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(CVerse): The Alternate 1997

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 2 February, 1997

Isaak Road Arena - Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance: 15,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Captain USA Vs. Sebastian Krause - Bit of a sleeper here, even with Captain USA trying to work the crowd. Sebastian Krause outduked him and used some basic suplexes to set the Captain up for a submission defeat. Final Score: D


DARK MATCH: Barry Kingman Vs. Sean McFly - Apparently it is totally impossible for Sean McFly to have a bad match, even if its a couple-minute squasher with Barry Kingman. His crossbody's, dropkicks, and flying clotheslines looked super and the crowd popped well for the Delorean Driver-influenced pinfall. Final Score: C


Sid Streets opened the show to a standing ovation, and the new Champion took his time heading to the ring. Sid says that he's dedicating his Title win to his father and to the Streets family legacy. He goes on to thank Sam Keith for the match and says he can have his Title rematch whenever he wants, but he's cut off by Bruce the Giant who gets heat comparable to his gigantic size. Bruce says that after breaking Christian Faith at Nothing To Lose he's clearly the #1 Contender, tells Sid he needs to get ready to be crushed under his boot. Sid tells him to bring it on and Bruce says he will. Crowd was as hot as can be. Final Score: A


SWF North American Title Match, Phillip Roberts Vs. Tommy Cornell - I guess Roberts' stock has plummeted with Richard Eisen as expected as he totally jobbed to Tommy, but neither man gave their best in this one. Tommy's crisp slams didn't get much of a reaction and the Guilt Trip submission to hand the NA Title back over got a less than desired pop. Final Score: D


Dusty Streets and Emma Chase are in his locker room when Alex Pierce barges in. Alex says he's far from a nice guy but he's above trying to screw over his own flesh and blood. Dusty just laughs at him. Final Score: C-


Wrestlebot 9000 Vs. Sam Keith - Quick squash match here, not that cardboard-masked Wrestlebot is the ideal person to use. Sam lays in to him in his merciless fashion, clubbing his back and hits a reverse DDT before applying the Proton Lock for a submission. Final Score: C-


Backstage No Way Jose has a group of children gathered, of whom he's explaining how mighty Mexico defeated The Alamo. The kids looked clueless and I felt clueless as this show is in, you know, Baltimore. Then along comes Rick Horn who tells No Way to shutup. Final Score: D


Masked Patriot Vs. Rory McCallum - Rory was actually flanked by bagpipers heading to the ring, and while he and Patriot's fistfight and exaggerated selling wasn't the best, the crowd rooted for American in the ring. The Patriot Slam got the pinfall and Masked Patriot waved the flag around ringside. Final Score: C-


In a locker room Perfect Storm is lecturing Futureshock about being a tag team. Futureshock looked bored and I can't blame them; I hope Perfect Storm never quits their night job to try public speaking. Final Score: E+


Next we see Mr. Supreme and Louis Williams worshipping the former for supposedly stealing the show. Christian Faith approaches and tells Supreme to back his words up, leaving the arrogant heel speechless. Final Score: C+


Dusty Streets Vs. Alex Pierce - On one hand you have Alex Pierce, who worked his ass off and made it clear a face turn is coming. On the other you have botching Dusty Streets whose effort was mediocre at best, not even bothering to work the crowd as he went through a sequence of slams and chokeholds. Alex toedropped him in to the turnbuckle where Emma slipped Dusty brass knuckles, and Streets popped Alex a good one when he went to pick him up. The referee had a bad angle and never noticed, allowing Dusty to secure the pinfall. Final Score: C-


Another mediocre show, but this one didn't have a good main event to salvage it. The crowd seemed to desire a bit more and so did I. Final Rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 3 February, 1997


-Last week's SWF Supreme TV rating dropped to a 3.17. We assume this slow fall to 3.0 is the reason we have an SWF Title rematch this week.


-We can confirm that Phillip Roberts was released from his SWF contract last week. Having to haul it to Canada overnight after Supreme TV every week was getting old and the decision to sever ties was mutual, sources report.


-Backstage at Supreme TV last week, WG Reginald and Sam Keith were engaged in a nasty argument. Sam was said to be trying to get away from WG who was berating him for "thinking he's better than everyone else".


-Viper of the Black Serpent Cult has announced his retirement recently. Many view this as just the latest loss for Golden Canvas Grappling in Japan who have recently lost both Rip Chord and Dread to Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods.



The following is the preview for SWF Supreme TV as seen on SWF.com:


The rematch everyone is ready for will come to you on Supreme TV, 8e on America-Sports-1!


Sid Streets is set to defend the SWF Title against Sam Keith, the man he defeated at Nothing To Lose. There can only be one Champion to face Bruce the Giant at Awesome Impact, which one will it be? Also, it appears that Christian Faith is taking exception to Mr. Supreme's attitude. Will that spill over? All this and more to come LIVE!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 3 February, 1997

San Juan Cultural Center - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Attendance: 8,939



DARK MATCH: McCallum & Bruce Vs. Outbackers - Even with some awkward spots by the Outbackers this was a really decent match. Maybe Puerto Rico is starved for pro wrestling but they ate up Rory's hatred while he and Danny stomped the crap out of the Outbackers. Danny Bruce actually made Outbacker Harris pass out with a sleeper hold. Final Score: C


DARK MATCH: Flare Vs. Barry Kingman - Ugh. I don't know if Barry sucks that bad or if Flare needs special opponents for him to have good matches but spots were all over the place and it was merciful when Flare got the pinfall. It would have helped if Barry hadn't just stood up and left the ring with virtually no selling too. Final Score: D-



Christian Faith got the fans riled up wanting a piece of Mr. Supreme for bragging about himself, but the air was let out of the balloon when he got the Lords of War and Adonis. He cleaned them out but the fans apparently felt cheated. Final Score: C-


SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Black Hat Bailey - Oddly enough it was Tommy taking the punishment from stiff old Black Hat. After the fifth shoulder tackle I assumed that they were going to just pass the NA Title on to someone else but Tommy slipped out of a powerbomb and got a rollup for a flash pinfall. Black Hat was aghast. Final Score: D+


No Way Jose comes to the stage and says he knows his Amigo's in Puerto Rico support him and understand why he not only hates Texas, but everyone in it like Rick Horn. I guess Richard Eisen wanted to play off his ethnicity and get a face pop but the crowd was a bit confused as to what they should do. Final Score: D+


Warlord Pain Vs. Seth Storm - So much for old Warlord getting beaten up by Christian Faith earlier, as he comes out and hits some powerslams to put away Seth Storm pretty easily. I guess they're rolling with a Perfect Storm/Lords of War feud. Fortunately their tag matches are ok. Final Score: C-


