColt wants to challenge us as a whole? He thinks that somehow having surprise partners will allow him to stop this revolution? You just made things worse, Alex. When I win I will make sure to pick something that will lead to your destruction. I suppose in a way that means by issuing this challenge you just committed a form of suicide."


He laughs some and then suddenly stops, his expression turning into a more serious one as he leans in closer to the camera.


Eddie Chandler: "Your time is running out. Then it will be...."


He trails off then gently kisses the lens of the camera before straightening back off and stepping back into the shadows.


Eddie Chandler: "...sweet dreams."


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "....I just got chills. Eddie is slowly unraveling and seems more dangerous by the day, partner."


Ernie Turner: "I think Alex somehow played into the hands of The Revolution. I think someone finally has the DeColt's number."


Davis Ditterich: "I don't want to think about it. Now what in the....apparently there is some commotion in back!"






There is commotion in back and a security member is shown being thrown aside as the camera manages to dodge them and get in place to see what is going on. There are a few other men on the ground out cold and Adrian Garcia is held off the ground and against the wall. The man holding him is Remo who has a bloody nose and a rather big grin on his face.


Adrian Garcia: "You get your hands off me! I didn't have anything to do with those men! I have my own men to take care of such things and if you don't put me down this instant I will make sure you will be reminded!"


Remo just pulls him from the wall to slam him into it again which elicits a girlish yelp from Adrian.


Remo: "I don't care about your guys. I already beat up the overgrown meat mountain of yours. I will take on whoever else you want to throw at me. You just better not be a liar. It is in your blood, Adrian. I know you are compelled to lie whenever you can. I don't like being lied to."


Adrian Garcia: "It isn't a lie! I will get you banned from this arena and make sure you never get a title shot again if you keep this up!"


His threats don't seem to bother Remo, but he does pull Adrian away from the wall and unceremoniously dumps him onto the ground where he lightly kicks at Adrian.


Remo: "If I find out otherwise I will be back. As for sending someone after me? I want a match tonight. Send one of your boys if you want. I have some...mmm....stress to work out."


He laughs some and walks off as Adrian just looks flustered and angry at how he was just embarrassed.


Adrian Garcia: "Get that camera off of me n-"


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "Well....Remo is right. Adrian is known to be quite the liar. I still am uncertain if what just transpired really clears him of anything."


Ernie Turner: "I say prime suspect number one still, though Eddie has been obsessed over Alex and the title so we still can't clear him either."


Davis Ditterich: "I am sure as soon as Remo finds out who was behind the attack we will know by the path of destruction."






Jack DeColt with Hotstuff Marie vs Bobby Thomas


Jack shows much the same intensity that Ricky did earlier, but Bobby is much more prepared and much more crafty it would seem. He has to play cat and mouse as he tries to wear out Jack that way so he can finally start to work on the DeColt with his various submission holds to try and further wear down Jack.


A tactic that works well up until the point Jack just gets a burst of adrenaline and he manages to just power his way out of the armbar he was locked into. Bobby can't recover in time to get away and he starts to get pummeled by Jack and his only way to slow the man down is a good old thumb to the eye. It is a short reprieve as Jack just seems to have become almost unstoppable at this point. Bobby is overwhelmed by Jack in the end and falls victim to the DeColt Driver.


Winner: Jack DeColt


Rating: B-


Ernie Turner: "The DeColt boys are on fire tonight. That was another big whippin' and Bobby Thomas isn't a pushover."


Davis Ditterich: "If Alex shows the same intensity later on when taking on The Revolution I don't think that match will end well for Eddie and his boys. I haven't seen the brothers this fired up in a good while."


Ernie Turner: "And it is almost that time! Time to find out who will win that match among other things!"


Davis Ditterich: "That's right, folks! Our time is up and we are about to kick off all the festivities! Join us on pay-per-view for the first night of The DeColt Wrestlefestival!"




Final Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.45

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Decolt Wrestlefestival: Day One


March, Week 4, Sunday


British Columbia: Kamloops Royal Athletic Park


15,000 Attending (Sold Out)




An opening video with music starts off the show as it highlights what has gone on since Luck of the Draw up until tonight. The main focus is on the feud between The DeColts and The Revolution with bits of Remo and his search for who sabotaged his chance at a title shot. The debut of Edd Stone is also included as well as The banter between Trent Shaffer and Christian Price. It all ends as things fade to black and a logo then appears as the cheers of the crowd start to be heard.




Rating: B+






Davis Ditterich: "We are live for the first night of the most amazing spectacle in all of Canadian wrestling. We are here for the first night of The DeColt Wrestlefestival! Are you ready for you first exposure to it, partner?"


Ernie Turner: "Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner was born for nights like this. Tonight is going to be wild, and by god it will be even more so tomorrow. I can't contain myself, YEE HAW!"


Davis Ditterich: "You will have to try, buddy. We got three hours of action ahead of us and that much tomorrow too. Try not to lose your voice!"


Ernie Turner: "I can go all night and then some. I am more worried about you, D-Ditch!"


Davis Ditterich: "I learned my lesson my first year covering this. I can pace myself. We are going to kick things off with the battle royal to decide who will face the CGC Canadian Champion tomorrow at night two. We will find out if Ryan Powell will still hold that title or if he will lose it to Zeus Maxmillion."






Ten Man Battle Royal!


It is a huge mash of people who have never had a shot before combined with several veterans who have held the gold. The veterans seem to also be the ones that start off better as the likes of Donte Dunn, Skip Beau and Warren Technique all get tossed out quickly. Bobby Thomas and Shane Nelson spend much of the match going at one another and rekindle their past rivalry once again back when they were in the tag ranks.


Whip soon eliminates Ozzie Golden and then gets Nathan Black as well who was trying to Blindside him. Ozzie Golden ends up getting Glen Kasey out, but is dropkicked out of the ring by Jacob Jett while celebrating. This soon leaves us with Whippy, Bobby, Jett and Shane Nelson. They look to try and decide who to go after and Nelson goes back after Bobby. Whippy goes to help, but Jett surprises the clown by upending him when his back is turned. Jett shrugs helplessly as Whippy looks unamused at first, but then smiles and realizes it is all part of the match. The remaining trio switch up often trying to eliminate the odd man out at the time and eventually it is Bobby Thomas who gets taken out by Shane Nelson when he managed to stay on the apron and gloated a bit too long.


Jett and Shane both start to go at one another in a furious pace of quick strikes and they seem evenly matched. Shane makes a grave mistake when he makes a corner charge. Jacob Jett ducks then upends Shane over the top and to the outside. Jacob Jett falls onto the mat trying to catch his breath as Katie Cameron gets in the ring and cheers on her man.


Winner: Jacob Jett


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "What a battle royal and a surprise winner if you ask me! Jacob Jett is still relatively new and I would have to say he just made a statement here."


Ernie Turner: "I had my money on someone like Bobby Thomas or Whippy the Clown. Men who have so much ring experience, but it was one of the newer kids in town that get the win. Now he better rest up for tomorrow."


Davis Ditterich: One piece of the puzzle has been figured out. We will find out who he will face soon enough."






A video is shown that highlights the next two competitors and their rather opposite personalities. Christian Price is shown as a man who had a rough start and worked hard to become better and get recognition. Trent Shaffer is shown more as an aloof and cocky man who has obvious talent that allowed him to take the path he has so far.


Rating: C






Trent Shaffer vs Christian Price


Trent Shaffer starts off not taking Price serious at all and he seems a bit carefree about things. That is until Price starts to beat the tar out of him. Price shows his muscles with some high impact moves that causes Trent to flee to the outside to rethink his approach to this match.


