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HUSTLE, HUSTLE! The Fighting Opera Diary

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The years is 2004.


The world of wrestling is a weird place, where colorful characters fight each other for pride, for gold, or in case of HUSTLE, for a bunch of other crazy stuff.


But this isn't about HUSTLE, no not yet.


Let's take a look at the world of wrestling, shall we?




America is the hotbed for wrestling, with about 30 major companies working on all regions.

Of those 30 companies, in 2004 4 stand tall.

Smokey Mountain Wrestling:


For years just another regional federation controlled by Jim Cornette, over the past 3 years the company managed to get hold over big stars like Paul Wright and Rocky Maivia. They also have a very young roster with stars like The Prototype and Jeff Hardy.

They are at a Cult level and are the biggest indy promotion on the USA.


World Wrestling Council

With the passing of Carlos Colon, none other than Hulk Hogan managed to buy off the promotion of the Colon family. Several indy veteran stars work for this company, like Johnny Grunge and The Sandman. The Hulkster himself goes into the ring from time to time but time made him a very terrible worker to watch. Still has the charisma to move millions though.

They are cemented at the regional level of Puerto Rico.


Total Non-Stop Action

A promotion founded by the Panda Energy company, with Dixie Carter as the major owner, TNA is filled with workers who once were major players on the now defunct WCW and some indy stars. The booker, Eddie Gilbert booked himself to be one of their major champions. Stevie Richards and Brian Christopher are their biggest stars currently.


World Wrestling Federation

The WWF are the kings of American wrestling, outlasting and destroying ECW and WCW on their rise to stardom.

However, it came at a cost: They depended too much on their major stars. Now they area at the end of their carrers, and all of their younger wrestlers are virtually nobodies. The only story of building a new star was Tatanka, who is the current reinging WWF champion and WWF is banking on his momentum to carry the company for a couple years.



México is a small country, but wrestling is it's tradition.

Only 4 companies currently operate in México, but they all put incredible shows day in and day out. Of those 4, 2 have a legendary rivalry.



Universal Wrestling Association

A company owned by the veteran Blue Panther, they managed to turn around a profit when they were in the brink of bankrupcy.

All thanks to smart booking and El Canek drawning power.

With his demise, they managed to find a replacement in Silver King, a incredible in ring performer who made Lucha Libre to be THE place to be if you wish to see in ring action.


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre.

The Mexican Giant, they share a friendly rivalry with UWA, and exchange workers often. This worker exchange was the very reason the Mexican scene has been kept fresh and several young workers were able to developt. Their shows in México managed to outdraw those of WWF on late 90's.

Their bigest stars, Black Magic and Misterioso aren't actually Mexicans.



Several small companies can be found in Canada. But only one is THE Canadian independent wrestling company.


Border City Wrestling


Founded by Scott D'Amore, it's the biggest Canadian company in years, and they are a solid foothold in all Canada. Their biggest stars, Sexton Hardcastle (Adam Copeland) and Sid Vicious managed to elevate the company with their long and stellar feud.




The UK wrestling scene has always taken a backseat due to WWF's and WCW's domination. However, recently, with the declining of WWF, their biggest company is growning.


National Wrestling Alliance - UK

The NWA biggest holdover is their UK branch. In there, they are building several young stars under the supervision of their current world heavyweight championship and industry veteran, Andre Baker.



Europe wrestling is almost touring based exclusive. The only company who still puts some regular shows is CWA.


Catch Wrestling Association

The jewel of wrestling in the sea of indies, the CWA is the place for your wrestling needs in Europe. Ulf Herman, Rambo and August Smisl have been single handed keeping the company alive with their feuds. They got a very promising star in the making with Claudio Castagloni.




All Japan Pro Wrestling

AJPW were at one point, done for.

Losing their biggest stars to NOAH and NJPW, they were losing ground quickly, at one point becoming a small time regional promotion. However, they managed to build new stars, push the correct workers and now they are a national brand company. They got a tiny roster, but all of the youngster can put up incredible matches. Satoshi Kojima and Akira Taue are the gatekeepers of this current era.


