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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Return of the King

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-That stupid phone…do you ever stop ringing!




-Should I get up and get it? For the past week it’s been nothing but bad news it’s brought…




-Sigh…I’d better answer the blasted thing…


I put down my glass of whiskey and got up off the couch. I thought I was finally enjoying some time to relax after this week…the wife is out, which meant no ‘talent’ shows on TV. It’s halfway through ‘Die Hard’. I pause the movie and pick up the phone.


-(With a slight growl) Hello?




-Ah, Matthew! How are you, m’boy?




-I saw your match against Greg Black the other day…good stuff indeed!




-Oh, right…I called you earlier…because I really need your help.




-We’re a bit short on talent at the moment…I’m sure you heard about Jeano’s big opportunity?


Mean Jean Cattley. One of the most talented, consistent workers I’ve seen. Rip also noticed his talent in 2005 and brought him in to Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Since then, he has been a solid source of training for the kids Rip and I have brought in. Whether he was champion or not, you could always expect Jeano to be the highlight of any MAW show. But…someone else recently noticed his talent…a man by the name of Peter Michaels.


-He called me on Monday, letting me know that Michaels had offered him a job in SWF. He’s a good guy, Jeano…I think if I’d have begged enough he would’ve turned it down. But I couldn’t let him pass up an opportunity like this. He’s done so much for me and Rip…it’s about time his talent was noticed. Anyway…that was followed up by another call on Wednesday. It was Micky Starr. He told me to go on Twitter and look up his grandson…




-I know…Micky Starr uses Twitter…I was as surprised as you! Anyway…this is the first thing I saw when I clicked on Bret’s page…


Bret Starr…frequent troublemaker with an ego and all the qualities to be a huge star! He has had a few minor incidents over the years…mostly ribbing rookies like Syd or Miller, but nothing Jeano couldn’t put a stop to. However, Bret must’ve heard Jeano’s good news…so when I went to @BretIsHOLLYWOOD


-And I quote… “The Mean Machine has gone SUPREME…now the party begins…”…then, two minutes later… “Old Sammy’s too busy sucking his own…” I’m sure you can fill in the gap… “to even try and stop a #RisingStarr party”. Five minutes later… @RunawayLisa give me a call sometime…I’ll show you how to party, #RisingStarr style!”




-Yeah…I’m surprised Barry hasn’t murdered him yet…Micky shared that same sentiment! Anyway…I found out he’d caught up with Rip’s boy after a TCW show and they’d been drinking pretty heavily. Micky wasn’t happy…


And neither was I…


-I was willing to give him a fine and a warning…but Micky didn’t think that was enough…


“Bret’s been acting like this for too long now…look at Valentine…look at Vessey…look at Parker, or Hernandez…they’re all just about the same age…and are just as talented…but they don’t act like children…they know how to be professional! Fire him, Sam…it’s the wakeup call he needs…I know he’s a big loss…but if he keeps getting away with the ribbing or the lack of respect, he’s not going to learn…”


I knew Micky was right. Bret’s comments were way too far and he needed to learn a thing or two about respect.


-So, that ended Bret’s spell with the company. I’m still going to keep my eye on him, see if his attitude improves though.




-Heh…yep…it gets worse…remember how Jeano called me before he’d even accepted the contract? Unfortunately, not everyone thinks the same way he does. Big Findlay called me later that day…from Florida at a USPW show. Sam Strong had signed him and Findlay decided he should let me know he’d been signed to USPW for a week already! That means he is out for Night of the Champions!! Lucky I decided to make the match card a Christmas Eve present for the fans…at least I can give Vessey a new challenger…




-No, I’ll just give Max and Ace a shot for their hard work…no…I need you…for the Rip Chord Invitational…I need more than a month to scout out new talent…for now, I just need a short term solution. I know you said you wanted to make your own name…and I respect that…but work for me…just this once…


-…sure thing, Dad…


-Thank you, Matthew…oh…one last thing…your roommate, Parker…can you ask him to come with you?




OOC-Okay everyone...this is my first serious foray in dynasty writing...so at the start things may be a bit over the place as I try and find a style that is comfortable for me. In any case, I hope this manages to entertain a few people. There will be another two back story posts, which will hopefully get everyone up to speed with the slightly modified game world, the characters and the point of this diary. Then the fourth post will be the roster and Rip Chord Invitational Card.


Special thanks to Eisen-Verse, who, through his absolutely awesome SWF dynasty, inspired me to try this (if you haven't read it, do it...you are missing out) and for helping me brainstorm a few ideas.


Constructive Criticism is much appreciated! Hope you all enjoy!

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I was glad Matthew and Steven had agreed to make the trip from Pittsburgh for the Invitational. It really alleviated some of the pressure ‘the week’ had added…the fact they can both comfortably play face and heel helps. But still…I am down a star and the roster is looking a bit thin…plus, both Cameron and Casey are probably ready for the next level by now…I need to expand a bit…or at least make a list of potential workers. But I’d normally sit down with Jeano and make these decisions…who could I call to help me out now?


Marv, of course. Marvin Earnest, MAW’s announcer, knows his stuff when it comes to the business. I’m pretty sure Jeano would ask for his advice when it came to some of the younger guys…Marv’ll be glad to help…but I’d like someone with a bit more in-ring knowledge…


Charles! Charles Weston, also known as Citizen X, is a fifteen year veteran, with enough experience in the ring to offer some extra thought. He’s probably seen a few talented kids around on his loans to New York and Canada.


Marv, Charles and myself…the newest booking team in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Two phone calls later and our creative meeting is set for tomorrow…




Marv smiles at me from across the room, stirring his coffee. He was, as to be expected with Marv, twenty minutes early, which gave us time to chat about life and Jeano’s debut last night…he lost, of course…but he had a great match with Robbie Retro. A knock on the door brings us back to the situation a hand.


-Come on in, Charles!


Charles walks in, a folder in his hands. He sits on the lounge and politely declines the coffee and/or whiskey I offer.


-Not for me, Sammy…I stick to nothing but water for the few days before a show. So…tough break with Mean Jean, hey?


-Yeah, Sam…congrats to him…but it makes things tough for us…Jean is tough to replace…we’ve got Charles, who is doing a great job by the way, but Jean was one of a kind.


-Charles…Marv…we can get by without Jeano. We’ve got the booking skills…and there is enough talent out there that isn’t being utilised. It was time for Jeano to move up to the big leagues. We aren’t here to discuss how much we need Jeano…we’re here to talk about adding a few more youngsters to our company…Cam, Casey and Charles are very solid…and Syd Collier is a great youngster. I trust you to teach the newer kids some things, Charles…but I also trust Casey and Cam in the same role.


-Yeah…you’re right, Sammy…let’s get to the topic on hand…look at this kid, Sammy.


I picked up the piece of paper Charles handed me. The name at the top read ‘Ashton ‘Paradox’ Barnaby’. It looked like a resume of sorts, except it was all from Charles. Apparently this kid was one of the trainees from the Coastal Resort in California, but he only wrestled one match before CZCW let him and his two similarly named friends go.


-He needs work, I’ll admit that…but I can totally see him as a replacement for Starr…he’s got a similar cocky look. Plus, he was another person screwed over by Cliff Anderson…and I’d like to make him a personal project of mine.


Charles really wants this kid on the roster…I’ll keep him in mind...he doesn't appear to have a lot going for him…but we’ve taken on worse projects before…


-Alright, Charles…I won’t say yes…but I’ll say it’s likely. Now I haven’t found anyone yet…but I’m looking for someone in particular. I want a kid who already has a lot of talent…and I want to smooth out the edges…I don’t want to make just a great worker…I want to make a legend…I’m going to visit a bunch of smaller shows and hope I spot someone.


-Sam…I feel we need one more big name for the Invitational…your boy and Steven are great…but how about we bring back someone who’s won it before…


-Who are you thinking of, Marv?


-Brandon Smith…


I couldn’t help but smile. Bulldozer Brandon Smith was known as the American Patriot in MAW in the years before I came along. He found a job in New York the month before Rip called it a day…so I never actually got to book him…


-I’m sold…I’ll call Larry tomorrow and set it up…


We kept talking, sometimes about business…sometimes about nothing, until my wife, having expended her hospitality for the day, kindly asked me to show Charles and Marv out. Charles and Marv both promised to let me know if they found any young prospects for us to hire…things were looking better than they were last week. The final show of the year was coming up…and then 2013…a new year…




Charles’ recommendations:


Ashton ‘Paradox’ Barnaby (SHORTLISTED)

Marvel Malloy (SHORTLISTED)

Storm Spillane (SHORTLISTED)

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A knock at the door roused me from my nap. I got up and answered it.


-Hey Dad!




My son, Matthew, entered the house, a large bag slung over his shoulder.


-It’s lovely to see you, son…but what are you doing here? The Invitational isn’t for another week? I thought you and Steven were going to drive down the day before?


-I thought I’d come down earlier and spend some time with you and mom…the PSW show is done for the month and Mitch said I’m fine to head home…Steven and I decided to take the week off…still train, of course…but no indy bookings. Steven’s parents came down from Canada to visit him, so he gets the apartment to himself. It’s a shame that GiGi is still in Japan, huh?


-Matthew…you are 23 now…don’t you think you’re a bit old to call him GiGi?