Sam Keith is shown warming up while Danny Jillefski plugs away at the World Title main event. Bruce the Giant comes in and they give the fans a tense staredown. Bruce tells Sam to try to not lose. Sam curtly tells him to piss off before he breaks off one of his legs and beats him over the head with it. Bruce laughed and snorted but left. Final Score: B+


Sebastian Krause Vs. Sean McFly - What an unexpected, great match! Sean hit the deck with Sebastian and took off with some sleek technical action and chain wrestling, always managing to wind up on the winning end and the crowd popped big for the Delorean Driver. Sean makes the pinfall. Final Score: B-


Hollywood Mike Kinsey saunters down to the ring before Sean can leave and says he's getting up there in years, and offers to give Sean a pointer - in the form of a jab to the eye. He puts the boots on the fan favorite and the crowd hates him for it - far more heat than Hollywood has gotten in the last decade or so. Final Score: C


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match, Sid Streets Vs. Sam Keith - These two did not allow a single sleeper hold in their entire 10-minute clash. Sam's tight strikes never seemed tighter and one of Sid's comebacks had the crowd on their feet every time he slammed Keith in to the turnbuckle. Out of nowhere comes Dusty Streets who nails Sid with the brass knuckles, giving his brother the DQ win. The crowd rains down the heat and Sam Keith is far from pleased his rematch is cut short. Final Score: B


The pattern seems to be a horrible first half hour with a really great second half hour to close things out. It might work for now but Richard Eisen needs to get his midcard in order before the bottom falls out and he has issues. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 4 February, 1997


-Last week's Supreme TV popped up to a 3.26 rating.


-Brick Fantana has been released, as per statement by New England Wrestling. It's a fair guess to say that SWF brass got tired of him griping about being there as a trainer and got rid of him.


-We can exclusively confirm that Victoria Stone has signed a contract with the SWF. This can be directly attributed to Richard Eisen's affinity for Sean McFly's work to hire his girlfriend. Perhaps one can take it as a snub to Dan Stone, the promoter of the popular NOTBPW promotion in Canada?



The following is this week's SWF Supreme TV preview, provided by SWF.com:


We are 9 days from Awesome Impact as the Supremist Show On Television rolls in to Seattle, Washington!


As announced yesterday via SWF.com Christian Faith will be taking on Mr. Supreme at Awesome Impact. One can only imagine how badly Faith wants to get his hands on his opponent!


The treacherous Dusty Streets attacked his brother Sid and interrupted the SWF World Title Match last week. Will Sid or Sam Keith have anything to say about it? Find out at 8e on America-Sports-1!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 4 February, 1997

The Theatre of Dreams - Seattle, Washington

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Wrestlebot 9000 Vs. Sebastian Krause - Wrestlebot got squashed big, as always, and as always the match sucked. As I've noted many times before, it's kindof hard to sell painful holds when you have a cardboard mask-helmet on. Final Score: E+


DARK MATCH: Bubbles the Clown Vs. No Way Jose - Seems they've made a jobber out of Bubbles as No Way picked him apart with stiff strikes, spending most of the time playing to the crowd. Jose scored the easy pin. Final Score: D



Alex Pierce opens the show, reminding everyone that he's really a jerk but he wants a piece of Dusty Streets at Awesome Impact regardless. Dusty comes out and says he has bigger fish to fry, but he'll be happy to take out Alex on his way to winning the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Crowd was not as in to this as you'd think. Final Score: C-


Cap'n Crush Vs. Rick Horn - Horn wrassled Cap'n Crush well enough with little enough fanfare from the Seattle crowd. Nice big clothesline for the pinfall. I'm surprised No Way didn't come out and give Rick Horn some grief and I think the audience was expecting that as well. Final Score: D


We get a video promo for an upcoming star called The Natural, who called himself the "Naturally Superior Superstar".


Sam Keith in the ring says that if he can't get Dusty at Awesome Impact like he wanted he'll settle for anyone else, issues an open challenge, Flare sneaks in and botches a dropkick that knocks Keith from the ring. Final Score: C-


Danny Rushmore Vs. Sean McFly - If Sean McFly can't have a good match with you, you know you suck. Try as he may Sean couldn't put over Danny's crappy looking strikes, and even though McFly got the pin the crowd wasn't all that thrilled. Final Score: D+


Hollywood Mike Kinsey starts towards the ring but Sean meets him halfway, nearly leaping over him in a pounce. They have a good brawl on the walkway that security separates. Final Score: C+


Gold Alliance (Mr. Supreme/Lords of War) Vs. Perfect Storm/Christian Faith - I thought this match would be a disaster but it wasn't. Tagging was smooth between Gold Alliance who ganged up on Seth and Stuart Storm; Christian Faith got the hot tag and peppered Mr. Supreme with blows before hitting a nice spinebuster. Five minutes later Christian Faith gets the pin on Warlrod Agony and Louis Williams tries to console Mr. Supreme at ringside. Final Score: C+


Backstage Rory McCallum is bellowing out some Scottish tune with a bagpiper when Masked Patriot shows up with a fiddler. The fiddler starts playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Rory is aghast when Masked Patriot sings along with it. You could hear the crowd pop from backstage which is always a good thing. Final Score: C+


Bruce the Giant/Cheatin' Mike Barstow Vs. Tommy Cornell/Sid Streets - Another match I thought would be a disaster, another case of me being wrong. Danny Jillefski, Peter Michaels, and Micky Starr put Tommy Cornell over well even when Bruce was breaking him over his knee. Sid Streets hit the Road to Freedom on Barstow and got the pin, and big Bruce just gave his sadistic laugh and headed to the back. Final Score: C+



Really, really mediocre show. The crowd never had anything to get excited over. I guess Richard was trying to balance the card out but it seems to have balanced near the bottom instead of the top. Final Rating: C

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 1 March, 1997------------------------------------------------------------------------

-Supreme TV scored a 3.17 rating last week.


-The developmental contract of Sean Self has come for renewal and reports indicate that Richard Eisen used the 1-year extension with no issue.


-Many of you have sent e-mails wanting better coverage of the East Coast Wars, so hopefully this report can better clarify the situation going on. One thing made clear is that people are tired of same ol' same ol' from the Supreme Wrestling Federation and with the advent of the internet - and your self-styled 'Internet Wrestling Community' - an opportunity for an alternative is seen.


