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WCW: 2001. Rebirth or...........

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Six days. All we have left is six days. Six days until Slamboree. That’s all that Eric Bischoff could think among the thousands of tasks that needed to be done. The fan support was still there. Dispite the years of discouraging them, the loyalists remained. But everything else, gone. Eric knew he was facing an uphill battle. But he created this mess. It was Eric’s decisions that in the short term brought prosperity the company that no one could kill. But this is what WCW was indeed facing. Extinction, just like any other company who ever opposed Vince and his juggernaut the WWF.



The calls were made. Anybody willing to listen were pitched the idea that WCW could still be saved. The years rich with tradition. But as Eric quickly found out, tradition can get you so far. The bottom line was, nobody wanted to invest money in a company that was hemorrhaging money in massive quantities. Eric raised just enough capitol to hold off the sale. But it was a temporary fix. WCW was dead in the water with out media exposure. No TV contracts, no PPV deals, nothing but the old office and its still functioning website.



The knock on the door brought Eric out of his day dream. He looked up and saw Ted Turner standing in the door way.



Eric: Come to kick me one more time?


Ted: No, no I am not. Well maybe. Any good news as of late?


Eric: What do you care?


And with that said Eric wished he did not say that. He knew how much WCW meant to Turner. Eric shook his head and pushed himself away from the desk. And took a deep breath.


Eric: Sorry Mr. Turner, just under a lot of stress. To many questions, not enough answers.


Ted: Well, if anybody should be bitter it would be me. You did me wrong Eric.


Eric: I know. I did everybody wrong. I’m sorry. Sorry for squandering the trust you gave to me. Sorry for the state of the company it is in. Sorry….


Ted: Look, I’m not here to kick dogs when they are down. What’s done is done. Perhaps this is all a blessing in disguise. I made my money back.


Turner reaches into his vest and pulls out a check and hands it to Eric.


Eric: What’s this?


Ted: The last bit of money you will receive from me. I know your cash strapped. But I also know how you are when your back is against the wall. If anybody can pull this off, it would be you. This company helped put me on the map. But now that I’m out of the game, this is all I have left to give.


Ted Turner turns to walk away as Eric unfolded the check and nearly had to pick up his jaw.


Ted: Oh, by the way. Time Warner wants the building back. They asked for you to vacant the building in thirty days. For the record, it was because of me on why you got the thirty days. The board actually wanted you out by the end of the week.


And with that said Turner walked away. Damn. The hits keep on coming.


Eric: Sophie! I need my contacts at Bravo, Bright house, Globe Cast, and Fox. Also I need a moving company.

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A look at other companies








World Heavyweight Champion=Steve Austin

WWF Intercontental Champion=Triple H

WWF Tag Team Champions= Steve Austin and Triple H (Two man power trip)

WWF European Champion=Matt Hardy

WWF Hardcore Champion=Rhyno

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion=Jerry Lynn

WWF Woman’s Champion=Chyna




Edge and Christian VS The Rock and Chris Jericho

Kane and The Undertaker VS Big Show and Steve Austin

Chris Benoit VS Triple H

William Regal VS Jeff Hardy








D’Lo Brown, Dave Taylor




Barry Windham, Leather Face, Glen Ruth, Glen Gibertti, Bill DeMott, Nelson Knight, Samu, Jake Roberts, Curt Henning, Tommy Dreamer, Luke Williams, Greg Valentine, Butch Miller




If anybody would like a report on any other companies I will post them here the next time I update this section. I plan to update every game turn month

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Roll Call of Champions


Roll Call of Champions







WCW World Heavyweight Champion


Booker T four time champion


Won Week 4 March 2001


Defenses: 1


Last Champion: Scott Steiner







WCW United States Champion


Booker T


Won Week 3 March 2001


Defenses: 1


Last Champion: Rick Steiner







WCW World Tag Team Champions


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire


Won Week 2 January 2001


Defenses: 1


Last Champions: Kevin Nash and Dallas Page







WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions


Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr.


Won Week 4 March 2001




Last champions: Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper







WCW Cruiserweight Champion


Gregory Helms


Won Week 3 March 2001


Defenses: 1


Chavo Guerrero Jr. two time champion

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Roster information


Main Event


Kevin Nash

Jeff Jarrett

Diamond Dallas Page


Buff Bagwell

Booker T

Ric Flair




Upper midcard


Road Warrior Animal

Dustin Rhodes

Chuck Palumbo

Mike Awesome

Bryan Clark

Sean O’Haire

Shane Douglas

Rick Steiner





Shannon Moore

Rey Misterio Jr.

Kaz Hayashi

Ron Harris

Norman Smiley

Lance Storm

Gregory Helms

Yun Yang

Brian Adams

Don Harris

Billy Kidman

Chavo Guerrero Jr.




