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Australia at War, presenting Deep Impact Wrestling Diary

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Australia at War, presenting Deep Impact Wrestling




McDonald "Mac" Smith




Age: 25


Australian Pro Wrestling Journalist


I was and born and raised in Queensland Australia, but during the early childhood my parents decided to move our family to Long Island New York. Quickly I discovered my passion for professional wrestling, as I saw a local show with my dad.




Later I witnessed the uprising cult wrestling promotion Danger and Violence Extreme druing my teen's and got hooked by the revolution going on during this time period. The characters, gimmicks and sexuality going in this promotion fascinated me like never before. I was excited turning on the TV on channel 324 every friday night to see my heroes, like Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin, Eric Tyler, the Peak Brothers and the list goes on and on.


But it all ended April 2007


Shortly after my 19th birthday me and my friends got tickets for the Extreme Double Header which was scheduled to be in Los Angeles,but DAVE made the shocking announcement of its bankrupcy and cannot run their shows anymore. The promotion itself closed just days later.

As an aspiring journalist attending the Stanford University, I wrote an article about Hardcore wrestling and the demise of Danger and Violence Extreme. Some people actually liked it.




I already figured out at that point that someone will start a sort of reunion project shortly after DAVE's demise, and exactly that happened. Former DAVE announcer Mitch Naess opened his own promotion Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, which is carried heavily by notable DAVE alumni like Johnny Martin and JD Morgan. Many diehard fans see this as a reincarnation of their old promotion, Mitch and his fellow guys sure do a good job in running those shows. But after all I don't think that they will ever catch on to the primetime of extreme wrestling again.

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History of Australian Wrestling


A new war emerges


February 2007


Meanwhile in my home country Australia professional wrestling is still in their roots, and many small promoters chasing the dream to dominate the new market in this country. These promoters offered a variety of products in their wrestling shows, from modern sports entertainment to old school wrestling. But since there are various small fanbases each following their own wrestling promotion, this sport has not a chance to become really famous Down Under.






It all changed as the well-known investor James McMinister saw the potential of this fairly new kind of sport and decided to elevate it to a major player. His plan was simple, to buy out all the small promotions and unite the wrestling scene into a big one. With his money and the right advertisement, the debut show of his new promotion Australian Pro Wrestling had a live audience never reached before in Australia of over 1000 people. Nobody could only imagine a push like this just months before. The APW dominated the wrestling market for the next years and had success with their formula, showcasing a product of traditional wrestling.






But this success was not unnoticed, early 2009 the Australian Sports Network decided to launch their own wrestling promotion into the race and founded the sports entertainment based Revolution Australian Wrestling. With even more money for backup and national TV presence they fastly overshadowed Australian Pro Wrestling, their product features more Soap Opera and very little actual wrestling elements attracting a new mainstream audience.






As Mainstream Wrestling got big here, a counterpart established just like in the USA over ten years ago. In September of 2009 a local wrestling icon, outcast and anti establishment rebel known as The Comedian was severely annoyed by the process the Australian wrestling scene is going through. That James McMinister eradicated all the independent promotions in this country for the success of his own, and especially when the TV network ASN turned the sport into a soap opera with Revolution Australian Wrestling.


He promtly launched his own promotion Deep Impact Wrestling as the hardcore and counter-culture alternative to the mainstream promotions.

The concept behind DIW is to be everything that APW and RAW are not; down-and-dirty wrestling aimed squarely at young males who want a fix of violence, hardcore action, and believable characters. Beers flow, blood is spilled, and one giant middle finger is extended in the direction of the "Big Two".

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October 2012






As a reporter I make my way to the Marv Sports Center, a local sports bar which also operates as a venue for Boxing, MMA and Pro Wrestling events. It's also the home of Deep Impact Wrestling, which hosts monthly shows there. Two weeks prior to my arrival, I got tickets for the DIW Show called "DIW Bloodshowers" a quiet fitting name for what was coming up during the show. Various weaponry is used in every single match strongly to the pleasure of the crowd. Gimmicks like Mobsters, Punks and loose women would make the harsh character of this promotion.


The DIW built up a small but loyal fanbase of about 150 people during its existence. A good base for an uprising hardcore wrestling promotion, if you see the fact that DAVE started the east coast wars with not much more people in their audience. But soon I realized that DIW is different from DAVE and all the other so called hardcore promotions in America. Deep Impact Wrestling is the real deal, it's not about money or fame. Its just two or more guys who want to beat the s*** out of one another in front of the most rowdy fans in the world, with the purpose to gain credibility and honor.




