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TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Thursday – Week 3 – July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Irvine Hall (Mid South)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Davis Ditterich</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to the #1 Women’s Wrestling Show in the World! Tonight in the Main Event, we finally see the epic rematch for the TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship! After coming so close the first time, Heart of Madness will once again challenge The B.I.T.C.H. Squad for the gold! PLUS! Just one week before their big title bout, both Women’s Champion Sara Marie York & #1 Contender Tracy Brendon will be in singles competition! Let’s head to the ring to start tonight off!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tamara McFly vs Tracy Brendon</strong></p><p>

McFly fights through adversity and nearly puts Brendon away after coming off the second rope and wiping her out with a Springboard 180 Cross Body Block. McFly lifts Brendon up onto her shoulders and runs forward to execute the McFly Roll, but Brendon breaks off and throws McFly shoulder first into the ring post! Ouch! From there, McFly is easy picking as Brendon hits the Idaho Crunch for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Tracy Brendon has her hand raised by Referee Johnson, Queen Persephone enters the ring with a mic in hand. Never without something to say, Persephone talks up her client just a week before her big title shot. “Tamara McFly is one of the best female wrestlers ever to grace this Earth, and Tracy Brendon just walked through her like it was nothing! But don’t get me wrong, Sara Marie York. I know you’re better. You’re the dubbed the best, and that means something, no question. You see, truth is? That wasn’t her best! She’s saving her best…for you!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tracy Brendon snatches the mic and walks to the edge of the ring as she stares into the camera. “Sara Marie! I have waited my whole career, my whole life, for next week’s title match. I have never felt like I do right now, for there is no doubt in my mind that I will walk away as the new Women’s Champion. I don’t care what anybody says! I already am the best! Next week…I prove it!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle vs Queens of the Orient</strong></p><p>

The match goes back and forth until Brazzle comes flying off the top rope and knocks down both Queens with a Front Dropkick! One boot for each Queen! As Raku Makuda is sent rolling to the floor, Makiko is left alone in the ring, and falls victim to Grace Harper’s Fall from Grace! 1,2,3! We might be looking at a brand new top tier team in Harper & Brazzle!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the TCW Women’s Champion, Sara Marie York. Bambino asks York for her thoughts on her title challenger’s comments earlier in the night. Before she can speak, The Miss Fit herself, Missy Masterson, storms onto the scene and gets right in York’s face. For whatever reason, Masterson is seething. “Forget your title match next week, don’t you dare overlook me, Sara. We’re going to fight tonight…and I’m going to hurt you. If you overlook me tonight…you’re not making it to next week!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Masterson goes to walk away, but Sara Marie York grabs her by the arm and pulls her back. “Missy, I never look past anyone! That’s why I’m the champ! You got my full attention tonight, and we’re going to have a fight. I can promise you that!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW Women’s Champion” Sara Marie York vs “The Miss Fit” Missy Masterson</strong></p><p>

Masterson comes out with all engines revving, she knows what this opportunity means against the Women’s Champion. Masterson catches York coming off the ropes, dodges her Energy Burst, and crushes York with a Tilt a Whirl Slam! Masterson nearly gets the 3! Masterson sets York up for the Identity Crisis, but York blocks it! York leaps up and sends Masterson flying with the Monkey Flip! Both women return to their feet. York charges at Masterson and ducks under a haymaker. As Masterson turns around, York comes flying off the ropes and connects with the Energy Burst! 1,2,3! Sara Marie York gets the big win tonight on NDA!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Prior to the Main Event, a hype video plays, highlighting the ongoing feud between the B.I.T.C.H Squad and Heart of Madness over the TCW Women’s Tag Team Gold. Cherry Bomb & Jaime Quine have been the dominant champs, while Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace just recently came together as a tag team, but have found instant success. HoM came one roll up away from winning the Tag Titles, but nevertheless came up short against the champs. HoM scratched and clawed to gain another opportunity, and tonight? They get it!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

The B.I.T.C.H. Squad ( C ) vs Heart of Madness</strong></p><p>

After surviving an onslaught by the champs, HoM come on hot late in the match. After Nina Cacace back tosses Jaime Quine over the top rope and to the floor, Cacace does some unlike herself. The Psycho Ballerina climbs to the top rope and leaps off! Cacace wipes out Quine at ringside! Cherry Bomb and Danielle Sweetheart are left in the ring, and after a painful Power Slam, Cherry Bomb looks like she’s one move away from a successful title defense. Cherry lifts Sweetheart up for the Cherry Bomb, but Sweetheart reverses it into a sick DDT! Cherry lands right on their head! The crowd is on their feet as Danielle Sweetheart rises to her feet, and she feels it! Sweetheart stalks Cherry as she gets up. Sweetheart steps forward to hit her finisher, when she gets absolutely CLOBBERED by Demelza Wade out of nowhere! Referee Sparrow instantly calls for the bell for the DQ as Nadia Snow joins her fellow A-Lister in the ring as they begin to pummel both Sweetheart & Cherry Bomb! The A-List have ruined Tonight’s Main Event!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Nina Cacace tries to enter the ring to save her tag team partner, but Nadia Snow rushes forward and dropkicks Cacace! Nina goes flying off the apron and crashes into the barricade! Snow rolls out of the ring and retrieves one of the Women’s Tag Titles from the timekeeper’s table and throws it into the ring to Demelza Wade. Wade spins around and smashes Cherry Bomb across the face with the championship gold!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jaime Quine re-enters the ring and attacks Demelza Wade, but quickly gets clobbered by Nadia Snow from behind. Wade & Snow come together and hit Quine with the Star Treatment! Moments later, Danielle Sweetheart shares the same fate! The A-List have laid out both the Champs & #1 Contenders. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow stand in the middle of the ring, each carrying a championship belt. In full mockery of the four women who just battled their hearts out, Wade & Snow stand over them and check on their reflections in the championship gold. With their mockery finished, Demelza Wade demands a mic. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Hey Melanie! Yo, Ms. General Manager! You’re Welcome!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Wade & Snow toss the championship belts down and take their leave. As NDA comes to a close, The A-List stands at the top of the entrance way and take a bow. Obviously, they’re mighty proud of their work!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday – Week 3 – July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Kettley Arena (Mid South)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to your Saturday Night TCW Thrill! What a Main Event we have for you! The Battle Between the 4 Aces & Down with Authority adds on another chapter tonight, as every member will face off in the ring! That’s right! An 8 Man Tag Team Match! It all goes down tonight in the Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure vs “The Future” Steven Parker</strong></p><p>

In a very exciting opening contest, Fro Sure looks primed for the big upset after flying off the top rope and connecting with the Fro Butt! The cover, 1,2,3NO! Parker barely gets the shoulder up! Fro Sure sets Parker up for the Fro-Get About It!, but Queen Persephone plays her part and climbs onto the apron and distracts Fro. This allows Parker to spin out and catch Fro right on the back of his head with a Jumping Round Kick. With Fro groggy, Parker plants him right on his…well….Fro…with the Future Shock. 1,2,3, Parker gets the W.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wings of Flames vs Rising Sun (Mikey James & Buddy Garner)</strong></p><p>

American Eagle & El Diablo have some beautiful, flashy maneuvers. But at this point of their career, they are no match for Mikey & Buddy. Garner tortures Eagles by locking on the Garner Tendon Hold at ringside, while in the ring Mikey hits Diablo right on the kisser with the Scything Side Kick. 1,2,3, The Fat Lady Sings.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As Munenori Umari raises the arms of his men in the ring, their music is suddenly interrupted by that of the TCW’s Law Enforcer. Rick Law appears on the scene with a mic in hand. Law reveals to Rising Sun that he has just been informed that at Summer Showdown, </em><em><strong>he will face Mikey James in a singles contest!</strong></em><em> Law tells Rising Sun that he knows the odds are against him, that he’s outnumbered. But! He knows something that can even the odds! Rick Law reaches into his waistband and pulls out his trusty Night Stick! Law races to the ring, and tries to hit anything that is moving! Rising Sun quickly flees the ring, fearing the Night Stick! SNS fades to commercials, as Rising Sun vows revenge on Law for his actions.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rick Law vs Mohammed Barrett</strong></p><p>

Rising Sun watches the match from the entrance way, as these sluggers beat the snot out of each other. Law looks to be trouble after the brawler Barrett leaps off the second rope and catches him with a huge right hand. With Law groggy, Barrett runs off the ropes to hit the M.B. K.O., but runs right into the Strong Arm of the Law! Law nearly takes Barrett’s head clean off! 1,2,3! Law gets the win! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Law quickly snatches his Night Stick after the match, realizing that Rising Sun were planning a sneak attack. Mikey James & Buddy Garner quickly back off, wanting none of the Night Stick! Things are about to implode in this feud…just not yet!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>As SNS comes back from commercials, the scene changes to backstage where TCW Medical Advisors are huddled over someone. The camera pans around to reveal that it’s the International Champion and DWA Member, Jay Chord! Chord lies on his back unconscious, lying through a broken table. The medics stand over Chord’s limp body, talking about his condition. No one seems to have a clue what happened to Jay Chord, but he seems in absolutely no condition to compete tonight.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Masked Cougar vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Callum faces a tough contest against Cougar’s speed and athleticism, and nearly gets put away when Cougar runs up to the top rope and wipes him out with a Corkscrew Moonsault. But Callum dodges the Cougar Pounce and drops Cougar throat first on the top rope with a Hot Shot. From there, Callum easily hits the Honey Trap, and pins Cougar while kissing his flexed bicep.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>We go back to the 4 Aces locker room, where Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota are preparing while talking strategy with the General Manager of SNS, Ricky Dale Johnson. All of sudden, the DWA Leader Wolf Hawkins storms into the locker room and accuses the 4 Aces of assaulting Jay Chord. “I know you guys are dirty, but now we all know you are downright scum!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ calls Hawkins on his comments, and demands to see proof of his accusations. Instead of proof, Hawkins tries to get at Cage & Minnesota, but RDJ and his security hold him off. RDJ demands security to throw Hawkins out of his locker room. But before Hawkins is thrown out, RDJ tells Hawkins to use his time more wisely…like trying to find a new member to his team!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Bumfhole vs “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson</strong></p><p>

The match goes back and forth until Bumfhole locks Anderson up for the Bumfhole Buster. Bumfhole tries to lift Anderson up for it, but Anderson blocks it and catches Bumfhole with a perfect back elbow to the jaw to break free. With Bumfhole staggering, Anderson races forward and catches Bumfhole on the jaw again, this time with a flying knee. Bumfhole is barely able to stand, make it easy for Anderson to connect with the Ammo Dump for the win. Queen Persephone & Steven Parker join Anderson in the ring, as the Diamond Cutters look impressive while going 2-0 here on SNS.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

Hernandez gets a rematch after a close contest on Proving Grounds earlier in the week. Hernandez breaks free when Kobe lifts him up for the Kobe Bomb. Kobe turns around, and gets a Rolling Heel Kick right in the face! Hernandez sets Kobe up on the top rope for a Frankensteiner, but when he attempts, Kobe throws him off, and Hernandez hits the mat with a thud! As Hernandez stands up, Kobe leaps off the top rope and catches him right on the temple with his patented Flying Knee! 1,2,3, Magnum Kobe remains undefeated in Total Championship Wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The scene changes backstage with the camera panned up on Wolf Hawkins. He is talking to someone, but we don’t see who. “So…we’re looking for a new partner for our team. I thought who might be the best person for the job. And honestly? We might not be on the same page, but I came to a conclusion. Who would enjoy this opportunity more than you? Well…what d’ya think?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The camera pans out….and Wolf is talking to Eddie Peak! The crowd goes nuts! Hawkins & Peak stare each other down for a long moment now. Suddenly, the King of the Insane Asylum lets free with his psychotic laugh that echoes throughout the hallway. “Well…I could use some fun!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Getting his answer, Hawkins goes to walk away, but Peak grabs him by the arm and pulls him back. All of a sudden, Peak turns extremely serious, as the two #1 Contenders stare down again. “But know this Wolf…we still aren’t friends! At Summer Showdown? I’m still going to hurt you!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

8 Man Tag Team Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Wolf Hawkins, “TCW US Tag Team Champions” High Concept, & “The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak vs The 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage, Joey Minnesota, & Destiny’s Finest)</strong></p><p>

A super exciting contest that has the crowd hot throughout. When all hell breaks loose, it truly does on Referee Tawaraya. All eight men battle throughout ringside, leaving Roger Cage & Benny Benson in the ringside. Benson misses with the Shockwave from Next Year, allowing Cage with a Reverse DDT. Cage sets Benson up for the Rage Cage, but gets a boot to the face by Eddie Peak! Peak grabs the Legends Champion and sets him up for the Peak of the Devil! Cage is in trouble, but gets saved by Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade. Destiny’s Finest pummels Peak to one knee. They step back and attempt their Double Super Kick. But Peak jumps up and takes both of them by the throat! They’re in trouble! Peak throws Jameson to Wolf Hawkins, who hits Jameson with the Dictator’s Beheading! Meanwhile, Peak plants Spade with the Peak of the Devil! 1,2,3! Eddie Peak wins it for…well…Down with Authority!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The 4 Aces stumble on their way out of the arena, as they’re forced to watch Down with Authority and Eddie Peak celebrate their huge victory. If they truly did assault Jay Chord…which they probably did…it definitely backfired tonight! Never did they expect Eddie Peak to align with Wolf Hawkins! For one night they did, and Roger Cage is forced to look on at his two title challengers for Summer Showdown. Hawkins & Peak, for tonight only, stand side by side as they celebrate victoriously.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Roger Cage has to realize his chances of retaining his title at Summer Showdown are becoming slimmer by the day! How will he survive the Triple Threat for his Legends Championship?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday – Week 4 – July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Missouri State Armoury (Mid West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Welcome to the place where the rising stars come to prove themselves! Tonight in the Main Event, Fro Sure looks to do what no man in TCW has been able to do. Beat Magnum Kobe! It’s the Ultra Fan Favorite taking on the Undefeated Japanese Fireball Tonight!...in the Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith</strong></p><p>

Vita takes Britton’s seat at the commentary table for tonight’s opening match. Britton just struggles to rebound from Bulldozer’s power moves and bear hug. He had a slight swing of momentum, but runs right into Bulldozer’s 300+ Pound Cross Body Block. Smith hits the Bulldozer Powerbomb, giving the W to The Syndicate.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the TCW US Tag Team Champs, High Concept. Bambino asks them about The Diamond Cutters getting inserted into the Tag Title Match at Summer Showdown, and how the reunion of Parker & Anderson has brought them instant success. Benny Benson & Greg Black are all smiles, as they make it clear that love a challenge. “We had many great battles with The Diamond Cutters before, and it looks like we’re going to have them all over again. We call ourselves the best tag team in the world, and we can’t be that unless we beat all challengers. So bring on the best, and we’ll beat them!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grunt vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Callum is very unhappy to have to rematch with the…err…lesser hygienic…Grunt. Even so, Callum has Grunt’s number, and the Indy Vet has little to offer. Callum hits the Honey Trap, then pins Grunt with one finger, not wanting to touch with anymore. Cue the baby oil as The Ravishing One poses for the ladies.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The cameras go backstage to Lee Bambino, standing by the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Supremacy’s Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith. Bambino asks for their thoughts on the #1 Contenders to their gold, Danny Love Club, whom they will face at Summer Showdown. Vessey first remarks about High Concept calling themselves the best team in the world. “Last time I checked, we’ve beaten all challengers for our gold, so what makes you better? Nothing, that’s what!” Greg Keith follows up by blowing off the fact that Danny B Bling defeated him in singles competition last week. “Yeah, you won a non-title match, big deal. Let’s see how you do when the lights are on bright…because that’s where we do our best work!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs Kirk Jameson</strong></p><p>

Jameson does a superb technical job by wearing the larger Fonz down as he focuses on the left knee. But Jameson falters when quits his battle plan and goes to the top rope. Jameson leaps off for the Double Axe Handle, but gets Fonz’s giant boot right in his face! Ouch! With Jameson groggy, Fonz hits the Retro Rocket for the win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by with a very unhappy Jay Chord, who has his International Gold resting on his shoulder. Bambino tries to interview Chord, but Jay snatches the mic from him. Bambino knows better to stay and quickly departs. “I’m not going to waste anyone’s time by telling them who attacked me backstage on Saturday Night Showcase. Everyone knows who it was. Who am I fooling? I got one thing to say tonight that’s it. Joey Minnesota? I’m coming for you! I’m coming for you….”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Fro Sure vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

This is the night! Magnum Kobe is going to face defeat! Fro Sure flies off the top rope and connects with the Fro Butt! Yes! Kobe tries to roll out of the ring, but Fro stops him and covers. 1,2,3NO! Munenori Umari puts Kobe’s foot on the bottom rope! Unbelievable! Referee Terakado never saw Umari do it! Fro Sure wastes time arguing with Terakado over Umari’s interference. This leaves to Kobe breaking free when Fro attempts the Fro-Get About It!, and catches Fro clean on the jaw with a Side Kick! Kobe pounces on Fro as he falls to the mat, and Kobe locks on the Magnum Deathlock! Fro Sure has no choice but to tap! Magnum Kobe is now 16-0 in TCW!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Right before it seems Proving Grounds is coming to a close, the scene switches over to a handheld camera being held by the leader of Supremacy, Matthew Keith. Keith brags about his work on Total Wrestling, when he took out both Aaron Andrews & Koshiro Ino. “Did you really think I was just going to forget what happened two weeks ago? When I got involved and assaulted in the middle of your petty feud? No one mocks a mockery out of Matthew Keith. Matthew Keith makes a mockery out of you!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Keith then goes on to remark on the news that Joss Thompson will be unable to compete at Summer Showdown. “With this news, I officially offer my services to challenge Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship! Joss Thompson goes around calling himself the future of the company. That might be true, but you’re looking at the future as well, and this is a star that is going to shine brighter than any other before. Tommy Cornell? You know my father, so you know what kind of a jewel you have in yours truly. Do me the honor of beating your carcass at Summer Showdown, and watch me become the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion!”</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday – Week 4 – July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight! Tommy Cornell, World Heavyweight Champion & TCW Owner, vows to clear up the World Title Picture for Summer Showdown. With Joss Thompson out with an injury, Cornell has no title challenger for the big PayPerView. Cornell says he will clear it up tonight on Total Wrestling!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Greg Keith</strong></p><p>

After connecting with a Missile Dropkick, Taylor looks to put Keith away with a Pumphandle Slam. But Keith breaks off behind Taylor and plants him face first with a Front Russian Leg Sweep. From there, Keith executes a beautiful roll over and slaps on the Proton Lock. Stuck in the middle of the ring, Taylor has no choice but to tap. Strike one up for Supremacy.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Mitico & Felipe Callabero vs The Canadian Animals</strong></p><p>

The Animals teach the young Mexicanos a little bit about tag team wrestling. Miticio & Callabero get some flashy moves in, but in the end are no match for the former Tag Champs. Huggins & Stone hit Callabero with the Maple Leaf Crunch for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring in wrestling gear, and the TCW World Heavyweight Title shining around his waist. Cornell calls for a mic. Cornell says that he’s disappointed that he and Joss Thompson will be unable to solve their problems at Summer Showdown, in a battle that Cornell believes “has to happen.” But Cornell says the show must go on, and after much deliberation, he has come to a resolution.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before he can continue, Cornell is interrupted by the music of Supremacy! Matthew Keith makes his way down to the ring with his lackey Edward Cornell by his side. Keith grabs his own mic. “Allow me to save you some time, Tommy Boy. There is no one in this company with more momentum, in better condition, and truly talented than yours truly. So stop wasting everyone’s time and make the match! Tommy Cornell versus Matthew Keith at Summer Showdown for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Keith’s tirade is now interrupted by the music of Aaron Andrews! The crowd gets to their feet as Ace appears on the scene, as Matthew Keith quickly steps behind his lackey Edward Cornell. Andrews heads to the ring and grabs a mic. “Forget what happened last week, Matthew, that’s a whole different story! If you think I’m just going to sit in the back and allow you to get handed a title shot? Think again! If you want to fight for the title, then you’ll have to get it through me!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before the argument can ensue, Cornell intrudes. “What a great idea! Aaron, you just gave me a beautiful idea. Tonight, in the Main Event, we will have a match, and </em><em><strong>Winner will challenge me for the TCW World Title at Summer Showdown this Sunday!</strong></em><em> It will be Matthew Keith…Aaron Andrews…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before Cornell can continue, the music of Koshiro Ino hits! Queen Persephone leads her monster Ino onto the entrance way. Perse is already armed with a mic. “…& Koshiro Ino!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tommy Cornell looks amused by Queen Persephone’s arrogance and downright confidence. Cornell looks at her and smiles. “Ya know what, sister? You’re right! </em><em><strong>Keith, Andrews, & Ino! Triple Threat! Winner goes to Summer Showdown!</strong></em><em> Good luck, boys!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Tommy Cornell vs Mick Muscles</strong></p><p>

Cornell battles in the ring after his matchmaking and sends a message to whoever becomes the #1 Contender. Muscles gets his licks in, but never is a real threat to the champ. Cornell locks on the Guilt Trip, and Muscles has no choice but to tap.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p>

Fonz has Vessey set up for the Retro Rocket. But Greg Keith climbs onto the apron and distracts Fonz, giving his tag partner Vessey that crucial second. Vessey breaks free and chop blocks the big man. This allows Vessey to show some tremendous strength, as he lifts the Fonz up and connects with the Vessey Driver! 1,2,3! </p><p> </p><p>

Supremacy & The Danny Love Club split their singles encounters. It all comes down to their Tag Title Match this Sunday at Summer Showdown! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with Jack DeColt & Steve Devine. Bambino asks for their thoughts on tonight’s Tag Team Match and the huge Six Man Tag this Sunday at Summer Showdown. Always the fun loving one, Steve Devine says he’s ready to party, and it’s going to be a huge party when his partner Darryl Devine returns this Sunday to join them in battle!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jack DeColt gets serious. “Syndicate! You always like to fight only when the odds are in your favor. You like the 2 on 1 Beatdowns, the 3 on 1 Beatdowns. Well, now the odds are even, so now we’re going to see what cajones you really have. Tonight, and This Sunday, we’ll see how you like a fair fight. And Rocky Golden? Big Man? You can bet I have my eyes set on you!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt & Steve Devine vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden & “TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach)</strong></p><p>

Rocky Golden sends Jack DeColt face first off the ring post, thus allowing him to enter the ring and pull his partner Samuel Bach free when Steve Devine attempts to hit the Starmaker. When Devine spins around, he is met by The Giant, who lifts him up and hits the Rocky Road! The legal man Bach makes the cover on Devine, and wins it for the Syndicate! </p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate stands victory as their opponent lay defeated. Is this a sign of things to come at Summer Showdown?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brent Hill vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith</strong></p><p>

Hill has the big man reeling, but misses as he charges into the corner with a jumping knee. Bulldozer dodges, runs off the ropes, and crushes Hill with a 300+ Pound Avalanche! From there, Hill falls victim to the Bulldozer Powerbomb, and Brandon Smith keeps The Syndicate rolling.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, the music of Joss Thompson plays, much to the surprise to all! From the curtains, Thompson is pushed out in a wheelchair by Krissy Angelle. Obviously, Thompson isn’t very happy, and has a mic to tell us all that. Thompson calls Tommy Cornell the luckiest man in the world, that the universe knew the grief that was about to fall upon Tommy, and so it gave him a break. Thompson says he has worked his entire career to get to where he is today, and as much as it pains him, he will wait one to two months more to finally achieve his life goal. “Tommy…this is far from over. Don’t think that this injury will mend our issues. We will go to battle once again, no matter how much you try to duck it. We will battle…and I will become the TCW World Heavyweight Champion!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tommy Cornell heads to ringside, and joins the commentary desk for tonight’s main event!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Winner Faces Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at Summer Showdown!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Matthew Keith vs Aaron “Ace” Andrews vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino</strong></p><p>

Both Matthew Keith and Aaron Andrews struggle to their feet after Andrews hit Keith with a perfect Superplex. Andrews suddenly runs off the ropes and attempts to hit the Ace in the Pocket. Keith dodges it…and Andrews runs right into Koshiro Ino’s Kobra Bite! Whoa! Keith tries to catch Ino offguard with the Sam Keith Special, but Ino dodges and lifts Keith right off his feet! Ino dumps Keith all the way to the floor! Ino covers Andrews! 1…2…3! That’s It! Koshiro Ino has banked himself a Title Shot!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Koshiro Ino eyes Tommy Cornell at the commentary table. Never to back down, Cornell enters the ring. As he does so, Shawn Doakes reminds the fans at home that it was just last month that Koshiro Ino defeated Tommy Cornell one on one right here on Total Wrestling!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell & Ino go face to face in the middle of the ring. Ino snarls loudly at Cornell in an attempt intimidate, but Cornell doesn’t shake. Instead, Cornell raises the World Title high into the air, and right in Ino’s face! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

These two men go to war this Sunday! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tommy Cornell!</em></p><p><em>

Koshiro Ino!</em></p><p><em>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship!</em></p><p><em>

Summer Showdown!</em></p>

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TCW No Divas Allowed

Thursday – Week 4 – July 2015

Laurent Ballroom (New England)

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Davis Ditterich


Tonight is the Night! The Big Title Match! The best female wrestler in the world, TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York, will defend her title against the #1 Contender, Tracy Brendon! That…is your Main Event!