It allows him to refocus and when he takes things serious he shows why he can be dangerous. He can't outdo Price when it comes to power, but he manages to kick Christian's legs out from under him and begins to use his technical prowess to start to gain an advantage. An advantage that doesn't last long when Price gets another burst of energy.


It is a very even match where they spend several minutes attempting to outdo the other. When Christian Price looks to bring up Shaffer for a suplex variation of some sort, Trent manages to shift his weight to where Price falls backwards with Trent on top of him. Trent gets a nice hand full of tights as he gets the pin. He quickly retreats while Christian tries to argue with the ref on what happened.


Winner: Trent Shaffer


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Trent steals a win so I guess he has bragging rights for the time being."


Ernie Turner: "Sometimes you do what it takes to win. This time it took some tights! An old trick Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner used a few times in his days."


Davis Ditterich: "Christian Price won't let this stand. I am sure this isn't the last match we see between these two."






Alex DeColt is in the locker area with a camera man. He looks actually pretty laid back and not near as intense as both of his brothers looked earlier this evening on Title Bout Wrestling.


Alex DeColt: "Eddie Chandler. I know you would think I would go with my brothers for help here, but we know you have faced all of us quite a bit. You can plan for that sort of things. That is why I teaming with men you have never faced before. Men that have my back and are trustworthy. You better hope you have your friends ready. Tonight your revolution takes a big step back. It is hard to keep a DeColt down and tonight you will find that out."


Rating: A*


Davis Ditterich: "The champ looks ready and loose. I am a bit surprised I admit."


Ernie Turner: "He must feel he has a solid plan, but I wonder who he managed to get to help?"


Davis Ditterich: "The anticipation will end soon. That match is next!"






Alex DeColt, Edd Stone and the Parker Brothers vs The Revolution with Isabella


The Revolution are the first group out and they actually look rather perplexed with the men that come out with Alex. Edd Stone is not so much a surprise, but the Parker Brothers do seem to actually come off as quite a surprise given James Parker hasn't even been in a CGC ring yet and Steven Parker's only match was against Remo.


Despite that they seem ready as the faces hit the ring and start to clean house. The Revolution soon end up on the outside and have to regroup, only they soon find Edd Stone flying out of the ring and onto the group, wiping them all out and himself in the process. That leads to the Parker Brothers picking up one of the group and tossing them in the ring. The brothers work over That Handsome Devil in hopes to perhaps ruin those devilish good looks.


The rest of the group soon recover and some distractions allow Mimic to make the save and get his fellow team mate out of the ring while also getting James Parker isolated away from the rest of the team. The Revolution turn into a well oiled machine with quick tags that give each member a breather while also taunting the faces to get them to try and charge the ring. This allows for double teams when Francis Long attempts to get the other side under control.


Overconfidence becomes a problem for The Revolution as Jamie Atherton toys with James too much and gets caught by a surprise suplex that downs him. He manages to get to Eddie, but James manages to get to Alex who starts to clean house once he is in.


Things start to devolve again as all men soon get in the ring and brawl about. Edd tosses Mimic out and then climbs to the top turnbuckle to dive outside again and take himself out along with Mimic. Steven and That Handsome Devil end up on the outside too and they spill over the barrier and out into the crowd. Alex is blindsided by Jamie who has recovered enough to help his team out. He and Chandler manage to take out Alex and throw him from the ring after forcing a tag that brings in the weakened James Parker in. Jamie manages to get out of the ring and stop Alex from getting back in while Eddie quickly puts James away and gets the pin.


Winners: The Revolution


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Dammit, they got the win. Alex may have had a good idea, but I don't know if the Parker Brothers were ready for such a big match. Now Eddie gets to pick the stipulation for their title match!"


Ernie Turner: "But when do we get to hear the decision? It looks like Eddie and his cohorts are getting the hell out of dodge right now. Look at Alex. He's irate!"


Davis Ditterich: "It has to be frustrating. He was hoping to finally get some sort of advantage against The Revolution and it didn't happen."






Remo is backstage and he is pacing a bit. He has an intense look on his face and the man looks ready to snap and attack someone at any moment. That intense gaze fixates on the camera as he just gives a sadistic grin.


Remo: "Adrian, I know you are a liar. I know you fear me. That is a good thing. What is a stupid thing is you decide to do things such as have you monster Gargantuan take me out and now you resort to no name thugs to keep me out of matches. So tonight you better bring the best you have. I will keep destroying your men until you tell the truth. Then maybe I will just beat the hell out of you and spare them. You can manage with broken legs afterall."


He hehs lightly and that grin widens as he rubs his hands together and his eyes almost look like they are about to burn a hole through the camera as he continues to gaze.


Remo: "So bring your Shooter Sean Deeley. Bring your Dan DaLay. I don't care because the result will be the same. You will witness once again that I am NOT a man to piss off. You want a war, you are going to get it. This is a war you can't and will not win."


He seems to calm some and then he gives a bit of a wink as he turns to leave.


Rating: A


Ernie Turner: "Is Adrian allowed to use more than one man? He might need it no matter how good each member of ELITE is."


Davis Ditterich: "Well we saw what Remo did to Gargantuan at Luck of the Draw. He looks even more angry now so I really wouldn't want to be in Adrian's shoes."


Ernie Turner: "I would just admit that I did it and hope for mercy at this point."






Ryan Powell comes to the ring and he reaches for a microphone. He holds up his title with the other hand and he shows it off to the booing crowd as he begins to speak.


Ryan Powell: "An image that will be ingrained in your minds for a long time. An image that you will be forced to remember and in turn be forced to remember me for a long time to come. This title is mine and will remain mine. Zeus Maxmillion? He is just another stepping stone as I will become the best CGC Canadian champion in the history of this company. Jacob Jett? He will be a footnote soon too. Let the boos grow louder. That just makes me remember that I am doing the right thing."


Rating: C






CGC Canadian Championship Bout




Ryan Powell © vs Zeus Maxmillion


Ryan jumps Zeus as he is getting in the ring, but gets tossed away by the much stronger opponent. Zeus just uses his amazing strength to start tossing Ryan about and things really start to look like it might be an easy win for Zeus.


The eyepoke of doom then occurs and it is enough to stagger Zeus for a moment and stall his momentum. Ryan capitalizes with some stiff strikes, but then eats a big boot when he comes off the ropes looking to forearm Zeus. Zeus stalks Powell around the ring and looks ready to go in for the kill. He looks to lock Ryan into the full nelson and put him away, but Ryan squirms free and while being tangled up he manages to land a low blow that Francis Long doesn't manage to see. Ryan follows up with a quick gut buster then climbs the ropes to put Zeus away with the Star Treatment.


Winner and Still Champion: Ryan Powell (Defenses: 2)


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "So close! Zeus should have had that. If anything he should have had the win because of the low blow."


Ernie Turner: "This is how you properly cheat. Besides, if you ask me, you can only count it as cheating if you get caught."


Davis Ditterich: "I somehow can guess how many of your matches ended."


Ernie Turner: "A win is a win, D-Ditch."






Adrian Garcia is found in the backstage area looking rather nervous. He is alone which is rare and perhaps in a far dark corner of the building so Remo won't find him. Even so he tries to keep himself cool and collected, but the worried glances really show he is far from being that.


