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TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 1 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Oregon Gardens (North West)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Welcome everyone to Total Wrestling! It’s time to rebound from Where Angels Fear to Tread, and what a historic night that was! It was an amazing event to start the Journey to Mayhem!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Well if you thought Where Angels Fear to Tread was great, just wait for tonight’s Main Event. Off a huge win last Sunday, Supremacy’s leader Matthew Keith gets a chance of a lifetime. Keith will face STILL World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell in a Non-Title Match. The word is, though, if Keith pulls out the win tonight? He will receive a future World Heavyweight Title Shot!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> But for now, let’s hand it over to our colleague DJ Britton, who is currently standing by in the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene changes to in the ring, to DJ Britton, who stands by with a mic.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>DJ Britton:</strong></em><em> Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight’s opening contest will be a Triple Threat Match, where the winner will challenge Jack DeColt for the TCW United States Championship in one week, right here, on TCW Presents Total Wrestling! Allow me to introduce the first participant, who is Total Wrestling’s newest roster member due to this month’s random trade! Without future to do….</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Britton gestures to the curtains. Seconds later, “Millions of Dollars” begins to play, and that can only be one man. The Pimp of TCW, Danny B Bling, struts onto the scene. Despite no longer being a member of The Cage Estate on Saturday Night Showcase, Bling struts and grins down to the ring. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Roger Cage just lost his right hand man in his Cage Estate faction over there on SNS, but Total Wrestling just gained one of the toughest veterans in the game today!</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> defeated <strong>Darryl Devine & Danny B Bling</strong> in a Triple Threat Match. The finish came when Bach hit Devine with his patented Shooting Star Press.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> A huge win for Samuel Bach, and you know what that means. The feud between Samuel & Jack DeColt continues! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Next week on Total Wrestling, for the third time in recent memory, Jack DeColt & Samuel Bach will go to war over the TCW United States Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Tag Team Champions <strong>Supremacy ( Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith)</strong> soundly defeated <strong>El Mitico & Felipe Callabero</strong> by Pinfall. The finish came when Vessey crushed Mitico with the Vessey Driver. (Non-Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, the ring announcer introduces the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell. To a roaring crowd, TCW’s Owner makes his way down to the ring, quite gingerly after a brutal war with Rocky Golden last Sunday. Nevertheless, Cornell still carries the gold as he takes hold of a mic.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cornell:</strong></em><em> At Where Angels Fear to Tread, I proved that it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. I was written off virtually everyone, no offence to you people, but you know it’s true. Hell, even Vegas gave me terrible odds! But, just like I have for eighteen years in this business, I have persevered when success seemed unlikely. On Sunday Night, I slayed a Giant, and dammit I feel great about it right now!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd approves, and Cornell gives them time to cheer.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cornell:</strong></em><em> Now, I’m sure everyone wants to know what I think about what occurred after the match, when Joss Thompson came down to the ring carrying his Ticket to Mayhem Contest. The fact of the matter is-…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell is interrupted by the sound of the Syndicate’s theme! The crowd explodes with boos as a flood of black suits appear on the entrance way, led by Joss Thompson, who is carrying the very contract Cornell just mentioned. As the entire group lines up on the entrance way, Rocky Golden steps forward with a mic in hand.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Golden:</strong></em><em> For a man that says he’s a proud fighter, you should be ashamed of how you won Sunday! The way you used that duct tape to lock me around that post proved that you’re scared of me, Tommy! You don’t have what it takes to face me man to man. In fact, I can come down there right now-…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Golden is interrupted, as Joss Thompson snatches the microphone right out of his hands! Golden looks stunned, not expecting that at all. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Thompson:</strong></em><em> YOU DON’T GET TO SPEAK AFTER SUNDAY NIGHT!!! We worked our asses off to set you up for that win, and you BLEW IT!!! So as of right now, this isn’t our Syndicate, IT’S MINE!! I’m the leader, and you’re going to listen to me!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Rocky Golden becomes furious and steps forward on Joss Thompson. But as he does, both Samuel Bach & Brandon Smith surround him from the side. Golden thinks twice about his actions.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Thompson:</strong></em><em> That’s right, big man. The boys agree with me. And if you want this handicap fight, then you better know that this won’t be one of those pansy handicap fights you do with a bunch of jobbers. It is time that you know your place. You’re destined for greatness, but only when I say you can have it! Now fall…in…line!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After much thought over it, looking back and forth at his colleagues, Rocky Golden reluctantly stands back in line with the rest of The Syndicate. Standing before his group, Thompson turns towards Cornell and faces his mentor.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Thompson:</strong></em><em> Let’s face it, Tommy. This is how it’s supposed to be. It’s poetic. There couldn’t be a bigger main event possible for Total Mayhem than what I put on the table. Tommy Cornell versus Joss Thompson. TCW World Heavyweight Championship. I would ask you if you’re okay with it…but you have no choice now that I hold the Ticket to Mayhem Contract. But let me say this, Tommy. I didn’t win this contract just to lose at Total Mayhem. I will be the one who takes you down and takes that championship away from you. There comes a time when the Student surpasses the Teacher. Look at what I have built, my version of The Syndicate. It surpasses any version of yours, Tommy. And now, I’m going to surpass you as the greatest wrestler in the world today. Let’s face it, Tommy, that’s how this story is going to end.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After taking it all in, Tommy Cornell lifts his mic to his lips.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cornell:</strong></em><em> Boy…we’re going to fight at Total Mayhem, and if you’re man enough, we’re going to do it one on one with no interference. And you’re right, this is how it’s surpassed to be. It’s as good as an A-Class Hollywood Movie Script. But here you go, expecting the happy ending. Here’s my final lesson for you, Joss. There are no such things as happy endings. Just ask your Giant Goon over there. You have it all planned out, and its worked out pretty well for you. But you won’t be getting your happy ending. Just remember, Joss. I taught you everything you know. I didn’t teach everything I know!</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> defeated <strong>Joel Bryant</strong> via submission with The Rack.</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> soundly defeated <strong>Stevie Grayson</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene changes backstage to Devine Intervention. Steve & Darryl chat away in the backstage hallway when they are approached by the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Supremacy’s Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Keith:</strong></em><em> It’s a shame about Sunday Night. Ya know, not everyone can be champion. It’s just sad that you couldn’t get the job in your title rematch.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>D Devine:</strong></em><em> You hear that, Steve? These kiddies are actually happy with a count out loss! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>S Devine:</strong></em><em> What do you expect? They don’t care about what people think, as long as they have the titles.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Vessey:</strong></em><em> You know, you guys can say whatever you want. All I know is that we beat you when we needed to, when we became the Tag Team Champions. You can have a problem with the way the match went Sunday night, we’re still going to get the bigger paycheck because we have the gold.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>S Devine:</strong></em><em> Well, enjoy those paychecks, guys, because we just got done speaking to Tommy Cornell, and he doesn’t agree with how you feel. In fact, Tommy is giving us another rematch for those Tag Team Titles, and we’re going to get that title shot at Total Mayhem XIX.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Supremacy is stunned by the news, as the Devines walk away. Darryl takes the time though to pat Greg Keith on the shoulder.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>D Devine:</strong></em><em> See ya then, champs!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a very entertaining match, <strong>Koshiro Ino</strong> defeated <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> by Pinfall. The finish came when Ino connected with the Kobra’s Bite. </p><p> </p><p>

In a very close tag team bout, <strong>Riot Act</strong> defeated <strong>The Canadian Animals</strong> by Pinfall. The finish came when Fonzarelli & Garner came together and hit Freddy Huggins with the Skyscraper Drop. After the match, Fonzarelli & Garner stormed over to the announce table and said something to the announcers.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Ladies and Gentlemen, in case you didn’t hear that, Riot Act has just challenged the World Tag Team Champions to a match next week on Total Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> They’re trying to cash in on their big victory tonight. We’ll just have to see if Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith step up to the plate next week!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tommy Cornell is showed in his office backstage, preparing for the main event. There is a knock at the door. Jack DeColt walks in, carrying his United States Title.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>DeColt:</strong></em><em> You wanted to see me?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cornell:</strong></em><em> Yes. I got off the phone with the TCW Board a few moments ago, and they wanted something made up for Total Mayhem XIX. They want to invoke some competition between the two brands at the big show. So, I came up with the idea that the midcard champions for both brands face off. Think about it, the United States Champion versus the International Champion! The titles won’t be on the line, but there will be major bragging rights. So I just wanted to get you ready, because if you get past Samuel Bach next week, then it’s going to be you versus Jay Chord in four weeks at Total Mayhem. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>DeColt:</strong></em><em> Sounds like a plan.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cornell:</strong></em><em> Glad you like it. And remember, you’re representing me….so don’t screw up!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In an epic Match of the Year candidate, TCW World Heavyweight Champion <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> defeated Supremacy Leader <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> by Disqualification. Just as Cornell was attempting to lock Keith in the Guilt Trip, fellow Supremacy members Greg Keith & Cameron Vessey raced to the ring and assaulted Cornell. Referee Terakado had no choice but to throw the match out. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The 3 on 1 Beatdown begins on Cornell, as the Supremacy goes to work. The crowd, though erupts, as Steven Parker comes racing down to the ring. The odds are even just a little better, and that’s all that is needed. When the going gets tough, Matthew Keith flees the ring, leaving his goons to pick up the slack. At the same time, Cornell & Parker clothesline Vessey & Greg Keith right out of the ring, leaving themselves looking victorious in the ring! The crowd approves very much.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Ya know, for a guy who doesn’t like Tommy Cornell, this is the second time in the last month Steven Parker has saved Tommy from a beatdown!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> I don’t think it’s about who likes who, I think it’s about what’s right. Parker saw that the 3 on 1 attack happening and wasn’t going to let that stand.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Out of respect, Tommy Cornell offers a handshake to Steven Parker. Showing his distrust still for Cornell, Parker shakes his head and instead just nudges Cornell’s shoulder with his fist. That seems to be enough for Cornell. It is that time though Cornell looks up at the entrance way. There standing, watching the entire situation, is none other than Joss Thompson (with Krissy Angelle on his arm). With a little smirk, Thompson offers a golf clap to his Mentor, then turns around and takes his leave.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> I don’t know if that was supposed to be mind games, but I’ll say this. Even though he’s going up against the best wrestler in the world, Joss Thompson is oozing confidence.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> He believes this is his time. He has that contract, and he sees himself destined to dethrone Tommy Cornell. We’ll just have to see what happens in four weeks!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight on Total Wrestling! Make sure you join us next week, because you won’t want to miss a huge United States Championship Match, and who knows where this Cornell-Thompson saga will go in the oncoming weeks!</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 1 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Hunstville Fairgrounds (South East)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Welcome Everyone to TCW’s No Divas Allowed! Last week, Sara Marie York successfully defended her Women’s Championship against both members of The A-List. Despite her success, York was left beaten in the ring as NDA went off air, due to the post match assault by Demelza Wade.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venus Angeletti:</strong> These feud between Sara Marie York & Demelza Wade has been extremely hot, and it seems to be far from over. I’m sure we’ll hear more from both of these women tonight on No Divas Allowed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Crockett:</strong> Well…speaking of which, we might not have to wait long to hear from the A-List….</p><p> </p><p>

With a little help from fellow A-Lister Demelza Wade, <strong>Nadia Snow</strong> defeated <strong>Suzanne Brazzle</strong> by Pinfall. Wade distracted Brazzle, allowing Snow to hit the Snow Ball for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Following her partner’s victory, Demelza Wade struts her way into the ring with a mic in hand.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Wade:</strong></em><em> Last week, we saw the biggest fluke in the history of Total Championship Wrestling. With the luck of a Leprechaun, Sara Marie York is still the TCW Women’s Champion. And sadly, with her defeat, my partner here Nadia Snow is currently out of title contention. BUT…I am not! Sara, you never defeated me. Not last week, not ever! You might have won the match last week, but I proved just who the toughest woman is, who the best woman in TCW is when I left you battered and beaten right here in this ring. So, with that said, I officially challenge Sara Marie York to a rematch for the TCW Women’s Championship! So Sara, what do you say? What do you think-…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Demelza Wade is interrupted by exactly who she wants. The crowd cheers as Sara Marie York appears with her championship belt resting on her shoulder. York paces back and forth on the entrance way while shaking the microphone in her hand. York finally stops pacing and raises the mic to her mouth….only to drop it! Instead of reply, York throws her championship belt down and starts to march down to the ring!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Crockett:</strong> Uh Oh! It looks like Sara isn’t in the mood for talking!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The A-List prepare for a fight as York nears the ring. She removes her jewelry in the process. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“HEY SARA! STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

York stops in her tracks to the sound of her name. She turns around to see NDA’s General Manager Melanie Florence rushing onto the entrance way.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Florence:</strong></em><em> I understand your desire to fight, especially after what Demelza Wade did last week. But this is not the time to fight. But it is the place, if you catch my drift! As for you Demelza, you can tell the story however you want. The fact is both you and Nadia Snow lost in your title match last week. But tonight, you’re going to get a chance to earn another shot. Because tonight? For the first time ever, the #1 Contender for the TCW Women’s Championship will be decided in a Six Women’s Tag Team Match. On one side, Sara Marie York will team up with Grace Harper & Tracy Brendon. And their opponents will be none other than Demelza Wade & The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions, The B.I.T.C.H. Squad. Whichever woman earns the fall in the match will challenge Sara Marie York for the Women’s Championship in 3 weeks, right here on No Divas Allowed. But…let’s say Sara Marie York wins the Six Women’s Tag. Well…she can’t be the #1 Contender for her own title. So if Sara wins, in three weeks, she will face Demelza Wade in a match of her choosing! Oh…and Demelza? Just so you know? The Women’s Title won’t be on the line! Good luck, Ladies!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">#1 Contendership Match for the TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Winners Face The B.I.T.C.H. Squad on No Divas Allowed in 2 Weeks!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace</strong> defeated <strong>Missy Masterson & Zoe Ammis</strong> by Pinfall. The finish came when Cacace hit Ammis with the Ballerina Boiler. Sweetheart & Cacace get the Tag Team Title Shot!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sweetheart & Cacace celebrate their big win in the ring, but unfortunately for them, they’re interrupted by the B.I.T.C.H. Squad, who appear on the titantron with their Tag Team Gold.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jaime Quinne:</strong></em><em> Congratulations Ladies, you’ve just earned the biggest victory of your careers. I mean, Danielle, let’s think about it, you’ve been the talk of the town since you defeated me last week. I mean, I’m pretty sure it was your first win here in TCW, definitely your first meaningful win…but still!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Cherry Bomb:</strong></em><em> What my partner here is saying is Enjoy Your Fifteen Minutes, Ladies! Trust me, that is all you’re going to get. You got your big win, but now you’re going up against the big leagues. You’re going to face the best Women’s Tag Team in the World today. And by the looks of you two? You are in way over your heads! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jaime Quinne:</strong></em><em> See ya soon, Girls!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alina America</strong> defeated <strong>Tamara McFly</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Southern Lights Bomb. </p><p> </p><p>

<em> The scene changes to backstage, and surprisingly, Tracy Brendon is chatting it up with TCW Manager with Queen Persephone. We can’t hear what they’re talking about, but the two are chatting and giggling away. Persephone sees Grace Harper over Brendon’s shoulder, and she takes her leave. Brendon doesn’t look too happy to see Harper.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Harper:</strong></em><em> So you’ll talk to a witch like Persephone, but you won’t answer my calls?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Brendon:</strong></em><em> What do you want, Grace?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Harper:</strong></em><em> I want to know if I’m on the same page as my tag team partner. This is a big match for both of us, one of us could leave as the #1 Contender to the Women’s Title if we play our cards right.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Brendon:</strong></em><em> Grace, just because we’ve tagged a lot in the past doesn’t mean I am obligated to talk to you every day of my life. In fact, I think it’s time we discussed going solo.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Harper:</strong></em><em> What are you saying?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Brendon:</strong></em><em> What I’m saying is that I’ve spent my entire career teaming with my sister Michelle all over the world. I think it’s time I start thinking about myself. But ya know what? You’re right. For now, we should be focused on this Six Women’s Tag. A lot is on the line. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Harper:</strong></em><em> Okay, good. Let’s do that. And I guess we’ll talk about everything else later….</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

#1 Contendership for the TCW Women’s Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

A-Lister <strong>Demelza Wade</strong> & The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions <strong>The B.I.T.C.H. Squad</strong> defeated TCW Women’s Champion <strong>Sara Marie York, Grace Harper, & Tracy Brendon</strong> by Pinfall. Yet another miscommunication by Harper & Brendon. This time, when Harper went to body slam Wade, Brendon was accidentally hit in the face hard by Wade’s boot. With such a distraction, Wade was able to hit Harper with the Wade to Black for the victory! Demelza Wade is the #1 Contender to the TCW Women’s Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Demelza Wade quickly scrambles out of the ring after spotting Sara Marie York coming after her. As she hurries backwards up the entrance way, Wade points and laughs at York and all her anger and frustration.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venus Angeletti:</strong> Demelza has beaten all the odds, and she will get the title shot she rightfully deserves! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Crockett:</strong> I don’t know if she deserved it before, but now she is unquestionably the #1 Contender to York’s gold, now. For the sake of our entertainment, York & Wade will go to battle once more!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sara Marie York’s attention is taken away when she hears Tracy Brendon screaming at Grace Harper. Harper is barely conscious to notice, but Brendon stands over Harper, blaming her for the loss. Sara Marie York shoves Brendon away while asking her what her problem is. Steaming, Tracy Brendon offers no response, but instead storms out of the ring. As York checks on Harper, she is forced to look up at the entrance way, where Demelza Wade poses with a huge smirk on her face.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawk Doakes:</strong> Folks, as the team of Grace Harper & Tracy Brendon continues to implode, we have found out Main Event for No Divas Allowed, 3 Days before the Biggest Show of the Year! Sara Marie York & Demelza Wade will go to war one more time over the TCW Women’s Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venus Angeletti:</strong> Ladies and Gents! You won’t want to miss it!</p>

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase

May – Week 1 – 2015

The Dust Bowl (South East)


Shawn Doakes: We are officially 22 days from the biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem XIX! Welcome to Saturday Night Showcase!


Jennifer Heat: And folks, we have to be honest, we have no idea what’s going on tonight. Why? Because Ricky Dale Johnson has told nobody anything! He has a huge announcement involving SNS & Total Mayhem, and he plans on revealing it tonight!


DJ Britton: But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a tons of action-….


The Announcers are interrupted by a sadistic laughter echoing throughout the arena, and it can only belong to one man! The crowd gets to their feet as Eddie Peak’s music hits the PA, and through the darkness appears the Legends Championship as he carries the gold in his hand. Peak heads to the ring and demands a mic.


Peak: According to Little Girl, I wasn’t supposed to appear here tonight still as the Legends Champion.


Peak raises his Legends Title up to face level.


Peak: Sorry, Little Girl, you were sorely mistaken. And, as I said Sunday night, that saga is now over…


Peak puts the mic down, thus allowing himself to remove his bloody dog collar. The same one that John Anderson assaulted him with numerous times, the same one that Peak desired to wear even though it was covered in his own blood. Peak throws the dog collar out of the ring.


Peak: Little Girl, you have been a wonderful dance partner. But sadly, the music has stopped, and our slow dance must come to a halt. As tightly as you held me…it’s time to let go. I am done with you, and I am done with whatever chunk of meat you try to put up against me. I have one object holding my attention now, and it is Total Mayhem. Last year, I had the World Heavyweight Championship stolen from me in the Main Event. This year, I will main event Total Mayhem once again, and I will remake the past. Our oh so wonderful General Manager plans on coming out here to make a big announcement tonight. There is no doubt in my mind that it has to do with my Legends Title and Total Mayhem. Mark my words…there is nothing that will stop me from walking out of Total Mayhem as the Legends Champion. There is no hell, there is no corruption that will take this championship gold from my grasp. But RDJ, whatever you do…what you have planned in that corrupted mind of yours…do me a favor. Make sure I can have my fun. Because…as everyone knows….you can’t have Total Mayhem…without the King of the Insane Asylum! Haha…HaHa…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! In three weeks….WELCOME TO MY PLAYGROUND!!!!


In a very fun opening contest, Eddie Peak defeated New Wave’s Guide via Submission after locking in the Straight Jacket. (Non-Title)


Endangered Species’ Masked Cougar defeated Enforcer Roberts by Pinfall after connecting with the Cougar Pounce.


The arena quickly fills with boos as the music of Ricky Dale Johnson hits. The SNS General Manager makes his way onto the scene, and as usual is showing off a well pressed suit. RDJ heads to the ring and takes to the mic, and talks through boos and nasty chants.


RDJ: I promised a huge announcement tonight, and I plan on delivering. I have had about as many matches at Total Mayhem as any man has. I was a part of quite possibly the biggest Main Event in Total Mayhem history, when Joey Minnesota and I defeated the original Syndicate and forced the group to disband. As a veteran…as a LEGEND of this sport, I recognize just how important Total Mayhem is to the industry. That is why I promise that I, as the General Manager of Saturday Night Showcase, will offer up the best action at this year’s show. Therefore, I hereby announce…for the first time in Total Mayhem history, there is will be a 6 Man Chamber Match, and it will be for the TCW Legends Championship. Just picture, Eddie Peak, the King of the Insane Asylum! Defending his title in the Chamber Match! Nothing has sounded more perfect! In the next two weeks, we will have five qualifying matches to find out who Eddie Peak’s challengers are. Three tonight, two next week. Next week, in the Main Event, it will be Joey Minnesota taking on Benny Benson, while John Anderson faces off with Randy Bumfhole. But tonight, I have three blockbuster qualifying matches for each and every TCW fan. In the Main Event, it will be Aaron Andrews taking on Rick Law. Later on tonight, it will be Greg Black going up against Roger Cage. But right now? We are going to kick off the qualifying matches the right way. It will be the veteran Scout, the 3 Time TCW Tag Team Champion, taking on none other than Wol-Who other than the newest member of the SNS Roster! Straight from Total Wrestling via this month’s random trade, I give to you….MIKEY JAMES!


Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier


Mikey James defeated New Wave’s Scout by Pinfall after hitting the Scything Side Kick. Mikey James is the 2nd Member of the Legends Championship Chamber Match!


Mikey James begins to celebrate his victory, when his focus turns to an older fellow standing at the edge of the rampway. The man stands there in a suit, his hands on his hips as he stares at Mikey James. The smile on Mikey James’ face quickly goes away.


Jennifer Heat: Who is that man?


Shawn Doakes: I believe…yes! That man is Munenori Umari, formerly of World Level Wrestling! TCW took over his contract when they bought out WLW, but this is the first time we’ve seen him!


Suddenly, Mikey James turns around and rushes Scout and begins to stomp his fallen opponent. Referee Sparrow tries to stomp him, but Mikey throws him aside. Mikey drags Scout up to his knees, then knocks Scout out cold with a Super Kick! Mikey James rolls out of the ring and slowly approaches Munenori Umari. After staring at him for a moment, Mikey bows to Umari! Umari acknowledges the respect with a gentle nod. Umari turns and walks out of the ring with Mikey James following him.


DJ Britton: What…what in the hell just happened?


Shawn Doakes: It would appear that Mikey James & Munenori Umari have some type of history.


Jennifer Heat: However they’re connected, we have never seen such an aggressive Mikey James. He looked like a completely different man.


