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SWF: The Fall - The Melancholy of Tommy Cornell

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I just want to thank several people. Because of their help, known or unknown, given or requested, they have motivated me, guided me, inspired me, and showed me the way. I would like to thank Zeel1, Remianen, Yuu Onuki, 3rdStringPG, Stennick, Dragonmack, angeldelayette, arwink, Self, James Casey, Phantom Stranger, Comradebot, Bigpapa42, and Eisen-verse. I would also like to specifically thank Eisen-verse for naming my stable, "The Brotherhood".


I want let everyone know, I'll be using a heavily modified 2008 C-Verse Database. On top of that, the fonts I use are primarily Georgia for serifs, usually for titles, and Trebuchet MS for sans serifs, usually for everything else (text); however, I set back-up fonts within the code, so even if you don't have those two fonts, it's alright. I don't think the lack of having of those two fonts will affect anything substantial anyway.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Owner: Richard Eisen

Founder: Richard Eisen

Founded: January 1972

Size: Cult

Prestige: B+

Momentum: C+



Key Feature: Mainstream

Heavy: None

Medium: Comedy, Traditional





United States

New England: A

Tri-State: B+

Mid-Atlantic: C-

Great Lakes: C-

South East: C-

Mid-South: C-

Mid-West: C-

North West: C-

South West: C-

Hawaii: C-

Puerto Rico: C-



Canada: C-



Mexico: C-



United Kingdom: D-



Europe: D-



Australia: D-



Japan: D-

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As I sleep in my bed, I feel the warmth of the bed. The sunlight shines through the sheets. As I turn over, I look over to her.




I touch her face. She opens her eyes, and holds my hand.


"I love you, Jen."

"I love you, too, Tommy."


She comes over to kiss me...


Suddenly, she's ripped from me.


I jump up. I am alone, in my hotel room at the Marriott Courtyard Boston Logan Airport at Boston, Massachusetts.






"I never asked for this."


I rub my face. "Can't sleep". Might as well check the e-mail. I turn on my laptop. I see a message from Peter Michaels; "Hey, I know you must be tired, but can you come in tomorrow? I can give you an extra day. I know you jut finalized the divorce. Richard needs to finalize the deals and talk to about... other stuff."


I reply. "It's okay, I can come in tomorrow. Nine A.M."


I rub my face once again.


"Why Jen....why?"

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December 2007




The SWF Headquarters.


It's been so long.


It feels so familiar, yet so strange; a foreigner in a familiar land.








Am I still welcome as I once was?


Will he... talk about the incident?



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December 2007




As I walk into the lobby of the SWF Headquarters, I see some familiar faces.




Micky Starr: "Hrm. How's it going Tommy?" *Starr shakes his moustache*

Corporal Doom: "Peter's office is in top floor. So is Richard's."

Sam Strong:"...you holding up, okay, Tommy?...I'm sorry about what happened."

Tommmy: "It's...done. I don't really want to talk about it. How about you?"

Sam Strong: "...hrm. Come into my office later, second floor from the top. I'll tell you about it... what that ****ing bastard, Valentine did. Asshole pulled a fast one on me... on us." *Strong points to Starr*

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Yes, Tommy. I'll be with Sam." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Corporal Doom: "Same here. Got some work to do."

Sam Strong: "We'll talk to you soon."


I nod. Got to catch up with them...find out what out happened.

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December 2007




It's a been a while since I've been on this floor. Not much has changed...newer technology, same set-up otherwise. Been here twice before...once when I was hired, and the other time...when I decided not to renew my contract.


I knock on Peter's Office. He opens it, but he looks a bit busy. He's still talking on his headset.


Peter Michael: "Yes...no...it's because we needed a less...edgy image...this is a not knock against your company...it was a business decision...any other sponsors we had a problem with, we already...I see...I understand it's a business decision...I hope you reconsider...thank you, goodbye."




Peter takes off his headset.




Peter Michaels: "Sorry Tommy, had to finish...end...a business relationship. One of our more edgy sponsors think our product no longer 'attract their core audience', and that they were 'concerned with our business dealings with similiar sponsors'. This is on top of the loss of our sponsors that left us because we were 'no longer the industry leader', or that we were 'too risky'. We lost sponsors left and right, for myriad of reasons...in any case, how are you doing, Tommy?"

Tommy Cornell: "I can understand the situation. My financial backers abandoned me."

Peter Michaels: "...Are you okay? I know it's not just business for you...it's personal. Do you some time to get settled?"

Tommy Cornell: "...I don't want to wallow in it."

Peter Michaels: "...I don't want to pry...but...your situation was...unusual. Your wife...ex-wife, took over your company. I don't expect you to talk about it...but if you need time..."

Tommy Cornell: "...It's done. I rather have something to occupy my time."


Peter Michaels: *...nods slowly* "*sigh* Alright Tommy. I'm the booker here at the SWF-I handle mostly the creative portions of the deal. That would be Richard. Of course, you know that. You've been the process before."

Tommy Cornell: *Nod*

Peter Michaels: "While you will primarily a wrestler, we will prefer to able to use in whatever capacity."

Tommy Cornell: "Other capacities? What other capacities?"

Peter Michaels: "Well, maybe some commentary work, maybe some road agent work. Maybe... something else, too. You'll have to talk to Richard Eisen about that."

Tommy Cornell: "That's fine."

