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In Over My Head: A CWWF Dynasty

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In Over My Head: A CWWF Dynasty




"Ms. Chee, Ms. Chee!" The teenager piped up from the front row...okay so there was only one row, a small gathering of bloggers and local newspapers here to get my announcement out. There would probably be a bunch of fans outside when I tried to leave, but I meant to keep this conference orderly, and on topic.


"Yes." I replied.


"What are you doing back in Canada, last I heard you were the EWA Womens Champion, with that kind of success in Europe, why are you here in Regina?"



In case you haven't guessed by now, my name is Stephanie Chee, former NOTBPW, and EWA Womens Champion, and AAA tag team champion, I once stood on the big stage, and went head to head, and blow for blow with Victoria Stone, tonight I'm in the basement of a local Lions Club Hall with a group of slobbering fan boy bloggers, and a couple reporters from legit local newspapers in Regina. Don't get me wrong, I loved travelling the world after I was done at NOTBPW, and I have no real problem with slobbering fan boys, after all they've been paying my bills for sixteen years now, but it's just funny how things turn out.


"I've had a lot of good times travelling the world wrestling, but there comes a time when you want to put down roots again, and have a home, and I couldn't think of any better place than coming back to my home here in Canada. I came back to meet my last years in this business on my own terms, and to that end, I have opened my very own wrestling promotion that will run here in the Prarie Provinces, the Canadian Womens Wrestling Federation!"


A heavyset man in his mid-thirties sitting at the end of the row shot up his hand, "David Felcher, Regina Leader-Post, rumour has it that you spent all your money setting up this company, and there's actually no money in the bank for you to use to run shows, how do you respond?"


I was momentarily silent as the shock set in, I hadn't expected that news to have gotten out, "While it's true that we don't have any money in the bank at the moment, we are expecting sponsorship money to come in and allow us to pay our workers and take care of other costs until we grow enough to have some money in the bank."


A young man in his twenties typing up the interview right there on his laptop raised his hand, "Assuming you are able to keep the company afloat what can we expect from an average show, will the content be more toward the DeColt or Stone way of doing things?"


"DECOLT RULES" called out the first kid who asked me a question.


"No way, North of the Border is way better, at least their guys can wrestle!"


I could see this would quickly devolve from here, so I interjected quickly "As you know, I worked with the Stones and NOTBPW for a long time, and really like their product, so our promotion will focus more on the wrestling side of things, however, there will be slightly more time for angles and storylines at our shows than the average NOTBPW offering, so it's kind of the best of both worlds."


Felcher put up his hand again, he was going to start getting on my nerves, "Only two federations completely devoted to Womens Wrestling have managed to turn themselves into long term profitable companies, 5SSW in Japan, and AAA, what makes you think you're any better than the others that tried and failed?"


I sighed, "I don't know that we are, what I do know is that I, and those that work under me in the company have a clear vision of where we're going, and there are a team of financial advisors working on ironing out the money details."


The young man with the computer piped up again, "Rumours on the internet say you've hammered out working agreements with a number of companies, any chance we'll see big name talent appearing on the shows?"


I was flummoxed, how did this stuff manage to get on the internet so quickly...I only finished hammering out the last of the agreements this morning, "Yes, I've worked out arrangements with most of the companies that employ womens wrestlers, including NOTBPW, the main purpose of these agreements for now was to protect my roster, while there won't be a lot of expensive talent brought in from bigger promotions at first, once we get some money in the bank anything is possible."


"Anyone on the roster we might recognize other than you?" This was the only girl in the crowd, she had been busily texting away on her cell phone most of the time, and seemed to be just tuning in.


"Well, for those that follow the Canadian independent scene, one of the best workers that's never been offered a chance with a real promotion will be working for us, as soon as I opened the promotion she was the first one I called, Eve Grunge! Also, some of you might recognize Candy Floss from her time with AAA, or BSC, and Carol Singer, who had a run with CZCW a while back, we also have some of the top up and coming women in the business, including Brooke Tyler, whose dad some of you may remember, Eric Tyler from CGC! I think that's probably all the time we have, I have to get the last planning done for the first show, which will be the last Friday of January, and will feature the semi-finals of a tournament to crown the first ever CWWF World Champion!"