Unlike the case of the last couple of years, Philly Pro Power Wrestling is no longer winning the war; the arrival of Nemesis in DAVE has changed everything. Many of you are wondering how similar DAVE's shows are to Supreme TV. While the basic concept of matches, good guys vs. bad guys and storylines is still present, DAVE has a very violent fashion of matches and the workers to do it. Weapons are very commonplace as is overt vulgarity, and the women are provocatively dressed. There isn't the emphasis on big, attractive competitors either; many of DAVE's stars enjoy taking to the air and using high-risk maneuvers.


The fate of the other three is uncertain, but two are in dire straits as it is: the Xtreme Federation of Wrestling and Philly Pro Power Wrestling. XFW's attendance continues to drop while PPPW's product is often booed. Rapid Pro Wrestling is so different from DAVE (and the SWF) that their audience hardly conflicts and they have the best chance against DAVE now - not that it's a very good one. With the change in mainstream culture and the exposure of the internet we expect the East Coast Wars to continue the whirlwind and who knows where this will wind up. Anything is possible but at the current pace, Danger And Violence Extreme is clearly the front-runner to challenge Richard Eisen's empire and I think Phil Vibert knows it.



The following is the preview for this week's SWF Supreme TV, as seen on SWF.com:


We are two days from Awesome Impact as the SWF comes to you LIVE at 8e on America-Sports-1!


Rory McCallum will get a swing at SWF Champion Sid Streets in a non-title bid. Can the fierce Scotsman pull off an upset two days before Streets defends against Bruce the Giant? Also, what does Gold Alliance have in story for Christian Faith? Find out!

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Average shows can be so frustrating. Some times, no matter how hard I try, I can't get good grabs without needlessly plaster Sting & Flair & Goldberg & Nash everywhere. Sometimes you just have to work your way through overness gaps until your ratings level off at a more acceptable level.
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Well you know falling_star, I had no idea how personal some of these diaries can be. The reality is you are presenting to potentially hundreds of people an interpretation and depiction of a farse wrestling universe that you have to make real. I end up finding myself thinking more like Richard Eisen than PFElton some of the time and I am having a ball doing this.


I've yet to have a game that did not have a good year's worth of watershed while the roster, company, and everyone's overness balances themselves out somewhere; but I think the SWF in 1997 was experiencing a WWF New Generation-like gap in direction and without HGC here to put them at the top of their game again, Richard Eisen's 20-year monopoly doesn't convince him there's anything wrong with the SWF. The SWF is going to drop some popularity but I feel it will be better for building the roster in the long term and thank God for all these young guys to carry the card.

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 1 March, 1997

Mauna Lai Sports Club - Oahu, Hawaii

Attendance: 7,153



DARK MATCH: Flare Vs. The Natural - So this is The Natural. I'm not impressed. He came out dressed vibrantly and got a little heat but the match sucked. Flare, who is known to not be particularly versatile wanted a Lucha-style bout and looked lost when The Natural whipped out some standard headlock takedowns and arm drags. Flare got the pinfall. Final Score: D-


DARK MATCH: SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Gene Curtis - Curtis actually seemed more legit than ever in this match that wasn't used for the sake of giving Tommy someone to squash, even though he did go over fairly easily. Final Score: D+



Bruce the Giant calls out Sid Streets, eyeing him like a hungry cat watching a canary. He snorts and sneers while telling Sid the Kid he doesn't know what kind of pain he's in for. Sid laughs right back in his face and says there's only one way to find out. Crowd popped really hard and Bruce was nasty as ever. Final Score: A


#1 Contender's to SWF North American Title at Awesome Impact, Adonis Vs. Bubbles the Clown - My God this was a bad match, Adonis trying to play up his narcissism while fumbling around out there with Bubbles. Could not have ended any quicker, Adonis got the pin after a fallaway slam. Final Score: E+


Sean McFly (and debuting Victoria Stone) hit the ring and said he's dealt with enough of Hollywood Mike Kinsey to last a lifetime, says he's going to put a stop to it at Awesome Impact and then get back to chasing the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Final Score: C+


Rick Horn/Masked Patriot Vs. No Way Jose/Sebastian Krause - No Way Jose and Masked Patriot did most of the work in this match, complete with all of No Way's nefarious, turnbuckle pad-untying ways. No Way hid from Rick Horn who ended up tearing Sebastian Krause apart. No Way was forced to tag in but following a referee bump, Rory McCallum came to ringside and nailed Masked Patriot with a chair. The distraction to Rick Horn let No Way Jose hit a lowblow and roll him up - tights pulled - for the pinfall. Cool match, quiet crowd. Final Score: C-


Backstage Louis Williams asks Perfect Storm for a Tag Titles shot on behalf of Lords of War. Perfect Storm agrees and on que, Warlord's Agony and Pain show up and bludgeon them while Louis laughs like a mad scientist. Final Score: D+


Cap'n Crush Vs. Christian Faith - Christian went wild, jumping Crush before the bell and raining the blows on him. Big piledriver and stunner set up the Leap of Faith for the pinfall. The fans were happy for their hero. Final Score: C+


Mr. Supreme with Louis Williams comes to the stage, telling Christian Faith to enjoy himself because the pleasure ends at Awesome Impact. Sounds cheesy on paper but Supreme got some good heat. Final Score: B-


Sid Streets Vs. Rory McCallum - The fans were especially displeased with McCallum after his attack on Masked Patriot and the heat carried over. Sid rallied back from a headlock & laid in to Rory with repeated clotheslines. Of course, here comes Dusty with his brass knuckles. He tosses the referee from the ring and goes to deck Sid who pushed Rory in his way. Down goes Rory and out goes Dusty as an irish whip to the ropes and a big clothesline sends him tumbling to ringside. Sid hits the Road to Freedom and the referee could've counted to ten. Final Score: B-



Much better than last week and this is especially good as it's the go-home to Awesome Impact. Where was Sam Keith is my only question. It's pretty cool to see how over Sid Steets is getting with the World Title Belt around his waist. Final Rating: B-

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The Elton Sheets - Thursday, Week 1 March, 1997-------------------------------------------------------------------------

-SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.30 rating.


-In a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR breaking story that's just unfolding, Richard Eisen and his son Jerry - and heir apparent - have had a major falling out following Jerry's desire to not renew his contract and formally leave the SWF. We are told by reliable sources that they had a private meeting yesterday that ended with a shouting match all the way back out Supreme Headquarters in Providence. Richard Eisen is said to have left himself and assumedly went home.


This is a serious issue not only for Richard Eisen's personal life but for the state of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The story is just breaking and more details are sure to emerge as the weekend comes but we can also confirm that Richard Eisen is NOT backstage at Awesome Impact, and as of this writing there is said to be pure chaos over booking the card as there's nobody clearly in charge.