Peter Michaels: "You will not be treated specially from the rest of the roster. We will book as we see fit. If the fans want to see you more, we use you more. If fans want to see you less, we will use you less. We will use you on all shows-TV, Pay-Per-View, House Shows. I hope that is not a problem?"

Tommy Cornell: "No problem."

Peter Michaels: "Well, that's it. Richard's is at end, if you recall."

Tommy Cornell: *Nod*


As I try to walk out...

Peter Michaels: "Wait."

Peter Michaels: "I think you know he's a difficult time as well...it's ironic, isn't? Both his sons are working at TCW."

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December 2007




Richard Eisen's office. It's been so long. The last time I was here... it was when I decided not to renew my contract.

I wonder if he will bring up the...incident.

I knock on the door.


Richard Eisen:"...come in."




As I open the door walk, I see Richard Eisen-his chair is turned sideway toward opposite direction-he' holding his head, rubbing it, looking down his computer monitor.

Richard Eisen: "...*sigh*"

Tommy Cornell: "Mister Eisen?"

Richard Eisen looks up.

Richard Eisen: "Oh. Sorry, Tommy. Peter told me you were coming by after you were done with him."

Richard Eisen turns his his chair around.

Richard Eisen: "I'm going to be honest with you, Tommy. I can't offer you what you might think you are worth, at least, not right now. Here's part of the offer. I want contract for 10 years, no limits on how appearances. $20,000 a month. No Pay-Per-View-Bonuses. No TV Bonuses. No Bonuses for doing House Shows either. No Wage Matching. I can't offer a Hiring Veto either. I don't give out hiring power to others. A Non-Compete Clause will be included."

Tommy Cornell: "...But what's the other part of the offer?"

Richard Eisen: "...10% ownership of the SWF."


10% ownership? I was shocked.

Richard Eisen notices my look.

Richard Eisen: "Look, Tommy, I know my company, isn't doing too well right now...but that's why I brought you in. I'm not just looking to use as a wrestler. I want a potential business partner, one who has some trust with more traditional-minded sponsors."

Tommy Cornell: "As I understand it, you've already decided to move away from the edgier aspects of your product."

Richard Eisen: "I did...but there is still... mistrust, some not entirely related to my product."

Tommy Cornell: "Don't mean to be blunt, Mister Eisen...but does this have anything to do with...one your sons?"


Richard Eisen rub his forehead.

Richard Eisen: "...It's...complicated. But part of it has to do with my sons, yes. I think you know where they are right now."

Tommy Cornell: "...I do."

Richard Eisen: "In any case...you'll be working with everyone in the backstage side of things...road agents, writers, TV crew, announcers..."

Tommy Cornell: "I don't know..."

Richard Eisen: "I want you to be a part of this company again. That's why I'm giving you 10% ownership of the SWF. It will pay off."

We shake hands.


He turns back to his desk.

This is it? He' not going to...talk about incident?

We never had a chance to talk about I did... I never...explained anything...


Richard Eisen looks up.

Richard Eisen: "Is there something else you want to talk about?"

Tommy Cornell: "Uh... not really... well, not right now...I guess..."

Richard Eisen: "...if that's case, can we talk later, then? I want to...focus on my work for a minute."

Tommy Cornell: "Yes, Mister Eisen."

Richard Eisen: "...you don't need call me that."

Tommy Cornell" "Yes, Mister... *ahem*, Richard."


...he never mentioned the incident.

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December 2007




"...Hey, can i talk to you for a sec, Tommy?"




Tommy Cornell: "Peter?"


Peter Michaels: "Richard Eisen's been on auto-pilot for the past few months. After the 'Election' Storyline debacle... the 'Scott Sinclair' incident, and our other...missteps, Richard has been on... auto-pilot. I'm gong to honest with you, Tommy. I need your help. Taking the booker spot...it's more than I what I asked for."


Tommy Cornell: "Why, that's why you guys hired me. What do you need me to do right now?"


Peter Michaels: "Nothing specific right now...Richard is handling the business side of things, and I rather handle the TV and Writing. Can I leave the wrestling aspect to you?"


Tommy Cornell: "...I don't see why not, but I'm going to need to talk around. I'm going to talk to the road agents soon."


Peter Michaels: "Thanks, Tommy."

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December 2007




Micky Starr: "Hrm." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Corporal Doom: "...Look, I know you don't like to use a laptop, but it's standard procedure."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Can't I let you handle this thing-a-bob? I'll do the matches, you do the other work." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Corporal Doom: "...I can't write all of your own notes for you. You've got to learn to use it to keep your notes."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Fine." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: " *Sigh* Now that we got that out of the way, can we move along?"


Tommmy: "...So, what's your guys' story?"

Sam Strong: "We got screwed, Tommy. Plain and simple. That ****er Valentine, I trusted him for years. The guy stole the company right from under me. He bought Sneer's share, and then some other 'bit' players, and somehow got over half of the ownership...I'm not angry at Sneer, though, the guy did what he to do."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Everyone said he was bad news before. It was only a matter of time. Like Richard explained to you, if you don't own more than half the company yourself, it's alway possible you get screwed." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: "I know...I thought I could trust him. I helped him out in his career...and then he screws me."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. He was alway snake, Sam. Always." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: "But I guess I preaching to the choir, Tommy? Well, actually, your situation is stranger and worse than mine...your wife bought the shares for a plurality of your financial backers, and then, combined with with her own, took over the company."

