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Chaos Zone Wrestling (C'Verse)

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Thanks to Belton for getting me wanting to do a diary, and Eidenhoek's "Help" with Youtube videos





The Independent Alliance by Jeremy Pointon



[From Left To Right: Lee, Joey, Charlie, Damian and Jason]


Everyone knows that the independent circuit of wrestling is one of the cruelest places in the world, sometimes you need a friend to keep you company and to keep you on the straight and narrow.


The five pictures above are member of one such alliance and these people are:


Lee Banglerni, a charismatic wrestler whose "sleaze-ball" gimmick always got a good reaction from the crowd


Up next are twin brothers Joey and Charlie and with Joey's reckless in ring style mixed in with Charlie's technical prowess made them a very watchable tag team.


Tall and dangerous Damian Bonachelli is the oldest of the group and is therefore seen as the leader, a psychopath wrestler who enjoys a good deathmatch.


Finally there is Jason, the tattooed wonder who has already been injured due to his own recklessness, if he stays near enough injury-free for the rest of his career then he may be the most successful out of the group.


Now many of you may have noticed that a few of the bios were wrote in the past tense and that is because over the years some of the group have left the business.


Lee broke his neck after a botched piledriver through a table in Japan, he nows works in a clothing store in Madrid with his husband.


Joey and Charlie left the business after a car accident killed both of their parents and younger sister. They decided to start a car safety business based out of Ontario, Canada.


The only two still active are Damian and Jason, I caught up with Damian and he had this to say.


"CZW, Berlin, Watch this space"


Short and sweet but straight to the point.

Good luck to you Damian and Jason!


This is all folks, Jeremy Pointon signing off!


All suggestions are welcomed!

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Jeremy Pointon was a great 'fella for putting up a blog based on the five of us turns out that he was actually dating Lee's youngest sister, we all keep in contact and we're all doing pretty well so that blog caused a big stir between us.


CZW, or Chaos Zone Wrestling, was well on it's way to being considered an actual promotion.


All of us had thought to start a promotion but after various injuries and incidents Jason and I were the only ones standing.


Berlin in Germany was to be the destination for our wrestling venture and also Jason was smitten for a girl there, she was too "alternative" for me but horses for courses and all that. Secondly, I was British and was getting a bit homesick so it would only be a quick ferry or plane ride to good ol' Blighty


Anyway, that night I got an email from TEW.com's European site, which I had set to receive everytime a news article on their site came up with either Jason and I in the text. This email wouldn't only put a spanner in the works, not only for the promotion but my life as well.




A few days later and I had finally composed myself, being Jewish the funeral for Jason followed quickly and after speaking to his family members and friends they all agreed that I should continue Chaos Zone Wrestling without him.


They believed it would be a great tribute to my best friend, his death would not be in vain.

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Chaos Zone Wrestling: Hostile Intent 2013

Live from the Bremen Hall on 21st February 2013 in front of 9 fans







As soon as he stepped through the curtain F.R.E.A.K was booed and jeered by the crowd but he only played to this, and played to it well.


The match itself was very much Damian trying to brawl with F.R.E.A.K but he kept using shady tactics such as rubbing himself up against Damian and spanking his butt, which clearly got on Damian's nerves.


Finally after a very match back and forth match Damian made F.R.E.A.K tap out via a Crossface.


Damian makes Notorious F.R.E.AK. tap out at 12 minutes, 14 seconds via a Crossface






BW Eddie VS Kelvin Badberry


The ever cocky "Born Winner" Eddie soon turned from cocky to cautious once Kelvin started unleashing blow after blow, suplex after slam.


Despite the initial beat-down Eddie soon evened up the match, finally after Kelvin misses a corner big boot Eddie hits his patented Exploder Suplex which is good for the pin.


BW pins Kelvin after an Exploder Suplex in 7 minutes 59 seconds.


After the match Eddie gets on the mic and begins to insult both Kelvin and the fans. Unbeknowest to Eddie, Kelvin begins to recover and after listening to a few insults he repays the favour with a Spear before leaving BW unconcious in the middle of the ring.






Damage Inc. (Lenny Mochin & Vic Walker) VS The Unholy (Andriy Boronin & Gordon Leve)

To crown the first ever Kings Of Hardcore Tag Champions


This was a match that was filled with technical prowess from 3 of the 4 participants. Andriy Boronin however had other ideas and at random points in the match would unleash a torrent of highflying action.


While this worked for the best part after a while Lenny Mochin got clever and begun brawling with Andriy, something which the Ukranian couldn't handle. Despite an attempted save by Gordon, who for his efforts got hit with Vic Walker's Reverse DDT finisher, Andriy got pinned following a Butterfly Powerbomb


Damage Inc are the first Kings of Hardcore!


After 11 minutes and 31 seconds, Damage Inc (Lenny Mochin & Vic Walker) become the first Kings of Hardcore after Lenny Mochin pinned Andriy Boronin following a Butterfly Powerbomb




VS Gunther Kinski


A brawl from start to finish but occasionally Garion, formerly known as Minion, would unleash a suicidal move such as an elbow drop from the top rope to the outside or a suicide dive which many believed that a guy of his in-ring stlye wouldn't been seen doing.