All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling

While AJPW were losing ground, their sister promotion did anything but. The biggest Joshi wrestling company on Japan, they have a very dedicate fanbase. This is all thanks to Aja Kong, Mayumi Osaka and Lioness Asuka, their incredible matches put women wrestling in notice by the more mainstream fans.


Pro Wrestling NOAH


NOAH at one point managed to break into the national playground only to lose ALL of their major stars to NJPW. However the unlikely due of Jerry Sags and Barry Horowitz manage to put up such a string of incredible matches, that NOAH managed to retain their fanbases, a cult promotion.


New Japan Pro Wrestling

Toshiaki Kawada.

That is the name of the man. The man that single handed made Japanese Wrestling the must watch of the world.

He isn't alone though. Everbody who is someone is in NJPW. With the dissaperance of their former headbooker in '94 (Antonio Inoki) they were free to experiment and push different workers like Jushin Thunder Liger. This put them above AJPW and once they adquired NOAH's stars, NJPW hasn't put a bad show ever since. The most watchable company of the world right now.





For over 10 years, the japanese Icon was gone. Nobody knows for sure why did he quit his job and why he refused to make media apperances.




Until now.

The year is 2004, Antonio Inoki is back. And he is the booker of the new way of wrestling.

The Fighting Opera.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>PRODUCT</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

HUSTLE was created by the brain trust of Antonio Inoki, Yochibei Sen and Nobuhiko Takada.</p><p>

Takada wanted a new venue for wrestling ever since his UWFi company failed into obscurity no matter how much money and how bigger stars were there. His hybrid experiment of Shoot style and wrestling was resulted in a failure.</p><p>

Likewise, Inoki foresaw that, with the rise of UFC and Pride, people just wouldn't want to watch shoot style wrestling. At least not on the usual way.</p><p> </p><p>

It was Yochibei who brought up a WWF tape, in which it show a video package with Bret and Owen Hart feuding for the WWF title, and how the public was into it, how Owen's victory made him into a international star. The wrestling in the ring was incredible, but there was this entire brother vs. brother storyline, close to a Greek Opera.</p><p> </p><p>

"Fighting Opera" - Takada whispered. And the three men nodded.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>ROSTER</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Like most Japanese promotions, the action orbits different factions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HUSTLE Army (Faces)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Erica, Ken Shamrock, Lio-sazer, Manami Toyota, Margaret, Megumi Kudo, Naoya Ogawa, The Great Sasuke, Sailor Senshi CANADA</p><p> </p><p>

The "HUSTLE Army" is a faction dedicated to bring big estabilished stars into the HUSTLE world. They often do the HUSTLE dance and act as squeeky clean heroes. It is very common to MMA "good guys" to be temporaly allied with the HUSTLE Army, Ken Shamrock embodies that example.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HUSTLE Kamen Rangers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/4532/vlcsnap2007370vp1.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

HUSTLE Kamen Blue, HUSTLE Kamen Red, HUSTLE Kamen Yellow, HUSTLE Kamen Pink, HUSTLE Kamen Orange, HUSTLE Kamen Green, HUSTLE Kamen Gold, HUSTLE Kamen Silver</p><p> </p><p>

The HUSTLE Kamen Rangers are a faction that dress up like the Sentai japanese heroes. All of them are either indy wrestlers or young sensations under the mask. The idea is to play them up as a group to try to get the entire group and concept over, instead of each single worker.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MONSTER Army</strong></p><p>

Blake Bakken, Blue Onigumo, Generalissimo Takada, Headhunter A, Headhunter B, Lex Luger, Maestro Dirk Von Ain, Minoru Suzuki, Monster C, Monster J</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The MONSTER Army wishes to buy off HUSTLE so they can rule the japanese wrestling world. Lead by Takada dressed as an army general, they breed all shorts of masked monster who are often foreign talent to do their bidding.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MONSTER Kamen Rangers</strong></p><p>

