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SWF: The Fall - The Melancholy of Tommy Cornell

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The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match)

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Crazy scenario (in a good way)!


Tommy loses it all; and in doing so must start over again in the very company he tried to overcome. Great drama there.


Speaking of drama, it'll be interesting to know WHY they split. She cheated? Possibly.


Also, how crazy is the US wrestling market these days? SWF falls to cult and abandons the risque nature that sets them apart from the rest of the industry. TCW has new ownership through a divorce. Strong loses his company to a supposed friend. Then, the Eisen boys turn their back on the SWF and their Father.


Damn. Now THAT'S a changed landscape.


It'll be interesting to see where you go from here!


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damian Carvill & Joss Thompson for the SWF World Tag Team Titles


Champs retain.


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Raymond Diaz (Non-Title Match)


Diaz starts the climb.


Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title


DQ victory due to a Brotherhood interference.


Rich Money vs. Ricky DeColt


Money makes the world go round....


Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois (Non-Title Match)


He's Jack.... Motha-[CENSOR]... Bruce!

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Location: New Hampshire Gardens, New England

Date: Tuesday, Week 1, Jaunary 2008

Time: 3:10 P.M.




Peter Michaels: "Is everyone here? No one's late?"

Ric Young: "Everyone's accounted for. All workers working tonight are here."

*Everyone nods*

Peter Michaels: "Okay, time to start the meeting."


Peter Michaels: "First off, due to recent recent incident with workers testing for performance-enhancing drugs, we will have a comprehensive drug testing program. Instead of randomly selecting who to test, we will test everyone. Everyone. On top of that, it will also catch recreational drugs, including what some may consider minor ones. It will catch even minute amounts of any drug you are taking. So don't think you cycle or do low amounts of anything get away with it. Any ojbections?"

*Everyone remains silent*

Peter Michaels: "Separate but related to the policy, no drugs are allowed backstage in the venue. If you got anything you need to take, try to take it outside of the venue, or if you have to take it at the venue, you must clear it through our drug testing program. Any objections?"

*Everyone remains silent*

Peter Michaels: "Okay, I'll hand it off to Strong. Sam?"


Sam Strong: "Effective immediately, smoking is not looked at the venue. If you have to smoke, it has to off venue property."

*Some grumbling*

Sam Strong: "Look, whether you feel this policy is right or wrong, many venues are banning smoking. We are simply setting standard to make sure everyone follows a common rule of each venue. It saves a ton of hassle and time to not have to debate each venue whether smoking is allowed or not. So, just smoke when you out of the propery of the venue, okay guys?"

*Most people sigh, but no one objects.*


Sam Strong: "Also, effectively immediately, no alcohol is allowed backstage at the venue."

*People are talking amongst themselves now, pretty loud. One person raises their hand.*




Bruce the Giant: "Look, I don't mean to disagree with you here, Sam...but...a cold one after your last segment of the night is refreshing."

*People nod and talk amongst themselves*

Sam Strong: "Bruce, I know how you feel. I really do. But I have to ask you this. Do you have a drink before coming to the venue?"

Bruce the Giant: "No."

Sam Strong: "Do you have a drink before the match?"

Bruce the Giant: "No."

Sam Strong: "Do you have drink before an interview or any other kind of segment?"

Bruce the Giant: "No."

Sam Strong: "But you do admit that's possible to do."

Bruce the Giant: "Well...yes."

Sam Strong: "That's what we are trying to prevent. As it stands, we technically cannot punish people for being drunk - only for messing up the match or the segment. Frankly, though, we don't to have any people drunk right before what they do, and if they are, we can officially punish them via this new policy. It's harsh, I know. But it's a risk management. If you must have a drink, make sure your completely out of venue property."

*People still grumbling, unhappy, but they seemed to have grudingly accepted the rule*

Sam Strong: I'll hand off the next part to Corporal Doom."


Corporal Doom: "As you know, we requested you all to be here early. From now on, this will be the standard. Everyone must arrive at least three hours before the show starts."

*People are loudly talking amongst themselves*

Corporal Doom: "People...People! As you know, we are allowed one hour to use the venue before the official TV taping or PPV starts. Sometimes we might untelevised segments to do. On top of that, we might need to record certain segments for TV before the show starts. I know this is difficult, but it's necessary."