With that I signed some autographs, and we all dispersed, as expected a crowd of people who had found out about the meeting mobbed me on my way out the door, and I signed some more autographs. I honestly was more bluster and bravado in the meeting than I really felt...I had no idea where money was going to come from, or if the company would survive the month, let alone for the long hall, but however it finished I would see it through to the end...I'm in way over my head!







OOC: Hi! This is actually going to be my first time ever running through a game of TEW, I've messed around a little bit, getting used to the booking system and such, but this will be my first attempt to build a promotion from the ground up, so like Steffie Chee, I may have gotten myself in over my head! I have edited CWWF to have F- Popularity in all regions, F- momentum, 0% prestige, and no money. My user character is Steffie Chee. The product is the default CWWF product, which for those who don't know is this:


Key: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream, Modern, Realism

Medium: Cult, Pure, Daredevil

Low: Comedy, Risque, Lucha Libre

None: Hyper-Realism, Hardcore

Face/Heel: Yes

T&A: None

Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 55%

Minor Match: 8 mins

Medium Match: 12 mins

Main Match: 20 mins (I may edit match lengths once I get a bead on what my workers can handle.)

Match Ratio: 80%


I have retired all belts except for the CWWF World Title (CWWF All Action, CWWF Tag Team, and CWWF All Canada have been retired) for the time being anyway until I can grow my roster enough to really need more belts.





I've hired a mix of established veterans and up and coming youngsters that I hope will lead to the young people improving, and us having some decent fights while we grow our business, Eve Grunge, and Steffie Chee will likely get most of the work of a road agent until I can afford to actually hire one, and I will likely not have an announce team for a while at the start to save money.

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mistaken: Thanks!




CWWF New Dawn Quick Picks


The Union (Carol Singer & Brooke Tyler) vs. Sweet Sensations (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)

Emma May vs. Faith McGee

Tsuki Kawamata vs. Deborah Young


CWWF World Championship Semi-Finals


Eve Grunge vs. Candy Floss

Steffi Chee vs. Susan Lee

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The Union (Carol Singer & Brooke Tyler) vs. Sweet Sensations (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)

Emma May vs. Faith McGee

Tsuki Kawamata vs. Deborah Young


CWWF World Championship Semi-Finals


Eve Grunge vs. Candy Floss

Steffi Chee vs. Susan Lee


what are you using to generate the poster backgrounds?

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The Union (Carol Singer & Brooke Tyler) vs. Sweet Sensations (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)

Any team with Brooke Tyler is automatically winning


Emma May vs. Faith McGee

Faith's a definite work-in-progress, whilst Emma's actually got a lot to work with


Tsuki Kawamata vs. Deborah Young

Deb has all the tools to be an effective monster heel, and besides Tsuki is just blaj


CWWF World Championship Semi-Finals


Eve Grunge vs. Candy Floss

Grunge is an excellent worker and a good main event choice


Steffi Chee vs. Susan Lee

At this stage of play you should exploit your user character as much as possible


Good luck with this! I tried a CWWF dynasty for a while but the talent pool at a higher level is quite shallow if you want some overness as well as skill.

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CageRage and womens wrasslin' ... I'm in. I've hardly booked any Womens wrestling yet on 13 so could be a little off on overness.


The Union (Carol Singer & Brooke Tyler) vs. Sweet Sensations (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)

Emma May vs. Faith McGee

Tsuki Kawamata vs. Deborah Young


CWWF World Championship Semi-Finals


Eve Grunge vs. Candy Floss

Steffi Chee vs. Susan Lee

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what are you using to generate the poster backgrounds?



Honestly, I don't generate the poster backgrounds, I just download an abstract background off google images, then lay in the rest of the poster on top of it with GIMP (kinda like photoshop, but free...), all text is generated using cooltext.com.


Anywho, show should be up sometime tomorrow, wanted to have it done today, but it's been a really hectic day, so tomorrow!

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CWWF: New Dawn

Date: Friday, Week 4, January 1998

Venue: Yorkton Pavilion, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, The Praries

Attendance: 10




Segment 1: Angle





Steffie Chee




The few people interspersed among the seats in the Yorkton Pavilion are murmuring amongst themselves when familiar music hits and Steffie Chee enters the arena proper and makes her way to the ring, she is carrying a championship belt.


