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(CVerse): The Alternate 1997

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(The Alternate 1997 is a modified version of Derek_B's excellent CVerse '97 Mod. This is the alternate tale of the CornellVerse if J.K. Stallings never hit it big and HGC never materialized.)


The Elton Sheets - Monday, Week 1 January, 1997


-We can confirm that Dusty Streets has re-signed with the SWF. The signing supposedly took place on Christmas Eve. There's talk of him turning heel against Sid to follow up on the botched chairshot-concussion angle they ran at Christmas Clash.


-While Nemesis' relationship with Phil Vibert is unclear, his upcoming contract expiration and near fistfights with Richard Eisen would imply that he is about to need alternate employment. The latest in his battle with Eisen is the notion of jobbing to 18-year-old Tommy Cornell - something many are sympathetic towards. I'm positive much more will develop on this conflict in the coming days and weeks.


-As far as a potential DAVE/SWF conflict, Phil Vibert is said to be angry over Richard Eisen's foray in to his talent - including champion Johnny Martin - to build the development program with New England Wrestling. Tensions are certainly mounting on both sides but DAVE is far from being in a position to take on Richard Eisen.




The following is the preview for tomorrow night's Supreme TV as seen on SWF.com:


Supreme TV is coming to you LIVE from Plum Park in New Jersey. The main event is slated to be Sid Streets taking on the nefarious Black Hat Bailey. Will Sam Keith answer his challenge to the Title at When Hell Freezes Over, or will the rejection continue?


The Lords of War are said to have something up their sleeve for The Patriots. Just what does Louis Williams and the rest of the Gold Alliance have in mind?


Also, a #1 Contender's match for the SWF North American Title is scheduled with Tommy Cornell to face off with Cheatin' Mike Barstow. What will Nemesis think of his future opponent? All this and more tomorrow night!

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SWF Supreme TV Results-Tuesday, Week 1 January, 1997

Plum Park-Trenton, New Jersey

Attendance: 15,000 - SOLD OUT


DARK MATCH: McCallum/Bruce Vs. Outbackers - Pretty calm tag team contest here with Rory and Danny riling up the crowd by shouting back at them. Their tagging was very fluent and natural. Other than Outbacker Harris cleaning house after a hot tag, McCallum & Bruce controlled the match that ended when Rory had Rolf tapping. Neat heel tagging and McCallum/Bruce did a great job getting the fans warmed up by entering in to shouting contests with them, but not much to hoot about as far as in-ring action goes. Final Score: C-


DARK MATCH: Alex Pierce Vs. Rick Horn - Not unlike the previous match, Rick Horn and Alex Pierce didn't go together particularly well but the crowd disapproved of Pierce's eye-gouging and using the ring ropes to leverage a pinfall. Final Score: C-


The fans were alive after the pyrotechnic explosion and spotlight display, but Bruce the Giant's music dampened their mood. Giving a nasty regard to the crowd only garnered more heat, and then the sadistic Giant showed everyone the replay of him chokeslamming Christian Faith from last week as the program ended. Christian Faith coming to the ring made the crowd come unglued, and vowing to get even with Bruce had the audience hanging on every word. Final Score: A


Philip Roberts Vs. Wrestlebot 9000 - Not that either of these guys did anything wrong, but they certainly didn't do anything to get the crowd very engaged. Even Wrestlebot's mechanical walk around ringside did little more than make some children happy. Philip Roberts got the submission. Final Score: D


Gotta love how they've festooned the Gold Alliance's locker room door with gold tinsel and golden, greek columns outside it. Anyway, the Lords of War make an ultimatum to The Patriots: a title shot if they can win a handicap match next week against them and Mr. Supreme. Masked Patriot did the talking while Captain USA just stood there with his flag. Kindof awkward. Final Score: C-


Sean McFly Vs. Barry Kingman - I admit to groaning when Barry Kingman came out to face Sean McFly, but Sean and Kingman took off to a pretty neat match. McFly took control with a big flying crossbody to the outside, and it was all downhill from there for Barry. The crowd popped decently when Sean McFly hit the Delorean Driver and got the pinfall. The match probably would have been better if it was afforded more than 5 minutes. Final Score: C


Immediately following the match is a backstage interview spot with No Way Jose and Jerry Eisen. No Way plays up his spanish accent and riddles Sean with "gringo" insults, saying that he can give him a much better fight. Esse. Final Score: D+


Peter Michaels stood up from the announce booth while Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr sat in silence and announced the following #1 Contender's Match for the North American Title between Tommy Cornell and Cheatin' Mike Barstow was now the Title match following a vaction. Most of the crowd sat in confused silence but some people popped. [We at WrestleElton.net have NO IDEA as to what is going on, but as soon as we get word why Nemesis isn't Champion anymore we will bring it to you.] Final Score: D+