*People still grumble*

Corporal Doom: "On top of that, no one is allowed to leave until the last segment is done. That includes the post show."

*People again talk loudly*

Corporal Doom: "Listen...listen. If something comes up during the show, we need a replacement for a segment or a match. This applies to everyone, not just wrestlers, in case you guys were worried about that."

*People calmed down quite a bit, but you can tell they are unhappy about these rules.*

Corporal Doom: "I'll handle over to Mr. Starr. Micky?"


Here it comes. This is the one that's going to peeve everyone.

Micky Starr: "Hrm. Effectively immediately, there will be no catering, except done in-house or by the venue. Any objections?" *Starr shakes his moustache*

Everyone was silent. Except this time, it was uncomofortable silence. It was a tense silence.

I hear and see Bruce Giant whisper to Dread: "Crikey. What are we going to do now? The food is going to be terrible."

Dread whispers back: "I don't know. Let's just hope there's enough food in the first place."

Raymond Diaz whispers to them: "Maybe it's time to eat healthier?"

Both Dread and Bruce the Giant do a groan-sigh.

Micky Starr: "...if that's it, I'll hand it off to Peter. Peter?"

*Everyone is silent. But you can tell from their stares. They. Are. Not. Happy. Not. At. All.*


Peter Michaels: "I know everyone is not going to like these new rules or changes, but the main purpose of these rules is to professionalize our backstage environment, which is to product us from issues, legal or otherwise-"

Bruce the Giant: "What about the catering?"

Peter Michaels: "To save costs. We are a bit slump right now. It will be a while before you see any high quality catering. Sorry, guys."

*Everyone remains silent. They seem to understand the situation, but clearly are unhappy.*


Peter Michaels: "Well, that's it for now, everyone. I suggest we all begin start preparing for what need to do for the show."

*Everyone disperses moving towards where they needed to be.*

Tommy Cornell: "That went over well."

Peter Michaels: "*sigh* I knew that removing high quality catering was going to get a bad reaction. But we don't have the money to do it right now. And it isn't the most necessary expense. Even if the food is not going taste so great."

Tommy Cornell: "I have an idea-we should have a suggestion box at each show. That might improve morale."

Peter Michaels: "I think what we are going to get is ton of requests to bring back high quality catering...but it's still a good idea. I'll do it."

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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008

Location: New Hampshire Garden in New England




Peter Michaels - Duane Fry - Ana Garcia




Peter Michaels: "Welcome to SWF's Surpreme TV, Ladies and Gentleman! We have an action-packed show for you, isn't that right, Duane?"

Duane Fry: "That's right, Peter, but before we get into the first match of the night, it seems Jack Bruce has a response to Ms. Chase's offer."

Ana Garcia: "Well that was fast for Jack. Usually he's... more patient and...teases you. He's about come out, right now! I can't wait."






As Jack Bruce's "Wish I Had an Angel" plays, the crowd goes nuts.


Jack Bruce to a roar from the crowd. He waves as he walks out, sometimes stopping to smile and soak in the moment.

He gets in the ring, and motions for a mic.


Jack Bruce: "Hello New Hampshire Garden!" *Crowd Cheers*

Jack Bruce: "I want to get something off my chest. Emma Chase, get yourself and your 'agency' out here, now!"


Kany West's "Power plays, and the crowd boos heavily.

Out walks Emma Chase with "Big Money" Brandon James, but also Rich Money, Remo, Dread, Tommy Cornell, and Wolf Hawkins. Sara Silver is hovering in the background behind Dread.


Emma Chase: "Have you decided to my offer? I thought it was...quite satisfactory." *Crowd boos*


Jack Bruce: "It ain't your offer, girl." *Crowd Cheers*

Jack Bruce: "I didn't like what you 'request' me to do. Why do I have to reliquinsh my title to them?" *Crowd boos*


Emma Chase: "In the Chase Agency, you have to work up the ladder..."

Jack Bruce: "Up the ladder? I am the World Heavyweight Champion! It sounds like their the ones that need to work up the ladder! I'm already there!" *Crowd roars in approval*

Emma Chase: "You can give to anyone of your choice...otherwise..."