The following is the final card for Awesome Impact:


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Sid Streets Vs. Bruce the Giant


Sam Keith Vs. Flare


Dusty Streets Vs. Alex Pierce


Mr. Supreme Vs. Christian Faith


Sean McFly Vs. Hollywood Mike Kinsey


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Perfect Storm Vs. Lords of War


SWF North American Title Match

Tommy Cornell Vs. Adonis

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SWF Awesome Impact Results - Thursday, Week 1 March, 1997

Manhattan National Center - New York City, New York

Attendance: 30,000 - SOLD OUT


(As a side note, this is the first time that Richard Eisen has not booked a show since 1989 when he had a scare with pneumonia.)



PRE-SHOW: Masked Patriot comes out and plays to the crowd briefly before challenging Rory McCallum to a match right now. Rory comes out and agrees. Final Score: C


PRE-SHOW: Rory McCallum Vs. Masked Patriot - I don't doubt that this match was as good as it possibly could be but these two didn't gel well. Rory and his crazy, wild-looking brawling overpowered Masked Patriot and a Boston Crab got the submission. Final Score: C-



SWF North American Title Match, Tommy Cornell Vs. Adonis - This match had a very casual, lackluster nature about it and I can't help to think the chaotic environment backstage had something to do with it. Even on half effort it was still an OK match, Cornell trying to battle against the physically larger Adonis. Maria trips Tommy and allows Adonis to take the match over, scoring a Running Powerslam to get the pin and the North American Title. Final Score: C-


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, Perfect Storm Vs. Lords of War - Perfect Storm went through all of Lords of War's spots, clearly trying to protect them. Crowd was decent but the match just wasn't what it would have been 5 years ago. Stuart Storm goes up top and hits the Guillotine Leg Drop on Warlord Agony for the pin. Final Score: C-


Backstage No Way Jose approaches Emma Chase, evidently saying provocative things in spanish. Dusty Streets appears out of nowhere and busts him a good one with the brass knuckles while Emma laughs in the fakest manner you could imagine. Final Score: D+


Sean McFly Vs. Hollywood Mike Kinsey - It was disappointing to see Sean McFly work so hard to put Hollywood over when Kinsey was falling in line with the Boss-isn't-here-so-we-don't-have-to-try crowd. Sean sold his halfassed attacks as best he could before making a comeback, hitting a picture perfect dropkick then the Delorean Driver for the pin. Final Score: C


Mr. Supreme Vs. Christian Faith - The show was stolen on this match. For nearly a half hour they dished it out hard, the match settling in with some sleeper holds followed by bursts of offense. Mr. Supreme went after Christian Faith's knee with kicks knee drops, but Faith fought back from it. A Leap of Faith after a DDT got a close two count and the crowd actually popped hard. Supreme toe-dropped Christian and went up top himself but Faith gave him knees on a moonsault and scrambled to hit another Leap of Faith for the pinfall. Best match in a looong time. Final Score: B+


Christian Faith got a hold of a Microphone while Mr. Supreme was hobbling to the back with Louis Williams. Faith tells him to carry his butt to the back and stay there because he can't roll. Crowd was a little burnt out but they still ate up his every word. Final Score: B


Dusty Streets Vs. Alex Pierce - Dusty waylaid Alex, who himself avoided his heelish ways in a strong face turn tease. The intent of the match was clearly to put over Dusty and that's just what was done, The Dust-Off collecting the pin. Final Score: C


Flare Vs. Sam Keith - Keith isn't the most aerial wrestler but he whipped out a pair of elbow drops and made it work against luchadoreish Flare. Flare brought Sam Keith down with a superkick and hit a neat Flying Heel Kick for the pinfall. I can't believe Sam Keith did the job clean. Final Score: C+


A beastly video package plays recapping the Bruce the Giant/Sid Streets feud. Final Score: B+


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match, Sid Streets Vs. Bruce the Giant - Aside from a mutual lack of selling this match was a good brawl, paced somewhat slow to accomodate Bruce. Sid Streets was on the long end following some big kicks until Bruce took him up for the Giant Chokeslam. Sid punched him in the face then kicked him in the gut and hit a huge double-armed DDT to score the pin and retain his Title. Final Score: C+



Christian Faith and Mr. Supreme stole the show; unfortunately, they stole it in the middle of the card and nothing past it could compare. I can't help but think the show would have been smoother with Richard Eisen in charge. Final rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Saturday, Week 1 March, 1997


-We're still waiting for the buy rate to come in but we have a major update on the handling of Awesome Impact. Without Richard Eisen there backstage was chaotic. Some of the more senior members on the roster settled everyone down as best they could and helped production get the show set up while Major WG Reginald III, Sam Keith, and Christian Faith locked themselves in an office for an hour and booked the show. Some people were less than pleased by their decisions and it showed in their performances.


The three of them gave the post-show speech/review of the event. Mr. Supreme could not have been more glorified for taking the high road and bringing his best to take on Christian Faith. On the other hand Hollywood Mike was ripped in to for not giving his best in what's considered to be his last match in the SWF with his contract expiring. Sam Keith pointed out that he was a poor example to the rest of the roster. Tommy Cornell was also reprimanded for a halfassed effort.


We can now confirm via New England Wrestling's website that they have severed all tied with the SWF. This of course means that some dozen+ developmental talent have nowhere to go and while Richard Eisen still has not been heard from by any of our sources, one can expect cuts to be coming.

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 2 March, 1997


-SWF Awesome Impact's buyrate is reported at 0.76. That's a drop of about 20% from Nothing To Lose the month prior. SWF will not be happy.


-As much as we've been covering the instability in the SWF it's only fair to bring to light the problems caused in NEW. Without their parent SWF and it's sponsors NEW is said to be headed to the red where it will stay until an inevitable closure.


-Out of the whole batch of developmental talent, only two remain from the cutting board: Vengeance and Honest Frank. It is still unknown how they will be integrated on to the main roster.


-Richard Eisen is said to be in Salt Lake City for SWF Supreme TV.



The following is the preview for SWF Supreme TV as featured on SWF.com:


The Impact was indeed Awesome last week, and this week's Supreme TV will be even better!