MONSTER Kamen Brown. MONSTER Kamen Black</p><p> </p><p>

The MONSTER Army response to the HUSTLE Kamen Ranger problem, they are starting to breed their very own sentai group!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>STRONGEST Style</strong></p><p>

Antonio Inoki, Bill Goldberg, Bob Sapp, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle</p><p> </p><p>

The "Legit" faction of HUSTLE, they are led by Antonio Inoki and wish to challenge all comers. After all, Inoki style is the STRONGEST~</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>SHOW</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

HUSTLE has two big shows per tour month as well a weekly show. This diary will only enter in details to two of those shows, maybe just one per month depending of the month.</p><p> </p><p>

FIRST SHOW:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>HUSTLE HOUSE VOL. 1</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

<strong>Kamen Wars: Chapter 1</strong></p><p>

HUSTLE KAMEN RANGERS: Fire & Sun vs. MONSTER Elite Team, Minoru Suzuki and Blue Onigumo</p><p>

<strong>WRESTLING SHOWCASE: Hogan vs. Booker T</strong></p><p>

Hulk Hogan vs. Booker T</p><p>

<strong>Sailor Senshi ADVENTURE</strong></p><p>

Sailor Senshi CANADA vs. Jaguar Y</p><p>

<strong>SUPER HERO TIME PRESENTS: The Strongest Challenge</strong></p><p>

Brock Lesnar and Goldberg vs. Lio-Sazer and Kamen Blue</p><p>

<strong>Muscle EXPLOSION Main Event</strong></p><p>

Sabu and Lord Steven Regal vs. Ken Shamrock and Davey Boy Smith</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MINI GAME</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Whenever you pick your predictions, you also got one shot at the GUESS THE HUSTLER game! You can name a worker that is working the card under a mask or a gimmick change! If you give me his correct name, you will be free to chose his destiny! Should he be pushed into the main event or jobbed outside the door? Should we fire him? It's all up to you!</p><p> </p><p>

HUSTLE, HUSTLE</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>SPECIAL PRESENT</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

HUSTLE is my favorite wrestling company. Don't ask me why, the silliness, the colorful characters, the absurd plots and the awesome in ring action made me a fan for life.</p><p>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/HustleFightingOpera?feature=watch" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/user/HustleFightingOpera?feature=watch</a></p><p>

This is the official channel of the company, who decided to put up ALL of their shows, for free! So watch it while you read it, it's fun.</p>

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We got our 3 announcers discussing the upcoming pay per view, HUSTLE house vol.1


They are none other than Shun'ei Ijiri the ace anouncer, Genichiryu Tenryu (who was made legendary with his commentary on Wrestling Association 'R') and William Regal, going by the name "Lord Steven Regal". Regal japanese is perfect, and he acts extremely snobbish in contrast to his humble table partners, he even take some cheap shots at Tenryu calling him a "has-been".


Regal goes own to call the next match a juvenile joke and he hopes all workers go straight to hell. What a bad, bad man!


Kamen Wars: Chapter 1

HUSTLE Kamen theme

A graphic with the participants is show, first one to come out are the HUSTLE Kamen Rangers, making their dramatic poses to the crowd, that goes along but doesn't pop very much for them, being all unknowns under the masks with their indentity kept in secret.

Right after our heroes made their entrance, it was the MONSTER Army turn.

As soon the music picks up, we see Blue Onigumo and Blake Bakken carrying a throne...On top of said throne is the leader of MONSTER Army, Generalissimo Takada! The crowd goes wild seeing such a serious wrestler in such a goofy gimmick. Anyway, Takada is smoking a huge cuban cigar as he is slowed carried into the ring via the ramp and his two lackeys. They set the throne just outside the ropes. Takada remains sit while Onigumo and Blake jump the ropes, staring down the rangers.

The music changes.