Tommmy: "..."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. And then she filed for divorce. Tommy, that's a hell of a story. Makes ours seem tame." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Tommmy: "...I...I...don't really want to talk about it."

Corporal Doom: "...it's okay, Tommy. Whenever you ready, you can talk to us."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Yes, we are going to be here for you."

Sam Strong: "...I know how you feel...but...damn...Tommy, I don't think I can feel too bad for myself."


Tommy: "...let's talk about something else...Where's Chief Two Eagles? Pat Deacon? Professor Nero?"

Micky Starr: "Hrm. They're working for USPW, ironically. They left the month we came in." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: "Probably because we left. Micky Starr was the top road agent, there was me."

Corporal Doom: "I'm here because I was tired of Valentine. Not much else."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. I didn't want to work for Valentine."

Tommy: "...So you guys only do road agent work?"

Sam Strong: "I made my money, Tommy. Spending my last years here as a road agent, helping future main eventers..."

Tommy: "No return to the ring?"

Sam Strong: "Three, two years ago? I would have considered it. I'm too old now. Besides, Valentine cut the women's division loose at USPW."

Tommy: "...you mean..."

Sam Strong: "Maybe, maybe not. But RIPW does have a women's division."


Tommy: "It's not like SWF is a sure ship now. USPW and TCW are both ahead of the SWF in the USA."

Sam Strong: "...honestly, I had no reason to say no. Yeah, I could have retired permantently, but that's just not me. I rather work until it's actually time. I might not be able to wrestle like I used to, but I'm not ready to leave yet. I've I got a quite a few years as a road agent ahead of me."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. I got a couple of good years ahead of me left."

Tommy: "How about you?"

Corporal Doom: "Hrm? I didn't need to retire from the ring, but I was getting more dates as a road agent than as wrestler. Figured it was a good way of making money for less physical work. I only have about two years left if I started wrestling next year, at best."


Sam Strong: "It looks like Richard and Peter decided to make the rule of banning drugs backstage official."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. No surprise there. Big Smackers made it so."

Sam Strong: "He's also banning smoking, too."

Corporal Doom: "I know some guys aren't going to like it...but I think it's standard policy at most venues now, too."

Sam Strong: "Here are the ones the boys aren't going to like... no alcohol backstage, everyone must be at the venue at least three hours before the shows starts, and no one is leaving until the last segment of the show is complete; that includes the post show."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. No drinking, I understand, but the rest are a bit harsh." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: "That's not all. Starting next year, all catering is done in-house or by the venue. So... no outside catering. To save costs."

Corporal Doom: "Oh man. Everyone is going to hate that. The extra rules are one thing, but that... is going to irritate a lot of people."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. That's an understatment." *Starr shakes his moustache*


Tommy: "Who's the head Supreme Wrestling University these days?"

Sam Strong: "Tom. Tom Gilmore. Peter's told him to focus on the basics. You'll see them around."

Sam Strong: "Just to let you know, Mayhem Midden's running RIPW now. Danny Jillefski, Marcus McKing, and Richard DeVastion is down there. McKing was hired to do help with the Women's Division at RIPW, Richard DeVastion is going to be the main road agent working down there. Danny's going to be be an announcer, mostly as a trainer."

Tommy: "Richard Devastion?"

Sam Strong: "Oh! Sorry, Dick the Devastator. He's decided to come home from Japan...after the situation in Japan. He wanted to come down to Florida to work for me... but you know. Dick's a good guy, but he's got no patience like I did for Valentine."

Sam Strong: "Rip Chord's down there, too! He's technically doing road agent work, but...he's just resting for a bit."

Tommy: "What? What happened?"

Sam Strong: "Similiar story to mine - he trusted a 'friend'. Shows what a costly mistake can do."


Corporal Doom: "I want to let you guys know, I'm not too comfortable with the idea of Rip Chord being at RIPW."

Sam Strong: "What? Why?"

Corporal Doom: "The guy's gotten sloppy."

Sam Strong: "He's not drinking anymore. He's a recovered alocholic."

Corporal Doom: "Recovering alcoholic. And the effects are still there. It's not his skills that I'm concerned about."

Sam Strong: "What is the issue then?"

Corporal Doom: "Like I said, the guy's gotten sloppy. I concerned when he works with others, he might get himself injured, or worse, get others injured."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. When you get older, you just more 'off' days, that's all." *Starr shakes his moustache*

Corporal Doom: "It's one thing to be 'off', it's another to be potential danger to others."

Sam Strong: "Look, Midden, Marcus, and DeVastion are going to be there, it will be fine."

Corporal Doom: "*sigh* Fine."


Sam Strong: "The roster has lost a bunch of guys, but we got a lot of new guys as well."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Some are here because of the situation in Japan. Some are here because DAVE shut down. Some are here because of you, Tommy."

Tommy: "...Yes."

Corporal Doom: "We also have some new hires from Mexico. Got one guy from the NOTBPW/CGC 'merger' but we didn't get much guys from Canada."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. yeah, some guys from Japan, Mexico, DAVE. And TCW... the ones they fired."

Tommmy: "..."

Sam Strong: "According to Richard, Christian's gone... to USPW. I had nothing to do with that. From what Richard said, Christian made his decision made a while ago. Said SWF gotten too risky. By the time Richard had to change the SWF, he was already on the process of heading there. By the way... how do you feel USPW getting Ricky?"

