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Capital City Wrestling

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In 1996 Hollyweird Grappling Company was founded. Orginally intended as an attempt to take on America's most dominant promotion, the SWF, in a head-to-head war by closely mimmicking their patented "sports entertainment" style and using big names like the legendary Sam Strong to draw in viewers. Although the company did manage to establish itself as a thorn in the SWF's side, it never really looked like taking over as the undisputed number one promotion.


In late 2004 the ownership of the company passed to a group of investors led by the phenomenal wrestler Tommy Cornell; realising that fighting SWF at their own game was doomed to failure, he began the process of rebuilding TCW as a more traditional wrestling promotion, putting more emphasis on quality wrestling and athletic ability, in essense creating an "anti-SWF" with which to fight them.


By 2013 this plan had gone quite well, TCW was home to some of the best wrestling on the planet, despite this the promotion was continually looking up towards the greats at SWF never fully challenging their position at the top. The promotion was thrown into turmoil with the emergence of a group of wrestlers disgruntled both with the backstage politics that TCW had become infamous for and it's failures to fulfil it's potential as a company. The group that became known as Capital City Wrestling ushered in a new era which mirrored the fact that the GNN Total Sports television network purchased the financially unstable promotion from Tommy Cornell. Deciding that the Capital City Wrestling brand was more profitable than it's TCW rival, the network has began a full re-branding. This is no longer a mimmick, nor is it an "anti-SWF" which is fixated on its rivals. This is CCW.





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The Dawn of an Era is somewhat of a prelude to this diary, it documents the first half of 2013, the rise of CCW and the fall of TCW. The second post contains links to the shows or shorter storyline summaries, however reading that isn't necessary to fully enjoy this. This is still actually my first save ever on TEW 2013, if anyone is interested I have all the user preferences ticked except hidden dirt sheet one. If we are to include The Dawn of an Era with this one, it is also my first C-Verse so any advice, criticism or general comments would be much appreciated.

A few thanks:

I believe all the belts I will be using have been made by ReapeR, I know my custom made world championship was, thanks again for that.

ThatChizzle has made many logos including the main CCW one and all it's PPVs.

There are also plenty of re-enders, too many to really name everybody/know who did each one I'm afraid but a short mention to JSilvers photobucket account that was really useful.

Plenty of great diaries I have taken inspiration from but a special mention to
is in order.

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Capital City Wrestling is currently the second biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Based in Washington D.C. it abides to a constitution written by its founding fathers wishing to create the perfect wrestling product. CCW is unique for an American promotion as it operates on a seasonal basis, deciding that a three month off-season is healthy for the business both to avoid over-saturation, repetition and to give the wrestlers a period to heal. During the off-season there are house shows but mostly for younger wrestlers to develop and to combat any ring rust in already established stars. CCW is also unique due to its points based ranking system which aims to create a fair promotion which ensures the cream rises to the top. CCW also has no clear face/heel divide, it certainly contains ‘bad guys’ and ‘good guys’ but anyone can face anybody at anytime.




CCW is split into 4 classes

Classes 1,2 and 3 are eligible to appear on Capital City Showdown

Everyone is eligible for CCW: Scars and Stripes

The 9 month season runs from September to May

Capital City Showdown has a points based league system which runs each season

On the first day of September the class system is determined based on previous seasons and the last off season

Class 1 is made up of the top 6 wrestlers

Class 2 has next top 6 wrestlers

Class 3 has the next 6 wrestlers

This makes up the 18 man league system

At each PPV whoever is in 18th place is challenged by someone in Class 4, the winner gets to stay/go in Class 3

At the end of each season 18th place is relegated, 17th and 16th fight to stay in the league


The point system goes as follows:

Beat a wrestler in Class 1 is 5 points

Beat a wrestler in Class 2 is 3 points

Beat a wrestler in Class 3 is 1 point

Lose any singles match is -2 points

Lose any Tag match is -1 point

In tag matches, the winning team share the points e.g if a team defeats a team made up of a Class 1 and a Class 3 then the winning team shares the 6 points

In singles matches with more than one person, only the person who gets the pin gets the points, only the person pinned loses points

If the match is a title match, the points both received for a win and deducted from losing are doubled


The Undisputed World Champion is number 1 in the league by default even if his points don't reflect that

At the end of each PPV whoever is in 2nd place, wins a title shot at the next PPV

Only the wrestler in 2nd place can challenge the champion 1 on 1 for the title

The only other way to face the champion is either to win The CCW Lottery (A rumble-like match held once a season) or to become the United States Champion and DEFEND the belt 5 times

When the United States Champion does this however he must forfeit his belt in order to challenge for the World Title


At the end of November and February the class system is re-determined based on the current league rankings


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Me likey. :D


Can't wait for the first CCW show!