Minoru Suzuki slowly comes from the back, with a black towel over his face. Takada stands up and dances to the music while Suzuki slowly walks into the ropes. As soon he enters, the trio charges the one HUSTLE Kamen inside the ring, HUSTLE Kamen Red! Bell rings!

http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HUSTLEKamenRangerRed_zpsb5f73a41.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HUSTLEKamenRangerOrange_zps97ce991d.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HUSTLEKamenRangerYellow_zps07791ab4.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HUSTLEKamenRangerGold_zps453d87e0.jpg vs. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/Nobuhiko_Takada_zps221dd993.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BlakeBakken_zps180c7798.pnghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/MinoruSuzuki_zpsfdae9cb7.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BlueOnigumo_zpsf27d7d32.jpg

HUSTLE KAMEN RANGERS: Fire & Sun (Hustle Kamen Red, Orange, Yellow and Gold vs. MONSTER Elite Team(Nobuhiko Takada, Blake Bakken) Minoru Suzuki and Blue Onigumo


A exciting match filled with new faces, Kamen Red is the first one in the ring and he gets demolished by Blue Onigumo, Blake and Suzuki. They maul him good, throwing him around, hitting double team moves, all crazy stuff. This Kamen Red is a great seller! Eventually the ref breaks it up and we got Blake vs. Red first. Blake dominates the start of the match, but Red makes his comeback with several lucha moves, the high spot was a insane acrobatic armdrag near the corner. He quickly tags to his partner, HUSTLE Kamen Orange, who wrestles more like a japanese super junior. Eventually Blake manages to escape and tag Blue Onigumo, and from there the faces dominated the Monster army, making quick tags and isolating the Blue Onigumo.

The last 6 minutes of the match where the big japanese stars, Suzuki and Takada finally getting into the match, reversing everthing Kamen Yellow threw at them, familiar to his heavyweight japanese offense. The finisher saw Blue Onigumo from behind the ropes hitting the Tarantula Blaster (A Web spray) on Yellow, who falls on his stomache straight into a Takada STF. Suzuki hits a lariat to a interfering Kamen Gold as Yellow taps out.




Right after the win, the MONSTER Army kicks Yellow out of the ring, Takada and Blake both have microphones in hand.


Takada: "BAH! This is what the HUSTLE Army feels like a debut match? Throw their faceless foot soldiers at me, the GREAT Generalissimo Takada?! No! I won't have none of it! I refuse to be part of this pathetic attempt of stalling! GREAAAAAT SASUKE~! MEEEEEGUMI KUDO~! DEEEEAD CHICKEN OGAWA~! IIIINOKIIII~! Know this! The MONSTER Army will stand proud with our flag waving high when we win your share of the company in HUSTLE Dynasty of Fortitute!"


Blake then spoke; He had a gaijin accent but perfect japanese.


"HUSTLE Rangers! I, Blake Bakken am not amused! My master deemed your presence...Unwortthy! And as his right hand man, I will crush all masked freaks! HAIL GENERALISSIMO!"


Blake, Onigumo and Suzuki punch the air as they all yell "HAIL!"

The group quickly leaves the ring, for the next match. You could hear Regal saying "Bollocks" if you paid attention.





A graphic came up showing Hulk Hogan and Booker T facing off!

The popular theme bursts from the audio system! The crowd goes wild while Hogan does his usual rotine towards the HUSTLE ring.


Booker T return to Japan! Several hardcore fans poped big for him, albeit his reaction was much worse than Hogan's.

http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HulkHogan_zps70d58149.jpgvs. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BookerT_zps4b7b9a1e.jpg

Hulk Hogan vs. Booker T

A bland and quick match between these two. They don't seem to be aligned to any faction, and Regal kept the insults coming for his two ex-WCW friends. The finisher was in the third minute and it came from a Hogan's leg drop. Their entrances took more time than this match! Yet the crowd was into it I guess?




Sailor Senshi ADVENTURE

As soon the orange dinossaur left the ring, CANADA's theme echoed through out the arena! The gorgeous looking gaijin came out wearing a white school girl dress and a magfic wand. She jumps through the ropes and it's ready to face the MONSTER veteran.