Lower Midcard


Johnny Swinger

Air Styles

Kid Romeo


Jamie Knoble

Elix Skipper



Openers and Enhancement


Chris Harris

Air Paris

Joey Mathews

Jason Jett

James Storm

Paul London

Brian Kendrick



Tag Teams


Air Raid: Air Paris and Air Styles

Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo

Filthy Animals: Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr.

Harris Brothers: Don and Ron Harris

Jung Dragons: Yun Yang and Kaz Hayashi

KroniK: Bryan Adams and Bryan Clark

Natural Born Thrillers: Chuck Polumbo and Sean O’Haire

Team Canada: Lance Storm and Mike Awesome





Torrie Wilson: Shane Douglas


Kimona Wanalaya: Yun Yang and Kaz Hayashi

Midajah: Scott Steiner

Stacy Keibler:







Tony Schiavone

Mike Tenay

Scott Hudson

Dusty Rhodes

Larry Zybszko

Stevie Ray

Gene Okerlund





Nick Patrick

Mark Johnson

Charles Robinson



Road agents


The Sarge

Arn Anderson

Terry Taylor

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It took till Thursday before some relief came. Finally Eric was able to secure a PPV deal with the Bright House network. The move finally secure a small source of revenue, and gets WCW back on a national viewing stage. Negotiations were tough and lasted for much of the day but eventually both sides settled for a 6 month trial period. But the move comes at a great cost. Officials at the Bright House Network knew that the WCW were desperate to get a PPV deal done. The major snagging point was the revenue split. WCW would receive a paltry 10% of the PPV income. Eric knew he was getting pinched. But had to agree to the contract because he has to get national exposure for WCW. The check that Ted Turner gave him was enough to carry them, but only temporary.



Tough choices were going to have to be made. And Eric was not afraid of making choices. And in the very same afternoon he had the web department announce the new PPV carrier and details on how to order the up coming event. WCW Slamboree would hardly be the break through event of the year. All he hoped for was just enough to build on and not fall on the companies face.



WCW is going to have to be different than its previous version. He knew the backstage was in complete disarray and after contacting each worker had the list of workers who were let go by the company. Ice Train, Evan Karagias, Vince Russo, Konnan, Reno, Glen Gilbertti, Vampiro, Bill DeMott, Lash Leroux, Johnny Stamboli, Vito LoGrasso, Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak, Alan Funk, Alex Wright, Ernest Miller, And Jim Duggan were wished good luck in all of their future endeavors. A staggering 1.6 million dollar bite to the finances. Some he took great pleasure in doing, Vince Russo for one. Others were not pleasurable at all. In the end only one person had ill effect to the mass firings, Rey Misterio.



Rey had voiced his immense displeasure at seeing his friend Konnan let go before giving an opportunity to show he could fit into the new WCW. After some heated words, Eric managed to get Rey side tracked by telling Rey he was getting his mask back. It wasn’t enough to make Rey happy, but it did stop the fit he was having.



WCW was going to have to evolve. The fans, what were left of them, really were loyal. WCW did a lot of things in the past that worked well. One of those was the “Vanilla midgets.” Oh how Nash had warped Eric’s mind. The cruiserweights always had great action but could they ever be world champ? That is an avenue Eric was prepared to see under the right conditions.



Eric had the ideas, and sometimes that would get him into trouble. No, this was time would be different. He knew it was time to listen to the veterans, not the egotistical ones holding on dearly to the one or two decent matches in them. No, the ones who knew how to make this a great company. Every backstage has their own kliqs, but can they work together? Can they help put each other over?



One obstacle, Ric Flair. The man who Eric almost drove out of the company. The man who at age 52, could still out perform and out draw most everybody on the roster. Ric was still WCW, but there is still the animosity that still brews. And rightfully so. Eric decided to fire Ric after Flair had decided to watch his son wrestle over showing up for a TV show. Yeah Eric knew he was wrong, but pride was in the way. Eventually he would have to sit down with Flair and apologize.



Three days later and on the day that Slamboree was to take place, WCW finally had a TV deal in place. Nitro was coming back to air again on the F/X Network. The deal was for one season as it took every thing that Eric had to secure that deal. Again not the most ideal situation. But it is a start. Nitro will air on Thursdays late night with an 80/20 split on costs. The bad news is that F/X will receive 90 percent of the sponsorship revenue.





Well if nothing else fella, you got me hooked. As i've played this mod a lot.


Thanks Shawn. If anything else it will be a lesson on what not to do. :p.

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Eric asked for everybody to come to Slamboree three hours early. And for once everybody was there news had leaked out somehow that WCW and F/X had come to a deal to show Nitro again, so there was great relief in the backstage. For once there was a feeling of being more relaxed mood than there has been in a long time. Rey Misterio had everybody rolling in laughter with some spot on impressions.