Tamara McFly & Yu Hashimoto vs The A-List

Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow work over Yu Hashimoto for a great deal of the match. Tamara McFly eventually gets the hot tag, but cannot stop the momentum of The A-List. Wade & Snow eventually hit the Star Treatment on McFly for the win.


As A-List celebrate their win, they’re interrupted by Heart of Madness! Danielle Sweetheart & Nina Cacace appear, as Sweetheart has a mic. Sweetheart reveals that they requested to fight A-List tonight, but General Manager Melanie Florence rejected the match, because Florence is on the verge of forcing judgment on A-List for their actions last week. “Well Demelza? Nadia? That just isn’t good enough for us! We want to fight…and we want to fight right now!”


Heart of Madness start to march to the ring, and The A-List get ready for a fight! But right before Sweetheart & Cacace hit the ring, The B.I.T.C.H. Squad blindside the A-List in the ring! The Women’s Tag Champs came through the crowd to execute the sneak attack! Heart of Madness quickly joins the battle, and we got a Three Way Tag Team Brawl in the ring!


Melanie Florence appears on the scene as she orders security and officials down to the ring to break up the brawl, and it takes a whole bunch to do so. As the teams are ripped apart, they threaten each other over and over. This issues seem far from over, as all three teams seem determined to destroy each other!


Danielle Sweetheart vs “Miss Fit” Missy Masterson

Masterson hits a painful Super Back Suplex, but Sweetheart manages to get her shoulder up on the pinfall. Sweetheart breaks free when Masterson attempts the Identity Crisis. Masterson misses with a wild punch, and turns around right into the Taste of Sweetness! 1,2,3, Sweetheart gets the W!


Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle. Bambino questions them on their recent union as a tag team. Grace Harper admits it was hard to trust anyone after her destructive break up with former partner Tracy Brendon. But Harper compliments Brazzle, and tells Bambino that she’s a grizzled vet just like herself, and both of them are determined to prove that they’re still two of the best female wrestlers in the world. Suzanne Brazzle returns the compliment to Harper, then warns the tag team division to watch out. Her and Harper plan to run right through the competition, and that it’s only a matter of time before they’re wearing gold!


Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle vs Alina America & Zoe Ammis

A hot, back and forth contest. Brazzle gets the hot tag and never cools down. America attempts the Northern Lights Bomb on Brazzle, but Brazzle lifts her right off her feet and drops Alina face first into the top turnbuckle! From there, Brazzle hits the Miracle Connection with ease and wins it for her team! Harper & Brazzle with another promising tag team victory!


A hype video plays, showing everything that has led up to the TCW Women’s Championship Match. It shows the change of attitude by Tracy Brendon, thanks largely to her allegiance to the always devious Queen Persephone. Nevertheless, her change of attitude has led to an immense hot streak, cultivating at a #1 Contendership Match Win over former tag team partner, Grace Harper. It comes down to tonight. Brendon has beaten Sara Marie York in tag team competition recently. But can she do it one on one with the Women’s Title on the line?


Tonight’s Main Event

TCW Women’s Championship Match!

“TCW Women’s Champion” Sara Marie York vs Tracy Brendon

The heated contest eventually spills to ringside, where the two ladies throw bones. York sends Brendon hard into the barricade. As Brendon staggers forward, York charges and attempts to hit the Energy Burst! Brendon dodges it! When York turns around, Brendon hits her with the Idaho Crunch, right on the Ringside Floor! Queen Persephone is jumping off and down, yelling at Brendon to get York back into the ring! With Referee Sparrow’s Count at Six, Brendon tries to pull York up, but Sara Marie is out cold! York is completely dead weight! Brendon tries her hardest, but when Sparrow gets to Nine, Tracy curses aloud, and rolls into the ring! Sam Sparrow counts out Sara Marie York!


The bell is called for, as Tracy Brendon is declared the winner. Queen Persephone tries to give the Women’s Championship to her client, but Referee Sparrow snatches it away! It is announced that the title cannot change via Count Out, so still champion…Sara Marie York!


Tracy Brendon is the winner, but neither her nor Queen Persephone look happy. Referee Sparrow calls for medics outside the ring, as Sara Marie York has yet to move outside the ring. Tracy Brendon shoves Sparrow aside, and begins to stomp the hurt champion! Brendon feels no mercy, and looks to further injury the already injured Sara Marie York! A furious Sparrow gets in Brendon’s face, and threatens to reverse the decision! Realizing what it might cause, Tracy Brendon backs off immediately.


Medics appear on the scene as they carefully sit up a barely conscious Sara Marie York. The crowd boos Brendon & Persephone as they take their leave. Persephone points to Brendon, and tells the crowd that they’re looking at the real champion! “You’re lucky, Sara! You’re the luckiest woman alive!!!”

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday – Week 4 – July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

New Hampshire Garden (New England)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>We are just 24 Hours Away from Summer Showdown! Tonight, just before he defends his title on Pay-Per-View, Legends Champion Roger Cage will team with his 4 Aces ally Joey Minnesota to take on the two men that will challenge him the gold! The 4 Aces take on Wolf Hawkins & Eddie Peak in Tag Team Action! That!...Is your Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kirk Jameson vs “TCW US Tag Team Champion” Greg Black vs “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson</strong></p><p>

All three teams in the US Tag Team Title Match at Summer Showdown are represented in tonight’s opening contest. Anderson & Black battle on the top rope after Anderson halts Black’s attempt to hit the Fade to Black. Anderson attempts a Super Powerbomb, but Black reverses it into a Frankensteiner! Wow! As Black starts to get up to take advantage of the maneuver, Kirk Jameson comes out of nowhere and hits the Bullseye! 1,2,3! Jameson wins it for Destiny’s Finest! </p><p> </p><p>

Later tonight, we’ll see the other half of each team in a 2nd Triple Threat Contest!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Clark Alexander vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Alexander gives Callum some good shots and even ruins the Ravishing One’s hair (which he gets very upset about), but he cannot stop the hot run of Callum. Callum eventually hits the Honey Trap, and tells a beautiful blonde in the crowd to call him while he pins Alexander.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, TCW International Champion and Down with Authority member Jay Chord heads to the ring in street gear, and immediately calls for a mic. “Joey Minnesota! I spent all night looking for you, and ain’t it a damn coincidence that you’re nowhere to be seen! And then I find out instead of you, instead of any 4 Aces, I have to deal with the Rising Sun tonight? Nice try Ricky, but that’s not going stop me from getting your little Enforcer! So I tell you what. Minnesota? The world knows it was you who assaulted me backstage last week. Nobody is stupid. So for the first time in your life, why don’t you be a man? Come out here and fight me face to face! Forget about Summer Showdown, let’s fight now!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Chord awaits an answer, but instead of Minnesota, he gets the music of the Legends Champion, Roger Cage! Cage is all smiles as he walks onto the scene…with none other than Joey Minnesota himself! Cage has a mic and introduces Minnesota to Jay Chord in mocking fashion. Cage tells Chord that they’re going to fight. “But you need to learn something, Jay Boy! We’re the 4 Aces...and we fight as a team!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, Cage & Minnesota surround the ring on Chord! Chord prepares himself. The 4 Aces pounce! Chord tries his best, but is no challenge for the 2 on 1 fight. The beatdown begins, but is quickly broken up when DWA Leader Wolf Hawkins comes racing down to the ring! Roger Cage quickly flees the ring as Minnesota is dump to the floor by a Double Dropkick from Hawkins & Chord! The crowd is on their feet as The 4 Aces are sent packing. Threats are exchanged, as another Chapter in this lengthy feud between DWA & The 4 Aces has been notched. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW International Champion” Jay Chord & Rick Law vs The Rising Sun (Mikey James & Buddy Garner)</strong></p><p>

After disposing Chord to the floor, The Rising Sun double team Rick Law in the ring. Garner whips Law off the ropes, allow Mikey James to rush Law and executes the Scything Side Kick. But Law ducks! Law flies off the ropes and comes at Mikey with the Strong Arm of the Law! But Mikey ducks too…and Buddy Garner gets clobbered with it instead! Before Mikey James can save his partner, Jay Chord grabs him by the legs from ringside and pulls him out of the ring! Law covers Garner! 1…2…3! Rick Law gets a big win over The Rising Sun just one night before he takes on Mikey James one on one at Summer Showdown!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p>

These two young stars show off some cool moves, but Hernandez always seems one step ahead of DWN. Despite being a tag team competitor up to now, Hernandez impresses in singles competition, and puts Newton away with the Apparition #14.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with a pumped up Rick Law. Bambino asks Law how he feels after his big tag team win over Rising Sun tonight. “Lee, that was just the appetizer before the big meal. I’ve been saying it all along. The Rising Sun are a disease that is infecting TCW, and you’re looking at the cure. You’re looking at the man who will bring justice to their treachery. Mikey James! You are as guilty as any of your pals in Rising Sun, and you will face judgment tomorrow night at Summer Showdown!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Spencer Spade vs “TCW US Tag Team Champion” Benny Benson vs “The Future” Steven Parker</strong></p><p>

After hitting Parker with a Cobra Clutch Suplex, Spade is full of confidence. Spade pummels Benson and whips him off the ropes. Spade attempts a Tilt a Whirl Slam on Benson, but Benny reverses it into a beautiful yet punishing DDT! Whoa! Benson grabs a dazed Spade as he stands and attempts to hit the Shockwave from Next Year, but Steven Parker comes racing into the ring and delivers a smacking big boot to Benson! Benson is sent tumbling to the floor, as Parker grabs the dazed Spade and connects with the Future Shock! 1,2,3, Parker wins it for the Diamonds Cutter!</p><p> </p><p>

High Concept goes 0-2 tonight on SNS. Can they rebound at Summer Showdown, or is their US Tag Title reign in severe jeopardy?[/i]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

A rematch from Proving Grounds, and Referee Odaka immediately throws out Munenori Umari from ringside for his actions that altered the first contest! Now a fair contest, it’s a hot and heated exchange. After planting Kobe with the Sky High, Fro Sure heads to the top rope to finish him off. Fro Sure flies off for the Fro Butt, but Kobe gets his knees up! Fro Sure’s face and body crashes into them! As Fro Sure struggles to stand, Kobe heads to the top rope himself. Kobe flies off and connects with his deadly Flying Knee to the temple! 1,2,3! Magnum Kobe is still Undefeated in Total Championship Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino attempts to interview The Diamond Cutters, but their manager Queen Persephone takes over the interview and shoves Bambino aside. Persephone puts over her men as the “greatest tag team ever seen,” and that it is only right that the best has their proper throne. Persephone proclaims that they will get their throne at Summer Showdown. “Feast you eyes boys and girls, because this Sunday, you will all witness…for the first time in a year and a half…The Diamond Cutters will team together! And their reunion? It will be one to remember for the ages!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak & Wolf Hawkins vs The 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota)</strong></p><p>

Hawkins charges at Cage against the ropes, and both men spill out to the floor. This leaves Peak and Minnesota to duke it out in the ring. A distraction by SNS General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson allows Minnesota to impressively hit the mammoth Peak with a German Suplex! Whoa! Minnesota attempts to hit Peak with the Empire Spiral, but is distracted when his Summer Showdown opponent, Jay Chord, appears and jumps onto the apron! This gives Peak the chance to break free and dump Minnesota to the mat! As Minnesota gets back up, he gets hit by the Peak of the Devil! 1,2,3! Eddie Peak wins it for his team!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Roger Cage & RDJ pull Minnesota from the ring as The 4 Aces once again are sent retreating. Jay Chord & Wolf Hawkins join Eddie Peak in the ring to celebrate the victory. Roger Cage is forced to watch both his title challengers celebrate just one night before having to defend his gold in a triple threat. Roger Cage cannot be happy at all!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

In the ring, out of a sign of respect, Wolf Hawkins holds out a hand to Eddie Peak for him to shake. The crowd wants Peak to shake it, but that’s not the style of the King of the Insane Asylum! Peak shakes his head and reminds Hawkins they’re going to battle at Summer Showdown! Just as he does that, Jay Chord comes from behind and chops the big man down with a dropkick to the knee! As Eddie Peak falls to one knee, Hawkins flies off the ropes! Hawkins plants Peak into the mat with the Dictator’s Beheading! Down with Authority just pulled a fast one on Eddie Peak!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Eddie Peak is seething as he watches DWA exit up the rampway. Wolf Hawkins simply smiles and shrugs at the big man. “It’s like you said, Eddie! We’re going to fight tomorrow night!”</em></p>

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And Now for some TCW News!


July – 2015 Edition!


Lineup for TCW Summer Showdown 2015!

LIVE on Pay-Per-View!


The Main Event!

TCW Legends Championship Match!

Triple Threat Match!

“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak vs “Smooth Roger Cage ( C ) (w/ Kali Fornia) vs Wolf Hawkins

One Fall to the Finish Rules.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match!

“Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell ( C ) vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino (w/ Queen Persephone)

Joss Thompson originally was to challenge Cornell, but was forced out due to injury. Koshiro Ino won a Contendership Match to replacement Thompson.


Six Man Tag Team War!

“Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt (w/ Marie DeColt) & Devine Intervention Vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden, “Revolution X” Samuel Bach, & Bulldozer Brandon Smith) (w/ Vita)


TCW US Tag Team Championship Match!

Triple Threat Tag Team Match!

Destiny’s Finest (w/ Venus Angeletti) vs High Concept ( C ) vs The Diamond Cutters (w/ Queen Persephone)

One Fall to the Finish Rules.


TCW International Championship Matc!

Jay Chord ( C ) vs Joey Minnesota


TCW World Tag Team Championship Match!

Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) ( C ) vs The Danny Love Club


“TCW’s Law Enforcer” Rick Law vs “The Dragon” Mikey James (w/ Munenori Umari)


Champion Roll Call

TCW World Heavyweight: Tommy Cornell (9th Reign, Since May 2014)

TCW Legends: Roger Cage (1st Reign, Since May 2015)

TCW International: Jay Chord (1st Reign, Since February 2015)

TCW United States: Samuel Bach (1st Reign, Since May 2015)

TCW World Tag Team: Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) (1st Reign, Since April 2015)

TCW US Tag Team: High Concept (2nd Reign, Since April 2015)

TCW Women’s: Sara Marie York (1st Reign, Since December 2014)

TCW Women’s Tag Team: The B.I.T.C.H. Squad (1st Reign, Since March 2015)


Roster Changes


Signings: Mimic (WLW), Reaper Dante (WLWZ)


Future Endeavored: Mario Tufnel (CCW, Contract Expire)


Promotions: Damian Dastardly (TW)


Demotions: Isei Deushi (WLWZ), Taka Kajiwara (WLWZ)


Extensions: Ernest Youngman (1 Year), Original Lone Rider (1 Year), Laura Huggins (3 Years)


Tag Team Formations: Danny Love Club (Danny B Bling & Danny Fonzarelli)


Injuries: Darryl Devine (Minor Concussion), Joss Thompson (Floating Knee Cap)


Top Televised Matches for July 2015

1. Eddie Peak & Wolf Hawkins defeated The 4 Aces (Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota). After Minnesota was distracted by Jay Chord, Eddie Peak hit Joey with the Peak of the Devil for the win. (93)

2. Aaron Andrews defeated Matthew Keith by Disqualification due to Interference by Koshiro Ino. (92)

3. Tommy Cornell defeated Cameron Vessey via Submission with the use of the Guilt Trip. (92)

4. Joss Thompson & Koshiro Ino defeated Tommy Cornell & Aaron Andrews by Pinfall. The finish came after Matthew Keith interference, when Thompson hit Andrews with the Clean Cutter. (92)

5. The Syndicate (Rocky Golden & Samuel Bach) defeated Jack DeColt & Steve Devine by Pinfall. The finish came when Golden hit Devine with the Rocky Road. (89)

6. Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Peak, & High Concept defeated The 4 Aces in an 8 Man Tag Team Match. The finish came when Peak hit Kirk Jameson with the Peak of the Devil. (88)

7. Koshiro Ino defeated Matthew Keith & Aaron Andrews in a Triple Threat. The finish came when Ino hit Andrews with the Kobra Bite. (88)

8. Eddie Peak defeated Joey Minnesota by Disqualification after the rest of the 4 Aces interfered. (87)

9. Despite interference from Rocky Golden, Tommy Cornell & Jack DeColt defeated The Syndicate (Samuel Bach & Brandon Smith) by Pinfall. The finish came when Cornell hit Smith with the Justice Served. (87)

10. Rocky Golden defeated Steve Devine by Pinfall after hitting the Rocky Road. (86)


Rising Star Radar

After several crushing losses where most didn’t even recall his name, Nelson Callum went back to the drawing board and figured out a new direction to take. Thus, The Ravishing One was born. Callum realized that he was a good looking young man with fine hair and a well built body…and took it to a whole new level! Callum now plays off his features throughout the match, and it has brought out the best in him. With his pimp squeak manager Floyd Goldworthy in his corner to supply Callum his baby oil, Nelson has been on a tear throughout July. Callum has gone 6-0 in July on both Saturday Night Showcase & Proving Grounds, with wins over the likes of Clark Alexander & Masked Cougar. And as long as the ladies are happy, this seems like only the beginning. “Ravishing” Nelson Callum is a gorgeous man. If you don’t believe me…just ask him!


TCW Superstar Highlight

Name: “Superstar” Steve Devine

Age: 37 (19 Years Pro)

TCW Debut: November 2003

Affiliates: Partners with Darryl Devine (Devine Intervention), Managed by Jenny Playmate

Theme Music: “Stroke Me” by Mickey Avalon

Finishing Moves: Star Maker (Overdrive)

TCW Title History: TCW International, TCW World Tag Team (w/ Darryl Devine)

Top 500 Rankings: 2012 (#75) 2013 (#35), 2014 (#66)

Top Rated Match: Defeated Eddie Peak in a Casket Match (TCW Threatening Behavior, October 2013)

Most Notable Victory: Defeated Rick Law for the TCW International Championship *As Troy Tornado* (February 2006)

Biography: Steve Devine is one of the most smoothing talking men in the entire TCW. Whether as a good guy or bad guy, he has no problem connecting with the crowd. Despite not being the most talented wrestler, his charisma makes him quite memorable. With his smooth talking, slick hair, and fancy sunglasses, Devine has proven to be quite the ladies man, too.


Dating back to 2013, Devine started off the year with a feud against “The Giant” Rocky Golden. Devine’s mouth was also something that got him in trouble, so this was nothing new. The two had several matches, and Devine was even able to win some with his dirty antics. But Devine lost the finale when he was stuck inside a Steel Cage with The Giant at Excessive Force ’13.


Devine found himself feuding with another giant, Eddie Peak, because of his antics. But this time he had backup after founding his own group, V.I.P. With the likes of Roger Cage, Jay Chord & The Canadian Animals backing him, Devine looked to take down the psychotic Peak. After losing to Peak first off, Devine bounced back when he defeated Eddie Peak in a Casket Match, thanks to his buddies. The match though, turned out to be the highest rated match in Devine’s career. Unfortunately for Steve, he would lose the finale in this feud, too. Yet again, he was stuck in a Cage with a giant after fleeing so many altercations with Peak. The end result wasn’t pretty for Devine.


After making it to the Semi-Finals of the 2013 Wrestler of the Year Tournament, Devine would enter 2014 feuding with a former follower, Jay Chord, who had grown tired of Devine’s antics. Chord accused of showing favoritism towards Roger Cage. Chord also accused Cage of poisoning V.I.P. with his own ambitions. Devine sided with Cage, and it led to several matches with Chord. Despite valiant efforts, Devine always got the best of Chord.


It turned out Jay Chord was right, as Roger Cage destroyed V.I.P. from the inside in the summer of 2014. It led to a babyface turn by Devine to get revenge on his former follower. The two would feud over Cage’s International Championship. Their finale would happen at Destructive Energy ’14, where Cage would barely squeak out a victory over Devine in a Strap Match.


After Darryl Devine was signed by Total Championship Wrestling, he and Steve quickly made a connection. Despite rumors that they’re related, the truth is they just had a lot in common, and eventually became a tag team. Thus, Devine Intervention was born. With Jenny Playmate in their corner, they have become a formidable tag team. Their instant success led to a feud with the current World Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (John Anderson & Cameron Vessey). After failing on their first attempt, The Devines would defeat DRS for the gold at Psycho Circus ’13.


Devine Intervention would enter 2015 as the hottest tag team in wrestling, defeating all challengers. Their success led to them being a target of the uprising group Supremacy, led by Matthew Keith. The group’s antics eventually led to the Devine’s title loss in April ’15 on Total Wrestling. With a little help from their fellow stablemates, Supremacy’s Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith would defeat them for the gold. The two teams have battled several times for the gold since, but the Devines have yet to get the best of Supremacy.

