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Show Details

Name: Capital City Showdown

Shown: 9:00pm on GNN Total Sports

Date: Tuesday, Week 3 of September, 2013


Important Links

The League Rankings

The Champions

The CCW Roster

The Rules





Rhodes: Welcome everybody to Capital City Showdown as we get closer and closer to our first ever PPV.

Azaria: I’m very excited for Independence Day but before then we have a spectacular main event for you tonight. Tommy Cornell and Rick Law team up against Golden Rock and his mystery opponent. Who do you think that will be Kyle?

Rhodes:Well there are plenty of good options out there for him that’s for sure and CCW.com has seen plenty of speculation.

Azaria: Indeed, well one of the names mentioned is making his way to the ring now to meet Roger Smooth.



-The show starts again with Smooth ready to conduct an interview.




-Wolf saunters into the ring and grabs the microphone off Roger



Look, I’ve been sent down here to answer for my actions these past weeks. I don’t need some rookie idiot to help me do that. I did what I did because I wanted to and that’s all..


Wait a second Wolf, I didn’t ask you here to talk about what’s gone on lately, I wanted you here to hear your plans to get out of the relegation zone.


Relegation Zone?! You are serious? You might be new here but you do know who I am don’t you? I’ve held World Titles and now you’re asking me about the relegation zone?!


I’m as surprised as you, but the table doesn’t lie. You’re currently in 18thplace… bottom place.


- Wolf turns away for one moment only to turn back and connect the Full Moon Rising enzugiri square on the chin of a dazzled Roger Smooth.


What the?! Such an unprovoked attack!

It appears Smooth pushed Wolf too far, and obviously touched a nerve!


-Wolf stands above Roger for a moment before smirking and making his way out of the ring.

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Joel Bryant vs Freddy Huggins


- Even though Freddy was on the winning side against Joel last week both men began start the show on 0 points.


- Both Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone were at ringside to offer support to their partners and it just so happened that both men got involved.


- When Joel caught Freddy’s super kick he managed to reverse it into his Boston Crab. Edd attempted to distracted the referee as Huggins appeared close to breaking point but Andrews dashed around the apron and hit Stone with a Spear.


- The referee refocused on the action just in time to see Freddy tap out to give Joel the win.

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Winner: Joel Bryant (+1 Point)

Loser: Freddy Huggins (-2 Points)






-Rock is shown talking to a man as tall as he is.




Golden Rock:
So you're up for it? Great, Cornell and Law won't stand a chance tonight.


-The camera pans away to reveal Rock's partner.




Koshiro Ino:
Let's do this!

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Rhodes: What a choice!

Azaria: You know I didn't consider Ino but it makes sense, these are two of the largest characters in the company, it's no surprise that they get on.

Rhodes: Indeed, but being a larger than life character is not enough to defeat Rick Law and Tommy Cornell, do they have what it takes Jason?

Azaria: I don't think anyone is certain of that Kyle, it's going to be a great main event no doubt.


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Aaron Andrews vs Bryan Vessey


-Bryan appeared on Showdown for the first time as he made his way down to the ring.


It’s about time we saw Vessey! Personally I think he’s always a threat, I just love his stiff Japanese style.

You can have any style you want though, as we just saw Andrew’s Spear can hit through anything.


-The match starts with some tentative manoeuvring as Andrews does his best to keep up with the technicality of Vessey.


-For most the match Aaron manages to do this and the two put on a great match.


-However Vessey was always going to win at this game and after a stalling suplex he very almost got the win.


-Andrews managed to build up some momentum and perhaps learnt from his mistakes as he now tried to force Vessey to fight with a faster pace.


-As he was attempting something off the top rope however Vessey lunged at the ropes causing Andrews to fall.


-Bryan took this chance to hit the Vessey Plex (muscle buster) and get the win.

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Winners: Bryan Vessey (+1 Point)

Losers: Aaron Andrews(-2 Points)




Azaria: A good display put on by both men, ultimately I would say Vessey deserved his win.

Rhodes: The man's well into his fourties but you just cannot tell when watching his matches. Wait a minute I believe we are going to here from Koshiro Ino now.





- Ino is shown getting ready for his tag match in the locker room.




-The door flies open as The Canadian Animals run in to attack the Tower of Power.




-Ino puts up an adimiarable fight but the numbers advantage is too much for him, especially when Edd swings a locker door into the back of his head.


-The two animals continue to kick Ino as he is down until they decide enough is enough and make their getaway chuckling.

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The New Wave vs American Buffalo and Eddie Peak


- As the match got started Azaria announced to the viewers that Finch will be the next man to challenge American Buffalo, apparently Floyd Goldworthy didn't take kindly to his interference in Buffalo's business last week when he came to the rescue of his tag team partner and close friend and requested the match. Rhodes added that the match will be held at Independence Day.


-Throughout the match Floyd was constantly audible, often mocking Finch and reminding him that his client will gain his second title defence in his attempt to win five times and win a shot at the Undisputed Title currently held by Rick Law.


- The match itself was a showcase of exactly how well The New Wave work as a team, however the raw aggression that both opponents showed was often too much.


-Peak seemed somewhat bored in the match, it was clear he didn't enjoy not being the legal man. Eddie preferred to be in the ring causing damage rather than forced to stand and watch.


-Buffalo however was also more than happy to have his hands on their opponents and began to ignore Eddie's demands for a tag.


-Peak decided enough was enough and grabbed a chair in an effort to take a piece of the violence for himself.


-Before Floyd could stop him Eddie cracked the chair down onto Guide's back and then turned to attack Finch as the referee rang the bell for a D.Q


-Annoyed at losing the match, Buffalo grabbed the chair off an enraged Peak which gave Finch a chance to pull his friend out of the ring to make a get away.


-The two violent behemoths squared up in the centre of the ring until Floyd managed to squirm his way in between and calm any impending clash.

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Winners: The New Wave (+4 Points each)

Losers: American Buffalo and Eddie Peak(-2 Points each)




Azaria: Can you imagine that? Those two monsters both wanting to rip each other apart?

Rhodes: It's a scary thought but I think Buffalo should be focused on Finch, he has the ability to cause him problems and perhaps even take his title.




-Dawn is shown backstage about to interview her guests.




Boys, I think everyone wants to know what that was about!




Dawn, Dawn, Dawn… What have I told you, you need to ask questions, that’s your job. But I can tell you what it was about…


Edd, let me explain. What you got to understand about us if that we’re willing to do what it takes to make it in this business, we’re animals. That’s why after last week, after Joey and us dominated our tag match we got thinking… perhaps this alliance can be more than just a one off tag match.


