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I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere as I scoured the forums and couldnt find anything.


1) How does one create a new alliance? I cant seem to do this or find any help other than the help file saying it can be done but not how to do it.


2) I am playing a mod using ROH. ROH is owned by Sinclair Media Group. Now, I start my game as the owner of ROH but when I try to sign a TV deal with another station I get blocked because Sinclair Media Group is the owner. Is there a way to have the default owner no longer be there (even though I've started the game as the owner)?


3) Lastly, is TV revenue based on the length of the show or is it flat per show?


Thanks guys. TEW is the best game and this forum is all aces as far as I'm concerned. Take care...spike your hair. #WWWYKI

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1. Click on the Alliances button on the office screen.


2. No idea.


3. Flat per show from what I've been able to tell. Harder with this one because show lengths are tied to promotion size (i.e. can't get a show of longer than 90 minutes under National size).

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A company owned by a media group can't sign deals with other networks/groups/whatever, by definition.This is separate from the owner/booker distinction, if you want to play ROH without being owned by Sinclair Broadcasting, you'd have to change it in the database, under companies.
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