Jack Bruce: "My choice? What are you talking about here, girl? It sounds like I can choose any color, except it's between black and white." *Crowd cheers*

Jack Bruce: "If you ask me, some of them don't even deserve it!" *Crowd roars*


Jack Bruce: "I'm ain't going to relinquish my title to a crazy 'wolf-boy' that thinks howling to the moon and speaking in tongues, whispering to himself in a dark room, begging to the 'moon goddess' is worthy of this!" *Crowd roars again*


Wolf Hawkins, pissed, starts to move forward. Tommy Cornell stops him-but Hawkins is clearly fuming at the reference.


Jack Bruce: "As for those who you may claim that deserve it... points to Dread and Tommy Cornell Come and take this away from me." *Crowd roars*

Jack Bruce: "Also, I just plain don't like him. *points to Rich Money* I'm not giving up my title to that fool." *Crowd roars*

Jack Bruce: "Hell, I ain't going to give up my title to nobody. You want this? Come get it then." *Crowd roars again with approval*


Rich Money: "I guess we have to do this hard way then." *Crowd boos*

Tommy Cornell: "Must be. You're going to regret this, son." *Crowd boos heavily*


Jack Bruce: "You can't force me to give out title shots."

Emma Chase: "We can't...but you have to defend your title at 'Break like the Wind'. And I have...opportunities to make you regret your decision." *Crowd boos*


Jack Bruce: "Go ahead and use your 'opportunities'. I'll be ready no matter what."


Jack Bruce drops the mic, and poses to the crowd.

Most of the Chase Agency is shown with not much a reaction, except Hawkins, who is still incensed at Bruce's comments.





Duane Fry: "Wow, Wolf was pissed!"

Ana Garcia: "Not much he can do about it at this point, right, Peter?"

Peter Michaels: "That's right Ana. Coming up, The Bumfhole Brothers defend their title against newcomers, Damien Carville and Joss Thompson."





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Damien Carville & Joss Thompson


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


Since no one knew who either Damien Carville or Joss Thompson was, and despite their dominance in the ring, no fan reacted to them, good or otherwise. However, the crowd warmed up a bit to the match itself, with both Carville and Thompson pulling off an average match despite them being unknown and working the Bumfholes pretty well. However, the match ends rather suddenly when the Samoan Wildboyz attack Randy Bumfhole, while two unknown Samoans attack Zimmy Bumfhole. The referee is forced to stop the match and declare a no contest.


The Amazing Bumfholes drew with Damian Carvill and Joss Thompson in 6:12 when the referee stopped the match, due to interference from Samoan Destruction Unlimited.





Duane Fry: "Woah! Who are those two other guys? They're destroying Zimmy!"






The Samoan Wildboyz trade places kicking Randy on the ground, while the unknown Samoans puts Zimmy against a turnbuckle corner and takes turns chopping and punching him.

A giant Samoan walks out, and stands by the ringside; he does not join in beating down the Bumfhole Brothers.

Kid Toma motions for a mic.


Kid Toma: "We have a message for you. Samoan Destruction Unlimited wants those titles." He drops the mic. Crowd boos mildly but clearly.


Lobster Warrior runs out, but is the giant Samoan stops him. However, he merely holds in place gently, seemingly talking to Lobster Warrior.

Lobster Warrior looks concerned, but does not resist.

He enters the ring after Samoan Destruction Inc. exits the ring and begins to go backstage.





Duane Fry: "By god, they practically destroyed the Bumfhole Brothers!"

Ana Garcia: "Who was three Samoans?"

Peter Michaels: "We'll find out soon enough...up next, Mainstream Hernandez goes up against an unknown, but imposing, Raymond Diaz!"





© vs. Raymond Diaz

Non-Title Match


Raymond Diaz beats Mainstream Hernandez from post to post. Hernandez tries to fight back, but is mostly shut down. This continues until an unknown Hispanic attacks Hernandez, forcing to referee to stop the match.


Mainstream Hernandez drew with Raymond Diaz, when the referee stopped the match at 5:34, due to interference by Nicolas Lopez.









The unknown Hispanic continues to attack until he drops Mainstream Hernandez.

He motions for the mic.


???: "My name is... Nicolas Lopez." Crowd boos mildly, but clearly.

Nicolas Lopez: "Hernandez...your title will be mine." He drops the mic, jumps over the barrier, and into crowd, after some of Mainstream Hernandez's friends run in to help him.