So you are officially allied with Joey Minnesota?


We haven’t even talked to Joey, what we did to Ino is a gift. Call it an example of what we bring to the table. Joey’s a superstar, most people here might not value true rap but this guys dope. Together we can take over the world.


Are you not worried about any consequences of the attack?


Animals don’t worry about consequences, they act on instinct. I’m sure after Ino has cried all his tears he will want some revenge, but we have strength in numbers. He’s got nothing on us.


Okay but…


-Edd puts his finger onto Dawn’s lips to silence her, at least until she swats them away in anger.


You’ll warm to me soon enough.

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Azaria: Well it will be interesting to see Joey's response to that 'gift' but for now it's time for the main event of the evening!


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-Golden made his entrance to the ring but paused midway to announce his tag partner, thanking him for accepting at such short notice.



Golden Rock and Sammy Bach vs Tommy Cornell and Rick Law


Well I must say, Rock has been lucky here tonight to get such a great partner!

I think he deserved some luck after his first choice was jumped backstage.


-Law wasn't happy that Bach was in the match but his partner helped him regain focus by reminding him that tonight was about Golden and weakening him before their title match at Independence Day.


- With four of the biggest names in CCW in the ring at the same time it was no wonder that the crowd was electric.


-The in ring action was entertaining however it was clear that Golden still bore some of the pain from Law’s attack two weeks prior, especially when Cornell targeted it for numerous holds and submissions.


-No team could really gain the advantage but things heated up when Golden tagged in Bach then closelined Law sending both of them out the ring.


-With just Bach and Cornell in the ring the two men rushed for a pin fall, Bach was able to pull Cornell into a roll up but Tommy just managed to get a shoulder up.


-With Golden and Law still fighting outside of the ring Cornell managed to hoist Bach up for the Rough Ride but instead ‘The Angel of the Void’ slipped out of Cornell grasps and pulled him down with a Bach on your Back.


-Law was trying to scramble back into the ring but didn’t make it in time to break up the pin.


What a win! Bach has pinned Cornell!

And 5 points each for Sammy Bach and Golden Rock.

Both men are looking strong to be next month’s number one contender that’s for sure.

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Winner: Sammy Bach and Golden Rock (+ 5 Points each)

Loser: Tommy Cornell and Rick Law (-1 Point each)








-The two victors celebrate in the ring, Cornell and Law consider a jump attack but begrudgingly decide that it’s not worth the risk and make their exit.


- Golden offers his hand out to Bach who in turns accepts, but Sammy gets a microphone before leaving.


Golden Rock… I may have enjoyed our victory tonight but I must leave you with one warning. This month the seas of change flow in your direction, you have the opportunity to become a champion. However win or lose at Independence Day the tide will change and I will become the number one contender. I respect you, but I want you to fully understand me when I tell you that I will become champion no matter who I have to beat.


-Golden looks up at Bach and smiles.


Sammy… I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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Show Rating:B

Important Links

The League Rankings

The Champions

The CCW Roster

The Rules


*These will be updated shortly, don't want to do it yet in case someone clicks on the links at the top and see's any spoilers.


Post Show League Round up



The obvious talking point is the runaway lead that both Sammy Bach and Golden Rock currently hold. It seems a given that one of these two men will be next month’s number one contender.

At the other end of the table Wolf remains bottom however with still one Showdown and the PPV left there is still some time for him to get out of the relegation zone.

Another point is that the current Undisputed Champion only has -1 points. However beating Golden Rock would give him 10 points.


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Prediction Contest

Joel Bryant vs Freddy Huggins

Aaron Andrews vs Bryan Vessey

The New Wave vs American Buffalo and Eddie Peak

Rocky Golden and ??? vs Rick Law and Tommy Cornell


Bonus: Who will Golden Rock's first choice for a tag partner be? Koshiro Ino

After this falls through, who is Golden's second choice? Sammy Bach


Weekly Rankings

TheHeel: 2/6 (very unlucky with having the two bonus points the wrong way round)

Michgcs: 2/6

The Lloyd: 2/6

3rdStringPG: 2/6



Was a tricky week with a couple of what may be considered upsets and tough bonus points. I promise some easier ones next week!


Monthly Rankings


Michgcs: 8/17

3rdStringPG: 8/17

The Lloyd: 7/17


TheHeel: 4/11

Creative Genius: 4/5

NWAvsWWF: 3/5



*Thanks again for the predictions and apologies the show took so long! Next one should definitely be up sooner. Only one week of predictions left in the monthly competitions and it seems very open, the winner gets a bonus point for the PPV and a small booking decision so good luck to all next week.

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September Week 4


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

The show begins with a huge match that could lead to important ramifications for both men. Wolf is in dire need of a win, without one he end final showdown of the month in 18th place and therefore have to fight at Independence Day to stay in the division. Vessey currently stands on 1 point which may not seem much but a win against Wolf would give him 5 points and put him right in with the chance of becoming number one contender however defeating Wolf is one of the toughest challenges in CCW, despite what recent weeks may suggest.


Rick Law vs Joshua Taylor

Both Law and his challenger for at Independence Day, Golden Rock, are in action tonight. Law faces Joshua Taylor who is bound to be looking for an upset as he currently sits on -2 points.


Aaron Andrews vs Edd Stone

Both men currently sit on -2 points with puts them in a dangerously low position with their backs against the walls this should be a tight contest. Aaron has proved lately that his spear can put anyone away but Edd is surprisingly crafty and is bound to have the support of Freddy Huggins.


Golden Rock vs Joey Minnesota

Minnesota firmly believes he is a star and this week he gets the chance to end the show with a huge win and prove that. Golden Rock has been injured lately and may be prone to allowing Joey to sneak the upset, that said The Golden One is unlikely to ever go down easy.


Bonus Question 1:
Which ONE of these matches will end in a draw. (for each match pick who you think will win and then pick this separately, this way it stops all the importance being on picking this part correctly.)


Bonus Question 2:
A member of CCW: Stars and Stripes will make an appearance on the show, who will this be? Clue it will be one of the following; Brent Hill, John Anderson, Matthew Keith, Jay Chord, Texas Pete or Chance Fortune.