And again that's good to hear :)


I was worried that the product rules might come across too complicated. I'm hoping the system is going to help create and enhance storylines rather than get in the way. My guess is that it could put people off at first, but after a few shows it should be clear enough.

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Weekly Shows




CCW's flagship show is Capital City Showdown which is shown on GNN Total Sports each Tuesday night. It is centred around an exclusive 18 man points based league system with each man striving to climb up to become the Undisputed World Champion. The show is a perfect proving ground for any wrestler who wishes to be considered the best for to succeed in the league takes talent, drive and consistency.




Every good A show needs it's B show younger brother. Scars and Stripes is shown on Saturday nights and is a show made up entirely of tag team matches with many pairs vying for the CCW Tag Team Titles. The show exploits the fact that all men there are desperate to break into the elite league, whether it's a rookie bursting with potential or a veteran craving one last shot at the big time.


Monthly PPV's





Held on the final Sunday of each month from September to April, CCW PPV's are where the stakes are at their highest. Whether it's a gruelling brawl in the Incarceration Jail, a frantic fight in Americana's Capital City Lottery, a scarring war in The Devil's Playground or a historic clash at Magnus Opus, the CCW PPV's promise to be must see.
*There are 10 PPV's above but only 9 of these held each season*
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2013: The Dawn of an era: TCW to CCW



2013/2014: Season 1


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Awesome start my friend :) hope you have time to keep checking in on my diary... seems like you have your work cut out for you with this one though... but best of luck. I'll certainly be following :)


Thanks buddy. Yeah I've made sure that I put more effort into this than any other diary I've done. Got quite a lot already written and ready to post so that's good. But yeah I definitely intend to carry on following yours :)

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Class A



“Rough Justice”
Tommy Cornell:
This man is without doubt in the highest echelon of wrestling, some even believe him to be the best wrestler alive and it’s certain that he himself believes this hype. For most of his career however he has been the boss, the man with all the power, only now in CCW will his talent be truly tested, only time will tell if he really is the best.

Finishers: Rough Ride (Picks opponent up into Suplex position, slingshots them off the ropes into a facecrusher), Guilt Trip (Choke Sleeper)



“The Angel of the Void”
Sammy Bach:
2013 saw this man rise up through TCW. As a founder farther of CCW and the man who scored the pin fall which killed TCW he has proved that whatever his wishes are, they have a way of coming true. His next wish is likely to be at the top of Capital City Wrestling.

Finishers: Bach on your Back (Backstabber), Shooting Star Press




"Mean Streak"
Eddie Peak:
More monster than man, Peak injects raw aggression into the CCW roster. With a dangerous combination a sadistic pain threshold and an equally evil liking to hurting people, nobody enjoys stepping into the ring and seeing the cold eyes of this madman staring back at you. Peak has spent the last few months in prison for assaulting a poor fan who made the mistake of asking for his autograph. Controversially, CCW have allowed him back, promising to keep him on a tight leash.

Finishers: Peak of Perfection (Crucifix Powerbomb), Peak of the Devil (Backdrop Driver)



"The Future"
Wolf Hawkins:
With two world titles to his name at the ripe age of 28, Wolf could easily be considered a perfect prototype for professional wrestlers, a truly gifted all round wrestler and performer. It was clear the future of TCW would run tangent to the career of this man, but is the same true in CCW?

Finishers: Full Moon Rising (Running Enzuigiri Kick), Diving Elbow Drop



"Total Power" Rick Law:
One of the most dominant superstars of late-TCW. Throwing out warrants for pain like nobody’s business, Law is perfectly primed to push his way into the main event. In the past his tenancies to bend whatever rules in place have seen him reach his goals, it will be interesting to see how these tactics work in CCW.

Finishers: Long Arm of the Law (Running Closeline), Squad Car Slam (Sidewalk Slam)



"The Golden One" Golden Rock:
The man formerly known as Rocky Golden recently reconnected with his Native American ancestry. After visiting his tribes chief he was renamed. Branded as ‘Man with Power of Rock’ and ‘Man who shines like Gold’ the names were combined to create his new moniker. It would be hard to disagree that he is in fact a tough wrestler with the ability to shine in CCW.

Finishers: The Rack (Torture Rack), Rocky Road (Big Boot)


Class B



“The Perfectionist”
Bryan Vessey:
This man has been contorted and twisted over years of stiff wrestling in Japan, what remains is a hollow wrestler who truly has a dangerous disposition to dish out pain. Vessey was on his final warning in TCW for his steroid abuse which has been notorious in enhancing and prolonging his 24 year long career but also helping to feed his aggressive tendencies. Now TCW is gone, so are the warnings, and the set of backstage workers who were in the know about his dangerous lifestyle. Even in CCW however, everybody is aware of the danger of stepping in the ring with the submission artist.

