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Real World mod - board effort (sign up modders)

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okay, as part of the group of modders who originally produced 'Fall of the one ring circus' I know how good a mod can be when everybody collaborates to help make it. I have been plodding along with my own fantasy mod for years and I fully intend to continue doing so until i'm happy with it. But in the mean time, TEW13 is a great game, but I for one (and I know i'm not alone) can't really get into the cornellverse. Don't get me wrong it's an amazing dataset, but I just like to play with real world data. I know there is a real world database kicking around, but I thought it might be nice to relaunch an old dataset and hopefully rally old and new community members alike.


So if anybody fancies trying their hand at modding, or if there are any "vets" who are bored, then here is your chance. I don't want to do huge amount, but I have made a list below of things that need to be done in order to make this happen. If we can get someone to do each little piece then we should end up with a really decent mod by the end of it. Working on a mod is a bit of a commitment mind you, so if you sign up, please do so with the intent of finishing your section efficiently. :) However I am happy to divide bits up into even smaller chucks to lighten people's workload.


I will also include a list of promotions that I think should be in the data. This list of course is up for debate and I welcome suggestions.


I know there is a lot of debate about the use of pictures, but for me there is nothing more satisfying than a complete cut picture pack, so I will be leading the effort to complete that part of the mod. However, I quite like the idea of using a new background so if anybody has a nice potential background, please post it.


Please put your name down if you want to be in charge of any given area:



Compiling data: Panix


Injuries: Sock Puppet


Match types Jaysin

Pay per view carriers/deals


TV shows

Screen pack

Event pictures



Worker stats (create the workers and adjust popularity, skills, personality etc.) Johnny Fenoli

Worker bios:

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures: Panix



Worker stats: Jrev1313

Worker bios:

Worker movesets:

worker gimmicks:

worker pictures:



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures



Worker stats

Worker bios

Worker movesets

worker gimmicks

worker pictures


Promotions (suggested):








Chikara Pro

















Nu-Wrestling Evolution

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It should be NXT.


I'm working on a match pack(based on a match pack from TEW07 or 08) and an organic free picture pack if either would like to be used.


The match pack currently has 850 match types and I'm adding more to make sure every new match type is accounted for.

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It should be NXT.


I'm working on a match pack(based on a match pack from TEW07 or 08) and an organic free picture pack if either would like to be used.


The match pack currently has 850 match types and I'm adding more to make sure every new match type is accounted for.


Use of the match pack would be awesome - thank you! :D

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Unfortunately, I don't have the time to work on a mod but feel free to use my injury mod as a part of this.


I would also like to request the addition of Chikara Pro & Shimmer to the in-game promotions. :D


Thank you, do you have a link? :)

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Jrev1313 has volunteered the data he has worked on and to take care of Shimmer. Once I have said data it will give you a bit of a base to work from Johnny <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their services thus far. Don't be shy people. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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My suggestions for this


Europe: Westside Xtreme Wrestling,


USA: Combat Zone Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Dragon Gate USA/Evolve,


Japan: Big Japan Pro Wrestling, NOAH, a joshi promotion like Ice Ribbon, Inoki Genome Federation :D


I would not overload this mod with various independent wrestling promotions, just those who have some kind of significance if you know what it mean :)


You can make an alliance between wXw, CZW and BJW ( The Triangle of Ultraviolence)

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My suggestions for this


Europe: Westside Xtreme Wrestling,


USA: Combat Zone Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Dragon Gate USA/Evolve,


Japan: Big Japan Pro Wrestling, NOAH, a joshi promotion like Ice Ribbon, Inoki Genome Federation :D


I would not overload this mod with various independent wrestling promotions, just those who have some kind of significance if you know what it mean :)


You can make an alliance between wXw, CZW and BJW ( The Triangle of Ultraviolence)


Thanks for your input - do you fancy editing any of them :)


Just my personal opinion the picture packages that seem to look the best and are the most popular are all of a lighter background. The CW, Soft Grey and KYKY all have a lighter background. Just my two sense :)


You are right, however I quite liked the blue cage background that was popular a while back.

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