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WCW '94: War of the Thrones

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WCW WrestleWar 1995 + WCW Main Event pre-show


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Chris Candido d. Hakushi with the newly named New Jersey Jam second rope legdrop (C-)

Mike Tenay interviews Dr. Karnage alongside Nurse Ana R. Key, Biohazard, and Rio the Renegade; Karnage talks about taking out The Flying Spyder and Surge, using some “powerful secret weapons” (D-)

Arkane and The Boulder d. Sgt. Buddy Parker and Hysteria, Boulder pinning Parker after a power bomb (E+)

2 Cold Scorpio d. Ricky Morton after a distraction from Dawn Marie ©

BG and Brad Armstrong take to the airwaves, as BG again talks about how they’ve held the US Tag titles for quite some time now but they have yet to be given any worthy challengers; they want respect around here for themselves and the Stud Stable, or else! (D+)

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera d. The Armstrong Brothers by countout when BG, Brad, and Colonel Parker bail on the match after an impressive flurry from the luchadores; BG and Brad retain the US Tag Team titles ©

Diamond Dallas Page d. Disco Inferno with the Diamond Cutter to retain the United States Heavyweight title (C+)

California Kip comes out and challenges DDP to a rematch for the US title; DDP says that tomorrow night, he’ll make Kip once again feel the BANG! (C-)

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho once again closes the show, saying that he hopes people aren’t buying WrestleWar to see Sting, because he’ll be too afraid to show up and actually defend against Jericho’s claims of being no franchise. Instead, Jericho will be getting his hand raised by forfeit! (B-)


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LIVE on pay-per-view on November 19th, 1995

Held at: Richmond Stadium in Richmond, Virginia (Mid-Atlantic)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 30,000 (sold out!)

PPV Buyrate: 3.42

Show Runtime: Three Hours

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 34 regions.


After pyrotechnics go off around the Richmond Stadium, we go to Tony Schiavone, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund at the announcing booth. They hype this huge pay-per-view event, especially highlighting the main event tonight of “Nature Boy” Ric Flair taking on Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat in what should be a classic.

Notes: Gene struggled here, but Jesse worked the crowd very well, as well as Tony doing some masterful crowd interactions.

Rating: B





The Steiner Brothers and “Blackjack” Barry Windham vs. The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson, Owen Hart, and Eddy Guerrero) w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


Randy Anderson definitely has his hands full with this huge six-man tag team contest as they open WrestleWar with a very personal war. Owen Hart proves that if there’s one thing (among the many) that he excels at, it is open a pay-per-view with a brilliant matchup. He begins this one in the ring with Scotty Steiner, and the two put on a brief mat clinic, but one sneaky move from Eddy Guerrero from the outside brings in brother Rick and Barry Windham, and it’s a pier six brawl already as Tony crows about this definitely being WrestleWar! The Horsemen end up on the outside following a triple Lariat/Steinerline, and they regroup. When we get back into the ring, the veteran Arn Anderson steps into the ring with the unpredictable Rick Steiner. Arn tries to calm things down, slowing “The Dog-Faced Gremlin” to a crawl, but it’s too soon for that as Rick quickly takes advantage with an arm wringer and tags out to “The Blackjack”, who comes in and starts hitting hard punches on Anderson! One confused fan holds up a sign that begs the question “Why is he called the Blackjack, anyways?” and while it’s on camera Tony explains that it’s a tribute to his father, Blackjack Mulligan. The faces start tagging in and out rapid-fire, all hammering on “The Enforcer” in succession! Anderson finally gets some separation and tags in Guerrero, who starts to speed things up. The light, fast Eddy works in some impressive flips and somersaults with the armbar that he locks in on Scott, and he heads up the ropes to send Steiner sailing with an armdrag and then a head scissor takedown, but Scott catches “Latino Heat” coming back in with a Steinerline! The Horsemen regroup with Bobby Heenan again, as nothing they have done yet has been very fruitful. They finally strike paydirt as Eddy is able to poke Windham in the eye and whip him into the Horsemen’s corner, and when he draws the Tag Team champions into the ring they begin a three-on-one mugging behind Randy Anderson’s back! Arn, Eddy, and Owen then take their turn of tagging in and out of the match, each man hitting a hard maneuver before getting out of the ring, keeping Barry guessing at all times. A sign in the crowd can be seen that reads “Do it for MAGNUM!” Barry keeps trying to fight, but there’s little he can do as the Horsemen are relentless. Finally, Eddy Guerrero goes to the top rope, perhaps going for the coup ’de grace. He points out a sign in the crowd that says “!Ay Ay Ay, es muy Calor Latino para las Mamacitas¡'” before taking flight – but as Barry moves, Eddy rolls out of the attempted splash, getting back to his feet… and Windham hammers him with a lariat! This begins a slow crawl to each man’s corner, and as Guerrero tags in Hart, Barry tags in Scott Steiner! Steiner rushes the ring with hard punches and slams, even coming close to nailing Bobby Heenan! Scott starts setting Arn Anderson up for a top rope Frankensteiner, putting Anderson on the top rope. But before he can complete the move, Owen comes in from behind with a crucifix pin! He stacks Steiner up on his massive shoulders, and in his surprise he cannot get out before the three! The Horsemen swiped this victory out of the jaws of defeat, and they get out of there just as fast!

Winners in 13:42: The Four Horsemen

Rating: B+





Ron Simmons and Booker T. vs. Johnny B. Badd and Stevie Ray w/Badd Girl

Time Limit: 20:00

Referee: Charles Robinson


Ron Simmons charges the ring after his opponents have entered, and he hammers away on them both as Booker T makes his way down to the ring slowly. This one barely resembles a tag team match in the way that the previous match did, as it is more like a knock-down, drag-out brawl. A sign in the crowd gets confiscated for having a bad word on it, but another sign near that one says “Need legal advice? Call Slick Richard!” to try and help. The match pretty much only lasts until Booker T and Stevie Ray end up both in the ring – as that’s when Stevie turns around and picks up Ron, and Booker completes the Big Apple Blast! Badd makes the cover on Simmons, and this one is what Tony calls “just disgusting!” as Harlem Heat are reunited in the ring!

Winners in 7:31: Johnny B. Badd and Stevie Ray

Notes: Booker’s heel turn was a complete success.

Rating: B-





Eight-Man Elimination Match

The Road Warriors, “Total Package” Lex Luger, and Rick Martel vs. The New World Order

Time Limit: 60:00

Referee: Mark Curtis


This one opens with a hype video, showing how this all started with the New World Order getting in the faces of the Road Warriors and Lex Luger, and walks us up until now when the nWo have been picking fun at their opponents.

Tony talks about how some other shows used to feature a big eight man elimination match, but on this night the only place you can find one is right here tonight at WrestleWar – a not-so-subtle jab at the WWF Survivor Series, which is also happening tonight. This one starts off with Jeff Jarrett and Animal in the ring, as Jesse says that this is Jarrett’s official first matchup in WCW. He starts off with some nice stick-and-move tactics, pecking away at the Animal and trying to put a chink in his armor. This, however, only seems to last as long as Animal wants it to, as Jeff hits the ropes and gets picked up into a gorilla press slam! A sign in the crowd can be seen that reads “Chicago World Order!” Animal shoves Jarrett into their corner, and the four instantly cut the ring in half on Jarrett, hammering him with reckless abandon as the crowd goes nuts for the Road Warriors! Jarrett escapes and tags in Vader, and he gets in the ring against Hawk. The two behemoth athletes flex and growl at one another, Ventura saying that “it’s like watching two big silverback gorillas”. They lock up and shove one another around the ring. Vader gains an upper hand and starts pounding on the muscular back of Hawk, hitting him with brutal forearms. This time the nWo takes their turns entering the ring and delivering punishment, just as the other side had done to Jarrett. Back in, Vader sends Hawk into the ropes, but Hawk ducks, and he comes off the other side with a shoulderblock! Vader doesn’t go down, so Hawk hits the ropes for a second shoulderblock. Again Vader remains on his feet, so Hawk goes back for another one – but a knee from the outside by “The Loose Cannon” serves as a distraction, and Vader rushes in with a vicious body check! He only gets a two count, and Hawk struggles his way over to tag in Lex Luger; and Luger comes in and tries lifting Vader for a body slam! That remains an unanswered question, as “The Monster” slams his forearm down across Luger’s back, before tagging out to Scott Hall. Hall is, as always, completely disrespectful, shoving Lex into the turnbuckles and then throwing a toothpick at him. “The Total Package” charges back out with a clothesline! Hall gets a tag back out to Vader, who enters the ring and starts getting peppered with punches from Luger. Luger sends Vader into the ropes, and catches him with a kick on the return. He again goes for a body slam, but Pillman slips into the ring and keeps it from happening by grabbing Luger from behind. Lex hits Brian with an elbow, but Vader recovers and starts trading punches with Lex. Luger hits a kick, and he clotheslines Vader so hard that both men topple over the top rope! The heat of the moment gets to both of them, and they brawl to the backstage area, both getting counted out! Tony says that perhaps Lex just sacrificed himself for his team by taking Vader out of this, but Jesse says he probably was just stupid. Now it’s already three on three, as Hall enters the ring with Animal. That leads to a nice power match, until Animal gets the upper hand and tags in Martel. The change in opponent makes Scott lose his focus, and Rick is able to take over with a flurry of arm drags. Martel hits a big dropkick in the corner, going for a cover but only getting a two. The fight gets a little too close to the nWo’s corner, and a poke to the eye lets Hall tag in Jeff Jarrett. Jeff and Martel start putting on a wrestling clinic in the middle of this match, as the Road Warriors start rallying the crowd for Martel. Martel gets caught in the corner, and he becomes face-in-peril as the trio from the New World Order start laying him to waste. Fast tags between Pillman, Jarrett, and Hall keep wearing Martel out while keeping the nWo fresh. Jarrett gets a little too cocky, and takes some time to strut, but that’s when Martel reverses an irish whip and flips Jeff with a big back body drop! Martel makes his way over and tags in Hawk! Hawk comes in like a house of fire, smashing Jarrett with a clothesline before rushing Pillman and Hall in the corner with punches! Animal also enters the ring, and the Road Warriors start cleaning house! Big shoulderblocks and slams are the name of the game, as each member of the nWo take one in turn. Hawk and Animal send Hall out of the ring and set up Pillman for the Doomsday Device, Tony saying that if they hit this, “The Loose Cannon” could loosen his last screws! But before they can hit the maneuver, Jeff Jarrett makes the save by shattering Hawk with a chair, sending him down to the floor, as Brian flips Animal into a victory roll! No sooner does Mark Curtis finish counting the quick three count, he also informs Gary Cappetta that Jeff Jarrett has been disqualified! Hawk is, however, in the ring, and he becomes counted as the new legal man, and Brian goes over and covers him to also eliminate him to give his team an instant two-on-one advantage. A tired Rick Martel gets back into the ring to find himself alone against Brian Pillman and Scott Hall, and he tells them to bring it on! Hall charges but Rick ducks and hits the ropes on the other side, catching Hall with a flying forearm, which gets a two count! The crowd rallies behind Martel again, who takes Hall up for a vertical suplex. Pillman drops off the apron and starts cheering Hall on like a manager, pounding his hand on the side of the ring. Rick starts trying to set Hall up for a boston crab, but “The Outsider” is able to block it by grabbing the bottom rope, and he jabs Martel in the eye again when he gets to his feet. Hall sets Martel on the top rope and is looking for his super belly-to-back suplex. He takes a moment to tell the audience that “this is over!” and he’s right as he pulls Martel off the ropes but Rick turns in mid-air, landing on top and getting a three count! One sign in the crowd says “I’m an NWO guy!” as Brian Pillman re-enters the ring to face off with Rick Martel! Rick charges, knowing that he’s been in the ring far more than Brian has been in this match, and he tries to use quick offense to his advantage. But if anyone knows how to adapt to quick offense it is the former “Flyin’ Brian” who fights back with far more substance than Martel. Rick’s dropkick and a backbreaker put him in a good position however, and he starts setting Brian up for a boston crab. But somewhere during the flurry from the two, Mark Curtis has been bumped, and “The Loose Cannon” is able to land a solid punch that puts Martel out! Rick falls forward, right into a small package from Pillman. Curtis turns around and makes a three count, and the New World Order’s leader has done it. On further review, however, Tony says that it looks like Brian had something on his hand during that last big punch, a fact that Jesse argues against.