The veterans were called in first and apprised of the situation. No holding back. Just the plain old truth. And the truth was going to hurt. WCW was on life support. The last rites were about to be given. But if they were going to go down, at least make a fight of it. No more crap. Eric laid out the dire financial situation. But we are back on TV and carry a PPV company again. We need more, but we have to show that this is not the old WCW. But a company that is not only growing but thriving financially again. It’s going to be a lot of hard work. Egos are going to have to be put aside. And with that he looked Flair right in the eyes, “I am sorry!”



And with that said he spilled out the rough ideas on how the rest of the year was going to look. It was a rough walk through. And there were certainly people who did not like it. Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, to name a few. Nash argued he was still a draw and no where did the plan that Eric laid out included him in any fashion. Luger chimed in on the same subject. Bagwell just kept looking at his watch.



Dusty Rhodes asked if he could have permission to talk to the WWF to see if there were any possibilities open for himself and his son Dustin. A collective groan went up. Eric however gave permission to Dusty reluctantly. But only for 30 days. Either he was in, or out. Nash and Luger said they were here to work tonight, but after tonight both had their doubts. Nash said he would be willing to an interview but not wrestle. He said his knees were bothering him. Luger agreed to participate in a match. Bagwell who was already scheduled to be in a match just shrugged his shoulders when asked where he stood. Eric pressed Bagwell hard on the matter, Bagwell said the right words, but there was an air of hollowness in them.



The rest of the roster was brought in and they were given the details as well. The laid out plans and what was to be expected from them. The rules were simple. No drugs! Period, end of discussion. We will not have any alcohol backstage. Smoking was permitted in areas allowed. Catering will still be provided, not like the old days where lobster and shrimp and every thing in between. You will not be hungry, but it won’t be lavish either. Any ideas for future spreads were encouraged, but had to be within reason. Aches and pains are still going to happen. Chiropractor and Masseuse will still being provided. The first class flights are over. Arn Anderson and Terry Taylor will be going around making sure we have up to date contact information on how to get a hold of you. WCW will help organize and transportation and accommodations to future events. Sacrifices are going to be made. But we are all doing what we can to get back to the level we all know we can be at again.






Fan Vote


What to do with Dusty and Dustin Rhodes.


1. Both are released.

2. Both Stay on with WCW.

3. Separate the two and pick who stays.

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I would like to see them stay if you can make it happen; by this time of his career, Dusty is great in any non-wrestling role you can think to place him in, and while I doubt Dustin would be netting the World title, he makes a wonderful hand in the upper-to-main card status, especially in these kind of dire straits.
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Fan Vote




What to do with Dusty and Dustin Rhodes.


1. Both are released.

2. Both Stay on with WCW.

3. Separate the two and pick who stays.


I agree with Beejus. Dustin can give you good matches. An he should be just hitting his prime if used correctly I say he can be one of your cornerstones for the company. Dusty can be a good road agent or trainer if you if you got feeder company, or color guy.

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Keep em both.


Dusty makes a great voice and ringside with a head set or a pretty good on air 'guy in charge'.


Dustin is a good hand and can keep the mid-card alive while helping any new guys get over.


Even though you didn't ask, I'd tell Nash, Luger and Bagwell to kick rocks. How's those knees now Kev?

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WCW Slamboree

Sunday Week 1 May 2001

Chapel Hill Smith Center (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance 30,000 Sell out

PPV Buy Rate 1.11


Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, and Dusty Rhodes talk about great heritage of WCW. Eric apologizes to fans and promises that WCW will once again be great.

Kanyon defeated Norman Smiley

Gregory Helms retains his WCW Cruiserweight Champions against Chavo Guererro, Air Styles, and Elix Skipper

Kevin Nash interview. Walks away from interview before answer questions from Gene Okerlund

Shane Douglas won a 10 man battle royal to face Booker T for Us Title at first Nitro. Last man eliminated Sting. Other workers included Bam Bam Bigelow, Lex Luger,

Natural Born Thrillers retained WCW Tag Belts against The Filthy Animals and Team Canada. Ric Flair appeared with The Natural Born Thrillers and appeared to be advising them.

Booker T talks about how he is proud to be WCW Champ. Also the heritage of the company, and the greats from Ric Flair and on.

Booker T retains WCW World Title against Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Dustin Rhodes, and Buff Bagwell.




Eric Bischoff: What the F*** do you mean Nash just F****** walked?


Eric reached for his cell phone and hit the auto dial for Kevin Nash. No voice mail, no nothing.


Eric: God D*** it! Dally? What the hell man,


Dallas Page: Look Jack, don’t blame me.


Eric: Didn’t blame you. I figured since you probably know him better than anybody.


Lex Luger busts in out of nowhere.


Lex: Eric! That was Bull **** dude. I would not have minded losing to Sting, but …


Eric: Not now Lex.


Lex: No, now!


Eric: Not now Lex!


Lex: If this is the ….


Eric: Enough Luger! You know what? Go home. Just go home, two months. And don’t come back unless you’re ready to do what is best for the company.