"Hello Yorkton!" she calls out, drawing a cheap pop from the few people in the seats. "Welcome to the inaugural show of the Canadian Womens Wrestling Federation! I am the owner, Steffie Chee, and your in for a great night tonight, as we take the first step down the road to determining the first ever CWWF World Champion!" She holds up the championship belt for everybody to see!



"Four of the best wrestlers in our company, including myself, will meet in this ring tonight for the first round of our championship tournament, in the end only one will leave with the gold! And without further ado, let the show begin!" With that Steffi Chee back up the aisle to the cheers of the enthusiastic few.




Grade: D


Comment: A good promo, establishing me as the authority figure in the company, and hyping the events of the night.




Segment 2: Angle





Roxy Kitten w/The Union (Carol Singer & Brooke Tyler)




A metal riff plays over the speakers, and Roxy Kitten comes out of the back looking angry, trailed by Carol Singer, and Brooke Tyler, Roxy picks up a microphone on the way into the ring, "My clients are two of the most important wrestlers in this promotion, and yet somehow, they have been left without a match on the opening show! Carol Singer should be in the championship tournament, no question, and Brooke Tyler is the future face of this company, if the brass would just open their eyes! I demand the right for my clients to compete on this show!"




Grade: F


Comment: Segment fell flat as I sent Roxy out without a script, and she couldn't handle it, generally has good microphone skills, but not a good improviser I guess. Successful debut for Singer, and Tyler's new disgruntled employee gimmick.




Segment 3: Angle







Isabella Encanta w/Sweet Sensations (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)




Isabella Encanta appears at the back of the pavilion, holding a microphone, and flanked by Ava Anderson and Lily Snyder! "Roxy, why don't you go crawl back to Las Vegas and leave these poor people alone. Just to shut you up, I've talked to the boss and she's agreed that my Sweet Sensations will fight your clients, right now!"




Grade: F


Comment: Not a great promo, Isabella's microphone skills are lacking, but does it's job in setting up the managerial feud between Isabella, and Roxy.




Segment 4: Tag Team Match



The Union w/Roxy Kitten vs. Sweet Sensations w/Isabella Encanta


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Union defeated Sweet Sensations in 8:09 when Carol Singer defeated Lily Snyder by pinfall.




Grade: D-


Comment: A good opening match, the heels were more well-known, and Carol Singer will likely be around the main event at some point, so they get the victory. Brooke Tyler really stood out with her work in the ring, she's really polished for her age. Roxy, and Isabella both worked well at ringside, and while Isabella had great chemistry with Ava Anderson, her and Lily Snyder had absolutely no chemistry! This match really got the crowd in the game!




Segment 5: Singles Match



Emma May vs. Faith McGee w/Isabella Encanta


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Emma May defeated Faith McGee in 7:43 by Submission with a Rear Naked Choke.




Grade: F+


Comment: Emma picks up the victory here as she is a much more complete package at this point, her and Faith actually had pretty good chemistry in the ring, though the bout dragged a bit in the middle, and lacked flow! Isabella did good work at ringside. The match lifted the crowd.




Segment 6: Singles Match



Tsuki Kawamata vs. Deborah Young


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Tsuki Kawamata defeated Deborah Young in 12:13 with a Flying Leg Lariat.




Grade: F+


Comment: Tsuki Kawamata gets the win, though the match was strutured to make Deborah Young appear to be dangerous throughout! The bout dragged in the middle, lacking in flow, but it was good enough to lift the crowd!




Segment 7: Angle



Deborah Young


Tsuki Kawamata is celebrating after her victory up on the top turnbuckle, not paying attention to Young laying in the center of the ring, when Deborah Young gets up, and comes up behind Kawamata, towering over her, spins Kawamata around, kicks her in the gut, tucks her head between her legs, and lifts her up, delivering a devastating powerbomb!




Grade: F-


Comment: Deborah Young isn't very well known around here, so this segment didn't go over well, but it sets up the arc I want her to be on nonetheless.