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<p><em>Summer is here…but things are only starting to heat up!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>WELCOME…TO TOTAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING’S SUMMER SHOWDOWN 2015!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Date: Sunday – Week 4 –July 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Location: Carpenter Park (New England)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Steve Doakes, DJ Britton, & Jennifer Heat</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team War!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt (w/ Marie DeColt) & Devine Intervention Vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden, “Revolution X” Samuel Bach, & Bulldozer Brandon Smith) (w/ Vita)</strong></p><p>

After fifteen minutes of organized, back and forth tag team action, Referee Tawaraya loses control and all hell breaks loose all across ringside. Darryl Devine comes racing off the ropes and goes flying to the outside, and wipes out his own partner Jack DeColt, Rocky Golden & Bulldozer Smith with the Flip Plancha! Back in the ring, Samuel Bach breaks free from Steve Devine’s attempt at his Star Maker, and catches Steve right on the jaw with a Super Kick! Bach heads to the top rope and leaps off for an aerial maneuver on Steve Devine…only for Jack DeColt to intervene and catch Bach out of mid air! Whoa! DeColt flips Bach onto his shoulders and hits the End of Days! 1,2,3, DeColt wins it for his team! (82)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell. Bambino announces that Cornell has big news, and gives Tommy the spotlight to do it. “Well Ladies and Gents, you people planned to tune in for a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match tonight. Unfortunately, because of Joss Thompson’s injury, that was canceled. But ya know what? I’m a man of my word. And while it’s a little too late to do the paper work for such a barbaric match like the Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match….</em><em><strong>there’s no reason we can’t have an old school, Blue Steel Bar Steel Cage Match right here tonight! </strong></em><em> That’s right, me and Koshiro Ino are going to battle for the gold inside thousands of pounds of steel! First man to get the pinfall, submission, or escape the cage leaves the champ! Koshiro? I hope you’re ready for war, because Big Man? It’s going to be my type of party!”</em> (100)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW’s Law Enforcer” Rick Law vs “The Dragon” Mikey James (w/ Munenori Umari)</strong></p><p>

Law is in trouble after Buddy Garner interferes behind Referee Sparrow’s back, sending Law face first into the ring post at ringside. After Law barely makes it back into the ring before being counted out, Mikey James hits him with the Scything Side Kick! The cover, 1,2,3NO! Referee Sparrow looks up in time to see Law’s foot dangling on the bottom rope! A frustrated Mikey James heads to the top rope and executes a Moonsault. Law moves! Mikey crashes and burns! As Mikey struggles to stand, Law rushes off the ropes and connects with the Strong Arm of the Law! 1,2,3, Rick Law gets a huge win over The Rising Sun! (80)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The music of Supremacy hits, and out comes a very unhappy Matthew Keith, the leader of the group. Keith heads to the ring, and the complaining begins. Keith first off calls it a travesty that he’s not challenging for the World Heavyweight Title, because in his eyes, he never lost the Contendership Match! But Keith calls it an even bigger travesty that he’s not on the card period! Keith declares there’s a conspiracy taking place, that the Board of TCW doesn’t want to see himself or the rest of Supremacy succeed!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The complaints are stopped when the music of Aaron Andrews hits! The crowd is on their feet as Ace heads to the ring to confront Keith. “Instead of complaining Matt, how about you do something about it? In fact, I’ll give you a chance. You see, I don’t have a match tonight…you don’t have a match…so how about it? How about you quit complaining and face me in a match tonight?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd approves of the idea, though Keith isn’t quick to respond. “Well that sounds lovely Aaron, but you see-…” Keith suddenly clocks Aaron with his microphone, and begins to pummel him! The crowd boos the dirty antics, but Aaron Andrews begins to fight back! The two begin to slug it out!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

An impromptu, unsanctioned street fight ensues! Keith & Andrews brawl all across ringside and hit each other with everything they can grab! Andrews cracks a steel chair across Keith’s back! Keith reverses a whip on Andrews and throws him so hard into the steel steps that the top step flips off! Keith throws a hurt Andrews back into the ring and attempts to lock on the Proton Lock, but Andrews fights him off! As both men get up, Keith runs right into a punishing Powerslam by Andrews! The crowd is on their feet as Andrews stalks Keith as Matthew tries to stand. Andrews races off the ropes to hit the Ace in the Pocket, but Keith smartly ducks down and rolls out of the ring! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Matthew Keith heads for the exit! Aaron Andrews is left standing on the second rope, yelling at Keith to come back and finish their brawl. This hot feud is done tonight…but is far from over!</em> (92)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>TCW US Tag Team Championship Match!</strong></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

Triple Threat Tag Team Match!</strong></span></p><p><strong>

Destiny’s Finest (w/ Venus Angeletti) vs High Concept ( C ) vs The Diamond Cutters (w/ Queen Persephone)</strong></p><p>

<em>One Fall to the Finish Rules.</em></p><p>

The title reign of High Concept looks to be in jeopardy after Steven Parker & John Anderson come together and hit Spencer Spade with the Diamonds in the Rough! The Diamond Cutters look like they’re about to once become champions, when Greg Black comes rushing into the ring and runs off the top rope. Black flies off, and wipes out both Diamond Cutters with a Corkscrew Moonsault! Anderson & Parker are sent rolling to the floor. As Black stands up, he gets chop blocked by Kirk Jameson! Jameson locks on Kirk-Hold! Referee Tawaraya is looking for the tap, when Benny Benson comes flying off the top rope! Benson comes crashing down onto the back of Jameson’s head with a Somersault Leg Drop! Boom! Benson covers! 1,2,3! They do it! High Concept retains the US Tag Team Titles! (83)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Queen Persephone & Koshiro Ino. As Bambino tries to ask for their thoughts on Koshiro’s World Heavyweight Title, Persephone quickly interrupts Lee. “Tommy Cornell! You’re a fool! You made your match with Koshiro a Steel Cage Match…and you think you have the advantage?! You’re either a fool…or crazy! Let me make one think clear. Koshiro will not be held responsible for what he does to you, Tommy, in the Steel Cage. When you’re stretchered out tonight, bloody and battered, that’s you’re doing! Koshiro Ino was already going to become the New World Heavyweight Champion here at Summer Showdown. You just simply cashed the check ahead of time!”</em> (98)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW International Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Jay Chord ( C ) vs Joey Minnesota (w/ Ricky Dale Johnson)</strong></p><p>

Minnesota’s attempt at a Super Back Suplex is faltered, as Chord breaks free and executes an amazing Sunset Flip Powerbomb! BOOM! With the crowd on their feet, Chord sets Minnesota up for the Cradle Piledriver! That’s Ricky Dale Johnson’s cue to climb onto the apron and distract Chord. As a result, Minnesota lifts Chord off his feet, and drops him on the top rope with the Hot Shot! Chord’s throat strikes hard, and Jay struggles to breath. Minnesota grabs Chord’s arms and ties them up in the ropes. Refusing to listen to Referee Terakado, Minnesota takes RDJ’s tie and begins to choke Chord with it! Minnesota refuses to break the choke, and Referee Terakado has no choice but to Disqualify Minnesota! (82)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Minnesota continues to choke Chord, obviously not caring if he won or lost. He’s apparently been given barking orders by RDJ, and it’s to injure Chord. Referee Terakado tries to tear Chord’s arms free, but Minnesota throws the Ref aside! RDJ slides a steel chair in to Minnesota, and he puts it to use by ramming the edge of it into Chord’s exposed sternum! Finally, Chord’s DWA buddies High Concept comes racing down to the ring! Joey Minnesota quickly exits on the other end!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Benny Benson & Greg Black free Chord from the ropes, as Minnesota & RDJ take their leave with big smiles. From one knee, Jay Chord clutches his ribs. He looks towards Minnesota & RDJ from across the arena and is seething red with anger.</em> (98)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A music video plays, hyping the upcoming World Heavyweight Championship Match between champion Tommy Cornell & challenger Koshiro Ino. It highlights the last minute change due to Joss Thompson’s injury, and how Koshiro Ino won the Contendership Match just four nights ago to get this opportunity.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Back in the arena, the Steel Cage is set up, and tower over the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell ( C ) vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino (w/ Queen Persephone)</strong></p><p>

Both men are bloody and battered in what promises to be Match of the Night. After throwing Cornell into the Cage like a dart, Ino looks for the kill. Ino lifts Cornell up for the Power Bomb, but Cornell grabs the Cage! Cornell pulls himself up and in the processes is nearly out of the cage! Cornell is nearly over and out, but Ino climbs up after him, and the two are brawling high above the ring! Ino rocks Cornell with a headbutt and starts to drag Cornell back in the cage by his hair. Cornell suddenly grabs Ino’s hair as well, and starts to smash Ino’s face into the Cage over and over again, just absolutely relentless! Ino finally loses his balance….and ends up dangling upside down in mid air, his left foot stuck between the Cage’s Steel Bars! Ino can’t get himself free, nor can Queen Persephone from the outside! Cornell climbs out and drops to the floor! Cornell did it! He retains the World Heavyweight Title! (87)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Koshiro Ino is furious after he manages to get free. He storms back and forth, shaking the cage. Queen Persephone has to hold him back before she hits Referee Terakado. Tommy Cornell takes his leave up the entrance way with his World Title held up high. Queen Persephone threatens Cornell that “this is far from over,” but her threats don’t shake the smile off Cornell’s face. At least, not now!</em> (100)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, we’re shown Joss Thompson in a wheelchair with Krissy Angelle by his side. Thompson is grinning while he’s watching a television monitor displaying tonight’s show. Lee Bambino comes up besides Thompson and asks Joss for his thoughts on Tommy Cornell’s victory. “Just tell Tommy I’ll be seeing him very soon.” With that said, Thompson gestures to Angelle, and Krissy begins to push him off scene.</em> (100)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) ( C ) vs The Danny Love Club</strong></p><p>

Keith & Danny B Bling spill out to the floor and begin to brawl across ringside. Vessey comes flying off the ropes and drops the big Danny Fonzarelli with a big lariat. Fonz crawls into the corner and pulls himself up. Vessey rushes in for the Avalanche, but Fonz dodges! Vessey hits the corner hard! As Vessey stumbles around, Fonz grabs hold and connects with the Retro Rocket! Fonz makes the cover…but Referee Sparrow is busy trying to break up the brawl between Keith & Bling! As Fonz tries to get the Ref’s attention, fellow Supremacy member Edward Cornell sneaks into the ring and smashes Fonz on the back of his skull with one of the Tag Team Titles! Referee Sparrow never saw it! Cornell quickly exits as Fonz falls off Vessey and looks out cold. Vessey crawls into the cover as Edward Cornell alerts Referee Sparrow of the pinfall. 1,2,3! Supremacy sneaks away, still with the World Tag Team Titles! (80)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A hype video plays, highlighting how tonight’s Main Event has come together. It highlights Roger Cage’s rise to fame as Legends Champion & new Leader of the 4 Aces. It also shows how it has brought him two enemies in DWA Leader Wolf Hawkins & Former Champion Eddie Peak. It highlights how TCW Owner Tommy Cornell made this Main Event, much to the “delight” of Cage and SNS General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson. Roger Cage faces his toughest challenge to date with the odds of retaining heavily against him!</em> (92)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW Legends Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Triple Threat Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak vs “Smooth Roger Cage ( C ) (w/ Kali Fornia) vs Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p>

For a brief moment, Cage & Hawkins work together to take down the big man Peak. They charge and send Peak over the top rope and to the floor with a double clothesline! Cage instantly blindsides Hawkins, and sets Hawkins up for the Rage Cage! Hawkins struggles, and back tosses out! As Cage tries to stand, Hawkins rushes off the ropes plants Cage with the Dictator’s Beheading! He did it! Hawkins covers, 1,2,3NO! Hawkins is stunned as Cage just barely gets the shoulder up! After arguing with Referee Terakado, Hawkins heads to the top rope. Hawkins gets the crowd on their feet as he declares it over! Hawkins goes to stand up on the top rope, when Peak rolls back into the ring and grabs Hawkins by the throat! Peak throws Hawkins off the top rope, across the ring, and crashing to the mat! As Hawkins gets up, Peak lifts him into the air! The Peak of the Devil! Eddie Peak hit it! Peak is about to go for the cover…when he gets Low Blowed from behind by Roger Cage! A blatant low blow, and Referee Terakado can’t do a thing because of the rules of a Triple Threat Match! Peak collapses to the mat, holding his groin, as Cage frantically crawls into the cover on Hawkins! 1,2,3! My god, I can’t believe it! Roger Cage has snuck out with the Legends Title! (85)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“So Bad” by Eminem blares throughout the arena as the crowd is on their feet booing. Roger Cage quickly flees the ring before his opponents can get up. Cage snatches his Legends Title from the timekeeper’s table and quickly heads for the exit. Kali Fornia meets him halfway and leaps into his arms and slaps a tons of kisses all over his face.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Back in the ring, a seething Eddie Peak struggles to stand in the ring. Wolf Hawkins has yet to get up from the Peak of the Devil. Roger Cage points back and mocks his opponents, then begins to mock the booing crowd. Cage then slaps a big smooch on his championship gold. “I’m the best, baby! I’m the best, and I just proved it!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A furious Eddie Peak can’t take it anymore and goes after Roger Cage! Realizing this, all the joy disappears from Cage & Kali Fornia, and the couple quickly head for the exit. Eddie Peak halts his advancement at the curtains, realizing its futile to go after them. Summer Showdown comes to a close as a pissed off Eddie Peak turns back to the live crowd and tears at his hair.</em> (97)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall PPV Score: 89</span></strong></p>

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<p>It’s August in Total Championship Wrestling, and it’s time for one of the big three tournaments that take place every year. Once a year, the best tag teams in TCW battle for one night to prove who is the best, and it’s that time again. Ladies and Gentlemen, on Sunday, Week 2 of August, the <strong>3rd Annual Tag Team Elite Tournament</strong> goes down!</p><p> </p><p>

Eight of the best tag teams in wrestling compete in a classic tournament to find who is the best. Four teams from Total Wrestling, Four teams in Saturday Night Showcase. That’s the only way to find out who’s #1!</p><p> </p><p>

As the champions of their respective brands, TCW World Tag Team Champions Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) & TCW US Tag Team Champions High Concept have already been granted spots in the tournaments. But, by being automatically inserted in the tournament, there’s a toll to come along with it. The two Tag Team Champions will battle each other in the Opening Match of the Opening Round of the Tournament!</p><p> </p><p>

This week, 3 Qualifying Matches will take place on both Total Wrestling & Saturday Night Showcase to fill out the rest of the brackets.</p><p> </p><p>

In two weeks, tune in to see some of the best tag team action you’ll ever see! The 2015 Tag Team Elite Tournament! Live on Pay-Per-View!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Past Winners:</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>2013:</strong> The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Joss Thompson)</p><p>

<strong>2014:</strong> The Ying Yang Dragons (Koshiro Ino & Mikey James)</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday – Week 1 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Lowe Ballroom (North West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Fresh off Summer Showdown, Proving Grounds is highlighted by a rematch, where in which the original went down with massive controversy. Tonight, Danny B Bling & Rising Sun’s Mikey James look to right their wrongs, when they do battle in the Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Endangered Species vs The Syndicate (“TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach & Bulldozer Brandon Smith</strong></p><p>

Masked Cougar & Snow Fox wow the crowd when they go flying out of the ring and wipe out both Bach & Smith with a Double Suicide Dive. Unfortunately, their momentum is abruptly halted when Bulldozer catches Fox coming off the top rope, then crushes him with a Running Powerslam. From there, Bach comes crashing down onto Fox with the Shooting Star Press, and that’s all she wrote.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Rising Sun leader Munenori Umari & his prized possession, Magnum Kobe. On the topic of Rick Law, Umari goes on a tirade. Umari makes it perfectly clear to Bambino and to the entire world. He doesn’t care what happened at Summer Showdown. The Rising Sun is far from finished with Rick Law! When Bambino asks Magnum Kobe what he thinks about his immediate success, Kobe smiles and answers short and sweet. “Undefeated. 18 & 0.” With that said, Umari & Kobe walk off.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darryl Devine vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

Devine has Kobe reeling after a Missile Dropkick. Devine lifts Kobe up for the Devine Dream Drop, but Kobe smartly grabs onto the top rope. As Devine tries to break his grip, Kobe catches Darryl with a stiff knee to the temple, dazing Devine. Devine immediately drops Kobe, and Magnum wastes no time to grab Devine and connects with own finisher, The Kobe Bomb. 1,2,3, and Make it 19 & 0.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Much to the (mixed) delight of the ladies in the crowd, “Ravishing” Nelson Callum makes his way to the ring with his manager, Floyd Goldworthy. Goldworthy applies the baby oil as Callum takes the time to muscle pose before grabbing a mic. Callum goes on a rant about his amazing winning streak, and how he has toppled all challengers with ease. Callum claims it has become so easy, he’s throwing out an open challenge! It doesn’t take long to get an answer, as Blue Collar’s Joshua Taylor promptly accepts! Callum gets serious, as the crowd quickly gets behind the vet Taylor.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Taylor looks to have Callum in trouble after a Catch Suplex, and tries to apply the Butterfly Lock. That’s Floyd Goldworthy’s cue to climb onto the apron. Goldworthy distracts Taylor long enough for Callum to get a leg free and catch Taylor on the jaw with a stiff kick. Callum quickly rushes to his feet and drops Taylor with a stiff lariat off the ropes. As Taylor struggles to get up, Callum connects with the Honey Trap and gets the 3! The Ravishing One’s hot streak continues!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with the happy and smiling US Tag Team Champions, High Concept. Bambino asks for their thoughts on their successful title defense at Summer Showdown. Greg Black admits the odds were definitely against them this time, and it might have been their biggest challenge to date. “But once again, me and Benny prove why we are the best tag team in the world!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

But Benny Benson has an inkling that their issues with the Diamond Cutters are far from over, especially since they didn’t pin either one last night to win. “Steven Parker. John Anderson. I know you still want a piece of us, and trust me, the feeling is mutual! You want some boys? We’re not hard to find! We’ll fight you anywhere, and we’ll continue to prove why we wear the gold!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling vs “The Dragon” Mikey James</strong></p><p>

It’s déjà vu from last night at Summer Showdown, as a distraction by Munenori Umari allows Buddy Garner to interfere, clobbering Bling from behind when he had James locked deep in a Sleeper Hold in the center of the ring. Unlike Rick Law, though, Bling has back up! His partner Danny Fonzarelli charges to the ring and begins to brawl with Garner outside the ring! The brawl distracts Mikey James long enough that he doesn’t capitalize on Garner’s work right away. Finally, James turns his attention back to the match. James goes for the Scything Side Kick, but Bling dodges! Bling lifts James off his feet, and connects with what Tim Crockett calls Bling’s new finishing move! The Pimpmaster Drop 2000! Boom! 1,2,3, Bling picks up the Big Win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rising Sun pack it up and head to the showers, but not without Munenori Umari throwing a temper tantrum. Meanwhile, The Danny Love Club celebrates in the ring over Bling’s victory. They seem to have put their shady title loss at Summer Showdown behind them, and look towards a future! Another title shot could be right around the corner if they keep winning!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday – Week 1 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Doyle Lane (North West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight on Total Wrestling! Fresh off his Cage Victory over Koshiro Ino, TCW World Heavyweight Champ Tommy Cornell has another tough test in front of him. He goes one on one with World Tag Team Champion, Greg Keith! Can Keith succeed where his partner Cameron Vessey failed a few weeks ago? We’ll find out tonight! That!..is your Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Qualifying Match for the Tag Team Elite Tournament!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

The Danny Love Club vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden & “TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach)</strong></p><p>

Danny B Bling has Bach reeling in the ring after a Tilt a Whirl Slam, but things go badly for DLC when Supremacy’s Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith assault Danny Fonzarelli at ringside. Behind Referee Terakado’s back, the World Tag Team Champs throw Dr. Love face first into the ring post! Supremacy flees before the Ref has a clue! Bling has no idea he’s now in a Handicap Match, but soon learns when he takes a big boot from Rocky Golden when he attempts to hit Bach with the Mouthful of Bling. Golden plants Bling with the Rocky Road, and gets the 3 Count. Golden & Bach has qualified The Syndicate for the Tag Team Elite Tournament!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Jennifer Heat is in the ring and tells the crowd that this is a special month, because for the first time ever, there is a </em><em><strong>DOUBLE Random Trade</strong></em><em> between the Two Brands! And right now, right here, the two newest members of Total Wrestling are going to face off!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></em><em> is the first newest of Total Wrestling, as he comes to the ring with a big smirk. DWN looks to change his luck now that he’s a member of TW.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd quickly gets to their feet to the music of </em><em><strong>Fro Sure!</strong></em><em> The big fan favorite is now a member of Total Wrestling! Despite his team with Clark Alexander now split, Fro Sure is all smiles as he heads to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure vs Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p>

Newton brought his A game tonight and got a few good licks in, but Fro Sure was out to prove himself tonight and wasn’t going to let anyone stop him! After sending Newton for a ride with a flapjack, Fro Sure got the crowd on their feet as he flew from the top rope and connected with the Fro Butt! 1,2,3, and Fro Sure gets the big win to start off his Total Wrestling career!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd explodes to the sound of Tommy Cornell’s music. In a casual suit, the World Champ heads to the ring and calls for a mic. Cornell first acknowledges his tough Cage Match, and credits Koshiro Ino for a brutal match. “Yet here I am…14 months strong…still your World Champ!” Cornell says it’s time to move on. There are plenty of men hungry for a title shot, and it’s time to find out who that’s going to be.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before Cornell can go any further, the music of Joss Thompson plays! All eyes turn to the entrance way as Krissy Angelle pushes a very unhappy Joss Thompson to the ring in his wheelchair. Despite the pain, Joss Thompson uses his crutches to enter the ring. Thompson walks up to Cornell and snatches the mic from him. “You’re not going to do this to me, Tommy. You owe me a rematch. YOU OWE ME…A REMATCH! And I want it at Hotter Than Hell!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell is stunned by Thompson, and shakes his head as he grabs another mic. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? Joss...it’s over. It’s…over. You and I both know you are not going to be cleared by Hotter Than Hell. I can’t just put this company on hold for you, Joss. It’s time that you move on…and I move on.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell actually looks sad for the obsessed Joss Thompson. Cornell shakes his head, then begins to depart from the ring.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Total Mayhem!” Joss Thompson exclaims.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Confused, Tommy Cornell turns back and looks at Joss. “What was that?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Hopping on one foot, Thompson turns to Cornell to face him eye to eye. “You heard me. Total Mayhem. 4 on 4. Your team against mine! If my team wins, I get my title shot!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd actually seems to like the idea. Cornell does at first, too, but then chuckles at Thompson. “Now now, Joss, that sounds great. But why the hell would I do that? What do I have to gain?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson steps forward and goes nose to nose with Cornell. “You know what you have to gain. All those stipulations that was supposed to go down at Summer Showdown? It all goes down here. You beat my team? The Syndicate is yours to do whatever you want!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell starts to pace back and forth, thinking about it. The crowd wants it! Cornell finally steps forward and goes back face to face with Thompson. “You want Total Mayhem? You got Total Mayhem! </em><em><strong>Team Cornell vs Team Thompson at Hotter Than Hell!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd absolutely loses their minds! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell isn’t done with Thompson, as he shakes his finger. “But let me make this clear, Joss. This is me doing a favor for you. If your team can’t win it for you, that’s it. Don’t even think about coming to me about a title shot. At Hotter Than Hell? This is it! But let me get down to business. I need a team. And ya know what? The three guys that smacked around your boys at Summer Showdown? It doesn’t get any better than that! That’s right buddy! </em><em><strong>Team Cornell will consist of Jack DeColt & Devine Intervention!</strong></em><em> So who is your going to be your team, Thompson? I mean, we know your Syndicate boys are your first three guys. But who else? Who else could you possibly find to join your little Rebellion?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson stares down Cornell for a long moment. Finally, he raises the mic to his lips. “Don’t worry…I’ll find someone who hates you…as much I do…”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt vs Cali Slick</strong></p><p>

Slick has a fine showing as he targets the left knee of DeColt and tries to make him tap. DeColt fights through adversity and gives Slick the works. Groggy and barely able to stand, Slick walks right into the End of Days, and DeColt gets the solid win. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Qualifying Match for the Tag Team Elite Tournament!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Blue Collar vs Mick Muscles & Enforcer Roberts</strong></p><p>

A classic, knock out, drag out affair between four of the toughest veterans in wrestling. After disposing of Muscles through the ropes with a perfect dropkick, Joshua Taylor prevents Roberts from hitting his partner Joel Bryant with the R.C.T. After a double hip toss, Taylor heads to the top rope as Bryant holds Robert. Taylor flies off, as Blue Collar connects with the Super Knee Drop! 1,2,3, Blue Collar heads to the tournament!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with Jack & Marie DeColt. Bambino asks for Jack’s thoughts on his victory at Summer Showdown, and being a member of Team Cornell. Jack tells Bambino that the victory was sweet, his issues with Rocky Golden and the rest of The Syndicate are far from over. “It’s an honor to fight side by side with Tommy Cornell, and it’s going to be a bigger honor to finally dispose of The Syndicate at Hotter Than Hell. Rocky Golden, big man, I hope you finally learned you messed with the wrong man, because as long as you’re in TCW, you going have to worry about Canadian Pride!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron “Ace” Andrews vs Bret Starr</strong></p><p>

Andrews survives Starr’s variety of maneuvers, and has Bret on his heels after an Alabama Slam. Andrews stalks Starr as he tries to stand. Andrews goes to run off the ropes to hit his finisher, but gets grabbed by the ankles and pulled out of the ring by Supremacy’s Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith! The Tag Champs pummel away at Andrews as Referee Terakado has no choice but to Disqualify Bret Starr. Supremacy has ruined another match tonight! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Supremacy throws Andrews back into the ring and continue their work, but Andrews starts to fight back! Andrews isn’t going down without a fight! But that’s when fellow Supremacy member Edward Cornell appears and grabs Ace by the ankles. Stuck in one spot, Andrews is mere target practice for Vessey & Keith. As all this is going on, Supremacy leader, Matthew Keith casually walks down to the ring and watches his stable’s work from the apron. Vessey lifts Andrews up and drops him on his head with the Vessey Driver! Boom!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Matthew Keith enters the ring and instructs his men. Vessey & Cornell pull Andrews to his knees. Matthew Keith slaps Andrews across the face! “Who do you think you are, Ace? This is a fight you cannot win! You cannot stop the future!” Matthew races off the ropes, and damn near takes Andrews’ head off with the Sam Keith Special! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Matthew Keith stands over his newly made rival and calmly adjusts his t-shirt and belt buckle. Keith then adds insult to injury, as he wipes his shoes clean in the direction of Andrews’ face. Folks, this rivalry between Keith & Andrews was just taken to a whole new level!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Qualifying Match for the Tag Team Elite Tournament!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Devine Intervention vs The Canadian Animals</strong></p><p>

The Animals work over Darryl Devine the entire match, and nearly put him away with a Double Stunner from the Top Rope! Wow! But Edd Stone misses with a 450 Splash, allowing Steve Devine to get the hot tag and absolutely clean house! Steve dumps the Animals to the floor, then back tosses his own partner Darryl out of the ring and right on top of Stone & Freddy Huggins! Whoa! Darryl throws Huggins back into the ring, and Freddy there finds himself victim to the Devine’s Act of Devinity! 1,2,3, The Devines are heading to Tag Team Elite!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Shawn Doakes is in the middle of the explaining the updated brackets of the Tag Team Elite Tournament. But Doakes is interrupted by breaking news, and sends the scene backstage.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

It’s murky at first, as the camera cannot get a good look. But after a moment, we find The Syndicate assaulting Jack DeColt backstage! It’s a 3 on 1 assault, and DeColt has no chance whatsoever! The Syndicate hit DeColt with everything they can find. Rocky Golden & Brandon Smith eventually just stomp away as Samuel Bach stands over DeColt and rams a steel chair over and over again into his ribs! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Eventually, Tommy Cornell plus Steve & Darryl Devine rush onto the scene, and The Syndicate quickly make their exit. As they check on DeColt, you can hear the deep voice of Golden from afar. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I’ll never be done with you? YOU’LL NEVER BE DONE WITH ME!!!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Tommy Cornell vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Greg Keith</strong></p><p>

It’s a technical masterpiece between two of the best technicians in wrestling today. These two bend each other in ways we didn’t know the body could bend, yet neither man would submit. Keith proves himself to be determined to get the win, and even nearly gets Disqualified when he locks Cornell in a Figure Four around the post, but breaks it right before Referee Terakado throws the match out. With a hurt Cornell in the ring, Keith slaps on the Proton Lock! But Cornell refuses to tap, and drags himself (and Keith) to the ropes! Keith drags Cornell back to the center of the ring and tries to lock the submission on again, but Cornell kicks him off, and Keith goes flying off…and shoulder first into the ring post! As Keith pulls himself out, Cornell drags him into the school boy from behind! 1,2,No! Cornell wasn’t pinning him, he just dragging Keith down to the mat to lock on the Guilt Trip! It’s slapped on tight! Keith fights valiantly, but finally taps! Cornell gets the Win! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Cornell accepts his title belt and limps around the ring as he displays the gold. Suddenly, his music is interrupted by that of Joss Thompson! All eyes turn to the entrance way as Krissy Angelle pushes Joss Thompson out in his wheel chair. Thompson has a mic.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I told you Tommy. I told you I would find someone who hated you as much as I do! And ya know what? Heh, it didn’t take long! Allow me to introduce to you…the final member of Team Thompson!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson gestures to the corner. Seconds later…the music of </em><em><strong>Koshiro Ino</strong></em><em> hits! The monster known as The Kobra is lead out onto the scene by Queen Persephone. There’s a minor staredown between Thompson & Ino, but finally Persephone steps in and shakes hands with Joss! Their alliance sealed, Persephone points to the ring, and Koshiro Ino starts to march down!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Hurt or not, Cornell throws bones as soon as Ino hits the ring. But Tommy is no match for Koshiro when he’s not 100%. Ino connects with a painful throat thrust, and Cornell never recovers. Ino slaps on the Kobra Claw, and slams Cornell to the mat! Ino’s fingers dig into the pressure points, and after a few moments of struggle, Cornell goes limp! Security and officials appear and have to pry Ino off before Cornell suffers severe damage.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With the World Champion down and unconscious, Koshiro Ino heads out of the ring to the applause of his manager. Besides Persephone, Joss Thompson is all smiles, and claps even louder. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Joss Thompson looks like he now has the perfect team…to get what he wants!</em></p>

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TCW No Divas Allowed

Thursday – Week 1 - 2015

Lowe Ballroom (North West)

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Davis Ditterich


Tonight! Sara Marie York has been cleared by doctors to compete tonight after suffering a concussion last week, though they don’t recommend it. The Women’s Champion is going against the recommendations, and demanded to compete tonight! She’ll get it, because she faces the always dangerous Zoe Ammis in the Main Event!