I knew exactly what he’d say…if he’s anything like me, that is…


-Am I too old...uhh…nope!


He smirks that famous Keith smirk.


-Dad, "GiGi" is ageless…guaranteed that when I have kids…he’ll be Uncle GiGi…that's why alliteration isn't always the best way to go!


I’m proud of you, son…


-What am I going to do with you?


We share a laugh. He then follows me into the living room.


-So, Dad…how’d those issues turn out? Is everything back on track now?


There’s another thing we have in common is our insatiable craving for all things wrestling…he’s been home all of two minutes and we’re already on the topic…


-Things are looking good…having you and Steven for the one show is helpful…and Larry Vessey cut me a deal for Bulldozer Brandon Smith…he let me have Brandon for one appearance, but asked the way only Larry Vessey could…


-He didn’t ask, did he…


-No…anyway…he ‘asked’ that I take on one of his young guys, Tennessee William. Vessey’s got his hands full with a few of his own projects and when I mentioned I needed more, he convinced me to sign William to a contract…and he also wanted his son…


-Cam? He’s in NYCW now?


-Not exclusively…but yes. Larry wants to return to the ring one more time and since Bryan is off in California, he wanted to be in the ring with his son. I can’t fault him for that, and Cameron is excited about getting more work. But, in the end…we’ve now got four stars for the Invitational and two stars for the title match.


-Am I allowed to ask what you have planned for me?


-You’re facing Vessey…


Matthew smirks.


-I like the sound of that…and I’ll be winning of course…


-Come on, Matthew…you know me…I keep these sort of things under wraps until everyone knows…


Matthew smirks that famous Keith smirk again. I shoot the same smirk back.


-Well…I guess you are my son…who can I trust more than you…the winner of the main event is…


-Honey! Who are you talking to?


Matthew and I stop talking. His eyes widen.


-I totally forgot to say hello to mom, didn’t I? Yikes…gotta go…


Matthew darts out of the room, laughing. I chuckle to myself. These are the moments that help me forget how cut throat the wrestling business can be at times. Us Keith’s have it easy…we’re talented and respected…I guess that’s why running MAW is so worthwhile…I make it a goal of mine to hire guys who aren’t employed anywhere else…kids who can’t get their name out there. Like that Barnaby kid Charles mentioned. I trust Charles enough to give the kid a chance…or the kid that Marv found from Texas, Bradley Blaze. These are guys who don’t get much of an opportunity…but we train them up in the hope someone will give the shot they deserve!


I glance back at the notebook I’d been writing in before I drifted off…it’s the re-re-re-reworked Rip Chord Invitational Card…this is the finalised copy…I’d better send this to Marv and Charles…







-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William


Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem


Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X/Tennessee William vs Casey Valentine/Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker/Max Mayhem vs Robbie Wright/Brandon Smith



Citizen/William/Casey/Ace vs Parker/Max/Wright/Smith


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey ( c ) vs Matthew Keith

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Shawn_Waters joins the GDS Dynasty community! :D Great to have you around here.


Good early work here as well. I must say, the opening post was somewhat of a challenge; however, that's personal preference. Sam Keith read like someone from the UK (which I'm guessing that's where you are from?). Keith (based upon his player card) is an all-around nice guy (which you've pinpointed well; family man) but the Brit aspect was a challenge at first (not something that was going to turn me away though). That said, as I started to look at him in that vein (as you're writing him), It was much easier to flow into the story.


As we've talked about before, MAW (much like NYCW) screams "The Wrestler" (movie) to me. That said, MAW is a little more unique than that given the 'younger wrestlers' who are on the roster. It really IS like a young sports team coached by someone who KNOWS how to get the best out of youngsters; teaching them along the way as they travel from High School Gym to High School Gym. It's a traveling brotherhood of sorts. "All for one; One for All". They ALL want individual success but, given the small nature of their company (and the learning aspect of it), there's a general sense of overarching family that resides. So far, you're doing a GREAT job of playing off this family vibe (ie: Sammy being happy for those who left & ultimately firing Bret with the call to do so from Micky himself). Honestly, great stuff here.


The last conversation between Sam & Matthew was really strong as well. It felt like I could have been listening to the two talk. My guess is, Matthew and (GiGi of course) have a hefty 'chip on their shoulder' as they're looking to get out from underneath their Father's shadow. I wonder if that will ever come into play? I guess we'll see.


Overall, great start here. Keep it up!



-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William

Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood

Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem

Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine

Steven Parker vs Brandon Smith



Citizen X vs Steven Parker


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey ( c ) vs Matthew Keith

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-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William


Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem


Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X/Tennessee William vs Casey Valentine/Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker/Max Mayhem vs Robbie Wright/Brandon Smith



Citizen/William/Casey/Ace vs Parker/Max/Wright/Smith


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey ( c ) vs Matthew Keith

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-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William


Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem


Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X/Tennessee William vs Casey Valentine/Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker/Max Mayhem vs Robbie Wright/Brandon Smith



Citizen/William/Casey/Ace vs Parker/Max/Wright/Smith


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey ( c ) vs Matthew Keith

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Our Stars:


Cameron Vessey: The son of Larry and nephew of Bryan, Cameron is the third Vessey in the wrestling business and he is just as talented. The kid is a star in the making, that’s for sure…he’s already a better talker that both his father and uncle. I’m hoping with Jeano’s departure, Cameron will step up and gain some experience in leading the younger, less-talented guys…I’m going to put too much pressure on him though…he’s only 25.




Casey Valentine: Casey Valentine is the nephew of USPW’s Peter…and has ten times the talent of his uncle in his left foot. Casey’s probably about third or fourth in skill on the roster now and doesn’t have the same star potential that Cameron does. However, as his uncle has proved, with the right connections, you don’t need a whole lot to be successful. That sounds unfair on Casey though; I have high hopes for the kid.




Malili Umaga: Malili Umaga was known as Akima Brave in SWF, but was released in 2011. It's a shame, since he is quite talented (more so than some of the Supreme Superstars now). He's still young though, only 30, so has plenty of time for a second chance. I want to help him get that second chance. Hopefully he takes to singles wrestling, since he's normally known for his tag team work. He's going to help some of the young guys for now, since he's got big time experience.




Robbie Wright: Robbie Wright is much like the more famous Robbie in the SWF. He’s a decent brawler with some solid fundamentals, but it’s his natural charisma that makes him the star he can potentially be. Robbie was one of the last kids that Ol’ Rip trained…and it shows. At the moment, Robbie is sitting below some of our longer-serving members, but I plan on changing that…he’s going to be a big part of Mid Atlantic Wrestling in the foreseeable future.




The Tag Teams:


The Aces of Mayhem: Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem. These two guys are solid singles workers, but they’ve really proven themselves to be adept tag team wrestlers over the year and now their tag team is one of the more entertaining aspects of MAW. These are two guys I hope get their chance sooner rather than later. I like them both though, so expect to see them heavily involved.




The Dynamite Express: The Dynamite Express, Syd Collier and Cameron Jones. These two graduated the Boot Camp in the same year and were placed in a team together. Neither of these kids have a wacky gimmick to back them up and instead portray themselves as no nonsense bad asses, which they make work. If one of them was to break out, my money would be on Syd. With some more experience, he’d be a good prospect for the Stone’s, or Tommy. However, Jones isn't a bad worker either… I'll be monitoring these two…




The Lost Cause: Keith Vegas…the poor kid really has nothing going for him. He’s bland, boring and looks like a fourteen year old boy. However, Rip wanted to try and make something of him…and I don’t want to give up on him just yet. His team with Miller Fforde has really helped him (and Fforde) as his weaknesses are somewhat hidden. Fforde and Vegas are natural ‘loveable losers’ and really have the fans behind them. Fforde still has some time in the company…but Keith had better step up a gear…




The Hitmen: Ernest Youngman is one of my big hopes, and could probably do well on his own, but I'm throwing him in this team with another talented youngster, Irwin Gutmann. Gutmann could learn from Youngman...both in the ring and attitude. Youngman will get his big shot, but I don't want to rush him...




The Lower Card:


Tennessee William: One of Vessey’s projects, William is normally known for his tag team work in NYCW. However, here in MAW he gets a chance to show that he can go it alone. He’s a pretty solid brawler, and his gimmick is quite fun. He’ll pay his dues first, but if I like what I see, I can see him staying here long term.




The Architect: The Architect, who refused to use his real name in the Boot Camp, is one of the first two rookies that I trained…and isn’t he a good one. Archie (the nickname I gave him after I got sick of saying ‘The Architect) is a good young worker who will only improve. Like Syd, he’s got some potential in the workrate promotions but would make himself at home anywhere, as long as he applies himself.




Copperhead: Copperhead is the other rookie who I trained at the Boot Camp and while he isn’t as talented as Archie, Copperhead (who also didn’t give us a name…damn kayfabe) has some potential. He’s an energetic brawler with good foundations. I hope he lives up to his potential.




George Wolfe: George is the son of CGC legend Ed Monton, but still has a long way to go before he lives up to his dad’s name. I liked the kid’s legit toughness and saw something special…I’ve given him Ernest as a manager because I want to see him succeed. His powerful wrestling style is unique in MAW and it helps his bad ass look greatly.