#1 Contendership Match for the TCW US Tag Team Championship

4 Aces’ Destiny’s Finest defeated The Fro & Luau Connection, Sweet Sensations, & Cage Estate’s Texas Buffalo in a 4 Way Tag Team Contest. Texas Buffalo were the first to go when Fro & Luau hit Texas Pete with the Giant Hairball. Fro & Luau, though, were next to go, after Spencer Spade hit Clark Alexander with the Supreme Stunner. Finally, with two teams left, Sweet Sensations were eliminated when Destiny’s Finest hit Randy Bumfhole with the Early Retirement.


Shawn Doakes: What a huge win by Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade! They head to Total Mayhem XIX to challenge High Concept for the TCW US Tag Team Championship!


DJ Britton: And what a matchup that is! It will be the best tag team today versus the future of this business! The Best versus The Future! I can’t wait!


Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by Down With Authority’s Wolf Hawkins.


Bambino: Wolf Hawkins, earlier tonight, Ricky Dale Johnson announced the Legends Championship Chamber Match at Total Mayhem XIX. Of all the qualifying participants, everyone noticed that you were not one of them. Your thoughts?


Hawkins: My thoughts? Well I sure as hell ain’t shocked. RDJ made up his own special match, and he can do whatever he wants with it. Of course he would keep me out, the last thing he wants is me wearing that Legends Championship on his show. But don’t think I didn’t notice that two of his own boys are in qualifying matches. In fact, Aaron Andrews is in the Main Event tonight. Ya know what Lee? Aaron Andrews & Rick Law sounds like a fun match. It has a chance to be legendary. I think I might take a closer look…


Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier

Cage Estate Leader Roger Cage defeated TCW US Tag Team Champion Greg Black by Pinfall. Cage reversed Black’s Victory Roll and caught Greg’s shoulders on the mat for a 3 Count. He did it…of course…with a handful of tights! Roger Cage is now the 3rd Member of the Legends Championship Chamber Match!


Gino Montero defeated Chance Fortune by Pinfall after connecting with the Montero Press.


Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with a smirking Aaron “Ace” Andrews.


Bambino: Aaron Andrews, up next, you will face Rick Law in a Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier. But first, can I get your thoughts on the obvious exclusion of Wolf Hawkins in the qualifying matches?


Andrews: Oh boo hoo, Wolf Hawkins doesn’t get his millionth opportunity at the Legends Championship. What a freakin’ shame. How about some more deserving people get a chance? Why not a guy like Randy Bumfhole or Roger Cage? Wolf Hawkins had his chances to become Legends Champion…to become World Heavyweight Champion, and he blew every single one of them. Now that is the difference between me and Wolf. I take advantage of every opportunity given to me. That is why I will defeat Rick Law, and I will go on to headline Total Mayhem and become the new Legends Champion. Hey Wolf! Look closely, you can see tonight how a real champion works!


Tonight’s Main Event


Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier

Rick Law defeated 4 Aces’ Aaron Andrews by Pinfall. During the match, fellow 4 Aces member Joey Minnesota made an appearance, and hit Law with his own Night Stick while Andrews had Referee Sparrow distracted. This led to Wolf Hawkins rushing out into the arena and brawling with Minnesota at ringside! Hawkins’ appearance caused enough of a distraction for Andrews that it allowed Law the opportunity to hit the Strong Arm of the Law and get the 3 Count! Rick Law is the 4th Member of the Legends Championship Chamber Match!


As Andrews & Minnesota retreat up the entrance way, Wolf Hawkins joins Rick Law in the ring. Much to the delight of the crowd, Hawkins raises Law’s arm, declaring him the victor. Andrews & Minnesota detest the sight, and swear revenge as they backtrack up the ramp.


Jennifer Heat: Ricky Dale Johnson thought he had it all planned out. He was going to have his prized pupil in the Chamber Match, and Wolf Hawkins would have nothing to do it. Well, Wolf Hawkins just ruined all that!


Shawn Doakes: Wolf Hawkins might not be challenging for the Legends Championship at Total Mayhem, but because of Hawkins, neither will Aaron Andrews!


DJ Britton: Well, Wolf is all smiles right now, but undoubtedly, there will be repercussions for his actions. RDJ will see to it!


Jennifer Heat: And let’s not forget, Rick Law is now in the Chamber Match! Just imagine the destruction that TCW’s Law Enforcer can do in that structure!


DJ Britton: Forget that, can he even fit in one of those pods?


SNS comes to a close as the two faces continue to celebrate in the ring. Rick Law raises his Nightstick high as he stands on the second turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Hawkins hears all of 4 Aces’ threats, and in mockery fashion all he offers back is a smirk and a shrug of the shoulders.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 2 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

McGaw Arena (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> We are officially less than 3 weeks away from Total Mayhem XIX, the biggest show of the year! But tonight, we focus on the upcoming stars of Total Championship Wrestling. Welcome to the Proving Grounds!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melanie Florence:</strong> We have a stacked lineup. We plan on hearing from the leader of Supremacy, Matthew Keith. Both members of Destiny’s Finest will be in singles competition. But to top it all off, in the Main Event, the big fan favorite Fro Sure will go one on one with the Pimp of TCW, Danny B Bling! It’s going to be one colorful Main Event!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Ditterich:</strong> We got a ton of action before we get to the Main Event, so let’s head to the ring to kick it off!</p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> defeated <strong>Randy Bumfhole</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Supreme Stunner. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> defeated The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> by Pinfall. It looked like the Bulldozer had everything going his way as he tormented the smaller Montero. But when Smith went for the finish with the Bulldozer Powerbomb, Montero reversed his way out of way into a Roll Up! 1,2,3! Montero leaves with the shocking underdog win, and no one was more shocked than Brandon Smith! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Destiny’s Finest & Venus Angeletti.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Bambino:</strong></em><em> Spencer Spade, earlier we saw you get a big victory in the opening contest, and Kirk Jameson, you will be competing very shortly. But, I wanted to ask you two for your thoughts about your win last week on Saturday Night Showcase, which gave you the right to challenge High Concept for the US Tag Team Championship at Total Mayhem XIX.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Spade:</strong></em><em> Since Day One when we stepped into the doors of Total Championship Wrestling, we told the world that we are the next big things. If you think we are just full of hot air, all you have to do is look at our records. We have consistently and repeatedly defeated every warm body that has been put before us. Everyone keeps waiting for us to hit our ceiling, and we continue to smash through that ceiling over and over.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jameson:</strong></em><em> People call High Concept the best tag team in the world today, and ya know what? That’s fine. But eventually, the torch has to be passed, whether it is willingly or forcefully. Benny Benson & Greg Black have kept our seats warm, but it is now time for Destiny’s Finest to take their throne. At Total Mayhem, you will all see history. You will witness the first of many TCW Championships of Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade. You might look at this match as our biggest opportunity. We look at it as our first of many.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Canadian Animal <strong>Edd Stone</strong> defeated Riot Act’s <strong>Buddy Garner</strong> by Pinfall. Garner tried to lock on the Garner Tendon Hold, but found himself distracted by Laura Huggins, who had climbed onto the apron. This offered Stone the chance to break free and eventually hit the Party’s Over for the 3 Count.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Ditterich:</strong> A huge win by Edd Stone, as this feud between The Canadian Animals & Riot Act continues to heat up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melanie Florence:</strong> Both teams think they’re worthy of a title shot against Greg Keith & Cameron Vessey. Riot Act has been granted a Non-Title Match against the champs on Total Wrestling, but it looks like the Animals are making a case for their own opportunity!</p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Kirk Jameson</strong> defeated <strong>Darryl Devine</strong> by Submission after locking in the Kirk-Hold. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene changes backstage to the face of Supremacy leader Matthew Keith, who doesn’t seem to be in a very happy mood.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Keith:</strong></em><em> Once again, someone gets in the way of the progress Supremacy is making. Last week on Total Wrestling, we were set to make the ultimate statement. We had Tommy Cornell dead to rights, smack dab in the middle of the ring. But once again, someone sticks their nose where it doesn’t belong. This just proves once again the resentment that the entire roster has for Supremacy. They recognize the greatness that awaits us, and they can’t help themselves from being absolutely jealous. Steven Parker, you say you can’t stand Tommy Cornell, yet you trail him around like a dog following its owner around for a treat. What business did you have coming down to the ring, Steven? None. Absolutely none! And now? You must learn why it is a poor decision to mess with Supremacy. A stupid decision! I’m going to give you a warning, Steven, just because I’m a nice guy. You will not walk out of Total Wrestling in two nights. And that’s not just a warning….that’s a promise!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> defeated <strong>Danny B Bling</strong> by Pinfall. After brawling on the top turnbuckle, Fro finally knocked Bling off and sent him crashing to the mat. This set Fro up to fly off the top rope and hit the Fro-Get ‘Bout It! 1,2,3, We got a winner!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Ditterich:</strong> What a win by Fro Sure! Nobody can survive when Fro Sure flies through the air and comes crashing down with that huge Fro!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Fro Sure starts to celebrate in the ring, much to the crowd’s delight. But he stops when he sees a frustrated Danny B Bling struggling to his feet. Showing a sign of sportsmanship, Fro steps forward and offers a handshake to Bling. Bling laughs the handshake off and is about to walk off, but then he stops. Bling comes back and shakes Fro’s hand quickly before breaking away and exiting the ring!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Wow! I never would think I’d see Danny B Bling shaking his opponent’s hand after a match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melanie Florence:</strong> Surely, no longer being a member of the Cage Estate has helped Danny in the sportsmanship category!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> That’s it, folks! Thank you for joining us tonight on The Proving Grounds. Be sure to check back in two nights with Total Wrestling, as the journey to Total Mayhem continues!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Fro Sure dances away as Proving Grounds comes to close. The lights go out and the disco ball drops, allowing the Fro Man to really get his groove on.</em></p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

May – Week 2 – 2015

Plum Park (Tri State)


Shawn Doakes: Welcome everyone to TCW Presents Total Wrestling! What a loaded lineup we have for you tonight! In the Main Event, we have an exciting tag team contest. Representing The Syndicate, Joss Thompson & Rocky Golden will do battle with the former World Tag Team Champions, Devine Intervention!


Jennifer Heat: And if that isn’t enough, earlier this week, I sat down with the man who will challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at Total Mayhem XIX. That’s right, me and Joss Thompson went one on one, and you will see the entire interview tonight!


DJ Britton: But right now, we are going to kick off Total Wrestling the best way possible. The TCW United States Championship is on the line in our opening contest!


TCW United States Championship

The Syndicate’s Samuel Bach defeated Jack DeColt via Pinfall. In their third encounter, it was just as close as before. As the match neared its ending, DeColt threw Bach back into the ring after brawling at ringside. Vita climbed onto the apron and distracted Referee Terakado as Rocky Golden appeared at ringside and blindsided DeColt. Golden threw DeColt back into the ring, making it quite easy for Bach to climb to the top rope and hit the Shooting Star Press! 1,2,3, and Samuel Bach is the NEW TCW United States Champion!!!


Shawn Doakes: The Syndicate does it again! How could they possibly be proud of that victory? This was a great back and forth matchup until Rocky Golden got involved!


DJ Britton: Shawn, when are you going to learn? For the Syndicate, all that matters is the victory, and no victory matters more than one that brings home a championship! Ladies and Gentlemen, your new United States Champion, Samuel Bach!


Koshiro Ino absolutely dominated El Miticio & Felipe Callabero in a 2 on 1 Handicap Match. Ino put them out of their misery after hitting Callabero with the Kobra’s Bite for the Pinfall.


The words “Earlier This Week” pop up on the screen as Jennifer Heat is shown sitting in a office room.


Heat: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you the man who will challenge Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at Total Mayhem XIX, Mr. Joss Thompson. Thompson, how are you today?


Thompson: I’m fine, just counting down the days.


Heat: Total Mayhem is most certainly nearing. We asked for this interview to go more in depth as we near one of the biggest main events in Total Mayhem history. Let’s start with the question that has never been fully answered. Why did you betray Tommy Cornell and take over The Syndicate?


Thompson: Jennifer, it goes much deep than that. This isn’t even just about Tommy and me. It’s about Wolf Hawkins as well. Tommy handpicked Wolf as the future of Total Championship Wrestling. He trained him, he groomed him. But most of all, Tommy prepared himself to take all the credit for all the success that Wolf Hawkins ever had in the wrestling business. He wanted to ensure that when you saw Wolf Hawkins carrying the World Title that he had everything to do with it, that you saw Tommy as well. But Tommy soon realized that Wolf was becoming his own man. Wolf wasn’t going to let him take all the credit. So when Tommy realized he couldn’t control Wolf, he kicked him to the curb. So what did Tommy do? He found another specimen, and that’s when I come into this story. Tommy did for me what he did for Wolf. He took me out of Europe and groomed me to become the future of this industry. If the early part of my tale sounds a whole lot like Wolf’s, it’s because it is, and Tommy is to thank for that. But…this is where my story takes its own route. I saw what happened between Tommy & Wolf. I was here for most of it. Like Wolf, I wasn’t going to win a ton of championships and let Tommy claim credit. But unlike Wolf, I wasn’t just going to sit idly by until Tommy kicked me to the curb. I took the initiative.


Heat: And that’s when you decided to betray Tommy Cornell and take over The Syndicate?


Thompson: Betray is such a harsh word. I took advantage of an opportunity. Tommy was the one who taught me that, so if anyone is to blame for my actions, it’s Tommy. I am merely following his teachings. I have been merely molded into the man that he wanted me to be. But that’s not all. It’s not my entire reason. Over time I could tell that Tommy was losing his ruthlessness. He wasn’t the same man he was when I first met him. Perhaps age humbled him, I don’t know. All I know is that I saved The Syndicate from Cornell’s change of character. The Syndicate was going to crumble like Rome under Tommy, and I just couldn’t allow that. It’s too precious. It has too much meaning. And now? Under my power? It is more dominant than it has ever been.


Heat: So what now? What happens when you decide to groom a predecessor? What if Brandon Smith or Samuel Bach wants to strive to be a World Champion?


Thompson: It’s simple, even though you might not believe it to be true. My ego isn’t as huge as Tommy’s. That’s why I gave Rocky Golden the chance to reign with me as a team at the top of the Syndicate. But Rocky failed. He forced me to take full control of the group. Samuel & Brandon can do whatever they wish, as long as it doesn’t harm other Syndicate members. Their success gives me pride, not jealousy.


Heat: Tommy Cornell claims he taught you everything you know, but not everything he knows. What do you say to that?


Thompson: It’s a cute expression, said by many mentors about their pupils. It’s a paper threat by Tommy which means absolutely nothing to me. I am my own man. Tommy might have taught me a lot, but I teach myself a little something everytime I step into the ring. Every time I wrestle, I inch closer to the legend I was born to become.


Heat: Two years ago, Wolf Hawkins failed to beat Tommy Cornell at Total Mayhem XVII. How will your match with Tommy be different?


Thompson: I’m better than Wolf. It is as simple as that. I...am…better...


Heat: Give me one good reason why you will defeat Tommy Cornell at Total Mayhem. A reason for everyone to believe.


Thompson: Have I not given enough? Both here and the last few months? Okay, here’s one. He’s due. When he steps into the ring to face me in two and a half weeks, it will be exactly one year since he won his current championship. That is a long time in today’s wrestling industry, you just don’t see that anymore just because of the amount and the level of competition. Time itself says it’s time for Tommy to lose. Is that a cute enough answer?


Heat: I didn’t mean no offense, I was just-…


Thompson: No wait, I got a simpler answer for you. One that everyone can understand. The Clean Cutter. Yeah, my finisher is a good enough reason for why I will defeat Tommy. When his jaw smashes off my shoulder, he will be3 unable to react to the referee’s three count. 1,2,3. Ring the bell. It’s over.


Heat: Joss, thank you for the time. Have you any last words for the fans or Tommy Cornell?


Thompson: For the fans? Hah, sure. Tommy Cornell…is Dr. Frankenstein, and I am his monster. I am his worst nightmare. I will do what so many men tried to do and failed. I will end…Tommy Cornell. And how do I know that? Because he created me. He gave me the recipe.


TCW World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell defeated Mick Muscles via Submission after locking in The Guilt Trip. (Non-Title)


DJ Britton: An impressive win, but I wonder what Tommy thought of Joss Thompson’s interview.


Jennifer Heat: Well, we will find out next week. Because just like Joss, I will sit down with Tommy Cornell and interview him about the main event at Total Mayhem XIX!


TCW World Tag Team Champions Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) defeated Riot Act by Pinfall. As Referee Hiroyuki was focused on the action inside the ring, The Canadian Animals appeared out of the crowd and assaulted Buddy Garner at ringside, and hit him with the Maple Leaf Crunch right on the floor! Danny Fonzarelli was left alone against the Tag Champs, allowing Vessey to hit Fonzarelli with the Vessey Driver for the win. (Non-Title)


Lee Bambino stands by backstage with Steven Parker.


Bambino: Steven Parker, up next you do battle with Supremacy’s Edward Cornell. But first, why did you once again come to the aid of Tommy Cornell?


Parker: See, once again, people think it’s all about Tommy Cornell. Geez, you people really make it hard for me to hold my temper. It didn’t matter who it was I was saving, I’m not just going to let some punk group gang up on a helpless person. But let’s not forget either that about two months ago, I was assaulted by the entire Supremacy group, and I never returned the favor. Well Supremacy? Consider us even.


Bambino: I don’t know if you heard the threats of Matthew Keith on TCW Proving Grounds, but he promised you wouldn’t walk out of this arena tonight. What do you have to say about that?


Parker: I’ve been threatened a million times in a million different ways. It means nothing to me. Matthew Keith? You want to fight? I’m not hard to find!


Steven Parker defeated Supremacy’s Edward Cornell by Pinfall after connecting with the Future Shock.


Just as Parker gets up to celebrate his victory, Steven is blindsided by the World Tag Champs, Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith! The duo goes to work on Parker, but Steven fights back and has Vessey & Keith reeling! It looks like Parker is somehow going to come out of this attack unscathed, but Edward Cornell soon gets back involved, and it ends Parker’s chances. The 3 on 1 assault begins as Supremacy works over Parker. As this is occurring, their leader Matthew Keith casually walks to ring and enters the ring. Matthew orders his group hold Parker up, and they obliged. Matthew races off the ropes and hits Parker with the Sam Keith Special! Matthew comes to one knee and hovers over Parker.


Matthew Keith: I warned you! Don’t stick your nose in our business!


DJ Britton: Well, I think it’s safe to say Matthew Keith lived up to his promise!


Shawn Doakes: I also think it’s safe to say this conflict is far from over. Steven Parker has such a never say die attitude that I suspect he will be out for revenge.


Jennifer Heat: Maybe, but he’s not getting revenge tonight, not when he’s knocked out cold in the middle of the ring!


The Syndicate’s Brandon Smith soundly defeated Joshua Taylor by Pinfall after connecting with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.


Backstage, Tommy Cornell is watching the show on a television monitor. That is when he is approached by Samuel Bach, who is carrying his newly won United States Champion.


Bach: You wanted to see me. What? Are you going to criticize my victory?


Cornell: Not at all! Did you see how I won my World Championship at last year’s Total Mayhem? I’d be a complete hyprocit if I did. No, I wanted to give you news. You see, I was going to cancel the Interbrand Match at Total Mayhem because of your victory. Instead, I was going to have the rematch between you and Jack DeColt for the United States gold.


Bach: That’s fine with me. I’ll beat him again.


Cornell: That’s great and all, but Jack DeColt doesn’t want it. He wants Rocky Golden, and I am going to give him the Giant at Total Mayhem. Those two will battle one on one two weeks from Sunday.


Bach: What does that have to do with me? Go tell Rocky this news. What? Are you scared to talk to him?


Cornell: No, I talked to the overgrown ogre already, he knows. I wanted you to know that, and to know that the Interbrand Match will still happen at Total Mayhem. Total Wrestling versus Saturday Night Showcase. United States Champion versus International Champion. Samuel Bach…versus Jay Chord!


Bach: Lovely.


Cornell: I think so. So, you’re presenting Total Wrestling, so in other words, you’re representing me.


Cornell smacks Bach hard enough on the shoulder to make Samuel wince.


Cornell: Don’t screw up!


Tonight’s Main Event

In an excellent and very close encounter, The Syndicate (Joss Thompson & Rocky Golden) defeated Devine Intervention by Pinfall. The finish came when Thompson hit Steve Devine with the Clean Cutter for the 3 Count.


Joss Thompson celebrates his victory in the ring when the crowd starts cheer, and it’s certainly not for him. The cameras switch, and we find Jack DeColt has raced to the ring and has attacked Rocky Golden at ringside!


Jennifer Heat: It’s DeColt ! Jack DeColt is out for revenge on Rocky Golden for costing him his United States Title!


DeColt shows no fear for the Giant and brings the fight to Golden with huge right hands. The Giant is actually rocked when the rest of The Syndicate (Samuel Bach & Brandon Smith) appear and assault DeColt. They throw him into the ring, and the 3 on 1 assault begins on DeColt as Thompson barks orders to his minions.


DJ Britton: Well, it was a courageous act by Jack, but now he’s going to pay the price.


The crowd suddenly erupts to the music of the World Heavyweight Champion! Tommy Cornell appears, and he’s armed with a steel chair! Cornell runs to the ring and slides into the ring! Just as he does, Joss Thompson pulls back and orders his men away from Jack DeColt. Cornell stands over the fallen DeColt, ready to swing his chair, as Thompson holds back his men across the ring. Thompson orders The Syndicate to leave the ring! His men reluctantly follow his orders. Before he himself leaves, Thompson offers Cornell up a huge smirk. The Syndicate exit ringside as Cornell & TCW Medics check on DeColt.


Shawn Doakes: What is this about? Joss Thompson called off his hounds in such a favorable predicament. Despite the steel chair, The Syndicate would have most likely gotten the best of Tommy Cornell.


Jennifer Heat: Despite what Joss told me in our interview, this smells like an ego thing. He wants Tommy Cornell fresh at Total Mayhem. He wants to beat his right down the middle, and prove that he is the best man!


DJ Britton: Eddie Peak might be on SNS, but it looks like we have our own king of the mind games!


Shawn Doakes: Thank you for joining us tonight here on Total Wrestling! We’ll see you tomorrow night on No Divas Allowed! Until then, goodnight everyone!