Duane Fry: "What an underhanded thing to do!"

Peter Michaels: "Indeed, it is... up next, Joey Minnesota defends his North American Title for the first time, against American Buffalo! Stay tuned!"





Joey Minnesota © vs.


SWF North American Title Match


The crowd only gave polite cheering and mild boos for Minnesota and Darkness, respectively, but they turn in a rather good effort. Darkness shows he can hang, while, Minnesota shows he can carry the match. It was a pretty back and forth affair, until Joey Minnesota manages to put Jay Darkness down with the "Empire Spiral" (Leg Hook STO), and pins him for the three count.


Joey Minnesota defeated Jay Darkness by pinfall at 6:02.









Jay rolls out the ring, hurt but standing.

starts playing again.

The Brotherhood walks out to the ringside, surrounding the ring.


Karen Killer: "We have a message for you. That title will be ours." *Crowd boos*

Karen Killer: "One way...or another." *Crowd boos*


The Brotherhood begins to move towards the inside of the ring, but...


Bruce the Giant: "Hold on a second, mate." Bruce the Giant says it with a slight Eastern Australian accent.

Bruce the Giant: "If you lay a hand on that boy, I'll..."


Karen Killer: "Calm down, you fool." *Crowd boos*

Karen Killer: "Vengeance just wants to... test him." *Crowd boos heavily*


Vengeance rolls into the ring by himself. The referee bolts to the ringside, not even attempting to stop him.

He walks and stares into the face of Joey Minnesota.

Minnesota, for his fault, does not back, but he does not instigate Vengeance. He merely stares back.

Vengeance stares down Minnesota for a while... and then moves back a little bit.... and then raises his hand...

*Thumbs Down*

*Crowd boos heavily*

Vengeance rolls out of the ring, and motions the Brotherhood to follow him.

Bruce the Giant backs off to the side stage, staring cautiously at the Brotherhood.





Duane Fry: "Woah. That was intense."

Peter Michaels: "Indeed it was... up next, Rich Money goes up against the Canadian newcomer, Ricky DeColt!"





vs. Ricky DeColt


Remo walks out with Rich Money, but stays at the ringside. While no one expects Ricky DeColt to beat Rich Money (at least, currently), and despite not seeming to be on equal footing with Rich Money, he puts up a good enough effort to show off his skills. Rich Money, for his part, is confident, but certainly not arrogant nor overlooking Ricky DeColt. That being said, Ricky DeColt's offense, for the most part is shut down, while Rich Money offense beats down DeColt. Rich Money effortlessly manages a Bank Roll (Inside Cradle) on Ricky DeColt for the three count.


Rich Money defeated Ricky DeColt in 5:43 by pinfall with a Bank Roll.





Duane Fry: "Well, it looks like a win over Ricky DeColt."

Ana Garcia: "Ricky DeColt tried...but at the end of the day, few can beat Rich Money."

Peter Michael: "Maybe some day... up next, Jack Bruce vs. Marc Dubois!"






A cameraman signals he's caught something important.

He starts following Marc DuBois from a distance. He's walkint to area that's semi-open, but somewhat secluded.

Two men, Remo and Dread, are blocking the way into the area.

The cameraman hides close by.


Marc DuBois: "Ms. Chase wanted to see me?" Marc Dubois says this with a slight French-Canadian accent.


While Dread moves out of the way, Remo tilts his head to signal him to move on.

Emma Chase and "Big Money" Brandon James come into view, with Rich Money, Tommy Cornell, and Angry Gilmore.


Emma Chase: "Thanks for coming by."

Tommy Cornell: "I hope you considered our offer."

Rich Money: "Don't forget, though, if you want to join us, you have to beat Jack Bruce tonight."

Marc DuBois: "That is no problem." Marc Dubois talks again with a slight French-Canadian accent.

Marc DuBois: "You know I am the future of the SWF."

Emma Chase: "So you think you can take his title?"

Marc DuBois: "Eventually, yes. But like I said, that is the future. Right now, my main concern is..."

Emma Chase: "Rising up."

Marc Dubois: "Very much, yes. Title or no title, I rather be with people I can... work my way up."

Angry Gilmore: "Excuse me for a moment..." Angry Gilmore moves out of sight to another area.