Tommmy: "Ricky Dale? I asked him to come up here with us, but rather would work with a promotion that's currently in a better situation."

Sam Strong: "Surprised that Valentine didn't managed to get Rick Law back."

Tommy: "I'm not. The kid idolizes you."

Sam Strong: "Heh, but I'm surprised Valentine didn't take Rocky Golden either."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Screw Valentine." *Starr shakes his moustache*


Sam Strong: "In any case, there's a lot of your ex-TCW guys down at RIPW; you might want to talk to the other 'new' guys down there, too."

Tommy: "I'm going to head down to Providence, Rhode Island tomorrow. I'm going to check RIPW out."

Sam Strong: "Really want to hit the ground running, huh? I'll tell Midden that you'll be going down soon."


Tommy: "It's nice talking to you guys. I'll see you guys later."

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December 2007




Corporal Doom: "...You know, he wasn't what I expected."

Sam Strong: "What did you expect?"

Corporal Doom: "I expected to see the smirk, the classic confidence, the accent, all which shows you that he knows he is the best."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Well, are you really a sadistic corporal?"

Corporal Doom: "Good point."

Sam Strong: "I've known Tommy for a bit. He's not really like that. The accent on TV is for show. As you of heard him, his accent is...more like it's from London, but even then, it's light."

Corporal Doom: "I noticed."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Tommy's never been that guy you seen on TV. It's not to say he's not confidence of himself and his skills, but he's not that cocky asshole."

Sam Strong: "Yeah. He's just... a nice, smart guy. His only real passions, outside his work-related hobbies, is technology. You two will get along."

Corporal Doom: "Huh. really."

Micky Starr: "Hrm. I'll have Peter e-mail the roster situation soon."

Sam Strong: "SWF or RIPW?"

Micky Starr: "SWF for now, but I think Peter might also do RIPW. Peter wants Tommy to get a head start, if Tommy wants to take on more responsibilities."

Corporal Doom: "The guy is already going to wrestling full-time...what the heck is Peter thinking? I know Peter and Richard need help, but Tommy's distracted enough as it is with his own problems and his main work."

Micky Starr: " *shrug* Don't know, but I don't see any reason to say no." *Shakes his moustache*

Sam Strong: "Well... we'll see what happens."

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Tommy: "...Why, Jen?"


Jennifer: " *...you're partners have no confidence in you anymore."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: " I convinced some of them to sell to me, and I convinced the others to back me. "


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "Look, Tommy, even if you don't sell - there is no one backing you."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "I am the largest plurality now."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "From this point out, I control this company."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "I'm making you on offer - sell all your stock to me now - I'll give you the full value...and whatever 'assets' that I don't want, but you do want."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "Even if you don't sell your share to me, there's others I can talk to."


Tommy: "...Jen."


Jennifer: "It's only a matter of time before I control at least half of this company by myself."


Tommy: "JEN."


Jennifer: "What?"


Tommy: "What about us?"


Jennifer: "There is no US, Tom. I thought I made this clear in the divorce meetings."


Tommy: "Why, then, Jen?"


Jennifer: "That is my offer. Take it or leave it...but you better take it soon. I'm talking to others."


Tommy: "..."

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December 2007




I wake up in my hotel room.


I never got an answer.


Was I am poor husband?


Did I fail to give her enough attention?


Why did she take away the company?


I asked so many times.


She never answered me.

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December 2007

RIPW Training Center at Providence, Rhode Island




Tom Gilmore: "So, what do you think?"

Tommy: "It's quite the facility you have here."


Tom Gilmore: "I wanted Supreme University to be in Rhode Island, too, but if not, Connecticut was second choice."

Tommy: "But it's in Hawaii."

Tom Gilmore: "Wasn't my decision, Tommy. It was one of Jerry's ideas...before he left."

Tommy: "...I see."


Tom Gilmore: "I have to ask, Tommy. When you were still the owner, were you in on the negotiations with Jerry and Eric Eisen?"

Tommy: "No...by that time, I had...lost control of the company."

Tom Gilmore: "I see. In any case, Jerry thought it was a grand idea to have our top-of-line "dojo" on a vacation island, cut off from the mainland, increasing the cost of...well, everything."

Tom Gilmore: "I, on the other hand, wanted something more practical...considering it was I who had to oversee these new graduates."

Tommy Cornell: "Was leaving it at New York an option?"

Tom Gilmore: "Jerry wanted it in Hawaii. He didn't make it option. He pretty much didn't considering any of the other options."


Tommy Cornell: "So, what brings you down here today?"

Tom Gilmore: "Checking out the developmental workers, see if there are any possible candidates to be sent at the dojo, help the training a bit...a bunch of other stuff, but mainly those."

*Tom Gilmore looks towards someone*




Tom Gilmore: "How's he holding up? I saw the last shows he was on at TCW...I know it wasn't your work."

Tommy: "...I didn't like it...but he's mellowed out. He's not very happy, but I hope the jump serves him well."

Tom Gilmore: "Don't worry, Tommy, a kid like him, the only things that hold him back are personal demon and the brass, and I don't think the brass are going to hold him back."

Tommy: "That's good to know."


Tommy: "So, what do you think of him?"

Tom Gilmore: "I don't think I can say anything you wouldn't of already, Tommy. He's ready, definitely. He just needs the right push, to do undo the...damage."

