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National Wrestling Association - The Return of Rip Chord

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I was sitting in the office that they made for me at the Agora Theater going over the merchandise sales from our website when there was a knock at the door. "Come on in" I said, and I looked up a the opening door to see Sam Keith and Eric Tyler entering the room. "Sam....Eric...what can I do for you gentlemen?" as I motioned for them to have a seat on the couch against the wall. I liked having a couch in the office....it not only makes for a good place to sit and talk over ideas, but I can usually sneak in a nap before the show starts.....you know, tradition. "Rip....Eric came to me with a pretty good idea, and I wanted to get your thoughts". I looked over at Eric and said "Ok, shoot!". "Well, as you know we signed my daughter, Brook, to a contract and sent her down to development....well, she called me the other night and asked what we had in mind for her and the other girls down there. I mean, we don't have a women's division and we definitely are not going to integrate the roster and have them fight against the guys....are we planning to just use them as valets? Because if that's all we have planned for them, then I can guarantee that we are going to lose all of them once their contracts run out.". I looked at Eric and Sam, but I did not have an answer....I honestly never thought about it. I actually thought that we were doing Eric a favor by hiring his daughter and letting her wrestle down in Florida to hone her skills. I finally said. "I honestly have not given it much thought. In reality I have never been much of a fan of women's wrestling...but I am not opposed to creating one. But I will be honest, I do not want to be the one responsible for running it. Sam, I know you have a lot already on your plate with MAW and being our Road Agent, and Eric you are going to have a lot to do with your Franchise stable, so who does that leave?" Sam and Eric looked at each other and then smiled and said "I was hoping you would say that.....here is who we need to call" said Sam as he handed me a piece of paper with a name on it......


OOC - The show should be up later tonight, real life has got in the way. If there are any last minute predictions, please get them in :)
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Tuesday Night Fights - Episode #2






Location: Agora Theater (Cleveland, OH)

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT!)

Shown: 10:00pm on National Pride TV (Taped)

Date: Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Rating: 0.44


Dark Matches


-Mr. Lucha III def. Acid II in 6:24 by pinfall with a Third Strike.

-Matthew Keith and Steven Parker defeated The Atlantic Connection in 7:33 when Steven Parker defeated Curtis Jenkins by pinfall with a Future Shock.

-James Hernandez defeated Ernest Youngman in 8:22 by pinfall with a Pontiac To Home.

-Paul Steadyfast defeated KC Glenn in 8:14 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.

-Mikey James defeated Frankie Perez in 10:03 by pinfall with a Scything Side Kick.

<hr style="color:#666666" size="1">


Tuesday Night Fights Begins




Curran: Good evening wrestling fans, and welcome to National Wrestling Association's Tuesday Night Fights, coming to you from The Agora Theater in Cleveland, Ohio. I am Sammy Curran and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Chris Vann.

Vann: Thanks again Sammy boy, I am glad to be back after last week's historic night for the company.

Curran: It was indeed a historic night for us, as we made our television debut with bang. If you missed it, we kicked things off with the crowning of the first Television Champ, as Bradford Peverell defeated five other men to claim the gold. We also showcased four of the tag teams vying for the Tag Titles, as well as four other men looking to claim the World Title in their respective tournaments.

Vann: Last week felt like a pay per view, but our fans got all that great action for free.

Curran: Well Chris, tonight will be no different....Peverell will waste no time as he will defend his Television Title against a former tag team champion, Brady Prince.

Vann: We had some concerns that the champ wouldn't be able to compete tonight after the beating he suffered to Dazzling Dave Diamond and his manager, Boss Man Brayfield.

Curran: Right Chris, I heard that Peverell suffered some bruised ribs in the attack, but he is really showing how tough he is by getting out there an putting his title on the line against a dangerous opponent in Prince. We also have two more quarter final matches in the tag team tournament, as The Ring Generals will face the Samoan Destruction Inc, and The Samoan Wildboyz will take on the Aussie, Alexander Banks and his partner, Dazzling Dave Diamond.

Vann: When I heard that Banks had enlisted the help of Diamond in the tournament, I wondered how these two men got paired up, so I asked Boss Man Brayfield about it and he said that he had some connections down under, and this was a logical choice.

Curran: And finally we also have two more quarter final matches in the World Heavyweight title tournament....we will see two veterans go at it, when Clark Alexander will take on veteran tag teamer, Dean McWade....and Grandmaster Phunk will face off with the dangerous, Jack Griffith.

Vann: All four of these men could easily win this tournament and be our World Champ. In fact, the man I chose to win this at the beginning was Jack Griffith, I think he.....


Scapegoat by Fear Factory begins to play


Curran: Speaking of Griffith, last week he ran in and attacked Mikey James after his win over Paul Steadyfast....well, it looks like James has something to say about it.




*James climbs into the ring dressed in street clothes, he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd, who cheer for him. He climbs down and grabs a mic from ringside...

James: Jack Griffith....last week you made the biggest mistake of your career when you thought it was a good idea to lay your hands on The Dragon. For thousands of years, people knew that there is one creature you never mess with....one creature you show respect to....and that creature is a Dragon! Now I know that you are worried about me winning this tournament because you know that you cannot beat me head on....you need to resort to dirty tactics, like sneak attacks from behind.....so I will make it easy for you Jack....WHEN I become the NWA World Heavyweight champion.....I will give you first crack....and when you lose.....


Sad But True begins to play and out walks Jack Griffith with a mic...


Griffith: Hold on there.....are you kidding me? Did you actually refer to yourself as a Dragon? No Mikey, the reason I attacked you last week was not because I am afraid of you....I did it because, well....I just don't think you belong in MY sport....in fact....you have no business being in the same ring as me.....


*Griffith drops the mic and charges the ring and they start brawling. A whole host of staff hit the ring to break them up, and as they are being pulled apart it is clear a match is going to take place between them at some time in the future.

*A Music video is shown to hype the match between Bradford Peverell and Brady Prince for the Television Title as we fade to commercial.




Commercial Break


Match #1

*For the NWA Television Title*



http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/89640ad4-643d-4888-9538-747f99b2c914_zps98f2bb98.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/4e354d3f-cdbc-40fb-a210-89d44feee267_zps72d943b6.jpg

Bradford Peverell © vs Brady Prince


-Brady Prince makes his way down to the ring wearing his old Maryland Alliance robe, to which some fans begin to chant "You Suck" to him as he walks down and climbs in. Peverell comes out next with the TV Title around his waist. He slaps hands with a bunch of kids along the ramp and then climbs into the ring, takes off the belt and hands it to Jez McArthur.