Adrian Garcia: "Remo, you don't know what you are doing. When I said it wasn't me I wasn't telling a lie. You won't take no for an answer so you got a challenge tonight. You think you are so high and mighty? Well I have someone that I know will win because if he doesn't he will be in a lot of trouble. Nate Johnson knows that I don't like losers and I am not happy about his string of bad luck. No CGC Canadian title win. No win to get a shot at Alex tomorrow. In fact his victories on his own are few and far between. He knows he is on thing ice. He is a desperate man, Remo. Desperate men do desperate things and I know he will come out on top. I'll see you tonight. I got other business to attend to."


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Nate Johnson, huh? I kind of feel sorry for that man. I don't envy anyone that has to take Remo on."


Ernie Turner: "A smart move by Adrian Garcia. This should light a fire under Nate Johnson. Adrian doesn't like failures and a loss tonight might mean Nate ends up in the doghouse for a long time."






CGC Tag Team Championship Match




The Dirty White Boys © vs The Soldiers of Fortune


Not a technical spectacle at all. It is four men that know how to brawl and that is just what the fans are treated to. They just can't seem to get into it either given it is two heel teams going at it which might also be why the match is thankfully a short one. The Dirty White Boys manage to keep Fate out of the match for the most part and work over Destiny. Leady Belly is quick to knock Fate off the apron so he and Grease Hogg can finish off Destiny and easily retain.


Winners and Still Champions: The Dirty White Boys (Defenses: 2)


Rating: D+


Davis Ditterich: "It wasn't pretty, but it was a win. The Dirty White Boys continue their second reign in convincing fashion."


Ernie Turner: "And they beat the former champs with relative ease. Who will face them now?"


Davis Ditterich: "Hard to tell. They have looked to be the best in the tag division in the moment. Maybe someone new will step forward?"






Adrian is found backstage again pacing about and seeming anxious about something. He does break into a smile when a man approaches and the camera pans over to reveal who it is.




Adrian: "Is it done?"


Gargantuan just grins and nods as he steps aside and motions to the side. The camera moves when he motions and there are two bodies laid out. Ricky and Jack DeColt are both out cold and not moving.


Gargantuan: "Message delivered."


Adrian Garcia seems pleased and he smiles as he pats the monster on the back.


Adrian Garcia: "I can always rely on you to follow orders. This will remind the DeColts that the Revolution is the least of their worries. Now get ready for your match. Not to mention remember our plan for later."


Gargantuan just nods and grins as he stomps off. Adrian wipes a shoe on one of the unconscious DeColt brothers and he shakes his head before walking off.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "Son of a bitch! Adrian should be worried about Remo. Now he is going after the DeColts again? There will be hell to pay once Alex finds out."


Ernie Turner: "A sound time to strike, though. The DeColts are probably all busy with The Revolution that they probably left themselves open to a ELITE ambus."


Davis Ditterich: "I think it is just getting to be too much for the brothers. They are getting overwhelmed from all sides."






Brett Fraser vs Thrill Seeker


Brute strength against speed and agility. In this case the latter keeps control for most of the match and Thrill Seeker dazzles people with his high flying moves and devil may care attitude. He throws caution into the wind many a time with dives and finishes off Brett with a double footstomp on the big man's chest and gets the cover.


Winner: Thrill Seeker


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "A bit of a surprise match, but an impressive one for Thrill Seeker. The way he has been performing I would think he might be in line for a CGC Canadian title shot soon."


Ernie Turner: "Hot damn I would love to see that. The man has some skill and Ryan Powell might really get what he wants if he takes Thrill Seeker on. A victory will certainly make people start remembering him."


Davis Ditterich: "Let us not get ahead of ourselves. Ryan Powell still has Jacob Jett in his path tomorrow. Then we can talk about this possible matchup."


Ernie Turner: "Such a buzzkill."






ELITE with Adrian Garcia vs Joey Poison with Faith and Stevie Grayson


Stevie gets a different partner than usual given Zeus had two matches tonight already. Joey Poison makes a good stand in and the pair work well, but they are against perhaps two of the biggest monsters in all of CGC. Dan DaLay and Gargantuan are just too strong and the two smaller men can do little damage before Joey is tossed out of the ring by Dan DaLay and Gargantuan makes short work of Stevie.


Winners: ELITE


Rating: C


Ernie Turner: "ELITE starts off strong. Now it is up to Nate Johnson to finish things with Remo."


Davis Ditterich: "A bit easier said than done. No offense to Joey and Stevie, but they are far from being the same as Remo."


Ernie Turner: "Nate is also a high class competitor and a triple crown champion. Remo can't go in thinking he has an easy match."


Davis Ditterich: "Speaking of Nate. It seems like he has something to say."






Nate Johnson doesn't seem nervous when the camera fixes on him. He also doesn't seem confident at the same time. He isn't exactly looking straight at the camera and he shuffles his feet while speaking.


Nate Johnson: "I won't lie. I haven't been happy with my own performance. Adrian has a right to be mad. I get paid to get results and those results have been less than perfect. In a way perhaps this is a punishment for that."


He then looks up and he reaches to remove his shades. He finally makes contact and he takes a deep breath.


Nate Johnson: "Or it may be my redemption. My way to show Adrian that I not a failure. To show my fellow ELITE members that I am not a week link. I am a triple crown winner! I am one of the most decorated tag performers in CGC history! Remo, prepare yourself. You are going to get the Nate Johnson of old. Tonight you get your first loss."


Rating: C+






Nate Johnson with Adrian Garcia vs Remo


Nate Johnson gets a big pep talk from Adrian in the corner while Remo just stares both men down and grins. The match is also announced as the main event for the night. One that starts off with a bang because when the bell rings Remo pounces and starts to maul Johnson with a flurry of punches and forearms. Adrian has to jump off the apron to avoid being knocked off and he shouts at the referee to pull Remo off.


Francis Long does look to try and separate the two and in parting them Nate is allowed to cheap shot Remo and daze the big man momentarily. That moment is enough to let a veteran like Nate Johnson to gain some form of control. It is a game of cat and mouse overall. Nate Johnson gets some offense in and then has to bail once Remo starts to use his brute strength to break free. He also runs around and tries to get Remo to give chase. Remo proves to be faster than expected and he finally does catch Johnson and things start to go south quickly.


Remo starts to dominate his opponent and treat Johnson like some oversized ragdoll. An irate Adrian Garcia gets on the ring apron and starts to shout which just leads to Remo thrown Johnson right at his manager. The pair lay on the ground as Remo just looks amused. Fans start to shout when he fails to notice coming from around ringside are the other members of ELITE which climb into the ring and swarm him as Francis Long calls for the bell.


Winner by DQ: Remo


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "It's ELITE! It's ELITE! They took out Jack and Ricky and now they look to be getting rid of Remo."


Ernie Turner: "Adrian wanted to make a statement tonight. Everyone is talking about The Revolution, but after tonight they might be talking about ELITE!"


Davis Ditterich: "Even Remo can't take on three men of that quality. Get someone down there to break this up!"






Remo does his best to fight back, but he is being overwhelmed. Adrian Garcia and Nate Johnson are both slowly recovering, but are conscious enough to see DaLay and Gargantuan heft up Remo and drop him with a powerful double powerbomb. Shooter Sean Deeley then locks in a sharpshooter on Remo while Adrian starts to look smug and taunt the downed fighter.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "It can't end this way. This night is being ruined by ELITE!"


Ernie Turner: "This night does seem to belong to them. The Revolution got a win too, but were relatively quiet. Then again Eddie Chandler has a chance to make the biggest waves at the festival tomorrow."


Davis Ditterich: "And what might Adrian have in store for tomorrow? What about Remo? He won't be happy when he recovers. I thought tomorrow would be chaotic enough as it was."


Ernie Turner: "Buckle up, D-Ditch! We are in for a crazy ride tomorrow too!"