The New Guys:


Ashton Barnaby: Barnaby is one of the ‘Paratroopers’, a trio of rookies who CZCW let go a few years ago. He’s probably not the best of the three, but he’s got the best look. Add to that the fact Charles has really pulled for his hiring and has offered to train him and I couldn’t pass up on giving him a chance. I have no idea how to use him yet, but once I see what he can do, it’ll be easier to fit him in.




Bradley Blaze: Blaze is a rookie Marv saw wrestling down in Texas. He needs a lot of work, but there is something about the kid Marv and I like. Perhaps it is because he is such a nice kid…he’s like bizarro world Bret Starr. His Texan cowboy background might mean a tag team run with fellow Texan Copperhead…but I still want to give a solo chance at some point.




Deuce Deadline: Deuce is the latest graduate from the Boot Camp and has some solid skills already...but these can be made better, of course. He's got size, this kid...so I've got a few ideas on how to use him...but none yet. He's not at all embarrassing in the ring, which is great!




Those on the sidelines:


Lisa Bowen: Lisa Bowen is Runaway Train’s daughter. She is quite a good-looking girl and her alliance with Robbie Wright has helped both of them greatly. Her name value and looks should mean it isn’t long until the big leagues come calling. She is the only girl on the roster, which does make me worry…I’ll probably improve the gender ratio a bit for her benefit…




Ernest Forthdyke-Hume: Ernest is your perfect English gentleman…in-character at least. He’s actually got some attitude problems…but he’s quiet enough that he doesn’t cause any issues. He’s also a decent manager, and while I don’t see Michaels signing him up, he’s definitely useful in MAW to help younger guys develop a personality…




Haley Buck: Haley Buck is a young manager who I saw at a small show down in North Carolina. She has great potential. She's quite attractive and can handle a microphone better than most of the young guys here. I've got her escorting The Dynamite Express to the ring, just to give them a bit of extra character.




Marvin Earnest: Marvin Earnest (the third E(a)rnest on the roster…damn), is greatly respected and well-travelled. His voice has lately become a natural part of MAW DVD’s and it just wouldn’t feel the same without him. He’s also got a great business sense and will help with the backstage running of things.




Phonse Lockett: Phonse Lockett is a young kid who handed Marv his resume sometime in the last month. A Communications graduate, Marv brought the kid in to add a bit more excitement to our DVD’s. Phonse will play the classic heel colour man who gets on Marv’s nerves. His wrestling knowledge needs some work, but he should do fine.




Jay Fair: Jay Fair is one of the best referees in America, if not the world. The fact he is working in MAW, rather than TCW or SWF shows just how much influence Rip had in this business. He’s a good guy and his refereeing skill helps boost the matches and helps the kids tell better stories in the ring. Here’s hoping his loyalties lie with MAW…though I won’t fault him for accepting a bigger offer.




Myself, Sam Keith: Samuel Keith Gauge…also known as Sam Keith. I’ve been around…I’ve won World titles and my name is known all over North America and Japan. I’m here to help these kids…by skill plus my wrestling knowledge means these kids are given more than a fair chance at something more than indy shows. While Rip was a better trainer than I could ever dream of being, I still know my stuff and I’m going to help these kids look the best they can!





OOC-I'll edit this as people come and go, which will give my (or Keith's) opinion of them and may give minor clues as to how people will be used.


Thanks the to following artists for the re-renders I use in game: J-Silver, Bull, shipshirt, jhd and LoNdOn!!


I'll post the pre-show stuff a bit later, with the results to come tomorrow (hopefully). It's so awesome to see people already interested! Thanks heaps guys!


Oh, and E-V...I'm Australian, not British...it's a common confusion, though. :p

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As I sat in the special office in Stanley Hall my phone rang again.


-Keith…it’s Micky Starr…again…


-Evening, Micky…how’ve you been?


-‘Right, yerself?


-A little stressed, but overall, I’m damn excited for tonight.


-Ah yep, th’ Rip Chord Invitational is t’nite, ain’t it?


-Sure is…it’s all booked and ready to go.


-Well…hate t’ sour yer day…but have y’heard the news ‘bout Bret?


Uh oh…


-Uh, I have not…


-I underestimated Ol’ Richie E…Bret’s workin’ in Rhode Island now.


I should’ve seen that coming…Bret was always going Supreme…I just didn’t expect it to be this quickly.


-I’d guess that Richard and Mycroft (Nero) don’t have Twitter…though…they hired Laramee and Scott…it’s not like bad attitudes are a rarity in the SWF. Unfortunately, he won’t learn anything now…but at least he is their problem now.


-Ain’t that th’ truth. Richie’s gone on a bit’v’a signing spree…Skye from CZCW and yer boy Hernandez are also heading t’ Rhode Island.


Any time someone mentions MAW’s biggest stars, James Hernandez is almost always in the top three, if not number one. He was one of the originals, and his constant feuding with Steven Parker put both men on the radar. It’s good to see him getting his deserved shot at the mainstream (no pun intended).


-Oh…and Ol’ Vessey ain’t gonna be happy…though when is he? Pete Michaels signed Roger Cage t’ th’ main roster right away! He’s the champ in New York, ain’t he?


The only thing that shocked me about that announcement is that it took this long. Cage is one of the best talkers I’ve ever seen and he’s solid enough in the ring that he’s not an embarrassment. His smaller than most stars, but he’s got too much star appeal for SWF or TCW to pass him over.


-Yep…Larry is going to be very upset with that. He’s got the Confederation to cover that loss though…he’ll be fine.


-Hope so…anyway…I gotta go, Sam. Hope th’ shows a good ‘un!


-Thanks, Micky. Have a great day.


I hung up the phone and let out a sigh. I’d tried something risky and it failed…instead of giving Bret Starr the wakeup call he so desperately needed, I led him straight to the big leagues…and a bigger ego than ever! I should be more careful about things like that from now on.




At least with Starr gone, the other workers don’t have to check their boots for worms, make sure their shower gel isn’t laced with itching powder or watch out for falling buckets when going through doors. The backstage environment is much lighter and at ease. I meet up with Charles, Marv, Cameron and Matthew to go over the final plans for the main event, including this awesome spot Charles came up with for the ending, before heading to my reserved seat at ringside.


I loved MAW for that reason…I could actually have a seat in the crowd without being bombarded with questions and autograph requests here. The fans were respectful and were here not for Sam Keith, but for a good show featuring talented young workers. Plus, the fact that most of the roster come out after each show to hang with fans alleviates that issue; all the faces are there every show, and the ‘cockier’ heels, like Casey, Cameron and Robbie would usually join in, without breaking character. You’d never see Bret or Jeano joining in though…Bret would come out for five minutes, hit on one of the girls and leave with her…and Jeano wasn’t the most sociable guy.


Anyway…this made the fans more relaxed and respectful, which helped a lot. I sat down just as the guys finished putting up and testing the ring. Ten minutes later…we are ready to go! Here we were…the Rip Chord Invitational 2013…the first show of the year and the first show without Jeano. The sound of Charles’ theme music starting coming out of the set of speaker CZCW donated to us…I sat back in my chair and breathed a sigh of relief…we got here…

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Sorry to break your flow but...


-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William


Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem


Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X/Tennessee William vs Casey Valentine/Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker/Max Mayhem vs Robbie Wright/Brandon Smith



Citizen/William/Casey/Ace vs Parker/Max/Wright/Smith


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey © vs Matthew Keith

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-RCI First Round Matches-

Citizen X vs Tennessee William


Casey Valentine vs Ace Youngblood


Steven Parker vs Max Mayhem


Robbie Wright vs Brandon Smith


-RCI Semi Final Matches-

Citizen X vs Casey Valentine


Steven Parker vs Brandon Smith



Casey Valentine vs Steven Parker


Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Cameron Vessey ( c ) vs Matthew Keith

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300 people in Stanley Hall




Marv: Welcome, everyone, to another year here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling! As always, I’m Marv Earnest…and for the first time, by my side…

Phonse: …name’s Phonse Lockett. Old Marv here was getting a bit lonely, so I jumped in to give him a hand.

Marv: …right. Anyway…welcome to the RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL! 8 men enter, but only one can walk out as the winner of the prestigious Rip Chord Invitational.

Phonse: That’s right! It’s an exciting night of wrestling, that’s for sure! In addition to the tournament, we have a Mid Atlantic Championship title defence!

Marv: Yes! Last year’s Invitational champion, Cameron Vessey will defend his championship against Matthew Keith!

Phonse: Load of bull if you ask me…everyone knows Matty only got the shot because he begged daddy for it! Mr. Vessey should get the night off while the tournament is on!

Marv: Matthew Keith is one of the best young wrestlers in the world today! No matter who his father is, he is deserving of a shot…and if Vessey can walk out with the championship, he’ll prove himself in the eyes of everyone. Matthew Keith is not going to be easy to defeat.

Phonse: In any case, it’s going to be a fantastic night!

Marv: And here begins the tournament!








-It’s Blues vs Anarcho-Punk in this first round match up!


-The match starts out with William trying to take on X in a straight up brawl. However, X is too wily for the rookie and eludes him with his speed. X controls the action for the first few minutes, until a mistimed crossbody is turned into a sickening lariat. From then, William shake, rattle and rolled Citizen X all over the ring.