Tommy: "LIke I said, he's mellowed out a bit. I was concerned about his attitude...but...now...I hope I can I rebuild his confidence."




Bruce the Giant: "Hey Tommy."

Tommy: "What are you guys doing here?"

Bruce the Giant: "I'm here because of that ****er Valentine. No way I'm working with him. I told Sam he was bad news for years and years, but Sam would never listen to me."

Tommy: "So why didn't you head back to Japan?"

*Bruce the Giant points to Dread*

Bruce the Giant: "He'll tell you the story."


Dread: "Tommy, some shit has gone down at Japan. Someone injured someone in a wrestling match-"

Tommy: "That happens all the time."

Dread: "Ah, but you see, this was a MMA-style wrestling match. Extra dangerous."

Dread: "A big discussion on if MMA was dangerous and what-not, and whether it should be in pro-wrestling lead to BHOTWG abandoning MMA-style wrestling."

Tommy: "But you didn't work for BHOTWG, you worked for PGHW."

Dread: "Hold on, there's more. The guy who injured the other guy was a 'Gaijin', an Outsider...means he wasn't Japanese, and the guy that injured, was Japanese. There was a big discussion on whether "Gaijin" and their role...and well, despite assurances from "Jimbo-san" that I was not being marginalized, they offered me a touring contract. I didn't take it as insult, but a touring contract ain't going to do it for me. I said, if you can't give me the contract I want, then I'm going to look around."

Tommy: "That must have made them unhappy."

Dread: "Yeah, but I got to look out for myself, you know? Money doesn't fall out of the sky like manna."

Tommy: "How does that explain why you are here, and not at TCW, or USPW?"

Dread: "I heard news about Valentine. Not sure I wanted to do business with him. Plus, if you know how I work, my Dread-sault would put a 'cramp' in their style. As for TCW, well, you never called."

Tommy: "I...wasn't in the position to do anything."

Dread: "...look, I heard, so I'm not going to ask any questions."


Bruce the Giant: "TCW never gave me a call, either. But I'm not exactly sure they would have wanted me, anyway."

Dread: "Yeah, us big guys, we tend not to get hired so much in North American 'wrasslin' companies these days. Bookers and Owners think we take too much time from the lighter guys. I can't say this wasn't true in the past, but these days? It's hard to find guys as good as us at this size level."

Bruce the Giant: "Yeah. We're never going to technical geniuses or high-flying wizards, but we can still have our role."




I see three women walking our way.

Wanda Fish: "Hey! 'Angry'!"

Tom Gilmore: "Yes, Wanda?"

Alicia Strong: "When are we headed to TV? I don't need any more development, I'm good!"

Wanda Fish: "And don't tell us we can be 'Trainers' either. I didn't sign on to be a Trainer."

Joanne Rodriguez: "We're ready to do our part."

Tom Gilmore: "Look, I'm not in charge of whether you can go up. But I can tell you, once the SWF has something for, they'll bring you guys up."

Wanda Fish: "Alright, fine. But it's taking too long."

They walk off, mumbling to themselves.

Tom Gilmore: "*Sigh* What are they going to do about them? Alicia and Wanda were both supposed to be the pillars of USPW's Women's Division, but Valentine cut the whole division."


Tom Gilmore: On that topic...are you familiar this person?"

*Gilmore points to someone.*




Tommy: "No...am I supposed to be?"

Tom Gilmore: "Well...no. She's a newcomer. Here's the funny thing. While an amazing athlete, she seemed, at first hand, about average in the ring...but she doesn't need much instruction on how to construct a match, or how to make a match exciting. In fact, I think she might be better than me on that regard."

Tommy: "Her? Really?"

Dread: "Yeah, she's something. When I first saw her, I thought she was just an average worker. Nothing special. But I had her work with me a bit. She definitely does not need help with holding a match together, or to make it interesting."

Bruce the Giant: "She doesn't have much in her 'arsenal', though."

Dread: "Nine Moves of Doom."

Tom Gilmore: "Dread, you are exagerrating. She knows more than nine moves. But.... he does have a point. Still, she definitely does not need help learning how to keep a match together or to make a match exciting."

Tommy: "What's her name?"

Tom Gilmore: "Kate Avatra. She goes by 'Kate Avatar' in the ring, though."

Tommy: "Avatra? Avatar? Is she related to the Masked Avatar?"

Tom Gilmore: "She is. But only distantly."


Tommy: "...where's Rip?"

Dread: "Must be at home. I hope he's not drinking."

Bruce the Giant: "Yeah. He's already sloppy enough as it is."


???: "Hey, Dread."




Dread: "You too, Ray?"

Raymond Diaz: "Not just me. More."

Dread: "Really, who?"

Raymond Diaz: "Not sutre. Heard they were relatives of the Samoan Wildboyz. The other two that I know... well, you know them well."

Dread: "I'll be damned. Can't believe they quit PGHW."

Raymond Diaz: "They pretty much told me that they didn't like how they treated you and me, and if they didn't respect you, they didn't see any reason to respect them."


Raymond Diaz: "By the way... you guys heard what happened in BHOTWG, right?"

Bruce the Giant: "No, what?"

Raymond Diaz: "They decided to cut the Super Juniors, have them fight regularly with the Heavyweights. But Elemental I didn't like that. Heard the discussion between him and the BHOTWG brass didn't go well. He decided to move out and start his own promotion. He took the whole Super Junior Division with him."