Lex goes to make a move but Arn Anderson and Terry Taylor get in between Lex and Eric to prevent anything else from developing.



Days pass and still no word from Kevin Nash. Eric is looking over the numbers and feedback from several sites on how Slamboree went. Many felt the show was good, but a little underwhelming. Almost recuperated the 1.6 million dollar loss with the mass let goes early in the month. But he knows he will have to cut check at the end of the month so this looks like it will be a major loss in funds. The question is how much of a loss.


Eric had Arn Anderson and Terry Taylor bring in a few more people into the fold. Not any major signings. But enough for Taylor to play with in the cruiser weight division. It was decided that Taylor would be in charge of the cruiser weight division with some help from Arn. The Sarge was in charge of keeping an eye on the young workers overall. Also Eric put together a round table for all road agents, referees, and broadcaster, along with Ric Flair and Sting to discuss how the crowd is reacting to certain workers. Eric let it be known to the backstage that there is room for more individuals to participate but if they are looking to advance their own agenda, stay out. If it helps with putting someone else over, there would be room.










Fan Vote. What to do with Kevin Nash. Stay or go.












Fan Vote




What to do with Dusty and Dustin Rhodes.


1. Both are released.

2. Both Stay on with WCW.

3. Separate the two and pick who stays.


I agree with Beejus. Dustin can give you good matches. An he should be just hitting his prime if used correctly I say he can be one of your cornerstones for the company. Dusty can be a good road agent or trainer if you if you got feeder company, or color guy.


i vote for number 2, he must stay in WCW


Keep em both.


Dusty makes a great voice and ringside with a head set or a pretty good on air 'guy in charge'.


Dustin is a good hand and can keep the mid-card alive while helping any new guys get over.


Even though you didn't ask, I'd tell Nash, Luger and Bagwell to kick rocks. How's those knees now Kev?


Thanks guys for the input. Looking forward in seeing how this vote goes. Also this will be the last bit of backstory. I have one show wrote up and will be getting the next one done tonight.

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Fan Vote. What to do with Kevin Nash. Stay or go.


Depends...... 1) How much would it cost you in your finances? 2) How bad a negative influence is he?


I'd say let him go, only if you think you could recoup the losses from firing him. Otherwise, I'd give him time off / bury him until his contract runs out.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> Fan Vote. What to do with Kevin Nash. Stay or go.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I would kick him to curb. Especially if he has creative control because if you want him to drop a match to someone lower or he doesn't like who he is wrestling. He will pull block it, but I have found a way around that. Say you book Dustin Rhodes to beat Nash. Nash uses creative control to block it. Just leave the winner and loser slots blank run the show and Dustin Rhodes will win. I have actually use this a couple of times on people. I.E the first Bunkhouse Stampede I did. Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and several others blocked me from having Roddy Piper win. I just left the winner blank and ran the match and Piper had won.</p>
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<p>The return of WCW Nitro on the F/X Channel. And a great show we have lined up for you.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

In a match to determine a new #1 contender for the WCW World Tag Team Titles currently held by Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. We will see the teams of Air Raid, The Filthy Animals, KroniK, and Team Canada face each other in a 4 way tag team elimination match. The winners receive a shot at the titles at The Great American Bash.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also a cruiserweight battle take place as well. The winner of this match gets a title shot as well at Great American Bash. Currant champion is Gregory Helms. Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS ???</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Beast from the East, Bam Bam Bigelow is set to take on the always dangerous Crowbar.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes, the son of a legend, looks to continue his familys legacy as he is set to take on one of the Harris Brothers. Don Harris is looking to prove he is a dangerous man.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After winning the battle royal at WCW Slamboree, Shane Douglas is looking to reclaim his WCW United States Championship. That Championship is also held by the WCW World Champion Booker T. And he looks to continue his winning ways.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also scheduled to appear, Ric Flair, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Air Raid VS The Filthy Animals VS KroniK VS Team Canada </p><p>

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS ???</p><p>

Bam Bam Bigelow VS Crowbar</p><p>

Don Harris W/ Ron Harris VS Dustin Rhodes</p><p>

United States Title match</p><p>

Booker T VS Shane Douglas</p>

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<p>If Nash has creative control then your options are to fire him (which is going to cost you out your ass), try to job him out or send him on a long paid vacation. </p><p> </p><p>

It's a tough call. I mean let's face it Big Kev WILL draw and you need star power. </p><p> </p><p>

If his contract isn't to much longer, as in a matter of months, I say keep him around and just ride out his bullshit. Get as much out of him as you can though. Interviews, matches, hell make him a manager as well. Put him to work.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I don't know if your doing predictions but just in case.</p><p> </p><p>

Air Raid VS The Filthy Animals VS KroniK VS <strong>Team Canada</strong></p><p>

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS <strong>???</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bam Bam Bigelow</strong> VS Crowbar</p><p>

