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SWF: The Fall - The Melancholy of Tommy Cornell

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Location: Plum Park, Tri-State Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 2, Jaunary 2008

Time: 3:15 P.M.




Peter Michaels: "Hey, Tommy."




Tommy: "How's it going, Peter?"

Peter Michaels: "I heard there was incident between Sara Silver and Amy Roberts."

Tommy: "Look, Amy has...issues. She does not intentionally try to be hard work with, it's just that she's trying to cope with being on the road all the time."

Peter Michaels: "Emilia Searle was like that. We had to 'fire' her, but She came back when she realized no one was biting."

Tommy: "Where is she now?"

Peter Michaels: "In RIPW. Helping Trainees. In any case, from what I heard, Amy has apologized to Sara completely, and Sara does not seem to hold any ill will left, so I consider the incident dealt with."

Tommy: "You don't want to talk to everyone involved?"

Peter Michaels: "I thnk you already did that, Tommy. All is well that ends well."

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Tuesday, Week 2, January 2008

Location: Plum Park in the Tri-State Area




Peter Michaels - Duane Fry - Ana Garcia




Peter Michaels: We have an action-packed show tonight! It seems the Chase Agency managed to convince someone hire up to have Jack Bruce face a member of the Brotherhood!

Duane Fry: But before we get to that, we have a match - Wolf Hawkins versus Ricky DeColt!

Ana Garcia: Ricky DeColt is so cute...so is Wolf, but he's with the Chase Agency! Major turn-off!





vs. Ricky DeColt


The crowd was mostly cold for this match, but they warned up by the end. No one in the crowd believes Ricky DeColt will win, but he tries hard, regardless. At some point, Wolf Hawkins hits Ricky DeColt with the Full Moon Rising (Superkick), and then pins him for the three count.


Wolf Hawkins defeated Ricky DeColt in 5:52 by pinfall.






Duane Fry: "Well, Wolf Hawkins wins. That's that."

Ana Garcia: "I was so hoping that Ricky would win. DeColt Rules!"

Peter Michaels: "Looks like Jack Bruce is going to come out. I think he's not happy."






Jack Bruce's
hits. He walks out (with a mic), but this time, he doesn't play to the crowd. He immediately walks into the ring. Jack Bruce


Jack Bruce: "...look, I am afraid of no one. No one." *Crowd Cheers*

Jack Bruce: "...but this is ridiculous. Chase, you want to beat down, you better have the guts to use one of your own guys!" *Crowd Cheers*

Jack Bruce: "...hell, I'll face anyone of them right now! Come on, Chase! What do you have to lose?! Send one of your goons right now, and let's fight it out!" *Crowd Cheers*

Jack Bruce waits. There is no response.

But the lights go out.

A huge pyro goes off.



stars playing. Out walks Vengeance, Tyson Baine, and Karen Killer. They walk into right side of the ringside area.

Karen Killer: "Don't try to weasel your way out. We WILL have that title of yours. One way...or...another..."

Jack Bruce: "Like I said, I'm not afraid of anyone. You want me? Come get me." *Crowd Cheers*

Both Vengeance and Tyson Baine Star slowly moving towards the ring, except...

Troy Tornado runs into the ring from the left side of the open area next to the ramp!

(Blonde Bombshell follows Troy Tornado from the same area, but she is walking, and is on the left side of the ringside area.)

Troy Tornado: "You want him? Come on, take me, too!" *Crowd Cheers*

Kanye West's

stars playing. Emma Chase (with Brandon James as bodyguard in the background), walks out with Rich Money and Remo, onto the Ramp.

Emma Chase: "That was part of the deal."

Karen Killer: "The deal was we would face Jack Bruce. And we didn't agree anything with *you*."

Emma chase: "*I* was the way that got you your...*gift*. What I give, I can take *away*. So follow the plan...or else."

Karen Killer: "..." Karen Killer begins whispering into Vengeance's ear. Vengeance does not react. However, he begins to move away from the ringside area, into the side area next to the ramp. Tyson Baine and Karen Killer follow.

Emma Chase: "Thank you for your cooperation."

The members of the Chase Agency begins to walk to back, except...

Emma Chase: "Oh yeah...Troy, do not interfere with our plans again. Or we will return the 'favor'." *Crowd Boos*

Troy Tornado: "You can take your 'favor' and shove it!" *Crowd Cheers*

Both Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado stare down the Chase Agency.







Ana Garcia: "Yeah, take the favor and shove it!"

Duane Fry: "What a heated situation!"

Peter Michaels: "Indeed...up next, the Bumfhole Brothers versus Raymond Diaz and Damian Carville!





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Raymond Diaz & Damien Carville


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


The crowd is very cold after that last segment, but the match itself still serviceable. Raymond Diaz, again, has proven his extremely good. Everything the Bumfhole throws at him, he manages to dodge, block, and counter. For his part, Damien Carville, is just as dominating, but mostly because Raymond Diaz flattens them out and then tags Damien Carville in. The Bumfhole are mostly shut down. The match begins to devolve as the Bumfholes begin to brawl with Diaz and Carville in the ring.


The Samoan Wildboyz enter the ring and about to hit Randy Bumfhole from behind... except he ducks and rolls to the left and the side, and the Samoan Wildboyz end up running into Damien Carville, who gets knocked over the top rope into the ringside. Around the same time, Samoan Destruction Inc. enters the ring from, and attempts to attack Zimmy Bumfhole from behind, but Zimmmy drops to the ground and rolls himself into tripping both Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga into Raymond Diaz, who gets knocked over the top rope and into the ringside. By now, the referee has already waved off the match.