After many weapon shots and slams to the outside the action finally returned to the ring, which saw Garion attempt a briding fisherman suplex for a 2.99999 count, whilst quesitonning the referee Gunther took the opportunity to line himself up for the Kinski Kutter, which was all she wrote to end the evening of action

Gunther pinned Garion with a Kinski Kutter in 15 minutes and 36 seconds



Quick Results

Damian Bonachelli made Notorious F.R.E.A.K tap. 12 F+

BW Eddie pinned Kelvin Badberry 14 F+

Kelvin attacks BW Eddie 40 D-

Damage Inc (Lenny Mochin & Vic Walker) defeat The Unholy (Andriy Boronin & Gordon Leve) to become the first Kings of Hardcore Tag Champions 30 E+

Gunther Kinski pinned Garion LaChance 17 E-

Overall 20/E-


Sorry I wanted to get the first show up so that people could see the style I will hopefully be writing in for this diary

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Thank you very much for this comment :D

I had about 20 backstories sorted out but this seemed the best and also Vic Walker is a legend.


I love Vic Walker as a character because I've met many people who have the same character in real life so it's easy for me to relate someone to him. Also he's like an English Joey Ryan. :p

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The event was a success, okay the overall quality of the matches wasn't Dan Stone versus Tommy Cornell standard but it wasn't the quality of the matches that was the reason any of us were in the Bremen Hall that night.

Jason was the reason and I believe that he would have loved wrestling in that hall, that night in front of 9 fans.


Now 9 fans doesn't sound like a lot but when you think that those 9 people have spent their hard-earned money so as to come out of an evening and watch some guys in lycra beat the seven shades of shiny shoot out of each other it makes you feel as though you've done your job.





After everyone was getting changed I asked Gordon, Kelvin and Lenny to stay behind.


I spoke to them as a group and said to them that I was pleased at their work and to keep it up to many it would be seen as Given Encouragement, they all seemed pleased especially Gordon who couldn't stop randomly jumping up in happiness while rubbing his title belt, which I let Vic and him take home I knew where they lived if anything went down.


Looking at the finances I realised that we would only be able to run an event every two months as to avoid bankruptcy, I didn't know what our next event would consist of only that it would be called Breaking Point

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CZW Breaking Point 2013

Live from the Brenen Hall in front of 15 fans on the 14th of April 2013.




Andriy Boronin VS Gunther Kinski

After CZW's first event two months ago Andriy has been talking crap about Gunther Kinski over both Youtube and Twitter, he believes that his loss in crowning the first Kings of Hardcore match was just a set back and that by beating veteran Gunther Kinski he would cement his place in CZW history.

Too bad he was completely wrong although he did give a good fight.

Gunther begun the match by asking Andriy to give him all he got but after a failed dropkick, then spinning heel kick then finally a crossbody Gunther took his chance.

The crossbody was turned into a fallaway slam to the outside and it was downhill from there. For the rest of this 12 minutes match Gunther took Andriy to town, slamming him into and onto steel steps, even a DDT onto a chair.

Finally he took Andriy into the ring and hit the Kinski Kutter to end the Ukrainian's taunting.

Gunther Kinski defeated Andriy Boronin in 11:56 by pinfall with a Kinski Kutter






Kelvin Badberry

Before his scheduled tag match Kelvin Badberry came out to fill the CZW fans in on a few details.

He stated that despite losing to BW Eddie he wasn't angry at the English man, at least not until he started running his mouth.

This was the start of an era, an era of Terror.

Finally this led onto him announcing that he would be forming a tag team with Damian Bonachelli, calling themselves Terror Alert.






Unlike Damian Bonachelli, Kelvin was not going to put up with any of F.R.E.A.K's antics. This inturn led to Dwayne Dark being introduced to the match but after many double team moves via Terror Alert Kelvin finalled finished him off with a Berry Crush while F.R.E.A.K was getting his head smacked off the corner turnbuckle, courtesy of Damian

Terror Alert defeated Notorious F.R.E.A.K. and Dwayne Dark in 11:33 when Kelvin Badberry defeated Dwayne Dark by pinfall with a Berry Crush







Simon Ice is a young technician shipped straight from England, too bad Garion didn't care too much.

This was pretty much a dominating performance by Garion who after Simon's initial offence of submission holds was taken to hell and back following brutal strikes and slams.

Finally a Charging Butt-Butt put Simon away.

Garion LaChance defeated Simon Ice in 7:36 by pinfall with a Charging Butt-Butt.






Andriy Boronin VS Vic Walker

Following their tag championship match in February, Gordon Leve was out to make an impression and possibly a shot at the title which he thought was stolen from him.

The match was a technical clinic but Vic would occasionally pull out a cheap move such as raking the eyes or choking on the ropes.

Finally after 16 minutes Vic, following a low blow which the referee Neil Fearn didn't see, hit his patented Reverse DDT which allowed him the 1-2-3.

Vic Walker defeated Gordon Leve in 16:07 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT



Quick Results

Gunther Kinski defeated Andriy Boronin in 11:56 by pinfall with a Kinski Kutter. 26/E

Kelvin Promo 52/D+

Terror Alert defeated Notorious F.R.E.A.K. and Dwayne Dark in 11:33 when Kelvin Badberry defeated Dwayne Dark by pinfall with a Berry Crush. 16/F+

Garion LaChance defeated Simon Ice in 7:36 by pinfall with a Charging Butt-Butt. 15/F+

Vic Walker defeated Gordon Leve in 16:07 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT. 32/E+




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