Jaguar Y's theme

Stone cold, Jaguar marched towards the ring. Scary!

http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/NattieNeidhart_zps4412d5c6.jpgvs. http://pwa.wrestlingx.net/wrestlerimages/jaguar_yokota.jpg

Sailor Senshi CANADA vs. Jaguar Y


"Incredible" doesn't do any justice to this match. CANADA was a nobody in Japan. The crowd didn't know her. So it stood silent (well, more silent than usual :p) as she and Jaguar put on a CLINIC of mat wrestling, with powerful reversals and the occasional power moves. Jaguar despite being the veteran, had quite the challenger in CANADA, who just wouldn't stay down and would always reverse Jaguar's stiff kicks with cool looking holds.

In the finish, Generalissimo Takada of ALL PEOPLE shows up the second CANADA's put Jaguar into the Sharpshooter. He throws the cigar down and starts talking smack to CANADA! The rookie lets Jaguar go and stands up arguing with Takada...As soon she turns her attention back to Jaguar, she gets locked into the Doublearm piledriver and the rest is academic. CANADA has a bright future ahead.




SUPER HERO TIME PRESENTS: The Strongest Challenge

Super Hero Time's Theme

The HUSTLE Kamen Blue and Lio-sazer make to the ring. Sazer poses with his toy sword, Kamen Blue does a dramatic pose while the kids go crazy.

STRONGEST Team's Theme

Brock did his little dance while Goldberg did that weird ritual of punching at the same time pyro goes off. The crowd goes crazy for Inoki's legit crusaders.


http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BrockLesnar_zps3ffa4023.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BillGoldberg_zps24de4c25.jpgvs. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/Lio-sazer_zpsea6af0f1.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/HUSTLEKamenRangerBlue_zpsaaa01fd3.jpg


Brock Lesnar and Goldberg vs. Lio-Sazer and Kamen Blue


A bland and dragged match where the crowd had no clue who the masked wrestlers were, and they couldn't care about them because the STRONGEST challenged was just like it's name sake: Brock Lesnar and Goldberg DECIMATED Super Hero Time.


MATCH RATING: D (Crap of the Night)


Immediatly after their crushing defeat, the STRONGEST Team kept their brutal assault, throwing Kamen Blue outside the ring and proceed to MURDER Lio-sazer with 3 F-5s and a Jackhammer. Blue had to drag his friend and put him on his back while the big and mean gaijins laughed at the crowd.





Muscle EXPLOSION Main Event


Regal's music picked up, without saying a world he stood up from his announcing boot, put his nose up and walked to the ring. Tenryu said something that could be translated to "And don't come back!". The exact moment Regals climbs the ring to join Sabu, Takada appears at the broadcast table! He quickly stis next to Tenryu who quickly asks "What are you doing here?!" the only reply he got was "Silence I'm trying to commentate!".

Shamrock's theme

Ken Shamrock's theme played loud, he and the British Bull Dog, both dressed in white and red (HUSTLE's Army colours) make their way to the ring.


http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/Sabu_zps1d1a3927.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/StevenRegal_zps231cc3ce.jpgvs. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/KenShamrock_zps96b3c613.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i372/AKImeru/BritishBulldog_zps9edb5839.jpg

Sabu and Lord Steven Regal vs. Ken Shamrock and Davey Boy Smith


An incredible showing between these four men, everthing you'd expect from them.

The interesting bit came with the finish, in which regal loaded his fist with some iron knuckles and knock both Shamrock and Davey out. He quickly pinned Shamrock. Sabu approached when the match ended, he hit Sabu with it!

Takada was furious on the mic, berating Regal, who did the championship signal while pointing to Takada.


MATCH RATING: C+ (Match of the Night)




NOTES:What a weird and strange promotion! There is several hints of storylines but we barely got anything on this ppv. However this being a House show that got aired, maybe it was on purpose? It costed like 4 bucks to get this show anyway.


The big one, Dynasty of Fortitute is in the end of the month and it's being billed "THE TRUE BEGINNING OF THE HUSTLE FIGHTING OPERA".


I was told we would be getting some adverts for matches and storylines in a couple days so stay tuned.

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