-You can never count the veteran out though. After swiftly dodging a William lariat, Citizen X built up some speed before connecting with the

! The three count follows, sending Citizen X through to the second round.


Result: Citizen X def. Tennessee William @ 6:48 (Grade: 36/D-)


My Notes: Charles didn’t seem completely switched on tonight. He wasn’t giving it his all, that’s for sure. Despite that, this was a pretty good match, considering the styles clash. I like William already. I’ll try and give him a match that better showcases his skills next month…


Phonse: Great showing by the Blues Brother!

Marv: However, Citizen X’s experience showed. He is victorious and will go on to the next round!

Phonse: The next match up features the winner of this tournament, Casey Valentine!

Marv: Now, Phonse…Valentine is very good…but he still has to contend with Citizen X, who is eager for his maiden tournament win. You can never count out his opponent either. Ace Youngblood is one of the more experienced wrestlers in MAW and is always energised by his Native American pride!

Phonse: Pfft…Casey Valentine won’t even break a sweat…guaranteed!

Marv: Hmm…well let’s find out now!




Casey Valentine vs




-Casey Valentine starts the action off by taking Ace down to the mat…and it doesn’t really change after that. Valentine has complete control throughout the match.


-But that doesn’t mean it was an easy match for Valentine. Ace Youngblood kept taking move after move, but would not give up. Even after Casey Valentine hit a

, he still kicked out, showing his Native American tenacity! This just made Casey fiercer.


-Ace tried to get back in the match, but ultimately, it was Casey who finally put Ace Youngblood down with a third Deep Impact.


Result: Casey Valentine def. Ace Youngblood @ 7:51 (Grade: 35/E+)


My Notes: I’m starting to worry…this is the second match out of two where a worker has underperformed…this time it was Ace. I had higher hopes for this match…oh well…these guys are both still learning…


Phonse: Pay up, Marv!

Marv: Huh?

Phonse: Pay up! I told you Casey would win with ease…and he did…you owe me a grand now!

Marv: Well…actually…you said Casey would win without breaking a sweat…I don’t think he had it that easy. So…maybe you should pay up?

Phonse: But…that’s just an expression…you can win on a technicality! I’ll do you a favour and call the bet off…ok?

Marv: Sure thing, Phonse. The next Invitational match-up features one of our brightest, most energetic youngsters facing “The Mid Atlantic Number One”, as he now calls himself…

Phonse: That’s right…it’s Max Mayhem facing the winner of this tournament…Steven Parker! I spoke to him earlier…and he is determined to finally win the tournament that somehow eluded him during his time here! Parker knows he is bigger than this company…but he is going to claim the one thing he was cheated out of while here.

Marv: …didn’t you say Valentine was going to win this?

Phonse: What? Where’d you get that idea…I’ve been team Parker this whole time!

Marv: *shaking his head* Here come our competitors!




vs Steven Parker




-Max Mayhem opens this contest with a flurry of kicks and chops, which slows Parker down.


-However, Steven Parker shows his skill in the ring, shutting down Mayhem with a DDT. Parker keeps Max grounded with a few holds, working over his left leg.


-Parker then flicks the hair out of his eyes and dusts off his hands. He picks Mayhem up from the ground and positions him for the Future Shock. The three count follows.


Result: Steven Parker def. Max Mayhem @ 4:34 (Grade: 48/D+)


My Notes: I couldn’t be any happier with this. Both guys tried their hardest and they put on a good match as a result. It’s unfortunate Parker is only here for this show…but I’ve got to give these younger guys their chance…


Marv: Very impressive victory for Steven Parker. He’s looking like a strong contender to win this tournament.

Phonse: Contender’s lose…they should just give Parker the trophy now!

Marv: Wait a second…what is that?

Phonse: Huh?

Marv: That…that sound?

Phonse: *listening* Oh…that’s One Direction, if I’m not mistaken!

Marv: Ugh…it’s awful!

Phonse: Oh come on, Marv…it’s not that bad…I dig this song…

Marv: Well, here comes the wrestler to whom this song belongs…




Robbie Wright walks out from the back with Lisa Bowen by his side. They dance down to the ring with One Direction’s “Live While We’re Young” blaring through the speakers. Lisa is wearing a very revealing dress (if you could call it that), while Robbie looks more suited to a nightclub than the wrestling ring. Robbie grabs a mic.


Wright: The Rip Chord Invitational…only the best names in this business win this thing…and some people even consider it a privilege to take part. For me…it’s just another excuse to party…I’ve got all my friends on speed dial, ready to come party with the King of Charisma and this sexy little thing beside me…


Wright winks at Lisa, who smiles and dances very seductively for Robbie.


Wright: Yeah baby…shake it! I’ve got the hottest DJ in New Jersey to travel all the way down here…I’ve stocked my fridge…and I’m looking hella good!


Wright turns on the spot, showing off his threads.


Wright: So how many of you want to come and party with Robbie Wright after the show?!


A few people in the audience cheer.


Wright: Heh...well too bad! This party is invite only…and there is no chance of any of you losers getting an invite. And it’s a shame too…my close friend and one of Hollywood’s biggest names will be there as well…Dustin Diamond!!


The collective ‘who?’ can be heard throughout the arena.


Wright: That’s right…Dustin has kindly taken a break from his busy schedule to travel here to party with me! And none of you are welcome! So…let’s bring out my opponent already…I want this over and done with…I’ve gotta save my energy to party…all…night! Because you only live once…


Wright drops the mic as he awaits his opponent.


My Notes: For a rookie midcarder…this was a great promo. Wright pseudo cocky-comedy gimmick seems to be working…and having Lisa act as his seductive girlfriend was a big success…though I think I might hire some bodyguards…just in case Barry decides to pay me a visit…

(Grade: 38/D-)


Marv: Wright seems very confident he can finish this quickly…but I’m not sure if he knows who his opponent is…Brandon Smith is a one of the toughest wrestlers I’ve ever seen…and he’s huge! Wright better have a plan…




vs Brandon Smith




-Clearly Brandon Smith is upset he can’t party with Dustin Diamond as he comes out with a full head of steam. He floors Robbie once the bell rings and does not let the foot off the pedal once.


-Robbie tries a desperation low blow, but Smith sees it coming. Using his tree trunks like legs, he traps Robbie’s arm. Smith then smiles, as he has Wright completely helpless. Smith begins to toy with Wright by tearing off one of the sleeves of his fancy shirt. Wright tries to tell Smith he must pay for that…to which Smith responds by tearing off the other sleeve.


-Smith, having had his fun with Wright, picks him up and nails him with the Backdrop Driver. Smith stands over Wright and places his foot on his chest fist-pumping as the ref counts to three.


Brandon Smith def. Robbie Wright @ 2:33 (Grade: 46/D)


My Notes: The fans clearly loved seeing Wright get beaten so easily by Smith. They were loud the whole time, and fist bumped along with Smith. Wright will come back from this…he proved he can handle himself well tonight…


Marv: Well…that was impressive.

Phonse: Aww man…does this mean Robbie’s party is cancelled? I wanted to party with Screech!

Marv: You got an invite?! You’ve only been here for a week.

Phonse: Well clearly I’m much cooler than you, Marv.

Marv: I wouldn’t go even if I WAS invited! Up next…is the first of our two semi-finals…Citizen X against Casey Valentine!

Phonse: Let’s go Casey…you are going to win this!

Marv: *sigh* Here they come…




Citizen X vs Casey Valentine




-This match began with a stalemate…Casey shut down X’s speed, while X managed to keep Casey at a distance, preventing him from taking X to the ground. The result was an exciting exchange filled with dodges and reversals.


-It was X who finally broke the stalemate after a well-timed reversal turned into a springboard dropkick. This sent Casey to the mat and allowed the Anarchist to take to the skies as he likes to do. X utilised every part of the ring possible.


-Casey managed to take control at the six minute mark after beautifully rolling through a cross body. Casey then began to lay into X with stomps and punches. Any time X managed to make it to his feet, Casey would take him back down with either a suplex, a bodyslam or even one vicious looking backbreaker.


-Casey then looked at the downed X and nodded. He stood back and waited for X to return to his feet. He then grabs him in preparation for Deep Impact…but X desperately lashes out with his elbow. Casey loosens his grip…which all X needs. X unleashes a quickfire rush of strikes on Casey, regaining control again.


-Casey, wanting to try and finish it again, forcefully shoved X backwards. He then went for a clothesline…but X ducks! X rebounds off the ropes…and connects with the Flaming Anarchy! Casey goes down and Citizen X covers for three!


Citizen X def. Casey Valentine @ 9:22 (Grade: 46/D)


My Notes: OK…I NEED to do this match again at some point! These two just know each other so well in that ring. Their sequences were awesome and they bounced off each other so well! Despite that though, the match fell a bit short of my expectations. Perhaps with a bit more time, they’d have a better match.


Marv: So…what happened to your winner, Phonse?

Phonse: Parker? He’s up next.

Marv: *rolls his eyes* Congratulations to Citizen X, who won a hard-earned match to reach the final of the Rip Chord Invitational! Let’s find out who he will be facing.




Steven Parker vs Brandon Smith




-Parker opens this match with a lot more energy, having had a longer rest than Smith (though, it’s not like Smith used much energy in his match). He manages to lock up the big man, restricting his movement.


