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TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud

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The interview with Mr. Cornell didn’t exactly go the way DJ Britton expected it go right off the bat….


Britton: I’m very excited Mr. Cornell for this opportunity, let me just say that. I think I can be a solid addition to the wrestling roster of TCW.


Cornell: Actually DJ, this conversation isn’t about you being a wrestler.


Britton:…I’m sorry, what do you mean?


Cornell: DJ, let’s be honest. You suck in the ring.


Britton: …..okay….


Cornell: And let’s be honest with each other. K.P. Avatar? That’s a terrible name for a wrestler. I’ve fired a lot of better named wrestlers on their first night.


Britton:…I’m sorry, Mr. Cornell, but where are you going with this?


Cornell: You’re place isn’t in the ring, DJ. It’s on the mic and behind the scenes. You have a degree in business? Top of your class? Correct?


Britton: Yes, I did.


Cornell: So why are you in wrestling? Why aren’t you in some firm or something right now?


Britton: Well…the economy is terrible. There’s nothing out there for anyone. Meanwhile, I’ve been a die hard wrestling fan since day one. I did some backyard wrestling throughout college and high school, and I decided this is what I wanted to do. Besides, to be honest, I never wanted to be the type to wear a suit and tie 5 days of the weeks.


Cornell: Well I won’t need you to wear a tie, but probably a suit.


Britton:…what do you mean, sir?


Cornell: I’ve been scouting you, DJ. Your work on the regional level. But not in ring, except if you’re holding a mic. You have amazing charisma.


Britton: Thanks, Mr. Cornell.


Cornell: Let me finish. Not in the ring. Behind the scenes. You know Sam Keith?


Britton: Yes, of course. He’s a great mentor to us young guys in the indy scene.


Cornell: That he is, and he can’t stop praising you and your work ethic. He says you have a great eye for talent and you have booked some great cards. He says you can smell a star from a mile away.


Britton:…well…I don’t know about all that….


Cornell: You’ve been working part time wrestler-part time backstage official for many indy companies, correct?


Britton: Yes, sir.


Cornell: Well it’s time to pick one. And I know which one you should pick. I want you to become the full time booker for TCW. Well, intern booker, for now, and we’ll see how you go.


Britton: Wait…are you serious?


Cornell: I’m always serious, DJ. The thing is, Joel Bryant is a great guy, he knows the business like the back of his hand. But I’ve been getting the sense that maybe he’s stuck in the past, that he doesn’t really know how to book these young guys coming up. Our midcard in TCW right now proves it, it’s terrible. That’s where you come in.


Britton: I don’t know, Mr. Cornell. That’s a lot to take on.


Cornell: Well that’s why you’re going to be an intern for now, Joel will show you the ropes, but I have high hopes for you. Even Joel praises you from the times he met you on the indy scene.


Britton: Was Joel one of the guys you had scouting me?


Cornell: You guessed it, kid. He understands that maybe booker isn’t his thing anymore, fortunately. But there’s one job I know you’re ready for full time already.


Britton: What’s that?


Cornell: Behind the desk. Colour Commentary. To be honest with you DJ, our announcers aren’t very good. Kyle Rhodes is a good man, but he just doesn’t connect with the crowd. My plan is to add you to the broadcast team with Rhodes and Jason Azaria. I think your youth could add that spice to commentary. Plus who better to praise the talent in the ring?


Britton: I don’t really have a lot of experience with commentary, sir.


Cornell: But I have listened to some that you have done. You’re a natural, kid. People are going to love listening to your voice. Kid, I’m not going to lie to you. TCW is in some trouble right now, financially and structurally. It needs a kick of youth, and I need someone who can administer it. I think you are the guy, DJ. So…what do you think all of that?


24 Hours later, DJ Britton signed a TCW Contract. No longer a mediocre indy wrestler named K.P. Avatar, DJ Britton was the TCW Colour Commentary and Intern-Booker to Joel Bryant, Head Booker of TCW.


Thus begins TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud.

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The first 3 months of work flew by for DJ. Mr. Cornell was right, he felt like a natural at the commentary table. Jason Azaria had an ego to him, but Kyle Rhodes was a welcoming mentor. DJ’s character was one who sided with the heels no matter what, which DJ felt like any CC should do. There were rumblings at first that DJ did it to be Mr. Cornell’s brown noser, but that subsided for the most part.


Even with all his praise for DJ, it took awhile for Mr. Cornell to trust DJ’s changes to his company. He did though listen to DJ’s ideas to boost morale in the locker room, which was utter hell to start.


The additions of Greg Black to re-team with Benny Benson was an instant success, to the point that Mr. Cornell demanded Joel Bryant to put the tag team titles on High Concept when Black was with the company for only a matter of weeks.


Other additions included bringing in a veteran like Steve Flash to help with the younger roster members, although after a while Mr. Cornell decided it be best for Flash to work in their development coming, CCW (Cornell Championship Wrestling). Joshua Taylor, meanwhile, was ecstatic when he heard his wife Tracy Brendon was brought in to be manager. It helped morale so much that Tracy’s sister, Michelle, was brought in as well. While both were used to being wrestlers, the ladies found their place as managers. Tracy was great with Joey Minnesota, while Michelle’s Tomboy ways were perfect for Scout & Guide, The New Wave.


It wasn’t until about 3 months into the job that Mr. Cornell really listened to DJ when it came to booking…


Britton: I think we should turn Wolf Hawkins face.


Cornell: What? What the hell are you talking about?


Britton: Mr. Cornell, to be honest with you, you have no lead face in this company.


Cornell: What are you talking about? Rocky Golden is our guy.


Britton: Rocky Golden has the look, and he has plenty of potential still, the guy just doesn’t have the mic skills and psychology to be the leading dog. I like Rocky, but to be honest with you, his push to the Main Event so quickly might have hurt him and the company.


Cornell: So what? You think Rocky is a midcarder?!


Britton: No, absolutely not. I think he’s a main eventer right now. I just don’t see him being the #1 guy. If this was the 80s, he’d be perfect. But it’s 2013. People recognize great workers. When you’re in the ring with Golden, it’s obvious who the better worker is. People know that.


Cornell: So you think we should push Golden aside, and make Wolf our #1 Face?


Britton: Yes, I do, sir. Wolf has the looks, charisma, and in ring ability to be our #1 Face for years. The girls will fall in love cause of his boy toy looks, and the guys will love him for his in-ring talent. If he disbands from The Syndicate and turned face, he will instantly be the guy, no question about it.


Cornell:….what do you think, Joel?


Bryant: I gotta be honest, and I’ve been an advocate of Rocky from the start, but it makes a lot of sense.


Cornell: My problem is, I don’t want to split The Syndicate. The Syndicate is hot right now, especially ever since we replaced Brent Hill with Steven Parker. The Syndicate as a whole is selling tickets right now. If we’re going to need to replace Wolf Hawkins, it can’t just be some sidekick.


Britton: Well, Mr. Cornell. I know just the guy, a guy just waiting for a huge break….

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At first, Mr. Cornell wasn’t willing to give in to the idea of Joss Thompson replacing Wolf Hawkins as his Syndicate Protégé. Mr. Cornell knew Thompson’s track record, his inability to connect with the US Crowd. But DJ asserted his boss, all that Joss needed was a chance. Joss was a star in Europe for a reason. They gave him a chance.


By August, Mr. Cornell signed off on his Syndicate Protégé defeating Rocky Golden cleanly on PPV.


He fell in love with Thompson’s work so quick, Mr. Cornell kept on asking DJ & Joel Bryant when they felt it was a good time to turn Joss face and feud with him. Mr. Cornell knew Thompson could make him millions.


The trust factor was building between Mr. Cornell & DJ, proven by the decision to let Bryan Vessey walk when his contract expired. Mr. Cornell was a good friend to Vessey, but after a long discussion, DJ convinced him it was the right move to step away and allow a young guy to move up the card. Vessey had past issues with steroids that they didn’t need hindering need TCW’s look towards the public. Plus, since the start of the year, Vessey had progressively gotten worse in the ring. He was clearly over the hill.


The backstage morale was the highest DJ had seen it in August, but that didn’t stop a gigantic brawl between 2 of the top TCW stars breaking it out before a show. Not afraid to question a bigger man’s ego, Steve Devine called out Eddie Peak about complaining over his push. It led to Mr. Cornell sending Eddie Peak home for one show for being unable to calm down.


The result behind closed doors, though, is what surprised DJ…


Cornell: I want a Peak-Devine feud started immediately. As soon as possible!


Bryant: What? Did you just see what happened? Peak nearly killed Steve!


Cornell: Dammit, Joel, did YOU see what just happened?! People will see that hatred, they will hear about this brawl from those stupid wrestling websites, and they will LOVE IT!


Britton: Sir, there’s just one problem. Both men are heels.


Cornell: SO?! Eddie is feuding with me and Wolf right now over the World Title right now, correct? Do something that sets up a face turn in the near future. I want these two going at it. I want at least 3 big PPV Matches. Dammit, I’m telling you, these guys are going to blow people away.


Bryant: Tommy, I’m not sure that is a very good idea.


Cornell: Well, when you’re the boss, you can tell me what to do! DJ, I want to hear by tomorrow at least 3 ideas to make this feud happened!


As insane as the idea was, Mr. Cornell got it right. Peak-Devine were an instant success, even though they hated each other’s guts when the cameras weren’t rolling. In fact, their 2nd Encounter, A Casket Match, was regarded as an instant classic, and arguably match of the year.


Mr. Cornell has not stopped reminding Joel Bryant that it was his idea.

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The first day of November felt great to DJ as he drove to meet Mr. Cornell & Joel Bryant for lunch. TCW’s Threatening Behavior was a success. Mr. Cornell was right on the money with the Casket Match between Eddie Peak & Steve Devine. The crowd ate up Steve Devine’s stable, VIP, all attacking Peak at once, allowing their leader to dump Peak into the casket. The boos shook the entire arena.


But yet, that wasn’t what DJ was thinking about that morning. It was the main event, the main event he convinced Mr. Cornell to construct. A Total Mayhem Match. Generation Now (Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Benny Benson, & Greg Black) vs The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell, Joss Thompson, John Anderson & Steven Parker). The stipulations were heavy. If Wolf’s team won, he would receive one more chance to regain the TCW World Title from Tommy Cornell. If Cornell’s team won, Hawkins would never receive another World Title shot as long as Cornell was champion.


The crowd lost their flippin’ minds when the time ran out, and Generation Now was declared victorious. The Casket Match stole the show, but the main event was the moment DJ remembered.


Yet, through all that, DJ didn’t expect what was going to happen at lunch.


Cornell: It’s time, DJ. It’s time to take the training wheels off. You’re the full time booker.


Britton:…wait, what?


Bryant: You’ve done good, kid. You proved us all right. Last night’s show proved it that much more. You are what everybody said you are. You’re a natural to this business.


Britton: But what about you, Joel?


Bryant: I’ll be fine. I want more time with the family anyway. I’m enjoying my last run with Joshua Taylor right now, we’re a great tag team. We won’t win tag gold, but the crowd loves us right now.


Britton:…are you sure, Mr. Cornell? You want to do this?


Cornell: Stop being a pansy, Joel here isn’t dying. We’re just doing simply what we planned to do since the start. Just don’t ask for a raise, you’re not there, yet!


Britton: Yes, Mr. Cornell.


Cornell: And stop calling me, Mr. Cornell! For Christ sakes, what are you? A choir boy?


Britton: No…Tommy.


Cornell: We’ll hatch out all the papers at the next show. But let’s talk next month. The Cornell-Hawkins is coming to a close. It’s been a great 6 months or so, but it’s time to move on. Hawkins is going to get some time away from the title, though never out of the spotlight. Who’s the next title contender?


Britton: Well, I think we have to go with Eddie Peak next. People have loved him since his face turn. They love the crazy dark guy. He’s a hit. Plus, your TV Match 2 months ago with Peak? One of the highest ratings we’ve received all year. Major praise for that match.


Cornell: Well…sounds good to me…..


And thus…we are now present day with DJ Britton in his quest to make the TCW the #1 Company in America…and to make Mr. Cornell proud…

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I thought I'd give a quick overview of the TCW roster going into November 2013. So, here ya go. Both wrestler listings are ranked by popularity level.