The camera fades as it stays fixed on the unconscious Remo.




Final Rating: B


PPV Buy Rate: 0.37

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A Mutual Breakup


It seems that Stevie Grayson not wrestling with his tag partner at the first night of The DeColt Wrestlefestival was due to something other than Zeus had a shot at the CGC Canadian Championship. After their last loss to The Dirty White Boys it appears the two had come to a decision to go their seperate paths. The former champions in recent months just haven't looked good when teaming together. It is hard to attribute it to a single thing, but their timing has just been off and they look more like two men that started tagging together.


It appears that Zeus plans on staying in singles action for the time being and looks to get another shot at Ryan Powell in the near future. Stevie seems more content in finding himself a new partner. There is no indication that it will be him and Joey Poison moving forward and more than likely it was a one time team up. Stevie has always been known to be a good tag team specialist that has been partners with several stars over his career. Is it now that he might finally look to try his hand at singles action himself?


In a time when so many tag teams seem to break up with hatred for one another it is good to see the two men deciding to go their seperate paths in a respectful way. We at Canadian Golden Combat will surely be interested to see where their new paths take them.

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The Fate of a Champion


A video has appeared on the CGC official website soon after the events unfolded at the first day of The DeColt Wrestlefestival. The video itself is dark and looks to be shot in a moving car from the back seat. The figure sitting next to it is none other than Eddie Chandler who had just recently won a four on four match that would allow him to pick the stipulation for his match against Alex DeColt for the CGC World Championship. He seems smug as ever as he speaks to the camera.


Eddie Chandler: "Thank you for providing me with a way to make my revolution come true, Alex. You have only helped in your own demise as tomorrow there will be only one result when this match is all said and done. It will be me walking out with the title, holding it high for a third time in my career. It is the spark that will turn the tide of this war. It will give me the power to show the fans that it has been you that is the problem in the company, not me. And with them finally on my side I will drive you and your brothers out of this company.


Alex, tomorrow it will just be me and you. No excuses saying that my fellow revolutionaries interfered and certainly no brothers having your back. I talked to dear Mr. Vibert and there will be great consequences to anyone who decides to interfere. Tomorrow you face me in a match I have won five times out of five in my entire career. Prepare yourself, Alex, because our match will be Last Man Standing."

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DeColt Wrestlefestival: Day Two


April, Week 1, Monday


Ontario: The G Davis Coliseum


20,451 Attending (Out of 30,000)




The sound of a film reel is heard and is soon

as images start to play out. Footage from the early nineties of both Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt in their youth start to be shown back and forth as the music continues to play. The years continue to pass showing the highlights of both men's careers from their title wins to the original formation of ELITE. It moves on to modern times and shows bits of the formation of The Revolution and the attacks on Alex. The final image as the music finishes is both men facing one another staring at each other with an intense gaze before it fades to black and a graphic with the CGC logo shows up with the words 'LAST MAN STANDING' below it. It starts to fade out while the sound of the thousands of cheering fans start to fade in.


Rating: B






Davis Ditterich: "It is the second day of the most exciting event in Canadian wrestling! Welcome to the second day of The DeColt Wrestlefestival!"


Ernie Turner: "Yeehaw! Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner was born for times like this! Last night was great and it looks like it might get even better if possible!"


Davis Ditterich: "Of course tonight we have the main event of the entire festival. Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt square off tonight in a Last Man Standing match! A match Eddie Chandler has not lost in his entire career."


Ernie Turner: "The Revolution looks to take a big step in overtaking the DeColts and winning the World Title can be a big statement for Eddie."


Davis Ditterich: "Of course ELITE made sure they weren't forgotten last night. On top of causing the DeColts trouble by attacking Jack and Ricky they also attacked Remo last night and laid him out. Tonight Dan DaLay, Gargantuan and Nate Johnson take on Jack and Ricky DeColt along with Remo in a big three on three bout!"


Ernie Turner: "And where is Shooter Sean Deeley? Well it seems he gets to be in action this night. He takes on the newest member of the CGC roster, Edd Stone! I tell you, D-Ditch, this night is going to be insane!"


Davis Ditterich: "And that insanity begins now. We are kicking it off with our CGC Canadian Championship up for grabs!"


Ernie Turner: "Bring it on!"






CGC Canadian Championship Bout




Ryan Powell © vs Jacob Jett with Katie Cameron


The two have faced off previously before Powell won the title and it looks like this time Jacob hopes to have champion's number. He certainly comes into the match on fire as he is soon sending Powell running to the outside to recoup as the fans and Katie cheer Jett on. The powder break that Powell takes helps him in this case because it allows him to cheap shot Jett on his way back in and he starts to take control. Cockiness starts to creep in and he isn't taking the bout as serious as he should.


This turns out to bite him in the ass and Jett starts to mount a comeback. The crowd starts getting behind the prospect of having a new champ as Jett starts to chain together several impressive moves and totally take Powell out of this match. Powell also seems to be partially playing possum because when Jett starts to climb to the top, Ryan jumps up and hits the ropes, causing Jett to lose balance and fall to the outside. Powell quickly climbs out to grab the groggy Jett and toss him inside. He nails Jett with a T-bone suplex and then connects with the Star Treatment. The fans and Katie plead for Jacob Jett to kick out, but he cannot.


Winner and Still Champion: Ryan Powell (Defenses: 3)


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "I thought for awhile there Jett really had it. I thought he was about to get his first taste of CGC gold!"


Ernie Turner: "Ryan Powell is more sly than I think people give him credit for. Great move there at the end that gives him the win. Two nights, two successful defenses."


Davis Ditterich: "Oh how lovely. Looks like he wants to gloat too."






Ryan Powell shoulders his title as he looks around the large crowd of booing fans. He has a bit of a smirk on his face while seeming to soak in that reaction for a few moments before he speaks.


Ryan Powell: "What is that? Your little darling from the indies lost? You really thought he could win? That is twice he has come up short and as long as I hold the title he will always be on the outside looking in. I will face all these people you hold dear and in the end the result will be the same. I am your CGC Canadian champion. Remember that! REMEMBER ME!"


He drops the microphone and the fans continue to boo him as he mocks the fallen Jett some before finally leaving.


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "I will say this is a much different Ryan Powell here in 2013. He has picked up the ball and ran with it."


Ernie Turner: "He found something to motivate him and he is riding high right now, D-Ditch. It is going to be tough to find someone to stop him."


Davis Ditterich: "Back to back impressive defenses. We can only see what happens next."






Backstage in the locker area stand Ricky and Jack DeColt next to one another. Off to the side is an unhappy Remo that is pacing a bit as the brothers speak.


Jack DeColt: "ELITE, you punks. You think you can sneak attack the DeColts like that and get away with it? I like that you brought in some of the big guns because I am hankering for a fight and it looks like I am going to get one."


Ricky DeColt: "We know our brother will take care of The Revolution later tonight and retain the title so we are going to do our share. Tonight we take out the trash. The only real question is do we have to do it on our own or can we trust our partner tonight?"


The brothers look to Remo and he stops pacing as he narrows his eyes and stares at them for a few moments before stepping over.


Remo: "I don't like you both, but right now I hate ELITE more. If I wanted to hurt you I would do it head on. I don't need to resort to sneak attacks like they do. Just remember when I smell blood get out of the way unless you want to be hurt too."


He pushes his way past the two and off screen. The brothers look uncertain as they watch him leave then look to one another.


Jack DeColt: "Keep your guard up just in case."


Ricky just nods and the pair soon follow in the direction of Remo.


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "Time to see if Adrian's plan from last night backfires. Right now his boys are about to deal with two angry DeColts and Remo."