Total Wrestling comes to a close as Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson stare each other down from across the arena.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 2 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

McGaw Arena (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Welcome to TCW No Divas Allowed! In the Main Event tonight, despite their recent issues, Tracy Brendon & Grace Harper will once again try to work as a team as they take on the A-List! Plus, one week before the TCW World Tag Team Championship is on the line, one half of the champions and challengers face off in singles competition, as B.I.T.C.H. Squad’s Cherry Bomb battles “The Psycho Ballerina” Nina Cacace! Let’s get tonight started!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Missy Masterson & Alina America</strong> defeated <strong>Suzanne Brazzle & Tamara McFly</strong> by Pinfall. The finish came when the Miss Fit hit McFly with the Identity Crisis. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York heads out to the squad circle for in-ring competition, much to the crowd’s delight. But first, York addresses the #1 Contender to her title Demelza Wade, whom she will face in two weeks right here on NDA. York says she knows Wade is happy about her victory last week, but all she did was give Sara exactly what she wanted. “I’d gladly give you one more shot at my title Demelza if it means getting your scrawny butt back in this ring. In two weeks, the game are over, Demelza. I will put an end to this rivalry of ours, and I will once again defeat you and keep my championship!</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW Women’s Champion <strong>Sara Marie York</strong> defeated <strong>Zoe Ammis</strong> by Pinfall after flying off the top rope and connecting with the Brunette Bomber. (Non-Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As York celebrates with her championship belt, she hears a familiar voice. She looks over, and the smirking Demelza Wade has appeared on the titantron. Wade begins to mock York about how she has gotten the best of Sara for the past two weeks. Wade also notes that despite York defeating her twice with the title on the line, after each match she has left Sara lying on her back in the aftermath. “Face it Sara, it is just a matter of time before that gold is mine. In two weeks, I finish what I started, and you’re going to learn that in the end? A-List always beats C-List!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

With help from her tag team partner Jaime Quinne, TCW Women’s Tag Team Champion <strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> defeated <strong>Nina Cacace</strong> by Pinfall. The Psycho Ballerina looked primed for a victory, but a well timed distraction by Quinne assisted Cherry in stealing the victory after connecting with the Cherry Bomb for the 3 Count. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venus Angeletti:</strong> What a crazy win for Cherry Bomb, but next week, all four women are involved, when the new duo of Nina Cacace & Danielle Sweetheart challenge the B.I.T.C.H. Squad for the Women’s Tag Team Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Crockett:</strong> Will the underdog team pull out the huge upset? Or will the best women’s tag team in the world today continue their dominance here in Total Championship Wrestling?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tracy Brendon is tying her wrestling boots tied when she is approached by her partner, Grace Harper. The conversation turns ugly quickly, as Brendon obviously has no interest in talking. Harper pushes though, demanding some answers from Tracy after her change of attitude in the past few weeks. Brendon snaps back, claiming that she owes Harper nothing. “I’ve been holding my own in this team! You’re the one that’s been dragging this team!” Harper barks back that Tracy’s new friend Persephone sure has bloated her ego. Brendon shakes it off. “Just try not to screw up tonight.” With that said, Brendon storms off.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The A-List</strong> defeated <strong>Grace Harper & Tracy Brendon</strong> by Pinfall. In a crazy turn of events, Grace Harper executes a flying cross body from the top rope, taking out both A-Listers at ringside…and accidentally her partner Tracy at the same time! Not much later in the ring, Harper found herself in a 2 on 1 situation. With the odds against Grace, Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow came together and hit Harper with the Star Treatment! Meanwhile, as all this happened, Tracy Brendon recovered outside the ring…and just watched as Grace Harper fell to this 2 on 1 Attack. Snarling, Brendon did not budge as Wade pinned Harper for the three count!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After watching The A-List celebrate their way up the entrance way, Tracy Brendon makes her way into the ring. With her hands on her hips, Tracy paces back and forth as Grace Harper tries to recover. As Harper tries to stand, Brendon kicks her hard right in the skull! As boos floods the arena, Brendon mounts Harper and begins to pummel her tag team partner. Brendon jumps up irate as she tugs at her hair. Brendon has lost it! Brendon then storms back over and starts to stomp Harper on the mat. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

It is then that Sara Marie York races to the ring! York comes up behind Brendon and throws her off and across the ring by her hair. York turns around and is ready to fight in defense of Grace Harper! Tracy Brendon, though, slowly backs off, wanting none of Sara Marie York! York screams at Brendon, “What is wrong with you?! That’s your friend!” Yet, Tracy Brendon doesn’t answer. She only walks backwards up the entrance way while staring Sara Marie York.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Crockett:</strong> Folks, I think it’s safe to say Tracy Brendon has just lost it. I don’t know if it’s her ego or she has just snapped, but her partnership with Grace Harper is obviously over!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venus Angeletti:</strong> Tracy Brendon has stated that she has no interest of being in a tag team competitor, that she wants to work solo. She finally got sick of losing in these tag team matches. Perhaps the General Manager Melanie Florence should have quit teaming these ladies up, because this is the result of doing so!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Folks, that’s all for tonight! Make sure to stay tune next week right here on No Divas Allowed! Next Week! The TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship is on the line! Be there!</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 2 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Welcome everyone to your Saturday need of TCW, Saturday Night Showcase! I’m here with Jennifer Heat & DJ Britton, and we’re ready to bring you some great action! Tonight, we have the final two qualifying matches for the Legends Championship Chamber Match at Total Mayhem XIX! John Anderson will face Randy Bumfhole, while in the Main Event we will see the 4 Aces – Down with Authority war continue as Joey Minnesota goes one on one with Benny Benson! But for now, let’s head to the ring for some tag team action!</p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Champion <strong>Jay Chord</strong> & TCW US Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Black</strong> defeats Cage Estate’s <strong>Texas Buffalo</strong> by Pinfall. The finish comes when Chord hits Texas Pete with the Cradle Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Jay Chord continues to roll, and he looks primed to represent SNS at Total Mayhem, when he battles Total Wrestling’s Samuel Bach!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> For the first time ever, it will be the United States Champion versus the International Champion in an Interbrand Showdown! I can’t wait!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> soundly defeats <strong>Honest Frank</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Montero Press.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Wolf Hawkins heads to the ring to a flood of cheers. Hawkins is all smiles after costing Aaron Andrews a chance in the Chamber Match last week. That was, of course, after GM Ricky Dale Johnson purposely excluded Hawkins from the Qualifying Matches! Hawkins takes to the mic, and wastes no time to call out the General Manager. An unhappy looking Ricky Dale Johnson appears in a tailored suit, and listens to what Hawkins has to say.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Let’s face it Ricky, this thing going on between us? Between 4 Aces & Down with Authority? It’s not going to end, not until one of us is gone. And I have to be honest, I’m tired of coming out here each week and seeing your ugly mug. So you want to make Total Mayhem huge? Hell, it’s like you said, we were a part of the match that disbanded the original Syndicate. So let’s do it again. One match to decide it all. How about next month, that random trade which sends someone over to Total Wrestling? How about for one more…it’s not so random? You and me, Ricky! Loser gets booted to Total Wrestling! What d’ya say?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Although the crowd seems happy with it, RDJ smirks and shakes his head at Wolf. “Do you really think I’m really going to put my job as General Manager up on one single match? Wolf, you’re a bigger fool than I thought you were!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Hawkins laughs at RDJ, and doesn’t look surprised. “I knew you would say no, Ricky. You’re just not enough of a man to face me in a one on one contest. So how about this? If I can’t fight you at Total Mayhem, then I challenge your little protégé! How about we have the rubber match! Wolf Hawkins & Aaron Andrews! Street Fight! Loser Leaves Saturday Night Showcase! Come on Ricky, you know you want to get rid of me. Here’s your chance!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd approves of the match, though RDJ mulls it over. Finally, RDJ lifts the mic to his lips. “You know what Wolf? I have no problems with that match. But…let’s ask Aaron Andrews what he thinks…”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Right on cue, Aaron Andrews blasts Wolf Hawkins from behind! Andrews goes to work on Hawkins after coming through the crowd for the sneak attack! RDJ is all smiles as Andrews mounts Hawkins and dishes out some vicious closed fists on Hawkins, who is 100% defenseless. Andrews jumps to his feet and mocks the crowd. As Hawkins tries to get up, Andrews runs off the ropes and hits Wolf with the Ace in the Pocket! Hawkins is out cold! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Mighty proud of his work, Andrews has a huge smile as he picks up the mic Hawkins was using. Andrews stands over Wolf and lifts the mic to his lips. “I ACCEPT!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>John Anderson</strong> defeats <strong>Randy Bumfhole</strong> by Pinfall after hitting the Ammo Dump. With a giant smirk on her face, Queen Persephone struts her stuff into the ring and proudly raises the arm of her man. John Anderson is now the 5th Member of the Legends Championship Chamber Match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Eddie Peak might have thought he was done with John Anderson & Queen Persephone, but not so fast! He’ll have to deal with them at Total Mayhem XIX!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> And knowing the competitor that John Anderson is? He’s going to be ready for what could be his last opportunity at the Legends Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> defeats <strong>Bryan Vessey</strong> by Pinfall after flying off the top rope and connecting with the Fro-Get Bout It!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with Roger Cage (& Kali Fornia). Bambino introduces Cage as the leader of the Cage Estate, but Roger quickly interrupts him. “Actually, Lee…” Cage takes the mic from Bambino and pushes him out of the interview area. “With the recent loss of Danny B Bling, I have decided to eradicate the group known as the Cage Estate. You see, I’m tired of carry of bunch of dead weight like Bling & Texas Buffalo. All I need is myself…and the gorgeous Kali Fornia.” Kali thanks Cage for his kind words with a giant kiss on the cheek. “And the only other thing I need…is gold, and it’s been too long since I wore gold around my beautiful waist. Well, that’s about to change. In two weeks, I will pull out the biggest upset in the history of Total Championship Wrestling. Yes, I’m not stupid. None of you are giving Mr. Hollywood, Roger “Smooth” Cage a chance in the barbaric chamber. You people think that all I do is cheat to win. That I’m such a bad guy. But I see it from another perspective. I think I’m so bad…because I am just soooooo good! And I am so good….that I am so bad! You are looking at a face that was made to be the face of a company, and I will take my rightful place as Legends Champion at Total Mayhem!"</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW Legends Champion <strong>Eddie Peak</strong> defeats <strong>Dark Angel</strong> via Referee Stoppage when Peak chokes Angel out with the Straight Jacket. (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Eddie Peak takes his Legends Champion from Sam Sparrow. Peak turns around to leave the ring when he sees Munenori Umari walking up the steps and onto the apron without a care in the world. Peak tilts his head at Umari in confusion. Umari adjusts his tie before pointing at Peak. Umari turns it into a thumb down! Listening to his instructions, Mikey James comes out of nowhere and chop blocks Eddie Peak from behind! Peak struggles to stand, and before he can, Mikey hits him with the Scything Side Kick. Mikey returns to his feet, as Umari slides in a steel chair to him. Mikey awaits Peak until he finally comes to one knee. Mikey cracks the steel chair over Peak’s skull, taking out the Legends Champion! Umari calls Mikey to leave the ring, and James follows instructions, and follows Munenori up the entrance way. They turn back to look at Eddie Peak, who struggles to get up, and is seething red hot over what just happened!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> In just a week, we are seeing a completely different Mikey James. I have never seen him be such a barbaric warrior.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> It’s this Munenori Umari. There is something between him and Mikey James that we don’t know about. I hope we find out soon.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Well, whatever it is, like it or not, it might have just set Mikey James up to become the next Legends Champion! Despite the size difference, he just took out Eddie Peak, with ease!</p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Destiny’s Finest</strong> defeats <strong>Endangered Species</strong> by Pinfall. The finish comes when Jameson & Spade hit Snow Fox with their finisher, The Early Retirement!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade are looking excellent just two weeks before they challenge High Concept for the US Tag Team Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Jameson & Spade are engulfing themselves into the fact that they are the two highest graded prospects in TCW History. They know they are meant for greatness, and they’re not afraid to let everyone know, either!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, the scene is Benny Benson & Joey Minnesota facing off in the interview area. Lee Bambino steps in between them and asks for their thoughts before tonight’s Main Event.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Minnesota grabs the mic and pulls it towards himself. “Don’t think just because you’re wearing that tag gold, that you defeated me & Aaron for that title, has anything to do with tonight. I am a former TCW World Heavyweight Champion, which makes me the perfect candidate to take that Legends Championship away from Eddie Peak. So why don’t you go back to dancing with Greg Black and leave the Main Event to the-…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before he can finish, Benny Benson pulls the mic away from Minnesota. “Ya know what Joey? You’re just another guy who is stuck on his past accomplishments rather than on the present. You’re just another guy who has had a million opportunities and always wants another. Well, I might be a tag team specialist, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be the Legends Champion. And unlike you? My opportunities come far and between, which means I can’t take them for granted, which is why I am going to beat you tonight!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, Benson & Minnesota go nose to nose. Neither step backs as SNS goes to commercials!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Legends Championship Chamber Match Qualifier</span></strong></p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong> defeats TCW US Tag Team Champion <strong>Benny Benson</strong> by Pinfall. Benson went to the top rope, looking for the win when Minnesota was down on the mat. But that’s when Aaron Andrews raced down to the ring and jumped onto the apron, distracting Benson. It allowed Minnesota to trip Benson on the top rope, leaving him in a very uncomfortable position. Minnesota climbs up to the top rope, and hits Benson with a SUPER Empire Spiral! Boom! Minnesota covers, 1,2,3! Joey Minnesota is the 6th and Final member of the Legends Championship Chamber Match! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The match is over, and Minnesota & Andrews waste no time to assault Benson, despite Joey’s victory. And here comes Benson’s partner, Greg Black, racing down to the ring! The 2 on 2 Battle begins, but 4 Aces quickly uneven the odds when Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade join the fight, and turns the fight into a 4 on 2 Handicap. But that doesn’t last long, as the crowd erupts to the sight of Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord racing down to save their allies! It’s an all out war between 4 Aces & Down with Authority in the ring! The crowd is going nuts! The 4 on 4 war thrives for several moments, but DWA slowly wins over, leaving the 4 Aces to flee the ring. Finally, Wolf Hawkins back tosses Aaron Andrews right out of the ring, leaving DWA victorious! The crowd is going crazy!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Wow! Maybe Wolf Hawkins is right, maybe this war between these two stables is never going to end! That was crazy!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> DWA stands victorious tonight, but after Total Mayhem, they might not have a leader if Aaron Andrews wins! The Street Fight between Hawkins & Andrews is going to completely change SNS as it stands right now!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>4 Aces retreats to the entrance way as the two group share threats. DWA welcomes them back to fight, but for now, 4 Aces chooses not to. Much to the crowd’s pleasure, DWA comes together and raises their arms high.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Folks, thank you for joining us tonight! We are officially 15 Days from the biggest night of the year, TCW Total Mayhem XIX! Get ready, because you won’t want to miss it!</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 3 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Irvine Hall (Mid South)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Welcome to TCW Proving Grounds! Shawn Doakes here, with Davis Ditterich & Melanie Florence, and we’re ready to bring the action of TCW’s upcoming stars! In tonight’s Main Event, just 13 days before facing Samuel Bach at Total Mayhem in a Huge Interbrand War, TCW International Champion Jay Chord will do battle with Bach’s Syndicate ally, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith. Plus, we reportedly will hear from Legends Champion Eddie Peak about Mikey James’ attack on Saturday Night Showcase. But for now, let’s head to the ring for tonight’s opening contest!</p><p> </p><p>

Riot Act’s <strong>Buddy Garner</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> via Submission. Both tag team partners get involved, as Greg Keith trips Garner coming off the ropes, setting up Vessey for a close nearfall. Danny Fonzarelli gets involved then and begins to pummel Keith all across ringside. This distracted Vessey long enough for Garner to recover. When Vessey least expects it, Garner trips Vessey to the mat and locks in the Garner Tendon Hold! Vessey has no choice to tap!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Ditterich:</strong> A huge win for Buddy Garner, a win over one of the World Tag Team Champions!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melanie Florence:</strong> The tag team division is really heating up on Total Wrestling. It looks like Vessey & Keith have more than just Devine Intervention to worry about!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> soundly defeated <strong>Honest Frank</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Montero Press.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino stands by backstage with the Giant, Rocky Golden, who is in the classic black Syndicate suit. Bambino asks Rocky Golden for his thoughts on Jack DeColt challenging him for a match at Total Mayhem XIX. Golden shows no emotion about the question, and especially shows no fear when he answers the question (as expected from a Giant). “If Jack DeColt wants to fight, I am obviously not hard to find. He doesn’t have to blind side me like he did last week on Total Wrestling. But if he has a death wish? Which I assume he does to challenge me? Then I will gladly oblige him on that as well. He might be upset that I supposedly cost him his United States Title. Let’s see how upset he is when I snap his spine in two.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> defeated Fro & Luau Connection’s <strong>Fro Sure</strong> by Pinfall after connecting with the Supreme Stunner. Fro Sure was easy pickings after missing with a charge into the corner, and unfortunately went shoulder first into the ring pole. </p><p> </p><p>

Canadian Animal <strong>Edd Stone</strong> defeats Sweet Sensations’ <strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> via Pinfall. After dodging Hernandez’s top rope Moonsault, Edd Stone hits the Party’s Over with ease for the 3 Count. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene is nothing but darkness hovering over the titan tron. We hear the voice of the Legends Champion, Eddie Peak. Over time, what appears to be moonlight slowly pours in, revealing the King of the Insane Asylum as he clutches his championship gold. Eddie Peak refers to the attack he fell victim to on Saturday Night Showcase, courtesy of Mikey James. “Mikey James…you’ve been a very…VERY…bad boy. It would seem you have had a change of attitude, and maybe the blame has to go upon that Umari fellow. Unfortunately for you Mikey…I DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHOSE TO BLAME! If you wanted to feel torment and tremendous pain, Mikey Boy, all you had to do was wait two more weeks for the Chamber Match. Now…sadly…you might not ever get there! Haha…HaHa…HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! See ya soon, Mikey Boy!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Champion <strong>Jay Chord</strong> defeats The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> by Disqualification. After taking tons of Bulldozer’s brutal attacks, Chord fights back into the match and has Smith reeling. But just as Chord sets Smith up for the Cradle Piledriver, Samuel Bach races to the ring and clobbers Chord from behind! Referee Terakado has no choice but to throw the match out! (Non-Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Samuel Bach wastes no time to go to work on Jay Chord, and Brandon Smith soon joins the assault on the International Champion.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Davis Ditterich:</strong> Jay Chord is in trouble, and from what was reported, there are no other members of Down with Authority here tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bach tells Bulldozer to “do his worst,” and Smith obliges. Bulldozer lifts Chord up and plants him with the Bulldozer Powerbomb! It’s not over just yet, as Smith drags Chord into the corner. Calmly, without a single worry, Bach takes him time to the top rope. When he gets up there, he stops to look over the crowd with a smirk. Bach finally takes off, and crushes Chord with the Shooting Star Press! Chord is left writhing in pain on the mat, clutching his ribs.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melanie Florence:</strong> Like it or not, that was just a huge statement dished out by Samuel Bach. He is determined to prove that the United States Champion is better than International Champion, by any means necessary! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Yes, but at Total Mayhem XIX, it will be a one on one contest, and Jay Chord will not be finishing up a match with mammoth like Brandon Smith prior! I can’t wait to see these two extremely talented superstars go at it on a fair battlefield!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Proving Grounds comes to a close as Samuel Bach stands over the fallen Jay Chord. Bulldozer raises Bach’s arm, declaring him the victor, and it brings a huge smile to Bach’s face.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 3 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Kettley Arena (Mid South)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Shawn Doakes:</span></strong> Welcome everyone to TCW Presents Total Wrestling! Shawn Doakes here, as always with Jennifer Heat & DJ Britton. We are officially 11 days away from the biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem XIX! And oh boy, what a main event we have tonight! Before Tommy Cornell faces Joss Thompson at Total Mayhem, the World Heavyweight Champion will have go to war with the NEW United States Champion & Joss Thompson’s Syndicate ally, Samuel Bach! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jennifer Heat:</span></strong> Also, last week, I sat down with Joss Thompson for his thoughts before the huge Total Mayhem Main Event. This week, I give Tommy Cornell the same opportunity when I sit down with the Owner of Total Championship Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Let’s head to the ring for now to start tonight’s opening match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koshiro Ino</strong> defeats <strong>Brent Hill</strong> by Pinfall. Despite a valiant effort from the veteran Hill, Ino is in charge of most of the match, and finishesBrent off with the Kobra’s Bite. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack DeColt & Riot Act</strong> defeats <strong>Danny B Bling & The Canadian Animals</strong> by Pinfall. In a crazy turn of events, a miscommunication between Bling & The Animals leads to a shove fest between Bling & Edd Stone. Stone then slaps Bling across the face, the ultimate disrespect! Bling responds by lifting Stone up and hitting him with the Mouthful of Bling! Bling bounces then, leaving Freddy Huggins all alone, much to the crowd’s delight! Huggins wastes too much yelling at Bling to come back, making it easy for Jack DeColt to come up from behind and hit Freddy with the End of Days! 1,2,3, It’s Over! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> What a crazy Six Man Tag Team Match! It looks like The Canadian Animals & Danny B Bling won’t be going out and partying anytime soon!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> It sure looks like it. And folks, I got breaking news. Straight from the TCW Board, due to the ruckus that has been going on in the tag team division, it will not just be Supremacy defending the World Tag Team Titles against Devine Intervention at Total Mayhem XIX! It will now be a Fatal Four Way! <strong>Supremacy will not just defend their Tag Team Gold against the former champions, Devine Intervention, but they will also defend it against The Canadian Animals and Riot Act!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong>Wow! That promises to be a blockbuster, heart stopping match! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The words “Earlier This Week” pop up on the screen as Jennifer Heat appears in a nice dress suit in the office of the Owner of TCW.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to sit down with the World Heavyweight Champion and Owner of Total Championship Wrestling, Tommy Cornell. Mr. Cornell, thank you for this time today.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Cornell:</strong> You’re quite welcome, and please, it’s Tommy.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Very well. Tommy, where is your head less than two weeks before Total Mayhem XIX?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> Well, as the owner of this company, a lot is going on right now. Not only am I in charge of promoting the show, but once again on this show, it’s on me to headline it. But I’ve been through this plenty of times. I’m ready for the crazy days ahead.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Does it bother you that maybe while you’re doing all this work, your opponent is spending all his time preparing for this match?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> I’m sure he is, but don’t think I won’t be well prepared. I’m highly experience on the act of talking on the phone with one arm and lifting weights with the other arm. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Very well. Tommy, let’s just jump right into it. At Total Mayhem XIX, for the second time, you will headline this legendary show against one of your protégés. Joss Thompson has earned the right to challenge you for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. What does that mean to you?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> As much as Joss won’t believe it, it makes me proud. Despite our issues, Joss Thompson is still like a son to me. We’ve been through a lot. To see a young man groomed for success finally reach that pinnacle makes me feel proud. It feels like all my hard work for him has been a success.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Well, Joss Thompson certainly looks at it differently. He believes you are jealous of his success, and that your goal all along was to take credit for all his achievements. He says that the same dispute occurred with Wolf Hawkins. What do you have to say to that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> Once again, Joss won’t believe it, but that’s a bunch of crap. I have groomed Wolf Hawkins & Joss Thompson to become two of the biggest stars that this wrestling industry has ever seen. Now that Joss Thompson is nearly at that point in his career, what would it possibly do for him if I just rolled over for Joss and let him take that spot from him? What would it mean if I just handed him the crown? No, what Joss doesn’t get, and what Wolf didn’t get, is that I’m the final test. I’m the final exam. When you beat me, then you are the best. You are the franchise. I’m not just going to give it to you. You have to earn it. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> So if Joss Thompson beat you at Total Mayhem, you’d be okay with that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> I wouldn’t say I’m okay with it. But it’s a defeat I’d be more willing to accept. For one, I know I’m going to give it my all. But the fact that it is Joss Thompson? Despite our wars in the past months, that still means a lot to me. I know the company is going in the right direction if Joss Thompson is the World Heavyweight Champion. BUT…he has to earn it. He has to take my World Title from my cold dead grip. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Are you also proud of what Joss Thompson has become?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> Hah, well, seeing what torment he and his Syndicate has put me through, I don’t think proud is the right word. I am proud of what Wolf Hawkins has become. Of the man Wolf has become. He has become his own man, leading Down with Authority. Plus, he’s making me a ton of money with the merchandise! Those DWA shirts sell like crazy! But seriously, Wolf Hawkins didn’t just hide in my shadow. He went out and became his own man, which is great for this industry. Joss Thompson is doing the same thing. He may be Judas, but he’s also his own man. Pride isn’t the right word, but maybe respect is. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heat:</strong> Will you defeat Joss Thompson at Total Mayhem XIX?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cornell:</strong> That is entirely up to Joss. Does he believe he <strong>should</strong> beat me? Or does he believe he <strong>will</strong> beat me? It’s time for Joss Thompson to stop believing that he deserves something, but rather go out and take it. You want my crown? Come and take it. But let me offer an advisory to Joss. I am the best wrestler in the world. That is not an opinion, it’s not a moniker, it is a true 100% fact. Some might argue that I am the best ever, but I’ll leave that debate for someone else for now. To win at Total Mayhem, he will have to defeat the best wrestler in the world. I truly hope he is up for that challenge.[/i]</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Joss Thompson</strong> defeats Blue Collar’s <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> by Pinfall. The veteran Taylor gives The Syndicate leader some trouble, but one mistake is all it takes for Thompson to hit the Clean Cutter for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Well, if you ask me, it looks like Joss Thompson is up for the task at hand in 11 days. Folks, the main event at Total Mayhem XIX is going to be Legendary!</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> soundly defeats <strong>Joel Bryant</strong> by Pinfall. Bryant brings the fight, but the Bulldozer had an answer for the vet. Smith finishes Bryant off with the Bulldozer Powerbomb for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Steven Parker.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Bambino:</strong></em><em> Steven Parker, in a few moments you will team up with Devine Intervention to face off with three members of Supremacy in Six Man Tag Team action. But you said you have news for us all. Care to share it all?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Parker:</strong></em><em> Gladly. I just had a meeting for the </em><em><em>amazing</em></em><em> Tommy Cornell, and he was willing to give me the match I want at Total Mayhem XIX. </em><em><strong>Matthew Keith, at Total Mayhem, it will be me and you going to war.</strong></em><em> Supremacy wants to be in the big time? Well, guess what? Matthew, you get that chance at Total Mayhem. But when I hit you with the Future Shock in front of the entire world, you’re not going to like that spotlight very much. And tonight? Take tonight as just a taste of what’s going to happen two Sundays from now. Me and the Devines are going to put on the whooping tonight, Matthew, and I will leave you counting down the days and biting your nails!</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steven Parker & Devine Intervention</strong> defeats <strong>Supremacy (Matthew Keith & </strong>The TCW World Tag Team Champions<strong> Greg Keith & Cameron Vessey)</strong> by Pinfall. It’s an action packed match with tide swaying back and forth. Near the end, we finally get to see Steven Parker & Matthew Keith go at it. Parker gets the best of Matthew and dumps him to the floor. Matthew takes a early leave, as he sees his team fall when Parker hits Greg Keith with the Future Shock! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Another great Six Man Tag Team Match! In 11 Days, though, Matthew Keith will nowhere to run! He will have to face Steven Parker one on one at Total Mayhem!</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> absolutely destroys <strong>Kip Keenan & Ernest Youngman</strong> in a 2 in 1 Handicap Match. The young guns never have a chance, and Golden finally puts them out of their misery when he makes Youngman tap to The Rack.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The match is over, but Golden refuses to let go of The Rack. Ernest Youngman cries out in pain, and Referee Hiroyuki is far from strong enough to make Golden break it. But Golden finally drops Youngman when he hears the music of Jack DeColt! The crowd roars as DeColt appears and storms down to the ring! DeColt is ready to fight! DeColt slides into the ring and quickly ducks under a right hand by Golden. DeColt begins to rock the Giant with huge punch after punch. A big knee though by Golden leaves DeColt stumbling backwards. Golden charges for a huge boot, but DeColt dodges. Golden gets his leg stuck on the top rope! DeColt rushes off the ropes and clotheslines Golden, sending him tumbling to the floor! The crowd erupts in cheers! DeColt is all pumped, and yells at Golden to bring it on. Golden, though, second guesses the situation, and takes his leave from ringside. “Just you wait til Total Mayhem!” Golden yells at DeColt.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> I do not remember the last time someone has gone toe to toe with Rocky Golden like that! Jack DeColt is showing absolutely no fear!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> Let’s not forget, Jack DeColt isn’t a Giant like Rocky Golden, but he’s not a small guy either! He’s a pretty big guy! He will bring the fight to Rocky Golden at Total Mayhem!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Yes, but will that fight be enough to take down the Giant? We’ll have to wait and see!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Syndicate’s theme blares throughout the arena, and Samuel Bach appears with Vita for his Main Event match. But, he is also led by the leader of The Syndicate, Joss Thompson, and his lady Krissy Angelle! As Bach & Vita take to the ring, Thompson & Angelle join the announce team at ringside.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a very exciting Main Event, TCW World Heavyweight Champion <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> defeats TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> via Submission. In a crazy technical finish, Cornell reverses himself right out of Bach’s Bach on your Back and right into his own submission, The Guilt Trip! Stuck in the middle of the ring, Bach has no chose but to tap! (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> Well here is your chance, Joss. Tommy Cornell is fatigued, aren’t you going to attack him now? Isn’t that The Syndicate way?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joss Thompson:</strong> Watch your mouth, boy, I am not just another weakling announcer you’re talking to. And if you haven’t noticed, I’m not interested in Tommy Cornell being less than 100% at Total Mayhem. What good would it do for me if Tommy wasn’t? I want Tommy Cornell at his best possible. Tommy is right about one thing. I will be fighting the best wrestler in the world at Total Mayhem, but it’s about damn time for someone to take that throne away!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Joss Thompson is swayed away from the conversation when Tommy Cornell climbs the corner closest to the announce table. Cornell shows off the World Title towards Thompson. Joss Thompson calmly sits up from the announce table and adjusts his black suit. Suddenly, Thompson holds up a hand, directing it at someone. Cornell turns his head to see Rocky Golden & Brandon Smith at the end of ringside! Thompson stops them on their way to a sneak attack. Golden & Smith listen to their leader and stay where they are. Cornell turns his head back around to Joss Thompson, who is just staring at him. Finally, Thompson raises his hands, and with two fingers, he gestures “11 Days” to Cornell. Cornell acknowledges the meaning and raises his World Title high.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton:</strong> Man! Why can’t Total Mayhem be tomorrow??!! I can’t wait any longer for these two to face off!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jennifer Heat:</strong> We are arguably looking at the biggest Total Mayhem Main Event, ever! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Doakes:</strong> And unfortunately, we have eleven more days to find out if that’s true! Folks, thank you for joining us tonight! Have a good night, and we’ll see you tomorrow on No Divas Allowed!</p>