Don Harris W/ Ron Harris VS <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong></p><p>

United States Title match</p><p>

Booker T VS <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> The Franchise is money and this will only help the company in the long run. (Or I'm a Douglas mark.)</p><p>

Reply With Quote</p>

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<p>Air Raid VS The Filthy Animals VS KroniK VS <em>Team Canada</em> </p><p>

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS <em>???</em></p><p>

Bam Bam Bigelow VS <em>Crowbar</em></p><p>

Don Harris W/ Ron Harris VS <em>Dustin Rhodes</em></p><p>

Booker T VS <em>Shane Douglas</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mystery guy is either Rey or RVD, I'd guess.</p><p>

I think you should keep Nash, but make use of him the best way possible - as a manager. Really, his only selling point is his talking, so use that to your advantage.</p>

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Nitro TV Show Week 1 June 2001


WCW Nitro TV Show

Week 1 June 2001

Phillips Arena, Atlanta GA (South East)




Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes, and Tony Schiavone



The announcers welcome us back to Nitro. After months of not being on the air WCW has returned and will be better than ever. Sprach Zarasthura is played and the fans immediately rise and cheer. Flair takes his time getting to the ring. Once in the ring he takes even longer acknowledging the fans. He begins to talk. Flair says it’s good to be back on the air with WCW. The fans respond. The prestige, the history, the blood sweat and tears will not allow this company to die. After three long weeks of not doing anything but thinking. Thinking that he has one more good run left in him. After guiding the tag team champs to a victory at Slamboree. He realizes the hunger is still there. Booker T, to be the man, you got to beat the man. And listen up pal, you haven’t beaten me yet.


Booker T’s music hits and out he comes, calmly but looks very focused. Booker gets in the ring and pats the world championship and the United States championship. Booker tells Flair these titles right now say he is the man, now can you dig that? Flair grins and says that’s too much gold for Booker to carry. Looks like it’s about ten pounds to heavy. He points at the world title, and says “Whoo!!” Ric Flair then says to Booker, that Booker still hasn’t beaten him yet, and until he does, Flair was still the man. Booker looks around to the fans and the looks at Flair. You’re on Sucka! Let’s do this thang at The Great American Bash!


Booker T: Old man, when I get done kicking your ass. Just remember this. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game!


Rated: B



To determine #1 Contender for WCW World Tag Team Belts. Winner receives shot at Great American Bash.


Air Raid VS Team Canada VS Filthy Animals VS KroniK Elimination match.


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire join the broadcast table to scout their upcoming opponents. They also thank Flair for the advice they received from him. Air Raid begins the match with KroniK. Air Raid tries to keep a fast pace but the larger team of KroniK caught them and just over powered the lighter team. Bryan Adams pinned Air Paris to eliminate the Team of Air Raid. Filthy Animals are in next the Team of KroniK looked to overpower them as well but Lance Storm tagged himself in blindly. KroniK and Team Canada begin to shove one another. Team Canada goes to work again on The Filthy Animals but this time it’s KroniK who tag themselves in and again results in some friction between Team Canada and KroniK. Rey Misterio sneaks up on Bryan Clark and rolls him up for the pin eliminating KroniK.


Mike Awesome catches Rey coming off of the top turnbuckle and almost wins the match after an Awesome Bomb. Lance comes in and goes for a suplex but Rey fights out with some forearm shots. Dropkick by Rey takes Lance to the mat. Mike Awesome goes to come back in the ring but Kidman takes him out as Rey goes to the top turnbuckle. Frog Splash and picks up the win to pin Team Canada and become number one contenders to the WCW World Tag titles.



Filthy Animals defeated Air Raid, Team Canada and KroniK in 10:17; the order of elimination was Air Raid first, then KroniK, and finally Team Canada.

Rated: C-



Video package showing Shane Douglas winning the battle royal for the right to challenge for Booker T’s United States Championship. Bam Bam Bigelow, Lex Luger, Jeff Jarrett and Sting were shown participating as well.

Rated: C+



Jeff Jarrett and Gene Okerlund are backstage. Jeff tells us most everybody is excited to be in the new WCW. But not him. The same games are being played keeping the chosen one from rightfully carrying this company to the next level. With out Jeff holding the WCW World title, this company is doomed to fall.


Jeff Jarrett: Now choke on that slap nut!


Rated: B-



#1 contender match for WCW Cruiserweight Title at Great American Bash

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romeo VS Yoshihiro Tajiri.