-The match begins with Prince using his strength to his advantage, landing a few bodyslams and suplexes. Peverell would kick out on a two count, and then land a punch to the gut as Prince tried to pick him up for another power move. This opening allowed Peverell to gain control of the match and set Prince up for his patented Dream Left Hook for the pinfall.


Bradford Peverell defeated Brady Prince in 5:50 by pinfall with a Dream Left Hook. Bradford Peverell makes defense number 1 of his NWA Television title.



After the match, Peverell collects his TV Title and asks for a mic...


Peverell: Dazzling Dave Diamond....it's obvious you and I have a little problem that we need to handle. Last week, you and that big tub of goo you call a manager had the nerve to attack me in the back as I was getting something to eat after winning the Television Title. Now I can understand why you were a little upset after being the second one eliminated from the match last week. So let me just lay it out for you....I already have matches scheduled for the next two weeks, so why don't you and I get together at Rise of Champions and see if we can settle this like men.....and don't you worry....I will be happy to put the TV Title on the line. What do you say Davey? Or are you too big a coward?




Curran: Well it looks like we have our first official match scheduled for Rise of Champions, which will come to you from The Paestra in Philadelphia on March 30th....Bradford Peverell is willing to put the TV Title on the line against Dazzling Dave Diamond...will Diamond accept?

Vann: Oh I think he will accept, but isn't Peverell getting ahead of himself? I mean Rise of Champions isn't for two more weeks, what if he loses between now and then?

Curran: That's a good point Chris, but something tells me that he will do whatever he has to in order to make sure the belt will still be around his waist until they meet in Philly on the 30th. Coming up after the break, we have the first of two quarter final matches in the tag team tournament...it will be The Ring Generals taking on the Samoan Destruction Inc.....


Commercial Break


Match #2

*NWA Tag Team Title Quarterfinal*



http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MarvStatler-1_zps532eb835.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/DeanWaldorf-1_zps5e59b1af.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/RhinoUmaga_zps47b4f38a.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/SamoanMachine_zpsad627bd4.jpg

The Ring Generals vs Samoan Destruction Inc.


-Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine make their way down to the ring first to

They climb into the ring and do some tribal dance to a bunch of boos from the crowd.
begins to play and Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf come out to a pretty big pop. They make their way down to the ring and are immediately attacked by the Samoan's.


-The match begins with Rhino Umaga beating on Statler in the middle of the ring. The Samoans took full advantage of the sneak attack before the bell and use quick tags to stay fresh and work on Statler, getting a few close three counts. Statler would duck a clothesline attempt from Samoan Machine, which landed on his partner. He used this to crawl over and make the tag to Dean Waldorf, who came in and cleared both Samoans out of the ring. Waldorf would keep momentum, and tag Statler back in who would land a Backdrop Backbreaker for the win.


The Ring Generals defeated Samoan Destruction Inc. in 10:18 when Marv Statler defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker.




Curran: The Ring Generals get the win and will move on to the Semi Finals to face the team of Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey next week to see who goes on to Rise of Champions for a shot at the Tag Titles.

Vann: What a great match.....I am getting word there is an altercation backstage between Mikey James and Jack Griffith....lets go to the back....




*James is showing walking into the catering area yelling for Griffith, and finds him sitting at a table with Ernest Youngman and Antonio Del Veccio. James runs toward Griffith, but is held back by Youngman and Del Veccio. The two men begin screaming at each other until Griffith throws his drink in James' face. James lands a right on both Youngman and Del Veccio and is able to get at Griffith, and the two men begin to brawl, tossing each other over the tables and chairs. Eventually security along with a few wrestlers are able to separate the two men as we go to commercial.



Commercial Break


Match #3

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Quarterfinal*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/7cc6d1b7-0f6c-491e-b56d-983b3f4288cc_zpse343aa49.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a8692b00-bbba-441d-aecb-0af58db66348_zps61316f14.jpg

Clark Alexander vs Dean McWade


-Dean McWade comes down first to a mixed crowd, even though he is a heel, the fans still have some respect for he and his brother, Dallas. Clark Alexander comes out next to a bigger pop, he makes his way down to the ring and climbs to the middle turnbuckle only to be dragged down by the hair by McWade, who begins to stomp on him as Jez McArthur rings the bell.


-McWade has command early, beating the smaller Alexander down with boots and shots to the back. Alexander just cannot seem to get any offense going, but takes control after McWade misses with a leg drop. Alexander begins to use the ropes to his advantage and his speed seems to be too much for the bigger McWade. Alexander hands a reverse neck breaker on McWade and climbs to the top rope, when the lights flicker, he stops and looks around but this pause allowed McWade to get to his feet and toss him from the top turnbuckle, then into the ropes for a Canadian Lariat for the win.


Dean McWade defeated Clark Alexander in 10:12 by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.



Clark Alexander is back to his feet in the ring, looking a little confused as to what just happened....just then the lights go off. When they return, he is down and hurt, looked dazed from the assault. Whoever attacked him is nowhere to be found.




Curran: What just happened? Someone attacked Clark Alexander in the ring with the lights off. Hopefully we will find out who is behind this attack....when we come back from commercial, we will have our final quarter final match in the tag team tournament, as The Samoan Wildboyz will take on the team of Dazzling Dave Diamond and Alexander Banks.



Commercial Break


Match #4

*NWA Tag Team Title Quarterfinal*



http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/AkimaBrave_Marshall1_zps3eb1f424.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/158c4300-6c06-446e-8de9-546fbffc279e_zpscbe9ac4b.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/8fcb92f6-b103-424f-802e-c2b1ac91bde1_zps3f3d2ac4.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/DazzlingDaveDiamond_zps1a16f290.jpgw/http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a12ae4c2-5e0e-4d55-b7c9-8de0e6f0c8df_zps15ee6d96.jpg

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Alexander Banks & Dazzling Dave Diamond


-Banks and Diamond come down first with Boss Man Brayfield in tow. As usual, Brayfield gets into it with some fans in the front row. The fans begin to chant Bradford Peverell's name, while Diamond looks around in disgust. Akima Brave and Kid Toma come down to

to a huge pop.


-The match is just dominated from start to finish by Brave and Toma, they never let Banks tag Diamond in, just keep him on their side of the ring. Diamond tried to help his partner, but is laid out by Kid Toma, who also lands a left hand on Boss Man Brayfield.


The Samoan Wildboyz defeated Alexander Banks and Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8:40 when Akima Brave defeated Alexander Banks by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex.



Akima Brave and Kid Toma are standing in the ring, when

begins to play and Eric Tyler comes out onto the ramp.


Tyler: Bravo....bravo boys....nice job on beating, well whatever that was.

Brave: What the hell do you want Tyler? Did you come out here to ask us to be nice to your boys Keith and Parker next week?

