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It would be great to see a narrative affect SWF once one (or more) of the agents has been on the roster for however long. Something similar to the steroid trial Vince had, but obviously this one referring to taxes and the IRS. If they make it to SWF in my game, I may decide to to do that. Would be a great way to shake up the upper echelon of the promotions.
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Yeah, I was just talking about this in the SWF thread. It would be interesting to start a game as SWF owner but retain Richard Eisen as the kayfabe "owner" until everything went down. Then he would be forced to sell the company and leave the wrestling business altogether in a deal to avoid jailtime, at which point my user character could emerge as the new owner. But it seems like it would take at least a year and maybe more of development for Renluenn & Tagan to be ready even to be jobbers for SWF, plus storyline-wise they would need to be there for a while to get dirt on Eisen, gain trusts, etc.. Still haven't quite worked it out in my mind yet, but this is where I want to go with a new SWF save.
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There are 3 workers in the CornellVerse that are undercover FBI Agents (Davie Renluenn, Tex Tagan, and Eve Runcord).


Here's Renluenn's bio:


For many years the IRS has been extremely interested in the activities of SWF head honcho Richard Eisen, believing that he has systematically dodged millions of dollars of tax over the years by classifying his workers as 'independent contractors' when they are nothing of the sort. In 2011 they joined forces with the FBI to begin "Operation Lullaby", sending three agents deep undercover into the world of wrestling to try and work their way up onto the SWF roster and thus gain valuable evidence. "Davie Renluenn" is really Very Special Agent Benjamin Cardillo of the IRS, disguising himself as a cocky young rookie and working out of the Philadelphia office.


Each bio simply differs in what office they work out of, and what their given name is. Renluenn and Runcord show the most potential to get there (given their age), but Tex's render is pretty awesome.

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In my c-verse game, only Davie Renluenn has done anything, and he is a midcarder with RIPW and hasn't looked like going anywhere. The other problem with the three FBIers is that they are a tad old to be starting out from the bottom with their weak skill sets, so they don't really have time to develop into anything really good before the decline hits.
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There's a fantastic dynasty in the TEW13 forum called Operation Lullaby... the chances of them ever making it to SWF is minimal but the behind-the-scenes stuff at FBIPW (That's Florida Bay International) is pure fun.
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