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TCW No Divas Allowed

May – Week 3 – 2015

Irvine Hall (Mid South)


Shawn Doakes: Welcome everyone to TCW No Divas Allowed! Tonight’s show is highlighted by two big tag team matches. Tonight, the TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship will be on the line when the B.I.T.C.H. Squad defends their gold against the #1 Contenders, Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace!


Venus Angeletti: But in the main event, just one week before their huge title match right here on NDA, TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York & Demelza Wade will be on opposite sides in tag team action. York teams Grace Harper to take on Wade & Nadia Snow, otherwise known as The A-List!


Tim Crockett: Plus, we plan to hear from Tracy Brendon after her heinous attack on her own tag team partner, Grace Harper! Let’s head to the ring!


The music of Tracy Brendon plays, as boos flood the arena. Much to the surprise of everyone, Queen Persephone walks through curtains with a huge smirk on her face. She gestures to the curtains, and out walks Tracy Brendon. The two stand side by side at the top of the entrance way. Brendon turns to Perse and shakes hands with the Queen!


Venus Angeletti: It would seem that the rumors are now officially true! Tracy Brendon has aligned herself with the hottest manager in TCW, Queen Persephone!


Tracy Brendon soundly defeats Amazon by Pinfall. Amazon fights hard, but Brendon has an answer for everything the Masked Fenom tries to do. Brendon finishes Amazon off with the Idaho Crunch.


Queen Persephone applauds her client’s work as she walks into the ring. Perse hands a mic off to Tracy Brendon.


Brendon: All week, everyone has wanted an explanation from me for what I did last week. Well, here is your explanation. You don’t deserve one! There! You like that? For 13 years in this business, I have played the nice girl. I spent many years by the side of my older sister and was okay with being a tag team. I’ve been willing to be a team player and the happy-go-lucky member of a roster. And what has that gotten me? A few tag titles and one meager midcard title in an indy promotion! Thirteen years wasted just for being a team player. But no more! You want an explanation? Here’s one. I told Grace Harper I had no interest in being a tag team anymore. I told Melanie Florence, our General Manager, that I had no interest in being a team with Grace anymore. And yet, I show up every week and I look at the announced card, and I’m still teaming with Grace. My request was being ignored, and my hand was forced!


Persephone halts Brendon with a gentle hand on the shoulder. Perse requests the mic, and Brendon hands it over.


Persephone: Tracy Brendon should be headlining shows on No Divas Allowed over and over, and the fact that she isn’t is a poor reflection on the work of General Manager Melanie Florence. Whether she is protecting her champion, Sara Marie York, or whatever her reasons are, she is ignoring the talent of Tracy Brendon. It is my duty, as Brendon’s manager, to make sure that it never happens again. Tracy Brendon is a future Women’s Champion in waiting, and it is my honor to make sure that such a accomplishment happens. So as right now,…


Persephone is halted, as Grace Harper appears out of the crowd and tackles Tracy Brendon to the mat! The crowd goes nuts! Harper mounts Brendon and begins to pummel Brendon with huge punches! Persephone tries to save her client as she grabs Harper by the leg and pulls her off of Brendon! Perse finally does so, and the Queen & Brendon bail from the ring quickly! Harper is about go after them, but she stops when she sees Brendon run away up the entrance way! Threats are exchanged, as Grace Harper is determined to get revenge on her tag team partner!


Tim Crockett: Wow! This situation was escalated quickly! Grace Harper isn’t going to just stand by and take what Brendon has done and is saying!


Venus Angeletti: Sooner or later, these two ladies will have to face off in the ring to settle this, and I can’t wait!


TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship The B.I.T.C.H. Squad successfully defend their titles against Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace. What a match! The challengers bring the fight, as the young, talented Sweetheart & the psychotic Cacace matches punches with the champions. In fact, Sweetheart reverses Cherry Bomb’s finisher and it looks like she has the win with the roll up! But Jaime Quine comes up from behind Sweetheart, and with two handfuls of hair, Quine pulls Danielle backwards, allowing Cherry to reverse the rollup! Sweetheart’s shoulders are down, and Cherry has a handful of tights! Referee Tawaraya doesn’t see it, and counts to 3! The champs retain the gold!


We’re back from commercials, and we find Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace frustrated backstage. Reporter Lee Bambino comes up to them with a mic.


Bambino: Danielle? Nina? Can I get your thoughts on the previous match?


Sweetheart:…we came close. We came really close. We could just stand here and complain about the B.I.T.C.H. Squad’s antics, how they pull my hair and held the tights, but where does that get us? What does that do for us? We came so close, and we blew it!


Cacace: PLAIN AND SIMPLE! We are not done with Cherry Bomb & Jaime Quine! We’re coming back, and we’re going those titles! WE’RE GETTING THEM!


Missy Masterson defeats Suzanne Brazzle via Pinfall. Brazzle misses with a flying cross body late in the match, allowing Masterson to easily hit the Identity Crisis for the victory.


The A-List is shown chatting backstage when they are confronted by the General Manager Melanie Florence.


Florence: Can I speak to you, Demelza?


Demelza Wade gives Florence a look, then turns to Nadia Snow. Snow nods her head and walks off scene.


Wade: What do you want? What did I do now that you don’t like?


Florence: Nothing, nothing at all. First, I want to wish you good luck in tonight’s main event. But I also want to emphasize to you just how big your title chance is next week against Sara Marie York. You see, this is your third title chance against York. Her last three title defenses have been against you. That is why, no matter what happens next week, if you lose? There will be no fourth chance. I have other ladies waiting in line for a shot, and it’s time for them to get a chance. Good Luck.


Florence walks off, leaving Wade alone. Demelza doesn’t look too happy, but doesn’t seem fazed by the news, and remains determined.


Tonight’s Main Event

TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York & Grace Harper defeats The A-List by Pinfall. Harper takes out Demelza Wade at ringside with a huge cross body from the top rope, leaving York & Nadia Snow alone in the ring. York reverses her way out of the Snow Ball, right into a huge Tornado DDT! York heads to the top rope, and flies. She hits the Brunette Bomber on Snow, and gets the 3 Count!


Just as York accepts her title from Referee Tawaraya, she gets blasted from behind by Demelza Wade! The #1 Contender goes to work on the champ just one week before their Ladder Match! Grace Harper, though, gets back into the mix and tries to make the save. Harper works over Wade with kicks and punches, but that’s when she is blindsided by none other than Tracy Brendon!


Venus Angeletti: I think things are about to get ugly!


Wade & Brendon go to work on their respective rivals, and it doesn’t look good for York & Harper, who are left beaten down and lying on the mat. Brendon drags Harper to her feet and hits her with the Idaho Crunch. Not to be bested, Wade drags York up and connects with the Wade to Black! Wade grabs York’s title belt and raises it up high as she stands over the champion!


Shawn Doakes: I hate to say it, but this could be the outcome next week when it’s all said and done! Demelza Wade could the new Women’s Champion!


Tim Crockett: The first ever Women’s Ladder Match in TCW History goes down next week on No Divas Allowed! This is where the greats leave their mark!


Venus Angeletti: Meanwhile, you can bet Tracy Brendon will be watching that match, while Grace Harper will be looking for revenge!


Shawn Doakes: Thank you for joining us tonight! Make sure you’re right here next week for what could be the biggest No Divas Allowed yet! Sara Marie York! Demelza Wade! Ladder Match! TCW Women’s Championship! Be there!

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 3 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest, TCW Legends Champion <strong>Eddie Peak</strong> defeats <strong>The New Wave</strong> via Submission in a 2 on 1 Handicap Match. Scout & Guide works over Peak, proving why they’re a top notch tag team. But in the end, Peak sends The New Wave reeling, and makes Guide submit to the Straight Jacket.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Before the upcoming match, Roger Cage (w/ Kali Fornia) heads to ringside and joins the announce team.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rick Law</strong> defeats the young powerhouse <strong>Primus Allen</strong> via Pinfall. The two behemoths slug it out for awhile before the veteran Law puts Allen away with the Strong Arm of the Law.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Law goes to stand up to celebrate his victory, he finds himself chop blocked from behind by his own Night Stick, courtesy of Roger Cage! These men have battle for the last few months, and with both of them in the Chamber Match, Cage uses this opportunity to work over his rival. Cage chokes Law with his own Night Stick. Cage then shows great strength when he lifts up the 300 pound Law, locks the arms, and then plants Law with the Rage Cage! Cage poses over Law after sending a huge message just 8 days before Total Mayhem and the Legends Championship Chamber Match!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Anderson</strong> defeats Endangered Species’ <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> by Pinfall. Cougar fought valiantly and showed some crazy aerial moves. But all Anderson needed was one mistake, and when he got it Cougar went to sleep, courtesy of the Ammo Dump. The announcers hype up Anderson’s presence in the Chamber as Queen Persephone enters the ring and raises her man’s arm.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> continues his winning ways when he defeats indy vet <strong>Dan DaLay.</strong> Montero wins soundly and puts the large vet away with his Montero Press.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Prior to Mikey James’ match, he is led to the ring by Munenori Umari. Umari takes to the mic, and speaks for the first time since he has united with Mikey James (and Mikey’s change of attitude). Umari reveals to the world that he is the one who trained Mikey James many years ago, but “sadly” Mikey had become light hearted since his time away from Umari, and Mikey has allowed foolish fans to persuade his ambitions. Munenori says he has come to TCW to lead to Mikey James to the “promise land.” Munenori Umari vows that Mikey James will be the one to cut the head off of the Insane One, that he will take the Legends Title from Eddie Peak at Total Mayhem.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mikey James</strong> defeats Sweet Ambition’s <strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> by Pinfall. It’s an exciting contest between two of TCW’s promising young stud. James puts Hernandez away with the Scything Side Kick.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Mikey James has his arm raised by Referee Sparrow, the lights go out in the arena, and we hear the laughter of the Legends Champion. In the shadows, Eddie Peak appears on the tron. Peak congratulates Mikey James on a wonderful attack last week, and congratulates Mikey James on becoming a main event player. But Peak offers Mikey up the first rule on being a Main Eventer. “Always watch your back!” Peak begins to laugh hysterically. The laughs suddenly come on in the arena, and Peak is standing by Mikey James! Munenori Umari yells at Mikey to turn around. When he does, Peak lifts Mikey off his feet! Peak goes to hit Mikey with the Peak of the Devil, but Umari saves his client by dragging him off! Mikey & Umari quickly flee ringside, completely distraught. They look at the Legends Champion, as Eddie Peak falls his knee and laughs hysterically over what has just occurred.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mohammed Barrett</strong> defeats <strong>Brent Hill</strong> by Pinfall. The vet Hill brings the fight but the young powerhouse is just too much. Barrett puts Hill away with the M-O K-O. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>A contract signing is set up in the ring. General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson & 4 Aces’ Leader Aaron Andrews head to the ring, followed by Down With Authority’s Leader Wolf Hawkins. The three exchange words before Andrews & Hawkins sign the contract for their Total Mayhem. They make it official. Whoever loses at Total Mayhem will leave Saturday Night Showcase. One of the stables will be losing their leader in 8 Days! Before things can get hot, RDJ calls security in the ring. The competitors prepare for the Main Event as we head to commercial.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4 Aces (Aaron Andrews, Joey Minnesota, & Destiny’s Finest)</strong> defeats <strong>Down With Authority (Wolf Hawkins,</strong> TCW International Champion <strong>Jay Chord, &</strong> TCW US Tag Team Champions <strong>High Concept)</strong> in a Eight Man Tag Team Match. The action is hot and heavy for over twenty minutes. At the fifteen minute mark, Referee Sparrow loses all control, and it breaks down into an all out war. Benny Benson looks primed to finish off Aaron Andrews, but a distraction by Ricky Dale Johnson gives Andrews an opportunity to dodge Benson’s finisher. Andrews instead hits Benson with the Ace in the Pocket, and gets the 3 Count!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>With the match won, the members of 4 Aces quickly flee ringside. DWA checks on their fallen member Benson in the ring as the 4 Aces are all smiles at the top of the entrance way. As SNS fades to a close, Wolf Hawkins & Aaron Andrews share some heated words, as they inch closer and closer to their huge battle at Total Mayhem XIX.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 4 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Laurent Ballroom (New England)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest, Muscle Bound Squad’s <strong>Mohammed Barrett</strong> defeats Sweet Sensation’s <strong>Randy Bumfhole</strong> by Pinfall. Bumfhole rallies late, but the powerhouse Barrett simply overpowers him to victory. After the M-O K-O, Barrett gets the 3 count. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> continues to roll, this time over New Wave’s <strong>Scout</strong>. It is Montero’s toughest challenge to date, and his streak nearly ends here. But Montero comes out of nowhere with the Montero Press and shocks the veteran Scout for the 3 Count!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Destiny’s Finest (& Venus Angeletti) are interviewed backstage by Lee Bambino. Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade are ultra confident about their US Tag Team Title Match against the champs High Concept at Total Mayhem XIX. After the 4 Aces defeated Down with Authority in an 8 Man Tag on Saturday Night Showcase, Destiny’s Finest think they have their first Tag Team Title in the bag. In the words of Spencer Spade, “It’s not a matter of if…but when!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> defeats Sweet Sensation’s <strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> by Pinfall. It’s an exciting back and forth contest, but after Hernandez misses with a Springboard Moonsault, Spade hits the Supreme Stunner. That’s all she wrote!</p><p> </p><p>

Endangered Species’ <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> gets the upset victory over TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Keith.</strong> Despite interference by Keith’s partner Cameron Vessey, Cougar reverses Keith’s Legacy Dump right into a roll up! Cougar gets the 3 before Keith can break free! No a good loss for the Tag Champs before their title defense at Total Mayhem!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, The TCW US Tag Team Champions High Concept are interviewed by Lee Bambino, as he asks for their rebuttal to the comments of Destiny’s Finest. Benny Benson & Greg Black are unshaken by the words of the #1 Contenders. Benson calls Destiny’s Finest a bunch of silver spoon brats who just wants things handed to them. “At Total Mayhem, if they want these Tag Titles? They’re going to need to earn then!” Greg Black declares himself and Benson the best tag team in the world today, and that it’s not even a debate. “If Kirk & Spencer wants to make a name for themselves, then here’s their chance. But they better be ready for the fight of their lives!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a very exciting matchup, TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> defeats TCW US Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Black</strong> by Submission. The action is crazy and goes back and forth between these two great high fliers. Black misses from the top rope with the Fade to Black, allowing Bach to lock on his submission, the Bach on your Back. Stuck in the middle of the ring, Greg Black has no choice but to tap. (Non-Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith (who came to the ring with Samuel Bach & Vita) enters the ring and starts to work over Greg Black. Samuel Bach soon joins in with Bulldozer. Black’s tag partner Benny Benson rushes down to the ring for the save, but soon becomes a victim of the 2 on 1 attack. Here comes fellow DWA member Jay Chord, armed with a steel chair! Chord chases off The Syndicate, saving his allies! Jay Chord wants a piece of Samuel Bach, and doesn’t want to wait for Total Mayhem! As Proving Grounds come to close, Chord & Bach exchange words from across the ring. At Total Mayhem XIX, Bach & Chord will represent their respective brands. Total Wrestling versus Saturday Night Showcase! United States Champ vs International Champ! Bach vs Chord! It promises to be a thriller!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 4 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