Ernie Turner: "I am sure he has a plan already in place to lead his team to victory. I am questioning not letting Shooter be on the team instead of Nate Johnson. He looks like the weak link."


Davis Ditterich: "Another shot to allow Nate to redeem himself? He wasn't exactly winning that match last night so he could still be on thin Ice."


Ernie Turner: "He couldn't beat Remo last night! That is what I mean. Adrian might have shot himself in the foot."






Ricky DeColt, Jack DeColt and Remo vs ELITE with Adrian Garcia


This match breaks down quickly and Francis Long might have a hard time to keep all these men under control. In fact the chaos goes on for several minutes before things finally start to get under control. In doing so Adrian Garcia was able to cause some trouble through all the distractions and when Ricky was coming off the ropes he got his leg grabbed which causes him to hit the mat face first rather hard. ELITE start to take turns beating on the young DeColt and keeping him well away from his brother and Remo.


Adrian continues to shout at his men, but seems really intent on tearing into Nate every time he is in the ring. Shouting at him to tag out quickly almost every time to where Dan or Gargantuan are in the ring instead. A plan that seems to work well until Ricky manages to dive and roll under a big boot that Gargantuan was looking to deliver and he tags in his brother. Jack hits the ring and starts to tear into the ELITE monster and he soon starts to get swarmed. Remo comes in to try and even up the odds. Things break down again.


During this time Adrian Garcia reaches to pull out some brass knuckles and he looks to slide them over to Dan DaLay, but Nate is pushed back at the wrong time and the knuckles bounce off his boot and to where Ricky DeColt is recovering. While the ref is distracted trying to separate Jack, Remo, Gargantuan and Dan it looks like Ricky shows like he is fine with a bit of underhanded tactics himself. He grabs Nate and spins him about, nailing him with the knuckles and tossing them out of the ring quickly. Remo finally tosses out DaLay and Jack tosses out Gargantuan. The trio then take their turn hitting Nate Johnson with all their finishers, Remo getting the last with his Death Valley Driver and gets the pin while Adrian Garcia looks to be pulling out his hair.


Winners: Ricky DeColt, Jack DeColt and Remo


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Adrian did have a plan. Apparently that plan was to cost his own team the match."


Ernie Turner: "I have never seen him so frustrated. I think his hair is going gray before are eyes."


Davis Ditterich: "Hah! What is left of it after he is done tearing most of it out that is. Oh wait....what's this?"






Dan DaLay, Gargantuan and Adrian Garcia all get in the ring. Nate Johnson is still out and just now starting to move. Adrian just shakes his head and he looks to Dan and gives him a thumbs down gesture. Dan reaches up to pull Nate to his feet then tosses him into the awaiting arms of Gargantuan who hits him with the Ultimate Backbreaker. Adrian can be heard shouting 'You're fired!' As he spits on the unconscious Nate Johnson and he stomps off.


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "Holy cow! I knew he wasn't happy with Nate Johnson, but wow...."


Ernie Turner: "It may be heat of the moment, but I am sure it is safe to say Nate Johnson is no longer ELITE."


Davis Ditterich: "No kidding. Quite the pink slip he got in this case too. Well they lost Eddie and now Nate. ELITE might be falling apart!"


Ernie Turner: "Don't count on it, D-Ditch. I won't could them down and out yet given who Adrian still has."






Backstage is a rather unhappy looking Trent Shaffer in street clothes. He seems to have pulled a camera man aside so he could speak his mind.


Trent Shaffer: "Really? No match tonight? Hey, someone beat that goof Christian Price and looked good in doing it. The same Christian Price that has a match. You know who that was? Who has two thumbs and says 'This guy'?"


He points to himself and the watching crowd shouts 'This Guy!' along with Trent.


Trent Shaffer: "That's right, me. This isn't cool at all. Phil is trying to hold me down I think. But I won't get angry. Nah, I am going to just go take a ride and clear my mind. I will see how things unfold and come this Sunday I will challenge whoever wins the main event tonight. I'm out!"


Rating: C+


Ernie Turner: "It is a damn shame he wasn't booked. I do wonder sometimes about Trent. He has some impressive wins, but never gets a fair shake."


Davis Ditterich: "He has had his chances. He could have won the number one contender match. He lost in a non-title match to Alex prior too."


Ernie Turner: "Stop living in the past, D-Ditch. Live in the now! You make that challenge, Trent. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner is cheering for ya."






Shooter Sean Deeley with Adrian Garcia vs Edd Stone


It is a showcase of some of the best technical wrestlers one can hope to see against a great high flier. Adrian Garcia has visibly calmed since the last match and he seems confident while trying to psych up his client. Edd seems to be eating up the cheers from the crowd and looks to have no worries right now. That is something that soon changes once he finds Sean coming after him.


The two lock up and Sean does start to gain the advantage quickly with slick chain wrestling and complex holds. Edd has dealt with some great grapplers himself, though and he is a slippery one to handle. He finds ways to get out of holds and starts to fight back with his arsenal of quick, highflying maneuvers. The two get the crowd into this match and both do well at getting an advantage over the other, but never for a prolonged time. It comes off as a match that could end at any moment and all it would take is one slip up.


Of course with the more daredevil style of offense it may be no surprise it is Edd that makes that mistake. A dive to the outside to what he thought was a prone Sean is met with him crashing to the hard ground when Adrian manages to get to his client in time and pull him away. He starts to slap at Sean to get him to focus and Sean goes for Edd. He gets him into the ring and starts to work him over. Edd starts to fight back, but Sean ducks a wild swing and grabs that arm and pulls Edd to the mat and locks him into a armbar submission. Edd tries to fight out and then reach the rope, but he can't do either and is forced to tap.


Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley


Rating: B-


Ernie Turner: "What a match! Yee haw! I am starting to love me some DeColt Wrestlefestival."


Davis Ditterich: "It was a pleasant surprise to find on the card and even better to see happen. Phil Vibert did good at matching those two up."


Ernie Turner: "Adrian looks pleased as peach pie right now. His prized possession gets a win and over a talent like Edd Stone."


Davis Ditterich: "It does have to ease the pain from the earlier."






The Predators vs Youth Energy with Jenny Playmate


The fans go crazy once they see Youth Energy come out in their old tag team costumes combined with

playing. They hit the ring and start to clean house. The Predators really get to do much of anything but get beaten on by Youth Energy. The pair look to hit all their usual tag team spots and finish it off with the double 450 splash on their opponents and quickly put them away.


Winners: Youth Energy


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "This is why I love The DeColt Wrestlefestival! First we get a great contest we didn't expect then we get surprised by seeing Youth Energy reunite for a match. I am unsure if it is one time only, but if it is I am glad to be here for it."


Ernie Turner: "They haven't missed a beat it would seem. I have never seen them together before and I can see why the fans love them."


Davis Ditterich: "The only bigger treat was if The Specialists could have been involved. Instead Bobby Thomas is MIA and well...we know what happened with Nate earlier."


Ernie Turner: "There is always next year!"






Eddie Chandler is sitting in a dark room and seems to be in a tranquil mood as he looks off camera speaks in a calm, gentle tone.


Eddie Chandler: "We have been through a lot, Alex. Through the years I came to realize that this company could be so much more. Your need to pander to the fans and make them follow false dieties such as yourself and your brothers have only hampered everything as a whole. Who better to put a stop to this than me? Someone who knows you better than perhaps anyone else. Who better than to lead CGC into a new era than me?"


He chuckles softly and he turns to look at the camera finally, that tranquil look starting to look more sinister as he just tilts his head and smiles.