Rich Money: "Wait! Gilmore...hold on, I'll be back, too."Rich Money follows Angry Gilmore.

Marc DuBois: "It is okay; you do not need another Canadian to reassure me. I accept your offer and your conditions."

Emma Chase: "Very well. Deal."


Dread catches the camera spying on them. He motions for him to get out of the area. The cameraman obliges quickly.









The same cameraman, as before, is walking away from Dread...when something catches his eye.

He sees two people arguing... he sees Jessie and Angry Gilmore arguing.

However, it doesn't look like angry arguing...more like, debating.

It seems that Jessie is control of the conversation, however.

They are whispering.


Jessie: "I told you..."

Angry Gilmore: "I know, but..."

Jessie: "That's unacceptable..."

Angry Gilmore: "I can't..."

Jessie: "Of course you can..."


Rich Money walks in from behind Jessie.


Rich Money: "What are you doing, Ms. Jessie?" Rich Money says it in an unthreatening, but strict manner.

Angry Gilmore: "Rich, I..."


Steve Frehley walks in from one area, Rick Law walks in from another.


Steve Frehley: "What's going on here? Man, why you guys messing with manager?"

Rick Law: "Is something the matter here?"


Angry Gilmore: "I'll...let it go. For now."

Jessie: "...Fine by me."

Rich Money: "...Okay, then. Maybe we'll see you three later."


Rich Money and Angry Gilmore walk away. Steve Frehley and Rick Law look at each other confused.

Jessie looks rather intently at Rich Money and Angry Gilmore as they walking away.





Duane Fry: "What was going on there?"

Ana Garcia: "Who knows?"

Peter Michaels: "What an odd incident."





© vs. Marc DuBois

Non-Title Match


Although this is not one of Jack Bruce's showstopping performances, he does a very good job with making Marc DuBois look like DuBois is on his level. However, it is clear that Bruce's instincts give him a serious edge. However, at some point, some of the Chase Agency interferes, one after another. Fortunately, Bruce is clever, Rich Money, Remo, Dread, and Tommy Cornell all accidentally nail Marc DuBois. The referee attempts to order them to the back... when TROY TORNADO HITS MARC DUBOIS WITH A STARMAKER (Jumping Side Crescent Kick)! Right after that, Jack Bruce hits Marc Dubois with a New York Minute (Jumping Super Kick) for the three count!


Jack Bruce defeated Marc DuBois by pinfall at 16:28.









The Chase Agency rushes into the ring. And starts to brawl with Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado.

They were able to hold them off for a couple of minutes, but the sheer numbers and strength of the Chase Agency begins to wear them down...except...



An all-out brawl has broken out, with security, referees, and backstage officials coming out, attempting to calm the situation down."





Duane Fry: "Woah, where did Frehley and Bruce the Giant come from?"

Ana Garcia: "I believe they ran in from the back."

Peter Michaels: "What a mess...well, folks, tune in next time, again, on Tuesday, for more SWF: Supreme TV!"






Attendance: 30,000 (28,693 Sold, 1307 Comps)

Ratings on Arcadia 6 USA: 1.31

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Canada: 0.23

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Mexico: 0.50

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Location: New Hampshire Gardens, New England

Date: Tuesday, Week 1, Jaunary 2008

Time: 8:45 P.M.


It was a good night. Everything went as planned. Peter, Ana, and Duane are doing an untelevised post-show right now. Sam and Friends are still busy direct the backstage area. Mostly to practice for their next one. Can't leave yet, so might as well start packing up...




Karen Killer: "Hey Tommy."




Tommy: "What's up?"

Karen Killer: "We have a situation."

I follow Karen Killen (her real last name) to the women's locker room.




Emma Chase: "Thanks for coming Tommy. Now, Sara, would like me to tell Tommy what happened, or...?"

Sara Silver: "I'll do it. Tommy, your... 'friend' here, 'Blondie', was spreading rumors of my 'favors' during my time as a showgirl in Las Vegas. I overheard her, and she was instigating me, arguing with me, and insulting me. We would have almost gotten into a fight if Ms. Killer and Ms. Chase and stepped in and stopped it."

Karen Killer: "Can you talk to Amy, please? I think the road agents are still busy, so..."


Tommy: "I'm glad cooler heads prevailed. Can I talk to her privately?"