New Hampshire Garden (New England)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest, Devine Intervention’s <strong>Steve Devine</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong>, Canadian Animal <strong>Edd Stone</strong>, & Riot Act’s <strong>Buddy Garner</strong> in a Fatal Four Way Match. With each man representing their tag team, the four competitors refuse to allow each other to gain the fall. Edd Stone wipes out both Vessey & Garner at ringside with a suicide dive, but misses with a springboard clothesline on Devine, allowing Steve to hit the Star Maker for the Win! Steve Devine gets the win here, but who will leave the Tag Team Fatal Four Way as the World Tag Team Champs at Total Mayhem?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Supremacy (Matthew Keith & Edward Cornell)</strong> defeats <strong>El Mitico & Felipe Callabero</strong> by Pinfall. Matthew Keith comes in on the tag and absolutely dominates. Keith connects with the Sam Keith Special on Mitico, and thus the Fat Lady Sings! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>TCW Owner & World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell heads to the ring to the crowd’s approval. Cornell talks about how important Total Mayhem is, and how this year’s event could be the biggest one to date. He is in the middle of hyping the main event when his Mayhem opponent and former protégé, Joss Thompson, walks out with Krissy Angelle. In a thunderous scene, the competitors face off and exchange words. In the classic black Syndicate suit, Thompson makes it clear to Cornell that at any moment he could have his Syndicate injure him, and Tommy would be easy pickings at Total Mayhem. But Thompson knows he can beat Tommy straight up, and he will do exactly that in four days. Tommy Cornell replies by saying he respects that notion by Joss Thompson…but it takes more than words to win the World Heavyweight Championship. “In four nights, you will face the best in the world…the best ever! If you’re not ready boy…you better get ready!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steven Parker</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Keith</strong> by Disqualification. Keith controls a long length of the match, but Parker fights back into it. As Parker prepares to hit the Future Shock, he gets clobbered from behind by Matthew Keith. Referee Terakado has no choice but to throw the match out.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>No matter how many times the timekeeper hits the ring bell, Matthew Keith continues his assault on Steven Parker after the match. Soon his brother Greg joins in, and Parker is in no man’s land. The Keith Brothers come together and connect with their tag team maneuver, the Stun Gun DDT! Matthew Keith poses over the fallen Parker, and looks mighty confident in process. In four days at Total Mayhem, Matthew Keith will see Steven Parker again, but unlike now, he’ll do it one on one…and face to face!</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> absolutely destroys grizzled indy veteran <strong>Johnny Martin</strong>. The Bulldozer continues to plow through his competition, and puts the tough Martin away with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rocky Golden is shown backstage preparing for his tag team main event match. He is approached by Syndicate leader Joss Thompson. Joss tells Rocky Golden that he doesn’t care what Rocky does to his Total Mayhem opponent Jack DeColt tonight, he doesn’t even care if he breaks his spine. But Thompson makes it perfectly clear to Rocky Golden that he doesn’t want anything to happen to Tommy Cornell after the match. If anything extracurricular happens to Tommy, Joss says he will hold Rocky fully responsible. When he asks Rocky if he understands, Golden reluctantly says yes. Joss Thompson walks away, leaving Rocky Golden quite bitter. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Syndicate leader <strong>Joss Thompson</strong> defeats <strong>Danny B Bling</strong> by Pinfall. Despite a valiant by the True Pimp of TCW, Thompson has every answer for Bling’s offense throughout the match. Thompson finally puts Bling away with the Clean Cutter. After the match, with Krissy Angelle by his side, Thompson raises high his Ticket to Mayhem Contract, the contract that has put him in this year’s Total Mayhem Main Event. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Koshiro Ino</strong> absolutely dominates the tandem of Kip Keenan & Ernest Youngman in a 2 on 1 Handicap Match. Ino debuts his submission, which Announcer DJ Britton informs to the world that Queen Persephone is calling the Kobra Claw. It is Ino’s version of the classic Claw pressure point hold. Ino locks the Kobra Claw onto Ernest Youngman, and not only does Youngman tap, but his shoulders are down for the three count at the same time. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Queen Persephone joins her monster Ino in the ring after the match with a mic in hand. Perse informs to the world that Koshiro Ino has been, in fact, left off the Total Mayhem card. Perse says she and Koshiro considers that an inexcusable insult. Perse promises that there will be repercussions, and they will be coming very soon!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a very exciting back and forth main event, TCW World Heavyweight Champion <strong>Tommy Cornell & Jack DeColt</strong> defeats <strong>The Syndicate (Rocky Golden &</strong> TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach)</strong> via Pinfall. Late in the bout, a brawl between Cornell & Golden spills out to the floor. In the ring, Bach executes a beautiful moonsault, only to be caught in mid air by DeColt! What strength! From there, DeColt adjusts his grip and hits the End of Days! 1,2,3, and DeColt wins it for his team!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rocky Golden sends Tommy Cornell face first into the ring post, then slides back into the ring and assaults Jack DeColt from behind! The 2 on 1 assault begins after Samuel Bach returns to his feet, and Jack DeColt has no chance. But wait, Tommy Cornell gets back into the ring with a little bit of blood coming down his face! Cornell fights both Golden & Bach, and does so valiantly, but even for him it’s too much! Golden starts to set Cornell up for the Rocky Road, but that’s when he hears his name being yelled. A very disgruntled Joss Thompson comes storming down to the ring! Thompson climbs onto the apron and yells at Golden to put him down! Reluctantly, Golden does. Thompson orders his Syndicate member to exit the ring, and they do so (not without Thompson giving Golden an ugly look). Golden & Bach leave up the entrance way. Thompson turns back to see Cornell on one knee staring back. The two are frozen for a good moment, as the entire crowd can feel the electric. Finally, just like last week, Thompson raises his fingers and gestures to Cornell just how many days are left. “Four Days!” Thompson lips to Cornell, just before he leaps backwards off the apron. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Just four more days! In 96 Hours, we will witness the greatest main event in Total Mayhem history! Tommy Cornell! Joss Thompson! Mentor versus Protégé! Former Best Friends Collide! TCW World Heavyweight Championship! HOLY CRAP!!!!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 4 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Lowe Ballroom (North West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In tonight’s opening contest, the duo of <strong>Missy Masterson & Zoe Ammis</strong> defeats <strong>Masked Fenomenon</strong> via Pinfall. Pinky Perez & Amazon wow the crowd with some amazing aerial maneuvers, but Perez soon finds herself victim of Masterson’s Identity Crisis. 3 Seconds later and it’s over. This marks Missy’s 3rd straight win on No Divas Allowed. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino tries to interview Tracy Brendon before the upcoming six woman tag team match that she is involved in. But Queen Persephone steps in between then and tells Bambino that her client won’t be answering questions right now. Perse tells Bambino that all he needs to know that Tracy Brendon has officially accepted the challenge of Grace Harper, whom had challenged Tracy off camera, and those will two will battle very soon. But also, Tracy Brendon will be watching the Women’s Title match in the main event very closely, and looks forward to her title match…which will be very soon!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a Six Woman Tag Team Match, <strong>Grace Harper, Danielle Sweetheart, & Nina Cacace</strong> defeats <strong>Tracy Brendon</strong> & The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions, <strong>The B.I.T.C.H. Squad.</strong> Late in the match, rather than battling Grace Harper, Tracy Brandon is coaxed by Queen Persephone to bow out of the match early. Leaving her team high and dry, Brendon watches as Harper hits Jaime Quinne with the Fall from Grace for the victory. Harper celebrates with her team, while at the same time staring down her former friend Brendon from across the arena.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>General Manager Melanie Florence is shown backstage talking to a couple of her employees. She is approached by Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace. Sweetheart & Cacace claim to the GM that after their win tonight, they want another crack at the B.I.T.C.H Squad and the Women’s Tag Team gold. Florence congratulates the duo on their win, but tells them it’s going to take more than a Six Woman’s Tag victory to get another title shot, especially one where they didn’t directly beat the champs. But, Florence tells them that they are near the top of the contenders list, and with the right moves, they might just get that title shot!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Suzanne Brazzle</strong> defeats Queen of the Orient’s <strong>Makiko</strong> by Pinfall. In a battle of female veterans, “The Miracle Blonde” comes away with the big W after putting Makiko away with the Miracle Connection. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>A music video plays, highlighting this intense feud that is coming to a close in just a few moments. It highlights the numerous matches between Sara Marie York & DeMelza Wade, including the two prior title matches. It also includes the many beatdowns the A-List put on York, and all the taunting insults Wade has thrown at the champ. It all comes down to tonight. DeMelza’s last crack at the gold! And it all goes down in the first TCW Women’s Ladder Match!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Ladder Match!!!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

TCW Women’s Champion <strong>Sara Marie York</strong> successfully retains her championship over A-Lister <strong>DeMelza Wade</strong> in the first ever Women’s Ladder Match. These ladies went out there and proved to the world that they can do what any TCW Male Wrestler can do! They smashed each other with ladders, they flew from high above, and they crash and burned over and over. Finally, as they brawl high above on the ladder, York kicks Wade right in the skull. Wade loses his balance and falls over…and finds herself hanging upside with her leg caught on the ladder! Wade can’t free herself! With no one to stop her, York reaches up and unlatches her championship belt! York wins! What an ending to this epic feud!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd roars as York falls to the mat, clutching her championship belt to her chest. York comes to her feet and circles the ring with her championship up high. Once again, Sara Marie York proves without a shadow of a doubt that she is the best female wrestler in the world today. As NDA comes to a close, Sara Marie York climbs back up the ladder and raises her championship belt up high for the entire crowd to see.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Total Mayhem might be 3 days away, but Sara Marie York has just had her career moment!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

May – Week 4 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Doyle Lane (North West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest, just twenty four hours before the US Tag Team Championship Match, Champion <strong>Benny Benson</strong> defeats 4 Aces’ <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> via Pinfall. The young phenom brought the fight to the vet Benson, but Benny was able to rebound late and hit the Shockwave from the Next Year! Benson wins tonight, but will he and Greg Black be able to fend off Destiny’s Finest and keep their gold at Total Mayhem?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sweet Sensations</strong> defeats the team of <strong>Texas Pete & Davis Wayne Newton</strong> via Pinfall. Texas Pete takes over the match as the powerhouse that he is, but Hernandez & Bumfhole take over late and hit Newton with the Sweet Dreams from Above for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The DWA Theme hits, and the crowd roars. The DWA chants begin immediately as Wolf Hawkins walks out wearing his stable’s merchandise. Hawkins cuts a promo on the top of the entrance way about his Total Mayhem match with Aaron Andrews, where in which the loser must leave SNS. Hawkins says that the feud between Down with Authority & 4 Aces has become so heated that this match is necessary. The rubber match between Wolf Hawkins & Aaron Andrews is necessary. Hawkins vows that Andrews will be in for the fight of his life in twenty four hours. In a sentimental moment, Hawkins finishes his promo off by saying that if this his last night on SNS, he thanks the fans for all the great moments, and for always being behind him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong> defeats Fro & Luau Connection member <strong>Fro Sure</strong> via Pinfall. Fro Sure sticks with the grizzled veteran, as his brawling skills peaks out from his comical side. But Fro Sure misses with his aerial move, the Fro Butt, and falls victim to Minnesota’s Empiral Spiral. 1,2,3, It’s over.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Minnesota has his arm raised by Referee Sparrow, his music is interrupted by that of “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson! In a surprising turn of events, Anderson is led to the ring by Queen Persephone! Anderson & Minnesota go nose to nose in the ring, both men being members of tomorrow night’s Legends Championship Chamber Match! It doesn’t matter if both men are heels in the eyes of fans, because Minnesota throws a right hand, and these two TCW Vets are brawling now! Minnesota gains the edge and drops Anderson with a huge forearm. Minnesota starts to stalk Anderson for the Empire Spiral, but Persephone jumps on the apron and distracts Joey. This allows Anderson to blind side Minnesota, then lay him out with the Ammo Dump! Queen Perse enters the ring and applauds her man’s work before raising Anderson’s arm high as he stands over a motionless Minnesota. Ladies and Gentlemen, we might be looking at the next Legends Champion, and his name is John Anderson!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Munenori Umari stands in the middle of the ring. Umari tells the world that if they really think he came to Total Championship Wrestling with only one client in mind, then they are fools. Umari pronounces that he is here to build his own empire. The Rising Sun Empire! With that said, Umari introduces his newest client. Straight from Japan, the star of the now defunct World Level Wrestling, Umari’s newest client is none other than Magnum Kobe!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Magnum Kobe</strong> absolutely dominates TCW Vet <strong>Stevie Grayson</strong> to a pinfall victory. Grayson has no answers for the international star from Japan, and is put away by the Kobe Bomb. Munenori Umari looks much pleased with his new client’s work.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kirk Jameson is shown backstage, preparing for his upcoming match with Wolf Hawkins. He is surrounded by tag team partner Spencer Spade and SNS General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ makes his intentions clear to both Jameson & Spade. No matter the outcome of the match, he doesn’t want Wolf Hawkins to go into Total Mayhem XIX at 100%! Destiny’s Finest head to the ring confident that they’ll get the job done.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Despite interference from Spencer Spade, Down with Authority <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> defeats 4 Aces’ <strong>Kirk Jameson</strong> via Pinfall. It looks grim for Hawkins as Spade gets involved, but Spencer is soon chased off by Hawkins’ stablemates Benny Benson & Greg Black! Jameson is distracted by these events, allowing Hawkins to recover. Jameson misses with The Bullseye, allowing Hawkins to connect with the Dictator’s Beheading for the win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Wolf Hawkins turns his attention to a disgruntled Ricky Dale Johnson, who watched the match from the entrance way. Hawkins flashes a huge smile towards RDJ…right up until he gets clobbered from behind by Aaron Andrews! Now RDJ is all smiles because of Ace, who had came through the crowd to blindside his opponent at Total Mayhem! Andrews taunts Hawkins as he struggles to get up, then races off the ropes and hits Wolf with the Ace in the Pocket! Before leaving the ring, Andrews taunts Hawkins more as he waves bye bye to him. As SNS goes to commercials, RDJ raises Andrews’ arm, as if he had already won his Total Mayhem Match. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero</strong> continues to his winning ways, this time taking out grizzled vet <strong>Ford Gumble</strong> via Pinfall. Montero is just too much for the Cowboy, and Ford Gumble finds himself as another victim of the Montero Press. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with TCW International Champion Jay Chord. Bambino’s asks Chord for his thoughts on his inter-promotional match with Samuel Bach tomorrow night at Total Mayhem. Chord declares that this match is no longer just about representing SNS, not after Bach attacked him and assaulted his friend Greg Black. Chord says Bach made this personal, and he’s going to regret doing that. Chord says that last year he fulfilled his dream of competing on a Total Mayhem card. This year? He fulfills another dream, and that’s winning on a Total Mayhem card. “Nothing is more historical in wrestling than a win at the biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem. And after tomorrow night, Samuel Bach? Everyone will remember that I defeated you on the brightest of nights!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

TCW Legends Champion <strong>Eddie Peak & Rick Law</strong> defeats <strong>Roger Cage & Mikey James</strong> in a tag team contest by Disqualification. Cage & James cut Law off on their side of the ring for a great deal of the time, but Law fights back and gets the tag to Law, who comes in like a fireball. Peak eventually manages to look Cage in the Straight Jacket, but before Cage can submit or pass out, James assaults Peak from behind with a steel chair! Referee Sparrow throws the match out as a result!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Roger Cage recovers, and he and Mikey James begin to work over the Legends Champion in the ring. But Rick Law soon makes the save, taking on both men! Law overpower both and soon dumps Cage & James to the floor and send them fleeing from ringside with their managers! Rick Law is all pumped up! Law turns to see Eddie Peak trying to stand. It looks Law is going to help the Legends Champion, but suddenly, Rick rushes off the ropes and clobbers Peak with the Strong Arm of the Law! BOOM! Law jumps to his feet, completed stoked! Law yells down at a faint Peak that it’s his time, and declares himself the next champion! It’s safe to say that it is every man for himself tomorrow night in the Chamber match!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Ladies and Gentlemen, the waiting is over! We are just one night away from the biggest show of the year! And on that show, six men will step into the dreaded Chamber and battle until there is only one man left standing! Who will leave Total Mayhem XIX the TCW Legends Champion???</em></p>

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And Now for some TCW News!


May – 2015 Edition!


Lineup for TCW Total Mayhem XIX!

LIVE on Pay-Per-View!




The Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

“Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell ( c ) vs “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson (w/ Krissy Angelle)

Former Best Friends Battle. Mentor vs Protégé. Joss Thompson stole The Syndicate from Tommy Cornell, and after winning the first ever Ticket to Mayhem Match, has punched his ticket to the main event of Total Mayhem to face the man who personally brought him to Total Championship Wrestling to follow in his footsteps. In the words of Thompson, it couldn’t happen any other way! Meanwhile, Tommy Cornell challenged Joss Thompson to come do what no one has been able to do. Come beat the best wrestler in the world!


Legends Championship Chamber Match!

TCW Legends Championship

“King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak ( c ) vs Joey Minnesota vs “The Dragon” Mikey James (w/ Munenori Umari) vs “TCW’s Law Enforcer” Rick Law vs “Smooth” Roger Cage (w/ Kali Fornia) vs “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson (w/ Queen Persephone)

Saturday Night Showcase General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson promised SNS would steal the show at Total Mayhem XIX. This is his masterpiece! 10 of the best wrestlers on SNS battled for the five spots to challenge Eddie Peak for his championship. The King of the Insane Asylum gladly accepted a match in such a barbaric structure. Needless to say, there is will be some pain unleashed in the chamber!


Street Fight!

Loser Leaves Saturday Night Showcase!

Wolf Hawkins vs Aaron “Ace” Andrews (w/ Ricky Dale Johnson)

The battle between Down With Authority & The 4 Aces has been going on for months. Will it finally end at Total Mayhem? It isn’t guaranteed, but one thing is. One of the stables will be losing one of their leaders when this Street Fight is over and done with! Behold, the Hawkins & Andrews Rubber Match!


”Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt (w/ Marie DeColt) vs “The Giant” Rocky Golden (w/ Vita)

Most people would avoid a fight with Rocky Golden. Jack DeColt called The Giant out for a match at Total Mayhem! After Golden cost DeColt the United States Championship, instead of demanding an immediate return match, DeColt wants a piece of Golden. He gets that piece at Total Mayhem, and it promises to be a knockout, dragged out affair!


TCW US Tag Team Championship

High Concept ( c ) (w/ Chloe Dean) vs Destiny’s Finest (w/ Venus Angeletti)

Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade are hands down the most promising prospects to ever step out of TCW Development. And they know it! As Destiny’s Finest, they aim for their first ever TCW Gold at Total Mayhem. But to get it? They must beat the best tag team in the world today, Benny Benson & Greg Black!


Inter-Promotional War!

“TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach (Total Wrestling) (w/ Vita) vs “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord (Saturday Night Showcase) (w/ Phoebe Plumridge)

Tommy Cornell loves a little competition, and thus his idea of an inter-promotional match at Total Mayhem came into play. The two midcard champions go to battle with bragging rights on the line. Bach & Chord are two of the most exciting stars in TCW, and they most definitely aim to steal the show!


“The Future” Steven Parker vs Matthew Keith

For months now, Matthew Keith has been demanding spotlight for his stable, Supremacy. At Total Mayhem, he will get that spotlight when he takes on multi-Pay-Per-View Main Eventer (and Winner), Steven Parker. Parker has grown tired of his issues with Keith and his henchmen, and aims to take his frustration out on the arrogant young star!


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match!

TCW World Tag Team Championship

Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) ( c ) vs Riot Act (w/ Autumn Gleeson) vs The Canadian Animals (w/ Laura Huggins) vs Devine Intervention (w/ Jenny Playmate)

Originally to be a rematch between Supremacy & Devine Intervention, the tag team division has been filled with so much ruckus on Total Wrestling that Riot Act & The Canadian Animals forced themselves into the title picture! Will the young stars Vessey & Keith be able to beat the 25% odds and keep their gold?


TCW News

The Veterans Board doesn’t Last Long

The Veterans Board only lasted a month here in Total Championship Wrestling. The band of grizzled veterans were to lead the locker room, but to do so, they would have to continue to deliver at least decent matches with the youth of the roster. Unfortunately, for the most part, they failed to do so. Tommy Cornell & The Board have pulled the plug on the Veterans Board, and decided to send the likes of Brent Hill & Enforcer Roberts back to TCW’s developmental territories. It doesn’t mean we have seen the last of guys on TCW Television. There will still be an option with them to help build rising stars when it is needed. But for now, Tommy Cornell & The Board has decided the best thing to do is have these veterans help these developmental guys, who are talented but still have a lot to learn. And when they are needed for the main roster? They will be sent an airplane ticket and directions.


The Wrestling Industry Loses Two Great Men

May 2015 is a sad month, as the wrestling industry lost two of its bigger names. Shane Sneer & Larry Vessey both passed away, leaving many to mourn them.


Obviously, Larry Vessey’s passing hit Total Championship Wrestling hard. A Six Time Tag Team Champion with his brother Bryan in TCW, Vessey spent ten years with the company from 1996 to 2006. In the past month, Bryan has spoken great things about his brother, as did his son, Cameron. Both took some time off over the passing of Larry, but not too long, as both claim Larry would want them to move on and continue to leave their mark in wrestling. Larry Vessey was 56 years old.


While Shane Sneer’s death didn’t hit Total Championship Wrestling directly, TCW recognizes what a talented figure Sneer was to the wrestling world. Undoubtedly, he was one of wrestling’s best personas. In fact, TCW made an attempt recently to bring him into the company, but unfortunately, Sneer decided to stay with United States Pro Wrestling. Shane Sneer was 58 years old.


Roster Changes

Signings: Maria Da Silva (WLWZ), Yukiko Matsumara (WLWZ)


Promotions: Nelson Callum (SNS), Magnum Kobe (SNS)


Demotions: American Buffalo (CCW), Brent Hill (CCW), Bryan Vessey (WLWZ), Enforcer Roberts (WLWZ)


Extensions: Darryl Devine (3 Years), Manuel Prieto (3 Years)


Tag Team Formations: El Mitico & Felipe Callabero


Top Televised Matches for May 2015

1. Tommy Cornell defeated Matthew Keith by Disqualification. The match was thrown out when Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith ran in and assaulted Cornell. (96)

2. The Syndicate (Joss Thompson & Rocky Golden) defeated Devine Intervention by Pinfall. The finish came when Thompson hit Steve Devine with the Clean Cutter. (90)

3. Joey Minnesota defeated Benny Benson by Pinfall. After some help from Aaron Andrews, Minnesota hit Benson with the Empire Spiral for the W. (87)

4. Tommy Cornell defeated Samuel Bach via Submission after locking on the Guilt Trip. (86)

5. Koshiro Ino defeated Joshua Taylor by Pinfall after connecting with the Kobra’s Bite. (84)

6. Eddie Peak defeated Guide via Submission with The Straight Jacket. (84)

7. Tommy Cornell & Jack DeColt defeated Rocky Golden & Samuel Bach by Pinfall. The finish came when DeColt hit Bach with the End of Days. (84)

8. Samuel Bach defeated Darryl Devine & Danny B Bling in a Triple Threat Match. The finish came when Bach hit Devine with the Shooting Star Press. (83)

9. Kirk Jameson defeated Buddy Garner by Pinfall. After a distraction by Venus Angeletti, Jameson hit Garner with The Bullseye for the victory. (83)

10. Wolf Hawkins & Benny Benson defeated John Anderson & Bryan Vessey by Pinfall. The finish came when Hawkins hit Vessey with the Full Moon Rising. (Pre Show, 83)


Rising Star Radar

The youngest son of Mexico’s Legendary Wrestler, Luis Montero, Gino Montero joined the main roster for Total Championship Wrestling in February 2015. On the Saturday Night Showcase brand, Montero struggled for many months, and even was relegated to Pre Show Matches for awhile. But since the end of April, Montero has been like wildfire. Something has click in the Mexican Phenom. Montero has competed in eight televised matches in May, both on SNS & Proving Grounds, and he has won them all! Montero has taken on all challengers, including veterans like New Wave’s Scout, and all have fallen to Gino’s Montero Press. Montero even managed to take down the ruthless “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, who has been on a tear recently. Fighting through adversity the entire match, Montero caught the behemoth with a beautiful roll up for the W! If anyone has a “never say die” attitude, it is Gino Montero, and the sky seems to be the limit for Mexican Phenom. Daddy Montero must be proud!