Eddie Chandler: "As you can see it is just me. I do not want you making excuses. I want you to realize that I am the better man when I take that title and hold it high. The Revolution will not be stopped, Alex. Prepare yourself. This is the end of the DeColt era."


He gets up from his seat and walks off, a soft chuckle escaping from him once again.


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "No help, huh? I am not sure I believe that. That seems almost too good to be true."


Ernie Turner: "Well from what I understand Phil said any interference would lead to consequences."


Davis Ditterich: "The Revolution don't seem to care about rules. We will see if that really stops them. We inch closer to the main event. It looks like we have one last one before that!"


Ernie Turner: "One I have to be against. I am siding with my boy, Trent about Christian Price being on the card."






Christian Price vs Destiny


Christian Price doesn't seem to be letting last night's loss get to him and his mind is fully into this match as he locks up with Destiny. The crowd is a bit quiet, but the two start to put on an surprisingly good match that starts to draw them in. It is a down and dirty brawl, but the pair work off one another so well it comes off as more. Christian Price gets the better of the veteran that is Destiny and puts him away with a swinging neck breaker.


Winner: Christian Price


Rating: C+


Davis Ditterich: "Christian Price gets back on the winning side of things. A well fought victory."


Ernie Turner: "But why him? Why does he get to go before the main event and not Trent Shaffer?"


Davis Ditterich: "I think Trent should take that up with Phil Vibert if that is an issue. Are you ready, partner?"


Ernie Turner: "It is that time! YEE HAAAAW! Bring it on!"






The lights soon go out and the crowd is going crazy in the dark. Strobes start to flash and multicolor lights fill the aisle as

. Eddie Chandler soon emerges on his own as he promised and he is carrying a baseball bat. He has a bit of a sadistic smile on his face as he slowly matches to the ring, stopping every few feet to pose and take in the boos from the fans. He enters the ring and he stands in the center as the lights fixate on him and he poses with the bat held high over his head as pyro begins to fire out of the corners of the ring. The music fades out and the lights come back up.


Rating: B






The lights go back down and the fans are hear chanting for Alex. They start going wild when they

and the lights begin to focus on the entrance ramp as Alex DeColt steps out with title around his waist and a Canadian flag over his shoulders. The sides of the entrance ramp rain down sparks and Alex slowly walks forward. He has a determined look on his face as he slaps hands with the fans on his way. Francis Long keeps Eddie Chandler backed to a corner as Alex gets in and starts to pose for the fans. Eddie seems to have no intentions to jump him and just waits for Alex to stop playing to the fans. The title is handed over as the lights come up and Alex removes the flag to hold it up one last time before draping it in his corner. The arena shakes with 'DeColt!' chants.


Rating: A*


Davis Ditterich: "Here we are, partner. I got chills."


Ernie Turner: "Last man standing. It is going to be brutal and we might just have a new champ!"






CGC World Championship Bout: Last Man Standing




Alex DeColt © vs Eddie Chandler


The pair get extended introductions from the announcer and then they approach. They stare for what feels like forever until Eddie goes to attack. Alex blocks the strike and begins to unload on his rival. He starts off with the early advantage and the crowd eats it up. They certainly don't seem like they are ready for a revolution like Eddie says.


The champ dominates for the opening minutes and Eddie tries several times to escape only to get caught and abused some more. He finally gets tied up in the ropes with Alex and uses the time to kick back and nail Alex in the groin when Francis Long is out of position. The cheers turn to loud boos as Eddie starts to take control and he gets the first count started when he dumps Alex out of the ring. Alex is quickly up by three and is met with a double axe handle that sends him back down. Eddie retrieves the bat and he swings only to miss and drop it due to Alex picking him up and dumps Eddie into the crowd.


They start to fight through the fans and neither can get a clear advantage as they soon end up back onto the entrance ramp. They fight back towards the ring and Alex attempts to whip Eddie into the stairs only to have it reversed and he crashes into the stairs himself. Eddie begins to use the stairs as a weapon and he bounces Alex's head off of them a few times before ramming him head first into a ring post. It is enough to bloody Alex and he slumps over. Long begins to count, but Alex is up by six and Eddie jumps right back on him.


He continues to lay into the champ, but Alex starts to get an adrenaline rush and fight back. He pushes Eddie back against a ring post and starts to hit him with a flurry of punches that leave Eddie dazed as he falls over once Alex backs away. He gets up by five and Alex continues to control the fight and he starts to clear off the announce table. Davis and Ernie move away and Alex hefts up Chandler and he does a sit down powerbomb that leaves both men in a heap on top of the table's remains. Francis begins to count again and both men get up at around the seven count.


The fight finally gets back in the ring and Eddie at this point looks to have been busted open too. He has a gash on his left arm from where he went through the table and a cut on his cheek as well. Both are looking a bit winded as they exchange blows and Eddie rocks Alex with a big European uppercut. He then goes back out of the ring and this time comes back with a chair. He misses with the first swing, but does a complete spin and catches Alex off guard. It staggers Alex who then gets hit hard on top of the head by the chair. He slumps and the count starts again. Eddie just laughs some while also trying to catch his breath, but then gets angered when Alex starts to get up.


Several chair shots are unleashed and Eddie tosses it out of the ring in frustration as he just yells at Alex to stay down. Long counts again, but Alex stirs and is up by nine! Eddie looks to put him away with a piledriver, but Alex reverses and back body drops Eddie. Alex is dazed, but manages to turn about and begins to strike Eddie once again. Eddie tries pushing him off several times, but Alex quickly lunges back and strikes again. Eddie pushes Alex off and quickly charges after, but gets hit with a backfist that stops him in his tracks. Both men go down after that and Alex is up at seven while Eddie is up one count later.


Both men are running on fumes at this point as they look to put one another away. Eddie pushes Alex away and manages to get out of the ring and get his baseball bat. He hits Alex with it when he was trying to get out of the ring to go after Eddie. Eddie pushes Alex back in the ring and he starts to shout at the fallen DeColt. Long continues to count as Alex makes it to the corner and starts to use the ropes to get up. Eddie can't believe it and he hits Alex across the back with the bat to send him to the mat again. Long counts and Alex somehow again starts to move. Eddie grabs Alex and spins him around while shouting 'Stay down!'


Turning Alex about seems to be a bad idea. Instinctively he grabs Eddie and he staggers about the ring and pulls his rival with him before managing the strength to heft him up and belly to belly suplex him right out of the ring before falling over. Both men lay motionless as Long counts. The fans are chanting for Alex as he starts to stir, but he slumps back down and neither men respond to the count in time. The crowd is booing like mad as it is announced that the match is a draw.


Result: Draw, Alex Retains (Defenses: 10)


Rating: B


Davis Ditterich: "......I....I don't know what to say other than wow."


Ernie Turner: "Both men are in need of medical help, D-Ditch. This was a damn war."


Davis Ditterich: "Eddie kept true to his word. No interference, but it seems that finally he couldn't beat someone in the match he always prided himself on."


Ernie Turner: "At the same time he didn't lose. In the end did anything really get resolved?"


Davis Ditterich: "I don't know, partner. It seems at least for one more night we have no real answer. All we know is Alex is still the champ, but Eddie pushed him to the limit. We will hopefully will find out this Sunday on Title Bout Wrestling. See everyone then!"


The cameras focus on Alex then Eddie respectively as they are tended to. Both are still not moving and the crowd is still booing loudly as things fade to black.




Final Rating: B


PPV Rating: 0.40

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On an OOC level I figure after their biggest event of the year it is a good place to show the current state of CGC while not spoiling anything.