Winners in 21:14: The New World Order (Sole Survivor: Brian Pillman)

Rating: B (video) / B+ (match)





The Danger Zone Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Time Limit: No Time Limit

Referee: Nick Patrick


A video is shown of the two men in their “dark boxes” as they were wheeled into the arena earlier tonight. You can hear Savage banging around inside the box, while Jack’s box is calm and peaceful; the only sound is his muttering to himself.

No sooner are these “wild men,” as Tony Schiavone calls them, released into the arena, they are already brawling it out. Savage met Cactus coming down the ramp, and they instantly begin throwing crazed punches, kicks, even biting and scratching at one another. The fight spills over the barricade, and they go off through the stands, where we see a sign that says “Cactus may be tough, but he ain’t Macho!” In a rage, Savage even hurls Cactus down the stairs leading up into the arena, sending him sprawling for a grasp so he doesn’t roll clear down to the ring! Savage picks Jack up and smashes his head on the metal handrail, before picking up a chair and nailing him with it! Tony reminds us that this is all just two men trying to hurt one another, as they can’t get a pinfall outside the ring in this match. Savage drags Cactus to a concession stand (which WCW always conveniently has set up only when there’s a hardcore match like this) and throws him into the merchandise table! Savage dumps Jack off of it and gets on the table itself, before hitting a Flying Elbow Drop off of it, right down on the concrete floor! In his blind rage, he does try to go for a pin, but Nick Patrick tells him he can’t count it – so “Macho Man” decks Patrick! Savage stomps on Cactus, before walking away. He then physically rips apart the concession stand, pulling a broken piece of two-by-four out of it! He moves to bash Jack with it, but Cactus blocks it, kicking Savage and knocking it out of his hands. A sign can be seen in the stands saying “Cactus on the Attack” as Jack whips Savage into a free-standing piece of spare barricade, before charging him and knocking all the free-standing barricades down, with their own two human bodies in the mix of steel! Tony wonders just how long this type of brutality can continue before one of these guys either gets knocked out or needs medical attention. Cactus starts bringing Savage back down the aisle, but Randy isn’t through yet as he lifts Jack and plants him with a belly-to-back suplex on the concrete! He mounts Jack’s waist and begins raining punches down upon his forehead, taking time to hit each one with precision. He takes a moment to rip up a sign from the front row that said “Bang Bang” on it, feigning a swing at the fan just for bringing the sign to the show tonight! Jack again recovers while “Macho’s” focus is elsewhere, and he grabs Savage by the head just to slam him down hard to the concrete floor! Jack goes up onto the ring apron and waits for Savage to get to his feet, and he connects with his Cactus Jack Upside Down Crack Smash! Jack lifts Savage for a backbreaker, and gets back on the apron. With a cheer of “Bang bang!” he soars off the apron and lands his own flying elbow! Jack shoots Savage back into the ring, but Savage kicks out at two! Randy is incredibly woozy after this match has taken its toll on him though, and the crowd start rallying Cactus. He tries to lift Savage up, but Randy drops down and lands a jawbreaker, before running to the ropes and diving over them, snapping Jack’s head on the top strand! Savage now goes over and harasses Gary Cappetta, shoving him away before grabbing the ring bell! Jesse says that we’ve all seen this before, as Randy heads to the top rope with the bell. The crowd is buzzing to see what happens next, as he dives off the turnbuckle for a double axe handle – it connects! The bell *dongs* off Jack’s head, and he drops to the mat! Savage drops on top of him, and Nick Patrick counts 1! 2! 3! NO! Cactus barely got a shoulder up! Tony says that this match definitely lives up to WrestleWar, as these two have had a war all evening! Savage starts punching Cactus on the mat again, and he signals to the top rope. He heads up with the bell, and he is looking for the Flying Elbow again, this time with the ring bell! Nick Patrick tries to talk him down, but there is no use, as Savage shoves him aside. He leaps – but this time Jack rolls out of the way! Savage crashes to the mat, holding his ribs where the bell had bruised him in the fall! He rolls to his feet, but Jack is there to meet him, and he lands a double arm DDT onto the ring bell! Cactus makes the cover – 1! 2! 3! This one is over!

Winner in 17:04: Cactus Jack

Rating: B- / B+




Following a hype video featuring all things that have happened between Sting and Chris Jericho over the past few months, the “Lionheart” walks down to the ring, jawing with fans all the way. Amongst getting into an argument and throwing a mini-tantrum toward a fan who’s sign says “Year 2: Jericho hasn’t impressed”, he appears to be running down Sting, as per usual. Jericho is cocky and confident, and the bell sounds to signify that if Sting doesn’t come down to the ring before a ten count, or else he will be released from World Championship Wrestling.































Randy Anderson holds off on the final counts, while Jericho badgers him about it. He finally gets ready to make the count, and…………


































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Sting comes out of the crowd! Walking past signs in the crowd that say things like “Jericho will get Stung”, “The Scorpion will Sting the Lion”, and “Lionhart fears the Stinger!”, he enters the ring at the last second, and Jericho loses his mind as “The Stinger” stands in front of him in the ring! The bell sounds, and this match is underway!



Sting vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


Practically no sooner does the bell ring before Sting is all over Jericho! Punches, chops, and kicks rain down upon the man dubbed in one fan’s sign as “Lionfart”, and even when Jericho tries to escape through the ropes, Sting grabs him by the hair and forcefully pulls him back into the ring! Jericho tries to fight back, hitting a few punches that send Sting into the corner, and taking him down on the outside of the ring before hitting a springboard dropkick around the turnbuckle. However, this makes little difference as Jericho misses a plancha, and Sting sends him back into the ring. Tony notes that this is getting somewhat hard to watch as Sting takes Jericho down and starts raining punches down onto his face, as Jesse actually stands up for Sting a little, saying that this is a year’s worth of frustrations being taken out on a man who has been taunting Sting for months. Randy Anderson finally pulls Sting away, but Sting wastes no time in simply locking in the Scorpion Deathlock, and Jericho quickly signals his submission.

Sting releases Jericho, showing very little emotion this entire time as his opponent leaves the ring. From the back comes an applauding Eric Bischoff. The WCW Vice President has a microphone, and he congratulates Sting on showing up and getting this victory. He also congratulates him for sitting through this past year of not being able to wrestle for the World Heavyweight championship; telling him that as of tomorrow night, he can compete for the title again, and that brings a huge cheer from the crowd! Eric says that Ted DiBiase couldn’t be here, but he was going to use this night to announce that tomorrow on Monday Nitro, there will be a ten man battle royal to determine the new number one contender for the World Heavyweight championship at Starrcade, and if Sting shows up, he will be invited to the match! The crowd cheers this wildly, a sign in the crowd saying “Sting for world champ!” Bischoff leaves, but not before wishing Sting a rather sarcastic “Good luck.”

Winner in 8:46: Sting

Rating: C+ / B / B+






WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon w/Sonny Onoo vs. “Ice Man” Dean Malenko

Time Limit: 20:00

Referee: Charles Robinson


This is literally a match to give the crowd a rest following the previous action and announcement, as Ultimo and Malenko put on a good match that the crowd are too busy chattering to pay attention to. Two signs are seen in the crowd next to one another that say “WRESTLEWAR! IT’S THE WILD THING!” with the next saying “WRONG YEAR YOU DOLT!” Even Tony and Jesse spend more time talking about Sting and tomorrow’s Nitro rather than pay a lot of attention to this match, which ends with Sonny Onoo getting on the ring apron. Ultimo has Dean up on the top turnbuckle and is looking for his twisting hurricanrana, but Sonny inadvertently gets in the way of it, and Dean turns it into an avalanche gutbuster! Malenko takes quick advantage and locks in the Texas Cloverleaf, and being in the middle of the ring, Ultimo has no choice but to signal submission! As Charles Robinson presents the title, a sign in the back says “HMMM…Championship Gold” as the new champion raises the title above his head in celebration, and Sonny Onoo marches dejectedly to the back without his client.

Winner in 9:11 and NEW Cruiserweight champion: Dean Malenko

Rating: C





Steve Austin vs. “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Mark Curtis


A good hype video shows a lot of what has gone on in this “war of the words”, as these two have not been in the ring against one another much, instead selling this feud through their own “gifts of gab.”

These two circle one another, going nose-to-nose and continuing to jaw and taunt one another. Austin strikes first, shooting a right hand at Piper, who fires back with one of his own. They lock up, jockeying for position, with Austin pushing Piper back against the ropes. Mark Curtis gets between the two, and it’s not quite a clean break as Austin shoves Roddy’s face! The tension here is intense, as they lock up again. This time Piper pushes Austin back, and Piper doesn’t give a clean break either as he decks Austin, whipping him to the ropes. Piper catches Austin in the ribs with a kneelift on the rebound, and he shoves him back into the corner. “Hot Rod” hits a few punches on Austin, before yelling at a fan with a sign saying “Steve Austin: The Modern Day Hot Rod!”, but Austin grabs Piper and pulls him into the corner, now hitting him with punches, before flipping him off! Mark Curtis gets them separated, but not for long until they are locked back up again. Piper pokes Austin in the eyes, and he scoops him up for a body slam. Roddy hits the ropes and comes back with a knee drop, going to work on Austin with a reverse chinlock. Austin fights back up pretty quickly, shooting Roddy to the ropes, but Piper slips out to ringside. Austin follows him out though, and the chase goes around the ring before Piper gets back into the ring to escape – but no, to hit Austin on his way in, before catching him in the face with a stiff right hand! Piper is now firmly in control, and he uses that control to start working Austin over with elbow drops and arm bars. He appears to be working on the arm and neck area, and he uses all sorts of vicious offense to do that; at one point even choking Austin around the middle rope, but always breaking before the five count. Piper clamps Austin in the sleeperhold, and that looks like it may spell the end for this one, but Austin is able to fight out of it! Piper’s classic hold, but the crowd are cheering the redneck on! Austin fights out, sending Piper to the ropes, and after Piper ducks a clothesline, Austin catches him with a Lou Thesz press! Austin punches away on Piper after the move, before flipping him off again and then hitting the ropes for a pointed elbow! A cover only gets a two count, so Austin backs off and comes in with a knee drop. That also gets a two count, and now Austin starts stalking Piper. He seems like this is a setup……… but Piper hits a poke to the eye. He shoots Austin into the turnbuckles, but Steve gets out of the way of a charging clothesline, and when Piper turns around, STUNNER! Austin goes for the cover – 1! 2! No – The Giant pulls Austin out of the ring, and clobbers him with a hard right hand! Mark Curtis calls for the bell, as Bubba Rogers and Paul Orndorff join in on the beating!