Tamara McFly & Yu Hashimoto vs Tracy Brendon & Missy Masterson

It’s all about Tracy Brendon, who defeated Sara Marie York last week by Count Out when the gold was on the line. Brendon is absolute dominant in the tag team match. After a brawl between McFly & Masterson spills out to the floor, Brendon is left alone with Hashimoto in the ring. Hashimoto crashes and burns coming off the ropes with a Cross Body Block, as Brendon dodges it. From there, Brendon hits the Idaho Crunch on Hashimoto, and continues to roll.


Back from commercials, TCW Veteran & Current Road Agent Eric Tyler walks out onto the entranceway and has a mic. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Women’s Division in Total Championship Wrestling is booming. It is the best Women’s Division in the world. But it has been missing something. It has been missing its future! It has been missing its franchise player! Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found that franchise player, to take this division to a level it has never seen! It is my distinct honor to introduce to you the newest member of TCW’s Women Division…My Daughter! “The Franchise”…Brooke…Tyler!”


Brooke Tyler walks out, and oh yeah, that’s Eric Tyler’s daughter! Father & Daughter briefly hug, then Eric leads Brooke to the ring to her first match.


Amazon vs “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler

Amazon gives Tyler a run for her money and gets some amazing aerial moves in. But it’s evident really quick, there is something special about Brooke Tyler. Amazon tries to run up to the top rope and hit a Moonsault, but Tyler runs up right behind her and delivers a stiff forearm to the lower back. Tyler lifts Amazon right off the top rope, and absolutely crushes Amazon with her finisher, The Brooke Breaker! You can count to 20, Amazon isn’t kicking out! With much pride, Eric raises his daughter’s arm post-match.


Back from commercials, the General Manager of NDA, Melanie Florence, is introduced. Florence heads to the ring and grabs a mic. Florence admits that after Tracy Brendon’s dirty actions post-match last week, she thought of not even giving Brendon a rematch with Sara Marie York, despite Brendon winning the title match via Count Out. But Florence says Sara Marie York herself approached Melanie and demanded to fight Brendon again. With that said, there will be a rematch, and very soon!


“But I’m not here to discuss the Women’s Title. I’m here to discuss the Women’s Tag Team Titles! You see, the Tag Team Title Match a couple weeks ago went down very poorly because of outside interference. There is without a doubt that the Heart of Madness deserves another title match with the B.I.T.C.H. Squad, and in two weeks? They get it, right here on No Divas Allowed!”


As the crowd approves of the match announcement, the music of The A-List hits. A very angry Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow storm down to the ring, and Wade snatches a mic. “No Way! You’re not blowing us off, Boss Lady! We deserve a Tag Title Shot! And you know what? We’re going to blow up that Tag Title Match, too, and we’re going to keep doing it until you give us what you want!”


“No you’re not!” exclaims Florence. “No you’re not! Because if you interfere again? I’m going to fire you on the spot!”


The crowd explodes with cheers, as both Wade & Snow are left stunned. Suddenly, Florence begins to chuckle. It seems like a light bulb just went on. “Ya know what? I just had a great idea. You want a Tag Title Match? Fine. You two are going to have a tag team match right now, and if you win? I’ll put you in the Tag Team Title Match in two weeks, and make it a Triple Threat Match!”


Wade & Snow start to celebrate and high five each other. Melanie Florence starts to leave the ring, but Wade stops her. “Hold on, who are we facing?”


Florence laughs. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Well…seeing that you want to fight the B.I.T.C.H. Squad & Heart of Madness so bad…you’re going to fight both…right now…in a 2 on 4 Handicap Match! Good luck, girls!”


The crowd goes nuts, as Wade & Snow’s jaws drop. They can’t believe what they just heard!


2 on 4 Handicap Match!

The A-List vs “TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions” The B.I.T.C.H. Squad & Heart of Madness

Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow are in deep trouble, as all four of their opponents get their licks in after what The A-List did to them. Unfortunately, things begin to implode after a miscommunication leads to Cherry Bomb accidentally clobbering Danielle Sweetheart. Nina Cacace doesn’t believe it was an accident, and the B.I.T.C.H. Squad & Heart of Madness begin to brawl in the middle of the ring! Right in the midst of it, Demelza Wade sneaks up behind Nina Cacace and rolls her up! 1,2,3! The A-List wins, and quickly bolts out of ringside as the other four ladies continue to brawl!


Wade & Snow celebrate all the way up the entrance way, and mock the four ladies fighting in the ring. Wade turns to the camera and sends a sarcastic message to the NDA General Manager. “How about that, Melanie? How about that!” The A-List is getting their Tag Title Shot, and Melanie Florence must be shaking her head in disgust!


Back from commercials, Sara Marie York is right next to the curtains as she gets ready for the Main Event. She is approached by GM Melanie Florence, and makes sure York is well enough to compete tonight. “Seriously, Sara, if you’re not feeling well enough, you don’t need to do this. I mean, Grace Harper, Suzanne Brazzle? They don’t have a match tonight, and I talked to them. They’ll be more than happy to substitute for you!”


Sara Marie York shakes her head at Florence. “Mel, you don’t get it. I’m the champion. The champion doesn’t take nights off!” With that said, SMY heads to the ring!


Tonight’s Main Event

“TCW Women’s Champion” Sara Marie York vs Zoe Ammis

York starts off on fire, but it only takes one blow to the head by Ammis to change everything. All of sudden, York’s eyes look far off, and all she can do is survive the onslaught by the deadly Ammis. Ammis connects with a Superplex, and York barely gets her shoulder up! Ammis tries for a Back Suplex, but York miraculously breaks and lands on her feet! Ammis turns around and misses with a haymaker, and just out of instinct, York flies off the ropes! Ammis turns around and Wham! York hits the Energy Burst! With barely knowing where she is, York slowly crawls into the cover! 1,2,3! York survives and gets the W!


Sara Marie York accepts her championship and raises it high as she leans against the ropes. She doesn’t look well, but she managed to get the win, nonetheless. Suddenly, her music is interrupted by that of Queen Persephone! To a ton of boos, the manager of Tracy Brendon appears and heads to the ring alone with a mic in hand. She has York’s full attention, as the two ladies meet in the middle of the ring.


“I’m going to cut to the chase,” says Persephone. “Tracy Brendon beat you Sara. She hurt you last week. The only reason you’re still carrying that title is because of your concussion, Sara. That’s the only reason! Tracy wants her rematch, but she doesn’t want it now. She wants it when you’re better, so you have no excuses when she takes that title from you!”


Pissed off, Sara Marie snatches the mic from Pesephone! “Excuses?! If Tracy doesn’t want to come down and fight me now? Fine. She wants me 100%? Fine. Three weeks! Three weeks, I’ll meet her in this ring on No Divas Allowed. Three Weeks, I’ll give her the rematch she wants! As for Excuses? There won’t be any Excuses for me, or for her. Because if she wants a rematch? She’ll do it under my rules! An ol’ school, classic Street Fight!”


The crowd booms, completely approving of York’s challenge. As does Persephone, who smiles at York. “Oh Sara, I think Tracy accepts!”


Tracy Brendon suddenly blasts Sara Marie York from behind! Tracy came through the crowd and snuck up from behind! After getting knocked in the head, York is left lying on the mat, struggling to stand! The crowd boos loudly as Persephone orders Brendon to finish the champ. Brendon obliges, and hit York with the Idaho Crunch! The Women’s Champion has been laid out!


Queen Persephone proudly hands the Women’s Championship to her client. With a big smile, Brendon takes it and raises the title high as she stands over York.


Is Sara Marie York going to be ready in 3 Weeks? Or will Tracy Brendon be raising the gold as her own very soon?

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday – Week 1 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Doyle Lane (North West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight on SNS! While there is no scheduled main event yet, General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson promises to clear up the Legends Title Picture! Plus, we complete the Tag Team Elite Tournament brackets with the final 3 Qualifying Matches!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Team Elite Qualifying Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Sweet Sensations vs The Diamond Cutters</strong></p><p>

The rising stars Mainstream Hernandez & Randy Bumfhole come in super hungry. The crowd is fully behind them after wowing them with a Double Rope Flip Placha, wiping out Steven Parker & John Anderson. But a timely distraction of Referee Tawaraya by Queen Persephone allows Anderson to low blow Hernandez when he attempts the Apparition #14! After Parker throws Bumfhole into the steel steps at ringside, the Diamond Cutters come together and hit Hernandez with the Diamonds in the Rough, and punch their ticket for the Tag Team Elite Tournament! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Diablo vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

Absolute devastation by Munenori Umari’s prized asset. It becomes painfully obvious quickly that Diablo is no match for Kobe, and Magnum just toys with the youngster. Kobe finally puts Diablo out of his misery and makes him tap to the Magnum Deathlock. The Undefeated Streak Continues!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The GM of SNS, Ricky Dale Johnson heads to the ring, smiling ear to ear. RDJ introduces the (STILL!) Legends Champion and Leader of his 4 Aces, Roger Cage! “Smooth” heads to the ring, smiling just as much as RDJ, with Kali Fornia on his arm. After a big ol’ man hug, RDJ boasts about Cage’s “heroic” title victory over two of the best superstars TCW has ever seen. RDJ changes the subject, though, and says it’s time to look towards Cage’s next title challenge, and he knows exactly how we’re going to find out it’s going to be.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ doesn’t get any farther, as the music of the TCW Owner hits! The crowd goes nuts, and gets to their feet as the World Champ Tommy Cornell surprisingly appears and heads to the ring! Reluctantly, Cornell shakes hands with RDJ & Cage before grabbing a mic. “Now now, Rick, I know you didn’t forget, but you’re still on parole! You have no right to make a Legends Title Match!” The look on RDJ’s face tells that he knows…but wish he didn’t! “Don’t worry, Ricky,” says Cornell. “You’ve done a good job since being on parole. And if you stay out of trouble for the entire month, then your parole is over. But for right now, I’ve been doing thinking, and there’s no doubt in my mind. There is one man who should be challenging Roger Cage for that Legends Title…and it’s Eddie Peak!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd goes nuts, but Roger Cage immediately grabs the mic from RDJ to protest this. “That’s ridiculous! I have beaten Eddie Peak at 3 straight Pay-Per-Views! He shouldn’t even be in the title picture!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“That may be true, Roger,” agrees Cornell. “But, you know and I know the truth. You have never…</em><em><strong>beat</strong></em><em>…Eddie Peak. And you can never be the Undisputed Champion until you do. But you’re right, despite him being the clear #1 Contender, Eddie Peak needs to earn one more match. So how about this for incentive? </em><em><strong>Tonight, you and your buddy Joey Minnesota will battle Eddie Peak & A Partner of his Choosing. If Eddie Peak wins? He gets one more title match at Hotter Than Hell! But…if you guys win? You will never have to worry about Eddie Peak again!</strong></em><em> Not in a title match…not in a non-title match…not even in a tag team match! So what do you say, Champ? You up for the challenge?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd approves, but it takes Roger Cage a long time to consider. Finally, he steps forward, and shakes his finger at Cornell. “I accept…under one condition. If me and Joey Minnesota accept this match, then we are automatically in the Tag Team Elite Tournament! No Qualifying Match, we are in! How does that sound, ‘Boss Man’?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Roger Cage holds out a hand to Cornell. Tommy laughs at the sight, but ends up shaking it. “Way to ‘step up,’ Champ! Good Luck in the Main Event!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rick Law vs Scout</strong></p><p>

A tough fight between two grizzled veterans. After sending Law’s shoulder into the ring post, Scout spends the match working it over, trying to make Rick submit. But Law fights back and has Scout reeling after a Power Slam. Law calls for the end. He goes to run off the ropes to hit the Strong Arm of the Law, and that’s when Magnum Kobe comes flying off the top rope out of NOWHERE, and hits his Flying Knee right on the temple of Rick Law! Referee Tawaraya throws the match out as Kobe stands over a motionless Rick Law! One shot, and Rick Law is out cold!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Post-Match, Magnum Kobe calmly exits the ring and meets his gleeful manager Munenori Umari at ringside. Umari looks on at Rick Law laying on the mat and applauds Kobe’s work. “I told we weren’t done,” exclaims Umari. “We’re far from over, Police Officer!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Benny Benson vs Hugh De Aske</strong></p><p>

An absolute clinic by the veteran Benson. De Aske has no answers, and just gets more and more frustrated with the Tag Team Champion as the match goes on. After sending De Aske for a ride with a Hurricarana, Benson connects with the Shockwave from Next Year for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage, and is in the middle of introducing the two newest members of SNS from the random brand trade. This month, it’s the veteran </em><em><strong>Brent Hill</strong></em><em> and young Hawaiian talent </em><em><strong>Lolana Jordan!</strong></em><em> Bambino tries to get their thoughts, but their interview is interrupted by Queen Persephone & The Diamond Cutters. Persephone snatches the mic from Bambino and declares that she has much more pressing things to discuss! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“High Concept! Let’s just flat out be honest. You didn’t beat my boys at Summer Showdown. You just snuck out with the US Tag Titles with all the luck in the world. We heard what you said on Proving Grounds, and all we gotta say is be careful what you wish for! Do us a favor and win your opening round match in the Tag Team Elite Tournament. Because first, we want to knock you out of the tournament! And then? We’re going to take those tag titles! Those titles are made to be around the waists of the best tag team in the world…and you’re looking at ‘em!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Team Elite Tournament Qualifying Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Down with Authority (Wolf Hawkins & “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord) vs Destiny’s Finest</strong></p><p>

An absolute show stealer, as these four young men go all out for the final slot in the Tag Team Elite Tournament! It looks Spencer Spade & Kirk Jameson are about to punch their ticket as they have Chord set up for the Early Retirement, but that’s when Wolf Hawkins flies off the top rope and hits both with a Flying Front Dropkick! Hawkins follows Spade out of the ring and they begin to brawl, as Chord sets Jameson up in the middle of the ring! The Cradle Piledriver! 1,2,3, DWA now has 2 teams in the Tag Team Elite Tournament!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Wolf Hawkins calls for the mic as he re-enters the ring. “For over half a year now, this feud between Down with Authority & The 4 Aces has been going on. And to be honest? I don’t think it’s going to end until one group is destroyed! We might battle forever, but you know what? I’m tired of beating around the real dilemma, and that is the General Manager of Saturday Night Showcase! Ricky Dale Johnson, you are the reason DWA came together in the first place. You are what is wrong with this business, and you are this reason this war continues to brew. You want to talk trash and sucker punch us at your finest opportunities. Well, Ricky, how about for the first time in your life, you come out and be a man? At Hotter Than Hell, I am throwing the gauntlet down! I am challenging you to a match, Ricky, and I will give you whatever you want! Whatever match you want! Do you know why, Ricky? Because…there is not a doubt in my mind that I am going to beat you an inch from your life!” </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, Wolf Hawkins throws the mic down. The challenge has been made! What will Ricky Dale Johnson do?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Masked Cougar vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

A rematch from a few weeks ago, as Cougar nearly brought Callum’s winning streak to an end. Once again Cougar has Callum reeling from a bunch of fast paced moves, so much that Callum’s greased up hair becomes an absolute mess. Cougar makes one mistake, as Callum sees his Flying Headscissors coming, and Callum drops him on the top rope with the Hot Shot! From there, Callum gives a little swivel hip for the ladies, then drops Cougar with the Honey Trap for the Win! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage, standing by (very uncomfortably) with the demented Eddie Peak. Bambino notes that the Main Event is up next, yet we have to learn who Peak’s tag team partner will be. Peak stares at Bambino for a long time, which makes Lee begin to shutter. Finally Peak begins to laughs. “Come on Lee…when have I ever been a team player?!” With that said, Peak continues to cackle as he makes his way to the curtains.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Is Eddie Peak going solo in the Tag Team Contest?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak & ????? vs The 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota</strong></p><p>

<em>If Peak’s team wins, he gets another Legends Title Shot. If the 4 Aces win, Roger Cage will never have to wrestle Eddie Peak again.</em></p><p>

Eddie Peak comes to the ring alone, so it does seem true. Peak is willingly making this a Handicap Match! The 4 Aces take full advantage and double team Peak at every advantage. But Peak fights back into the match, and has Cage & Minnesota reeling! Cage & Minnesota whip Peak off the ropes and try for a Double Clothesline, but Peak ducks! They turn around, and Peak takes them by the throat! Double Chokeslam! Peak covers Minnesota, 1,2, Ricky Dale Johnson pulls Referee Tawaraya out of the ring and decks him! RDJ is all smiles as Peak stares coldly at him. That brief distraction by RDJ allows Cage & Minnesota to jump Peak from behind and start the double team.</p><p> </p><p>

DWA’s music hits! Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord come rushing to the ring. Chord enters the ring and tackles his rival, Joey Minnesota! The two spill out to the floor and brawl. Meanwhile, Hawkins races across ringside, leaps off the steel steps and wipes RDJ out at ringside! Hawkins is beating up his own boss! Roger Cage is stunned as his boys have been taken out, and he’s all alone! </p><p> </p><p>

Nevertheless, Cage continues to pummel Peak. Cage goes to hit Peak with the Rage Cage, but Peak back tosses out of it! When Cage gets up, Peak takes him by the throat! The Peak of the Devil! Peak hit it! Peak covers, but there is no Referee! Peak yells for a Referee! Wait a minute! It’s Tommy Cornell! Cornell is running down to the ring! Cornell takes it upon him to count the Pinfall! 1,2,3! Eddie Peak did it! He gets another crack at Roger Cage! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The 4 Aces are sent packing from ringside, as RDJ & Minnesota carry Roger Cage after his defeat. In the ring, Tommy Cornell raises Eddie Peak’s arm as they circle the ring. But Cornell then calls for a mic, then asks for the music to be cut.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Hey Roger! Cage! I almost forgot, there’s a little bit more I have to tell you about your match at Hotter Than Hell. You see, in case you didn’t hear, I am involved in a little thing called a Total Mayhem Match at Hotter Than Hell. So, there’s going to be a giant, Steel Cell at the big event. So, I thought…why not use it twice?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd begins to stir as they start to understand. Roger Cage starts to shake his head frantically.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“If this the last time you and Eddie Peak battle for the Legends Title, we’re going to do it right! </em><em><strong>Roger Cage! Eddie Peak! Legends Championship! HELL…IN A CELL!!!”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd goes nuts, while The 4 Aces has an absolute fit. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Eddie Peak rears his head back and cackles away! The Steel Cell is like a Birthday Party for the insane Eddie Peak! Forget keeping the title, will Roger Cage leave Hotter Than Hell in one piece?!”</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday – Week 2 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight in the Proving Grounds! Another chapter in the war between Down with Authority & The 4 Aces is written! In the Main Event, it’s TCW US Tag Team Champ Greg Black taking on one of hottest prospects ever to come out of Cornell Championship Wrestling, Spencer Spade!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Bumfhole vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Greg Keith</strong></p><p>

Keith goes to the well once too often, as he executes the Rolling German Suplex on Bumfhole. Bumfhole blocks the third and reverses it into a Victory Roll! 1,2,Kickout! When both men jump up, Keith walks right into a smacking Super Kick! Keith doesn’t fall, but is out on his feet, which allows Bumfhole to hit the Bumfhole Buster! 1,2,3, Randy Bumfhole gets a huge win for the Sweet Sensations!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage, standing by with the newest member of Total Wrestling, Fro Sure! Bambino asks for his thoughts on the change of scenery. Fro Sure tells Bambino that it was an honor to team with Clark Alexander as the Fro & Luau Connection, but it’s time for him to move on to singles competition. Because, as much as he’s been having in TCW, he has yet to wear championship gold, and he plans to change that soon! “And I’m going to do it with a fresh fro…and a big ol’ smile!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darryl Devine vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

The Match of the Night, as Devine gets a rematch after a well contested matchup last week on Proving Grounds. Kobe tries to go to the top rope for the finish, but Devine catches up and rocks him with a huge right hand. Devine climbs up after Kobe and works him over. Devine attempts the Frankensteiner from the Top Rope, but Kobe smartly holds onto the top rope! Devine crashes hard! As Devine tries to stand up, Kobe leaps from the top rope and connects with his Flying Knee to the Temple! 1,2,3, The Undefeated Streak continues for the Japanese Fireball!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with The Danny Love Club, who for once aren’t all smiles. Bambino asks for their thoughts on how Supremacy cost them their chance at the Tag Team Elite Tournament. Danny Fonzarelli tells Bambino that it is very obvious that the World Tag Champs want nothing to do with DLC! But Dr. Love makes it clear, they’re not going anywhere! Danny B Bling takes over the mic. “Cameron Vessey! Greg Keith! We are not going anywhere, not until that shiny gold is around waists! You got lucky at Summer Showdown. Next time? We’re bringing the gold back to the Club!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p>

Vessey misses with an Avalanche in the corner, which leads to Hernandez taking Cameron by the head and planting him with a Tornado DDT. Hernandez rushes off the ropes as Vessey gets up. Greg Keith trips Hernandez from ringside, and Mainstream’s face smashes hard off the mat! Referee Sparrow never saw it! After Vessey works over, the music of the Danny Love Club hits! Bling & Fonzarelli appear, and they chase Greg Keith right out of the arena! Cameron Vessey is irate as he watches this take place! With his attention back on the match, Vessey tries to hit Hernandez with the Vessey Driver, but Hernandez reverses it into Crucifix! The shoulders are down, 1,2,3! Hernandez races out of the ring and celebrates with the Dannys, as Vessey has a temper tantrum! It has not been a good not for the Tag Champs!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The show directs itself to a pre-taped promo. The black suits are out, because it’s Syndicate members Rocky Golden & Samuel Bach, with Vita in between them. Golden & Bach are awfully confident, as they don’t shy away from the fact that they believe they are the team to beat in the Tag Team Elite Tournament. They also don’t hide their intentions of taking out Devine Intervention prior to the Total Mayhem Match at Hotter Than Hell. “We might not have the tag experience of High Concept or The Diamond Cutters, but we’re something than they’re not. We’re The Syndicate, and Fact! The Syndicate always comes out on top!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Greg Black vs Spencer Spade</strong></p><p>