"Tax Man" Angus McMiller




Big Rig




Blitz Simpson




Chopper Rourke




Diesel Dan




"The Boss" Dumfrey Pinn




"The Hungarian Bulldozer" Gyula Lakatos












"Street Thug" Mace Mueller




Mayhem Mulhoney




Menace To Sobriety




"Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz




"The Aussie Hardcore Icon" The Comedian















Wez Dobberly




Tag Teams


The Apocalypse




The Barracudas




Hired Guns




The Bad Truckers





The Pinn Enterprise




The Barracudas



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November 2012



I started to write a report about the small uprising hardcore wrestling federation Deep Impact Wrestling after I saw another show in November called "Against all Odds". In the main event the owner and icon of DIW the Comedian had to take it on his arch rival and current DIW Heavyweight champion "The Boss" Dumfrey Pinn. Both competitors bleed buckets slamming Chairs, Barbed Wire and Lighttubes across their bodies, Pinn eventually got the advantage as his lackeys interfered in this match and outnumber the Comedian. But the Comedian got his backup soon after as his friend Menance to Sobriety and The Apocalypse stormed into the ring for the save.


During the next month December 2012 the notorious stable consisting three ex felons known as the Barracudas, had beaten the 23-year-old rookie Asylum down after his match with their leader Vaughan. They slammed his body with lighttubes across Asylum's back repeatedly, he was forced to end his career after the show.


These events made it clear that The Comedian has the plan to take violence in pro wrestling to a whole new level, where every match can be your very last.


Deep Impact Wrestling




Founded October 2009


Owner: The Comedian


Booker: "Big" Jim Teasdale


Size: Small


Location: Eastern Australia


Style: Cult Hardcore


Prestige: F


Momentum: E+

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January 2012


Saturday Week 1


Deep Impact Wrestling presents All Out Assault




DIW All Out Assault


The young fan favourite "Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz makes an open challange to anyone who has the balls to face him in a fight.


"Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz vs ???


http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/MiltonHittlespitz_zpsd8be5c93.jpg vs ???


DIW Tag Team Championship


The Apocalypse vs The Hired Guns


http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/Hatemonger_zps6a115983.jpghttp://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/Warmonger_zpsa2a8f8ed.jpg vs http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/AngusMcMiller_zps8b23426d.jpghttp://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/WezDobberly_zpsb711cd86.jpg


In our second match The Apocalypse will defend their Tag Team straps against two members of Dumfrey Pinn's Enterprise The "Tax Man" Angus McMiller & Wez Dobberly whose plan it is to get the Titles in their hands at any cost and make the Enterprise the undisputed force in Deep Impact Wrestling.


Hardcore Match


Vaughan vs Menance to Sobriety


http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/Vaughan_zps063bf1cd.jpg vs http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/MenaceToSobriety_zpsefa35303.jpg


Since 2010 a group of former fellons called the Barracudas raise hell in down under. They already shortened and ended with several careers,with their gang style beatdowns. But now their leader has to take it on one of the hardcore mainstays in this company Menance to Sobriety.


DIW Championship Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch


Dumfrey Pinn/w The Enterprise vs The Comedian


http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/DumfreyPinn_zpse5d0334d.jpg vs http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y408/Wrestlelive1/TheComedian_zps782544ae.jpg


A rivalry over two years in the making will reach its final battle this month, "Aussie Hardcore Icon" The Comedian will fight "The Boss" Dumfrey Pinn in a Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch for the DIW Championship.


Prediction Key:

Milton Hittlespitz vs ???

The Apocalypse© vs The Hired Guns

Vaughan vs Menance to Sobriety

Dumfrey Pinn © vs The Comedian

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  • 2 weeks later...

Milton Hittlespitz vs ???


Milton isn't bad, but really at the moment he is probably going to be a jobber for awhile.


The Apocalypse© vs The Hired Guns


Unless Warmonger got stolen away already I don't see the champs losing.


Vaughan vs Menance to Sobriety


Vaughan has much more upside. MtS is just a chump


Dumfrey Pinn © vs The Comedian


Mostly going with the thought RAW or APW came calling early on.

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