Austin starts trying to fight back, but Piper comes to and starts directing traffic. Orndorff, Rogers, and Giant send Austin back into the ring, but Austin isn’t ready to lay down and die as he punches back on all of them! But soon, more of the Kings of Wrestling contingent emerges; California Kip, Smash, and a tired and sweating Randy Savage join in as well, and with these odds there’s nothing Austin can do but fight tirelessly until they take him down. Savage hits the killing blow, driving a double axe handle from the top into Austin’s spine, which leaves him easy prey for The Giant’s chokeslam! Smash produces a bag that he hands to Piper, and he opens it to reveal…… a can of spraypaint, but also something else that Tony can’t identify. Austin starts trying to struggle again, so Giant plants him with another chokeslam, and Savage drills him with a flying elbow. A loud buzz fills the air, and Jesse understands what we’re looking at as Giant and Bubba hold Austin’s arms – Piper has hair clippers! The fans boo loudly as Piper slaps Austin, who can’t even struggle in this situation. Roddy drives the hair clippers across Austin’s long blond hair, buzzing his head! After a few runs of that, Austin does struggle, and he gets his arm free from Rogers, and he starts punching Piper again! The KoW swarm Austin again, but he manages to hit a Stunner on Smash and Bubba before Piper, Savage, and Giant take control of the situation again. Piper nails Austin with the spraypaint can, and now the loose blond hair is mixed with some fresh blood, as Giant and Kip now start holding Steve down as Piper shaves more of his hair off. Tony is disgusted, silently watching this “sickening display” before Savage gets another spraypaint can, since the first one got destroyed by Piper. When they finish, Savage nails Austin with another elbow drop, and he takes up the spraypaint can. He doesn’t just tag Austin with the black “KoW” letters as they would have anyone else – they spray it directly onto the back and top of his now shaven head. Jesse says that this has got to be embarrassing, and that could be the worst thing that the KoW has ever done in embarrassing a man like Steve Austin.

Winner in 15:43 by disqualification: Steve Austin

Ratings: B- / B / C





Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 60:00

Referee: Tommy Young


The hype video for this one spans clear back to 1989, as we see highlights from all of their prior battles leading up to this current feud, as “The Dragon” is backing his friend in this battle against the Four Horsemen’s leader, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

Gary Michael Cappetta is in the ring, and he provides a long, detailed introduction for both men as they come down to the ring; first for “The Dragon” Ricky Steamboat and then for

. During Flair’s entrance, we zoom in on a long sign in the crowd that reads simply “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Tony and Jesse talk about the history of this match as the two start slowly. It doesn’t take long for this one to become violent though, as Flair slaps Steamboat out of a lockup, and Steamboat chops back, Flair chops back, and we have a chop battle not thirty seconds into this one! First Flair is able to push Ricky back into the corner, and he hits knife-edge chops to the chest and then punches to the midsection. A blocked punch lets Steamboat turn Flair around, and he hits his own knife-edge chops, firing them rapid fire at the chest of Flair! The crowd go nuts until Tommy Young pulls Ricky away, giving Flair a chance to duck out of the ring. Bobby Heenan is right there to try and console his client, as Ric is incensed! He kicks at the barricade and yells at a fan with a sign that says “The Dragon rises into Space Mountain!” Steamboat keeps his cool, calm demeanor, knowing Ric Flair and his antics “better than anyone but maybe Arn Anderson or Sting” as Jesse points out. Once “The Nature Boy” has regained his bearings he re-enters the ring, and now we start with a lockup again. Flair turns to a side headlock, slowing things down, but Steamboat quickly speeds things up again, sending Flair into the ropes and dropping to the mat, letting Flair jump over him, and catching him with a quick arm drag on the way back, and another arm drag for good measure before Flair is out of the ring to collect himself again! A sign in the crowd now goes up saying “That’s not fair to Flair!” Flair gets back into the ring, and Steamboat comes on top one more time, but this time Flair doesn’t just escape the ring so much as Ricky throws him to the turnbuckle so hard that Flair flips over the top rope, and “The Dragon” hits him with a running clothesline that puts Flair on the mats! This time, Steamboat goes out after him, and he chops at Flair, chasing him around the ring. Steamboat turns his attention to tell Bobby Heenan not to bother him, and that’s when Flair jabs him in the eye, before sending him into the steel ringpost! Flair now sends “The Dragon” into the ring, and he wastes no time in kicking the knee. “The Brain” cheers on from the outside as Flair begins the systematic destruction of Ricky Steamboat’s left knee. Flair’s confidence rises more and more as he dominates the middle of this matchup, utilizing numerous leg locks, knee torture, and even slipping in a Funk-style spinning toe hold for good measure. Steamboat doesn’t submit, continuing to stay in the match no matter what Flair throws at him. Flair brings his entire weight down upon the knee of “The Dragon” as it rested on the bottom rope, before bringing him to the center of the ring to hit a kneebreaker. Following a long, delayed vertical suplex, Flair walks to the corner and lets out a loud “Wooo” before driving a sharp knee drop to the forehead of Steamboat. After a two count, Flair regroups and brings an elbow down onto Steamboat, which scores him another two count from Tommy Young. A camera catches “The Brain” arguing with a fan who has a sign that says “Diamonds Won’t Last Forever” during a side headlock. Steamboat starts trying to fight to his feet, but as soon as Tommy isn’t watching, Flair punches Steamboat in the face. Ric pulls on the knee, trying to hyper-extend it, before turning and locking in the Figure Four Leglock! “The Nature Boy” applies severe pressure as Tommy Young is right there to ask if Steamboat wants to give it up, but he does not! Flair grabs the ropes, gaining some extra leverage, but still Ricky refuses. Finally he starts to fight back, beginning to turn the hold, but Flair keeps it in place by grabbing Bobby. Steamboat seems like he’s considering giving it up…………… but no! Instead, he starts fighting to turn the hold again, and this time he gets it! Ric relinquishes the hold quickly when the pressure is reversed, and Tommy begins a standing ten count on each man. Heenan starts pounding on the apron to get Flair’s attention, and the crowd start chanting for “The Dragon” as the count reaches seven. At eight, they each work up to their feet, Flair coming at Steamboat, but Ricky lands an overhand chop! Flair comes in again, and another chop! The consummate fan favorite is fighting back, and the audience are building and building for him. Flair gets some separation and heads to the top rope, but Steamboat catches him, hurling him off the top rope! Flair rolls to his knees and starts backing up, begging off from the fired-up “Dragon” now! Ricky comes in for the kill though, and Flair trips him up, going for the Figure Four again; but Steamboat rolls him into a small package! A two count, but wait – Flair rolls the hold over! He holds onto Steamboat for three! This one is over, seemingly out of nowhere, as Steamboat looks deflated, having kicked out just after the fall of Tommy’s hand. Flair, however, is ecstatic, as he joins Bobby Heenan on the outside and the two head backstage so as to not catch the wrath of “The Dragon,” who Tony says will definitely live to fight another day.

Winner in 24:15: Ric Flair

Rating: B / C / A






The main event is over but the show is not, as out to the aisle comes “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes! Dustin has a microphone, and he points out a sign in the crowd that says “Dustin Rhodes Vs Ric Flair, make it happen”. Dustin addresses Ric Flair, saying that he’s walked through each of Flair’s Horsemen, and now only one remains, “The Nature Boy” himself. He says that Flair is one of the all-time greats in all of professional wrestling, and as the days have gotten closer, yeah, the butterflies have been collecting in his stomach. But this will be the biggest opportunity in Dustin’s entire life, and he is not planning on wasting this chance. He says that he would love to have had his friend Magnum TA in his corner for such a huge match, but unfortunately the Horsemen put a stop to that. But, Dustin tells everyone that there’s something even more fitting than that on his mind – and that will be if he gets the honor of having someone else in his corner for Starrcade, and that’s the man who Flair and his new Horsemen made their first mark on………


“Mah father! The one and only “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes!!”


The crowd let out a huge cheer, and the show closes as Tony and Jesse speculate if Dusty will actually be in his son’s corner for the next time WCW are on pay-per-view, on December 17th at Starrcade!

Rating: B






Thanks to all who predicted and waited patiently for me to get this show written! By the way, before anyone asks, I know that the theme I used up there was for an Uncensored; I just liked it and decided to use it for this year's WrestleWar :) I have the prediction contest results tallied up for the two shows of November, and here they stand...


Satyr24: 20/25

Smasher1311: 17/25

TheBigBad1013: 17/25

Warhawk8492: 17/25

The Final Countdown: 16/25

CPBHBK: 15/25

TeflonBilly: 15/25

crackerjack: 14/25

Matt Shannon: 12/25

The Nickman: 11/25

daulten6: 10/25

packerman120: 8/25

KnowYourEnemy: 4/25


While I appreciate the new names for the contest for WrestleWar, I feel bad because really, if you hadn't already predicted for Clash, you were a bit out of luck. But no worries, because next is Starrcade, and it will stand on it's own as prediction contests go! Satyr has gotten the win for this one, and I shall send him a prize as soon as I have ironed out a fitting one! Thank you all again, and I hope you enjoyed it!

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I dialed 0 and nothing happened!! :(

Automated Gene: "We apologize for any problems you had with our service. WCW values your continued support, and will allow you the first minute of your next WCW Hotline call to be at half price! A bargain if I've ever heard of one!"



I am pumped to see see what you end up doing with Candido, Beej.


WrestleWar looks like it will be fantastic. I wonder where Hogan will show his face.

I hope the plans I have for him will be good to everyone. I literally have had that storyline planned out since I signed Queen; yes, Candido has always been the one underneath the Mr. JL mask!


It'll be a DQ win for the "old guys" -- not the guys you can get over a new stable with in a match, I guarantee a lack of selling -- but the post-match beatdown should be wonderful.