Emma, Karen, and Sara nod, and they head back in the locker room.

Tommy: "Amy...you're better than this. Why do this?"

Amy: "I was simply talking about rumors I heard..."

Tommy: "Amy, you know shouldn't talking about rumors about people. People have rumors all the time. I know you dislike travel and pressure of the road...but don't blow off steam like this. You're better than that."

Amy: "Sorry, Tommy, I will never do this again. I'll head back in, apologize to her right away."

Tommy: "Thank you."

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Great 1st show, AMP!


A B+ out of the great is awesome; it took me quite some time to nab one.


I like the closing, chaotic, tone. SWF, even in your version (different product), is all about drama and you did a great job of capturing that in the final segment.


The two opening matches ending via DQ interference is something that may turn some traditionalists off (Old School Wrestling that is; not SWF traditionalists). That said, I like what you're setting up with both. :D


Minor typo, I think you have American Buffalo named in losing to Joey Minnesota (and not Jay Darkness as you have pictured). Minor thing.


All in all, great show!

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Thanks for the catch for typo. By the way, the first two matches did end in DQs. The referees simply stopped the match. It's a draw, speaking, but it's not a double DQ either. ;) In any case, I don't think these non-finish finishes is out of the question for TV. And I have special reasons for not wanting either Raymond Diaz or Mainstream Hernandez not to lose. Raymond Diaz is auto-pushed as a Opener/Enhancement Talent right now, and I need to quickly boost him up to being at least a Lower Midcarder, in order to use him more. If you read between the lines, I had Diaz "dominate" the match. As for Hernandez, I couldn't afford for him to lose to Diaz at this point, because, as you see, I was setting him up for a feud with Nicolas Lopez. So, Diaz gets a rub for being dominant, Mainstream doesn't lose the match, but loses a tad bit of overness for being dominated. Still not enough to lower his push, which is good enough.


I know using "Protect", "Kept Strong", and "Dominate" seriously tanks match grades, but if it's not the co-main or the main event, the match grade doesn't really matter in the long run. It's only in those two matches where the match grade genuinely matters. (70 Main/20 Co-Main/10 every other match). And if using those notes gets you more overness for certain workers in those non-important matches, it's worth it.


Edit: And someone just one-starred by diary. Where are you, you one-star bandit? :p

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Thanks for the catch for typo. By the way, the first two matches did end in DQs. The referees simply stopped the match. It's a draw, speaking, but it's not a double DQ either. ;) In any case, I don't think these non-finish finishes is out of the question for TV. And I have special reasons for not wanting either Raymond Diaz or Mainstream Hernandez not to lose. Raymond Diaz is auto-pushed as a Opener/Enhancement Talent right now, and I need to quickly boost him up to being at least a Lower Midcarder, in order to use him more. If you read between the lines, I had Diaz "dominate" the match. As for Hernandez, I couldn't afford for him to lose to Diaz at this point, because, as you see, I was setting him up for a feud with Nicolas Lopez. So, Diaz gets a rub for being dominant, Mainstream doesn't lose the match, but loses a tad bit of overness for being dominated. Still not enough to lower his push, which is good enough.


I know using "Protect", "Kept Strong", and "Dominate" seriously tanks match grades, but if it's not the co-main or the main event, the match grade doesn't really matter in the long run. It's only in those two matches where the match grade genuinely matters. (70 Main/20 Co-Main/10 every other match). And if using those notes gets you more overness for certain workers in those non-important matches, it's worth it.


Edit: And someone just one-starred by diary. Where are you, you one-star bandit? :p


I totally get why the matches end the way they did. As you said, in the SWF, non-finishes are just as powerful as a clean win/loss. In some ways, it's even better (if not used over and over again; I'm looking at you TNA from a few years ago). It's all about 'telling a story' and both of those matches really did. Good work.


I'm also one who has been weary about when to use "open", "protect", and "dominate"; as I want the best grade possible and feel as though these could hurt those grades. As you said though, as long as your Main event & Co Main Event are as good as they can be (Which can be hard. I've come to learn than I can't have Rogue ANYWHERE NEAR those matches as he always tanks) then you're doing great.