Wolf Hawkins

Rocky Golden

Eddie Peak

Sammy Bach

Ricky Dale Johnson

Joey Minnesota *TCW International Champion*

Koshiro Ino

Greg Black

Benny Benson

Mikey James

Joshua Taylor


Joel Bryant


Chance Fortune



Tommy Cornell *TCW World Champion*

Joss Thompson

Rick Law

Steve Devine

Steven Parker *TCW Tag Team Champion*

John Anderson *TCW Tag Team Champion*

Buddy Garner

Brent Hill

The Fonz (aka Danny Fonzarelli)

Aaron Andrews

Freddy Huggins

Danny B Bling

Clark Alexander

Jay Chord

Edd Stone

Cameron Vessey

Greg Gauge



Tracy Brendon (Joey Minnesota, Mikey James)

Michelle Brendon (The New Wave)

Chloe Dean (Rocky Golden)


Laura Huggins (Steve Devine & The Canadian Animals)

Vita (John Anderson & Steven Parker)

Krissy Angelle (Joss Thompson)


TCW Officials

Announcers: Jason Azaria & Shawn Doakes

Colour Commentators: DJ Britton & Kyle Rhodes

Referees: Sam Sparrow & Ray Johnson

Road Agents: Robert Oxford & Eric Tyler


Stables (Leaders First)

Generation Now

(Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Benny Benson, & Greg Black)


The Syndicate

(Tommy Cornell, Joss Thompson, John Anderson, & Steven Parker)



(Steve Devine, The Fonz, Freddy Huggins, & Edd Stone)



(Rick Law, Brent Hill, & Buddy Garner)


Tag Teams

Blue Collar (Joshua Taylor & Joel Bryant)

Broad Street Playas (Danny B Bling & Clark Alexander)

Freedom Fighters

High Concept

SWAT (Buddy Garner & Brent Hill)

The Canadian Animals

The Diamond Cutters (John Anderson & Steven Parker)

The New Wave

The Ying Yang Dragons (Koshiro Ino & Mikey James)

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Thanks, I appreciate it. I will admit, I got lucky, this was my first TEW game where both the Industry and Economy was on the rise when I started, so that helped.


From here on out, it will just be a described overview of each month. The intro was just a fancy way to go over the first months of business. I will probably throw in a skit here and there where it feels like it will be fun, kind of like a video in between gameplay in a video game.

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TCW – November 2013


Current TCW Storylines

1) The battle between Tommy Cornell & his former protégé Wolf Hawkins has been going on for over 6 months. Twice has Cornell defeated Hawkins for the TCW World Title. Neither of those times did Cornell do it in clean fashion. At TCW Threatening Behavior, Hawkins threw all his chips in and placed all his trust in his stable, Generation Now as they faced off against Cornell’s Syndicate in a Total Mayhem Match. If Hawkins won, he received one more title shot against Cornell. If he lost, Wolf wouldn’t receive another title shot as long as Cornell was champ. His gamble paid off, and at A Little South of Sanity, the final encounter occurs.


Hawkins took it a bit further weeks before the encounter, as he called Cornell on his shady title victories over Wolf. Hawkins challenged Cornell to agree to a match where no individual was allowed to interfere or they would face massive consequences. Furthermore, Hawkins didn’t want a Ladder Match, a Cage Match, or any of the sort. He wanted an old fashion, 2 out of 3 Falls match, to find out once and for all who was the better man, and that way there would be no fluke. Much to the surprise of many, Cornell accepted all these terms. Cornell’s words were loud and clear towards Hawkins. “I made you. Now I’m going to destroy you.”


2) Not to be overlooked, the rest of The Syndicate (lead by Joss Thompson) continued their feud with the rest of Generation Now (lead by Sammy Bach), as the group faced off in various matches in November. It lead to Sammy Bach & High Concept sending out a challenge to Thompson & The Diamond Cutters. Thompson accepted the match on behalf of his team, but took it a step further and demanded it to be an Elimination Match, that way each member of Generation Now would be defeated in their own way. Never afraid to back from a challenge, “The Ultimate Underdog” Sammy Bach accepted the stipulations.


3) We knew 2 things going into TCW Threatening Behavior. Steve Devine was scared of Eddie Peak, and he was scared of Caskets. So, no one really gave Devine a chance in a Casket Match against Peak! Little did we know that Devine would use his entire group VIP to defeat the monster Peak. Devine was so proud of himself that he even took the time to dance on the casket while Peak was in it.


Not to anyone’s surprise, the feud wasn’t going to end there. Peak demanded a rematch after their first 2 encounters (at Destructive Energy, Peak defeated Devine by DQ after Devine assaulted him with a steel chair), and it didn’t take long for him to get it. It was not Cornell, but the TCW Board who made the match, for they were appalled by the massive amount of interference in the Casket Match. To ensure that doesn’t that happen again, and perhaps to punish Devine, Peak will get his rematch….in a 15 Foot High Steel Cage Match!


4) Rocky Golden won the match against Rick Law at Threatening Behavior, but it’s safe to say Rick Law won the war, seeing that after the match Law knocked Golden out cold with his nightstick. Then he did it again 3 days later when Golden was challenging Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Title. Then yet again, 2 weeks after that, when Law & Golden were on opposite sides in a Tag Team Main Event.


Needless to say, the nightstick had become a crucial factor in this feud, to the point that at A Little South of Sanity, the two will compete in a “Nightstick on a Pole” Match. The man who grabs the nightstick can legally use it in the match.


Law could be vulnerable going into this match without his trusty nightstick in hand. Plus, his group SWAT blew up in November. After “Secret Service” Brent Hill accidentally blasted his tag partner, “Chief of Security” Buddy Garner, during Garner’s match with Rocky Golden, the tensions were extremely high in the group. Finally, in a handicap against Golden, Garner & Hill blew up into a huge argument, which lead to Garner leaving Hill high and dry against Golden!


What will Rick Law do now with no nightstick and only one goon in his corner? Are the odds now in Rocky Golden’s favor?


5) For the last 2 months, Aaron Andrews has made it clear that he isn’t here in TCW to make friends, at least not anymore. His target is Joey Minnesota, for he wants the International Championship back around his waist. He isn’t letting anyone get in his way. Just ask former partner, Chance Fortune.


Andrews had his chance at Threatening Behavior, but when Minnesota had the match well in hand, Andrews deliberately got himself DQ’ed by low blowing Minnesota. The feud has only grown hotter since then, as Andrews holds a pinfall victory over Minnesota in tag team competition. At A Little South of Sanity, they will go at it again. Will Andrews make the 2nd Time a Charm, or will the Champ Minnesota finish what he started in their 1st encounter?


TCW News


Changes to the TCW Announce Team

The writing was on the wall, but in November, Kyle Rhodes was relieved of his Colour Commentary duties, making DJ Britton the lead CC at the announce table. TCW Officials has decided that Britton’s chemistry with Jason Azaria had surpassed that which Azaria had with Rhodes.


The writing seems to be on the wall for Azaria, too, for Rhodes has become replaced at the table by young announcer, Shawn Doakes. Azaria has been known as a negative influence backstage, so this doesn’t come up as much of a surprise that they wish to replace him.


Furthermore, young announcer Remmington Remmus was brought up from development, and will be working dark matches with Doakes & Britton. It appears that TCW is determined to find their Announcer for years to come.


TCW at War with CGC

As TCW grows bigger and bigger in Canada, it appears the DeColt Family isn’t very fond of their intrusion. The two companies are apparently having their troubles with each other now. While CGC is better known right now, some think it’s only a matter of time till TCW surpasses CGC in Canada, due to the larger roster and better TV and PPV contracts.


Roster Changes


Fox Mask & Stevie Grayson – As TCW nears International size, Tommy Cornell has been interested in adding solid talent to bulk the roster. For now, both Mask & Grayson will be helping the younger wrestlers in CCW Development.


Persephone – In a backstage morale move, TCW signed the girlfriend of Steven Parker, one of TCW’s young stars. It’s also worthy to note that she is a great manager.


Tim Crockett – An announcer that debuted in the wrestling world in November 2013, TCW signed the kid to a development deal for his already “Strong” Announcing skills.


Hollywood Brett Starr – Cornell continues to stay true to his vow to sign at least one promising young talent per month. Starr will be relegated to CCW for development.



American Buffalo – The veteran’s contract expired without renewal. When asked why, TCW Officials wished Buffalo the best, but said his lack of stamina and consistency had become an issue.


Tag Teams

After learning about their “Excellent” chemistry, Jay Chord & Cameron Vessey have become TCW’s new tag team. With cudos to their heritage, the young studs have named their tag team “Evolution.” :D


Top Weekly Matches for November 2013

Week 1: Joss Thompson defeated Benny Benson (84)

Week 2: Diamond Cutters defeated The New Wave to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles (83)

Week 3: Tommy Cornell & Rick Law defeated Wolf Hawkins & Rocky Golden (91)

Week 4: Rick Law defeated Joey Minnesota (87)

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TCW’s A Little South of Sanity 2013


3 on 3 Elimination Match

Generation Now (Sammy Bach & High Concept) defeated The Syndicate (Joss Thompson & The Diamond Cutters)

The match came down to Bach & Thompson, as both tag teams were eliminated. Thompson was in complete control and looked to be nearing victory. It would seem Thompson though got too cocky and got caught by Bach’s quick up, leading to “The Ultimate Underdog” getting the 3 count for Generation Now. (86)


Buddy Garner defeated Brent Hill

After their blow up 4 days prior, this match was a gimme. For now, Garner proved he was the better member of their tag team, as he made Hill tap to his infamous Tendon Hold. (73)


Night Stick on a Pole Match

Rick Law defeated Rocky Golden

You just knew Rick Law had something up his sleeve. Although Golden retrieved the Nightstick and delivered some good licks, Law had a back up plan, and one no one expected in TCW’s new roster member, Greg Gauge. While distracting both the referee and Golden, Gauge slipped a Nightstick in to Law. For the 4th time in 2 months, Law knocked Golden out cold with his favorite weapon. As they celebrated up the ramp, Law pointed to Greg Gauge while saying to the crowd, “Let me introduce you to….my Deputy!” (77)

*And that is why I’m not a Rocky Golden – Main Event fan. I cannot get a B+ singles match out of him if his life depended on it.*


TCW International Championship

Joey Minnesota defeated Aaron Andrews to retain the TCW International Championship

The 2nd Time wasn’t a charm after all for Andrews, and worse so, Minnesota got the win in decisive fashion this time. This marks Minnesota’s 6th Title Defense, as he finishes out his 5th month as champion. (82)

*I wanted to push Andrews as a heel, but sadly, the crowd isn’t buying him. He can’t gain a single point of popularity (literally), so Minnesota refuses to lose and I don’t blame him this time. Sadly for Aaron, he’ll have to stick to midcard for now. A new tag team might be in his future.*


Steel Cage Match

Eddie Peak defeated Steve Devine

A fine ending to their trilogy, Peak marks the final score 2-1. Despite a strong effort by the VIP Leader and some assistance by his bodyguard, The Fonz, Devine couldn’t find the answer this time for the monster Peak. Cudos to Devine, he refused to tap when Peak locked in the Straight Jacket. Instead, Referee Sam Sparrow announced him unable to continue. (84)


Ying Yang Dragons defeated The Canadian Animals & The New Wave

The Dragons continued to be on fire since Koshiro Ino & Mikey James united a few months ago. With this win, they have set themselves up as #1 Contenders for The Diamond Cutters’ Tag Team Titles. (75)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

2 out of 3 Falls Match

Tommy Cornell defeated Wolf Hawkins to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

The 6 month war between teacher and mentor has finally come to an end in a thrilling, 40 minute battle. Cornell lived up to his word, he fought this match cleanly and didn’t have anyone interfere on his behalf. It came down to Hawkins getting caught in The Guilt Trip in the middle of the ring and no longer having the strength to make it to the ropes. Hawkins tapped, giving Cornell the win, 2-1.


After the bell, in a sign of respect to his teacher, Hawkins offered a handshake. Cornell would have none of it, though, and mocked his former student with the TCW World Title as he exited up the ramp. (91)


Final PPV Score: 89


Next PPV: TCW’s Wrestler of the Year Tournament (December Week 2)

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The entries for TCW's first ever Wrestler of the Year Tournament has been revealed!


