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WWF 1994: Bcbowes... Worse Than Jim Herd.

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WWF 1994: Bcbowes... Worse Than Jim Herd.




I am fully convinced I am the shittiest Booker in TEW history. I've played EWR, TEW'05,'10 and Now I'm on 13. I've singlehandedly ruined companies by just putting my ideas down on paper. So now I'm documenting it. I'm showing you where I've gone wrong. I want no one to correct me or give me any suggestions... Just watch how everything falls apart cos I'm bad.



I don't even know why I put that picture there I immediately dumped that storyline when I started.


Ahem... Well erm yeah. I using Hive's fantastic and wonderful 1994 mod and I'm playing as James J. Dillion in the WWF and I'll be taking it from the second week of July (because I didn't document the first cos I'm a forgetful arse.)


I'm not going to be showing the roster off (Cos I'd like to add a few surprises) BUT I'll show the Champions of week 2 July


Stay tuned...... Only if you care.... If not thats cool too.

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And The Champions Are?

WWF World Heavyweight Champion

Bret Hart



WWF Intercontinental Champion




WWF World Tag Team Champions

Bam Bam Bigelow & I.RS.




WWF Womens Championship

Alundra Blaze



Euro - Vacant


And those are the champs

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Monday Night Raw Week 2 July

Madison Square Garden


Pre Show


Sparky Plugg vs Tom Pritchard (C-)


123 Kid vs Rob Van Dam ©


TV Show


HBK's music hits and he and Diesel make their way to the ring for a second week in a row (well, they do believe it’s their show after all). They begin taunting Razor. Last week on superstars they presented him with the challenge of finding a partner for this weeks Raw and HBK waggles his butt for a bit. The sound of a car skidding hits and the bad guy walks out from behind the cuirtan. He claims to have found that partner but they'll just have to wait and see. (B)


Jeff Jarret vs. Duke Droese (D)


Showcased is a video package of Bret vs. Owen, now booked for a submission style match at in your house July. (B-)


The Smoking Gunns vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S (C-)


After the match, The Million Dollar Corporation issue a beatdown, Bam Bam being the more dominant of the team. When all seems but lost Lex & Tatanka rush into the ring to save the Smoking Gunns. A visious brawl takes place then MDC attempt to retreat back into the locker room but are stopped at the top of the ramp by Ted Dibiase himself, laughing. (C+)


Ted Dibiase has been busy lately, building his new “Million Dollar Corperation”. His interference during during last weeks title match helping a crucial victory for the faction was just the start. During Raw AND Superstars Ted said he had a surprise for everyone in the WWF workers and fans.

With a mic in one hand and something hidden in red cloth under an arm he makes his way to the ring. “Remember that surprise?” He asks. Suddenly, a giant shriek is heard from the stage… A giant at the top of the ramp… Its Sid. Sid bolts to the ring and destroys Lex and Tatanka. He dominates them. They roll out from the ring and stay on the ground. Ted walks in the ring and introduces Sid the crowd and the crowd to the new Million Dollar Champion.(B-)


The undertakers music plays and he makes his way to the ring. He isn't there for confrontation. His match is up next. He stares down Sid. Sid leaves with DiBiase.(B-)


The Undertaker vs The Barbarian(C-)


After the match we cut to Bret Hart walking backstage. Owen attacks him out of nowhere and cowardly runs off. (B-)


HBK & Diesel vs. Razor Ramon & Randy Savage(B-)



HBK and Diesel count themselves out and make their way to the locker rooms.(B)


Final Rating


(Popularity increased in 9 regions. Lost in 11 regions)


....That actually went well..... erm......Ok

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WWF Superstars Week 2 July

Pre Show

Tom Pritchard vs. Barry Horowitz (D)

Brian Lee vs. Virgil (D+)

TV Show

The show starts with the familiar riff that is Bret Hart’s entrance theme. He makes his way to the ring the address his brother after being shockingly attacked backstage On Raw this week. Bret Hart makes it clear that he doesn’t want to wait for In Your House to get his revenge. Owen steps out to the ramp with Jim Neidhart. Owen and Neidhart laugh with each other. Owen declares that he can wait and that if he wants Owen so much he’d have to go through The Anvil. Bret accepts. Next week’s Raw: Bret Hart vs. Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart. (B)

Jacques Rougeau vs. Rick Martel (D)


A graphic is played with another announcement that Commissioner James J. Dillon has set the following match for In Your House: (Intercontinental title match) Diesel w/ HBK vs. Razor Ramon ©


Robert Gibson vs. Adam bomb (D-)


Razor cuts a promo about the announcement. He seems very pleased… Oh and He says he’s going to win of course. (B-)


Bob Backlund vs. Nicolai Volkoff (C-)


After the match we cut backstage to the Million Dollar Champion Sycho Sid, Ted Dibiase, a bruised Nicolai Volkoff and the Tag Team Champions Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S. It seems Sid still hasn’t gotten over the Undertaker staring down the newest monster on the company and he makes his voice known about it with Ted Dibiase’s help. Bam Bam & I.R.S. leave for their match up next. (B)


Tag Team Championship

Million Dollar Corp. vs. Men on a Mission (D+)

Nearly losing the titles do to sneaky interference from Lex and Tatanka. A fight breaks out afterwards. Lex and Tatanka come out the better in the end. ©


Final Rating


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Monday Night Raw Hilton Coliseum Week 3 July


Pre Show


123 Kid vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Dean Malenko ©


The Hardy Boys vs. Tom Pritchard & Adam Bomb (D)


TV Show


HBK starts the show off by demanding JJ Dillon come to the ring and explain his actions. JJ Dillon on Superstars announced that HBK’s bodyguard, Diesel will be taking on Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental tile. Dillon claims that this is what the fans want to see followed by cheers from the audience. Michaels cheap shots J.J.Dillon. As Dillon gets to his feet Michaels has tuned up the band and it’s too late… Sweet chin music. Razor Rushes down just in late. Michaels runs off and Ramon helps the paramedics get Dillon to the hospital. Razor sits with Dillon in the ambulance as they set off. ©


Non-Title Match

Sycho Sid vs. Barry Horowitz (D-)


Randy Savage cuts a promo on HBK about his actions and sets up tonight main event. (B)


Lex and Tatanka meet up. Lex explains that before Dillon went out to the ring he gave Lex and Tatanka a tag title shot if they prove their worth in the No. 1 contenders Tag 4 way on Superstars this week. Until then Lex managed to get a warm up match in the meantime. (C+)

Well Dunn vs. Lex Luger & Tatanka (D+)


An ambiguous video package plays. It doesn’t seem to mean anything. Is it a new worker perhaps?



The Undertaker vs. Nicolai Volkoff©

Walking backstage after the match Volkoff is attacked by Sid with DiBiase. Sid tells Nicolai he’s weak and he isn’t fit for the MDC. Sid turns to the camera and shoots on Undertaker yet again. It seems The Undertakers reticence has only made Sid angrier. (B)



Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jim Heidhart ©

(Owen Hart at ringside)

Owen botched attempt to make Bret lose sparks a huge brawl between the two. The whole locker room has to separate these two. Owen, busted open screams all at Bret as the locker room drag him to the back. (B)


HBK vs. Randy Savage (B+)

Diesel interferes causing Michaels to get a Sweet chin music on Savage’s blind side to the quick roll up. Michaels leaves the ring and runs up the ramp with Diesel before Savage knows what’s going on.



Final Rating


(Popularity increased in 9 regions. Lost in 11 regions)


Hmmm I'm usually quite shit..........WHATS HAPPENING???

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