The Amazing Bumfholes drew with Raymond Diaz and Damian Carvill in 5:39 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.






Peter Michaels: "Whoa!"

Duane Fry: "That's the one to do it!"

Ana Garcia: "Yes!"






The Bumfholes brawl with Samoan Unlimited for a bit, but the numbers begin to add up quickly...except...

Valiant and Chance Fortune run in from the back!

Ana Garcia: The calvary has arrived!"

While Chance helps Randy fend off the Samoan Wildboyz, Valiant helps Zimmy battle back Samoan Destruction Inc.

Samoan Destruction Unlimited sees they have no obvious advantage, and bail the ring.

Chance Fortune: "It's about time!"

Valiant: "Yeah!"

Randy Bumfhole: "You want us, come get us!"

Zimmy Bumfhole: "Next show, one of your teams versus us!"

Kid Toma looks at the others. They all nod.

Kid Toma: "Fine. The Bumfhole Brothers versus the Samoan Wildboyz, next show! We will beat you down!"







Ana Garcia: "*Woo!* That was a doozy!"

Duane Fry: "A definite barnstormer for the next show!"

Peter Michaels: "Indeed.... up next, Mainstream Hernandez defends his title against Marc Dubois!"





© vs. Marc Dubois


Shooting Star Title Match


After the hotter segment earlier, the crowd was pretty cold for tis match; however, they were appreciative of the match. Although both and Mainstream Hernandez are in the same weight class, Marc DuBois is clearly a bit heavier and bigger, more experienced, and has a larger reportoire than Mainstream Hernandez does. Although they seem to be doing the same amount of output, DuBois is clearly outmuscling and outmoving him, and landing more and heavier shots. He's also using his size advantage to do things he normally won't be able to do against opponents bigger than him. Mainstream Hernandez manages to do many of his attacks, but few land, and the ones that do, are either blocked partially or even completely, and some countered. There even a few shots that land that don't seem to faze DuBois much as they should. Marc DuBois seems poised to win the match. However, there was a fast-paced sequence that where the referee trys to keep up but trips. He looks fine, but he's winded, and slowly gets up.


Nicolas Lopez again runs out from the crowd, jumps on the turnbuckle, and attempts to land a cross-body on Mainstream Hernandez from behind...except Mainstream ducks, and Nicolas Lopez ends up doing it on Marc DuBois instead. Mainstream then begins to stomp on Lopez until he rolls out. Marc DuBois gets up...and runs into Mainstream Hernandez's finisher, "Apparition #14"! Mainstream pins Marc DuBois for the three count!


Mainstream Hernandez defeated Marc DuBois in 6:24 by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "Oh my god! That cutie Hernandez just won!"

Duaane Fry: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...well, you won't fool me again."

Peter Michaels: "Look, Hernandez's friends are coming out."






Mainstream's friends enter the ring.

Mainstream Hernandez: "Come on, Lopez!"

Nicolas smiles and mouths "No", and waves his finger from side to side. He jumps over the barrier, and runs back into the crowd.

Mainstream Hernandez looks furious, but does not follow.








Ana Garcia: "He's not going to do that again!"

Duane Fry: "Especially now that he knows that his friends will come out."

Peter Michaels: "I wonder...in any case, up next, Joey Minnesota battles another member of the Brotherhood, American Buffalo!"





Joey Minnesota © vs.


SWF North American Title Match


In an open contest, Joey Minnesota uses his skill and speed. American Buffalo uses his size and picks his shots. However, American Buffalo makes an error; he rushes in with a big clothesline, but Minnesota ducks. Buffalo bounces off the ropes to do another, but Minnesota carefully stops him, and does a reverse Empire Spiral (Leg Hook Reverse STO) on American Buffalo and pins him for the three count.


Joey Minnesota defeated American Buffalo in 6:26 by pinfall.








American Buffalo exits the ring. However, the rest of the Brotherhood walks down from the ramp, into the ringside. The Brotherhood begins to circle the ring. Vegeance attempts to enter, but...

Pablo Rodriguez jumps over the barrier from the crowd, does a jump-push knock down of Jay Darkness, holds the ropes and signals for Joey Minnesota to get out, who obliges quickly. They run up onto the ramp.

Karen Killer: "How dare you interfere!"

Pablo Rodriguez: "I was helping someone in need." *Crowd cheers*

Karen Killer: "From what?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "...from all of you."

Karen Killer: "Again, from what?"

Pablo Rodriguez: "You were going to hurt this man." *Crowd cheers*

Karen Killer: "You don't know that." *Crowd boos*

Pablo Rodriguez: "I know enough."

Vengeance points his finger at Joey Minnesota... but then moves the finger-point towards Pablo Rodriguez.

He does the same gesture he did to Joey Minnesota; after staring at Pablo Rodriguez a bit, he points his hand down with a thumbs down...except...

He brings the hand back up, and does gesture with his hand...he "slashes" his throat.







Ana Garcia: "Oh my god..."

Duane Fry: "This is bad news... for Pablo Rodriguez!"

Peter Michaels: "Indeed it is...up next, Rich Money versus Valiant!"





vs. Valiant


Valiant is a lot more competitive than Rick DeColt, and his match is better, but some reason, the crowd is just not into the match. Still they heat up at the end. Rich Money walked out with Remo, who does not interfere in the match. Rich Money had to use his full bad of tricks against Valiant, who fights back, obviously, valiantly. However, the veteran's wiles means he's able to land a Money in the Bank (Michinoku Driver II) at the end for the three count.