Honestly, I didn't get a lack of selling note for that one. I was very surprised.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan vs. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Comments: Should be a mat classic, but the build is on for Flair vs. Dustin at Starrcade.

Can't argue with an A rating for Flair/Steamboat! I was keeping a tally of what would be the highest rated match all through the show, but that one blew everyone else away.


Danger Zone Match

Cactus Jack vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Comments: Seeing how Macho has lost the majority of the matches on the feud, I say he wins here.


“Total Package” Lex Luger, The Road Warriors, and Rick Martel vs. The New World Order

Comments: Poor Martel is just here to be pinned


The Steiner Brothers and “Blackjack” Barry Windham vs. “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson, Owen Hart, and “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan

Comments: It's pretty obvious. Scott shows signs of the heel turn here and turns at Starrcade.

1. Cactus certainly seems to have Macho's number, BUT Savage actually has a better storyline rating due to all the interviews and attacks he's done or had done on Jack and Funk. Also, I looked up the entire history, and they have only met in the ring eight times. In February, Savage and Orndorff defeated Jack and Steamboat; they both lost in World War 3; Piper, Savage, and Hall defeated Jack, Austin, and Pillman at Bash at the Beach; Jack and Austin defeated Savage and Hall in August; Jack won the first singles match at Fall Brawl; the nWo team of Pillman and Vader defeated Hogan/Savage and Jack/Luger on Nitro in October; Jack/Austin beat Savage/Piper at Havoc; and now Jack won the Danger Zone. So they've really only had two singles matches.

2. Glad you were happy with how that match came out :p

3. I really don't know where everyone has thought Scott is about to heel turn. I don't mind, because I do like keeping everyone on their toes, but where does this even come from?


Danger Zone Match

Cactus Jack vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Comments: Cactus finally gets one over on Macho Man.


Ron Simmons and Booker T vs. Johnny B. Badd and Stevie Ray w/Badd Girl

Comments: Booker T turns on Ron Simmons and Harlem Heat are reunited after Johnny B. Badd gets into Booker's ear.



A fan then has a sign next to it that says "<==WRONG YEAR YOU DOLT!"

Matty knows how it is, the wins only matter so much when there's been so many assaults :D


Also, I'm kinda glad that not everyone was fooled into thinking the Heat were extinguished. Now, will Badd's influence start turning them back up again? Only time will tell.



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My body is ready for Sting/Hogan at Starrcade.

Well come Nitro we will see if the rest of WCW's body is ready for it :p


Just caught up man! Glad I did, this was a very good PPV and I'm excited to see the dynamic between Dusty/Dustin after all that's happened in the past.


I love Jericho having to eat his words...first of many times I suppose

Good to have you back! Yeah, one thing that is not going overlooked is that Dustin didn't say for sure that Dusty would even BE in his corner yet - just that he wanted him to be. As far as Jericho goes, we all know "The Lionheart" well; his mouth isn't going to stay closed for long!


Great Show!


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I had never seen this or had any idea of its existence until just now. I do not have the words to properly express what I am feeling at this moment.


So this was a great PPV, but I think it's fair to say we expected nothing less. This was one of the few highlights of my flu-ridden last 24+ hours.


That was an interesting way to transition to bald Austin. I have a feeling Roddy is going to regret it though... (I kind of hope you don't go full Stone Cold, at least in name, just to be a bit different. I'm sure whatever you have planned will be great though.)


I am legitimately looking forward to Dustin vs. Flair at least as much as the probable Sting vs. Hogan match for Starrcade. Your booking of Dustin has been phenonemal throughout, and he's probably not far behind Pillman as my favorite characters in this universe.


A Dawn Marie sighting on Main Event! :D


Your use of the Uncensored '97 theme reminded me of the end of that PPV, where Sting came down from the rafters and dismantled the NWO. What an amazing moment...

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WCW Hotline: November 1995, Week 4



WCW Hotline

4th Week of November 1995

Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

Option 2: Contract News!

Option 3: Backstage at Nitro and WrestleWar!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

“The Granddaddy of ‘Em All” is upon us again, and we already have one HUGE match lined up for you: “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes taking on “Nature Boy” Ric Flair! Will Dusty Rhodes be in his son’s corner for the biggest match of Dustin’s young life? Eric Bischoff has also announced a battle royal that will determine the man who gets a World Heavyweight title shot, so be sure to watch Nitro to find out who will be the challenger! And after that, call your cable company to order WCW Starrcade ’95!


Option 2: Contract news!

Nick Patrick has signed a new contract extension for WCW, and Jesse Ventura has been offered a new deal.


Option 3: Backstage from Nitro and WrestleWar!

We don’t typically talk about what happens behind the scenes of Nitro, but this time it was good news as Chris Jericho and Steve Armstrong have discovered a mutual admiration for surfing. “Handsome” Harley Race held a meeting after the pay-per-view where he praised Cactus Jack and Owen Hart for great performances, and noted Bubba Rogers as a good example. Rogers’s pointing out may have been because he’s been a little upset lately for missing a few shows. Jack and Hart were very happy with this, and Bubba seemed pleased.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

This Monday we name a number one contender for the World Heavyweight title match at Starrcade, in a ten-man over the top rope battle royal! Some of the names signed up so far include Lex Luger, Randy Savage, Cactus Jack, and Steve Austin; and Sting was given his invitation personally from Eric Bischoff! Also, two huge title matches! The United States title will be on the line in a rematch from Clash of the Champions as Diamond Dallas Page takes on California Kip, and the Wonderful Destruction Crew get their World Tag Team title rematch from the Steiner Brothers! Also, there will be a big announcement that comes right down the line from WCW Executive V.P. himself! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN, and coming soon Tuesday nights on Eurosport for our British and European fans!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

This past week’s Nitro rose to an incredible 8.0 on TNT and a great 1.90 rating on TSN! Meanwhile, Raw on USA and TSN did a 4.40 and 1.07, respectively. Is it even a challenge anymore? WCW Saturday Night rose to a 6.35, and the pre-show Main Event rose to a 0.71.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

The World champion Burger King was in action – non-title, losing to “The Hitman”. Great plan. In the main event, Tonto defeated the Samoan Sumo! Boy, they really pulled out all stops; even Nikolai Volkoff had a match. So why not just pay attention to a great program by tuning in for the WrestleWar fallout on WCW Monday Nitro?


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Hollywood Hogan will be making a special appearance this week on WCW Saturday Night! What will the World Heavyweight champion have to say about WrestleWar, Sting, and Starrcade? Make sure you’ve set your dial to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Word is that the WWF are planning a big storyline for the next few months involving Jerry “The King” Lawler taking on Bam Bam Bigelow for the WWF title. I’m sure that will be… interesting.


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Dial zero to get 15% off a six month subscription to WCW Magazine! It’s just like the WCW Hotline, but monthly instead of weekly!




I had never seen this or had any idea of its existence until just now. I do not have the words to properly express what I am feeling at this moment.


So this was a great PPV, but I think it's fair to say we expected nothing less. This was one of the few highlights of my flu-ridden last 24+ hours.


That was an interesting way to transition to bald Austin. I have a feeling Roddy is going to regret it though... (I kind of hope you don't go full Stone Cold, at least in name, just to be a bit different. I'm sure whatever you have planned will be great though.)


I am legitimately looking forward to Dustin vs. Flair at least as much as the probable Sting vs. Hogan match for Starrcade. Your booking of Dustin has been phenonemal throughout, and he's probably not far behind Pillman as my favorite characters in this universe.


A Dawn Marie sighting on Main Event! :D


Your use of the Uncensored '97 theme reminded me of the end of that PPV, where Sting came down from the rafters and dismantled the NWO. What an amazing moment...


First of all, thanks for the big feedback! I always like seeing someone have a couple things to talk about; also, glad to know I helped your flu day be a little bit brighter!


I must admit that I think Austin needs a nickname, because just "Steve Austin" doesn't have the right ring to it. But I'm fighting myself on what it will be; one thing's for sure, just for the sake of being different from real life, it will remain as just Steve Austin forever as long as it means I don't use Stone Cold.


I too am really looking forward to Flair vs Dustin. It really is such a natural match, it's almost like WCW literally left money on the table by not running it when they had their chances to. Dustin is actually one of my more over workers, so if not for a World title match, that one could easily be my Starrcade main event and no one would bat an eye.


Look forward to seeing more of Scorpio and Dawn soon. As mentioned in the preview, there's a huge announcement coming on Nitro, and I think everyone will either enjoy it or say I'm crazy for going ahead with it.


I didn't feel any of the other WrestleWar themes seemed right for this show, so I went searching for a better one and found that; I will likely do that more often in the future, as pretty soon I'm going to transition to using more of the old WCW production themes, instead of how I've been using so much of the licensed music. I know it's a very, very minor thing; but for me, it's those "minor things" that drive me crazy sometimes! :p

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This is my feeling as well. Beej has got two A shows, two authority figures and a roster deep enough to justify it.


WCW Nitro/NWA Saturday Night was the method I personally used for a 1991 game I played a while back. And fantasy booking for 2001 saw a similiar use, with NWA Saturday Night as a B-roster ala NXT or NOAH.

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Terrific show as always, man. Flair and Dustin should be a great match and Sting and Hogan for the title, if that is indeed the road you choose to go, will be off the charts. I'm also looking forward to seeing where you go with Austin from here. And Cactus. Oh, and I really liked Booker's heel turn. Didn't see that coming.


Looking forward to Nitro and keep up the great work, man!

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WCW Monday Nitro - November 20th, 1995



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WCW Monday Nitro

November 20th, 1995

Held at: Fairfax Patriot Center in Fairfax, Virginia (Mid-Atlantic)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 10,000 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: One Hour (plus five minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show decreased our popularity in 11 regions.


Last Night at WrestleWar!

“The Professor” Mike Tenay gives us the WCW Magazine recap of WrestleWar ’95, as he narrates some words about the three biggest matches over still shots of each of them. He pays attention to Cactus Jack’s huge victory over “Macho Man” Randy Savage, the despicable actions that “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper perpetrated upon Steve Austin, Ric Flair’s win, and Dustin Rhodes’s announcement regarding Starrcade!

Rating: C-


WCW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal!