The fight spills out to the floor, where Spade pummels Black. Spade goes to throw Black into the steel steps, but Black instead leaps onto the steel steps, and executes a perfect Moonsault, wiping out Spade! Whoa! Black throws Spade back into the ring, where Spencer complains to Referee Terakado about an injury. As Black goes to re-enter the ring, Kirk Jameson rushes up behind him and sweeps the legs out from under Black! Black’s head smashes off the ring apron as he falls! With the Ref having no clue, Spade is miraculously is healed, and drags a dazed Black back into the ring. Spade connects with the Supreme Stunner! 1,2,3, Spade gets the Win for Destiny’s Finest & The 4 Aces!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Benny Benson quickly hits the ring to protect his partner, as Destiny’s Finest & Venus Angeletti head for the ramp. Greg Black is barely able to sit up even with his partner’s help. Meanwhile, Spencer Spade is all smiles as both his arms are raised by his companions. Proving Grounds comes to a close as Spade & Jameson make the 4 Aces gesture for the camera.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday – Week 2 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Alabama Field Row (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight on Total Wrestling, we present to you a HUGE Main Event! Right here on free television, you will see the biggest United States Title Match in TCW History! Samuel Bach will defend the gold against the two former champs, Jack DeColt & Matthew Keith, in a Triple Threat! And, to make sure we get a legit winner, every man affiliated with all 3 members in any way is banned from ringside! That!...is your Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron “Ace” Andrews vs Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p>

The vet Huggins tries to keep up, but Ace is pissed off after last week and takes out his frustrations out on the Canadian Animal. After planting Huggins with a Spinebuster, Ace leaves Freddy’s jaw bruised as he comes off the ropes with the Ace in the Pocket! 1,2,3, a determined Aaron Andrews gets the W.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure & The Danny Love Club vs Mick Muscles & Supremacy (“TCW World Tag Team Champions” Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith)</strong></p><p>

Muscles & Supremacy control a lot of the match, but when the tide turns and Fro & The Dannys get on a hot streak, Supremacy bails on their tag team partner! Vessey & Keith head for the showers as DLC stand outside the ring and challenge them to come back! Meanwhile, Fro Sure flies off the top rope, and drops the Fro Butt onto Mick Muscles! 1,2,3! Much to the delight, Fro Sure & The Dannys dance the night away after a huge win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd explodes to “The King of Kings” by Motorhead. Ready to wrestle, the Owner of TCW & World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring. But prior to battle, Cornell calls for a mic. Much to the surprise of all, Cornell compliments his former protégé, Joss Thompson. “Joss Thompson learned well, because if I were in his shoes and needed a 4th member to my Total Mayhem team? I would’ve recruited Koshiro Ino, too!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

But the compliments end there, as Cornell makes it clear that he has no doubt his team will win at Hotter Than Hell. “Do you know why your team is going to lose, Joss? Because you are the desperate man. And as I always told you, the desperate ones are the foolish ones. And to add on to that, the original Syndicate will always trump the fake imposters! Joss, you will always be a son to me, and that is why I am going to put you out of your misery at Hotter Than Hell. I am going to force you to climb back up that mountain and be the man I always thought you could be! Not this pathetic whiner you have become! At Hotter Than Hell, your team will enter a realm they know nothing about, and they will go to war with a man who made Total Mayhem what it is! That is why you will fail!"</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Tommy Cornell vs Edd Stone</strong></p><p>

Edd Stone knows who exactly who he is fighting and brings his A game. He knows what a victory would mean. But after several near falls by Stone, Cornell fights back into the match. Stone attempts a Dropkick off the top rope, but Cornell catches Stone by the feet! As Stone hits the mat, Cornell locks on the Guilt Trip! Stuck in the middle of the ring, Stone immediately taps!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Felipe Callabero vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith</strong></p><p>

Poor Callabero. He’s just fresh meat for The Bulldozer. Felipe just gets pulverized. After crushing Callabero with a 300+ Pound Avalanche, The Bulldozer hits the Bulldozer Powerbomb. Smith isn’t done though, and attempts to drag Callabero up for another Bulldozer Powerbomb. Realizing Felipe cannot continue, Referee Hiroyuki shoves Bulldozer asides and calls for the bell. Brandon Smith wins by an impressive Stoppage. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Koshiro Ino & Queen Persephone head to the ring for the upcoming matchup. They come to a stop though, as waiting by the curtains is Joss Thompson in his wheelchair with Krissy Angelle beside him. “I just wanted to say good luck,” says Joss Thompson. “I look forward to seeing what you and Rocky Golden can do as a tag team. It should be quite a spectacle!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson holds out a hand to shake. Koshiro & Persephone just stare at it for a moment, then look at each other. Persephone steps forward. “Let’s get something straight, Joss. I might have shook your hand last week, but that was sealing a business deal. Koshiro might be a part of your team at Hotter Than Hell, but we’re not friends, and we’re certainly not allies. Koshiro is merely doing this to get what we want, and we expect you to hold up your end! When you win the World Title? The first title shot will be Koshiro’s!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Joss Thompson takes the words, and calmly pulls his arm back and places his hand on his heart. “Persephone? I assure you. I am a man of my word!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devine Intervention vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino & “The Giant” Rocky Golden</strong></p><p>

A thriller of a tag team match, and a sneak peak of the Total Mayhem Match at Hotter Than Hell. The Devines fight through adversity against the two behemoths, and use their speed to get back into the match. Steve Devine lifts his partner Darryl into the Gorilla Press, and then tosses Darryl out of the ring and onto Ino & Golden, wiping them out at ringside! Steve Devine throws Rocky Golden back into the ring and attempts the Star Maker, but Koshiro Ino rushes back into the ring and boots Steve right in the face, breaking it up! Koshiro Ino turns around, and Darryl Devine leaps off the top rope at Ino, hoping to catch the Kobra off guard! Ino catches him in mid air, and has the Kobra Claw locked on tight! Ino slams Darryl to the mat, and has it locked on tight! Darryl Devine passes out from the pain, and Referee Terakado calls for the bell!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The match is over, but Koshiro Ino doesn’t let go of the Kobra Claw! Steve Devine goes to break it up, but gets hit by a Rocky Golden lariat in the process! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Golden & Ino do their worst to the Devines, when suddenly Tommy Cornell & Jack DeColt come racing to the ring! Cornell & DeColt are here to save the rest of their Total Mayhem team! Cornell dropkicks Ino right in the face, knocking Koshiro off of Darryl Devine! Ino rolls to the floor to avoid any further altercation! Rocky Golden misses DeColt with a haymaker, and Jack clotheslines Golden over the top rope and to the floor! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Golden & Ino head for the rampway as Cornell & DeColt check on their allies. Ino & Golden might have won the match tonight, but Team Cornell is far from finished! They stand united for Hotter Than Hell! </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“The Mexican Phenom” Gino Montero vs Enforcer Roberts</strong></p><p>

The grizzled vet works over the smaller opponent Montero, but Gino uses his speed to fight through adversity and get back into this match. After staggering Roberts with a dropkick to the knee, Montero flies off the ropes and takes the Enforcer with a Montero Press! 1,2,3, Gino Montero gets back on the winning way!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Introductions are made for tonight’s Main Event. Samuel Bach comes out first, displaying the United States Title around his waist. Jack DeColt follows. Matthew Keith makes his way down to the ring…when he is blasted from behind by Aaron Andrews! The crowd erupts as Ace goes to work on Keith, extremely pissed after the Supremacy beatdown he received last week! Andrews & Keith begin to brawl on the rampway, which leads to a ton of officials and even Bach & DeColt pulling apart the heated rivals! As they finally get torn apart, Tommy Cornell appears and tgets in the face of the Aaron Andrews and orders him to leave. “Your night is over! GO!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW United States Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“Revolution X” Samuel Bach ( C ) vs “Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt vs Matthew Keith</strong></p><p>

Instantly, the Front Runner for Match of the Month! These three men go out and treat this match like a free ticket to the Hall of Fame is on the line! Late in the match, Bach attempts to lock DeColt in the Bach on your Back, but as Bach is in the process of locking it in, DeColt stands up, lifting Bach up with him! DeColt lifts Bach into the air, and dumps Samuel to the floor! DeColt turns around and BARELY dodges a charging Matthew Keith attempting the Sam Keith Special! Keith spins around and gets lifted off his feet by DeColt! DeColt goes to hit the End of Days, but Keith locks the Proton Lock in halfway while he’s on Jack’s shoulders! DeColt falls to the mat, and Keith locks the Proton Lock on 100%! DeColt is stuck in the middle of the ring, but refuses to tap no matter how much Keith pulls back with the submission! <strong>BOOOOOMMMMM!!!!</strong> Samuel Bach comes flying off the top rope, and comes crashing down on top of both DeColt & Keith with the Shooting Star Press! The crowd is going nuts after such an amazing move! Keith rolls right out of the ring, as Bach makes the cover on DeColt! 1,2,3! Samuel Bach retains his title in amazing match!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Samuel Bach snatches his United States Championship from Referee Terakado before practically tumbling through the ropes to the floor. The crowd is on their feet with a “That Was Awesome” chant. As Vita embraces Bach following his victory, the rest of The Syndicate appears to celebrate the victory. Rocky Golden & Brandon Smith help the fatigued Bach up the rampway. At the top of the ramp waits Joss Thompson. Bach embraces his leader, who meets him with a smile and congratulations. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

What a huge win for the Samuel Bach & The Syndicate! Will it lead over to the Tag Team Elite Tournament, or even better, to Hotter Than Hell & The Total Mayhem Match?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Thursday – Week 2 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>We have a huge Six Women Tag Team Match for you guys tonight! Just two weeks before the big Street Fight for the Women’s Title, the champ Sara Marie York will team with Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle to take on the #1 Contender Tracy Brendon & The Women’s Tag Team Champs, The B.I.T.C.H. Squad! That!...is your Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“The Psycho Ballerina” Nina Cacace vs Nadia Snow</strong></p><p>

Cacace takes over the match with her classic psycho rampage. Nothing technical, she just runs at Snow full speed and hits her with everything but the kitchen sink. Cacace sets Snow up for the Ballerina Boiler, but that’s Demelza Wade’s cue to jump onto the apron to distract Cacace. The distraction works, as Snow breaks free and trips Cacace, while in the process slamming Nina’s face off the top turnbuckle! With Cacace groggy, Snow lifts Cacace off her feet and crushes her with the Ice Breaker! 1,2,3, Chalk up a win for the A-List!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>We’re back from commercials, and The A-List is shown backstage celebrating their victory together. They’re all smiles and laughs, but that ends quickly as the General Manager of NDA, Melanie Florence, approaches them. Florence doesn’t look pleased. “I’m glad you’re so happy with such a tasteless win. I’m just here to inform you Demelza that Danielle Sweetheart has challenged you to a match tonight…and I’m giving it to her! So get ready for your match!” Florence walks away, leaving The A-List to mumble under their breath.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Masked Fenomenon vs “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler & “Miss Fit” Missy Masterson</strong></p><p>

Amazon & Pinky Perez wow the crowd with their aerial abilities, especially when Amazon executes a Somersault Senton off the top rope, and takes Masterson out at ringside. Perez isn’t so lucky, though, as Tyler catches Perez with a sick uppercut as Pinky leaps off the top rope! Ouch! From there, Tyler connects with the Brooke Breaker with ease, and gets the 3 Count. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Eric Tyler applauds her daughter as Brooke puts the boots to the defeated Pinky Perez. Brooke quickly exits the ring when Amazon rushes back in to protect her tag team partner. Words are exchanged as Eric & Brooke head for the exit, both with smiles on their faces.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the newest duo to NDA, Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle. Bambino asks for their thoughts on Tonight’s Main Event. Brazzle tells Bambino that this is a huge opportunity for them. They know what’s on the line. It isn’t just about winning the match, it’s about proving that they deserve a crack at the Women’s Tag Team Champions! Tracy Brendon takes over and changes the subject to a former friend. “Tracy Brendon! I haven’t forgotten about you, and I bet you haven’t forgotten about me. But more importantly, I haven’t forgotten how Queen Persephone cost me a Women’s Title shot. Tonight, I get my revenge, and Persephone? Please, by all means! Stick your nose in our business! I dare ya!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danielle Sweetheart vs Demelza Wade</strong></p><p>

It’s déjà vu, as Sweetheart has Wade reeling. Sweetheart starts to stalk Wade in the hopes to hit the Taste of Sweetness, but Nadia Snow jumps onto the apron and distracts Sweetheart! This leads to Wade blasting Sweetheart across the head from behind! As Snow taunts the crowd on the apron, Wade sets Sweetheart up for the Wade to Black! No, Sweetheart spins out of it and pushes Wade forward…and Demelza collides with her buddy Nadia Snow! Snow goes flying off the apron as Sweetheart rolls up Wade! 1,2,3! Sweetheart got the win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Danielle Sweetheart makes a quick exit and meets her partner Nina Cacace at the rampway. Meanwhile, Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow scream and yell at Referee Sparrow in the ring. Heart of Madness are the ones smiling now! But which team will be smiling next week, when both teams challenge the B.I.T.C.H. Squad for the Tag Titles?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is standing by backstage with the Women’s Tag Team Champion, The B.I.T.C.H. Squad. Bambino asks for their thoughts on Tonight’s Main Event and their title defense next week. Jaime Quinne mocks The A-List & Heart of Madness, and tells Bambino that they’re doing a great job taking themselves out before they even fight for the titles. “Congratulations girls, you can beat you each other. But the one thing you can’t do is beat me and Cherry!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cherry Bomb takes over on the topic of the Main Event. “Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle want to get themselves in the Tag Title picture, is that what I heard? Well Grace & Suzanne, all we’ve seen you do is beat up on some chumps. We’ve beaten the best, some more than once! You ladies aren’t even in our league, and you’re going to learn that the hard way tonight!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW Women’s Champion” Sara Marie York, Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle vs Tracy Brendon & “The TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions” The B.I.T.C.H. Squad</strong></p><p>

Brendon and B.I.T.C.H. Squad corner Brazzle and work her over, but one mistake is made, and Sara Marie York gets the hot tag and hits everything that moves! She looks a lot better this week, she seems to be over her concussion issues! Brendon avoids York the entire match, but when she thinks York is distracted, she charges Sara. But York sees Brendon from the corner of her eye and back tosses the charging Brendon over the top rope and to the floor! Harper & Brazzle wow the crowd as they come flying off the ropes and take The B.I.T.C.H. Squad out at ringside with a double suicide dive! Grace Harper drags Jaime Quine back up and throws her into the ring to Sara Marie York. York stalks Quine, and Tracy Brendon climbs onto the apron and has a chance to save Quine…but choses not too! Instead, Tracy Brendon jumps off the apron, and she and Queen Persephone head for the exit. York hits Jaime Quine with the Energy Burst, and gets the win for her team!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>York, Harper, & Brazzle celebrate in the ring following the big victory. York, though, finishes celebrating quickly, as she turns her attention to Tracy Brendon & Queen Persephone on the rampway. York climbs onto the second rope and displays her Women’s Championship. York welcomes Brendon back to the ring to settle their differences now, but Tracy shakes her head. “Two weeks!” exclaims Persephone. “In two weeks, that title is hers!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

In Two Weeks, Sara Marie York & Tracy Brendon battle in the first ever Street Fight on No Divas Allowed! Will we see a brand new Women’s Champion? Or will Sara Marie York once again prove why she’s the best female wrestler in the world today?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday – Week 2 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Alabama Field Row (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight on SNS! Just 24 hours before the 3rd Annual Tag Team Elite Tournament, we got a teaser Main Event! All 4 Teams representing SNS in the Tournament will send out a representative, and those four men will do battle in a Fatal Four Way Match! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Plus, just two weeks before his Legends Title shot, the former champ Eddie Peak will team with Rick Law to take on The Rising Sun!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW International Champion” Jay Chord vs Scout</strong></p><p>

Scout has Chord set up on the top rope. Scout attempts a Super Back Suplex, but Chord amazingly breaks free and flips off…and lands on his feet behind Scout! Whoa! Chord lifts Scout right off the top rope, and drops him with the Electric Chair Drop! As soon as Scout drags himself up, he finds himself victim of the Cradle Piledriver, and Chord wins in tonight’s Opening Contest.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, instead of celebrating, Jay Chord calls for a mic. “Joey Minnesota! I’m not in the mood to talk tonight, and last week, you only got a taste of what you deserve! So does us all a favor. Get your ass down here to the ring, and get the ass kicking you deserve!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd approves, yet no one appears from the entrance way. Instead, on the titantron appears the General Manager of SNS, Ricky Dale Johnson. Cue the boos. “I’m sorry to inform you of this, Jay Chord, but you won’t be getting in an impromptu brawl tonight. I have told Joey Minnesota to not come down to that ring.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The camera sways over and reveals Joey Minnesota next to RDJ. “Jay, I don’t fight for free. If you want to fight me? You fight me at Hotter Than Hell, and you put that International Title on the line!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jay Chord is none too pleased to not get what he wants, but he never backs down from a fight. “Is that what is going to take to get that yellow stripe off your back, Joey? Then I’ll see ya at Hotter Than Hell, and you will regret ever messing with me!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brent Hill & Clark Alexander vs Destiny’s Finest</strong></p><p>

Hill & Alexander prove themselves to be the craft veterans, but they are always a step behind the best prospects ever to come out of Cornell Championship Wrestling. Spencer Spade pulls the ropes down as Hill goes to rebound off them, then sending Brent tumbling hard to the floor. It leads to the 2 on 1 attack, and Destiny’s Finest hitting Alexander with the Early Retirement, and getting the win for the 4 Aces.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, the TCW Legends Champion is introduced. With Kali Fornia on his arm, Roger Cage makes his way down to the ring for his upcoming contest. But first, Cage calls for a mic and goes on a rant. Cage complains that he has had to hear all week that he’s terrified of his upcoming Hell in a Cell Match with Eddie Peak. Cage says he has been mocked, that he’s a coward who wants none of Eddie Peak. “Let me remind you peasants of something. On three straight Pay-Per-Views, I have defeated this guy I am supposedly scared of! I beat him for the Legends Titles, and then I beat him when he got 2 return matches! And now he gets a 3rd, and I’m scared of him?! No No No, you got it all wrong, you idiots! Eddie Peak is scared of me! Eddie Peak is terrified of me! Eddie Peak knows that when he enters that Cell that he is MINE! Eddie Peak knows that he has nightmares over our first 3 encounters! Eddie Peak knows that when he enters that Cell, all that is waiting for him is defeat! So you people have to realize, and get it through your idiotic minds that I am the best-…”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena! The crowd goes nuts, as we hear the sadistic laugh of the King of the Insane Asylum! A spotlight hits the ring, and Roger Cage has absolutely lost it, as he’s looking all around for Eddie Peak. Cage is going back forth, yelling for his 4 Aces allies to get to the ring! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>“My my Roger…what is the matter? I thought you said you weren’t scared? Ha Ha Ha…Ha Ha Ha….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The lights suddenly go back on in the arena, and Eddie Peak is nowhere to be seen! Yet, Roger Cage stands there completely stressed out and sweating! I say Mission Accomplished by Eddie Peak! Roger Cage is without a doubt fearing the day he has to step into the cell with Eddie Peak!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Bumfhole vs “TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage</strong></p><p>

Cage is stressed and pissed off after what just happened, and it’s a terrible combination for Bumfhole. Bumfhole is a talented young star, but an angry, focused Roger Cage has all the answers for Randy. Cage dodges Bumfhole’s Running Dropkick in the corner, and Randy crashes hard. Cage hits the Rage Cage and gets the 3. After the match, Cage displays the gold and yells at the crowd. “Who’s scared now?! I’m not scared! I’M…NOT…SCARED!”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Greg Black vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

Magnum Kobe faces easily his toughest test to date in TCW. Kobe attempts his Flying Knee from the top rope, but Black dodges it. Kobe lands on his feet, but walks right into Black’s Rolling Heel Kick! Black heads to the top rope and flies off for the Fade to Black, but Kobe rolls out of the way. Black lands on his feet as well, but turns around and gets hit with a sickening, puke inducing kick right to the gut! With Black barely able to stand, Kobe connects with the Kobe Bomb, and remains Undefeated with a Huge Win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The music of the General Manager of SNS hits. Cue the boos! Ricky Dale Johnson strolls out onto the entrance way, and has a mic in hand. “Wolf Hawkins came out here last week, and I must admit, he made a lot of reasonable comments. This war between the 4 Aces & Down with Authority has been going on forever, with no signs of ever ending. Each and every week, the war writes another chapter. And ya know what? Maybe it is time that it happens. Maybe it’s time for the leader of Down with Authority battles…the Authority. So what do you fans think? Should it happen? Should I accept the challenge? Should I fight Wolf Hawkins at Hotter Than Hell?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The crowd is on their feet going nuts. They approve!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Well, that’s it then. Ladies and Gentlemen, my answer to Wolf Hawkins’ challenge is…No!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, RDJ throws down his mic, leaving the crowd to boo immensely. RDJ laughs away at how he played the crowd before he disappears through the curtains.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Law & Rick Law vs The Rising Sun (“The Dragon” Mikey James & Buddy Garner)</strong></p><p>

Referee Tawaraya finds himself outside the ring trying to break up the brawl between Peak & Garner. Meanwhile in the ring, Mikey James is holding Rick Law as Magnum Kobe appears and climbs to the top rope. Kobe attempts to hit Law with his Flying Knee, but Law breaks free and moves! Kobe hits his Rising Sun buddy Mikey James instead! Magnum Kobe is stunned at what he just did, and never sees Rick Law charging at him. Law clotheslines Kobe to the floor! Law goes after Kobe at ringside, as Eddie Peak re-enters the ring after dropping Buddy Garner with a big boot. Peak stalks Mikey Law as he stirs! Here it comes! The Peak of the Devil! 1,2,3, Eddie Peak wins it for his team!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Britton comes off the commentary table to take a crack at ending Callum’s winning streak. Floyd Goldworthy takes Britton’s spot at the commentary table and gloats about his “prized” client. Despite messing up Callum’s greased up hair with a few stiff clotheslines and a back body toss, Britton doesn’t have the answer to end Callum’s hot streak, and eventually falls victim to the Honey Trap. Callum stands over his defeated opponent and shows off his stone abs for the ladies.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage standing by with Rick Law. Bambino tries to interview TCW’s Law Enforcer, but Law interrupts him before he gets too far. “Magnum Kobe! It looks like you’re looking for a fight, and buddy? You came to the right place! I’ve noticed that you have that amazing Undefeated Streak going, and I’m looking for a opponent for Hotter Than Hell. So here’s the challenge, boy! You face me, and you get the chance to take your streak to a whole new level! Of course, I get the chance to finally put you and the rest of the Rising Sun in your place!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Fatal Four Way Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Wolf Hawkins vs Joey Minnesota vs “TCW US Tag Team Champion” Benny Benson vs “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson</strong></p><p>

Four of the biggest names ever to grace TCW go to battle for bragging rights leading into the Tag Team Elite Tournament. At first, Hawkins & Benson work as a team being brothers of DWA. But after they wipe out Minnesota & Anderson with a double plancha, they go at it in the ring! The match has many nearfalls, as there’s someone always there to break up the count. Late in the battle, Hawkins hits Anderson with a Tornado DDT and heads to the top rope for the Full Moon Rising, but he’s stopped by Minnesota. Minnesota sets Hawkins for a Superplex when Anderson comes up under and lifts Minnesota onto his shoulders! Minnesota hits Hawkins with a Superplex…as Anderson hits Minnesota with a Powerbomb! Oh My God! The crowd goes nuts! As Hawkins is sent rolling out of the ring, Anderson goes to set Minnesota up for the cover, when Benson comes racing into the ring! Benson hits Anderson with the Shockwave from Next Year! The cover! 1,2,3! Benny Benson gets the huge W for the Tag Champs!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Benny Benson celebrates the win with the crowd as he displays his championship belt. Wolf Hawkins joins Benson in the ring and respectfully offers his stablemate a handshake. Benson wastes no time to shake it. Hawkins circles the ring with Benson, raising his friend’s arm in victory. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Benny Benson wins it for High Concept tonight, but can the US Tag Champs do it tomorrow night? Can they prove without a doubt that they’re the best tag team in the world? We’ll find out tomorrow night…live on Pay-Per-View…in the 3rd Annual Tag Team Elite Tournament!</em></p>