Tyler: Oh Akima....it isn't about what I want....because when I want something, I just take it....get em boys!



Matthew Keith and Steven Parker run in through the crowd and attack Brave and Toma in the ring, leaving them down in a heap in the middle of the ring. Both men lock in a Proton Lock on both men...


Tyler: Believe me when I say, this was just business....nothing personal. See you next week boys.....




Commercial Break


Match #5

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Quarterfinal*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a9fa10d4-c1b1-4683-8eb6-64f6000e18c5_zps28cd842b.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/GrandmasterPhunk_zps5fc84c0d.jpg

Jack Griffith vs Grandmaster Phunk


-Grandmaster Phunk comes out first to

to a very big pop from the crowd. He comes out with a couple of very attractive women, one on each arm. They get into the ring and dance around a little. The music is cut short as Sad But True begins to play and out walks Jack Griffith to a very hostile crowd. He wastes no time and just enters the ring and attacks Phunk.


-Griffith continues beating on Phunk and then yells at this women to get the hell out of his site, which allows Phunk to go on the offensive. Both men trade control of the match, until Griffith pulls something out from under the ring and uses it to gain control of the match for good.

Jack Griffith defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 21:11 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box.



Griffith grabs a mic....


Griffith: Mikey James...I hope you were watching, because after I make short work of Steve Flash next week, I will be waiting for you at Rise of Champions...well that is IF you can get by Dean McWade. So good luck Mikey...good luck.....


The camera zooms in on Griffith as the show ends with the NWA graphic on the screen.




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March 15th, 2013


The National Wrestling Association remains at #4 in the United States and #7 in the World. For a company which just recently held its second television show, they certainly are turning a lot of heads.


This weeks edition of Tuesday Night Fights kicked off with Bradford Peverell making the first defense of the Television Title against Brady Prince. This was a very predictable match, Prince started off with the upper hand, but the champ quickly turned the tables and landed his Dream Left Hook for the win. My rating (D+)


After the match, Peverell challenged Dazzling Dave Diamond to a match at the Rise of Champions Pay-Per-View in just over two weeks. Even with two more defenses on television, it's hard to see him losing the title between now and the PPV.


The second match of the night had The Ring Generals taking on the Samoan Destruction Inc in a tag team title quarter final match. A pretty hard hitting match, that had the Samoan's isolating Marv Statler from his partner. The veteran tag team was able to turn the tables and eventually get the win over the much more physical team with a Backdrop Breaker. With the win, The Ring Generals will take on C-V-2 next week to determine one half of the Tag Title match at the PPV. My Rating (D)


The third match was a quarter final match in the World Heavyweight title tournament between Clark Alexander and Dean McWade. Alexander seemed to be the more popular among the fans, but that isn't to say that McWade did not get cheered, the fans really like the two big Canadian brothers. This match was very similar to the one between Dallas McWade and Steve Flash, power vs quickness....and just like his brother, Dean McWade was had a hard time keeping up with Alexander. But just as Alexander was going for a Frog Splash, the lights in the arena flickered, distracting Alexander long enough for McWade to recover and eventually win with a Canadian Lariat. My Rating (D)


After the match ended, Clark Alexander was alone in the ring, just about to leave when the lights did go out, and we could hear someone get into the ring and the sound of a steel chair being used....and when the lights came back on, Alexander was laid out in the middle of the ring. Could the attacker be the man the NWA just stole from TCW? We may have to wait til after the PPV to find out for sure.


The fourth match of the night was the final tag team quarter final match, and was between The Samoan Wildboyz and the team of Australian Pro Wrestling star, Alexander Banks and Dazzling Dave Diamond. This match was pretty much the two Samoan's working over the Aussie as Diamond never was tagged in, and was only involved in a couple of saves. We learned that the reason behind this was that Diamond suffered a hamstring pull last week and they did not want to risk injury. The Samoan Wildboyz ended up with the win and will move on to face the team of Matthew Keith and Steven Parker next week in the Semi-Finals. My rating (D)


After the match, Eric Tyler appeared on the ramp and taunted Akima Brave and Kid Toma, which led to Keith and Parker to run in and jump the Samoans and leave them out in the ring, creating some heat on this new Franchise stable.


And finally our Main Event was the last quarter final in the World Heavyweight title tournament, as fan favorite Grandmaster Phunk took on Jack Griffith. This was a pretty good battle, as Phunk did his normal routine of playing to the crowd, using the ladies he came to the ring with and of course his size to wear down his opponent. But in typical fashion, Griffith had something up his sleeve and pulled something out from under the ring and used it to hit the Jack in the Box for the win and move on to face Steve Flash in the Semi Finals. My rating ©


My overall thought was that last week's show was better, but in the early days of any company, these types of shows are necessary to move the story along. My overall rating for the show (D+)


News & Notes


In some roster news, the NWA has signed Brook Tyler to a developmental contract, but the bigger news is they have stolen a fairly big named wrestler from TCW. Now we are unsure who this person is, but we do know that he is a former three time Tag Team champion. We learned that he will be making his debut in about a month.


The company has also announced the opening of The NWA Arena, which is located in the same building as the companies offices. The building is the former home to the famous New York Spaghetti Company, and can hold around 4,000 fans. The company has not said when they plan to have their first show there.


And finally, the rumors have been confirmed, the NWA is opening a Women's Division in the next few months. Reports are that the company has purchased two titles from the defunct Babes of Sin City promotion and could use them as their Women's titles. Rip Chord has said he is not going to be involved in the Women's Division, but the company has been in contact with a fairly well known name in Women's wrestling.

And finally, we have received the final card for this week's Tuesday Night Fights:


The Card


*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Mikey James vs Dean McWade


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Prediction Standings


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="206"><colgroup><col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:5046;width:104pt" width="138"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:512; width:11pt" span="2" width="14"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:1462;width:30pt" width="40"> </colgroup><tbody><tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;width:104pt" height="17" width="138">Jaysin</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-left:none;width:11pt" width="14">4</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-left:none;width:11pt" width="14">1</td> <td class="xl25" style="border-left:none;width:30pt" align="right" width="40">80%</td> </tr> <tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;border-top:none" height="17">TheCrippler</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">7</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">3</td> <td class="xl25" style="border-top:none;border-left:none" align="right">70%</td> </tr> <tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;border-top:none" height="17">Emark</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">6</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">4</td> <td class="xl25" style="border-top:none;border-left:none" align="right">60%</td> </tr> <tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;border-top:none" height="17">3rdStringPG</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">5</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">5</td> <td class="xl26" style="border-top:none;border-left:none" align="right">50%</td> </tr> <tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;border-top:none" height="17">Voeltzwagon</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">5</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">5</td> <td class="xl25" style="border-top:none;border-left:none" align="right">50%</td> </tr> <tr style="height:12.75pt" height="17"> <td class="xl27" style="height:12.75pt;border-top:none" height="17">Psycho Sam</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">4</td> <td class="xl24" style="border-top:none;border-left:none">6</td> <td class="xl25" style="border-top:none;border-left:none" align="right">40%</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Thanks for the predictions, please keep them coming. The winner will help decide the outcome to the King of the Great Lakes.