Rich Money defeated Valiant in 5:42 by pinfall.









Unlike before, the crowd is chanting Bruce's name even before he comes out. The crowd boos Jay Darkness's entrance, and they cheer for Jack Bruce's. As for the match itself...there is a reason why one of Jack Bruce's nickname is "The Show Stopper". For his part, Jay Darkness is up to the task himself. They make each other look like equals. Jack Bruce's cleverness, speed, and overall skill versus Jay's cold, gritty, yet balanced, style of wrestling. There's near falls from both sides. There's drama. The only thing stopping this match from being one of the best is few believed that Jay Darkness had a chance, but his performance here makes you believe he has a chance now, if not before. Eventually, Jack Bruce manages the three count with a New York Minute (Jumping Super Kick).


Jack Bruce defeated Wolf Hawkins in 15:35 by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "Yes! Jack Bruce won!"

Duane Fry: "What a match! Jay Darkness proves that a member of the Brotherhood is NOT to be underestimated!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, the members of the Brotherhood are coming out again!"






Jy Darkness rolls out the ring.

The Brotherhood begins to circle the ring looking at Jack Bruce intently...

Sammy Bach runs in from the crowd into the ring! He stands side by side with Jack Bruce, and seems to gesture he's ready to support Jack Bruce. Bruce simply nods.

The Brotherhood, however, do not react to this development. They continue to circle the ring...

Karen Killer merely looks at Sammy Bach, and smiles.

Security, referees, and backstage officials rush out, and they, cautiously attempt to coax the Brotherhood to the back.







Ana Garcia: "Oh-my-god!-Oh-my-god!"

Duane Fry: "Barnstormer's a-brewin'!"

Peter Michaels: "What a tense situation...if you want to see the aftermath, tune in, next time, Tuesdays, Primetime, on Arcadia 6 in your country, for SWF - Supreme TV!"






Attendance: 15,000 (SOLD OUT!)

Ratings on Arcadia 6 USA: 1.30

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Canada: 0.24

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Mexico: 0.50

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Location: Plum Park, Tri-State Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 2, Jaunary 2008

Time: 8:45 P.M.




Tommy: "Hey, Wolf."




Wolf Hawkins: "Hey, Tommy."

Wolf Hawkins is packing his gear into his bag.

Tommy: "You've been doing alright?"

Wolf Hawkins: "Yeah, yeah, I moved in somewhere on the outskirts of Boston... nice place, you have a place yet? You can stay with me."

Tommy: "Oh yeah, same here, I got somewhere nice on the outskirts of Boston, too."

Wolf Hawkins: "That's good to hear."

Tommy: "About last week..."

Wolf Hawkins: "Don't worry about it. Of course people would have poked fun at it. It was silly."

Tommy: "That's not what I want to talk about...I'm sorry that happened...I'm sorry that I couldn't stop it...I'm sorry I couldn't protect-"

Wolf Hawkins: "Look, what's done is done. I don't want to think about it."

Tommy: "Sure...if you need to talk with him, you know how to get in touch with me. Okay?"

Wolf Hawkins: "Always."

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Monday, Week 1 January 2008 Prediction Results


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><th>#</th><th>Predictor</th><th>Total Correct</th><th>Percentage Correct</th><th>Correct for Week 1</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 1</th><th>Correct for Week 2</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 2</th></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>Sharpshooter</td><td>8/11</td><td>72.73%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td></tr><tr><td>2 - Tie</td><td>3rdStringPG</td><td>7/11</td><td>63.64%</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td></tr><tr><td>2 - Tie</td><td>flaviooooo</td><td>7/11</td><td>63.64%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>4/6</td><td>66.67%</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Psycho Sam</td><td>6/11</td><td>54.55%</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td><td>4/6</td><td>66.67%</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>TakerNGN74</td><td>5/11</td><td>45.45%</td><td>0/6</td><td>0%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Eisen-verse</td><td>3/11</td><td>27.27%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>0/6</td><td>0%</td></tr></table>


Winner for this Show: Draw between 3rdStringPG, Sharpshooter, and TakerNGN74


Although TakerNGN74 is also a winner for this show, he's way behind because he didn't do any predictions for the first show. That means he needs to make up with a lot of wins to win this month's prediction contest.


As for the show, I wouldn't go for a draw again...right? :p In any case, I originally was going to have a draw between Marc Dubois and Mainstream Hernandez, but I wanted to make Hernandez stronger than he was.


Prize Preview - Pick a Song for a Worker: I have a lot of workers (who ampulator give a list of) that have no theme songs. I thought this would be chance to fill on those gaps, and I thought you guys would like this. :) However, I'll give you the list of workers. :)


As for the show, I think Jack Bruce's awesome match with Jay Darkness really tanked the angle that came after. I might or might not a segment for that later on.

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Tuesday, Week 3, January 2008

Location: North Carolina Biker Museum at the Mid-Atlantic Area




Match Preview



vs. Chance Fortune


Can Chance Fortune defeat a member of the Chase Agency, Wolf Hawkins?





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


The Bumfholes have a chance for retribution against familiar enemies; however, will they once be attacked again? Can the Samoan Wildboyz beat their long-time rivals?





© vs. Joss Thompson


Shooting Star Title Match


This will Mainstream Hernandez sent a message back; will Nicolas Lopez interfere once again?





Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak


SWF North American Title Match


Joey Minnesota is about to have his second title defense; can he beat the much larger Eddie Peak?





© vs. Marc DuBois vs.

Triple Threat Match (Non-Title)


Jack Bruce faces both a member of the Brotherhood and a worker that wants to become a member of the Chase Agency. Can still come out on top?




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Joss Thompson for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak for the SWF North American Title

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title)

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Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Joss Thompson for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak for the SWF North American Title

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title)

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Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Joss Thompson for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak for the SWF North American Title

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title)

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Location: North Carolina, Mid-Atlantic Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 3, Jaunary 2008

Time: 4:00 P.M.




Karen Killer: "Okay, let's go over this again."

Eddie Peak: "We have been going over this since we got here. I think we've got it. I'm hungry."

Karen Killer: "Then how do you explain what happened last week? The quiet went quiet after Jack Bruce's and Jay Darkness's match."

American Buffalo: "Well, it was a great match, especially for TV."

Tyson Baine: "Yeah, and the crowd was crazy hot for Jack Bruce."

Vengeance: "The crowd had some serious heat against Jay Darkness."




Tommy: "How's it going?"


I think Eddie's stomach just grumbled and growled.

Tommy: "...I think it's time to take a break. Eddie, why don't you head to catering table? They have food now."

Eddie briskly walks towards the table.

Tommy: "What's up, guys?"

American Buffalo: "Karen feels we screwed up the last segment on the last show."

Tyson Baine: "So she's having us rehearsing this one."

Vengeance: "We've been doing this for the past hour."


Tommy: "Karen, I think you've got this."

Karen: "But Last Tuesday-"

Tommy:"-is what happens when you come after a hot segment. Besides, you guys still did good. No reason to beat yourself for not being able follow that match."

Karen: "*sigh* Okay. You're right."

Tommy: "By the way, good job, Jay."

Jay Darkness: "Thanks. Bruce did most of the work."

Tommy: "Well, it 'takes two to tango', as they say."


Eddie Peak: "Tomrydisfudsrucks..."

Tommy: "What? Finish your food. I can't understand you."

Eddie Peak: "Tommy, this food tastes like paper."

American Buffalo: "That's because you are eating paper."

Eddie Peak: "What? I remembered to remove the wrap. This time."

Tyson Baine: "I don't think that's what he meant."

Vengeance: "Yeah, you eating so little. That's not like you."

Tommy: "...you are kind of skinny."

Eddie Peak: "I thought they told us we had to be in good shape because they don't want people thinking we are on steroids."

Tyson Baine: "Yeah, but for a guy your size, you look a tad bit sick."

Eddie Peak: "Well, how much do you guys weigh right now?"

American Buffalo: "330 pounds. I'm not going to ever go lower than that. Can't. I've been that weight since I was 20."

Tyson Baine: "289 pounds."

Vengeance: "Also 289 pounds."

Eddie Peak: "291 pounds-"

Karen Killer: "You are 291 pounds!? You look smaller than Vengeance or Tyson Baine!"

Eddie Peak: "But I'm trying to get below 290 pounds-"

Tommy: "Not a good idea. Looking at you now, you need to be eat normally."

Eddie Peak: "...oh, alright."

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Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Joss Thompson for the Shooting Star Title

Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak for the SWF North American Title

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title)

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I have been reading TEW dynasties for a while now. never registered but yours has captivated me. I love the backstory (and want moar)! So i registered to start replying to your diary and participate in the predictions game.



I got the game like two weeks ago and being a Canadian I felt like playing a promotion from Canada. I ended up choosing the sports entertainment product that is CGC. So yeah, I'll be rooting for Ricky DeColt! ;-)



Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune: Wolf Hawkins

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz for the SWF World Tag Team Titles: The Amazing Bumfholes

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Joss Thompson for the Shooting Star Title: Mainstream Hernandez

Joey Minnesota © vs. Eddie Peak for the SWF North American Title: Joey Minnesota

Jack Bruce © vs. Marc DuBois vs. Jay Darkness (Non-Title): Jack Bruce

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Tuesday, Week 3, January 2008

Location: North Carolina Biker Museum at the Mid-Atlantic Area




Peter Michaels - Duane Fry - Ana Garcia




Peter Michaels: "Welcome to SWF: Supreme TV!"

Duane Fry: "First up, Wolf faces Chance Fortune! Will Chance fortunate to come with a win?"

Ana Garcia: "I hope he gets lucky!"





vs. Chance Fortune


Fans are a bit more hot about this match than was Wolf Hawkins against Ricky DeColt, but only a tad bit. Still both guys seem pretty equal until Wolf Hawkins manages to land a Full Moon Rising (Super Kick) on Chance Fortune to pin him for the three count.


Wolf Hawkins defeated Chance Fortune in 6:19 by pinfall.






Duane Fry: "Wolf Hawkins wins, once again."

Ana Garcia: "Oh man..."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, the Bumfhole Brothers are up against the Samoan Wildboyz, their old rivals!"






Our favorite camera-man is walking backstage again. This time, he catches a man hanging out in semi-open, but isolated and secluded area-Raymond Diaz. The cameraman is about to move away...until he notices someone moving towards him. It's Emma Chase. She's followed by members of her Agency.

Emma Chase: "Mr. Diaz?"

Raymond Diaz: "...Yes?"