Tony Schiavone is shocked that this match is taking place immediately as Monday Nitro goes on the air. Jesse Ventura wonders what is up with that, as it was an executive decision. Out to the ring comes “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson, “The Blackjack” Barry Windham, Cactus Jack, “The Monster” Vader, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Steve Austin, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, “The Total Package” Lex Luger, and………… Terry Gordy, and Johnny B. Badd. That’s all ten participants who come out for the match. Doesn’t it just seem like someone important is missing? The crowd instantly start chanting “We want Sting!” as the bell sounds, making Tony and Jesse actively wonder what has happened, because Sting was just told the night before that he could be in this match, as his year-long ban was over. Luger wastes little time by attacking Anderson, as Cactus and Savage continue their war from the night before. Vader and Windham throw heavy right hands as Gordy and Austin go after one another, as Tony mentions the wars they had earlier this year for the US title. Badd and Steamboat are trading punches and chops. Lex takes out Gordy with a running clothesline, not long before Anderson gets eliminated by Windham and Steamboat together. Jesse says that is a good move, as Arn, being the previous winner of last year’s World War 3, was a huge risk in this one. He echoes this for Steamboat, current holder of the Battlebowl ring. “The Total Package” chucks Badd out, as Vader tosses Steamboat with sheer power. Windham gets thrown out by Austin following a Stunner, and Luger and Vader get clotheslined out by Savage and Cactus, but only Lex hits the floor. Following some action between the two enemies, “The Macho Man” is able to throw Cactus out via a low blow, but Savage gets lost in taunting Jack and gets thrown off the ropes and to the floor by Austin! Everyone thinks that Austin has won the number one contender’s spot, but “The Monster” gets back into the ring and hammers him out with a hard body check! This one is over, but as the winner celebrates his win, the crowd continue to chant “We want Sting!” as Tony says that we will try to get to the bottom of what has happened to Sting tonight.

Match Time: 14:26

Rating: B


The Patriot vs. Tracy Smothers?

The Patriot is walking out to the ring handing out flags to the fans, as Tony talks about how we are in the Patriot Center. Tracy Smothers makes a random appearance as Patriot’s opponent… but the bell never sounds as The Giant emerges and punches out Patriot! He fires him into the ring and heaves him up and down with a vicious chokeslam! Smothers doesn’t leave the ring quite when he should have, and he eats a chokeslam as well, and destruction is all that is left in the ring! We are about to go to commercial, when Jesse Ventura says that his sources have been sent a tape, and we must see it right now!

Notes: Giant looked fantastic here.

Rating: D


Our Missing Friend…

We go to some shady footage, which looks like it’s being taped in the locker room. We hear a voice, which is unmistakably “Macho Man” Randy Savage. The camera zooms in, and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff is also there, and they are talking and laughing. “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper walks in, and he asks if the package is delivered. Orndorff nods in affirmative, and they wheel out an office chair – that has Sting tied down to it! Piper applauds, saying that it’s about time someone brought this pigeon down from the rafters! Sting looks beaten up, with his eyes and mouth covered with a blindfold and duct tape; Piper gets in his face and says that it seems Sting always has trouble watching his back when Roddy is in charge of operations. Piper slaps him, and as Sting struggles against the chair, Piper starts running him down; saying that he’s missing his big match, but it doesn’t matter because he knows he wouldn’t be able to take the title from Hollywood Hogan anyways. Roddy tells him that he needs to go back up to the rafters and just stay there, and leave the Kings of Wrestling to control WCW entirely, because people like Hogan, Piper, Savage, and Orndorff are the A-players – and someone like Sting is only a solid B, at best, in comparison. He, Savage, and Orndorff start to leave the room, saying that Sting should just think about that, as they turn off the lights and leave. Tony and Jesse again talk about how disgusting these actions are which are being apparently perpetrated by KoW leading man, Roddy Piper.

Notes: Piper has changed to a Cocky (Cocky) gimmick, which rated A*! Orndorff performed poorly.

Rating: B+


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship match: Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly Page defends against California Kip w/Jimmy Hart

The crowd, as well as Tony and Jesse, spend more time talking about Sting than the match here. “The Body” congratulates Vader on becoming the new number one contender, but both men wonder what would have happened had “The Stinger” been able to compete – as apparently he was never even in the building tonight. This is a good match in its own right, as Kip and Page put on a serviceable matchup to a distracted crowd. DDP lands the Diamond Cutter to defeat Kip for a second time, and ends his championship aspirations for now.

Match Time: 10:06

Rating: C


A Special Guest This Saturday

A graphic comes up to show that Hollywood Hogan will be making an appearance this week on WCW Saturday Night! Tony says that he hopes Hogan will have something to say about his new number one contender, Vader, and also about this travesty that has been done to Sting.

Rating: B-


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Steiner Brothers defend against The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart

This match became the main event of the evening when the battle royal moved to the opening of the show. Both of these teams show some great tag chemistry, and both have been long-standing Tag Team champions, so the match goes on very well. Meng and Orndorff seem to run into some communication errors throughout it though, as Meng almost doesn’t want to listen to Jimmy Hart; Tony even notes that Meng has only listened to Dusty Rhodes even before this was a team, and that they haven’t been the same without “The American Outlaw”. As this one becomes a huge brawl at the end, Jimmy Hart tries to throw the megaphone into the ring, but it hits Meng in the back instead of him catching it. It doesn’t hurt him, but it becomes its own distraction, and Steiner is able to roll up Meng with a small package to get the win and retain the championships!

Match Time: 10:20

Rating: B


Major Announcements to Rock WCW!

We now go solely to Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura, as Tony says that there is a huge announcement to be made regarding the future of World Championship Wrestling on your television every week. He says that starting next week and continuing into the foreseeable future, WCW Monday Nitro will run for two full, live hours! In addition to that, WCW Saturday Night will become a one-hour long program, and as such will focus less on recapping Nitro than it had done as of late, becoming its own show. Jesse adds onto that, reading from his paperwork before introducing the newest member of the WCW broadcast team: Sonny Onoo! Onoo comes out of the back and joins them at the broadcast booth, and he talks about how he dropped “the losers he was managing” and will now be joining Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay on the all-new WCW Pro, every Friday evening, for some of the best WCW action you can find! Tony doesn’t seem all that thrilled, but shrugs it off to announce that this week will be the final episode of WCW Main Event, and will be replaced by the brand new WCW Worldwide, which is where you will find a recap of all things WCW from that week, as well as exclusive matches you will see nowhere else. Tony and Jesse talk about how this will be huge for fans of World Championship Wrestling, but they are quickly interrupted by WCW Executive Vice President Eric Bischoff. Eric cuts them off, laughing loudly. Tony asks what he’s doing out here, but Eric laughs over them; saying that as big of news as all of that, as amazing as that is for WCW, he just learned something even bigger! Eric says that he just got the call and found out that as of 7:52 this evening, Ted DiBiase has officially sold out of his stock in WCW! Tony groans, starting to say that means… when Eric cuts him off again, saying “That means, the only authority in World Championship Wrestling… is me!” The show goes off the air with the laughter of Eric Bischoff ringing in our ears, what a huge way to end WCW Monday Nitro!

Notes: Onoo debuted a Cocky (Weasel) gimmick, which rated an A, but looked dreadful standing next to more over people like Jesse, who came across well.

Rating: C






Well I guess it's not a brand split :p Thanks BigB, I'm excited to see where all those people get to go in the future as well - but Sting gets screwed over yet again! Hopefully you all enjoyed the post-WrestleWar Nitro, let me know what you think of the write-up with the headings. And we are now well on the way to Starrcade!!

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My Review

Last Night at WrestleWar!


Really fits the era, I liked it.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal!


I was shocked Sting didn't win, but in War of Thrones we should always expect the unexpected. But I still do expect Sting to wiggle into the Starrcade match.


The Patriot vs. Tracy Smothers?


I didn't really understand this to be honest, I mean I get that The Giant is a monster but why did he attack them?


Our Missing Friend…


I felt like I was watching the mob torture someone in this angle. Seemed like something out of a TV Show.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship match: Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly Page defends against California Kip w/Jimmy Hart


Was thinking Kip would win to be honest but glad DDP won. Also liked the touch about the crowd worrying about Sting.

A Special Guest This Saturday


Excited to find out what Hogan has to say


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Steiner Brothers defend against The Wonderful Destruction Crew w/Jimmy Hart



Really wasn't into this one


Major Announcements to Rock WCW!


I have a feeling DiBiase sold off his stock to some sort of consortium or something.

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I'm shocked that DiBiase sold his stock after getting 50/50 ownership with Bischoff.


I guess I'm not shocked that Sting didn't win the battle royal because I expected some sort of twist to happen, but the KoW capturing him was surprising. Is it really Sting or KoW Sting?


I am pumped that Nitro is bumping up to two hours. I like the new format for the write-up as well. You've struck a happy medium between the detailed report and the casual recap.

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WCW Television: November 25th/26th, 1995


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WCW Saturday Night

Taped November 22nd, 1995 (on a Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)

Held at: E.A. Diddle Arena in Bowling Green, Kentucky (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 8,000 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours (plus five minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 2 regions, lost in 1.



Hogan and Eric’s Saturday Trip: Hollywood Hogan, The Giant, and Eric Bischoff come to the ring. Giant stands with his arms crossed as Hogan and Bischoff gloat about everything from Ted DiBiase (“I guess money can’t buy courage!”) to Sting (“I don’t know what Roddy was thinking, but he served the greater good in doing it, brother”) to Vader (“I got a big, nasty Giant on my side, so I’m not worried about some fat man”). Hogan’s gimmick has changed to “Show Stealer (Cocky)” which rated an A* (99). (B+)

Hogan is wrapping up, when he’s interrupted by the appearance of Terry Funk! He calls out The Giant, saying that he can assault Funk all he wants, he can take it; but he’s tired of hearing Hogan’s mouth run, so he’s going to shut him up tonight! Hollywood laughs at this, saying that if Funk wants a beating that badly, then he’ll be happy to give it to him in the main event tonight! (C+)

Eric Bischoff comes back out to the ring a little later, and he says there’s a thorn that’s been in his side for a while now that he couldn’t do anything about. He calls out Richard Stevenson, saying that he personally invited Richard to come here tonight. Because now, without the protection of Ted DiBiase, he’s under Eric’s jurisdiction now – and that means, as a trained athlete in WCW, he can be put into matches, against people like… The Giant! (C+)

At the end of the show, Hollywood Hogan is met backstage by United States champion Diamond Dallas Page! Page tells Hogan that he used to still hold a small, small amount of respect for Hogan, but after what the Kings of Wrestling did to Sting on Monday, that’s long gone. Hogan says that he didn’t do that, it was Roddy, but if “DD-PP” has a problem with one King, then he’s got a problem with all of them. Page says that he does have a problem, and it’s with Hogan still carrying that title. “You won’t have to worry about Vader, because I’m challenging you to a match for that title this Monday on Nitro!” Hogan says that Page can keep his little belt, but Hogan will slap the taste out of Page’s mouth on Monday. As Hollywood walks away, we can hear him saying loudly “I’m never coming back to this godforsaken show!” (B+)

Chicago doesn’t fall easily: The New World Order are in a pre-taped video segment, and Brian Pillman talks about how their dreams are almost come true; people everywhere are talking about the nWo, after they defeated the Road Warriors and now when Vader is the new number one contender! Vader screams “HOGAN! It’s Vader’s time now! Forget all other things, as you are about to find out who the man is!” Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett turn their attention to the Road Warriors and Lex Luger, saying that they know the “big dumb goofs” are going to want to see them in the ring again, so let’s just make it official as soon as possible. (B-)

Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger and the Road Warriors then. Luger does most of the talking, saying that he thanks Rick Martel for his help, and he very nearly won them the match; but Pillman had more tricks up his sleeve than they expected. Luger does say that the trio want some more of the nWo at Starrcade, and we will see how the cards fall until then as far as who faces off with who. Does Lex have a plan in mind? (C+)

The Final Horseman: The Four Horsemen are at an interview area, and as Arn, Owen, and Eddy stand in the rear, Ric Flair launches into a diatribe on Dustin Rhodes. He says that just as Dustin has defeated all of his friends, Flair has defeated all of Dustin’s; “the difference is, pal, that anyone can defeat your friends like Steamboat and Windham, I’ve been doing it for years! But nobody defeats all four of the Horsemen!” (B)

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes gets his own interview segment later on, and he says that the Horsemen keep pushing this line about how nobody defeats all four, but here he stands on the cusp of doing what even men like Sting and Hulk Hogan couldn’t. Rhodes says that he knows his father is watching, and all he has to do is pick up the phone and tell Dustin that he will be at Starrcade. (B)

Nitro recap: We don’t get a video to recap anything, as Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay say that we will never see footage of what happened to Sting on WCW programming again. They do mention Vader winning the battle royal, but they wonder more about Sting, Piper, and Hogan than anything. (C-)

“Be with a champion, mamacita!”: Chris Candido is busy getting his gear together when Tammy Lynn is approached by TV champion Eddy Guerrero, along with Bobby Heenan. Eddy makes some lewd comments about her to Bobby, who laughs; before Guerrero makes his move, inviting her to the Horsemen party later as his guest. Tammy turns him down, which causes “The Brain” to play wingman and start talking Eddy up as a great champion who can go all night “from what I’ve heard” and also as one of the elite in WCW. Candido then appears, asking what is going on, which makes Eddy backtrack, saying “We were just talking, holmes, no biggie” before leaving. Eddy can be seen looking back though, and is heard telling Bobby that this one isn’t getting away yet. (C-)

Random or Premeditated?: In what could be either a random attack or a completely premeditated assault, a while after his match we see Bubba Rogers being attacked by Brian Pillman! Pillman destroys Bubba with a steel chair, before spraypainting him with a red “nWo” over the letters on his KoW shirt! (C-)

This Isn’t Over: “Macho Man” Randy Savage is screaming mad in his pre-taped segment, screaming about Cactus Jack. Savage says that Jack has been the luckiest man in WCW over the entire year, making sure nobody thinks he can do it so that they lower their guard. “But you’re on my radar, Jack, and that’s the most dangerous place to be.” (B+)



Eddy Guerrero d. Marty Jannetty with a Frog Splash in 8:39 following a low blow. Eddy makes defence #7 of the World Television title. Guerrero and Jannetty had great chemistry as opponents. (B-)

The Heavenly Bodies d. The Hillbilly Cousins at 7:16 after a moonsault from Jimmy Del Ray. (D+)

Chris Candido d. Alex Porteau in 4:55 with the New Jersey Jam. (D-)

The Giant d. Richard Stevenson with a Chokeslam at 6:48. (C-)

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright d. “Guardian Angel” Bubba Rogers in 8:25 after Steve Austin hits Rogers with the Stunner. ©

Post Match: Gene Okerlund catches up with Austin on his way back through the curtain, and asks him what he was doing. Austin says that after what they did at WrestleWar, he’s on a revenge tour, and he won’t stop until all of them have paid up! (B-)

Hollywood Hogan d. Terry Funk at 15:55 after interference from The Giant. (B)

Post Match: Hogan wants Giant to deliver another Chokeslam, but Cactus Jack comes out from under the ring brandishing Funk’s branding iron! Cactus breaks up the attack, and alongside Funk they run the KoW from the ring! (C+)


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Tony Schiavone joins Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta on commentary for this final episode of WCW Main Event, and they talk about what will come tonight, as well as the main event of Cactus Jack vs. Terry Gordy. (D+)

The Rock ‘n Roll Express d. Nuevo Gringos Locos ©

Gene Okerlund talks to Morton and Gibson, who talk about how important they feel WCW Main Event and Worldwide are. (C-)

Gene joins in with the three commentators, and they discuss what has happened in this week of WCW; Vader winning the contendership battle royal, Sting being beaten and tortured by the KoW, and Hollywood Hogan being on Saturday Night are the major points. (C-)

The Armstrong Brothers d. “Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright and The Patriot to retain the US Tag Team titles ©

Tony, Mike, Gary, and Gene reminisce about WCW Main Event. (D)

Cactus Jack d. Terry Gordy (B)

Cactus joins Tony Schiavone, and the two wave goodbye to Main Event, promising that fans won’t want to miss the debut of WCW Worldwide next week! (C+)



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In the World: November 1995


Company Name: World Championship Wrestling (WCW)

Owner: Ted Turner

Booker: Eric Bischoff/Harley Race

Size: International

Prestige: 100

Momentum: 82

Ranking: 1st

TV Shows: WCW Monday Nitro; WCW Saturday Night; WCW Pro; WCW Worldwide

PPV Coverage: Entire World



WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hollywood Hogan (held since July Week 3, 1994)

WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Diamond Dallas Page (held since September Week 3, 1995)

WCW World Television Champion: Eddy Guerrero (held since September Week 1, 1995)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Dean Malenko (held since November Week 3, 1995)

WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (held since October Week 4, 1995)

WCW US Tag Team Champions: The Armstrong Brothers (held since July Week 3, 1995)

The Battlebowl Ring: Ricky Steamboat (held again next Battlebowl PPV)


Event: WCW WrestleWar 1995, held 11/19/1995

Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 3.42

Main Event and Match of the Night: Ric Flair d. Ricky Steamboat (91)


Workers Signed: None.

Workers Re-signed: Meng; Terry Funk; Stevie Ray; Nick Patrick; Sonny Onoo; Jesse Ventura.

Workers Leaving: Antonio Inoki (loan end).


Company Name: World Wrestling Federation (WWF)

Owner: Vince McMahon

Booker: Vince McMahon

Size: National

Prestige: 89

Momentum: 78

Ranking: 2nd

TV Shows: WWF Monday Night Raw; WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event

PPV Coverage: USA



WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Jerry Lawler (held since July Week 3, 1995)

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Bret Hart (held since August Week 4, 1995)

WWF European Champion: Jim Neidhart (held since September Week 2, 1995)

WWF World Tag Team Champions: Sparky Plugg and Mo (held since September Week 3, 1994)

WWF Women’s Champion: Sherri Martel (held since October Week 3, 1995)

WWF Royal Rumble: Diesel (competed again in January)

WWF King of the Ring: Yokozuna (competed again in June)


Event: WWF Survivor Series, held 11/19/1995

Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 2019

Main Event: Yokozuna d. Tatanka (75)

Match of the Night: Bret Hart d. The Undertaker to retain the WWF Intercontinental title (91)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: Vic Venom.

Workers Leaving: Bushwhacker Luke.


Company Name: New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW)

Owner: Seiji Sakaguchi

Booker: Antonio Inoki

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 89

Ranking: 3rd

TV Shows: NJPW World Pro Wrestling

PPV Coverage: Japan



IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jushin Thunder Liger (held since October Week 1, 1995)

IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship: Koji Kanemoto (held since November Week 1, 1995)

IWGP World Tag Team Championship: Masa Saito and The Great Sasuke (held since November Week 1, 1995)

G1 Climax: Mitsuharu Misawa (held again in August)

Best of the Super Juniors: Jushin Thunder Liger (held again in June)

Super Grade Tag League: Riki Choshu and Mitsuharu Misawa (held again in October)

Young Lion Cup: Akira Nogami (held again next March)


Event: NJPW Thunder of Heart II, held 11/21/1995

Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.46

Main Event and Match of the Night: Shinya Hashioto and Akira Taue d. Koji Kanamoto and Jushin Liger (84)


Worker Signings: None.

Worker Extensions: Katsuhisa Shibata.

Workers Left: Kotetsu Yamamoto.


Company Name: All Japan Pro-Wrestling (AJPW)

Owner: Giant Baba

Booker: Giant Baba

Size: National

Prestige: 88

Momentum: 82

Ranking: 4th

TV Shows: All Japan Pro Wrestling 30

PPV Coverage: Japan



AJPW Triple Crown Champion: Toshiaki Kawada (held since September Week 1, 1995)

AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion: Mighty Inoue (held since June Week 2, 1995)

AJPW Unified World Tag Team Champions: Toshiaki Kawada and Johnny Ace (held since November Week 1, 1995)

AJPW All Asia Tag Team Champions: Shoichi Funaki & Yoshinari Ogawa (held since September Week 3, 1995)

Champion Carnival: Kenta Kobashi (held in April)

Real World Tag League: Kenta Kobashi & Stan Hansen (held again in December)


Event: AJPW Whiplash From Impact II, held 11/2/1995

Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 0.28

Main Event: Toshiaki Kawada and Johnny Ace d. Stan Hansen and Kenta Kobashi for the AJPW Unified World Tag Team titles (84)

Match of the Night: Tie – main event and Tamon Honda d. Steve Williams (84)


Workers Hired: Kotetsu Yamamoto.

Workers Re-signed: None.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company Name: Smokey Mountain Wrestling (SMW)

Owner: Jim Cornette

Booker: Jim Cornette

Size: Regional

Prestige: 45

Momentum: 69

Ranking: 3rd in USA; 10th in World

TV Shows: SMW TV

PPV Coverage: None



SMW Heavyweight Champion: Bull Pain (held since October Week 4, 1995)

SMW Beat the Champ Television Champion: Pitbull #2 (held since July Week 2, 1995)

SMW Tag Team Champions: Steven Dunn & Tom Zenk (held since August Week 3, 1994)


Event: SMW Thanksgiving Thunder; held 11/23/1995

Rating: B-

Main Event: Bull Pain d. Doug Gilberg for the SMW Heavyweight Championship (65)

Match of the Night: Brian Blair d. Jim Duggan (72)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: None.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company Name: Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)

Owner: Tod Gordon

Booker: Paul Heyman

Size: Regional

Prestige: 46

Momentum: 76

Ranking: 5th in USA; 16th in World

TV Shows: ECW Hardcore TV

PPV Coverage: None



ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Mikey Whipwreck (held since July Week 3, 1995)

ECW World Television Champion: Pitbull #1 (held since September Week 3, 1995)

ECW World Tag Team Champions: Mikey Whipwreck & Pitbull #1 (held since February Week 4, 1995)


Event: ECW November 2 Remember 1995; held 11/5/1995

Rating: B-

Main Event and Match of the Night: Mikey Whipwreck d. Johnny Grunge to retain the ECW World Heavyweight championship (77)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: None.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company News

Rise/Fall: None.

New Companies: None.


New Workers in September:

Shadow WX; Mari Apache; Dwayne Johnson; Viking; Dokuohtei Tange


Worker Retirements: None.


Worker Deaths: None.

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WCW Hotline: December 1995, Week 1



WCW Hotline

1st Week of December 1995

Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

Option 2: WCW's huge TV news!