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow - Tommy worked his ass off and kept pace with Cheatin' Mike as they engaged in a largely technical bout. Barstow tried to gain leverage with an eye-rake but Tommy ducked a clothesline and applied the Guilt Trip for the submission in about 8 minutes. Unfortunately, the match wasn't particularly exciting (save the ending) and Tommy got little reaction from hoisting his NA Title up on the turnbuckle. I can't help but think general confusion as to what happened to Nemesis dampened the reaction to this contest and in all fairness, Tommy Cornell doesn't feel like a Champion. The North American Title was created to signify the next big star and the sortof-scrawny British teenager doesn't do it for me yet. Final Score: D+


Backstage, Mr. Supreme strolls in his locker room and opens his duffel bag to find it stuffed full of Flare's merchandise. Naturally, he pitches a fit and gives the camera nice looks at Flare's stuff while making a feigned-shock face. Hyuck hyuck, hurr hurr. Final Score: C-


Sid Streets Vs. Black Hat Bailey- Sid got a great reaction coming to the ring, and while nobody was questioning who would win this contest the crowd popped (lightly) with every armdrag, suplex, and gutbuster he did. Indeed, many want this feud with Sam Keith to culminate in his first-ever World Title and they popped swell when he made the pinfall. Final Score: B-


When Sam Keith's music hit, the crowd came unglued. Standing on the stage, Sam gestured at the giant "SUPREME" behind him while describing himself. He laughed at Sid's desperation for a Title shot and said he can have one if he can beat a "friend" next week. Final Score: B+



The show could have been better; but I think the confusion of the Nemesis situation sucked the life out of the building crowd and made everything after - save Sam Keith's super Promo - a little awkward. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets-Wednesday, Week 1 January, 1997


-Ok, I know a lot of you are POed that we didn't get back to you yesterday with the Nemesis story but we wanted to make sure we got it right.


Apparently what happened was, Danny Bruce didn't go straight to the showers after his dark match with Rory against the Outbackers. He approached Nemesis backstage and asked him what he thought about his performance. Nemesis immediately tore in to the kid, calling him several expletives and really dressing down his performance. Everyone could audibly hear Nemesis screaming from outside the locker room but nobody in there made a move to correct him. Rory McCallum finally showed up and actually had the balls to tell him to back off Danny.


At this point, the boys in the room were trying to keep them separated. Someone went and got Richard Eisen who immediately launched in to one of his shouting contests with Nemesis, but this time the big guy was outright fired. He boasted that he was going to take the NA Title to DAVE but when he went to collect his gear the Title wasn't to be found. Flipping a bird to Richard he stormed out of the locker room and left in his rental car.


Danny Bruce was pretty down about the whole thing and several guys, especially his "mentor" Rory McCallum spent the one-hour show consoling him. When everyone was sure Nemesis had left the building Dusty Streets produced the North American Title and got commended repeatedly by Richard Eisen for his quick thinking. The call was made literally over the commercial break between the No Way Jose interview and the #1 Contender's match to just make it a Title match and hope the crowd doesn't react too funny. Unfortunately, Cheatin' Mike made an issue out of doing a job to Tommy Cornell for the Title and was moody for the remainder of the evening.


-Marilyn Stardust, kayfabe (but legitimately estranged) sister of Anne Stardust and multiple Tag Team Champion has announced her retirement.


-Gene Curtis has been impressing SWF brass with his work at some House Shows recently. Some think he's in-line for a push.


-Not everyone that performs in New England Wrestling is a developmental worker for the SWF so it's hard to be absolutely sure just who is being groomed for the parent company, but we can confirm that indie workers Puerto Rican Power (who already performs for NEW) and The Natural are now signed to development contracts.


-It's unfortunately clear that only one company will rise from the East Coast Wars and only the best of the four companies involved will be kept around in the aftermath, but we also have to report on plummeting attendance rates for Awesome Max Wrestling shows in Texas. Nobody has faith in the owner, Trenton Evenrud, to turn things around.


-On a slightly more pleasant note, the two men being discussed to take on Sid Streets next week are his brother, Dusty Streets, and Hollywood Mike Kinsey. Richard Eisen is said to feel indebted to Dusty for preventing a PR crisis with Nemesis doing God-knows-what to the North American Title on DAVE shows and while it's evident he has a big thank-you push coming, the question is whether or not to have him turn on his brother just yet.


-Supreme TV scored a 3.33 rating.

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There's a handful of reasons HGC has been nuked.


The primary reason is the Temp patch from the 25th killing my SWF/HGC Tuesday Night War save. I didn't feel like doing the whole thing over again. This puts even more emphasis on the East Coast Wars. Lastly, I just enjoy alternate history and this will (hopefully) give a viable alternate sequence of events than the real CVerse history to lead us to TEW 2013. Sam Strong, Rip Chord, and others are where they were before JK ran around poaching them.

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 2 January, 1997


-There's been a lot of movement going on in New England Wrestling, with word their facilities are getting a makeover as part of expansion. We can confirm that indie workers Ricky Dale Johnson and Vengeance have signed with the SWF to work development deals.


-DAVE held a critically-acclaimed show last night that featured Nemesis thank God for delivering him from the "Supreme sh*thole" and then job to Johnny Martin for the DAVE Extreme Title. Evidently, Johnny Martin won't be packing up and heading to Providence, Rhode Island after all.