TCW Superstar Highlight

Name: “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson

Age: 35 (15 Years Pro)

TCW Debut: January 2013

Affiliates: The Syndicate (Krissy Angelle as Valet)

Theme Music: Triple H – “My Time” (The Syndicate Theme = “Main Event Mafia”)

Finishing Moves: The Clean Cutter (Suplex into Diamond Cutter)

TCW Title History: 2013 Tag Team Elite Tournament Winner (w/ Tommy Cornell)

Top 500 Rankings: 2012 (#125) 2013 (#23), 2014 (#24)

Top Rated Match: The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson) defeat High Concept (94, TCW Tag Team Elite Tournament, August 2013)

Most Notable Victory: Won the First Ever Ticket to Mayhem Match over Wolf Hawkins/Koshiro Ino/Steven Parker/Roger Cage/Rick Law (TCW Where Angels Fear to Tread, April 2015)

Biography: In 2013, Tommy Cornell was in the process of looking for a new protégé to mold, just like did with Wolf Hawkins, who at the time was the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Cornell’s search brought him to Europe, and to a talented, charismatic wrestler who had spent his entire career across seas. After one show, one match, Cornell saw immense potential in that one individual, and immediately attempted to sign this wrestler to a long term contract. That wrestler was Joss Thompson.


To say Joss Thompson was spoon fed by Tommy Cornell wouldn’t be false. Thompson was put in the perfect situation immediately after signing with TCW in January 2013. On his first night with the company, Cornell revealed him as the newest member of the Syndicate and declared him the future of Total Championship Wrestling. But while you can argue whether he had the silver spoon in his mouth, you can also argue that his mass potential was well worth such favoritism. He is called the Complete Package for a reason. Not only extremely talented and charismatic, he was big enough to have great brawls with men like Rick Law, but yet was quick enough to move with flashy guys like Sammy Bach.


As the huge blow up between Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship happened, Joss Thompson took Hawkins’ spot as the right hand man of The Syndicate. Thompson spent the first half of 2013 flying up the TCW Ladder, beating everyone in his way. From the start, Thompson had a beautiful blonde named Krissy Angelle in his corner, who has been smiling in her cocky fashion all the way up to present day. To this day, we don’t know the exact relationship between Joss & Krissy, but Krissy has yet to leave his side for his entire TCW career.


Joss Thompson’s first real feud was a huge one…literally. After costing “The Giant” Rocky Golden a chance at the TCW World Title, Golden set his eyes on Thompson for revenge, and made Joss’ life a living hell for months. Yet, every time they faced one on one on Pay-Per-View, Thompson was able to defeat the Giant (both in a Strap Match & Last Man Standing Match) due to some hefty Syndicate assistance.


The feud between Cornell & Hawkins continued for the majority of 2013. In their big finale, where in which there would be no rematch, Thompson helped Cornell defeat Hawkins at A Little South of Sanity. With no rematch with Cornell possible, Hawkins took out his frustration on Thompson, and thus their feud began, spilling into 2014. Hawkins & Thompson would battle it out over 4 Pay-Per-Views (3 Singles Matches, 1 Tag Team Match). As much as Thompson learned in that feud with the former World Champion, it was obvious that Joss still had a lot to learn on his way to TCW Main Event Stardom, and was defeated by Wolf in their finale.


Thompson’s skid would continue through Total Mayhem XVIII. Enthralled in a feud with TCW’s Local Law Enforcer Rick Law, Thompson would win their first PPV Encounter, only to lose to Law at the biggest show of the year. Unquestionably his most embarrassing loss in his career, Thompson lost to Law in the first ever TCW Jailbird Match, and Thompson was dragged off to jail, where he would have to stay overnight for his defeat. The skid rolled right on, as he & Tommy Cornell failed to go back to back in the Tag Team Elite Tournament in the event’s 2nd annual showing. Despite making it to the finals, The Syndicate team would lose to the Ying Yang Dragons (Koshiro Ino & Mikey James).


Things started to turn around in late 2014. Thompson would face off more with Mikey James after their tag team encounter. The Dragon was flying solo after Koshiro Ino was traded to Saturday Night Showcase, and had become a target of The Syndicate as his stock rose. In a trilogy of matches, Thompson was able to best The Dragon in the finale. But at the same time, the relationship between Tommy Cornell & Thompson was slowly deteriorating. Thompson didn’t approvewith how Cornell shook hands with heated rival (and former stable mate) Steven Parker in their final match. Thompson accused Cornell of losing his ruthlessness, while Cornell barked back that Thompson should know his place and keep in line.


It led to Psycho Circus 2014. After defeating Rick Law and retaining his World Title, Tommy Cornell was assaulted by Rocky Golden, who had been on an absolute rampage in recent months. Joss Thompson raced to the ring with a steel chair in hand. It looked like Thompson was protecting his mentor, but then Thompson spun around and blasted Cornell with the chair. In the following week, Thompson revealed his alliance with Rocky Golden, and that he and The Giant were taking over The Syndicate and kicking Cornell out. Thompson declared Cornell too soft to lead such a prestigious stable, and he and Golden began to rebuild The Syndicate in their own vision.


John Anderson & Cameron Vessey disbanded themselves from The Syndicate with the removal of Tommy Cornell, but it didn’t take Thompson & Golden long to find new followers. No longer the “Elation Sensation” but instead “Revolution X” after a drastic attitude change, Samuel Bach (no longer Sammy) joined The Syndicate on his first night on Total Wrestling after being traded to the brand. Thompson would also recruit the behemoth Brandon Smith, also known as The Bulldozer, who had been absolutely dominating the competition. Thompson vowed that he and Golden would bring The Syndicate to levels that Tommy Cornell could only dream of.


And this leads to present day. After Rocky Golden failed on several occasions to take the World Title from Tommy Cornell, Joss Thompson took over sole leadership of The Syndicate, deeming The Giant unfit to lead the group. Golden accepted this proposal…because otherwise Thompson threatened to sick the rest of the group on The Giant. After winning the first ever Ticket to Mayhem Match at Where Angels Fear to Tread, Thompson earned the right to challenge any champion to a match at Total Mayhem XIX. Of course, Thompson chose Cornell, and will face him for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship on the biggest night of the year.


It couldn’t happen any other way!

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Date: Sunday – Week 4 – May 2015

Location: Rolling Fields (Tri State)

Announcers: Steve Doakes, DJ Britton, & Jennifer Heat


TCW US Tag Team Championship

High Concept ( c ) vs Destiny’s Finest

A very entertaining match to open the biggest show of the year. Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade proved why they are the most promising prospects ever to come out of TCW Developmental. Several times, it looked like we were about to have new US Tag Team Champions. But in the end, like so many times, it came down to the experience and chemistry of Benny Benson & Greg Black, and that’s why they are considered the best tag team in the world today. For now at least, the veterans hold off the promising young studs, as High Concept puts away Jameson with The Game Over for the big win. (82)

Winners and STILL TCW US Tag Team Champions: High Concept


Backstage, Leo Bambino is standing by with the leader of The Syndicate, Joss Thompson. Bambino asks Thompson for his thoughts just hours before he headlines the biggest show of the year. Thompson gives a great interview and tells Bambino that this is the moment, the moment that he has been waiting all his career for. His issues with Tommy Cornell are just details. Joss Thompson believes he was destined to win the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and to become the greatest wrestler in the world. Thompson believes that tonight will be the night that the torched is passed, whether Tommy Cornell likes it or not. “Tommy, it’s time. It’s my time!” (100)


”Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt vs “The Giant” Rocky Golden

It’s a not knock out, dragged out affair. Absolutely nothing is pretty between these two brawlers. As he swore to, Jack DeColt doesn’t back down from Rocky Golden, and he brings the fight to the Giant over and over. Golden uses his size and power to control the match, but he couldn’t put DeColt away. DeColt fights back into it and shows great strength himself when he lifts Golden up and body slam The Giant. Then, to the amazement of all, DeColt lifts Golden up in the air, setting him up for the End of Days! Smartly, Vita climbs onto the apron and offers enough of a distraction to allow Golden to break free and clobber DeColt. With DeColt hurt, Golden hits DeColt with the Rocky Road and gets the Win, thanks to Vita!

Winner: Rocky Golden(80)


Following the match, the face of the Down with Authority leader, Wolf Hawkins appears on the tron. The crowd approves of his appearance. Hawkins recalls the long standing feud between DWA & The 4 Aces, more specifically between himself and both Ricky Dale Johnson & Aaron Andrews. All of it has led to tonight at Total Mayhem. “The fact of the matter is, Saturday Night Showcase isn’t big enough for the both of us, Aaron, and that’s why one of us must leave. One of our stables will be left in shambles, without a leader. Tonight, I live up to the initials the world has been praising for months now. Tonight, I say DOWN…WITH..AUTHORITY!” (92)


Inter-Promotional War!

“TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach (Total Wrestling) vs “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord (Saturday Night Showcase)

The Inter-Promotional war lives up to its expectations. These are the two most exciting wrestlers in the world today, and they delivered exactly that. Excitement! Samuel Bach wows the crowd with a beautiful top rope plancha, taking out Chord at ringside. Later on, Chord matches that with a picture perfect top rope moonsault, taking out Bach on the floor. Back in the ring, the midcard champions exchange finishers. When Bach attempts to go to the top rope, Chord cuts him off, and hits him with his Super DDT from the top rope! Bach’s head and neck gets planted, and is motionless as Chord gets the pinfall! Saturday Night Showcase wins the Inter-Promotional War! (79)

Winner: Jay Chord & Saturday Night Showcase


A music video plays, highlighting the long standing feud between Down with Authority & The 4 Aces. It reviews all the issues between Wolf Hawkins and Saturday Night Showcase General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson, as Wolf refused to ever to just bow down to the source of power. It also reviews the first two matches between Hawkins & Aaron Andrews, which they split. It all comes down to this. The rubber match. The loser leaves Saturday Night Showcase, leaving their stable without its leader! And it goes down in a Street Fight! (94)


Street Fight!

Loser Leaves Saturday Night Showcase!

Wolf Hawkins vs Aaron “Ace” Andrews (w/ Ricky Dale Johnson)

RDJ heads to the ring with Andrews, wearing a fancy suit with the 4 Aces logo on the back. To a roaring crowd, Hawkins comes to the ring waving a flag with the initials “DWA” on it. Both men are far from brawlers, but you wouldn’t know that from this match. Forget technique, Hawkins & Andrews just throw punches and attempt to brutalize each other. It doesn’t take long to get weapons involve either, as both men do what they can to win this match. After dropkicking a steel chair into Andrews’ face, Hawkins looks primed for a win as he gets to the top rope for the Full Moon Rising, but RDJ shoves him off, and sends him to no man’s land, a crotch shot on the top rope! RDJ is all smiles, but soon gets blasted from behind by Jay Chord, who has come to even the odds for DWA! Chord & RDJ brawl outside the ring, which is enough to distract Andrews, who yells at Chord to leave. Andrews turn back to the action to see Hawkins stirring. Andrews charges and tries for the Ace in the Pocket! Hawkins dodges! Both men turn back to each other, Hawkins boots Andrews in the gut. Hawkins plants Andrews face first onto the steel chair with the Dictator’s Beheading! The cover, 1…2…3! Hawkins wins! (81)


The crowd is in an uproar to the sound of “Cult of Personality.” Jay Chord joins Wolf Hawkins in the ring to celebrate as Ricky Dale Johnson looks absolutely stunned. Outside the ring, Aaron Andrews comes to the realization of what has happened. As he looks over the crowd, the chants being to start, obviously directed towards Andrews. “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey, Goodbye!” Andrews walks over to RDJ to explain himself, but his mentor hears nothing of it. RDJ walks off on Andrews and leaves Rolling Fields arena by himself. Inside the ring, the Down with Authority celebration continues, as High Concept come down to join the group. Benny Benson & Greg Black lift Hawkins up on their shoulders and look up as their leader proudly waves the DWA flag. Folks, it looks like we must have just seen the demise of the stable known as 4 Aces! (100)


Darkness appears over the tron, yet we hear the obvious voice of the Legends Champion, Eddie Peak. Through the darkness, Peak appears within a single white flash of light. The Legends Championship rests on his shoulder. Peak officially welcomes his five companions to the hell that awaits them tonight. Peak calls that Steel Chamber his “home sweet home.” In his eyes, tonight is like Christmas morning. “I get to be locked in a steel chamber…and I can do whatever I want! What could possibly be more fun? Ha Ha Ha Ha! Come and have fun with me, children! YOU WON’T REGRET IT! HA HA HA HA HA!” (87)


“The Future” Steven Parker vs Matthew Keith

As Matthew Keith makes his way down to the ring, sporting a replica of his father’s attire, it is announced by Shawn Doakes that all members of the Supremacy have been banned from ringside. Keith & Steven Parker go out there and do their best to steal the show, and they wow the crowd with an amazing match! The match is very technical, but also at times gets down and dirty. Keith survives Parker’s early onslaught to slow the match down to his preference: a slow, grinding procedure. But Parker takes everything that Keith gives and brings it right back! Parker is on fire in the final minutes of the match, and nearly puts Keith away with a Superplex. After nearly passing Referee Tawaraya’s five count, Parker is pulled away by the referee and is warned. Parker goes after a hurt Keith and sets him up for the Future Shock. But Keith breaks free and trips Parker into the corner. Parker’s face goes into the turnbuckle, which apparently had been exposed by Keith, behind the referee’s back! Referee Yawaraya has no clue what has occurred, as Keith rushes off the ropes and hits the Sam Keith Special! 1,2,3, Matthew Keith steals it in what is the biggest win of his career! (90)


A highlight video plays, reviewing how all five challengers qualified for the upcoming Legends Championship Chamber Match. In the background, as all are shown, we hear the psychotic laughter of the Legends Champion, Eddie Peak. “Welcome…to my playground!” As the scene changes back to live in the Rolling Fields arena, the Steel Chamber begins to be lowered upon the ring! The horror and brutality is about to begin! (80)


Legends Championship Chamber Match!

TCW Legends Championship

“King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak ( c ) vs Joey Minnesota vs “The Dragon” Mikey James vs “TCW’s Law Enforcer” Rick Law vs “Smooth” Roger Cage vs “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson

John Anderson & Mikey James starts off the match. After Mikey assaults Minnesota with a flurry of speed, Minnesota slows The Dragon by back tossing him onto the steel chamber floor. BRRR! John Anderson joins the match. Minnesota & Anderson go back and forth, reliving their brawl on SNS just one night ago. Mikey James clears that up, when he climbs flying off the top of one of the chamber pods, taking out both men! BRRR! Here comes the Legends Champion, Eddie Peak! Peak goes on an absolute frenzy, knocking down all three men down over and over. Mikey James tries to come off the top rope to attack Peak, but Peak catches him by the throat! Peak lifts Mikey up and hits the Peak of the Devil! 1,2,3! Mikey James has been eliminated. Minnesota & Anderson smartly start to double team Peak, and double clothesline him out of the ring. BRRR! Roger Cage gets released from his pod. The three heels work together and work over the champ. Cage takes the moment to taunt the crowd, and Minnesota comes from behind and throws Cage right through the glass wall of one of the empty pods! Cage lays lifeless there as Anderson & Minnesota begin to brawl again. It spills back into the ring. Minnesota misses with a wild haymaker, and Anderson wows the crowd with a perfect trio of german suplex, the third one suplexing Minnesota out of the ring and onto the chamber floor! BRRR! Here comes the final participant, Rick Law! Law steps out of the ring, untucks his shirt, and reveals that he had a Night Stick hidden in his waist band! The crowd approves! Law enters the ring and hits Anderson in the ribs with the Night Stick, then catches Peak on the jaw as he tries to re-enter the match. Minnesota gets a taste of it, too! Law tries to take Anderson’s head off with the Night Stick, but Anderson ducks. Anderson tries to lift Law up for the Ammo Dump, but can’t do it! Law breaks off behind Anderson. Anderson turns around, and Law lifts him off his feet. Squad Car Slam! 1,2,3! John Anderson has been eliminated. As Law gets up, Roger Cage jumps on his back and rakes the eyes! With Law discombobulated, Cage delivers a very Stiff Neckbreaker that would make Rick Rude (Who???) proud. Cage takes the time to do a dance, and walks backwards into the body of Peak. Horrified, Cage turns around and pleads mercy with Peak. Peak hears none of it, and takes Cage by the throat. Peak lifts Cage up and choke slams over the top rope, and right onto the steel chamber floor! Cage is motionless! Peak goes to step out of the ring, but is chop blocked by Minnesota. Minnesota grabs Peak and sends him shoulder first into the post, and in the process his skull smashes off the glass pod! Ouch! Law attacks Minnesota and sends him for a ride with a big powerslam. Law sizes Minnesota up and rushes him for the Strong Arm of the Law, but Minnesota pulls the ropes down with himself and sends Law tumbling to the floor. As Law tries to stand up, Minnesota takes him by the head and DDTs on the steel floor! Minnesota covers Law there, 1,2,3! Rick Law has been eliminated! As the Chamber door is opened, behind the referees’ back, Kali Fornia scrambles into the ring and comes to her man Roger Cage’s side and tries to wake him up! Minnesota’s attention is completely on Peak, as he stalks the Legends Champion as he stands up. Minnesota tries for the Empiral Spiral, but Peak blocks it. He tries again. No go! Peak clotheslines his way out of it. Peak goes to whip Minnesota off the ropes, but Minnesota retaliates with a dropkick to the knee. As Peak tries to stand, Minnesota goes to the top rope. Minnesota flies off and wipes Peak out with a Flying Cross Body! But Peak rolls through it, and right into the Straight Jacket! Peak has it locked on in the center of the ring! Referee Tarakado checks on Minnesota, and finally jumps up and declares that Minnesota has passed out! Joey Minnesota is eliminated! The crowd is on their feet, as a sick smile comes over the Legends Champion. Eddie Peak stands up. He looks over his should, and looks over at Kali Fornia, who continues to try and wake up a motionless Roger Cage! Peak begins to laugh! Peak steps over the ropes, and before Kali realizes it, Peak is towering over her! Kali pleads with Peak, but Eddie shakes his head as he continues to laugh. Peak steps towards Cage, and suddenly Kali shoots up and spews some type of Pink Mist into Peak’s eyes! Peak is blinded! Peak frantically claws at his eyes, and falls through the ropes, into the ring! Roger Cage jumps to his feet! Roger Cage wasn’t unconscious! He was faking it! Cage grabs the blinded Peak in the ring. He struggles but manages to lift Peak up! THE RAGE CAGE! He HIT IT! THE COVER! 1,2,3! OH…MY…GOD. I can’t believe what just happened! (96)




The crowd is stunned as Roger Cage lays on the mat pumping his fists! Roger Cage has won the Legends Champion after virtually no offense the entire match! Kali Fornia leaps into the arms of Cage, and he does a victory lap around the ring. Cage snatches the Legends Title from Referee Terakado and and lays a big smooch on the gold. Cage climbs the corner and frantically raises the title over and over. “None of you thought I could do it!” yells Cage. “Well, I did it!” Suddenly the crowd rise to their feet, and Cage thinks it’s for him. Kali yells at Cage to watch out, as Cage steps down from the corner and turns around into the grasp of a PISSED Eddie Peak! Peak hits the new Legends Champion with the Peak of the Devil! Eddie Peak is seething as he stands over a motionless Roger Cage. Seeing red, Eddie Peak’s head snaps towards Kali Fornia! Smartly, Kali runs right out of the Chamber in her high heels, and right out of the arena! Eddie Peak reaches down, snatches the Legends Championship off the mat, and walks out of the Chamber! Roger Cage is the new Legends Champion…but Eddie Peak is leaving Total Mayhem with the championship! (100)


Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with the Owner of TCW and the current TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell. Just moments away from arguably the biggest defense of his career, Bambino asks Cornell for his thoughts. Tommy Cornell says that tonight is the biggest show of the year, and it is only appropriate that the best in the world headlines this show. For one year, Cornell has worn the TCW World Title and has defeated all the odds. But Cornell calls this challenge like no other. “Tonight, fighting Joss Thompson is going to be like fighting my son. I groomed this kid. I taunt him everything he knows. But like so many kids, sometimes you have to give them a spanking. Tonight, I dish out some Rough Justice, and the teacher will give the student a lesson he will never forget. And just like so many times before, I will stand victorious at the end of Total Mayhem.” (100)


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match!

TCW World Tag Team Championship

Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) ( c ) vs Riot Act vs The Canadian Animals vs Devine Intervention

The action is non-stop, as all eight men know it all comes down to the first fall. Whoever gets it leaves as the World Tag Team Champions. The Canadian Animals wow the crowd, as Stone & Huggins wipe out all their opponents at ringside with a double suicide dive. Buddy Garner nearly makes Greg Keith tap to the Garner Tendon Hold, but Darryl Devine breaks it up with a Missile Dropkick. Danny Fonzarelli body presses Edd Stone out of the ring, and right onto Darryl Devine. Steve Devine shows some amazing strength by lifting the large Fonzarelli up and hits him with the Star Maker. In the end, though, when everyone else is down or distracted, Cameron Vessey hits Freddy Huggins with the Vessey Driver. Vessey makes the cover and the 3 Count, while his partner Greg Keith prevents Steve Devine breaking the count! The Champs retain! (78)

Winners and STILL TCW World Tag Team Champions: Supremacy


A music video plays, hyping up the Main Event. It shows the early years of Joss Thompson. His journey through the European circuit. A never before seen photo of Joss shaking hands with Tommy Cornell as he holds up his TCW Contract. Tommy Cornell introducing Joss as the newest member of The Syndicate in his TCW debut. Joss & Tommy working together on various occasions, including winning the 1st Annual Tag Team Elite Tournament. Joss helping Tommy win the TCW World Title on several occasions. Then, the friction begins between Joss & Tommy. The arguments. The nasty looks. It leads to the historic chair shot, when Joss Thompson blasted his mentor across the skull, and in that moment stole The Syndicate from Cornell. It all leads to tonight. By winning the 1st Ever Ticket to Mayhem Match, Joss Thompson has earned the right to challenge any champion at Total Mayhem. Tommy Cornell is the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. It couldn’t happen any other way! (92)


The crowd roars as it is announced that the next match is tonight’s Main Event! The arena dims as The Syndicate theme plays. Instead of getting the challenger, about one hundred men appear, dressed in the classic Syndicate black suit and black sunglasses! The men border the entrance way and stand across one other, looking like the Men in Black. The music stops for a moment…and then the music of the challenger begins! A huge mixed reaction comes from the crowd. At the top of the entrance way appears the beautiful Krissy Angelle in a gorgeous gown. The challenger, Joss Thompson, appears beside her, sporting new entrance gear for the historic event. Side by side, Thompson & Angelle walk down to the ring. As Thompson walks past them, each Syndicate follower bows his head in respect. Thompson enters the ring and hands his Ticket to Mayhem contract to Referee Terakado. Terakado raises the Contract high, making it official! (100)


After a long pause, the music of the TCW World Heavyweight Champion plays, and the crowd nearly blows the roof off the arena! All eyes are on the entrance way, as something begins to be lifted from below the stage. It’s look like…yes…a Judge’s Stand! And who else but Rough Justice sits in the Judge’s Seat, even sporting the black robe and powdered white wig! Tommy Cornell smashes the gavel over and over before throwing it aside, and he storms down and off the Judge’s Stand. Cornell stands at the top of the entrance way, and it there’s that his eyes meet his opponent’s. Cornell throws off the powdered wig and then the robe, revealing the World Championship around his waist. In his own set of new attire, Tommy Cornell marches down to the ring for war! (100)


The Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

“Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell ( c ) vs “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson

An epic showdown. Just the early exchange of arm bars, headlocks, and shoulder blocks has the crowd on their feet. Thompson takes an early lead, as it seems that Joss has an answer for everything Cornell does. Maybe the mentor did teach the protégé too much! But a failed attempt at a Super Back Suplex allows Cornell to get back into the ring, as he knocks Thompson off the top rope, then flies and connects with a double axe handle. Cornell has Thompson on his heels as the fight spills to the ringside, where Cornell back tosses a charging Thompson onto the announce table, and the structure gives away! Back in the ring, Cornell tries to lock on the Guilt Trip, but Thompson kicks him off. Thompson ducks under a haymaker as he stands up. Cornell turns around, and gets hit by Thompson’s Clean Cutter! It’s over! Thompson covers, 1…2…Kickout! Thompson is stunned! Thompson drags a weak Cornell up and hits him with the Clean Cutter again! The cover, 1…2…3NO! Cornell gets the shoulder up! Thompson is stunned! Thompson gets up and argues with Referee Terakado, who assures Joss it was only a 2 Count! Thompson drags Cornell up, and the champ can barely stand. Thompson sets him up for another Clean Cutter, but Cornell spins around and trips Thompson to the mat! Cornell locks on the Guilt Trip! Thompson is stuck right in the middle of the ring! Thompson starts to drag himself & Cornell to the ring, but that’s when Cornell breaks the submission, only to drag Thompson back to the center of the ring! Thompson is stuck! With his eyes slowly closing, Thompson’s hand faintly comes down and hits the mat! Tommy Cornell made Joss Thompson tap! (81)

Winner…and STILL! TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell!