Finishers: Vessey Driver (Spinning Death Valley Driver)

Vessey Plex (Muscle Buster), Ankle Lock



Joey Minnesota:
Once tipped as the next big thing in TCW, Joey has perhaps not lived up to all the hype. Despite that, at just 30 years old CCW gives him the opportunity to prove people wrong and carve out whatever career he wishes. Lately however Joey has branched out his career by releasing a rap album named Swagmatic.

Finishers: Empire Spiral (Side release spinout slam), Minnesota Salute (flying forearm from top rope)



Koshiro Ino:
The Japanese superstar has been on the brink of stardom for some years now. Recently his chances have increased due to becoming an extremely popular character in a Japanese film, although this hasn't transferred over to American popularity it has highlighted the aura of star quality that seems to follow him.

Finishers: Korbra Klutch, Gorilla Press



Joshua Taylor:
Often viewed as a throwback to wrestling long gone, Taylor is the archetypal 'good guy'. He shakes hands with the fans, always smiles and never cheats. This has actually made it hard for him to gain popularity as many see him as outdated despite still being in his 20's. Almost admirably, Joshua seems unfazed by any criticism and appears to be pleased to do his job and make as many fans as possible happy.

Finishers: Butterfly Lock, Diving Leg Drop



Formerly known as Scout, Jeremy Finch has decided to ditch the silly gimmick and use his own name in CCW. Perhaps this is a sign that the submission specialist intends to get serious when it comes to searching for success.

Finisher: Sharpshooter



American Buffalo:
If Eddie Peak is more monster than man, then this man is more like a brutish animal. An animal that has the power to steam roll through any opponent if given the chance. Especially with Floyd Goldworthy in his corner, he is ready to finally make a big impact, although at the age of 39 his time is running out.

Finishers: Running Headbutt, The Stampede (Running Powerslam)


Class C



“The Shooter”
Joel Bryant:
It's no surprise that Joel spent the final months of TCW feuding with Bryan Vessey, in many ways the two are polar opposites. Once you get past the fact that they both share the burden of old age the differences are numerous. Joel has prided himself on remaining drug free and instead is a staunch believer in many alternative methods of fitness such as Yoga. This isn't to say that The Shooter has gone soft, on the contrary whatever methods he is using has clearly helped him become one of the best ring generals in the company.

Finishers: One Shot Drop (Overhead Flip Slam), Boston Crab



Aaron Andrews:
Another wrestler who has been tipped for success Aaron became an important member of CCW during the last few months of TCW. His finishing move, an athletic and yet aggressive version of a Spear is fast becoming one of the most feared moves in wrestling.

Finishers: Spear, Flying Body Press



Edd Stone:
The black sheep of the legendary Canadian wrestling family, The Stones. Edd seems to spend more time on his phone than in the ring working on his craft. 2013 has seen him become somewhat of a twitter sensation with #Stoners often topping trending lists. Whether this is down to people mistaking it for something else or genuine support for the youngster and his off the wall tweets, Edd is confident that each time he steps into the ring he has millions of #Stoners behind him. Edd is a bright prospect but it's bound to be some time before we see #EddforWorldChamp.

Finisher: Party’s Over (Seated Face Plant)



Freddy Huggins:
Often seen as Edd's partner in crime, Freddy seems more relaxed than his tag partner, less intent on gaining followers and more content following 'dem hotties'. What makes Huggins perhaps even more of a nuisance is he can actually go in the ring, many tip him as a surprise future star.

Finisher: Huggins Kiss (Super Kick)



"The Weapon"
The second half of The New Wave, Guide helped establish CCW by offering the group sheer power in the war against TCW. Despite this there is the sense that his partner has began to over shadow his accomplishments. This however shouldn't prevent the big man from making an impact in CCW, and as one half of perhaps the most successful tag team in TCW history, success is a old friend.

Finisher: Guided Missile (Northern Lights Bomb)



Benny Benson:
Perhaps most famous for being one half of High Concept, the duo failed to find much success after a surprising reunion in early 2013. The two continue to fight for tag team success but Greg Gregory, the other half of High Concept, has failed to find a place in the league, perhaps a blessing in disguise if Benson can find singles success.

Finisher: The Shockwave (Running Bulldog)
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I must admit, I hadn't clocked your previous diary, but the set-up (backstory and the rule format) to this has me intrigued so it looks like I'll be balatedly reading through The Dawn of an Era to get clued up.


Thanks, I hope you enjoy it. I wouldn't take that diary as an exact indication of what this one will be like, hopefully the shows itself will be better as I got quite lazy with them because I just wanted to get to this stage. But I think reading it or at least the summaries should at least help to set the stage, that was their only real purpose really and to check that I could keep a diary going. Either way, good to have you reading!