Sid Streets is slated to take on Cap'n Crush in the main event in a non-title match. Also Tommy Cornell will get a rematch for the SWF North American Title. With promised appearances from Christian Faith, Bruce the Giant and Sam Keith this is looking to be a cant-miss evening LIVE!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 2 March, 1997

Utah Park Reservation - Salt Lake City, Utah

Attendance: 13,936



DARK MATCH: Lords of War Vs. Colin Kennedy/Wrestlebot 9000 - Not a whole lot to be said about this as it was a total job for the Lords of War's sake. Warlord Pain got the pinfall on battered little Colin after a spike piledriver. Final Score: D


DARK MATCH: Alex Pierce Vs. Sebastian Krause - Somewhat technical bout, at least on Sebastian's end. Judging by the face pop from the crowd and Alex's clean fashion I assume he's turned babyface. Piercing Wound for the pinfall on Krause. Final Score: D+



SWF North American Title Match, Adonis Vs. Tommy Cornell - Cornell fought fiercely, both against his opponents and the stagnation that was the crowd volume while they went at it. Adonis proved too slow to keep up with lithe (read: skinny) young Cornell and a distraction from Maria raising cane on the apron was all Adonis needed to roll up Tommy and pull the tights to get the pinfall and keep the gold. Final Score: C-


Mr. Supreme calls Christian Faith to the ring, says Faith beat him fair and square at Awesome Impact but says he's wrong about him. Mr. Supreme says he proves time and time again that he belongs in the SWF and swears to prove it to Christian Faith before it's all said and done. The promo itself was good but the crowd was let down that Christian said virtually nothing and didn't just clobber him. Final Score: B-


Gene Curtis Vs. Honest Frank - So this is Honest Frank from development. It was pretty awkward seeing Curtis work face himself to try and put over the nefarious Frank who pulled out every illegal hold and eye gouge in the book to get the fans against him. If only they cared enough to yawn as he collected the pinfall. Final Score: D-


Backstage, Dusty with Emma on his arm is shown talking in to a dimmed locker room, but to who is unclear. Dusty tells whoever that they're here for a reason and they know what needs to be done. Final Score: C


Sam Keith/No Way Jose Vs. Rick Horn/Flare - The four workers were wise enough to pair off Horn/Keith and Jose/Flare as far as the in-ring action is concerned. Sam did his thing like a well oiled machine and foiled an attempted comeback by Rick Horn. Flare got tagged in but Jose came off the top with a dropkick that floored him, allowing Sam to lock on the Proton Lock for the submission. Final Score: C


In the ring, Captain USA and the Masked Patriot are decked out like Uncle Sam, ready to lead the crowd in a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. They of course don't notice the massive Bruce lumber in the ring until it's too late. Bruce decks each of them a few times and leaves. I was expecting a little more, like some Giant Chokeslams. Final Score: C


Cap'n Crush Vs. Sid Streets - The Champ performed like a Champ; I really have to say that Sid has raised his game a few notches since winning the title. The larger Cap'n was no match for the babyfaced hero who easily nailed the Road to Freedom and collected the pinfall. Final Score: C+


Dusty's music hits and he comes to the stage. Sid is more than ready for his brother but not at all expecting the debut of Skull Das Bones who sortof trips over the barricade as he sneaks in behind Sid and clubs him in the back. Dusty comes down and they put the boots to the Champion. I think between the crowd simply not knowing who Skull Das Bones (formerly Vengeance) is and him tripping the reaction was weaker than obviously intended. Final Score: C



Not a bad show, and cool to see Honest Frank and Veng-I mean, 'Skull Das Bones' on TV. But what should have been great segments wound up being awkward. Final Rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 3 March, 1997


--Last week's Supreme TV dropped to a 3.11 rating.


-Richard Eisen was indeed back in action at Supreme TV, and Sam Keith and Christian Faith were said to be privately commended for holding Awesome Impact together (Major WG Reginald III's contract expired since then). That being said nobody had the balls to bring up his issues with Jerry.


-Bubbles the Clown and Barry Kingman were both released this week, probably as part of the cuts to make room for Honest Frank and Skull Das Bones.


-In more news on Awesome Max Wrestling, owner Trenton Evenrud is said to be skipping events and leaving the workers to book their own show. Sad.


-Philly Pro Power Wrestling and the Xtreme Federation of Wrestling have both made roster cuts recently, apparently buckling down to try and survive the onslaught from DAVE.


-And in our biggest news of the week, sources say that Jerry Eisen is less than concerned about New England Wrestling's collapse. Rather, word is he has opened a dialogue with Phil Vibert and the two intend to host a conference of sorts in a matter of weeks. The guest list and nature of the conference is unknown but considering the circumstances we can only assume that they have something big up their sleeve. More as we get it.



The following is the preview for SWF Supreme TV, provided by SWF.com:


In the main event of this week's Supreme edition of SWF action, Dusty Streets and his new ally, the mysterious Skull Das Bones, lock up with Sid Streets and Alex Pierce in a tag team match!


What was Bruce the Giant's motivation for attacking Captain USA and Masked Patriot last week, and will something be done about his aggression? And what will Mr. Supreme do to convince Christian Faith he belongs? Only one way to find out at 8e on America-Sports-1!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 3 March, 1997

Clover Fields - Dallas, Texas

Attendance: 12,835



DARK MATCH: Gene Curtis Vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow - Gene Curtis continued to work face and actually wasn't as boring as usual. A few hip tosses set up Cheatin' Mike for a Scissored Ankle Lock-submission. Final Score: D


DARK MATCH: Tommy Cornell Vs. The Natural - Tommy did his best to make The Natural look legitimate while going over himself, but I don't think the 18-year-old was the right man for the job and the reaction they got was pure crickets. Final Score: D-



Bruce the Giant generates massive heat as he lumbers down to the ring with that sick grin on his face and proceeds to explain to everyone that he attacked Captain USA and Masked Patriot simply because he can. Bruce promises to continue doing whatever the heck he pleases until Sean McFly comes out, bringing everyone to their feet. Sean says being a bully is one thing but interrupting the National Anthem is another and says Bruce doesn't scare him. Bruce gets visibly angry but eventually backs away from the fired up McFly. Fans loved it. Final Score: B+


Captain USA Vs. Black Hat Bailey - Ol' Black Hat actually got the win in this squash, scowling at the fans in between bodyslams. The Bailey Breaker scored the pin. Final Score: C-


Mr. Supreme marches to the ring, tells Christian Faith to watch his next match closely while he proves he is the "Supreme Supercession of Wrestling". Final Score: B-


Mr. Supreme Vs. Wrestlebot 9000 - Wrestlebot drew the short stick for this royal asskicking, as this 3-minute match was little more than a Mr. Supreme Highlight Reel all the way to the pinfall after the Simply Supreme Suplex. Final Score: D+


Christian Faith's music hits but he's only a few steps out of the curtain before the rest of Gold Alliance ambush him. The crowd was disappointed that he didn't just wipe them all out. Final Score: C-