-This doesn’t slow down the Bulldozer for long though. Eventually, Smith breaks free of Parker’s hold and begins flooring him with punches and clotheslines. After narrowly avoiding a brutal looking big boot, Parker rolls outside to regroup. But Smith follows…


-…However, that was Parker’s plan all along. He regains control by dropkicking Smith into the steel barricade. Parker re-enters the ring and waits, hoping the count out. Smith makes it in at 6, though. Parker retains control and just weakens Smith with locks.


-Smith once again powers out though and goes back on the attack…until Parker manages a sneaky roll up. Parker does just enough to hold Smith down for the three!


Steven Parker def. Brandon Smith @ 9:01 (Grade: 55/C-)


My Notes: Did I mention how much I wish Parker could stay? This match rocked! Unfortunately…it was between two guest stars…not a trend I want to continue. Anyway, the Parker vs X final is set.


Marv: Well, there we have it…Citizen X will fight Steven Parker for the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy!

Phonse: Yeah! Go Parker…I knew you could do it!

Marv: Smith almost had him on a few occasions…

Phonse: Nah…he was just toying with Smith…Parker was in control the whole time.

Marv: Right…well…we are only minutes away from the final of the tournament and it’s…wait…

Phonse: Hey!! Look who it is…these guys are great!




The Dynamite Express; Syd Collier and Cameron Jones, walk out to the ring, the Mid Atlantic Tag Team championship sitting proudly on their shoulders.


Syd: What do we have here, Cameron?

Cameron: I’m not quite sure, Sydney…

Syd: It’s a travesty…that’s what we have here…

Cameron: Hmmm…yes, I can most certainly see that, Sydney.

Syd: Why is it a travesty, you ask?

Cameron: It’s quite simple, actually…tonight…is the Rip Chord Invitational…and we were not entered…DESPITE holding the Mid Atlantic Tag Team championships…

Syd: That’s correct…and to add to the travesty we can see tonight…Ace Youngblood and Maxwell Mayhem received entry into the tournament…a team who AREN’T Tag Team champions, might I add…in front of us…

Cameron: It’s a shame, isn’t it Sydney? We are the Tag Team champions…yet we don’t have match…

Syd: It’s just not right…so…we are going to rectify the situation!

Cameron: Correct! We are having our OWN Invitational…we are inviting any two men sitting backstage a very generous shot at these titles we currently hold!

Syd: So…come on out...it doesn’t bother us much who it is…


As Syd and Cameron wait in the ring, two figures walk out from behind the curtain that separates the ring from backstage. It’s Keith Vegas and Miller Fforde; the team that The Dynamite Express defeated to win the titles! They rush to the ring, clearly accepting the challenge!


My Notes: Collier and Jones aren’t known for talking much, but I threw them out there to see how they’d do…while it wasn’t the worst promo I’ve seen, I don’t think they managed to draw the fans in. A manager would really help these guys…

(Grade: 30/E+)




The Dynamite Express vs The Lost Cause for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team




-Syd and Jones start off as the aggressors, not allowing the Lost Cause a chance to attack. However, once Jay Fair restores the action and forces the partners to their corners, Miller Fforde manages to trouble Cameron Jones.

-In true heel tag team fashion, though, The Dynamite Express manage to isolate Fforde in their corner and take turns attacking him.


-Fforde, after an awesome dropkick/bulldog combination, gets the tag to Vegas, who takes the fight to Jones. But Jones thumbs him in the eye and tags in Syd, who begins wearing him down with submissions, including one really brutal looking armbar.


-Eventually, Syd locks in the Texas Cloverleaf, which causes Vegas to tap quickly.


The Dynamite Express def. The Lost Cause @ 5:58 (Grade: 34/E+)


My Notes: This match was thrown together at last minute in order to give our tournament finalists some much needed rest. I need to have a chat to Syd after the show…he needs to chill out a bit with his submissions. Vegas ended up with a bicep strain after that brutal armbar…he’ll only need a few days to heal, luckily, but we don’t want it to become something worse.


Marv: The Dynamite Express prove further why they are the Tag Team champions after a solid victory over the former champions.

Phonse: Enough about the tag teams…we all know what is next…

Marv: My partner here is right…the final of the Rip Chord Invitational…starts now!

Phonse: I don’t know why they bother…can’t they just award Parker the trophy now?

Marv: I don’t know…Citizen X looks even more determined than usual! I like his chances…

Phonse: Wanna put your money where your mouth is?

Marv: …fine, deal!

Phonse: Hehehe…easiest fifty I ever made!




Citizen X vs Steven Parker for the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy




-This match is very even for the first five or so minutes, with a constant stream of action but no man getting the advantage. It isn’t until Parker resorts to some of his dirtier tactics that he’s used all night. He thumbs X in the eye, which allows him to finally ground X and work him over with various holds and strikes.


-Parker gets too cocky though and gives X an opening when he takes too long to deliver a suplex. X spins out of the suplex and connects with a wicked Enzuiguri! This allows X to dominate for a while…but it isn’t too long until they return to a checkmate.


-The match is fairly even throughout, as each man unsuccessfully tries to work the other into a vulnerable position. X tries a hurricanrana…Parker tries a suplex…X tries a reverse STO…Parker tries a neckbreaker…but none of them work.


-After a further stalemate, X finds some hidden energy and comes out flying. His attack causes Steven Parker to retreat into the corner. X smiles and lines him up…he goes for the Flying Anarchy into the corner…but Parker trips him up, sending him headfirst! Parker grabs X and nails him with the Future Shock!


-Parker covers…but X kicks out! Parker yells at Jay Fair, before grabbing X for another Future Shock…this time, X spins out of it and dropkicks Parker into the ropes. Parker rushes at X…who leaps up and nails Parker with the Flaming Anarchy, using his own momentum against him! X covers and scores the three!


Citizen X def. Steven Parker @ 15:21 (Grade: 49/D+)


My Notes: Dammit Charles! This is the second time tonight you’ve slacked off in a match! Oh well…it was still a pretty good match. Parker carried his end and made Charles look good. I expected this to be better though…luckily the fans were so excited about seeing Parker, they didn’t notice Charles’ poor performance.


Marv: He did it!! Finally!

Phonse: What…NO! Parker…what happened?

Marv: I won fifty dollars…that’s what happened!

Phonse: What…no! The bet is redundant…the match went too long…yeah…

Marv: I’ll be collecting after the show, thank you…but the big news is not my winnings…but Citizen X’s…he is the winner of the 2013 Rip Chord Invitational!

Phonse: Oh…and looks like he’s going to waste more of our time by talking!

Marv: I think there’s a bank just down the road…




X: I did it! Despite having the corporate heads against me, I managed to win the Rip Chord Invitational! America is run by corporations…and they’ve managed to take control of most of the other wrestling companies in this country…SWF…USPW…CZCW…IPW…GSW…even our close friend NYCW…are all allowing corporate America to take over…but not here! Not in Stanley Hall! I’m here to prevent that! I’m putting out the call to face the winner of tonight’s main event at next month’s show for the Mid Atlantic Championship…and I won’t sell out like the rest…I’m faithful to you…


My Notes: Not one of his best…he’s really having an off night tonight. I let him go out there without a script…and it came across as disjointed…it was obvious that he was trying to suck up to the fans. However, he delivered his corporation rant with such conviction that this promo wasn’t a complete failure…

(Grade: 36/D-)


Marv: Citizen X wants to fight the winner of Vessey vs Keith next month…I’m sure Sam Keith will let us know sometime soon…but now…it is time for the Main Event!! Any bold predictions, Phonse?

Phonse: I predict if you don’t stop reminding me, I’ll slap you!

Marv: Calm down, Phonse…sit back, put your feet up…and enjoy the contest we are about to see.

Phonse: The daddy’s boy better not win…




Cameron Vessey vs Matthew Keith for the Mid Atlantic Championship




-The match starts as many other have tonight…with an even trading of moves. These men are so close that it’s hard to separate them. Eventually, Keith hits a suplex, giving him the advantage.


-Keith controls the action for the next five minutes, with Vessey only getting minor offence in. He turns that around after working himself back to a vertical base and hammering Keith with a knee to the midsection. He follows that up with a gutwrench suplex, which leaves Keith slightly winded. Vessey rests for a brief second before taking advantage of the turnaround.


-It’s Vessey’s turn to control the action. He keeps Keith under pressure. They continue to shift back and forth for about twenty uneventful minutes of methodical wrestling.


-It hits the twenty-seventh minute…and things begin to pick up. Keith begins firing up and delivers shot after shot to Vessey, which shocks him. Keith then hits a trio of flying forearms. He then hypes the crowd up by pointing at his father in the crowd and signalling for the Proton Lock. He tries to lock it in…but Vessey powers out! Vessey then grabs Keith for the Vessey Driver…but Keith lands behind Vessey…and goes for the Proton Lock again…and it’s in!


-Vessey is fighting…he’s fighting...he’s fading…he’s fading! Jay Fair is just about to call it…when Vessey begins to struggle…he’s crying out in pain, but he’s still not giving up. Vessey, using the last of his strength makes a desperation grab for the ropes…and falls short!