The following is the preview for Supreme TV, courtesy of SWF.com:


Who will face Sid Streets to see if he can hack it for an SWF World Title shot? Find out at 8e on America-Sports-1 when Supreme TV airs from San Diego!


Also on the show, the Patriots take on the Gold Alliance in the form of the Lords of War and Mr. Supreme to see if they can earn a Tag Titles shot at When Hell Freezes Over. Will anyone help them even the odds?


Then there is the conflict between superstars Christian Faith and Bruce the Giant. Their collision course will undoubtedly impact the program. Don't forget about No Way Jose's vow to give Sean McFly a "real fight". Will they butt heads? Only one supreme way to find out!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 2 January, 1997

V. Thompson Arena - San Diego, California

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: The Perfect Storm Vs. Black Hat Bailey/Danny Rushmore - Perfect Storm led Black Hat and Danny to a decent contest. There was a cool spot when Stuart came off the top rope and hit a double flying clothesline on Danny and Black Hat. Danny botched a spot or two and seemed uncoordinated, which sucks seeing as how he got the pinfall on Stuart. Final Score: C-


DARK MATCH: Gene Curtis Vs. Rick Horn - I know we've covered some praise for Gene in the past but this match was a bathroom break before the real start of the show. Gene seems to be void of much charisma and one has to wonder if the little clap following his pinfall on Rick Horn was for the sake of the 7-minute sleeper just being over. Final Score: D


The show opens and Sean McFly's music is all it takes to get a nice buzz going. Sean says he works his butt off every week and won't be insulted by someone like No Way, and issues a challenge. No Way is No Where To Be Found, however, and Sean calls him a coward. I think the crowd would have enjoyed a confrontation instead of a no-show but they still reacted well, booing when No Way Jose didn't come out and take his medicine. Final Score: C+


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Barry Kingman - Just, no. No rhyme or reason to the spots in this match, and Barry being so damn dry sucked the mood from the air. Thank God this one fell a second short of 5 minutes with Cornell getting a submission from the Guilt Trip. Someone should Guilt Trip Richard Eisen for making us watch this. Final Score: E


Adonis on the Supreme Screen tries and almost succeeds to salvage Tommy Cornell. He's seen in the Gold Alliance locker room surrounded by mirrors, adoring himself and saying Tommy will never look as good as he will. I guess they're setting up a feud here. Final Score: D


In the Parking Lot Sid Streets gets a slightly audible pop as he shows up. Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce are hanging out by the doors to the back and Sid asks Rory if he's the opponent tonight. Rory rambles about not being the guy for a minute and Sid goes about his business. Final Score: C-


Bruce the Giant Vs. Bubbles the Clown - Poor Bubbles, getting squashed to big bad Bruce. Bruce garnered great heat but the match was practically non-existent. Final Score: C-


Christian Faith charging down the aisle with a chair brought a roar from the crowd. He decked Bruce in the head twice then bounced off the ropes to hit him a third time but Bruce punched the chair in his face, causing Christian Faith to crumple. Bruce had quite the laugh heading to the back while the crowd poured on the heat. Final Score: B+


If The Patriots win, they get an SWF World Tag Team Titles Match at When Hell Freezes Over, The Patriots Vs. Gold Alliance (Lords of War/Mr. Supreme) - As it was a 2-on-3 handicap match, Mr. Supreme and Masked Patriot unfortunately could not stay in the ring 100% of the time or even most of the time. Lords of War got some heat but the match was still sluggish. Flare got a little pop when he Enziguiried Mr. Supreme while the Ref. was distracted and allowed Masked Patriot to pin Warlord Agony. Final Score: C-


We're taken to the VIP Box where Sam Keith and Jean-Luc Lemans are sporting tuxedoes and drinking champagne. Jerry Eisen gets Sam Keith to gleefully talk about how bad Sid is about to take an ass-kicking. Final Score: B-


If Sid Streets wins he gets an SWF World Heavyweight Title match at When Hell Freezes Over, Sid Streets Vs. Hollywood Mike Kinsey - This was a pretty OK match but nothing special. Sid again persevered through Hollywood trying to cheat (including blowing makeup in Sid's face) but Sid rallied to the fan's delight and hit the Road to Freedom for the pinfall. He then gestured at Sam in the VIP Box for a nice reaction. Final Score: C+



All-in-all a better show than last week; unfortunately another Tommy Cornell NA Title match killed the vibe early on. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets - Monday, Week 3 January, 1997----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In Honor of Karl Jackson



We have the unenviable duty to report that five days before his 54th birthday, Karl Jackson has passed in his sleep. A valuable midcarder for the SWF from 1977-1992, Karl retired and was enjoying touring various training camps to give pointers to up-and-comers. Though he never broke the main event scene or won a World Title he was a highly respected team player and figure in the industry and he will be missed by many. The SWF also issued a statement on their website.


-We've had a quiet week and weekend (until the unfortunate news above), hence our silence. SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.31 last week.



This is the SWF Supreme TV preview, courtesy of SWF.com:


We are 3 days from When Hell Freezes Over but there's one more stop: SWF Supreme TV, live from The Friedman Building in San Antonio, Texas!