<hr color=" black">Quick Picks

Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

Rick Law vs Joshua Taylor

Aaron Andrews vs Edd Stone

Golden Rock vs Joey Minnesota

Bonus Question 1:

Bonus Question 2:


Monthly Rankings

Michgcs: 8/17

3rdStringPG: 8/17

The Lloyd: 7/17


TheHeel: 4/11

Creative Genius: 4/5

NWAvsWWF: 3/5


*This is the final show in this contest, the winner gets a bonus point for the PPV predictions and a small booking decision. (The PPV's are part of a season long prediction contest with a larger prize at the end.) Good luck!


Also just to make things clear, the contest will be out of 5 as I won't count whichever match actually is a draw so for example if The Lloyd is correct that it is the Andrews/Stone match, then he would receive a point for this and the Andrews/Stone match will not be counted.

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Great show man, and glad you're back :)


Thanks Lloyd, looking forward to getting properly in the swing of things especially with the upcoming PPV :)


Good luck in the contest, you're just off top. Half of the reason I'm looking forward to this week is because the contest is so close.

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Thanks Lloyd, looking forward to getting properly in the swing of things especially with the upcoming PPV :)


Good luck in the contest, you're just off top. Half of the reason I'm looking forward to this week is because the contest is so close.


It is very tight right now... could go either way... hmmmm...


Quick Picks

Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

Rick Law vs Joshua Taylor

Aaron Andrews vs Edd Stone

Golden Rock vs Joey Minnesota

Bonus Question 1: Andrews vs Stone I think "/

Bonus Question 2: John Anderson

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Ino's Quest for Revenge


So far we know that Independence Day will feature two titles match; Rick Law vs Golden Rock for the CCW Undisputed Title and American Buffalo vs Finch for the United States Title...


Some things however aren't about chasing gold or even success...


At Independence Day Koshiro Ino attempts to find vengeance not only against Joey Minnesota but the two men who attacked him last week...


However to do that he needs some help...






Match Announced for Independence Day- 6 Man Tag: Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists vs Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals


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A brief look at the future of CCW


Capital City Wrestling Roster


Bryan Vessey: 42

Joel Bryant: 42

American Buffalo: 39

Eddie Peak: 37

Koshiro Ino: 36

Tommy Cornell: 35

Sammy Bach: 35

Guide: 35

Finch: 35

Benny Benson: 33

Joey Minnesota: 31

Joshua Taylor: 31

Rick Law: 30

Golden Rock: 30

Freddy Huggins: 28

Wolf Hawkins: 27

Aaron Andrews: 27

Edd Stone: 26

What do we at the Grapevine take this from? Positives and negatives.


One thing that is instantly apparent is that Joel Bryant and Bryan Vessey surely have no more than one or two seasons left in them. Both appear to be declining in the ring however far from as much as you would expect at their age. Joel is reportedly a huge advocate of using Yoga to keep in shape and it appears to be working, we've all heard the rumours of how Vessey stays in shape but who knows, it may just be years of stiff Japanese wrestling paying off in the fitness department. Personally I could see them both continuing to step inside the squared circle for a good few years to come, however will it be at a standard high enough to stay in the league? Only time will tell.


There is then a group of wrestlers who are perhaps in the late stages of their prime. Men like Peak, Buffalo and Ino are unlikely to improve much however they all should still have some years in them before they see any decline. Men like these make perfect backbones to the roster. Cornell and Bach could perhaps be grouped into this set, wrestlers who are already established and who can be depended upon to offer 5+ years of high quality wrestling. The amount of wrestlers like these surely helps CCW sleep comfortably at night.


The next group are the wrestlers who have the potential to join the likes of Bach and Cornell. Men like Minnesota and Taylor, at the age of 31 they already have the popularity and ability to put on good matches but given the right development could be huge players in years to come. Luckily CCW also has a set of men such as Hawkins, Law and Golden who have already established themselves but could all easily see another 10 years at the top of the business, this is the main positive we see in the roster.


A negative could be that there are only four wrestlers under the age of 30 however the exclusive nature of the league does ensure that you have to be at the top of your game to survive. This is good but a problem could arise if the likes of Jay Chord and Matthew Keith are not given enough exposure to fulfil their potential, both men are already capable of impressing at the big stage but the fact that they are 24 and 23 could actually hinder them instead of being a strength. Hopefully the likes of Brent Hill and John Anderson regularly wrestling on Scars and Stripes will help develop these young potential stars.


Overall our view of the CCW roster is perhaps surprisingly optimistic. Sure there are some big names like Vessey who are beginning to show signs of decline, and there aren't many youngsters being shown on Showdown, but in general their seems to be a healthy mix of ages and enough prospects. If handled correctly, the roster could continue to see success for the foreseeable future.

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The Man in the Shadows




It would be hard for a man as infamous as Tommy Cornell to hide in the dark...


Lately however the man has shied away from the spotlight...


Is this because he is happy for his friend Rick Law to enjoy the success..?


After all he has offered his support and will join him at ringside this Sunday...


Or is he at ringside for some ulterior motive..?


Perhaps Independence Day will be the day he steps out of the shadows..


Independence Day- Undisputed World Title:
Rick Law vs Golden Rock


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Show Details

Name: Capital City Showdown

Shown: 9:00pm on GNN Total Sports

Date: Tuesday, Week 4 of September, 2013


Important Links

The League Rankings

The Champions

The CCW Roster

The Rules





Rhodes: It’s Tuesday night and that can only mean one thing. It’s time for Capital City Showdown!

Azaria: And with Independence Day this Sunday I’m looking forward to seeing what this throws at us.

Rhodes:Especially because there are currently only three matches booked for it… surely more must be added tonight!

Azaria: Although before that, we have a PPV calibre match for you right now as Wolf Hawkins takes on Bryan Vessey.





-The show begins with Wolf Hawkins stood in the ring awaiting his opponent


Tonight I put the record straight. I don’t care about rankings, or points, but that doesn’t mean I’m not the best wrestler in this place. Now watch me prove that.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey


- Tonight Wolf starts on -4 points, bottom of the table, so the 3 points he would get from winning would save him from fighting for his place this Sunday at Independence Day. Vessey stands on 1 point but would gain a huge 5 points if he picked up the win, putting him right into the top few places.


- The match was as technically impressive as you would imagine with these two. Vessey perhaps had the edge but Wolf’s age factored in and gave him a slight speed advantage.


- Whenever Bryan gained control of the match Wolf used this speed, however most of the time it was not to launch and offense but to escape. Numerous times he rolled out of the ring for a breather, aggravating his veteran opponent.