Bodies flying all around the place on this one. Off the ropes, off the turnbuckles. Very fast paced match. The end saw Jamie Knoble with a suicide dive taking out Kid Romeo on the outside. This left Tajiri and Chavo to go at it. Tajiri with a roll up, kick out by Chavo. Roll up by Chavo, kick out by Tajiri. Tajiri charges at Chavo who has something in his hand but out of sight decks Tajiri with it knocking him out. Chavo with the cover and before Jamie Knoble can get back in the ring gets the win.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Jamie Knoble, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Kid Romeo in 6:22 when Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Rated: D



Bam Bam Bigelow VS Crowbar


Crowbar keeps Bam Bam at bay with some quick jabs. But then he goes for a head butt that does more damage to him than to Bam Bam. Bigelow smiles and shoves Crowbar into the corner then proceeds to pummel him in the corner. Referee Charles Robinson gets Bigelow to stop momentarily. This allowed Crowbar to rake Bam Bam’s eyes. Crowbar goes up to the top turnbuckle and is about to leap but Bam Bam falls onto the ropes causing Crowbar to slip and land awkwardly on the top turnbuckle. Bigelow recovers and throws Crowbar off of the turnbuckle. Bam Bam then reaches down and pulls up Crowbar, positions for the Power Bomb, and hits it for the win.


Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Crowbar in 8:01 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.

Rated: C-



Shane Douglas is backstage. He tells us for years he been buried and over looked. He played a surfer dude, a dean, and almost everything else. Well for one he is sick of it. He is now going to be playing himself for now on. One pissed of person. And new WCW United States Champion.


Shane Douglas: Booker T, prepare your ass to be franchised!

Rated: C+



Don Harris W/Ron Harris VS Dustin Rhodes.


Started out with some back and forth action. Ron Harris trips up Dustin allowing a cheap shot by Don, who then fires Dustin into the corner. Don Harris goes charging into the corner, but Dusting charges out as well and hit’s a discuss clothesline. Rhodes climbs up the turnbuckle, Ron tries to stop him. Dustin kicks Ron off the mat causing him to land hard to the floor. Rhodes leaps off the top turnbuckle and hit’s a flying elbow to Don Harris and picks up the win.


Dustin Rhodes defeated Don Harris in 7:50 by pinfall. During the match we also had Ron Harris distract Dustin.

Rated: C-



The scene shifts to what looks like a dark passage way. Sting is walking slowly. The voice of Sting. I have seen good, (Sting shown winning the WCW World heavyweight title in 1991, 92, 93, and 98) The bad, (NWO moments), Changes have come, (Different WCW Logo’s and faces from the past) and gone. Including in myself, (Different looks from Sting in the past years, from the surfer dude, till now). But the only thing that is certain.


Sting: The only thing is certain, is nothing is certain.


Shows Sting walking away slowly.


Rated: B



The announcers wonder out loud what that message meant from Sting was all about. While Booker T and Shane Douglas are shown getting ready for their match up for the WCW United States Title. And that match is next.


Rated: C+



WCW United State Championship

Booker T VS Shane Douglas


Shane Douglas attack Booker as soon as he got in the ring. Clubbing blows to the back drops his man to a knee several times. Booker T fights back but a Headbutt ends the comeback. Once again Booker begins to fight back, Booker fires Shane into the ropes only to be dropped with a clothesline from Shane. Several stomps by Shane on Booker and it looks like Booker T is in real trouble. Shane bounces off the ropes and goes for a splash, Booker moves at the last moment. Spinaroonie! Booker waits for Shane to get back to his feet, scissor kick! A cover, kick out at 2. Roll up by Shane Douglas and he has a hand full of tights of Booker T, kick out at 2 by Booker T. Both men get to their feet, Bookend by Booker T and a cover,1,,,,,2,,,,,,3!



Booker T defeated Shane Douglas in 12:10 by pinfall with a Bookend.. Booker T makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States Heavyweight title.


Rated: B-



We see Booker T celebrating his win with the fans as the announcers tell us it will be very hard for anybody to beat Booker T right now. Momentum is really on his side right now. And it looks as if WCW is truly back folks. They wish us good night as Booker T is still celebrating.


Rated: B






Overall C

TV Rating .47

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Air Raid VS The Filthy Animals VS KroniK VS Team Canada

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS ???

Bam Bam Bigelow VS Crowbar

Don Harris W/ Ron Harris VS Dustin Rhodes

United States Title match

Booker T VS Shane Douglas The Franchise is money and this will only help the company in the long run. (Or I'm a Douglas mark.)

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If I was playing just to play, I would of picked the very same picks. Always tough picking when you don't know where the booker is going. Hope you enjoyed the show however.


Air Raid VS The Filthy Animals VS KroniK VS Team Canada

Chavo Guerrero VS Jamie Knoble VS Kid Romero VS ???

Bam Bam Bigelow VS Crowbar

Don Harris W/ Ron Harris VS Dustin Rhodes

Booker T VS Shane Douglas



I would love to bring in RVD. But Right now, got to many drugs going on right now. The last three shows I have people failing. Gonna turn it into a story write up. Team Canada and Douglas would of been solid picks, but I really have a story line I want to tell till Starcade. Hope you enjoyed the show.

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seems now we are off to the races.


Looks pretty good so far. Good luck!