-Vessey’s been in the Proton Lock for over a minute now! Not many men can claim to have survived that long…but Vessey mustn’t have much left…wait…he inches closer and closer to the ropes…and Keith makes the move back towards the centre of the ring…but that’s all Vessey needs! He manages to free himself from the Proton Lock. He stands up and is met by a tenacious Matthew Keith, who wants to lock the Proton Lock back in…but Vessey slaps him! Keith charges at Vessey. And Vessey sneakily drives his knee into Matthew Keith’s groin. Keith bends over in pain, which leaves him completely open for the Vessey Driver. Vessey somehow manages to retain his title!


Cameron Vessey def. Matthew Keith @ 31:54 (Grade: 69/C+)


My Notes: What…A…MATCH! I’m so proud of Matthew right now…he’s got to be one of the most talented workers in the world under 30! And Vessey shows that he is talented enough to hold his own in a match against a better worker! Vessey and Matthew really drew the crowd in…when Matthew locked in the Proton Lock, everyone was on the edge of their seats…and the boo when Vessey drove his knee into Matthew’s groin…intense. I’m worried I’ve weakened to reputation of the Proton Lock…but it’s my move…I can do with it what I wish!


Marv: Vessey, you cheater! Cameron Vessey retains the Mid Atlantic Championship, albeit by nefarious means!

Phonse: A real champion retains his title by any means necessary, Marvin! Vessey further proves just how great of a champion he is!

Marv: I can’t deny that…not many people experience the Proton Lock and end up winning the match! He showed just how much he wanted to keep that title!

Phonse: Cameron Vessey will be the Mid Atlantic Champion for a long time to come!

Marv: It is hard to see him losing it…but we’ll find out next month at Wrestling Classic. Thanks for joining us tonight! It’s been another excellent night of wrestling. The Rip Chord Invitational always brings out the best in everyone.

Phonse: I hope you enjoyed having me around…I’m sticking around!

Marv: …great…well I’m Marv Earnest.

Phonse: And I’m Phonse Lockett…

Marv: Thanks for watching!


My Notes: This show was a great success…though I have to attribute that to bringing in Matthew and Steven…they are talented and brought a lot to the show. I’m not taking anything away from our wrestlers…and Cameron and Casey were as good as ever. But Matthew and Steven are extremely talented. I do believe that with some smart booking and maybe one or two extra faces, we can put on our own shows that are just as good.


(Show Rating: 60/C)




OOC: There we go. First show is done. Any comments/criticisms/suggestions about the style would be appreciated...I wish this board had the "Justify" option for text alignment -_-


Also...do people like the Youtube clips showing finishers/entrance themes, or should I just not bother...I had fun thinking some up (while some people won't have theme's because I couldn't of a related song...).


Post-Show stuff and prediction results to come a little later.

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After all fans had left and the ring had been taken down, we got together, like always, in the middle of the hall. I provided a few beers for the guys to drink, as long as they didn’t go overboard. I clapped Matthew on the back before starting my usual post-match wrap up.


-Great job to everyone! The tournament was, as always, a big success! Special thanks to our visitors today, Steven Parker, Brandon Smith and Matthew Keith. They came along to fill in the gaps Jeano, Bret and Findlay had left. The main event…was awesome! I have to give it to you two…you kids are talented! Cameron…there is a reason you’ve won every title there is to win in Mid Atlantic Wrestling! I’d almost say you are ready to move on…but not quite yet! You are a champion, Cameron…it’s in your blood…


I smiled at Matthew.


-And Matthew…you deserve more than Pittsburgh…I respect them…but you can do so much more…I’m going to call up an old friend of mine and recommend you…




-Nah…Cornell hasn’t got the room for you at the moment…I’ll get in touch with one of my old friends in Japan…there is much for you to learn over there! You might even be able to catch up with Greg.


-Japan…yeah…that actually sounds like fun…and I miss GiGi…I worry about my little brother sometimes…


-Matthew…there’s only eight minutes difference…


We share a smirk. I look around at all the guys. They are enjoying themselves, chatting and having fun. The new kids are getting along with the older guys and everyone seems happy…


-Hey, Sam! Can we talk about next month?


-Charles! Just the man I wanted to see.


-So…I’m getting the shot against Vessey, yes?




-And…I’ll be winning?


-Well…that I’m not sure about…


-But…but Sam!


-Charles…the performance you gave tonight was a lot less than I expected from you! I’m not sure what was wrong…but you were not giving one hundred percent! The promo I can understand…everyone stumbles over their words at times…but you slacked off in two matches…how can I rely on you as champion? I know you can do better Charles…but you need to always give everything in these matches! I’m haven’t decided who will win next month…and you won’t know until the week out! But if I DO go with you…you have to give me more than what you gave tonight…ok?


Charles nodded…he wasn’t angry, but I could tell he didn’t like being grilled like that. But he needed to know that his performance tonight can’t happen every night. He’s professional enough that he’ll step up his game next time. Now, it’s time to enjoy my weekend and start looking for a new star talent…and maybe a third manager. I’m glad I got through this rough period…now it’s time to rebuild.



Prediction results:


Eisen-Verse: 6/8

CageRage: 7/8

Croquemitaine: 5/8


therapidpro: 6/8


Thanks so much to everyone who predicted...it's great knowing I already have readers this early! The first round matches were all pretty easy, but the second round is where a few people tripped up. CageRage only got the Smith/Parker match incorrect, though and is therefore the winner this round. I might have a prize every 'season', meaning there are three shows worth of predictions before the winner is announced.


For bonus points, I hire three people between now and Wrestling Classic. One is a 'star', one is an unknown and one is a manager. I'll a bonus point to each correct guess :)

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February has been a fairly uneventful month, in comparison to the last two. Matthew headed off to Japan…but not to Burning Hammer, like I thought. I guess he is still trying to make his own path. I’m still a little surprised he took Sadahiro Jimbo’s offer…still, good on him! The two new guys have now joined us and are ready for their debuts…though they both have attitude issues, so I’ve given them three warnings from the start…it doesn’t matter if it’s a fight or snarky comments…you create problems…you miss out on this chance. Still, I have plans for both of these guys.


The Wrestling Classic is all ready to go! I’m sure I’ve booked the Main Event properly…it took a few days of pondering…but I know I’ve booked the right winner…




It’s just too bad I have this damn flu! The show is tonight and I can’t be there! I guess I’m lucky I’ve got Marv and Charles controlling things...but I should be there…but my lovely wife insisted I stay home…I guess that’s what I get for marrying a nurse. Marv has promised to call me on Monday to give me an update on the show and all the beginning of the month stuff…though I’m hoping to be much better by then.


Everything should be fine…I’ve got to stop worrying and catch some sleep...




-Hmmm…ten minutes until the meeting and final preparations…I like the card…and the results make sense…except for this one…I’ll just change that. It’s better for everyone involved this way! Sam’s not here, so I’m charge!


The person scribbles out something on a piece of paper and write in something else.


-There…much better…




The Wrestling Classic


Syd Collier vs Keith Vegas

George Wolfe vs 4C Representative

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Hitmen (Ernest Youngman and ???)

Robbie Wright vs Ashton Barnaby

??? vs Tennessee William

Cameron Vessey vs Citizen X – Mid Atlantic Championship


(Question marks are the two new signings, btw)




Writing the show as we speak, but it might not be up till after the weekend, since Sunday night is the only free time I'll have. Thanks to everyone who has read, encouraged and left their opinion so far!

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Not sure if this got lost or if people just aren't predicting. It doesn't matter much either way. :p


Just bumping this to say that the show will be up in a few hours (writing the final segment now.) So if you did want to predict, now's your last chance :)

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Syd Collier vs Keith Vegas

George Wolfe vs 4C Representative

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Hitmen (Ernest Youngman and ???)

Robbie Wright vs Ashton Barnaby

??? vs Tennessee William

Cameron Vessey vs Citizen X – Mid Atlantic Championship

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Oops, totally missed this!


The Wrestling Classic


Syd Collier vs Keith Vegas

George Wolfe vs 4C Representative

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Hitmen (Ernest Youngman and ???)

Robbie Wright vs Ashton Barnaby

??? vs Tennessee William

Cameron Vessey vs Citizen X – Mid Atlantic Championship


I was going to pick Cam Vessey in the main event, but did we just see Citizen X scratch out Keith's planned result and write himself in as new champion? If so, that would have to be one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen in a diary.

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The Wrestling Classic


Syd Collier vs Keith Vegas

George Wolfe vs 4C Representative

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Hitmen (Ernest Youngman and ???)

Robbie Wright vs Ashton Barnaby

??? vs Tennessee William

Cameron Vessey vs Citizen X – Mid Atlantic Championship

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-Ugh…that damn phone again!


-I’ll grab it for you, Sammy!


My wife grabs the phone and answers it…


-Hello? Oh, hello Marvin. Yes, yes…he’s feeling much better.




-Is something wrong?


Hmmm? This doesn’t sound promising.


-Yes, yes…of course I’ll put him on…


She hands me the phone. I sit up, have a sip of scotch and prepare for the worst.




-Sam! Sam! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know he’d do that…I just can’t believe it…if I’d have known, I would’ve stopped him…sponsors are pulling out and people have lost respect for the company…I should’ve just taken the microphone off him! I knew you wouldn’t have changed that match result!!