Emma Chase: "You have...impressed us with your recent performances. Few, if any, of your size moves as fast, or fights as intelligently, as you do. Yet, you still have the sheer brutality necessary to finish your oppnonents. We can find uses for a person like you in our Agency."

Raymond Diaz: "...I have yet to win."

Emma Chase: "And that's why I'm here. You've beating all your opponents from post to post. Oblierated them. Yet, you still can't win."

Dread: "It's worth it, my friend. It provides order and protection when compared to working alone. Anyone messes with us, they will get theirs."

Emma Chase: "You will be rewarded. Assisted. And eventually, given a shot to the top. You will have to earn your keep...but I believe that will be no issue."

Raymond Diaz: "..."

Emma Chase: "Look at who this agency employs. Dread. Angry Gilmore. You know how good they were during your time in Japan. They chose to join MY agency."

Raymond Diaz: "...I'll consider your offer."

Remo catches the cameraman spying on them. He mouths "you again?" and starts moving towards the cameraman and motions him to go away. The cameraman quickly obliges.







Ana Garcia: "Oh my god! Another monster bodyguard!?"

Duane Fry: "This does not bold well for anyone."

Peter Michaels: "Indeed. I wonder who this will affect."





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


This was a decent match between these two teams. Well-matched in all aspects, this was a back-and-forth match. However, Samoan Destruction Inc. comes down from the ramp into the ringside. Although they do not interfere, the Bumfholes are clearly distracted. Randy turns his head to look towards Rhino Umaga for a second, and Kid Toma attempts to capitalize. However, Randy tags in Zimmy, ducks under Kid Toma's knock into Akima Brave off the ring apron. Zimmy hits a "Bumfhole In One" against Kid Toma while he was distracted from Randy's attack on Akima Brave. Zimmy then proceeds to pin Kid Toma for the three count. Again, Samoan Destruction Inc. does not interfere.


The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 5:39 when Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Kid Toma by pinfall.






Ana Garcia: "This is...interesting."

Duane Fry: "Samoan Destruction Inc. comes out and... watches? Observes the match?

Peter Michaels: "Looks like they have something to say."






Giant Tana comes out from the back. The Samoan Wildboyz roll out the ring and move next to Samoan Destruction Inc.

Lobster Warrior runs down, but Giant Tana stops him. Giant Tana does not seem to be hostile to Lobster Warrior, but it seems Giant Tana is attempt to hold Lobster Warrior off with as little physical confrontation as possible. Lobster Warrior obliges, but looks concerned.


Samoan Machine: "The Bumfhole Brothers vs. Samoan Destruction Inc., on the next PPV, SWF: The World is Watching. No distractions. No interference. SWF World Tag Team Titles, on the line." crowd boos lightly

The Bumfhole Brothers look at each other. Randy nods.

Zimmy Bumfhole: "You're on!" *crowd cheers lightly*







Ana Garcia: "Is this a trap?"

Duane Fry: "No, I think Samoan Destruction Inc. is serious. No more games. So, the Bumfholes Brothers versus Samoan Destruction Inc. is set for SWF: The World is Watching!"

Peter Michaels: "Sure looks like it...coming up next, Mainstream Hernandez versus Joss Thompson!"






Our adventurous cameraman is once again walking around again. One may think he's actually looking for trouble...he sees the Chase Agency out his eye. He gets closer


Emma Chase: "Looks like I managed to get us a title shot. They're waiting for which one, though."

Rich Money: "Where's Tommy?"

Emma Chase: "He's getting Wolf. And someone else."

Angry Gilmore: "What about Raymond Diaz?"

Dread: "He could be useful."

Emma Chase: "He hasn't replied yet. He will soon. But back to the topic. We have to decide who is going to get the title shot."

Angry Gilmore: "Tommy isn't here."

Emma Chase: "Tommy's already told me he's willing to wait. So don't worry about him. I..."


For once, the cameraman decides to get out of the area earlier than usual. He quietly but briskly moves out of the area.







Ana Garcia: "Damn it, Mister Camera-Man! For once, we needed your snoopiness! And when the chips were down, you ran away, scared!"

Duane Fry: "At least we know Tommy isn't next."

Peter Michaels: "But who is? Hmm..."





© vs. Joss Thompson


Shooting Star Title Match


Despite being a relative unknown and a cold crowd, Joss Thompson makes this a pretty equal match. It goes back and forth for a couple of minutes, until Mainstream Hernandez surprises Joss Thompson and hits a "Pontiac To Home" for the three count.


Mainstream Hernandez defeated Joss Thompson in 6:05 by pinfall






Ana Garcia: "Yes! Hernandez won!

Duane Fry: "And No interference from Nicolas Lopez!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, Mainstream Hernandez's friends are coming out."






Mainstream Hernandez's friends come out to congratulate him. However, they also seem to have expected someone. They all start walking back, except...

Nicolas Lopez walks out from the ramp.


Nicolas Lopez: "Hello, Mister Hernandez. I will do no more dirty tricks. No more attacks. You can face me one-on-one, man-to-man, at SWF: The World is Watching. One Condition... your Shooting Star Title, on the line." Crowd Boos

Mainstream Hernandez is fuming.

Antonio Maxi Marquez: "Don't do it, my friend. It's a bad idea."

Pablo Rodriguez: "Don't let your feelings get to you. He's trying to bait you."

Mainstream Hernandez: "..."

Mainstream Hernandez: "...you're on!" *Crowd Cheers

Nicolas Lopez is smirking, nodding his head.







Ana Garcia: "Go get him, Hernandez!"