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Kyle Rhodes:
Known for being one of the first modern colour commentators to shun the traditional role of the gag spewing funny man, Kyle instead treats the action as it if were an entirely serious athletic contest.


Jason Azaria:
‘The Man of 1000 Facts’
is a highly regarded announcers known for his catchphrase “now here’s a little fact you may not know”. Jason and Kyle have great experience working together at the booth.


Roger Smooth:
Roger is a new edition to the CCW Roster, working not only as a wrestler but also a backstage interviewer and occasional colour commentator.


Dawn The Interviewer:
Best known from her days in SWF working under the name Dawn the Cheerleader, Dawn seems determined to prove herself as a serious interviewer, always prepared to ask the cutting questions. Questions that perhaps if it wasn’t for her looks and small stature would get her into trouble.


Sam Sparrow:
Head referee, does his job very well and is respected for it. At 57 years of age however there are question marks as to how much longer he will chose to carry on.


Robert Oxford:
Robert was a main stay of TCW for years and often considered a locker room leader, it is therefore no surprise that his in ring career coming to an end has not meant retirement for the 52 year old veteran who now spends his time passing on his experience as a road agent.


Floyd Goldworthy:
'The Fast Buck'
has stuck gold lately managing American Buffalo, the quick talking talent scout is always looking for the next big thing and is willing to do whatever it takes to get his man to the top.
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Just chiming in to echo the love for the lay-out, and I LOVE Edd Stone's nickname :D


Can't wait for the first show :p


Haha yeah, glad you've picked out one of my favourite characters. Somehow just adding # makes him a lot easier to dislike in my opinion!


LOL @ Dawn the Interviewer. :D Great job hiring KP Avatar's love interest from Doing it for Charlie!


Yeah I was lucky there! SWF must have used her well in the first 5 months because she is the second most popular person on my roster only behind Tommy Cornell. It's always nice to sign one your rivals wrestlers as I'm sure you know with the likes of Taylor and Ino signing for you.

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Undisputed World Title




Current Champion


Rick Law




Held Since: September 2013

Defeated: N/A

Defended: 0







United States Title




Current Champion


American Buffalo




Held Since: September 2013

Defeated: N/A

Defended: 1




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*I plan on updating this post after each show and having a link to it at the end of each Showdown, I might also do league reviews or something like that, where the CCW website will take a look at the rankings to discuss certain things to help highlight what's going on and any interesting points just to help everyone keep on top of things and remind them of important stuff, so it shouldn't be like you have to keep checking back to this all the time to understand what's going on.

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Yeh this is brilliant so far... '#' Edd Stone - pure gold! (if you have any spare nickname ideas send them my way, i love a good nickname as you know :) )


Thanks! Haha yeah I'll keep that in mind although you might be able to tell by some of the less creative nicknames I came up with, that by the end I was running dry on ideas!


I'm a #Stoner and I will always be a #Stoner! :p


To quote Bob Dylan...everybody must get #Stoned! :D


Yeah I'm sure there are many #Stoners out there to support Edd.


If I ever decide to put theme songs in, some terrible dance remix of Bob Dylan would be perfect for him!

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September Week 1


Joey Minnesota vs Koshiro Ino

Two men who both start the year in Class B, battle it out to become the first person to ever be victorious on Showdown. Who will take the 3 points on offer?


Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins vs Aaron Andrews and Joel Bryant

The Canadian Animals face two men who were crucial in creating CCW. Will The Animals give them the respect they deserve? Or perhaps more importantly, should they?


Tommy Cornell vs Finch

Finch, formally known as Scout has expressed a desire to finally step up into the main event, and although few would doubt his in ring credentials, he has an extremely tough first match. Will he be able to pull of an upset?


American Buffalo vs Benny Benson

Both men have something to prove here, Buffalo has to show that he is a worthy United States Champion, Benson has to prove that as the 18th man, he deserves to be in The League. Who will impress the most?


Golden Rock vs Wolf Hawkins
(Number One Contendership for the CCW Undisputed World Title)

In a blockbuster main event who will end the show celebrating not only a 5 point victory but the shot to face Rick Law for the CCW Undisputed Title?




*There's still one or two more posts before the first show but they are just little news articles so hopefully it should be up quite soon. I was going to wait until after them but at least this way there should be plenty of time to get predictions in.

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Joey Minnesota vs Koshiro Ino

Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins vs Aaron Andrews and Joel Bryant - Let's go get #Stoned!

Tommy Cornell vs Finch

American Buffalo vs Benny Benson (non-title) - Benson wins via DQ thanks to Goldworthy interference...

Golden Rock vs Wolf Hawkins (Number One Contendership for the CCW Undisputed World Title)

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