Thanks guys. Hope you enjoyed the show. Will be posting a new one very soon. Gonna be busy the next couple of days so the next preview I will put up will be for The Great American Bash. Which I just finished writing. This will mean two TV show to post before that event.

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Nitro TV Show Thursday Week 2 June 2001


WCW Nitro TV Show

Week 2 June 2001

Baton Rouge River Arena, Baton Rouge LA. (Mid South)

10,000 (Sell Out!)




Announcers: Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko , and Tony Schiavone



After the opening video we cut directly to the ring where Booker T is standing in the ring. He has both the WCW United States title and the WCW World Heavyweight title draped over shoulder. Booker T tells us all he has heard this week, is can he beat Ric Flair? Booker says Ric Flair was a fine champion back in the day. But those days are over. You see he didn’t become the four time, four time, four time, four time world champion by mistake. I don’t have to beat the man. These belts right here say I am the man.


Booker T: Now can you dig …….


Sprach Zarasthura is played and out comes Ric Flair. The fans are excited as Booker T looks on as Ric makes his way to the ring. Flair tells Booker T, he was winning and defending those title when Booker T was just learning how to drive. The time is coming soon for you and me to walk down that aisle, and trust him when he says this, because the closer it gets to The Great American Bash, and when Booker wakes up in the middle of the night. Because he knows he is going to have to face The Nature Boy for that gold belt.


Ric Flair: I wont be hard to find. I might be the oldest ride in the park. But I’m still the one with the longest line. Whooo!


Rated: B-



Johnny Swinger and Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs The Natural Born Thrillers.


Non title event here as the Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko , and Tony Schiavone are finally able to welcome us to the show. Tajiri was able to fight off his two larger opponents with some viscious kicks. But when he tags in his partner, Johnny Swinger, thigns go south from that point on. The WCW Tag Champions just over power and man handle Swinger easily. Sean O’Haire just looked like a monster out there as he and Chuck pick Swinger apart. A double super kick puts the match away mercifully.


Natural Born Thrillers defeated Johnny Swinger and Yoshihiro Tajiri in 7:31 when Sean O'Haire defeated Johnny Swinger by pinfall with a Double Superkick.


Rated: D+



Air Raid VS Cash and Kid Romeo


Air Raid take early control of the match with double teams and dropkicks in a fast paced match. Air Raid sent Cash out of the ring setting up AJ Styles to dive out of the ring. But as AJ bounces off of the other side of the ropes, Romeo pulls down the ropes causing AJ to flip out of the ring onto the floor. Now its Cash and Kid Romeo who are in charge. Kid Romeo is fighting with Air Paris outside of the ring. Cash goes for a Hurricarana but somehow AJ manages to catch Cash and set up for the Styles Clash. AJ connects with the move and this one is over.


Air Raid defeated Cash and Kid Romeo in 5:16 when Air Styles defeated Cash by pinfall with a Styles Clash.


Rated: E+



Video plays a shorter version of the Sting video from last week. Sting is walking slowly. The voice of Sting. I have seen good, (Sting shown winning the WCW World heavyweight title in 1991,92, 93, and 98) The bad, (NWO moments), Changes have come, (Different WCW Logo’s and faces from the past) and gone. Including in myself, (Different looks from Sting in the past years, from the surfer dude, till now). But the only thing that is certain. Nothing is certain. The announcers wonder out loud what this means.


Rated: B-



Mike Tenay tells us WCW is back and in a big way. Lets look at some of the action from last week including Booker T’s successful defense of his WCW United States title. Video replay showing The Filthy Animals winning a shot at the WCW Tag Team Titles. Chavo Guerrero earning a shot at the cruiserweight title. And finishing with some snippets of the Booker T and Shane Douglas match.


Rated: C+



Crowbar VS Fit Finlay


Crowbar was ready tonight for a fight. He sure better be because Finley is one tough individual the announcers tell us. Crowbar with a early rack of the eyes gives him the advantage. Crowbar works over Finley with dropkicks, and flying forearm shots that keep Finley off balanced. Finley was able to use his mat skills in the long run and wore down Crowbar, putting him away with a Tombstone Piledriver to pick up the win.


Fit Finlay defeated Crowbar in 8:25 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver.

Rate: C-



Gene Okerlund goes into Ric Flair’s dressing room as he is preparing for his match later tonight against Dustin Rhodes. Gene asks Ric if he is thinking to far ahead with his match against Booker T at Great American Bash? Ric says not at all. Dustin is a fine young wrestlers. He comes from pretty good stock as Flair still remembers the wars between himself and Dusty. But as Dusty Rhodes found out on many an occasion, and Dustin will learn tonight, neither one of them are The Nature Boy.