As for the one-star bandit. Believe me. I know how this is. There's nothing more 'jabbing' than to put a lot of work into a dynasty only to have someone swing in and give you a 'one-star'. It used to drive me insane; made me dejected. Now, I still keep an eye on it, and it may rub me the wrong way from time to time, but some are just going to vote that way regardless of who you are or what you're doing. While I'm no John Cena fan, I often look to what he said about the Yankees. Everyone hates them but it's because they're good at what they do. Some people are just going to hate.

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I totally get why the matches end the way they did. As you said, in the SWF, non-finishes are just as powerful as a clean win/loss. In some ways, it's even better (if not used over and over again; I'm looking at you TNA from a few years ago). It's all about 'telling a story' and both of those matches really did. Good work.


I'm fine with non-finishes for non-critical matches and when it's on TV. For major events and major matches, however, it doesn't make any sense. And it's annoying. While losing on TV is for the build up for the matches, at major events is why you PAID to watch. Giving fans non-finishes at major events is just insulting.


For people to be pissed at non-finishes (other than overuse, of course) on TV, it's a bit silly. But it's equally silly for promotions to use non-finishes on PPV. Besides, that's what you have angles and dirty finishes for. Don't want the guy winning to look too good? Have him win by a flash pinfall. Or cheat. Or barring that, have an angle where the loser gets one up on the winner. But don't have non-finishes.


I'm also one who has been weary about when to use "open", "protect", and "dominate"; as I want the best grade possible and feel as though these could hurt those grades. As you said though, as long as your Main event & Co Main Event are as good as they can be (Which can be hard. I've come to learn than I can't have Rogue ANYWHERE NEAR those matches as he always tanks) then you're doing great.


There is not a whole lot of downsides to using open. It's possible the more popular worker of the match might lose overness for that, but if he's winning anyway, that pretty much negates his overness loss, if you ask me. There might be even some psychology limits, but I have never been able to prove this is true, to myself. I always got the feeling there was, but when I use the "Open" note, I use it with others, so I could never tell.


But like I said before, you can do "meh" or even a dog pile on the undercard, but if your co-main is good and your main is great, the show is fine.


As for the one-star bandit. Believe me. I know how this is. There's nothing more 'jabbing' than to put a lot of work into a dynasty only to have someone swing in and give you a 'one-star'. It used to drive me insane; made me dejected. Now, I still keep an eye on it, and it may rub me the wrong way from time to time, but some are just going to vote that way regardless of who you are or what you're doing. While I'm no John Cena fan, I often look to what he said about the Yankees. Everyone hates them but it's because they're good at what they do. Some people are just going to hate.


I'm more amused and bemused than anything else. :p




By the way, as a message to everyone, there will be a prize for end of a game month for the person with the most correct predictions. :) I'll have some prediction analysis for this show soon. :)

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I think there are just some people that like to swoop in and one star everything for fun. Any sensible readers that have been around here for any sort of prolonged time know better than to believe that stuff anyways and will read based on who the author is and not how many stars the thread has.
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Monday, Week 1 January 2008 Prediction Results


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><th>Predictor</th><th>Total Correct</th><th>Percentage Correct</th></tr><tr><td>Eisen-verse</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td></tr><tr><td>flaviooooo</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td></tr><tr><td>Sharpshooter</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td></tr><tr><td>3rdStringPG</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td></tr><tr><td>Psycho Sam</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td></tr></table>


Winner for this show: Draw between Eisen-verse, flaviooooo, and Sharpshooter


It seems everyone got bot the first two matches wrong. I pretty much had an idea that this was going to happen. :p Still, I was pretty sure the non-draws were pretty obvious on who's going to win.


Any thoughts? In any case, the next show is going to up as soon as I get it done. There is a prize on the line. :)


I think there are just some people that like to swoop in and one star everything for fun. Any sensible readers that have been around here for any sort of prolonged time know better than to believe that stuff anyways and will read based on who the author is and not how many stars the thread has.


Thanks for the words of support, but I'm more amused and bemused, like I said before.

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Missed the predictions but reading. Will continue to follow. Interesting backstory. Should make for a facinating vision of Supreme going forward.