Duane Fry: "I don't know, Ana, I think this is a bad idea."

Peter Michaels: "I agree with Duane...in any case, up next, Joey Minnesota faces Eddie Peak!"






Our adventurous cameraman is wandering around...and then you hear an audible "Uh-Oh" from the cameraman, who quickly hides behind large black boxes.

The Brotherhood come into view. They also stop right in front of the black boxes.

Unfortunately, they are also blocking any exit the Cameraman can take without being seen.


Karen Killer: "Look, I know we are going after the North American Title. But we have bigger fish to catch now. We potentially have a chance at Jack Bruce, or even-"

Vengeance raises his hand to signal for to her to stop talking. He motions for them to move further down.

The cameraman sees this as his chance to get away, and quickly but quietly gets out of the area.







Ana Garcia: "That was a close call."

Duane Fry: "Didn't you imply he was coward earlier? Well, that was the Brotherhood, so..."

Peter Michaels: "I think he did the right thing. No point in getting yourself hurt."





Joey Minnesota © vs.


SWF North American Title Match


The crowd was pretty hot; this was another equal contest between a member of the Brotherhood and Joey Minnesota. Once again, this match remains pretty equal, until throws a strong a clothesline; Joey Minnesota runs and ducks under it, and does a Leaping Empire Spiral (Leaping STO) and pins him for the three count.


Joey Minnesota defeated Eddie Peak in 6:14 by pinfall.






Duane Fry: "Joey Minnesota wins!"

Ana Garcia: "And look, the Brotherhood didn't come out. Odd."

Peter Michaels: "Up next, our final match of the night-Jack Bruce has to face up against Marc DuBois and Jay Darkness!"






Our favorite cameraman, once again. He's apparently sitting in the backstage area, close to the area where it leads to the ramp leading to the ring. He's eating a sandwich. However, he has left his cameraman on. It catches Marc DuBois moving out, but walking with the Chase Agency.


Emma Chase: "Mister DuBois, this is another chance you are getting. I'm not giving up on you anytime soon, but..."

Marc DuBois: "Tonight...I will show you what I'm made of. Trust me, Ms. Chase, I will not disappoint. What about..."

Emma Chase: "The Brotherhood? Do what you have to do. Just be careful."

The Chase Agency stop moving with DuBois, and he walks out alone. They move towards another area.







Ana Garcia: "Interesting..."

Duane Fry: "Again? I think Chase really does believe in his talents."

Peter Michaels: "But he's got Jay Darkness in the way. Hmm..."





© vs. Marc DuBois vs.

Triple Threat Match (Non-Title)


In theory, both Marc DuBois and Jay Darkness want to beat Jack Bruce. However, both are actually farther apart from each other than they are from Bruce. Bruce actually initiates the start against Marc DuBois, who engages for a while, until he throws him towards Jay Darkness. For a little while, even if they are not working with each other, they are working next to other. When one of them gets in trouble, they either Bruce to the other, or they disengage and let the other engage. However, at one point, Jack Bruce reverses Marc DuBois's whip towards Jay Darkness, and Jay Darkness immediately clobbers Marc DuBois down! Jack Bruce then clothesline Jay Darkness over the top rope! Marc DuBois gets up and runs into a New York Minute (Leaping Super Kick)! Jack Bruce pins him for the three count.


Jack Bruce defeated Marc DuBois and Jay Darkness in 15:53, when Jack Bruce defeated Marc DuBois by pinfall.






Duane Fry: "What a match!"

Ana Garcia: "Jack Bruce manages to beat both Marc DuBois AND Jay Darkness?! Amazing!"

Peter Michaels: "Look, the Chase Agency is coming out!"






Troy Tornado walks out with Blonde Bombshell to congrulate Jack Bruce...

Kanye West's

begins to play, and the Chase Agency walks out. *Crowd Boos Heavily*


Emma Chase: "Considering you have to defend your title, I've already managed to convince the 'power-that-be' to face one of my members at SWF: The World is Watching...under the condition that none of my members can interfere." *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Troy Tornado: "Who's the sucker?" *Crowd Cheers Loudly*

Rich Money: "Me." *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Jack Bruce: "Just Bring It." *Crowd Cheers Loudly*

Rich Money: "Watch who you're calling a sucker. You might be facing my friend here... Remo at SWF: The World is Watching. And-"



plays, and out walks out Karen Killer, Vengeance, and Tyson Baine. *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Karen Killer: "You promised us! Time to give it!"

Emma Chase: "...I've done you more favors than you think."

Karen Killer: "What are you talking about?!"

Emma Chase: "You're gift will have to wait...but as a...'favor', I managed to convince the 'power-that-be' to book Tyson Baine against Joey Minnesota for the SWF North American Title." *Crowd Boos Heavily*

Karen Killer: "...That doesn't help us much!!"

Emma Chase: "Take it or leave it." *Crowd Boos Heavily*


Jack Bruce: "It's so great to see you guys being pals here, but believe me, I will beat you, Rich Money. I don't care what you have in store for me, none of you will beat me." *Crowd Cheers Loudly*

Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado stand on the turnbuckles and play to the crowd, while the Chase Agency stares intensely and the Brotherhood fumes.







Duane Fry: "Whoa, three match-ups!"

Ana Garcia: "I hope Troy, Jack, and Joey all come out on top."

Peter Michaels: "And those matches will on next week, Monday, Primetime, on SWF: The World is Watching!"






Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT!)