Option 3: WCW birthdays!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

After Nitro’s battle royal, “The Monster” Vader won the right to face Hollywood Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight championship at Starrcade!


Option 2: WCW’s huge television news!

As was announced on this past Monday, this week Nitro goes to a full two hours, from 7 PM to 9 PM ET! In exchange for that, WCW Saturday Night will drop to one hour, now airing from 6:05 to 7:05 PM ET on TBS. WCW Pro premieres this Friday evening on TBS at 5 PM ET, and the brand new WCW Worldwide will take over WCW Main Event’s timeslot on TBS at 7 PM ET! It is a good time to be a fan of World Championship Wrestling!


Option 3: WCW birthdays!

A lot of people are celebrating birthdays this month, including: Rey Mysterio Jr. (21); Hysteria (22); Tammy Lynn (23); Cousin Denny (27); Ultimo Dragon (29); Hakushi (29); Biohazard (29); Steve Austin (31); Baron Leonard Tomas (41); Larry Zbyszko (42); Gary Michael Cappetta (43); and Nick Bockwinkel (61)!


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

The first ever two hour edition of Monday Nitro comes to you live from the Tarrant County Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas! So far, we know that Hollywood Hogan will put the World Heavyweight title on the line against United States champion Diamond Dallas Page, and Lord Steven Regal steps onto Nitro to do battle with “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton! We also understand that Eric Bischoff has booked himself a huge celebration segment after the news about Ted DiBiase! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN, and Tuesday nights on Eurosport!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

This past Nitro dropped so slightly to a 7.77 on TNT, and to a 1.82 on TSN. Raw didn’t fare any better, dropping to a 4.39 on USA and going to a 1.12 on TSN. Saturday Night also dropped slightly to a 6.02. The final WCW Main Event drew a 0.62 rating.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

The WWF ran the Tarrant Convention Center this week, probably just because they heard that we were going to next Monday. But where they put on a mediocre “show” featuring the corpse of Mean Mark defeating the Dingo Warrior, as well as the fat Samoan Sumo, and the supposed World champion Burger King, and the Hawaiian Punch-I mean, Crush, defeating Sparky Plugg, Tonto, and Bigelow. The match is notable only because Bob Holly, as a Tag Team champion, not only wasn’t competing alongside his partner Mo but was also severely injured during the match. So unless you’re morbid like that and want to watch a man break his ankle, then just watch Nitro this week!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Before you go out with your loved ones on Saturday evening, watch an hour of great WCW action! This week, “The Total Package” Lex Luger takes on “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson! Make sure you’ve set your dial to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Word has it that someone who works for ECW is finishing up their time there and has been in contact with a certain member of the WCW roster! Who could it be? We hope to find out in the very near future!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Watch your local video stores this month for WCW Fall Brawl 1995!
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We also understand that Eric Bischoff has booked himself a huge celebration segment after the news about Ted DiBiase!

There is a 0% chance that this goes off without a hitch. I still think this could somehow lead to a brand split. Maybe Ted sold off his WCW stock because he's investing in the NWA and will take over Saturday Night?

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There is a 0% chance that this goes off without a hitch. I still think this could somehow lead to a brand split. Maybe Ted sold off his WCW stock because he's investing in the NWA and will take over Saturday Night?


Perhaps more accurately, he sold his WCW stock to the NWA, thus creating a position where the NWA once again influences WCW. Of course, after doing so, he was named to the position of NWA President, keeping him in charge. This brings out Ted Turner, who has to settle the matter by splitting the roster and television time, thus creating WCW Monday Night Nitro/Thursday Night Thunder (WCW), and NWA Saturday Night (NWA).



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WCW Monday Nitro - November 27th, 1995



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WCW Monday Nitro

November 27th, 1995

Held at: Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee (South East)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 15,000 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 24 regions.


WCW World Television Championship match: Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

We go cold straight after the opening video to our opening match, and boy is it a hot one. The Nashville crowd may not know what to make of this immediately, but it doesn’t take long for these two young, future stars of our sport to get them on their feet with some great moves and countermoves. Their Mexican luchadore training was on full display as they went all out to win the World’s TV title, and Mysterio very nearly won the championship quite a few times. Rey crashed and burned about halfway into the match when he went for a springboard plancha to the floor and Bobby Heenan pulled Guerrero out of the way, but Eddy’s cocky nature went against him as he toyed with Rey a few times too many and almost got caught in a quick cradle, had he not been near enough to put his foot on the bottom rope. Tony and Jesse wonder if we could see a time limit draw here, but eventually Guerrero is able to block a hurricanrana into a powerbomb and stack up Mysterio – while putting his feet on the ropes for good measure – to pick up the three count and retain the title by the skin of his teeth.

The match over, “The Brain” gets Eddy a microphone, and he swaggers around the ring with the TV title slung over his shoulder. He says that he would like to dedicate that “easy victory” (a claim which Tony disputes, but Jesse says was an easy win, for a Horseman) to his “main mamacita, Tammy” as the fans boo him loudly. Bobby yells at them to keep quiet, as Eddy tells her that she should definitely “move out of the trailer park, and into the penthouse with a Horseman!” Eddy and Bobby flash the four fingers as we go to the next segment.

Match Time: 13:48

Ratings: B- (match) / C+ (promo)


Last week on WCW Nitro

After that huge opening matchup, we finally go to a short video package that recaps those who missed last week’s episode, including: Vader destroys the battle royal for the next World title shot, Roddy Piper holds Sting hostage, and Eric Bischoff announces that Ted DiBiase has resigned from power! With all the excitement we used to pack into one hour, just wait until you see what we can do with two hours!

Rating: B-


“Bite Me”

WCW’s Executive V.P. Eric Bischoff comes to the ring, and he has a huge smile plastered on his face. He welcomes everyone to HIS show, WCW Monday Nitro! He says that it has been a wild week for World Championship Wrestling, but the best part is that he – and the Kings of Wrestling – are as in charge and in control as ever! He says that anyone who doesn’t like it, can “bite me!” Eric then brings up Sting, saying that it is just unfortunate that he got so “tied up” last week that he couldn’t make it to the battle royal! However, his laughter gets interrupted by some more famous laughter, that of Ted DiBiase! DiBiase steps out from backstage and stands at the top of the aisle. He says that just because he did sell his stocks, doesn’t mean he didn’t do so without a few concessions, “because nobody outthinks ‘Trillionaire Ted’ at the negotiations table!” So he warns Bischoff that while he may be in charge, he better keep a keen eye around himself, because he hasn’t heard the last of this.

DiBiase does reveal one of his concessions though, and he says that this was why he sold so quickly: in order to buy one match, as long as Sting shows up in the Nashville Municipal Auditorium tonight by the end of the show, he will go one-on-one with Vader, with the winner going to Starrcade to wrestle for the World’s Heavyweight title! Eric is livid as the crowd cheers loudly!

Ratings: C / B-


Another Loudmouth

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho comes to the ring after we come back from commercial break, and he opens with a loud “Welcome to Monday Night Jericho!” Tony loudly groans, as Jericho starts to talk about how proud he knows that all the Jerichoholics are to see him live and in living color tonight on the brand new day of Monday Night Jericho, but they will all be sad to hear that he couldn’t procure an opponent willing to step into the ring and get bested by “The Lionheart” for all their viewing pleasures. Jericho probably could have kept talking for the rest of the two hours, but he is interrupted by the French accent of Rick Martel! Martel comes out and talks to Jericho, saying that he’s been where he is before, feeling that in his youth he is better than all the rest, but he needs to stop running his mouth and earn his place, or no one will ever give him a chance. Jericho scoffs, saying that Rick is just another old man, one who couldn’t even win at WrestleWar! Martel points out that Jericho lost at WrestleWar too, which causes Jericho to start rattling off excuses, everything from not knowing Sting would actually show up, saying that Sting pulled his tights and hair, to even saying that some traitorous Jerichoholic in the crowd was blinding him with his wristwatch. Martel says that if Jericho really wants a match on the brand new Monday Nitro, then he need not look any further. Jericho makes sure to get the last word, saying that he will take on that challenge, and he will put to rest another former hero, another past-his-prime legend, and show that he is the role model of all the Jerichoholics – thank you, and goodnight!

Rating: C


Lord Steven Regal w/Baron Leonard Tomas vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton w/Stan Lane

In the midst of it all, we have this, a wonderful technical matchup between two of the best in the world at such a skill. The crowd pay attention here, having learned after the opening match that the ones you don’t see often on Nitro are trying harder to prove their worth tonight, which Tony also points out. Lane is able to counteract Tomas for the most part, but toward the end Bobby goes up for the Alabama Jam when the Baron trips him with a cane. Regal grabs him and hits a bridging suplex to pick up the hard fought – albeit gift-wrapped – victory.

Match Time: 7:48

Rating: B-


Who Left the Doors Open at the Nuthouse?

We head to pre-taped footage, the first clip showing “Macho Man” Randy Savage. In it, he again talks about how he is not done with Cactus Jack, saying that “the Madness will not rest until the cream rises to the top yeah”. He makes some threats to Jack, saying that if he doesn’t accept getting back into the ring with Savage again at Starrcade, then he will force him to resort to drastic measures – saying that he knows where there is a little boy who loves talking to wrestlers his daddy works with who could take a visit to the danger zone if need be. We then go to comments from Cactus, who is livid! He says that all Savage had to do was ask and say please, but then he had to make threats! He says that “Dewey Foley is a four-year old boy, you sick son of a bitch!” Jack says that he will meet Savage one more time, and this time, it’ll be for good!

Notes: Jack worked the crowd very well here, his freedom to improvise was really to his advantage.

Rating: A


Advice for the Downtrodden

Bobby Eaton is seen backstage, and he seems to be taking that loss earlier pretty hard. Stan Lane walks into the room to talk to him though, and he says that he knows Bobby didn’t like how that one went, but it’s only one loss, compared to all the wins he picked up earlier this year, which included a big win over Regal. Stan tells Bobby to chin up, because next Monday, he’s going to introduce him to someone he’s been talking to as of late, someone they can “get to business with”.

Rating: C


Natural Selection

We are joined in the ring by “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, strutting and strolling in one of his finest suits to the ring to talk about the landmark that is two hours of Monday Nitro. He says that there’s no way in hell that WCW would celebrate such a thing without the “jet flyin’, limousine ridin’, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin’, son of a gun, Woo, Naitcha’ Boy, Ric Flair!” But he says that it’s rather interesting that when WCW was inviting people to talk about this huge night, they seem to have not bothered to bring in either “the son of the plumber or his son, Corky”, referencing Dusty and Dustin Rhodes. Flair says that this is how the world works – those on top stay on top, and those on the bottom are there to make up the rest; the Horsemen are the top, and the rest are just the rest. Ric says that after Starrcade, when he beats Dustin like a dog, and his daddy didn’t even bother to show up, maybe he’ll call up Dusty’s old lady and take her for a ride, woo, on Space Mountain! As Flair is talking, a man in all denim jumps out of the crowd, and he takes off his WCW officially licensed baseball hat – it’s Dustin! And he spins Flair around, ripping off his expensive jacket, before hammering him with big right hands! Ric starts firing back, and security step in before this one starts to jeopardize their match on the 17th at Starrcade!