-Marv…slow down…what are you talking about…


-Sam…just…just come to the office, OK…it’s better if you watch it…


-*sigh* Alright Marv…I’ll be there in an hour…


As I hang up the phone, my wife gives me THAT look.


-You aren’t thinking of heading out, are you?


-You heard him, honey…it sounds like an emergency…I’ll keep warm, I promise…


I give her a kiss on the cheek before getting dressed and heading out. Something has gone wrong…just when I thought our problems were over…








300 people in Stanley Hall




Marv: Welcome back to Stanley Hall!

Phonse: Thanks for joining us as we ride the flood of momentum from The Rip Chord Invitational!

Marv: That’s right…this is the Wrestling Classic…which will be headlined by the Mid Atlantic Champion, Cameron Vessey, taking on the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, Citizen X.

Phonse: Vessey’s got this…he beat that punk Keith kid last month…and he’ll beat that angsty Anarchist tonight!

Marv: You can never count Citizen X out…he has much more experience than Vessey…

Phonse: Yeah…but Vessey’s learnt a lot from his uncle and father, who are legends in this business!

Marv: Well, we’ll find out later tonight! But now, it’s time for our first match!


Syd Collier vs




-Collier and Vegas meet again after Vegas narrowly avoided a serious injury against Collier last month. Vegas tries to start strong, but Collier shuts him down easily enough.


-Syd continues to try and chain wrestle with Vegas, but Vegas keeps trying to brawl. The action is messy and boring.


-Syd mercifully puts an end to this match with a Texas Cloverleaf.


Syd Collier def. Keith Vegas @ 3:41 (Grade: 29/E)


My Notes: Ugh…these guys do not like working with each other in the ring…it’s lucky the fans don’t expect a whole lot, but I won’t be putting these two one on one again.


Marv: Syd Collier makes it 2 from 2 this year!

Phonse: And Keith Vegas had better start looking for another job…if he keeps losing like this, he won’t be sticking around…

Marv: Well that’s not true…he’s got a good team with Miller Fforde and I’ve heard Sam Keith sees something in him…

Phonse: Quiet, Marv! My new favourite wrestler is coming out!




George Wolfe comes walking out accompanied by Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. Wolfe, while dressed to wrestle, wears a pair of sunglasses and a suit jacket. They climb into the ring and Ernest grabs a mic.


Ernest: Ladies and Gentlemen…of which none of you are…in case you haven’t had the privilege of meeting us…my name is Sir Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. I hail from the land of Kings, England…but I have come to this poor excuse of a nation to add the touch of sophistication this place sorely needs! This man by my side…is “The Prodigy” George Wolfe. He is the son of Edward Wolfe, Canadian legend and is a personal favourite of Mr. Samuel Keith! This is the man who is leading the way of the future…and this is the man who will do it with all the sophistication a champion should have…


Wolfe smiles and waves as royalty would.


Ernest: It won’t be too long until this is the man holding the Mid Atlantic Championship! But…for now…


Ernest motions to the curtain separating the ring from backstage. A young man walks out, looking nervous, yet energised.


Ernest: The Prodigy will be fighting the best that the other promotions have to offer…first up…from 4C in Canada…meet Morgan Malone!


Malone waves, ready to fight.


Ernest: If young Mr. Malone here manages to last five minutes with George Wolfe…he will earn a monetary prize to the value of five thousand…pounds! So, young man…join us in this ring…I hope you are ready!


Malone climbs into the ring and stares across at Wolfe.


My Notes: This was a good promo, considering Wolfe and Ernest are still relatively unknown. The cheap heat definitely helped…

(Grade: 22/E-)


George Wolfe vs Morgan Malone




-George Wolfe shows us why Sam Keith is so high on him with a dominating display! He tosses the smaller Malone all over the ring.


-After two minutes of toying with the young Canadian, Wolfe lifts him onto his shoulder, ready for the

. He runs…and Malone slips out the back! Malone dropkicks him out of the ring.


-Wolfe is angered though and comes back in with a head of steam…but Malone isn’t trying to win at this point…he’s just trying to evade Wolfe’s attacks.


-There is twenty seconds left on the clock, and Malone’s speed is too much for Wolfe…until Ernest trips him up! That’s all Wolfe needs to nail a powerslam. The three count follows!


George Wolfe def. Morgan Malone @ 4:47 (Grade: 29/E)


My Notes: Once again…Wolfe nor Malone are well known yet…in fact I think this is Malone’s first match in America. So I was happy to see that the fans were reasonably into this. As I build Wolfe, he should get a bigger reaction.


Phonse: That was impressive! Wolfe never looked in trouble!

Marv: That may be true…but Ernest’s wallet sure looked in trouble…that’s why he had to interfere on Wolfe’s behalf.

Phonse: He got the easy win, that’s all that counts.

Marv: In any case, we can expect to see more of those two in the future. Up next though, we will be introduced to two new wrestlers teaming up to take on the Aces of Mayhem. Ernest Youngman is a young wrestler from Chicago who has a lot of hype surrounding him, and his partner, Irwin Gutmann, is a young Canadian wrestler with German roots. Both men have a reputation for their expertise in targeting the most painful points in the human body, which has led to them being dubbed ‘The Hitmen’.

Phonse: These guys look great! They are smart and ruthless…what more do you need?

Marv: Here they come now…let’s see how they do!


vs The Hitmen




-Max Mayhem and Ernest Youngman start this match off. Max tries to take the quick advantage, but Youngman impressively shuts him down. He starts attacking the joints around Mayhem’s knees, keeping him grounded.


-Youngman and Gutmann tag in and out, keeping Max isolated. Their technique is so effective that the one time Mayhem gets free, he collapses, his leg so weakened that it can’t support the rest of his body weight.


-Eventually though, Mayhem makes a desperation dive and gets Ace in for the hot tag! Ace cleans house, sending Gutmann to the outside, before lining Youngman up for the Tomahawk Chop! He covers and gets the victory.


The Aces of Mayhem def. The Hitmen @ 6:16 (Grade: 36/D-)


My Notes: This was a great debut for Irwin and Ernest! Despite being completely unknown, their tenacity and ruthlessness showed, which really had people cheering for The Aces. This team has potential.


Marv: They tried hard, but the experience of Youngblood and Mayhem won in the end.

Phonse: Very impressive debut from The Hitmen though! They’ll get them next time!

Marv: They do look like potential champions. But it won’t be easy…we have a lot of talented tag teams in this company.

Phonse: Up next though…is my man, Robbie Wright!

Marv: I wonder if he’s throwing a party this week as well…

Phonse: Unfortunately, no. Last month’s party was wild…a little too wild! Dustin Diamond got totally drunk and threw Robbie’s karaoke machine out the window…his parents weren’t happy with that!

Marv: Wait…he still lives with his parents?

Phonse: …is that a bad thing?

Marv: …you still live with your parents?

Phonse: We have a match to call, Marv…pay attention!


vs Ashton Barnaby




-Robbie Wright looks at his smaller opponent and laughs. This is all Barnaby needs to take Robbie down with a sweet hurricanrana! He follows up with a flying leg lariat before hitting a springboard crossbody.


-Robbie spends the next minute or so trying to get back into the contest, but Barnaby keeps him at bay using speed and agility. Eventually though, Robbie manages to turn a hurricanrana into a powerbomb.


-Robbie then begins to punish the smaller man for embarrassing him, nailing a series of clothesline and bodyslams. Robbie prepares Barnaby for the Wright Move…but Barnaby manages to roll Wright up!


-Wright kicks out just before the three and nails Barnaby with a sick kick to the head. He then follows up with the

for the three.


Robbie Wright def. Ashton Barnaby @ 6:58 (Grade: 21/E-)


My Notes: Barnaby did not look like he cared about this match at all! His moves lacked the flash that Charles promised he could deliver and he just seemed to give less effort. He better improve…since he is already low on my priority list. Robbie did what he could, but isn’t talented enough to carry a lazy opponent.


Marv: Robbie Wright has made up for his match last month with a win over the rookie Ashton Barnaby.

Phonse: I never had any doubt…last month was a fluke!

Marv: …it looks like he isn’t finished…


Robbie Wright laughs and grabs Barnaby again. He prepares him for another Wright Move…




...until Copperhead comes tearing out from the back. Copperhead slides into the ring and takes the fight to Wright. Wright quickly escapes the ring, overwhelmed by the energetic onslaught of Copperhead. Copperhead helps Barnaby up and smiles at Wright.


My Notes: This was purely to create a possible tag team and even out the face/heel divide. I had nothing for Copperhead as a heel, so him being a face who never seems to slow down should be fun. But Wright was the only one with any real popularity, so no one really cared…

(Grade: 8/F)


Marv: Wow…Copperhead surprises everyone by saving Barnaby here…

Phonse: Well, we know who WON’T be invited to Robbie’s next party!

Marv: I’m sure Robbie won’t take that lying down…but Copperhead never slows down…so it could be hard…

Phonse: Please…Robbie isn’t going to let a loser like Copperhead beat him…

Marv: Well…we’ll soon see the aftermath, I’m sure. Up next though, we have the debut of Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s newest signing…he is an ex-Supreme Superstar, and a member of the famous Samoan wrestling family! Malili Umaga will debut against Tennessee William!