Honestly speaking, you are my primary motivation for doing a SWF diary. :) I got into the C-Verse because of you. Heck, I would have been into Real World Mods more if it weren't for you. :p Also, since 2007, I had this idea brewing. The final form isn't anywhere close to what it started as, but what is? So, yeah, this diary has been YEARS in the making. :p


Also, you are going to get your chance to predict very soon! :)

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Tuesday, Week 2, January 2008

Location: Plum Park in the Tri-State Area




Match Preview



vs. Ricky DeColt


Can Rick DeColt defeat a member of the Chase Agency, Wolf Hawkins?





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


The Bumfholes have yet another title defense match. However, will Samoan Destruction Unlimited attack them yet again, and will they withstand the slaughter?





© vs. Marc Dubois


Shooting Star Title Match


This will Mainstream Hernandez's first title match defense; will he distracted by a possible interference from Nicolas Lopez, and if so, will it cost him the title?





Joey Minnesota © vs.


SWF North American Title Match


Joey Minnesota looks unstoppable in his second title defense match; will this be where he loses the title?





vs. Valiant


Rich Money shall face the always game Valiant. Who will come up on top?





© vs.

Non-Title Match


Jack Bruce i going to face an actual member of the Brotherhood. Can Jay Darkness pull off the upset? Or will Jack Bruce prevail once again?


Tune in this Tuesday, on Arcadia 6 USA/Canada/Mexico, to find out on SWF: Supreme TV!




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky DeColt

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. American Buffalo for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Valiant

Jack Bruce © vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)

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Just as a side-note those links in their names are their theme songs, which is also true for the the link for the name of the TV show.


Oh yeah, I forgot to do this. There's going to be at least two or three prize choices, if not more (probably not, but we will see), and for after each show, depending on the number of price choices, I will preview a prize choice. Considering this is after my first show, I'll do one now.


Revealing a Single Song (of ampulator's choice) for the "Tommy Cornell/Jennifer Cornell" Storyline Soundtrack (English/Cantonese/Mandarin/Japanese/Other): Basically, I have a song that would describe the state of their relationship as it stands. You can choose which language (or other), and I will reveal the song. Some songs that I will pick will come in multiple formats, so you get bonus songs. :)

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Great start Amp. I never do pickem games but once in a blue moon. But like the twist to start. I'll be reading sir.

Thanks for reading.


One of the reasons why I'm doing the "predictions game" is to encourage people to read. Some people enjoy it. And for people that don't, well, they don't seem to mind it exists.


By the way, if this thing falls off the first page before a single prediction comes in, I'll bump it. Sometimes it may be contentless bump, but I hope I won't have to do that. We'll see.


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Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky DeColt

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Valiant

Jack Bruce © vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)

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I love prediction games!


Great diary so far, I'm reading!



Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky DeColt

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Jay Darkness for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Valiant

Jack Bruce © vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)

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<p>Interesting title (that's what caught my eye and made me open this dynasty thread) and story as well I am definately going to be reading this one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> vs. Ricky DeColt</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Amazing Bumfholes ©</strong> vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong> vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joey Minnesota ©</strong> vs. American Buffalo for the SWF North American Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money</strong> vs. Valiant</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce ©</strong> vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

No point in having any of the titles change hands on the first show.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35797" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Interesting title (that's what caught my eye and made me open this dynasty thread) and story as well I am definately going to be reading this one.<p> </p><p> </p><p> No point in having any of the titles change hands on the first show.</p></div></blockquote><p> Except this isn't the first show. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> This is the second show. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Glad you are reading.</p><p> </p><p> And I realized something else. And it's my fault. It's Joey Minnesota versus American Buffalo. I'll fix that right now. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> This will not affect anyone's picks (not that any of you picked Buffalo yet). This is what I do when I do these late night things. I also got to proofread better. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> In any case, unless someone else posts a comment, I'll hold off until this falls off the first page to give people more time to do predictions.</p>
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<p><strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> vs. Ricky DeColt</p><p>

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles - <strong>Draw</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title - <strong>Draw</strong></p><p>

<strong>Joey Minnesota</strong> © vs. American Buffalo for the SWF North American Title</p><p>

<strong>Rich Money</strong> vs. Valiant</p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce</strong> © vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)</p>

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Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky DeColt

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Marc Dubois for the Shooting Star Title - Draw

Joey Minnesota © vs. American Buffalo for the SWF North American Title

Rich Money vs. Valiant

Jack Bruce © vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title Match)

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