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TCW: Name of mini series




Episode 6: Scandal at the top



Athleticism, strength, persistance... these are just some of the ingredients needed to create a TCW champion, but perhaps the most important; integrity. Unlike other companies, that essentially mock the sport of professional wrestling, TCW prides itself on true competition. At the heart of all of this is the idea that two wrestler can step into the squared circle, leave everything they have inside it and when they walk out, if indeed they can walk out, the whole world knows who the better man is. That's why it's crucial that any champion can be trusted to fight all challengers, and to do so fairly.


So what happens when the champion of champions, the man who carries the TCW World Heavyweight Title is embroiled in a very public and very controversial match fixing scandal? There was suspicion, there was outrage but one thing there never was in the summer of 2016 is a dull moment. Join us tonight as talk to the those involved and try to get to the bottom of the company's most controversial champion and the mysteries that still surround his reign.



Wrestler A
: You really want to do this?




Wrestler A takes a seat behind a simple dark blue backdrop. He glances at the anonymous interviewer before looking into the camera.


Wrestler A:
You know I'm surprised, I genuinely am. Only a few months ago I was told to hush about my 'conspiracy theories'... and those orders came from the top. But now it's a good topic for your little show you all want my opinion? Well alright. Pull no punches, mince no words... you want to know what really happened at Total Mayhem? I got an opinion for ya.



Total Mayhem 2016

Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Title


Wrestler B vs Wrestler C


This is what's it's all about folks!

The culmination of wrestler B's climb to the top, he's faced everyone and has taken no short cuts to reach this stage.

But wrestle C has proved to be a worthy champion! Not everyone agrees with his choice of associates but no one can question his talent or dedication.


Oh and what a powerslam! We have spoken before about how wrestle B utilises this to take the wind out of his opponent at a moment they least expect and this is a perfect example.

Yes but will it be enough to turn the tide in his favour. Wrestle C can never be kept down for long and you can certainly never count him out.

And there you go! What a reversal!

Wrestle B tried to prop Wrestler C up for his signature *move* but C regained enough composure in time to duck under and instinctively connect with a lariat!

Oh and Wrestle C is going for a Boston Crab! He's truly throwing everything he has at his opponent.

That's right we haven't seen this manoeuvre before from the champ but we also haven't seen him tested this much!

What can I say, desperate times means desperate measures.






Wrestle D:
I couldn't believe it.





Wrestle E:
You don't think of Wrestler C as a submission specialist but hey I put it down to Wrestlers B's back being weakened earlier on.





Wrestler F:
It was just so quick. We all know Wrestler B is one of the toughest SOB's in the company. But to tap like that? I think plenty of us were suspicious straight away.





Wrestler D:
Something wasn't right, that much was clear.


Camera cuts back to the event but now Wrestler C is celebrating with the title.


And once again Wrestler C has proven that he is the best!

To pull out a new submission on this stage? With these stakes? He's a madman! but a genius!





Wrestler A:
I could see it B's eyes. It was obvious.



Camera cuts to replay of the finish showing Wrestle B tapping out to the Boston Crab before passing out in pain.


Wrestler A:
He took a dive. Simple as that. I didn't know if someone paid him off, or had something on him. But I was certain of one thing... Wrestler B lost that match on purpose.

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