Malili Umaga vs




-Both men come out with arms flying, trading punches and clotheslines back and forth. Eventually though, it is Umaga who gets the advantage after managing to take William down. He keeps him grounded with various holds and the occasional body slam.


-William does manage to get back into the match though after a sneaky low blow. He then controls the match with some solid brawling.


-After about eight minutes, they hit another stalemate…Umaga tries to regain the advantage, but William manages to hold him at bay and because of that, William cannot get control of Umaga. They trade moves and reversals smoothly until William tosses Umaga to the outside.


-William turns his back on Umaga, thinking he is in control again…but Umaga managed to land safely on the outside. He rolls into the ring and grabs William for the Samoan Suplex. The three count follows.


Malili Umaga def. Tennessee William @ 11:49 (Grade: 50/D+)


My Notes: I hired Umaga because he had a lot of experience to pass on, yet was still young enough to learn. Plus, he gives a face challenge for Vessey and Valentine. I considered hiring his partner as well, but I want to see how he does in singles action first…


This match is a good first impression. He clicked with William instantly! They managed to make even straight up brawling look like fluid chain wrestling, since they just knew how to work together. However, William was taking deep breaths towards the end. I don’t think he can go much longer than ten minutes…which is something for him to work on.


Marv: What a debut by Malili Umaga. That was an impressive win over a tough opponent!

Phonse: Hmmph…

Marv: This could be the next challenger for Cameron Vessey’s championship, assuming he retains against Citizen X, of course!

Phonse: Which he will…

Marv: I’m looking forward to seeing more of this man in action!

Phonse: Wait…look!


As Umaga stands in the ring, celebrating, someone jumps over the barricade and into the ring…




...it’s Casey Valentine! He begins beating down Umaga, perhaps welcoming him to MAW.


My Notes: Sets up a program between Umaga and Valentine, which should help both guys. Simple as that…

(Grade: 32/E+)


Marv: Casey Valentine with a rude welcome to Malili Umaga here…

Phonse: He’s just warning him what happens when someone invades Valentine’s turf!

Marv: He’s a brave man, Casey, for attacking Umaga. Those Samoan’s aren’t known for their patience in the ring.

Phonse: Casey’s not scared of any Samoan! His uncle fight giants every week in Florida…it’s in his blood!

Marv: Well, he better watch his back, no matter what…but, up next…is the main event!

Phonse: That’s right! Time for Vessey to shut that whiny anarchist up!

Marv: Citizen X will be no pushover. He’s shown himself to be a tough competitor.

Phonse: Come on…Vessey is a Vessey…he’s not losing this!

Marv: It’s time to find out! Here they come…Cameron Vessey vs Citizen X


Cameron Vessey vs





-The match opens with Vessey getting the early advantage. He knows Citizen X’s game and manages to keep him close, preventing his speedy combat. Vessey shows shades of his uncle and father throughout the match with some solid brawling and tightly locked holds.


-X manages to open the match up after flipping out of a move. However, he decides to give Vessey back what he gave, keeping him grounded with holds. He only slightly shows his normal speedy style by dropkicking Vessey after Vessey regains his footing.


-The action is traded back and forth for the next little while. X breaks through this stalemate with an impressive flip/leg sweep combination, but Vessey turns that around quickly with a vicious series of clubs to the back.


-Vessey controls the next few minutes by working on X’s back. He doesn’t let up at all, leaving X in excruciating pain. X rolls out of the ring to recover…Vessey follows. X slides back into the ring and springs over the top rope…and connects with a crossbody, leaving Vessey down.


-X must realise he’s losing the match, so he steps up his game. The high-flying Citizen X we are used to seeing has shown up…he continues to push through the pain in his back and confuses Vessey with a flurry of speedy moves.


-X starts gaining a wicked head of steam and prepares for the Flaming Anarchy!! But Vessey, showing his skill, dodges and hangs X on the top rope! Vessey smiles, grabs X and lifts him up for the Vessey Driver


Marv: There it is…the Vessey Driver! That’s got to be it…




Marv: …what? But…but…what?


-Vessey lifts X up again and goes for another Vessey Driver…but X manages to land behind Vessey. Vessey turns…


Marv: X…hits the Flaming Anarchy…but this wasn’t…I mean…X showing his experience by getting out of that situation!

Phonse: No! Kick out Vessey!!




Marv: X…wins!?!

Phonse: Dammit! This wasn’t meant to happen


Citizen X def. Cameron Vessey @ 28:43 (Grade: 61/C)


My Notes: What…the…hell? What the hell? This wasn’t the result I chose! I had Vessey going over…How DARE Charles do this! And…and now he’s getting a mic?




Charles grabs the microphone, with the Mid Atlantic Championship over his shoulder.


Charles: Look what I’ve got…the Mid Atlantic Championship!! This was the title I was promised a month ago…and it was a title that Sam Keith then took away from me! You broke your promise, Samuel! You broke your promise…and sold out!


The fans, Cameron, Marv, Phonse and Jay Fair all stand around looking confused.


Charles: You’ve sold out Sam…do you know why I first came to Mid Atlantic Wrestling? Cliff Anderson had started to sell out as well…they tried to copy the mainstream companies…no matter how ‘underground’ or ‘independent’ they tried to be…they still looked at SWF and TCW as the goal. But MAW was not like that…Rip Chord had a nice little company where kids could hone their skills…Rip never wanted to run a business…and he never cared about growing…he only wanted to train…I came here to help…to wrestle…and to stay away from ‘businesses’. But you…you took over…and things changed. Suddenly, you start talking about profits…you consider leaving Stanley Hall…OUR HOME…just to make a little more money…you care more about popularity, rather than training…why did you need Parker and your spoilt brat of a son in the Invitational…we had plenty of talent you could have used! You started using entrance music…it’s only a freaking iPod, Sam! We aren’t SWF…we aren’t TCW…we don’t need anything more than solid youngsters and a wrestling ring! But…you just couldn’t see that! You wanted to put on a show…just like the shows you’d gotten used to in the big leagues! And these youngsters don’t see how this is going to affect them! They trust you Sam…and you are going to start dropping them like flies, once they aren’t popular enough for you! But…I can see through all your bullshit and lies. I can see you don’t care about this company! You care about your wallet…look…you couldn’t even make it tonight! Why? Because you’ve got a little cold! You are putting Sam Keith before Mid Atlantic Wrestling…


Even the Confederation of the Territories is just an attempt to glorify yourself! It’s not just the Confederation…it’s Sam Keith’s Confederation! You just cannot handle that your glory days are over! People have moved on! So…you have to try and force your relevance on this little company…


Charles hops out of the ring. By this point, no one else is at ringside, since they are trying to contact Sam. He walks over to a logo.


Charles: Look at this…’Baltimore Bakehouse’…just one of the sponsors Sam Keith has gotten on board recently…well guess what…the bread from this bakehouse is horrible, but because they are willing to throw a few dollars Sam’s way, people are brainwashed into thinking this is a quality business. This is how industries help each other…money is what truly speaks here…because of money, lies are believed…


Charles tears down the logo, before rolling back into the ring.


Charles: I hope some of you fans out there are filming this…so people can see the liar Sam Keith really is! Sammy…I hope you are happy…because of your own selfishness…you’ve lost your most experienced worker…and your championship…all at once! I’m heading back to California…to work for a man who has also been screwed over by the hypocrisy of the mainstream…and to help take down your little buddy, Cliff…I’m taking this title with me to Invincible Pro Wrestling…the true underground! One final thing before I go though, Sam…


Charles imitates the famous Keith smirk.


Charles: Go f@#k yourself…


Charles leaves the ring and takes off through the front door, avoiding the crowd of people heading out from the back…


My Notes: That son of a bitch…why did I ever trust him...I’ve got some serious damage control to do now…

(Grade: 65/C)


(Show Grade: 55/C-)




-There you go Sam…that’s what happened…I…I didn’t know he changed the finish…


-It’s ok, Marv…for all you knew, I told him to change it…


-And that promo…I thought it was worked!


-Marv…calm down…I don’t blame you. Charles was just less trustworthy than I thought…


I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead…the stress headache is back…


-So…we’ve lost Charles…and the championship...that’s manageable…




Dear god no…not more…


-Sam…the Baltimore Bakehouse have pulled out their sponsorship, as have three other sponsors…they don’t trust us anymore…they think we’ll ruin their reputation as well…overall, we’ve lost seven grand from our sponsors!


-Anything else?


-Read this…


I take the sheet of paper. It was printed off a website.


The Mid Atlantic Scandal


‘Mid Atlantic Wrestling are currently the most talked about promotion in America…for all the wrong reasons. At ‘The Wrestling Classic’ Charles ‘Citizen X’ Weston defeated Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship. However, it was what happened after that match that interested everyone. Weston then proceeded to shoot on Sam Keith about various issues: from MAW’s increase in sponsorship to the COTT. As a result of that shoot, many people have lost faith in Sam Keith and MAW. Not only have four sponsors pulled out, but many fans have turned their back on them. Mid Atlantic Wrestling has been tarnished…and Sam Keith cannot be happy. We’ll have more on this next issue…but we personally hope Sam Keith figures out a solution.




-We’ve lost some of our prestige…this has hit us hard, Sam.


-Marv…we’ll be fine! We’ll be fine…


I hope…

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