Rated: B-



Billy Kidman W/ Rey Misterio VS Bryan Clark W/ Brian Adams


Lots of distractions from not only Brian Adams, but Rey Misterio as well. This constant distractions keep neither men in control of the match for very long. The slight edge perhaps goes to Bryan Clark with his power as he pushes Billy around with ease. But Billy uses his speed pretty well. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire come down and surround Rey. This caused Billy Kidman to freeze as he watched looking for away to help out Rey. Bryan Clark spins Billy around and dead lifts him over to hit a Power Bomb.


Bryan Clark defeated Billy Kidman in 7:52 by pinfall with a Power Bomb after a distraction from Brian Adams. The match also had a lot of interference: Rey Misterio Jr. distracted Bryan Clark, Chuck Palumbo attacked Kidman, and finally Sean O'Haire interfered against Kidman.


Rated: C



Diamond Dallas Page and Bagwell are seen talking to one another. When a mystery man attacks DDP from behind. He tells Bagwell to leave. Bagwell holds his hands up and walks away slowly leaving the scene. The mystery man stomps away on DDP. He leaves before any help can arrive. DDP is shown pretty beat up laying on the floor.


Rated: C+



The cameras catch Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes backstage. It looks like Dusty is giving advise to Dustin as he prepares for match against Ric Flair.


Rated: C-



We change announcers they are now: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes, and Tony Schiavone



A video airs showcasing Ric Flair and his historical career along with Dustin Rhodes. And this match is next.


Rated: C



Dustin Rhodes VS Ric Flair.


Both men feel out each other in the opening minutes of the match. Neither men hold an advantage. Knife edge chops by Dustin, Flair responds to each chop with on of his own. Running bulldog by Dustin and he goes for a cover to get a two count. Atomic knee drop by Dustin sends Flair into the corner. Dustin spins Flair around and smashes Flair’s face into the turnbuckle pads. Flair with a back elbow to the face sends Rhodes retreating away.


Knee clip by Flair drops Rhodes. Flair with a measured knee drop to the leg of Dustin has Rhodes in pain. Ric covers and gets a two count. Flair chokes Dustin with his boot while holding onto the ropes. Flair with a series of knee drives to the leg. Ric looks to lock on the figure four but Dustin kicks him off causing Flair to go head first into the turnbuckle. Dustin gets to his feet and is favoring the leg as he catches a second wind and fires away on Flair. Deep arm drag take down by Dustin sends Flair sprawling. Flair is up and is taken off his feet with a body slam. Dustin reaches down to pull Flair up but flair with a quick poke in the eye and Dustin is blinded.


Both men are on their feet now. Both run against the ropes and take each other out with a clothesline. Flair is the first up and works again in the leg of Dustin by stomping on the knee. Flair locks in the Figure Four and has it locked in the middle of the ring. Dustin tries to fight it, he goes to reverse the Figure Four but Ric really torques on the hold and Dustin taps out.


Ric Flair defeated Dustin Rhodes in 18:30 by submission.


Rated: B



Ric Flair still looking to send Booker T a message stalks Dustin. Dusty sees what is about to happen and takes off his head set while being restrained by Mike Tenay and Tony Schiavone. Out from the backstage comes Booker T in a dead sprint. Booker slides into the ring and Flair turns to meet him. The two go nose to nose and we know they are talking to one another but we cant hear them. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull the two apart before they kill each other. The scene ends as Mike Tenay and Tony Schiavone are telling us the match between Ric Flair and Booker T should really be a great match. We fade out as everyone is doing their best to keep Booker and Flair from getting to one another.


Rated: B





Overall B-

TV Rating: .51 up from .47

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The day after the show. Spirits were still high coming off the heels of a good show. Nobody is claiming to have turned the corner. But the feeling is now they know that WCW is capable of putting on a good show. Most of the dirt sheets even had praise as well. Not much, but at least it was a start. Eric was peering over the numbers when Arn Anderson plopped a folder on Eric’s desk.



Eric: What’s this?


Arn: Problem. Latest drug screen.


Eric was about to ask who it was. His first reaction was Scott Steiner, but he opened the folder and saw the clean screens. All but one. Mike Awesome. Eric took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.


Eric: Thank you Arn. I got this.


Arn: Are you sure? I don’t mind hanging around.



Eric shook his head and told Arn no, its good. Eric picked up the phone and got Sting and Ric Flair on a conference call. He appraised both of them on the situation. Flair said he would job out Awesome and cut him loose the first time he griped about anything. Sting was more sympathetic, he said we should try and offer help and or therapy to get Mike off of the juice. He still saw a lot of good in Mike’s work to try and salvage him.



Eric agreed with Sting that there was something worth salvaging in Mike. But it also freed up Lance Storm to work as a single wrestler for a bit. Eric proposed a 28 day suspension. He argued that jobbing out Mike would cause unnecessary tension. He also argued that Mike would sign elsewhere and would get the word out not to sign with WCW. We are trying to change the atmosphere around her gentlemen. We wont tolerate infractions like this, but I think its best to give a suspension and the option for treatment. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that would be the best course of action.

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