Size: Cult


Ranking: 8th


Prestige: 72


Momentum: 75


Working Relationships: ACPW (Working Agreement), British Columbia Golden Grappling (Child Promotion)


Popularity: 73 All of Canada, 35 All of USA


Workers Moved to BCGG: Trainers: Vin Tanner, Chance. Talents: Blockbuster, Prometheus


Total Under Developmental That are Unknown: 7


Roster Members lost: Brett Fraser


Wrestlers signed and debuted: Steven Parker, James Parker (Mainstream Hernandez), Glen Kasey (KC Glenn), Edd Stone, That Handsome Devil (El Diablo), Mimic, Jamie Atherton, Isabella (Isabella Encanta), Jacob Jett, Katie Cameron, Ernie Turner, Ed Monton


Wrestles Signed and yet to debute: 2


Anyone else curious about things I didn't list here feel free to ask.

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Fans watching the second night of The DeColt Wrestlefestival were in for a few surprises. One of the biggest ones was Youth Energy teaming together for the first time since they broke up back in December of 2009. Almost four years have come and gone since perhaps the most exciting tag team in CGC history joined forces and in doing so they showed that they had no rust at all. Their tags were fluid and they still could seem to read what the other was planning as they easily handled The Predators.


Does this mean that they are back for good? Don't get too excited because by the sounds of it this is not going to be the norm. While both remain friends and enjoy teaming with one another, both still are wanting to try their hand at a singles career since both feel they have little else to prove when it comes to the tag ranks. Shane Nelson has been in the hunt for the CGC Canadian title and it seems Thrill Seeker as well is making a good case to have a shot as well.


Youth Energy fans do not have to worry for another four years for a moment like this to happen again. While both want to focus on singles careers they did say they planned on teaming at times to satiate the urge to work together again.

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No End in Sight?


The main event for The DeColt Wrestlefestival was almost everything a CGC fan could want. It was spectacular, it was competitive and even for some of the wilder fans things got downright bloody. Even after a brutal match that lasted close to a half hour we were left knowing one thing. There was no winner that night.


Eddie Chandler and Alex DeColt have been enemies for many years now and this may have been the craziest match the two veterans have had to date. Eddie's quest to overthrow what he calls 'The DeColt Empire' and bring forth a revolution hit a wall for the time being. His attempt was unsuccessful, but at the same time Alex did not quash this revolution like he would have. Instead both men were left battered to the point Phil Vibert has taken measures to keep both men out of the arena this upcoming Title Bout Wrestling to keep either from trying to wrestle or start a fight so soon after that brutal match.


Where do things go from here? Eddie has never been a man to give up and it highly seems unlikely that the setback of not getting the gold this past Monday would stop him and his group. Not only that, but many are worried things will get much worse. Can Alex and his brothers fend off The Revolution longer and hope they can find more help in defeating the group once and for all? They do seem to have allies in Edd Stone and The Parker Brothers which would give them a numbers advantage, but Eddie could have tricks up his sleeve as well. The first true battle is over, but the war looks like it will be a long one.

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The Wrestlefestival was fun. It did have a big show feel to it and the crowd was pretty hot both nights. My only complaint was once again I felt I was stuck in the roll of a face. I would have preferred to finally face a DeColt, but I was fighting with them instead. Now even more confusing is that I won't be featured for two weeks on Title Bout.


I didn't get a real rhyme or reason for it. It isn't like I was 'injured' or such like Eddie and Alex were. When I asked Alex about it his only response was he and Phil were 'thinking on things' which doesn't sit too well for me. It makes no sense to book me so strong then have me disappear on the weekly show like that after their biggest event. I will be calm about it for now. Maybe I can work this into finally getting my first real feud with one of the DeColt boys.

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Title Bout Wrestling


April, Week 1, Sunday


Quebec: Molson Palais des Sports


5,000 Attending (Sold Out)




The show opens up with a video package showing off many of the highlights from both nights of The DeColt Wrestlefestival, but mostly from night two. It includes the ELITE vs DeColt/Remo match as well as Youth Energy's surprise reuniting for the evening and as well as parts of the main event. The video comes to and end while showing both Alex DeColt and Eddie Chandler downed and being attended to by medical personnel before switching to the CGC logo.


Rating: B






Davis Ditterich: "Welcome everyone to the most exciting hour of wrestling on television! I'm Davis Ditterich."


Ernie Turner: "And this is Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner. What a wild week we have already had, D-Ditch. What an amazing DeColt Wrestlefestival this year."


Davis Ditterich: "It was a wild ride for sure. We saw all the champions retain, but in one case it was not in such a convincing fashion."


Ernie Turner: "No clear winner that night for the world title and no clear winner in the war between the brothers and The Revolution. I know Eddie and Alex aren't here, but Jack and Ricky are. They are in the main event and they take on the tag team champions in a non-title bout!"


Davis Ditterich: "The Dirty White Boys get to go for a good statement win tonight. You did mention Eddie will not be around, but his fellow revolutionaries could be lurking about. Will they strike tonight or could we be lucky and be free of them for one week?"


Ernie Turner: "Well you know who you aren't free from this week? ELITE! Looks like Adrian has the boys coming on out!"


Davis Ditterich: "I guess we couldn't be THAT lucky."






Adrian Garcia leads his group to the ring and he looks back to being his smug and cocky self despite the big loss on Monday. He gets himself a microphone and gets in the ring as his clients stand around ringside and soak in the boos from the crowd.


Adrian Garcia: "Sometimes a man makes mistakes in his life. I can admit that I made a big one back when I brought in Nate Johnson. ELITE is always looking for the best talent and I thought that is what I was getting when I took him under my guidance. I let myself be fooled a bit and I guess I remained optimistic because Nate even won the CGC World title for awhile. As you can see his performance waned and I had to do something about it. I had to trim the fat."


He smiles some and he rubs at his chin a bit with his free hand and he just pauses while looking around at the booing fans.


Adrian Garcia: "Look at you all. I bet you think we are getting weaker by the month. First that idiot Eddie leaves me this silly revolution of his and now I got rid of Nate Johnson, but do you see who I still have? I have the ever dangerous and loyal Dan DaLay. I have the monsterous Gargantuan. And I have the best and brightest star in this company with Shooter Sean Deeley. Not only that, but next week folks will be in for a treat. I have been traveling for some time looking for new blood and I found someone that will be a perfect fit. Someone that will not be a disappointment like Nate Johnson."


He grins some and he motions for Dan DaLay to get in the ring. The big man stands next to Adrian with arms crossed over his broad chest.


Adrian Garcia: "Enough about next week. Tonight I think we will just remind you all we are not weak. I will let Dan here remind you all that we are ELITE!"


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "A new acquisition? Who could it be?"


Ernie Turner: "He says it will be new blood. Sweet and Southern Ernie Turner finds himself curious now."


Davis Ditterich: "As am I, partner. I suppose we will have to wait until next week to find out."






Dan DaLay with Adrian Garcia vs Skip Beau


Skip Beau is not in a good place at all being surrounded by ELITE. Gargantuan and Deeley do leave, but that still leaves DaLay in the ring. The veteran is ruthless and beats on the youngster with no remorse. Skips attempts at offense are shrugged off and he is quickly put away with a chokeslam after a rather dominating performance by DaLay.


Winner: Dan DaLay


Rating: C-


Davis Ditterich: "I guess Dan DaLay is Adrian's 'Old Reliable' at this point. People have come and gone from ELITE, but Dan has been a constant."


Ernie Turner: "Even as the years pass he is still an intimidating individual and not someone to mess with."