A big main event is scheduled as Sam Keith will team with Hollywood Mike Kinsey to take on Sid Streets and Gene Curtis. Will one of the two PPV main eventers score an early victory?


Tommy Cornell is also slated to defend his SWF North American Title against Alex Pierce. Will Adonis continue to egg on the teenaged champion? And for that matter, how will the rest of Gold Alliance react to the Lords of War having to defend at When Hell Freezes Over thanks to Flare's interference?


And let's not forget the clash between Christian Faith and Bruce the Giant. Faith is desperate for leverage after having his chair attack backfire last night. Will Bruce get the last laugh again? Find out LIVE!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 3 January, 1997

The Friedman Building - San Antonio, Texas

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Futureshock Vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Danny Rushmore - I honestly have nothing bad to say about this match. Ethan Phillips and Reece Clark played the plucky blue-chipper babyfaces well, constantly trying to make a comeback but getting struck down every time. Danny Rushmore again gets the pin (on Reece Clark) and again sucks up the ring. Couple that with the non-existent fanfare. Final Score: D


DARK MATCH: Bruce the Giant Vs. Rick Horn - Texas was kind to ol' Rick Horn and the crowd wanted him to win against the hated Giant dearly. Unfortunately this didn't happen, as Bruce clubbed the life out of him and finished him with a Giant Chokeslam for the pinfall. Final Score: C+


The Gold Alliance graced the opening of the program, each of them taking turns hating on their respective When Hell Freezes Over opponents: Adonis and Cornell, Lords of War and Patriots, and Supreme against Flare. Thank God for Louis Williams helping Supreme and Lords of War. Adonis surprisingly looked just fine posing for Maria - or rather, the mirror in her hand. Final Score: C-


McCallum & Bruce Vs. The Perfect Storm - Rory McCallum salvaged the mismatched-styles of the competitors by getting some good heat from the crowd, especially when he secured the pin after launching Stuart Storm face-first in to an exposed turnbuckle. Danny Bruce was well-protected by Perfect Storm as well. Final Score: C-


Backstage Jerry Eisen trips over his lines while questioning Sid Streets in an interview. Sid, on the other hand, said that Sam Keith has a target painted on his back and in 48 hours, his destiny will be realized by capturing the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Final Score: C


Barry Kingman Vs. Christian Faith - The crowd ate up the squash of miserable Barry Kingman, Christian Faith going from trademark-spot to trademark spot and had Barry tapping for dear life in the 4-minute contest. Final Score: C+


Christian Faith gets a microphone and somberly talks about the way Bruce has humiliated him over the last couple of months, then explodes in charisma as he swears to kick Bruce's ass all the way back to Australia at When Hell Freezes Over. The crowd went bonkers and so did I. Final Score: A


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Alex Pierce - I admit to wincing when the ring announcer broadcasted the Title defense, but Alex Pierce did a good job putting Tommy over; and to be fair, Tommy's slams and holds were crisp and convincing. Alex actually won the match by Disqualification when Adonis went to nail Tommy with his mirror and missed, then hightailed it out of there. Final Score: C


Sean McFly was cruising around backstage before getting decked by an opening door - one opened by No Way Jose I might add, who laughed in his face and said at When Hell Freezes Over, he'll stand over Sean again in victory. Final Score: B-


Sid Streets/Gene Curtis Vs. Sam Keith/Hollywood Mike Kinsey - Gene Curtis? Really? Talk about out of place, and it showed; eventually the crowd got tired of popping and then going silent as he rotated in and out of the ring. Sid Streets himself seemed to slightly buckle under the pressure as his trademark closing had little rhythm to it. Still, it was a watchable match and after Sid pinned Hollywood, he and Sam had a nice posedown for the fans. Final Score: C



This was the best show all year that unfortunately had a weak main event. Tommy Cornell proved he won't necessarily be a complete flunk, same with Adonis. And though it goes without saying, Christian Faith is more over than chocolate. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets - Thursday, Week 3 January, 1997


-SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.30 rating.


-Boy oh boy has Trenton Evenrud stepped in a pile of crap. Evidently he feels the reason has business is, well, failing is because of the Eisen's signing some of his workers. AMW actually went so far as to call Richard and Jerry "bastards" and declare war on New England Wrestling via their website. The Eisens are, needless to say, pissed and Richard is said to be amassing a call-list for Chief Two Eagles to plug away at over the weekend to sign whoever the hell he wants from AMW and stick one to Evenrud.