- The match reached an exciting crescendo where both men were trying to hit their finisher. When Vessey tried to whip Wolf into the corner, presumably to hit the Vessey Plex, Wolf managed to reverse Bryan and steal his idea. With Vessey slumped against the turnbuckle ‘The Prototype’ connected with the Full Moon Enzugiri. Vessey was beat.


-It was then however that the rookie made his appearance.




What the!

What is he doing on Showdown!


-Jay didn’t do much at all, but he stood at the bottom of the ramp staring at Wolf which gave Vessey the chance to pull him down into a roll up.


Vessey’s won! Vessey’s won!

And you know what that means, Wolf will have to fight at Independence Day to keep his place on the roster.

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Winner: Bryan Vessey (+5 Points)

Loser: Wolf Hawkins (-2 Points)






-Joey Minnesota is stood backstage in the locker room




Yo last week I saw what went down. People been asking me what I think, what are my thoughts. Well Minnesota is the master of thinking you know. So I took the week to do me some. My conclusions? Those Animals are cool in my books. In fact… get out here boys.


-The camera pans away to reveal the Canadian Animals stood with Joey.




-The two high five each other and pat Joey on the back.


Let’s get this started, Fresh Freddy, hit the beat.


-Huggins begins to beatbox, Edd starts a strange little dance, clearly enjoying his partners work.


All the #Stoners out there already know this. But for everyone else Ino’s about to get got. Going send him back home #OneWayTicket. This is Joey Minnesota… Canadian Animals… 2013.


Speed it up Freddy, I can go faster you know…


Yo… Yo…

Koshiro, in 5 nights time I’m gonna get ya

It’s unavoidable like a virus; influenza

Even you just turning up, I admit is brave

All you got watching yo back is the New Wave?

I got the Animals, and we’re rolling for life

Gonna come at you sharper than a steak knife.

Gonna finish this, with a reminder

That Joey Minnesota ain’t getting any kinder

This Sunday, I’m gonna hit the Empire Spiral

Edd we’re done, upload, watch this goes viral.


Yeah that’s right! #Independance Day #MinnesotaNtheAnimals #Inogotburned.


-Huggins winds down the beat box and comes to a stop.


-The three celebrate as if they have the match won already, making their exit as they cheer and clap themselves.


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Rhodes: It’s time like these I wonder why I didn’t choose to become a baseball commentator.

Azaria: Yeah… I mean… what can you say to that? I can’t wait to see Ino take it to them.

Rhodes: Well this Sunday you may get your chance!

Azaria: Let’s hope. Well before that, we have the champion in action up next!


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Rick Law vs Joshua Taylor

- Both men start the match in minus points, even the Undisputed Champion. For Law this is a warm up match before taking on Golden Rock at Independence Day. For Taylor, this is a big opportunity to claim a 5 point upset.


-The match began with a stiff big boot connecting on the jaw of Taylor sending him reeling outside the ring. Law stood in the middle and smirked at his power, looked at camera and mouthed some threat to Rock.


- Taylor fought bravely and battled back into the match, at one point he was close to locking in the Butterfly Lock but Law’s upper body strength was too much.


-‘The Throwback’ changed his game plan kicking the champ to the floor and climbing up onto the ropes.


-Law however got to this feet, charged at his opponent and connecting with a powerful Strong Arm of the Law closeline that knocked Taylor backwards off the turnbuckle and onto the hard floor below.


Somebody check he is alive!

What a horrible move!


-Law gain simply stood and smirked as the referee counted out Joshua. He hadn’t moved a muscle by the time he reached 10.

<hr color=" black">

Winner: Rick Law(+3 Points)

Loser: Joshua Taylor(-2 Points)








-Dawn is backstage with the member of Scars and Stripes that surprised Showdown with an interference in Wolf’s match.




I’m here with son of the legendary Rip Chord. Jay, what business do you have with Wolf?


See that’s half my problem. If people actually watched Scars and Stripes, if people were actually able to watch Scars and Stripes then you would all know this. But no, it’s put on some graveyard slot on god knows what network. If you had been watching then you would know that I have earned my opportunity to enter this league, so half my reason is I did it to let the world know that Scars and Stripes and more importantly myself exist. At Independence Day I am going to face whoever is bottom of the league. Now if Wolf had won his match, it might not have been him… But in this business you have to make an impact. So I wanted to make sure it would be Wolf I am facing this Sunday. I want to beat a former World Champion and prove to the world that not only do I deserve a spot on the roster but that I’m going straight to the top.


Whilst I admire you’re guts do you really think you could pull of such an upset?


I think that much is obvious, I’m in his head already. Give me 10 minutes in the ring with him and I’ll have him under my control. You can bet on that.


I do have some doubts but I must say, after what he did to my colleague Roger last week, I’m hoping you get that guy gone.


Wolf… you call yourself The Prototype but I’m what this business is all about. I’m all the wrestler you are but 4 years younger. I respect what you’ve done. I just know I’m going to do it that much better.

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Aaron Andrews vs Edd Stone


-Aaron receives a loud pop as he enters the ring to take on one half the Canadian Animals and one of his thee opponents at Independence Day.


I’m looking forward to this match, two young prospects fighting for a point.

It’s the type of match that could for titles in years to come if both men live up to their hype. Two hungry youngsters here indeed.

I mean you say that, but it’s more one hungry youngster and a lazy son of a Canadian legend.

Perhaps, I agree Edd’s work ethic is geared more towards his extracurricular activities for lack of a better work, but the boy can still go in the ring, whether that’s though hard work or simple genetics, it’s undeniable.


-The two start the match with a bang, both utilising the ropes. Aaron whipping Edd only for the #Stoner to vault off it with a diving elbow.


-This fast pace is kept up for an impressively long time with Edd making the first major mistake by missing a frog splash when Aaron rolled out the way.


-Edd managed to avoid the spear however and continue his attack.


-Aaron was down, so Edd climbed the ropes and called for a Party’s Over!


Is he going to try his seated faceplant from the top rope?

Rhodes: It looks like it to me!


-Aaron stood up dazed leaning over giving his opponent the perfect chance to hit his finisher but when Edd dived Aaron spung up and hit his Spear.


Spear! Spear in mid air!


-The crowd exploded as Aaron hooked Edd’s leg to get the win.

<hr color=" black">

Winners: Aaron Andrews (+1 Point)

Losers: Edd Stone (-2 Points)






-Bach is sat backstage addressing the fact that he is currently in line to become number one contender.