Ratings on Arcadia 6 USA: 1.31

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Canada: 0.25

Ratings on Arcadia 6 Mexico: 0.51

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Location: North Carolina, Mid-Atlantic Area

Date: Tuesday, Week 3, Jaunary 2008

Time: 9:10 P.M.




Peter Michaels: "A Biker Museum...*sigh*"

Tommy: "Something the matter, Peter?"

Peter Michaels: "I would have never imagined we would be these kind of venues."

Tommy: "Because it's a Biker Museum?"

Peter Michaels: "No, not that. Even when the SWF first opened, a 2000-seat venue was...unsual. Even when we went to Hawaii or Puerto Rico, we could sold out a 5000-seat venue. Now...we are selling out a 2000-seat venue in the Mid-Atlantic. It seems...pathetic."

Tommy:"..." I don't know what to say. It's hard for me to argue with that.


Peter Michaels: "*Sigh* In any case, I have the finalized list of our major PPV events. I'm going to e-mail them to you. Make sure you read them."

Tommy: "Got it."

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The Events of the SWF




The Big Three of the SWF



SWF: Supreme Challenge

Importance: Legendary

Date: Monday, Week 4, July

Season Finale


Peter's Notes: This is the big one. Nothing is held back for this event. We go all out on this one.



SWF: Let the Games Begin

Importance: Historic

Date: Monday, Week 4, May


Peter's Notes: This is event where we hold our Battle Royale. We have yet to decide to determine how many people will participate, and what style of battle royale. This is an important event, which will determine who will face the World Champion at SWF: Supreme Challenge.



SWF: Master of Puppets

Importance: Highly Regarded

Date: Monday, Week 4, March


Peter's Notes: This is another important event. We hold a singles tournament to see who will face the world champion at SWF: Let the Games Begin.




Our Other Events



Date: Monday, Week 4, January



Date: Monday, Week 4, February



Date: Monday, Week 4, April



Date: Monday, Week 4, June



Date: Monday, Week 4, August



Date: Monday, Week 4, September



Date: Monday, Week 4, October



Date: Monday, Week 4, November



Date: Monday, Week 4, December




Final Notes


Most of the other PPV's are interchangeable. We are rearrange the names, and the fans don't seem to care much. However, the big three, we can't touch. The last time we changed Supreme Challenge's date, the fans got really angry. It used to be in April, where Awesome Impact is now, but decided to have three major events instead of four. "Welcome to the Jungle" used to one of those, during July, but decided to combine Supreme Challenge with the major summer event to give it an even bigger event feel.


E-mail back if you have any thoughts.

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Monday, Week 1 January 2008 Prediction Results


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><th>#</th><th>Predictor</th><th>Total Correct</th><th>Percentage Correct</th><th>Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 1 Tuesday</th><th>Correct for Week 2 Tuesday</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 2 Tuesday</th><th>Correct for Week 3 Tuesday</th><th>Percentage Correct for Week 3 Tuesday</th></tr><tr><td>1 - Tie</td><td>3rdStringPG</td><td>12/16</td><td>75%</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td><td>5/5</td><td>100%</td></tr><tr><td>1 - Tie</td><td>flaviooooo</td><td>12/16</td><td>75%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>4/6</td><td>66.67%</td><td>5/5</td><td>100%</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Psycho Sam</td><td>11/16</td><td>68.75%</td><td>2/5</td><td>40%</td><td>4/6</td><td>66.67%</td><td>5/5</td><td>100%</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Sharpshooter</td><td>8/16</td><td>50%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td><td>0/5</td><td>0%</td></tr><tr><td>4 - Tie</td><td>s6cks</td><td>5/16</td><td>31.25%</td><td>0/5</td><td>0%</td><td>0/6</td><td>0%</td><td>5/5</td><td>100%</td></tr><tr><td>4 - Tie</td><td>TakerNGN74</td><td>5/16</td><td>31.25%</td><td>0/6</td><td>0%</td><td>5/6</td><td>83.33%</td><td>0/5</td><td>0%</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Eisen-verse</td><td>3/16</td><td>18.75%</td><td>3/5</td><td>60%</td><td>0/6</td><td>0%</td><td>0/5</td><td>0%</td></tr></table>


Winner for this Show: Draw between 3rdStringPG, flaviooooo, Psycho Sam, and s6cks


Ha! Everyone that predicted this time, got every single one right. :p My TV shows are not designed to be unpredictable, though. They are vessels for which to develop matches and angles...and storylines (;)) for PPV, and for building up to the "Big Three" series of events.


Prize Preview - The World of Melancholy of Tommy Cornell: Basically a segment to develop the back story of the current world. As an example, I may have a story about what happened in Japan, what happened to MAW or USPW (though I might give one of those as freebies late anyway), a story on CZCW. Basically a side story that is interesting but not necessary to the story of SWF or Tommy Cornell.

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I have been reading TEW dynasties for a while now. never registered but yours has captivated me. I love the backstory (and want moar)! So i registered to start replying to your diary and participate in the predictions game.



I got the game like two weeks ago and being a Canadian I felt like playing a promotion from Canada. I ended up choosing the sports entertainment product that is CGC. So yeah, I'll be rooting for Ricky DeColt! ;-)


Thanks s6cks! I'm actually humbled that I would be the one to cause you to participate so much that you register, just to play the predictions game. :) Really I am. :)


In any case, my TV time is currently 1 hour and 30 minutes. It's not an amount of time I find ideal. I have had to make sacrifices on who and what to show, and I had alter my booking strategy around that. I would have liked to show more Main stars on the televised show, but sadly, storylines and angles have to take precendent. If I had an extra 30 minutes, I could easily use it for more time for matches for main guys, or at least, put them in more angles. Or if I can get a B-Show, which I doubt (I'm Cult), that would relieve a lot of pressure as well.