The following is the final card for SWF When Hell Freezes Over:


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Sam Keith Vs. Sid Streets


Bruce the Giant Vs. Christian Faith


No Way Jose Vs. Sean McFly


SWF North American Title Match

Tommy Cornell Vs. Adonis


Mr. Supreme Vs. Flare


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The Lords of War Vs. The Patriots

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over - Thursday, Week 3 January, 1997

Alabama Field Row - Mobile, Alabama

Attendance: 30,000 - SOLD OUT



PRE-SHOW MATCH: Philip Roberts Vs. Rick Horn - I guess Richard Eisen was trying to get the same reaction for Rick Horn he got in Texas, but it just wasnt there. He and Roberts spent most of the match exchanging blows with a powerslam here and there. Rick Horn eventually gets the pinfall. Final Score: C-


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Adonis - I guess it was wise to get the wildcard match out of the way first and frankly it was the smart decision here. Tommy Cornell and Adonis were a little awkward and off-setting, but who's fault that is remains debatable. The crowd gave the contest little reaction and seemed relieved when Tommy Cornell applied the Guilt Trip for the submission. Not entirely sure why Adonis had to job here when he's been the only tolerable member of the Gold Alliance for a while now. I do expect this feud to carry over to next month. Final Score: D+


Mr. Supreme Vs. Flare - These two took to the air and had a quality contest, trading hurricanrana's and moonsaults all over the place. Supreme tried to pry the mask off Flare's face once or twice but the Referee threatening a DQ stopped it. It was organized aerial chaos and the crowd voiced their displeasure when Mr. Supreme rolled up Flare and pulled his tights to secure the pinfall, escaping with Louis Williams. Final Score: C+


Backstage Sam Keith is set for an interview with Jerry Eisen, who sounds way too monotonous for his job. Standing there like a doofus took away from Sam Keith saying that Sid Streets has a cruel lesson to learn tonight. Final Score: C-


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, The Lords of War Vs. The Patriots - By some miracle, this wasn't a trainwreck. The Lords of War attacked The Patriots on their way to the ring and the fans were treated to a nice brawl. Masked Patriot and Captain USA hit some nice double-clothesline spots, but Warlord Agony proved to be too much for the Captain. The pinfall was secured after a Hostile Takeover and the Lords of War defend their titles. Final Score: C


Sean McFly Vs. No Way Jose - No Way has some real heat going for him and the crowd stood behind Sean McFly as these two took off. Sean took a big bump when No Way superplexed him to ringside. It took McFly a good five minutes to rally back after a rest hold or two and take the match home. Though No Way was visibly winded he played the crowd like a fiddle and sold the Delorean Driver well. Sean got the pin. Final Score: B-


Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce come to the stage to gripe about not having a match tonight. They both snorted and vowed to cause a problem on Supreme TV next week. Normally McCallum's promos are great but fans weren't in to it after the really decent match they just witnessed. Score: C-


Bruce the Giant Vs. Christian Faith - Probably the most anticipated match all night. It was also the shortest, and neither guy did the best job selling; but the crowd was IN TO IT and ate up every move. Bruce took the advantage early but a toe-drop later and Faith was rolling. They went through a sequence of near falls with both men taking the other's finisher and barely escaping defeat The crowd popped hard after Christian's second Leap of Faith managed to get the pin in the 10-minute bout. Final Score: B-


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match, Sam Keith Vs. Sid Streets - This one stole the show, probably thanks to Sam Keith guiding the match. The ebb-and-tide of high spots and low spots played the crowd well. They were displeased with Sam escaping the ring every time Sid got on a roll, thrilled when Sid finally following him out and slammed him in to the barricade, and enraged when, after a Referee bump, Dusty came out and nailed his brother with a chair. Sam Keith crawled over Sid and got the pinfall while Dusty silently headed to the back. Final Score: B




Really good Pay-Per-View. I admit to being a little worried about it with regards to the somewhat weak Supreme TV's but this one did just fine. Dusty is apparently turning heel and we get to see that boil over on Tuesday. Final Rating: B

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 4 January, 1997


-The indie worker that goes by both 'Honest Frank' and 'Frankie Future' who already works for both NEW and AMW has signed a development deal with the SWF.


-Speaking of development, we've received word that Brick Fantana is displeased with his role as trainer in NEW and is trying to find a way back to the main roster.


-SWF When Hell Freezes Over achieved a 1.0 buy rate.



The following is the preview for Supreme TV as shown on SWF.com:


Hell seemed to freeze over last Thursday, and don't miss the backlash at 8e on America-Sports-1!


Sid Streets was ever so close to winning the SWF World Heavyweight Title until his brother, Dusty, attacked him with a chair. Will Dusty provide us with an explanation for the assault? And what does Sid have to say to his brother? Find out LIVE!


Also, what will Christian Faith and Bruce the Giant have to say after their PPV showdown? And will McCallum and Bruce cause a problem like they suggested at When Hell Freezes Over? All this and more is coming your way on SWF Supreme TV as we rapidly approach Nothing to Lose, don't miss it!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 4 January, 1997

Minnesota Coliseum - St. Paul, Minnesota

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Danny Rushmore Vs. Wrestlebot 9000 - Good God this match was poor. Maybe I am just too stupid to appreciate the Wrestlebot gimmick or Rushmore's work but this was a perfect storm of heatless crap. Wrestlebot actually took a posterboard sign and hit Danny Rushmore, who sold it like a chair shot to get the pin. Final Score: D-