Bruce the Giant: "How did this all go down?"

Raymond Diaz: "Apparently the BHOTWG had a meeting with Tadiyuki Kikkawa to... calm his anger about the recent changes, and promised him that changes would not adversely affect him or his 'people'. He was convinced, but the changes that were made, as I explained earlier, angered Elemental I."


Raymond Diaz: "And from what I heard, the whole situation in Japan has caused wrestling fans there to lose confidence in the 'Big Three'. WLW is, according to certain people, has now become the #1 promotion in Japan. They have allied themselves with Elemental's new promotion 'INSPIRE' - to form the 'New Japan Movement'. WEXXV was supposed to be a part of it... but well, they just went under."

Dread: "I hope Kajahara is doing alright. He's crazy, but he's a good guy."

Raymond Diaz: "Interestingly enough, I heard rumors that INSPIRE was a name that supposed to be used by Tadiyuki Kikkawa when there were rumors that he wanted to start a new promotion. Must be a way of Elemental I's to say he's angry. There's a rumor of a third promotion joining as well...though which promotion, hasn't been figured out yet."


*Raymond Diaz looks at his phone.*

Raymond Diaz: "Hey, Dread, you might want to check this out."

*Dread looks at the phone.*

Dread: "You can't be serious. It says here that GCG and PGHW have formed the 'Classic Japan Movement', with BHOTWG seriously considering joining."

Bruce the Giant: "Must have been the reaction to WLW rising to the top."

Dread: "Must have been. It doesn't help that kicking out all the 'Gaijin' helped their talent pool any."




???: "Mr. Cornell?"

Tommy: "Yes?"

Mainstream Hernandez: "I'm James 'Mainstream' Hernandez. It's nice to meet you."

Mario Heroic: "And I'm Mario Herrera, 'Mario Heroic'. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Cornell."

Tommy: "Same here."

Mario Heroic: "I think someone wants to talk to you, Mr. Cornell."




Pablo Rodriguez: "I'm Pablo Rodriguez. Nice to meet you."

Tommy: "Nice to meet you too."

Pablo Rodriguez: "I don't know if you heard, but SWF has hired some workers that are often work in Mexico. I just want to introduce them to you."

Tomm: "No problem."




???: "Hi, I'm Antonio Maxi Marquez. My ring name is 'Champagne Lover'. It would be pleasure to work with you, Mister Cornell."

???: "And I'm Nicolas Lopez. This is my first time working for a promotion based in the USA."

Tommy: "I barely worked in Mexico myself. Spent most of my time in HGC."


Raymond Diaz: "Didn't your hirings cause a stir down in Mexico?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "Unfortunately, yes. There was always a fear of someone up north hiring Mexico's top stars away, but it nevered happened...until recently. I'm pretty sure they weren't too shocked that they hired me, Mario Heroic, and even Marquez... but the SWF hiring Lopez shocked them. I'm not sure about the details...but I heard that the three promoters decided to pool their resources."

Raymond Diaz: "You don't know the details?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "My departure was... not unexpected, yet certainly not welcomed. I had pretty decided to settle down in Mexico to help build SOTBPW, but I could not pass this offer up. But beyond me, the departure of both Marguez and Lopez forced them to reconsider the differences between each promotion."

Raymond Diaz: "They're merging?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "I don't believe so. But something is happening. There are rumors that Joaquin Soler and Jorge Ibanez are talking to Domino. I heard they are both tired of fighting and directly running a wrestling promotion, and would rather be less directly involved. It was said that Soler's only requirement was that whatever they agree to, the base of operations should be in Northern Mexico, while Ibanez's requirement was only that the promotion remain named SOTBPW; however, both said it was okay if they were no longer the primary owners of the promotion, whatever it ends up being."

Raymond Diaz: "So Domino is going to be the primary owner with both of them as secondary partners? What's going to happen to MPWF and OLLIE?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "It looks that way, but no one knows yet. As for MPWF and OLLIE, both have other partners that prevent a merger with SOTBPW. But they cannot prevent Domino and his backers from leaving MPWF, and from the looks of it, Joaquin might sell his stake in OLLIE."

Raymond Diaz: "Woah."




Rick Law: "Hey Tommy."

Tommy: "Settling in?"

Rocky Golden: "Yeah, we're doing fine. I was released by TCW."

Rick Law: "I would have asked to be released anyway. No offense, Tommy...but your ex-wife, she's a real...pain to to deal with."

Tommy: "...no offense taken."

Rick Law: "I heard that some other guys, that she released, also accepted offers here as well. Don't know exactly who, but you should find out soon enough."

Tommy: "We'll see."


Tommy: "It's been nice talking to all of you, but I have to head back. I have to deal with some stuff with Peter."

Tom Gilmore: "You've got a place to stay? You've still stuck in that hotel?"

Tommy: "I'll be fine. I'll look for a place to stay this month."

Tom Gilmore: "Alright. See you later, Tommy."

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December 2007

Marriott Courtyard Boston Logan Airport




Need to check e-mail...

It looks like Peter sent my some files. He has some notes.


Peter Michaels E-Mail: Here are some reports I've compiled. It's mostly where SWF is at right now, and who our champions are. I'm not going to beat around the bush, it's not good. We are behind both TCW and USPW. According to TEW.com, we are ranked as 'Cult' Level company, right between the USPW, who is ranked behind TCW.