I, the Angel of the Void am currently perched upon the league with my eyes and mind fixated on the Undisputed World Title. In 5 nights time I become the official number one contender…


-The door opens and in walks Bryan Vessey




Don’t you think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself? You’re on 10 points am I right? After my victory tonight I’m on 6, can you tell where this is going?


I understand. If you were to face me at Independence Day and win that you would end the night as the contender. I also understand what it means to be in the top class, there is a target above me which everybody wants to take a shot at. 5 points is a lot in this league, I don’t blame you.


We can go on like this all night…


Oh I don’t intend to. I accept your challenge but you need to understand something. This target above my head… some people cannot deal with it, it can lead them to defeat just as we are seeing with the man you just beat. But my mind is crystal clear, the only thing my mind’s eye see’s is an image of me holding the Undisputed Title. Independence Day, I take one step closer to realising that. I can assure you, there is nothing you can do to stop that.


-Vessey pulls out a rare smile as he is given what he wants. The two men stare each other down before Bryan leaves the room.

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Azaria: I believe that’s the fifth match now that has been booked for Independence Day, and what a match it should be!

Rhodes: You would always trust these two to put on a great match but when you add into the equation that the winner will face the Undisputed Champion next month, well… it’s going to be that much more special.


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Golden Rock vs Joey Minnesota

-Golden Rock begins the match strong, winning a test of strength however even though he holds the momentum it’s clear that he feels trapped due to the presence of both the Canadian Animals at ringside and Rick Law at the announcers table.


- The match takes a turn for the worse for him when Freddy distracts the referee giving Edd the chance to pull his leg, Joey capitalised on this chance well with a running bulldog.


-The Golden One appeared to be in great danger however when he managed to slip out of the Empire Spiral (side release spinout slam) and connect with The Rocky Road big boot his chances looked stronger. This time however Edd distracted the referee whilst Freddy pulled Joey out of the ring.


-Golden seemed furious but before he could personally do anything about it Koshiro Ino ran down to attack The Animals.


-Ino threw Stone into the steel steps but was then blindsided by Minnesota, Joey and Freddy continued the beat down until The Tag Specialists ran down to help their partner this Sunday.


-When Law decided to get involved, Golden too decided enough was enough and hit Law with a diving axe handle off the top rope. The match had descended into chaos, so much so that the referee decided to simply ring the bell and call it draw.

<hr color=" black">

Draw: No Points change.








-The brawl continued as all 8 men fought for dominance however with all of them in important matches this Sunday there was no real winner.


-Minnesota and The Animals decided to make their exit to avoid further injuries leaving Rick Law alone.


-This allows Golden and Ino to hit Law with a double powerbomb through the announce table.

<hr color=" black">



What destruction, only nights before Independence Day Golden has gotten the upper hand.

Too much destruction! That was our table!





-The two men end the show celebrating in middle of the ring together with The Tag Team Specialists on the turnbuckles pandering to the loud crowd.


I wonder if these men will end their respective matches just like this on Sunday!

Well if that’s true then we will have a new Undisputed World Champion!

That’s all for tonight, make sure to join us for Independence Day!

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Show Rating:

Important Links


*These will be updated shortly, don't want to do it yet in case someone clicks on the links at the top and see's any spoilers.


Post Show League Round up



So it is now a two horse race to determine the number one contender for next week. Golden Rock currently has the most points at 13 but it is impossible for him to get a second shot next month. Either he defeats Law and becomes champion, or he fails and therefore loses 4 points (title matches are doubled both for the winner and loser). This means that no matter what, the victor of Sammy Bach and Bryan Vessey will go on to face the Undisputed Champion next month, whether that be Rick Law or Golden Rock.

We have also learnt that Jay Chord is the first Scars and Stripes member to have a shot at promotion into the league however first he has to beat Wolf Hawkins who has surprisingly ended the month on -6 points.

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Prediction Contest

Wolf Hawkins vs
Bryan Vessey

Rick Law
vs Joshua Taylor

Aaron Andrews
vs Edd Stone

Golden Rock
Joey Minnesota

Bonus Question 1:
Golden Rock vs Joey Minnesota

Bonus Question 2:
Jay Chord


Weekly Rankings

20LEgend: 5/5 (either beginners luck or the planning we have put into the collaboration has taught you my booking perfectly!)

Pig: 4/5

Michgcs: 2/5

The Lloyd: 1/5

3rdStringPG: 1/4 (I say 4 because you didn't pick a winner between Andrews and Stone. Apologies if it wasn't clear enough with there also being the bonus point. I would have told you if it was going to come down to one point but unforuntely you were 2 off.)



It looks like I have failed to make it an easier week! I think weeks with draws in are often like that. Either way I hope you all enjoyed the first month!


Monthly Rankings



Michgcs: 10/22

3rdStringPG: 9/22

The Lloyd: 8/22

20LEgend: 5/5

TheHeel: 4/11

Creative Genius: 4/5

NWAvsWWF: 3/5


So it really did go down to the wire but congratulations Pig. You're prize is a 1 point headstart for Independence Day (PPV's are part of a separate season long competition) and some booking decision that I will mail you about.



*Apologies to anybody who didn't catch this week but after the long gap between weeks 2 and 3 I wanted to make sure I got 4 out quite quick. Good luck to everybody in the PPV predictions!
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"The Prototype" Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

To say Wolf hasn't had a great month would be an understatement. Losing all three of his matches has left him bottom of the table and fighting for survival. Jay is a hungry youngster who is one of the top potential stars in the world. Wolf is reportedly as confident as ever but Jay is bound to give it his all. (Scars and Stripes wrestlers are counted as Class C, so Wolf would gain 1 point and stay in the league if he wins. If he loses, Jay enters the league and would begin with the 5 points he would win from defeating Hawkins.)


United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

Buffalo aims to defend his title for the second time. He has already defeated Finch's partner and according to his manager Floyd Goldworthy is ready to steam roll to the top of the league. Floyd, as always, will be present at ringside.


#1 Contenders for Undisputed Title: "The Perfectionist" Bryan Vessey vs "The Angel of the Void" Sammy Bach

This match needs little hype. It's a simple fight for a prize which both men dearly want. Vessey is constantly driven to be the best at whatever cost, at 42 years old his time for a place in the sun is running out. Bach on the other hand seems to have just reached his prime having now find what he calls 'crystal clarity of mind'.


Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs "The Tower of Power" Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Minnesota has shown Ino a distinct lack of respect but with #EddStone and Fresh Freddy now on his side it appears as though he can get away with whatever he wants. However Ino defeated Joey in the first ever CCW match. Will he be able to repeat this success with the help of The Tag Team Specialists?


Undisputed World Title: "Total Power" Rick Law© vs "The Golden One" Golden Rock

Ever since Golden Rock defeated Wolf Hawkins and won his shot at the title, Law has been ready to attack. Rock's leg has now healed, he has defeated Law in a tag match, now it's all about the title. Tommy Cornell has offered to be at ringside in Rick's corner as a gesture of his acceptance for his friend to be the champion. This could be something that Rock has to worry about.


Bonus Question 1:
Will Tommy Cornell get involved in the main event?

Bonus Question 2:
What match will be scored match of the night?


<hr color=" black">Quick Picks

Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO

Bonus Question:




*PPV's are part of a season long prediction contest which will have some big prize. The winner of each individual PPV wins a point and the person with the most points after the 9 wins. I've gone for this instead of keeping the scores going so that anybody can join in and if anybody is to miss a PPV or two they can still win the whole thing.


For winning the monthly competition, Pig. begins with a 1 point head start.

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Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: Uhhhhh..... YES/NO

Bonus Question: 6-man tag will win it :D

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Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO

Bonus Question: 6 man tag match!

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Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

The losing continues

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

To throw a little swerve

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Ino's the x-factor

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO

of course! :D

Bonus Question: The US title match ;)

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Law in the Spotlight




Rick Law began the first ever CCW season as the Undisputed Champion...


There are those however who feel that Law is yet to cement his place in the handful of names that are synonymous with success...


There are those who believe that Law cannot and therefore will not be a victorious champion in a company as competetive as CCW...


Whether this is true or not will become more clear this Sunday.



Independence Day- Undisputed World Title:
Rick Law vs Golden Rock


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Wow...talk about Wolf going on a losing streak of pre-2013 push Jack Swagger proportions!



Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO

Bonus Question: Six-man tag

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Going for Gold




The Golden One is everything that Rick Law is not...


Honorable, couragous, admirable...


But are these the qualities of a champion..?


Golden Rock has had an impressive start to CCW but can he go one further and claim the Undisputed World Title..?



Independence Day- Undisputed World Title:
Rick Law vs Golden Rock


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Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Man's in his prime

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO , although I expect shennanigans.

Bonus Question: Jay Chord vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Scars and Stripes Monthly Recap




The Tag Team Titles


The Tag Team Specialists have been regulars on the B Show this month to set up a feud with basically the entire Scars and Stripes roster. A few rookies took offense to Joel’s words in Week 1 where he apparently undermined the show in an interview on Capital City Showdown. Next month will see a tournament to crown number one contenders for the belt.


Jay Chord on the Rise


The other big story this month has seen Jay Chord go on an impressive winning streak picking up wins against tough opponents such as Gregory Black and Texas Pete. It were those two wins in particular that helped him win the right to challenge Wolf Hawkins at Independence Day. We’re not certain on who our money is on, but we expect an impressive match.


Other News


Matthew Keith has looked strong alongside his Second Sons of Wrestling partner Jay. We have also seen the debuts of some impressive rookies such as The Great Ekuma and Crazy Ali. Debuts like these do well to dispel the myth that Scars and Stripes is barely worth watching, hopefully in time CCW will devote more time and resources to getting these guys some air time.


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Show Details

Name: CCW: Independence Day

Date: Sunday, Week 4 of September, 2013


Important Links

The League Rankings

The Champions

The CCW Roster

The Rules






The show starts with a video hyping the journey CCW has made.

Sammy Bach’s historic pin which won CCW the war over TCW

Tommy Cornell turning on Ricky Dale Johnson to seal his retirement

The original group of CCW celebrating in the TCW Total Mayhem ring.

The video fades out and then with a bang the show begins.


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Rhodes: It gives me great honour to welcome to you all the Independence Day, the first ever official Capital City Wrestling PPV.

Azaria: And tonight amongst all else is a celebration that the company has made it, through all its trials and tribulations with TCW it stands alone as the company set to go forward.

Rhodes:But I wonder which individuals are going to be celebrating after tonight!

Azaria: Indeed there are some important matches tonight and both titles will be on the line. However it’s not all about titles, each wrestler has to struggle to even stay in the league and no man understands this any more than Wolf. We open the show with him fighting to keep his place on Capital City Showdown.




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Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord


Jay has made quite the impact in Scars and Stripes as of late but is up against one hell of a first opponent with Wolf.

However after costing him the match against Vessey we have perhaps seen that Jay is in Wolf’s head. It’s going to be a interesting opening match that’s for sure.


-Jay was the first man down the ring, and as a man who is used to playing the bad guy he was perhaps surprised as the positive reaction he garnered from the fans. This was in stark contrast to the chorus of boos that Hawkins received however Wolf was far from surprised, grinning at the reaction he stepped into the ring to meet his challenger.


-The match began with a slow pace as Wolf confidently took control however Jay showed flashes of brilliance and managed to keep up with the former world champion.


-Jay managed to reverse a suplex into his own, Wolf immediately sat up and looked at Jay in disbelief, standing up and stamping his feet in anger.


-Chord continued to get under Wolf’s skin as he began to prove he had the right to be there.


It’s been an intense opening match, who do you think has the upper hand Kyle?

That’s not always easy to tell, especially in matches like these. Jay is starting to turn me into a believer though I must admit.


-Out of nowhere, Wolf leaps up for the Full Moon Rising Enzugiri, Jay ducks and Hawkins falls to the floor.


-Chord takes the opportunity to climb onto the ropes but Wolf manages to roll out of the way of the elbow drop. Hawkins quickly connects with a springboard moonsault off the second rope and gets the pin.


Wolf has got the win! He stays in the league.

I think it’s only fail to commend Jay here, he pushed Wolf to the edge but that instinct that only comes through experience and gotten him the win here tonight.


-Wolf spends his time celebrating as Jay stands to his feet receiving a loud cheer. Chord extends his hand to Wolf who reluctantly accepts.


Well that’s always nice to see, wait a minute!

Full Moon Rising! What the hell Wolf!


-Wolf kicks Jay too add further injury before the referee ushers him away.


I don’t know why we expected any different from The Prototype. No respect for anyone.

Although he’s won the match so it seems like we’ll be seeing more from him.