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*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Mikey James vs Dean McWade

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The Card


*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Mikey James vs Dean McWade

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*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Mikey James vs Dean McWade

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NWA - Development Report




*Every two months, we will post a development report for NWA:Florida




- January 2nd - Company Founded as Development for National Wrestling Association

- January 5th - Steve Flash takes control of NWA:Florida

- February 26th - Company holds first show


Roster News


- January - Acid II, Amazing Fire Fly & Joffy Laine assigned by NWA

- February - Cynthia Foster, Marvin McQueen & Ray Burnett assigned by NWA

- March - Acid II recalled by NWA, Brook Tyler assigned by NWA


Current Champions


NWA:Florida World Heavyweight - Steve Flash

NWA:Florida Nationwide - Hugh de Aske

NWA:Florida International Tag Team - Killer Thriller (Joffey Laine & American Elemental)




NWA: Florida - Vertigo (2/26/13) - Rainbow Bar & Grill


Hugh de Aske def Joffy Laine

Miss Sara def Demelza Wade

Acid II def Amazing Fire Fly for the Nationwide Title

Brett Starr & Casey Valentine def The Hype & American Elemental

Steve Flash def The Sensational Singh for the World Heavyweight Title


NWA: Florida - Proving Grounds (3/12/13) - Rainbow Bar & Grill

Hugh de Aske def Ray Burnett for the Nationwide Title

Killer Thriller def Silencer & McQueen for the International Tag Titles

Cameron Vessey def The Hype

Steve Flash def Brett Starr to retain the World Heavyweight Title

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*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


*NWA Tag Title Semi-Final Match*

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final Match*

Mikey James vs Dean McWade

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Tuesday Night Fights - Episode #3






Location: Decatur Civic Center (Decatur, IL)

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT!)

Shown: 10:00pm on National Pride TV (Taped)

Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Rating: 0.78

Dark Matches


-The Hillbillys def. Acid II & Ernest Youngman in 6:59 when Pete The Hillbilly defeated Ernest Youngman by pinfall with a Big Splash.

-Dazzling Dave Diamond def. KC Glenn in 7:06 by pinfall with a Diamond Mine.

-Grandmaster Phunk def. Brett Starr in 8:35 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner.

-Paul Steadyfast def. Mr. Lucha III in 8:40 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.

-James Hernandez & Clark Alexander def. Frankie Perez & Antonio Del Veccio in 11:26 when Clark Alexander defeated Antonio Del Veccio by pinfall with a Hawaiian Breaker.

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Curran: Hello everyone and welcome to Decatur, Illinois and the Decatur Civic Center for tonight's edition of Tuesday Night Fights! I am Samuel Curran and as always I am joined by my broadcast partner, Chris Vann

Vann: And as always, thank you Sammy boy for that great introduction

Curran: We have another great card in store for all of you watching from home....first, Bradford Peverell will once again put the TV Title on the line as he takes on The Franchise's. Greg Gauge.

Vann: Eric Tyler wasted no time getting his group it's first shot at some gold, but will Gauge have enough to knock off the champion.

Curran: We also have two semi final matches in the tag team tournament, as The Ring Generals will take on C-V-2, and The Samoan Wildboyz will take on the team of Matthew Keith and Seven Parker.

Vann: How crazy would it be if both C-V-2 and Parker and Keith won....The Franchise would establishing itself as the most dominate force in the NWA

Curran: And finally we have two semi final matches in the world heavyweight tournament....Mikey James will take on Dean McWade, and Jack Griffith will take on Steve Flash.

Vann: Things are aligning for a James vs Griffith match for the title at Rise of Champions....this should be a really interesting night.

Curran: I am also told that the company has an announcement for sometime tonight regarding a Women's division....and the new authority for that division is here in the building and we learned that she will definitely come out and address it.

Vann: Women's wrestling in the NWA? Can't say I am a huge fan, but at least the scenery will improve around here....

Curran: That is very true.....well let's not waste any time and go to the ring for the first match of the night....the Television Title is on the line....


Match #1

*For the NWA Television Title*



http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/89640ad4-643d-4888-9538-747f99b2c914_zps98f2bb98.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/GregGauge_alt1_zpsdbe223a6.jpg w/http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/EricTyler_zps2fc55804.jpg

Bradford Peverell © vs Greg Gauge


- Gauge and Tyler come down to the ring first, with Tyler taking a mic and guaranteeing a win for Gauge. Peverell comes out next and climbs into the ring, takes off the TV Title and holds it in the face of Tyler and Gauge, telling them to come take it.


- The match begins with Peverell landing a series of punches on Gauge, causing him to roll out of the ring and to the feet of Eric Tyler. Tyler helps Gauge up and yells at Jez McArthur to check Peverell's taped left hand. To his reluctance, he does and Gauge uses the distraction to attack and work on the shoulder and is able to lock in a Proton Lock, but Peverell is able to get to the ropes, forcing a break of the hold. Gauge tries to throw the champ into the ropes, but it is reversed, but Eric Tyler grabs Peverell's legs, keeping him from landing a move from the ropes. Gauge brings Peverell to his feet, but a reverse neck breaker is waiting for him. The champ is sizing up Gauge for the Dream Left Hook, but Tyler climbs onto the apron and distracts the referee, only to receive a left hook from Peverell, knocking him to the floor. This allows Gauge to go for a bulldog, but is pushed into the ropes and hit with a left hook of his own.


Bradford Peverell defeated Greg Gauge in 8:20 by pinfall with a Dream Left Hook. Bradford Peverell makes defense number 2 of his NWA Television title.



After the match, the remaining members of The Franchise run down to the ring and attack Peverell, landing one finishing move after the other. Starr and Parker hold him up as Tyler is about to land one last chair shot, when



The Samoan Wildboyz run down from the back and clean house, tossing each member of The Franchise from the ring until all six men are backing up the ramp as Akima Brave holds a chair in his hand, calling for any of them to get back into the ring as we fade to commercial....



Commercial Break



Jack Griffith is in his locker room:


Griffith: Tonight I face Steve Flash and the winner moves on to Rise of Champions to fight for the World Heavyweight Title. Steve, you and I have squared off before, and we have both have our wins and losses, but I am fighting for something more....I want my hands on that punk Mikey James, so be aware that I will do everything I have to in order to win tonight....anything!