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<p><em>Once a year…the 8 best teams in professional come together to prove who is the best…</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>WELCOME…TO THE 3RD ANNUAL TCW TAG TEAM ELITE TOURNAMENT!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Date: Sunday – Week 2 –August 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Location: Mississippi Bowl (South East)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Steve Doakes, DJ Britton, & Jennifer Heat</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opening Round Brackets</span></strong></p><p>

High Concept Vs Supremacy *Tag Champion Wild Card*</p><p>

Down with Authority vs The Syndicate</p><p>

Blue Collar Vs 4 Aces</p><p>

Devine Intervention vs The Diamond Cutters</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW US Tag Team Champions” High Concept vs “TCW World Tag Team Champions” Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith</strong></p><p>

Referee Tawaraya’s attention is solely in the ring as Greg Black & Greg Keith go at it. Outside the ring, Benny Benson & Cameron Vessey slug it out. With the Ref’s back to the action outside, The Diamond Cutters appear from the crowd! Steven Parker & John Anderson grab Benson and plant him on the floor with a Double DDT! The Diamond Cutters disappear through the crowd as quickly as they appeared! Back in the ring, Black flies off the top rope to hit Keith with the Fade to Black, but Vessey drags his partner Keith out of the way! Black crashes and burns! Vessey enters the ring, hits Black with his Vessey Driver, then drags the legal man Keith onto Black for the cover! 1,2,3! Supremacy advances to the Semi-Finals! (75)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage, standing by with Aaron “Ace” Andrews for his thoughts on his rivalry with Matthew Keith. Andrews calls Keith a coward who only finds some courage whenever he hides behind his Supremacy boys. “Matthew Keith, if you’re even slightly a man? Then you will go to Hotter Than Hell, and you will face me in one on one! Let’s found out if you really have a pair!”</em> (92)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Down with Authority (Wolf Hawkins & “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord) vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden & “TCW International Champion” Samuel Bach)</strong></p><p>

An Instant Candidate for Match of the Year!!! Referee Sparrow goes down after Samuel Bach reverses a whip by Jay Chord, and accidentally sends Chord into the Ref. After Bach gets disposed to the floor, Wolf Hawkins & Chord double team Rocky Golden. DWA double dropkicks Golden on the knees, then Hawkins hits Golden with the Dictator’s Beheading! Hawkins covers Golden, but the Ref is still down! Samuel Bach rushes back into the ring, and with the Ref down, he clobbers Chord with his United States Title! Before Hawkins can get up to see what’s going on, Bach smashes him across the skull with the belt! Golden covers Hawkins as Bach drags Referee Sparrow over to cover! But what’s this? Instead of counting, Referee Sparrow drags himself to his feet and calls for the bell! After deliberation with the ring announcer, it is revealed Sparrow saw Samuel Bach use the Championship Belt! The Syndicate is Disqualified! DWA moves on to the Semi-Finals! (96)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Lee Bambino is backstage, standing by with Queen Persephone & “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino. Bambino tries to get an explanation on the alliance/agreement between Ino & Joss Thompson, but Persephone wastes no time to interrupt. “Koshiro’s agreement with Joss Thompson is not your business, nor is it anyone else’s. All you need to know is that Koshiro will be the reason that Joss Thompson’s team wins at Hotter Than Hell. Tommy Cornell? Every time you get in the ring with Koshiro, you get hurt. The only reason you still wear your gold is because of one minor mistake, a mere slip on the steel cage. The next time you get in the ring with Koshiro? You will not be walking away!”</em> (99)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blue Collar vs 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota</strong></p><p>

Joshua Taylor & Joel Bryant try to keep up and have a late rally, and they just don’t have the answers for two of the premier superstars in Total Championship Wrestling. Taylor tries to look for the kill by going to the top rope with Minnesota down, but Cage shoves him off the top rope, and Taylor goes crashing to ringside! This leaves Bryant alone with the 4 Aces, and ultimately leads to Minnesota hitting Joel with the Empire Spiral for the win. 4 Aces advance to the Semis. (81)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Dougie Horwood, TCW’s newest backstage reporter, is standing by with Supremacy’s leader, Matthew Keith. Keith laughs away as Horwood accounts for Aaron Andrews’ comments earlier. Horwood flat out asks Keith if he will accept Ace’s challenge. Keith smirks at Horwood. “What? And soil my boots? Aaron Andrews isn’t good enough to clean my jock strap, and you people expect me to get in the ring with the man? Well, guess what? I am accepting his challenge, believe it or not, but not because he deserves it. It’s because Aaron Andrews needs to be put in his place. He needs to learn that he has no business being in the same league as yours truly. But most of all? Heh, it’s going to my pleasure to put that reject out of his misery!”</em> (96)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devine Intervention vs The Diamond Cutters</strong></p><p>

Déjà vu? Referee Tawaraya’s attention is taken away as Darryl Devine & John Anderson brawl on the top rope as Darryl thwarts Anderson’s attempt at a Superplex. Steve Devine & Steven Parker brawl at ringside, when High Concept appears from the crowd! Benny Benson & Greg Black get revenge as they knock Parker out with a Double Super Kick! High Concept disappears through the crowd before Tawaraya sees them! As Anderson & Darryl continue to struggle on the top rope, Steve Devine comes up behind Anderson, and lifts him right off the top rope and onto his shoulders! Anderson is in trouble as Darryl stands up on the top rope! The one, the only, Doomsday Device! Boom! 1,2,3! Devine Intervention are the final team to advance! (79)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Eddie Peak cuts his classic gothy, dark promo. The King of the Insane Asylum appears through smoke and a single spotlight. Acting demented, he snickers and pulls his hair as he speaks. Peak mocks Roger Cage’s attempt on Saturday Night Showcase to prove that he’s not afraid of Eddie and their Hell in a Cell Match. “The most foolish man is the man who is not willing to approach his fears and admit to them. Roger Cage, you stand before us all and try to claim you do not fear Hell…but we all know the truth. When you are locked in that Cell with little ol’ me…heheehehee…you’re going to have to fight not piss in your tighty whities. Hahahaha. By all means Roger, gloat about beating three times in a row. I do not mind. I do not mind, because my fun is coming. At Hotter Than Hell, you will enter my play ground…and I will have my playtime! Haha….Hahahahahahahahahaa……”</em> (92)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi-Final Brackets</span></strong></p><p>

Supremacy vs Down with Authority</p><p>

4 Aces vs Devine Intervention</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW World Tag Team Champions” Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) vs Down with Authority (Wolf Hawkins & “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord)</strong></p><p>

Another instant classic, though this one will be sadly overlooked by the earlier one! Vessey & Keith show why they are the tag champs, as they cut off the ring on Hawkins and use their experience to work him over. But Hawkins eventually gets the tag to Chord, who comes in hot. The action spills all over the place. Keith and Hawkins spill to ringside. After pummeling Hawkins, Keith charges him, but Hawkins ducks and backtosses Keith over the barricade and into the crowd. Back in the ring, Vessey sets Chord up on his shoulder for the Vessey Driver, but Hawkins comes up from behind and pulls Chord off! When Vessey turns around, he gets a double boot to the gut by DWA. Chord hits Vessey with the Cradle Piledriver, and gets the 3! DWA heads to the Finals! (94)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Dougie Horwood is standing by with both “Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt & The TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell. Horwood asks for their thoughts as their battle in Total Mayhem is just two weeks out at Hotter Than Hell. Jack DeColt tells Horwood that it’s an extreme honor to team with Cornell, but most importantly to help Tommy take down The Syndicate. DeColt goes on to say he would take any opportunity to get his hands on his longtime rival, Rocky Golden!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell takes over the mic. “I’ve said it a dozen times already. Some fake Syndicate group cannot beat the original Syndicate. You can call yourselves the Syndicate, but boys? Trust me, you don’t know what that means. And I’m going to prove it at Hotter Than Hell. In just one single night I put together a team that is going to take down what Joss Thompson considers the most formidable stable in wrestling. As for Koshiro Ino? Your little buddy Persephone can paint the picture however she wants. I beat you in a Steel Cage Match, and big man? I’ll beat you if we meet in the ring again. Team Cornell will win at Hotter Than Hell, and we will put Joss Thompson and his boys out of their misery.”</em> (100)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota) vs Devine Intervention</strong></p><p>

Darryl Devine gets the hot tag from his partner Steve and goes to the air immediately, and takes out both Cage & Minnesota with a Flying Double Front Dropkick. Cage rolls to the floor, and Darryl races off the ropes and wipes Cage out with a Suicide Dive! Steve Devine & Minnesota brawl inside the ring. Outside the ring, Kali Fornia distracts Darryl Devine long enough to allow Cage recover, and to send Darryl face first into the ring post. Cage sets Darryl up, and hits him with the Rage Cage on the ringside floor! Oh No! Back into the ring, Steve Devine reverses out of Minnesota’s German Suplex attempt, and hits hits Minnesota with the Star Maker! Steve makes the cover, but Referee Sparrow isn’t counting! Instead, Sparrow calls for the bell! Steve Devine demands an explanation, and it’s revealed that the legal man Darryl Devine has been counted out! Darryl lies out cold on the ringside floor from the Rage Cage! The 4 Aces heads to the Finals! (81)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A highlight video is shown, recapping how we have gotten to the finals of the tournament. Despite not being tag team regulars, Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord have represented DWA proudly with two of the best tag team matches we’ve seen in years. Very similarly, Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota have represented The 4 Aces all the way to the finals. Not as flashy as DWA, the 4 Aces have used their smarts and cheap tactics to get where they are.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

It’s only right the war between DWA & The 4 Aces have bled into the Tag Team Elite Tournament. Another chapter in this stable war is about to be written! Which team is going to be the 3rd Ever Tag Team Elite Champions?</em> (95)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>THE FINALS OF THE TOURNAMENT!!!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Down with Authority (Wolf Hawkins & “TCW International Champion” Jay Chord) vs 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota)</strong></p><p>

The hate and rivalry between these two stables is evident very quickly. At times it becomes a mere slugfest, as these two teams attempt to injury and harm to each other. Illegally in the ring behind Referee Terakado’s back, Cage chop blocks Chord’s left knee, thus allowing Minnesota to put the works on the limb. The 4 Aces work over Chord’s knee, but Jay refuses to submit. After a long struggle, Chord catches Cage with an Enziguri, then makes the tag to Hawkins! The crowd erupts! Hawkins comes in like a ball of fire and hits everything that moves. After Cage breaks up a cover Hawkins has on Minnesota, Chord tackles Cage to the mat, and all hell breaks loose. As Referee Terakado attempts to get Chord & Cage out of the ring, Ricky Dale Johnson slips in something to Minnesota. Unbeknownst to Hawkins, Minnesota rears back and punches Hawkins with what appears to be brass knuckles! The Ref never saw it! Minnesota covers Hawkins. 1,2,3NO! Hawkins gets his shoulder up! RDJ is stunned! RDJ suddenly gets spun out, and gets shocked in the mouth by Jay Chord! Chord drops his own Boss! Cage attacks Chord, and the two begin to brawl again at ringside. Back into the ring, Minnesota attempts to lift Hawkins for the Empire Spiral, but Hawkins amazingly reverses it into a Hurricarana! Minnesota goes flying forward and gets dropped throat first onto the middle rope! As Minnesota struggles to stand, Hawkins flies off the ropes! The Dictator’s Beheading! He hit it! 1, 2, Roger Cage tries to get in the ring, but Jay Chord holds him off, 3! It’s over! DWA have won the Tag Team Elite Tournament! (75)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd is on their feet as “Cult of Personality” blares throughout the arena. DWA Chants start as Wolf Hawkins & Jay Chord embrace in the middle of the ring and raise their arms high. Two TCW Officials appear in the ring, each carrying one of the Tag Team Elite Trophies. Hawkins & Chord proudly accept the trophies and raise them up high.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Wait a minute! Hawkins & Chord suddenly get clobbered from behind by RDJ & Roger Cage! Joey Minnesota recovers and soon joins! The 4 Aces are ruining DWA’s ceremony! Fellow DWA-ers Benny Benson & Greg Black come racing down to the ring to save their friends, but the rest of the 4 Aces (Kirk Jameson & Spencer Spade) soon follow. With Chord & Hawkins down and hurt, High Concept has no chance to save their friends from the five attackers.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The 4 Aces work over DWA in disgusting fashion as the crowd boos loudly. They double team them, triple team them, and hit them with their finishers. Finally, RDJ demands his men to hold up Wolf Hawkins. RDJ takes Hawkins’ own Tag Team Elite Trophy and smashes Hawkins across the skull with it! Hawkins drops like a bag of bricks, as RDJ throws his trophy down and smashes it.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With DWA a pile of heap in the ring, RDJ demands a microphone. He kneels over Hawkins and lifts his head off the mat by the hair. “Hey Wolf! I’ve had a change of heart. As far as your challenge goes? I ACCEPT!!! And if I win? YOU’RE FIRED!!!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ throws the mic down, and directs his army out of the ring. The final scene we see before the show fade to black is Wolf Hawkins, laying motionless on his back with his broken trophy beside him.</em> (94)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall PPV Score: 82</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A special WTF to this PPV. Really? Both Jay Chord & Joey Minnesota get Stale Characters in the Main Event?! Are you F’n Kidding? Come on, TEW! LMAO</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday – Week 3 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Gorski Ballroom (South West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em> After defeating both World Tag Team Champions in singles competition last week on the Proving Grounds, The Sweet Sensations challenge Supremacy for the gold tonight!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Plus! Despite not being 100% after the 4 Aces beatdown on Down with Authority last night at the Tag Team Elite Tournament, US Tag Champs High Concept will battle Destiny’s Finest in singles competition! It will be Greg Black facing Kirk Jameson, while in the Main Event, Benny Benson will do battle with Spencer Spade!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Supremacy (Cameron Vessey & Greg Keith) ( C ) vs Sweet Sensations</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez & Randy Bumfhole come in hot with their high flying moves, but the Champs soon slow the pace to their liking and take over. Supremacy keeps Bumfhole on their side of the ring and work him over, but can’t get the fall. Bumfhole finally gets the hot tag to Hernandez, and Sweet Sensations take complete control! They have the champs reeling! Hernandez plants Vessey with a Tornado DDT and heads to the top rope. Outside the ring, Keith reverses a whip by Bumfhole and drops him on the barricade with a Hot Shot! Back in the ring, Hernandez flies off the top rope with a 450 Splash, but Keith drags his partner Vessey out of the way! Hernandez crashes and burns! Vessey makes the tag to Keith, who quickly pounces on a hurt Hernandez and locks on the Proton Lock! Hernandez has no choice but to tap! Supremacy keeps the gold!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Greg Black vs Kirk Jameson</strong></p><p>

Black comes to the ring limping after last night’s beatdown. Jameson shows no mercy and focuses his entire attack on that hurt left knee the entire match. Black refuses to quit, and with a limp, he fights back into the match! Black gets a near fall after a Rocker Dropper, then heads to the top rope. Black struggles to climb with that hurt knee, which allows Jameson to recover. Jameson races into the corner, and dropkicks Black right on that hurt knee! Black instantly crumbles from the top rope and crashes to the mat. Jameson drags Black up and hits the Bullseye! 1,2,3, Kirk Jameson gets the huge win.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage Reporter Lee Bambino is standing by, and he reveals Breaking News from the office of Tommy Cornell. Due to the heated feud that continues to boil, </em><em><strong>we will see a huge rematch over the TCW World Tag Team Titles at Hotter Than Hell! Supremacy will defend the gold against TCW’s hottest new team, The Danny Love Club!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As Bambino starts to explain how Supremacy snuck away with a win in their first encounter, he is interrupted by Queen Persephone & The Diamond Cutters. Persephone snatches the mic right out of Bambino’s hands.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“A Travesty! That’s what you people saw last night in the Tag Team Elite Tournament! My men were ROBBED! High Concept stuck their noses where they didn’t belong and cost my men such a valuable opportunity. The results of that tournament are fraudulent! Absolutely meaningless! High Concept deserved what they got last night at the Tag Team Elite Tournament. That’s what I call…heh…poetic…justice! Benny Benson, Greg Black, you told us you will fight my boys wherever, that all we have to do is name the place and date. Well, I’m doing it right now. </em><em><strong>13 Days, Hotter Than Hell! 13 Days…that is how long until my boys take those championship belts away from you peasants!”</strong></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

Bling uses his power and brawling skills to attempt to break the Undefeated Streak of Magnum Kobe. After a Running Powerslam, Bling looks to be on his way. But Bling misses when he attempts to connect with the Mouthful of Bling, which allows Kobe to retaliate with a sick, smacking kick right in the gut. The kick makes Bling’s legs give away as he crumbles to the mat. As Bling struggles to cover, Kobe heads to the top rope. Kobe connects with his Flying Knee, right to Bling’s temple! 1,2,3, Make it 23-0 in TCW!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the ring, Munenori Umari joins his prize client in the ring with a mic in hand. Umari starts to insult Rick Law and what he call Law’s “feeble” attempt to stop The Rising Sun. But before Umari gets much farther, Magnum Kobe snatches the mic from his manager. Umari is stunned, as we hear the first words out of Magnum Kobe’s mouth since joining TCW!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Rick Law, I do not fear you. You think you are to be Magnum Kobe’s greatest challenge. You are my next stepping stone. You will not stop my rise to the top. You will fall like the rest. </em><em><strong>I accept your challenge. I will see you at Hotter Than Hell!”</strong></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Benny Benson vs Spencer Spade</strong></p><p>

Benson heads to the ring alone, as his partner Greg Black is still nursing his injuries from his loss. It’s a major disadvantage, as Spade comes to ring with Kirk Jameson & Venus Angeletti in his corner. Plus, most of all, Benson brings a bullseye on him with his injured ribs taped up.</p><p> </p><p>

Much like his partner did earlier, Spade focuses his attack on the hurt portion of Benson’s body. Spade tries to suck the life out of Benson through those hurt ribs, and even uses a classic Bear Hug to do it. Benson is a fighter, though, and refuses to quit. Benson fights back into the ring, and has Spade reeling after jumping off the second rope and hitting a beautiful Hurricaranna! Benson sets Spade up for the Shockwave from Next Year, which is Kirk Jameson’s cue to jump on the apron. Referee Terakado gets in a shouting match with Jameson as he orders Kirk to get down. With the Ref’s back to the action, Spade drops to his knees and low blows Benson! Spade hits the Supreme Stunner, as Kirk Jameson conveniently climbs down off the apron! 1,2,3, Spencer Spade gets the biggest win of his career!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A huge night for the young studs of the 4 Aces, as Spade, Jameson, & Angeletti take their leave. Referee Terakado checks on Benny Benson, who lies on the mat, struggling to recover. Destiny’s Finest is all smiles as they stand at the top of the entrance way. Angeletti stands in between and raises the arms of both her men proudly.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday – Week 3 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Nevada State Armoury (South West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Just 11 days before the big Total Mayhem match at Hotter Than Hell, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion & United States Champion will do battle in a Non-Title Contest! It’s Tommy Cornell versus The Syndicate’s Samuel Bach in the Main Event Tonight!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joel Bryant vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino</strong></p><p>

Joel Bryant is a tough, grizzled veteran who will never quit. With that said, despite his best efforts, he is just no match for The Kobra. Ino is in control for 95% of the match, and when he finally locks on the Kobra Claw, Bryant passes out from the pain. The Kobra wins in dominant fashion. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devine Intervention vs Brett Starr & KC Glenn</strong></p><p>

The young stars Starr & Glenn bring their A game and show boat a little bit, both knowing this is their big break. But when the former Tag Champs get rolling, the young stars have no answers. The Devines hit Glenn with the Act of Divinity, and that’s all she wrote.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Aaron Andrews comes out to the ring and begins to cut a promo about Matthew Keith, his arch nemesis and opponent at Hotter Than Hell. Andrews says he has begun to realize why he dislikes Keith. “You remind me of myself Matthew, back when all I did was listen to my former mentor, Ricky Dale Johnson. That man made me think I was untouchable, and I believed it. And now you come along with the same attitude, the same ego. Well, Matthew, it will be my honor to smack that ego out of you!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Andrews is interrupted by “Evolution” by Motorhead. Matthew Keith makes his way out smirking with his brother Greg by his side. The two head to the ring, as Matthew has his own mic. “You insult me Aaron…you insult me thinking you’re even in my league. You got 3 years on me and I already surpassed everything that you’ve done in this industry. The highlight of your career is sucking on the teet of RDJ. But ya know what? I’m in a generous mood. I don’t want to wait til Hotter Than Hell to prove myself right. You see, me and my brother Greg, we don’t have a match tonight. Why don’t you find yourself a tag team partner, so I can start making you realize that you don’t even belong standing in the same ring with a man like me?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Before Aaron Andrews can answer, the music of Jack DeColt hits! Cue the cheers! Canadian Pride appears on the entrance way with a mic in hand. “Guess what boys? I don’t have a match tonight, and Matthew? I still have plenty of issues to work out with you! So Aaron? What d’ya say? Feel like teaming up tonight?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Matthew Keith looks back and forth a bit concerned. He didn’t expect a guy like DeColt to get involved! Aaron Andrews looks at DeColt and chuckles. “You’re on!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling vs “The Giant” Rocky Golden</strong></p><p>

Despite being undersized, Bling gives The Giant not just a fight, but a slug fest at that. Bling is a brawler, and he came to brawl! But alas, whenever it seems like Bling has the tide on his side, the Golden’s size advantage comes into play. Bling runs right into Golden’s huge boot late in the match, allowing Rocky to lift him up into The Rack. And when you’re stuck in The Rack, you have no other option but to tap! Golden wins impressively. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero vs Mick Muscles</strong></p><p>

Muscles uses his power and mass to throw around his small opponent, and works over Montero’s back. At one point, he has Gino bent backwards over his knee, but Montero refuses to quit. Montero fights through adversity and uses his speed to put Muscles on his heels. After Muscles caught him attempting the Montero Press earlier, Montero heads to the top rope. Gino flies off, and wipes out Muscles with a SUPER Montero Press! 1,2,3, Montero gets the huge underdog win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Koshiro Ino & Queen Persephone are shown backstage talking alone in the middle of the hallway. Conversation halts as Krissy Angelle pushes Joss Thompson onto the scene with his wheelchair. Thompson speaks about the big main event tonight between Tommy Cornell & Samuel Bach. Thompson requests that Koshiro Ino joins The Syndicate at ringside tonight. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Perplexed, Ino & Persephone look at each other. Persephone looks back at Thompson and laughs. “Let me remind you of your relationship with Koshiro. You two are not friends. You two are not allies. Koshiro is merely a part of your team at Hotter Than Hell to give you what you want…so he can get what he wants. Your issues until then? It is none of our business!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, both Koshiro & Persephone walk away. Joss Thompson looks none too pleased.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron “Ace” Andrews & “Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt vs The Keith Brothers</strong></p><p>

Hands down, the Match of the Month up to now! Wow! Despite being Tag Team Champions with Cameron Vessey, Greg Keith proves he has plenty of experience teaming with his brother Matthew, as they control most of this match. But after being stuck in the Keith for most of the match, DeColt makes the hot tag to Aaron Andrews! Ace comes in and finally gets his hand on Matthew Keith, and connects with a few good rights. A distraction by Greg Keith allows Matthew to hit Andrews with a Spinebuster. Matthew attempts to hit the Sam Keith Special, but Andrews dodges it and back tosses Matthew out of the ring! After a back and forth altercation with Greg Keith, Andrews connects with the Ace in the Pocket! 1,2,3! Matthew Keith is forced to help his brother Greg from ringside as he watches Andrews & DeColt celebrate in the ring! Matthew looks none too happy to see it, either!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p>

Vessey shows his technical side, as he tries to chop Fonz down by the knee. Vessey bends that left knee in ways it shouldn’t go and slaps on submissions, but Fonz refuses to quit. After catching Vessey with a huge lariat, Fonz fights through the pain and gets back into this match. A good kick to the knee, though, stops his momentum. Vessey tries to lift Fonz up for the Vessey Driver, but it looks Fonz is too heavy for Cameron! Fonz breaks free and reverses into the Retro Rocket! Boom! 1,2,3! Fonz gets the huge for The Danny Love Club!</p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match, Shawn Doakes reveals to the viewers at home that stipulations have been added to the World Tag Team Title at Hotter Than Hell! Due to the ruckus between the two teams, <strong>Supremacy & The Danny Love Club will now battle over the gold in a Tornado Tag Team Match!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Lee Bambino is standing by with World Champ, Tommy Cornell. Bambino asks for his thoughts on Cornell’s upcoming match with Samuel Bach. Cornell makes note of how he and Bach had a classic encounter last time they battle, in what Tommy calls one of his best matches. But Tommy says that it doesn’t change the fact that Bach is blinded by the ambitions of Joss Thompson. “Let me put it simple for you, Samuel. For a while, you built your own group, and you were one of the best in this company. You were your own man. But now you follow Joss Thompson like he’s your master. Until you break free of Joss, until you became your own man again, you will never be able to beat me. That is why I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I will leave victorious tonight, just like I have no doubt that my team will beat Joss Thompson’s at Hotter Than Hell!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tonight’s Main Event is only moments away, as Samuel Bach makes his way to the ring. With his valet Vita, Bach is also joined by Krissy Angelle and Joss Thompson in his wheel chair.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Tommy Cornell vs “TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach</strong></p><p>