Let the celebration begin! A fatigued and hurt Tommy Cornell is awarded his championship by Referee Terakado. Terakado raises Cornell’s arm to huge applause. Cornell climbs the corner and raises the gold up, as fireworks blast off from the entranceway. Cornell climbs down and turns towards the entrance way and meets Joss Thompson’s eye to eye. Thompson clutches his ribs in pain from the Guilt Trip as he walks away with Krissy Angelle. Thompson could easily be pissed off from coming so close to winning the championship tonight. But instead, he acknowledges Cornell with a nod before making his exit. Cornell stands in the middle of the ring and looks over the roaring crowd with a smile. Cornell falls to his knees, then with both hands, he raises the TCW World Heavyweight Championship high. Fireworks go off repeatedly, as confetti and balloons begin to fall throughout the arena. (100)


Thank you for joining us for the 19th Anniversary of TCW’s Total Mayhem!


Overall PPV Score: 93


Okay, just a quick Out of Character vent I needed to do. A Special F’ You to my version of the game. I worked my butt off on that Cornell – Thompson feud for months in the game. All the hype, and I get a 81??!! Seriously??!! And just some inside information, for the first time, a match that Joss Thompson is in was deducted for motivation. First Time Ever! In his World Title Match at Total Mayhem!!!!!! By the way, I also used Pre Show Speech to help Motivation!!! ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Okay, venting over. Hope you enjoyed the show!

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This dynasty is the best kept secret on these forums. Keep it going dude.


Thanks bud, I had to cut back on it a little bit description-wise, as you can see with the latest PPV results. I felt like I was doing too much description and not enough updating on the dynasty.


As you can see, I still went a little overboard with the Legends Chamber match. Ha Ha.


Glad you enjoy it.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday - June – Week 1 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Tim Crockett, & Melanie Florence</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Fresh off the biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem XIX, we start off June with a bang! In tonight’s edition of Proving Grounds, the TCW United States Champion Samuel Bach will battle TCW’s Own Personal Pimp, Danny B Bling! It might be a Non-Title Match, but more importantly, it is our Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In tonight’s opening contest, The Fro & Luau Connection’s <strong>Fro Sure</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> by Pinfall. The Tag Team Champions bring along their own demise, as Greg Keith climbs onto the apron and holds up his championship belt for Vessey to throw Fro into. But Fro reverses Vessey, and sends him colliding into his own tag partner! Keith flies off the apron, and Vessey walks right into The Sure Thing! 1,2,3, Fro Sure picks up the win!</p><p> </p><p>

The Mexican Phenom keeps on rolling, as <strong>Gino Montero</strong> knocks off another veteran in <strong>DC Rayne.</strong> Rayne uses his technical skill to slow down Montero at first, but Montero fires back, and soon puts DC away with the Montero Press.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Destiny’s Finest & Venus Angeletti. Bambino asks Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade where their heads are after they failed to defeat High Concept for the US Tag Team Championship. Spencer Spade shakes off the reminder by Bambino, and reminds Lee that they nearly defeated the best tag team in the world. He also reminds Bambino that they have simply just begun their TCW careers with many years to come. As they always do, Spade brings up the fact that they are known as the most promising prospects ever to come out of TCW Developmental. It is then that Kirk Jameson grabs Bambino’s wrist and pulls the mic towards him. “High Concept beat us in the first encounter, but there will be many more. It’s not matter of if we’ll win those tag titles. It’s a matter of when!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> defeats Riot Act’s <strong>Buddy Garner</strong> by Pinfall. Spade survives the onslaught of the grizzled veteran Garner. Spade struggles like crazy when Garner tries to lock on the Garner Tendon Hold, and when Referee Sparrow is out of position, he pokes Garner in the eye! With Garner struggling to see, Spade connects with the Supreme Stunner and gets the win!</p><p> </p><p>

Rising Sun’s <strong>Magnum Kobe</strong> defeats Endangered Species’ <strong>Snow Fox</strong> by Submission. Fox gets a few good shots in, but Kobe always seems to be a step ahead. Kobe locks on the Magnum Deathlock in the middle of the ring, and Fox has no choice to tap. Munenori Umari is all smiles as he leads Kobe out of the arena. Magnum Kobe is officially 2-0 in Total Championship Wrestling! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The face of Supremacy’s leader, Matthew Keith, appears on the titantron. The crowd instantly boos, which only makes Keith laugh. Matthew Keith speaks of his “triumphant” victory over Steven Parker at Total Mayhem. Keith says that the TCW Board finally gave him an opportunity to shine, and he did exactly that on the biggest show of the year. “But now, I focus on a little unfinished business. It’s time I got back my United States Champion, which was unjustly stolen from me. While I’d love to take it back from Jack DeColt, I’ll just have to make due with Samuel Bach. So tomorrow night on Total Wrestling, I will compete in a Contendership Match for the United States Title, and I will be on the path back to regaining my championship!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight’s Main Event is up next, as United States Champion Samuel Bach is accompanied to the ring with fellow Syndicate pals Vita & “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith. Bach kisses the gold before handing it to Vita.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a huge upset, <strong>Danny B Bling</strong> knocks off TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> by Pinfall! After a back and forth match, Bach is in control leading into the last minutes of the match. But when he looks for the kill with the Shooting Star Press, Bling rolls out of the way! Bach crashes and burns! As Bach struggles to stand, Bling comes up from behind and rolls Bach up! 1,2,3! Bling catches Bach for the Surprising Win! (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Danny B Bling has little time to celebrate his victory, because just as Referee Terakado raises his arm, he gets clobbered from behind by “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith! Bach soon joins in on the beat down, and Bling has no chance to retaliate. Smith hits a hurt Bling with the Bulldozer Powerbomb! Smith drags Bling towards the corner, and Bach climbs to the top rope with a sick grin. This time, Bach hits Bling with the Shooting Star Press, with a ton of velocity! Bach takes his championship from Vita and shoves it into Bling’s face as he lays faint on the mat. “Look at this, Danny! You will never touch this! NEVER!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

TCW Proving Grounds comes to a close, as Bach stands over Bling. Bach puts a boot on Bling’s chest as he raises his United States Championship high.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday - June – Week 1 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Alabama Field Row (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to TCW Presents Total Wrestling! Tonight, Joss Thompson has requested promo time after failing to take the TCW World Heavyweight Title from Tommy Cornell at Total Mayhem XIX. And, while the main event has yet to be announced, the World Champion will be in action when Tommy Cornell takes on one half of the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Greg Keith!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest tonight, TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> defeats <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> by Submission. After a big loss at Total Mayhem and a stunning defeat last night on Proving Grounds, the United States Champ bounces back on Total Wrestling. It’s a grueling contest between two TCW Vets. But after Bach dodges Taylor’s Springboard Cross Body, Bach locks on the Bach on your Back before Taylor can break free. Stuck in the middle of the ring, Taylor is forced to tap! (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">#1 Contendership Match for the TCW World Tag Team Championship!</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Devine Intervention</strong> defeats <strong> The Canadian Animals</strong> and the team of <strong>Kip Keenan & Ernest Youngman</strong> in a Triple Threat Contest. The young team of Keenan & Thompson show promise in a huge opportunity, but their lack of experience reveals itself, and Freddy Huggins & Edd Stone sends them packing when they hit Thompson with the Maple Leaf Crunch. From there, it’s back and forth between two of TCW’s best tag teams. But after the Devines double back toss Stone out of the ring, they hit Huggins with the Act of Divinity for the win. Devine Intervention are the #1 Contenders, and it sets up the big rematch between the former champs and the current ones, Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Joss Thompson makes his way down to the ring with Krissy Angelle by his side. Thompson takes to the mic, and he speaks on the topic of his loss to Tommy Cornell at Total Mayhem. Thompson admits that normal men would be dejected after such a loss, but he’s not a normal man! Thompson declares that he was one move away from becoming the World Champion, and next time, he will hit that move! With that said, Thompson calls Cornell out, and challenges him to a rematch at Excessive Force! Thompson awaits a response…but instead gets the music of the newest member of Total Wrestling, Aaron “Ace” Andrews!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Andrews makes his way down to the ring, now on his own after his defeat to Wolf Hawkins at Total Mayhem, which sent him packing from Saturday Night Showcase. Andrews grins at Thompson as he calls for his own mic. Andrews insults Thompson, calling it typical that a spoon-fed Cornell Protégé expects a handout. Andrews protests that Thompson should get an immediate rematch, and he will protest it by beating Joss tonight on Total Wrestling!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson asks Andrews if that is a challenge, and Andrews confirms Joss’ assumption. Thompson accepts the challenge, but vows that Andrews will regret ever getting in the way of his championship victory!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">#1 Contendership Match for the TCW United States Championship</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling</strong> defeats Supremacy leader <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> by Pinfall. It’s a brutal back and forth contest, but its Keith who takes control late. Keith looks to hit his finisher for the win, but is distracted by the music of Steven Parker! Keith instantly turns towards the entranceway for the man he beat at Total Mayhem (in dirty fashion!). Keith paces back and forth, waiting for Parker to appear, and that’s when Bling spins around and grabs Keith! A Mouthful of Bling! He hits it! 1,2,3! Danny B Bling gets another huge victory! Two nights in a row! Danny B Bling will now face Samuel Bach again, and this time, it will be for the United States Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Danny B Bling exits the ring and continues to celebrate, a groggy and upset Matthew Keith sits up in the ring. He looks towards the entrance way to see Steven Parker standing there with his hands on his hips. The two stare at each other for a long time. Finally, Parker speaks slowly and emphatically so everyone can read his lips. “You? Me? We’re not finished yet!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a battle of bruising brawlers, The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> defeats <strong>Danny Fonzarelli</strong> by Pinfall. The punches fly like crazy, but it’s actually a punch missed that results in the finish. Smith ducks under a haymaker by Fonzarelli, then comes off the ropes and absolutely punishes Fonzarelli with a 300 pound spear to the ribs! The Bulldozer makes the cover, and Fonzarelli is unable to kick out in time!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Brandon Smith continues his onslaught after the match with kicks and knees to the hurt ribs of Danny Fonzarelli. It’s Danny B Bling to the rescue, who races to the ring just minutes after winning his own match! Bling dodges a charging Bulldozer, and catches Smith with a jumping forearm to the head! Smith goes tumbling backwards out of the ring! Danny B Bling gets some revenge from last night on Proving Grounds! Bling challenges Bulldozer to come back and fight, but Vita is there with Smith to convince him to fight another day. Danny B Bling helps Fonzarelli up to his feet. Fonzarelli respects what Bling did for him, and the two shake hands.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing with TCW Owner & World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell. Cornell is geared for his match next. But first, Bambino asks Cornell for his thoughts on Thompson’s challenge earlier, and about the confrontation between Joss & Aaron Andrews. Cornell admits that Thompson was closing to beat him at Total Mayhem…but he didn’t! Cornell admits that he and Thompson will do battle again, sooner rather than later. But Cornell says Aaron Andrews is right, no one gets a handout, especially a title shot. “So here’s what we’re going to do. </em><em><strong>Thompson & Andrews will battle tonight, and the winner will be the #1 Contender to my Title. The winner will face me at Excessive Force in 4 Weeks!</strong></em><em> And just to make sure everything goes down appropriately…</em><em><strong>I’m going to be the Guest Referee in that Match!</strong></em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Champion <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Keith</strong> by Submission. The young star Keith brings the fight to the best wrestler in the world, and at times it looks like he might pull the upset. But Cornell manages to dodge Keith comes off the top rope, and then trips Keith to the mat! Keith gets locked in the Guilt Trip, and is forced to tap! Cornell with the win! (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> destroys the young duo of <strong>El Mitico & Felipe Callabero</strong> in a Handicap Match. The young talent are fed to the Giant, and they never stand a chance. Golden finally ends it by locking BOTH in The Rack at the same time! Both Mitico & Callabero submit to the painful submission!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rocky Golden begins to celebrate his win, but his music is abruptly halted by Jack DeColt’s! The crowd goes nuts! DeColt appears, and he isn’t dressed to wrestle. He’s dressed to fight, and he’s taping his fists as he marches down to the ring. Golden looks ready for the challenge. Golden attack DeColt as he enters the ring, but DeColt fights back. DeColt wants revenge from Total Mayhem! Golden catches DeColt with a big knee and tries to lift DeColt up for the Rocky Road, but DeColt breaks off! DeColt lifts Golden up instead! DeColt has him up for the End of Days, but Golden fights like crazy! So instead, DeColt marches to the ropes and dumps The Giant to the floor! The crowd goes crazy as DeColt is all pumped up! Threats are exchanged as Golden makes his exit, and this feud looks far from over! </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

#1 Contendership Match for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Tommy Cornell is the Guest Referee!</span></strong></p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Joss Thompson</strong> & <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> pull out all the stops to become the next challenger for Tommy Cornell’s title. It’s a back and forth contest, and at time it looks like they’re each other’s equal. They take each other’s best shot, but neither come away with the fall. Both even have some words with Tommy Cornell, as both at times don’t care for the guest referee’s count. When the fight spills out to the floor, though, is when things get out of hand. Thompson reverses a whip by Andrews, and sends Aaron hard into the steel steps. Thompson takes a moment to recover from a tolling match. When he goes to continue his assault on Andrews, he gets blindsided by <strong>Koshiro Ino</strong>, who came racing down the entrance way! Ino lifts Thompson up and hip tosses Thompson onto the steel rampway! Ino turns around to see Andrews leaping off the steps at him, hoping to catch The Kobra off guard. But Ino catches him in mid air! Ino flips Andrews onto his shoulder, then rams Andrews face first into the ring post! </p><p> </p><p>

Ino attention turns to the ring, as he looks towards Tommy Cornell standing in the ring. Never to back down from a fight, Cornell throws off his referee shirt off and calls Ino on! Ino obliges, and enters the ring! The two begin to brawl back and forth. Cornell seems to be gaining stride, but that’s when Ino catches him with a throat thrust! Cornell is left stunned by the shot, allowing Ino to hit him with the Kobra’s Bite! Ino returns to his feet and stands over the fallen World Heavyweight Champion!</p><p> </p><p>

The camera pans out to show Ino’s manager, Queen Persephone, calmly walking onto the apron. She steps into the ring and stands next to her monster. With a mic in hand, she looks down at Cornell with a smirk. “I told you all there would be repercussions from leaving Koshiro off of Total Mayhem. So Tommy…I have to ask…who’s the #1 Contender?”</p><p> </p><p>

Persephone laughs at her joke before spinning around and making her exit. A loyal client, Ino takes one more long glance down at Cornell before following Perse out of the ring. Total Wrestling comes to a close on the destruction that Koshiro Ino has caused.</p>

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TCW No Divas Allowed

Thursday - June – Week 1 – 2015

Gorski Ballroom (South West)

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Davis Ditterich, & Venus Angeletti


Welcome to No Divas Allowed! Fresh off Total Mayhem, there’s a huge tag team contest scheduled for the main event tonight. The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions The B.I.T.C.H. Squad will face their biggest test yet in Suzanne Brazzle and the TCW Women’s Champion, Sara Marie York! The Women’s Tag Team Gold will be on the line…tonight!


In the opening contest, the team of Tracy Brendon & Missy Masterson defeats The Masked Fenomenon by Pinfall. Brendon & Masterson survive the high flying attacks of Amazon & Pinky Perez, and Brendon wins the match after connecting with the Idaho Crunch on Pinky Perez.


Queen Persephone joins her client in the ring, and raises Tracy Brendon’s arm with a smirk. The celebration, though, is cut short by the music of Grace Harper! Things get serious for Tracy & Perse as Tracy’s former tag partner appears. Grace Harper is dressed to her upcoming match, but it looks like she has something to say, as she walks to the ring with a mic. Grace admits to being tired of this conflict between her and Tracy. She wants it settled. So, Grace challenges Tracy to a match, next week on No Divas Allowed! Queen Persephone grabs a mic, but before speaking, she huddles up with Brendon. After coming to a conclusion, Perse steps forward towards Grace, and says that her client accepts her challenge. Perse says that Tracy Brendon will face and defeat Grace Harper next week on NDA, and afterwards, Perse will demand a Women’s Title shot for her client as a result! The two competitors step forward as Brendon & Harper go face to face. NDA goes to commercials as Grace Harper watches her enemies leave the ring, as she prepares for her own matchup.


Grace Harper defeats Queens of the Orient’s Raku Makuda by Pinfall. The veteran Makuda brought the fight, but Harper was on her A-game after dropping down the big challenge. After Harper hit the Fall from Grace, all that was needed was a 3 count. Grace Harper is ready for war next week against her former pal, Tracy Brendon!


Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the team of Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace. Bambino asks the duo where their heads are after failing to win the Women’s Tag Team Championship two weeks ago. Sweetheart tells Bambino that their heads are still in the game, and they’re primed for another title shot. Sweetheart says that they defeated the B.I.T.C.H. Squad in a six women’s tag match last week, and it is only a matter time before they get another title shot. Sweetheart & Cacace hear laughter, and they turn around to see the very cocky A-List. Nadia Snow mocks Sweetheart & Cacace about their title loss, and how they are too stupid to take a hint. They’re not good enough to win the tag team titles! Demelza Wade tells them that they need to realize that they’re out of their league, and in fact, they’re looking at the next tag team champs! Nina Cacace steps forward and gets right in Wade’s face, and screams! “PROVE IT!”


The A-Lister Demelza Wade defeats Nina Cacace by Pinfall. These two ladies duke it out, and it looks like the Psycho Ballerina might have a victory in grasp. But Wade’s buddy Nadia Snow helps her out with a well timed distraction, giving Wade the opportunity to hit Cacace with the Wade to Black for the win.


Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with TCW Women’s Champion, Sara Marie York. Bambino asks for the champ’s thoughts before the big main event for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. York reminds Bambino that she defeated Cherry Bomb to become the first ever Women’s Champion, and then she gave Cherry Bomb a bunch of return matches for the gold. So, York thinks it’s only right that she gets a chance at Cherry Bomb’s title in return. “Not to sound greedy, but it would be a great accomplishment to be the first ever woman to wear both the TCW Women’s Title and Women’s Tag Team Title. B.I.T.C.H. Squad? Be ready for war, because me and Suzanne are bringing exactly that…tonight!”


Tonight’s Main Event


TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship!

The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions The B.I.T.C.H. Squad defeats the team of the TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York & Suzanne Brazzle by Pinfall to retain their championship. The challengers start off hot, but Cherry Bomb & Jaime Quinne manage to corner Brazzle. Brazzle gets the tag to York, though, and SMY comes in hot! York has Quinne has down and looks for the big finish. York flies off the top rope for the Brunette Bomber, but Cherry drags her tag partner out of the way! York crashes and burns! With Brazzle down on the floor at ringside, the B.I.T.C.H. Squad come together and hit York with The Ultimate Makeover! 1,2,3, the Tag Champs just defeated the Women’s Champ!