Rick Horn Vs. No Way Jose - I never really got why they paired off little No Way and big bad Rick Horn, but in this one No Way's tricks allowed him to keep the edge, rolling from the ring any time Rick got rolling. No Way has a few of his dives backfire, normally with Rick catching him and hitting some big slam, but an eye-gouge followed by a dropkick allows No Way to head up top and hit a moonsault for the pinfall. Final Score: D+


Backstage Sam Keith is goading Flare to take a swing at him, calling him a masked chicken. Flare, who looks totally lost cocks back and gives the world of time for Sam Keith to - in the words of Danny Killefski "Only just block that punch!" - and stomp Flare. Flare looked lost and the whole segment looked stupid. Final Score: D+


Dusty Streets/Skull Das Bones Vs. Alex Pierce/Sid Streets - The champ got great attention from the crowd when he was in the ring, beating Skull and Dusty around and even forcing them to headbutt, but his opponents managed to isolate Alex instead. The hot tag was never made and the Vengeance Drop delivered on Pierce gave Skull his first victory in the SWF while Sid fumed on the apron. Final Score: C+



Pretty disappointing show. I think Richard needs to scrap some of his storylines and let up on some pushes, namely Flare's. Final Rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 4 March, 1997


-The rating for SWF Supreme TV rebounded to a 3.29 last week.


-Duncan Kendall, Rocky Streets, and The Stomper have independently verified that they will be attending Jerry Eisen and Phil Vibert's conference, with indication that it is coming sooner than later.


-In an update on the East Coast Wars, some question how valid the term even is. Nemesis has signed a written contract with DAVE and attendance continues to swell. Phil Vibert recognizes much of the explosion of popularity has come from the internet, hence why the merchandise is cheaper there than at live events. XFW and PPPW continue to pitter along and RPW makes sure they're as far from DAVE as possible.



The following is the preview for this week's SWF Supreme TV, as seen on SWF.com:


Skull Das Bones proved last week that he means business. Will he continue to target Champion Sid Streets?


And Sean McFly had the courage to stand up to the angry Giant. Will Bruce launch an attack on the hero? Speaking of which, how will Christian Faith respond to his ambush by the Gold Alliance last week? And will Flare get back at Sam Keith for the attack? Find out LIVE!

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Ok guys, I've hit over a thousand views in 5 days. Evidently the support for my project is strong and I'm going strong. I'm not going to quit on you guys. Ideally, over the coming weeks and months I can churn out years of CornellVerse and give a radically different world for your enjoyment.


That being said, you guys are being too silent! Communicate with me, let me know what you think and if you think I'm breaching canon with some character actions, chime in. The Eisen Family Feud is being spurned by Jerry Eisen actually rejecting a new SWF contract in my game. I'm not forcing anything except a quicker closure to the East Coast Wars - I maintain that without HGC there would be drastic action taken in the race for #1 Contendership to Richard Eisen's monopoly on top.


Anyway, it's Impact night and I'll be churning out a few shows this evening, so get noisy! :)

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 4 March, 1997

Louisiana Auditorium - New Orleans, Louisiana

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT



DARK MATCH: Alex Pierce Vs. Cap'n Crush - Alex kicks him around the ring in a pretty poor match, but he's done well getting over and the crowd got behind him. Cap'n Crush arrgghheeddd through the powerslams and strikes, and a backdrop preceded a Piercing Wound for the pinfall from Pierce. Final Score: D+


DARK MATCH: SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, Perfect Storm Vs. Black Hat Bailey/No Way Jose - I'm confused as to why the SWF Tag Titles have been so written off since Perfect Storm got their hands on it. This was actually a passable match, and a couple close falls after No Way toe-dropped Seth in to the turnbuckle got the crowd just a little riled up. Ultimately the tag moves came out against ol' Black Hat, and Seth hit his Guillotine Leg Drop on him for the pinfall. Final Score: C-



The show opens with Sid Streets already in the ring with Danny Jillefski for an interview. Danny tells Sid he knows Dusty wants a Title shot, Sid says as much as his brother disgusts him he can have his Title shot at the PPV where "The World will truly be Watching". Final Score: C


Rick Horn Vs. Rory McCallum - The crowd got behind Rick's losing effort really well. Rory McCallum's belligerent Scotsman routine with his heavy strikes and insults firing at the crowd pisses them off enough to disregard of the basic brawl before them. Rick nearly takes Rory's head off with a big clothesline but lets his guard down when he goes to stand Rory up. Rory puts a boot in his gut and hits this suplex slam for the cover. Final Score: C


Backstage Lords of War are strolling around, talking about ways to get their SWF Tag Titles back when Christian Faith comes from behind and gives them a chair shot to the back - nothing more, nothing less. Final Score: C


Gene Curtis Vs. Sam Keith - Holy crap, Sam Keith got Gene Curtis over. Sam sold Gene's stuff really well, acting as if the arm drags and snap suplexes were breaking his back in half - but it was no comparison to Sam's matches with better opponents. Sam applies some wristlocks and arm-bar's to set Gene up for the Proton Lock submission. Final Score: C


Adonis is backstage with Maria getting his mirrors set up in just the right places - but the smug smirk on his face slides to horror when he sees Christian Faith in his hand mirror. Christian decks him once sending him dramatically flailing around the backstage spot, knocking mirrors over. Faith then picks up the North American Title and ends the semi-seizure by nailing him with it while Maria screams. Final Score: C+


Sebastian Krause Vs. Sean McFly - However well Sam Keith put over Gene Curtis, Sean McFly and Sebastian Krause topped it. They hit the mat and take off on several very convincing locks. In fact, Sebastian Krause looked as if he might get a submission on a side leglock but Sean managed to scoot to the ropes and popped off a low kick to send Sebastian facefirst to the mat. Sean takes his time heading up top and in focusing on Krause neglects the Giant lumbering down to the ring. Bruce clubs Sean on the back for the DQ then enters the ring, hitting a Giant Chokeslam from the top rope to the canvas. Final Score: C+


Christian Faith hits the ring and says he has dismantled the Gold Alliance. Mr. Supreme comes out and says he hasn't gotten him yet. Christian says he's saving the best for last, says they clearly have a score to settle at The World Is Watching. Mr. Supreme says The World will watch him ascend to true greatness. This could've been a really memorable bout if Mr. Supreme hadn't tripped over his lines. I guess the spotlight is a little too bright for him right now. Final Score: C+


Dusty Streets Vs. Masked Patriot - Pretty straightforward, un-main eventy type match. Masked Patriot brings the flag to the ring all fired up only to get jobbed hard to Dusty one blow at a time. The Dust-Off scores the pin and Dusty climbs all four turnbuckles to pose to an unimpressed crowd. Final Score: C-



A really, really balanced yet mediocre show. Nothing to holler about and nothing to cry about. Final Rating: C

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 1 April, 1997


-SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.23 last night.