Match #2

*NWA Tag Team Title Semi-Final*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MarvStatler-1_zps532eb835.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/DeanWaldorf-1_zps5e59b1af.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/CaseyValentine_zps885d2791.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/CameronVessey_zps42be45d9.jpgw/http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/EricTyler_zps2fc55804.jpg

The Ring Generals vs C-V-2


- The Ring Generals make their way out to the ring first to a decent pop from the crowd. Next comes Eric Tyler, leading Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine. They take their time getting to the ring, causing Dean Waldorf to grab a mic and taunt them into getting in the ring.


- The match begins with Vessey and Statler trading pure wrestling moves, to a loud cheer from the crowd. Back and forth match, with both teams showcasing their athletic ability. Eric Tyler tried to get involved, but Marv Statler jumped through the ropes onto Tyler and Vessey on the outside, allowing Waldorf to land a Salad Toss for the win.


The Ring Generals defeated C-V-2 in 10:16 when Dean Waldorf defeated Casey Valentine by pinfall with a Walforf Salad Toss.



The video board lights up with a name......HONEY GOLIGHTY and the

begins to play, and from behind the curtain comes the former owner of Babes of Sin City, Honey Golighty. She walks down to the ring and climbs in and pulls a mic out.


Golighty: I bet all of you never thought you would see my face in a wrestling ring again, huh? But it is great to be back in the business that made me the woman I am today. I will be honest, when Rip called me and first pitched me the idea of coming back and running the Women's Division, I was not sure how serious he and the company were about it. It was not until the next day, when I received a call from my lawyer saying he was sending over some paperwork for me to look at and sign, that I knew he along with Sam Keith were 100% dedicated in not only creating the top Women's Division in the business, but it felt as if they wanted to bring the spirit of my old Babes of Sin City promotion back to life. So not only have I agreed to come back and run the division MY way.....but I also have accepted their offer to purchase the BSC Queen of the Ring and Girl Power Tag Titles. And at Rise of Champions....we will crown a NEW Queen of the Ring! See you around boys.....



Commercial Break




Curran: Welcome back to Tuesday Night Fights, and before we went to break we just met the woman who was hired to run the newly created Women's Division here in the NWA.

Vann: I couldn't believe my eyes when Honey Golighty walked out from behind the curtain and announced that she is back in the business, and is going to run things her way. I can't wait to see who she brings in to fight for the Queen of the Ring in two weeks.

Curran: Well it's time to find out one of the men who will go to Rise of Champions with a chance at becoming the first World Heavyweight Champion...let's go to the ring for Steve Flash and Jack Griffith


Match #3

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/SteveFlash_zpsa1df594d.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a9fa10d4-c1b1-4683-8eb6-64f6000e18c5_zps28cd842b.jpg

Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith


- Flash comes out first, but is immediately followed by Griffith, who attacks him on the ramp and eventually gets him down to the ring and rolls him in. This allows Flash to recover a bit, and land an elbow on Griffith as he climbs in. Both men go back and forth, when Flash lands a Flash Bang, but only gets a two count. He climbs to the top rope and when he jumps off, Griffith gets his knees up, and then rolls Flash up and grabs a handful of tights to get the win.


Jack Griffith defeated Steve Flash in 11:43 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.



Clark Alexander is shown backstage, where officials have just found him bloody and unconscious, the apparent victim of another sneak attack. Paramedics appear to stretcher him out.



Commercial Break


Match #4

*NWA Tag Team Title Semi-Final*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/AkimaBrave_Marshall1_zps3eb1f424.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/158c4300-6c06-446e-8de9-546fbffc279e_zpscbe9ac4b.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MatthewKeith-1_zpsa24adb78.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/StevenParker_zps7b708d5a.jpgw/http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/EricTyler_zps2fc55804.jpg

The Samoan Wildboyz vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


- The Samoan's come out first and grab a mic and say that they want to make sure that Eric Tyler is at ringside, so when they are done with his boys, they will take care of him. Parker and Keith come out and make a b-line straight for the ring and all four men begin to brawl. Tyler comes out after Jez McArthur has regained control and the match begins. A very good back and forth match, a lot of power moves from the Samoans and some good athletic moves from Keith and Parker. Akima Brave locks onto Parker and lands three suplexes, but just as he is about to hit a fourth, Eric Tyler spits something in his face, which allows Parker to make the tag and for Keith to run across the ring and knock Toma from the ring and then lock in a Proton Lock for the win


Matthew Keith and Steven Parker defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 11:49 when Matthew Keith defeated Akima Brave by submission with a Proton Lock.


*James is in the back getting ready for his match with Dean McWade


James: Jack Griffith....I will give you credit, you did what you said you were going to do and get to the final of the World Heavyweight tourney. Now all that is left is for me to do my part and get by Dean McWade so I can finally shut you up and prove to you that The Dragon is not one to be messed with.



Commercial Break


Match #5

*NWA World Heavyweight Title Semi-Final*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a8692b00-bbba-441d-aecb-0af58db66348_zps61316f14.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/3a99516c-1e6f-43d9-a336-80eb069df7b6_zps06cbccdc.jpg

Dean McWade vs Mikey James


- Both men are already in the ring as we come back from commercial. The match begins with both McWade and James trying to get the upper hand, but neither can, as they both counter easily. A good back and forth match, and near the end Jack Griffith comes out to the top of the ramp, allowing McWade to hit a big backdrop and then a powerbomb. Griffith walks down to the ring and cheers on McWade, but out of nowhere, James hits his Scything Side Kick and gets the win. And as soon as the referee counts three, James jumps up and over the top rope and on to Griffith.


Mikey James defeated Dean McWade in 16:30 by pinfall with a Scything Side Kick.


The two men continue to battle in side and outside the ring, as security runs down and separates them. Amidst a chaotic in-ring scene, Mikey James and Jack Griffith finally come face to face on opposite sides of the ring. They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Al The Hillbilly, Sam Keith Pete The Hillbilly, KC Glenn, Riley McManus and Grandmaster Phunk as we fade out....


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March 22nd, 2013


The National Wrestling Association is just about one week away from it's first Pay-Per-View event, were we will see the crowning of the World Heavyweight, Tag Team and National champions. We also learned this past week on Tuesday Night Fights that a women's division will be starting and we could see a Women's champion crowned as well.


Like last week, Tuesday Night Fights kicked off with Bradford Peverell defending his Television Title for the second time against Franchise member, Greg Gauge. The champ didn't have too much trouble against his opponent, but his issues came with Gauge's manager, Eric Tyler. Tyler tried to help Gauge by distracting referee Jez McArthur, only to receive a Dream Left Hook of his own for his troubles. My Grade (D+)


After the match, the rest of The Franchise ran out and attacked Peverell, but he was saved by The Samoan Wildboyz, who were scheduled to take on two members of the stable later on tonight.