We really screwed the pooch on the Election Storyline. Jerry fired Sam Keith as a scapegoat (who you hired), but everyone knew it was Jerry's fault. Sam Keith did most of the details, but the idea was originally Jerry's. On top of that, his handling of Big Smack Scott's drug failure was...terrible. That incident made us look terrible. That adds on top of the other booking issues he has caused...well, we are where we now.

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The Roster of the SWF




Champions of the SWF



SWF World Heavyweight Championship ©

Level: Main Event

Jack Bruce



Peter's Notes: Jack Bruce has been champion since August 2007. Since he has won the championship, he has become the most popular star in the USA. He's charismatic, and incredible on the mic. He can pull off show-stopping and show-stealing performances. That being said, we had concerns of his abilities to... bring others to his level. With people that are good or even better than he is, he does a good a job as they do or do even better. However, if he's wrestling workers not as good or popular as he is, he works to their level. It's not a problem, but we prefer our top guy to be able to do so, just in case we have to.



SWF North American Championship ©

Level: Mid-Level

Joey Minnesota



Peter's Notes: Joey Minnesota is a recent hire, after DAVE collapsed. I'm not sure if you were aware of this, but we heard rumors were negotiations with him... that were suddenly halted. We have no info why this happened. If would like to talk about it... we can talk anytime. In any case, he won this title early December 2007. Frankly, he's a future main eventer. He works with anyone in the ring. Anyone. He can pull out a decent match against our least popular workers. The only points of contention, and these are minor issues, is he's a jack-of-all-trades, master of none; he's about average on the mic.



SWF World Tag Team Championhip ©

Level: Mid-Level

The Amazing Bumfholes



Peter's Notes: Both of them have been the tag champions since November 2007. While we see a bright future for both of them, they are still works in progress. We also...have two people we are considering pushing for these titles. More later.



SWF Shooting Star Championship ©

Level: Low Level

Mainstream Hernandez



Peter's Notes: He has been our Shooting Star Champion since September 2007. We used this title to build him up as a one of prospects. That being said, we have someone coming in that we need to push. More on that later.




The Chase Agency






Peter's Notes: Frankly, Emma Chase has been our top non-wrestling star. She originally was supposed to be our color commentator, but she declined, stating that she would rather manage than become a color commentator. It's quite clear she's incredibly charismatic and incredible on the mic. She will be managing "Big Money" Brandon James.


Sara Silver is new hire, when we bought out their contract when BSC collapsed. She's a local South-West star, but otherwise, there's not much to say. She shows signs of potential, and she currently has a good attitude. She will be managing Dread.


Few fans know who Jenny Playmate is in the USA, but she became fairly well known in Canada at CGC. Turns out, in addition to her good looks AND charisma, she has good mic skills. She's hungry, ambitious, and willing to work. She will be managing Angry Gilmore.






Peter's Notes: "Big Money" Brandon James was Big Cat Brandon, working mostly for DAVE. He became a big star near the end of their run. He's a great brawling and hardcore matches.


Rich Money: He's a hire from USPW. He's great at holding a match together, and a decent all-rounder. He's charismatic and good on the mic.


Remo: He's a physical powerhouse, and extremely athletic. He's close to being a future champion.


Angry Gilmore is a new addition to the stable. He's a great worker, and he's charismatic, but he lacks... the bigger-than-life disposition, gimmick, or character we are looking for.


By the way, we are considering putting you, Dread, and Wolf Hawkins. E-mail back about this. Both you and Dread part of major ideas.


CONCEPT: The Brotherhood




Peter's Notes: Tyson Baine, American Buffalo, Jay Darkness, and Karen Killer are recent hires, after TCW released them. Eddie Peak was supposed to be negotiations with TCW, but something happened. We want them to form with Vengeance as the stable leader. Vengeance is our current "Monster" Heel. Your thoughts and ideas?


CONCEPT: Samoan Destruction Unlimited




Peter's Notes: Akima Brave and Kid Toma are a tag trained by the SWF. They have good workers, but are far from ready in trigger anything for either of them. Giant Tana is a recent hire when TCW fired him (any info for this as well?) Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga are both hires, when GCG decided to let them go for more "home-grown" talent. Frankly, we see potential in both guys, both to help elevate the rest of the people in this stable, but also themselves.


Major Stars




Peter's Notes: Bruce the Giant is a living legend, frankly. He was serviceable when he left the SWF, but his time in Japan has really made him into a good worker for a guy his size.


Troy Tornado: I'm not sure there's much to add here, that you don't already know. I was shocked when TCW released him. It wasn't your idea either, right?


Steve Frehley: The guy is big, but he's also athletic. He's learning, too. He will get the title again, someday.


Wrestlers We Want to Push




Peter's Notes: This comes from Richard Eisen - he wants these guys pushed. Our T.V. ratings are higher than they are from Canada now, and he thinks there's potential in these four. Plus, Raymond Diaz has a huge in Japan. Antonio Maxi Marquez, a.k.a., "Champagne Lover", is THE STAR from Mexico. We got him before SOTBPW could afford to lock him in a lucrative written contract. I guess there inability to offer a big guaranteed contract hurt their chances of keeping him. Pablo Rodriguez has been in the USA before-we almost didn't get him, but he decided pretty close to the last minute. Nicolas Lopez is another big star of Mexico. Not as quite as popular as Marquez in Mexico, and hasn't travelled internationally like Rodriguez, he was a long shot offer. He's great at holding a match together, and is an aerial master. It surprised me when he accepted our offer.