As No Divas Allowed comes to a close this week, Cherry Bomb & Jaime Quinne make their exit still with their championship gold. As Sara Marie York is helped by Suzanne Brazzle, the tag team champs mock York, quite proud of their work. York is forced to look on as the B.I.T.C.H Squad raise their championships high at the top of the entrance way, as NDA fades to black.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday - June – Week 1 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Nevada State Armoury (South West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to SNS! In the Main Event tonight, Wolf Hawkins is in action! After winning at Total Mayhem and sending 4 Aces’ leader Aaron Andrews packing, Wolf Hawkins looks towards the future. What does the future hold for the leader of Down with Authority? Well tonight, it will be Mikey James, whose attitude has completely changed since aligning himself with Munenori Umari and The Rising Sun. Those two battle in the main event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening match tonight, <strong>Down with Authority (</strong>TCW International Champion <strong>Jay Chord &</strong> TCW US Tag Team Champion <strong>Benny Benson)</strong> defeats The New Wave in tag team action. The tag team experience of Scout & Guide excels for most of the match, but down the stretch, Chord & Benson get hot and never look back. Chord hits Guide with the Cradle Piledriver for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

Rising Sun’s <strong>Magnum Kobe</strong> defeats Endangered Species’ <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> by Pinfall. Cougar is easily Kobe’s most difficult challenge to date, and nearly knocks off the Japanese Superstar. But after missing with a moonsault, Cougar lands on his feet, but gets a super kick to the jaw for his efforts. Magnum Kobe hits the Kobe Bomb afterwards, and Referee Odaka counts to three. Magnum Kobe remains undefeated in Total Championship Wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Ricky Dale Johnson, the General Manager of Saturday Night Showcase, makes his way down to the ring. Not in a happy mood, RDJ calls for a mic. RDJ tells the crowd that at this moment, he is not speaking on the topic of 4 Aces & Aaron Andrews. Right now, he is speaking on the situation with the Legends Championship. RDJ calls for the former champion, Eddie Peak, to come out. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Seconds later, the sick laugh that belongs to the King of the Insane Asylum echoes throughout the arena. Eddie Peak’s music plays, and through the darkness he appears. In his hands is the Legends Championship, which he took with him after laying out the new champ, Roger Cage! Peak shows no emotion as he steps inside the ring and stands across the ring from RDJ.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ tells Peak that it’s a shame that his long Legends Title reign came to an end at Total Mayhem. But the truth is that the Legends Title doesn’t belong to him anymore, but to Roger Cage, the new TCW Legends Champion. RDJ respectfully requests that Eddie Peak hand over the Legends Championship. Eddie Peak doesn’t answer, but continues to look at RDJ with a cold stare. RDJ offers an exchange. “If you give me the Legends Championship right now, I will make the rematch for that title between you and Roger Cage at Excessive Force. You give me that title right now, and you two will main event the next Pay-Per-View with the Legends Championship on the line. But…if you don’t hand over that title, then you will never receive your rematch.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Hearing those words, without taking his eyes on RDJ, Peak holds out the Legends Championship in his hands. RDJ steps forward and goes to take the title, but Peak doesn’t let go. RDJ struggles, but then finally manages to tug it free from Peak’s grasp! Such stress brings a smirk to Peak. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Seconds after the title is out of Peak’s grasp, the voice of the new Legends Champion is heard. Roger Cage appears with a mic as he storms down to the ring. Cage says it is about time RDJ got him his championship, and that his coronation ceremony plans have been absolutely ruined. Cage storms around ringside, and smartly climbs onto the apron on the opposite side of Peak. Cage demands his title and snatches it away from RDJ. Before jumping down, Cage has parting words with Eddie Peak. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Eddie. Congratulations on being a thief! Well I have one thing to say to a thief like you. Congratulations on your title rematch, but take a good long look at this title, because this is the closest you will ever get to this championship ever again!” </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, Roger Cage hops off the apron and starts to make his exit with his championship. He stops at the sound of RDJ calling his name. “Hey Roger, I got one more announcement! You see, I know you’re going to do whatever you have to at Excessive Force to remain champion. I respect that, I truly do. But I can’t have you main eventing a Pay-Per-View with the intentions of being counted out or disqualified. That is not smart business! That is why your match with Eddie Peak? </em><em><strong>It will be under Aussie Rules! No Counts! No Disqualifications!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Roger Cage is very displeased with the news. Eddie Peak, though, isn’t, and he begins to laugh hysterically as SNS goes to commercials.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Peak</strong> defeats Muscle Bound Squad’s <strong>Mohammed Barrett</strong> by Submission. These two brawlers slug it out, but in the end, the King of the Insane Asylum is too much for Barrett. Peak locks in the Straight Jacket, and Barrett is put to sleep.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Eddie Peak calmly stands up after releasing his submission, when suddenly he jumps up, and meets Roger Cage eye to eye! Roger Cage had returned to the ring, and had tried to sneak attack Peak from behind! Roger Cage stands stunned on the apron, as he thought he had the drop on Peak! Peak begins that sick laugh again, and he draws a line on the mat with his foot. Peak dares Cage to cross it! Refusing to listen to the dares of Peak & the roaring crowd, Roger Cage hops off the apron and begins to leave the arena. Trying to save face, Roger Cage reminds Eddie Peak who the champion is now. Eddie Peak isn’t angered by his words, but just laughs at Cage as he flees from the challenge thrown down.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Destiny’s Finest</strong> defeats <strong>Wings of Flames</strong> in tag team action via Pinfall. Ready to bounce back from failing to win the US Tag Team Titles, Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade are very impressive tonight, and control the majority of the match. They survive a late rebound from American Eagle & El Diablo, and eventually put Diablo away with the Early Retirement.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Down with Authority Wolf Hawkins, who is all smiles. Bambino asks Hawkins how he is doing after winning at Total Mayhem. “DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD!” That’s how Hawkins starts off his response, and follows up by saying how great it feels to leave the 4 Aces in shambles. Hawkins responds Bambino that the war between DWA and 4 Aces has been trudging on for awhile, and he’s happy to put it in the past. Now, he’s worried about becoming the next Legends Championship, and it starts tonight. Wolf Hawkins recognizes that Mikey James is no longer the fun loving fan favorite, but he is still a dangerous opponent. But Wolf Hawkins plans on coming away with the big W, and cement his spot at the top of the Legends Title Contendership List!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">#1 Contendership Match for the TCW International Championship!</span></strong></p><p>

In a very exciting match, <strong>John Anderson</strong> defeats TCW US Tag Team Champion <strong>Greg Black</strong> & <strong>Rick Law</strong> by Pinfall. The action is fast paced and non-stop with many near falls. The match could’ve ended many times, but the third participant made sure that didn’t happen. Finally, in the end, Rick Law counters a Greg Black flying cross body with a power slam. Before Law can follow up, John Anderson comes up behind Law and throws him shoulder first into the ring post! With Law incapacitated, Anderson grabs a groggy Black and hits him with the Ammo Dump for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Queen Persephone enters the ring and proudly raises her client’s hand, Announcer Shawn Doakes announces that John Anderson’s title shot will happen at Excessive Force, where he will challenge Jay Chord for the TCW International Championship!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Colour Commentator Jennifer Heat is in the ring, and she announces that newest member of SNS from the Monthly Random Trade! It’s the master technician, </em><em><strong>Buddy Garner!</strong></em><em> Garner heads to the ring for competition!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buddy Garner</strong> makes easy work of <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong>. Newton gets some offense in, but eventually finds himself on the wrong end of the Garner Tendon Hold. Newton has no choice but to tap.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Buddy Garner celebrates his win, he notices a figure standing at the end of the entrance way. It’s Munenori Umari. It’s dej vu for all, as Garner becomes flabbergasted at the sight of Umari. Umari raises his head, and gestures a thumbs down. Not questioning it at all, Garner throws Referee Odaka aside, and locks the Garner Tendon Hold back on Davis Wayne Newton! Newton cries out in agony, as Garner refuses to let go of the submission! Umari is smiling as more referees and road agents appear and run past him to pry Garner off of Newton! Buddy Garner finally makes his exit as medics appear to help Newton. Just like Mikey James, Buddy Garner follows the heels of Munenori Umari right out of the arena without a single word, his head bowed while doing so.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, High Concept & Rick Law are backstage chatting. Greg Black & Rick Law show there’s no hard feelings after their match earlier. The two shake hands before Rick Law takes his leave. Benny Benson & Greg Black begin chatting away in the hallway without a care in the world, when suddenly out of nowhere, they’re ambushed! Mikey James, Buddy Garner, & Magnum Kobe begin to assault the US Tag Team Champions, as Munenori Umari stands at the side barking orders. The three viciously beat High Concept and hit them with anything they can grab. Finally, security appears, along with Rick Law, and they shove the three assailants from the scene. The US Tag Team Champions have been laid out by Rising Sun!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p>

In a very exciting main event, Down with Authority leader <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> defeats Rising Sun’s <strong>Mikey James</strong> by Pinfall. Surprisingly, Mikey James comes to the ring with only Munenori Umari, perhaps by orders of TCW Execs. Nevertheless, these two battle at a crazy fast pace, thus showing their cardio. And what amazing maneuvers! These two pull out all the stops! At the end, the two are brawling on the top rope. Mikey James tries for a Frankensteiner, but Hawkins blocks it and shoves Mikey hard to the mat! Hawkins stands on the top rope, and then flies off and hits the Full Moon Rising! 1,2,3, Wolf Hawkins get the W!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Wolf Hawkins celebrates the win with the crowd, but it doesn’t last long, as Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade appear out of the crowd and attack him from both sides! Destiny’s Finest goes to work, but Wolf Hawkins fights back! Hawkins fights them off, only to take a huge running knee to the face by Joey Minnesota! The 3 remaining members of the 4 Aces work over Wolf Hawkins in the ring. Here comes Jay Chord! Jay Chord tries to save his DWA ally, but alas the odds are too much for him, and he gets overwhelmed. Minnesota hits Chord with the Empiral Spiral, then dumps him out of the ring! With High Concept hurt from the backstage assault by Rising Sun, there is no help for Wolf Hawkins as the assault continues.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Meanwhile, a snarling Ricky Dale Johnson walks to the ring with a mic in hand. He orders his men to stand Wolf Hawkins up. They do so. RDJ snatches a weak Hawkins by the jaw and speaks right in his face.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“You thought we were done? You thought this war was over??!! Aaron Andrews might’ve been the leader, but I am the creator! I am the 4 Aces! And from what I can count, there are still 4 of us standing, even without Aaron! But you…you are a pest that needs to be destroyed! Aaron couldn’t get the job done, but Joey Minnesota will! It’s going to be </em><em><strong>you and Joey Minnesota at Excessive Force!</strong></em><em> And if that isn’t good enough for you, </em><em><strong>it’s going to be a Lumberjack Match!</strong></em><em> Oh, I bet you don’t think that sounds intimidating, but trust me. </em><em><strong> I am going to hand pick the Lumberjacks, and I will see to it that each and every one of them HATES…YOUR…GUTS!</strong></em><em> Oh, this isn’t over yet. IT’S OVER WHEN I SAY IT’S OVER!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, RDJ smashes Hawkins across the skull with the mic. Wolf Hawkins collapses to the mat. As SNS comes a close, the 4 Aces stands over Wolf Hawkins. RDJ snatches Joey Minnesota’s wrist and raises his arm high, as if he already defeated Wolf Hawkins.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday - June – Week 2 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

McGaw Arena (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome everyone to TCW Proving Grounds! Danny B Bling is on a roll right now, and is the current #1 Contender to the TCW United States Championship. Tonight, he looks to continue his hot streak in the Main Event when he takes on Rising Sun’s Mikey James, who looks to bounce back from a close defeat against former World Champion, Wolf Hawkins, on Saturday Night Showcase.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest, Fro & Luau Connection’s <strong>Fro Sure</strong> defeats Rising Sun’s newest member, <strong>Buddy Garner</strong>, by Disqualification. Fro survives Garner’s grinding, technical ways, and looks primed to win the match with the Fro-get Bout It from the Top Rope! That’s when Mikey James makes an appearance and throws Fro Sure off the top rope, thus sending him crash to the mat. Referee Tawaraya has no choice but to throw the match out.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Rising Sun begins to work over Fro Sure, no longer caring about the match. Fro’s tag team partner, Clark Alexander comes running down to the ring and tries to save his partner! Alexander fights valiantly, but he also falls to the 2 on 1 attack by Buddy Garner & Mikey James. As Garner holds Alexander up, Mikey runs off the ropes and hits him with the Scything Side Kick! Fro Sure might have won the match, but it is Rising Sun standing victorious over the Fro & Luau Connection in the end!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Seeing more from Rising Sun right away, <strong>Magnum Kobe</strong> makes easy work of veteran <strong>Harry Allen.</strong> Allen makes a late rally, but Kobe overcomes it and locks Allen in the Magnum Deathlock for the Submission Victory. Magnum Kobe is now 4-0 in Total Championship Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Syndicate member and current TCW United States Champion, Samuel Bach (w/ Vita). Bambino firsts announces that </em><em><strong>in two weeks on Total Wrestling, Samuel Bach will defend his United States Championship against #1 Contender, Danny B Bling.</strong></em><em> Bambino asks Bach how he feels about the title defense, especially after Bling defeated him last week on Proving Grounds. Bach shrugs off Bambino’s reminder, and does his own reminding when he brings up how he left Bling laid out after the matchup. “Even the least talented wrestlers get lucky sometimes, and that’s what happened last week. When the title is on the line, we’ll see exactly what happens. Danny B Bling should enjoy this late career surge of his while it lasts. Last week, I bruised his ribs with my Shooting Star Press. In two weeks? I break them with the SSP, and then I wash away that fluke win from my record.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

4 Aces’ member <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> defeats Devine Intervention’s <strong>Darryl Devine</strong> via Pinfall. A fast paced, very close match up between two up and coming stars. Devine makes a late surge towards a victory, but Spade breaks free from a running bulldog and sends Devine very hard into the top turnbuckle in the corner. With the wind knocked out of him, Devine was easy pickings for Spade to hit the Supreme Stunner. 1,2,3, Spade picks up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

In a extremely exciting and easily match of the night, Sweet Sensations’ <strong>Mainstream Hernandez</strong> defeats TCW World Tag Team Champion <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> by Pinfall. What a showing stealing encounter between two hungry, extremely talented youngsters! Vessey nearly has the victory after catching Hernandez out of the air and hitting him with a powerslam. But Hernandez survives, and then breaks free of Cameron’s Vessey Driver. When Vessey turns around, he gets hit right on the chin by Hernandez’s Super Kick! Hernandez falls into the cover and gets the 3 count! What a match!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>On the titantron, Down with Authority members Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord appears, thus making the crowd cheer. Cue the ladies whistling! Wolf Hawkins admits that he shouldn’t have expected Ricky Dale Johnson and the 4 Aces just to quit just because they had lost their leader. Hawkins hoped to put this stable war behind him, but it looks far from over. But at Excessive Force, Hawkins plans on taking one more step closer towards ending RDJ’s reign as General Manager and destroying the 4 Aces for good. “I’ve beaten Joey Minnesota before, and I’m going to do it again in three weeks.” Jay Chord takes over and wants to talk about this week. He reminds everyone of the beatdown that the 4 Aces put on himself and Wolf Hawkins last Saturday. Chord doesn’t plan on backing down, and in fact challenges 4 Aces to a tag team match for Saturday Night Showcase! “Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade, Destiny’s Finest, you guys want to be in the big time? Well it’s time to put up or shut up. If you guys are as good as you think you are, you will face me & Wolf this Saturday on SNS. Time to man up, boys!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The combatants head to the ring for the Main Event. Mikey James is led to the ring by Munenori Umari and fellow Rising Sun member Buddy Garner. Meanwhile, Danny B Bling is joined by his new friend, Danny Fonzarelli!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling</strong> continues his winning streak and defeats Rising Sun’s <strong>Mikey James</strong> by Pinfall. Mikey controls a good length of the match, but Bling fights back into it. The fight spills out of the ring, and while Munenori Umari has Referee Terakado distracted, Buddy Garner throws Bling into the steel steps. Mikey is in full control after throwing Bling back into the ring. Mikey goes to run off the ropes to hit the Scything Side Kick, but is halted by the sight of Danny Fonzarelli on the apron! The behemoth stares down Mikey for a good long minute. Mikey turns around, and walks right into Bling’s grip! The Mountful of Bling! He hits it! 1,2,3! This one is over!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As soon as the bell rings, Buddy Garner rushes into the ring and assaults Danny B Bling. Danny Fonzarelli, though, quickly comes into the ring to protect his friend. A 2 on 2 brawl begins to stir in the ring, and it looks like the 2 Dannys are gaining the edge. Munenori Umari is gesturing towards the back, and here comes Magnum Kobe running down to the ring. Kobe comes up behind Fonzarelli and chop blocks the behemoth! The odds are now uneven, and Rising Sun takes full advantage. Kobe & Garner hold Bling up as Mikey James runs off the ropes and hits the Scything Side Kick. Mikey & Garner then hold up Fonzarelli as Magnum Kobe comes off the top rope and hits a flying knee right to the skull of Fonzarelli, knocking the behemoth clean off his feet! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With his men’s destruction complete, Munenori Umari enters the ring and proudly raises their arms. The Rising Sun might have gone 1-2 in competition tonight on Proving Grounds, but for the second time tonight, they have left a pile of bodies lying in the ring!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday - June – Week 2 – 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Manhatten National Center (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to Total Wrestling! Tonight’s Main Event currently has not been announced, but after last week’s crazy finish, Queen Persephone & Koshiro Ino have requested some promo time. But, there is a huge tag team match on slate, pitting together two huge rivalries. Jack Decolt & Steven Parker will team together against The Syndicate’s Rocky Golden & Supremacy leader Matthew Keith!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In tonight’s opening contest, <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> defeats Canadian Animal <strong>Edd Stone</strong> by Pinfall. The young Stone brings the fight, but as the match nears its end, Andrews is in full control. Ace comes off the ropes and hits Stone with the Ace in the Pocket. From there, all that is needed is a 3 Count. Following the match, Andrews stands on the second rope and gestures to his waist. He makes it clear that he is still determined to get a World Heavyweight Title Shot.</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate’s <strong>Brandon Smith</strong> makes easy work of indy vet <strong>Freddy Datsun</strong>. Datsun tries to stay in there, but The Bulldozer is just too brutal and delivers too many crushing blows. Smith finally puts Datsun away with the Bulldozer Powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, the music of The Kobra hits. The crowd grows silent as Queen Persephone appears, followed by her original client (and arguably best), Koshiro Ino. The duo makes their way to the ring, as Perse grabs a mic. Perse reminds everyone that Koshiro Ino was traded back to Total Wrestling two months, and since then? He has been given little opportunity on Tommy Cornell’s show. All he gets is a bunch of jobbers, which Ino runs right through, mind you. This leads Perse to one conclusion. Tommy Cornell is scared of Koshiro Ino! The last thing Cornell wants is to see Koshiro across the ring, and to hear that ring bell sing. “Well here is where the trouble begins. Last week, Koshiro Ino absolutely demolished the supposed top 2 contenders to the World Heavyweight Title. Then, he destroyed the World Champion himself. With that evidence, I would like to request Tommy Cornell to come out here now and declare Koshiro Ino the #1 Contender to his Championship!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The duo awaits their answer, and it doesn’t take long before the Owner of TCW’s music hits. The crowd is on their feet as Tommy Cornell marches out onto the entrance way with his championship belt. Cornell mocks Koshiro Ino for thinking he can just flat out be the next title challenger for one petty attack. But Cornell does inform them that the TCW Board has just sent some news down to him. “You see, the TCW Board doesn’t want a clear cut #1 Contender. They rather enjoyed the chaos that took place last week on Total Wrestling. They think it would make a great title match. And that is why at Excessive Force, I will be defending the TCW World Heavyweight Title against 3 Men! </em><em><strong>It’s going to be me….you Koshiro….Joss Thompson…and Aaron Andrews! Fatal Four Way Match!</strong></em><em> First man to gain a fall walks away with the gold! But let’s talk tonight. You want to fight Koshiro? Then we’re going to fight! There’s no title on the line, but we’re going to throw fisticuffs! You…Me…in the Main Event…Tonight! Let’s just see how tough you really are then, big man!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Koshiro Ino steps forward and shows no worry. Ino gestures a throat slit to Cornell! The two have a stare down across the arena, as the crowd approves of tonight’s Main Event.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In six-man tag competition, TCW United States Champion <strong>Samuel Bach</strong> & TCW World Tag Team Champions <strong>Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith)</strong> defeats <strong>Danny B Bling & Devine Intervention</strong> by Pinfall. It’s a back and forth contest between the champions and their #1 Contenders with lots of tags in and out. Order begins to turn into chaos near the end, as Referee Terakado loses control and all six men begin to brawl. It leads to Darryl Devine trying to set Samuel Bach up for a Suplerplex. But, as Referee Terakado is distracted by Steve Devine & Cameron Vessey brawling outside the ring, Bach’s valet Vita climbs onto the apron and pokes Darryl right in the eye! This allows Bach to shove Devine to the mat, then comes flying off and connects with the Shooting Star Press! 1,2,3! Bach quickly makes an exit as Danny B Bling rushes in to get a piece of his rival! All smiles, the champs celebrate their win onto the entrance way, as the #1 Contenders are forced to watch in defeat.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Much to the delight of the crowd, Danny Fonzarelli comes out after commercials, and he’s back to his old “Dr. Love” attire! Announcer Shawn Doakes notes that since befriending Danny B Bling, Fonzarelli’s groove has been rekindled, and thus, Dr. Love has returned!</em></p><p> </p><p>

In an absolute slug fest, <strong>Danny Fonzarelli</strong> defeats <strong>Mick Muscles</strong> by Pinfall. It comes down to who hits the bigger shot, and it turns out to be Dr. Love. Fonzarelli dodges a charging lariat by Muscles and hits the Retro Rocket for the win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene goes backstage to Matthew Keith as he gears up for his upcoming matchup. All of sudden, he senses someone behind him. He turns, and it is “The Giant” Rocky Golden! Keith stumbles back immediately. Golden steps forward and hovers over Keith. He warns Keith that he better not screw up tonight in their tag team match, that he expects Keith to hold his own with Steven Parker, so The Giant can get a piece of Jack DeColt. Swallowing his worry, Keith snaps by while poking his chest. “Big man, I can say to same to you! I won my match at Total Mayhem by myself! You needed help to beat Jack DeColt. So I’ll tell you want, YOU follow MY lead!” Golden responds with an angry snarl, which makes Keith stumble back and fall over onto the locker room. Golden leaves, allowing Keith to sit there and mull over his worries.</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a Match of the Month Candidate, <strong>Jack DeColt & Steven Parker</strong> defeats The Syndicate’s <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> and Supremacy leader <strong>Matthew Keith</strong> via Pinfall. This match has everything! DeColt & Parker starts off hot, but it only takes one Golden Big Boot to sway the match to the other side. Golden & Keith cut off the ring on Steven Parker and work him over. They can’t put him away, and Parker finally makes the hot tag to Jack DeColt. All hell breaks loose, and it leads to DeColt & Keith in the ring. Keith tries for the Sam Keith Special, but DeColt dodges and hits the End of Days! DeColt makes the cover. Rocky Golden has a chance to save his partner but choose not to! Instead, he watches DeColt get the 3 Count! DeColt & Parker celebrate in the ring as Rocky Golden watches from the entrance way. DeColt & Golden exchange threats, as this feud is far from over!</p><p> </p><p>

Canadian Animal <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong> defeats vet <strong>Brent Hill</strong> via Pinfall. An early distraction by Laura Huggins allows Freddy to gain control early. But Hill fights back and has Huggins on his heels. But Hill misses with a knee trembler, allowing Huggins to connect with a jumping thrust kick. From there, Freddy hits the Huggins Kiss for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Jack DeColt & Steven Parker, fresh off their tag team victory. Bambino asks them how they’re feeling after their win. Jack DeColt says the win feels great, but it doesn’t settle everything between him and Rocky Golden. In fact, it just made things worst. With that said, DeColt challenges Golden to a rematch at Excessive Force. Jokingly, Steven Parker vows not to be one-up by DeColt. Parker says just like Jack, his problems with Matthew Keith are from over. That is why he is also throwing out a challenge for Excessive Force! Steven Parker wants to face Matthew Keith one-on-one again! DeColt & Parker vow that, just like tonight, they will get the best of their rivals when it is all said and done!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a very exciting Main Event, <strong>Koshiro Ino</strong> defeats TCW World Heavyweight Champion <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> by Pinfall. Cornell survives the early onslaught of Ino, in which Koshiro tries to break the champ in half. Cornell fights back though, and actually has Ino is trouble. Cornell almost has Ino locked in the Guilt Trip! Its then that Queen Persephone climbs onto the apron and begins to yell at Cornell. It allows enough of a distraction for Ino to break from Cornell’s grasp. As both men race to their feet, Ino hits Cornell with the Kobra’s Bite out of nowhere! 1,2,3, Ino gets the HUGE victory! (Non-Title)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The match is over, but Koshiro Ino doesn’t appear to be. Queen Persephone stands up on the apron with a crooked smirk. Perse points to Cornell and yells at Ino to finish him off! As Cornell goes to stand up, Ino locks on the Kobra Claw! Ino trips Cornell to the mat and locks on the Claw tightly, and Cornell appears to have no way of getting out! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Aaron Andrews coming racing down to the ring, and he has a chair! Before Ino ever knows he’s there, Andrews cracks Koshiro across the back with the steel chair! As Ino tries to stand up, Andrews hits him in the ribs with the chair. Andrews throws the chair down, races off the ropes, and hits the Ace in the Pocket! Ino hits the mat and rolls out of the ring! Andrews is all fired up and yells at Ino to get back in and fight!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Andrews suddenly gets spun around and booted by Joss Thompson! Thompson lays out Andrews with the Clean Cutter! Thompson comes to one knee, looks over the destruction, and a grin comes over his face. Joss Thompson is the only one left standing of the four men fighting for the TCW World Title at Excessive Force!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As the other three stir, Joss Thompson makes his exit. Tommy Cornell sits up on the mat and looks over in Thompson’s direction. Thompson looks back and pounds his chest. “It’s my time! MY TIME!”</em></p>

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