Davis Ditterich: "ELITE is still around folks and still dangerous. Even more so since next week they will have someone new joining their ranks."






Trent Shaffer saunters on down to the ring once ELITE is gone and Skip has been helped to the back. With microphone in hand he slips into the ring and he lounges against a corner as he gazes towards the entrance ramp momentarily. Finally he straightens up and moves more towards the center of the ring.


Trent Shaffer: "So let me see. Nate Johnson loses to Remo then gets kicked out of his little group for costing them a match the following night and Eddie Chandler couldn't cut the mustard when it came down to him trying to take the title from Alex. Those are the two men I faced awhile back to determine who would get to face Alex at The DeColt Wrestlefestival. Guys, someone did win their match at that event. You know who it was? Who has two thumbs and says this guy?"


The crowd shouts 'This guy!' along with him as usual and he just nods and smirks a bit.


Trent Shaffer: "That might be why I am confused. I beat Christian Price and then I get the second night off. Christian certainly doesn't He gets to wrestle before the main event. What the hell, Phil? I think it is time for you to think about our next pay-per-view and who should face Alex. I think it is a foregone con..."




He is cut off as music begins to play. Christian Price emerges as fans cheer and Trent starts to frown after rolling his eyes. Price has a mic as well and he stands at the entrance ramp as he starts to speak once the music is cut off.


Christian Price: "Trent, you know why I get matches like the one before the main event? I don't ask or demand or anything like that. I just go to the ring and I do my best to win."


Trent Shaffer: "You didn't do very well at the whole winning thing against me the first night."


Christian Price: "I let you get one over on me. I am not even going to complain how it happened. Instead of complain about what has happened I want to look to things I can do something about. I want another match, Trent. You beat me again and I am out of your hair. I know I can beat you and I just want another shot."


Trent actually looks amused for a moment, but he shakes his head and lets out a sigh as he moves over to lean on the ropes and peer towards Christian Price.


Trent Shaffer: "You are a persistent one. You want a match with me? I would be a bit more worried about the match you must have with the guy behind you."


That is about the time Christian is blindsided.


Rating: C+






Christian Price vs Nathan Black


Nathan must still not be happy about his recent fortunes since he has been on a losing streak as of late that was highlighted as being one of the men decimated by Youth Energy when they reunited. He beats on Price and finally tosses him in the ring as Trent bails and waves bye to the pair before heading into the back.


Black continues to control the match for most part with little offense by Price to start. Christian does manage to finally get his wits about him and he starts to power out of the chinlock he has been put in. He shoves Black away which knocks the veteran off balance. Price begins to fight back and take control of the match and eventually puts Nathan Black away with ease.


Winner: Christian Price


Rating: C


Davis Ditterich: "So Christian Price wants a rematch, but Trent never gave a for sure yes or no."


Ernie Turner: "Why should Trent say yes? He already proved he can beat Christian and he wants to move on to more important things. I think Christian is a sore loser."


Davis Ditterich: "He certainly isn't that. He just believes he can beat Trent and wants to prove it."






Ricky, Jack and Marie are standing backstage in the DeColt locker area and the group is all smiles.


Ricky DeColt: "At the DeColt Wrestlefestival I will admit the first night wasn't a good one. We let ELITE get the drop on us and our brother lost an important match, but the next night we showed why you can never doubt a DeColt. Me and Jack here got payback against ELITE and Alex kept Eddie from winning the title."


Jack DeColt: "And don't think us fools for one minute. We know Alex didn't win that match and we haven't seen the last of Eddie and his goons. In fact I hope they are here tonight. Come on down and try your hand at taking us out without your leader around. We aren't scared of you guys at all."


Ricky DeColt: "So there you have it. Come and get us if you want. If not just sit back and watch what we do best. Just watch us beat The Dirty White Boys and realize that it will be you in that situation one day once we finally get a fair match against you cowards."


Rating: B+


Davis Ditterich: "Well the challenge has been made. Will The Revolution respond?"


Ernie Turner: "They seem to come and go on their terms. I am unsure if a challenge will draw them out unless they see it as a good chance to get one over the DeColts again."


Davis Ditterich: "I respect the confidence Ricky and Jack have, but at the same time they aren't in for an easy match against The Dirty White Boys. The Revolution might see it as a good chance to jump them again."






Rick and Jack DeColt with Hotstuff Marie vs The Dirty White Boys


The titles aren't up for grabs, but The Dirty White Boys come in fighting as if they were. They manage to get Jack out of the ring and start to work over Ricky in the corner. They obviously see this as a chance to try and elevate their names to the next level.


There is no finesse to their approach and they are just going for an old fashioned beat down on Ricky while making quick tags and keeping Jack out of reach. Grease Hogg looks to pick up Ricky for a piledriver, but instead gets hefted up and Ricky manages to charge to his corner and make the tag. Jack comes in and cleans house. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg try to use the numbers game to overwhelm him, but Ricky recovers enough to help out his brother. Things break down quick, but Ricky manages to toss Lead Belly out and Jack then nails Grease Hogg with the DeColt Driver and scores the pin.


Winners: Jack and Ricky DeColt


Rating: B-


Davis Ditterich: "They did it again. The Dirty White Boys came out swinging, but the DeColts managed to roll with the punches and come out on top.


Ernie Turner: "No sight of The Revolution the entire match as well."


Davis Ditterich: "Maybe they aren't in the building? I won't complain if that is the case. For once the DeColts get to celebrate their win without looking over their shoulder. We are out of time tonight. Tune in next week, folks. Alex will be back."


Ernie Turner: "And ELITE introduces their new member!"


Davis Ditterich: "We'll see you at the next Title Bout Wrestling!"





Overall Rating: B-


Television Rating: 1.48

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Ugh, one more week of not being used. I am not happy about it, but the silver lining is the fact Alex and Phil decided what they wanted to do with me for the next pay-per-view. After being told about it I was pleased and believe if things work out this could be a match that is at least on par with the Shooter Sean Deeley vs Alex DeColt match from earlier this year. I still think that is by far the best match that has happened since I came here and I am to best it somehow. With the planned opponent I think I can do just that.


Two new faces have joined us this week as well. One was brought straight to the roster and is an experienced hand. I think he will do well enough and will thrive working with Adrian and ELITE. He honestly probably is the best talker the group will have since Eddie left them as well. It will be interesting to see if the fans take to him or not.


The other new guy got called up from the new child company that opened about a month ago. A bit surprised he was called up so soon, but apparently he was very vocal about being ready. I am not sure if it is the best way to get the attention of management, but hopefully he likes looking up at the lights during pre shows for the next several months. I don't think he will be on television any time soon.

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We approach another episode of Title Bout Wrestling and it looks like Alex DeColt and Eddie Chandler are both cleared to return to action. Alex will for sure make his presence known, but will Eddie Chandler show his face or bide his time and strike when the DeColts least expect him to? There was no signs of The Revolution last week, but with their leader back it is doubtful they will remain quiet again.


And while The Revolution was not present, ELITE made sure to let fans know they are still around. Nate Johnson is gone and Adrian seems to have found a replacement. It is unknown who his new client is, but they will be in action this week against the talented Glen Kasey.


It also seems Christian Price has a score to settle with Trent Shaffer. While the cocky Shaffer seems to want to move into the title picture, Price wants one more shot to see if he can truely beat Shaffer. Trent has yet to agree to a rematch, but we get something of one this week as both men will face off in a tag match with Edd Stone teaming with Price and Bobby Thomas joining forces with Shaffer.


Watch all the action and drama unfold this Sunday. Tune in for the most exciting hour of wrestling. Tune in to Title Bout Wrestling!

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