Move on Andrews, DeColt, & The Keiths! We got a new Match of the Month! Cornell & Bach come out and outdo their previous encounter, which was a classic in itself! It would seem Tommy Cornell’s words hit home for Samuel Bach, who comes out with an attitude we haven’t seen in a long while. Not only that, Bach wows the crowd with his Shooting Star Press…that is…a Springboard Shooting Star Press to the floor, wiping out Cornell at ringside! Wow! Bach always seems to be a split second away from victory, but Cornell always kicks out. Bach even locks in the Bach on your Back, but Cornell survives. Bach attempts the SSP in the ring this time, but Cornell rolls out of the way! Bach amazingly lands on his feet…only to get clobbered by a huge Cornell Lariat! The tide turns to Cornell, who has Bach on his heels. Cornell dodges Bach’s attempt at an Enziguri, which allows Cornell to lock in the Guilt Trip, right in the middle of the ring! Bach is stuck in the submission, and that’s when Bulldozer Brandon Smith hits the ring and clobbers Cornell! Rocky Golden soon follows, as The Syndicate ruins a great match! Referee Terakado has no choice but to Disqualify Samuel Bach!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Syndicate starts the 3 on 1 attack on Cornell, as Joss Thompson hops to his feet at ringside and barks orders to his men. It becomes quite obvious what was really to The Syndicate’s agenda tonight, as they begin to put the hurting on Rough Justice.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Wait a minute! Here comes the rest of Team Cornell! Jack DeColt & Devine Intervention race to the ring! The tide quickly swings as the advantage goes to Team Cornell, 4-3! Joss Thompson yells at the curtains for Koshiro Ino, but The Kobra is nowhere to be seen! Quite quickly, Team Cornell cleans the ring of The Syndicate with the advantage in their favor. Cornell & DeColt charge at Rocky Golden and double clothesline The Giant to the floor! The crowd is going nuts!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The Syndicate is sent packing from ringside as Team Cornell celebrates in the ring. Joss Thompson is furious at the sight, as Cornell looks back at him and smiles. Joss Thompson turns to the curtains and repeatedly screams Koshiro Ino’s name! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

All of sudden, Joss Thompson’s Total Mayhem Team looks dysfunctional! Can he get it together…or will he lose everything at Hotter Than Hell?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW No Divas Allowed</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Thursday – Week 3 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Gorski Ballroom (South West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Davis Ditterich</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The biggest Women’s Tag Team Championship Match ever headlines tonight’s show! For the first time ever, the gold will be up for grabs against three tag teams! The first ever and dominating champs, The B.I.T.C.H. Squad, defends their championship against their rivals, Heart of Madness, and the thorns in General Manager Melanie Florence’s side, The A-List! That!...is your Main Event!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Plus! Just one week before their largely awaited rematch for the Women’s Championship, Sara Marie York & Tracy Brendon have been given the option of choosing their rival’s opponent in singles competition tonight! All that, and much much more!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tracy Brendon & Queen Persephone make their way to the ring for tonight’s opening contest. The Ring Announcer reveals the hand chosen opponent by Sara Marie York. It is…the newest member to the NDA Roster, veteran </em><em><strong>Kathy Goodlooks!</strong></em><em> With a big smile, Goodlooks makes her way to the ring! What a move by the Champ! There’s no way Brendon could be ready for someone she didn’t even know was in the company!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kathy Goodlooks vs Tracy Brendon</strong></p><p>

Goodlooks has Brendon reeling, as Tracy had no time to scout her opponent in any way imaginable. Goodlooks wins over the crowd quickly with her big smile and chain wrestling. She waves to the crowd before coming off the second rope with a Dropkick! Unfortunately, Goodlooks goes to the well once too often, as Brendon dodges her 2nd attempt with the flying dropkick, then kicks Kathy square in the face! From there, it’s the Idaho Crunch, and Brendon gets the 3 Count. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, Tracy Brendon & Queen Persephone are in the ring with GM Melanie Florence. A table is set up, as Florence announces that the contract for next week’s Women’s Championship is about to be signed. The crowd goes nuts as Florence introduces the champ, Sara Marie York.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After a long stare down between the two rivals, Florence hands the pen to the challenger, Tracy Brendon. Brendon smirks at York before signing the contract, then throws the contract and pen across the table at York. York wastes no time to grab the pen and sign, but Queen Persephone grabs a mic and speaks before she can.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Hold on, Champ, hold on just a sec. Let me inform you of what you’re about to do. You’re about to agree to fight the woman who absolutely destroyed you last month. The woman that beat you so badly that you couldn’t climb back into this ring. The woman who gave you a concussion! Now come on Champ? Do you really want to put yourself through that torment, again?” Persephone smirks at York as she places her mic down on the table.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

York, though, isn’t impressed or amused. York grabs the mic, and instead of speaking towards Persephone, she looks straight in the eyes of Tracy Brendon. “Tracy, you should have finished what you started. You should have put me out. That was your best chance to win the gold. Because now? I’m 100%, and there is nothing stopping me from delivering the beating that you rightfully deserve!” York slams the mic down and signs the contract!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Melanie Florence takes the contract and raises it high. “It’s Official! Next Week, Sara Marie York will defend the Women’s Title against Tracy Brendon in a Street Fight!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle vs Zoe Ammis & “Miss Fit” Missy Masterson</strong></p><p>

Things get ugly really quick, and Referee Ray Johnson has trouble controlling these ladies. Eventually, all four women spill out to the floor and begin to brawl around ringside. Ray Johnson counts out all four women and declares the match a Double Count Out, but that doesn’t mean the battle stops! These four women continue to slug it out, forcing security and officials to come down to ringside and split the competitors apart! It looks like we have a new rivalry blowing up out of nowhere, as these two teams strive for a spot in the Tag Team Title Hunt!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A music video plays, highlighting how we’ve gotten to the Triple Threat Match for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Heart of Madness came extremely close to winning the titles in their first encounter with the B.I.T.C.H Squad, and fought their way back to a 2nd Title Shot. Meanwhile, The A-List got involved due to their issues with GM Melanie Florence. Wanting to destroy Florence’s well advertised Main Event, The A-List ruined HoM’s 2ndTitle Shot when they interfered and destroyed all four competitors. Melanie Florence punished The A-List by putting them in a 2 on 4 Handicap Match against both HoM & The B.I.T.C.H. Squad, but the issues between the two teams allowed The A-List to sneak away with a win! As a result, The A-List was inserted into tonight’s Title Match! It all comes down to this. Which team will walk away with the gold?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>We come back from commercials, as Sara Marie York is in the ring, awaited her handpicked opponent by Tracy Brendon. Wait a minute, out comes Eric Tyler! Tyler introduces her daughter, whom he calls the “Future Women’s Champion,” </em><em><strong>Brooke Tyler!</strong></em><em> Things just got serious!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW Women’s Champion” Sara Marie York vs “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler</strong></p><p>

Completely unprepared for a talented prospect like Tyler, York finds herself in trouble, especially after a distraction by Eric Tyler. But Brooke shows her youth by attempting an unnecessary high risk maneuver, and gets a punch in the gut during her Flying Double Axe Handle attempt. York fights back into the match, and after dropping Tyler with a German Suplex, she heads to the top rope! York is about to fly with the Brunette Bomber, but that’s when Tracy Brendon comes racing down to the ring, climbs onto the apron, and throws York off the top rope! York crashes hard to the mat! Referee Sparrow calls for the bell, as Sara Marie York wins by DQ!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Tracy Brendon is far from done, as she shoves Referee Sparrow aside and continues to work over Sara Marie York. Brooke Tyler soon joins in on the assault. Queen Persephone appears at ringside, and snatches the Women’s Title from the timekeeper’s table. Persephone hands the title belt to Brendon. Brooke Tyler holds up York, as Brendon charges and blasts York across the skull with her own title belt! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Brooke Tyler takes her leave as Tracy Brendon stands over a motionless Sara Marie York. Arrogantly, Queen Persephone picks the title belt up off the mat and offers it to Brendon. Much to her surprise, Brendon shakes her head. “Next week,” she says to her manager. “Next week, then it’ll be mine!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Main Event is about start as the tag teams head to the ring. As The A-List make their way to the ring, a young blonde lady wearing glasses follows them to the ring. The A-List says not a word to her, as the young lady walks around ringside with a large purse in hand.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Triple Threat Tag Team Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

The B.I.T.C.H. Squad ( C ) vs Heart of Madness vs The A-List</strong></p><p>

Structure is held for a length of time, with two ladies in at once with the teams tagging in and out. But after Nina Cacace gets the tag in, The Psycho Ballerina goes absolutely nuts, hitting everything and everyone. Jaime Quine clobbers Cacace from the apron, tagging herself in, but Cacace just spins around and decks Quine! Quine & Demelza Wade are the legal participants, but all six ladies start to duke it out around ringside. Danielle Sweetheart heads to the top rope, and she leaps off and wipes out everyone as they duke it out in front of the entranceway! Whoa! Demelza Wade throws Sweetheart into the steel steps as Danielle gets up, then throws Jaime Quine back in the ring. Wade tries to hit the Wade to Black, but Quine breaks free and dropkicks Wade right in the face. Wade struggles as Quine tries to set her up for the Northern Lights Bomb, as Referee Sparrow is trying to break up Cherry Bomb & Nina Cacace as they brawl on the ring apron. Wait a minute! That blonde lady climbs onto the apron and pulls something out of her purse. It’s Hair Spray! She sprays it right in the eyes of Jaime Quine! Quine is blinded! The blonde lady climbs down as Demelza Wade hits the Wade to Black! She covers, 1,2,3! I don’t believe it! The A-List are the NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The A-List quickly head for the exit as Cherry Bomb races into the ring. The blonde lady grabs the Tag Titles and meets Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow at the top of the entrance way. They snatch their new gold and raise them up high, much to the disgust of the crowd. Heart of Madness is left depressed outside the ring with no clue of what actually happened. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Cherry Bomb stands over her hurt partner. She doesn’t help Jaime Quine, but just stands over her, 100% frustrated over the loss of her championship.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The blonde lady stands in the background as Wade & Snow prance around the entranceway with their gold, taunting the disgruntled fans. As NDA fades to black, Demelza Wade sticks her face up to the camera and sends a message to the General Manager. “Hey Melanie! How d’ya like that?!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

For the first time ever, we got new TCW Women’s Tag Team Champs…and their names are Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow. The A-List!</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Saturday Night Showcase</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Saturday – Week 3 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Nevada State Armoury (South West)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Jennifer Heat, & DJ Britton</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em> After their success at the Tag Team Elite Tournament, General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson has “granted” his men, Legends Champion Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota, a US Tag Team Title Shot against the best team in the world today, High Concept! Another chapter in the war between the 4 Aces & Down with Authority gets written tonight! That!...is your Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rick Law & Sweet Sensations vs The Rising Sun</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez survives being stuck in Rising Sun’s corner and makes the tag to Rick Law, who blows everyone away. Law sets up Mikey James for the Strong Arm of the Law when Munenori Umari grabs his leg from the outside. Tired of Umari’s antics, Law jumps out of the ring and chases after Munenori! Law chases Umari right out of the arena! Meanwhile, back in the ring, Randy Bumfhole tries to set up Mikey James for the Bumfhole Buster, but gets hit with Crescent Kick by Magnum Kobe! From there, Kobe hits Bumfhole with the Kobe Bomb, and Mikey James covers. Despite Rick Law being the legal man for his team, due to the ruckus Referee Tawaraya counts to 3 and awards the win to Rising Sun! </p><p> </p><p>

Following the 3 Count, Rick Law races back to the ring, but the damage is done, and Rising Sun quickly flees ringside with the W.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lolana Jordan vs “The Future” Steven Parker</strong></p><p>

Jordan hits some flashy high flying moves, but it becomes evident quite quick that he’s no match for The Future. By the end, Parker toys with Jordan with some of his best moves, then finally puts the kid away with the Future Shock.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage Reporter Lee Bambino is standing by with International Champion & DWA Member Jay Chord. Bambino notes to the fans at home that Chord has not been medically cleared to compete tonight due to a head injury he suffered due to the 4 Aces assault during the Tag Team Elite Tournament. Bambino asks the very unhappy Chord if he’ll be cleared in time for Hotter Than Hell and his match with his Joey Minnesota. For a long moment, Chord looks at Bambino with a heavy frown.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“There is absolutely nothing that is going to stop me from fighting at Hotter Than Hell. I don’t care what the doctors say, I don’t care if I have to sign a injury waiver. I don’t care if I don’t receive a paycheck for that night. All I care about is getting my hands at Joey Minnesota. In 8 Days, you can no longer sneak attack me. You can no longer gang assault me. Joey, I’ve been saying it for weeks, and mark my words. You’ll have to be a man and fight me one on one, face to face, in the ring. Joey, I’ve been saying it for weeks, so mark my words. I’m going to get you. I am going to hurt you.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak vs Spencer Spade</strong></p><p>

<em>The match is about to start, when suddenly the music of the GM hits. Ricky Dale Johnson strolls onto the entrance way with a smirk and a mic. “Hey Eddie Peak, I know you like competition, and as we learned a couple weeks ago, you like Handicap Matches. So I’m going to give you exactly what you want!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ gestures behind, and out comes Spencer Spade’s tag partner, fellow 4 Aces member Kirk Jameson! RDJ laughs away as Jameson makes his way to the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">2 on 1 Handicap Match Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“The King of the Insane Asylum” Eddie Peak vs Destiny’s Finest</strong></p><p>

Spade & Jameson use their tag team experience to chop down the behemoth Peak and wisely use the Ref’s 5 Count to their advantage. But, they cannot put Peak away, and TCW’s Resident Maniac fights back into the match. Peak starts to throw Spade & Jameson around like rag dolls, and Destiny’s Finest has no answer for the former Legends Champion. Peak has Jameson set up for the Peak of the Devil, but Spade pulls his tag partner down, and Destiny’s Finest bails from the ring. They’re heading up the entrance way, not looking back! Spade & Jameson deliberately get counted out, which leaves Eddie Peak frustrated and angry he couldn’t finish his “fun time”!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DJ Britton vs “Ravishing” Nelson Callum</strong></p><p>

Callum comes in extremely cocky after defeating TCW’s Colour Commentator in a previous matchup, and soon pays the price! Britton comes in with a fight like we’ve yet to see, and nearly puts Callum away with a Powerbomb! Britton looks for the kill, but that’s when Floyd Goldworthy climbs onto the apron! Callum’s manager distracts Referee Odaka, allowing Nelson to deliberately kick Britton in the groin when DJ nears! Goldworthy climbs off the apron, and Callum hits Britton with the Honey Trap for the win!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, DJ Britton climbs to his feet, and looks completely frustrated as Nelson Callum celebrates up the entrance way. Rather than returning to the commentary desk, Britton calls for a mic. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Two years ago…Tommy Cornell walked up to me and told me that I wasn’t a very good wrestler…but instead…I would be a great voice for wrestling…a great Colour Commentator. So who the hell was I to say no to Tommy Cornell…the best wrestler in the world…maybe ever? So for two years…I have sat behind that desk and pretended to love my job. I put on a smile every week…and I act like I don’t miss being a wrestler. But I’ve been lying to myself. I jump at every opportunity to fight in this ring…I don’t even care who’s throwing out an open challenge. I just take it. Because…the truth is…I AM A WRESTLER! I am no voicebox. I AM A WRESTLER! And if I can’t be a wrestler in Total Championship Wrestling…then I’ll be a wrestler somewhere else. My name isn’t DJ Britton. That’s just a character given to me. My name is </em><em><strong>Derrick Mathis</strong></em><em>…and I…QUIT!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

DJ Britton…err…Derrick Mathis throws the mic down and walks out of the arena. In complete shock and awe, Shawn Doakes & Jennifer Heat have no words for the departure of their commentary partner.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins vs Hugh De Aske</strong></p><p>

De Aske knows what is at stake, fighting a former World Champion. He also knows Hawkins isn’t 100% after the Tag Team Elite Tournament, so Hugh comes at Hawkins with everything plus the kitchen sink. But as the match wears on, it becomes obvious who is a talented rookie and who is one of the best in the world. After catching De Aske with a smacking Enziguri, Hawkins heads to the top rope and finishes the kid off with the Full Moon Rising.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Wolf Hawkins doesn’t have much time to celebrate, as the music of Ricky Dale Johnson quickly hits. The GM of SNS walks out onto the entrance way, once again with a smirk and a mic. “Congratulations Wolf, great win. But let me remind you of something. I might not be the young pup I used to be, but I’m no kid trying to make a name for himself like Hugh De Aske. I’m the former 2 Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion. And come Hotter Than Hell? I’m the man who sends Wolf Hawkins…Mr. Rebel himself…to the unemployment line!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ laughs away at his own joke. Meanwhile, Wolf Hawkins grabs his own mic. “Ya know what Rick, it’s great that you came out, because there’s someone who wants to talk to you!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

RDJ looks up as Wolf Hawkins points to the titantron. Much to the delight of the crowd, the fan of TCW Owner, Tommy Cornell, appears on the titantron! Immediately, the smirk on RDJ disappears! “So Rick, last time I checked, you don’t have the power to hire or fire someone, so I don’t know what the hell you were thinking when you made the stipulations for your match with Wolf. You are a General Manager…not the Boss! I’m the Boss! I hire, I fire! To be honest, my first instinct when you stepped out of line…again…was to fire YOU! But…my buddy Wolf actually stood up for you. Wolf, in fact, wants the stipulations for the match to stay at it is. I tried to change his mind…but his mind has been made. But, if I’m going to allow such serious stipulations to happen for your match, then there’s gotta be some common ground. So, Wolf Hawkins chose his own stipulations for the match…and I’ll let him tell you about it!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A very disgruntled RDJ slowly turns back to the ring to see Wolf Hawkins smiling ear to ear. “Boy Rick, it sure helps to be the former protégé of the Boss! Now Rick, the easiest stips to have for this match is obvious. If I beat you, you’re Fired! If I beat you, you’re no longer the General Manager of SNS! But…that just isn’t good enough for me! To me? You’ll get off too easily if I get you fired. I want more satisfaction than that. And there is nothing…NOTHING…more satisfying that if I got to see your face as I raise the Legends Title over my head! There would be nothing more satisfying than getting to hear you say that I am the champion of your brand! That is why when I beat you at Hotter Than Hell? </em><em><strong>You’ll have to give me a Legends Title Match!</strong></em><em> No tricks, no games, I get the champ one on one, and you’ll have to watch me make your worst nightmare come true!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>????? vs Al Coleman</strong></p><p>

<em>Indy vet Al Coleman waits for his opponent in the ring. At the top of the stage appears Phoebe Plumridge, a young female manager who has been trying to make a name for herself. Currently, she manages Gino Montero on Total Wrestling. Plumridge has a mic in hand. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to be the manager of the newest talent to Total Championship Wrestling. Straight from the country of Japan, I give to you…</em><em><strong>Razan Okamoto!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Okamoto appears in his wrestling gear. Very respectful, Okamoto bows to his new manager Phoebe Plumridge, then bows to the crowd. Very excited to get his TCW career started, Okamoto jogs down to the ring!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Coleman is on Okamoto immediately, not even allowing Razan to remove his entrance gear. Coleman knows how big it would be to knock off the Okamoto in his debut match. But Okamoto survives Coleman’s best shots and fights back into the ring. Okamoto has Coleman reeling, then puts him away with what he calls the Razan Destroyer, otherwise known as the Canadian Destroyer! What impact! Razan Okamoto debuts in much impressive fashion, and bows over and over to the crowd afterwards.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A very disgruntled Ricky Dale Johnson is found steaming backstage, pacing back and forth. Suddenly, he looks up and sees something that makes him stop in step. RDJ marches forward, right up to The Diamond Cutters & Queen Persephone standing in the hallway. “John, Steven. So, with the Main Event coming up…I half expect the rest of Down with Authority to help High Concept keep their Tag Team Titles. I can’t have that. I want a </em><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">fair</span></em><em> Main Event contest. So, being the #1 Contenders for the Titles at Hotter Than Hell, I think you two would make fantastic Ringside Enforcers, to make sure this match stays…</em><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">fair.</span></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The Cutters & Persephone look back and forth at each other for a moment. Finally Persephone smiles at RDJ. “Sounds like a party!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW US Tag Team Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

High Concept ( C ) vs The 4 Aces (“TCW Legends Champion” Roger Cage & Joey Minnesota)</strong></p><p>

The Diamond Cutters stand at the end of the rampway as the Ringside Enforcers, as they watch Tonight’s Main Event with their arms crossed. Benny Benson receives the hot tag from Greg Black after Black spent a great deal of the match getting worked over. The tide immediately swings for the champs as Benson drops Cage & Minnesota repeatedly. Cage & Minnesota double team Benson and go to whip him off the ropes, but they miss with a double clothesline, and Benson knocks them down with a Double Dropkick! Benson attempts to go the top rope, but that’s when John Anderson climbs onto the apron. Anderson attempts to pull Benson off the top rope, but gets knocked off the apron by a Greg Black dropkick! Benson suddenly changes his destination, and flies off the top rope and wipes off both Diamond Cutters at ringside! Whoa! Greg Black joins his partner, as the two completely forget about their title defense, and begin to brawl with John Anderson & Steven Parker at ringside. The 4 Aces soon join the brawl at ringside, as Referee Tawaraya officially throws the match out!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>It’s a 4 on 2 against High Concept, but soon the rest of Down with Authority (Hawkins & Chord) comes to the rescue! It’s now a 4 on 4 brawl, but that soon changes again as the final two members of The 4 Aces (Spade & Jameson) join the battle, swaying it to 6 on 4.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

DWA is in trouble as the brawl soon sways back into the ring. All four men start to get beaten down by The 4 Aces & Diamond Cutters, and it’s starting to look an awful lot like the Tag Team Elite Tournament. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Wait a minute! The Lights go out in the arena! The crowd explodes as we hear a single church bell, then the psychotic laugh that belongs to the King of the Insane Asylum! The lights come back on…and Eddie Peak stands in the middle of the ring! Peak is here, and he begins to hit everything that moves! Roger Cage quickly heads to the exit, wanting none of his Hotter Than Hell opponent! Peak sends The 4 Aces & Diamond Cutters flying all over the ring, and DWA soon are back up and help him clean house.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Roger Cage watches in utter horror at the top of the entrance way as Peak takes Kirk Jameson by the throat. With his psychotic grin, Peak stares back at Cage before lifting Jameson up and planting him with the Peak of the Devil! Peak & DWA has sent the 4 Aces & The Diamond Cutters packing, much to the delight of the crowd.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Metallica as Eddie Peak refuses to take his eyes off The Legends Champion. Roger Cage just looks back at him with his jaw dropped. “I thought you weren’t afraid, Roger?! I thought you weren’t afraid??!!” Peak rears back and let’s loose with his sadistic cackle.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Will Roger Cage get over his fear of Eddie Peak & The Steel Cell? Or will his Legends Title Reign meet its demise…and perhaps more…at Hotter Than Hell?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Proving Grounds</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Monday – Week 4 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

McGaw Arena (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Melanie Florence, & Tim Crockett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>We have a huge Main Event for you tonight in the Proving Grounds! A Pay-Per-View Caliber Main Event! Just 6 days before Hotter Than Hell, The Syndicate’s Samuel Bach will defend his United States Championship against Aaron “Ace” Andrews! Who leaves the Proving Grounds tonight with the gold?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny B Bling vs “The Japanese Fireball” Magnum Kobe</strong></p><p>

A rematch from last week, as Bling gets another shot at breaking Kobe’s undefeated streak after a close 1st encounter. Bling catches Kobe as he attempts to go to the top rope for his Flying Knee, and he throws Magnum off and hard to the mat. Kobe gets up, and Bling hits the Mouthful of Bling! That’s it! The Streak is over! 1,2,3NO! Magnum Kobe gets his foot on the bottom rope! Bling is stunned! Bling attempts to hit the Pimpmaster Drop 2000, but Kobe breaks off behind him. Bling turns around, and gets a thrust straight to the throat! Kobe follows up with a Running Neckbreaker, then locks on the Magnum Deathlock! Bling has no choice but to tap! The Streak Continues! 25 & 0!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Razan Okamoto vs Calvin Dark</strong></p><p>