-As announced last night on DAVEWrestling.com, the Phil Vibert/Jerry Eisen conference will be held in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Friday, Week 3 April. That's right, the day after The World Is Watching. Morale is said to be high in DAVE with everyone buzzing in speculation about what's going on and what the near future holds.


On the other hand, though nobody has directly said anything, SWF Brass is starting to get unsettled. The air backstage is said to be miserable with rampant politics, and the blame-game for the creative nadir the company has fallen in is overwhelming.



The following is the preview for tonight's edition of SWF Supreme TV, featured first on SWF.com:


A six-man tag main event is scheduled, as Bruce the Giant teams with Sebastian Krause and Rory McCallum to take on Sean McFly and the Perfect Storm!


After watching his brother Dusty tear in to Masked Patriot, will Sid go on the offensive? And following Christian Faith's attacks last week is Gold Alliance truly finished? Find out all this and more LIVE!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 1 April, 1997

Iowa State Fayre - Des Moines, Iowa

Attendance: 13,037



DARK MATCH: Black Hat Bailey Vs. Rick Horn - Rick Horn tears in to Black Hat, but as with most times the SWF tries to push him he looks a bit...inadequate. Horn gets the win with an old-fashioned Powerbomb. Final Score: D



Dusty Streets and his new lackey Skull Das Bones hit the ring and take turns bashing Sid and Alex Pierce for their efforts. Really, Skull just stood there like Lurch while Dusty did most of the Mic. work - and he isn't exactly the best in the world at it. When Sid's music hit the crowd popped hard and he and Alex cleaned house. Final Score: C-


Captain USA Vs. Honest Frank - Honest struck Captain before the bell, which resulted in what little heat this match would receive. Still, Frank worked heel well, arguing with the Ref and ducking out of the ring at opportune times. It was a Jawbreaker that let him collect the fall. If only anyone at all cared; the fans coming and going from the bathrooms and concessions in the background really killed the match. Final Score: D-


Mr. Supreme graces the Supreme Screen with Louis Williams at his flank. Mr. Supreme says it doesn't matter that Christian Faith killed the Gold Alliance, he says he's more than enough to upset Christian Faith and prove himself to be the next level of SWF Superstar. Final Score: B-


The Lords of War Vs. The Outbackers - It's been a while since The Outbackers have made TV. Here the fan favorites take a pounding from the Lords of War, as expected. Standard old Lords of War match with Pain sneaking in a lowblow to pin Outbacker Harris. Final Score: C-


When Bruce the Giant's music hit the crowd got a much needed boost of energy. He only had a few moments to talk about how puny Sean McFly is before the man himself came out to quite the ovation. It was amusing watching them stand toe-to-toe with McFly's hair barely higher than Bruce's shoulders. Sean challenges him to a match at The World Is Watching, then each man takes turns vowing their team will win tonight. Really good, refreshing segment. Final Score: B+


SWF North American Title Match, Adonis Vs. Masked Patriot - Muscleman Adonis put a whooping on Patriot, often pausing to inspect himself in the mirror Maria held at ringside. Pinfall comes with his running Powerslam. I guess they dropped his feud with Tommy Cornell. Final Score: C-


Bruce the Giant/Rory McCallum/Sebastian Krause Vs. Sean McFly/Perfect Storm - The three more versatile workers managed to offset Bruce and Perfect Storm, the latter getting most of the ringtime for that team. Sean McFly came in on hot tags for big splashes and to take a Chokeslam from Bruce once. Still the hero rallied and hit the Delorean Driver on Sebastian Krause for the pinfall while Bruce and Rory fumed. Good heat, weak match. Final Score: C



The matches on the show were pretty crappy. Mr. Supreme and the Bruce/Sean feud saved the show from total failure. Final Rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 2 April, 1997


-SWF scored a 3.21 rating last Tuesday on America-Sports-1.


-To confirm the rumors, Christian Faith's contract was renewed over the weekend. While the pay figures are currently unknown it is known that he signed a 10-year agreement.


-For those of you who attended DAVE Rock And Roll Over last night you already know this, but Jerry Eisen cut a promo just before the Nemesis/Johnny Martin Extreme Title match to announce that he has sold New England Wrestling to DAVE. This was not a work as the deal was indeed finalized only hours prior to the show.


To be more specific, NEW was essentially sold to DAVE for nothing as part of a larger agreement between Phil Vibert and Jerry Eisen. With the NEW purchase DAVE also collected its entire roster to fill out the ranks. To further validate Eisen's hand in DAVE Phil Vibert rallied the locker room for a meeting after the show, saying that a little change is in store for DAVE to make it more acceptable and competitive, namely, a scaleback on all the hardcore and a broader tolerance of aerial action. Forums - including our own - are blowing up big time with speculation and we can't blame you.



The following is the official preview for SWF Supreme TV, as shown on SWF.com:


We have a Supreme main event lined up as SWF World Heavyweight Challenger Dusty Streets is set to take on Sean McFly. One can only imagine the role Bruce the Giant and Champion Sid Streets will play before it's over. And don't forget the building animosity between Christian Faith and Mr. Supreme. Who will get the last laugh this week? Find out all this and more at 8e on America-Sports-1 LIVE!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 2 April, 1997

Wisconsin Gardens - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Attendance: 10,000 - SOLD OUT


(We at WrestleElton.net have for various reasons decided to end our recap of dark matches. The primary reason is the prototypical nature of the contests.)




The show launches with Mr. Supreme hitting the ring. Supreme says that Christian Faith handles everything like its a game, but says he's tired of playing in Faith's games. Supreme says at The World is Watching it's only Game Over for Christian Faith. The man himself comes to the stage and says he enjoys games like Pin-the-tail-on-the-Donkey. He points everyone to the Supreme Screen where a picture of a mule is presented - with Mr. Supreme's face covering the rear. Supreme himself attempts to look upset while Christian and the crowd have a laugh, but his lines were so mechanical and his temper tantrum so unbelievable. Final Score: C+


Danny Bruce Vs. Rick Horn - You know, this match was pretty lame. Fortunately it wasn't supposed to be anything but a squasher with Rick Horn laying in to Bruce and getting the pin after a double-armed DDT. Final Score: D-


Rory McCallum hits the ring and he and Danny Bruce wallop Rick Horn, he sells the punishment with the charisma of a rock. Final Score: D-


SWF North American Title Match, Adonis Vs. Captain USA - As of this writing we are aware of some incident backstage with Adonis, and it totally explains why he got in a single punch in this entire 5-minute job to Captain USA. Adonis takes Armdrag after Suplex after Half-Boston Crab before the Hail To The Chief gives Captain USA the pinfall victory. Final Score: D