Rating: B



“Mean” Gene Okerlund is back at the interview area alongside Hawk and Animal, the Road Warriors! Gene asks them what they think of two hours of Monday Nitro, and Animal says that as happy as they are for WCW and for fans to get to see more of the best action around, that just means the Road Warriors are going to be able to be on hand more often decimating more victims! But there’s something even bigger than Nitro on their mind, and Hawk is gonna tell you all about it. Hawk says that their issues are nowhere near over yet with the New World Order, given the shady ways that they were both eliminated during the match at WrestleWar. Hawk tells them to find the two most expendable members, have them write up their last will and testaments, and then send them to St. Louis on December 17th for Starrcade, because the Road Warriors are coming for them, and they won’t stop until backs are broken and throats are lacerated, and the mat is saturated with the blood, sweat, and goo that you used to call the New World Order – what a rush!

Rating: C+


For the #1 Contender’s Spot at Starrcade 1995: Sting vs. “The Monster” Vader

Sting comes down to the ring and stands stoically in the corner, his head bowed in thought, and he charges Vader immediately when the bell sounds. Vader swings his big right hand like a giant bear, and… it catches Sting square in the face. Vader starts pummeling “The Stinger” with hard rights and lefts, with Tony saying that Sting really needs to get out of there if he’s going to have any chance here. Vader sends Sting to the mat, and he covers him, and gets a three count? The crowd are in shock as the bell sounds. Sting leaves the ring and heads to the back, as Vader celebrates, screaming “Who’s the man?!” to the jeering crowd as we go to commercial!

Notes: I actually got a brand new note on this that said “Vader shone in this match”. Never saw that one before.

Match Time: 4:32

Rating: C-


Is This An Answer, or Just More Questions?

The show is during a commercial break, but at 7:58 PM (i.e. two minutes before Monday Night Raw opens) we come back live, as Eric Bischoff has entered the commentary booth. He says that he had to have Nitro put back on the air immediately for some breaking news that everyone had to hear. Eric says that following the match we just aired, where Vader crushed Sting, Sting came back to the Kings of Wrestling locker room and has officially joined the winning team – you heard that right, Sting is in the Kings of Wrestling! Tony and Jesse are in shock, but Eric leaves without saying another word, and we go back to scheduled commercials.

Rating: B-


The Rock ‘n Roll Express and “The Rocker” Marty Jannetty vs. The Stud Stable (Terry Gordy and the Armstrong Brothers) w/Col. Robert Parker

As much as this is another good match between people we had not had a chance to see on Nitro, Tony and Jesse have way more to discuss with what we just heard about Sting. Ricky Morton’s incredible babyface selling is nothing compared to the chants of “We want Sting!” going on from the crowd. This one wraps up very quickly as six man tags go, as a donnybrook breaks out until Gordy clobbers Morton with a lariat to pick up the pinfall. Jesse says that the Stud Stable may just be looking to get back on the winning path after this big victory on the new Monday Nitro!

Match Time: 7:23

Rating: C


Stunning Developments

“Macho Man” Randy Savage is on his way to the ring, as Tony says he hopes that Randy may talk about what we just heard about Sting. As Savage gets near the ring, there’s a security guard on hand who happens to get a little close… and he spits a drink into Savage’s eyes! He rips off his hat and it was Steve Austin! Austin pummels “The Macho Man” before slamming him into the ringpost. He takes out two cans of beer and dump them onto Savage’s fallen body, as actual security come out to take Austin away.

Rating: B+


Wonderful Destruction?

Mike Tenay is now back at the interview area, and he brings in “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff and Meng, along with Jimmy Hart. Tenay asks Orndorff if the Destruction Crew are coming apart at the seams lately, citing their losses recently. Paul scoffs, saying that people need to tune into WCW Pro this week, and they’ll see that the two are as on track as ever, “whenever coconut breath here does his job.” Tenay looks ready to comment on that, but Paul ends the interview, walking off along with Jimmy. Meng shrugs, and follows them.

Rating: C



From that, Tony Schiavone talks over a brief graphic, which says that we will hear from “The Total Package” Lex Luger this week on WCW Saturday Night for his thoughts on what has happened tonight with Sting.

Rating: B-


“The Outsider” Scott Hall vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Hall and Hawk come out instantly throwing big bombs at one another, and this is a pure power match from the get-go. It starts to become a mental battle, when Hall turns things around using technique, pulling Hawk into the ringpost on the outside. The nWo member takes over for some time, riding Hawk down to the mat and trying to injure his shoulder. The Road Warrior charges back to action though, and the damage to the arm wears off in his adrenaline surge as he hurls Hall across the ring with a gorilla press slam! Hawk starts getting set up on the top turnbuckle for a flying lariat that should put this away, when *SMASH* Jeff Jarrett brings an acoustic guitar down around the neck of Hawk! Mark Curtis calls for the bell, giving the victory to Hawk by disqualification!

Hall and Jarrett perhaps would have caused some more damage, but Animal charges out of the back, and with both of the Road Warriors out there, the two leave the ring. They taunt the face-painted duo the whole way back to the locker room, as it appears that challenge for Starrcade has two nWo members to take them up on it!

Match Time: 9:44

Rating: B+ (match) / B- (aftermath)


Main Event Time!

Before a commercial break, we see United States champion Diamond Dallas Page, finishing up pulling his armpads on. The biggest match of his career is next!

Rating: C+


WCW World Heavyweight Championship match: Hollywood Hogan w/Eric Bischoff vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly

Page wastes no time at all in taking control of this match, having seen so many of his counterparts let Hogan primp and pose around the ring and end up falling to him. Hollywood is taken aback by this flurry, but DDP won’t let him leave the ring to regain his bearings, and the crowd cheer wildly when the US champion sends Hogan out of the ring with a barrage of punches, and then a big discus clothesline! The World champion tries to take some time outside the ring, but Page doesn’t allow him to, going out and firing Hollywood back into the ring, and Page springs to the top rope and shocks Hogan with a clothesline! Hogan backs down and begs off, but jabs Page in the eyes, and with a chain of body slams, takes over the matchup. Hollywood makes use of some back rakes and a reverse chinlock to hurt Page, but Dallas is way too fired up for this one, as he fights back, sending Hogan into the ropes and knocking him down with a shoulderblock! Page starts rolling as the crowd get more and more behind him, but Tommy Young unfortunately gets caught in the midst of a corner charge! All Hell breaks loose, as Kimberly and Eric both jump on the apron. Kim can only watch on as Bischoff enters the ring, and Page’s arms get held from behind by Hollywood. Eric, who Tony notes is a well-known kickboxer, lines up his shot, and he kicks – but Page moves, and Hollywood takes a big roundhouse kick to the jaw! Kim pulls Eric back out of the ring, and a dazed Hollywood gets caught with the Diamond Cutter! Page gets the cover – 1! 2! 3!! The bell sounds! The match is over, and Diamond Dallas Page starts celebrating, looking to Tommy Young to hand him the title belt!


But apparently, the backup plan is in place, as Eric Bischoff goes to Gary Cappetta first. He tells him to make an announcement, and Gary says that despite the verdict rendered by match official Tommy Young, WCW Executive Vice President Eric Bischoff has reversed the decision due to Hollywood Hogan being struck by outside interference, giving Hollywood Hogan the victory by disqualification! Tony and Jesse are livid, and the crowd throw garbage at the ring as Page screams “no!” and the World title is handed back to the Kings of Wrestling.

Match Time: 12:03

Rating: B+


Celebration Day!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KMQdiHIZgSo?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

No, that song doesn’t really play, because unfortunately Led Zeppelin songs are too expensive. But I couldn’t headline the segment with “Celebration Day” without playing it.

The ring is continually pelted with garbage when we come back from commercial break, as other members of the Kings of Wrestling have joined Hollywood and Eric in the ring. The Giant towers over California Kip, Smash, Paul Orndorff, Devon King, and… Sting. Everyone is booing loudly, as Eric says it looks like Ted DiBiase’s “last gasp” at having power in WCW ended up being worthless, as not only did Sting not win the match, it wouldn’t have mattered because right afterwards, he came back and pounded on our door, begging and pleading to join the group! Sting nods his head, admitting to it, which makes Tony sick to his stomach. Hogan says that this is where the power lies – adding that the only reason he ever would have gone down in that last match was because of that bit of outside interference, who had the best superkick in all the world. He says that the Kings of Wrestling are on top of the wrestling world, and they will be there as long as they want to be, because WCW just can’t measure up! With DiBiase out of the way, the World championship around his waist, and in a move that surprised even himself, now even “WCW’s Franchise” in the fold, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them! The Giant stares around at all of them, yelling at some members of the audience who were still throwing garbage, as Hollywood says that Starrcade will be a night to remember for the Kings of Wrestling, because he has the biggest, baddest man in wrestling already on his side, also saying that “Mach” will be taking down that one-eared freak finally as well, there’s nothing that can stand in their way! He calls WCW “a rudderless ship” and they’re gonna sink like the Titantic, brother! But at that point, the microphone dies. Hogan and Eric can be seen asking for another one, but all the microphones around ringside apparently aren’t working.


And then the lights go out.











When they come back on, everyone in the ring has disappeared, except for the World Heavyweight champion, and he looks around, wondering what just happened. The lights dim out yet again.













They don’t come back on completely, instead a spotlight shines down on Hollywood himself.









And another spotlight shines into the rafters, where Sting stands, looking down upon the Kings of Wrestling. Nitro fades to black on that sight, as Hogan can be heard screaming “Eric! Eric! Where are you guys?!”

Notes: Eric used some very masterful interactions with the crowd in this one, really firing them up.

Ratings: B- / B+



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Notes: I actually got a brand new note on this that said “Vader shone in this match”. Never saw that one before

That note seems to come up for me sometimes when I have an upper card guy working with someone who is far less over (like "Sting." :D)


And the plot thickens. I'm really curious how Vader is going to factor into all of this in the long run.


You made a real effort for this first 2-hour Nitro to be a special one, and I thought it really showed. I legit bought into the world title change for a moment despite it not making any logical sense for it to happen so close to Starrcade, so good job here.

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That note seems to come up for me sometimes when I have an upper card guy working with someone who is far less over (like "Sting." :D)


And the plot thickens. I'm really curious how Vader is going to factor into all of this in the long run.


You made a real effort for this first 2-hour Nitro to be a special one, and I thought it really showed. I legit bought into the world title change for a moment despite it not making any logical sense for it to happen so close to Starrcade, so good job here.


Never heard of that, so still cool.


And Jaysin... who's Jeff Farmer? ;)


No, literally... I don't have Jeff Farmer in my WCW.


And hey, 1,000 posts! Holy crap! Thanks for everyone who's stuck by me for so long, and here's to many more! To the war's end!

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