The second match was one semi-final in the tag team tournament, that had The Ring Generals taking on C-V-2. These four men showed why they are labeled as two of the top tag teams on the indy scene. A back and forth bout that showcased the athleticism of all four men had the crowd on their feet for most of the match. Eric Tyler once again tried to get involved, but was on the receiving end of a Statler dive through the ropes, allowing Waldorf to get the win. My Grade (C-)


After the match, we were all treated to an appearance by former Babes of Sin City owner, Honey Golighty. She has been away from the business for a couple of years now and no one ever imagined that she would make a return. She came out and said that she was going to be running the Women's Division in the NWA and we could see a title match at the PPV. A very nice surprise. I normally do not grade interviews, but I will make an exception. My Grade (B-)


The third match of the night was a semi final for in the World Heavyweight title tournament, between Steve Flash and Jack Griffith. These two veterans put on one heck of a show, they really know how to work a crowd. With Griffith's attacks on fan favorite, Mikey James, he clearly has the most heat in the company. A really good match, as I said these two know how to work a match. Flash looked like he was going to move on, but Griffith used a handful of tights to get the win and move on. My Grade (C+)


The fourth match was our last semi-final in the tag team tournament, as The Samoan Wildboyz would take on the team of Matthew Keith and Steven Parker. This was the third match involving Eric Tyler's Franchise stable, and in my opinion was the match of the night. All four men worked very well together and the match quality showed. Brave and Toma had the match under control, but Eric Tyler was finally able to turn the tide by spraying or spitting something into the face of Akima Brave, which allowed Keith to lock in the Proton Lock for the win. My Grade (B)


And finally our main event was the last semi-final in the world heavyweight title tournament, as Mikey James took on Dean McWade. A pretty good match, as Dean seemed to know how to work with a smaller and faster worker. James was able to get his offense going early, but McWade used his size and power to take over. Jack Griffith came down to the ring and cheered on McWade, but it also distracted the big Canadian just enough for James to land a Scything Side Kick for the win. After he got the three count, James immediately dove over the top rope and onto Griffith, where they two men had to be restrained by other wrestlers. My Grade (C+)


This week's show got the highest ratings as well as the highest grade by me. The company seems to have learned who its top performers are and this gives me high hopes for the Rise of Champions PPV. My overall grade (C+)




- The company has signed yet another worker from one of the "Big Three". While he is not available to start with the company for another month, we have learned that he is a 2 time SWF Tag Team Champion.


- The company has also signed the following workers: Lilly Snyder, Ursula Seaz, Tamara McFly, Electric Dreamer, Joanna Silver, Maribel Mercado, Thea Davis, Nadia Snow, Joanne Rodriguez and Sara Marie York.


- They have assigned the following workers to development: Ernest Youngman, KC Glenn, Acid II, Brady Prince, Joanna Silver and Ursula Saez.


- They have recalled Ray Burnett from development


And finally, this is the card for this week's Tuesday Night Fights


The Card


*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Antonio Del Veccio


*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) vs The Natural (NOTBPW) vs James Hernandez vs Mr Lucha III


*Tag Team Match*

The Hillbilly's vs The McWade Brothers

*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Akima Brave vs Frankie Perez vs Findlay O'Farraday (MAW) vs Casey Valentine

*Six Man Tag Match*

The Ring Generals & Mikey James vs Matthew Keith, Steven Parker & Jack Griffith


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*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Antonio Del Veccio

No way he loses before the PPV


*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) vs The Natural (NOTBPW) vs James Hernandez vs Mr Lucha III

Tough one, but since The Batural is in loan (I assume), I will go with Hernandez


*Tag Team Match*

The Hillbilly's vs The McWade Brothers

No contest


*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Akima Brave vs Frankie Perez vs Findlay O'Farraday (MAW) vs Casey Valentine

Brave is the best in this match


*Six Man Tag Match*

The Ring Generals & Mikey James vs Matthew Keith, Steven Parker & Jack Griffith

Going with the heels

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*NWA Television Title Match*

Bradford Peverell © vs Antonio Del Veccio


*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) vs The Natural (NOTBPW) vs James Hernandez vs Mr Lucha III


*Tag Team Match*

The Hillbilly's vs The McWade Brothers


*NWA National Title Qualifier Match*

Akima Brave vs Frankie Perez vs Findlay O'Farraday (MAW) vs Casey Valentine


*Six Man Tag Match*

The Ring Generals & Mikey James vs Matthew Keith, Steven Parker & Jack Griffith

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday Night Fights - Episode #4






Location: Lakeview Arena (Marquette, MI)

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT!)

Shown: 10:00pm on National Pride TV (Taped)

Date: Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Rating: 0.78

Dark Matches


- Steve Flash def. Alexander Banks in 6:24 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.

- Brett Starr and Greg Gauge def. The Atlantic Connection in 8:19 when Brett Starr defeated Riley McManus by pinfall with a Hollywood Hammer.

- Clark Alexander def. Ray Burnett in 5:04 by pinfall with a Hawaiian Breaker.

- Grandmaster Phunk def. Samoan Machine in 7:16 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner.

- Paul Steadyfast def. Kid Toma in 10:54 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.

<hr style="color:#666666" size="1">




Curran: Hello and welcome to Marquette, Michigan and the Lakeview Arena...we are just four days away from Rise of Champions, live from The Palestra in Philadelphia only on Pay-Per-View...

Vann: And that is one show you will not want to miss....not only will we invade the center of the fabled East Coast Wars, but we will crown not just one champion....but FOUR!

Curran: That is correct Chris....this Sunday the newly commissioned NWA Women's Title will be on the line, as Honey Golighty has promised a four way match to determine a champion.....we will also see The Ring Generals take on Matthew Keith and Steven Parker for the Tag Titles......

Vann: And don't forget the NWA National Title will also be up for grabs in a Three Way Dance.....two of the combatants will be decided tonight in two separate matches, but who is the third?

Curran: No one knows Chris....I tried to get an answer from both Rip Chord and Sam Keith, but all they would say is that it would be a huge surprise....

Vann: Oh my god....I can't wait....come on Sammy, you have to get to the bottom of this!!!

Curran: Believe me Chris, if I find out, you will be the first one I tell....and of course the World Title will be up for grabs as Jack Griffith will take on......


Curran: ....well, the man making his way down to the ring right now.....lets go down to the ring and see what Mikey James has to say.



*James climbs into the ring, wearing his new NWA branded T-Shirt. He goes on to thank the fans for being behind him these past few weeks and that in four days he will make history and become the first NWA World Heavyweight champion, which will be another milestone in the Dragon's career.