On that note, the next show I have up is going to be the PPV for the month - SWF: The World is Watching. It's not done, yet. Usually I get these things done pretty fast, but the extra time permitted by events has made me want to use the time as much as I can, so I ended up having a lot more matches and lot more angles than I normally do. The matches don't concern me that much - I'm not a good match writer (one of my weaknneses, I admit) but the angles are taking my longer simply because there is a lot more dialog I need to write. It's a pain, but it's worth it.


The PPV is not the last show of the month, by the way. There is one more Supreme TV, and after that show, I will tally the scores for the winner of the predictions this month. In case of a draw, I'm thinking of going with the predictor that has won the most shows this month, and if I can't do that, I might as well do two separate prizes. We'll see what happens. :)


Oh yeah, there's a bonus question for PPV's. Each time, there might or might not be different rules for it. However, it will not count against your grade. And it will count for TWO predictions-in other words, two points. So yeah, it's worth a lot. ;)


Same rules as last for the time limit on predictions - if this thing falls off the first page, I'll bump it (sometimes with a bump with content) for a last call on predictions. After that, if goes beyond the first page again, I will forced to post the show. So get your predictions in. :) Also, the my next show, I might simplify the code behind the prediction table, and rearrange it. I'm still tinkering with how I should do it.

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"Armin van Buuren vs. Rank 1: This World is Watching Me"

Tuesday, Week 3, January 2008

Location: Manhattan National Center at the Tri-State Area]




Match Preview



© vs. Nicolas Lopez


Shooting Star Title Match


Mainstream Hernandez has his chance for retribution; Nicolas Lopez has chance to win the Shooting Star Title. Who will rise to the occasion and win?





The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc.


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match


The Bumfholes face the brothers of the Samoan Wildboyz; will the Bumfholes be able to use their past experience with the Wildboyz to overcome Samoan Destruction Incorporated? Or will the more dangerous Samoan Destruction Incorporated do what the Samoan Wildboyz can't?





Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz © vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt


Marc DuBois & Raymond looked good in the past weeks, but they have to pull off a win; can they beat Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt?





Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine


SWF North American Title Match


Joey Minnesota is about to have his third title defense; can he beat the Brotherhood's second-in-command, Tyson Baine?





Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden


Can Rocky Golden beat a member of the Chase Agency?





Vengeance vs. Squeeky McClean


Can Squeeky McClean beat the leader of the Brotherhood?





Bruce the Giant vs. Jay Darkness


Can Jay Darkness upset the legend, Bruce the Giant?





Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law


Can Rick Law beat Tommy Cornell?





Dread vs. Steve Frehley


Can Steve Frehley beat Dread?







Troy Tornado, an ally of Jack Bruce, face against Remo, a possible next challenger for Bruce. Can Tornado stall his momentum?





© vs.


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match


Jack Bruce versus Rich Money. Who will win?


Tune in this Monday, SWF: The World is Watching, on Pay-Per-View!




Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt

Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title

Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean

Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness

Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law

Dread vs. Steve Frehley

Troy Tornado vs. Remo

Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

BONUS QUESTION: There is a video game reference in the first backstory post. What video game is it? TO ANSWER THIS BONUS QUESTION, PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) ME THE ANSWER. I NEED THE CORRECT NAME.


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Easy-Pick Prediction Key:


Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt

Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title

Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean

Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness

Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law

Dread vs. Steve Frehley

Troy Tornado vs. Remo

Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

BONUS QUESTION: There is a video game reference in the first backstory post. What video game is it? TO ANSWER THIS BONUS QUESTION, PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) ME THE ANSWER. I NEED THE CORRECT NAME.


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Some quick notes before I go with my predictions tomorrow.


-I just like how your match are shortly described yet very effective to my likings. Focus is clearly on angles and backstory and you are doing such a good job on these that actual bouts are just a feature in your diary. That is positive for me.


- I feel you with the hour and a half comments. Also having that allowed time with my cult CGC and having a difficult time having everybody on shows. I read recently that angles no longer have to be 6 minutes minimum to have an actual impact on involved wrestlers so it has helped me personally.


Keep up the good work. Sorry if my English is a bit off!

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Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles


Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt


Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden


Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean


Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness


Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law


Dread vs. Steve Frehley


Troy Tornado vs. Remo


Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match


BONUS QUESTION: There is a video game reference in the first backstory post. What video game is it? TO ANSWER THIS BONUS QUESTION, PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) ME THE ANSWER. I NEED THE CORRECT NAME.


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Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt

Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title

Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean

Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness

Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law

Dread vs. Steve Frehley DRAW

Troy Tornado vs. Remo

Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

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Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt

Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title

Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean

Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness

Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law

Dread vs. Steve Frehley

Troy Tornado vs. Remo

Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

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Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Nicolas Lopez for the Shooting Star Title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

Marc DuBois & Raymond Diaz vs. Lobster Warrior & Ricky DeColt

Joey Minnesota © vs. Tyson Baine for the SWF North American Title

Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

Vengeance vs. Squeeky Mcclean

Bruce The Giant vs. Jay Darkness

Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law

Dread vs. Steve Frehley

Troy Tornado vs. Remo

Jack Bruce © vs. Rick Money for the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

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