<hr color=" black">

Winner: Wolf Hawkins (+1 Points)

Loser: Jay Chord






-Eddie Peak is sat in a chair in front of a wall draped with a flag bearing the CCW logo. He clearly isn’t happy with having to do promotional work like this.




What does Capital City Wrestling mean to me? To be honest I hadn’t noticed the change. New colours, new rules but the story’s the same. Eddie Peak steps into the ring and destroys whoever is stupid enough to get in his way.


Me not having a match tonight doesn’t bother me, but I will make my impact in the coming weeks. You can be sure of that.


<hr color=" black">



Rhodes: I've got to say, I trust that whatever Peak want’s Peak is going to get.

Azaria: Stepping into the ring with him is a scary thought that’s for certain.

Rhodes: And you could say the very same about our United States Champion who is about to defend his belt.

Azaria: I’m sure Finch knows what he is getting himself into to, I trust that, I just still think he is in trouble!


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American Buffalo vs Finch


-The match began with Buffalo dishing out some powerful right hands which dazzled Finch straight away.


-It soon became clear however that Finch was ready to be Buffalo’s biggest challenge yet and clearly targeted his lower back to prepare for the Sharpshooter. He even pulled off a physically impressive suplex on his bigger opponent.


-Buffalo responded to such attacks by lashing out with his own offense but often got careless and left himself open for reversals and counters which especially against Finch can be dangerous.


-There was a few close finishes which included Finch dodging a running headbut and grabbing Buffalo into a Sharphooter but unfortunately it was too close to the ropes.


-Floyd took this chance to complain to the referee when Finch held in the hold for a few seconds after Buffalo had reached the ropes, giving Buffalo a chance to low blow Finch. Buffalo goes for the pin… but just gets a two count.


-Soon after Floyd attempted a similar distraction but Finch was quick to hit a baseball slide to the outside sending Goldworthy to the ground. Finch turns round and it met with a huge running headbut.


-1…2…3. Buffalo retains.


In Ring



After the match Buffalo continued to beat down on Finch as Floyd prepared a table outside of the ring. Floyd signalled to his client to powerbomb Finch through it.


Wait a minute, not from inside the ring, he is going to powerbomb him over the ropes!

Someone stop this!




Guide appeared to a loud cheer as he sprinted down to the ring.


Seeing this Floyd screamed at Buffalo to forget about Finch for now and get him.


The two big men charged at each other but Guide stood strong ad won the confrontation with a huge Big Boot which send the champion crashing to the floor.


And now it’s 2 on 1, Buffalo’s in trouble!

But wait, I don’t think the champ is their target!


The New Wave both grinned as the same idea came over them simultaneously. Floyd realised this but was already cornered.


Guide clubbed the back of Floyd and picked him up into an electric chair position and stood by the table.


Look at the strength of Guide, picking Floyd up onto his shoulders with such ease, but where’s Finch going.


Finch rallied the crowd from the top of the turnbuckle before knocking Floyd right off his partners shoulders with a flying closeline.


He’s gone right through the table! I think he’s dead! I think he’s dead!


The New Wave embraced and despite Finch’s loss left celebrating.


<hr color=" black">


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Winners: American Buffalo(+6 Points)

Losers: Finch (-4 Points)




Azaria: What a crazy match! Floyd isn’t a trained wrestler, he can’t take things like that, no regular man could!

Rhodes: I’m sure it hurt but at least his client is still the champion. That’s two wins now on his way to the five he needs to challenge for the title.



Dawn is backstage stood with her microphone.




Ladies and gentlemen, Tommy Cornell.


The crowd erupts with boos as the camera pans out to reveal Rough Justice.




Tonight, is a celebration of everything CCW. Mr Cornell, do you have much to celebrate?


Well for starters let’s not get ahead of ourselves, if it weren’t for me this bloody place wouldn’t even exist so you can call this the Tommy Cornell Celebration. People view what happened to TCW as a failure on my part, not at all. TCW may have lost the match, TCW may be dead, but my impact is immortal.


Well speaking of yourself making an impact, do you intend on doing so tonight in the main event?


I don’t understand this speculation, I’m out there tonight to watch a wrestling match, when you’re as big as I am every World Title match concerns you.


So just to watch? I ask because your alliance with the champion is well knows.


Of course it’s well known, together me and Law dominated the final months of TCW. We we’re untouchable. I still consider myself his friend that’s for sure, but put it this way… I’m confident he can win tonight without assistance.


<hr color=" black">



Azaria: What do you think about that Kyle? You trust the man?

Rhodes: Of course I don’t but who knows what’s going to happen. I don’t think anyone!


<div style=" border: 2px solid black";">


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey

-The two actually shook hands before the match as a sign of respect but quickly got down to business.


Are you surprised to see such sportsmanship?

Personally, no. This isn’t a personal thing, both men want to fight for the title next month it’s as simple as that.


-The two put on a great match, both have exceptional basics, Vessey has world class technical ability and Bach can match anyone when it comes to showcasing his flashy moveset.


-Vessey took the first big advantage after hitting a triple german suplex which really took it out of Bach.


-Sammy however was quick to get back into his stride and picked up the pace with a fast spinning heel kick combination.


-Vessey once again used his technical prowess to get ahead, this time with a painful looking armbar however when he tried to adjust and lock in his Ankle Lock, Bach was prepared and scrambled away.


It looks like Bach has done his homework here, his head has always been focused you got to give him that.


-The two men were starting to tire but after a combination of Irish Whip reversals Vessey threw Bach at the turnbuckle and lifted him up.


He’s setting up the Vessey Plex, it’s gotta be!


-However with a thud Bryan was thrown down onto his back.


No! It’s the Shooting Star Press! Bach’s going for it!

-Bach looked down at Vessey and measure him up before leaping into a great backwards flip and landing the Shooting Star Press, hooking the leg and getting the win.

<hr color=" black">

Winner: Sammy Bach (+3 points)

Loser: Bryan Vessey (-2 Points)




Azaria: What a match, and an impressive win for Bach.

Rhodes: Also an important one and now he will definitely challenge for the Undisputed Title next month.



-Roger Smooth is sat in the chair backstage and unlike Peak seems more than happy to be there, joking around with the camera man before starting.




What does CCW mean to me? I wasn’t around for TCW, I can’t compare. But man I love it here, it’s rare to find a job where I can be hit with a Full Moon Rising one week but be excited to turn up the next. There’s a lot of characters here so from an interviewing perspective it’s great. A little exclusive for you though, my dream ain’t to do this forever… nope… one day you’re going to see my name rising up that table, just you wait.