Qualifications are simple. The top 8 wrestlers in wins in 2013 are the 8 entries into this tournament (with a slight alteration to make sure there are 4 Faces & 4 Heels. THE FANS DON'T KNOW! :D)


Without further to do, I give you the men who will compete to call themselves TCW's 2013 Wrestler of the Year:


1. Joss Thompson (44)

2. Koshiro Ino (42)

3. Eddie Peak (41)

4. Wolf Hawkins (38)

5. Rocky Golden (38)

6. Steven Parker (36)

7. Tommy Cornell (35)

8. Steve Devine (32)

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On the last edition of TCW's Total Wrestling, Eddie Peak thwarted the attempts of 19 other wrestlers in a battle royal to become the #1 Contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, and he will face Tommy Cornell for the gold at TCW's Psycho Circus. How ironic the King of the Insane Asylum will be headlining Psycho Circus!


But this breaking story doesn't end there, not even close. After the Battle Royal, the champ Tommy Cornell entered the ring and foolishly taunted Peak, and received a Peak of The Devil for his disrespect!


Tommy Cornell, though, might have the last laugh. Today, the Owner of TCW sent this newsletter out to the wrestling world:


First off, I would like to congratulate Eddie Peak for becoming the #1 Contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. We may be on opposite sides come Psycho Circus, but I wish you the best of luck.


Regretfully, because of Peak's victory, it is the best interest of TCW to ensure Peak doesn't suffer any injuries prior to the PPV. To assure that doesn't happen and the fans receive the Main Event they want and deserve, it is with best interest that Eddie Peak is removed from TCW's 2013 Wrestler of the Year Tournament, which takes place 2 Sundays from now.


As for Peak's replacement, it will be none other than Benny Benson, former TCW Tag Team Champion, who had the 9th Most Total Wins in 2013, right here in TCW, with 31.


Tommy Cornell's newsletter was met with instant criticism, as TCW Fans have accused Cornell that this is nothing more than retaliation against Peak. If the Main Event at Psycho Circus is so important, why didn't Cornell remove himself as well from the tournament? And why is Eddie Peak already scheduled to wrestle on TCW Total Wrestling if Cornell is trying to keep him physically ready for Psycho Circus? Obvious questions like those have been asked, though no one is really surprised by Cornell's questionable ways.


But there was some good news in Tommy Cornell's newsletter, as he revealed the official brackets of the 2013 Wrestler of the Tournament. The brackets were made randomly, and they have left us here at TCW biting our nails in anticipation! The following are the First Round matchups:


Joss Thompson vs Wolf Hawkins

Rocky Golden vs Steve Devine

Tommy Cornell vs Koshiro Ino

Benny Benson vs Steven Parker


Good luck to all the competitors, and make sure you tune in to see who is TCW's 2013 Wrestler of the Year!

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TCW Wrestler of the Year Tournament 2013

December 2013 – Week 2



Sammy Bach wins a 20-Man Battle Royal

The Ultimate Underdog defeated the odds by winning the Pre-Show Extravaganza, last eliminating TCW Tag Team Champ, John Anderson. To Anderson’s credit, he had the most eliminations in the battle royal. (88)


It’s Tournament Time!


Opening Round Matches


Tommy Cornell defeated Koshiro Ino

The opening match of the special PPV was a slugfest. Ino used his size to his advantage and had Cornell on the ropes, but Cornell was able to attack the legs of Ino and ground the Ying Yang Dragon. It ended up being Ino’s downfall, who found himself stuck in the Guilt Trip and forced to tap. (83)


Benny Benson defeated Steven Parker

Seeing that the High Concept & Diamond Cutters feuded nearly all year long over the Tag Team Gold and had many amazing matches, it was only fitting members of each team faced off in this tournament. And to no one’s surprise, the other team members ended up being involved. After John Anderson shoved Benson off the top rope, sending him crashing to the mat, it looked like Parker had the match won. But a timely distraction by Greg Black helped his buddy Benson get back in the match, which led to Benson hitting the Shocker from Next Year to get the big win. (81)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Joss Thompson via Count Out

There was nothing pretty about this match. It was a long time coming, and Wolf Hawkins didn’t pull his punches at any point. The battle soon fell out to the floor. The referee’s count continued to grow when Joss Thompson’s plan to Powerbomb Hawkins on the floor was foiled, as Hawkins halted the attempt and sent Thompson head first into the steel steps. While Thompson laid face down on the force, Hawkins barely made it back in the ring before the 10 Count, and was awarded the victory! (80)


Unfortunately, the story doesn’t there. Disgusted with his loss, Thompson attacked Hawkins with a steel chair after the match. Repeatedly, Thompson drove the edge of the chair in the ribs of Hawkins until he was finally pulled away by TCW Officials. Hawkins had to be assisted backstage, clutching his ribs tightly, as questions arose about his ability to continue.


Steve Devine defeated Rocky Golden

We should have seen it coming, all of us. Rick Law costs Golden yet another match, as their ongoing feud continues yet another day. It looked like Golden had this match in the bag as he began to set up Devine for The Rock, but that was when Devine’s bodyguard The Fonz offered a distraction, taking Referee Sam Sparrow away from the action. In doing so, Rick Law snuck into the ring, and Golden walked right into Law’s Strong Arm of the Law! Just like that, Devine got the easy 3 Count and punched his ticket to the next round! (79)




Tommy Cornell defeated Benny Benson

Benson knew he was the underdog going into this match against the legendary Tommy Cornell, the current and 8-Time TCW World Champion. But Benson brought everything plus the kitchen sink, and he gave Cornell a fight to remember. But alas, Cornell’s legendary arsenal and experience proved to be too much. Benson struggled mightily when he found himself caught in Cornell’s Guilt Trip, but finally he was forced to tap. (89)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Steve Devine

A lot of the fans didn’t even expect Hawkins to appear after the brutal he received by Joss Thompson earlier. That’s why when his music blared throughout the arena, the crowd when into an absolute uproar. Out Hawkins came from the curtains, his ribs heavily taped. Devine exploited the ribs at every possible, as he did Devine’s bodyguard The Fonz when Devine had the referee distracted. But the odds were evened out when Devine suffered an injury during the match, which we found out later was Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage. It gave Hawkins that spark to get back into the match, and soon overcame the odds and sealed his spot in the tournament finals! (89)




Tommy Cornell vs Wolf Hawkins

It just had to be this match in the tournament finals. Unquestionably the most successful wrestlers in 2013. The former best friends. Teacher vs Protégé. Cornell vs Hawkins once again. It just had to be.


It was bad enough that Hawkins had lost to Cornell 3 straight times in singles matches, but add in the injured ribs, then you have no choice but to give Cornell an gigantic advantage.


Cornell continued where Devine left off and targeted those ribs. He was merciless, going so far as to bend Hawkins around the ringpost, thus stretching out to the ribs. Cornell applied every rib-punishing submission he could think of.


Hawkins. Would. Not. Quit.


And just like that, Hawkins got that one mistake from Cornell and got back in this match. With the crowd on his side, Hawkins had Cornell on the edge with many nearfalls. But a very well timed reversal by Cornell led into a devastating rib breaker, and Hawkins was left again on the mat, riving in pain.


It looked all but over, as Cornell called for the end with a huge smile on his face. The expression soon changed, as the entire crowd went into a deafening uproar at the sound of the church bells! “For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Metallica played throughout the arena, and that could only mean one thing.


The King of the Insane Asylum! Eddie Peak!


Cornell argued with Referee Sam Sparrow, demanding he do something about the events that have occurred. Cameras awaited Peak to appear on the entrance way. We soon found out though that Peak actually was watching from a luxury box high up in the arena! An irate Cornell screamed up at Peak, demanding answers and declaring revenge for Peak’s antics. And just like that…..




Full Moon Rising! Hawkins hits Cornell with his finisher! The crowd goes absolutely nuts as Hawkins makes the cover! 1…2…3! We got a winner! (84)


Winner & TCW’s 2013 Wrestler of the Year : Wolf Hawkins


The show came to an end with Wolf Hawkins being awarded with the massive tournament trophy, which he could barely lift because of his ribs. Confetti and fireworks left the crowd in awe, as a quick pan to Eddie Peak showed that the King of the Insane Asylum was mighty pleased with his work.


Overall PPV Score: 89

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TCW – December 2013


Current Storylines

The King of the Insane Asylum has his eyes on the TCW World Title

The fan’s love for the sadistic monster Eddie Peak is hard to understand, but it won’t be when Peak is across the ring from the most hated man in wrestling, Tommy Cornell. In a 20 Man Battle Royal, Peak was dominant. He not only eliminated the most competitors, he even eliminated Cornell’s protégé, Joss Thompson, to win the Battle Royal. It’s safe to say, Cornell has yet to face a title challenger like the King of the Insane Asylum. But if the odds weren’t in Peak’s favor during his battles with Steve Devine & VIP, they certainly aren’t going up against Tommy Cornell & The Syndicate. Will Cornell be able to tame the beast, or will Peak make the TCW Owner just another victim thrown aside in his rampage towards the top of the mountain?


Cornell’s Former Protégé vs Cornell’s New Protégé

By the contract of his final match with Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins cannot challenge for the TCW World Title as long as Cornell is TCW World Champion.


That doesn’t stop Hawkins from trying to extract revenge from the man who helped Cornell regain the TCW World Title.


This feud has picked up quickly. First, Hawkins won a 1 vs 3 Handicap Match to gain access to the #1 Contender’s Battle Royal, his last LAST chance at taking the World Title from Cornell. But Joss Thompson was there to spoil the opportunity, dumping Hawkins out of the battle royal from behind when he least expected it. Then, in the 1st Round of the 2013 Wrestler of the Year Tournament, the two competed against each other. After a crazy ringside brawl, Hawkins snuck in before the 10 Count to get the win. That didn’t stop Thompson from laying a brutal beat down afterwards.


Proving adversity to the highest level, Wolf Hawkins recovered and became the first ever Wrestler of the Year, and now he is ready to extract revenge on Thompson. It’s going to be brutal, it’s going to be exciting, and it all goes down in a Street Fight. Which Cornell Protégé will come out of this match with the bragging rights against the other?


An Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend?

After a huge dispute, Buddy Garner broke away from SWAT to be his own man here in TCW. Ironically, he now finds himself teaming with Rocky Golden, a man that he fought many times in the last few months due to his former leader, Rick Law. With Golden as his partner, he takes on Law and his former tag team partner, Brent Hill.


After recent incidents where Law powerbombed before Golden & Garner through a table, it was decided by TCW Owner Tommy Cornell to make this tag team bout a Tag Team Table Match. With the former enemies united be able to overcome the odds, or with SWAT stand victorious when it’s all over?


What’s Worth More: Diamonds? Or Dragons?

Koshiro Ino & Mikey James, otherwise known as The Ying Yang Dragons, have been sensational since coming together as a tag team. Up to this point, they have only received one title shot, and it was in a Triple Threat Match. But now, they are the clear cut #1 Contenders for the TCW Tag Team Titles.


Say what you want about the Diamond Cutters. They might live up to the ways of The Syndicate and win in any way possible, but they have been dominant Tag Team Champions. They have defeated all challengers, a lot of them more than once.


This promises to be an exciting match, but which tag team will leave Psycho Circus with the gold?


A Friendship Strained Due to One’s Rivalry

The feud between Joey Minnesota & Aaron Andrews for the International Championship has been going on for awhile now. But it took an interesting twist recently. After Aaron Andrews cost Joey Minnesota yet another match, Minnesota assaulted Andrews in the midst of fighting Minnesota’s best friend, Ricky Dale Johnson. His interference got RDJ disqualified, which infuriated Johnson. Cameras caught The Freedom Fighters backstage having a huge fight afterwards.


After such occurrences, a triple threat for the International Championship was made with the champion Minnesota and the challengers RDJ & Andrews. It’s no longer just a question of who will leave the champ, but will this be the implosion of one of the longest friendships in TCW history?


TCW News

Jay Chord Suspended

After starting and escalating a fight with Joey Minnesota backstage at a live TCW Show, TCW Officials decided to suspend young star Jay Chord for one month. While Chord wasn’t available to give word, rumors are that he took the suspension well, and many hope that this punishment has helped Chord learn the error of his ways.


Roster Changes

Call Ups

1) Greg Gauge’s brother, Matthew Keith was brought up from CCW following the suspension of Jay Chord. It didn’t take long for Rick Law to take Matthew under his wing in SWAT, making him his 2nd Deputy. With his brother by side, Greg has decided to start using the legendary Keith last name once again.