Griffith interrupts James from over the PA system, eventually making his way out onto the stage at the top of the ramp. He calls James stupid for referring to himself as the Dragon and that he has no worries that he will beat James at Rise of Champions and become the world champ.


The two men argue back and forth a bit with Griffith throwing one too many insults at James, forcing him to retreat as James jumps from the ring and chances Griffith to run off backstage.



Match #1

*For the NWA Television Title*



http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/89640ad4-643d-4888-9538-747f99b2c914_zps98f2bb98.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/1370ccff-d475-45a7-b678-8977ff337642_zps28cb5df4.jpg

Bradford Peverell © vs Antonio Del Veccio


- Del Veccio comes down first, giving James an annoyed look as they pass each other on the ramp. He climbs into the ring and takes a mic and tells the crowd to sit down and shut up while he puts on a wrestling display and they had better show him the respect he deserves when he wins the Television Title. Peverell comes out next with the title draped over his shoulder, he climbs into the ring and hands the belt to Jez McArthuer who informs both wrestlers that this match will have a ten minute time limit.


- Del Veccio and Peverell trade counter moves with one another for the first two or three minutes of the match, showing they clearly have good chemistry together and know each other well. Both men land their finishers on each other, only to have the other kick out on two. Del Veccio begins to show signs that he is taking control of the match, only to have the bell ring as he locked in an arm lock that saw Peverell tap out, but it was after the match had been ruled a draw.


Bradford Peverell drew with Antonio Del Veccio in 10:00 when the time limit expired. Peverell retains the NWA Television title.



Commercial Break



*Clark Alexander is walking backstage when he stops, almost as if he feels someone watching him. He looks around, doesn't see anyone, and so continues walking. Seconds later, a shadowy figure emerges from hiding, having been there the whole time, and runs off.


Match #2

* NWA National Title Qualifier*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/National%20Wrestling%20Association/70759b1a-a8bf-4773-9f07-7f8301af0cb6_zps5b38bf61.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/National%20Wrestling%20Association/0ae617d7-8752-43b4-8e68-39644fad1877_zps2c053a9e.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MainstreamHernandez_zpsa31577ba.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/37883566-941e-47d8-a588-092c893c7292_zps2b241dbb.jpg

Mean Jean Cattley vs The Natural vs James Hernandez vs Mr Lucha III


- Cattley makes his way out first, wearing a MAW T-Shirt and takes a mic and says that he was hand selected by Sam Keith to win some gold for Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Mr Lucha III comes out next and he and Cattley go back and forth a little on the mic. Next out is The Natural, who takes the mic from Lucha and says that he is the only star in this match tonight and guarantees a win for Canada. Hernandez is the last one out and he defends the NWA and the United States, which causes The Natural to hit him and the match begins.


- Typical four way match, the heels take early control and end up tossing Hernandez and Lucha to the floor, which leaves the door open for The Natural to blindside Cattley and attempt a pin, only to have it broken up by Hernandez, The faces fight back and eventually Hernandez lands a Super Kick on Lucha and gets the win.


James Hernandez defeated Mean Jean Cattley, The Natural and Mr. Lucha III in 11:18 when he defeated Mr. Lucha III by pinfall with a Super Kick.



*Boss Man Brayfield and Dazzling Dave Diamond are in the back where they taunt and verbally attack Bradford Peverell and hype their upcoming match at Rise of Champions.



Commercial Break




Curran: Welcome back to Tuesday Night Fights....well it looks as though James Hernandez is one of the three men that will challenge for the NWA National Title this Sunday on Pay-Per-View

Vann: Yes he is, and we will find out later tonight who the second man will be, but who is the mystery third man in the match? I have to know!

Curran: Your guess is as good as mine Chris....well, let's go to the ring for some tag team action.....


Match #3


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/e8e5d1f4-680e-4875-8703-1e99b6983982_zps4ca139f6.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/db9c8547-489f-45f1-b199-e9cdc899ff75_zpscc81dfc2.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/0d616b7e-a991-42fd-be06-6c5a313bae6a_zpsd3ca4c8f.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a8692b00-bbba-441d-aecb-0af58db66348_zps61316f14.jpg

The Hillbilly's vs The McWade Brothers


- The Hillbilly's come out first to a decent pop from the crowd, they do their normal routine by bouncing off the ropes together, which gets the crowd cheering for them. The McWade Brothers come out next and look like they mean business. They climb into the ring and waste no time by just dominating the match from the start and make short work of Al and Pete.


The McWade Brothers defeated The Hillbillys in 5:50 when Dean McWade defeated Al The Hillbilly by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.



The Guru comes out after the match is over and announces that he has agreed to lead The McWade Brothers to their goal of dominating the tag team division. He says they made a mistake by not entering the tag team tournament but he will rectify that. He lays down a challenge to whoever wins the tag titles on Sunday to put them on the line next week on Tuesday Night Fights.



Rip Chord is shown backstage, where officials have just found him bloody and battered, the apparent victim of a sneak attack. He is stunned but conscious, but doesn't know who attacked him.



Commercial Break



Match #4

* NWA National Title Qualifier*


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/AkimaBrave_Marshall1_zps3eb1f424.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/FindlayOFarraday_zps73773bc9.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/61c972f6-160b-4855-9bd7-d35243d9b945_zpsa20d4b06.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/CaseyValentine_zps885d2791.jpg

Akima Brave vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Frankie Perez vs Casey Valentine


- O'Farraday, Perez and Valentine are already in the ring when we come back from commercial. Akima Brave comes out as we join the show to a big pop from the crowd. A good match where each man was able to showcase some offense, Eric Tyler comes down and helped Valentine get O'Farraday and Perez to the floor, but Tyler would be met with a right hand from Brave and this allowed him to land a Samoan Suplex on Valentine for the win.


-After the match, Tyler and Valentine begine to stomp on Brave, but he is able to fight back and give both of them a Samoan Suplex for their troubles, which forces them to retreat up the ramp.


Akima Brave defeated Frankie Perez, Casey Valentine and Findlay O'Farraday in 13:53 when Akima Brave defeated Casey Valentine by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex.



Honey Golighty comes down to the ring and hypes the new Women's Division and the title match at Rise of Champions. She begins to toss NWA T-Shirts into the crowd and plays to the camera provocatively as we go to our final break.



Commercial Break



Matthew Keith and Steven Parker are heading to the ring from their dressing room and hype the upcoming title match on Sunday with The Ring Generals and how they are looking forward to getting their hands on them tonight in the six man tag main event.