DARK MATCH: SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, Lords of War Vs. Futureshock - This wasn't as bad of a match as the contest prior but it wasn't very good either. Lords of War tried their best to put Futureshock over but it seemed like Clark and Phillips buckled under the pressure and looks lost out there. Louis Williams got a little reaction from the crowd by distracting the Referee while the Lords of War did an assisted powerbomb but Warlord Pain's pinfall on Reece Clark could not have come sooner. Final Score: D



With the explosion of the pyrotechnics and the cheesy rock music the show opened, and Sid Streets came out to a nice reaction. He said he's never felt more betrayed and called on his brother to come and explain to him and the rest of the world why he attacked him. Dusty comes out and says that there is World Titles in the Streets' destiny but Sid won't be the one taking the glory from him. Sid calls him selfish, Dusty says he's past caring. The Mic work was fine but the crowd only reacted at intervals. Final Score: C+


SWF North American Title Match, Sebastian Krause Vs. Tommy Cornell - They're pushing Cornell too hard, too fast. He and Sebastian had a decent little match with some nice reversals (including Sebastian flipping out of a german suplex) but that was the only thing that got any little applause from the crowd. Try as they might Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr just can't get the kid over. Cornell secures the submission with a Guilt Trip. Final Score: D


Backstage Adonis has an area all to himself and is instructing Maria on how to position mirrors just right to capture his bod. Rick Horn comes up and calls him a sissy, for which Adonis just looks aghast. Whole skit was kinda cheesy. Final Score: D+


Alex Pierce/Cheatin' Mike Barstow Vs. The Perfect Storm - For a match that already had odd rhythm, Stuart Storm's botching of simple maneuvers like neckbreakers was careless. Alex Pierce and Mike had a hard time getting heel heat was normally angering spots like Alex holding Seth Storm's arms while Mike pounded him. Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce got the only real reaction all match when they attacked the competitors for a Double DQ. Final Score: C-


Mr. Supreme and Louis Williams are strolling about backstage having a jolly good laugh about how Supreme screwed Flare to get the victory at When Hell Freezes Over. Enter Flare slinking around behind them with a silly grin on his face. He taps Supreme on the shoulder and decks him, Louis Williams runs off. Silly and pointless. Final Score: D+


Cap'n Crush Vs. Christian Faith - Another nice squash for Christian Faith, though Crush didn't play up the beating very well at all. Faith hit a nice belly-to-belly and got the crowd going as he took his sweet time heading up the turnbuckle and landing the Leap of Faith. Final Score: C


Now we're cooking. Bruce the Giant's music hit and Christian got ready for a brawl, but the big nasty Giant stayed on the stage. Bruce says they're only one way to contain their war and gestures to the Supreme Screen, where a picture of a Steel Cage appears. The crowd pops hard and Christian Faith nods his approval. Final Score: B+


The Announcers act as if they're getting some kind of transmission from the production crew and Peter Michaels steps in the ring to announce next week's main event; Dusty Vs. Sid for the #1 Contendership at Nothing to Lose. The crowd bought it and buzzed with the announcement. Final Score: C+


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match, Sam Keith Vs. Sean McFly - My only question is, why didn't they promote this? Sam Keith and Sean McFly took off with the chain wrestling and can-you-top-this contest, Sean always seeming a step ahead with the dropkicks and arm wrench-reversals. Sam kicked out of a Boston Crab and sent Sean through the ropes, where Sam took his time kicking him around ringside. Sean still reversed an irish whip in to the ring post and seemed poised to secure the win. Then No Way Jose's music hit and while the referee was looking to the ramp like everyone else the nefarious Mexican snuck in from the crowd and hit a lowblow on Sean. Sam applies the Proton Lock and McFly can't resist the temptation to submit. Final Score: B



The show could have been so much better on the lower half of the card, but Christian Faith got things going. We got a near-PPV quality main event, a showdown between the Streets brothers and the promise of a Steel Cage match at Nothing to Lose - which is next week I might note. Final Rating: B

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 1 February, 1997


-Last week's Supreme TV got a 3.28 Rating.


-Being part of the pro wrestling media I'm sure there's plenty of stuff that slips under our noses, but young (and hot!) Emma Chase, a manager in Awesome Max Wrestling, has arrived at the Connecticut Symphony Hall in Hartford tonight, the location of SWF Supreme TV. The nature of her visit is presently unknown.


-DAVE is said to be rolling in the East Coast Wars while RPW is struggling. Some critics point to the Lucha fashion of Rapid Pro as its undoing, saying that it's simply out of place in that part of the country.



The following is the SWF Supreme TV preview, courtesy of SWF.com:


The Streets family feud explodes tonight LIVE! Both brothers think destiny is theirs to take, which one will earn the Title shot at Nothing To Lose in 2 days?