2) Mighty Mo returned to the TCW roster after months in CCW to improve, particularly in the ring. There have been no mentions yet as to what the plans are for Mo. TCW veteran Chance Fortune was sent down to CCW in exchange, as he will reportedly help the younger talent hone their skills.



Indy Wrestler wrestler El Diablo was signed by TCW. The young promising talent will be heading to CCW to prepare for the main roster.


Also, in an intriguing move, TCW signed Spencer Spade to a contract, and will be heading to CCW. Spade was not offered a contract renewal by SWF, and TCW quickly picked him up. Reportedly it was Spade’s entertainment skill set that made Owner Tommy Cornell move fast.



CCW Talent Blackfire, Eliot Thomas, & Jeremie Courtney were released from their contracts. The three were causalities of the other talent that TCW was bringing into their developmental farm.


Tag Teams

As reported, Greg & Matthew Keith now are on the TCW roster together. Although they are members of SWAT, they have let it be known that as a tag team, Greg & Matthew wish to be simply known as The Keith Brothers.


Top Weekly Matches for December 2013

Week 1: High Concept defeated Evolution (89)

Week 2: Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson defeated High Concept (92)

Week 3: High Concept defeated The Canadian Animals/Sammy Bach defeated John Anderson (88)

Week 4: Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews by DQ (Outside Interference)/Tommy Cornell defeat Sammy Bach (83) *What a freak show this episode was. NOTHING worked, AT ALL. Lol *

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TCW Psycho Circus 2013

December 2013


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Diamond Cutters defeated The Ying Yang Dragons to retain the TCW Tag Team Championship

The top tier talent of the TCW Tag Team division were entrusted to open the show, and they delivered. After an exciting, back and forth matchup, Mikey James looked to have the win in grasp. But a timely interference by DC’s manager Vita helped Steven Parker deliver a sick drop to Mikey James from the top rope. This allowed Parker to gain the 3 count….with a little help from something called rope leverage. (77)


Backstage, Rick Law & Brent Hill were shown delivering a beatdown to Buddy Garner. After officials finally managed to pry them off, Garner was left on the ground, riving in pain.


Sammy Bach defeated Cameron Vessey

Bach comes away with a solid win in a filler match, though the two combatants lacked chemistry. Vessey continues to be a solid young addition to the TCW roster, though he is still looking for that big win. (74)


Rocky Golden meets with Tommy Cornell backstage. Cornell tells Golden that Buddy Garner is unable to compete tonight, so the Tag Team Tables Match is off. But Golden demands that the match, scheduled to be up next, still happens. Cornell approves his request, and makes the bout a 1 vs 2 Handicap Match.


Rocky Golden defeated SWAT’s members Rick Law & Brent Hill

In a surprising match of a night, Golden beats the odds. After SWAT controlled most of the match, Golden went on a rampage and took over, so much to the point that Rick Law actually left his Chief of Security on his own against his rival. Law watched in awe as Golden stared him dead in the eye as he submitted Brent Hill with The Rack. (86)


TCW International Championship

Joey Minnesota defeated Aaron Andrews & Ricky Dale Johnson to retain the TCW International Championship

After hot back and forth action, this International Title match took an interesting turn at the end. It was RDJ who connected with the Southern Justice to Aaron Andrews, but it was Joey Minnesota who got the pinfall off it after dumping RDJ to the floor!


RDJ was clearly not happy with what happened. It was Minnesota though who respectfully offered a handshake to his tag team partner after that match. RDJ begrudgingly accepted it….then delivered a sick clothesline to his partner, turning him inside out! The boos exploded throughout the arena, as RDJ then delivered Southern Justice to his best friend! RDJ offered a scowl to the crowd as he left the arena, though it turned to a crooked smile when he looked back at his work on his seemingly former ally! (80)


Street Fight

Joss Thompson defeated Wolf Hawkins

This match was exactly as the stipulations described. It was a brutal fight, as Wolf Hawkins was determined to extract revenge from everything that Joss Thompson had done to him in the past few months. But Thompson retaliated by targeting the ribs Hawkins injured in the Wrestler of the Year tournament. Nevertheless, Hawkins overcame his injuries and had momentum all on his side, and he seemed to be nearing victory. That was when a timely distraction by Krissy Angelle allowed Thompson to sneak in a low blow to Hawkins, allowing him to connect with the Clean Cutter for the win!


Obviously, this outcome left issues unresolved. The words that Hawkins screamed at Thompson afterwards painted the picture perfectly. “This isn’t over! I’m not done with you!” (81)


High Concept defeat The New Wave & The Canadian Animals

Another solid filler match that displayed the depth of the TCW Tag Team roster. Benny Benson & Greg Black continue to be one of the top teams not only in TCW, but in the wrestling world. (82)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Eddie Peak defeat Tommy Cornell via Disqualification

Plain and simple, Tommy Cornell did not have an answer for the King of the Insane Asylum. Everything that Cornell dished out, Peak took and kicked out before the 3. Peak even used his size and strength to break out from Cornell’s Guilt Trip submission. It was Eddie Peak’s night. He had the champ’s number. We were going to have a new World Champion.


But that was when The Syndicate raced to the ring and saved their leader, who was locked in Peak’s Straight Jacket submission. Boos thundered throughout the arena as Joss Thompson, Steven Parker, & John Anderson laid into Peak. At first, the King of the Insane Asylum fought the odds, but it was Cornell reemerging into the scene that finally put Peak down. Ironically, Cornell did it with the 15 pounds of gold that Peak should have won minutes prior. Cornell then posed with his title belt in the corner as his 3 henchmen lifted Peak up into the air and delivered a crushing 3 Man Powerbomb!


A very unhappy crowd let their opinions be known as The Syndicate linked together and raised their arms in victory. The boos only made Cornell’s smile bigger as he placed his boot on Peak’s chest and raised his World Title up high. (81)


Overall PPV Score: 88

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW – January 2014</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Current Storylines</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Old Adversaries Fight to take down The Syndicate!</strong></p><p>

After the events that occurred at Psycho Circus, the TCW Board demanded that Tommy Cornell gave Eddie Peak a chance at redemption. A #1 Contender’s Match was made between Peak & Cornell’s protégé, Joss Thompson. After Rick Law talked himself into the Contender’s Match, the fans got themselves a Triple Threat Main Event. Joss Thompson’s dirty win over Wolf Hawkins at Psycho Circus came back to bite him in the butt, as Hawkins involved himself in the match and distracted Thompson, thus helping Eddie Peak get the win and become the #1 Contender.</p><p> </p><p>

In a strange turn of events, Eddie Peak came out the following week and offered to relinquish his title shot under one condition. He gets a tag team match against Cornell & Thompson at Malice in Wonderland, that way he can get all the revenge he could devour from those that did him wrong. Cornell immediately accepted the terms, obviously happy not to defend his gold, and demanded to know who Peak’s partner would be. Much to The Syndicate’s displeasure, Peak picked Wolf Hawkins, a man who had a lot to settle with The Syndicate. He is also a man whom Peak feuded with over the World Title throughout 2013.</p><p> </p><p>

By agreeing to the match, Cornell also allowed Peak to choose the stipulations. The King of the Insane Asylum dug deep into his sick mind and brought forth the 3 Stages of Hell. A unique 2 out of 3 falls matches. The first fall is a basic tag team match. The second fall is a street fight. And the third fall, if needed, resides in a steel cage. </p><p> </p><p>

The epic tag team war is set. Will Peak & Hawkins be able to work together to extract the revenge they so desperately desire? Or will they both once again fall to the overwhelming odds that one faces when they go up against the Syndicate?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Rubber Match: Golden versus Law</strong></p><p>

Rick Law has faced the consequences of starting a war with Rocky Golden. His group, SWAT, has collapsed around him. Buddy Garner turned on SWAT in the midst of this feud, as he was tired of being ordered around. In an act of frustration, Law beat up Brent Hill and kicked him out of SWAT after Hill was defeated by Golden. Now it’s just Rick Law and his young deputies, The Keith Brothers. </p><p> </p><p>

Golden offered the challenge, the rubber match between the two, and Law accepted. By making it a Dog Collar Match, the TCW Board has ensured that this will be a brutal, epic bout . Plain and simple, Law & Golden plan on beating the crap out of each other. </p><p> </p><p>

It all comes down to this final match. Who win come out of this war as the victor?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Implosion of the Freedom Fighters</strong></p><p>

After Ricky Dale Johnson assaulted his best friend Joey Minnesota, officially ending that friendship, it’s only right that RDJ won the #1 Contender’s Match for Minnesota’s International Championship. Now the former partners will go to battle over the title gold that split them up. RDJ’s personality has taken a 180 since he snapped. Once he was an inspirational locker room veteran. Now, he’s just a hateful bully. And with that, he has been playing mind games with Minnesota all month to his own amusement. Will it be enough for RDJ to win the International Title, or will Joey Minnesota get his revenge?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2 Tag Title Challengers are Better Than One!</strong></p><p>

The Diamond Cutters shady title defense over the Ying Yang Dragons left Koshiro Ino & Mikey James wanting revenge. To add fuel to the tag division, in a two week span the champs lost to their long time rivals, High Concept, in a six man tag team and competed to a Double Count Out with them when the title belts were on the line. Furthermore, Koshiro Ino defeat Diamond Cutters’ John Anderson & High Concept’s Greg Black in a triple threat to keep the Dragons well in the title hunt. With what has taken place, a triple threat for the tag gold has been for Malice in Wonderland. Will Diamond Cutters continue their dominant reign, or are odds this time too much for them overcome?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>VIP targets Sammy Bach</strong></p><p>

VIP Leader Steven Devine has sent his VIP boys to take down the Ultimate Underdog all month, and every time his minions have failed, despite Devine’s many dirty antics. Originally, Devine was to face Bach at Malice in Wonderland. But Devine’s Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage is healing slowly, and doctors have advised him not to wrestle. Therefore, Devine has promoted his bodyguard The Fonz to take his spot, and to finally take out Sammy Bach. Bach has toppled all the obstacles Devine has put in his way, but will he be able to topple a monster of a man like The Fonz?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW News</span></strong></p><p><strong>

MC Motormouth Suspended</strong></p><p>

Continuing their intent to improve their announce team, both present and future, TCW brought in young colour commentator MC Motormouth to learn under head CC, DJ Britton. The plan was to have Motormouth work non-televised shows for the time being. Unfortunately, that hit a snag really quick, as Motormouth failed his initial drug test for soft drugs. Motormouth now faces a 28 Day suspension and a stern warning from management. Reportedly, Motormouth was very unhappy with the suspension, and apparently stormed out of the meeting with management. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW makes SWF Dig Deep into their Pockets!</strong></p><p>

SWF faced some major contract signings this month, and reports are TCW made them pay for it…literally. SWF’s stars Rich Money, Jack Bruce, Jessie, & Emma Chase were all up for contract renewals. TCW sent contract offs to all four, each contract much more than SWF was offering. Rather than losing their stars, SWF matched those offers, or at least close enough to make the SWF roster members stay with the company. Averaging out the 4 contracts, SWF will reportedly pay nearly $10,000 more per month than they originally planned to. </p><p> </p><p>

It would appear though TCW was merely making SWF pay big for their stars. The rumor mill claim is that TCW was only interested in Emma Chase joining their broadcast. Chase, unfortunately, has no desire to move after SWF matched TCW’s offer. While Jack Bruce & Rich Money are both stars in the industry, both are well past their prime, and it would seem TCW plans to continue their youth movement. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Roster Changes</span></strong></p><p>


Buddy Garner suffered a Reverberating Bicep in a tag team match with Joey Minnesota against Evolution. He originally was supposed to be out a month, but after successful minor surgery, Garner will only be out 2 weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Call Ups</strong></p><p>

Two development stars have been promoted to the TCW main roster after proving that they are ready. <strong>Fro Sure</strong> has made his debut already, while <strong>American Eagle</strong> (Hijo Del Águila Americana) will be debuting very soon. With Fro Sure’s move up the main roster Brent Hill was sent to CCW to train the young talent. American Eagle, meanwhile, takes the place of an injured Buddy Garner. </p><p> </p><p>


TCW added some depth to their CCW developmental roster with young some talent, a few of them straight out of their dojos. TCW signings include the following: <strong>Mutant, Phobia, Felipe Caballero, Nate DeMarcus, & Extraordinario Jr.</strong></p><p> </p><p>