Wrestlers We Want Kept Strong




Peter's Notes: We hired Sammy Bach after DAVE fell. Again, there were rumors that he, another former DAVE wrestler, was negotiating with TCW, but something happened. We think there's a potential upper-tier program for him at some point. Rick Law is a recent release from TCW. He also worked for USPW at some point. We believe we can rekindle his feud against Rich Money at some point. Mario Heroic was a backup just in case our negotiations with Antonio Maxi Marquez, Pablo Rodriguez, and Nicolas Lopez fell through. However, considering all offers were accepted, we originally wanted to withdraw an offer... but the deal with him was reasonable, so we decided to extend the offer anyway. Eisen believes he can be potential worker to elevate our standing in Mexico.


Wrestlers That Are Prospects




Peter's Notes: Rocky Golden is another recent release from TCW. While he was very popular in TCW, we are not yet sure if or when he's ready for a main feud yet. Chance Fortune, also a recent release from TCW and a former CZCW wrestler, we have uses for, and we see potential, but we have not much for him yet. However, we might team him up with Valiant, one of RIPW development prospects and another former CZCW wrestler. Ricky DeColt is an interesting case. I think you might want to talk Eisen about him. We don't have much for him yet either, but he is a good Canadian prospect.


The Backbone




Peter's Notes: These guys are going to be the backbones of the roster. They aren't going to win a lot, but they will keep matches together.


Road Agents




Peter's Notes: That jerk Peter Valentine took our road agents when their contracts came up, but he lost his. Getting both Strong and Starr as road agents more than makes up for it, but I am a bit concerned about their age. Corporal Doom, on the other hand, seems like he will have a quite a while before he's ready to retire.






Ric Young and Darren Smith are both professionals at what they do.


Announcing Team




Peter's Notes: Duane Fry is the assistant booker and a writer, too. Well, he's the "idea guy", mostly, but he does he fair share. Ana Garcia actually applied for the position. It surprised us, but when Queen Emily "quit", and Emma Chase declined the position, we decided to try her out. She has turned out to be good, but if you ask me, she mainly relies on her charisma and needs to work on her mic skill.






Peter's Notes: Dawn's going to manage Rocky Golden, while Jessie is going to manage Steve Frehley. Blonde Bombshell, another recent hiring from TCW, will probably be managing Troy Tornado.


Final Notes


This is only the active roster. We have a development roster as well...some of whom you may have heard about or even met. I might talk to about on a case-by-case basis, because...well, frankly, Jerry Eisen left a mess for we to handle there. This is not the mention the hires we have incoming from TCW. On that, I'm wondering if you have information that you can share with me. It's quite odd that we can obtain so many former TCW personnel. Is there a "house-cleaning", so to speak? If you want to talk about it, we can. E-mail back on any thoughts you have about the roster.
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December 2007

Marriott Courtyard Boston Logan Airport

I e-mailed Peter back.


Hey Peter, this is Tommy. everything looks good to me. I've got some ideas of my own. I think we are going to be set by January next year.




...how many people did Jen fire? What are you doing? *rubs forehead*


Rocky...Law...Tyson...Danny...Karen...Troy... Chance...Amy... how many people did you let go? Jesus...


What are you doing Jen? What are you doing?

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December 2007

Marriott Courtyard Boston Logan Airport




Tommy: "..."

Tommy stares at a photo, sitting on the edge of his bed.




Tommy: "...time to let go." Tommy puts the photo back in his wallet.

Tommy rubs his face.


I shouldn't be moping. I need to find to help those who Jen fired, yet SWF hired. I need help to help Wolf.

This is also the second chance. The second chance I always wanted. Always wanted to make things right. To make up for my mistakes. To make up it to...




Richard Eisen. He gave me this second chance. I don't care why. I don't care how. But I'm better person than I was back then. More Experienced. Calmer. Wiser.

I'll do whatever it takes to bring SWF back to it's Glory.

And Then Some.

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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008

Location: Mayor Street Arena in New England




Match Preview



The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


This will be the Bumfholes first title defense of the year. Against fairly unknown quantities, can they keep it together and win?





© vs. Raymond Diaz

Non-Title Match


Despite this being a non-title match for the Shooting Star Champion, Mainstream Hernandez, can survive the onslaught and pull out a victory against a much bigger and deceptively dangerous, Raymond Diaz?





Joey Minnesota © vs.


SWF North American Title Match


The first title defense for the multi-talented Joey Minnesota, can he pull out a victory against a bigger Jay Darkness?





vs. Ricky DeColt


Rich Money will the introduction for Ricky DeColt's career in the SWF; can Ricky DeColt pull off an upset? Or will the more experienced and cunning Rich Money pull off the expected win once again?





© vs. Marc DuBois

Non-Title Match


For reasons unknown so far, the powers-that-be have decided to put Marc Dubois against Jack Bruce...in a non-title match. What implications does this have for Jack Bruce? More imporantly, why Marc Dubois?


Tune in this Tuesday, to find out, on SWF: Supreme TV!




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match)

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I'm in! :D


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match) - I'm assuming DuBois hasn't started smoking the funny stuff yet and/or developing a bad attitude...

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The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match)

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The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match)

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