Okamoto faces another grizzled Indy Vet in his 2nd TCW Match as he tries to make a name for himself. Dark catches Okamoto with a few good shots, but has no answers for the talented 24 year old. In the end, Okamoto once again wows the crowd with his thrilling finisher, the Razan Destroyer. 1,2,3, and Okamoto bows to the crowd with his manager Phoebe Plumridge applauding from the apron. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage Reporter Lee Bambino is standing by with the 4 Aces enforcer, Joey Minnesota. Bambino goes over Jay Chord’s comments for Minnesota from Saturday Night Showcase. Minnesota smirks through the recount. Bambino asks Minnesota for his rebuttal.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Jay Chord, you boy like to talk. You like to talk and suddenly you like to act serious. You know longer walk around smiling like your Hall of Fame Daddy just gave you your allowance. You talk a lot…but you do nothing. Facts are facts, when you got in the ring with me at Summer Showdown, I gave you a beating of a lifetime. At Hotter Than Hell, I finished what I started. And as an added bonus? I will tie Peter Valentine & our great General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson as the only 3 Time International Champions in TCW History. Jay? You may think you’re as good as your daddy. But the truth is? Not even your daddy could survive what I’m going to do to you this Sunday!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“TCW US Tag Team Champion” Benny Benson vs Buddy Garner</strong></p><p>

Shawn Doakes notes that Benson’s tag team partner Greg Black is still nursing injuries from the 4 Aces beatdown at the Tag Team Elite Tournament, and is not here tonight. Not good news, as Buddy Garner comes to the ring with his Rising Sun buddy Mikey James and the weasel Munenori Umari. Nevertheless, Benson survives Garner’s technical mastery and has Buddy reeling after a Springboard Senton Flip. Benson heads to the top rope, and that’s Munenori Umari’s cue to climb onto the apron. As Umari argues with Referee Tawaraya, Mikey James climbs onto the apron. James leaps up and delivers a round kick to Benson’s skull! Benson falls off the top rope and crashes hard to the mat! The Ref never saw it! Garner drags Benson to the center of the ring and locks on the Garner Tendon Hold! Benson has no choice but to tap! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage Reporter Dougie Horwood is standing by with the United States Champ, Samuel Bach (w/ Vita). Just moments before his title defense against Aaron Andrews, Horwood asks Bach for his thoughts.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Ace Andrews? You are without a doubt one of the best wrestlers in this company and in the world today. You’ve headlined Pay-Per-Views. You’ve even worn this very title belt before. But there are two things you aren’t. You aren’t Syndicate, and you most definitely are not Samuel Bach, and that is going to be your downfall. I’ve taken on all challengers since winning the gold back in May, and I’ve beaten them all. You, Andrews, are just another notch in my holster. You will fail, just like the rest of them.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

TCW United States Championship Match!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“Revolution X” Samuel Bach ( C ) vs Aaron “Ace” Andrews</strong></p><p>

Bach looks like he’s about to win this match, as he has Andrews down on the mat. Bach flies off for the Shooting Star Press! Andrews rolls out of the way! Bach crashes hard! As both men get up, Andrews grabs Bach from behind and hits a Bridged German Suplex! 1,2,3NO! Bach just barely breaks free! Andrews stalks Bach as the champ gets up, as he looks for the kill. Suddenly, “Evolution” by Motorhead hits the PA! That music belongs to only one man, as Andrews quickly turns his attention to the entrance way for Matthew Keith! Andrews starts to pace back and forth, looking for his heated rival! Samuel Bach suddenly comes up from behind and throws Andrews into the ring post, his head and neck smashing off the steel! Bach rolls Andrews into the School Boy! 1,2,3! Samuel Bach retains the United States Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Bach accepts his title belt from Referee Terakado and exits the ring. Embraced by Vita, Bach raises his title high. Meanwhile, Matthew Keith comes strolling down the entrance way. The two past each other, and share a quick glance.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Back in the ring, Referee Terakado checks on Aaron Andrews, who is in obvious pain as he clutches his left shoulder. Keith casually steps into the ring and removes his jacket. Keith throws Referee Terakado aside and begins to stomp that injured shoulder! Terakado tries to protect Andrews, but Keith throws him aside again! Keith drags Andrews to the center of the ring and locks on the Proton Lock! Keith is tearing away at that shoulder with the submission! TCW Officials and Road Agents appear to tear Keith off of Andrews, but the damage has been done.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

TCW Medics appear to check on Aaron Andrews as Proving Grounds comes to a close. The last image is Matthew Keith, who stands on the apron and smiles at the loud boos from the live crowd. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

What condition will Ace be in when he battles Matthew Keith at Hotter Than Hell?</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Wednesday – Week 4 - 2015</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Manhattan National Center (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Announcers: Shawn Doakes & Jennifer Heat</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Just four days away from the huge 8 Man Total Mayhem Match at Hotter Than Hell, Team Cornell & Team Syndicate will be split into two tag team contests. First, Devine Intervention represents Team Cornell as they take on Koshiro Ino & The Syndicate’s Brandon Smith. Then, in the Main Event, Tommy Cornell & Jack DeColt will battle The Syndicate’s Rocky Golden & Samuel Bach!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron “Ace” Andrews vs Mick Muscles</strong></p><p>

A very pissed off Andrews comes into this match and just wants to fight, and slugs away at the big Muscles. One shot, though, at the injured and wrapped shoulder of Andrews sways the advantage to Muscles. Muscles damn near rips the arm as he works over the shoulder. Yet, it only takes one mistake, as Muscles misses with a charging shoulder into the corner, and goes into the ring post and hurts his own shoulder! As Muscles pulls himself out of the corner, he gets clocked with the Ace in the Pocket! 1,2,3, Aaron Andrews fights through the pain to get the W!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs “TCW World Tag Team Champion” Greg Keith</strong></p><p>

Both men come to battle with their tag partner, as they teams will battle over the gold this Sunday. Keith struggles to get anything going against the big heavyweight, and finds himself in trouble after a Gorilla Press Slam. Fonz charges Keith as he’s stuck in the corner, but Keith’s tag partner Cameron Vessey drags Greg out of the way! Fonz’s Big Boot attempt falters, and he gets his giant leg caught on the top rope! Keith pulls the big guy down into the Roll Up! Referee Hiroyuki doesn’t see Vessey pushing his weight onto Keith, giving him leverage! 1,2,3! Supremacy steals the win just 4 nights before their title defense!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back from commercials, the crowd is on their feet as “King of Kings” by Motorhead hits the PA. The World Champ & Owner of TCW, Tommy Cornell, appears with the gold. Cornell heads to the ring and calls for a mic. Cornell speaks his mind on the broken relationship between him and his former protégé, Joss Thompson. Cornell feels guilty for what Thompson has become, because he trained him to be exactly how he is. “I see myself, my old self, in Joss. I see the cowardly, ego driven man who only cared about a win. And I know now what I have to do. I created the monster, and it’s my job to destroy it.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Cornell is interrupted by the music of The Syndicate! Rather than Joss Thompson, its Rocky Golden & Samuel Bach who appear. Bach has a mic. “To be honest with you Tommy, we don’t care about your break up with Joss. What we care about is making sure The Syndicate takes that World Title from you. And this Sunday? We accomplish step one. But you come out here and talk about being a teacher. Allow us to teach you something. A little something I like to call…the power in numbers!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With that said, Samuel Bach races into the ring! Cornell meets him head on and they begin to brawl, but Rocky Golden ends that after he clobbers Cornell from behind. The Syndicate beatdown begins, but not for long, as Jack DeColt comes racing down to the ring! The odds are even, and Cornell & DeColt eventually cleans house!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The Syndicate assault turns out to be a failure, but later on tonight, these four men will battle in the Main Event!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devine Intervention vs “The Kobra” Koshiro Ino & Bulldozer Brandon Smith</strong></p><p>

Ino & Smith use their size to bully around the Devines, but the former Tag Champs fight back into the match. The Devines charge Bulldozer and double clothesline him to the floor, then light up the crowd by lifting the massive Ino up and dropping him with a Double Suplex! Darryl Devine rushes off the ropes, and his partner Steve back tosses him right out of the ring and onto Smith at ringside! The Bulldozer gets wiped out! Steve Devine sees Ino getting up and heads to the top rope, looking to knock the big guy down for good. Steve leaps off…and Ino catches him with the Kobra’s Claw in mid air! My Gawd! Ino’s massive hand has encased Steve’s entire skull! Ino slams Steve to the mat and fully applies the Claw. In a matter of moments, Referee Terakado calls for the bell, as Steve Devine passes out from the pain!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gino Montero vs Edd Stone</strong></p><p>

Some great high flying action from TCW’s talented midcard. Don’t blink, you just might miss something! Montero tries for a Moonsault from the top rope, but Stone rolls out of the way. Montero lands on feet!...only to get a Dropkick right on the kisser! Ouch! Its Stone’s turn to go to the top rope, as he attempts a Missile Dropkick. Montero catches Stone by the legs! Stone goes flying into the corner with the Slingshot! Boom! As Stone is barely to stand, Montero flies off the ropes. The Montero Press! 1,2,3! What a win for the Mexican Phenom!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>We go backstage, where Darryl Devine is slumped over in a locker room, his head in his hands. His partner, Steve Devine, approaches him and questions Darryl’s attitude. Darryl goes on a very unexpected rant, which includes throwing his wrestling boot into one of the metal lockers. “We used to be the champs, one of the best teams in the world. But all we ever do is lose anymore! I mean…what the hell are we doing? Why the hell would Tommy Cornell pick us for his team?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Steve tries to calm his partner down. “Listen dude, we’re going to win the Total Mayhem, and that’s going to make you feel a whole lot better. If we win? We should be right back in the tag title picture.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Darryl doesn’t seem completely satisfied. Instead, he just shakes his head. “We’ll see. But now, I need to get the hell out of here.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Darryl quickly grabs his stuff and storms out of the locker room. Steve follows after his partner.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure vs Matthew Keith</strong></p><p>

What a match! Unexpectedly, in just 8 minutes, we are witnessing the best match of 2014 up to now! Fro Sure comes in with the fire he’s been carrying since being trade to Total Wrestling, and knows what’s at stake against a top star like Matthew Keith. Fro has Keith in deep trouble after throwing Matthew up in the air and letting him crash with the Flapjack. Fro lifts Keith up for The Sure Thing, but Keith smartly grabs the top rope and holds on for dear life. With Referee Terakado out of the place, Keith gets out of the predicament by raking Fro’s eyes! Fro immediately drops Keith, and Matthew follows up quickly with a Reverse DDT. Keith locks on the Proton Lock in the middle of the ring, and Fro is in trouble!</p><p> </p><p>

Wait a minute! Aaron Andrews’ music hits! The crowd goes nuts as Keith’s eyes instantly grow big and turn towards the curtains! Keith lets go of Fro and prepares for his arch rival. But…Andrews never shows up! The music stops, and Keith looks confused, just as the rest of us. Keith turns around back to the match…and gets tackled by Aaron Andrews! Ace came through the crowd, and is now pummeling the snot out of Keith! Referee Terakado calls for the bell, Disqualifying Fro Sure for Andrew’s interference!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Matthew Keith tries to flee the ring, but Aaron Andrews is right after him! Andrews beats him up all around ringside, and sends him face first off both the steel steps and ring post! As Keith tries to crawl away, Andrews arms himself with a steel chair! Andrews cracks the chair across Keith’s spine over and over, much to the crowd’s approval! Finally, Supremacy appears to save their leader, and Andrews smartly makes his exit through the crowd. Andrews is actually smiling as he is huddled by a bunch of TCW Fans, and watches as Supremacy consoles their leader.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Folks, these two hated rivals battle this Sunday, and it promises to be war!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man vs ?????</strong></p><p>

<em>As indy vet Rayne Man waits in the ring, Queen Persephone appears on the entranceway with a mic. “Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Persephone, and I am the BEST manager in the wrestling industry. I have wrestlers waiting around the block, begging to become a client of mine. But only the BEST can be in my presence! It is my distinct privilege to debut my newest client, the next superstar of TCW. Munenori Umari likes to call Magnum Kobe the prized gem from Total Championship Wrestling’s purchase of World Level Wrestling. My new client has the right to argue that claim, because he is just as good, or even better, than Mr. Kobe. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…</em><em><strong>Masa Kurata!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

To the scratching of electric guitar, Masa Kurata appears with a big smile, wearing big black sunglasses and flashy leather gear. He shakes hands with his new manager. Persephone then leads Kurata down to the ring for his TCW Debut.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Masa Kurata comes into the match ultra confident and pays the price, as Rayne Man knows how big of an opportunity this is. But after two near falls, Kurata gets serious, and we get to see really why Queen Persephone took this kid on as a client. After rocking Rayne Man with a charging forearm in the corner, right on the jaw, Kurata connects with what he calls the K-HD, and that’s all she wrote. Queen Persephone is all smiles, as she might have found her newest golden ticket.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Koshiro Ino & Queen Persephone are shown walking out of the arena, done for the night. Their departure though, is halted, as Joss Thompson comes up to them, now only on a single crutch. Thompson & Ino stare each other down for a long moment. Finally, Thompson speaks in a determined but calm voice.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Look. You don’t want to be a team player? Fine. But let me make something clear to you. If you don’t get on the same page with us? We’re not going to win at Total Mayhem. And let me break this down for you, big man. If you want your title shot? Then you better at least be on the same page.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Thompson walks off, leaving Ino & Persephone to dwell over his words.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tonight’s Main Event!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

“TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Tommy Cornell & “Canadian Pride” Jack DeColt vs The Syndicate (“The Giant” Rocky Golden & “TCW United States Champion” Samuel Bach)</strong></p><p>

All hell breaks loose after DeColt gets the hot tag, saving Cornell from a lengthy beatdown from The Syndicate. The legal men, DeColt & Golden, spill to ringside, as these two rivals brawl around ringside. Cornell & Bach duke it out in the ring. Bach attempts a 2nd Rope Hurricarana, but Cornell catches him! Cornell drops Bach to the mat and locks on The Guilt Trip! It’s locked on tight! Rocky Golden re-enters the ring and breaks up the submission by dropping a Giant Leg Drop on the back of Cornell’s head! Golden lifts Cornell into the air and locks on The Rack! Cornell is in trouble as Golden tries to break him in two! Wait a minute! DeColt re-enters the ring, and lifts the Giant Golden right off his feet! Golden drops Cornell, as DeColt has Rocky up on his shoulders! Oh My God! The End of Days! He hit it! He slammed the giant! DeColt covers, 1,2,3! What a win for Team Cornell!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The crowd is on their feet as Referee Terakado raises DeColt’s arm in victory. The delight in the crowd, though, quickly dissipates, as the music of The Kobra hits! An exhausted DeColt turns to the curtains, as Koshiro Ino appears! Ino marches to the ring! DeColt attacks Ino as soon as he enters the ring, but Koshiro quickly halts Jack with a quick thrust to the throat! DeColt is left stunned, and Ino charges him and drops Jack with the Kobra’s Bite!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Tommy Cornell is back up! Cornell spins Ino around and starts to rock the Kobra with big right hands. Ino is stunned, held up only by the ropes. Samuel Bach comes up behind Cornell and attacks him. Cornell drops Bach with one right hand, but when he turns back around to Ino, Koshiro locks on the Kobra’s Claw! It’s locked on tight! Ino slams Cornell to the mat, and Tommy slowly fades away! DeColt is down, Cornell is locked in the Kobra’s Claw, and The Devines have left the arena! Team Cornell is a mess right now! A handful of Referees and Road Agents have to appear to pry Koshiro Ino off Cornell. The World Champ is left motionless on his mat.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Koshiro Ino exits the ring without glancing back at his work. Ino starts to exit the arena, as medics check on Cornell. Meanwhile, Joss Thompson appears at the top of the entrance way. A crooked smirk is on his face, as he looks at the work of the 4th member of his team. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Without a doubt, Joss Thompson is once again confident. His team looks absolutely dominant, just four days before Hotter Than Hell, with everything on the line! </em></p>

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TCW No Divas Allowed

Thursday– Week 4 - 2015

McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Announcers: Shawn Doakes, Venus Angeletti, & Davis Ditterich


Tonight is the night! The biggest rematch in NDA History! For the first time ever, the TCW Women’s Title will be contested in a Street Fight! Sara Marie York defends her title against the woman who defeated her one on one last month, Tracy Brendon! Who will leave tonight with the gold?


Plus! After their Women’s Tag Title Victory, the new champs A-List promise to have a huge celebration tonight!


Kathy Goodlooks & Heart of Madness vs Zoe Ammis & The B.I.T.C.H. Squad

Another chapter in the lengthy feud between HoM and the B Squad is etched. After order spills apart, Danielle Sweetheart is on the top rope, and flies off, attempting a Cross Body on Jaime Quine. But Quine’s partner Cherry Bomb pushes Jaime out of the way, and Sweetheart crashes and burns! Cherry grabs Sweetheart as she gets up and attempts the Cherry Bomb, but Sweetheart breaks off behind her! Sweetheart pushes Cherry forward, and Cherry collides with her tag partner Quine! Quine goes tumbling out of the ring as their heads collide! Sweetheart rolls up Cherry from behind with the School Boy! 1,2,3! HoM & Kathy Goodlooks get the W!


After Heart of Madness & Kathy Goodlooks celebrate their way out of ringside, the scene changes back to the ring as Jaime Quine tries to talk to Cherry Bomb as Cherry gets up holding her head. Cherry shoves Quine away and paces the ring. Quine tries to talk to her partner about what happened, but Cherry doesn’t want to hear it. Cherry goes to leave the ring, but Quine isn’t letting her off so easy. Quine grabs Cherry by the arm, and Cherry suddenly spins around and punches her tag partner right in the mouth! Quine falls to the mat and spits a mouthful of blood onto the mat!


Cherry’s face is filled with fury, and she drags her tag team partner up and plants her with the Cherry Bomb! My God! These ladies were Tag Champions just last week! Referee Ray Johnson returns to the ring and orders Cherry to leave. Cherry does so slowly as she is booed by the crowd. Cherry starts to leave ringside, but then turns back to see Jaime Quine on the ringside floor, being consoled by Referee Johnson. Cherry storms over, throws Johnson aside, and drags Quine up! Cherry plants Quine on the ringside floor with a 2nd Cherry Bomb! Cherry has gone too far!


A sick grin comes over Cherry Bomb as more Referees appears and order her to leave. Jaime Quine lays motionless on the floor as a TCW Medic try to talk to her.


Folks, we have just seen the implosion of the best women’s tag team in wrestling.


Amazon vs “The Franchise” Brooke Tyler

Amazon requested this rematch after what Tyler did to her partner Pinky Perez two weeks ago. Tyler controls most of the match, but Amazon gets back into the match with her fast paced, high flying maneuvers. Amazon runs off the ropes and attempts a Hurricarana, but Tyler holds onto her! Tyler falls backward and drops Amazon face first into the top turnbuckle! Ouch! From there, it’s the Brooke Breake by Tyler, and the 3 count follows. Father Eric is mighty proud as he raises his daughter’s arm in victory.


NDA comes back from commercials, and the blonde lady with glasses who interfered in the Women’s Tag Team Title match is in the ring. She is back with her big ol’ pocket book and a mic in hand. “Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Katie Cameron, and I am the executive consultant for Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow. My job is to make sure they look as great as they do, and to make sure they are always prepared to compete. It is my great honor to introduce to you, for the first time…the NEW TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions…The A-List!”


Cue the balloons and fireworks, as Wade & Snow appear with their brand new gold. They’re all smiles as they flaunt their new jewelry. The A-List enters the ring with no recollection of their Executive Consultant besides Wade taking the mic from Cameron. Wade begins to praise themselves over their “triumphant victory,” as she claims they have proved that without a doubt they are “the best tag team in the world.”


Nadia Snow takes over the mic, and sarcastically thanks General Manager Melanie Florence. “Thank you, Mrs. Florence, for having the upmost faith in us! Thank you giving us the opportunity…to be your Tag Team Champions!”


The laughs quickly end, as Melanie Florence appears on the entrance way with a mic. “Ladies, I am glad you are proud of yourselves. I am glad you are proud of your accomplishments. And I am going to make sure you are the best, fighting champions we have ever seen. And I am going to start…right now! Because Wade? Snow? You are having your first title defense, right here…right now…against these ladies!”


The A-List are irate as Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle appear, and they make their way down to the ring! We have ourselves an impromptu title match!


TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship Match

The A-List ( C ) vs Grace Harper & Suzanne Brazzle

Harper breaks free behind Wade as she attempts a Back Suplex. Harper dropkicks Wade from behind, and accidentally sends Demelza colliding with Referee Sparrow! The Ref is down! As Brazzle & Nadia Snow duke it outside the ring, Wade turns around and gets hit with a power slam! Harper calls for the end as she stalks a dazed Wade. Wait a minute! Missy Masterson slides into the ring! Masterson spins around Harper and decks her with a big right hand! Masterson’s fist was wrapped with one of her metal wristbands! Masterson quickly leaves ringside as Wade recovers and sets Harper up! The Wade to Black! Referee Sparrow returns to his feet just in time to see Wade make the cover! 1,2, Brazzle tries to get back in the ring, but Snow holds her by the legs! 3! The A-List quickly grab their titles and head for the exit after stealing a victory! The A-List are still the Champs, thanks to Missy Masterson!


A hype video plays, highlighting everything that has led to tonight’s Women’s Championship Match. Tracy Brendon turned on all her friends and tag team partner Grace Harper to align herself with Queen Persephone. Like it or not, it was for the best, as she has been on an absolute tear. It led to her first title match against Sara Marie York last month. Brendon won the match, but by Count Out, when she hit York with the Idaho Crunch on the ringside floor. York was rendered unconscious, and Brendon couldn’t get her back into the ring in time.


Sara Marie York suffered a concussion as a result of the Idaho Crunch. But that was a month ago. Sara Marie York has been fully cleared by doctors, and she’s out to prove once again that she is the best female wrestler in the world. Will York erase the biggest loss in her TCW career? Or is Tracy Brendon destined to dethrone to first ever TCW Women’s Champ?


We find out…right now!


Tonight’s Main Event!

Street Fight!

Sara Marie York ( C ) vs Tracy Brendon

Brendon manages to dodge York’s Energy Burst, and smashes her with a trash lid! Referee Sparrow immediately checks on York, who suddenly has that glossy look. Sparrow looks concerned that the symptoms of York’s concussion have returned. Brendon refuses to give her a break though, and shoves Sparrow aside and continues to work. Brendon grabs a steel chair and works York over, and then DDTs York on the chair! It’s over! 1,2,3NO! Unbelievable! York gets the shoulder up!


Brendon calls for the end, knowing she has York hurt. Brendon goes for the Idaho Crunch, but York spins out and hits Brendon with a German Suplex! Unexpectedly, Brendon’s head and neck lands on the steel chair on the mat! Ouch! York drags herself up and grabs the trash can lying on the mat. She raises it up in the high, which makes the crowd explode! Brendon stands up, and gets WHACKED over the head with the trash can! York throws the trash can down and sees Brendon on her back motionless. Instead of going for the cover, York heads to the top rope. Exhausted, York struggles but gets there. Wait a minute! Queen Persephone climbs onto the apron! Referee Sparrow tries to get her down, but Persephone shoves Sparrow away! Persephone throws some type of powder or salt into York’s eyes! Sara Marie is blinded! York crashes to the mat, clutching her face!


The crowd is booing insanely as Referee Sparrow argues with Persephone. Persephone yells at Sparrow with a smile. “No rules, Ref! You can’t do a thing!” York continues to rub at her eyes as she tries to stand. Tracy Brendon suddenly grabs York. The Idaho Crunch! She hit it! The cover, 1,2,3! Dammit! Tracy Brendon & Queen Persephone has stolen the TCW Women’s Championship! Tracy Brendon is the new champion!


The crowd is absolutely disgusted by the outcome, and don’t just boo. They begin to throw debris into the ring. Exhausted and bloodied from the trash can shot, Tracy Brendon snatches the Women’s Title from Referee Sparrow and raises the gold high. Queen Persephone enters the ring and hugs her client, then raises the gold with her. Barely able to stand, Brendon nearly falls through the ropes as she exits the ring.


The debris follows Brendon & Persephone up the entrance way. Meanwhile, a TCW Medic kneels over Sara Marie York and tries to clear up York’s sight with some water. At the top of the entrance way, Brendon falls to her knees. As Persephone proclaims Tracy’s greatness to the crowd, Brendon kisses the gold. Right before the show goes black, Brendon presses the gold to her cheek, then smiles as she looks at the unhappy crowd.


Folks, tonight we have seen a travesty! Tracy Brendon is the new Women’s Champion, but in disgusting fashion! Sadly, the great title reign of Sara Marie York has finally come to an end!

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