CCW Talent <strong>Sam Kowalski</strong> has been released from his contract. A young announcer, Kowalski unfortunately showed no signs of improvement in his time with CCW. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kyle Rhodes</strong>, veteran Colour Commentator, was not offered a contract extension this month. Sadly for Rhodes, it was apparent that his time had passed. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Teams</strong></p><p>

After being promoted to the main roster, Fro Sure quickly found a friend in Mighty Mo. The two already have been tag teaming, and have named themselves <strong>The Mighty Fros.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Additionally, Joey Minnesota has already found himself a new tag team partner in Buddy Garner after the two had a very successful tag team victory this month. With a nod towards their machine-line ways in the ring, Minnesota & Garner are calling themselves the <strong>Cold Blooded Assassins.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Top Weekly Matches for January 2014</span></strong></p><p>

Week 1: Joey Minnesota & High Concept defeat Ricky Dale Johnson & The Diamond Cutters (88)</p><p>

Week 2: The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson) defeat The Ying Yang Dragons (88)</p><p>

Week 3: Tommy Cornell defeated Buddy Garner (91)</p><p>

Week 4: Joey Minnesota & Buddy Garner defeated Evolution (86)</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Malice in Wonderland 2014</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Pre Show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Canadian Animals defeated Endangered Species & Broad Street Playas (63)</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Chord defeated Mighty Mo (74)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>It’s Show Time!</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

WELCOME TO TCW’S MALICE IN WONDERLAND!</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

The Diamond Cutters defeated High Concept & The Ying Yang Dragons to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles</strong></p><p>

In a hot, face paced triple threat war, the best teams in the TCW Tag Division were out to steal the show. After the champs were dumped to the floor, an adrenaline rush of action took place between the two fan favorite tag teams. Tonight, experience didn’t win the night, as High Concept fell short and were the first team eliminated as Koshiro Ino shot Mikey James off from the top rope and crushed Greg Black with the Dragon-Pault. </p><p> </p><p>

And there we were, just like it was Psycho Circus all over again. The Diamond Cutters versus The Ying Yang Dragons. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the Dragons gained several near falls, coming as close as a spit second to winning gold. In the end, a well timed counter by John Anderson brought forth the outcome, as he pulled the ropes down on a charging Koshiro Ino, sending the big man tumbling to the floor. This allowed the champs to double team Mikey James, which lead to their finisher, Diamonds in the Rough. 1-2-3. The champs keep the gold! (84)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach defeated The Fonz</strong></p><p>

The Fonz delivered a brutal beating to Bach early in the match, but The Ultimate Underdog took the beating and kept on coming. Soon, he had large man rocking, dazed and confused. Just as it looked like the match was over though, Steve Devine made his presence known. A distraction by Devine allowed Fonz to connect with a sick boot to the face, spinning Bach inside-out. Yet, even with that, Bach managed to reverse Fonz’s Powerbomb into a huge DDT! Bach took full advantage and headed to the top rope and wowed the crowd with his Shooting Star Press for the pinfall! </p><p> </p><p>

As he dragged his bodyguard Fonz up the ramp, Steve Devine swore revenge on Bach, declaring that tonight didn’t prove a single thing. (84)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW International Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

Joey Minnesota defeated Ricky Dale Johnson by DQ to retain the TCW International Title</strong></p><p>

It would seem as though for RDJ? Winning the war didn’t necessarily mean win the title, or even the match. RDJ dominated the match early, but Joey Minnesota used his youth and stamina and outlast RDJ, and he had the aging vet on the ropes. But just as it looked like RDJ was in trouble, Minnesota’s long time rival, Aaron Andrews hit the ring, blasting the Minnesota with a chair and causing the disqualification!</p><p> </p><p>

In the shocker of the night, Joey Minnesota’s long time rival & former friend revealed themselves to be in cahoots. Minnesota felt the wrath of this alliance, as RDJ & Andrews laid out the International Champ, and then to add insult to injury, spit on his championship and threw it on the mat. (74)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Wave defeated Blue Collar & The Keith Brothers</strong></p><p>

Many questions are still wandering about as to why Scout & Guide assaulted Koshiro Ino on TCW Television 4 days earlier. But whatever the answers were, The New Wave came into this match with aggression we haven’t seen from them in a long while. Scout & Guide eliminated the young team of Greg & Matthew Keith early, and then after some solid action, also toppled the veteran team of Joshua Taylor & Joel Bryant (Blue Collar) to a gain a solid victory on PPV. (71)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dog Collar Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Rick Law defeated Rocky Golden</strong></p><p>

This one was what everyone expected it to be. No finesse, not even much technique. This was a flat out brawl, a flat out battle that left both men bloody and battered by the time it was over. It was a fitting ending to the brutal war Golden & Law had produced for the past 4 months.</p><p> </p><p>

It was Golden who brought the steel step into the ring and soon paid the price moments later. Golden showed amazing strength to lift Rick Law up into his submission, The Rack. Law refused to quit though, and managed to break free after smashing Golden in the face with the steel chain that kept the two connected. With Golden staggered, Law connected with the Squad Car Slam on the steel step! Law made the cover….but Golden kicked out!! Relentless, Law dragged Golden up and delivered not one but two more Squad Car Slams onto the steel step! 3 Squad Car Slams proved to be too much, and Law got the 3 count and the victory!</p><p> </p><p>

Much to the surprise of everyone, Rocky Golden approached Rick Law after the match and offered a handshake. Even more shocking, Law accepted it! It would seem after all the sneak attacks and all the trash talk, the brutal ass kicking that both men dished out somehow made the two respect the other. Well…maybe a little! (76)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey defeated Fro Sure</strong></p><p>

Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord, otherwise known as Evolution, have announced that they are the future and the new Kings of TCW, and at least for night, Vessey defended that claim successfully. Despite a strong fighting spirit, Fro Sure never could really get into the game against Vessey, and soon found himself victim of the Vessey Driver. (74)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Three Stages of Hell</strong></p><p><strong>

The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson) vs Eddie Peak & Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p>

The crowd was well behind Peak & Hawkins, especially Peak. In honor of the King of the Insane Asylum, the TCW Fans even began a clapping chant of “We Are Insane” throughout the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate, though, were used to being the heels, and proved it quickly in the first fall. A well timed rake to the eyes by Joss Thompson halted Wolf Hawkins from executing an aerial assault. Instead, Tommy Cornell climbed up after Hawkins and connected with an amazing Super Brain Buster! As Joss Thompson knocked Eddie Peak off the apron, Cornell got the 3 count for the 1st Fall!</p><p> </p><p>

And then, all hell broke loose! An enraged Peak fought off both Syndicate members by himself, until Wolf Hawkins introduced himself back into the match with a Suicide Dive, taking out everyone…including his partner! The 4 competitors fought throughout ringside and even into the crowd, for they were intent of beating the snot out of each other. Joss Thompson soon aimed to put Wolf Hawkins through the TCW Announce Table with the Clean Cutter, but Hawkins was able to reverse the efforts, and soon connected with a chair shot to skull! Thompson was left motionless on top of the announce table, as Hawkins climbed to the top rope! A huge elbow drop through the announce table by Hawkins! With Thompson out cold, Hawkins made the easy cover and gain the 2nd Fall for his team!</p><p> </p><p>

As the cage was lowered upon the ring, the four competitors slowly made their way back into the ring. In a comical moment, Cornell tried to lock himself in the cage and no one else, in an attempt to get away from the sadistic Peak. He forgot, though, that someone could easily climb <em><strong>into</strong></em> the cage, which lead to Hawkins splashing Cornell with a cross body from the top of the cage! </p><p> </p><p>

Even though they were all battered, the war still waged in the cage with several pinfalls. After Hawkins was laid out by Cornell’s finishing maneuver and the same to Thompson from Peak, it came down to the World Champion and his #1 Contender! Cornell managed to coax Peak into the corner where the turnbuckle was exposed. Peak was dazed and confused as his skull smashed off the steel. Cornell tried to lock Peak into the Guilt Trip, but Peak reversed out of it, and right into his own submission, The Straight Jacket! Cornell fought like a mad man, but couldn’t break out of Peak’s grip! Yet, at the same time, the champ refused to submit to Peak’s submission! Finally, referee Sammy Sparrow called for the bell, declaring Cornell unable to continue! As Peak let go, Cornell’s body slumped to the mat, and the TCW World Champ lied unconscious on the mat for many minutes until resuscitated by TCW medics!</p><p> </p><p>

Peak & Hawkins exited the cage. While Hawkins celebrated with the crowd, Peak simply stared at his work in the cage with a sick, twisted grin. Standing at the top of the entrance set, Peak gestured to his waist over and over. Ladies and Gentlemen, we might be looking at the next TCW World Heavyweight Champion! The King of the Insane Asylum! (90)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall PPV Score: 93</span></strong></p>

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TCW – February 2014


Current Storylines

Three Way War for the TCW World Championship!

After the events of Malice in Wonderland, Eddie Peak was primed to get another title shot, and the TCW Board agreed with such a belief. But when Tommy Cornell was about to make that announcement, reluctantly might I add, Rick Law interrupted TCW’s Owner. Law wanted a title shot, and called Cornell a coward when Tommy first denied him of it. After his bloody and brutal win over Rocky Golden, Rick Law believed he was the rightful #1 Contender. So, Cornell made a #1 Contender’s Match between Law & Peak. The match ended in a Double DQ, done by the hands of Tommy Cornell, who brutally attacked both men with a steel chair.


The TCW Board was very unhappy with Cornell’s actions, and made him pay for it by making both Peak & Law the title challengers at The War to Settle the Score!


In the oncoming weeks, Cornell & Law put their issues aside and worked together to take out Peak before the PPV. It led to Cornell even using his power to make a handicap match, Cornell & Law vs Peak. The plan worked perfectly, but Rick Law proved to only be playing his cards right, because when Peak was laid out, Law then took out the TCW World Champ right after, leaving himself as the last man standing.


The war has been set. 3 of the biggest names in TCW are ready for battle. Who will leave the TCW World Champ?


The Rubber Match – Hawkins vs Thompson

Ever since Thompson cost Hawkins the TCW World Title on numerous occasions, this war has been going on for what seems like forever. They have fought in numerous matches, and they have fought plenty outside matches. But as far as singles match go, they both have a win over the other.


Wolf Hawkins made the challenge to Joss Thompson. The rubber match. Hawkins said though it couldn’t just be an ordinary match, and thus challenged Thompson to a Last Man Standing Match. Thompson accepted the challenge, and the final battle is set.


We can thank Tommy Cornell for this match, as his 2 protégés face off in what should a memorable match. Who takes the rubber match at WTSTS?


The Continuing Implosion of the Freedom Fighters

After Ricky Dale Johnson united with his former friend’s biggest enemy, Aaron Andrews, TCW International Champion Joey Minnesota found himself at a disadvantage. RDJ & Andrews, known as Hate Central, were determined to take out Minnesota. Knowing his best days were past him, RDJ stated he was grooming Andrews to be a star, a star who did what they wanted and didn’t care what people said. Thus the name Hate Central. Destroying Minnesota is what RDJ believed would help Andrews become that star.


But the odds soon became even, as Minnesota’s ally Buddy Garner returned from injury and saved Minnesota from a beatdown by Hate Central. So thus the obvious tag team match was made. Will Minnesota gain his revenge, or will RDJ’s plan to destroy Minnesota continue to work to success?


3rd Time a Charm for the Ying Yang Dragons?

The first two title shots were unsuccessful for the Dragons after coming so close both times. Acknowledging how close they came, Koshiro Ino & Mikey James was given another contendership match, and they took advantage of it. But if they couldn’t beat The Diamond Cutters twice, what’s going to be different the third time?


Well, there will be one thing different. To commemorate how far this feud has come, the Dragons’ third chance was made a Tag Team Ladder Match! Will this be the thing that gets Ino & James over the title hump? Or will Parker & Anderon, the dominant champs, deny the challengers yet again?


Generation Now vs The NEW VIP

After Steve Devine’s boys were repeatedly defeated by members of Generation Now, Devine was so furious that he fired his bodyguard The Fonz and kicked the Canadian Animals out of his stable. But Devine is still determined to take down Sammy Bach & High Concept, but Devine is still on the sidelines with his Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage.


Behold! The New VIP!


Devine drafted Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord, the promising young tag team known as Evolution. But also Devine dug into CCW Developmental and found Roger Cage, a promising, charismatic guy who has yet to face defeat in TCW. With Venus Angeletti by his side, Roger Cage might be exactly what Devine is looking for.