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Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists vs Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals

-As Minnesota and The Animals were making their entrance Joey grabbed a mic and asked Freddy to ‘drop a beat’.


-The three men in the ring however had no time for Joey’s raps today and all charged at their opponents.


-The brawl continued until both Joey and Koshiro were in the ring and the referee rang the bell.


-The match continued to be hectic which worked the advantage of The Animals, the referee constantly didn’t know what was going on which allowed for many sneak attacks.


-Koshiro however hit some great power moves including body slamming Edd onto Freddy which sent both rolling out the ring.


-Later on in the match however the Animals got their revenge and double teamed Ino by together whipping him into the barricade.


-Aaron ran to help his teammate but this gave Joey the chance to hit the Empire Spiral on Joel Bryant without interference and get the win.


<hr color=" black">

Winners: Joey Minnesota, Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins (+2 points each)

Losers: Koshiro Ino, Joel Bryant and Aaron Andrews (-2 points each)




Azaria: I must admit I expected Ino’s team to get the win tonight.

Rhodes: If there’s one thing we have learnt lately it’s that these three do work well as a team.

Azaria: So Joey gets the better of Koshiro I can’t help but wonder what is next for these two.




Now it’s Rick Law’s turn in the chair. He sits back with comfortably but ignores the camera man’s request to remove his hat and shades.




So what does CCW mean to me… You know I have to admit, I’m warming to it. I had a good set up at TCW. I ran the show along with Cornell, I was the best International Champion in history. But times change and I thought that this would mean I have to too. But apparently this isn’t the case, I can keep kicking asses and controlling. Only now I’m the Undisputed Champion. Now I know there are those who doubt me, who think I didn’t earn this? Well tonight I show the world being the Champ means.

<hr color=" black">





A crazy amount of women with even crazier headdresses make their entrance and form two lines before revealing flutes and playing an odd rendition of Golden Rock’s theme before the man himself made his entrance dressed in an equally exuberant native American garb.


Here he is, can Golden Rock do it? Can he become the Undisputed Champion?

Law won’t be easy but my money is on Rock.


After Golden Rock takes his time to celebrate at all four corners of the ring he removes his headdress and awaits the Champion.

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<div style=" border: 2px solid black";">




CCW Undisputed Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

-The two heavyweights clashed straight away and a very physical match followed with both men not afraid to throw out powerful punches and go for their big moves.


At this rate I can already see this match ending at any point. Surely they can’t keep this up.

I don’t know but I’m keeping my eye on Cornell, never trusted the guy.


-Golden Rock was equally aware of Tommy’s presence and often watched his movements whilst in control of the match. Cornell however was calm and pulled up a chair to sit on.


-The two men continued to throw everything they had at each other but when Rock hit a big sidewalk slam many thought it was over. 1..2… Law gets his shoulder up.


-Law however got back into the match, after Golden couldn’t comfortably hoist Rick into his Torture Rack Law closelined the back of Rock’s head.


Long Arm of the Law! It’s over!


-Law hooks the leg.


-But Golden kicks out. Law is visibly surprised.


What else can Law throw at Rock?


-The two were both stood on their feet trading big blows, when Law ducked causing Rock to connect square on the jaw of the referee.


The referee is down! This is exactly what we didn’t want.


-Law throws Golden Rock into the turnbuckle shoulder first and signals to Cornell to pass him the chair.


Don’t do it Tommy! Don’t screw Rock!


-Law was raring for the chair but Cornell simply sat on his chair and gestured to Law that he shouldn’t get involved.


Wait, he isn’t! Cornell is staying out of it like he said, I knew we could trust him Jason!


-Law stared at Cornell furiously and began to climb out of the ring towards him but Rock grabbed him back in and this time successfully hoisted him up into the Golden Rack.


He has him! Law’s tapping out but the referee isn’t up yet!

Wait a minute, who the hell is that?!


-A man jumps over the barricade dressed in a police outfit similar to Law’s.




Wait a second I recognise him! That’s The Enforcer, but what he is doing here! He doesn’t belong here!


-Cornell stares in confusion as The Enforcer slides into the ring, baton in hand, and takes out Golden Rock’s legs with one clean swoop.


-A passed out Law lands on Rock. The Enforcer shakes the referee before exiting via the ramp.


The referee is up! 1…



Law has retained! He’s won!


<hr color=" black">

Winners: Rick Law (+10 points)

Losers: Golden Rock (-4 points)






I don’t believe it! Law has beated Golden Rock and will go on to defend next month against Sammy Bach!

He wouldn’t have done it without the help of The Enforcer though! I don’t get it, is he working for us now?


-Law comes to and begins to realise he has won. Grabbing the title he celebrates on the turnbuckle all to the anger of the fans. Rick however is still furious at Cornell.


-Cornell stands up, pushing the chair away and stares down Law.


-Law however looks down at the title, reminds himself that he has won and simply smirks at Cornell as the PPV ends.

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<hr color=" black">

Show Rating:B


Important Links

The League Rankings

The Champions

The CCW Roster

The Rules


*These will be updated shortly, don't want to do it yet in case someone clicks on the links at the top and see's any spoilers.


Post Show League Round up will get it’s own end of month post.

<hr color=" black">


Prediction Contest

Wolf Hawkins vs Jay Chord

United States Title: American Buffalo© vs Finch

#1 Contenders for Undispited Title: Bryan Vessey vs Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota and The Canadian Animals vs Koshiro Ino and The Tag Team Specialists

Undisputed World Title: Rick Law© vs Golden Rock

Bonus Question: YES/NO

Bonus Question: Rick Law vs Golden Rock


PPV Rankings

The Lloyd: 5/7

20LEgend: 5/7

Pig: 4/7

3rdStringPG: 3/7

michgcs: 2/7


So I'll give 1 point both to Lloyd and 20LEgend. I was planning on giving small prizes out to the montly showdown winner, and then one big prize out to who wins the yearly PPV one. Not sure if this is the best system however, might give some little prize to individual PPV winners too, depends if I can think of so many prizes.


*Got this up a little later than I mentioned before but hopefuly you all enjoy. Going to post a monthly OOC round up so if there's any question you want to ask about what's going on in game like popularity or what the other feds are doing then feel free . Now into October so there's probably been plenty of change in game.


Also if there are any general comments about the diary/ advice to make it better then they would be as appreciated as always.

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