We're taken to the locker room of Bruce the Giant who sits frothing at nothing when Sean McFly busts in. The big reaction from the arena is very audible. Sean McFly again gets toe-to-toe with Bruce and tells him to stay out of his match tonight with Dusty Streets. Bruce snarls and snickers and snorts but eventually nods his head in silent agreement. I marked out. Final Score: B+


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match, Perfect Storm Vs. Danny Rushmore/Gene Curtis - So much for all that promise Gene Curtis keeps getting bragged about for. He and Danny had absolutely no rhythm to the point that I questioned if they've ever actually seen a tag team match or tag team moves before. A little pop for Perfect Storm is about all the glory to give here. Seth Storm hit the Guillotine Leg Drop on Gene Curtis for the pin. Final Score: D


Masked Patriot is shown in some auditorium listening to a band rehearse the Star Spangled Banner when Sam Keith saunters in. Sam Keith asks him what he's doing and says he's a hypocrite for masquerading like some kind of American Hero. Masked gets up from his chair but goes down just as quick after a low blow from Sam Keith. The band acts shocked and panicked. Not as cheesy as it looks on paper, Sam Keith did a good job tearing in to him. Final Score: C


Dusty Streets Vs. Sean McFly - Dusty and Sean, on two different levels of talent, really worked to make this a good match and good it was. Dusty decided to try a duke-out and Sean gave the punishment right back, reversing Irish Whips to the turnbuckles and hitting sky-high splashes. The one time Emma Chase grabbed his boot to stop him Victoria Stone marched over and gave her a piece of her mind. The referee was distracted by the brewing catfight and this allowed Dusty to poke Sean in the eye and kick him in the knee, a knee he repeatedly attacked. A huge pop went out when Sid Streets hit the ring and decked his brother with the World Title, letting Sean McFly cover him for the pinfall. Cool ending, great heat, but the match wasn't up to par with it. Final Score: C+



High's and lows. The show went a little old school with having 3/4 contests being jobs, but guys like Sean McFly, Sam Keith, and Christian Faith keep things alive. Final Rating: C+

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The Elton Sheets - Tuesday, Week 3 April, 1997


-Last week's edition of SWF Supreme TV scored a 3.19 rating.


-Concerning the major job Adonis did to drop the strap to Captain USA, Adonis was - and remains - in hot water. Prior to the show he was said to be "acting like Nemesis", flaunting his North American Title. When Warlord Agony said something to him he got wise and slapped the veteran who slapped him right back and had to be held back by Warlord Pain and some staff. Richard Eisen was far from pleased and proceeded to chew Adonis out in front of half the locker room backstage, getting in his face and telling him to kiss his Title goodbye. The rest is history.


-This week has the potential to be one of the biggest weeks in the history of the industry; only time will tell, with SWF The World IS Watching on thursday and then the Phil Vibert/Jerry Eisen conference the following day in Allentown, Pennsylvania. DAVE got the entire roster under written contracts over the weekend in to yesterday, but JD Morgan was poached from NOTBPW(courtesy of Canadiaction.com). The story is Phil Vibert tried to get Dan Stone himself on the phone but was hung up on when identifying himself.



The following is the preview for this week's SWF Supreme TV as seen on SWF.com:


We are two days away from The World Is Watching, and the world will truly be watching when SWF Supreme TV comes to you LIVE at 8e on America-Sports-1!


The main event is slated to feature Mr. Supreme taking on Alex Pierce. Can Christian Faith's newfound rival get the win against the veteran? Also Sid and Dusty Streets are scheduled to sign their contract to face each other for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. And there's always the nasty Bruce the Giant to contend with. Will he try to break Sean McFly before the PPV? Find out!

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SWF Supreme TV Results - Tuesday, Week 3 April, 1997

Mayor Street Arena - Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 11,899



The show starts with the image of Christian Faith on the Supreme Screen which gave the crowd something to pop hard for. Christian says to be a real Supreme Superstar you need the will to press on and never quit. He says he doesn't see Mr. Supreme with that will and therefore, he's been granted an 'I Quit' stipulation from the Executive Board. Final Score: B


#1 Contender's Match to SWF North American Title at The World Is Watching, Honest Frank Vs. Tommy Cornell - Beautiful Babette is now working manager for Honest Frank. This was better than I thought it was going to be, with Tommy Cornell doing most of the work. Though Tommy got on a roll following a Flying Knee Drop, Honest Frank reversed a suplex then hit a brainbuster, using his feet on the ropes for extra leverage to prevent Tommy Cornell from (desperately) kicking out for the win. Final Score: D+


On the Supreme Screen it is announced that Rick Horn will face Rory McCallum at The World is Watching. Surprisingly enough the crowd gave a nice little pop. Final Score: C


The Battle Hymn of the Republic hits and Masked Patriot comes to the stage for an interview with Danny Jillefski. Masked Patriot calls Sam Keith nuts for accusing him of being a hypocrite and says he has an "American Buttkicking" coming his way at The World Is Watching. Final Score: C-


Wrestlebot 9000 Vs. Bruce the Giant - I don't think I need to tell you who won this 3-minute squash. Crowd gave Bruce plenty of abuse after both Giant Chokeslams. Final Score: C-


Bruce gets a microphone and says Sean McFly needs to take a good long look. Bruce says the pain and destruction is only beginning. I think the fans expected Sean to come out and attack and this left them deflated when Bruce just headed up the walkway. Final Score: C+


No Way Jose Vs. Gene Curtis - Good to see No Way back on TV, and here he goes over Gene Curtis fairly easily, albeit with all his arrogance. No Way hits a Hurricanrana then makes the pin by placing a boot on Gene's chest. Final Score: D


Now for the contract signing as both of the Street Brothers hit the ring. If only the whole segment wasn't so cliche and predictable the crowd might have reacted a little better than it did. Sid barely got the ink on paper after saying his heroic part before Skull Das Bones snuck in and attacked him. He and Dusty put the boots on the Champ. Final Score: C


Alex Pierce Vs. Mr. Supreme - Talk about a mismatch here. Alex Pierce took a thrashing and did a good job doing a good job. Mr. Supreme hit the Simply Supreme Suplex and collected the pinfall. Any heat generated was immediately let out with no Christian Faith to shake the cage. Final Score: C-



Very substandard show. I can't help but think it's only telling of the times for the SWF. What has changed all that much in the last 5 years since Sam Strong and Rip Chord left? Maybe, just maybe, DAVE can shake things up. Final Rating: C

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