Stoked by his new recruits, Devine made the challenge to Generation Now, and GN gladly accepted the Six Man Tag Team Match. Will Devine finally get his way, or will the Superstar continue to pull his hair out?


TCW News

Wolf Hawkins – TCW for Life!

It would appear that TCW’s golden boy will be with the company for the rest of his career, or at least close to it! The former World Champ just signed a 10 year contract with TCW, and will be making approximately 116,000 per year. Tommy Cornell & TCW were determined to keep Hawkins as one of their icons, and Hawkins was more than happy to accept such a huge contract.


Roster Changes


Rocky Golden suffered an undisclosed injury during the 1st week of February 2014. Golden and the medical staff has been very hush hush about what the injury is, and there is no timetable when Rocky is supposed to return.


Call Ups

Roger Cage was called up to be a part of Steve Devine’s New VIP, along with Venus Angeletti as his manager. Joel Bryant was sent down to help train in CCW.


Jamie Atherton was also called up in late February. The Fonz was demoted to CCW to work on becoming a better worker, although some people think TCW might just be waiting out his contract.



TCW made two more additions to their CCW Developmental Farm. Promising indy star High Flyin Hawaiin was signed to a contract. Meanwhile, a young wrestler name Xavi Ferrara was signed after being recommended by his trainer, TCW Veteran Guide.



After failing yet another drug test in only his second month with TCW, MC Motormouth was fired by the company. Motormouth was reportedly furious over his dismissal, so there is most likely no chance of a reconciliation in the future.


Tag Teams

As already reported, the tandem of Ricky Dale Johnson & Aaron Andrews have officially begun to call themselves Hate Central.


Top Weekly Matches for February 2014

Week 1: Eddie Peak & Rick Law fought to a Double Disqualification (87)

Week 2: Tommy Cornell defeated Sammy Bach (87)

Week 3: Rick Law & Joss Thompson defeated Eddie Peak & Wolf Hawkins (91)

Week 4: Wolf Hawkins defeated Jamie Atherton (81)

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW The War to Settle the Score 2014</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Pre Show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Edd Stone defeated Masked Cougar (65)</p><p> </p><p>

The New Wave defeated The Mighty Fros & The Keith Brothers (71)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>It’s Time to Settle The Score…..</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

THE WAR…TO SETTLE THE SCORE!!</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cold Blooded Assassins defeated Hate Central</strong></p><p>

Joey Minnesota gained a bit of revenge for the betrayal of his best friend, Ricky Dale Johnson. His new partner, Buddy Garner, was able to do it. Even though RDJ claims he is grooming Aaron Andrews to be a star, he ended up leaving him high and dry when times got tough. When the Assassins got Andrews stuck in the Double Tap, their patented double submission maneuver, RDJ had the opportunity to break it up. But when Minnesota eyes met his in a cold gaze, RDJ backed off and left Andrews to submit. (77)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Freddy Huggins defeated American Eagle</strong></p><p>

In a decent cool down match, Huggins dominated the TCW newcomer, proving that even though they got kicked out of VIP, the Canadian Animals are not to be forgotten. (71)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Ladder Match!</strong></p><p><strong>

TCW Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

The Ying Yang Dragons defeated The Diamond Cutters to become the NEW TCW Tag Team Champions!</strong></p><p>

It turned out that the 3rd time was the charm for Koshiro Ino & Mikey James. It was a crazy match with plenty of wild spots. The champions came to play, like always, but unfortunately for them their 8-Month Title Reign finally came to an end. It came down to Ino & Steven Parker high above on the top of the ladder, and Ino got the best of the situation by chokeslamming Parker off the ladder, all the way to match. After that, it was quite easy for Ino to grab the gold for his team. (83)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor defeated Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

In another cool down match, the vet Taylor taught the rookie Atherton a few lessons about what it takes to be a TCW superstar. (68)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Last Man Standing Match!</strong></p><p><strong>

Wolf Hawkins defeated Joss Thompson</strong></p><p>

In the easy choice for match of the night, these two rivals went to war and back. If you didn’t think these guys hated each other before, now you do! Blood spilled as the match went all over the arena and even into the backstage area. Despite some help from Krissy Angelle, Thompson fell victim to the former TCW World Champion. After the match moved back to ringside, where the ladders from the Tag Title match got involved. After Thompson took a big fall off a ladder, Hawkins wisely slammed all the ladders on top of his rival, a total of six of them, causing Thompson to be unable to make a 10 Count. (90)</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf Hawkins celebrated up the entrance way, exhausted but happy. As he posed at the top of the entrance way, Hawkins was blasted from behind…..by <strong><em>Rocky Golden!</em></strong> Much to the amazement of the crowd, Rocky Golden stood over Hawkins with a very angry look, and apparently 100% healthy! With everyone shocked by the actions of one of TCW’s most popular baby faces, Golden dragged Hawkins up, lifted him up, AND POWERBOMBED HIM OFF THE STAGE, THROUGH A TABLE BELOW! The crowd turned dead silent as medics appeared to work on Hawkins, while a seething Rocky Golden watched from high above. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Six Man Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Generation Now (Sammy Bach & High Concept) defeated VIP (Roger Cage & Evolution)</strong></p><p>

A fast paced match filled with tons of action, even the new and improved(?) VIP proved to be outmatched by the veteran Six Man Tag Team. But it turned out to be Steve Devine at ringside who was at fault for the loss. He chose to get involved, removing one of his Gator Boots in the hopes to assault Sammy Bach. But Back ducked under the attack, and it was Devine’s boy Jay Chord who got whacked across the skull. From there, it was an easy 3 count for Sammy Bach. (82)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW World Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

Tommy Cornell ( c ) vs Eddie Peak vs Rick Law</strong></p><p>

If the word slobberknocker was ever going to be used, this was the time. These three men pulled no punches, that’s for sure. And even though Cornell was outsized by his title challengers, Rough Justice was able to hang with them by using his classic dastardly deeds. But as the match neared its end, in a surprise turn of events, Peak & Law worked together for a brief moment to send Cornell crashing through the announce table with a Powerbomb, and seemingly out of the match! </p><p> </p><p>

It came down to Peak & Law in the ring, as the two big men looked to knock the other out with each punch. Peak managed to partially lock in his submission, The Straight Jacket, but Law broke free and managed to connect with the Squad Car Slam! Just as Law went for the cover, Cornell’s lackey Joss Thompson raced into the ring and smashed Law across the skull with his own Nightstick! With Law out cold, Thompson dragged a half-conscious Cornell into the ring. Cornell crawled into the cover on Law and got the 3 Count! (80)</p><p> </p><p>

As The Syndicate theme played, Thompson quickly pulled Cornell out of the ring before an irate Eddie Peak could get his hands on him. Thompson helped Cornell up the rampway, as a very groggy Cornell offered a half-smile while holding his championship gold up in the air. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall PPV Score: 91</span></strong></p>

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<p>As TCW continues it major youth movement overhaul, there have been numerous roster adjustments in the past few months. Here is an updated listing of the current TCW roster. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Babyface Roster (Ranked by Popularity) </span></strong></p><p>

Wolf Hawkins</p><p>

Eddie Peak</p><p>

Sammy Bach</p><p>

Koshiro Ino</p><p>

Benny Benson</p><p>

Joey Minnesota <em>*TCW International Champion*</em></p><p>

Mikey James</p><p>

Buddy Garner</p><p>

Greg Black</p><p>

Joshua Taylor</p><p>

Mighty Mo</p><p>

Masked Cougar</p><p>

Fro Sure</p><p>

American Eagle <em>(Hijo Del Águila Americana)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Heel Roster</span></strong></p><p>

Tommy Cornell <em>*TCW World Heavyweight Champion*</em></p><p>

Rick Law</p><p>

Joss Thompson</p><p>

Rocky Golden</p><p>

Steven Parker</p><p>

Ricky Dale Johnson</p><p>

John Anderson</p><p>

Cameron Vessey</p><p>

Aaron Andrews</p><p>

Freddy Huggins</p><p>

Roger Cage</p><p>



Edd Stone</p><p>

Greg Keith <em>(Greg Gauge)</em></p><p>

Jay Chord</p><p>

Matthew Keith</p><p>

Jamie Atherton</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Currently Injured</span></strong></p><p>

Steve Devine <em>(Troy Tornado)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Managers (and their Clients) </span></strong></p><p>


Persephone (Sammy Bach)</p><p>

Tracy Brendon (Joey Minnesota, Joshua Taylor, & Mikey James)</p><p>

Chloe Dean (Benny Benson & Greg Black)</p><p> </p><p>


Laura Huggins (Freddy Huggins & Edd Stone)</p><p>

Michelle Brendon (Guide & Scout)</p><p>

Vita (Steven Parker & John Anderson)</p><p>

Krissy Angelle (Joss Thompson)</p><p>

Venus Angeletti (Roger Cage)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Officials</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Announcers:</strong> Jazon Azaria, Shawn Doakes, & Remmington Remus</p><p>

<strong>Colour Commentator:</strong> DJ Britton <em>(KP Avatar)</em></p><p>

<strong>Referees:</strong> Sam Sparrow, Ray Johnson, & Alvin Lavin</p><p>

<strong>Road Agents:</strong> Robert Oxford & Eric Tyler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Teams</span></strong></p><p>

Cold Blooded Assassins (Joey Minnesota & Buddy Garner)</p><p>

Endangered Species (Masked Cougar & American Eagle)</p><p>

Evolution (Cameron Vessey & Jay Chord)</p><p>

Generation Now (Wolf Hawkins & Sammy Bach)</p><p>

Hate Central (Ricky Dale Johnson & Aaron Andrews)</p><p>

High Concept (Benny Benson & Greg Black)</p><p>

The Canadian Animals (Freddy Huggins & Edd Stone)</p><p>

The Diamond Cutters (Steven Parker & John Anderson)</p><p>

The Keith Brothers (Greg & Matthew Keith)</p><p>

The Mighty Fros (Mighty Mo & Fro Sure)</p><p>

The New Wave (Guide & Scout)</p><p>

The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson)</p><p>

The Ying Yang Dragons (Koshiro Ino & Mikey James) <em>*TCW Tag Team Champions*</em></p><p>

VIP (Steve Devine & Roger Cage)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Stables</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>The Syndicate</strong></p><p>

Tommy Cornell, Joss Thompson, Steven Parker, John Anderson, Krissy Angelle, & Vita</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Generation Now</strong></p><p>

Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, Benny Benson, Greg Black, Persephone, & Chloe Dean</p><p> </p><p>


Steve Devine, Roger Cage, Cameron Vessey, Jay Chord, & Venus Angeletti</p>

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TCW – March 2014


Current Storylines

Eddie Peak’s Final Chance…Six Feet Under?

The one problem Tommy Cornell has with being the TCW World Champion is that by contract, he loses any say on who should be the #1 Contender for his title. That is left up to the TCW Board. And after the sketchy way Cornell retained his title at The War to Settle the Score, the TCW Board were willing to give Eddie Peak one more chance at the World Title, though they made it clear it was his last chance at Cornell.


With that said, Cornell knows how to use his owner powers to his advantage. Thus he made a handicap between himself & Joss Thompson versus Eddie Peak, where the winner would pick the stipulations of their title match. Little did Cornell consider that Thompson’s feud with Rick Law would throw a wrench in his plans, and with Law’s interference in the match, Peak won and was given the option to choose whatever match to challenge Cornell.


And thus…Eddie Peak proved why he is the King of the Insane Asylum! Covered in disbelief, jaw dropped, Cornell fell to his knees when Eddie Peak announced that their match would be….a Buried Alive Match!


Cornell since has tried to act like he isn’t afraid of a dirt nap, but the truth is all over his face. It’s obvious who has the psychological advantage going into this match. The writing is on the wall for Tommy Cornell’s title reign. Will Eddie Peak cash in his ticket to TCW Gold, or will Cornell squeak out yet another title defense?


Joss Thompson - In Trouble with the Law?

Ever since Joss Thompson clobbered Rick Law with his own night stick, causing him to be pinned in the World Title Match at the War to Settle the Score, Law has been determined to gain revenge. In the process, Law has gone from one of TCW’s most hated to one of TCW’s most beloved. His infamous night stick has gone from a weapon fans revered to one of the most popular memorabilia.