The promise of a Steel Cage match between Bruce the Giant and Christian Faith at Nothing To Lose looms ominously over the locker room. Don't forget No Way Jose's interference in the SWF World Heavyweight Title match last week. And will the Gold Alliance go after Flare or Rick Horn? Tune in at 8e on America-Sports-1 to find out!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 1 February, 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall - Hartford, Connecticut

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Gene Curtis Vs. Bubbles The Clown - Simple squash match, Gene Curtis tries to get over by crusty ol' Bubbles taking a thrashing. Unfortunately for Gene the crowd could not have cared less. Final Score: D-


DARK MATCH: SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Sebastian Krause - Up to this point I could say that Tommy Cornell worked his ass off to try to get over. Maybe it's because he's having a dark match but this one just didn't work. His timing was off and grapples were sloppy, and he botched a backdrop from a kneeling headlock bad. The Guilt Trip got the submission. Final Score: D



Sam Keith opens the show, sauntering down in an oxford, waving the SWF World Title at the crowd as he explains that nothing about Dusty or Sid means they can ever take his title. He says Sid is too big of a wimp and Dusty is too oafish to ever reach the top of the mountain and he'll never lose the Title. The crowd didn't react quite as well as I would have thought, maybe because they want Bruce/Christian instead of perhaps the Streets just aren't that over, but the heat was there nonetheless. Final Score: B-


#1 Contender's Match to SWF North American Title at Nothing To Lose, Wrestlebot 9000 Vs. Phillip Roberts - Roberts did nothing wrong, trying to seem as cold and analytic as possible while he rained blows and holds on a man marching around like an action figure. The crowd was so quiet you could hear a pin drip. Final Score: D-


A great video promo is shown recapping the Bruce/Faith feud, featuring both of them looking at the camera from inside a steel cage. Professional quality work here and the crowd stirred big time. Final Score: B+


Danny Rushmore Vs. Rick Horn - Rick Horn got a little pop when he came out but the crowd quietened down during the "action". Rick gave Danny a whoopin' and I think that's the problem here: this isn't TWL, this is SWF and people aren't taking to the wrasslin' very well. Rick seems to have this one locked up following a big boot but Adonis charges out & smashes his hand mirror over Rick Horn's head for the DQ. Final Score: D


Backstage staff has Sean McFly and No Way Jose separated while they shout at each other. No Way Jose challenges McFly to a "Last Hombre Standing Match" at Nothing To Lose which Sean hurriedly accepts. Final Score: C+


Black Hat Bailey/Cap'n Crush Vs. The Perfect Storm - The intent of this contest was to put over Perfect Storm. Stuart and Seth went through their trademark spots, i.e. knocking an opponent to the ropes for the other to clothesline, etc. The crowd reacted a little better to this one than the last one. Final Score: C-


The Gold Alliance is backstage scheming in a manner that reminds one of Adam West's Batman. Louis Williams says at Nothing To Lose Adonis will easily beat Rick Horn and Mr. Supreme will take out Flare with the help of the Lords of War, because they don't have a match at the PPV. Final Score: C-


Backstage we have Bruce the Giant set for an interview with Jerry Eisen. The crowd audibly poured the heat on Bruce, but guess what took the wind out of the sail? Jerry Eisen's monotoned commentary and looking like a deer in headlights while big Bruce talked about always coming out on top. Why won't Richard go back to letting Peter Michaels do ringside interviews? Final Score: C-


#1 Contender's Match to SWF World Heavyweight Title at Nothing To Lose, Dusty Streets Vs. Sid Streets - Sexy Emma Chase came out with Dusty and I admit, the 45-year-old looked like a stud with the pretty little blonde on his arm. The brothers played off each other well in the brawl. They got pissed when Emma handed Dusty the brass knuckles but popped hard when Sid ducked the punch & hit a jawbreaker. When he positioned Dusty for a piledriver his brother dropped down and hit two consecutive lowblows for the DQ. He and Emma headed to the back while Sid tried to regain his footing. Final Score: C+



Not the greatest show in the world, but in all fairness they're rushing to get a card booked for Nothing To Lose. Other than the Bruce/Faith video promo there was nothing particularly good about the show but there was nothing really wrong with it either. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets - Thursday, Week 1 February, 1997-----------------------------------------------------------------------

-SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.26 rating. We're not entirely sure how their rating can continue to inch down by .2 every week but it's all rounded to a 3.3. Odd.


-*POTENTIAL SPOILER* The plan backstage is for Sid Streets to take the Title, then carry on feuding with his brother Dusty. We assume eventually the Title will get traded off to Dusty to give an up-and-coming babyface the Title shot at The Supreme Challenge but remember, that's half a year away and purely speculation.



The following is the final card for Nothing To Lose:


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Sam Keith Vs. Sid Streets


Steel Cage Match

Bruce the Giant Vs. Christian Faith


Last Hombre Standing Match

No Way Jose Vs. Sean McFly


Mr. Supreme Vs. Flare


SWF North American Title Match

Tommy Cornell Vs. Phillip Roberts


Adonis Vs. Rick Horn

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SWF Nothing To Lose - Thursday, Week 1 February, 1997

H. Jones Building - Indianapolis, Indiana

Attendance: 30,000 - SOLD OUT



The Pre-Show opens with Peter Michaels taking to the ring and announcing that the Executive Board has decided to give Perfect Storm a Tag Team Titles shot tonight. Crowd gave a welcoming pop. Final Score: C-