Segment 8: Angle



Eve Grunge


A video is played on a projection screen set up on the back wall of the pavilion, showing Eve Grunge back in the locker room, talking about her upcoming match with Candy Floss!


"You know, after all these years in the business, playing little hick backwoods towns like Yorkton, being the best on the card every night, I still get no respect, you'd think they'd just give me the belt, I already earned it, but no, I've got to wrestle a match with some jumped up stripper, who couldn't wrestle her way out of a paper bag! What kind of name is Candy Floss anyway! Well, I'll make this quick, and get on to the next match to claim my title!"




Grade: F+


Comment: Standard match hype promo, not a completely horrible job by Eve.




Segment 9: Singles Match: CWWF World Championship Semi-Final



Eve Grunge vs. Candy Floss


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Eve Grunge defeated Candy Floss in 11:57 by submission with a Violet Dream.




Grade: E


Comment: Not a bad match, Eve gets the win to begin setting up the main storyline going forward. Eve was tiring toward the end of the match. The match lifted the crowd!




Segment 10: Angle



Susan Lee


A video plays of Susan Lee hyping her main event match against Steffie Chee!


"I bet you think I'm scared of you Chee, that your reputation in this business has me quaking in my boots, well I'll tell you what, most of that happened close to a decade ago, and no matter how good you are at wrestling, my brute strength will win the day, and eventually the championship!"




Grade: E-


Comment: Standard match-hype interview, sets up Lee's bad ass persona, and hopefully generates some heat for the main event match!




Segment 11: Angle



Steffie Chee


Steffie Chee's music hits again, and she comes out to the ring with a microphone, to hype the upcoming main event!


"You know Susan, you really have to look at the brighter side of life once in a while! Those scowl lines are really going to mess up your face as you get older! As for the match, I plan on giving it my all, your a great competitor Susan, but I will win tonight, and I will win that title!"




Grade: E


Comment: Standard match hype promo for the main event.




Segment 12: Singles Match: CWWF World Championship Semi-Final



Steffie Chee vs. Susan Lee


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Steffie Chee defeated Susan Lee in 20:11 by pinfall with a Mafia Kick.




Grade: D-


Comment: A pretty decent main event for our level of promotion, I didn't really click with Susan making for an awkward bout, or who knows how good it might have been! I get the win as I am one of my very few workers with popularity in Canada, and the most popular wrestler in the promotion.




Segment 13: Angle



Eve Grunge


Steffie Chee is celebrating in the ring, when suddenly Eve Grunge runs down the aisle, comes up behind her, attacks her from behind, knocking her down, and locking in her Violet Dream submission hold, she holds it for a couple minutes before finally allowing Coach Norman to drag her off of Chee, and she makes her way to the back, as Chee writhes around in pain in the ring.




Grade: E-


Comment: A segment to set up the opening main feud of the promotion going forward.




Overall Show Rating: E+




Comment: Not a bad show considering only a couple of our workers are known in this area, and our storylines haven't had time to gain enough heat to really make them sizzle.






mistaken 4/5

1PWfan 4/5

ohiodevil 4/5

Jingo 4/5

Midnightnick 1/5

Croquemitaine 4/5




Haven't really decided what to do with predictions yet, will likely hold them over for a couple shows and see what I can come up with.




Right, so go easy on me, writing a wrestling diary is very different from any other diary for any other game I've ever written, but I wouldn't mind some constructive critism of the layout and format, or anything else.

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I like the general formatting- it's very clear and easy to follow. What I'd suggest, though, is maybe upping the size of the actual grades, so people can see how a segment went at a quick glance.
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Yeah...so sorry guys, but this diary is Dead On Arrival. :( A friend was using my computer, and decided to search for certain types of pictures, clicked on one, and the whole computer locked up, and never locked back down. Repair guy said it was something called a blaster worm. I've been able to log on to the forum for the last few days at my GFs sufferance on her computer, and read, and predict on others diaries, but she won't let me install and play the game on her computer. Am doing preliminary creative work on paper for my next diary, and will be going out looking for a new computer tomorrow, so hopefully will have a new diary up and running soon. It's probably just as well, I was a few events ahead, and hemorrhaging money like an unlucky rich man in a casino.:o
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