This match was a given after all the altercations these two men have had, and not just two mentioned above. Law had a chance to gain some revenge on Tommy Cornell in a Nightstick on a Pole Match on TCW Total Wrestling, but once again Thompson interfered to help his mentor.


Law is determined to get revenge in this matchup. Will he finally get it? Or will Joss Thompson somehow manage to thwart Law’s plans yet again?


A New Rocky Golden

Coming off a knee injury, Rocky Golden reappeared at The War to Settle the Score, and much to the surprise of everyone, attacked fellow babyface Wolf Hawkins, powerbombing him off the entrance way and through a table.


It was a side we’ve never seen from Golden, nor the one we saw on the next TCW Total Wrestling. The reason behind Golden’s chance of heart was the way people have begun to look at Hawkins as their golden boy, forgetting all the corrupt things he had done with the Syndicate. Meanwhile, Golden stated everyone had forgotten about him, the perfect American boy who always followed the rules and fought for what is right. Understandable or not, Golden took offense to the way the fans had embraced Wolf Hawkins. So Golden said screw the fans and brought out this aggressive monster we’ve yet to see. This same monster fired his manager Chloe Dean, who looked uncomfortable with having anything to do with him.


This was a new Rocky Golden, as shown in his numerous handicap matches in the past weeks. 1 on 2, 1 on 3, Golden destroyed members of the TCW roster in a matter of minutes and without absolutely no mercy.


There is one man unwilling to stand by and watch Golden’s destruction. It’s none other than Wolf Hawkins’ best friend Sammy Bach, who has spent many days behind Hawkins’ hospital bed. Bach has sworn to gain revenge for his Generation Now brother and has shown no fear, as he even brought the fight to Golden on the last Total Wrestling. Bach even knocked Golden off his feet, sending the brute reeling from the ring.


The size difference is obvious, but it’s even more obvious that Bach has a strong reason to fight the monster. But will it be enough to not become a victim of the new Rocky Golden?


The Final Chapter of the Freedom Fighters

Ever since Ricky Dale Johnson turned on Joey Minnesota, this has been one of the hottest feud in TCW. Now it comes to an end at Just Another Day? when RDJ gets his last title shot against Joey Minnesota and the TCW International Championship.


RDJ has embraced his final days as a wrestler, and has even taken young wrestlers Aaron Andrews and Jamie Atherton under his wing. Still, he is determined to take out his former best friend, Minnesota, before he ever considers hanging it up. Minnesota, though, has different plans, and plans to finally rid himself of the trouble that RDJ has brought upon him.


The battle line is plain and simple. Who will win this war of former best friends and come out the TCW International Champion?


The Battle to Decide TCW’s Best Tag Team

The Ying Yang Dragons & The Diamond Cutters have feuded over the Tag Team Titles for months now. Finally last month, the Dragons won the tag team gold. Neither team has lost to any other team besides each other in quite some time. There is no argument to be made. These are the best two teams in TCW.


But now it’s time to put an end to their feud and move on to new matchups. Because their matches has been insanely close, their final encounter has been made a 2 out of 3 Falls, that way the winner will be as decisive at it possibly could be.


Will the Dragons continue their reign as champs? Or will the Diamond Cutters prove that the Dragons’ one win over them was just plain luck?


TCW News

TCW’s Roster to Split?

TCW has grown significantly in the past year, and discussions have been made to take the next step. With the popularity of their top guys growing by each show and ton of talent in their developmental farm CCW, talks have begun about splitting TCW into two brands. It is still early though before anything happens. TCW would need to get another television deal before doing so, and they would have to commit to a much larger number on their roster. But it would seem that Tommy Cornell is prepared to take his company to the next step, to what some might call a global empire.


Roger Cage – Destined for Stardom?

Roger Cage debuted last month as a member of Steve Devine’s new incarnation of VIP. To this date, Roger Cage has only lost once, which was a six man tag team match where he wasn’t involved in the decision. In the words of Steve Devine, “that makes him still undefeated.”


The reason for his successful streak is Tommy Cornell himself. Cornell and his head booker DJ Britton are extremely high on Cage. While they both want to see him improve in the ring, they both have fallen in love with his seemingly unlimited amount of charisma. With his looks and swaggers that would make the Heartbreak Kid jealous, Cage might be their next star.


Look for big things with Roger Cage in the oncoming future.


Roster Changes


Greg Keith suffered a Bruised Tail Bone in a dark match in Week 4. Luckily, the young Keith could work through it, but TCW will be holding him out for about a week to ensure no further problems.



El Mitico Jr. was signed to a contract, and was sent directly to CCW to improve on his already immense talents.



The Midnight Prowler was up for a contract renewal this month, but TCW chose to let the contract expire. Word is Prowler just didn’t show enough improvement in CCW to consider further commitment.


Tag Teams

Ricky Dale Johnson put an end to his tag team with Aaron Andrews rather quickly when he announced that he found Andrews a new partner in his new protégé and TCW rookie Jamie Atherton. Combing their two nicknames, Aaron “Ace” Andrews & “White Lightning” Jamie Atherton will be known as Ace Lightning.


Top Weekly Matches for March 2014

Week 1: Sammy Bach defeated Aaron Andrews (88)

Week 2: Rocky Golden defeated Greg Black (88)

Week 3: Tommy Cornell defeated Rick Law/Eddie Peak defeated Evolution in a Handicap Match (81)

Week 4: The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson) fought Eddie Peak & Rick Law to a Double Count Out (88)

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TCW Just Another Day? 2014


Pre Show


The Canadian Animals defeated The New Wave & Endangered Species (79)


Buddy Garner defeated Mathew Keith (76)


It might be Sunday Night…it might be time for TCW….but really…is it…




TCW Tag Team Championship

Best 2 out of 3 Falls!

The Ying Yang Dragons defeated The Diamond Cutters 2 Falls to 1 to retain the TCW Tag Team Championship

And thus, one of the best tag team feuds TCW has ever seen has come to an end. In another fast paced and exciting match up, the TCW Tag Team Division opened up the PPV the right way. The Diamond Cutters were in charge early in the match and gain the first fall with the use of their finisher, Diamonds in the Rough. But the Dragons fought through adversity and gained the second fall via roll up by Mikey James. In a thrilling finale, the action went back and forth until John Anderon found himself on the wrong of the YYD’s Dragon-Pault, leading to a successful title defense for the Dragons. (79)


Roger Cage & Evolution defeated Joshua Taylor & The Mighty Fros

In a PPV filler match, Steve Devine’s New VIP showcased the reason why he took the three young stars under his wing. Most notably his prized talent, Roger Cage, who continued his so-called undefeated streak by pinning Fro Sure after the Rage Cage. (70)


Backstage, Eddie Peak hypes his upcoming World Title match against champion, Tommy Cornell. (88)


Joss Thompson defeated Rick Law by DQ

An enraged Rick Law came to the ring and socked Joss Thompson every which way. Thompson used his speed and Syndicate tactics to stick in the match, but at times the big Rick Law, who was out for revenge, seemed like too much for Cornell’s prize protégé. That was until Referee Sam Sparrow got stuck in the action and was run over by a charging Rick Law. With the ref down, Thompson’s valet Krissy Angelle slipped Law’s Night Stick into her man. The plan faltered, as Law dodged the attack and took the Night Stick from Thompson, then connected to Thompson’s ribs with his weapon of choice! As Law stood over Thompson smiling, the ring bell was struck. Law turned to see Sam Sparrow calling for the bell, and found out it was because Sam Sparrow had disqualified him after seeing him use the Night Stick! Law tried to plead his case, but Sparrow would not hear it! (76)


Extremely happily, Law went after Thompson in the corner with lefts and rights, but before he could do more damage, Krissy Angelle dragged her man from the ring. A red faced Law yelled at Thompson as he stumbled up the entrance way, swearing to Joss that their issues were far from over! (86)


TCW International Championship

Strap Match!

Joey Minnesota defeated Ricky Dale Johnson to retain the TCW International Championship

The Final Chapter of the Freedom Fighters literally left marks over both men, as Minnesota & RDJ both indulged themselves in using the leather strap over and over. Minnesota took the advantage early, but after a timed kick to the knee, sending Minnesota faced first into the steel steps, RDJ left the champ very groggy. From there, RDJ came close numerous times to winning, but could never get to that 4th Corner without Minnesota halting his progress. But as this match went into deep waters, RDJ’s age started to show, and Minnesota took the edge late. After both men touched all three corners, Minnesota quickly turned to RDJ and hit the Empire Spiral, leaving RDJ down and out, making it easy for the champ to slap the 4th Corner and retain the gold! (72)


A music video was shown, highlighting all that has happened in the past few months between Tommy Cornell & Eddie Peak. (89)


Rocky Golden defeated Sammy Bach

Sammy Bach went into this match with a significant size advantage, but The Ultimate Underdog refused to let that stop him from bringing the fight to the monster Golden. Bach used his speed and athleticism to keep Golden guessing and to escape many predicaments. In the end, though, the mammoth of a man known as Rocky Golden was just too much Sammy Bach, as the Underdog just took many big shots. In the end, Bach fell victim to the Rocky Road for the 3 Count. (71)


OOC: Just a small gripe with TEW, I swear without a doubt I did a house booking between these two men, and it came back with no good or bad effects. Then….I do this match, and they have terrible chemistry. Ugh……


Golden was declared the victor, but he didn’t seem satisfied with just a win. Golden lifted Bach up into The Rack and began to torture Bach with his submission. As Golden tried to rip Bach in half, the crowd erupted into the sound of Wolf Hawkins’ Music! Golden quickly dropped Bach as he awaited the presence of the man he brutally attacked weeks ago! Little did Golden know that Hawkins entered the arena through the crowd, and was on the top rope behind him! Golden finally turned around, and Hawkins sent the big man off his feet with a flying front dropkick, both boots square to the chest! Golden crashed to the mat, shaking ringside! Hawkins raced to get more of Golden, but Rocky rolled out of the ring, not interested in fighting anymore! Hawkins checked on his friend Bach as a heavy staredown took place between the two adversaries. This one is far from over! (92)


High Concept defeated Ace Lightning

In an exciting filler match, Benny Benson & Greg Black proved that experience can go a long way against the promising but new tag team of Aaron Andrews & Jamie Atherton. A big mistake by the rookie Atherton led to his team demise, allowing High Concept to connect with The Game Over. (79)


Tommy Cornell entered the arena, taking the time to peak over the burial ground at the entrance way. Cornell took the mic and proceeded to mock the Greak Lakes crowd, claiming that he wasn’t afraid of being Buried Alive, though we could tell that wasn’t true at all. But Cornell hided his fear by ripping into the live crowd, and even mocked some fans in the front row before taunting his opponent. He was finally interrupted by the bells of Metallica’s “For Whom The Bell Tolls,” which could only mean one thing… (86)




TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Buried Alive Match!

Tommy Cornell ( c ) vs Eddie Peak

This match spent virtually no time in the ring, as the action quickly spilled out to ringside and soon into the crowd and even backstage. Plain and simple, these two men were out to beat the bloody piss out of each other and would go to any means to do it. Weapons were used, blood was spilled, and bodies were battered throughout the arena.


The war finally made its way to the burial ground, where Eddie Peak seemed primed to dump the champ into the grave after assaulting him with a steel chair. For the first time, The Syndicate made their presence known, as Cornell’s hooligans Steven Parker & John Anderson hit the scene and attacked Peak, halting any plans to bury their boss. After a brutal beatdown, John Anderson held Peak up as Steven Parker broke a shovel across Peak’s spine! The Diamond Cutters looked ready to dump Peak into the grave, but Peak fought back, throwing Parker and Anderson off the burial ground and hard to the concrete several feet below!


The distraction worked, though, as it allowed Cornell to get back into the fight. Cornell wrapped a cable chord and began to choke the life of Peak, to the point that Peak was motionless on the pile of dirt next to the grave. With a big smile on his face, Cornell thought this match was all but over. Cornell called over a Wheel Loader carrying a bunch of dirt, which he had seemingly paid for to do his dirty trick. As Cornell began to roll Peak into the grave, Peak came to life as he gripped Cornell tightly by the throat. Peak rose to his feet, lifted Cornell into the air, and dropped into the grave with the Peak of the Devil!