Match #5


http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/3a99516c-1e6f-43d9-a336-80eb069df7b6_zps06cbccdc.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/DeanWaldorf-1_zps5e59b1af.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MarvStatler-1_zps532eb835.jpg vs http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a9fa10d4-c1b1-4683-8eb6-64f6000e18c5_zps28cd842b.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/MatthewKeith-1_zpsa24adb78.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/StevenParker_zps7b708d5a.jpg

Mikey James & The Ring Generals vs Jack Griffith, Matthew Keith & Steven Parker


- The two tag teams make their way out first, followed by Griffith and James. The match starts off with Parker and Waldorf trading punches. Both teams would tag in and out, but the matchup everyone wanted to see was James and Griffith, which would not happen as Griffith would tag out whenever James was tagged in. Keith would have Waldorf sized up for a Proton Lock, but Groffith would tag himself in and land a Jack in the Box for the win.


- After the match, James would jump in the ring and go after Griffith, but he would escape the ring. James then launched himself over the top rope and onto Griffith who was by the ramp. Griffith would escape but not after taking some punishment from James. The show ends with James running back into the ring to save The Ring Generals from being beaten down by Keith and Parker.


Steven Parker, Matthew Keith and Jack Griffith defeated Mikey James and The Ring Generals in 19:03 when Jack Griffith defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall with a Jack in The Box.



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Rise of Champions Preview



National Wrestling Association Special Report








Match #1



"P-Dawg" Frankie Perez vs Grandmaster Phunk



This match was a late addition to the show after Perez demanded a match against anyone at the Pay-Per-View. Grandmaster Phunk was quick to step up and take on the cocky Perez. Can the veteran Phunk put the very talented Perez in his place? Or will P-Dawg know off the fan favorite?



Match #2

*For the NWA Television Title*





Bradford Peverell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond w/ Boss Man Brayfield


The feud between Peverell and Diamond started on the very first Tuesday Night Fights, when Peverell not only eliminated Diamond, but dropped him on top of his manager, Boss Man Brayfield. Since then, Diamond has attacked the champion on more than one occasion, leading to Peverell agreeing to put the TV Title on the line. Can Peverell make a 4th successful defense of his title, or will Diamond win his first singles title sine 2009? And what role will Boss Man Brayfield play in this match?


Match #3

*For the BSC/NWA Queen of the Ring Title*





Joanne Rodriguez vs Sara Marie York vs Tamara McFly vs Nadia Snow


Former Babes of Sin City owner, Honey Golighty shocked the wresting world two weeks ago by showing up at Tuesday Night Fights and announced that she had agreed to become the General Manager of the new Women's Division in the NWA. She promised that she would bring in only the best talent to compete, and she feels that the four ladies competing for the Queen of the Ring are just the beginning. Can Tamara McFly regain the title she held on two occasions, or will one of the former AAA stars take the gold?



Match #4

*For the NWA Tag Team Titles*




The Ring Generals vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker w/Eric Tyler



Both teams survived an eight team tournament to get to this match to become the first NWA tag team champions. The Ring Generals knocked off Samoan Destruction Inc and C-V-2 and hold the experience advantage, but Keith and Parker are no strangers to teaming together. They knocked off The Hillbillys and the Samoan Wildboyz to get here (with a little help from Eric Tyler). Can Waldorf and Statler overcome the distraction that Eric Tyler is sure to cause at ringside, or will Keith and Parker bring the first gold to The Franchise?



Match #5

*For the NWA National Title*





James Hernandez vs Akima Brave vs ?????



Hernandez and Brave won four way matches to earn a spot in this match for the National Title, but the big question is who is the mystery man that makes up this three way dance? The only thing anyone knows about this man is that he is not a current member of the NWA roster and he has a long history in the Tri-State area, in fact he was one of the most popular men on the DAVE roster.




Match #6

*The Steadyfast Challenge*



Paul Steadyfast vs USPW's The Force


This match was the result of a confrontation these two men had backstage at a recent taping of USPW's American Wrestling TV show, which led to Steadyfast costing The Force his match. Steadyfast then challenged The Force to a match at a recent NWA house show, and to everyone's surpise, The Force ran in from the crowd and accepted. Has Steadyfast bitten off more than he can chew, or does he know what he is doing?



Match #7

*World Title #1 Contenders Match*


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/versus_zpsb64448a3.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanMcWade.jpg w/http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/0b0b6a0b-5233-469d-856d-2c6a834c0c60_zpsf5820638.jpg

Steve Flash vs Dean McWade w/ The Guru


Flash and McWade lost in the semi-finals of the World Heavyweight title tournament, so it was decided that if would only be fair to let these two men square off to determine the #1 contender. The McWade Brothers recently signed The Guru to help them go after the tag team titles, but he wouldn't let Dean pass up the opportunity to be the #1 contender for the World title. Which of these veterans will challenge for the World Title at Bragging Rights?




Match #8

*For the NWA World Heavyweight Title*





"The Dragon" Mikey James vs Jack Griffith


These two men have been at each others throats since the first day they set foot in the NWA. This is the final of the World Title tournament, and it promises to be one hell of a battle. James knocked off Paul Steadyfast and Dean McWade to get here and Jack Griffith beat Grandmaster Phunk and Steve Flash. But the verbal attacks from Griffith have been wearing at James, and he finally gets his hands on Griffith. Can The Dragon knock off the veteran or will experience and ring smarts be enough for Griffith to claim the belt?


Prediction Key


- Grandmaster Phunk vs Frankie Perez

- Bradford Peverell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - (NWA Television Title Match)

- Joanne Rodriguez vs Nadia Snow vs Tamara McFly vs Sara Marie York - (NWA Queen of the Ring)

- The Ring Generals vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker - (NWA Tag Team Title Match)

- Akima Brave vs James Hernandez vs ????? - (NWA National Title Match)

- Paul Steadyfast vs The Force

- Steve Flash vs Dean McWade - (World Title #1 Contender Match)

- Mikey James vs Jack Griffith - (NWA World Heavyweight Title)


BONUS: Who is the mystery man in the National Title Match?

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- Grandmaster Phunk vs Frankie Perez

- Bradford Peverell © vs Dazzling Dave Diamond - (NWA Television Title Match)

- Joanne Rodriguez vs Nadia Snow vs Tamara McFly vs Sara Marie York - (NWA Queen of the Ring)

- The Ring Generals vs Matthew Keith & Steven Parker - (NWA Tag Team Title Match)

- Akima Brave vs James Hernandez vs ????? - (NWA National Title Match)

- Paul Steadyfast vs The Force

- Steve Flash vs Dean McWade - (World Title #1 Contender Match)

- Mikey James vs Jack Griffith - (NWA World Heavyweight Title)


BONUS: Who is the mystery man in the National Title Match?

Johnny Martin?

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