PRE-SHOW MATCH: Danny Rushmore Vs. Bubbles the Clown - Again with trying to force Danny Rushmore to get over by clobbering poor Bubbles. Maybe a face turn would serve Rushmore because the crowd doesn't accept him at all. Final Score: D-



Adonis Vs. Rick Horn - Rick Horn starts by attacking Adonis while posing in a mirror for Maria. Adonis did his part and sold Rick Horn's boring brawling, then muscled his way to victory against grizzled old Rick. The post match included more posing for a mirror. Final Score: D


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Phillip Roberts - The crowd actually got behind Tommy as soon as they saw this wasn't going to be a 6-minute defense like on TV. Phillip Roberts screamed boasts that the house Mic's picked up as he ultimately dismantled Cornell, forcing a Submission with the R.C.T and winning the SWF North American Title. Final Score: D+


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, Lords of War Vs. Perfect Storm - The two teams told a great story, the powerhouses that are Warlord Agony and Pain getting worn out and falling victim to Stuart and Seth Storm's relative speed. Stuart nearly got the pinfall on Warlord Agony but Louis Williams pulled the Referee out of the ring. It only delayed the inevitable as a big double-suplex on Warlord Pain set up a Guillotine Leg Drop from Stuart to make the pin and give us a second title change tonight. Final Score: C-


Mr. Supreme Vs. Flare - Mr. Supreme's ribs are taped for this match, I guess we missed word of an injury as Flare avoided the body kicks he normally employs. Even hampered the flying crossbody's were in full force and Supreme's legitimate pain only helped him sell for Flare. In this contest he used the ropes for leverage to secure the pinfall, disappointing children arenawide in their Flare masks. Final Score: C+


Last Hombre Standing Match, No Way Jose Vs. Sean McFly - No Way opened the match with a lowblow on Sean McFly to the outrage of the crowd - something he continued to do all match to break Sean's rhythm. Of course, Sean still brainbustered him all over the place and had a great spot when he slingshot No Way on to the barricade. No Way got hold of a chair and wailed on Sean in the ring, even deciding to head up top and give a flying attack. Sean McFly leaped much higher than people should be able to leap and dropkicked the chair in Jose's face, resulting in him failing to answer the ten count and making Sean the "Last Hombre Standing". Final Score: B-


Steel Cage Match, Bruce the Giant Vs. Christian Faith - Faith and Bruce spent a good deal of time throwing each other in to the cage. Christian swung for the fences but Bruce overpowered him and was lawndarting him full-force in to the steel. A Giant Chokeslam secured the win for Bruce and the crowd let him have it. Final Score: B-


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match, Sam Keith Vs. Sid Streets - This half-hour spectacle may end up being a match of the year candidate. They played the hungry contender against salty champion routine to perfection. Sam Keith was always a counter ahead of Sid until the challenger ducked a clothesline and hit a big neckbreaker. They traded each others finishers twice and the superplex by Sam to a near fall really got the crowd wound up. At the end of the day the champion could not muster a kickout to a third Road to Freedom and the crowd nearly rioted when Sid Streets had his hand raised as SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Final Score: B+



What a Pay-Per-View! The crowd was alive and I have to admit to marking out several times, especially in the main event. I had no idea Sid Streets could pull off a match like that but he really raised his game and looked like he deserved being SWF Champion. Final Rating: B+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 2 February, 1997


-The great SWF Nothing To Lose PPV scored a 0.98 buy rate.


-Perfect Storm are said to be spending a lot of time with Ethan Phillips and Reece Clark, viewing them as successors and coaching them.


-We can confirm the rumor that Adonis did indeed test positive for steroids, one of the first caught by the Drug Policy implemented last fall. Apparently Richard Eisen gave him a long talking to but Adonis was said to be unphased by the whole affair. What effects this will have on his push are unknown.


-Another point of contention backstage is Phillip Roberts, who told an SWF official on Friday that he's agreed to tour with Japan's Pride Glory Honor Wrestling. Phillip Roberts competes for the SWF and Canada's North Of The Border Pro Wrestling under handshake agreements and while there's nothing Richard Eisen can do to stop him he is reportedly (and understandably) pissed considering they put the North American Title on Roberts. I would bet my left leg he drops the belt on the next show or two and might even lose his job.


-The aforementioned issues ties in to The Natural, having only been in development for a month asking to be called up to the regular roster. While officials would normally be put off by such an aggressive approach the potential exit of Phillip Roberts will leave an opening to be filled.


-Major WG Reginald III's contract is about to expire, but few doubt Richard Eisen will re-sign him even though he's drawing closer to the big 6-0.



The following is the preview for SWF Supreme TV as provided by SWF.com:


Tune in at 8e on America-Sports-1 for the LIVE fallout from Nothing To Lose!


We have crowned a new Champion in Sid Streets. How will brother Dusty and Sam Keith react? And will Christian Faith be there after the brutal beating by Bruce the Giant last thursday? What about Sean McFly and No Way Jose?


Tommy Cornell is also slated to get a rematch for the SWF North American Title, find out if he can pull it off and much more on Supreme TV!

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