Peak grabbed a shovel and began to bury Cornell. It was then that Cornell’s protégé Joss Thompson was about to interfere to stop Peak, but Rick Law appeared, chasing his rival down to ringside, through the crowd, and out of the arena! Thompson wanted no more of Rick Law, that’s for sure! With no one to stop him, Peak covered Cornell with enough dirt that Referee Sam Sparrow called for the bell! (91)




Metallica blared throughout the arena as Peak was awarded the 15 Pounds of Gold. Peak, though, didn’t seemed done just yet. With title in hand, Peak stormed over to the Wheel Loader and tossed the construction worker from behind the wheel of the truck. Peak then pulled a lever, dropping the dirt from the carrier onto Tommy Cornell’s freshly dug grave!


The crowd erupted in cheers as Peak stood on top of the dirt, on top of Cornell six feet below. Peak then looked up to the crowd, and with one arm raised the TCW World Title high up into the air! (100)




Overall PPV Score: 95

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The 2nd Annual, 2014 TCW Tournament of Champions is just around the corner, as it will take place on Sunday, Week 2 of April.


The Tournament consists of the basic 8-Man bracket, where the winner will receive a giant trophy for their accomplishments, and most importantly, will go down in TCW History as the Tournament Winner!


Last year, Wolf Hawkins became the first winner of the Tournament of Champions. Wolf Hawkins defeated Brent Hill in the Opening Round, Rick Law in the Semi-Finals, and then finally defeated Eddie Peak in the Finals in what some argue was the Match of the Year!


Hawkins is an obvious entry in this year’s tournament. Can he do the repeat in 2014?


Speaking of qualifications, it’s simple. The first level of entry is any wrestler who has ever worn the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. With that said, the following six men are in the tournament:


Eddie Peak

Tommy Cornell

Wolf Hawkins

Rocky Golden

Joey Minnesota

Ricky Dale Johnson


With two spots left, the next slot would go to the current TCW International Champion. Fortunately for Joey Minnesota, he is already in the tournament!


So, the final two slots in the tournament goes to the current TCW Tag Team Champions, The Ying Yang Dragons, Koshiro Ino & Mikey James!


So the tournament has been filled, and now there is only one thing left to do.


Make the brackets!


Without further to do, after being processed randomly, here are the First Round Matches for the Tournament of Champions!


Koshiro Ino vs Mikey James


What are the odds?! The Tag Team Champs get entry into the tournament, and now they must face each other! Will they pull punches, or will the Dragons go all out to move on in the tourney?


Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota


They fought all over the world when The Syndicate battled the Freedom Fighters. Now, they do it once more to move on into the tournament.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins


See Above! Many things have changed since the Syndicate/Freedom Fighters war, but that won’t stop these two from doing anything to get the big win.


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak

In what could be the highlight of the first round, the two monsters of TCW go to battle. The average fan would give the edge to the New TCW World Champ, but it’s best not to count out the monster Rocky Golden, especially with his new attitude!


There you have it! Be sure to tune in Sunday, Week 2 for the all the exciting action, and to see who will become the 2014 TCW Tournament…of CHAMPIONS!!!!

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In an interesting turn of events, TCW Owner Tommy Cornell hit YouTube today with an exclusive video with huge TCW news. The expression on Cornell's face told the story. He was not happy with the announcement, and it was obviously a decision made more by the TCW Board. The following was the script from the YouTube video:


"Good Afternoon, TCW Fans. We are officially 60 Days away from the biggest pay-per-view of the year for TCW, known as TCW Mayhem. Every year, we at TCW make sure we deliver the biggest show possible. For example, at last year's Mayhem event, you TCW fans saw a blockbuster. I, Tommy Cornell, defeated Wolf Hawkins for the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, to mark my 7th Reign as Champion.


To ensure that we deliver another huge show, we at TCW have decided to construct a giant match for this month's pay-per-view, Where Angels Are Fear to Tread. To ensure that the rightful TCW Superstar fights for the TCW World Heavyweight at the biggest night of the year, 6 of the top TCW Superstars will wrestle in a single match in 4 weeks. It will be a 6 Man Chamber Match, and the man who wins will be the rightful #1 Contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at TCW Mayhem.


Furthermore, we have heard the complaints that the same TCW Superstars keep on headlining and keep on getting World Title shots. While myself and others apart of TCW would disagree with this testament, TCW is out to make you the fans happy. With that said, a 20 Man Battle Royal has been set for the next TCW Total Wrestling. This Battle Royal will consist of 20 Men whom have never receive a TCW World Title Shot in TCW History. You want a new challenger? You will get that new challenger, because the winner will face TCW World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Peak for the gold at Where Angels Fear to Tread!


For more information, tune into the next edition of TCW Total Wrestling, and tune in every week to see the best action in the wrestling world today!"

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Big News from the TCW World!


TCW Executives have informed The Ying Yang Dragons, Koshiro Ino & Mikey James, that after an alteration to the 2014 TCW Tournament of Champions, only one of the Tag Champions will be included in the tournament brackets.


After a coin toss between the Tag Champs, it will be Mikey James entered into the tournament and representing the Dragons.


Why has TCW made such a change to the tournament? All we have been told is that Tommy Cornell has a surprise entry for the tournament, and it will be a Blast from the Past!


Who could this possibly be? Tune in this Sunday for the Tournament of Champions to find out! Tune in Sunday....LIVE...on Pay-Per-View!


Meanwhile, Eddie Peak now knows who he will face at Where Angels Fear to Tread in 2 weeks!


In an exciting 20 Man Battle Royal, consisting of 20 superstars who have never received a World Title shot, it came down to 4 midcard studs. Both Tag Champs, Koshiro Ino & Mikey James, and also former Tag Champ Steven Parker & Steve Devine's prized client Roger Cage.


After Mikey James & Roger Cage were eliminated, Ino fell to a distraction by Cage, whom he had eliminated. Steven Parker used the distraction to dump Ino to floor, and win the Battle Royal!


So the match is set. Tommy Cornell might be upset that he won't didn't get an instant rematch with Peak, but it will still be a Syndicate member challenging for the World Title! Steven Parker has vowed to not allow this chance to get past him, and also proved he is not afraid of Eddie Peak when he attacked the World Champ on the latest episode of Total Wrestling.


In two weeks, the man who calls himself "The Future," Steven Parker, gets the chance of his life. Be sure to buy Where Angels Fear to Tread on Pay-Per-View to see if "The Future" completes his destiny!

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2014 TCW Tournament of Champions


Pre Show


High Concept defeated Evolution, The New Wave, & The Keith Brothers (79)


Rick Law won a 15 Man Battle Royal. The final four were Law, Sammy Bach, Koshiro Ino, & John Anderson. Sammy was the final elimination. (78)


It is time to find out who is the best of the best. Who will win….




Opening Round Matches


Tommy Cornell defeated Joey Minnesota

These two have gone to war over and over, and being the great technicians that they are, Cornell & Minnesota never disappoint when it comes to bringing the action. This was no exception. In the end, like it always to seem to be for Minnesota, Cornell found himself one step ahead, and was able to lock on the Guilt Trip for the submission victory. (88)


As Mikey James waited in the ring, it was revealed that the mystery entry to the tournament was none other than retired superstar and former TCW World Champion, Dread!


Mikey James defeated Dread

The nostalgia was great, but it wasn’t long before Mikey James could take advantage of the 52 year old retired wrestler. After taking some solid licks from the monster Dread, James connected with the Scything Side Kick for the 3 Count. (70)


Steve Devine & Rick Law have an in-ring segment. Devine came out and claimed if he wasn’t injured and allowed in this tournament, then he would easily win it all. Rick Law came out and challenged Devine to a match while questioning how hurt Devine really was. Devine quickly backed off and exited the ring, wanting none of TCW’s Law Enforcer. (91)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Ricky Dale Johnson

RDJ is a Hall of Famer, but it became abundantly clear who was in the middle of his prime and who was over in the hill in this match. Despite some help from his protégé Aaron Andrews, RDJ still in the end fell victim to Hawkins and his Full Moon Rising. (73)


Eddie Peak cuts a promo backstage, hyping his upcoming match with Rocky Golden. (85)


Rocky Golden defeated Eddie Peak via Count Out

The match was what we all expected. TCW’s two giants pummeling the living hell out of each other while both men refused to fall. As the match neared its end, the action fell to the floor. After sending Eddie Peak sent Rocky Golden crashing into the steel steps, the music of The Diamond Cutters hit the PA. Steven Parker, the #1 Contender for Peak’s Title, appeared and instantly boiled Peak’s blood. Peak instantly went after Parker, who called the Champ on, only to escape through the curtain when Peak got close. But Parker’s distraction had work, as the Referee counted to 10 before Peak could return to the ring! (89)


An enraged Peak stormed back to the ring, wanting to continue his battle with Rocky Golden. But with the win already in his pocket, Golden slipped out of the ring on the opposite side, then taunted the World Champ while he took his leave from ringside. (76)


Semi-Final Matches


Tommy Cornell defeated Mikey James

A shocking Match of the Night, Mikey James came into this match as a giant underdog, and he was ready to prove everyone wrong. If Cornell came in cocky, he sure as hell wasn’t when the match got underway. Mikey stole the show and came very close from getting the biggest win of his career. But one mistake did him in when he chose to fly off the top rope one too many times. Cornell took advantage, and was able to lock in the Guilt Trip for the submission victory. (94)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Rocky Golden via DQ

Rocky Golden was in full control of a lot of this match, as one of the most heated feuds took center stage in the Tournament. Golden used his size to take control, and at some point threw Hawkins around like a rag doll. But Hawkins kept coming back and would not quit, which after awhile extremely frustrated Golden. After Hawkins got several near falls on Golden, Rocky lost his cool and began pummeling Hawkins in the corner of the ring, completely ignoring the referee’s 5 count. Finally, when Golden refused to release his boot choke on Hawkins, Referee Sam Sparrow decided to disqualify Golden! (89)


The match was over, but Golden was far from finished. Golden lifted Hawkins up into the air and locked him into his submission, The Rack. TCW Personnel hit the ring to force Golden to let go of the submission before he broke Hawkins in two. After finally getting Golden out of the ring, Wolf Hawkins was helped backstage, and was barely conscious in doing so. (89)


A hype video was shown, highlighting all of tonight’s events, and how we have gotten to the finals. (100)


Tommy Cornell strutted to the ring, thinking that with Wolf Hawkins’ condition he had already won the tournament. Cornell took the mic and began to taunt anyone and everyone, specifically Hawkins & TCW Champ Eddie Peak. Cornell then demanded his trophy after Hawkins had yet to appear. Just then, Hawkins’ music hit, and out came Cornell’s former protégé, hurt but ready to fight! (81)




Tommy Cornell vs Wolf Hawkins

It’s a déjà vu! Same scenario from the 2013 Wrestler of the Year Tournament. The finals come down to Tommy Cornell & an injured Wolf Hawkins! Who is going to win?!


Cornell instantly started where Rocky Golden left off, and almost got disqualified as well when he wouldn’t stop the beating he was delivering to Wolf Hawkins. For awhile, it would seem Hawkins was a fool to come out injured. But just like against Rocky Golden, as dim as his chances seemed, Wolf Hawkins would. Not. QUIT!


And then he got his break, a mistake that Tommy Cornell quickly regretted. An ill-chosen rush into the corner, hoping to crush Hawkins, was missed by Cornell. All he managed to hit was the turnbuckle as Hawkins dodged the assault. And that’s what Hawkins need, as a rush of adrenaline came over him, and instantly Tommy Cornell was on his heels.


Hawkins looked to be primed to win his 2nd Tournament of Champions, but alas, it had to come down to The Syndicate like always seemingly. Hawkins should have known it was coming, but in the heat of the moment, he never saw Joss Thompson coming when Wolf was on the top rope, ready to execute an aerial assault. As Cornell distracted the referee, Joss Thompson race to the ring and shoved Hawkins from the top rope, sending Wolf crashing to the merciless mat. Hawkins was hurt and groggy, which made it easy Cornell to roll up Hawkins from behind. With a handful of tights, Cornell sealed the win and the tournament victory! (79)


Your Winner and 2014 Tournament of Champions, TOMMY CORNELL!


The show came to an end as Joss Thompson grabbed the Tournament of Champions trophy from ringside and handed it to his mentor. The Diamond Cutters soon joined the celebrate, as Cornell’s 3 hoodlums raised him onto their shoulders as Tommy raised the trophy high. (91)


Thank you for joining us tonight! Tune in next time, cause you don’t want to miss the greatest action in the world, and you can only find it in T…C…W!


PPV Overall Score: 87

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